HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-09, Page 6."
-_....1.1.1. 117_____ ___ - — - __ - � _ 1,11_ - - .
� , — - �,;__�; , ..— '__ � � ='_l'_'-!!=��-:'�=';:7_ _l�' �' =' � ,� t;r ;17 :! 4 '4 = ' ` %� I � I -r7' " �-_ r __ - , - '- - ' r , . ' 9 . I I . I .. 11.
_ _'- - I - -17' - - _r - - - - rr � .� � . , , - -- ��, � I
4=,v;m OT1m:K un:"' 7,AITov,D- 'THE 031180 .0F ENO I I r
--P." I , IJ A �i D I I . 11104 the brush pile and laid .down IZOIKL' SWXZT UO I
I XX " with delicious
, — aiwl nelver got up any morp, .livi,. .. !
Dr. willikamal :Pink Pills :Kestoro A) T99 CURIOUS IMPOUNATX01; IT � . Allen 'Dorner beat bell o-A,er t . jl(� jjj,i,j.(j . I
Youlitar TAR -47 to Full Health i . With a J)'StUl .Again rl.p),d Fji-LA died," A& t
. , 1, i
illa<l atrougth. i RFIVVALS. I , �� .4 1 �. M13001011 TIRM GRAND Jx "Ity, I .1 . �
11usbituda at Vifteelri'Very 'Young. r . , ' . I �� 9 9 .
Pactarn and nurses recommeud Dr.' 9 , , . 9.. �".. "I . � � . . . � . This! terriblo recital of finvagery I I
I 11 .
Children at Arduous I r I Was alkliplifled by t.ho testillivily �f . I I
, WA1110=4' Vlulc, Fills becauBot they't 0 the Salute wItjjpssk,a upoll,the occa
I have seen their woodorful power t'ol Woru� i Ceylon. Tea Is the finest � _ �
AMko *QW, . . .... . 9 - — I XJOA of t�eirr appearance before tho �
� rij;b, red blogd, and to �
poor blovid, A book of summary tables I Too tha world WOW I
our* CL11 diseaspa One to relating ; ,out grgpd jury. 11,11tore they told tljt� .
1 9 1
,tk AerVeS, %IIjdLMj$! rink';1 census of, England and land IS 491d Shirt waists and dainty OtOrY in gromer detail. T,ul-ner, �
$r WON Dr. , _ , � . I
Pills strin not a. conunion medicine. W lea has just been published. it onty. In ,Iegd who is ar jaOrO boy of zrot more that, �, �
. I Isafull, from the first page to the Packets. Anen are made delightfully 17 years, did not rellilizo that tile �
e weakeii, ;
Tilley contalm po-pols*novs .,drugs. last; of interesting and curious infor- . PlInishi'llOnt V-1ilch he had inIlIcted i
a -u mation. Who, for Insts, Stock, Mixed and Orman clean and fresh with Sun- upon thO WO410A W`4s rosponsible Stir lo �
They Are sate, auxe, 6imploo . tim - 11co, jinagin. , ,
lating and poicotift. That Is why od that there were more than 100 , �-an te& drialcerx try "Salatfat" Gteen tm light Soap. I ber refusal to go, tie work, IyA� said : On t4w tA le I r
thosio, pillar should .be taken by All conton4rilins in England and Wales? * ,t,f 9 . . . . on � She wag stubl)om, Tivat belitor lea . And a few friends to on Oy It, t re is j
. � j, h0 . _ n. o plitco I I
Orlio are weak, b There are 146, Oil, rather, as cen- . - 6 t_0 bill), to assault ber with ilia pistol ,�Iqle. I . � . like
,loo4less, nerveless r
. I .At--- I lo.
pa,d Sickly. 11,ore is A bit of very tortaxla�is are p'erlsbable beings, if. -'-- r9 __ ; , 9 ____ I--------. = -OMWIN wllQn She Was dying. - Ile sinloplo . ----- . -_ .. I � - � r
Z__! L 'A
positive proof of t -be woriderful pow� would be wore, cori*�ct to say that WILT SNA --- haotened, the en,4 io�, giving ven't to VIIIIISTIAN A-'NDL Von, SMITH # 4AVERSP
or to o9atilitter disease wbich Dr there were '116 In April, 1901-98 pouoitaris at r4o
. #4D!d you over notico the For the International C C*0iLdT%oVf0 XilitC. �
Xi;L; r ha 9 onv=tIon Voisto. go
IV4111wna, Pink Pills, possess; - being woulen. his fury. . Dr."" PATENTS A
.peculiar SLAVERT IN THE SODIR - The Turner plaAtation is in Ttmlla-
- . bit soint- men have of snapping ,at Deaver, July 9th to :Lath, the write
Mother E. Lewis, Lynn, N. S., says: Again, who would think that the the POQ04 CO-Unty, About seven miles : ofilcial ' ' r 1� ...... � I'll, . . . . . . 9 _-1oi&t"1vL-_ �
,Ir fingers *while trying to recall Dz:Fr4,XCEIXSji N14GROES route 0141110ctOid by tba'Trazis� A . I
,,At the age of sixteen my health centenarian f brived best in a big a0li"Othilla Which hits esoa.ped their West 6f DA'deVillo, After his last vortation Xanagors for Ontario a d .---- ,__ .
litiled we conipletely. At that tilue city? Apparently Ile does, for �f the � Ininds for the iii,liijent? Asked a SEAT:= TO DEATH. assault younq T=er ordered one quol,ac !a YfA, tlio Chic in .
1 9 . — of tile negraes to go ago , U44 It scitiatillo prlaoj 08 001410 for 064
iy I to the W"1411 North-Western itud Union Pacific the pittv*t Inflated a r pad tots ,11thisio
K was Attacked V 9% grippe, whloh total number 3.0 lived in towns and ina.n Whgll keeps a keep 1001cout for Where Colorod Peons Are Confined 4014 tell her she inuat resume work ?I . s. slasul be a
was followed by measles, frain the -14 in the country. . tile curWua Ili human nature, -Now, I k 1 at once, Railways. SPS04#1 , traf .+ saqoeop. Itholds the parts An suob� P*dtlom
. 11 the Camps. of Ala- The liegro found tile wa� 9 a of tourl that with fair T
Kfter efluoto of which. I was left In a - here, is a carious �itudy, and One I'leeping cars throu ,,Is;rt%eymuPjbe&I, Itiallitilt , .
1. 0 audoOjptort%b'otovrs&r,&u yourcoulldenett
7 Two boys arc husballes at the age Wili0l, if P"I'SUOIJ, WAY throw WWoh barna�. tii Oil Pale July 15th, 7th and Is ro t d tq 0 it 10 44jultail. you 9
devillorable condition. I b.ccanile ver TIUS'DANDS AT FIFTEEN; niAll's body back of the brue.h. pile, , .,3 . sh t oenv;,;
ri'k 91 o , 11
'her(i zhe bact sought silielter. lie Btli. Return limit August Sist 0*8 ;"�=. e Jtill! farons the Isolt nod Traits
pale, suffered frora be444ches, divzi- of 15, and two girls Wore willows At light 014 a very Interesting 8111)" The Vederal grand jury) '111OW in returned tor Turner And told him: ( . mliociall0s, 03 4;9'144131119
was anA Want of appetite. I , tried 16, A boy of 1-10 had I Joet. Why shoruld a mail suali his '4 1003. Very low rate3 fr in All st;-'. jf",; '2te DOW.
