HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 1- �_ W,J,..W.111,� ; .11FW.Jr. � I - qWWW."W4W_
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24th Year . 11 I i . I 1. .
I � . CLINTONp ONTARTOp THURSDAYs JULY l6th,, �' I . . � I
.�� .1111 ,11111�11.';l I 11 I'll � ,.:,I, .",". - . 19030F .
� � I I .. � �_ _____ - - . . Whole Number 1275
The FQ-ur Best Selling Books 'in
. -Canada, for the Month '' -
. ..
Of June . I
. I
� by.rlrs. Ward, cloth only $1.50
by Lorimer paper 50c, cloth $1 *25
1. .
. I �
"WEE MC09EGOR19 � . . � � � I
by J. J. Bell, paper 25c,'clotb 50c'
11LOVEY MARY" . � .
by A. N. Rice?'cloth only $1.00
. .
Cheap Editions of Copyright Works..,
GIIAUSTARi<-paper 25c, cloth 50c �' I �
PUPPET C.RowN-paper 25c, cloth 50C I 1. . .
paper 25c, cloth 66o
The Book of .the Day, , .
. I .
GORDO-N KEITH -by Thos. Nelson Page .
� paper. 75c, cloth $1.50
. I
The Self and Sex Series, Oxie'Do'llar"Each. -
. �
. . I .
FOR MEN -by Sylvanus .Stall,� M. D..'
to it . 11 HUSBAND " . to �(( - "
. to to it I MAN * to to '. . it . - . I. .
it it MAN OF 45 to 49 . i4 7, . . . . .
1. . I
* ' . I
? FOR WOMEN -by- Mrs. Mary Wood �Allpn.
it it 44 WOMAN .94 . . . CC .... CC. I. .
4 & it it it . 94. - .it
WIFE . I , - . 11.
� .
44 it WOMAN OF45 , ". (9- . . it., . .. .1
. � I
. ... . �. � ..
___ - � , - .
I -, _
� .
� I . . 1. - . 1. �. I
I ; . .. ,, �. I �.
. . . �
. .
% .
W. Cooper Co., C11in.toft '� I..
1. . . I .
I .. I . . ,.
- I � I I . -._.1-_._._1 ........ _--------y ......... V -f -T -T,
. : . I .
. .
- . . . . . � -
- . .- - - . _ - .- � - .... 1. I . - -, - - ; I... _..___ ..
I . . .. I .
++_H__1 .............. ++++ 1111111111111111����� ",',"''I'll" . ..... "**"""*
� .
-+.� I I I`— I Im
� 4- . � I. M M . . M +. � I.It
30 e.* Atithiiiized Oapital..;.$�,000,0W.�+
I : ICI . .. * ` - I M I :
. MM I ,.-. Paidmup -.0a.pital .......... 1,280 000 T
. . JACKSON S .. e.+ �. :, . M 0. V
I I 4 Z. Resevoe ...... . * . 4;#
I M M M . i .., �.... , 270,002 +
I I 14
. . 47M . ,. : : 4- M M . . M MI. M , . I � . . M :
+ I
+ FINE CUSTOM .. I #*"M#*"*6@ **"***"*
M. .11 I
I. . . ��
:11 IS** M . M.. . I M I M ..4.
. 1, . . .
r * . M + M ��M. I ' - '' I : '
. ..
MI . I, N M, -'-
I I . 0 E- - *r
+ n, le.* M I .. r,
M t , - . . I M � Mkli� I - M ,�
14 ± r16 M .M .. . 4-*
M M. . 7 #1
.4�1 �
__-__.101� T
- . .4
. . I '!
I ,..I
Men's Suits .. 1*1
I . . X I
: :
to Order. .. I
. ;. I.
. t
: '!
1 I
%^01--w#*_10*� I . 4
. - 1
Our Tailoring De : partment I I
.. I
has been too busy to say a good !
word for itself since the : : I
rush began, and it is only now � I
that we citu begin to take *
. .11:. I
I I �
I ,
X Have you ordered our I
I. y I
.. IX
Spriiig Suit yet? I
X ..
I. ..
We invite you to come and have . I
:* alookatthe I%rgest and finest **
stock of imported Worsteds **
:: Tweeds and Cheviots in tE' **
8 ..
X county. ..
II I Our prices are moderate, while *. I
we Ve you all the istyle, fit and I
I Hills to be bad in any city. . 1.
- _ft01%%e%__^-1r% . I 11
. I
I - OUR ..... . I
. : :
': Deady=made I.
T Ilk,- �..
I X .
I Clothing - 0.
X Department X
X S.
.. ..
X �. I
J. Is now complete with All the II
.. newest designs in Worsteds and ...
J. Serge Suits. I 0 *
J. In Tweeds all the new stripes. : :
a I Spring Overcoats in the very .
: : latest styles. I
. .0
. I Youths' and Boys' Suits in all `
6 4
I I Styles. 04
: : Small boys'. nobby two-piece "'
. . e ew York suits, made
.7 Tir?okrn a Ngood sepviceable all -wool.
.1 I I tweed, dark grey ground, in a I .
I neat stripe, pattern made yoke* 4 4
I box pleats and belt flni6bed,with 64
I farmer's satin linings. 4
I : Sizes 20 to 28. Price. $3.26 :1 4
� : . 4.4
: I %01_-#%0~ 4.4
1 :
6 I
. e.111 I
f,,, T. Jackson$ 01'6 ±
. *
,��, I
1. +14+1+�,
i�� H
. . L . I . . ,
, . � . �
. . . . . - � . -
. .TO..- DAY-,.,
. .. .. I 111111W�l 1.
. .
. . .
. ... I I :. . .
, .
or more if 'you can, 'Will do, to
. . . .I � � . - . ,
. * . � . I . .
open.a Savings . Ban:k-Account.,
I �
,. . I .
. ,
As often as you�can' after, With
. I
interest Mded twice a y6ar., - - -
. I �
. . . I,. � . LL I �. I I L
. ... .
. I "I . .
. , , L . � 1. .. .L%LL .
L , -
. .. An 'd �y 'oil Will have a nest.
". I 1. I
I . �gg -forli. home, -Come in
. I
. .
. . . and talk About it. - I . ".1
. . .
� .. I I �
I I . . .
. . .
L . . . . . �
. .
* . . I
The Sovereign'B.knk . :
. ,
. . . . L .. �
. .� . . . I . .�_. .
. .
. . of Canada.. * . ,
. . .. .
I � , � . �
. .
. .. . :
. . . 1
. I �
. L
. . I
H. T. -. RANCEs 11gr,i:
. I L , .
!L. I .
. � . .
