HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-09, Page 8Midmsummer Sale. Third Week. Japanese Wash Silks, at 25c per yardo. 0 0 4 APANESE Wesh -Silks In f i'�cy stri'Pes anO plain Japan silks; selling at 25c per yard , are thiswieles leading feature. of our big Mid -Summer Sale, . This sale grows -in intest as the days go 'by. The, interest in- creases because it Is genuinely money -saving. These silk bargains are on a par with Its other big values. They are thoroughl)r re- liable qualities. Just as good in.every way as if as if you paid 35.c or 40c' per yard for f hzna. We bought them - specially for this sale. -Bought them'below . regular value,' or we could not sell them for 25P per yard., - Just these lots to sell; when they are gone, no mare at this price. Stripe Wash Silks at 25c per yard. 800 yard strips Wash Silka,'good, be%vy quality, plain and corded stripe, in plain oret%m, blue abd I cream, Pink ano cream, green and oream, fown and oream. etc , band - some pitierus and qnslities that are sold all over at from 35c to 40c por yttr I, Thpy rpakti a stylish and Bet Vicable waiet. 800 y%r"s to sell, oommi-noing Saturd-ty, a! per )d Plain Japan Silks at 25e per yard... Nat tho ordinary 25o kind, but one that is worth 35o regular. 23 -inch plain Janan Silks, suitable for wai&ts, tritumings an i fanol work, 9 arauteen all pure silki in white, oream, buttercup bluo, pink 'and black. on sale Saturday at per yard ... - .............. 25c. These Silks were bought. sDecially for.'th;s - sale and are brand new goods. They go. on sale, Satur. day morning, July 12tb. See ttiem in th6 on r, riday. The under=priced.eurta,.nS4. July is not a curtedn niouth as a general rule',.It is utually,a month of small curta;iii selling. TVs year is agoing to be exceptional at -this store,. for the curtain es we are offering is.going to make this one of the best curtain mo ' nths. of. the year I . T hesie curtains are zood. They are now...,They are cheap. because we b-)ught thein'that '"Way.. The' 1 � I . priecs marked "regular"' in the: list b6low �are ..those, we would have sold them for,.had they: come td.. us.- in the usual way. 'You can see you� saving. - $1.125 Curtains at 98c -Good quality Nottingham Laos Cnrtaing,, strong,' "firm Let, new patterns 3J yde long, button hole edges, regular $1.25'. and good valae at that. special for ibis sale, pek-pair. 6... 98C $1.50 Lace 4-lurtains at $1.12.1 Nottingham Laos Curtains, nice'lacy ile'sigd, in spray -'and spots with heavy borderi very. strong-nel� a serviceable cAr. t1i. that looks well when tip, 'regular. $1l, 60.- lor salo,*�.. Lace Curtains at $1.48 Fine Nottingham Laos Curtains, at�ot3g, nest' floral dpaigna, button hole edges, would be rest) good value pe.� pair 01.75, special for sale.. ........ 1.48 $2.25 Lace Curtains for $1.68 Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains ' l"y designd 'with, �stripee and immitation Battenberg borders, button hole ddges, regular 02.25, for sale ................. 1 68 $2.50 Curtains.for $1.9,0 Nottingham Lace Curtains, heavy border *11h plain. cettre, or very fine all over patteru in sprays and leaVes, button h)le bdgee, sold regularl) at 62.50, special for sale per pair. -1.910 $3.76 Curtains at $2 So. Heavy Nottingham Lace Ourtairip, strong heAvy net, very fashionable, immitation B%ttvuberg border, i�gular'$3,7� for sale ................................. ........ 