HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-09, Page 313 I � . I I I . ' ' '_ ---' - , _­ - , - __ , ____­,­­ I . I I .. I ­ I I -1 I I I- � 11 - ,,,, 11 . � ­ I - -1 - - - ----,-_., - �!­ '. . d In each window, mix one tea- I ,� ,_ THE KINGDOM � OF ffEAVEN 00,00,0fA.8 c000nful, each Of brown a ar, an4 1.104�1_*0*1,V, , 111. I � ,-*0 time all the cream f3hould have ria- " I I ug 't . I ju 4. black pepper, with a little cream. . ROYAL MILITARY WOMEA � * , F C Black Felt Ila - * l7o. Ilean _ts. _A, W, I . - . 4 011, FOR 'r.H., ,F,- HOME a good rubbing with benzine will ro. FORF'RMERS.' " MILK, FAT. on BEEF. L OLONEL . Like a Net Cast Into the Sea and In" I � V move all dirt And grease from relt, 4 . a TH:F, 0;CR3VZAN ARXY. I 11 i 0 hatS. Hang in the op ri. Air after. .15lemsein There seems to be considerable dig- , I a , ablo moo prolltoblo __�_ . I . � 0, Recipe* for the Kitchen*, wards to fro Irani Xnell. I Ill"to for the Wow Tillers Ou6sioll, At presout- ", to coo lk 4 Other Natog ! . .1 Whether We WOMOA of the Uqyaj Blood W . 0 " I - 0 1 . Tr- L "I I . 91 the $911, have ab. "all round cow.,, 40me , ho, � closing, Multitudes of Fishes. 0 19111rilthe "Onse$ceeper,. ' . � ,. . Are Uigh In, the Technique . I . I 0 0 ' Claim that there is no such thl 9 a TaE XINGIS ZARDZU. ,"***,)K-*-,�*o-,'*-*.-o**,--*-*+-#-A that a cow is either a milk or na of Soldiery. I � d Ill, 1,1110 J%c0b In the kingdoin of God." Of 9000068 - , beef animal. ,Others assert, with � I � � I 0 4 '0 4c, 0, ' .4', 0. DO3WZ$TI0 3451 Xopt Well Supplied, rrom An TITH F ARXERIS PROFITS. equal positiveness, T,bat, Jn vartain "IY110111 tile Kaiser laves he first , 'al" 4"' I In the ' 'r coo.rae Uiere Would be ito sigplitcance RECIPE is , 01 - ad I d , hr'.. I There 44*0 hun(Iredi; of farmers who. breeds there is Such a combination makes colonel.,, 'Inn . 4 0 , h6 4. Y lb�%40 I is a N * 1.0111, I tt in U48 Statmilvat if tit(' patniArOUS Johnny Cake. -Two .eggs, two- Parts of the World. . �� , in. A ,at ., , P r M. U.ii�. .1 lrol-nt I ot � have -become wealthy, yet they have of the e9sontlal Albrile , be - in -let . A0,4um".... ta.a. tale, wotk to bo ,koown as Abratwai, thirds cup. ints of beef .014a parody , I Sugar. two level spoons, ., on an ancient 14W . , Imac, and Jacob. Again* IlYe,sball shortening, good teaspoon Salt, two The amount of food PoligUmed in b4ildlOd verY little money, And have an(t milk as to make those breed.% 4Ptly describes the present policy A . !Nboahalli, Isaac ealid Jac,ob Allidjcul:is sour milk. two level teaSpoons the Royal household is truly Pro- had fliffleultY In Inecting their ob.� profitable -to the farmer both for of the GOrnlan Emperor In dispeas despatth train 0hicago says., 'See imn a0d Isaac AMKI soda and consequently the mos ligg"Ltions. . ,- -, R down With AbrQ three slightly heaping table- digious, , t There is one bank ac. milk Anil feeding purposen. royal - favors Uniong � Women. on'. Frank J)o Witt TalinAge proacb- , � , count which they do not draw upon, It Inny or may not be essential to "I'll .��,A od froan blie follo-wing tvxt; . all t)lo, lirophots In tho kill ii-poo6 flour; qorpmeal to Make bat- Spacious larders Are necessary to Ti'lle W`B WbVII a post of honor in "Behold 0OL-41" SAYS St. PpAll to V1011lnb,aS ter to run or spre , � ulate, the ip UW harlidis and iny , ad out well in till. contain it. As a matter ,of fact, tile and , the deposits secum for the best intere.,its of tile farmof to To erial household or A, jeweled alyself. "-s feet, that it is 1, Saloniano'. 