HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 3� �
V �
I , ',.J�
. .1 ---_-1_____ -'----- _______,_,_ - I I .11 _.___ . .1
' do know, that solIlQ -day all inexplic. **********to*** , I 11.11, � I .1 __ I _.___ . . I' --- ... I �, �---_ ---- I
. � *****I Muslin 1.1,41vo tile, air free 4qcQ#y , I wit MIXIxg Ot
a ,1�
Ables will be explained, When ulud to t1i . 't And permit It freely to I - - , . - the animals do their o
lifts bis wing and tile Ilood lights of I give oft the Waste matter of the 4ft . thelt fee4s, and it Is well in some .
GOD'S, PROTECTING WING , t urt. Aboutth system, . 0
heaven roll Ili. I dot know tha 0 . . things to let her have bor way. It
. . der such conditions you and 1, my Vasbion permits materlixis so a" . I . f . W Will ro,st but little to try'this plait.
brother, =y sister, (:..in atrorLl, to ht texture for Women that although , 11 � ,M Nr It will not occasloo Any serioxis low . I
wait and trust Chritst just a little I NIL &_ 101 " Kv if it is not a rJUL,ress, A,uid we
000 the skin Alay frocklo, through them I . I - . A411 �
while longer. We can trust him And I .1 . . I , . -, Ad to hear front VbO May
Encircles All Who Give rilm a Child -P sHouse be glL any i
. I , .011 throat or Arius, the gain Is worth 0 I. I --- _;=� V try it as to their Success -or fallur.e.
believe in him thibugh we sit in the the penalty. The light weight is a I
. like'rr"'Ist and Confidence. � I dar1kriess -of the shadows of God,$ I grout gain� especially to woluou, who LOOXINIG AFTElt 1JMX-1, ��ILK. FARMEMS AN]) HIARD TIMES.
encircling but loving Wing. GOOD T)RINGS TO EAT. thus escape for a time the thrAldoin ".0110 following hints by J. A. IWO. . I
- _____ rif-half cup dick, Ohlef of tile Dairy I)tvisioAl, Farmers feel hard time;$ laiter UM4 1
. 'MOTBICTION TO ALL. Almond Citlio�-Qrearn Q of the senselessly beavy Skirt drAg- O&0,wa, 410101191i written speoloAly less severely than ablier classes. be.
4. , .4 ,a The hon's Wings, in times as kan- Tito hen's chick,ens 91119 frQM the waist. The gauzy, I I .
it eat of An 4, I t o e " no � know their of butter, add one C41) of sugar, one- �r chlose Inaliers, will be f(yund of cause ,their products Are necow.ties,
T 0 a no too ". ger are alwa5-s 1),rotecting wi,ws. inother's, voice. At her call they third cup of ull1k, one and one-half feathel"Weight but ,makes no strain I
, a a undre, a 40. , ,
. loront two ag about leave whatever they Are doing and clips of ilour in which two level toa- 9
by Orr"A st , Phu other (lay I was waMi On scalp or hair; And sururner is the ' 'ons in caring for amd will be bought so Ion: As atlh�
I I,, tulturr, . Val
op r Q ohe(��',`Ll-nmlfflit ,
, 1. I tto. a.) a farni.a,nd tix4nxing thlu borges in. time when the ,girl with thin locks I �I ig�""' am haxe any money left, aaV be.
,- -
. I the stalls a4ild the cAtitio in tilia 90 to lior, My brother, have you .spoons of baking powder have been, '. Lla 'anZot loake etrictly fiae e.&Uso their position is � conlipara. . .
A deisipta,Uji, front olvieugo aays: heard God's -voice calling you? II -ave WRod and the beaten whites of 0tive can begin to nialia hair Willie the '01"
flolds� while a pet dog ��-Tas rutanluff su 0 front milk which is ovorr4po tivoly independent and not W I . I
Rev. Frank Do Witt Tal,mu,ge� plv4oh- you responded or have you stayeft eggs. Flavor witit, one-half teaspoon m shines, and to recovoVtI10 glass or, t,inte4, upset by stock Mourkat flurries '1'rlb'y�v I
ed floom tlIL, following tvXt.. .Mut- at my heels. DuXing illy explorai- in your Sill, heedless of his call? Re- of ainiond extract. Bake in v, and beauty marred by her'heavy fur _0� If you are a progressive choose closing of factories. Unlike the
tlorrs slow .
., I ,board an excited clueldng, . I
uhlew xxiii, 37, " As a hvp gat ruth but t1) � 11104riber, the protection of the divine Oven. Make Ii. boiled frosting, add toque, maker, you, will stuKly tbe causes of speculative I
he .Ought notbing of it. 'Als I classes, tbey are not .
'her 0xickwis trader ber wings 11 intb,tbe ba,fayarAl proper I seek It. God's wing Is big enough to One-half cup Of CIIOPP04 - Almonds Summer, again, is tile time to tainted milk ", a Tea
T`Iiis culaillercial ki'vo is � , Stluppc 4 cover all who repent of their sills and 6proad over the calize. start the cold bath , d A,ssjot the pa*pils rich oil r and banRrkipt tile
"r-Ut"11V t.,L , . , with its accom- to, remove them. , next. They go along quite stdtg4l� � .
Uopootic. It blus Llve,ri opt'l-lelil jtj4 ttiv a -hon lying ini'der a bo;ark). I and 001-40 to him in the name of the Almond Villing for Cake. -Chop partying rub down, which so inateri, 3, Milk may become taint,od fron-w.- ly without feeling the ext,rome of-
Qockihig innoilations jilt,E) tiho ha.ru- valle(l t -o tor, but Mbp inovea nPut. I Lord �hough enough blanched almonds to ma,ka ally h0IP§ clMllatiOn. If this 1.9 be- table for milkiAg feet of the industrial times arid .
yard. called again rind &gain, aud then Jesus Christ. But I twowithirds of 4 cap, Add the saano gun with the first warm spell it Can cows; . . . .
%%'I' awe now t"�'I't'!9 tO hat,oil triod to, shwo hur Off of what I God's wing ls,big enough to shelter be kept up With A little ten fah-ly free front worry' Alc4g that I .
dalones and the .)car amount of chopped. raisins, mix A aporing (b) 111judicioJus feeding. particular line. In fact; tb.e avor..
Oiur oggs into broads, Vat by the tuou bt to be a stiolon n . - I ,ad
t . a est. ,11hon tho Mary Mag 1 a (c) .
Wk401(1t.4alp. lij'e Would o4ainlge- a I took V, Stick LIAA ga,ii)o her A 1);O.�k�.. publicatis and the Peters And the 11 read bot -ween layers of warin cake. all through the W At r, ever, by those A4 inipuire Water supply; age farmer frets far xxxord About the I
hVrx's ne,t b4o a big, s.quaro ' litsXeud of a frightexted I .. � of salt by the cow; weather, the insects, the Animal dig- I . .
. wood- l(VI giving J91ins, though they may come by the 20 the top arid cover With blanched who "CaWt stand 4old water." (4) AV Rnt, I .
en I)ON ai-kl call it wa ii..t..roatpr. , ' wo are some who miss its almonds. cut in strips and stuck Ili - (a). AbsorPtiort of Odors; ease$ arld other natural foes tban .
Nits would h,a%-,_- the oil ltuirj) of ,. t!ho away for ber llfo� I fou�0 a vimidic- millions, the like pine all slanting one way. . M The germs that, got into the abotit the .
� At,, protection. * What is the reason? I UL H . Industrial condition of
,oz,R of tille f4ratli- rile And my d.og, Th. dog, '�,iun in Jesuq tells irs- in this very Passage: I bals.-Plake enough cold . milk during arid aft(w nulking.. the country.' 'Of coarse the WWple .
ii10uba.t-u,r do t1he u, tilli,e and. outvage.d inother flyixig Fish, Tim .