280 The Bargain Haiidkerehiel[s., We are selling Idis of Ha n-Repchiefs these, days, -selling IDts because we are-sell.ing. them- cheap,-, selling them cheap because w6'':foluid a wholesale dealer who wanted to clear out big entire stock, anJ was willing to quote some very low'prices, in order to do it. There wcre over. 2,OUO when w'e started tbii Emle. Now there are iiot nearly., ag. many, but still a oig variety to choose from. 25c Handkerchiefs for 15c. WO fancy embroidered Hanakorchiefe, fitWqual ty, JIM br'M- mod or embroidered odgeu, 311 .,norL I)atturns and qualities that retaii regulrr at 20. and '25c, clearing ibis lot -at each l5c. Extra Crood Handkere-hiels at at' 800 fano-, Handkerchiefs, all One quality, this Job-ineltiaes lin6a tba� ret,, I loci in The regu6r wity at . f roffi�. so I to 400., We bought th m cheap and they g) on sale at, your choice foe 19C AnY Trimifted Hat a . t..half Ue. pr You can take your ch ice ofany . trimmed bat in the Store at half-price. We: have about 30 hats on band. Ever) one is this smsons sliap'e and style.'' They are trimmed as, our MiDiners know* how to trini. Rather thai, cat -r), them ovori we sell them al.1, Iao matter what the forn*r ptice, at half piice, I AnY UntriMMed Hat at '50C. With the trlmme(t Rat� at balf price we Put On sale the balance of "our wifrimmod �bstpea tit . your: eholce for 50c. Th" ere vvill Ile Positively no reserve ex(ept legaorna. All must go and'Tou ean take the obaspest or the best upirittilnoti bait we havoIn the store for We a piece. They. sold at from 76c, -to.$21. Black or colors, all now this seas..)IN HODGEN&BROSO., eLINTV 0 THU CLINTON NZWO-AIDOORD July qth� 1008 and heaps of value'la. the ones we offer0ou. Clinton retailing has never seen bargains equal to the ones given here during the past week. It Is, just this I out stock is T en Thourand . larger than it was A year ago, (it was largo enough then,), so what we must do, is to. reOurx thestockto! its proper size -we can't do it in one week or two-it,will take time.. A great many people -came for the bargains last week but there are yet hundreds who did not come, A hammock is, one of the "nact lrinnwn an+Jr1f%+.aa , fhr but will be here this week when they hear of the greatest money saving sale Clinton ever had.: weariness, It bas healthful, restful qualities. It is a good place to sleep in and a fine placc to read in with its pure and be4lthful air. It will re�- lieve yor mentally'and physi.- 0011 rnnra +,kwh I+ KV1,11 AMP. These Bargains 90 Ott, 8410 Thursda' Morning at nine o'clock. J I . . J . .. . . . + . - . I I pocketbook. Ve77 _7 $1.50 and $1.60, Lace Curtains iLt $1,.19 8c Grey Cotton at 4c, Severid d6z I en pair . of 3J yard long Lace Curtains r . egnlar price% of, Agwits Pxrker's Vye Works, 1200 yardi, of Sc, G�ey Cotton, Which is just Slightly damagt I being which were $1,60 and $1.00 will go on sale Thursday motniag at.. 1.19 sold ..................... .04 ,The Wt. D. Fair 00. 