HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-09, Page 7V a I 4 I a�dy otil 1908 , 411111111010000010114011-- -.�7?F--- ". -- .R." TaB -- CLINTOW N4W8-RN0QFvD ' ­ I-.------ � , 7 .. , . ll-,-�;--�,;,-���-.;�,L4����,,.n���--"� . Tue, Molsons Bank —,,, I 11TT15 - ,- ---­­---- .�,-4� - --- KITCHEN 6UPER6TITION, 9. -- — K444114,1011*311 � ,, , ��� , oi* ­ I 11 .. - -- --­­ -- " I "----Z--- . " 1. --­--­­.---- ­- I . ---.---'1--M"., 7 "Ill'.... . -4 '. I 14c ratod by 1,14111014.,inent, "IlIG11 GRAVIP, WORK ONIN 1" -- br An 3400i par naksx*004 WV001C. In the early days of the road there DOMIN16N PARUAMENT, . 11' TWO ". C. AWN KILLUD. . Aqt a, 1855. � . , c4pital, - . . $2,506,000 -A-(-;--Z -,, ,- -C -�),-?/,)..�� ­. - '�O, ,e W A00t.c0oug Alway", StIr Thosr 1110ter 040 Way Osilr'. "Take , W40 a smash up.: and all wero badly shaken up. The next morning a burly I �" QXA114 Tvalsu 1,04"Wo. Rallway gtad 00 The vroco,411Q. oca( . Pliny said tile in 111018, 0410 "will Vivo lind AnISIMY Artridetals at Uorrill;0y, I IsX. Re -It 50,000 - - - - - - a,2, 4;)--Z;;- . lldl�)."X�- , �,, , " . ,J;,., (­ �e , ,, ". , , I ,*.re, , , a good lump o , . r fresh butter farmer liniped into the superintend. IWIway Cout,4111%1,01#01% Wit tl;q Chief abide any injury and not be pierced." ' Xorrj�,vvy, D.C., `Wutlo i FICR - -�UOXTRUAtf. URMI) Or . Writ. '- STP,A.Trdin, and roll it in flour, place It In a 111ted I saucepan with a halt plat of rich ents of4ce and said, "Alr. Superintend,- b"Wooft 19A tho co!"AnOU4. I That way have been true Ili his dayt - 21), J. P. lJoran, it jipw braheman on tile I uolson DTAQVIlersoll, President. James lillicit, General Xiln4ger. . . I ,ONT, -X'AIJ, Tr -,RDI OPF,NfS $RPT. ist. good, cream, stir It gently over a low flHe, al. , ,%rays ent, I came In to sep what you ivere go� Ing to give we for shaWng we up so I ottalv;at, ,June, 29. -- vuring tile I pa't �\eel; tile chiR subje6ts Ul, tile but It IN, not true Italy. Tlio bullet of a heavy modern rwe will pierce the skin lligh 1131t. of tile Arorrls.­ey colliery, Awt �vith it terrible ave! lent Frj'Jav, Nottvs. discounted. Collections ,e. mad 'Sworcs of Businesti; CoMgcs have the same 'way ,, till it begin$ to 'simmer." 7(,sterdayll The superIntendentasked Conialons dt-hates. wore the Urand Anywhere unless it strikes In a glant. , gtii(t (lit d tit the Vernin I'loslittal sat- 11 . Drafts Issued. ,Sterling and Atner- ican U Xcho"14go bought tind ;sold. I applied to us for our graduates, to act as ic ,achers fit their whools. This This recipe for the makIng of m elted how mucl; Ile tbought be ought to have 'Vell, ,Trttnt,� piwille and Mr. Dlair"s Itail- way Volumission Bill. I ng direction, The crocodile Is not no *caa iirday vveidw, I Ile attvillpted to � Tute.rust. ullowed, on deposits. I I,% thc evidenct- you ,Ire� loo'king for , butter Is quoted froin. 40 old fashioned , for his Injuries. I think it worth 50 cents, and I will settle -ter that." Those have 01twilat(41.witit routine I)gsiness in a rule hard to kill, provided one get a good shot at It, but that Is just jullip oll the-tionki-y vagill('. Whilf. fit illotioll, . ulld" Inissing 1118 foating, SAVINGS HANXII , Intercot allowed oil sums of $1 and 1. us to. tile bl.%st .school to attold. ,rhou. sands of our foriuvr stit"101ts Art' cookery. book at a century. ago, b . . ut tile directlon to stir "always, the same The suporin . tenaeot replied that It woo -man "lllllllttel�, Wait at tilljol; UK! Alisclis- s "�s "o 0 Ntwy Nllrorotts and, war"'. tbqt trouble. It bas not the marvelous , - ft.11 Ili front of ilip whV1,11s. The Qn. gine IMS"U'd oxer 10111, I up, Compounded half Yearly. FAR�144RS. now fit busluous life. Write for ('tit' handsome C.Italogue. . way" 15 observed as religiously today quite a suni, but As the seemed honest he would pay Win, and lie did, Consi-Jeruble I;ilo " gress bus 1)"n nla" will 'vitality at the zhark, whicli wIl I some, Vines .struggle furiously f � an bour, ulliputatilig oil(, log und I)rc�tthing tho other. . � AL-Mon4y advanced to farmers on their 9"T as It was then, nud J)POIJably Will be for A thousand to so, taking his recelpt In full. The on, t1lP 9(ttit-ral ratilwaY bill, and the lorand Trullj� 1111cifle bill bag .although covered with apparently -war. 0 A hantlear with thirteon mell Was . run, down by a pw"(q1g,vr train I . . own notes with one or more on- dor4ers, No murtgago, required, as I W. J. F,T,T,tIOTT, Principal. -.-- I - ------ years came. All cooks of all ngtJOI)s stir not only perinteadent said, "I wUI be liberal ,%Vltb you and give y0a a pass to take lie it rt'l orted. �Villiftrft *al wounds, - . . I , I I ,gat, ! 11rday two 110108 Past of BrorriNspV � ., � -- -- -- ---!!-­­­ ­ -1--7--- . " seetiritv the same way, but also. from east to I � pt #AX. — It A I ,14t, Mulock's Wit seclucing . . I Junction, rovititing I . lit the dpAtth of . I I AL C. BRUWUR, Manager, Clinton. "�- G. D. McTagorart . ft BANKER. A Gene.ral Banking Business transact- . ed. Notes discounted. Drafts , I issued. Interest allowed ,on de- � yosits. I I � west, 4 sure Indleatiou that the prae- J41" 4 414'.. . � �? J ­'A ALS I R. W,,& . its these pinall-,slapping his legor­411ast nowl;paper postage 4na.f providing an- I nual. incri,,ases for postal clerks Ull- qllt"Xelp 41.4 Ivanter. . The. anake bibernates-tbat is, It ' all Italian iiaiur.-d Antonio S41vil- . , toPe, Uis budY Was 1101"'Ibly matial. I � tice originated With sun Worshipers. 