11%glat ,is otar hope Cyr Gooseberry , d Rice ,Pudding,- lardera, cellars, And dairies Cover all years, arid that in the soil, A, farm- settle this question, but one thing to order was the felainlue, ba,qga of 1. t. Luko xxiv., part of $9. 're, er can take a poor farm, wol t To -le; by or crow4.of rejoicing? Aro,Wt Buttol- a pi an nearly a quarter of 4.4 ap -k it, of vita, importance o him, vlg5., rOYELI favor. Tille &bo-vo wcpr,d,4 biuggeAt tibe Sub- . I � . I e -dish, and into it put ,g UTCA' Of y it is & COM. I I ONI(I'll N10 In, tile �Yrol;enx!o shallow ,layer Of green gooseberlies.' At all the King's residences ox- Add 11141ilure and receive but little that Ills feed may be assimilated for Mission in the CerAlian Army, with . . Ject of our recognition .of depApAod Of our' Lord Jews Christ Scatter sugar over it, And if you cept Buckingham Palace ',be bread is over expenses, but by doing so every milk, fat, or beef. Knowing this, its glittering aceoulpaniment of full (it glis � collijilig?.­ produccd in the Royal bakeries, and year his farm. Will become b , e uiay choose the animal best Suit- uniforIll- The command ,May be Loved ones in the workid to Come. i j , Again Ile -have it, a little grated lemon pool, aore for- h . , This Wbject is of jilitervat at, All My S to them. "Now ,wo bQ'Seegh then a thick layer of boiled rice, now when the King And' his suite Are tile, And also. Increase in value. . In ad to his purpose. Ili any of the honorary only, but it carries Nvith it . tinies and touches well -Wall Q­Ory- .0tilirghil, by the CoAning of our anotlif - layer of gooseberries, rice, 'staying at Windsor an average of ten laqro, years the 1,urm will be villk brooda tile food is usod, largely lidt Only the' insignia of Imperial . � . yo u, bit .�, . Dile. 114i.rdly all.%- there aire but have., Lorid Jesus L',bris,t a our gather� etc. nearly two sacks of flour ­ preference, but certain privileges in . . . , . . � litil - Scatter breaftrumbs over the a day Is worth five times tile original cost in the production of milk. In beef whicAx a wonlan of. nJII I biltried their dead; hai.41y aiV b.'at Jug to.gol'bel, ynto Hiall", A40 011190 top, with a little, butter oil thern converted into bread bytile flVe bak- And it represents ju , . . � at as much pro7 broods this is not true, but it goes tary ances- I hiave shut oil front the daily actlyi- miore* -I W.,ould not have y.*U, be and bake in . orJes in the household. There are fit as though. the 9 � Armor had receiv- to inake beef. The same law holds 'try fairly revels, . , ,a - six balcings a week, and AS 'tile ad the 1,boney. All farms Ara, to a to a considerable extent, fit feeding ,ry I ties of their sviuls a consecrateO Ignorant, brethren, concemling them ing si.ifil a moderate oven, Allow t . . gent time . for � At the va . head of tile military . - oortl,ow not loaves l Ara stor. certain extent, banks of deposit, steers from these breeds. In a steor woman stantigg. the Roupross herself, I void; ha:rdly any but at timea. are, Who are Asleep, that yo � . the fruit . to : , � eannestly p.sking: "Sitiall we see AS otber who bwve no bol,*." Th cook .ed In the viderground Pantries. A Where the profits of the farm, slowly from a milch cow Such as a Jersey. NO nwrQ 1301MIUP (>(lice no itkore these d�&r abstint ones ag 1011 I � Dried Beef F rlzzled.-Xelt three great . deal of cake and confectloil� acculliulate. . . -the food builds low 4 , own -just as d ,,, 1, soldier is there iii all tile ., . I 'i reco,W4 !- I - In the spid- I ('� ing ariny will t'lleire be Some balld ; iin. al"d 1 1 0 l-;ufelT(.