. . . . I
- '
. .. CLINTON;. - . ,. 1.1
I � I � I
. I .
. .
. ClothinS - I
I A chanco. that never before
has been given the buyers of
Ready-made Clothing.
. . .
. We have a lot of
Tweedh that* we are -
going to make
cheaper than you
would got the same
quality, Ready-made.
This is a genuine
bargain, If yowbave
been in the babit of
buying Ready.i)�ade .
016tbing. , .
Givolis mollance and you *111
goo thkt the 610thlug. we nre .
Initking lltlidtll(i A111411litiee Will
last its loll no any two Of the
ordinary Aoady-inadoo� *
A$' J. Holloway,
ANoeirium Dr�PARTAWNT.
� 1. I
S."s A. 3MR14TINGS,
1. .
. I
I .
. I ,,,,,, '''I ... I.,.I...",
. I : . I
A'alwnx. 15AXNXELD.
I >
. "
'o 1, '
'I - Cooper Co. hAve placed
"XII)IC (if tabites: lit front of tl'0'0
,a ot-Aff C tain C
. up 00mba Of London
will conduct a sPPc'a' nlwtl"g for
Ill the event . Of tht C, P. R. bol-
iI19 'this
Rev. S, 14, Small, who �ias lx�tn Mr. Vaugh, rLprusenting the London I
> I
-Store WIt-4 With Second hand b6oks.
children lit the S.'A.. barracks at
"tondtil i through. towilodiip1
it is
been. visiting friciids in Arthur tbo Drug Co., speot a few days in the I
I i
; 5
. �
. The collection is an extwisivd one
p.. ln. ,Priddy lovollfug And att. 8 p,an.
:7 toxPected there will be a StAtion
like Holluesville near Portetr,s
past wtLk, tqty, rned. licrine Friday last village. this week.
;e >
. ,
; .
and, of considerable interest to lovers
Of old books. � . .
a public meeting will be .held.. I
. John 0. 91liott, lost ,
aecoullianie,d his Aunt and, cousill. Master Gordon and Misses Laura
. I I .
. .
di : Mr, and Mrs 13clillett of Lucknow King and InL*4 millor Spent a
<. )
; )
* . -
. �
. hOrse Olt Saturday which lip. valuvid
At S150- Tile allimal, fell intoil dwell
. WQ& .
were visiting at tile latter'l paxoutl� wIth friclIdS ill 'tile village, . .
Xr. and Mrs. Strairghan's. Dolly Parsous is visiting
� 1.
. .
Wheat 72C
This lids been a good season for
and died sll'(>"rtl,y after ,bI
eing taken
-Bliss fri .
Miss X;Xbel 'Strauglial I went to ends At Heusall thisweek,
< >
Oats Aoc , .
especially � the black And
Elwlisli 'varietiQs, but tile re4o arq
We were InUch, plebtsed to see iv4ir.
tile Soo last week, Among the recout arrivals at Jow�
Flour $2,io I
not quite as ,good, as last year.
JePtha H011and Able to be out driv-'
Mrs. B. 1�'ckrcgc and her sister I ijqL ett's grove are Mrs. 1111911 Coanbe
't11Q Clinton
< )
Bro-n $16,00 . . .
. Three-fourtlis of the crop nrarkeltil lit
I,ng tile other day and, hope that his,
Me ; Miss Cull and giss Ilicks:
Soo, Lawler havQ also goue to
mitch0l, Rev.
Shorts $20,00
BIIttQT-'l2e to i4c
Clinton was grown in Colbo,rlw� which
is mofa titan ever the chcrr'y� to.,Wn�-
'Alth will continue tof .improve,
. � .
Mr. John,
;' I
McLellan, .wife And .
Tile Missps F,, Blair, Radcliffe family of. Kippoll.
'ggs 1 2C, .
I . . I
Ship, . .
' '
. twell, had his shoulder
badly bruised on Friday while -Ov-
ing Ilia h fork
.A, .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brandou and f
and Hickinbothain returned Itemeiruln, A=- I
. �
the Soo last we�ek. I fly spent Mollday at Blytil. . . I
rl-ly, F,NTRAXCF, V,XAM,S.
.1 . I
I . . TS.
-ay from' one 11yarn to the
Other. The -doct or ,SAYS the injury is
. .
. .
Mr: A. R. Allitlicral hast ,gone to ,,Mrso' Chartes IlonaldSon alid-child Of . . .
I I .
' the result, of tile Untr4jico exams
Mr. D, Ca'
, ntetion, ill ca Wit"
about as bad as a .breah and ,tbatj,
Michigan to visit Ili$ brother. Illessalon are visiting friends lit th , .
. . , FJ � %
14:a,st Huron app Lmars oil page . faur
tither extunmve buyers,nipany
ba4 bep,
Air, -Rathwell will be unable to qcj
. .
. i � I
Mr. Jelin Cook, toache � .
i t-1 near .
Of tit S .i.s�llc. It will be rf
I -ad. witli
,Ing A tour '61 the county and- re-
, I
ve As
,ry uluch work for several wdL
. *
Barrio, is the guest of .)Ir, � 0. A.Sk- Mr. and Airs. L-1, S,. Peters and Miss . .
much interest by the
. . and
their friends,
-ports the ,al) , ple , prospects . not so.
Mr. Willialit Turner, who - has been
. � .
Wit"' I B . Pullellard' bf , . .
. '-Soaforth �
Week ill opent) ,W ..
It will lb!e noticeXI tj tat
the, highe
. .
guad As, carll��X; in the season, Thid
is ,tile
confined to the Ito . fort-
use for a 1,
Aft, Thompson of Wilighamiwas tile tile village. . I
git mark, 852,- was obtai tied
at Clinton,
I ease alonj thf,
'light, -is a)Ic he out aga,
I I Ill.
last - Still.
gimat of Miss, C. Tewsluy Rev., J, G, Stewart and daughters
Principal J.'iyugh's pulylls,
� As usual acolfaitted th1eniselves well.
ValAoy of Itbo wh;Dro, � .lie
says, tile yield will, not be as groall
Mr. Jelin Xiddlelton Jr., who in a;
recent accident II.Ad his f oot badly
(lay. . . � . and Bliss Stewart 01I 140nd011 are the . . I
miss X. A. Muteli of Gorrio -is vj.,j� guest$ of Dr'. and Airs. Stanbury
- .
WIL14 130WL AT LoXpON�
as in other parts of those towlisrAips,
gaslied, lids been having, a� hard tiln,e;,
. . I At
iting relatives, here, preSWIt. .. I �
. , . I I
. ,
, . .