. .
teveral medicines, rne r Illigers wbon lie temporarily forgets nor COVIAOUnded several 4 . . .
but tbey did 11, k wife of 05; SQSsiOU in goatgoa�i.e ' Alabamia, -BOB$, she's doaid." Thereupon. Tur- 9`42 r,
a h a b an d o f 60. has listened to revelatt r 4 tions in Canada. Writo Ofor odicial
a girl of i5 had 2ns go debas-11 af the ila- 2P-47
0 to gootd; on the c9atrary I .was There wore 5,611',881 husband$,. ,5,- a thing? Does, this .Physical Illove- and �,Ihocklng in connection withig"Oes tO ta,ke ill Christian Undeavor folder, rates And - - 1 .. r . I
, . r . ei bo4y forthwith to . .. . 9
�rowiag weaker and finally, became ' luent aid the mental .0cesses? Does ing the bur full information to B, U. Sennett, 2 � .
717,537 wives, 51.0,830 widowrors, r ,P.l Its Investigation of peonage in Coo- tal plot in the rear of th
to ba4 that I would take spellw of 9 tile fact prove the inaterfal bagla of sa and Tallupoosa Counties that Its little negi-Q, chur0i, s.ome.dir.tanco Cast Kiaw -at . �
tneonsciouspess it.1sting froill.fifteen and 1,246,40.7 widowq. The 'expla- the iiiind7 It Inuot shaw a.vol . r 0 � reet, Toronto. - -YOURVERCOA, 8 . I .
nation of tile disparity botween the , in- members lra,e determined to. go to, from the Pla,ntatlon And bury It, . I � � - .
'V ,
,golt .
fnirxuteB to an hour at a tintu. And I � 11mate conneei.lon between tile two. . �+ r _- A . and foidooll Suits would look botter d. If no , ou '.
Inumber of husbands and Nvives is, of ,CuriQusly c, 8oniebody providoll 4 rude' b 0 4
could . 'llougll, th, tbL' bottom of tile whole wretched ox r I ontreal, Do
trad become so weak that I I a Of QW11 in your town, WrItO dir90 kle
, course, the fact tha�t tlie)-,�! are wives ,r ,ta,salilc c011di- business. Olotfflu. ,The burial took plaCo 'at . WHAT TO DUINjt:, . .
hardly nitove about. At this stage jnr tion will Intailfes � I! ill Ill'all..�. I r. . r * 0 9 PRITIGH AMERICAN DVEING 00, .
I was advised to try Dr. Williams' ' England Whose . husbands are. 0 They are prepared to sit all.sltlan- 11101t, and only -two negroes were r . .. I
Ill . NVEL,ys tinder shatiar circunistalle"'4. nrer 9 if t,bey are req. prosent. Tj . Water ThAt -is Cool is 3 �k_" . . .. .
Pinic Fills, and I have good reason a load, ancl husbands wbose wives * ulre.d to do so, r io grAirild jury of Tallar. r I . . .. .
I 9.1 I All illon do not i,nap their fingers . 9 est At All �_, 9. - - r .
t* blesS the day I begZ their use, are also absent. There Wei o I when t1wro is a mental ialiL,o w,hicli and before. they 'get through they 1100sa CO"AtY -*as.in session at that Times. r . . � Dominlord Lina Steamships. 9 . .
1) - I to Liverpool. 33011toll to TAyar. -
1 bad only taken them a few Weeks widows ulider the age of _20, and i they fire seeking to ove P) Liposo to return indictiviliza � 1,1100. So-lue ody cantriyed to. ha,ve FAe best time to. dirl water Portland to lAvervool. yla.Queens. .
when I began to recover and under, 25,1124 over the age of ft and ,11,6225 , �xillq itill",I oth rcoonv. They aginst every landowner, overy coun-: it JnV`O5tigRte the . doath of S'arall rok .. or Kaa!'"
or wa,ys of bridging . other licAulds in quilintity 1s,on, ris- .town. . .
their continued use for sonto tjjn4 very old maids had passed tliot age �� , tl"O ty ollicor, ancl other person aginst tl lVealy. . r, � Larg and Vast Steamships. Surarlor ucconxisiodation I
,gained iny former of 85. . r . r gal). Otle xilaii will pat ilia foot whom there is reasonalble proof of -4 I ing, ' an hour and a half befbro ter %I plaiso of owsoullorti. ai oon% and staterooms. I
longer I fully rL r 9 .. �whva lie forgeto -ily. Ali- coluplicity Ill tjlf,. wides'pread . half an saw Vow to tho 11
Iny . one of the tellipora,ti luncheon And dinner, an d i no atuldships. Special ritteatiop has boon
� 1110,.:.kt Carl r sid, Saloon and Third -Class acconiloo ation. nr
good health. I will be glad if on,; tables . I.,, Ilia - hour before retiring, ' . 4* o!passaso and all particulars. apply to any !�japt
exilic, -h records the. callings of , otlitir will bIto his lip, or place CONSPIRACY TO 1i',N'SLAN.1 � HE COULD NOT . . .. . i . . .
rionce will be of benefit to some that wli1L IR . �
other poor sulTbi women. I ,lingor. a ainst Ilia teinple, or rub one � ' . Generally speandag, Ithilisirtiffi, : I
, 19 9 1 people do not "O"11""l-Or
vr� . . . .1 heald across tile forehead, Or resort hundreds of ignorant rind I-,ell4ess drink. water enoug,ij, oil if they 'tio, 34M it %ton. JNTt0.r,,rt*,1,1,`t,01 !u1211" .
When buying tile ],ills see that the � : I V.1-Statent., P"OS1149
CALLINGS OF WOMEN, '� t�.i some other offort to stimulate nogroes, The Federal authorities I I it Is At tile wr&lig tilile, Wator may .
full nani.e. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rl'" ' t y , I . i . be taken at the etc&, -of a meal, b,ut -----------.-- 9-00 � . .
for Pale People," is printed an. the .xy ,huve .asserted their rights In 't ht� lagging niellaory... -Why is this? .in ;MOntgoanor who have emiducted TILL DODD — ' .
- .
wrapper around each box. Sold bY solue Wry muscullne lields, as the ;'Is one's niei,ilory ,really aided by the -inveatigation on peonage up to PS XIDNZY PILLS if many glasse's are drunk'witili.
all dealers oil sent by nrail at 50 following abstrao.t allows:- . Ithes.e ph,ysieal movements? It inust the I)r0sinit titne are ill roceipt al- ,DROV4 AWAY. Ills ui�als, disor',ders of doigestion Illay
,�i 3 "; r a
cents a box or.six boxes for $2,50 Wont . _ : I)e,' else lit4lymnity woul#J h ve drop, 111049t Oally of lettyrs frojil. n,islion- ..
. OP -Duct OrS, dentists, I . RHZUXATXST9 fQ11OW. In fact, the. 4mlre to. dtlyik 0
, r tied them lonn- ago, Almost every sible white inen in varivus parts of r I
by writing the Pr. Wllliart.�s' modi. 140; voterin0y alirgcons,- 8;' law ' � - — , . water cozipiollisly At. njoal-tirne, i oi- . . .
� l th r . .. ' ' a .
*tne Co., Brockville, Ont. clerks, 8617, authors aild. journalists, 1 man, wbeit lie forgets somethimg - e Sitate assurtng thern that the Story of W, .T:, Dixon, 11as Set ton an evildettice of hidigiestboji. Ypt Latest Novelties, all Styles.
I a -'It , 11arYle, for Instance, -wilich is right crijxw Is not copfined to the - Coosa . more than two glaoses of wateir or Correspondence invited, En-;
r _ .), avtreshos_60;443;� sell I teach-!' . the Rainy Itiver �
___4 - �DS lers, 17,070; . a 1, - kists, $.-Isloo , on ill(,, end of bls.tongtie�_Wjll jualce 4114 Tallapoosa 0.ojajti(.%s. . Settlement other liquid, - sbiould be taken .at close 2c stamp for circular. .
