HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 40, ,`
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-- 4 ---,--..-10.----�---.----------I � THS CLINTON NZWS-UECOAD I 0 July 3.6th, 1908
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The, NewsmR,ecord Huron Orangemen Celebrated "The Day," Sumessful Can*d"I'dates at the Entrance **1*#4"#*""'***#*""#' *"#*,4. .., , �:,;�* --"&* *0*06*81
I .
1*1 pubushrA every Thurs4ay 4t, . . . 01%
. I I 1 4 1
'Tile Nowis-Record pri4ting gouse at Aeusall and Blytho . Examination in Eastftrou. MCKINNON & 0010 SLYTH "I
AWRRT MUn , - CT,TNT9N` . � I %, I . � I Z�,
I . 11*011-41.1*1-1"1.141!141.i.1*41-114 . . . ---1- - - .. - -, � . ....MWI�." 4
. �- � pr,� 4i
. . . . O.i"l�0.* -��
. �
' ' rker" R414 Tbo '-Board of Rmtra'nco Examiners 1=8810441 � �
� Terms of subscription -P per year in . , a. "Die); the Co . I - � HOT WEATHER GOODS44f I
. The Day At "ensa.IL "a"lly ""�
advance , $1.56 may be 6arged if Ii.tt was rumlillor And GCO-Ap BFOW,11. for Spal'orth ant, the affiliated reu . 1,0173
n9t 50 paid. No paper 4iscouth ad The Orangt�; denionstration at ITen- Ive 4fer. They are a stron I I I 1101 *�
. 411 . tres of Brussels, Wroxoter and NV'Q 111%V0 111st rt�CeiV(.1i 4', larf'T Shi Pr
I ,g pair. . I Vord- npnt ,,f I
vatil all arrears art paid, unless tit ,,all ,on Monday was tilt entire success. Clinton is 11'efirclsented ,at Ilensall by wic neW goods Ell ew,
.11 me . itable
't 0, t Roger IT. V. Browett . 00 IlOtWealhel% Whol�eeale bot1ses ttreiiow bnt4y qqtilfall gaadt�jkrjd a .,�'
la,g)e was gaily ducorat- citizens, Blackall, McCavgbs.T,� Albert Melvin Ballston 411XIOUs to clear out.'taininiel. goo .
the option of the publisher, The' The pretty vif , , Clinton on July i ith. � . I ds tit it. great redoction-in ". - �',,
tliprices. Wei
date t4. which over and ilia Board for Clinton and its Grover C. Gill took advantagti of this Itlid ,.,in now 0, ,�
. y, sabscriptian As 11 McBrieu. and N11ill Miller, thvi twa .
pai4 is detioted,on the label. vd, niany Ilags 11(yating while bl"it'lig former ilto calijbic 141141ords Of Al�? allillatcd 'cexitr�s of, Winghain and Harold Ilogg . � I linos. . . , , offer 1, Iwo . ial vallwo In following,
Advertising rato&-Transietlt a4ver-, crossed land re -crossed ilia main. strica- hotels. and Xessro. .McBrian "d . Blyth met at the same town ou J ..'lly La lie J. l4alliout 1 V
tistments, io centa per nonpareil t-$. ThQ 'citizens had luade owery pre, lar expert harncssma�ers. . Roland M. Sinclair . � I Vancy Nuilins, in a fine range of colors, In stripes an(T flaral designs ii
line. for first insertion . v,;th. . I 'Willie Stevenson worth 48c, for 12jo. 0
, And 3 cents- paration, for the cutortainmeatt of oi While PLt the celebration Mr, Wil- . Candidates who received 160 per Plalb Black Lawns., 45 inches wide. anitabl(.h for t4birt w
per line for each subsequentionse 10.1
rtion. large crowd. Then, too, the weatbor lianx Trewartlia, of tile xcltil� liva, Bryalls aisb� and cool 4
-Small advertisement# not to exceed. . it. lot) .Lodge received , a tole cent.. . or over are arranged alpIvaboti- Uvtt XV Cameron di-essiAs, worth '�'50, f4)p 2()(,- .
Ono inch, such as 11 Lost At 41 Sir . was oil its. very biest behavior. frain Mt, Forest itiformin I gi'mill . We, Cober 1, I Black Mullins, In I'At a 14, .0 otripep ond check . It
. y ., brig - Idul, at coilly ,it% ilia Houor List, tho.w who, . . 9, Lilt, correct thing 4
ed,11 44 Stolen," A Isgrted oa waa jit 19 � I " it ,for
, nee and not t.00 ]lot. -Crow. * . . Lovin.a., Edwards I . I I hot weathel a 0, 0 and 25c. 46�
to,, ill � '4 ilia death of lifs -mother-in-law. He. obtained 59 per, cout. but less than 6o Mina Elliot . . RIAck Grenitillnes,fit I lb
. .
for 35 cents and each aubsequent ina (Is, poured into ilia village by rail kit by the first �- train for Mt�. Forest per cant . are. 4imilarly a Pd'- In 'Xabel , Haggard special at 50c, lack e *clotA'At In Way st"IM's and cliecke,very �
sertion .io cents. I from Ahe north and south and Imn . '794' I I �
.:- �0 Ilia familiar figure was notl .*Olt tile Pass List. . , , . tt,Liti"l, li
Coxamunications intended for publica- dreds drove ill so that itt till,- aftcr. in .the march. , I Mary Johnstoa ,var(N wide, at 100, 12ile, at)(] Ir
. )c. 1�
' Spotted Muslin, in tal-go and ,stiml $-
� The Examination papers were very . .14izzi,e McAllister I NPAIts, al,*% 10;,, 124c and 15)v.
. tion must, as 4 guarantee of good lloon there inust have lk�ca nearly. Clint0i), and, tho, lodges ill the ad- fair -and covered tho wurl� assigVed. Stella McQuarrio � . �. " inens awl Nainsooks, fit 124c, 20c, Ze and 85e�
I falth, be accompanied by the name jacent'townolaps, stood b " - """a IV, " 's iess Very special at l5c, 20annd
of tile writer. . 4,000 well-dresoed people in tile vill- . y tile South The highest inarks . taken at the Jennie Rands I Fine, White I'll �5e &
Huron danionstration tills year sa . . white and 1�11ragw�lltlnil(!Iustres, gl.4ilLt vftlae at .'go 4nd r)OL. �
various coutrgs are, : Seaforth 832, 1309sio, "imith �
To insure publication in an ent Issue age, At two ()'Clock alArOca0ai1011kWR0 loyally that tIM 'County should re , , I 6 .
