HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-09, Page 7V
I a�dy otil 1908
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Molsons Bank
I 11TT15 -
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1. ----.----
- I .
7 "Ill'.... . -4
I 14c ratod by
An 3400i par naksx*004 WV001C.
In the early days of the road there
. Aqt a, 1855.
� . ,
c4pital, - . . $2,506,000
-A-(-;--Z -,, ,-
-C -�),-?/,)..��
- '�O, ,e
W A00t.c0oug Alway", StIr Thosr
1110ter 040 Way Osilr'.
W40 a smash up.: and all wero badly
shaken up. The next morning a burly
I �"
QXA114 Tvalsu 1,04"Wo. Rallway gtad 00
The vroco,411Q.
oca( .
Pliny said tile in 111018, 0410 "will
Vivo lind AnISIMY Artridetals at Uorrill;0y,
I IsX.
Re -It 50,000
- - - - - - a,2,
. lldl�)."X�- , �,, ,
. ,J;,., ( �e , ,,
". ,
, I ,*.re,
, a good lump o
, . r fresh butter
farmer liniped into the superintend.
IWIway Cout,4111%1,01#01% Wit tl;q Chief
abide any injury and not be pierced."
' Xorrj�,vvy, D.C., `Wutlo
URMI) Or .
and roll it in flour, place It In a 111ted
saucepan with a halt plat of rich
ents of4ce and said, "Alr. Superintend,-
b"Wooft 19A tho co!"AnOU4. I
That way have been true Ili his dayt
21), J. P.
lJoran, it jipw braheman on tile
I uolson DTAQVIlersoll, President.
James lillicit, General Xiln4ger.
. I
-X'AIJ, Tr -,RDI OPF,NfS $RPT. ist.
cream, stir It gently over a low flHe, al.
ent, I came In to sep what you ivere go�
Ing to give we for shaWng we up so
I ottalv;at, ,June, 29. -- vuring tile
I pa't �\eel; tile chiR subje6ts Ul, tile
but It IN, not true Italy. Tlio bullet of a
heavy modern rwe will pierce the skin
lligh 1131t. of tile Arorrls.ey colliery,
Awt �vith it terrible ave! lent Frj'Jav,
Nottvs. discounted. Collections ,e.
'Sworcs of Businesti; CoMgcs have
the same 'way
,, till it begin$ to
7(,sterdayll The superIntendentasked
Conialons dt-hates. wore the Urand
Anywhere unless it strikes In a glant.
gtii(t (lit d tit the Vernin I'loslittal sat- 11
. Drafts Issued. ,Sterling and Atner-
ican U Xcho"14go bought tind ;sold. I
applied to us for our graduates, to
act as ic ,achers fit their whools. This
This recipe for the makIng of m elted
how mucl; Ile tbought be ought to have
,Trttnt,� piwille and Mr. Dlair"s Itail-
way Volumission Bill.
I ng direction, The crocodile Is not no
iirday vveidw, I Ile attvillpted to
Tute.rust. ullowed, on deposits. I
I,% thc evidenct- you ,Ire� loo'king for
butter Is quoted froin. 40 old fashioned
for his Injuries. I think it worth
50 cents, and I will settle -ter that."
Those have
01twilat(41.witit routine I)gsiness in
a rule hard to kill, provided one
get a good shot at It, but that Is just
jullip oll the-tionki-y vagill('. Whilf. fit
illotioll, . ulld" Inissing 1118 foating,
Intercot allowed oil sums of $1 and
us to. tile bl.%st .school to attold.
sands of our foriuvr stit"101ts Art'
cookery. book at a century. ago, b
. . ut tile
directlon to stir "always, the same
The suporin
. tenaeot replied that It woo
"lllllllttel�, Wait at tilljol; UK! Alisclis-
s "�s "o 0 Ntwy Nllrorotts and, war"'.
tbqt trouble. It bas not the marvelous
ft.11 Ili front of ilip whV1,11s. The Qn.
gine IMS"U'd oxer 10111,
up, Compounded half Yearly.
now fit busluous life. Write for ('tit'
handsome C.Italogue.
way" 15 observed as religiously today
quite a suni, but As the seemed
honest he would pay Win, and lie did,
Consi-Jeruble I;ilo "
gress bus 1)"n nla"
'vitality at the zhark, whicli wIl I some,
Vines .struggle furiously f � an bour,
oil(, log und I)rc�tthing tho other. . �
AL-Mon4y advanced to farmers on their
as It was then, nud J)POIJably Will be for
A thousand to
so, taking his recelpt In full. The on,
t1lP 9(ttit-ral ratilwaY bill, and
the lorand Trullj� 1111cifle bill bag
.although covered with apparently -war.
A hantlear with thirteon mell Was .
run, down by a pw"(q1g,vr train I . .
own notes with one or more on-
dor4ers, No murtgago, required, as
W. J. F,T,T,tIOTT, Principal.
-.-- I -
years came.
All cooks of all ngtJOI)s stir not only
perinteadent said, "I wUI be liberal
,%Vltb you and give y0a a pass to take
lie it rt'l orted.
*al wounds, - .
I , I I
! 11rday two 110108 Past of BrorriNspV �
� -- -- --
---!!- -1--7---
. "
the same way, but also. from east to
I � pt #AX. — It A I
,14t, Mulock's Wit seclucing
I Junction, rovititing
I . lit the dpAtth of .
AL C. BRUWUR, Manager, Clinton.
G. D. McTagorart
. ft
A Gene.ral Banking Business transact-
. ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
, I
issued. Interest allowed ,on de-
� yosits. I
� west, 4 sure Indleatiou that the prae-
J41" 4 414'.. . � �? J 'A ALS I R. W,,&
its these pinall-,slapping his legor411ast
nowl;paper postage 4na.f providing an-
nual. incri,,ases for postal clerks Ull-
qllt"Xelp 41.4 Ivanter. .
The. anake bibernates-tbat is, It '
all Italian iiaiur.-d Antonio S41vil- .
toPe, Uis budY Was 1101"'Ibly matial. I
� tice originated With sun Worshipers.
I Won't go on your darn railroad any
tit tho,v reaeli thOr n-Auxiinuin, wgs�
self be autumn and winter sea.
pas A i 'late
ell � . I
Speaking of stirring bring-, to mind
niorc,ll� .
read a first t1mo, I
sond In 4 state of torpor coiled up In '
"��r . .-,. I " I
0 that In most l0aglIsIl - households-coun.
� .
. The Ill 1A*II1%e,J and ri,lections Coin-
the hollow roots of trees or cavitle
� tr, ones at least-tbe practice of the
, y I
Prevention of Corap.
n littec fOluld thilt UP- J. T. Scholl,
Vrotected by bushes. With the return
Nervou'sliess .
whole family joining to stir the Christ.
> was I)Iuiqa pudding to slill tri'vogue,
There suggeattions without num.
Der for the cure of corns, Any reputa.
. M.P., had not ill( Anted the lndepcnd�
denee of Pa,liunwitt Act. I y reason
lot Warmth. it jostles fortll In pursult at i
to breed. 11lie f6male lays 1
I .
and' Wipstion
. .