-d to bore Is obviollusly tablespoonfuls of Duttet ery is also made daily, but the.Kiiig A fartner *owning a $1,500 'ermall . I . I th'at of meetilig Again. - farm itwont'to the udder of the mother-- than AuguSta Vic - Hun between us?" , I er, add two .tablespoonfuls of flout Shows apreforence for -it light se0cl- will borrow $8,000 to build a.barn and forms not beef but fat, In the torla, And fanlillar� as is her ap,� . . I AIANY MORE ALLUSIONS- and a dash Of Popper All I d Stir till it cake which is despatched every day ' � I . . I . Now, oil this qq,estiOn we L,O;ul(l I � . And house, Then his trouble begins Short Horn cow the feed does not pearance (it the head of the . faino-Lis . I I . hoAdly I of -imo character might be drawni Is A paste, then add two cups of j*rom tA small shop in the 14911- wit), tile mortgage and the Interest gor to' udder, but. builds higher ity), Pasewak Cul'aluslors, alle.nover fails expect tho word of God to, . , . I Ba,v inaich. God wo-uId-(x-cA;fpy ue.froln tile lil,pistics of .St. Paul. But rich Milk and beat until it Is Creamy. lauds, . . to receive all OV4tion tit the ha , . - fr I � and ends with the sheriff -And - the. forming beof. And : lit the Short ljds� . . I . Om them Add three-fourths of A, cup of dried I Is somewhat surprising to learn foreclosure. Moral: ,. It is not : the Horn steor fat is not formed as Ili Of tile loyal Beldiners. When s,bo' Wre wit!h duty ratiller than with lit will' sufilce us to turn . , , It siw'ulation, now and, io Consider only the further beef Which is cut thin and has been that .Approximately- a ton of wheat mdrtgag4 ' ' loads ber r(Tiluellt, in review before . , however tuaider and Statement of our text. And were frood . froin fat and "Strings." and is consumed every week at Wind- � .that causes the downfall, the Jersey, but Choice. stoalc. This her, war lord, tile. J!Cni$01., . . aa,cired. Not what liow�-en ls� but 1 ' . w s ' for the -difference in the I She-,wewa how to get to hea,Non is tkiv great I.that statainent alone,it would be cut fine. Lot just come to a boll, Sol,, a good deal of - bich come I I H, MUST KEEP 'OUT Or DfilliT. 4"Oun" tile slio%%y reg'Inlental olliforni I price of these antinals iii -the market. of - . pxobl(nii befoiro urs. We aiv gtvon enough, for'it tells us thattlic glorl-m And servo on triangles at buttered fro at Sandring farinor will balance and regrulatc One is rich in bigh-priced beat, the tf,, ,m the King's farm - A White with red faciligs, the scarf of . . I I It-ttle of desic,ription. inpoll. I fled* body of our Lord was recogniz- toast or with mashed potato. Nice, ham So varied Is. the meat supply tile rations' of his live StbCk and other in fat, It beef is a, b Ord6r. of 11,�dllanzollern, and the - . . I direction. No mail) of ed, and Ile was our first fruits;. and for breakfast Ili hot. weather. . ,that' His Majesty could, jf lie Wish- atter famous -three-corticrod - hat, with . � . of i I . There 1 Baked Beans, Camp Vashion,-To ,ad,. be served with almost ever poultry, preventing Them froin Over- price than tallow the Short 11orn large ' drooping horon's plames, that Golden City is provildi0d, Wt, as We r0se SO shall we rise, Y eating good foods, or,. ea.iing bad will sell for more than the Jersey. cen the ,,arrow poiltid the cr,oi�n ave4, was, Indeed, about Illin-arl unearthly bake beans according to the cuisiue � joint be. desired at an hour's notice, Neither is her MtQost;S� satisfied to ilaid ajion is is -et v1p as a guiAlorposit lustre, but -tile wounds were yet � of -the calap, soak