10c and 25r., r1uslins at. 121c, 509 Carpet at.33C pat, %U 1XV 75 lards ofextra heavy Uniou Car 36 incheso wide. Out re fl, Several honlred yards. of the best American Muslins ill colors of Pink,, price is 50c, On sale at per yard. aa 'Often tU Cheapest, Always the &-st, Blue, Linen, etc., that sold at, 200. ap(l 25c., going during this Stock Risduction Sale ........ 122 . &5c to $1.25 Dress Goods at, 50c 30c and 35c Muslins at 15c 75. yards uf all wool Dress - Goods. consisting of Satin Cloths S 25' Is"IM"i About Wool Voiles, etc, The regular prices ara,75c,, 85c, to $1, 850 tiards of this season's choicest French and American Muslim,. in all ReductionSalo .......... ............. ............... 50 c nowest colorsi. all 000ds that sold at 30c, and 8.5c,, are losing sold Pedple during this Stock Reduction Sale at per, yard... ............. 50c Summer Silk at 29c: 75c Satin 1iberty Silks' at. 45 W* 121c' Prints at., 8Jc' e Know I - i 85e Black Pean-de-Soie at 63c. .32 llabb wide Canadian a�d English F!rints, in light.and (Urk colors and all fast, 1-egulae price 12Jc,, Stock Reduction Sale Price. ............. 0082 '50c White lawn Waists at Mr, Will. KrAnIp. wa�s in. London. lost 35c: ,week, 9c Linen Towling at 6 79C 5,00 c Aliss Sara Clull of Toronto. is visit- $1.50 1.75 ing at h1r, It, J.' Cluills. 300 yards Of All Linen Toweling, extra heavy ity- that will give good quall .0urregularopiceis9c. Stock 00*6 - Miss 11,016n Fair ist sponding *the holi- wear. Great Clearance of all Summer Millinery (lays with Glencoe relatives. 90c and .95c Table Linen at 59C Mri. A. !,. Grigg visited, 'doderich 0.00 to $5.50 Trimmed Hats for 0,00 frieftcls' for a few days la'ot week. .75 yards 724ticb *ide -fine bleached Table Linen, very flne quality. war,. ranted. All Linen, regular price 90c. and 05c., Redticti'10 , Silo I ice 5-9 n x ..2.50 to: 3.50 Tririimed Hats for Mr. Vorc� Fair has been sp�nding,h�i� 86C to - LOO Sailors: at 26c ,holidays in Toronto. 'and Niagara... 35c Table Linen at 22c e Flowersat L es Than.Half Pr Miss ' Hastinis of � Toronto is. the 50c Fine Bleached Table Linen at ..... ........ .33 .................. . gimst 01, her- uncle, Air, S. H.Swith. . .. I . . I, . . . 1 .1.. . .. : 20cand 25c. Silk Rlbbofisai'15c Mr. and. Mr.s. R. AT. Metcart 4-nd son More 8c Batting- at Sc So-yeral b ridred yards of Silk Neck Ribb . ons that sold -at 20c and 25c are ndiRg' the) holfd&ys in AVind- u tt . . i, are 100 Bunches more of,very fine.Ootton atting at'. ........ ........ .4 beibg Sold ............ ............... .. sor� Afr. and Mrs. 'James re of Sedfdrth 4)eut �$tinday with Q),inton friends, a 'Me''n's' a d- B ys' 'Clothing. at. Sale'Price. Miss Navlor has returiAod 'to towo- o e 0 after. k'weWs Visit t6 her- home at �Belgtavc. Ilen's"$6.50 -to $7.50.Suits,at'$4.50 Z , 'OOYS.1, 75c -:Knickers at 'Oc to $1 mi. f4ester white3y. of the t-olleglati-, Several doz pa . irs e . f dys"I I Odd'l , I n*es of M . 6n's Twe.ed Su . its that sold at,$0.50 00 $7.11 to 0. -Knickeirs with double'sk . t8i" a d duving 10 Ins Ituba teachftq� staff, '-St, Th 46aOy Wool 50 go ale Days' at. -.4 regular prices,75c to.$I,,Sale ....... .50 S. ........ ...... Mi9s- James pf- FSSLX has. bden the guest. of, Misg Luty Grant. during Boy.s? 3-Plece Suits worth afid..