� There are many .pecullar, Old fush-
ble chiropodist and some who are not
0 his firm Bolling $5.50 worth al
prey and I
from sixteen to twenty eggs in A string ,
I . ".. .1 . . I
� "Joued superstitions connected
I � . 'With
reputable .can furnish an unfailing,
. .
goods to the Government Agent for
tile ,L,Xa)ositfq11 tit al"gow. They
and leaves them to be hatched by the
and 814.10
."jug *sm cseaft,be purell, and
n11104W.11 bilifit 1114 by r. 0144tse's
cooking. I
� to , oat-
� r r lustande, In Scotland, when
rouledy. But there Is one sure way to
prevent them. lDo n't wear the s time,
(lid not know it was to tile Govern-
loun or by the warmth of decomposing
. .
. Nerve Food. I �
-1L -'
CAn. WMLIAM I �SKRREXY, $5 Lockman
>� 'cakes are being baked, It Ili still cus-
pair of shoes two days Ili succession.,
llittut thtlt tl1n goods Ivel,o "Ia.
The Opposition moved Ili anwlid-.
. I
. - .—
St., 11alif
Ax, N.S., states ,-"Before I be . gan . .
> tortiary to break off a. little piece and
> throw It into the fire.
Corns are. caused by friction on the
talent to supply that tile Goveraillent
, An Artlot to Do 34,4,v
, � vied.
nbing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled . .
a great deal with dizziness, nervou�ness and . .
. . � .
> ,
toes, and the most expert bootmaker
Is vollsitrable for not having , biltior
I Nye know of no one more to be envied
,sick headache, which sceilled to be caused . .
At one time, 'whenever a baking wa,W
. I
cannot make twopairs of Oboes which
� .
loolted after Canada's interests in
at the time than a W611 4ressed cutter
froin indigestion. Since wing this preparation .
. I Milue-willen. -was pefliaps once a - will ru . the watter of cattle for ro-stocking, I I I
Albert street - - - - -,.-.-,-. - ,b the feet In the $time -place, � on 4 fashionable promenade walking for.a time, all these distressil)g sym
--- - . ;M . I
I Clinton, . � . I I � I I . ptoms have .
� w.� '. ,,,-,— � .1 J*Onth only -a cake was. made with The change of shoes gives the feet a Loor farms; the Information tbutthe ,behind a stylish, artlatic, right fitting � . . disappeared and I con-
. ,
. �, .nine knobson1t, ltachoftbecomptilly chance to.rost.- It Is also good for the 1'rbi.-Ji. Government was,buying cat- Jeout that he cut gloriously and beautl- ' I I sider that I OLIU entirely .
Wooldlis IlPhor.phoolnel broke, one off, and, tbroiAng -it behind oil' . . I cured, I neverused any �
. The Orent tuglish Reittelly, OPs. nt)4 footwear which is treate4 tlo I" 'rexas rot' this 1)"rPoso NN -us tilk" fully adorning the back of a. well I .
I old, well e�taab-- 11 011.4 fashion wIll )list much )eager I I � 0,7k IF incdicino that seemed to I
1. SCOTT, bim, said, "This I give to thee; preserve I exciting qatise, The amendinent was lforme4 man. .
. 11 It, A and reliable Old J.,v 41 vote of 74 to 48. . 1�� � bili I tile tip so tharougll- .
.. I U.: than my mbeep.11 �ioenfloialng the narn � . I
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I = reptiration, Hasbe . 0 than If put to dal)y use, �;Uli " ly, and to�day I am in
r"cribeal and noxious anlinal-f6x, Wolf or eagle, .. A 11 -
.. I 11 on Feeling relLrenem ware made by Would Give It ,iwoy.' . I 0"!
4- v of a I . � . . .490.
1 used . - I the Prowler and Mr, Borden on the , I better beal th than I !lave
Money to loan. .... . . *yet 40 years, All 4rug- A ronst Pheasant.!$ usually sent tip . The Doctor -You have a bad cold, `,-'J'. been for several years,". . .
. gists in the Dominion . -8CRAWNY PROJILE, nen-s of the death of Ali.. Farquhar" . .
11 I .. of Canada sell and I with the tall feathers, This praeticels . . ' JWr. Aggs. I'll give you some pills for .. . � , 1. .
Officc-Ulliott Block - � . 'Clit,t.on, recommend as bein . . ll(;(r".I0 I,y.)w thin, Wrawliv pale son, a member of the 11ouse. . � rl� I .. 1". 1 4�; Ilynotingyourincrea4#
. . . I Deforp and 40or, the only medicine ol a memorial of the days whell a Pea, ill -, .. � . it, �, - � .1 In NN eight while using this . .
I I is t 0"turia Ited Istribalkti GoA, . , . ��` :.
.ill we'll, �Nllea �I-e Ijood hir) . "' .
. — I its kind that curee and. cock was skinned -before roasting and " nll(l Nvatvry. 11' Jiggs-Oh, never mind, doctor. ,YOU ,I- -11.1�1 great food cure, you can
� . I gives univerial satisfaction- ,It promptly and, when cooked was sewed into its plum- oli tile litit ,"-'a licec'ed to round Ottawa, Jura6 0-7.-Tbe ItodisLribu. can ba-ve Lt for nothing, - I prove for a certainty that, �
W. DRYDONB, permanently cures all forms. of Nervous Weak, I . ailglks and fill:(Yut tile' forin, flan Committee .at .Its' ssi I I � . , .
.so. oil 17�os-
, 0, . . I I it is,adding iiew$ firm- .
ness, Z, Missions, Spermatorrilma, Imp9tency, agealgain, Its beak glided and so served ' ' i -s 116t Ill t but- liceltily lliti-4etthir terday took ill), the of , 0 . . - . . .
. and all oftects of at, question I . C apt. He,lnobery flci;h and ti.5itte to the .
BARRISTr�R, SOLICITOR. use or oxcessals; the excessive , Tossing the pancake, is another Intor. tissue, Ils, ctirivltitqg� �!ie blood and redistribution of Ontario.,- � I I . - .
I use of Tobaoco. Opium or o9tintulants, Menial � . . . . . . . . . I I L lfllrou�dl the inedium of the blood and,, .
'Ipqrryt allof which lead tolitfirmitys esting food superstition. Formerly tile "lere.1sing., iis N. pody, . . I
.Notary, Public, Etc. .1
. tnd,Rrain. ll(;Ilrl%ll I lig - qualities The unit of politilatloh as final]' * Flattery. . . . Pervea 1,1r, dasQ*s Xerve Food sends new .
s nit .' onsbuiption aild an Early Grave. . ,I)r; chose's Xcr%e romicl itdcl-� tie, "The flatterer Is all right," said the. .
rice I r package or six for $0. One will master of the house wasal*ays called . ..N I %v agreed upon gives one inember to a vig"I'-tuld Jellorgy tt) ovtry orgI.) ci:tlie human. . .
11 '-to the hotly as .W01 .-population of 16,884,. two tqnj) ),�:,' -office philosopher. "While no one be- qy.,i and o�f.-rc,x.w,s. dise, ..