the beans over though it is,very rarely -be select$ foods, .thus bringing --them to it high Tills should help one to determine appeal. oil parade only, jlgbe is at � I � State of' perfection, but the same the kind Of cattle he wishes to keep. I heart A. real soldier, aveotinpardes her I to Ploi-lit t'he way. 131ut abilifough Visible, the aanio ey�s looked out up- night in cold water and parboil, Put Anything not ' found .in the menu . . . the lialKlen of inelpiratioinhas tio into a.beappot with half a pound of ,which has* been prepared in the kit- farmer will feed.hiMself anyt;hing lie If he wants cattle for the beef mar- I roglInctot to tile annual partudes, . . do on the apostles, the saillo lips spake I , warm 'clion, The meat, on arrival. is ator� likes, and when lie finds himself "all ket, only, tfle,farther lie gets froin I w . 1 . witih tile prNilogels ArAl the reqiaire- to thein, the saine hands blessed pork on.top; pour over them, I up by, run down," he will go right on and milk stock the r atchas its drillB, frequently visits I . nients of this world, it gbvos u -s no them-- . -�albei - t a wondrous glory illuill- water . to which hag"been Added a ed in the Ice-bouses, -and cut nore satisfactory Willl I the Allen in, their barracks,. A�lid­,calls empty conoolatio-ii witibi refujunce to,ined all; .There was that about Him t . ablespoonful of s I ugar, a teaspoon- Aho King's butchers. . 11 Stuff injurious rations into himself.. be his . feeding, I . upon the officers in tile regilnental . . " . fud of Bill Sandringham' . also vuriplies the There are seasons of the year'wbon � � . -0 I . . casillo, there to diacuss ' . . tholn wbo are fallen aslecli, In tilici which dazzled arid bewildered. . t and. mustard .and popper . it is diflicult, to curtail exponses, but . . afTairs, large . . . first place, there is that porvadiing . Mary nd His dis" to ydur liking. Cover the top with Roval dairies with a large ainount . LIVING IN' PARIS, I and Small, connected with .liar coni- - Not at first did a . -%rhizli are -� if the farmer Will avoid critailibg up- urrileatano which wo detect eivery-liciple 'know,111m. .While the , y Sought A piece of cotton. and fit the lid on.* -of i)utter. and 6ggs. des , . . mari(d. . . .. I I � I . .3 Now you call bake it In an ordinary "Patched from the King'i Norfoll, on himself unnecessary' expense. he ' . . - . of _ . ' ' .. I where. .We cannot e2plain it, we gardener or, would go 47fishing - or 0 home daily. The butter is sent , in, *will have pel,formed for himself an Food is the Heaviest Expense . .DASHING LADY COLONRL� . � I cannot paint it aut; but soauldhow, wallced Sorrowful and hopeless by -the von or In a stone -lined baking -hole pats, . important service. It is not out of the Housebold. � ­ I UAW .1 � . by your Woodside camp,. in whieh� quarter -pound . . � � ' � I I recontly the Grand Duchess I . . I . : ' opien the Bible where we may, it wayside, their eyes were darkened; You have kept- a 11re for two o-r.three ' STAMPED WITH THE CROWN. place to claini tbat the fariglpr - is Though not gourmands, we both .Victoria. Militia of Ilosse- shared rtlll-� - � � * "conilorts us concerning o-ur bro- but-wbon they turned their,spiritual � . - .. . . as frequently a-subjeet for ilnPrOv0- ,like good things, and if not. great itary bollors arid popularity wIth � . � ., ther." . hours _setting the bilAnLpot among 11, . I . . ' � I . gaze upon Ilim,' -, then .they knew ,ight0en. galldns of new milk alone Ment, as the stock, . , , . . eaters, we both have a fair appetite, tile empress, Perhaps the *most 'an- . . . . . . I Buit ilgai,n, tihie. recoguition of . 