$,5.50`At.$3.95, $1150 to� $155oils at. $9 lute, p as't, week.. -sted Suits that were tip to $V 5.00, for.. -Made of all wool tweeds, som-emith double seats and knees in.pants , Odd lines of blea's Far�cy Won Mrs: -iViuidi ...... e and Miss B. UeNibj) of ....... ......... ................. ............. Seaforth. were gUests of Mr.. A. J. Bp�y 2 Piece Suits at. $2,.25 worth $4.50 Cantelon, this week. Aell I S $4 Suminer 5uits. for $3.50 Boys' Suits made of anall woo) Halifax tweeid, well lmade'ditd finished,' - White of Toronto, wliq has, liceu at! have goodAif s,A1 valueat.$3.50, Sale Pride. Vade ofl.nav clotfiwit� white stripes. Miss %ing, Y, tim Minlile'8xicken- den i6gr1loslite op�fas,.Xtwiscck, 'has, returned home. Mr,. H. T. Sl9rnan,. prWident- of thcl� Plasterers'* Union of''rorontoi came t old h ur- t1l) the ome on Sa I t V01741, J110360T 13ACA -da.� 0 visit. IF YOU �WAXT IT Alis. T. Lavin i's entertaining her sister, Airs. -Cargill, and 'dauglAcir 4. -it, soil, , of Rev, .Torrance � Dunlo Mr. entered the service of Putilop', has the. Sover Bank and is attach- td,to -the staff, Xiss. S. 1C.00k, manager of the - W ;Copper &' Co�s Winghain branch, I 'spent a - couple of Jiours at home in CLINTON Clint.oh yesterday afternoon. -Mr. Walter .14owory. "of -.Bxus�cl1,. I Mr. Albert - Fraser * of'Gudpli and Miss PERSOXAL. PIMSONAL. B. Praser :of-Ramilton were guests of­,'Rfr�. 0; 0 son � the. past .. week: Miss Annie Co-ok ii fricas in Airs. R, B:, Co tiltes VisiW Goderiqh It Ur;§-, F'. -Watson and her Oaughtoi,. Miss Bartel .11 I tt., visiting. friends in - Miss Voy of, 14ndo Migs. Alice, vigited v1drs, D.:B.. Ken-, Listowel, * . .. .. I . I : , . , it was. :the, guest J 205, Straw Hatts nedy Tua*lay and.- '4tteuded. St. of.' Xiss�� 'Blake. of I)gtelett . last Paul's garden party in the evellikig. miss Ekaffl WINToil is'visiting . -London friends this*: wd�k Amon, i thiose: who came ui� from Tor - Mr. 4)ftd Mrs.' Williain Fluker on Tues.- Mrs. $, CoR, left last we0k to ,0,11 6it, on Skturd'av's 1-1. 0. B At a Quarter 6* Piece attonde -oral . of . Id, 4ay d . the fun tier h0band at Ayr,'. Lursibli were Thomas Peck-eitt Will rs.. I'DWci. George! . Fluker, who died on' the. Messrs. R. Graham arta. 1-1. Davis Mi L aLipd M h6westead in Ml.cst Yawanosh on, Were in,LToronto this week.' Scott, Goo -C. k�thwell, Lee Brown, -o a s. Sunday. Alr.J. W. Hill left ofi. Sattirday. (mi 'a. 'Mrs. 9d: 14'loody 6nd.fdin- Wq are. goi ng to sell a lot f Xr. and Mrs, J. `.-busiteso, trip to Waltitoba..- .11y, Miss, Pridbarm, Bcrt: Pridligm, H` )�011 alld f"n"� Atiss-Nabol. Can-tiolon went to Toronto' Mrs. Ink: Catiteldix,- Afigs. Mabel .of 0elweill Iowa, arrived on Sat- on urday. because we tire going to sell a lot urday for. �' fow- da�s visit at Mr. on Mmiday with -heir ii.iiit, Mrs. 3U, Tcw.�ley, I'liornu ' RogerSi. Herb John Multnerton's. Floody. Cluff, 1Prne Harry Dow-' 50C'a u of 40c, nd 60c Hat out at a 0 arter, of, ''a Aliss Lyde Cooi 'of 't6roiit� isit- ser William Scott,, MT; is V . oblL. Kfirg.returned h0lne last ing lier parents*, Air, jid-,Aiis, 1-1, week froin. Kagawong, Manitoulin� w. Cook. a 'Dollar a piece. I -lost of them ate' the last ones Js1c, where, he had-beeii teadhing; M�s, R. A..Nopbitt Lnd daughter w" pinz]4 IVINTNIMS, I so I three rin't; 0 wo 0 and in eornpany'with, his I friend,, guests of.Afrs., J. -AV. Irwin .,Satur.