, rr , ciprocate ' DrIlSsels 840, Wroxeter 82o, Fordwicli Maggie Smith . ,-----. - -i.- - ---,--,- . --- . 84
copy for advertisements should be formed which inaxelied down ntain itex . t year, and celebrate 'Ili On � S 1�'. ;,i.-;;i�14�� I I -—
sent in early. C"lit 814,� Wingham 8n,, Blyth 728, ClWtOn Ngriaa � ilarlin� .1 :
� I
street, 0ounty Master Navin On .01 . 852, I . � I . I � I TV . I
Contract rates -The following t%blo NvbiW 11pr.,je feading tile way, to a The StayWcy and Goderich town- � . .1 P a $a HORTL 'A E R Y . .
shows our rates for spQcified. per, - . . ship lodges turned out strong.. Clin- CLINTON 1. ..' . . � � . . I . � I I
I grove oil the udge, of , tile vi . . . . w, btivejuit receivQd Irl dozen Cott , I
iods aud space : I 11140 toil lodgei Mai-ched with Sumin"llift. . . . lionors. . Charle . I . I � . Ott Hbse,in alisizes,at.specijll prices
I � .
. -
i yr. 6 mo. 3- m a. X mo. whera, ilia spodltiug took place, Tl.itra Ray. 11clulLrson clahned that llcij�. . I I worplan 21,1�Naugllt . I! Women's Black (lotton 11
We're si\tcen hatiners Ili ilia utarch. M11 has ill, prettiest girls in. the. VWclyn A. Clarke � Wome . . ose, rilil sIZ% It anal) at, 5c and 10c. .
x Column ... $70 00 $40 00 $25 00 A . - . , 0 , ' , . . 1 1 : VxLd. Pagh n's Heavy Ribbed an(l P),jin Rose, vvt)rtb 15c, fdr 12ic, ..
$8 50 Tile speaking took place from a coulifT, Rev. Dolldty , said lie . Black Cat Home for boys,- bi-invy and stron .
COW13111- 40 00 25 00 i5 oo 6 oo � . ar. I Marion Dunlop . . Thos. McDonald , . , fast black, doLible knees,. � b
. , I 9
Column ... 25 oo i5 ao . *8 oo 2 50 platfor(in which had b"m erected in Ilear'; - Abbie.Greon I . . � Harold V- Richards' - l . I Rpeci4l value at -25c, 35c and 50c. - .
I Column... z8 oo xo oo 5 5o 2 Qo thi!. grave, County Alaster Navin Pre- Tile crowd was Vig, well dressed ,ad Sadie I . I . James C, Thompson . I Ladies' Find Ba . lbriggin klose, Xlermsd6rf d7e. at 15c, .20a and 25c; � all
350 200 I 2 siding. I so. 'who addresse ha . . 1-101,11,13 . . . , . . .
I Inch ......... 6 00 .5 Among ilia d ppy'. . , . . Hattie ITOIIOI�ay . Margaret Aineut. ' , ' ... . . =--=:; � I .
. . . � I --
I . . . .1 . .
the gathering -,vory Revs, Jounings'of . . . � Rdua: J-ackson . . I . Alluic Alderson ' . . M AM . . .
W. J. MITCHELL, Ba,.-Ijold, Xilty of Granton, Thomas 11 I I Xatie Jamieson . Cocel Colitt's , . � . . ,
� .
Editor and Proprietor oC 14ueati, Dt�lvherty of Holisall and . Rosella Livermore . Jessie Elliot . . . McKINNON & co � 1,
. Stout of Kiiktaif. "ll'-ing Billy" The 'Day At Blyth � Gertrude McTavish : Carrie R. Jack -son I . . I
. � .
. . .
White of .11iteliell yaried the prograin . 'Nora Nesbitt Mabel McDowell . � � . � . ., I . -vwja " �
TIIU 11T�RX IN 11ARLIAME-NT, ,on-vewImt by sifigfug ilia soug, k1l'in .The 1?-th of 'July was celabratedby Bertha 'Olson � I � Lettia 8parling I I . . . .. I . .. 'IR ILA
I May Rance � I . I I . I . . . I .
a Partner's Boy. " , It -is an old song the Orangeniten of Blyth Lodge No, � Lllen� Taylor � I I . . .
In, Parlia,ment this aud, particularly pleased natives . Mabel Stewart . Magirle McDonald . . . W0**W###V*-4P#V"
week Hou, A. Of 963 ill,'� Aatteindilig di'Ono service -Ili the I I 1 ##V"**#9**f*##"VV+0W#+-#"*
G. Blair's railway connui�ssion bill illp, Old. Sod triany of . w1iorn first, Lottie Slonlan, . I RliswLll LoWr " y 4 . � . — . . � � .. . . . � .
I " ' 'heardit over .sixty years ago. And Methodist church at that place at 7 May Symith -------------��- mum
I was practically finished sa far as the Air. ' 11'hitu, nender&I'it so wall t1lat P. In. 'file Rev. J. Holmes ddivered Ed�the Torrance .81.4AFORTH, ' - , , . . �— �--- I
. . I I . .
. . . . � . .
� coinAnTittee stage is. concerned. op� lie was given a rousing .cheer ,and ail lilt address, soltablo to the occasion. Lyall Brown :, I I . .1 I . . I -
. , ,
position nw-nibt-rs; offurcd many .in,_. encOre, insitsted apou� Ile won tile name � . . . '411ord Crich � , . . . 11(niors ****+**+***#1Q`+* �1
. . G . . ... . . **"**+++++**+*+***++++*. -
I Brethern front the, adjoining lodges. I . . I . � . ,V'WIW
(',Atacting the - "Xing Billy" hy his staunch and - cit- � David I�Qrrester . Cardelia Burgard. � � . I- I - HOOVEP . . � � . I *
portant alticudinents pr * . . I .. . I at 1401if -llboro , . � I J.B. ,. .