Three rinlis; from the bowlilig cl 111)
of it the past week or two. Jelin, Jr.
is a sUenuous young inan wholik"
Misses Mabel and jLssik� collpl,lild Dr. IloAre *and Wife of St. I ra . throy, . . .
are tile gll(est,% of . . .
Spent ,Sunday in Londosboro. BIr. Mrs.
Will take part in, a tournament it I
London next week. Mr. IV. Jacks
Mrs. 'R. J. Cluff and her guest'$,
. �
Mrs. John 'and 'son
to be About and doing, so that - his
present'cirforced inactivity harill
and Tis.' . .
' I dale of the. ,A,Ilite city, J
A large. nuniber from here took' QWett'd .
ill Grove, .
. on, 9
ril lit will consist of D, A; -Forrester,
J, Fair, IV. Brydolle,
Cox tile latter's
Thoi as,
n of Navan, below. . Ottawa,
,,Vitl, him. goes,
.. .
the celebration at Blyth oil tile I h. . . .
. .
. � 3t Mr. J I � . . I
. - G. Stnnbury of Rxefer spent � � - I . .
Miss McClennali has beell,'rellOWIng
and W'. Jack-
Son. This iis considered the ,strongest
drove to Kilicardine the, forv,
part � of the week, 9n,routo t . Iley
We , egret to learn of thoi ililleso Ot
MI. C. J. Nesbitt of the x6th con,
Sund -with 11 I I I
I .
old ao;ofuaintances ,around here. � ay is parents"
Mrs. Walwin
foul: in the club,. .11itt'a supposedly
weaker aggregation dQes, sonietiniles
visited a munber of relatives in�
eluding Mrs'. Richard Young
witty has btan.laid u
couple of Weeks, - -, p for . the I past
and miss X,e1j WAIm,
Miss Gansiuer�aud lier brOther ,left. sluy of ' Detroit-, ; ,
. . arq . visiting fiieudd t -
for Xontreal and other aa&,t
Place.A ill
down , it . . .
. � .1 . � . . .
I . . ..
(if I'lle,
Nile, Mrs. Cox anid ,Mrs-, Young.are
. . .
There WAS a large congregation lit
. . �
tile - v lingo, . I � .
Tuesday, ' . . . . I
. I .
. . . . .
Bliss Rva Blackburn . .
Bliss J.
. 4
. W .-ESCAPR. .
$is' rs an( one I
1. is over gixty years
of Age, but tin ii this
. haren. church . _Vunday aftiet-iiQ0111
. t1loi
. .
Siratighan raturnec I of London is �
-from the 860 last week. * 10111t t 16 guest . of Mrs. 1�rwin. * . I
Quargo I .
` I
. . � � .
Laurier Dickenson, tile you,11-g . es . t son.
. ll,g they
"ever. Sa" each other, lrr,�,'! y
w oungr�
WIIQI1 meutbers of L. O� L. NOI.
180 attended divine service in a. -body
I . . Mr, and �Brrs. jOhn MeT
Mr. David. Lockhart I I ,�Oid. left � .1 .
Of Wiligh,aln, ast week Tol .
colty for
of David Dickeus6il
. .1 tumbled
coining but to Call mrl�
add 7before .
The, oc casion was improved by ev*
� R I
,f6r .
V's'texl un("Qr t I a. shor
le parental roof las� it� : _. - $_
. . � vi
I .
from a Inoving 'wagon. yestakday and
Cox was born., ,Tlley are 'natives of
4usseto, in &it appropriate
. . - discourse;
I . . .
Sunday. , , . . . . .
. . . I . I � 1. . I .
5 -
but for thd ti-InMly assistance of.- Mr4
Th6s. Beacom %,�oald have been run
Enniskillen, Ireland. . I I
, .. � I. .. . ,. . . . .
�. Miss Tena' Rathwell visited at her
Mr. '%Illy. Blole of Dung4lillea , . and Mrs. . James Parsqua ug * - I .
was Hills green , I I ..
over. on the ' ` st-lit Sunday. in,th .
. ,�; ,
over ,and ,very likely had his leg brok-
. . .
� . . �
, . . . .
I Incle's, Rdr. . Robert Thompsofill.0 - of
the, i6th con,,, last week. . . .
I3tll. . a Vill- I
. . 11 . I I . .. i I
. Mr. Albert Wilkins of ,11 9�ge. . .. .. . . . . I : .. .
ullett '
. .
ell. was , a ;nArrOw
It escaPe. for
Laitrialr and'should* be w.waraing to
PE . . . . . : I .
� . � . � �� ...
. . I I .
The muny fri ' bert Au-
ends of Mr: Al
I . I
Was The follo-wi irived' i at tile I � . I I . . 1.
a . guest of . Mr. .. S. I ng guests a , .
Da'WsPlt's. - ' � Commercial :
hotel the
� '
�, .,
� .
youiigst�rs to keep oil rigs..
. .. ..
. . . . I I I
. . Spendi
Blaster. Ik -Rattenbury is ng . .
. e &
dersou, Bayfield 'Line, will be glad to
hear hef is ab a to - be
I �
. Past week : , , I . I
Bliss IJ,'ffie Knox returned. home frohl ; - 'C- I r Misses, Maj. - . . . .
. . . .L1
. Brucofield.lost I -111* I I �. Pawe cliz, ..
I . . � . . .
. I .
THI� C'. P. R. COMING,. . .
. I . . . .
. . .Weeik with friends'in Tolrolite.
. . I ' I
Out agailil
and looks ever so -in'tich better.* We
. . �
Also Ito
I I � -were � I
week, ., -ills,
. I . Iia Ilz of Detroit ; Mr. S. . I . .
I � � . � .
� : . . Churchill, Port Huron - -a .
. Albert J
___ . . � I
'tile ,extension of the C. p, R, fjoni
Mr. and'Mrs. Jo�. 1 Walsh 'of Istrat-
Jord were guests of.Dr. HaJimilton
. are, glad ,..state � Mrs. . , joll1t,
Rathwell is itupro;ving, I . . .
, ln�. �
, . . .. I . . . !.. lKettle. Point, . ,9; .. . .
, .. � - I . � I
' -
GU Ilyll S"' lis 'low to be allmost 'an
. .
oil Monday.' - . " ,
. ,
I -
. - A large nuniber Irom here doleVrat
. �
HOLNESVILL3E. . � . - Blrs.G'corge phoe -aginaw is. . - . . . .
. . .. nix of S I I I
. . . . -tltd liel!
> -
Assured factand that tile Southern
route will 'be chosen. is A-lintist equally
. .