11 the li�t coals and ashes and cove - Are consumed at Windsor overy day, Bottcr breed of Animals are, forcing thusilAstic of all lady boloncla, She . - 1. tifose we have known coirtill 1-11ing,then Afary said "llabboill; Ing to keep, I the � heat, in, . � I or . M .In tile lixorning whon we rise, we 'Commanded by.title tile noted ..Ono .1 � I . . I. is then St. John : cried, . "It is tile � . besides an equal * proportion of untm the farin bot�(�.r. breed of'farm., fake,aii. .early broakfa9t (tea and' . . . I I . � 0 . Lemon - Tarticts.'­-Take a dozen cream, -A great deal of the cheese ars; new systems of farming IrIll)"'c" broad and butterj. , At . noon a hors Itundred and �rjevcntceatlI � . . lniplbo,d in in -any of the fu.-ndaulatital Lord;" Alt n' rioubting Thomas be- . llirantr.k . declarations of God's word. We ,loved; then ropentant, Peter sank at raisins and Split each,, remove the comes from Somerseshire, I .and farms: become. more desirable,. d,oeuvre, . I . regi'11611t.. Nor' did she allow tile . .. 0 . . I ... ' . I are to lie held aroovintalble, for . Ili- jl,is feet, In like manner it shall lie Stones and stew -the fr�ult in a. little ' A - dully . supply - of fish Is received Buying it cow is . a greater risk . than. . I meat ., vegetables, dessert, * Acting Colonel to rob liar of hei du- . ..�, .� . . . I and coffee. At five o'clock, tea and " . stalri�e, for o.u.r dealings witili . those wit,h us and ours.- We Shall be Water, MIX a dessertspoolif"I Of all the year 'rouild_ and twici a buying. A hurse, yet some fariilprs . ties and pri viloges, *I ,Eifio. was - seell .. - . . - , cake$. At 8 o'clock,, soup, fish, . around us. Can it then be 1--togsible changed, for corruption there shall cornflour ,with A little cold water. week ddring.the season some "SPIt-'n- who will not:. 'trust�.thomscilvcs - In almost daily oil the parade ground � I I . -uption; for weakness, pow- I - 11 . I g Meat, veg9tables, sweets and dessert. whon liar r6ghnout was at work, 'oil � I . - . I tillat we are not to know those, be ineori Stir , in the juice. of two lemons and .did salmon are Sant -from the King's judging horses -w1len buying, XV .0 Food is very dear in France, first which occasions she wore tile . tin- . . whom we have influen.cod for good . the -grated peel'of'one, five ounces of fishingo on the. De�. � , , , . g scotland �is al- . . or; for dishonor, glory; for the na- out and take up fresh cows from . . . � or ill? .caster suga,r and iho raisins. . Beat so res onsible for rfi1irxda1a4c,' which � , on account ,of the great number Of dross uniform of t.he German Army . . � . .. tural, the spiritual body, and May.7 . 1) any one Who has them to.sell. -The I I . I " 1. . . NUMBEHERSS SIMILITUDES. . hap, too, the unseen struggles and all together. Line some patty. pans. is never omitted . from King E id -. farmer " .who , will, breed for. better middlemen who intervetio'bot."w6ell tile colonel, dark, Wile coat, red collars I ' . . I (11 with a thin'p4ste, fill, them With the ' ward'w,broakfast table. - - . - co � ws, and keop his Calves, may im- producer and. purchaser, next, be- and � cu ills, edged' with blue; . An . d a . I . . . 1. . � - I sWlerings of th - pait shall be rogis- , . lid,(, I ar, 'y , � . . . . I . Pvr(,.a,ps, however, the Strongest or . I mixture, cover each with bars oU .The cellars aro-capable of In* cause certain articles --coffee, . sug. hoaN Skirt, it peaked cap witit red . .... . . ,tered vpon�our faces and thus our . I I .9 agine that 'it does not, pay, but 'if . * with.. -very h . 