'lotaile I Mic . t,
011ice-c-3 Block - - - Clinton e se, "i Ivia eu?-4 Mailed prompty on re- upon to toss the Shrove Tuesday paii. III II. and. tisf I � , in. I I I � , , I ase. .
vw. vi� - atilt -g � . t , So cents a
. t �ake,'0*'IJsuaJJy lie did It.so'clumsil . al�% V. r(..r ellul "ov: You cau I to 30,571941, three members to 06,557, lieves a word he snys,.eve a 4
I . . � Send for froo pamphlet, Address I ' .
. rho Wood 0aiii.pavY * - 31 , . . ry One W411.0 Lo,:, t, t 01 dcAcr.,, or l3dwaivioD, Bates n
— I , provt.l, this I)y noting yat,i increase in t9.01 . �. . -;) 'I o protL . 'list iniita- . I .
.1 , . I and four members to ii.popuiatl6t, of ' . I . V.),, 1" ...1ilij. oct you agai .
-1 1. Windsor# Ont,j C:Qada, I that the contents of the pan found their veight %010c, using �his ,,reat food A,,,', 2 1, I a. , . . .
. , � I I , - - .
RIDOUT & HAIX, Woods Pliospliodiiw is. sold -min.' . Cliii;- , . W(ty to thq floor, When a fine was . do- le"IrL.; . . . . 11 � I I I . . I I — . . . ,� � . . tii.-:.--t 0-a li,xtrait and signakare of I)r. Al. NV. ', . I . .
I � . �
� . .
ton by Watts & Co., 11. B� Combei manded by The cook. ' The custoin In . I . 1. . . .. . . . . It to no conipUment It a� friend comes � Chus-,-% -rc tin cv,!rj- box. � I ,� . . . .
I .
� . .
Conveyancers, Coin inissioners, Real R. P. Rockiee..a.iid J, L�'. IIovcy,'Drug-. still * kept up'at . 11re9tmlnstok school, , , . I . I . .11 I 1fa41l1,1;z tile 04-na. � - fifty miles to. your weddlng, but it.ls a I .
Estate and Insurance Agency. gists.,.. . . : I . . �� .1 . . 'wbere a pancake Is tossed over the bar -TRAV4?LXBD FROM WINNIPEO, fro"I"I'll, 110-i I)eLl;1 ixok I'veJ by most. gr(lat ti,lblite If bi- .twmats live miles to . . I .... .. 1. � 111 I.. -i . . � . . I .
I . . . . . . I . � .
Molicy to loan. . � . . 11 . and scragibled for. ' The one who so- . I . . . . .. Of th(" Will(alis .or No ouytli from tlio your funeral.. . .r . � -. ..1. 0 011 41 X -1 . f'� �,, . A 'V�, . I...? . . . � I
— - - ; . . .- I N � 1 7,.' �0 . �., -'T. , .
--7--------------.' ' . . , r, �. .
. . I earliest silo 8, lifid. 1001(m, k., i I
. - cures It I� rewarded with it'gulnea. . A."N'ot ' � 0 a, fli In pilgoll ---------- — . I I �
JOHN RIDOUT . I baer and Two Daughterst In Needy- . . MAHWil,. "'"'t'. I .
C. B. HALB . . -� . L,.?vor1,sT.Z(Wir.0TI0,ld, . ..�,.�,, W., li W ** �,-
. �
. Fh -Kill * Mutual Fire. . . ' lilrouinstanoes, Make the Jr Countries it W#yIm%'(- takkell tjl�, ro'llin ,rlizitlfcc� tI., il�i , �
,autq �
. e - op . . I I . The origin of thecrpss on hot crass ouruey I . 'jtj� A , '111-NiiT111 � ... , .
. ' Powder is beL � 1, ,, , ,.N -rl.k� � '.. A/
. . -bV I kRll� I I . I I .
. . cakes partly 41 , rlded' .. I � . .. , f � IJ11; %� L-1, 1�144 �- ,
I .. I . . I . 1. buns Is a matter of'Ofspute. There Is fr6ax Winntpog to'Gravenlinirlilt; to Of Are wonslilping there� Call . 110 ter .than o, I,L�r soa.) roinv(; 4 ,,A L) ? "
I .1 I . . insurance Conipaiiy little doubt that ' -: .143cl6k Adiralssion. to the. Free. Uoslpltatl doubt thilt Its ladoption b; the 'l.wiplits, ;8 it ala4cl acts as 4 ,�-..-.l . I . . . OQ2 WtJR-1 '2F lz - 41�� I . . .
. at , I ootai t r .
. y I . . a, . :r I N, I �, - � � � .
,I I . � I I � I . . , . ,
arters were wild for,0onslili lives. . I , .,St�
I - inost part proulig (I .by ----� . nX ;M4 , . I .
B. R. HIGGINS To*n Pioper � Into four qu. e long be . . . was I C, . � I P, . V." �!A,vr&,l
FarrZI and Isolated - apt . for the : I ----, t -
I * - . , I .. . I I � I . d-�, " ) -� I . �. I
. Ali i4stration of the many distressing other than religion,; roason. Orooks . . . . . . . t"...r. ,-;;7'� kA tA 2�4 �
�� ty Only Insured, ' fore the Christian bra. 'At one time It . 1-14,"�-:�,-.'Ia. %`,- C . .
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, . . ' I FOR OVE,R 'STXTY YI .7 . . . -.;j,>" . -:':;.� �-', � � - ,,.,;,
� . � . -4 . .
. . . or, ri c iims , . -',ARS . v �4, �*,�. P ..i, � . I
1 4-1-1 1 4. 1'�';, ,; , �,' 1* , . .
I ,V,.%�, �. . . .
: Was believed that bmd balked on Good cativs constantly coming before the man-. 'ascribe * Its IntrodulotIcii to 111orevales, , ,V- )�,- �: i .� I .
" "I - " 14;" . . .
r M. i� :�� � O', �
Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., d1rawn for . . . . - 'Mrs. Winsiow's ,sootill,11 ' ' � =. ,iz ,V; �-:�� I I .
- t- yo�
... -7-7 -1 " -.2 - . .
'17, ."— I . �
� I ;k�'% E *-!77,7��-'
x each. All work neatly and ,!:,;B. -AlcLe ly final agi;lment clf g S;,; tip has, T .
� .,
the Free Hospital for Con- �t,,.,��,��.; M,--,21�i�L� ��
an, President, - Kippon P., Friday Would never grow inold. , Who, having sworii . ;�11.111 il ... ;? U , �
. 0 to trtill9wit 'the 'b�en aNed by. niillioll!� of i tAliers for .�,Jl ..
f 1�utxiptives at Uravenhurst is in point this 11 �Wpjl��,'�,,.- ;', i
I 0 Thos. Fraser, Vice-Pra�sidcut, - a pie ba(l� �-" , .. I . . .
ce of It 9l'ated was kept in . . " .;., 72',�, ,p I ..
".",�;, ,�),f'yWr, " I .
I ,,, ,, I . . .
� &� ... . .. z -;irT'.,-,. �Iv,� �,,
, - , -- . ',.;"�, ,
cheaply done. I , over.V. * I of Argus io -Ili$ � father, 6ought their. cli'ldrou. whilu*.1cethilin If dis- , 1 , 11 I ��:.-�, fi"', Ill . . .