, ; black- . . r I
N-0 ItTIT POLE FOR BALD IT -R.1 , . . ' -.soxiie kind of physical efilort to call- The, � i . Talking. , . - I�y r . I .
saild"S' sirlkors, $1.6; brassfounders, I I � V r 'eVolvAlOps .which the young . . � ateal-time, and praptical no we:teil .
I - , -pbords, 1211; slaughtep,ils, r . .
"Talk of hall, rosturors." stlid 010 440, jure: the propel: �Illlage filgill its hj(j� Dirstriet Attomey will mako to the Darwiek. P. o.., June 29 s3io4ld bd ch,,tia-4c. whoil soup' is �O'v_ THE UNIVERSAL- SPEDIALTY 00.1
. slit t. 3; I ,%N.111, I if . -- Am- ed. . . r I
ingmljlaco Ili the brain colls, I'Viii . , . . � . I I I
calitain of a steanwr who has been a knack (� I .,% y it. Attorqiv�r�Gojjera t,hey'havo ang - tile . IP, 0, Box: 11.4,2, 39ontreskl, . I .
sw-vep.pi $I I 're, I , letters r here the r I I
.r,a . . I . . .
180; cros911191 - is I (to not know.'. I klio,w Inol,tli�, no, other 'et, capse an iniawdiate eure 10t Water xnAy be taken on r1sin I 1. __1 . �
" �. . - , Jol g . I r . - . I
- ' in it %vitit, 110; barniaids, 27,70., . , William - 1 -in Dix- . . Go" .
11'11111"', -11011(l uf illo"Ll j�, , of I .
. - o I t;,t � collar Wo-�!-that it happens and I .%upposO ?i broadeirktig. of the iliv,"Stigatiou and. : of Rheumatiipi IS' caus- and retiring, for those wha are Sela_� . r -----
tile t�h A _� Arctic reglutil,. .A i1i,an I woll, 1.310; aft]1011-114, 86; ,sword -11 - the retdou b I on r . a .
uifit illin l'aiii, who fails to L . r4nswers - soine ". purjji;ise.�' . ling of the enlorts of ov- Ing inuch talk. - . Thei � � sitive to cold e4uring tile willite ' .
get a �. Inal'ors, 63; bill diric-owiters, . 56; . . W� . . � . . I . � story of 13`0 ,r - . . I
lit NV C"01) if JIL' gCoa %%'It'hill till' r Ai,e-, bol 161�1114"�(.,J,4, d-, - bViCi,Z,IayvrSt 4; . � — , � . . . ery-boyly concerned to dos -troy poon- the cur.e,. as told by.,)TIr Di hixx I ntAhs. It: stimulates tille secretion ORAN ES LEMONS . .
d(,- (itele 1!9 it 1,(.);,(Ic.�:q Cip.ti, I 11a,ve . .- . I �� I. I - . - . . . age, . I .. .. . .. . I . self_js as follows- 1 220111 1 X_ of bile, especially if the liver is Ile- . . . I r r -
�Ll it 1%4lull.-Is u-1,!.)_qut bald whon they' ck+l�s. 55,784; carters and waggoll- .1r, , Crimea that : 61 . I peatedly. sIgnaled by'taking the w.a,, We �ive Mexicans$ WE: � . ..
� ! Ho.W'.s This. . would disgrace vurd Duiling the nnyrner of 1901, I . . r . . 1.
I � ol'S, 660; - C011"llerCial ti'A'�("JILI-S, jj19'_)r; . .. . . h of rl'�,.Ab,oji r, California Navels, . HAVE .r
st aye.1 at 1.oimu- �or a ,Yeux oil tiv.01 I . . . . . � Stain tbu: darkest pages.of. tile - his- I ad tin a.ttack I Fe'Ve r ter in - � Cold water in the. Valencias, and . I T HE � I ,
� . �A . . . I
. . r... 171 nl�,arhing is t7be p,referrad if there Is S,,,jjj,,. I . I r
1jardert-rs, 3G; pavior, 1,� IeN,el eposs- We offox; one � llunflte(l Doliarq Roward tbry� of slavery hAve been 12013114tted I and after I gat over It RhournAtis . . �
t"111 wol it :xw (.ill;) (if hair evely 1 (ttiV .*d atal'i'll
. !ar 0, ,(! tjlttt , - . � � IBEST .
)llgr* Rc.(,I)vrs, �26*5;. olailribus condue 3 cannot be nX .
- I uy'der cirIctlinstances . that rorlder I .9 .t in. I- had. pains. in ni5, back and constipation: ' .
li:- 0-Y Nvent towardr. the 'North lors, t": 0111i'livy swoulis ' '.,ur4d Wilall'n' unturrh (,'tire . - , ,L . to produ � eta � .. - . .
llt,)v L21 11 r. -haling okpodi'tioll. 171low 8; undcrtakers, _I)- , 54; slatt&s; 1 - ,' F, J - (2131:11,10Y. & Co .1116joao; o. I tliinu *all the uiore aggraA'ating IiO� in Uly' right hip So, bad that .1 had . Pure .water! washes, wa,s . 3M.A0W.49L- Xff .s&.ffil. . ... . I
, 9.- i We, 0e umKi,signed, hZve'Ittiown. V, 1 (.a,uSe jusjlCf., r I
Oo t a..-Coulit fij... iri 'i'l-al firthl", J. Cliently kir tile last 15 years,- and I . Cannot be nieted O;ltltO use a stick, to walk 'and h� no front r the system, but impure - water Varland.every week. All the,above Ad ' - .. .. I
, �
,m) go ?:(;I.Zll. I , JudArlug froin t)iv above, the -0111Y, illon W116.are gullty. Dis- I comfort Ili sleelAing, ' . . . be-rendared safe b� iinarlt�t prisces, - We can also handle your, "" . * .
. Hze jand aTei,;.,,..!.,1 f.v, , . , I . , believe -him parfectly' honornble -7n' all ; t.01 t;bc� altho;ugh lt'niay � . r' ,
-lons Still collfillod to 113-1 uro : a . bo!lipg, is.of little use in I .
hV!:,,-i1 !'. It I!! :1 !11'V%'h-lor of _Nn� ocetipat, . , businesfi; . ' transuctibiis '(kud till nciany ; trict Attorne�-,Reese has Ili his pos-1 "I could scarcel� dross nryself for _ renio,�ing , l3utte�li g.9sit *Poultry, , , � .' . L
. . L E .
. . . Waste IrOn, the system. ' The pro- . .
Itirt. ap-jljn�-t th,� cold. W -1 -ch 010, illost) of tile suldier, groolli. callnian, t ablu to 91,11�11,y Put ugly 'Outigatioltls .nlood!3 ' sessfan evidence of a utarlder .so * bru-�* I nearly twQ 111-�ntlls. and fai, three or . -
. I.Ny tileir l. L - . . . of L t. Water :,nte, Waple Syrup and other, produce to a,dvan. - - - ,
I � ),I"!�l 't "livIFAX. WhOlesale.. - rei,61thig . I eA�S I treated use h, -.o rnally .. . . . I . .
A-i(t:c'%%iril(-t, _iiijr,�oeli-t, iry r(.-�p..- � C, ill , hl�aver,, ongillo 011N"�r, nkiNy Ito - -, [)rb�rtsts. ! tat and that it reclill 'e-41 four �v c0uld'not lace aly.,right . I . , , . ..
Lti.-d ol-l-irl. allihnills. - Illotor 'el L � � , I . .� tago fdryou.. . . I.. . I
6(1% lie )A,L.�', lic,L"IX11111), I CaV' (h -h- '. ;.1:11(1 Ro- : Tolc(ld, 0. IVALDING� le�IKNAN & I all of onv's credulity to lidlierve . its, 91 ' . t-ni�y right leg ora ItiV Is debilitating, .as is also its too � , . . ..