0avY band,. swo�d, belt and -knotted � � . . I I. .. . . � the irwilrect it,eachings of the Bible . I . pastry and bake for ten ininuies. 15,000 bottles of wine, anh were oi . . etc�-are charged , � I . roal character.,; , .0x ress, theulSal-�es; � � , be will avoid buying worthless cows, . . . . - on this point is to be fatuald in thoso' P N. B.-It'is, au.'improviefneni' to, cook Iginally.built by George- III. '.Vhero - dutias,: Fuediiig is tile heaviest 'ex- epaulettes..- 'At pgra.dy and reviews % .. I ,. .,. . the thipgS. which were hidden come . - 1. he will discover. that lie can mako a � . . I . .. . '. I . � � nuinberles,s similitudes which, den- . . I '. e filling for a -few moments. over .are still So.nic-uncovisumed bottles.of .1 . pense of our household;. it costs 14S she lica.ded her man in All the glory .. . . � . I- , cribe our state, here wilid hematter, abroad;,alid the good deads; done In- wine of the,saine vintage a profit on�lewer coll's and also have seventyntwo * dollars & - 2nonth,','d1vid- And poinp of 'full dress uniform_hor, - - ... � . - pan of boiling watei� beforti baking, I I a that . I I - " ., I . - I as Ono of asisociation. The king- secret. ,bd fotevCr , rawarded openly, �Brown Bread. -Weigh' seven,pbunds drink.: at the. at the - o.hrlstaning of less labor to ' perform in so doing. ad is -follows: : Baker and p6stry �helrnet t6pped, with: phimes And . I . � I dosn of heao%-ri is like a 1Wt c,,,,t Ia_ But bur, Identity, our Appearance, . . -w 'George .. IV.; indeed, inuch � of 'tile Nothing cAn. constitute, good bri-ed-. cook',. eight- dollars;. variout- meats, Atra'ppod uilder -liar . t� tassolod �. - . . ­ . I ... � . , . . of.*liolemeal .(or ,if yoV prefer bran , . . I chin, . I . 1i 1. I to the sea Ang a great,our. immortal -individuality Shall 'Yet Ing that has . not,good'judgment. for. -twenty - . dollars;' fisli, � Six' dollars, belt, .and, Among the inad IS � and '.' -1 . arrl --incicps . ))read, . two pounds -of biaii � to fi�ve wine is . of great ,age, having -been ' I . . . a I 7 ., ,. . : . . � -lillultitudo of remain:' amd wo be kno,Wn to each . 'purchased and -laid, down" by 0 undation, : . .1 ' - ' I '. . 666rations Which covered ­ _ * " . . . fielies. It , . . pounds. of wheat-:110br), Put it-bito ... .. �. 1 . . frui t mild jewaicd . . I . . . 1. . . . . . I I � a pan, and maRe a hate in, thd cen- vcgetiiblcs,� -nine dollars; li; and glearned conspicuously , . - I . . . VictOrla, -and the King is Constant- SH=, P'' AN'D A'NGO'IRA GOATS mil liar breast,, ,g I is like a I . yfeen its fO groceries,,'twalva, dollars Suppor furnisillied with guests, It is1Qthet,,,by infallible proofs. .Abtaham ' . . .� . a fellowship, a c,oninn:union I .� I I I 1 rel: . naiii Abraham,. Daniel. oahall ' . ly-adding to the stock arid keepS a- . 11 . . _. ., . . I . f - s la tre. Mic two ouncesi.. And a halt of . are of grant balp .to ,the farmor, they cream, Six dollars, a quart barrel of the order of. the Red*Eaglo. .1 I , 1. . . � I . 1. I , . I . ii- ' Ill b,'Daniel, -the Good .Shepherd S'e,st i� taliter always at Work. Prominent.' . Bordeaux wine (a'bout stivefityAlve ' wiainaw . of royal blood ' who � . I � : ; I ly, a ho-usehotd. Surel- 1�,'�t 'no- ,ti 1. . . . kle-vour' 0 ac& and do not Charge . . I . y, . Ili L I hoop by * ,Ith one quart of. Warni wa- o- Other, I I I ' in the c6ilars, too, Ara many bottles . th. wi I . . . . I . . ... I . . - getliur by wch ties, tiie mienibe.179 'Of Ishall still 'call S S ,.name, tpr,, pqur,.th1s'irito the. Von, and. With of the choicest Tokay, 'fr'orh -the anything. for f he - work. . Ori: "the bottl6s), eight dollars; two or three have . boon' honored -t1lus by thc� . - . . . I .1 ' . ' I . that k4u,gdain in,ust k -now eadi &th- aild they. who havo met- in this life a'spo . . I Lhei- hand, they pay tile f&rmer for bottles .of: liqueurs, thrbe dollars., To Kaiser .