. � I Brueefleld P. 0. ; T. E. I -rays, $ev.-- week. A week since,' the Seerebairy, at t . ,,,�.,v " J. -A � .
I I . 1, X,�.�'011:t ,
. I . � . house, being supposed to be a sbver� 11 S tile WOSt COUVOI.'Jefit 'way .of ful. iurbod of nigIlL. and-twelk' I/.,, ....f"11i �','.�,'.E,, 11,,./",-;."1J . .. ..� .
" ,
- - . - - OINT. Trerisuser,:,Seafortla P. a.,,. , , , . eign *the bead offied lit Toronto, through Whom . , � c-11 of volit , 17`;"�': !:, " 10-,!v,.';.Zh.�d,, XT5, 11 . . . .
. . �,�. , " - - - , - , .
"'x"'C'A"..." .. I I
)BRUCIMIELD, - rem lig lif's p.romise., 'keetirdliii- 'to 116.. rbst 4y a sick child X,illlileriii� -it'l)(1 l,j"'. %,'� ... . ... �� - -- cl;;, , - -, �
. , .!';� .. J i Jil .
. . edy ior'Uhn st 11 I' t , be mi-6do *fillfi _,;. `;,fp, I !,
. . . I .�-,. I I .6 any PC P( 'R all npplicationa should properI3 11 i - . CA . . - , . I , ,�,j� . V%Z- j,, — � " I .
. I � 4 V, ar",4
,�'. ----
I . I DIRECTORS. , , ailment to whiell-n! n Is subject. - Inert the burnim, of the dend, was a - crying with, ... -.'t'T,�<��!!!-;'V'11"' f
.. I a , received a long-distance telephone mos- . . . 0 pixin.of etittin, ,
— . . . I I \ I ,4 teeth send, , 5. /!" - -- . �- ,
. . - - "I �:ffi I -
I . � -.,:�I.t>vlf� .
. Nvillimn � Chesney, Spaforth - - 1i a at Olipe "" - ," , �.:;I* . I
. , . Joli in tuapy p rts, of 16i ie Playaician-in-Charge at .' 011111kou Pructivo nillong the. G'v(�-ks kind IrCt' a' 1)61.0� " .,�-;ir ,
Mrs. I I .,-J- , p � . I .
. . ,� �glftiid it is,eon-� * sage from. tl I . . 0 t Will � of ,.,.I � �,,, � " - - " 'l - I
I 'fiotge Dalet; Sta�' s 80o"hiu-�r,,;,VJ-1lp" forcl,ild- - .1 . . 'R.;,�:,;,Vt� ,�.'%.. .. 1,i�; .
I)R. W. GUNX, .. . Gri4ve -Winthrop ; Q F slaiired Unlucky to offer it mince Ple to. Gravenhurst, saying'that a mother, With 161ag before the I'TaJan . war. but (lie ,slow, . I ,f,, .. ,,.,�% . . .
. . . , . .. . .1. ghtoys, 1. . � rVII WQ1JlWg-. it Will-rdimic, . -. -��Zlw� :1 �, '4w . �� � . � . .
. forth ; John Wa�t -111arl'o,ek i. ��cahn 'IL . I tiva.; data, , both of whow wdre af- . . � - 06 p(R.'r, ., .....k . 1 ., r*., -r .- I I ,. I
. w . . I I 'pelld ..... .. I �� . . . . . . . . . . . ic . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I .. .
. . . I . . ', . .- I t . ti-l"crer iniiwdiatcl�.' Du . I
, guest. Itnlust.bo asked for . earliest record of if is anion- U16'seTtIl- I -t I - ..
. . ; .
;;;; . . .
. � .� � . .
R. C., 11. and L. R. C. S,, Edinburgh. 13L,Inp�-,�i���14,p�r-Kllf�g�n,';-� Same,% -E44113, I . .. , . I ... I , , :.. flieted ith coz�suraptiun, held. presented ' jails, ast.. Ix—forl - ul le S bv]," -diure is Ito niiNtakt; " . , ,, .1 ,,:� '. . I . .
I . I 1. . I I . I �., I . .wbo lilihflblti�d. tfio:1 I?" - � � .
Night calls at fron door oI residence Bcochwood -,':James Conftolly Clinton, .. .1 .. . . ... . . I . . -. themselves. at the doors.of the Free'Hos�. I )(in it, wot I .1 ,� ,� I . I
I I .1 . . .1 -�` , . .- t . known ,under tile. - .of - . s, . .1 ... . .. . � . � I . .
on Rattenbury street, -. opposiLe ., I . . . . . . q;l, hoping to Ito at kinuie Tartary. abotiL . ... 1. . . . . .
. . John XcLean, X ippcu. . . . I . -Ancient Dedo. . � . . .., p . I , ,once admitted. , , ' it. It . C1,11'CS. Ilhlrrlioe��, r�%q- I . . . I . I . I ... - .1. . I I . .
I * ' . . . Slender 'accounts handed . dow' - .
Presbvtcrian church. .� .. AGENTS..' . I . . In . anclent�tlmv* I .. I reit�l r One daughter has the trouble only tu a I . . . 11 (!OU. IliteS I Ile F10111u.Ch 'all!(] ]).ov�-(J:j, C�Jj"t"s Rfitieiib�iry Street Work * , I . . ..
, .
. laffice-ontario street - - , Clinton.. ' . .. . . il slight degree, and Irani if, corning, the manners of some or tho ,in- W i 1) d Co ic soften.4,00 Guilts, redue."� , , � . �, � -, , $ 1 � .. .
. 'Robert.'striAth, Hailock ; Robert gc� about wore gIuiply.r,ugs,zsk1us ,or thin V 11 �6-medical point ( I . - I . . ;., '. .. . .. � . . �
I . . , . view Ili admissible, as soon as room er4n, - Clent 11atIV691if 11111(111SWIl also ullUde. Influininatio'll and gives tone atlid. c, � . . . , . � I . I
. . I n . . I
. klillan, 'Se4fortli ; Janics'e.1fininings, nlattre,is6s -whiell. conjd Ile, rolled 111). bo'afiade, The other has tile disease in a to the Custona. Tile idea of p11rIfI(,-tl11Ou ren asant � .ti) t116 - tu, - '.DiT.6(.'I, , isti , 6T-Icls. - Wankrillm. , . '. , , , - 1.
. . . . . teot ilig in ple., st, � .
. : Rkrnondville ;. J, �Wi V&, Mimes- and carried 6i.ty lit the niciriling. At -,3 acute condition, and will need bd -by.fire wit$ 11 till ages- Ili lventil, 11 and is. t1w pruscription of,on . " I 1� .
I . . � . : I I and . I C. of tbk . I , I �I .1-fid.gual-atitced. .. - -,
I � Ill � , . ,, - - 1. . I Alai . . - 10p al d I att
DR. STIAW, . � vi �e.. .. . .11 t - i gooti. . . . .. . . . - . . ..
� . Ig -lit they.'were spread. oil lit- floor. to, to it, . . �, s . I
I I I I . . � . .1, nmi3dinte .iost'untlt it. becomes . I�Itll reason. some bellered that Old6stgllil bt,A I'VITIVIc-I'll ,siei,iljs aind . I . . I . I
. - . - .