-.1 . . . ! MARVIX, Wliolesato Druggists,* 'VoLedo', I . , lore. or pu . I , unlited.,L :� ' . . I
;( 11 I i i%,�--?- rozkt (4 i.air' ol� -ful... , lit -till' C4111161je prio�it. . , - shockbig .details. yait ca,11110t c0n- � 1�ft Ane6. free use externally'L Ice -wat�r ' un'� 'IN DAWSON COMMISSION Co.., , .
: i: r1ol IN. Uv I'air (.11 t he �. L11.1all ' - T 110 1,040 of t!!o alilletod in' ,R'n- I U.. I . . . . I i vIci a white ni,Ltn Ili AI&I . L L . . . 1. . .1 I 001!. Wiset Market 11111t . .
. . . t1aft's Oatarrh Qure is taken inter- mina, upon . -11y bratbor_ ao-vise,cl - me to try -less ,sipped slov�ly, retialift digestion. I . . . " T . 090 . Nro. , . I . .
, - ad ,� 1,;v; - ,�q Cell � I ou Ero, t,� I. land - �ncl Wales -i,i -LIS' ,;* i ' tho blood I 010 IoStilniony of black ition'. This is' Do6d's 'Kidnf�y Pills, an14 after tak� 1%ter.-tlhat , is i,eSlles;lijjjgIy. eO1OI is - . . I I . ,.. . An . : . I .
%11 , , . , S' 1'0110W�-Ulill;!, . ' . ally', ACLIlIg directly upoli I ., ., . 8. I . . . . I
-1 t . "� �.XV. . -when the . I . . - . . .
, , 5� -- - - -, - '�lspe:cfall.y triie wher'e the vlotim of!''Ill" three bbjcesl� 1"begail to wa,lk, do - I L I .- L
I -Z if. it .V it fo I I dwl�t '. ,-o (l6af and dullib 15,�14.f- k4old nlitcous surfikees (it tile system. best at all Mines I
�1. r I I ( I I "o Ih! . . I I I " . . . - . or L ,L re is no !. . - � .. L . - . . .1 . .
. I !L 0 , X reason .for * tlie� ilse ,of I . . .. . , . 11 1%j � . .
" . I '. _": I , % I - (it uggitits. . - I 1, : and lace V,p inly iP��oes, ArU . �'Io " . , . . I . I . .
I IT- 1.1-.�.Xl . o').C( 1.1�e d(qtf, I S, I -- I .. . ,Vet,,tinit.iiiia18 sont frue. Price 75c.,' per I tile crinto 4.4. -blaci3c. The* raen Wh6l ,
: ,,f jjj�.. I t'li I. I,!( " )1; t1natIcs, 83,7(- 11111.)C-: , bottle. .';old b�-tl . L ily Nv'olk , 0 cuse
_ Cjt�d(j. 11 L�Vf C 1 j e Fl, _ %, 8 , "'�j 5 2 _. ,. . , .. , � . �, .. .. .1 I iLzll'is Faw.ILY Viliti are - I I a.'re - 1.,4�ck�sbid My! a , in sti. ,tiori,j t .1 I � hot -,X�,ater. - .1 - . I 1� . . . . I L , I .. �� ;......; ., . . L ..
(.! �'j `l]j . . � '.. , . . . . . I . .. . . L � tile b . 4 . ist. I ve . gil . ll� )best; � of it .. i6l. 1: have had no I . . . . �11 . . I . . . .
.1 . ,j,' 1,'?�n I ill arl0ther ass��thoso ' � - - , � �, th,c-ni�sel,sys native AlaUainans, shar-�.Rlleprlhatisnl si 1, - . . ".. filic ill -A I _-��, , . .
1 .4 (.(�JtS.F.. (L'%*� j:j jj()j.tj . 0111RUd c 1. I .+_ . . :..;I .'L I)Q� taken wit . . .
I , I . , I - I . L 4ca. . 'L .." . I AA I fish, fftli,t, ,a . . .7
. , I lalwuish h . .� . . ing tb-voiiie (jktent 'at 1(,a L ; I . - eggs - and cero�als, but not with ineat; . i-_4 . - 1.�-"`_-, 143 1 1 '. I
, Q..: I . . . S (1,1; I - io ,-:... .,Vj In) a in"al is�lvfio __ -I 'gnwl-a,�(- thirty7five. ' ' I st-Ahe Pile-! Dudd's�'I;idziuy .-Pills."take the uric I I . I �
� rriste'l 1-ji,of i L w.
" 1, �s ii, IT(I solicit ' I "W1 at -'da -vou ' cos of tbg. region' against black .. _,�� I
- VK l;0d -q V. billtal'd. . think- OfL niarried and it should ,not be'lueed as a b %� - ' .-- ,,, ''I '. *,', , �-, I
, . " ti) rn k . a urs," ,�I&,�evn I . acid o-ut if the blood ' d t(he Rh I
.,: Ocie . t u ys. , � and . . 11fe?" askvd the lieupeckcd ilia ' � . I 4111 . eu- 1 .
1-tJi, 0 '. iolli( I. -F. C,ro 1:("Uol, and tLei . tWVl1t�';-aUthOlT- odi-� l . . 11, ft(A� I testi,11,1041y, are u7ianiwpus in their 1 matislin, goes ,w th � . erage when vegOtables air -ttell, 11 - I .
� . . . ... ; 1. . cressing .' the ,%7ciuthful bill' bo Li . lit, ' , . � 0 et �It 0-�* O..., L L .
I iw 1,`-Ille rot. I -Alit.." I d�,gi octin, �jj,f Ui at prect4dent .and 'trbAitl6al � , . - I . I . - 111;0'A� � L
- tu*!rs, ictinifills,ts, roportem and short- . . I I sliould be sipped aftez ally food W , _� I .
L -itells.'�. ,()f the two million , is 110 .31ame. + .;i * L is 'L. .�;� - .
. I .. , , , BliQ11 . . , . I . ' . .
�, for It;" said tile al,j ' , i,(I,e. L I . . I
- - ___-� - — - _. ght to bO Set Eta _ I . L L I . .. . the Inauth ... I , I . L
- .. 1 It'alid W1 . . . . . . . . swallowed. , _C o ITO e , . �, .1 .
* . . young husbaiicl. '. entliusiastie'al' � . -,".w. I ! 4 ,,- I I I .
' A) V I '11S 1 1), f�Pli)'ili "Wales, �180,1005 Spi-lak .Welsl ' '', ly, - C-0 '11m) BY AVFIDAl�rI1jiF,. :.* , : . TINY PAWNBROKP,RS., ' with - . .
� j, . nipat, as do also cereal i %00, --�- ,-, t 11 ... I � . . I �
- I �
. . . . . :.o ,,, I . .
. . I .
. . ,,, �� , .
. ' r*o � are tivalii�_f6ur of . '�X '. I I .,
1; A TI 4 Pr le, . . I "You are 'right, . k(l .. . - ' . . .. I . - -
, - . F OT , 1. T� I . " . I . � L . L I said. tll(� -i�eupec d V E . I , . �: R And water' . .. ,,, .1 ,�J-' - .
1,0111y. .. ** I. . . .1 . ' * , -
C-114.,ll Sales Inv juln� ai'd inctean- I . " . . It is a case covered by affilde4vits Then . �tl,6 . I . . .. . . ,
' ! 'ing Alie, c6niury -tile population it. " 1, , , . : . . � . . . Tea L niev, be, taken. with -eggF; and
` - ' , ' tiny' women retuLl , , �
1 one, glooillily'. "bliss is no nanio Jor � �1. . ,
, L. suppo rted . u, y Ltb. c . I ,� m I
� orney oke'lls, I t ' ' � , i " , , ,
ill;. I -totfwl .., -e "kalfiqiivd. to � . Dul . niaAe uaider - , oath. to the United otheSo ,nod. as pawn- fi all but ;6.uld "not be caten w! th �. , , . I I .