, ,
exiclel. breu_,t alid the o,uuo&;:,etellod oine direetioin,.l In the 6t,bVJ% Th,en "IlOW often would I have gatlicred one-half cupsi F aded Cashmere 'may be restored 4. - Rrico,ai-ago. tile patrons to aer- courritunity is bound together to A . I . I
wbag. We wuiulld h-atve t1he wire the hion called, agaila to M,r young thy children togothQr, even as A.hon add two beaten eggs, One 'cup of by'sponging With equal,parts of al- ate ao milk, but advise thj)Ax that certain extent, And no oluas deal aux, � I
m1reen 0ii-J.1lace the fl:urp pointod milk arid season with Salt And pep-' cabal 'and arnitionia diluted with aeration must be carried a .
wiid .. gathered 1-wr cAic-Re,xis Under gathoreth her ebic4ens under her , ut lit A, -for without all the oihers.seconol, Or,
per. Fill small ))uttered, Uns or warra water, . . . I Place wilere the Ali, is pure and free later. getting A, s1lare, but L tAxe, far� I �
bill of tht- barnyard inistiogv, ve- 110 wing, while s1he still eyed �ly wings, and yo would not!" ,That is oups.and set ill 4, pail of hot Water Whon. Alaking Pastry, crown the front dvist Or bad odox-s. . : mer can weather the storat bettor' I .
hatut,aitly pluiriging right ar,d left ill foirr legged coinipanion a -s she would the reason, God forces,no Alan to - Liripping be be � I . .. .
'0.4-erwe uf Iva- yoliog. Nl�� wciqlti (.Jo . I I and bake about twenty I =Inutes.' lard, butter, or fore mix- . 5. Milk will' injured rather than anybody 'else.- Financial
, ey tbe '%rduld-b� in,urdever of her come. Ile Invites, he pleads with Ing it with the flour and it will than improved it aerated in A stA- panics -and industrial scareo.are not ' � .
tills in f,pilo of thV hirplienablo dll F � . . I I Turn on to a hot platter and pour . . . . � .
riglit%-, of VlQ lwais, whoso n4atornal 11�jreii.. oil. lily ftiends, in t1he them, but if they will not dome, oVer a cup of crealli sauce IlAvored blond inore readily, less handling will ble, barriyard, or even I .
,v, . boaititillul syllibol of ur,i, temt, M I L front Alongside a bred on the farms, � . . . �
. d by Wiis . a igh willioli d- st — � - .
a4fileclions ure boing ciusl vin, stop to thitnk i6at God's fouvlAoli 110 Can, do no more, The aw- I tly with mustard, Add a sprig 'be, required, and consequently the III41kirig yal,d, . LU L .
N Ou stornis of the godless eternity or two of petr�ley for a garnish and P tr, will be lighter. . . arises, �
lillodt-vil e;tistk)iu. TI.v wall, eager � 9 . . I as y � I . FOWLS mii THr�, wAxlyx. .
above till things to iii -ate inoriev icarl, could be a proteating-w1bg? beat. 'upon tbern, and they have no serve hot. L . To Cleanse a Ililir WIAttross-ite- 6. Af ilk is not prove' . . .
I . Ilt0d. from .
, ,
ha)s ii,ot fliv, paji(i.,iwc tO li.st�iil ' j;� I GOVS I'llYMAL PROTDC'MON. Shelter. What the terrors And the Lemon Pudding. -Por a I g', pick I turning souir by aoratiotl, O.Noopt in The Braiihma, has the frame and I
, sniall. pud, Alove the hair f -am the'boddin . .
prottwis from inati or, Wild agoi,nutl God piratiects us lit a. physic.al inisery'of that time will be we call- ding take two cups of line bread it -well, arid then plunge into a Ititli- Fso far as the Process lowers * tile Of AlLeat, but it is deacienit on the L
. . ' : -ure. . for� IAyIAgL � . .
, two L CUPS , of =Ilk or a I .1
148 IIIIAllods. I polise, . So4nti tiniv ago a gioritle- not conceive. They are but dinily ,r,,ub,' I soap arid soft water. When teraperat build on laxge quantities
This eontioNeisy, . , to QUtli-nod in the Bible,. but t . he lmage$ , one-half T. Generally Speaking, a patrol, breast, caused by the fact tltut.it is . .
however, does! wall, With his fallIlly, wiEF,leid . . . � cup of -sugar, the yolks of two eggs clean, rinse it and.then.lay it lit the I
vot co-neein uis Ili dealing ,1 . I erioukh to blanch beaten light, and who delivers tainted or gassy milk bred to remain near the grouxid in- I
� -%%,I'll the nuliko a jauriley*jo 130.4torl, 14,c hutr� used are torrifying the grated yellow, sun to dry. Wash tile ticking rind etary (. L ,
to A cliclose 4a VS a more Stead of flying, .The Clurne, all, the . . I .
Andle cll�l�..t 11,11M Ill ('1L.11, text,�,,I� raj�- til,roteg% his.woli* tk),Wt. his,va- tbo bravest eb�61c, and through it all rind of one-half a leirion, 13ake in an Serious lass to Ili$ fellow patrons contrary, being (t very active und'-
_ i4 . , . I replace the hair, taking care that .
-' ll -,;d ICU. !10 on 3113&t be one uVeompleto nroinory andconscienco will reproach earthen pudding dish and� set aside, it is . . I .
�', , ,
tills till)Q, CU iSt Llt.L , 1 . I tboroughly dry and nicely pick. .
the barii.N-11.1d - IWOW 110tilill- of this I I.CSt;L. but, try " hiaid as he outild, the Sinner with those sad, Words, t . . than one who, SkInIs. vigorous bird', is Well developed oil � . �
. .110 los L �tlle t'! I . 0 cool. Make -a meringue Lit the ed over- , - milk. 01' watvrs.. his I .
Motlei-n L�uovirtion of ito incq,buXor, t destrod. . krAlit. "yo wo'lild Do Shelter Was of- 'JVhjtQS' Of tWOL eg To Boil Splcod.13eer. Tills fact should be jri)%)ress, the.6reast, an .
. . 96 beaten: sti'4'_ Arid, . -71�IUIIITO - tile ed Ott t1be-iiiinds of all patroils,'. and large iouseles, it; is-jua excellamt L
C'4-.i(4,ieiis �4,ill foilixid t'lieh __ u. _,1 A slio'It time after . the forod to all who would come, but dry ,With one balf cup , 01 powdered mout Intq onough-boiling �Watoj t -O . . � 1.
� 1 4- dover � it.. This hardens L t1le outSide, 8- In Warr". weather t1le inilk table fOWI, TALI star,eard exhibi- .
sheltior under tile wtrigs of lube lien, ge,�,ltivxuaii reLid 'the , telegraph- "Y'le would not.", Self excluded, self sugar and a.te spoon of lellion juice, i ,�A,Ould Ile cool - �iot refamd to
aird osir Lolt,Ws IiL�Lure,ns pe-rf&tly un- ic itAliorts that the train upon Which. X.1eStx-.O,Vo'd; that will be th.e most Spread a laver of.jelly ovel- the pud, and keeps in tire juices. After the I � I od.tO a temperature tiqb Clumes ,axo A
d-eirsvorid tlle -inewning of bis Illus- he'llopeid to travel was wrecked in a terrible.part of that awful fate. . I a 1 of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or lo,woild herop although they are not oniti-rely. I
r ' porsi - ' Gaines bred,ex- .