. thushistic advocacy of Orangroisin. Ic and Belgrave turned : Chrioto A. Hall .Ellice Bryan, I — I I NELSON BAL L I
. ,
. xights of -municipalities, farnters, . : A piper furnishud the itiusic for 6ult and -,Vera present in large mun- Whichart Houston � . . I Anuie V. iYorrunce -, . . : . . . I -
. and railway men. Nearly kill of these the Godarich LodgL. . bera at. the a . I I Cecelia Iloran , . . . . I , I . : I � I
, . . .. ervice and othell lodges - Carman - Hall I ' *6l"******"+4 I t *
were accepted. The Conservative par- . pi, I .., � I , I . Carol, He wood , . Minnie *T,aidlaw * * - . . **.60*
The fife, and druin baud cmu �iition were also represented. � y . I . *
tv have taken a dvep interest in ilia . . Pre& Hill Ma 'M * I
I I X y ljockhart , + . Elk M" . +
Summexhill Ott the morning Of ttle:-13th- at an WilliAut McQueen ' � 0 ie Murray
. 1),ill, whilo the Liberals, with one or rQsulted tit favor , of the , 'In I I E211 �# + �
, * I I L
two exceptions, have allowed it to band though it was plaviiig with. mix early. hotp the inh,abitaints Oil - th1d Robert 'McKenzie .- '. � I , May. Mcl(itillon I . Ell , 0 , .
mishing the (1000C, Xno.v Mair . . : cite 01ceefe I *.: .
-iflerilig any a ig nicii short, This (locidealy good mw- villaie were' astir,f , I URXITURINU46
drift alang without ( . . I - sical aggregation has only onewfaillell 0 -tions - and $4turday's, work, , . . . Ir . . 4.
gestionst, I . . -ize, Tile - an whvil Which . R.,ruesit Pa'aren I . . Camilla Prendergast , I , I , 4 '0600s*4 � .
. I to win first - pi are done, pre,sented a Tuost bi�autifuj pr,l1ci3 Sheplmrd. - ' ,. - ' Clara Pinkilay I � -- . . .
� . . . � -
I I . . . .
Ilon. Willikini Mulock's estiquates: iner, Sir. William Wallier of Clintpti,. -'I'd attractive appearance. Tile places . E , I . . Gartrude 13, "Re*41 . - .. � .
. .. is .tile ail , I arle "eale . . . : AndiewArchib,ald - A little of you �' ' . . . .
. .
were cousid,ered for three days and. x)k ax-lyert handler oA tli4 that Were providing nica.19- word also - Russel. Scott . . . . � I ' ' . . i . e . i
it was shown that the postollice� dd- sticks ilb tile ,cou-tity and a crowd alive front the..bre"ak of day, Mon., .1 . Chester - �Bax'ker - . * . r money- spent h re will do - .- 1* lo .
. Olin Shipley , . *
partniclit has been the headquarters always gathered oxmind 'hiii! when lie waltion and children Joined Witli, ,tile . , . .. John W, Bfrlboly, . I Much to Makei -hom. ebedutllfuLl - - . I . . .
. � , . William Taylor� . . I I I .. . . .. I - � . . . . . . . .. .
for a lot of political gra.fters, who wkis,j)laying. Druni Major Harfy'%Vat� ca0k.1;g . t(A.-niake ample -provistolle foiN , William Wiseman " Delbift. Constahle � . �. . 1� . . .. . . . . . . .1 . , i
I . I
have itiade a dead set all the treas- kins carried a sivord,,Aiieli did. ditty tile -itit-mense . crowd that Wfis eXPCet7 - ' 'XiXan Walsh .I . . Norman R; Dorrance +. . . . I .
ury. Sir. William's .own constituents at the Battle of Waterioa and which, ad from north, South, cast and west. - . . I , . . Jardiniere, stands in M
. . -Jalnos'Scott Hays . + , . . I any. ,
Ilycen 'weather being all that. do,nld - . I . . 0 . I , I 'designs. ' We-selfcheap, * - - ,
in, North York have conte -in - for Am has in tile fauxily for .thirty: Tile' . . . I Pass . . . . Scott Hawthorn 1 I .1 * .. . � : I
lot of patronage -which has been biou- years. The wellibers of the baud Ile desircd people from the country, Alini Armstrong .. � : I � . . Hubert Ilenders '011 � I . . . . . . .1
gilt in froni all tparts of Camadki were ;'. C. 8 Lowery, 11', Miller, * John. to�wlls aild citics aud even from, tile . . Pedrl Brad- . ford * � I Rdintind Lacasse . ! . .. . , I . . . I I :
and have secured large, contracts Johnstone, W. Jolillstolic, W. Beacon', 117111t0d'States were to be -'seen, pour. .. ,,-atlia Annie Vielil . Henry F. Larkin. + , , . ' ' . .. -
,. . .
I - . . . . .%In .
without tender. . 4ou johnstofie, T. Cousitis,111. e, vill, � I . Soll W. -McKinley' . UNDERTAKING , I
. - Hill,, ing in until th age. presetited' a' . . I I . n I . I �11 .
� . .. Mabel �Xer - .. , , . . . . * . I . .
. fV living, i a inj mass of. hunianity. - - � 'vlena* McC�rtuey . . W'lliafil. Morrow - * . �
I Grarnet , McBrien; .Alf. McBrien, .. N , .n v . . I I . 1* . I I . . . . . . �,
The Postmaster Genttrkil xciused t . : � . . I I �. E . I . .. I . . .
.. . 0 Walker,. 1,1,. Mill&. I . I. . I 1. . Shortly after . . .. � .. I . Arthur V. Soole " - , . . * . I .. . . . I . .
increaaa the xniscrable'salar;cs *paldl . . . 'line a. in. -a ' *special Florence McNeil .` - �;.. . ' . . . .
. . �cc Tlid. - w train front XiiicardilW, cattle . . .. Oscar ' VanEgpnionA , I . . . I I INALL ITS BRANCITES.. .
. .
to rural mail drivers au,l' posioll' . . Ilite-shirted fil [a mild drimi. to tile . statian, bringing Jtv gliding * .NtIlie McGregor - 11 . . I . . ,A � I Ed. Ja.�, Whittaker ' . � . . I .* I 1. . . I I
� baud of' Cox's Lodge, Godarich town�- itil , ill , ir�ue Pearson - ' �'... ' . I . , . � . I �, I '.
� ' . :. I . --,,-1.:-, . .. . � I I S N Q TA,RANTF,F,,D.' :. �
ship, had it natty , apptaranvd a(fid . tille ., AT . .. am* Wright �, ... � . �. . .., . . ATISF.kCTIO, . M I
leepers. I . . � I . lodges from - 'all, sta-tions betwom . aggi6 Mellii�' I I .1. . . Willi . I . . � � . � 1: . . 1. I . � I �. � I
The Minisi,er announeLd that he had vt.ru mu'li adniirLd- as thay led tile, ,two points 'and -wheli the'"p9ssengers Lillian Reid ': I . . , I . Harrict wilso , � -�, - , . , . I . . I . . . ... ... 1 .. I .. . I
q . I . I . P.. I * I I � . . I
abandons4 his rural postal :Adallvery al'alwarts . of. Nlb, 345 ift tha anarch. ware safeWla',ii.Ele'd a prolecsSidn' was Gordon 0ould . . .� I :-.� �' .., .:. , �11 � .11 . . I , .... .� . I 1. I . . . . ... I . I I . �. . . ... . I : .. .