A . � :
liss� Mary Irwin d,'t Tbronto' ig
'her holidays
ed tile Orange' 'walk lit I-Tensall oil
B1011day, 13th. ' . .
gla-est -of -sister, BT418, Ia. . .1
Mr, and 'Mrs, . J01111, Holines of 'Darrow, - . �
spen ' .. .. . . I . . � I . . ..
t Dolnitiloz t Day at
, .
.- .
, The Company � is d�sirous
Of t6lielling At -Clintolij. the centrii
, �pendijig at. her. - hotilb
in Clinton. Shc: is acconipalll�jd y
- b,
.the I �
� Miss Mamie' 'Perdu . a i . I .
s -howe fro
. , The.,10lowing, guest-$ are Stopping at . � . . �
Mr. J - Proctor s. I .
� ' . , .
. . .the Q'Icell"s :110ful ;
> 1.
. I of
tile As well as. the 1-Itib of
apple 6'
her friend, Miss� lPahne�� of till,
. �
� I .
'Thessalon. - . - - I
.. . I . . .
.. .
.: . . .
Mr. and Mr Mr. and . Mrs. . �
. , . S. -F. - swall, ,of Tor- ..
. ow .
Ritchie and .Miss Mo Lry � Ritchla . I � . . . .
; .
I �he� '
' and an frupoftan-t- shipp-
Queen cit Y. , , . .
. ,
Alf,' -George C. Rathwell, Nvha I
. c 4ule
.1 . of �
Onto SPLI't a. fe,w .day4 with friends . . . I ".
0 '. .
� Winglialli . , 1 . �
. I . .
5 -
, - f 1
,I% ive stock Und manufac-,
' . � '. .
tur, I'i t ' . I � .
M good, . . �
Mr. G, J.- Stewart returneil on- 6at-
- -, �_
from a trip
� 1121C ay . . to the North-
.. . .
. up froln Totaftio. oil tile 1-1. QP'B. ele-
cursiow Ila,% returnool. io the city
. . . � . , � .
. . : . .
. , - " '' . . . Mr. and Mrs. Mclilah' . � � I . 1. . ..
.� � . .
. Mr .' X,' A. - Ford,. ,of, ClinjOn' bu , . an. and family, '
N yisited of. Lend.( -have ,ta�kell. .
� I
. I I
I . - I . . ...
� .
A QUICK . � : r'
,West Aijd_&ays.� that.ottly a person
. . .. -
again. He likes Toronto .very 'Well ,
� � . . - � I . 7..
. I
UPS. Holmes 6116, dnY. tlli�` week,. ., _ Alark's. cott . . ollie., of . Mr.' ' - , . , . .. I . : , "
. I .. .
. I . . I agea for tile sunline'r,
.. I
I I � I . I � �
- � .. . . " I
. � 1 ' ' . I I
. I
Mr. A. T�.
� on ,
� -scona call understand tho
. .
gre-At pro&css that country. i!§ matlw-
. I . . I
air. George Middleton -has purchased
. .
-a new. ]lay lend I '
qr roni.Blr. 14-':.Beat-.�
. . , :: . .
sic Crooks- Was .last' U,dek -Brr...C,_W� ' - � .
, Miss. Tes. I . HolinAil, and . Masters . . . . � � '..
, .
I I . -
'ilia, guest of Goderitill friends, '.. ., .
5 *
.: ,Cooper* wOlit -'. to. Port
-Ittroii bT 1,130 4,15'1)'- In. 17rafii� Tues .
. lid is at altilost-booni. r I
. I Ing. La,
� 6es: 'dre:-crop..prospec(s g6od,� - P I-
And -
V, which gfives good-satisfactioll
I . � I .
. � .
I I . .� ... . . ,. I , and Gordon - HoIniall, Of . . � . I .1 -
. .
'MisSes 'Mill'a and Maliei A .Vill *_ . . .
I .
Son XP- IliOnville SIXIIt a few days. tho past - , . .
. "
(lay, to- Indet a.
' I - Now irork counnercia'I
man AM .reablied' 'It' I
elite the lo'x�
� people,pouring .
-into the cowitry .by
Air, Richard , Pdck�-And Mr, )3aldwin.
Piano "iits :of.Sekufortli',' � were lajel�k
turned -from London -Whtia they have Week .in" jilt vill,ELge. . I - � I �
bt6n. ,for sonito t . I . 11 . . . . -1 . I . . . . . . . I �
. !tile. I . I . . . . . . . . . . I
The 'fallowing .
0�1 b
, .Oil-
tre.iino'next '.1norning 1. t kaf� " AT
. I
. tlioits�fids. The labor' Tnarkei:' is
rather oyerdoiVe and, lie would )lot
11 th , - , .
0 ie Ba;yfi'eld. Line ofi ,
business, �
. . I I .
reg istered - at- . . -
"f * . � � I . � . . .. : . :. . -
th, d I
�Tiss Annie '&,I,ord .returned to Loll� RiVLr Hotel Oil Sunday, Messro. Har-
quick runand.in ,order to rilake con- -
advise, Anyone with a good job -lie
.1. re
Mr. P. Cole'llas Invested in'
11 . � ai new
�. I
- . .
don after Spending a, few Weeks' with, ry Tho4niy .
. . . soil Thovs! Fairse .
. , rvio:6, , misg
itaction .- at t4aruia lie . had engage
.1 . I
a'boat an -o:
in Ill, .
to rd st, � tile' ,�'.
L - We at pireselit tilne.
- .
inower. . . 1. ... . : ..
- . . � ,�. ; .
. .
.. .1 � . 1%lilinle -Th
relatives here, .
.. . . . . . . 011lp`9011� Oertrude- Reid-*. Of . - . .
4 �.
. . row.
t . n across th
. 0
river'froutPort Jilt ron, the.hour -being
Mr� Stewart hits bought a, balf. in-
. . .
I tereSt ill 11413an's"
c -Migg Lizme ITiddleton. i-§ ho6ic 111roin
, : . .
Mf, McRoberts, Blyth ; T, 140,Wr�nee, I &Iisd Val, I
wife and ,� I .. .1 .'' I... ..
`:� - .-S, .1 . .. . . .
I I I .. .
-Of..-Mitchell -are, Lawrence,
. .
too ear -
. ly for the ferFY. ' � "I. . `
a store ill-,
I ., ill tivo� v
'4ge " of Ilartilo-
v and m -enters basi-
the Sultyllfix.libliday's.''
. ,. I � . �
tile gtrests of: Mrs. T. .. .:. . �
.4l000loriell ;;J. Me att Mi
I I . I
- . .. ara-Koefiler. and Arthur 'lVilt SS1_- . . . . . .
. Cl , . . � 1. . . � �
C, ' . '. .
. '.
. . , . . .
l . I .
. I �. . .