* , , ,
_, M14.11 cm at . . . I . . - . I
the vxteeit of contfraiing to buy' the niultiplic-d. foltr f0Icl---:r,:ojli (5,260 Sj-52 . .. . . . I States Pi�dric-t' A.tt br �ahlalners,. fifty, . �' I � �-
. ..
04ii;e reinody, llivii it naist 'Ile ad- to 81'�,5'27'1848. On thunight lof'thel, '� ' L . . . 0. - � . - I . . . Py a large, volume � of .evidence' .given two -as cycle and In6tor niakeiw' and meat. The 'fa.nnin of ' *tI14 tea hard- .� . -1 I . .
I I T , .. . .. l' - .
1111tted thut the r(Int-lo"y hias,real. COXISUS . 3','645 - persons wore. found . 1'.. . ,�INDJ,:It WAIA( 1, . . to t le grand jury, � also under. oatili. over'a hundred . screw . -makers i :.and tins the - ih-cat' fib6r. '.Water goes with Kf '. . . , ...
, 'L . . . 1. ' . I I . L
,ds 12,541 in o . . I . I A., -
nierit. bah,i_'S Own TLU)Iets occupy sloplying.lit barns 6r shL I � There I is. no douU af . . . L ever,Vthing; - but .is- bosit' taken it, . .1 .1 ....... L . ...... I - . I
. - I 6o�Tw of the' important Joatures of E�V' L 3otu.t t4lo jacts. steel Pon mak,ers. -. : I . . .., L � . I
� caravans, tents,. or the oppli; air, In , the V . � .. I 01. y asfidavit, th-us faf . *. 'ObtainW One girl of ton ,figu ' oil. an empty.stomach. . I . . 1
lilis en".1alAn l'O.Ation. 'Motbor" I assay-4-latris Binder. ara: L , res u
. . , . rider ..the DysiPepsita' often. begins in childblooki" , On the LaWn : . . !
L . '6ilk'N -0 DIVIDE'RS. - No bolts . I 11 assjrieatio� Inissionar,v, scripture� -a,nd is dlue t o allowing childroi . "..L .. I . . . I � .
ha%ing once uied thimin seldoin kail the lattel' (,'a * 16gor.V Eanipshiro.topp- -: . 1�1 I Ltells a story 6f. bruldl,,anid inhuma el I �
t o dAi * od the list with 895, L. . I . . . condUct on tile p'art of the nian, wilia reader . and Ainera, . . . I y n tP [ U ' h , L , , . I . . . '
plicale - i-lic order - no Other or. auts to unscrow.` You. llwarely V6� rit-preacher,'.' and -ink* -too ' freel with their meals, d% IMS . I .
, - , .
L . I
Of. thb *4,580,5-1:L- persons - mitliner- s Icag 'outside � Di- . ellgraN` esi)ecially chilaron who are Coilwal-
ft-uwdy for childeen can truly e'laiiii - L e a Spring oil th nralintai,ned*peons. No Vietilli was one under Ahat oi "painter, ' di
. . e
ets ated in.London; 8,016,5,80 jvei-6 Lon- vid.&r all 0 1 ' perinitted I I .. . Libby HC cull . I I.,
as inuch. Concerning the Tabl . . . . " . . I I -d unli ck th6 I igide ,One to to �Scalpl% tbeii% claic;lies Or oil Sculptor.'., Therb tire twenty- Os' . I . . , . . � .
Ill-. C. IV. Stradlordi (g�.rjj�raj deal.; -don-born, otlie'r'Persoris,. bdr .L. in . . . withoOt-lituving been ' ' . I el'ag frnni'diseasqs w,bich aftet-tho . �
_ I I n , L suboidtiod . to two girl I . I q We sell the product in key -opening cQns. . .. .. . .
. fold them. A youngaer caIi do it . I nessengers in the .Civil- Ser- muruous niciribranes such as ille'aslesi Tit -ey an -d 3-oci End the meat exactly- ,
, L
er), Not -1.41 111ilianisburg, , Oilt I Lobzlbn , i:tAd. elivinorated Ili other , bli��aritjoS L tbo Sjjbe�j I Viee,: L tlinefderj _11hotograph d scb�riet: fev-e ' ,. . . . � , . . . _ I
. " easily and properly. The -Dividers . .. ng almost to ., era, an' ,rn a 1, 'L . . .
* placcs numbered lji5,17�. On tile jl�ri �very,rjfid in their w<' k- : - . lie .. .
- -1i Tablets have . .L .No distinctio 1 et e 1. t) . 11 . .. r_ dipht-heria and '%vhQ,o,p;, � ii� t leftlit'l, We put them up in this way. . .
wiftes: "Baix.v s 0,�, be we. it b w ft 10 I 6'> . I . . I . I .
' . )r rng po�s- . .1 ' acti,esses, all'ten or elevedyears' ingeough,- -b's Q*Gnix)a�njoli L . .
. ..
. 1. . .1. . , " " Po . . L . . I ..
a large Sale, an'd evez�v parchnsel. is , balance, therefore; as' b0t',Vft�n people itigns, :'and 'rell1c,ill at Whatever I sexes . Waiit qna�a li.�� the nien kUMV old . . I . 1, .1 . I I . yciut , ;. Itted Itar". Beer 4nd�Toq,gUCL , . .
, . I � .L . _t __ �, . �, L . 1. ... Ox Tongue (Whote). Veal LvaT * . . . .
-itisited. Q, 1. . of the crimes ic.11 - have' been 'Til, boys, 'of "Ahis' elementary . a . I. 4 . 1't� P.nn . I :, . .
nwre than sL . We use tl-.eni �borfi in the. metropolis �who jeft: it, CLlijle tlloy�lllrd folded ov the con- . ww di;- gla ,L , JID 'r .
' 4F , , .. . . . �
� ,
for our baby anid lia,vo foulij thq�m and People born elsewhere wjic, calI10- voyor C . anvas. , . . I .. I closed. �, . I . .1 .. . . " I 'HENCE . . . . Deviled Harb Brasket Snef. - - .. L . I .
all tlwt is claimed for Owin."'.* to. it,. London gained 41jout . 4(10;000 'r . . . are more ambitious, Five ten-year� - L -- - . . � I .. . .. . . .. �, Sliced imoke'd Ilect. gtc.� . . . I .
I .., "I
' . . .. l I,Oil�`PIXG t4L,EVA?I`0RS, ,.-They, Xen .. and - wumen � amd girls ,. anid olds , are returned.as "'engaged in � I "Shall I administer gas before ex- .. . .. ., I . I
Baby's Own L 'j.*able . .. I I . . I I , boys ,were 'alike. alhaekled. and huaLd-, , .. � . tracting *your tfooth�". asked tile de . ii-! , All natural flavor foods-palatibleL and' ' '' . I
.ta care colic, 6ouls. - I ... . . � � ., . � . I litoll'ally - goat I . .The grain cannot . 'L . Scientific pursuits,'�' four are "auth-. , . I .. 11 I .
. . . . , I , .1 wholeso ine.. Your. grocer should 1) avt� the tn6
Indigestion, constipation, djarrh . otiffed,'Deaten*with iyuigp� ti axi,d � , .. . �.
oca, .: L.,011ILDREN IN Bij.1-1 r choke' -in the-3Lw-,pvy_T1,arrIs.1 � -a, -nalista, reporters' tist., � : ,. . . .. . .... . .1 .