0 I Won't go on your darn railroad any . ' tit tho,v reaeli thOr n-Auxiinuin, wgs� self be autumn and winter sea. pas A i 'late ell � . I � Speaking of stirring bring-, to mind > niorc,ll� . read a first t1mo, I sond In 4 state of torpor coiled up In ' "��r . .-,. ­ I " I 0 that In most l0aglIsIl - households-coun. � . . The Ill 1A*II1%e,J and ri,lections Coin- the hollow roots of trees or cavitle ' � tr, ones at least-tbe practice of the , y I > . Prevention of Corap. 'are n littec fOluld thilt UP- J. T. Scholl, . Vrotected by bushes. With the return Nervou'sliess . whole family joining to stir the Christ. > was I)Iuiqa pudding to slill tri'vogue, > There suggeattions without num. Der for the cure of corns, Any reputa. . M.P., had not ill( Anted the lndepcnd� denee of Pa,liunwitt Act. I y reason ) lot Warmth. it jostles fortll In pursult at i - to breed. 11lie f6male lays 1 I . and' Wipstion . . � There are many .pecullar, Old fush- , ble chiropodist and some who are not 0 his firm Bolling $5.50 worth al prey and I from sixteen to twenty eggs in A string , . I . ".. .1 . . I � "Joued superstitions connected I � . 'With � reputable .can furnish an unfailing, . . goods to the Government Agent for tile ,L,Xa)ositfq11 tit al"gow. They and leaves them to be hatched by the and 814.10 ."jug *sm cseaft,be purell, and ' n11104W.11 bilifit 1114 by r. 0144tse's cooking. I � to , oat- . � r r lustande, In Scotland, when rouledy. But there Is one sure way to prevent them. lDo n't wear the s time, (lid not know it was to tile Govern- loun or by the warmth of decomposing . . Imatter. . Nerve Food. I � -1L -' CAn. WMLIAM I �SKRREXY, $5 Lockman >� 'cakes are being baked, It Ili still cus- , pair of shoes two days Ili succession., llittut thtlt tl1n goods Ivel,o "Ia. The Opposition moved Ili anwlid-. . I . - .— I St., 11alif Ax, N.S., states ,-"Before I be . gan . . > tortiary to break off a. little piece and > throw It into the fire. � Corns are. caused by friction on the talent to supply that tile Goveraillent . , An Artlot to Do 34,4,v , � vied. . nbing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled . . a great deal with dizziness, nervou�ness and . . . . � . > , toes, and the most expert bootmaker Is vollsitrable for not having , biltior I Nye know of no one more to be envied I ,sick headache, which sceilled to be caused . . At one time, 'whenever a baking wa,W . I cannot make twopairs of Oboes which � . loolted after Canada's interests in at the time than a W611 4ressed cutter froin indigestion. Since wing this preparation . . I Milue-willen. -was pefliaps once a - will ru . the watter of cattle for ro-stocking, I I I Albert street - - - - -,.-.-,-. -­­ ­ ,b the feet In the $time -place, � on 4 fashionable promenade walking for.a time, all these distressil)g sym --- - ­ . ;M . I I Clinton, . � . I I � I I . ptoms have . � w.� ­ '. ,,,-,— � .1 J*Onth only -a cake was. made with The change of shoes gives the feet a Loor farms; the Information tbutthe ,behind a stylish, artlatic, right fitting � . . disappeared and I con- . , . . . �, .nine knobson1t, ltachoftbecomptilly chance to.rost.- It Is also good for the 1'rbi.-Ji. Government was,buying cat- Jeout that he cut gloriously and beautl- ' I I sider that I OLIU entirely . I ­ Wooldlis IlPhor.phoolnel broke, one off, and, tbroiAng -it behind oil' . . I cured, I neverused any � . The Orent tuglish Reittelly, OPs. nt)4 footwear which is treate4 tlo I" 'rexas rot' this 1)"rPoso NN -us tilk" fully adorning the back of a. well I . . I old, well e�taab-- 11 011.4 fashion wIll )list much )eager I I � 0,7k IF incdicino that seemed to I 1. SCOTT, bim, said, "This I give to thee; preserve I exciting qatise, The amendinent was lforme4 man. . . 11 It, A and reliable Old J.,v 41 vote of 74 to 48. . 1�� � bili I tile tip so tharougll- . .. I U.: than my mbeep.11 �ioenfloialng the narn � . I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I = reptiration, Hasbe . 0 than If put to dal)y use, ­�;Uli " ly, and to�day I am in r"cribeal and noxious anlinal-f6x, Wolf or eagle, .. A 11 - .. I 11 on Feeling relLrenem ware made by Would Give It ,iwoy.' . I 0"! 4- v of a I . � . . .490. 1 used . - I the Prowler and Mr, Borden on the , I better beal th than I !lave Money to loan. .... . . *yet 40 years, All 4rug- A ronst Pheasant.!$ usually sent tip . The Doctor -You have a bad cold, `,-'J'. been for several years,". . . . gists in the Dominion . -8CRAWNY PROJILE, nen-s of the death of Ali.. Farquhar" . . ... 11 I .. of Canada sell and I with the tall feathers, This praeticels . . ' JWr. Aggs. I'll give you some pills for .. ­. � , 1. . Officc-Ulliott Block - � . 'Clit,t.on, recommend as bein . . ll(;(r".I0 I,y.)w thin, Wrawliv pale son, a member of the 11ouse. . � rl� I .. 1". 1 4�; Ilynotingyourincrea4# . . . I Deforp and 40or, the only medicine ol a memorial of the days whell a Pea, ill -, .. � . it, �, - � .1 In NN eight while using this . . I I is t 0"turia Ited Istribalkti GoA, . , . ��` :. .ill we'll, �Nllea �I-e Ijood hir) . "' . . — I its kind that curee and. cock was skinned -before roasting and " nll(l Nvatvry. 11' Jiggs-Oh, never mind, doctor. ,YOU ,I- -11.1�1 great food cure, you can . � . I gives univerial satisfaction- ,It promptly and, when cooked was sewed into its plum- oli tile litit ,"-'a licec'ed to round Ottawa, Jura6 0-7.