DONIT 1-1 rD.X'IT; "; .. - - -
IlLss- ist Septaniber. His I)arther ii
� I .. ' S
Bfr.-� Robert
We. Are g4ad to hear . that. Council' -
. . . .
. lar Stowart's voungast child., wh�cl*
.,Pick.ard. . . .. .
. . . .1 . . I . .
, I
mr" .and Mrs.. §.`)Val ter were eail,bol) Clinton ', K. M, BIdLeau N. ' Camp- -. . I I . .. . .. . �
� bell, I �
. .
. �
. . I
� I . . .
� If. you know of anyth I .
- ing that is. in-
I M�Qool,' brother Of
. ,
. Messrs. !9qCQO1 Of Hullett. , , Mr.:
liag been-very..'ill, is " O'W - 91ou
.11 .
better. . � . ,
,.L.�' Hurley, L. Didi '9011, C. AT. - , I I . . . .
to Newcastlix owing to, the s erious*ill- * " . .
. . .
. ner's, -sister, .,� . Homer R. X, -Bright R. 'B. St6phens �. . . I . .
' , , :
, terestifig Ito the gentral public d
-lid then wonder on't
. . . .
hide it a way A
Stewart ]),Ought a lot on wiltich..
Vy' build, ai dwelling, litit likirdly ex-
* . . .
.� . .
4kr- kobert COIC'10091i lids bought
. Sicift-ey'.'Towit dnil�xlf, Powell. - .1 I .. .1 . I . �
Mks. Dudley' Holmes. And ,phildren .of. Sedforth; � . a . I
.1 I . . .
- . . . 1. I . . .. .. I .1 I
Wingh "I And
. why
there .'is � nothing lit. tile ,. lie' I
* , wspapers,
. . . .
fitacis .to get it- lip this fa.114 in
, *
tile -
� a liorse from X :' John WeXiiii:7 OC
I r. f
the 'Goshen � Liixt -and' is looking or
- -Mis6z .153wood of Toi-k . �.. . . .
I . I
onto Were the guests of ilfts.,-I-Iolmes 111 - . . .
I le following ileestered at. thd - - , ". I .. .
Bring it -to. The
. News-Ree6rd office .
.and we.will eirculat�. it. A � news-
event of' not being Able - to.
�' do ' .
So Mrs. Stewart and the family
_- . . I
a inate for - � t' . I. . I .
-, . A - .
. I . .,
, I oil .Sunday last : . . � . I
one day' last week.', , . . . Coynondreidi hotel . .
I . I . . . I . ... . . I I' , . � I . .
Cainsville 'is 1). Carmody, James .13jeep.;, I,. G,.I,, . . .� ..
Miss.maggie Xcit - OW_'
paper =Au,catulot be all.ovef4 _
. at tho
. .
,saine, time and the nlov.6m.612ts
will remraiii: in Clinton' until lli4xt
� - . I � I I .
. apting; . . � ,�. � . - �.
Mrs: Burr, widow of the late ., Ali-
.. I
dKew'-13,urr and slistar of Win, Bichau,
of. . . I � .
� I . lie,. John W miss Kelly .*. . , . '' . .
,* vacatiop With. her alult Ilarvev . �.
Spending t1w . .. . - D06'erty, I ... . . . . . 11
Mis� Sinith, -
I ur
of- y o'
. friends are of fliterest to,,� otll� i
. . . rs a,i
. . .. . .
. . . . I . a .
. . . I ...
". , ... ..
. .
.01 title XOiMnS1hip,,..d,iied la:st 111T,eduepi-,
of I
. . .1 .. ... . I . .
Mrs. F. Leonard, J.- � . .. I
: . �% . - . I . rerkiis, W. � J.� , Robson. Clinton - � I . . . .. I .
. � ,� . . . .
Wiss. I � I I
INT.. Macdonald
well .as the'Wheredbouts of.-soinebody
- .
e I � .. I I I
. . � .
. . I . . L .
� I .
mor] .
111119 at,her brother's- home,-
I .
, . '.
of Bruceficl. : I .
d 'G�o. I �;Ilcsncy,.. S�46rth ; W. Abel" I . .
I .
lids -
I .
lelse's Aiiends ils �61! intLerest t(Y'YOI�.. ."
. I
1. ' ' I . , .. .1 , .
. . .,! � . .. 2AUCEPIELD, I , . I
.. , �
, I _
where glib had�. been tstayiii
�Maich'. Mrs.' Burr, Was f6ro s i "he *Qq.
. . ,.
been tile guest of Miss Ache'son. . I John, H, Ciaigie- Misses Fierell mel " I .
� . . . .
. � qe - - . . .
. .
BIr'. -R-fus! Xeys;;' Wife at - daughbeil. Creath, A)iq ' I I . . . . �.
. id el Craigie Godetich. ,
I , .
1-N' CtI.-,\rTON`NRXT Y14A'R. -
. .. . . . . .11: :
. . I .
� I
, , � �
. � Mr. .
. . " po�ce of .the Liyn�don
years a; resident of .the town- pf Gode-
. . . .. .1. ... I . . I . ., 1. . I -
of the, L . . I I
. , Babylon '.Liva,-*StanIey, ,sp ut . At -'1110 city of Win-allieg 'last � � I . . . .
. - '.
Saturday - Xr: -
.� .
. . . .
, The Ordfigmil,en, wert ai usual favor-
Road from farming -and
lids � decid I '' .
C( to G�oxlerich
rich. and afterwards - - reside d'- I it Lon_
- don .14ast fall,slic 6%Ok, a heavy cold,,
- Stafflky's. .. .
. � .. At W, "Ll week1l - . . . . . . .. .
. . . �
W. :Co�irtiC6 of * Crowe and C. A. Oil � �dt- Our f6rincr , residents , in tile[ ; . I ... .. - .
. . . . . . .
.e .
ed' with good ..'weather for their . dmn,!
onstratibns ' and the vill.agesi.of Hen-
� . move to
MI we understand, lie - has boug
'o�cj ht
whith 'developed into . cousuniption,'.
-Aftil, despite every
Te6bi' persaw.of William,' j. King Noll. , of . I . . . . .. . I I
Itt of'St.- Ile . lens are hoille foe . .
, . . -111r� William. King 'of. thisiVill , I I
the, vacation. . I .. . Sige,was � �. . . . ,�. . .
� .
I sall. 0:110 Blytll were', overflowing wit -h
a, Tiece- .Pf property, His .Sol,. will
manage. *!tile fa t
MI. Whiell be is *qu1i.c -
. care, - xesultel
fatally� The dec re
� eased was a nativ
. . . I I tAIN . . . . .
lllfit�xl ity marr" , 'to -Miss Newcoinbe . 4 .� ... . . . .- . .