. . . ding find cover with the nieringtio,; Water (cooled by the lie t) coilles to P. Attexild
timfledi. So' cominion was Qw .dght collision And scores .an,Q: scorcs of, - . I � th boil again, lot it- remain boiling onallv to -Qe ta deficielit, but, those, I
. . +-.— , b own slightly in the oven,,and: se'l-V6, c I Ing in 'of -the mill.: + "U"i'as 1losist- Cltlsil-01Y for the pit, Doing trained L
of a hon gatilivring her chit(kelis un� people, were killed,. Ile inaltioiliately . . . c � old. .. I '.. . . . I for throd ininutes, then, skint carc� bl,, . as I � .
dLill- ),'(n, wings tiiat overy One would gathered his.fainily together and re- . DYED IN I THE WOOL. - Veal Filleis.--Cut yef,.�" in . to pieces. fully. Then place the . pot Ili a cooler 10. 1coep, yalUrL L I a3i5d dovelopod for strongpt4i, Allo -se , . . � .
recogniyv the truth Ch,rISt irleant to, turned tIlanks to' God because. he . — . . L an inch wide Arid - I Place and .lot the contents simmer = . weighing stand and chlaraoteristics are bibivn,&A ill tj ir
teach when lie used the beiii-'s wing and Ilia loved ones had boo saved Tr�bal Custonts in the. Nor' six inches long, � L . . . . . llng�+therobn, incIlikling youl, lVageny, Arid rendor the -in, a let � I . . I
I A � 1. I I thern - Very gently.''. L . .. . ��au , a 421110, . .
. . I . . .
why ought L , . .. . . . .3krake a good .' stuffing its far roast _ I eloull. . d Pemoil, iliorovghi,� ciellent breed of fowls, When cross- .
ao a S�ylllljol of c3lvillc� lo�ve. ThUN, front this cala' But . . Caucasus. . . . veal And spread Good- Paste for Paporing,-The fi* all , .
, , Ality. . Iiianked . L L' ' . - - . I L a little on. each a, I bruve.no rig'lit Ito reqiiliro ed' on t -be Brailitilids they combine. . .. . . . . . .
as Jes)ui utlpt pvor the sinflil Ili- that Man o§pcciallyZ have piece and roll up. - Line a-'41sh with est pasto for' all Purposes is made as the' patrons Ao furnish clean. milk quality And size . I . . .
The most stubborn facts to deal thin � . , an�l thotigh - not . . � . .
habitants of ,Jerus,alclaii, in tile God that � day? Oug It* he - xiot'rittber . slices of,bacotiz Jay in the veal follows: To .a teaspoonful, of flout, unlegis N70-1 . I set A good examil b flyers Lis 'the pufal breads ' * .
. .
- T to in- -to be - gra�eful to ' his. .1-lea.verily With are tribal customs. They'are 1,0118 add &aduallyL half a pint of cold ' 1.1.. Make a i , . . . . 1. .
-0-rds Of iny text I would tii plo. sudA big,
; pour art one-half cup of stlock I And L I fentriontation teSts of they possess the gooid'.q%, lities, 0 . I I
t(P.- the* acauniulate.d. and inherited habits and a teaspoon of I - I
.pr(!t t4iat diN,ine love in the 14i- I'lither foe caring fat, -him arid. Ills I - vinegar to Alois, water, mix quite Smooth, add a I.Pa,ch person's milli as frequenfly- as the -Ganies. with t3le Nveiglit of, the .. .. . .
guage of the Wu--ri6-air�d. I reitlize its. lov dav? I never take of innumerable past geherations,- and ten. Cover and simmer'- .h of powoorod alum. (same add po,-slble. By tills . : . . .
ad ones every .until done. pill(i Ill l3raillnia.s. 1h breed for bk>ni-6 .uiso' ' I I L
9 Grahaln L oaf , .
fol"ce 1111-d beauly all t1he luore Ile- .a trip, in - lily Jile,. and:1 have iya are inwoven with the dee on- � mail I r'a fl�' I 6fien lo�iata taints n1pall-S vc`u NY I . I .
. v- .rgpost C. I t77SM 'two a pinch of tesin) and boil fo . W wMah are not these points abould not be over- . . . .
cauFo I Lill) jweparing this Irlillon scl-entidus convictions. change cups . '' . . . .. �
So 06d. thousands arid tens of thousand$ . . , , of whole wheat ruea minutes, stirritig constantly. dis ernible When tile '11111k is, I
L l- with four L . . I . . being looked, Under no circuawtunces ' . .
,%ilthin the c-A-toing F?ouxid� of the of miles, but I realize the iunvinel*7� Such cuStorns it - is- nbdessaK.y to iovel toaspoons of baking ilowder And addition of a little brown sugar arid .received, - I . . Wvula q'utility be sacrif,jee;d. I .. I . . .
bat-riyatid king calling. to his hareal Ltbl, dangers Wb ich ( vorywbere - be- change the entire naturb of the ,.rlbe, a piriell of q .. I - .- . .. . . . . I .
1"O awal'on at the Irl",iit pe L . . tilt. .Itlx with one cup: 4 few grains of cori-osive 'sublimate i . . . � . . I . I... . . � i
OP of the set Idei-I one .intoxicated. enflineer, The London Paily Telegraph gives An of .milk, one-quartei -cit . p Of Will, it is said b chemist; I - - CA . . if I . I . . . 1. I .1
diny, also within tlic I . sugar, V Practical I I I 1. � I . .
slouad of the � ' . . I . I -1 . I I . LONDOkiS POZI!Ct , . . . . . . .
Voice of tilt, ll(;Il 0I one.. drunken switclunan,, one failure eNcell6nt example of, the. tenacity Of 'and One - tablespoon of - molasses. preserve it for years.. . I . I The chri,n*go front the siablo to,the . NEX., I . . . I
adking' t a her. . . . . . . . I . .
of the signal lights to work, and tribal custom Ili .tile following. lie- . bbeeso Foudue.-$40al,: one Cup L Of Imitation Frosted GIa§si;--ThIsJn a 1 p;aspurp is a or ttiho call I '- - ' — . , , . I I . . .. .
.. I . � trYing. one if ' . .
111tile ones to colne wackor. the � pro. 1) � hi, � dbunt of thli vendetta, practised in fine '�ra,cker ' cheap method � of imitating frosted Elspocially who 'i They Are legarded' With" Wonder ' .
- eat .v I,edd to reach out.iter'.1lony CaUea. L crumbs It t. 7 i . .
I.y I . 9U. . 11 til.r;xxod Lout 'in 0 .1 .
tecticm of their niotbur's w the N6rtheris 9, Nearly h I . - a: L 1. . I . . L 1 .. -
. Pig. arms and. ltug'the bre th out of me.. alf milk, , .add three eggs beaten . Witfl glass;;-, and .y Well it" 4 P10111 wheed th re is little o,r no 'pllo� I i :. , By V , I
A LIVE 0.1VINIG WINQ, ' 1. . . ,4 the d6aths -in this region, ard due to ypL,.v light, on . . Answers vLr c . . . . oreigners. - I . . . I ,. I ,. . . . I .. . .. . .� I
11 y'du do - not.believe, 'what 1 say, , . .o tabiespooli of Inq1ted dry' plate, but stown will. make. it visio.ii -to ppotect tho,' . I . L � . . I
. . . . I . 11 Animal '!-&,am , I '_�
. . . . I .1 . .
God's wing is a spi,ritrual life-r:iv- A, L thp. vendetta and -three-fourths' '.of, 15utter a run. Arcisten Epsom salts -,V-itil gi. Star . Pro - are policenion wad police- : I I : L ''' . , , . '
. some niltlit. Who traveling lie ilwake . ,. , nd two. cups of -grated. . . ill RMLS41ishitte, is.t1bere a tbnd- ' TI1 , '� I
Then JiStaki.t.6 Lt4e. these again - Are, the result of .a, cuiiin� choe5.�, � � Have tome Small baking - ,u .' There is the rural' offiCer LW . I
ing xi�iiii;g. The warin feathois Of Ili your' berth. . I . I. .. .Tile young cu' . and , apply with A�rag, Whori'v oncy. to -drol)L back and-porhaps L j-0 ition ho , ... . � . - r
.the L ous .marriage custom, . * .to wears on the back of ibis .. I
tile ins3thor bird axe absolittely es- rumbling in distance colning . PS Or rArriekins: buttered well, .fili requix4e the same appoa�qtleie*, Z�d.'tjle loss of life. -1,431,,,or� field 'devoted , his hpilliet' ' . I ... �,
. . .