-Tbe ItodisLribu. can ba-ve Lt for nothing, - I prove for a certainty that, � W. DRYDONB, permanently cures all forms. of Nervous Weak, I . ailglks and fill:(Yut tile' forin, flan Committee .at .Its' ssi I I � . , . .so. oil 17�os- , 0, . . I I it is,adding iiew$ firm- . � I ness, Z, Missions, Spermatorrilma, Imp9tency, agealgain, Its beak glided and so served ' ' i -s 116t Ill t but- liceltily lliti-4etthir terday took ill), the of , 0 . . - . . . . and all oftects of at, question I . C apt. He,lnobery flci;h and ti.5itte to the . BARRISTr�R, SOLICITOR. use or oxcessals; the excessive , Tossing the pancake, is another Intor. tissue, Ils, ctirivltitqg� �!ie blood and redistribution of Ontario.,- � I I . - . I use of Tobaoco. Opium or o9tintulants, Menial � . . . . . . . . . I I L lfllrou�dl the inedium of the blood and,, . 'Ipqrryt allof which lead tolitfirmitys esting food superstition. Formerly tile "lere.1sing., iis N. pody, . . I .Notary, Public, Etc. .1 . tnd,Rrain. ll(;Ilrl%ll I lig - qualities The unit of politilatloh as final]' * Flattery. . . . Pervea 1,1r, dasQ*s Xerve Food sends new . s nit .' onsbuiption aild an Early Grave. . ,I)r; chose's Xcr%e romicl itdcl-� tie, "The flatterer Is all right," said the. . rice I r package or six for $0. One will master of the house wasal*ays called . ..N I %v agreed upon gives one inember to a vig"I'-tuld Jellorgy tt) ovtry orgI.) ci:tlie human. . . � 11 '-to the hotly as .W01 .-population of 16,884,. two tqnj) ),�:,' -office philosopher. "While no one be- qy.,­­i and o�f.-rc,x.w,s. dise, .. 'lotaile I Mic . t, 011ice-c-3 Block - - - Clinton e se, "i Ivia eu?-4 Mailed prompty on re- upon to toss the Shrove Tuesday paii. III II. and. tisf I � , in. I I I � , ­ , I ase. . vw. vi� - atilt -g � . t , So cents a . t �ake,'0*'IJsuaJJy lie did It.so'clumsil . al�% V. r(..r ellul "ov: You cau I to 30,571941, three members to 06,557, lieves a word he snys,.eve a 4 ' I . . � Send for froo pamphlet, Address I ' . . rho Wood 0aiii.pavY * - 31 , . . ry One W411.0 Lo,:, t, t 01 dcAcr.­,, or l3dwaivioD, Bates n — I , provt.l, this I)y noting yat,i increase in t9.01 . �. . -;) 'I o protL . 'list iniita- . I . .1 , . I and four members to ii.popuiatl6t, of ' . I . V.),, 1" ...1ilij. oct you agai . -1 1. Windsor# Ont,j C:Qada, I that the contents of the pan found their veight %010c, using �his ,,reat food A,,,', 2 1, I a. , . . . . , � I I , - - . RIDOUT & HAIX, Woods Pliospliodiiw is. sold -min.' . Cliii;- , . W(ty to thq floor, When a fine was . do- le"IrL.; . . . . 11 � I I I . . I I — . . . ,� � . . tii.-:.--t 0-a li,xtrait and signakare of I)r. Al. NV. ', . I . . I � . � � . . ton by Watts & Co., 11. B� Combei manded by The cook. ' The custoin In . I . 1. . . .. . . . . It to no conipUment It a� friend comes � Chus-,-% -rc tin cv,!rj- box. � I ,� . . . . � ­ I . � . . Conveyancers, Coin inissioners, Real R. P. Rockiee..a.iid J, L�'. IIovcy,'Drug-. still * kept up'at . 11re9tmlnstok school, , , . I . I . .11 I 1fa41l1,1;z tile 04-na. � - fifty miles to. your weddlng, but it.ls a I . . Estate and Insurance Agency. gists.,.. . . : I . . �� .1 . . 'wbere a pancake Is tossed over the bar -TRAV4?LXBD FROM WINNIPEO, fro"I"I'll, 110-i I)eLl;1 ixok I'veJ by most. gr(lat ti,lblite If bi- .twmats live miles to . . I .... .. 1. � 111 I.. ­ -i . . � . . I . I . . . . . . I . � . .. Molicy to loan. . � . . 11 . and scragibled for. ' The one who so- . I . . . . .. Of th(" Will(alis .or No ouytli from tlio your funeral.. . .r . � -. ..1. 0 011 41 X -1 . f'� �,, . A '­­V�, . I...? . . . � I — - ­- ­ ­ ; . . .- I N � 1 7,.' �0 . �., -'T. , . --7--------------.' ' . . , r, �. . . . I ­ earliest silo 8, lifid. 1001(m, k., i I . - cures It I� rewarded with it'gulnea. . A."N'ot ' � 0 a, fli In pilgoll ---------- — . I I � JOHN RIDOUT ­. I baer and Two Daughterst In Needy- . . MAHWil,. "'"'t'. I . C. B. HALB . . -� . L,.?vor1,sT.Z(Wir.0TI0,ld, . ..�,.�,, W., ­ li W ** �,- . � . Fh -Kill * Mutual Fire. . . ­ ' lilrouinstanoes, Make the Jr Countries it W#y­Im%'(- takkell tjl�, ro'llin ,rlizitlfcc� tI., ­il�i , � ,autq � ,r . e - op . ­ . I I . The origin of thecrpss on hot crass ouruey I . 'jtj� A , '111-Ni­iT111 � ... , . '. . ' Powder is beL � 1, ,, , ,.N -rl.k� � '.. A/ . . -bV I kRll� I I . I I . . . . cakes partly 41 , rlded' .. I � . .. , f � IJ11; %� L-1, 1�144 �- ­ , I .. I . . I . 1. buns Is a matter of'Ofspute. There Is fr6ax Winntpog to'Gravenlinirlilt; to Of Are wonslilping there� Call . 110 ter .than o, I,L�r soa.) roinv(; 4 ,,A L) ? " I .1 I . . insurance Conipaiiy little doubt that ' -: .143cl6k Adiralssion. to the. Free. Uoslpltatl doubt thilt Its ladoption b; the 'l.wiplits, ;8 it ala4cl acts as 4 ,�-..-.l . I . . . OQ2 WtJR-1 '2F lz - 41�� I . . . . at , I ootai t r . . y I . . a, . :r I N, I �, - � � � . ,I I . � I I � I . . , . , arters were wild for,0onslili lives. . I , .,St� I - inost part proulig (I .by ----�­ . nX ;M4 , . I . B. R. HIGGINS To*n Pioper � Into four qu. e long be . . . was I C, . � I P, . V." �!A,vr&,l FarrZI and Isolated - apt . for the : I ----, t - I * - . , I .. . I I � I . d-�, " ) -� I . �. I . Ali i4stration of the many distressing other than religion,; roason. Orooks . . . . . . . t"...r. ,-;;7'� kA tA 2�4 � �� ty Only Insured, ' fore the Christian bra. 'At one time It . 1-14,"�-:�,-.'Ia. %`,- C . . " Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, . . ' I FOR OVE,R 'STXTY YI .7 . . . -.;j,>" . -:':;.