� AM6 s frain,L'th of neg. and t s f Iines that -are down, to- one e 13ow wg' Mr. Hilliard; 3s' taking. a trip tol day and '11it clay; Detroit. and Cfeveland; Club took part in the tournament in Miss christona mamcAlald of Lucknow Seaforth this Vook : - . - dds or two of.a,siie. We gathgred all tho�e. o has been 'inn's, R, J. Gibson. of 'the. anadiall .. vigiting, 6.*t Mr� A. -6 - Ttiyjor, Wisetnan, Brydonq und X�ick� soo"was the gueft. -of his tnother, tor the past woek.' nd n Saturday Mrs. R. Mcl4ennatt,- -last week, He- miss, Jollulson, of *tile teaching ..staa together a will clear them out,. o 'IV Shaw, 11arland aod1loMror. nt UbeVaA worker in of the - Collegiate is 'apendin thd �(,1911�lrlltille NViltsie, ArinstrOug and at your choice fat- 25c.. See. them in thei win-. ys. U.,- I . . . . . . tho. Sdo Idnistrict l'ixad is ii likely holida in Manitob Johnston'e' candidate Jor Parlianventary honors; ?Ai-qs V911tassel -and flat sistOr, Airs. All tfircc� inet iW'th consiclemblo Toronto, were gtwsts of oftep-oss but to. lvlr,:� Jacksan's' ritik dow Mr. haid. Mrs. J: C. Stevenson. are hjrs,.�16C&rvic. this week. going to 'Toronto this week whe're Itev. J� Greene was in Vullorton "lon balonp. the honor of winning first Mr, S. will attetid ilie ., furniture 'I prize-to.ur ,solid leather suit cascs- Wednesday attending the funcral o in tile Association inatch Nen'm and lRoys" straw Hats, assorted sizeo, and coarse tile late Imating out, at pur- in iftfattifiers, c-.xl1ib ' itiou and kev; S. A. Fergt Soil. O'Connell's rink, 06doricb� and f1pe strd�vs, all'sizes in the lot but not all of tiny ba -d 600 L - C , hfi� fall v4pply of up-to-date Mr. and Ws, : H, Johnstone Of I Ott. one kioa, regular 46c, 50t, and clearin*g Saturday.a6youl goods, William - were guests last week of choice*. ............ I ..... i.26 Mr. , Haivey Alc8riett was in Ripley Air� - mi(I Mrs. Johit. Mmilletton. NV.JttLUR. last weick-atibanding the wedding of Ifts, Ciumpboll oF Ayllmer last week. Mr� John Archer, at bite time of ' �jj�it6d. liqr Son . L, Air. AV, 1,hu,13ewnill'r bfaueh of tile W.61wli's Gletilk & Belso Line, The bride was Was Conupbell, organist. of �Viliis rhurch: xnstitute-will 1101d their next -lueciting at the hotue of Mrs; A. 11alliday.olt Stra Vlic 901,00d, one of RiplOY's fair- Murray Gilroy of Chicago, soil, oi M, IN S w Sailors 49C inaidensi 1ho , at 'thp i6th -.3ttly at 2 1). m. The ladies ceremony was wit- Mr. 'T � C. 6 -0 formlerIv 'Of Clin- ton, is visiting utou friends are cordially invited to adood. �tssed "by about i5a guests� this 'Ire goi Mr.' :Pd. Shaw and Wiss 8haw arriv- WC&I With the Straw Rafs at 25C we lig to sell 50 Mrs, 'John Co:lc and b1r. Thoq. Cox ed ftord Toronto on the H. 0. n. CONSTANCV, Straw Sailors at 49c a�pi6ce. Tb6y are neat and nobby excursion an Saturday and were of Ottawa, aunt and cousin, ro- I the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A spectively of Mr. R.. J. Chill, ato Otif aster has gravel laid shapes and the last, ones of lines that sold at 756' $1 and W I *Ills guo*is, t1lis week. dowl , I i1pa1t1111nL1t Village with the inton- Walker; ithi Vitotu-Miss ShaW Wil Cement side - visit a wdek or two. Ift mi. Doupe'of Torwito, A:C_ $L25. Shaw 41 V. tion )f putting down m1pani,ed by ijlfjtjj�t, dalightLr J-4 Walk wilialt, will be an improvement retuined to the city Monday OV011- ec 'I MeIA's Sbraw Hato, Sailor Shalle, plain aild fanl�y blinds"fino and, ing. the guest of her parelita, Mr. Rita ovet tile plank olles. � I . I I and Mrs. Johil' 13ailey Of C1111- coiLrae straw, last onei of lines that sold %t 75c, $1 And $1.25 49. Mrs. 10frt(I UcXown. Mr, On sale SaturdAy-your choice ...... ....... Mrs. George Darge abd family are M... S - Cantelou, Ur$. irwiti and ton viqi�pcl, at. tJ14 holne of Mrs. Tpl. . slyoudilig sotiloo w ks with 116V Ohil- ter, - Mrs. Joseph Va-uhatton of wood- Mr. %.;Ilrls. Crozier of 8tteetsvilic visited the; Cantoloti anct Cookfqjn� AMU last QU11(tay. Mr. 3ohn.Toin0eton of Tucketolulth, stock, 'Mr. Barge left tire Saltho mornift�, $aturday, to Woke a. busi- ilies froin Saturday witil �Xonday evolling., j;pent a few dtLys Visiting ilt, this neighborhodd last week, ne," 'trip throu - i Manitoba and the T6 irtttests tile bf,sfts Johatina Xacrelter and Carrie Aliss Lily� Bucly of Morris spent a Totr- -.- '_ of, 01:11ISH branch of 11-Todgens Bros, g Xat.quer of Sebringville are Opend- Itig a col iple of weeks with tlt(x lbw (Jaya visiting her friend, Miss Xate JatuiOoll. 'tal)lislV111'ent, fortuier's slAer, Mrs. Andrew X-',ck. Mr. D. ni xelluedy and Ills grand'. G;lrd. Trir4rf qo1j, Master VilL, visittd Cafte4onio; Mrs, J. W, Uinor and childroll of 'the Air. seariett NVilliallis of, Loeburn la -.9t week and whilo there D. U. fishod itt Mackenzie Creek, tht id'etit- Mount Poftst are gucstq of Goo. A, Rorke while Mr. Taft- was the guest of Mis.9 Nall Alaodoilk ital s*eaqu whith lie did his, first lltrs.,, ubwft on a bitsiuess ttip to ald on Stinday. . Xrs� Clark' alat daughter, X16, fishing fifty fivo yeats, ago. 110 has yattktAj ittany it 'piscatoriat beauty mailitol)A. . Mrs,41, U. Combe has gone to Day- Stroutner of J)otr0!,tf -vtsiltled fti�mdo Iro,111 ftq wattrs, and other Waters, field to spend tho stmilrdefilt eolh. in. thi�q vicinity last week. AV. Mrs, Thus. 11ottlo spottt ,Rillee then, ior lie is a ltottd A119. with Atiss 0111 of Mitchell. and " ', * 11. M31". T-MA00 nly t1l. ler. MiTing 1liV visit Ito also at- Tricks of the latter placa Is .11 MY M teluled a gardell party held under � their guest at preront. tile atuipikes or tile U 11,gli,411 -� churdt mt. and Atrg. J: W, Irwin and their Mr. Sacol) 1)oncaq of Maytott called at whi0i $21qo Mrals daughter Agnes left nit Titealay. for on frielld$ aroutta Itere neently. resalizeA, Mr. Xetuiedy brouflit a; tell (lays (Iriving tour. Theygo SK, OSOO t HODGENS Intone home aw owl which thleas"red 4 Ott 111P the 14L.6 shore to sonths-111ptoft, JURSUM CATIV VOR SALM, 7 1 t it ilwen. 't1eltea frollt tip to tip Of Wing* 11tv acrmqs to sound, 411(l CLOTHING MOM, JACICSON 0091., OLD STAND. And isi 110ming it 411CAmw UY our Will -returil 1)y Way of Hanover, I Pure jenqcy 11eirer calf for sale, sov. n. rhist, Mv%. sealv, local taxWt walkertou Allid, wingllalu�-. at weaUs old. Apply at this offick.