. A- number f.roin here'slyout thU X2tJ1 (if Willn . � . . . . .
. I .,�, jfi,�
indafl)ers..of the Gr(ter and fiielids, on,
Monday. Ili each plApe the a�rra _.
. . I ,
capable of .doing, . : :. � .
. . � . . . .
of -Scotland andwas hi -her Afty�'flitli
. I)cg,,i In4',n '.. .
ill lilen�all. . I .. . . I. y friends here .... ..
, I .1 I . . .1 . . , I . . �
I I I . . .
� extelid toqratulatiolis. AIISI gOOd Wish-
. :
* ' .
meuts .Were weil. carried ,.out - and, tile
. I
. � . ..
. I . .. . .
I., I I I . . I � .
. . . - I '. . �
yoai.� - she-ICaVeS two daughters,, Mis3
Bellfe-Burr, teacller�� in th,oWitieri6ail
1 � . 1. I . 1. . ..
. I .. . . . . . . .. .. . , . . I %1' - � ...
I .1 . . , . . es. . .. I- I I . I I .- . � � . . .. .
- ' . I I . I .. . , .. � I I 1. . .. I
. '
. .
I ..
.day a Satisfactory . �
. � .� One, . . .
. ' I . . .
It. , is '. proposed' to. have 6: ceileblra-
... . I
. I . . 1, . . . .
. . . w3PST
. , TUCKERSMIT31, ..
Nissicniary Ass6cidtion's institute, 'ap
Knoxville, Tenn., , and Mrs.. Caftlion
4 . . .
. .
'.. . . . . A booklet . of Ba�,Ael<l h - - . , .
. . . , as . - ,. . .. .
, � n7LLPGREEN bd�li -ptljAiOloid .which * does consioler4 �. I I . . 1.
" ' ; ' - � - ; - ' , .. 4 1
tie �
Ilk next year ill Clinton which froin
: '. .1 I . � � . I
Ailotliet; - Of our I d
of Guell)h. Thd interment took place
. � � ..
11 . � 'alylp.justice to tho-natural beauty of . , . - . .
Rev. 'McUlfaud and fa:ni ' . .. . . �
1 y -are Ill ...
. .
i ts �ejitrai , 1)�ySiti011: 'is well Adapted.
foi such gatherings.
o.I and respectoo)
residetiti;,� Mr; Rubt. 111'eVittio, j6hied
' .
on_ThursdAy at, F.ergus -where* 'decedis
� is I 1.
ed's: husband ,-buried. �
. . '' .
otif'river',ancl harbor and when circu-: � I �.
Sayfield. ,*here they 'will , .1 , * . . . . . .7 . I .. �
-s slieno - Six latb(I Tr6ely - calmot help but advertise . . I I .
'a Air. McLellan.
. ,
. . .. .
. . . � I �
. . ',
tile' ',silent '01-a'Ority -11 .- I�Vedluesday,
.1 o
July 8th at tfie h6me 6f his daugh-
. ... . .
. . .
I . .. 11 I I . .. .
We -, . �
. m4ll fill 11;i,s� ayfield as a plea , .1 cc lli�whicfi, - , . . . .
, . .
pulpits -on Sunday is usual. 11. sant pa . . I I
to 1611 away tile ]lot I I
. .
I . . . . . . .
.. . . 1. : . .
� I
tcrj Mrs.' golwards of Moore, L�Inlb_
1. . I I -r- . .
. .
I, Rov� Shaw preached - . days And build . I ..
* I - - . .. I
first. Ber. lily ,:.4yII.ysicia,1lv and mentally. Tile'. '. .
. . I . .
b.f' his
� The lapross*e". tealil Was defeated . ill
tell Ic011ilty,. Where lie has'resided' for.
the -cauple
I .
. I . I WiNalux., .. .
I., I .
Inon �
pas't6ratie ., I .
lit - the; klills- . � . . 1. I I . . . . . . ...
� views Were Prepare( by Messrs. Brow"' I .
grean church on -Su - I , . I.. . ...,_
uday wdek,'.
. .
Mitchell yesterday; I I I .
1. , - , .
Tfie. A. to, z. .AN*. And visiting ]=
1� St 61 vea.rs.,, De'ceaseot
W -iia . and -lea . fves aq
.. lit his *7�tll 'Year
. - .
What nearly restilted .lit a strious
. I . .
.. er.and Trott alid, t-li0escriptivo'niat- � . . .. .
Mr, and Mrs. . Jantes Workman'.Jlav� . . . .
I , . �
. ter -by, Mr--` J, G- Stanbury..'Thu ,
returned frooni
. � .
thern . will at�end,- .divine service lit,
$011 and (I�uglitoir to . mourn, tl '
"' r
I o Ss.. '
, The,,
conflagration occurred here ''Monda T
. '
night when, the Brunswick Hotte'.
I .
a. visit to, tile foriner!S . ..
, brothers And sliters At Acton,. , , ' booklets ario� on qa�' at-. Mr. l4dwdrol:As � �
- o- . . ..
Willis church next Sunday a. in.' .
. � .
. *maius �. were 1) r ,t 11 1:
. .
by train .and-, interred ill lrller,� .
barns,land, stables,..Aii the lowcT par"
, t,
� Mr. John T. Turner ltas� bought. a store. .� .- - . . I - �
� . . . .
. - . . ... . . . '.
. .. . . I . . .
.. � . I I I . . I . . .1
Bros. received .their
P. .1 first
of Canadian' �
I . - .
cemetery on Saturday last. .
. . 1.
of th,e ,town Were burned, -The, fire.
.1 I. I .
Oriver froill iMr.' (Ilarve I . � . . � . I .
., ..y s of I I -!-�- '' 'i,
Clinteri, , . � � . . .: .1 .
: -onsigignient peaches
and tomatoes 'froth Leamingtaxi , oil
' , .
1; . � .
Miss Sarah No ti
. �t Spent 10 12th in
Blyth. . . I . .1
ra-ged with rAliidity that , a.
stallAdmian was so,rlo.u§Ig Injured ell-
. . . I . .1 I . . I .. .
. I ' . I I . . . ! .. � I
,we undeVitand Brr,'Chas. Stelek had . VARNA. I . ..
* . . . I .
. .
Tue WAY: -, . L I I . I
The Ontafity Leakite '
ex ' pe ' ets an 'I'-
. ' I. .