-aro the Mn�press Alexandria I . . , . .... I I � . , on work enough flour. into ,it 01 , . " .. . :­ 'I, .. s,bitll Weet .again in I vineyards. of .the Ealperor of Aiis;-. � . .. . this may be added eight dollars' for of 1. � ..j er., I I � I , : t1fat. An Isaac ,to. form a,light�.battcr, - Dust 'some. . the privilege of pulling weod§� They. AuSsia_ who Is: colonel, of Ger- - . . . 'tria, Jor. ' tba�t. monarch I I ' I , I , . �1. But we are not left to rn.-vc- . in- shall. rejoin . Rebecca a David. Shall . , I � .has never . the extra cost, ot a dinner.'thiit : 1 many's Sea d' Regiment: Of - Di-& ,* � . . . , flour over and -Set to, rise for' 'one ' .. Into nleat,,fresh; � on I . ' ' I - , , . ferences mid . o the child. who - . .: failed -to' . send a cage at Christmas turn qtho- ' ..'weeds - - I , � . . , , � implicatio.us.- Tb,e Bi do t .'coald not come hour near 'ihii *' . . , I ive 01-voky ingittli ,to. some intimate -goons; ' the -heraditary:princei;g of . I . .1 . . I , . . - . I , fire, After this time . . When.thay consume 9 , , . . of to 1% . a' , -ear, juicy and a.,isp � . .. I . .. . . ble asserts directly the cl,)ctriine bil, a Af ry. And a Martfia shall. the fot the past thirty N s'. . I Yriands, says a.wfiter in the Aichi- i8ax6m4roinangen, who conliraamlils 641;' . . I I . dough will have yisen, and the India contributes its cluota,t'o the Weeds they take. out some of'the I I . . . . . .. � � . I mutual recognitiarl hereafter. greet thoir brother arid t1l6 t6ars of 11 ' . . I ; toetural Record. . %; I .. .. S6CO1id 01ronadiers; the- Crow Frin-i I � . .. - . ieal will be�craCked, 'lliep Work Ili iloyAl larder, for regular supplies ,of nitrogpp, .a little of, the; phosph6i us, - I .. ., .. u§' cess of Grecce; the emper n . . ... - .� .. I.. "Mainy shall come from tho oast a Rixellael. w�,vp'ffigr f6ii her children Mire -water and a.dessertspodnful of . ' chutneys and other prepara- and. potash � " ly I - an, ,an :iverage, llgh�ting costs . I . I .or's sister; . . . . I . : . . . . I . pices, to-supp t ioir own . . . . . � . � . . . - -and I - . .. . Lo has an infantry regiment, - I . . and f vo-in the West and,.sballslt shall be wille.d. away. .. . . . Salt till you. have kneaaed. all' into� It'i6lis n . I - four dollars a month, heating.. 4our W1 I 'Con I . . .. . - I I I - Are so t from Ciilcuita* to- needs' and the residue tlie� put ba,I, � ,ess� LOW . . ­ . . '. I li Il I 6 h ObIla -S A h ii eight dollars.. '� A Print; . Be, Duchess, of . - - . . . . . ­ � - - . .&lit dough.and. till the paste'.has gether. with native 'cordials' for over' , the ]And. .,to stiniulat . t , ' ,-'W S I 9 * . - who* hits the D I ragoon regi- I . .1 .. . . . . . I . I .. I . � th of thb cro I a that are . yet to. Woman. help conics, fqr.-twP hours. nitjjgh�q . � . . . ' . . worked from your -hands, .Sot this owhich the Sovereign has a great llk-� geo�v . . . I. R . I . n Arril . . :. smooth. .broad - '�lmlls," which ,are .to rise for an hour, obvering with' . . evory day to, hdlp -the Servant and ment, . known as " V.6 im, No. . . I . . . a ing. In ,fact, every �quartor of , the be sown. . 11, . . . .. . . I . I . 