.,INr!�,�S,. itick o . . laces .
. I
Simple fevers and all the hiiaot- ills I . . . . . _ � vicN'titor . ,, . no . i4atter *how inuch it .is gin straps, and not infr��uvll - 01 editors, j6ui Loth , .11 .. . rll�Z-�tlki WGIE10t "TIONT tO Ulik(i Gond -Things. .. . . . .
, , . .. t1v Ivcc-� and writers," 4 four _ , Well," answered the fair patient toLlat." Horid A76 2o stamps for Libbirls �Ic Atlas . I L
of little 0,11PS. They inake L .1lut Perhaps tine ,of . the ilia, . .. ., . ' hich the oil. sharth ' ' I . lid - from'. a* . . 62 thaWorld.. - ,. . . . .,
, baby - 1 'feat . . st � rii` bulicllejd. . , - .. , . . � erated by tile -liclat0ds V , ,back to ilship, '1f.ft �dobsin't . I . I . .
j 1, lararkable ho tables As - ug� . " L L , or.q tire described -wit) - Y .
bright, active and happy and -a oy I ulles of t . )JR.)] -,F, JCNOT'J�tjj. - I e -drivers keep upoix t-libir prem- - . � �antalizlng .. L' . .
a' , * Ithe early. ago , . Capable. of a ev I vagueness. as 1`conn -cost L filly inore'I'd- rather you'd give * . Lfi�hV, �- McNeill & Libbv
t,o the houle. . at Whicli childken Set a,jp3,jtlnont to tik u . ... . L ises-' for the..purpo.so - �Iiting. . ected . with , liter- electric' light.' . . L. . I . . �
Sold by driaggist or - . . . L . . . L' Q P wear. . . I of preve . me 1. � I . I - chiob.do. 'Illinois' � '' .� .. : .
1. Itr I . . ature.-'� Ili addition, tjiiore* are thir- ; . . . . . I
will be sent by iniftil at 25 cents a ! out on the battle of life. I. . , .�L... _ i. chain gangs. rie ne ty . I. ,- - - _ . I
I 1. L � _r - "Uited . �ior .h'andlin' Osc"POS fl'011 0 _fOur, acto - . '�.�L — , .
, . .4 9 , _ jL L 610 L ' , * — . 1 -
box by writing the Dr Williarn*:1 ' '�Iletkreen th . - ' I 6L nfjltjo"S 'of, I 'Vil pp 'o . ` Ills ' and 238 jftviai6usj� ... - + 11 . . I . .. ". . . L .... . ..:
I 3 I I c 'agos..of tell'add four- crops tinder . all 0 11 "Wea- grO 0 'ear d b re the grand . , , , i�tf . . ,
. i ) ____.� .- I. ,_�.... �:�_ . I .
Uthdidne Co., Brockville, Ont. . ! teen t here W16 ill Ritg1and:6nd Wales th6r atil-lamd.' - It I �rill piek� ut) t n I I k ed e described L it's "performers." WOW 8 1100entlefleves h4a. g... 1. - , ..--. . �
, .. . r2,073,1,)67 -children tile stext, _ . . .a g_ ur ,exhibite Ilia legs, ,ws,hich Wer .. i 18 I "Maud has a inost .wo2 derfu pow- - , ' ' -.- -
_-Ol-_ - . S� - jjlj�lng ;[etl 'L 01 jai'd grain and, lay it huatly, scarred froin the t1lighs.A.b. the heels L Finally, these tables 'revea'IL' the , . ;. .. .. . " . I I
� . , I
.. .1 . .
ADVIL'E TO A AIAX IN LOVL,� pretty .'evenlv' di�-Id�,d-I,J'34 6-88 tm tbi'-tabld. I 'harridl��s' long They had atice been .torn antl in ' fact that while England and Wales � I 1 .. � —, � , -or . of � Wiagilliltig�l.'� '�' . "Really? . . L . � I
. t also I I 0,11- . . . . I *. , I .
. I
Agroe with the L gi L rl's father I in .poli, boys ,and LUb,279 girls. of ,i�(,86 or lilfort grairl: With ap leiidid C, gled by dogk; :sent .In j_)X,r-p L* Contain sit and it'quarter inilli-cin in- ' Over' 140,000 London children ab- ;ThaVs- the �, i,y last:01ing I should -
Su , . ult. of him . . . ... . � . , Q . I , i 011". � . .
. . . . habitod houses, tharO are close 0 v6n her credit for."
I c It i Id Pon .1-8 I . . . I ., , on sent themselves from; school,thost. I b AV 91
tics and with her Inother in religion" 8,186 boys- and 70,262. z6sa. - . . . . on. oi.16 becasion: when ho'endiiavored . of J � .
. I I
. . I I half the., hOuSe*S' .' altDkOtber linin- the time;, 12,000 never -attend at � all IV� !quit(- - -1 i'lle, I assure you; she I
If you have a rival keep all eye oi i girls. are all; at work�not ,at their ROLLER BE ART.NGS throughout '.to esempe from his, iorturers, .1 . . habited, *hilo - a I t , .. I .. . I I ... . . I . . actually 'fantles thlit. sho's good- . .
him; , ilOsSolls, but at every conceivable In- to 11-�Ilrte * . t' the same, time, the I . I . � _. � . I � �
� .. 'GIVIKIN OXP, HUNDRED BLOWS, hozis,�s' bulldlzig.are lncraas . na�dlS� : * ' .. 8 lcoking."� - ' - I - .
� , n tile draft and inake tfib .
if he is a now-niade wido . � . .. � . I - . I ing at the .1 I . . . . . � . I � . I .,
keep two eyes on him, well, dustry or -6ccu'pation dealt with in wor.k- ca§y for th o horses.' The Atratber.negro pvjilblted his back. r M1 LIHIM''ent Cures' urn Ac, . . I.. . .
.. �
. I
ltbo return. - . I I )mwts know -w ate of near 15 i)cr� cent, per *atinum; , . , S, . . . . . .. . � __7 . . . .1 . . I I
on As a, rule, the- girls' ieem t' i ai�e'. to" a -Irmssey-Harris-it. runs so easi- He had been beaten into insen 916d, whilo.66 -population Is only increas- . I .. I
Don't put too much sentiment I . I hen they aro' hitched- It likoivise Was torn and man . . . I I . .
paper. . o . . . I . - . PLAN NOW FOR SUAMMUt TOURS �
� � .. I I . . 1. ... . . . � � .
. . In . . . sibil*_ .i;ig lit, a little over 3.2 per cont, I 8,wCWQn -bab :now 751 newspapers : No jild -e �yoia are going, if
Oo home not I ' OrO 961-101191Y to the business of life . I � . ity. with a. gin Strap bar tile e of - - _ - .. tter wlici
I o are, �for L . jn-� I . , I , I Ild __ _. I -dicals,- litral'u'dingr 52 .dailies, in 'the United ' tates, -,vrito to r - � � .
liter than 10 li.m� t1lall. the bovs. - - . _.... wrid .
Don' ' . 'Th& , . -M_- S F ed.
'0W Stance,' - ' �. . . . whic tridge ' $toel,hx)liyt 'has, 12 dallip-sr--a lar�e P, - Ir , .0 , � . .
t Wait until a girl.hfts to, till h .. was ,fastened a ca) -1 and
her whole soul into,a yawn, whi 1429 , t(,.�_yclarlwctld - cjljjr4 Flibbort-"Yo I ur rich uncle says .1 shell. Before -the terrible punish- at, Ma till, 'Que" Llay. 3.6, Ia9ti, . . . . ox, .ear Lackawanna Railroad, . I �
� . r
she can't cover with both 4 Women,". 505 eillployed ill laundr C, C. ilw'u nuniber,for a to-wil. of 320 0 . ..