- I I .�, � I ass .. I I I . . I . . � . :.. . . . 1. . i .
. scheme, which he faithfully pro . mised, �. 'This b,and is only. two ycais old. and '�oon ',',ortnvd- led 1)y two, carria ' S- 1. . . I . . :1.3 . , , � ,�P, . .. . . i . I ' ., . . . ' 4
. 1. I 9L31s tuart Jac'k-son ,- . - I � I . m . 10 I
� . ked * iluitix;vetnent over one containing, the county.'offlegra and : liciry O'Brieti - . , '' * 1. essir !&itche'stin �. . I . . I ' H n'^ . - - & B *
to inaugurate. . . . showed �a mar . I � . . I . . . � i - W WJ I 4 -
- . visitiniev o0cers pf otb6i cd-Lifiti I .. t . Evelyn Darwin' . . . 11 V E R � A Lt- ,
last year's lorm.� Cox's Lod' ' . , , as and - , : I ., .. . -� . . I . . .. I. �. I I . . . I I 9 I *
I In caucus thw Lillaal party adopted' . I Ia tnay ille1til-61i. tile 's�peakers of the. jday. I . . - , . . . Doreno Dever . � . -* . . , . . ! .
well W - proud, 61 its baj 11 ich con- . wixankm .. . . - � �.. I .. 1, . I * . I . . I . . . � . . . . . .
I . I Lizzie F I . . . I . . . I I � I .
. , . * Nighb". an answered &�- r - of'- idr� John Powel I
. .
a policy by which the goveritment sists.-Aif , Beason. Cox, . Leslie Cox, Tbose were f�fl�wed by the Wijighuin' . .11 . . I . anagall I . I . . I unday calls, :
undertakes to construct a iaillvay. 0a6rk.a-.-*Sowcrbv; I, .. ,liott'. .R brass. band �engag&l by tha*11ly-thi - -, . I .11ollors. .,., .. -. ., . I -F,Iiz 11611aind ' . . .. . . . I .* either of -prinp ...esid6,nAae . . .. 1 or +
. .
d F I � . , .. . � 'c' Hart, : . , - .. . . t e ,ipa.ls. . ;. - . .. I . ..
line for the Grand Trunk-. Pacifici. Youngi,'. 13. LiiLil,say, 'T\I. Woods,- .H. LOilge for their use' -for ,the. day. TIke - Grace S. Adair � * : 'I . Libbi � I ... . . + .. . . .... . . I � . �.� .. . .. � .� ... . . - .. I . . 4
. - ' *
. I . . .
.. I . . . - ,. procession-Irocc6ded to* -ilia . grounds .. . Ida'A. . �Brandon - - ' .' . . I . . I � *+.+**** &.00.00 * s ***
which will cost $75,000,000. UcAlliRter, S., ' IhNIeclIA ,A. Routleagia, i )' ' ' .May Xale ' I
. I . . 13. Ploott, ,R. -McA�Ilistcrj. McMath, wifere theymera� di�l�iisscd for ,* tile Ruby P. ,Davidson I . , AXraliskopf - + - . .... .1 . I . 1. . . �. .. . . .. . . .*
. I : " .� + I - . I . . � Beatrice L . �. . . . . - . I . L .1 . , 1. .1 I . I . . -.1. . . .. . . I I . I
Ilan. W. S. Fielding -tice' C'. Tweed'id, *.A.C.Gliddo'n, .D. M . .. . . . .. . li'/ I � 1. . . I ------------- �- . . . � L
gave "a . araliall. .tiniL being L . abeth X... Fry . - . love 1. I . .
I. . . � � I . - - — - . -
of resolutions providing. for - batill't'e' '4 ' . L I .Jenifle Morrison, � ' � . . I . ;-�. . ;..;;;Q , I
, , Pios... Bell, is'drum iri�jQi:.- ,I.. ' : , At V-7-30 P..'11n. Count� lWasber Wj, '.'Mabel � Geddes . . . . . � ,., . I . . . L . . . .. .1 . ., I . ;.. . . ,- . I �
, .
. L ' . . .. .. . . , . .1 . . . .1 . I . . .. . I
hose ' a - ; : . I 11 . I .
oil irou and steel billets, structu�all . Two of the, * brethern w ' absence GreAn' - mdt thlet . varldtG Hasters . -of' Margaret J. Hiscock' I . I . . I . :Allie Murrax . . I ,� . � .L . . .. . . . I .
'IS., . I . I ' I I .. .. 4 0 `#*********** **""**,"****+6 . .
steel, wire rods and rolled plate , ,ad Werp� Wilson:-' � Edna-, Isbistor . . . . Lit. XeManu .. . . �61 . . .** 0 00,".+
. - . . .
. as � Arinstrongi L I . � . ,. �
I w not I(Ages and other. officers *16�'report-- I . L . , I - . 1. . . .. . I ,
. .
� 11011111tics will 'also be extended t6: Master lofAha Goshan, ALitte Lodge,and I ad lodl&s to tho'inilinber Of *o aft4i . .Lydia- Rew L . . . .L' . . . ..: Maggic Mcl�cay . - , . .. I - ... I 1. 1. . 11 . . 1.
. . . L . . 2
bilider twine, and; lead. L . . . I . � . . I -elf
I 11atthc`w� -Slieppard, 1� T X-o,.3o6, which -tire lQdkes returned 'to.. place of Vera' Knechtel . ... . . I . .1 . Eliza J, Riley ' - ..' ' . . . % . Helt`Yo' ,,� , f . � .
rastdr �o LL . urs Sale. bf Shoes
' '
I . I . . � . Goderich I townshil), both of whom are separation- where. the - . � Martha . Lat!g * . , � " � -Edna Sparli�k . . .. .
. - . . y -were judged IlTor I . . 1. 1. �. � XaUd Sh,llillkl�W ' . . L, ' , ' I . . . .. ...
, I
L . * . . . .
iii,iMaiiitoba. The Toriner is eXpeeted numbers ;in the, Alicia X . Lowe. . . . . . . . . .. .. I I . � '. . .