Tbefamilyare poor, , tile body ,w�jq -after the dola,kr- 1 .4. . ..
U , P . . I , uncie* ,nurjws . .- 'J. - G - " SEALE� alld -C ' .
. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Parties desirous -to Hcet'insurance Which livilie" better vl,mss 'of houseq. soif,'i0jutcluiesicent. an in tile t'ni!ed ,`tiltv'. Prick . A-; 0 .
. or transact other b.itsitiess will . be was Or tali or phister . , and it, the slloV.3 - their railway fares ha-Vihg'b6ea..p4id by a. tu . . . 425- Cellt.% a hottk,,' ":5011d. b� kill' (11-11- �;.- ". . .... .. . I I . I � � ..
11 . I , Ile of the soul, and -it ,ivas therefore . � , � b . � I. . �. ., . .
a I .
In a C
2,1 a z
*01P pri 'I
I � . 00;�, -
. .1 .
� I I
. . -01"Ptl' ' wero-not worn in' the house �iid tile depined ueci,ssary .that it I sl � lould be � . As throfivIi.o.-ut ..(I, ryq surt - * -� , . . .
affiec�-Ozitario street - , Clinton -131 lr -atttiided to'on application, friurid� - The mother h%%been'givbu em- - I gis 01k, worl , PROP% gj,Olz�. . .
I . 0 . �' I . . . . . . � I
� to any - �;f thai abci�e a;J11cer's ad4regsed feet -were washed beforw enter -Ing A I pioyment 6xx *the. domestic stuff., of th I *,the ergy to the '. whole s�;tkw, '! ifrs -, � .., �. .. .. . . I . I .
Opposite St. Paul's church. to their � rtesi)octive pos"L6116ce's. L I - - . Hospital,'and the.daughters will board purified Joy. fire. 0,�Id expr(!ssed, . Willslow's. siJot-hilig Sylvip" for 61iii'll- , . . . � I I . ..� I ..' .. � . I . I 1. � . .
. room the floors were �cleiaucir - than , in� . . g�ileral ol�ilnlon'of his time I I � . . .1 . �''.. .. I . .
. . . inspected , by the - dimtor whb. � 1 i ves � � town untilltlibre, are va6aut� beds. . .when lie. and usk' for Mrs. .Willslow's Soytt". - �- . I . . .. I
. . � � � � . . i I 1. . �. .. - �..- ..� � . � . .1.
- 116,1rest, tile sc�aud. . 1 . . burs,, .After it tWe a soilt of bencli.-A 1 the"Hospital'to. admit them. They said flint the soul was. not t,oml5letely ing ,9��Ftap. . . .. . . 1. .
. I
I . ... . . � � .. . ..� . . distance povierty strickeii, . aeparnted from. . the.body until. tile 4at�- '' '' . :. � . .., . . . .. . . . I .
. . . . I . . thrce'fe.et wide, wa�.bullt'arcidndl twor !.oalno 41.1 this ' I 11 .1 . . . I
. I .1 1. . _ -- - : ". '
])R. C. W. THO'MPSON 1. � I . . � . or e I I -in 'the belief -that somehow'they . . . . �.. . . -�— .� fT .. � I .
' . I I . I . , three. sides, of th * room aba$ut, a' ; but ter was c6hsumed oil * the pyre.- .The - -1 '. .
, I . .
� -1 - . 1. .1 I . foot � � . . ; I 11 � . . .
. I I � i . .. . . s invariably after -a battle -m in .. rl,f r .q i , . r, - I . .. . I
S ecial atLterit;on ivvil to discascs at RAI . ..' tft-ticm � . . -rr . ,
. PI-IN"SICIAN AND SURGEON. above the -116or and, coverod,,with ' vr�)uld inanago to gob ad�nissiclnto the - Athenfai � i* .JH0K0Wt4'
,, of rin ill t �
. . . I I . . � I . .
. . �V-,` a OLL' L . . . ,go tha� burned theslain. .. , :� ... . I .
I I It I J ellsulolli .,Vvns U'14eu utllllllg tile I . I � . .
- .
the Eye, ),,at-, Nosu aiial Throat. is ---- - - 21M day to sit , or lou*1146 bit Aind it$ u sleol.)t -Want of money is blio anI,V. thil I I .. . .1 I . . . . . A . ^ I . , . . I
Office and Residcucc 11 ..? . . . . . . . .. TPUSteett tell L Us, that Ja prevent' tho . . I - . . I I .1� �, ,.L., . ... . . . I L .. . I I . . *..�. I- . .
' L . . . . . . . . . . . *14 - . � I . . . , L : .
I . % -b .. An Econonialloal ftun. ' L " :- - . . I - . , I L
Albert strop, TABI'r _ " . L Ing place at night- The, ench Was ,'. "'Iff I . J L . . . 6, .
. . I " - . . I made� like a, settet , -, ni6vable � oiglal� patienisalrea4y, provided, fory Up L ." A. cominerclal travolerjollg of a . F , , L . I I � L I I . 1.
a-iJJS L ''. I . I . . I I . . man - I � I", I � . I . � , I L I
i;Iding on L I � I., I I . - . . I I . . L ... ... . . �. 1. I
I . I arved wood or Ivory."Londou -esent no, one. has been .4 prkend'- . . . . I .
,�ill: arrive ` at and- depart .find of c. 'I'D
�- " bt East, Clinton. , . I Tbit , I .� L. sometimes increase of aeocamilicadation boyafi tile , , .1
� North of Rattenbury s . trtwt. - , � T'. .u0t68ff1tR,fl�. LI-P��C,
I . . . . i to trl� In . I refused w-40 wa.i . a tkai� nd . : ., .1 I L . . , I I . .. . I L . I ,. L I . �
, . I . I , Or . "
. . . . I . I �
I . froill.clintall Station As f6llows - . ztaiudu�& . . � i admIS.,41c))aL Oil aleconi't, of hiry � her , ed to become Ill .after -eating a sand- - ' �- . �. . . . I . � . I I w,
d I . . -kP : GODE,RICH DIV.' . . , , . I . . I . � - - I poverti,.but we ziil told that the want,,�Wlcl' ' . I I � .� I . . I I , I L I I .1� . .
I)R. G. W. DIANN1,NG SMITH . BUFFALO A. . : - , . . . .. �. L I ... M, I . I
. .. . . , ; . i. .The man, opened his 'grip d ' ' ' .Z-- I I I
. '110 .
. . I . es fro an - L TOY, Ii, -8�ujt .,; ' Sion:' - L .. , , I . .
Going. East Express . � No Se tie of Trozoortion. . , . of f undfi'ifi proventliag the Trust6 I 14 ':took obt a hot :vvater bag. "Fre got. -U. . - . . I tt. ��ftxric' Div;., . . . I . . .
. . I .
PHYSICIA' N. AND SURIGUON.- . � . . 7.38 a, In., ' The' ' 11 , providing, the increased - adcommodation I - I . . . . I I . I �
L 1.6 A, - I It . . � I . young.nian wbo.bad spent bid ' I � :-Vrcigllt�aid Pussuiiger.' L - .. L 11 I . I . . .