� �-', � � - ,,.,;, � . � . ­ -4 . . . . . or, ri c iims , . -',ARS . v �4, �*,�. P ..i, � . I 1 4-1-1 ­ 1 4. 1'�';, ,; , �,' 1* , . . I ,V,.%�, �­. . . . : Was believed that bmd balked on Good cativs constantly coming before the man-. 'ascribe * Its IntrodulotIcii to 111orevales, , ,V- )�,- �: i .� I . " "I - " 14;" . . . r M. i� :�� � O', � - Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., d1rawn for . . . . - 'Mrs. Winsiow's ,sootill,11 ' ' � =. ,iz ,V; �-:�� I I . - t- yo� ... -7-7 -1 " -.2 - . . '17, ."— ­ I . � � I ;k�­­'% E *-!77,7��-' x each. All work neatly and ,!:,;B. -AlcLe ly final agi;lment clf g S;,; tip has, T . � ., the Free Hospital for Con- �t,,.,��,��.; M­­,--,21�i�L� �� an, President, - Kippon P., Friday Would never grow inold. , Who, having sworii . ;�11.111 il ... ;? U , � . 0 to trtill9wit 'the 'b�en aNed by. niillioll!� of i tAliers for .�,Jl .. f 1�utxiptives at Uravenhurst is in point this 11 �Wpjl��,'�,,.-­ ­­;', i I 0 Thos. Fraser, Vice-Pra�sidcut, - a pie ba(l� �-" , .. I . . . , ce of It 9l'ated was kept in . . " .;., 72',�, ,p I .. ".",�­;, ,�),f'yWr, " I . I ,,, ,, ­­ I . . . � &� ... . .. z -;irT'.,-,. ­�Iv,� �,,­ , - , -- . ',.;"�, , cheaply done. I , over.V. * I of Argus io -Ili$ � father, 6ought their. cli'ldrou. whilu*.1cethilin If dis- , 1 , 11 I ��:.-�, fi"', Ill . . . . � I Brueefleld P. 0. ; T. E. I -rays, $ev.-- week. A week since,' the Seerebairy, at t . ,,,�.,v " J. -A � . I I . 1, X,�.�'011:t , . I . � . house, being supposed to be a sbver� 11 S tile WOSt COUVOI.'Jefit 'way .of ful. iurbod of nigIlL. and-twelk' I/.,, ....f"11i �','.�,'.E,, 11,,./",-;."1J . .. ..� . " , - - . - - OINT. Trerisuser,:,Seafortla P. a.,,. , , , . eign *the bead offied lit Toronto, through Whom . , � c-11 of volit , 17`;"�': !:, " 10-,!v,­.';.Zh.�d,, XT5, 11 . . . . . . �,�. , " - - - , - , . "'x"'C'A"..." .. I I )BRUCIMIELD, - rem lig lif's p.romise., 'keetirdliii- 'to 116.. rbst 4y a sick child X,illlileriii� -it'l)(1 l,j"'. %,­'� ... . ... �� - ­ -- cl;;, , - -, � . , .!';� .. J i Jil . . . edy ior'Uhn st 11 I' t , be mi-6do *fillfi _,;. `;,fp, I !, . . . I .�-,. I I .6 any PC P( 'R all npplicationa should properI3 11 i - . CA . . - , . I , ,�,j� . V%Z- j,, — �­ " I . . I � ­ ­­ 4 V, ar",­4 ,�'. ---- I . I DIRECTORS. , ­ , ailment to whiell-n! n Is subject. - Inert the burnim, of the dend, was a - crying with, ... -.'t'T,�<��!!!-;'V'11"' f .. I a , received a long-distance telephone mos- . . . 0 pixin.of etittin, , — . . . I I \ I ,4 teeth send, , 5. /!" - -- . �- , . . - - "I �:ffi I - I . � -.,:�I.t>vlf� . . Nvillimn � Chesney, Spaforth - - 1i a at Olipe "" - ­­," , �.:;I* . ­ I . , . Joli in tuapy p rts, of 16i ie Playaician-in-Charge at .' 011111kou Pructivo nillong the. G'v(�-ks kind IrCt' a' 1)61.0� " .,�-;ir , Mrs. I ­ I .,-J- , p ­ � . I . . . ,� �glftiid it is,eon-� * sage from. tl I . . 0 t Will � of ,.,.I ­� ­ �,,, � " - - " 'l - I I 'fiotge Dalet; Sta�' s 80o"hiu-�r,,;,VJ-1lp" forcl,ild- - .1 . . 'R.;,�:,;,Vt� ,�.'%..­ .. 1,i�; . . I)R. W. GUNX, .. . Gri4ve -Winthrop ; Q F slaiired Unlucky to offer it mince Ple to. Gravenhurst, saying'that a mother, With 161ag before the I'TaJan . war. but (lie ,slow, . I ,f,, .. ,,.,�% . . . . . . , . .. . .1. ghtoys, 1. . � rVII WQ1JlWg-. it Will-rdimic, ­. -. -��­Zlw� :1 �, '4w . �� � . � . . . forth ; John Wa�t -111arl'o,ek i. ��cahn 'IL . I tiva.; data, , both of whow wdre af- . . � - 06 p(R.'r, ., .....k . 1 ., r*., -r .- I I ,. I . w . . I I 'pelld ..... .. I �� . . . . . . . . . . . ic . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I .. . . . . I . . ', . .- I t . ti-l"crer iniiwdiatcl�.' Du . I , guest. Itnlust.bo asked for . earliest record of if is anion- U16'seTtIl- I -t I - .. . . ; . ;;;; . . . . � .� � . . R. C., 11. and L. R. C. S,, Edinburgh. 13L,Inp�-,�i���14,p�r-Kllf�g�n,';-� Same,% -E44113, I . .. , . I ... I , , :.. flieted ith coz�suraptiun, held. presented ' jails, ast.. Ix—forl - ul le S bv]," -diure is Ito niiNtakt; " . , ,, .1 ,,:� '. . I . . I . I 1. . I I . I �., I . .wbo lilihflblti�d. tfio:1 I?" - ­ � ­� . Night calls at fron door oI residence Bcochwood -,':James Conftolly Clinton, ­ .. .1 .. . . ... . . I . . -. themselves. at the doors.of the Free'Hos�. I )(in it, wot I .1 ,� ­ ,� I . I I I .1 . . .1 -�` , . .- t . known ,under tile. - .of - . s, . .1 ... . .. . � . � I . . on Rattenbury street, -. opposiLe ., I . . . . . . q;l, hoping to Ito at kinuie Tartary. abotiL . ... 1. . . . . . , . . John XcLean, X ippcu. . . . I . -Ancient Dedo. . � . . .., p . I , ,once admitted. , , ' it. It . C1,11'CS. Ilhlrrlioe��, r�%q- I . . . I . I . I ... - .1. . I I . . I * ' . . . Slender 'accounts handed . dow' - . Presbvtcrian church. .� ­ .. AGENTS..' . I . . In . anclent�tlmv* I .. I reit�l r One daughter has the trouble only tu a I . . . 11 (!OU. IliteS I Ile F10111u.Ch 'all!(] ]).ov�-(J:j, C�Jj"t"s Rfitieiib�iry Street Work * , I . . .. , . . laffice-ontario street - - , Clinton.. ' . .. . . il slight degree, and Irani if, corning, the manners of some or tho ,in- W i 1) d Co ic soften.4,00 Guilts, redue."� , , � . �, � -, , $ 1 � .. . . 