. . . L I ea'tt lleuJ*1krS Lof I Ig :. ... I . . a h . . . . . . . ��. . . . *Our Sto -must ''reduced' .. -� : _ ..L
All of these pavitreutswill.ba ehar- best dressed �% L' . .. Hanhab'W'ls ;
geable to the pubfic debt. I haine shortly I�Aut Mathew has Z the lo4ge.com � . I I . . . .be
I , (X el,ola . Alide katin � L . . L cLk ' . I
. .
. I
� L . I I . I . district. , ing 6 . Olive, M. Manners � � . I ! . . . - . Harry. Adams - ' '.' - . - ' - . .. � . .. I L;, : , .* Tbi 'is the Way. We.are doing it:
. -hist lot Ili ,the Cypress River the longest distance. After' tit -; - : , - I I : : �
. . I . -
I . . L Il�`s d 'tit judge's )i .B6,ssie'H� Marsalei I � Archie Aitehe�on ..; . . I .. I . . L . . *
I . I .. L allitrs to -donglinuts'.that. Ito iad, finished their w6rk another , ' . . . . .. . Wies' Kid Butforied'Boots w rth $2.25 for 1 -$1,50 . * -,
I ' t . processi6n. Afay-Wlason . :. .. . , : 'Gerald Case -. . . . : . . I I - . . :
. .
participated .in all Orange Walk , a . ,was formed, headWL by. tile. . � groVc�L ' . , , I .�Ll . I .0 . . . . L' ,
A MOST MONSTROUS PROPOSAL.- - 'L, . AlargaxLt E. Xos' � ,.�., , . Vincent Dari�in .
. L sa-tuir point' .other iii the -pr iyam.u- carriages aild'fiand. The var- . I I . . Ladies' Kid Lac -25 -f '. +
' . . . .o�* air a. . - - . . . . . . . ed Books,worth $2. 6r $1.60 1 .
. . , L
I . Pr6vincd. Ross� :Johnstone, was acting. ions, districts. follo'wAed. in oriler-mar- . Martha P. McPherson .. . � I . . . Chas� S. ;Dickson . . . :. . .. I *
. . I . � . " L .1 ' *
. L . .
The Lauri,er,govertinilemt during . its. . I . Chi, - 1. . . . . * r , y D. 'Rose - . . James Dickson - I I . . . I You 6o they are ched . +
. ,au L Master- for. .,ilia 'GosIlen Line Lodge throfigh -the principal'plart of . . I . � rtune . I . 11 � . . ' 7 . L I . .. + I
scvLn vears of . office have b der- . . theng ",af 0 Runciman * . ". . -- Ladies? O:ifbids and ' 8 '
. , .11it.l.el . Loo, FO,
. And Ge`orge A. Cooper, for I . . illage and retaining again to,tho . - .. ' . . ' ' , ' I , Str�p.Sli Sold in regular' way *
. , 3o6. * . I - I . 1. . - ;L Sam, .G. H a I T n:'e S. L ) ' . � . . , pper I n
ad into - inituy wild -cat schemes . but .. . point &f - .starting. where exec Millic, Turner. . . I . . . . . . . I
. 'prize �vinnera were : Beat Mass- d res a Aleut ad- I � �nl L " 11 � . 0 . I . . . . . L .1,
. -
I . - , The. . ,a . I I Wallington Ad 9 - . � . Hugh R y Mason - , -, I L. f0t. $1.60 411 we ask ,f6r them' is .. .. . . : , '"
their latest leap into the dark,, if I a word deRyiered frbin the plat- . I I . * .. $,.I .
. ed Lodg'o-�-No.� go$, , Mitchell ;:, Lodge G6orge,'Aifahis6it ' . 11 . Roos R. 3TcXy1L', . +
persisted in, will 1 -ye the i . nost . disas- with' largvs� nui L , 'Donald McLac I . L - 1.50 'oni -,
. . . . I .
L liber 'of members In form by tild following bre'thein of the- - Cr --shauk. - ". - � . all . . . I . .0. . Misses' Kid'Buttoned Boots. worth Y -9C . I
1 processiou-N.b. .662, * I 'order:. Revs.'J,'Philp of Nineardine, Robert uick . . . � � . I . . . I ' . . ' 4- ' * �. .. +
irons escapade they have yet ventured the . Luean . ;� L 'W LOWC L Of .Win - Robert King' .. . . .� Grigg- Mcl,etivan � . All- sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2,- - , -- - . *
� I . . � .
. . . �
-ca.binet coolly -prop , . ghatil.-`- Af. J...-)�rj:,soli - Robert McKee , . . .. .. L . �i.'n'eAfiehaal '� I I . 2 Misses Kid-Oxf6r' - About 30, - pairsi - . egular "price.. from - 40
' L'
-upon. The osles � to . . Youngest Orangemanj' Lorne 'Todd (if Wile, �. England df Mich.,.U. ;SL, . ... . . . 11 . Fra�j . , L . . & .1
bu4id bL government road frout Monc� Gpd,ericfi, ( aged .17 -- F. %Boyd of No� *dad L . .5�. . , � - - " I . . . . . - � . � . . I. . I i
. , Mills, 'Shipltv � I �- . . . . � . ..
of.Na. Clarence Wilson , ' . 00il r .P0
. toil' tu NVintlipeg at a cost of $4W)00,, 908, Mit � cliell., .Aana-b. BrethoUr � . E(hiton& Off. -Blyth, and also � by. TI ' : : . - . - ' ' ' .. , $1....35 to �$I-.75. ]�O", "g, 'O C . . L ., .� .
I ' ere the two oldAit Mr , , A;. H., Nusjro�e - of winglia2n; - lontas Wilson L ' ' . .. L . I .. . . L. Carl Stoddart .., .. . . . 1. �. I . . � al d 0 fo�ds a�o. � . . . I I. . 'L
. . I
. 000 and ]land it .over to the Grand X94, Blanshardi. Nv t rs Were pointed . in tlieijr . �. . . I . .. Pa I as L � . . L " L . I . . � . I 1 . . .... . . L . I .. . . . I X . rs: - to �..,
114L I y I
t is
i 0.
* I
I .81
rL . I .f � I .
Trunk Pacific Railway for a period. of Orailgeriftit -present. xin&r4a a.0 i Wiox,mrrrm, I Ladle - , � - ,
I They art both All the speak,6 � I . S Strip Slippers. . . .
f . 'of wit. '. 11 .. .. ., . . . I . . . L I . I . . . .
fifty vears. In addition to this tho of 'the satile age and �vpre.iliitiated . . d full.- . .1 . I I .. . L . I � .1 . L clearat 80c' you Should.see them. . . . I 1.
' . . . . . L Nettie' Pottle . - - , * . . I . . . L.. Honors . . � . . I I I I . . . � .