Felitial for the. diovelopment of the . . . swain Who - discovqrs -a nialde'n illat with -so 'mixture -Arid .bake fttlIIOsi)hereL is darnp and stuainy, tile Pasturage of calved sh heaid, - tile ks , Ill) his: tr�orusbr fie - , . .. .1
no4rer .. and neater Luntil, with one .the' chei. . . ould be . . a At" t3 , , . .
tives of her ygung. If it were . not . ' * ) urnisibeitt wlth it 11 -us . litio .. fo . . . �
� I.wild Shriek; the lintited. shoots. flast strikes- his fancy. does hot:. 1.1pop the Slowly. about ,t6h.'ritillutes. $erv6' alolst011 lhitty 66roughly,_Wlth lin- I . 0 0 which Pt, -all(] �-airied. a walking ftick..., . . . . � .
I L . 1. I I I . . .
for the old hen's wing hor clifeli.ecs L . . question," but hasteris to got . to- . And there is �hid efty p6lioetuall 'Who - : . . . . I
and ,then v,6&lizo the prevalent dang- instantly. after. taking front the oven' seed oil. iind. paint'L tho par -16i of glu s * t1h`0,V - can r6trOat during the hot - .. ,. I . L .
would fi(me to death LlUiing the d, gather .the moricy'requisite. to . buy n . . - 11 . y . ove With it.- , IL I - ! I I�oours of, the ,day. arid. a nds all day in* '.it ' . le pli - L . I . . .
I ors... Then thank- God that.he care . . . . small plates for I . . . . 1� 0 to . c eye I i:, I
I . .
�p�,Ing i.ights. They %-ollitd.sonio- fo I ... .1 L I *cal her .of her Parents out and but, Ile serving.- - I . . . . . L., . .... .,. � . I rat�s which so Often. coinia 31, sun,- lie in' t1io Very 116art. 'a . I . I
L .
times be dirownLd unloF�Wh,.,r wing r and protected 'you in a p lysl must 1pay from *$17.5'to .�X,006' � . .. . I. . . . . �. . � .. .....- —, 0, - , � . . Illiol . . - of..tho o ' f tIlo. Qix1of , ... ' . - . . . . .
. Q. , .The breaking 'of - ona whOel; .' Z But I I . . . . .. I � . A calf tIvat gp,ts ellilJOKI out city mipiro,' whose uniform � . . . . . . I .
. I
. . . I
ts a, wateq,prioof . tile twisting . of one 'itillil, the -raise such a suin . . . . .PEOPLE.AND THINGS.. ' I Of dOOrS :-at ,nigilt at- in time of I In-Ust -be flxultjo,� . b . .
covering lvj�; sons sa&nk in case he can - hot ' � . .. - . . , . . . S �2;,d Mq oba�jor- '. . .1
' - t wart . BEVIMAGES FOR . . I - . .
plared Over thein. l'bey would * d ' ' I' , , train- as - this, "lie L induces a few'- a al� . . 1-1 0 T DAYS. - - I — . . � 00011 is Almost sure-to.be slek rix -eI -oach. AVe yl�ativcs takd' .
die . . 1. I . LWrbeyond .I )I , .
frOni Jack of of -one' ))ridge r anc your. . . � . � I . I are . . . . W L ' of Ler L . ... �
warnAth, even.. as a lit� ' comrades tq - seize the 'maiden .and ' a foW A and There * the, - Wide N� sicic calf. �is abolit. tile t I him as a iiwi:Licx� Alirse, but ob-. . I .
a and all its, occu- C, r17 Iletr olf, L ' . � OrAngeaille. - � 'Impregnate �t . -s � I I . .1 - I .. ew . . . . I I . . .
tle baby wau,14 die unlesis tihe Aria- WoUlL.I.be der Nod ��' . ' ' With. the ,0,1 L, ,, , i . Over. ..�.. . 1, a . r I ld� ,proPelty'll, Alan c . al . I have, - Pao . r' % servant li>rcigut�r.q, _g�Q I � . . .
would. be hurled into 6tern . ity'. .a . The' Telegraph cor-i-' Jurtips .Of loa(-sugar f - .: , , , . . . .1 . � I %*a are con� I - I . . . I .
- - iii6 . pants . I . I L .. . . I .. I .0 . I .. - . . � Another . Axis I - ,-'rt",110). .l.kirig reininded,.;-egard. . hi ' I . . �. I . . .
. I 1. . �
ther qvur,% I�ht tiuc'k.ed lifill UIP in . .. 1. . . A - I . take wo'.. ofte� make till . I .
ng in a.,ph,�slc as 6 I . I . ... .
- God's'. v�l * . . al' sense i ' tinues: Ora ge, into them - as' The United )States oxisuillos nearly , - wholl We send � tile cLilk Out tb, -pas. I , Th . . . .
' . "What too often --folloWs then may, inu I, 8 Yau ran readily froxi " the a ihird more cofT66 tchan ,,, the i . ,est I 'it: I . _ I . . . . . . . 1,
Ill, . - . I I 4 by' r.bbilig , ith �6nder. l6rdly
s crib oi -1,11--ti,991cel hi -ill. up by . be. , over us:. it �,q a protoctihg'wing. ,It, - .1 . ; . .1 "' .. . I I
warin givic I'll bed, Mat is Ili&. I * . I . bd'gathered from d case - t, rind -of � . ure is �o take a way alj6bld 611are, equipage nnd the.'baker'.s cart, Alike* � .. I
.. . . covers usl� as -a ., hen ' . shields h&r I I . just i , III, pain -four L ol,andes.� " Roll as many ,of the w6rla'put fagLtlier. - * ' ; if not all of the ' I 'lite., 0,ut',his . � -, � L . . �
Cold is �(Ieat.h. - Tlu- hen's wkng is w ilch -has Alan place.in ,9o.ss- . I luilk.lie'litas boon Stand .Still. whon -lie p .
- . . 6rallges'a-§ you Aesi�mltb Use, squeeze ' Mang, the i�otxte from I'lligland to having. There are soile W;).O . � . . I . . . .
-wanol-hing more than a rilf.,rd poetic chickens fr6m:.the throatenhig'hawlz. , Iftmbek: - l3okayeff . is -th' b i ' I I I . ..:say hand, and they Jh4uirc -we ' L . .
I . . . c . rxde� the, Juice,. allowing eight to �ono -India $4-00 000 000' OP '13 . I wfiei lie . L . .. . I
� PONVFM TO IZESIST�. ' ' ''. - a q ritl0i trea- tho, calf � does 'just .as well af ter 'gets 'his p6r�er and Niihat is Jils' sa.Ir . . �. .. .., . L
lig,ure. ,It lilesins thlat its wali:n�tjj ': . L . . I groom's- naine -and.�gesbko that L'f Throw th L'skins In-'. sure i's � sai ' ' bott' Of IL June if lie is'ax�tiroly %, ' ' �
lrot onJy havehes out the ciggs, 1jut I '� lirotects . us� I in a, spiritual the .- I . , . . , . ,. 11 � uart'Lof. NVater. e. YOU d -to lie at. the 0111 yeano,d L and AO',V. :Pron� Bdrlin�'aind -Now York. . � .. I.. . I
. ..God " . . .. , to half L -of WaterL a. .' .. . . ., � , . . - .1
13 6 S '.'G 0 d a ' L . . . a pint .us the L So ' L . . . . put . -to S-1 lise, I - o. stud3 . � � . I : . . �. .
a1FAo by its "lop"a . sdueeze thona, let them stand *a .Short . The construction of the. Manchurian J t1his doos'llbt look' r6aaalla,ble' 'Milk aild report upoA *.hill mii(t Ilia - way . . .
Lhieli'(,�1 � IS heat doV' ttho'lit'tle SLnSQ'L Th - 'Bibl say ,' I I GIRL Or, SWEET..-SIXTIMN. L . Put' lift fol� hill if, but mullicipal deputations come t r
, a fit or t,h6y ale L ha*ihed. faithful, , who -,�ill nPA Suffer you to 1 I . . I I . �tintc, press theil.1, a little, arid L - . I S, . . � � . 1.