'Robert.'striAth, Hailock ; Robert gc� about wore gIuiply.r,ugs,zsk1us ,or thin V 11 �6-medical point ( I . - I . . ;., '. .. . .. � . . � I . . , . view Ili admissible, as soon as room er4n, - Clent 11atIV691if 11111(111SWIl also ullUde. Influininatio'll and gives tone atlid. c, � . . . , . � I . I . . I n . . I . klillan, 'Se4fortli ; Janics'e.1fininings, nlattre,is6s -whiell. conjd Ile, rolled 111). bo'afiade, The other has tile disease in a to the Custona. Tile idea of p11rIfI(,-tl11Ou ren asant � .ti) t116 - tu, - '.DiT.6(.'I, , isti , 6T-Icls. - Wankrillm. , . '. , , , - 1. . . . . . teot ilig in ple., st, � . . : Rkrnondville ;. J, �Wi V&, Mimes- and carried 6i.ty lit the niciriling. At -,3 acute condition, and will need bd -by.fire wit$ 11 till ages- Ili lventil, 11 and is. t1w pruscription of,on . " I 1� . I . ­ . � . : I I and . I C. of tbk­ . I , I �I .1-fid.gual-atitced. .. - -, I � Ill � , . ,, - - 1. . I Alai . . - 10p al d I att DR. STIAW, . � vi �e.. .. . .11 t - i gooti. . . . .. . . . ­ - . . .. � . Ig -lit they.'were spread. oil lit- floor. to, to it, . . �, s . I I I I I . . � . .1, nmi3dinte .iost'untlt it. becomes . I�Itll reason. some bellered that Old6st­gllil bt,A I'VITIVIc-I'll ,siei,iljs aind . I . . I . I . - . - . . I. I Tbefamilyare poor, , tile body ,w�jq -after the dola,kr- 1 .4. . .. U , P . . I , uncie* ,nurjws . .- 'J. - G - " SEALE� alld -C ' . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Parties desirous -to Hcet'insurance Which livilie" better vl,mss 'of houseq. soif,'i0jutcluiesicent. an in tile t'ni!ed ,`tiltv'. Prick . A-; 0 . ­ . . or transact other b.itsitiess will . be was Or tali or phister . , and it, the slloV.3 - their railway fares ha-Vihg'b6ea..p4id by a. tu . . . 425- Cellt.% a hottk,,' ":5011d. b� kill' (11-11- �;.- ". . .... .. . I I . I � � .. 11 . I , Ile of the soul, and -it ,ivas therefore . � , � b . � I. . �. ., . . . a I . In a C P 2,1 a z *01P pri 'I , I � . 00;�, - . . .1 . � I I I . . -01"Ptl' ' wero-not worn in' the house �iid tile depined ueci,ssary .that it I sl � lould be � . As throfivIi.o.-ut ..(I, ryq surt - * -� , . . . affiec�-Ozitario street - , Clinton -131 lr -atttiided to'on application, friurid� - The mother h%%­been'givbu em- - I gis 01k, worl , PROP% gj,Olz�. . . I . 0 . �' I . . . . . . � I � to any - �;f thai abci�e a;J11cer's ad4regsed feet -were washed beforw enter -Ing A I pioyment 6xx *the. domestic stuff., of th I *,the ergy to the '. whole s�­;tkw, '! ifrs -, � .., �. .. .. . . I . I . Opposite St. Paul's church. to their � rtesi)octive pos"L6116ce's. L I - - . ­ Hospital,'and the.daughters will board purified Joy. fire. 0,�Id expr(!ssed, . Willslow's. siJot-hilig Sylvip" for 61iii'll- , . . . � I I . ..� I ..' .. � . I . I 1. � . . . room the floors were �cleiaucir - than , in� . . g�ileral ol�ilnlon'of his time I I � . . .1 . �''.. .. I . . . . . inspected , by the - dimtor whb. � 1 i ves � � town untilltlibre, are va6aut� beds. . .when lie. and usk' for ­ Mrs. .Willslow's Soytt". - �- . I . . .. I I I . . � � � � . . i I ­ 1. ­ . �. ­.. - ­�..- ­.­.� � . � . .1. - 116,1rest, tile sc�aud. . 1 . . burs,, .After it tWe a soilt of bencli.-A 1 the"Hospital'to. admit them. They said flint the soul was. not t,oml5letely ing ,9��Ftap.­ ­ . . .. . . 1. . . I I . ... . . � � .. . ..� . . distance povierty strickeii, . aeparnted from. . the.body until. tile 4at�- '' '' . :. � . .., . . . .. . . . I . . . . . I . . thrce'fe.et wide, wa�.bullt'arcidndl twor !.oalno 41.1 this ' I 11 .1 . . . I . I .1 ­ 1. . _ -- ­­ - : ". ' ])R. C. W. THO'MPSON 1. � I . . � . or e I I -in 'the belief -that somehow'they . . . . �.. ­ . . -�— .� fT .. � I . - ' . I I . I . , three. sides, of th * room aba$ut, a' ; but ter was c6hsumed oil * the pyre.- .The - -1 '. . , I . . � -1 - . 1. .1 I . foot � � . . ; I 11 � . . . . I I � i ­ . .. . ­ . s invariably after -a battle -m in .. rl,f r .q i , . r, - I ­ . .. . I S ecial atLterit;on ivvil to discascs at RAI . ..' tft-ticm � . . -rr . , . . PI-IN"SICIAN AND SURGEON. above the -116or and, coverod,,with ' vr�)uld inanago to gob ad�nissiclnto the - Athenfai � i* .JH0K0Wt4' ,, of rin ill t � . . . I I . . � I . . . . �V-,` a OLL' L . . . ,go tha� burned theslain. .. , :� ... . I . I I It I J ellsulolli .,Vvns U'14eu utllllllg tile I . I � . . - . the Eye, ),,at-, Nosu aiial Throat. is ---- - - 21M day to sit , or lou*1146 bit Aind it$ ­u sleol.)­t -Want of money is blio anI,V. thil I I .. . .1 I . . . . . A . ^ I . , . . I I Office and Residcucc­ 11 ..? . . . . . . . .. TPUSteett tell L Us, that Ja prevent' tho . . I - . . I I .1� �, ,.L., . ... .­ . . I L .. . I I . . *..�. I- . . ' L . . . . . . . . . . . *14 - . � I . . . , L : . I . % -b ­ .. An Econonialloal ftun. ' L " :- - . . I - . , I L Albert strop, TABI'r _ " . L Ing place at night- The, ench Was ,'. "'Iff I . J L . . . 6, . . . I " - . . I made� like a, settet , -, ni6vable � oiglal� patienisalrea4y, provided, fory Up L ­." A. cominerclal travolerjollg of a . F , , L . I I � L I I . 1. a-iJJS L ''. I . I . . I I . . man - I � I", I � . I . � , I L I i;Iding on L I � I., I I . - . . I I . . L ... ... . . �. 1. I I . I arved wood or Ivory."Londou -esent no, one. has been .4 prkend'- . . . . I . ,�ill: arrive ` at and- depart .find of c. 'I'D �- " bt East, Clinton. , . I Tbit , I .� L. sometimes increase of aeocamilicadation boyafi tile , , .1 � North of Rattenbury s . trtwt. - , � T'. .u0t68ff1tR,fl�. ­ LI-P��C, I . . . . i to trl� In . I refused w-40 wa.i . a tkai� nd . : ., .1 I L . . , I I . .. . I L . I ,. L I . � , . I . I , Or . " . . . . I . I � I . froill.clintall Station As f6llows - . ztaiudu�& . . � i admIS.,41c))aL Oil aleconi't, of hiry � her , ed to become Ill .after -eating a sand- - ' �­­- . �. . . . I . � . I I w, . d I . . -kP : GODE,RICH DIV.' . . , , . I . . I . � - - I poverti,.but we ziil told that the want,,�Wlcl' ' . I I � .