L, I . . . �
Granil Trunk Pacific will have thdir in thu.srano, year. Each Ims.'13.0bli a , Reeve W., -Sillis of Blyth presented ' . - I . . I . . I . vlen's Kid Gaiteis worth $3.25 , , - I �1,
Illy niember--lof the Order for 6i 'years, .ail address of welcome �vhfch was -re-. - Edith'Johuson L .1 . . . Franl� Aridell . .1 . . : ,? I go1hg'd-t,,82..ba. . I .
ads guaranteed for a road running ' - May Lanadut, . I . I ; I .
froin Winnipeg to the Pacirio coast Ili order' to do,cid whid], i� eft.titied sponded t6L 'b tit pop I nd - L . . I I Ernest . Bra ... Youthst Laced Boots -sizes, 11, 12'And 13 ' Nvorth' $1,25�- to. .
a ., . -* e t lar 0, gL,cl Maggie. Miller., , . I I I . y , .% . .. . I . i . 'L �.,
- Gxeer, Lavinia Peareii. . . , .
For 5oo miles' through the ,mountains to tb� prim, the'ir certificates- Will 'be raired County Master, W, S. . L I -Roy Ha,milton ..,. .. - , I . I � . . .
. Ilia own I . . . " Laughlin L I . 1 $1.50 hOW'Selling at 89c, ; .. . ..: I .
.. Who ocetip'led tile chair to . . . Ro,� Me . . . . . ' . 1. . .
tile guarantee will Ile $lo,00Q per forwarded to -Air, Willi= -Lewis olf . . L . 'Emma Sans6ti - . - . , I .
mile and on the prairie section - the Cr�ditonj County. Chaplain. ... credit and dilight of .all, &er jwllom Susan P. Scott . ... . . . Rus9611 Moffatt. .1 . A line of spOrtin' sh .
I . I . . . I . I ,g OeS men.s'a * n'd boys' worith fiom. 85c
. tiaranice Will I-- AZT o- �f. -;l� r.Ir 4.1, ri"- I ,1 .1 ill 1'. ,1* i, he',preeided. . L. �. I . I IfA 0 . . Chesfer'Sinith . I to - Q 1 0 1 1 � +n r% a f AAn - - . . . . . . .
11 0, il 1% I 11 0r'.. . ".. , � i . . . I IMMUO . tit: 11 .. . . . - . . . . . -�:) . I . I . . . . : I -L - !
Ili tile aLrgrevate the government will ty One ' Nol . q8A has music of any After ilia speaking, votes of thanks 'r.—r- .Q4r.chan . .. . I Chris. A. Wright- . . . . . .. a . . - I . . . . � . . . . . . . . ... . 1, I r . :1
pledge itself for $' �
, '000,000
'r L -.yllieli
will Ile added to the debt �of L the
�, country. In return for thial i'llifirien-
se present the govdrnnnerit will rodeive
� I
nothing. The in po:wIr be
Idnd. They turn out oil parade with
their calois only but -it is' expectod .
they will : f4hortly fall ilf lino , with.
thea -,prevailing Ijelief that.it �jaud I 0of
L ibe .
were given tile speakers,and Cheers,
for the King when the crowd L 're-
� L ,
turned to their- p1dasitrei ,a, great
inany tdinailling to hbekr the differelit'
bands� play for The
. . .
Florence IT. ,vatiXorniall '; *
Orrie Borden . . I . ! ..
I . I . . ..
Brack Brandon . . I
I - I
L I . . I
. Howard, Coanpliell, .
I -
. 'race Ayleswortb, . .
. G "I ,
I . . .
, ltatie. I-Tupfor . . .. . I ..
V11a: P. Mulholland 1.
. . ..
, Florence J, * Ra,e, . .4 1. ,., � . . .. �.
I J lillie-Snell . . .. . I . ..
11-0 � .
L '.. -
: L argains All alongthe arie at the Id -Reliable. .
. .1 .
. . . I I .. ,...�, 1. I 11, .. � '. 1. . . . , . . , L :'. . . . .
I � . I ... . . �. , — . . ,
. I . . . .. I I � . I . I . . I .
I ... . . ,
. .
party w,M
, -
in 'a
soine - sort, it only A I . aud
prizes. names of
winners' in the different
I .
Ulliott. Flenling I I . .
. , .
. . . . ;
Alssic 'Strait . . .. .
W W o . � I
. . . 0 I .
placed' possession of vast elec�-
druni, . adds life to a lodge. I Th�
:tile . eveiltd
L Everett,'-GICATI, I .
. .
. .9 I . . . .
L I . I . I
. . I . . . . I . . 11 I
tion fund which will d oubtless Ile
131anviliard . lodges L been barely
, .
wilFbe giVellL�neXt week.' - : .
, .
L L . . .
I I .
. Richard L I -Towson '. L
. . .
I � . I .. .
. , , .. �
. . . . 1 Pass
. . . - .
I r L , . .. 1. .
. CASH Abil) ONE , PRU,Jr�j--��Ee, AS OASH. , . .
. . GS TAXEN .
wielded with all tb�atL VicjaaSnea�
�their own for several years, -
Who. want away litinwry ? , .
. I ��
Perc�v Xerr . .
L. I . . L
� I . � . .. . .
I . I .
. . . . . I . .
� I . a I , LLL .
.... . . I . . . .
which has characterized the conduct ov�inq to the heavy emigration tatho . I - C .Ernest -Andrew -, . .. � ". ***++***+*+*++***+****** .&��- I
. . . .. - . I-Ienr,Y ',' Xing , % : . . . . '. . .. . I - .. ***
of Liberal caulpaigning ill 'the, past. Who ever saxv a finer day. � . : Ste.Wdrt. Mel�attghtan -. ' ' . I . . w7rW .
'NartilVest. The niw6ollners have been . . . Charies, Little � ' ', - ' ' - I .. I - � -- I " I I I .. .
-Some of tilt Liberal organs, are tliak4, largaly Devanshire.tnen fridin,Darling- � Who etijo�&l themselves bett' .. .. � 1.
. 017 ' - all Johl Mason . . . :. - "I'llottias Wells . . ., , - . I— — - 7. , ". I . 7`�� . ,
* �' � . .