Postnatal CAIX0 for tile I Who had thidmiSfoiftune to find,favor ,Add .44091berlan- railroads hav6,togeth is' the calf's natuiral 'ioad.*. He They'returil and''fry'jo roproduce I . . I I
-ing * of c-lil-110 Ill tihO bd tojnpted� b6yand'.#at� ye al�ic .able,: in his,. eyes. Ills pockets. . - this'wator to tile atIlier jUice . 11 or misses 1 . i 1 ' forL . I .. .
mak a nion is koft as : . being emp Vol I - The cost 11ussia, nearly $560,0.00,090. I - It if deprived Lif: it. Hie callir libn U,ml Iii'IS effp6j� arlil fai rea- . I � I I
I i,ol� ta,,nt as rigiit preniat,al earydi- I . . . J'a its )I ' Salts bich. *ly c' oxnprb- '. . . ,... . I 1. . . I
I'll- but will .*ith the , t6niptation also ty, 'be lJorsuaded throo comrades. toL *y higb6st-flavored .orang'Qs should Tile 'total awkilable. lllili�ary :�oti- jot auything -to, ..ta . w qUipl, : . .
. way to. escape ,d.. For, a4miraible'L, I. . :
L, L . ' - . I 'Ice ,il.", - , they as 1.9 � I
I X110re a* , *that ya play kidnap.the. maid, whoni. her then took be. sciedtod,', and if n6tL found. - so I .
tions. . . . . - , . . . tir, strongth.of the .. -1�xltish Empire , fs in 1ho field. Ile must cousequallotcy
� be -'able to bear it,"' What does'that onou'gh to illipart an a4reeable Acid L I . � . ya C ollet L . tilecity - - I
. . *
C-LIA's wing is ahs,olutely e.5issential statomunt. M6�n? Simply - this. Herie took .aff 'to another village AS his . . I 'L now rxibre than.1,100,000 men The suffer loss. Tho.111ilk fo(Ki .Shou able, seven-eigIlthS.'Of-his L.1)6'NV_.
. _ -lemon-juice � L . I . .
(cr the deVeloiPitiont, of a Spiritual � I � L . Wife. But her father, �on disco 'rerf L may be added, With the regula,r establishment is -.still,,� so4lo be. Icept up 69 long as possible - It I CY come - front the acquiescorilcili 6f the * - . � �
is a.. inali. whose; 'jillaid nature ' is Lh ' L 49 caution that it I . . . I . I
ellb(ild. The Bible distincit-1v . I. . here whereabotits, had *sbnt back it Must not be, usi?d 40,000 men Ili axe* this lliewis lentil :tlla.,calf. 'is *.tolI;.pubJ1C *Ile 'so kt(Iluji.rably diroetS." L. 17,0 ,- L I
, Gays, g4arlod and "twisted. -by gin. 1-10. is . or freoly'enough to im ' . � L I., L ess of the peaqo I ... . . * I . . � L . -L .
"Ye II)A:st a pair the- distinct �taridard ,� . . .:. ,'. L' , . ,. I - -ites -e - .
t police, a d', then - demanded . . . iths or it ,year old, all the bot and �6'W ,ferences; I
be bown again." That by the I I . 1. I - I . 11 . trial : has�- ho. favor .
L P. -E10 for the loss of her se 9 . ' . . . 1.
corrupt past.. a; Orlinkard, a . . .
trivans, "Ye niust be a God priciduc b� "a . . "'CM, as flavor of the Oran o, ' The oil ,silauld ate .of. the. -globe,is esti- ter.' Tho'calf will be worth all to-io !his sole inisi-Aess 1 . to. get the - traf- .
- . I w s -to, got ,we ,should say. nly.bb.slighily . .. . . � . L' . '' .S . .. . �
. . libert no, d thief," Ile AIJ Bakayeff, 'to--whorix O� .re rm mated bit SiXty-ei'ght a;,mInUt 97,_ More'. for it. .1 . . * .. .
tion as well as a rimn prold of' ii'xider the ..protecting . shadow. of , . . Q, . . . I I fic. to in,ove along in an%ovderly way. . .. I
uctioll'.1, L 4n9cs' .Allow aboutAt lb.. of - sugar 920 --4 L � -day 'oi, 85 740,800 a year, � If' he bas a preferpaire. it, is for . bt�- ' � L . . : : . .
I am the' physical child . . the *demand was made, y6ould not or . . . - Still atiother mistake intirly - inial:6 . .
. . I . , I
earthl,y -pamnts. Thut . cio,es liot God's wWg. . . . could 'n . at pay. . The girl's-fathbr. o quart of orangeade.-. . . 'L Tile lif.rith nty a-jiiinuto,- 'th ' wildered , single . Ia,dieS',-.-cIux;-,-.o�1 '. " . , . . .
. Illy NVIlen he ajig�os in the I to th , 'r4tg. j� L;6'�.. I is Ili taking. A'Way the bay 0 -calf - in I
rAill I kileels by his bed and Raspberry-. lZOyal.-�J111ree quart's or 7-2,000. a . has been Used-. to haVirli. in . tile earl -y Victorian c6stianio.or:bables in . I . . .
nticesF,Arily iit.,llly t.iiat I tin, a ip�,)L,r, 210 ng .)O thereupon claimed that gum front the L ,,, '100,800 ':.a. day,'. - 86,9 - . �
I L ' - I .. I '! I I . .
igual c-hild of (*"ad. But %,am 10. God , .weak ripe, red. raspb ", JeS, uAil ..one .q ' ng,. IS' better 4 oi, � the arms , 6r
I 6,m Awfully .'I bridegroom's camp rile' a' ri bmrn. Nothi .
. 0 daN. Says: I" ' . a ns, who are .. uart ye4r.,- reckoning. the year to be: 366 - L . L ragged' Vnc�hlas barely' .
-ig I , . . . I Lill. 1 the rl��ulits , of Ilia - . -'.
. . . . cult -:'thar� '; .
. know not which. way. to turn:'uhless I . good elder vinegar.. ,Let them Stand .1 . . I I I a 9004 ratl6n a I buy. dressed tit . .3 . . .
Out in the colisl, dLuiv), die-ftrovil .. . . ' equ4 ly, liable. They adinitte'd .. ' days -in' length. I I . 1. . .. . . .
Storm of sin *1 detoplililip to �r,(,,) I look to thee, �90 o. me this d 1 tile - together twentyiwro Cal'ilos Will. bekin to nibble --at a . t:, ne. year be ci&1itelli- , .
, ,v ay' JuStjCCL-ot hi�s.claftil and called Upon I ." hours, then' - Tile French 'Govetinniont'! has coin- 1 . .. ,P= rule - fo a 1. I .
' I
fialn tile- wWo cup. Save me from squeeze, strain,' and ineasurej � . I . lock -A)f brikJit litly wh�.n not MOM *ill the-refiqr,t jilst issitied , by � ' ' ' .
' ' " *
.uirilder Ood's spiritutil, life giving - �,. -Bokayeff to hand over the surn to I . . To .niissioned Fromi(it': the Sculptor. to . I I . I . P , thL .
* I Vir :L. It).. . I .. than a we I . , . .. the c6irixnl�.%Jonor. of c . .. i
' .
wing. As soop P.9 I .111, uki�jivq, illat the feLtal -pitfalls which are yawning Plem. Oil Ills -i'efusal they'shot him . eaqli,pi*nt of the 114uid allo design a monument . to b o. crectect In - . I . ek, . old. . I L.. . - . . . , city polic6l * . L I .
'Alteller I feel tile diMlle life begin to at Illy* feet. Save Are, ,O G,od, save . of white .Sugar. ; - fic. slifiles ,forth as �Li, kind of publie I L
. dead, thoLt being the CUStoln L Of � the I?Ut, all. t6gother ill Paris - in . 'Monlory .of the, .,earrier . . . . , ' - . . . . . . . .
. I , M -
. L . boil half an pigeons that'did so inuch for the be- . �9LOPPIXG I -,IG 'L - , beriefa&ar. worth- . . I
circup into my Ilk,. ! Ivarn toi love. tile! " Will God answer .such a i a, pres.erving-ketile, . and L I . . I I . -Marc td the -pa -Vee ..