� I . . I I , I L I I .1� . . I)R. G. W. DIANN1,NG SMITH . BUFFALO A. . : - , . . . .. �. L I ... M, I . I . .. . . , ; . i. .The man, opened his 'grip d ' ' ' .Z-- I I I . '110 ­ . . . I . es fro an - L TOY, Ii, -8�ujt .,; ' Sion:' - L .. ­, , I . . Going. East Express . � No Se tie of Trozoortion. . , . of f undfi'ifi proventliag the Trust6 I 14 ':took obt a hot :vvater bag. "Fre got. -U. . - . . I tt. ��ftxric' Div;., . . . I . . . . . I . PHYSICIA' N. AND SURIGUON.- . � . . 7.38 a, In., ' The' ' 11 , providing, the increased - adcommodation I - I . . . . I I . I � L 1.6 A, - I It . . � I . young.nian wbo.bad spent bid ' I � :-Vrcigllt�aid Pussuiiger.' L - .. L 11 I . I . . . . . I . . *2.55 ri. M. . 0 . I . 'Syulpathctic� porfer,",­ the commercial ' ' . t . � . . I . . efforts for� several years without re. :.i , D:60311ed. Indeed, a heavy burden of debt - � .1 . t 6 , " , , ' 1. . .. I L I 011'ice formarly'oecupied by Dr. Pal " " .Mixed 4�.15 P. M. I . ; .. . - . inn continues, "to,flll,tbe wit or ag �. , . 11 . � -­ . . .., . . . I I . . - L - ' ' ' 4 1 . sult In 'studying:art -was talking with I is now. pressing.upou them, a -ad =ust be ." .. I I � I .. .­ . .. . . . L . . . . I . , lister on blain street. I . . .West . � . . * .. . ptoliaptly inetif 'this work is tobeoarried.. . I g Water and.then 1e opeined . . � . . L . I ' . I . . 1. I I � . .. - 11 Express 12-55 P'. �m- I I utle,utly, I L . . . � - . I L 1�*Lttther. pqr,';Iittillg� �te�ujl'Qfs LWilt ' ' L � . . 0 lo�IS �a' m ' his- pra.ttici(l tibele.; who had 11, I I . . . . I . with,bollin . I I � IELD - - - - - - - ntL' - 1, kt,4 - 1� . paid jh6'bJIJ'-'. -L .'. L . . on.., . I I . . up his lunch basket, took*out a. plece,of - 1. I - � . ... . . '., I . . BAYV , :� ' ' i . I . . .. . . . , I r . . . . . . I � L I . ' ' I . . I . (I � W - .. . 94 L - L. 7.95. Si -14. � .: : Contributions may be'sent to Sir Win, fribil steak" and Warmed It up on th6. depa, t lNr, schedule 8'.11own. belo.w. . , . . . . . I 11 I . . I I I I . . I . . . . . . L. . . L' L. I . . �,.L, 11 . . . . � . se!' ,said 'the Y( . 1. - tee bag. kiiujalk libooi your -light, ' ' ' I I .. . - . �� 11 . . � L . L I - 10-27 P. in.. .- :"Gf' ebur ' mug" a'rtISt* L [ .. I � . , .1, R. Ivrorcid.4h, Xb.,.A.Laoiltdit. Ave., *To . �*a : . I . . , 11 . - 16"'N' ull I . I . . . , 7 I . I I. . . I 1. .. . . 1. I . . . L . 11. 11 . I I ,.: . � , L 1. ... . I L .... I A 11 L . . . ,. . I L . , . ixv. - 411 know I hav6i�t made mu0l. of It 90 rontij,.car Mv. W. J. Gage, 64 Front St.. bausekeepIng'l. Then - tiftei `he had - ' L - � ""J'A'. L - 'iKl�t(l 141 yl�� xl� 1) I I ": , I L I MS. AGNEW & P*OWLER LONDOI.�, RUROX ANDAIRUCU .. of It, but I don't. tit Ink you. ough-t to ad_ . I W6 zt, Toronto. . . I , . .. I., I . I , I . . .# . .. . L . , I .� 1. - I I I . do'i,?.i,g 80tath. 1,:kpress . 7.47. a.. M - VISe'Llne t'o . I . warmed thosteitk, he &A it allup with' , . ­ I � L � DENTIST'S. . I . I . . . I � . . . L � . 4 � . . I. .. . . -�--­- . 1. . . . . . , , I . . I � . . ) '' L . . ,9 .Mixed * , - Ill, try .soinothing .else.'. - ,Vou , . I ' : .weiwes 06flerich, nordi boujid �e, .� .. . I .. . . . I offic 44. N . . I � a pair of scissors and Ted It to himself I . . . . " � . . .1 c adJoining Photo Galberv. ( pen ' rorth. Expr4ess � ,'. 4.1.5 L P. khow'Ws best to plit till your eggs I . 'PT1'()J)rJ�, OVL iltj-f "S -1)1'­'�,��­U. . , - � . 1, c iy L . : I . . . every da� kind Saturday niglits, until � I ,' 10�15 a. lit. , I . . . 11 TI.cre ' I I With a pnir:.of sugar tongs, -b i se he SaPirklay at 9 1), till hm' - sSall Ii.. -s'tc. I . I .. . 1 4' 1 . I I I . 'clock, - '� - I' - Alix.cd .4 ' ' 6.�55 -p.* in. One btisket Mid wat ' ch that basket." . . tire .pbople in cvtfy Lown 1: . ecau Marie...I,eaves Goderich s,oialt 1)(nincl ffir . . � I . I .1 . L ' ' ' - V I .. I .1 . . .. . . 11 1. Villa e 'i�f 'th's,coulit, . IGH CLASS. ' io o t IL . . . "Un3l I - . . f, :L rv, w1jo I .would not bikif 4 chanoe.Wlth a fork . . . , . . . Auburn every BlondaY. . USO.N;' Agent. � . . . ..L L L . . I That niiiiy bet, Clit.irlia; but.did I t" C:ril,l,g I 11,11i; - , . eveiy ' Thiirsday at i2.y) 1). all. for. '. I . � . . .. . I . . I A. O.'VATT I .1 lia%c bc'�11 VarL11, of it bIL0 ! going around a curve. But hi * L . . I 3),illgannon every lfu�sday. 'L ' . you ever, think: -bow f.loolish It 18, to. put .: I o "'84 Wind.clil ,Detiolt - witl I't'dedo, - CaVing , - . . . V. R-.11ODGENS1 'To%%�n'TJcket A( I and protruding pifts hN, t1je lWe ..of � was a Ifibit. After he had eaten the at iJ;t,rnl6iIi'uJc jjor&j. '. , L I . I HARNESS 'SHOI- I . . I � . . � � , . � . . . .�"JltL ,so pin 'J baskets around one bantam Dr., clia�.Q"% Oiilt.,nel�t,, I k i steak he 'unscrewed the stopper, of the . . . L I. . . I -- J. D. -AT.A.CDONAL1), Dist.rict , Pass�n- ?, . P" your , . I . � . . I I . . I . . . .. 1 4 . � . egg l�-Yauthls CompaiiiOn. - - friemls about � this ireat I)N�wation, I water baj and poured hims . elf out I a I - . � L I I SM. "OSSIFRAGR.1� . � 1. . .. . .. . I . . I . . . . L � . .ger Agent, Toronto, . I I I . I . .. . ' . . .. . I 'S,, I XMM—_ .1 . I I . ­ .. � di I eupp I ' I * Good quality lia.irness, both light . I . DR, r,. ERNEST 11OLME, L ey can tell voii 6f its. great sooth- . specialist lit 'Crown.and Bridge Work' .1 7 L - � .. . , f*hot coffee. He had the grounds - ,' ' clerich, I L ----. — Vlae Gr�eat.Porcelaiu Tovrer.' illig, I!C;Xljll�� �jlld L t, ' ' . W�'l JeaVe Go 'North Bound . I .. I . ., I . , I . . all J.