. . :1
Mr. - and Airs. r3dwards. of Moore, .
deavorilig' to rescue,'I e horses,- a
t4sk;)WIl-ich was acclo;w-plished ,With
. .. I
sold his,. Vt:y acres cornering . tlil - . .' ,. . . . . . . . . I . .
villj��r.eilto Mr. Alf. Reichert, but tile ,. Mr.. Fred. Pur(j),,� foreman pal.h�er in-, . � , ,. I
. .
tereskin'g ' time at' its debate' next
Lauiliton. county Vere, the guests of
ireit-4iffiduo.ty. The loss ,i4 covered,
ded through.' . . . . I � . Tholuppon. .&. Soli"S'earriage wor
, ,9, . 1.
k' I I . I �
I .
Uoliday'eVeniiigi There will' also J)"o
solo* by Rev. Di, Cook and Mr. Nor-
Mr.. 11ionias Waldron of thie'London. .
:Road oit Sunday, . . .
�� - I
by insuranca� Cause-'unk-ftowa. David
1,ouglteed Owas Accidentally siiuck by.
. A large; sitrailier. Trout tills vi6iWiDl Londonj �Jlent a MN�r'days this, W"-' '' : . � I I .
. . . I. . 1. .
eplabratCid the 13th. . ill Hensall, -, . � . Ith ,hi�� parents here. . I I . I .
. w. . . .
illipt. Milreh, . . .
, .
I Mr. Andrew. Davi,dspn'lias been, con-
" I
a firemaid's * Axe but is..recovering froui�
, I . ..
.1 I I t . � . .
IS'. S. No - � 7 � Stailley, ailld NO- ' 3) The m9mbetg of L. 0. L.'-Xo. I035 '
. 1. � . ''.
. .
. . . . . .
filled to tile house for the past'couplel
. .. . I
the effects." .
�d' lit St�,lckls gro�c , oil attended . . . .
Hay,, picnicke � divilie' service',on, Sunday ill I . . . � I .
Of w0oks *'With an attack of appendi4
Tile- mouldem' strik�% lit #to - Wwpi,4
. . I
Sil'turiday. There was, A. lairgel turn-\ .the Methodist church whhare they I* I . . . . I .
. I � � .
. . 1. . I
Under the )new redi,stributiopi : the
eltiq. . . �
. I
41,111' &Ouaidry was olkageng -qui�.,Upr
out.antil -the pienie was in every -re- tel,Ld' to E4 * good.sound Orange Sermon ' . . .. I . , .
I . . .
lities. or, Huron' have .
ul.unicilla. beell
Mr, Chas. A�ery left Olt -Tucsd-Ay
last Oil a prosp4octing tour . New
Al 01 juitil' Tuesday night when : 4
stranger, supposed to be a, niolider,
. I i
PC a success. , . . . . . The church was cra'wiled toy thel.doors, - . I
SPTIIII'�, hay:crop.on the Parr Line is 'with , Men. and their friends and - .
shuffled about tile hope of makitig
tho Weat-riding a 611,11fu sent for
. - . thti
I . of
Ontario. - I �
was assaulted by four Or five 111011.
. (lid justice to tile, occa,_ . � . .
better than oil the'Western,T.,ines. Rie V. .
Mr. Robert Stelck, . . .
of, tho
111113�erals. Fast, Wnwanosh . lids - 6eoft'
. I . I
. , . �. . i . .
� . 11 . . I
near the Xing street House and
very bdolly tt�vd lip. It tt . irneol out
,principal . I
si&n� Vic diurch was ,I beautjfully � I
Zurich- Vublic school, started ow. .
dt:corated with flowers, . ; I . . .
. .
thrown over to the Ra.st riding, . and
Ilullett.adolud Ao the West, which adds
I .
. , . . I .
. , �
- ..- j313NMERNit'L . . .
this morning that tit& man was. a
fariller, livi!Lg a Tow miles north.
I .
. . . .
for a. trip to E ngl'and. ,.He ,. ,I , 0. . .
I liss. Ella Burnside is 'It' present - I
expects Ao 'be absent .six weeks.; . . . ft. .
at least - sLvelity-five 'votes toy tl
. I I . 1143
Liberal stren.gth. 'The ridingS are now
� I
' ' * a . '
Mr. .1. Brownlee. has,retlirile from
. of .
the town and lie lids' laid a formal,
. ma,rwelt'. i8i - visiting. friend.4, NISI IlIg in OTaugeville, � -
Miss I., � .
itear� Wiarton. . . Air, -and Mrs - Will. Purdy left on
divided. a's fo�lows : , . .
tile West. . .. . I . . ,chargo,against
. I
. .. four of file striking
moulders .fok. assault., The magikra-
. '. .
. I �
. TI , dredge is .now, working lit the� Wednesday. for Lexington, mich., .to � I I
to , .
Huron I Uast-Grdy, Howick, , Turn�
berry,. Morris, ' Wawanosh I,., Wing-
Aliss Lizzie, Johnstone lids -urn-
ed 'froin.Port Huron. accompanied by
te,s h
. eating is., sk-et 'for F riday. , ,
. . I . .
swamp and is averaging t� attend the golden Wedding of Mr..
. . . wel-vo . . �
bigs a eay� .
roof and Mrs. Graliftln of that place. Mr S I I
liani, Myth, -Brussels, Wroxb�er, Poly-, .
the .children of. her sister of that
. . I I
� . I I . . I
� I I �
� � .
On. Monday I Miss U. Consitt. Grallam. is a sister of Mr. Purdy. . I . .
. -
I � . �
Illation, rq,22,�. .
. I .
place, ' . . I . .
. . . I
tdadier ot -S. .8. No. 7,' 'Stanley, lefi' ' Aloatofthe viVa"iJeolyle, attenaedl . .
Hurou West-Aslifield, W.Wa,watiesh,
Mr. 0'eQrgo, .Hill has Id
so Another
. I .
. . � I
for London - Normal school where shot the -Orange celebration in. Hellso'll, on . . . �
Hulletti', Ooderich, Clijiton. I Popzila-�
tioll 19,7,12, .
flue horse to a Soaforth buye Jr.
Mr. Jush Hill has bought
. I � I
A largo ,number from the northern .1
.. .
' Ill � . . . .
purposes taking. a special course I 1. .
I ' IkIrl Loyd Modatt is visiting I .
(rdwing, n&ture stuidy, manual ttaa'n-. . ril � -
iiioll Sontll-stallltv,* I -JAY, Siel)ll-
horse, .. .
, , . I .
part of the township went to X4n-
Sall oil Monday last, Many also
- and ,domestic sciallce, thus fittlii ends lit and 1droujid Varzip this Week, . . .
09 Ig . �
Usbornet, Tuckersaiish, BicXillOpw,
, ,aforth, Uxeter, Hensall, Ilayfiald..
. .