I .
ing an earnest ' but painful effort to t0ti without bra��kq proclivities. any former occasion of 'tile,, kind in , Gordon Muichison . � . r� . . .. Witliallu'W.. Weir - * I . I "W@S@8se&ss@e@��@(R@@eee@8s@$ee@(�)S(�)@@@@
swIlow ,the dose but a nuniber of I BlytIt ? � .. . . �. . . . . . .1 I �. I Lizzic Crawford . 1: � . . I � . . . . . I . . -)
. . . Dinican McGillivray . . . . . . . .. � . . , ' . . . * . (4 - ,
The youngest orang&nan in Huron Who ever siLw" a more orderly gatli-. ,Va.y Patterson . . � . � . . . I � .. � . ` '
' I . . . I 9"%
' I I .. . - 0
the better class axe condenining it -in or Midaiesox is V,dwili Robillooll, .400 . I I I , �, I . - (.
the harshest terins. .171w independent 00f. Mr. C. M, k6billSOn of X6. �84 ering, Olt the i�z.th of July ? . F rank. 11. Swann . . . % I . . . * THE 'GREAAT� CASH ST%jRE '-
press is directly opposed to tile job. Who.over sawlewer ilianic men. for � . 1. � I . . . . H-ESSAILL. 11 . . 41. I � � I . 0
111anshardf wha is Wy fifteen y1ears 11 ... , " � I . . . I . � . : �. �-.
If it goes through Cavada will be of the size Of -the gath6rin ? � I 113LYTII. ., I I.. 0 —
atr-,. Though young in years, Erl� ' � t, , 9 � . . . . .� .. . - . I Henderian, who, has - . . 11 ' .., � : % ,
I 01 a . . .� . . Ito and, atttilding - thd . . 1. (D -
saddled with a% Alebt wilich will not , .)a . dii old-faillioned! -'Ia;cl and I . I ... . . . . . . . . Honors, � . . been I . . I � . ' O' f0i .. u . . .
Avill . Rev, J. S.
be removed in generations. Thai 6lec- linost as. big a 4fla, falher. -
t(yrs should not rest until the nefari- .Annie 'E. McGowan .. G,encral=il has returned hom .: . Bargains r J ly, (O
I ' . I . .
-Speaking ch young Orangentait. Half- EXCELLENT ADVICE 13Y �IIR . a 0 . I . � I .I . .. .. .
0115 Schemo is, Idlied. � I . I I . Stella Xotbery � . after a, twor m6i-hsl ab�ani:6. His 0 . . (Iei
; . . ry Beacom of the Sunniterhill Lodge . WEEKLY SUN, . � . - I . t . .1 . . . . I I �. .. 1. . . �
� . *- . I . . � . Laura Phalan . I . . -poople. t6 niatk the occasion and allow - a � . ; . .. (i ..
. I I I .. .
I . I , I
.1 .1
— . 1 a vs at w"Is illitlated ill his r7til �, , - I , Colin. Fflig-lalift � I . I I . . - I . , . 11 . 0 - .
. y 'at oil f 'a Sign -no paper whichyan. 4o.not . I . . . their waitif av,)prpciation or. their pas- 0 1 It has been a ru I I .
I I car,; The Lodge had a io . I I . tor gav� him. w'grand racepti 1011 sh in our Millinday department, a
zmncn. .. . r -ion at (1, itig - ,fully understand. * I . Paso , . ' I . CIO) , -
. . clobrat oderich, drivi . iii . . . I the d.chur I we*after week and during the next two , - co
. I wagons." - of C'Ourse' '+1 I those early Scares of farmers havellost heavily by . inahae at) ell grountio whioll . I weeks we will .
`Tlic doctors operated (tit M i a.-, Ida * liam, tqgning what appeared to be quite I Martha 'Arnistrang Were beautifully 11lumili.ated for the - c I I . . I CO) .
A , and Henry 'was lair at Iffagile, Isabel V'lliiitt . out ev�rything in this le artment at -
Os�wald of the Brownsan Line on �Vs T-Tt wagb7'ulld� ho*�, innocent d'oettments but which sub- . occasion. -Owing f clear I T s'weeping. re ,
: � a the frequent show- lo� 8 , :
Willi his sistdr, 0 Jouitna, V ingland , �- ducti . .
* , .
Wednesday afternoon, of la:.,;t Week. I , t%equently,pioved to be a. promiso er§ there was not the largo turn out a . S. a. it is our motto hot to carry 4nything.over.
The pati,mt has been pro% ever, to .,ice the walk and trudged tile � to � Pearl Gidloy . I . I � . 1 11
,tratc(t foo I pay something the signer . . . there, otherwise would have,bleen, yet e . .1 . �
, tinle wilole, way to tile county town" ar- had 1tat Ethel - Govier . . You will also find barg I .
same with thA now, fr(Aquot0 counted Ott bbilrg called u - . the gathering was ,good and represen- 9, � Ains in other departments of o�r ' ,
disease, appolulicitis, and it riving Ili Onto to -Witn"� title ptd- I Pon to pay, Coral McArthur . I xcellent refroslatients worcp . e ways cl�ar out Summer Goods ddring Jullp. 0
was Cession. Ile wits -a tired out happy Ovir,torrespOndolit might, howerVeri . . I t0iyo� E� . . I I � .8. . -
thought at one time she would. ,pull .go further, .than, CautionfibgL a LiVzio UcBrioli . . I served in the basement by the ladies, . I 0 . .
boy that night and thfa inemb gainst Florence M. 'Somers . . Soine great snaps in Odd 1
.4 -111fe, era in liand after which* all adjourned toi the. . ines of Boots and Shoes. , 6
through without tilt,, use (�f tile L tilt signing of canceled u6t6s of . . I I 0 �
This hope, however, was not realized, YeEogii-ition of his phidl, initiated him It is dqually inipattilint. that f0mers Antile Stuart I I grounds, when 'Ahil. ileXity read am . I . �. I � . . 0 .
and hence the operation, which is said into tile, mysteries -at, tho Order. ' should bo'c4refal tit, the buying of F'31a Taylor . . . . 1. address 'to Mr. 11636orsoir conveying e . . .. . Men's Summer Coats at Cl0AriDg,Prj0es. 0 , ,
to it ,en quite skilfully accalli- . Mr. Arthur Cantelon of Godtritll 'Is i0inothing today which 1.4 to bepaid Robert J. nt ' . . �Icoiuo home to e . . . .
ave Ila , . own a.. warin and hearty *a I . � ' . . 0 1
=1 . The local inodi6os were as- me of tile �.,Old; 136vs"l -Ifo Was. In for tomorrow. The prts6lab pori6afol Stailley Iludhanau . . � the pastor vind rovie to excellent 0 I . . .
by Dr. 'Gunti W Clijitan, who itiated into Orailgeiimi 64 v0Ars ago pr6speritv will' ilot,latt forover. At , Oliver' Hanking . I . � . work which her had ,aV!'6,(g)1np1lishcd, dur- 0 . . It you need Fruit Jarsit wi, I I pay you .6 I I .