­QlA.c powers. . in the bag all, the time."PO - . I I .. ­ 1 4 E-2 o'clock p. in, NJ,rednL,.Sjay�sa for S' 1, and ,heavy, at inoderatt L prices. . I I I . . 3D. D. S.-Graditate of. the Royal Col- �.- . . I XnA430.,i. 1).'Lafter aluieteen years at BI( re reputable llcollle.,Ila-�e endorsed . . . I . . .. . . all.111t; ,. ­ . � I . . . I Oilltialent ,than . - . . a lleflilitf� - Ports ; . I 's . ell - best Saskatchew" Robes : � . .L I Icge of 11crital Surgeons of Out . ar� JMATTIB -ex Dr' _ I . ainv . Ste, Mari aird intotl . . . . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . ceaseless labor and tin . penditure of . Cilase'S.L . � I 1.) re - . Vq T 'f#,' S-�RECORM %. returning will leave Godcrieli f6r ., ,. . . � . I . 1, . . I I .. tIL �, piiratiotl -, on, can m6liti( I . I H Pw N W, I . � . . I . io. � I I . about �L800,000, W Chinese" goveirn. I � )111.* . I I I * . IT PAYS TO ADVIMTISE Windsor, Detroit . 11 also Rugs,. Blaulcets,.'irrunks, Val- . . . . . . 1" D. S.-Virst. claiss honor graduate ' J.aioccc5sor to Mr, �anieS. Scott.) L ment finished the wonderful porcelain . I . I . L .. , L . I .I.. . I . . and'', Toledo ,tit 2 1 L .. . .� I . .. . ­ . . I . I I .� .. � .. .. .... I . .. I . I o'clock p. Tit, oil lays,. , . I . 0 LR 'Tc, , 'ankin, I � .,-. - . .. � I ­ -­;­- . , ­ . . . Atollch L . - . ises, U - tc. - . I , I , I I I . of Dental Dellartment of Toront . IIARRMTE Which stood for.twar- 1­­-�-!, "OT!�, . � I I . . . . . . , S.O.LICI'mA,, Ii, tower at N I I ---...-,-.. - - � . . , . � � � . University. I , �L oill . ce formerly- . 66cu . pied .by L bir, . I ly.four and'a quarter centuries, until . � 1. I . . For rates -and furLher. iufortlla�ion I � .� I . . I. . 1. I .1 . . . :Special attention paid to preservat . ol . I : - . . Scott' . & 1� mm, " . . ... I �AZLVNVNmEAW saw- . Addi�ss Wim, Lee, 0 ,odt�rich'L oi' '� , L,L . � 'I f, I , � Mr . . I . . L . . . L . 1. , . L . . of children's tectil, . . M 0 N R Y TO LOAN' 1850, the Most warvelo.09 building ever I . . I I - � I - 11; . . . , - , , , . � - . L lit the: E Block - , � erected. by,hunvin ha do'. It was. of . I . . I I be at the River Ifotcl$ Bayfmld, - - . ,]1iot:fL . . .. . . 13 ' I � � I . L . . I . W. 13, xosilw1o'.A.1t, : - _ . �� . � � � � , . . . . . . - .. I I ., . . . . _0 � I Vil every Monday front to a. tit. to 6 1 . . I - ­ - � 'L I . octagonal forrn,* 260, feet in. height, NV, tir. . . . . I % I I . . 0 1 X, I I . . . . 11 I . c . .. L . .. . . I . . � � I .1 4-t : I . # I 0 I . Gen ral.Traille 1. � nwn- I �, , P. �U- . . — - . . OR J. FREEMA.'11 - I . I VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of tile Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Ediu;,. I . burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- .� io Veterinary College' . *)fficc-Ontario� street - - Clinton I I Opposite St. Pall -l's chUtch. phone 97. . . — � . , IT PAYS TO ADV79RTISE . . . IN THE INE,WS-RECORD, . I I P W S es,etteh having a vorn ce ang I . . I I , '�' , 14. ... "'.. I . I I .. I � I . . . . � Saillt ".t.L. 4.�Ul��l MIXV, ­ . I . : , W . 19 10's, . � � . ..a gullory without,* . I . I .1 . . . , � . . . ----.--- I -1 �. . . . 1. I I 11 I ,­ . I 11 I . � . . . !��­. — .!"O- ........ 0- . I . .. I � � . . .. - ­ -­.- ­ I-- I--.------ ­... - . ,� . . . . , I . . . . . . . . I . . . I . : 1 . I .. I . . Cholly's Itepattee. . . I I T 0 ' I W, 6, .0,�-k . . ,�!f . .. . . . I . .1, . . ... 1. . A, I . .. . . . . 4�1. . . at weparteol"I . . , T .1 . . .. "Cholly Is so tlovab . I � , . � I . , I . I .. I . exclaimed Claratice, . . I ­ � . ", � I � I . I. , . . . I I I . I ., . . I . . I I I . ,­ I . . "Isn't be?" said Reginald. 'Vitat's I � L I - I . I I ,. I I . . . , , I I , I . . .. . . I I I . . i, his Miest?" ' � . I . � 's " . . I I . . . . . I � . . � . ... . 41A, gwent, boww1d bwote sald to I . . I IN. 11 . I I . . . . .. biggest fool in this : 1. � I .1 I . I . L I . �. state.' And Cholly.answered wight Olt, . . . . 1. , . ' 1 I I . 11 don't agwee with youll 90. . I I .1 I . . � :.N,e.rVc.t1sne,%s predonlitmtes in wo, ., - t thiffi, 'You are the . . . . . I � I or 5, -CRn`-*tS1 , � I I . . . . 111. . � . � . 1; . I . .� men, but *men tire also subject to it, . . I � I . . . I . � . - . I I . . . ".. -inds mu�es itj glaol .. . . . . � . I . . I . . LA xcess 'of vatious.1, - . : .. ..: q ­ .. � Two r6iftelts, � 1 ft�%"&41.��&."ftoqi. . � . I . . ... I ffitell&tttal t6il 111(i anxiety. .- -- I I I. � . I . . I . . q&q%"1h,%,ft.1l"* � "I tiever send out a story forpubitea- I . ... I ,%,%,*,W,k,46,ell*,%,�",W"%.,k"o,.,&"",I, � 11 I'll, I I .. . . � 1. . I . . . . . .. : . . . . I . I I. � - AT,.-TAUTt-q WAvv­s are aml%"I%� . . . . 1. � I . . . roll," said Dn)lpath, the realist, "witw �. . . ' . I . I I *h fo�tn 4f r . .1 . . I . I. -. - I—— I , I � I I dicated in any . 0 nervous do. ­ . .1. . . I - -e - U-­bWAft#JMVUftftXTA.W" out first having slept over if." . The two big F agnily Weeklies, . - I ity, as they toile tip the entire sys. . ---- . , ------ I � . , . � 'Ir don't believe Vve ever read one of . . . � . 1. .