. hands, � jes, ,110 r,ants to be cremated,". 'a , nitent Was administered the IiNto . ARDS & Co� , I � , . 00 :. Poo- nuiTalo, X. .Y., for rates'&nd routes. ...
Once a week is . 081 engaged, in tile to6acco.trade, "'. iting- Gontlanien,�Last Novez�b&r my �Iel .. . � I . � I . ." . I � I Vbz-y cheap excursions during t'.19 . . .. - . .
often enough I leigh-Ves: but he -19 In no ' rr,� Who wietdod,tho otrap orldered the I . I . I .
* I . � 411 11 . � , ilee calls I � suinnier to Atlantic City� 13ostou
,eciato the jpdustj�,y, 674 ill '- ,ill � earthenware I I . . . . . .
kiss her. She won't appi to 4-'50 in tile Jawalivy and Nvat:6 hill akin g aj,,,t It,— . child stuck. -a nail in his k
I . . � negil to count the blows. 13o,co,unt� ' , . . . I �
, 0 . I . 11 03; then .he. bocaire unconscious. Jn& inflammation -*so severe that � and New York. - 141.xcursjon rates , . .
kindness if you are civer-generous, tradles_-and 30,367 in various textile . .. . � — . od I was , adviseA 'to ta IENGLISH SPAVIK LINIMENT'' now In' effect to all resorts. Plau - -
. 1. . . Re tholutglit he, was d3r`ng. ' Other ko' him to Alont-i - . . � . . .
----+� - , . , . . . . . . 176 r Ibrelp Sixty Voisnis. '. , . . I I ..
. ,occupations. . � .1 I . .: . % �. I. I . negroes who were pr6sont--and vAW real -and. have the'limb amputated kewa4u all'hara bn(Coi ciallou-ted hlnlrs� .now.:: .1. I . I . � .
OATS� AND BEANS, " + There is one girl insurance �Ierlc Alt OLP �UND WIELL-TILAMD RKXX Y. to save his life. . . I + � Rnd blemishes fro6i hots6a, blo-W sp&y.int, . .— , I . . .
. X, � " ..
I . � . +Wlll%IoW'r-woth:uvSyrup hot been, used tot oT*r a , the pitulialluient heuve. sworn tuldor, .� I. Dutba, splints, ring -booe, swoeuey, otido', � +4-11'aaita irft,ll v0ifte blosrzoim.4 baire. a .. + .
The growing of oats and. beans fir at this tender age, as well as one : SWA by ukillious of inothara (or thole'ahildron W 2 oath that 100 blows were laid act � lois A neighbor advised us -to try. AlIN- ,iprxfhs.F;ore.sudswollaiithtoAt, couglia, oto. I . . . .
reases the acti . a te6thilla. with per(ooti humuip; It toothot the obild. trafti.ed larger proportion of fragrant spe- , , -
softsuit L116 gulop, ullftys all . I
re r, [a the best. rwitedy for. l3larrhoia. .'fj plestiont to &lie ,week . 01jereafter . , 'othi . nie I
the same field ine i ivify )railway clork and onti� 1'engigvd +Ili I and logs, 1,,or AUD'S LINIUEWT, which *0 . he moat wonderful blepileh ourd:cver
pskin, oures wind twilo, nud the victim's barQ back did,, gayo#50 li)� Use of one batt'e. Wi
of the nitrogen -gathering bacteria. 1�fshing.11 , .Tile art- th _,o girl I lie was I . " eills� Thmi njiy ors:, llext , co
I I a .. was a, illasp of arid within ,three day.4 illy child Lndwn. . . , '' .
I Laste, Sold by.drugglgLl lit every Pars of thowor.d. ____ ___._+. . .
This Is thought to be due to. fil "bargainon' . +. of toil years, seven Twaility-fiveevitaabottlo, Its valuo bruises and lacerated w, feel so gratoful that , ---� ' -
el . IN in i1joultilgable� C.un;ds. Still all right, and I roil 11t),Nvors. thort ,Voll0v, and then., . . . I
I . . .
fact that oats remove nitrates frollill"warallou Joui, giinSmiths, a sure Atid mk for Mr. WingluWa sootbius aytu� iotber nogro ex1ilbiteij to the jury 'I send you this testimonial, that my I Britain has' now 150 newsluxpers blu6.. . . . . . .
I Semen, ". and t4kq no other kind. , - , . � . an, . I I . . . . . ..
the soil. In some German experj.� I 0oveft :L brassfounders' MW two, iron- . .. L . s . a defornitbd shoulder. Ills clavicle 'experience . may be of benefit t6 known as - "Tliiles;"� 160 "Advi-l-tiq- . I . . I . . ..
Monts the yield of oats when Sown I foundersthotlgh a .girl lronfounder . . � . I 1 :3.3-74 . . had beel.l. .broken with a club. : Ills others- . I . . I I I era"; 140 '.'News",'70 "Guardialls"; � : *
I .
was greater that -.V,hOn )-of ton yo . I . . 10 �
with peas ails IS. a thing'. "the jinaffin., I . I . . —+___ . � .: I baek, too, bore irreinovable trages I., . . LOUIS GAGNI.E.R. ,* ,18 ',Standards." . - '11108th Lifilment ' f sale -E ere . . � .
. �
%own alone. . I ation boggles at.,, � � . � . I I . of lipplication of the jjIn strap . and , - __�L-V_ -_ I I I I .. I . I
- � .. + CAN'TtLL TYPEWRITING, . . . I . I . � .
— __ ___ _.. _ � . .. , 6_� . . . . . . buggy trace. - 1.- ''.. . . � . I I . . . . I . . Im . 1. .
___ . L I - M . - - . I . . � . _ .. . . . . I . . . 'Wito; "I don't believe'. you've heard . I . . . I . I I . . , , � ,
. . V, - *SAAAlt NEALY'S rATE. - ar word I'Vo.said, and hore I'vo b , . - . -
I . I .xPert'. Witnesses Find Now Fiela �, I een 'A ,iv I . �
If . . . 1. . I . I I . . I . V or Testimony. ' - These , disclosur' talking for half an hour." "Welli'l I -Unters!". NX . � .
. I . I I . I . + I I . . 1. . . . va� bodame nierd .,.PiA" , T h � ci hts+ I.. . . .
. , I � It will cWhe as a. surprise to InAll colrJAX100lilaces by contrast. with the said. the pondering husband, "who I . . . . . .51 � I . .
,, : Mira. Dumps . y torrible fate of,8arah Nea . . . . Think of avery good poiat� ii.' crfect Paint Brush - I .
. jift.bumps fo-dud' 1)6ople. to know that there Is. a � IY,' This could believe it? You + seem . . I . P - . . .
, I .. .. . . .. I
. distressed * I I . is tho.-story rectuced to a lain alli- fresh As Wllen�yout started," I I
l 0 , . . . great'deal of character in typowrit- , . I � Should 11live and p0u'll have, a niind picture of . .
. I
1. I I . 'Albout ata unexpected ruebt. ing, ' Were ,halt a dozen operators to da.Vit, Signed by half 6 dil"Zon, lle� � . — . I � . . 1. . . .. � 1. . .
.1 . ' ; . 1. I
� : gli(wa who witnessed -tile shockfilg' IdaftL , .
� " is There's nothing In the house . use tho same. niaebine, I . . .. I
I o.. :. . . paper, -and . . . I .
.. � . . I actual words, each printing oa half Iniul,der of. this U41fortu'liato creature. Oil Juno 30th to July 10th indlu- f �
. . . I to eat I 11 .. I . : a dozon sheets, an'd Were all these "I was �t'Mr. Turner's place. She A] ve, t,he Wabash will sell -round trip W �� -,- - . .