. . I . . *2.55 ri. M. . 0 . I . 'Syulpathctic� porfer,", the commercial ' ' . t . � . . I
. . efforts for� several years without re. :.i , D:60311ed. Indeed, a heavy burden of debt - � .1 . t 6 , " , , ' 1. . .. I L I
011'ice formarly'oecupied by Dr. Pal " " .Mixed 4�.15 P. M. I . ; .. . - . inn continues, "to,flll,tbe wit or ag �. , . 11 . � - . . .., . . . I I . .
- L - ' ' ' 4 1 . sult In 'studying:art -was talking with I is now. pressing.upou them, a -ad =ust be ." .. I I � I .. . . .. . . . L . . . . I .
lister on blain street. I . . .West . � . . * .. . ptoliaptly inetif 'this work is tobeoarried.. . I g Water and.then 1e opeined . . � . . L . I ' . I . . 1. I I � . ..
- 11 Express 12-55 P'. �m- I I utle,utly, I L . . . � - . I L 1�*Lttther. pqr,';Iittillg� �te�ujl'Qfs LWilt ' ' L � . .
0 lo�IS �a' m ' his- pra.ttici(l tibele.; who had 11, I I . . . . I . with,bollin . I I �
IELD - - - - - - - ntL' - 1, kt,4 - 1� . paid jh6'bJIJ'-'. -L .'. L . . on.., . I I . . up his lunch basket, took*out a. plece,of - 1. I - � . ... . . '., I . .
BAYV , :� ' ' i .
I . . .. . . . , I r . . . . . . I � L I .
' ' I .
. I . (I � W - .. . 94 L - L. 7.95. Si -14. � .: : Contributions may be'sent to Sir Win, fribil steak" and Warmed It up on th6. depa, t lNr, schedule 8'.11own. belo.w. . , . . . . . I 11 I
. . I I I I . . I . . . . . . L. . . L' L. I . . �,.L, 11 . .
. . � . se!' ,said 'the Y( . 1. - tee bag. kiiujalk libooi your -light, ' ' ' I I .. . - . �� 11 .
. � L . L I - 10-27 P. in.. .- :"Gf' ebur ' mug" a'rtISt* L [ .. I �
. , .1, R. Ivrorcid.4h, Xb.,.A.Laoiltdit. Ave., *To . �*a : . I . . , 11 . - 16"'N' ull I . I
. . , 7 I . I I. . . I 1. .. . . 1. I .
. . L . 11. 11 . I I ,.: . �
, L 1. ... . I L .... I A 11 L . . . ,. . I L .
. ixv. - 411 know I hav6i�t made mu0l. of It 90 rontij,.car Mv. W. J. Gage, 64 Front St.. bausekeepIng'l. Then - tiftei `he had - ' L - � ""J'A'. L - 'iKl�t(l 141 yl�� xl� 1) I I ": , I
MS. AGNEW & P*OWLER LONDOI.�, RUROX ANDAIRUCU .. of It, but I don't. tit Ink you. ough-t to ad_ . I W6 zt, Toronto. . . I , . .. I., I . I , I . . .# . .. . L . , I .� 1. - I I
I . do'i,?.i,g 80tath. 1,:kpress . 7.47. a.. M - VISe'Llne t'o . I . warmed thosteitk, he &A it allup with' , . I � L �
DENTIST'S. . I . I . . . I � . . . L � . 4 � .
I. .. . . -�--- . 1. . . . . . , , I . . I �
. . ) '' L . . ,9 .Mixed * , - Ill, try .soinothing .else.'. - ,Vou , . I ' : .weiwes 06flerich, nordi boujid �e, .� .. . I .. . . . I
offic 44. N . . I � a pair of scissors and Ted It to himself I . . . . " � . .
c adJoining Photo Galberv. ( pen ' rorth. Expr4ess � ,'. 4.1.5 L P. khow'Ws best to plit till your eggs I . 'PT1'()J)rJ�, OVL iltj-f "S -1)1''�,��U. . , - � . 1, c iy L . : I . . .
every da� kind Saturday niglits, until � I ,' 10�15 a. lit. , I . . . 11 TI.cre ' I I With a pnir:.of sugar tongs, -b i se he SaPirklay at 9 1), till hm' - sSall Ii.. -s'tc. I . I .. . 1 4' 1 . I I I .
'clock, - '� - I' - Alix.cd .4 ' ' 6.�55 -p.* in. One btisket Mid wat ' ch that basket." . . tire .pbople in cvtfy Lown 1: . ecau Marie...I,eaves Goderich s,oialt 1)(nincl ffir . . � I . I .1 . L
' ' ' - V I .. I .1 . . ..
. . 11 1. Villa e 'i�f 'th's,coulit, . IGH CLASS. '
io o t IL . . . "Un3l I - . . f, :L rv, w1jo I .would not bikif 4 chanoe.Wlth a fork . . . , . .
Auburn every BlondaY. . USO.N;' Agent. � . . . ..L L L . . I That niiiiy bet, Clit.irlia; but.did I t" C:ril,l,g I 11,11i; - , . eveiy ' Thiirsday at i2.y) 1). all. for. '. I . � . . .. . I . . I
A. O.'VATT I .1 lia%c bc'�11 VarL11, of it bIL0 ! going around a curve. But hi * L . . I
3),illgannon every lfu�sday. 'L ' . you ever, think: -bow f.loolish It 18, to. put .: I o "'84 Wind.clil ,Detiolt - witl I't'dedo, - CaVing , - . .
. V. R-.11ODGENS1 'To%%�n'TJcket A( I and protruding pifts hN, t1je lWe ..of � was a Ifibit. After he had eaten the at iJ;t,rnl6iIi'uJc jjor&j. '. , L I . I HARNESS 'SHOI- I . . I � . .
� � , . � . .
.�"JltL ,so pin 'J baskets around one bantam Dr., clia�.Q"% Oiilt.,nel�t,, I k i steak he 'unscrewed the stopper, of the . . . L I. . . I
-- J. D. -AT.A.CDONAL1), Dist.rict , Pass�n- ?, . P" your , . I . � . . I I .
I . . . .. 1 4 . � . egg l�-Yauthls CompaiiiOn. - - friemls about � this ireat I)N�wation, I water baj and poured hims . elf out I a I - . � L I I SM. "OSSIFRAGR.1� . � 1. . .. . .. . I . . I . . .
. L
� . .ger Agent, Toronto, . I I I . I . .. . ' . . .. .
I 'S,, I XMM—_ .1 . I I . .. � di I eupp I ' I * Good quality lia.irness, both light . I .
DR, r,. ERNEST 11OLME, L ey can tell voii 6f its. great sooth- .
specialist lit 'Crown.and Bridge Work' .1 7 L - � .. . , f*hot coffee. He had the grounds - ,' ' clerich, I
L ----. — Vlae Gr�eat.Porcelaiu Tovrer.' illig, I!C;Xljll�� �jlld L t, ' ' . W�'l JeaVe Go 'North Bound . I .. I .
., I . , I . . all J.QlA.c powers. . in the bag all, the time."PO - . I I .. 1 4 E-2 o'clock p. in, NJ,rednL,.Sjay�sa for S' 1, and ,heavy, at inoderatt L prices. . I I I . .