. -L (it? 01a L . I country, although L daggers are .- also hour, *skimining. constant] - - the of public order than parlianient, and . I
. f islans during t .
, is mo.ral cripplet rphe C a- placo,O. bullets, clear.. Wlien*cool add to each, quart do !tin Avaii. . ,' . . . � 1. I . the entire beitch of bishops. These'- I .
nV Tlflaavenl�, Fativi- aud 'see hiln pleading. -prayer as th . , y0o' Mlowed to tal e th . I Y until lcaguerdd P.'Ar ' ,he I,%-ali- Swine.are tho*oifly stock on
I .
EVS he I,;. I hLap- hill, telling ine God Says to th . three -youths were ffirthw,th ar-. ip . -I,ru' I . . I . . farm that are comixionly Tod sloppy . I
. of the . shrub a full gill of .French . .'s food, and it -is undeniable t1tat-Ahey provide for 'great occasions of -dx- I .. I .
whiat I ouvIvt luo 6o arid silly. As a blu- "Colnei illy child, 'come under Illy 'rested and, will, of course, be tried Tile: dittdrice of . the. now, star it% . istoileQ, -wihilo , the City pollcel
.. -
man being by - plarirg his oo,ncl t1p, wilig, illy pl.,otecting wing. 'I W-111 and' dollarte*d Ili due course... 1. . .biihndy. - Battle and seal. .. I .- . . rellsetis i , idni tile eaft - It is estimated aile tibo _'Iliost frequently t-roubled � nazi . . . I
batt.Jy'ly ijn!)it#MJ.a;-t;.-Iy 11 6111 A - .1 But 1 Cdld 'Tea Turiell.-Have tb . . . th digestive derangoin nt.. L sm6othes bur d ily life. ' LLast, year
on tin elect-ric . 'surfouild thee With holy c Pa !OA- -thati far from being' the ei'id Ok L the - - . a follow- at 40(y,00,000,000,000 -milesi . A, Mix ID This fo,,, a J- �
fmls a tMill Lis I - out front thY matf6r, is L Ing orangeade L L C rallroa I'd tritkin . L . travollingL . the city hud occasiori to' S, .
1;he galvanic cu�_jship.. I Will. ' shut 'Only bie- very beginning. L , Prepared arly in the 6ontinu- suggests the 'question, is there . any - . ' .
'and the 'hawks The kindred. a S A ni. Id to of sixty miles an, odi L L' tw.
resits eficlo th,rough.his 1.)(�dy Iti(ir ng: Pour one quart of co . goodLreason w-by.the fe* ,site. I 000 ,fewer summoi 4 than in . .
.t' ll,a, sight the blizzards of th . 1 in Alan are oliSly at the ru ixg of pigs the. �ravlolls year, and genierally � . . I
- Ing toL%,*Ipo oil , water in M'SnIall Saucepan, add the llatfr, would take more thail 1?60,- should- Wife L f . 11 . . L
J�hy�,j(al I>o.fly and 11he ll;jii4 i�nd theland the serpents and,tbe rats. Of sin A,W.IJ, V tile ro- juice of ,two lox, * . -r SO widely roin that of theiio is a; decline in th il-uniber of I .
rath : Which L N' oul I d dest : r - - . . 0 repai other'farin stock9. . *hy not' give rre. ' .
dorniant RIAlit all hvl 06 wax I � PyLyour lifel Come - of the L, 0, Ions and three. Or- 000,000 years to reach the new star, RtS 'and o5arlees. . je,wofuld ap- � L I
L. � . .. . a A S . .
, lations - murderers, while the anges, quarter poll d of , tiger,' . Tho'incidonts that arose during the them tlicir1ood .dry, sind their ilrink a . . . 1.
Wild liliv glow Ltaid t1iie cre'riltivvc, and lily child'i come. Conle under the . poar. therefore, that the public 4rc . .
. family of the � dishonored girl is duarltor of the rind of a lemon � and A X�Asas� were"Lixot all . . . prof , iting froin the a4mirable tuition '
davelopiog piower of *God's wfing as shadow of Aly. spiritually protecting bound 'by the custom of the country: ' ,I I a in. a sepal,ate trough? Some of the
a'S \VJ! pinr%� olijl-.�J[il_"(r� Ill t-Ije. I 6 ' L of � . orange. Let itL Come �to' ,Ing ree. nt lools I . � A , 11 . . I . .
- int. Strain it. into a pitcher. have ever seen were troatc(f in this an" ..
* .
Ilia on �VJJIJ,f,." L Ify friends. 9 mo, us'llave to wash away the stain oji-Lher repu , po the be ,l�!. � pathetic 'or tragle�". One real', est to most healt,hy and:tUrifty pigs We .1 government byLexample of tile
recepti %'o mood wil4hin t)ie na,djus of � liven trying L to' resist temptation - in, tatibn ill the' blood L of th� clans .a . . . donipany,. v�blclr had Advertised an. I wky, maiking rapid gaihs'in weight. city constable- *. ,. .. . � . .. I .. .1
the diville toAwh. . r f 'with strong tea,: -lot it cool,, arid. auction of town . - L . . ., � I .
. our -own strength.. . Will yoti not" de -w both the murdered man and his serve Ve jots,_w as obliged to If' tillis.theofy be correct, what. a,,n I . I I � . .
' ' ry cold in 0,LPunch-bowl witil call Llit 06 atiction.by postal card, - . * .
GOWS WORK ALONE. 1pond Upon -the. .strength Of GOd? Inurderers:, � And ' Russian, law is 0, few , ,S)l1all Pic Im,11101190 amownt, of la.bor might be VIL. A . , I ' L . .
Oh, the ert-a,tivo and t4io co-c-ati,ng I Will .,,�ott to-4ay, Lis ,a Christian, ac- power)osb' to inter,�tne* 0 . . , I , ees. of orArigo' and for on tho-day. that had been set the . .W. CHAM . 1.
. .
A w Ag against ' . . . . . .1 pineapple. . � .. .. I . L 1.111 . saved by tiio use of selt-fdoding de- . . . I
L I . . .
sl1kritual power OIL (,I,oqals wir,gl �jlvojcopt .bod's protocti g 1 i . I I . ., I ToinatoL I ? . lots in , q'llestion were sevol'al. feet vices for .the dry V�ee, and troughs IOATARRU CURE.1110025CIN . L L
, I n? That wing -is, a . . . Wine. To oho,.gall I Of, Under water. . . . . � .
CP11119t aiflorid�l i�t,ol ' , -y.ur, besetting si . 1. .1 4 . . I the , L On ' . . I ullplied by pipes � from a kipring . Is sent direct to, tm disessed' I . I . . ;.
Wit'llout it. _I�o "loql-On't .juiep"16f rl t a .
'ur��"L strai . . . I . . I .
L ;L, ' .,or . I . ..
,-avolo6k, ! will not allow ,your ., . -Ll��TLI� THOUGITTS. I . - MS. -of Whit . 0 sugar, nod, Germany - -is taking -'radical mea- tank, aild jja�,iii A, fl �dlt to 1,egulato -VO*6d Blower I
I plodge that 0 ,od little .* . rig 0 parts by the. Zro, .
- * , . 'et aside . . 116216 ths�ulcen, of th ' ' . . �
. I . Put 3 . S sures to save the . island a' t1lo height of tile .Water in tile I . 1. OM a air . I . � . . .
. .
141)b most fanin a Chrislialn saldier, .temptation to be, stronger than you Crabs and liii�crs hate to shell ottt, in.a dorilljohn-to ferment,.* Tie Over' gJ . . . Passages, stop. droPptrip, in the . . I .
� i r goven. i o resist . . I
at the tillie of his dvallh, in the J314i. sliall ha�b. POWO ... . Holigoland from disinto . grating, The trou , i: ' F of- y0jung - i I throat and rolanatifly oures . I . .
.. In the. race of. Jiro it ish,t.tlio fast � the mouth only a piece of muslin, Un_ , pin. requiring - , . : Catarch an L 1. L .