. I 46 There's goinethiag better far to be -,td�ied ap ijitijaiwil)jinatoly. CL ca.1110 on Araliday and Stayed uIltil , I , - Bff--a ,EO% K H S, , .
. . . ticl(vt to Denver, (Jolorado Spritigs I I . �0 .
. thau'llitielit.0'l . . I I)ra,v.mcvd eye could distingtlish e"h "I"uosday. , She e4ille d,awn to Afr, or rt blo, Colo., at the . . I
. . .
. 1. � ' . operator's Work Inatatitly, .. Fletegior Turnek's. N�'e ,were in the lowest ever I I . FUMBLE .
I .. The guest endorsed Jim's view - law cgsZ., where a "Oly 9vosuild. 'S.ho �o.ul not pile niadc`�Iilioin Canada, all tickets good . gkkq I DWID .
. I I . � In it recont d BO.USH
. I vrith Vim . . lQb9tbY typewritten doeuniont of brUsh like'Aie, Warj,ted,,bet to, ajld Ile to ret'Urn uptil-August 81st, 1008, . � _� . I
I i . . On July Ist to 10th inclusive, lip" The b6die can be CROY - l?61116VOd � Mod leplftCed I
When haloed to "Por.ce." by many sli-oots was'ln.quastlon, It -was took herAowni dropped her clothes, 'ejal low rate excursions to Scoi .
so Silindy lint." � .. . alkged that one of, the pages In- alld Placed hot-, across a log, I )Acid Francisco, Los Axlgo,es of San -Is notaffected �y waters oil or pahit-woeks, I
66 I � cludod ha.d. been substituted for an- Ile" feet And another. ne-gr -On a pivot %wild thus Iceeps the bristles elastic. .
. ot)ivr. 0 "Old her Diego., Call, good to rotturn until . I �
�, . , Alth.,ough to a casual ev,e, b . the head� Mr, ' Mlon 111upilop, , , I I
. %�� .
. . 1 4 40 h Aug-ust 1111st. Tieloots good to otor) I
.. All ed to be. the wo'r'k iplied 116r t0th -a buggv trace 100 I - SOLD BY ALL DEALERS
0 . I
f On(' 1141114, e�cPefts Showed that .i' I q I I I I I I 11 .
� "
. afflA111101111h, .. jashv,4. 110 - would , bit'hor a lick over for thirky. days weat of I'll,st '',1111 , ,
� =% . tbo artAcing was quite, dfifetont, Ga. awd then another in the Sarno place 0010'rAKIO point. ' Thio Will be I ' . lie � . moms
i I � . TEEL - gramh1tist opportunity over giv,,Dn . � I, I., "I'll . . � I
" pocially betwcon the Lmd of one sell- po&rly every time, raisfilig blialters or pasqongorg to visit Colorado said too!�__ WVM"N&rmm I
.. irc Nwfto I telwo, alld tile beginifln. of ft,loth. drawing blood. Re nVade Us )told Callfbrnia, Diverso rdtitos' I ... , , , ,� 0 _0 I'l "'", rL�,* --- ._.,______ -_ ,
zwy.t* � 'Serre Odod I ,,ubstitul 9 sheets the 1,01'. Thou be Put a Pair Of C.4's oil . , . going ,. , 10 'A r , 0-1Vhl-__ L ,
no ek) and oil tile ., 0 And roforning, L � . .
. . � I . . new paiagl"aplIff .began ill (julto it bor. (hZilideu0s) And tied ot, rope All tio'kets. should read vin. Detroit . OUR r " I I .
. r . . . 11 I I difibront position oil the lines I an d arotsi*l hot, wrists az W, made mo and ovel, the great Wobash route. .09 . . MA
ready for I ^_ tile lettel-0 were shalq, instuald tif da,aw 110" 11 So hor feet would just For Still parflolulars n4dress aiw AND& I I., I . . I
., tky emerdenty. . � � upright an'd rillm, A-nd tho punctuale touch th, ground, and let her'hang , ov J. A, llleitavd- . - ExporimwitL
� a I 1, tioh-Ilio crucial test, - was whAbIly, u(ntil dinn6r, two hours, It Was baph Agent, Kftj-�Ililvar.d r I'D. I
� / ,.. different. I ovor t�ho 11inib of a tree. oltist about r Pon$ D1q,trict, Vasci.qenger Agent, - ----I- . with �
. i The experts Wore tillial)IO to trace dirnner wo lowered 'hot* dow,il A,nd 'ahe Xorthpmt corner fillog wid Youge L 1. - I
. Ite. r s 'trects, Toronto. � .. 1*, D ' othor nild
I I r I � . the person Who find done the bogiva crawled ovor to some buMies. . , I 4' IfloAdlight " I 6 -R(o ..1.
. t Turnor told rao to thraw her a pone _51ii"11W . . , f, I r - .1 Inferior
� typewriting, but thev agreed that i ftinflint has' his . I ,
2*4fthdra *.to outhig 44V0*o44s" W111111110040— was a Wonlain'L yolung,, and only a of brend. Sho oald alie could UU1. Jestol-I'Voor old . . �; � ", -
tOrlikilks f6t ,vor,",, I esit it thfto ' troubloq," ,Tims6n-11.Wh4tI WhY, of 9sk It 11 I . (I 4 H I bmfld6it I
beginillor At I.YPeWritlng', that glis, eet, Then Mr. Turner told ine, to . . . 1,
1� .
[a 0 , , '�"' ,
11 �
SA-LADA A;:ffi29,_( A"
. _ b L UNS , , ,
I .1
i I I
-i I
i I
. I I i
I .
-0 u IMP I I
IL 261�) I I I
"600.4q, palm 0411 M643Oi"yjjEi.f beltj inaldria barrels tind barrels of 1.12 L'yt .
I was nervous, not Strong, aud th4t taial(Av Vie piono of breald to thei L I a A 40" . I 11 .
. .
1116016 to %;�o �"Unw witu lie on a . tnonov." Jestor-1-1 knoW, but the I USE
.1 11, I thii tak-omora ftt thm aft her education was ;;i;jy nwqer,atoj,y1 dogs'. After dinner I wag told to I 11 P ,11, . *��
. . ift - : I 111 I . I good. go and tell ber she Inuat go 'to price of barrels liaq gone Up." 11111 Olarla!" I I C � 0.1, " . I
g O"01 40,00 ti:w" g"*oW L . L . Tha writer of the Ct,her ghoets 'work, She pulled the lid of h -or oyo . 11 . __. -1�1 .� N1.
. � I 'L". 11 � I 11.1 '", I - � . 11 - cOmprishig, thd doe,.ujjjP_bt was do- ,down and said s -ho could ixot w. 4
L I..
XT .-.-- I flnod froin, t,bo ovennoss, rorro(st,nea& "'Slie asked Ine It She do . uld fte. M l'o-ard's Llolmoot CUteg Dandroll ..�Ljlttlq g2mat 0 "Wo. L .'.11 -CANADA ,EDDY'S I
, . and firin,nona of tile t�"writing to X told her I COUld not See through I I I - mg 11", I . . 1�
. 1. 40 " OXV"Jaidi;4 11t,yjA",11,. . 4or oy# 1". oft thou ar,%Wlad W-1 Iseult NO, 27-03 . . 1_.____-_.._N * �_f
I I .
I �
. I
# .
" 4 ,
_ __ _ "I'll, "I'll, . . . . . . I.. _ �__A_�, -.&,-�,-,'&-%:,�."A,&-,,&,-----.� I----- .. �_ — ....... - 0 - . I ;ij,4. L � - -,-.-- � A � ..... ---,.K.:. 1_ -, . I , `�- -, I ,ifi, ",� - �,&L& _.r.&A, - � ,,.I I