- .. bil. . . . . . I I . pii . � . � .. I � tent and restore the nerves to their . I . �,o ' WS E01 fly . Marriage . . I ,them elther without doing the same . The,Ne -Record d The F ain' I - .- . 11 r ir .0 thing,,, returned. Hawley. . .. nornial condition. - They are indica. . 0 . I ' . . � - 4 . . ­ - . � . - I ted in-exhaustiotij niental inertia and I . . ur.Uair I . Herald and Wpekir Star, each a : . . I � License... . I Sweet Content. I I � .. I .1 - 1, senile weakness, . I . . . .1 � , 11 .1 ­ I ... � I I 1-1 , I .. �* � , I . .. . ;Si . . I � (4 � 11 131obba­�Sllllcus hi very proud of 11 his I Leader in its own fieid,'Will be sent "I I I They contain to alcohol, ,not 136-itig - I . . . � 1. I - ISSTM D By I . � Two years ago my h4ft vas linonge, Isn't hey I . . I a liquid renlei I ly. Theiieffecttherefelj6 � . � I falling out bidly, I purchased a Slobbs-Toq; he would, rather have � to any address t . . . . ' . . intil the end of . . . . . . . . tilottle of Ayer's Hair Vigori, itnd ancestry than. maka name for'bim- .; ,.. . I i . 9 � is not th0it of A mete stitnulatit, bUt . . I I . I . . � I soon my hair stopped coming out." #elf. .1903 for 65 cents, . . 41 . toWc and pertnanent. . I . I. � I . J. B. RuMball,410 ,linton ,Miss Minnie Hoover, Parls, Ill. .. . I � . . . ... -8TlJA31I% WAVU$tS helpstotristch, I I .-1 I i I . —.,. . ­ ­ !, �1� !, 7- - . 1".. " ..'�-..­­ ... , I I -- , Pimple would be more willing to take Eve ry one. who takes advan- I . I I I. I - . . . . . . � . digest food and 'Send the flUttituent 's �. ? , ­ ,:.".i.." .Perhaps your mother thit'r whOlping If tile fact eould be I . I 414 StRMTHTO V1 through the b104 and this is the . . I � ""', L�.,,-.*aam�ws Ant they Were getting one,- , tage of this WSW r w i 11 r,e eiv V 'fa,n " '' 4 I I 0 () 4%.w rev Wr � ;%-,;�,Wt- 1�f ­ 11 . . . 11flo 1111RACHWIXIIEW,we honest way to get health and streIlght, . . ,,;',:, I had thin hair, but that Is cA`t(1-`h`I3'O1l Globe. I . I . . � I —;. ­. I .11.1. .. � 11 copy ot eacb of the two - ,11 ­ g 0 the kind that lastg, I . � � Aty,oll! tuktlom develops and noreason why you must � . I �� j-­1-ll"gVLUDi5T breeds the energyowfiicli, aceonipli$he$ 91 A ROTTXb TRIP I t�-�--z "LCON TIT I N in I I . . go throug-ba life with half- TI0MP114*11IP1XP111Z1W .V,XCVRSIOX " Purty" and "'Alonet", ' """ uch. � I . I -,-- J�J.l I . . I . I I. -T. I . . stilry July 701 and 215t, A1191Wt 401 ' . � �� 1 I I � ed hair. If you want , On, I ., . 1�- , "T tift PartidulAtly pleased i . ". � . aixt 8th, also September n4f and 11, 4&1w,*41fv�lft� VIth .) . : i, . I I *,*"b,��o"---16-4i��*A&**,*,,�,%.�&�*.#&*�%,*,* lndoil,N til ON B 0 11§t. JamilieA Wafers, T 4il 1#1 . : TRAOt MARIAS .. � � x9oij round-trf') tickots will be issued 1 �7� .44B . I 09814"s, long, thick hair* feed it i. . NZ How, il . , been oteciAlly useful in nity lieltd. I � . . . fr(An Chicago and .St, Paid at single I . ­ .0 11 .. . tice w. f n laniployeA in ne"otts . . ; I CdPVfti6H,rd ft� 10-4 * � de -1 troubleo." . I . I .nne floildifist a Attill, find deActl It" Y64Y 0. 6 I 1, . I MERIC be. A. Y. 4btude ! I I .� 11 her An � , I I �Aby V opinion frC6 w9t with Ailer's Hair vigor, rmY,�I.i'sq fare, phis $2 to lloin;t% oil 600, PaYSL for t ' lubob I " i -i t . . I . 4viold , ! tile V,,caiat 14orthcrIl. Itailway In the . wo 0 .... )Nrininklutta, itifir. .4 ,T, noottain is , V �P�?fttovltablo. Coin and nile it rICIA-A) d4rk . a or - he linvotit on la ortibitt 6 movitelt. .y tilfiv; Attidiritl6till dealt al. 111tidbotak an PAWnto states of Mintlesout, Idallo, Oregoll, I . . . - I . ;. � Soylt ft,r,g, ( ldo.4t it tiller for iocarnitZentill, & Ill , � . I . I PAtk1,tlt9 taken t9rimali Alum & t40011H .Rrkd heqy. NVasll., allol) to all points i* tritish, .1 � 11 .11 . I 1-1 ­ ­ -W �At Me$ Wdlell d Pe 01 6f 4 see ole? I I roll 40 6it I tile 1, Columbia rettelled via.Ortat Northorn llt'intotions 0-nd t'W 0 , . .7.111, . ; #rwal foiker wit b 1) v 0 ", " 41.0 , a Mit, All JwOifs, . . sk; W tt,vwdy: taMenuotertlies dociolor ti. I I . 111fiet&P I ; 4 l,O.m Railway. , tickets ar I -- I - ­ I , if ma 0 W if y6ar draittlat ftn!f�k;lt 8-*d;10M11;1=, w; return pas.,4age wLItIlin 2'1, daysl froul ww 6 1. . , t0d 13(rit the fOrIll 311a Ufi,7ft Jleft4tRf. sciatific I e valid for I . I � . - ettmaesidinjr ment to theippauesia I'l - . " L I -- I date �A itote, Vull infortuatiml as; to 44op , -over. Privileges, etcq by adIlifig wt or writing, Clitas. NV. GrAWS, WS, triet Paswitger agent, 6 Xing RX, Rown i2, Toronto, Ont., I . Abittid4i),'noyyil!llq.fl.44A!C"i,t,klv, 1,101*00,01r ,,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,.,Y,,..*,.,.,,,f,,,,J,,,,il:,,. Torto..433f, y4l�ftr,; fnp�le moytijil"$1, Hold by 411 111MA41011101`4 MEIN! A rm�u 11 ufdad'mtly, Now Yarl, e - ; ,04. VXV�; V#, i�, �-;. e. .*�­,.­ �, , yk t� . ­­ � - , I � 1. ,­­ I . ­-Ot�� . I 1� . . ­­­­­ � , , I ­* . . I � I ., I I . . 11 I �., . , . . . N, , f . . , I , k I V yv � , � ". , I , 1� . I - I r I � ". a - 4 - . 4& 1 t� I . . 4A : �i; . .1 , 4 *1 - - . a � -41111�­ '� I A;�Mj,,­, -.-­��L,.iiii,.,, . A . . M16AWbilda.m, —'­­L.�­ - �� . 11L-Skl� Zimkwbw�!,��, ,, . D.w.utures., � 11 �, I , I . : �, A' 4" ­ . ,�,�* 'W I � . 11 . 1! . - 4 .. ,, * , �,­&­ " —A""ki- � ,; - 1.­i.� ,� p4de tit c4tla4a: $ 1.00 ., . 012 bottl" for $$,00 il, Wh0fe de11tItt4 tit* flotsOlItig the WAF,"I"q, tile are, indiled upost re. telpt of rl.e sit the canaditta, browell., lit'. JAMoTWO8144lif Ilts 6t,C31I:d(h1#St,,M0htfd9I, 'I I I