� .
tlph aritry, so felt his spiritual de- . J,NLI. 1)AR1,[NJ-1,SS AS, IN LIMIT. L .1 I . rocks, which are partly saline, crum,-� ' d P. y Fe,w*r. hiowo;, I -
ni"dience upoll Ood thiat he Clary not .. . man Who. comes out. ahead. . til fl�rnlentatibn ceases, ' when -it' I milk thls-plw'l may not be, feasible; ..free. All dealers. at Dr. A; W, Chase . I L.
pL �',%Ty, doar. heareri are .You ready .to ko�k inodesty is a vice behind tile should be bottled and corked.'fightly. bit, before the onslaught of.tho sea, f,haug)l 'it. is a question wbother they . _ : . .. . . Medloine Co.. Toronto and BufWo, . . .
L '
In _ bottl�, '-_.._____ . .
Anid would not, let any dey pass i trust God- Ili darkness as well as lh' mask 'of ,virtue, . - I Put -its _ ch and retaining walls axo.'to-bo built Aght not bc4ter have their' inilk � . I --- �____.L_ . I . -
Without at leant two hours $pol:t I , I .a. few raisi Ott in I . . ; ,. � 1. I
I I as q, protection. The Implartance of straight and thoir* meal 13V * - itse t .1
i the light? You Mine , to 1110 the -Alak All the frien l and, ,with the color of ell 21 L I. . I If, A r., C',00dlitarl - 112TOr little
�p . . . .5 . mon, . .
in clowi-St cal)-Vatt with flod'q wiqg,,otbL, ' �'I cannot U - be chary about nialdlig confidunta, Will - have some 0" Pag'f0l� It the island , naval, JtA8 u00ful -for but in - till(! case of older �'j3iggi that I L .
If t -he RXIII37 Nvan to 11irwell tit .. ( , .1, (,a v and said, . . n L , of its Sparkling the protection of the Elbe axid'We . when I was Your age :1 didn't slmoke ' - � I . I I .
; 0 0 is "like now. inilk-�-Ao Alatter qllalit.V. .. . , S_ have L I A the:iray you dio,"i SIM,xii C,Iljld- � . . �
3 110(tvii,stand why tbiq trouble. was laid L V .1 . I I .pa,sisod - the milk. stage, or 1
"n%-elovk lio.se I . . . . . .
the woriiing t,heir JA , at' . or Rivers. - I L : ;
tit illy door," Neither can T, my ' Illackborry Wine.-Vill a large Stone I 4 . . :,wiboi�o tile Supply of Illilk is not Silt- -I 911QUId tilln,liZ na,t! JV,A .
4 and sjwn.t the intervoning tiroe in, ,,),,at how Sweet, It.will.tUrn sour -during _ , L 0 . � fleimilt, . to go round, it is at .- . V, t,Jhere . I I .
pra5*i,r and Bible reading, fil tal - king I ,Ile,% I do not understand why a storm, L 1. . . jar 'With ripe berries and cover with, � L . . . I . ouite, prac- n't a kid In t1he Alloy t -bat. %i�ft in. . . I � . .
ads ,not � fear his L IIN6 A DOG tiouble. It is natirro'a way �to Int: liale like mo.),, I I ..,. I . .
With (; ad and in having God should have tahea away ,front The Irian , who d water. Tie a cloth over .the jar , arid' T M4 (4, 1 - TO IM A X). .. . � .1
. 0o,d talk I L . L ..--. � I ,,�?Sslolft '.
to hiril. "I call tv,lord to iivglt%:t .�our .91do that young Irian just JIVO passion' IS either to ' old OL let stand foi- three or four L . . L .
l . I ooL r too . days� to . . . . I ' . . I
Pviery )-,Iill)it months, after lid WAS graouated fat! young to, .realize that'.1le'has any.. ferment; then niash. -and, strain The into1jigance. of.,aniinals Seems, . Is ' ' . 1. .
lArelya)tali.ohl", Mee Ithlibugh a co' . as a ruld, to be underxiatald rather 11, I .
A%Vole thv oreat ltub(illLt I tilt, bar, Ito Was a bright fellow, A man never knows how good lie arse Cloth, L To every then overrated, A dog boarder d4
neglout i'all, "Vatlt_ � Re was 6 pure 13oy. ITLI was the is . until he'. overhears his wife talk,!gallon of juice add 3 lbs. of .brown CA , d y -
, .
y l:,rVvuitc d(NA-4)7: . I I I ). E m oft c i ate B . .
or than ii-)� child upon wholli yoll sot . lur heart Ifig - I �sugar; cover, and Skim every morn. scribed the other, day a, Wonderful - . L . I
tions nuid sacred solitary ppul-I , Vc to Some other man's -wife, .1 collie, that hoLd belong(;id to Sir (101111 . .
Inunion wivii C411-ist.11 0-h, Illy bro.al to ta4e .your own place, You tire When u woman know.9-aonlothing'Ifig until clear of fornientatiob; pour Lubbock, "This ,,dog," lie said, :
Own- t,,n'd �1,11or, are we t.r.vitig to 1 darknoss about thim Inatter. that to too. good to keep; it, oil careftilly train � the. gedilnobt L into "Would, Vlxen.it Was 11'U'll . A., . I
ISL 1) * . . a too I . U 0 -e
get � I - it totpL -cork, and set I gry, layat� . Kidney D i s Is a 8
-' . .
!','to arn-1. lhit I'do know dod' a demijohn, A a cool
d*,d,ne life by itlopoly c.ollri-lIg Into ad it ,she cannot find anyone to tell plaee�. L Its -master's feet & card wArkeld . I
-P -PL I good. I do know- that God loved it to. - . . . Ready In* two Al6nths,- ,folOcl P NV,I)ah - , Was - thirsty it, . I . . I I
talliell willi ill m? At We tr,ykng to, T 'do L - �. it . ___ � _ -
be g -ii -I o%uingeli.sts, kino%ni d -*1 your btly. know that Gad Success doeg ,not Coll -91st Ift never frarpor's.Cook 130ok Xfteyelopedia. , . I. .
T . . . . I I :would lefrit a card Inarked 'drink' . I
uoaiid of WI ii.vil, Witbout ha'%ilng our I o v es you. Though Under God'4 Inaking blundera, but .in n I . - L
L ever niak- . . .UATI - - Wholl'it wanted to take a walk .�*t Oufferad Greatly . Fro.lin 8110kill,01110, 81000100SMS and Headaoho—.
. I . . L I .
Ilion"("" hell't-4 hPali"19 aP,AjM,'t Mile wing it piiay Jg,dark,-dark at* tillies Ing the saine one a pecand time S irult llyqIr.,XE, � would bring a card inarked lou,t..' . . I
giV. L 11'
gl�Dat Till rd,oililpg, spiritutil ).fft� a 0. llllogcon�yet I do know that What a man kno,ws Will sorineilmos Suinnier brings with it the oppor- Sir John, Lubboel� trained It to do . NOW MlithUSIROW 1" PValSlftg OV, ChR688 Rldnoy-Liver Pills,
tag heart of God? Como urfd-or'UbOv0 God's wfng,fa� God's all See- Inake a book, arid frequently What he' tUAItY for a radjeal Lebangd in he., this trick in less than ,it month, I -To . . . I I
C"pLI's wing tp�day. (�,'(yltq, f1j'at Al.e!Ing eyeL. Wh4t. God d1d Ile did for a thinks he knows would' litake an on- bita, and for the fopluat'jon'of some put tile. ,food ctwtj over the ,dogr,s One feature of kidney disoftao is the I began using D'. c,hase's I<id L
. . r noyt-
. y haN.P. ' av' Trust him, then, my tire librar,v, 0 dropped When- �urn- foold And made it bring the card t9 iradual-loss of flesh and wasting Lver Vill9i arid, after using a few I
11111. life And h e it imora,90od I)url)o,;(,. that need not b I
410111ALIMO.Y. Lisiteri t,D the xllvjno�brothov. 11'rost him and have faith "Single bJpsr;vdxlos�S,1 is. A houquet mor. ends, but may be carried oil, him batorq lie would. allow It to eat I . boxes I was hgain enjoying health .