Irift Ifintnediately aft!crwards. for DL. and every' 12th Since has t1trned oult, one timi, there was every prospedt. of .. William J, Nichol I ing the fourteen years. of Itia %l..lin!s,- " to see what,we are showi ' . 41
troit to join Air. John DLiebert afti - With tile litothOrth Ile Ilafi thus at- a leik's year in Ontario this ,0*son, , .Charlet Sundercock I try over Carinal church, 0 1 1 . . I I ng and got our a � .
I . I
. It is lbrother whoilt 1110 Willi accompany telldell 64 walk.'A And is 110 (1011111� thd 1,4,v,ll .as it is, farm -era" returns this Cecil Vail I Mrs- Charicy(bratins and childivIt left 0 prices. : . . . I .1 I . . . � 0 ,
to Chicago alld Ile ill attendance. 'at oldeat Orangeinatt. in tlie county, lie sea.toh will not equal tile returns of Roland Viticelit. . . on Saturday inorning for'nastvan, . 0 ' . I * .
ilia (Aperatiou oil ilia former gentle- iq still hilile and licartv ltotwithstan& lasi year. The end of the flush Per. Basil Walface. . � I . . Alberta, where her husband has pur- * ANk qUANTITY OP 19GGS TAICHN IN PIMORANGPI, FOR GOODS. 0 1
man. . l iag his advanced yeark, Ile, has not . d . - , . , I 1. � . 0
fact ,may -came before 1904 clobes, - . ,OR WICII. chased .a, blackstnith-ing business and a '- ----------!�-,----- 0
always retained Iiis. titembersh$ so. r 1) . . . -77---- . I
I . Wednesday, - the A July, being . this is somethiligr that people fit- cities . is doing wall. I I 'a ... I . -0 - 0 .
I Mrs. Modd and daughter Josi and 6
I . . . . 0 ' OBE - SLYTHIN 4A .
L I W'sA not olagible 16r � tilt I 1.011d6st septa incapable oftcalizfi%� it is,pro� I Honors .
Pearl Johlistoll's tent i birthday she- . Orangem-aftl-I prize. . . D, M. M ATH'
few Of her 'live bable, 60 per cant, of the peoplio lot Martha Bunston Miss Elicitor Ragan left last weak to 1.
entertained a .1 'ni Ile "olm . I I I . . "If
S ,Wbat ult-tv,pectodly to th-4 Toronto are living tip to or over Josephine li ill. at Joit Rev, E. lVedd fit Muskoka where ' N
friends cit a. pienic in At grove near a at k - . I or . . I
bti-Aliarti, Mr, John Scailett arrived I thc I famitv w,ill reulailt - till the, mid. 0 I
IlAy. They onjo oil theillsolves hD11101- their income- If the Inau ()it the fittIft Sadie Montgolitery I ,:��� I � I .
0 ��
sely it - Fi-of-fare was well lokllk- honie front the Northwest on. Sat*ir. emulat,as the example of his brothel Uarl S. Vurtney die of S�ptcnllbee 8(��� 0-�)�(�)� �28(F)�80. 0 SMSM , �
ad after by her cl(Jer ,sisters. . day ni,ght A114,111ingled *!tit them. on in town in thiq respect .the otftaht . John Rtlaftl Lynn. I .Miss Jessic Col�tjlouli olfst. MiLtYA I � .
A letter received frmu li'atlier �to`nllay' It 'a "cit 'it the' 'n*q"ary When it `4" cattle, will bb a ftla- Arthur Spotton � I I and Miss ElditIt Stonainall, aro tile �OFL �=W '' -._iW' "' L"' '''" -J ,! -1 .... .. ! ! !'" '!!� ,! P !, , . , pi"Iii 111.
Val- of any 1110mber �of McXiVop 1404gd illit6tia , -0110, Happily, farillevs, so fat William 1-4, Wallace. guests of Miss, E'vit ,Rtotieiiialt, � � --!!!!�— ----. IMF
I .
I � an title recently sliated that lib is that thisr.grand, Aalwart of ilia Ordet have Ili the ,main been following a ' 0 11 I . UOV. Mr, lhulliiw ,has gone to Tor. . I �
steadily i-MI)TOVifig I'll 116alth, and i$ halS, failtd ta be with i'110111 ful-BOYlle constrvative tottrat,' Most of tllarsMr- I � Pa6s � onto where lie will spelid a Portion I 0
1 qVIlle, to take some (Altdoor exacise, ahniveratitics, 1.10 loolvad well a4ld re- plus of recent years has been 'aupli,ul. Martha Bell 1. of tilt suittiller,
� Ile wa.q out for Ai short drivel oluthe . parted a pleasant and profitable trip to ly�yixxig off itiortgages or themiak- , Ullfula D, 00ggill I � . � � .
Igt inst,, the first tin nitic, moAftlis, to, Western poilit.s. or inprovetinenta which will, add Marion C, Hutchinson ertisin,w i'n The .
Tile many Ymrielids of the, revemild * Ing ' d�uf 1� i
No. 24, Btlyfield the old'"'t lodge to.revenut in ilia, 'futuro. 11V , con- Ada Strftle I I
goiltieniati will lie dolightod to hear ill tile eaun, i �11�i tile or�ng�b VZ`ig tinning fit, this con mi fatinActs will Whet Vne. Strome , . I ZV9101r. OR ..C, , A '
. . - . 13ritomo, '.4anile lace maglle,d�t,�, Consult their own porsoltal. intel:60ts, "thet $pellet Ur. Solut Torrance, a forni*r tcath- - I '
of Ilia rftovdry M 111ty TWO U 0
y ,
. Dr. nilehanaft hao left for iii trill gather. The 0, nV5 ate ,hroWin jn and will help -to nteady the. cou:ftfty Mary X, Spenco er ill out publit, 10heml, �,4pollt ai few � " .
Itrt with a . , , , . I
to t�lt,e V,et,tst, Ile otpect.q to bo ab� their ,.� fte-th of t, X , ,4 W11,411 ,14,4 When the illovitable depre"fon oueb Riefifird 1'.. varter i days mplitly with Mr. Weiley Schaal- . I SwRe ord Pays# I
it, �
$01t froin foittr to if% w4eks. I every ptosivet, lv,no 40 $1, itol I luote toults our way. Willialli v8diaefer I . lig, Goslion. 14illo. I
. . I
. .
. . �
I . I . .
(11 I . I . .
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