3D. D. S.-Graditate of. the Royal Col- �.- . . I XnA430.,i. 1).'Lafter aluieteen years at BI( re reputable llcollle.,Ila-�e endorsed . . . I . . .. . . all.111t; ,. . �
I .
. . I Oilltialent ,than . - . . a lleflilitf� - Ports ; . I 's . ell - best Saskatchew" Robes : � . .L I
Icge of 11crital Surgeons of Out . ar� JMATTIB -ex Dr' _ I . ainv . Ste, Mari aird intotl . . . . . .
I . . . . . I . . . . . ceaseless labor and tin . penditure of . Cilase'S.L . � I 1.) re - . Vq T 'f#,' S-�RECORM %. returning will leave Godcrieli f6r ., ,. . . � .
I . 1, . . I I .. tIL �, piiratiotl -, on, can m6liti( I . I H Pw N W, I . � . . I .
io. � I I . about �L800,000, W Chinese" goveirn. I � )111.* . I I I * . IT PAYS TO ADVIMTISE Windsor, Detroit . 11 also Rugs,. Blaulcets,.'irrunks, Val- . . . .
. .
1" D. S.-Virst. claiss honor graduate ' J.aioccc5sor to Mr, �anieS. Scott.) L ment finished the wonderful porcelain . I . I . L .. , L . I .I.. . I . . and'', Toledo ,tit 2 1 L .. . .� I . ..
. . . I . I I .� .. � .. .. .... I . .. I . I o'clock p. Tit, oil lays,. , . I .
0 LR 'Tc, , 'ankin, I � .,-. - . .. � I -;- . , . . . Atollch L . - . ises, U - tc. - . I , I , I I I .
of Dental Dellartment of Toront . IIARRMTE Which stood for.twar- 1-�-!, "OT!�, . � I I . .
. . . . , S.O.LICI'mA,, Ii, tower at N I I ---...-,-.. - - � . . , . � � � .
University. I , �L oill . ce formerly- . 66cu . pied .by L bir, . I ly.four and'a quarter centuries, until . � 1. I . . For rates -and furLher. iufortlla�ion I � .� I . . I. . 1. I .1 .
:Special attention paid to preservat . ol . I : - . . Scott' . & 1� mm, " . . ... I �AZLVNVNmEAW saw- . Addi�ss Wim, Lee, 0 ,odt�rich'L oi' '� , L,L . � 'I f, I , � Mr . . I . . L . . . L . 1. , . L . .
of children's tectil, . . M 0 N R Y TO LOAN' 1850, the Most warvelo.09 building ever I . . I I - � I - 11; . . . , - , , , . � -
. L lit the: E Block - , � erected. by,hunvin ha do'. It was. of . I .
. I
I be at the River Ifotcl$ Bayfmld, - - . ,]1iot:fL . . .. . . 13 ' I � � I . L . . I . W. 13, xosilw1o'.A.1t, : - _ . �� . � � � � , . .
. . . .
- .. I I ., . . . . _0 � I
Vil every Monday front to a. tit. to 6 1 . . I - - � 'L I . octagonal forrn,* 260, feet in. height, NV, tir. . . . . I % I I . . 0 1 X, I I . . .
. 11 I . c . ..
. .. . . I . . � � I .1 4-t : I . # I 0 I . Gen ral.Traille 1. � nwn- I
P. �U- .
— -
OR J. FREEMA.'11 - I . I
A member of tile Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Ediu;,. I
. burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- .�
io Veterinary College' .
*)fficc-Ontario� street - - Clinton I
I Opposite St. Pall -l's chUtch.
phone 97. .
— �
I P W S es,etteh having a vorn ce ang I . . I I , '�' , 14. ... "'.. I . I I .. I �
I . . . . � Saillt ".t.L. 4.�Ul��l MIXV, . I
. : , W . 19 10's, . � � .
..a gullory without,* . I . I .1 . . . , � . . . ----.--- I -1 �. . . . 1. I I 11 I ,
. I 11 I . � . . . !��. — .!"O- ........ 0- . I .
.. I � � . . .. - -.- I-- I--.------ ... - . ,� . . . .
, I . . . . . . . . I . . . I . : 1 . I .. I .
. Cholly's Itepattee. . . I I T 0 ' I W, 6, .0,�-k . . ,�!f . .. . . .
I . .1, . . ... 1. . A, I . .. . .
. . 4�1. .
. at weparteol"I . . , T .1
. .. "Cholly Is so tlovab . I � , . � I . , I . I .. I .
exclaimed Claratice, . . I � . ", � I
� I . I. , .
. . I I I . I ., . . I . . I I I . , I . .
"Isn't be?" said Reginald. 'Vitat's I � L I - I . I I ,. I I .
. . , ,
, I . . .. . . I I I . .
i, his Miest?" ' � . I . � 's " . . I I . . . . . I � . .
� . ...
41A, gwent, boww1d bwote sald to I . . I IN. 11 . I I
. . .
. .. biggest fool in this : 1. � I .1 I . I . L I . �.
state.' And Cholly.answered wight Olt, . . . . 1. , . ' 1 I I
11 don't agwee with youll 90. . I I .1 I . . � :.N,e.rVc.t1sne,%s predonlitmtes in wo,
., -
t thiffi, 'You are the . . . . . I � I or 5, -CRn`-*tS1 , � I I . . . .
111. . � . � . 1; . I . .� men, but *men tire also subject to it,
. . I � I . . . I . � . - . I
I . . . ".. -inds mu�es itj glaol .. . .
. . � . I . . I . . LA xcess 'of vatious.1, - . : .. ..: q
.. � Two r6iftelts, � 1 ft�%"&41.��&."ftoqi. . � . I . . ... I ffitell&tttal t6il 111(i anxiety. .- -- I I I. � . I . . I .
. q&q%"1h,%,ft.1l"* �
"I tiever send out a story forpubitea- I . ... I ,%,%,*,W,k,46,ell*,%,�",W"%.,k"o,.,&"",I, � 11 I'll, I I .. . . � 1. . I . . . .
. .. : . . . . I . I I. � - AT,.-TAUTt-q WAvvs are aml%"I%� . . .
. 1. � I . . . roll," said Dn)lpath, the realist, "witw �. . . ' . I . I I *h fo�tn 4f r . .1 . . I
. I. -. - I—— I , I � I I dicated in any . 0 nervous do. . .1. . . I
- -e - U-bWAft#JMVUftftXTA.W" out first having slept over if." . The two big F agnily Weeklies, . - I ity, as they toile tip the entire sys. .
---- . , ------
I �
, . � 'Ir don't believe Vve ever read one of . . . � . 1. .- .. bil. . . .
. . I I
. pii . � . � .. I � tent and restore the nerves to their . I
. �,o ' WS E01 fly .
Marriage . . I ,them elther without doing the same . The,Ne -Record d The F ain' I
- .- . 11 r ir .0 thing,,, returned. Hawley. . .. nornial condition. - They are indica. .
0 . I ' . . �
- 4 . . - . � . - I ted in-exhaustiotij niental inertia and I . .
ur.Uair I . Herald and Wpekir Star, each a : . . I �
License... . I Sweet Content. I I � .. I .1 - 1, senile weakness, . I . . . .1 �
, 11 .1 I ... � I I 1-1 , I .. �* � , I . .. .