Coil], an(] Cattle to tilp (11 % fill. $�Celtvr, t dq a (Iiiek(ni under the darknow of L a, bachelor throws at 111111011 When -perhaps ill modified fortil, the' year 4h.d in - the , matter ,of drinkhig tul"d aWaY Of tile tissues of the body. arid vigor as the worst syniptonts . I I .
I 1 . Slowly arid ' svi-ey tile victiln feels
arod as t lib (14ci�(?rla 11,11d u,P&l:c!jLw tIlo I tile- heltlo IvIlig trIlAs ll. Inot1or's he Wants tO got Inarilled but cannot round, .
i . going out, lie used a like inot,box], had entirely passed away, '1111ion I ..
I I - L .
her's whig ermfort un -1 pilfl-ty e,l find a girl foolish enoUgh-to (kcropt V101)(1cial strVas ig laid UPoft the The caviis Wero simillar lit sliape and strongtli and vigoi, obbing away and think of Illy present good health III, . . .
, , lid joye, . L
peace, so 9I'aij YOU fIlW refit, and .1 do� not 1q,ow, why In,,your old age him. - . I L . I advantage of the opon windows, by color; notbing , but the writing on realizeli his awful condition, The comparison. with lily ralsol-able. �con., L I
rAWT for' ,VOIJJ' F-Oulq. . . Volt nhould hilve lost your 1 jnone,vt . � ft. -M~ . Mouna - of which. tile aunlincl. ilium them difyorod. 1151�co, therefore, tho, liolloWing letter Suggests it ronlody diflott (it tilroe Voam ag . a I woijid, , ..L . . I
A SYM1101, OV TIMIA. LOVII'll, , lind Ilow In your phyrftal Aveaknoss . . . I practically be passed lit tile open Air., xTog Mathiguishod thont by tile writ- which has brought, bad, health .aud not. go back to illy formal- state for , . I .
God's Wing is A, Ill'otociting U . -ing, ,V(.)u lbust Work or be dopondvia UP- . . Vill UrITUUN, . The fresh Air is tile Mist and great. Ing alone, it itrav trlUlV Ve sald that happint'As to thousands. of Sufferers Ally amount of Inblarjy. 1, -may Ile . L
There are two kirids of h Cat of the hygonlo oPpeirttiftitids of. tile %Wmal could read:" . frout kidney disease. . I
Anso. Th(s OlI Others. VrOM MY StAndPOlut YOU An - Oxforid dorgrad-uut,o . , I Considered enthusiastic over Dr� ,
I was fered by summer, but thorb are I , Willianx 1-1, 11alditch, Port Chusol,q Xidney-Liver pillS, but, coil- .
Ott" to a.f.b.1c"CallIviss fawl, W�bfell iq been a faithful run U his others th,at Should not Ile overlook. Iliolnostic ( t,rk I obinson, Ont., states.-- -I was .for sidering thp bonefit derived from �
. . always eoent'to liuve once Out of dsl,l arr.d wvotet to . . Air.
s,iA arrant (lo,waird. She Will r,uA p,nd Conscientious Christian, I do , liblingly) - "Oh, 11
$it every at]'CLnge If-ight Allti UIl'OLWft not know Why Ira 1), f-l'ankoy, who fat'llor awdlig fair gonle, Inoney. od.. Of these clothing is a very irn. Vleaw, 1 116A118 Wirgla,tia in the AeV61-al years a groat sufferer from thl,Mil, I haVe evory reason. to lip," . . . I
It did not Come, emid tile, otruyient, portant itom. , a, I
.4 tile,
V ,do, directly oil ,110
dol.ngm% If 8.1w could 11,v, P&w Would. has sun pon thousands hoing arilloy(ld, soUt the folio hioy"," Mh%g, 111in'kers (reiawaitilliK, kidney troublo frout which droad.dis- - Actilig, * . �
When the little boT th�.aurs a stolnio into i It(', light of tilt) kingdom of jl� . logram with atisWor pid,d: Wing PrOPOr Clothing foi hot Weather y) - "Al.bat 11101y It's Mr, 1111ilk. �&SO I AM now happily frou, I had liver, kitilleys ,and bowels, Dr. L
fill tl. (%U. L
at her she would i,un to t1he Op -P-0- God.; should In flie ovelling time of ll�Vhoro Is the ni;oneyll' Dames. tio,q I I I
.dL JuStial I �
not� only adds humenqo1y -to 0ollifort ore julit In froln ilio club." symptoills Ill an nggra- Mdmey-LIvov Pills insmild
s4to Aldo of the YAM fu.�It AS Must as Ilia lite aft'ill total do for the time being, but inay also. Ile tit, (ppslItively) - jVlo, in;11111, Itis V4tod degree And at tiniaA Nvas ct)ln- Purity of the blood, good circulation . I
a have to be led around, 11.orcll I I oward Whit. - - -_
Jv can go, keepirig her winigls 11ap- a blind Ilia Lri�"A""4a And as 1-10 "oee'v0d th-'s answer I by rotk1rn' inado to 4id In the climb t burg�&Ts. They ba, atualb,10.4 P10031Y InCaPA01tAtOd With PAilill In And portilict, Condition of the diges. � .
Ong to help Along in tht� retreat. helploSs o,q PL little child. But I do I fh.;&_�.� I health. 1.1ght-welght, PorOU13 911,V- , ,againot, anTthing at all.", I the blowk, biliougriess and headaelio, I tivo organs. One pill a doilej 126
l3rut lv)w dlffoi,�Anj-, Jq the bohavifor of Unow that "all things Work togethei Ments, Often washed, are, frond fit . had little or 110 aPpotito, insiorrillin. conts it box, ftt-all dealorp, or V*
oinia wiito In Clucking to hovi, brood -for 96od to tbent that love God.11 ' Mrs , Martyr : "I must flay, Jane thellisolves without regard to, taill. " ,#ITR>W I& yo.ui, brot*6r, IPMkIfflyll' r,08UIt#d 4nd Itty' 00ft4itioll Was real- Inallson, Ilatea A 'Co., Torotxto� TO
1---L---- - - I I
1 1 I
I �
i I
i I I
� - : . �' IALTA
� free
I ._
that I anj lint 01tLoget1lor PleftNold Porattlrf%. . �
with ;your cookilig", 'Cook - "it b0tier It they were strong And hardy ikAf 11 "I'llow did lie do thatIll mild grew ddhpondont. altid liopoloss of portralf. arid signature of Dr. & W, . I
'Phon t1l,ftre la flo Co%A:lilli"�qL IteaftlT do know 111.4 Caro Will gIV6 118 a Most People would be Ill in bod. inist. HWA lial-t hini- IY WMAChed- I biscallia onlaciated lirotect you agains-t Inlitittions, 06
bmttng WiVrelft CM motiber's brftst.lpimco that PariRoth 0.11 understandinir AUX't to be 091)(WA0,d yoll should bo enough to truAL to 016in till tile 1 �10 weire playll)g itt who Could 'rellof a* I had t4kell trQatMQnt frt)JAL "'lla'4e,
21AUTI); but You'll get odi- fline, The thin wool6A coltt,, the I loan fawtile8t, out of tho window, dontorA to lie Avail, thor, 00 Oil every box of hili roluo . .
IM'..ori, Vbctm ig no ftiriger sthe Will lip.t during the days of our rIftlietion.q. I At first, _ (lie famous rocelpt book awr
t�.eo for 1161, yao'llgi, whigs is over none but, those Who cfxtw up to it in tjino,p� ,
. I I . . . . Wfdo�moshod linou fahrjiLit and J11141y I Abd lie won.,, - . . "Vinall.v ,on the 44YI40 41 t. frivilds -4i4s. . I I
. . .1 , I
I I .
1 �4 . . . . .
. . 1 4
. L
. . - I
. 1) I , �J . . � I � . 0 . . . I . 11, � i, I