() r fife and druir, battil weit- first --*dlit
. I .
to'� Blyth, I . I
Ifer more fully to dikharge her da- Purdy� and PerZ� Wanless of I
� . I S . . �
ties as teacher. . ea,fOith .81)elit Sunday with thloW .
Populati6jr, -22,88r, , . .
pri zc At Hcusall Oil X'011daY. Suln-
ftlerltill can. do it.
A large number from M'cxillop. At-
I .
. . � .. I . 1 . . I .
� . I I I)arellts liere and took 'in tIic-',0eIebr&- � . . I
.. . .
tended the Romall Catholic plellic
. .'' .
. . tioll at Hensall, 'ell moliday.. . . .� I
. I
PJC�TIC8. : .
, I
Mr. And Mrs, Brownlee visited fri�
in. Logan last wetk. . I �
� . I I CONSTANCU. . The flower gardens of the villagel . I
. . . .
� .
The Baptist S. S. Was tavorco-with
ends in Saaforth oil Sunday.
Inuch' pledged to be able to ,ill
. I : . I
Rev, Mr. Aitilrows, the' now pas -tor
tho; -Waltoll circuit., I)M3.611tol Ati-I
. . I .
. . . are flottrishilig, especiAlly%those illab �. .
Air, and Mrs. rAll'uOrstin are visit- at w dad oil Sundays, � .. .
' "
go"' Wenther -lot its' picnic Ill Day-
field Olt Vriday last, con0equtiltIA
&tdta that Mr. ,C. J; Nesbitt lids inL-
Opening I sbriniall's in Olo Circuit Iastl
i.ug o,t tile 110111c. of mrs� Jelin Brit, . . . I
toll. .
there Wa& a large Attendance and a
proved rapidly and is now about all
right Again. . �
Sabbath And xnadc a good impression.
.� I � � �
Two gentlelnottl front Morris Spoilt
happily spent day, . .
I . . . .
. Mr. O'Hara 'teas lilid his barn: ro-
last Su.nday. visiting At ,the home ,Of . STANLZY TOVMSHIV. L
lit I the'Inatter of tile weather Was- ;
ley S. 8 - Wag, much loss fortunate oil
- -.W- .
, . I .
411ingled as, well as-o-ther hiAprove-t
mell-ts made oil his farm.
Mr. Gavin Janlieson, I . . . . ..
Mr, and Mrs, I Mr. W. X. Keys of the Babylon .
John Biggins spenV
Titesday wheit tile annual pictlic WAS
Wks, %-recaba of 11ditilitoli is oil, a
Lille . I
Sunday at Mr. Luke Lawsouls. - . I inct, with a sad Acei'dent Olt . .
Tuesday of last week. Ile was draw-
Tile Wethedidt.'Sunday
li�old lit 11'aroijuliar's grove, A Xvvomi-
bar temperature is not condu L
"ve to
A vvery pleasant tklloq was Spent
pleasant visit to her gralidparcuts,
Air, and Mrs, Malone. . I
, �. .
sebool heldl
a picnicAn. Mr. Jelin Britton's bush 1119 fil hay and while loading tile .
Outdoor OnjoYlliefit Olt such occasions,
but, llotrwi -th0alloting it all, tlw)y Olin,
I ast Weducklay owniiii'lli St. An- ,
drew's Presbyterian church, th;o event
A largequaritity'of hay was taved
lit last
. � horses started Suddenly and 'was - . . .
last W�dllcsdWy-
IA& which thrOwl, behilid, tile team and than to
Two of * tho,io, pleasant �ve '
gstera� had a jelly Ulne which WAS
bein the presentation to the pastor
'01 t to church, Rov. Dr. A. McLedn,,f �
good couditibu week. Tile
I;P,Y crop is a fair average JI% thisi
the ,ground . And the ,wheelS passed
always causes flutter of excitvalnent
reflected lit ifiosoy of mature years,
Wesley S. $. is too olithusid.
§tic to
a, Pulpit gown and Purse of , olloney
took place, here ro.kentily, The firstt . over him. His tight leg WAS broken. , .
was celebrated at the holue 1 of Mr, At t1re thigh land Iii,q collar bovia-
. .
allow, 06 chilly day spoll its hul"
, As a recognition of thel ostecill, lit
which Ila Is hald by congregat-
The onarridge (if Miss U1112t1d, J.
Porlyos altot Mr� McPhe"011 was 4
Fractured. Thu- injurles'ate so severe � .
'relln CAtter When his seeintol daugh-
that lie will Iyo* kept lit bat many
The Ontario street school drove to
!oil. Refre.-Jillittents were Served in the
pleasant eivent and Was attpuded by
ter Miss Utta, was. united lit iivarr� I I
la we to Mr. 0 T. Dalej a weeks. '18well all aceidolit to ,1, farliter .
l3ayfield yesft�rday and. put hvagiyod
thwo lit Jewett'$ Tot degrees
bagoluell.t. of tile church after which
a large( uptuber of guests. We . wiqlt
oun young fariner of Ilullett. The ill his, blisy Season is ilideed trying. . I .
,more beat would have beete pleasi-
tile Company repaired tot the auditori.
ItIn Where in addrL,ss Was read and a
the couple niany years of Ila pplilless
and prosperity, . I
other took placc at the residence. (it Ur. Xeys, lin,wevcr, is getting Along. ., I .
WS, well as. could be
antor, but we doubt if this pr%
reply given by Dr. McLean. Uxeoill-
. I .
Mr. Jelin 11rittoll when Ilig Voungest expected. . . I . �
.. . I
dailghtet, miss 1"�ditll, WAS uliiLed lit I
School 99LVO ft thOlIght to
iWitat the thertuottieter would register
cut addresses were given by clergymoll
present. The degree of Doctor Of Di-
mr. Clialit lior-alli atAtts that ('TI"-
. .
04 Italy bouds ot .'Illatrillionly to) Mr, . I . I I
when lonee Started ou.thoir journey.
Willis S. IS, 9(yes' tUDWficlll'N to-
vi1jity was lately el
0- iferred (y)), Rev. .fow
Dt, Afef,ean by tile Senate 0 QffMll'S
got a Calladiatt contract for .
David' Wcit, a fOrlutr 80106i teacher Rev. Air. Barr is asking a bollus
of - thi&- village. We lextiend heart front the Interior. Depart"teut as a .
day, J,
Truiversity, Millptoll,
OIC04110tiVeS S0101y Oil OLCOOttlilt ,
preferonce.. I
eongratlitlatiolls to the J%'wlY-WQ1d,ed consideration for Iriliging ,2,500 sett. -
cotiple's. lers ov��. 1) I
I .