;Si .
. I � (4 � 11 131obba�Sllllcus hi very proud of 11 his I Leader in its own fieid,'Will be sent "I I I They contain to alcohol, ,not 136-itig - I . . . � 1.
I -
ISSTM D By I . � Two years ago my h4ft vas linonge, Isn't hey I . . I a liquid renlei I ly. Theiieffecttherefelj6 � . � I
falling out bidly, I purchased a Slobbs-Toq; he would, rather have � to any address t . . .
. ' . . intil the end of . . . . . .
. . tilottle of Ayer's Hair Vigori, itnd ancestry than. maka name for'bim- .; ,.. . I i . 9 � is not th0it of A mete stitnulatit, bUt . . I I . I
. . �
soon my hair stopped coming out." #elf. .1903 for 65 cents, . . 41 . toWc and pertnanent. . I . I. � I .
J. B. RuMball,410 ,linton ,Miss Minnie Hoover, Parls, Ill. .. . I � . . . ... -8TlJA31I% WAVU$tS helpstotristch, I I .-1
I i I .
—.,. . !, �1� !, 7- - . 1".. " ..'�-.. ... , I I -- , Pimple would be more willing to take Eve ry one. who takes advan- I . I
I I. I - . . . . . . � . digest food and 'Send the flUttituent
's �. ? , ,:.".i.." .Perhaps your mother thit'r whOlping If tile fact eould be I . I 414 StRMTHTO V1 through the b104 and this is the . .
I � ""', L�.,,-.*aam�ws Ant they Were getting one,- , tage of this WSW r w i 11 r,e eiv V 'fa,n
" '' 4 I I 0 () 4%.w rev Wr �
;%-,;�,Wt- 1�f 11 . . . 11flo 1111RACHWIXIIEW,we honest way to get health and streIlght, . .
,,;',:, I had thin hair, but that Is cA`t(1-`h`I3'O1l Globe. I . I . .
I —;. . I .11.1. .. � 11 copy ot eacb of the two - ,11 g 0 the kind that lastg, I .
� � Aty,oll! tuktlom develops and
noreason why you must � . I �� j-1-ll"gVLUDi5T breeds the energyowfiicli, aceonipli$he$
91 A ROTTXb TRIP I t�-�--z "LCON TIT I N in I I . .
go throug-ba life with half- TI0MP114*11IP1XP111Z1W .V,XCVRSIOX " Purty" and "'Alonet", ' """ uch. � I . I
-,-- J�J.l I .
I . I I. -T. I . .
stilry July 701 and 215t, A1191Wt 401 ' . � �� 1
I � ed hair. If you want , On, I ., . 1�- , "T tift PartidulAtly pleased i . ". � .
aixt 8th, also September n4f and 11, 4&1w,*41fv�lft� VIth .) . :
. I I *,*"b,��o"---16-4i��*A&**,*,,�,%.�&�*.#&*�%,*,* lndoil,N til ON B 0 11§t. JamilieA Wafers, T 4il 1#1 . :
TRAOt MARIAS .. � � x9oij round-trf') tickots will be issued 1 �7� .44B . I
09814"s, long, thick hair* feed it i. . NZ How, il . , been oteciAlly useful in nity lieltd. I � .
. . fr(An Chicago and .St, Paid at single I . .0 11 .. . tice w. f n laniployeA in ne"otts . . ;
CdPVfti6H,rd ft� 10-4 * � de -1 troubleo." . I
. I
.nne floildifist a Attill, find deActl It" Y64Y 0. 6 I 1, . I MERIC be. A. Y. 4btude ! I I .�
11 her An � , I I
�Aby V opinion frC6 w9t with Ailer's Hair vigor, rmY,�I.i'sq fare, phis $2 to lloin;t% oil 600, PaYSL for t ' lubob I " i -i t . . I .
4viold , ! tile V,,caiat 14orthcrIl. Itailway In the . wo 0 .... )Nrininklutta, itifir. .4
,T, noottain is , V �P�?fttovltablo. Coin and nile it rICIA-A) d4rk . a or - he
linvotit on la ortibitt 6 movitelt. .y
tilfiv; Attidiritl6till dealt al. 111tidbotak an PAWnto states of Mintlesout, Idallo, Oregoll, I . . . - I . ;. �
Soylt ft,r,g, ( ldo.4t it tiller for iocarnitZentill, & Ill , � . I . I
PAtk1,tlt9 taken t9rimali Alum & t40011H .Rrkd heqy. NVasll., allol) to all points i* tritish, .1 � 11 .11 . I 1-1 -W �At Me$ Wdlell d Pe 01 6f 4 see ole? I I
roll 40 6it I tile 1, Columbia rettelled via.Ortat Northorn llt'intotions 0-nd t'W 0 , . .7.111, . ;
#rwal foiker wit b 1) v 0 ", " 41.0 , a Mit, All JwOifs, . . sk; W tt,vwdy: taMenuotertlies dociolor ti. I
I . 111fiet&P I ;
4 l,O.m Railway. , tickets ar I -- I - I
, if ma 0 W if y6ar draittlat ftn!f�k;lt 8-*d;10M11;1=, w; return pas.,4age wLItIlin 2'1, daysl froul ww 6 1. . , t0d 13(rit the fOrIll 311a Ufi,7ft Jleft4tRf.
sciatific I e valid for I . I � . - ettmaesidinjr ment to theippauesia I'l - . " L I
-- I
date �A itote, Vull infortuatiml as; to
, -over. Privileges, etcq by adIlifig
wt or writing, Clitas. NV. GrAWS, WS,
triet Paswitger agent, 6 Xing RX,
Rown i2, Toronto, Ont., I
Abittid4i),'noyyil!llq.fl.44A!C"i,t,klv, 1,101*00,01r
,,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,.,Y,,..*,.,.,,,f,,,,J,,,,il:,,. Torto..433f,
y4l�ftr,; fnp�le moytijil"$1, Hold by 411 111MA41011101`4
MEIN! A rm�u 11 ufdad'mtly, Now Yarl,
e - ;
,04. VXV�; V#, i�, �-;. e. .*�,. �, , yk t�
� - , I � 1. , I . -Ot�� . I 1� . . � , ,
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. I - I r I � ". a - 4 - . 4& 1 t� I . . 4A : �i; . .1 , 4 *1
- . a � -41111� '� I A;�Mj,,, -.-��L,.iiii,.,,
. A . .
M16AWbilda.m, —'L.� - �� . 11L-Skl� Zimkwbw�!,��, ,,
� 11 �,
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�, A' 4" . ,�,�* 'W I
� . 11 .
1! . - 4 .. ,,
, �,& " —A""ki- � ,; - 1.i.�
p4de tit c4tla4a: $ 1.00 .,
. 012 bottl" for $$,00 il,
Wh0fe de11tItt4 tit* flotsOlItig the
WAF,"I"q, tile are, indiled upost re.
telpt of rl.e sit the canaditta,
browell., lit'. JAMoTWO8144lif Ilts
6t,C31I:d(h1#St,,M0htfd9I, 'I I