12 '" �. I . . . . .. . I .. I . .. . � LUNCHING A BIG - 81P secutel3f'fixed to the earthi twd shni7 cloth.* � Make into- loaVes and ba a empi.re sdnds.s ' costs . four clorlars a vaonth. . We � . .1 . . I I . � , .. � 1. . .k o-mething to the King's 'The correct plan fol, ,general farm- � ' �. . . . . . I I . I . - llarl'sllding-wdys" are prepared'and an hour. . .If this makes the broad larder -L- even XAIta,.whenco I conic Ing is to rii.ise feed, and the I ani . mals also pay..biie dollar a inonth to 'the DU0jMSS ,OF CONNAUGFIT. .. . . I . . I , . . . M S FIN- firmly 'secured to ,the hith oil -each browner �.. than . you � like, put- one at intervals large. �uantiiieis 'of- Bar- to eat It. Afte;- thi's talsei'anythin* floor-pollsher and two dollars to .a 1. ..� � I .. .. ­ . � . - � . . � . 9 . . . I . � , GER MAY DO IT. side of It by hohvy'lipright'tillibers, pound ot,wheat,. flour to, six polinds . din' I . . . ci�culilting libravy. ' That m4koa 'in ' Perhaps of an. the list Which num- . .. � .. . . . . - . as and.pickled pilchards, . Job a Careful study of the market , bars in I any niore, none is destined to . . . . � ' - in':whicho, th6 shilo is bold AS in' a .of W1 .. I . I., . . � . I � . . . I .. . � wh . A,., ,An additl I twenty dollars a . . I I I . . . . . �, , . I Xow This . � . idle meal. - - I .. � , . , � - s' indic ' atescan 'be sold at - a. profit. 'In ona .more general.. popularity among the . ' - I .1 I I I . . I Great Triumph Of Eli- cradle. At this�stago the. tipper slid- . ., . . ..- - . .1 .. . I .. 4 '. . � I -this' lAttei department; good sound, .mbnth. , . Tliore,remains then 158.1�O � : - I . gineering $kill is .per- . . . I . . , . � , . . , . . . . . soldiery thah ,the Duchess Or. Con- , . . . . ilxg�-,vays'aro.axot In. c9atact_.with the HONESTY TOWAlkID. CII�LDRE X., , 'PRACTICAL MISSIONARIES. Jiidgment, and -all the information per month. . �fy wife takes twenty . I .: I . . I I . . I .: ... . . expeli$6� naught.' Educated under -tile - a' .. ­ I '. f ormed. WAYS On'which � they. are later to tulk - . . . . � '' I . . dollars for . iier' persorial. _ .Ye, I .,. K, .� All the beA 'and- kindest.,mother . . . -.7 �.. . � . available Is. demanded.' Every, farm- of hek father, the *faiaous Prince , , . I .. . . .. 1. . . . if anyone wishes to know how and for launching purposes bot can .do 'for bar children -is to- rear One of Them: 'Itad -a Curious.'Xx- , . drissm6kar, milliner, shoemaker, at .. . ... . 2, . 11 11 . . er Who pursue$ .this system induatri� a' Frederiche - Charles, - the - " lied . I . . , � � I . , pairs of wqy.s,a:re now thickly sinear- . aetii -up in the l6ve .6f God -and inan,' I perienc , in . 1, lieep the same for my.tailor,.-b6o`t' Prince," ,of the; jr,ranco-Gol-man war, �� � . � .. . .i � Much sensation call.be crowded. into , slid, tl � .. e -in Mad&gasc4r. ,, 0 sly, and intelligently. will prosper. - Aker, shirtmaki4r, Cigars, etc. I . . .. I , - ad ..witly tall9w .:to. fapil.itate the � and leaveAhera to their. own choice, . I 1. I .. . 'to on the farm -'and in ,With ..he be$ '.strong , . I . f . � a few seconds, let him for 'the first . . .� are .d. -milit4r spirit - .1 .1 � I , � Missionaries often':find it nacessar , Sold In some. other., f6i'lil, va il�- i "' . . I I Ing of the shlia. . , : . .. whether. their life 'shall be all 1 . NN',hen. foods I I ' * the . . time witness tile launching o.f. ofic of . I . nd4s- ,if - ' I Y . tile the $18.60 which reinaills I take nV. .within - liar. From childhood- she has'� : - ., . , . . ­ . . our mammoth men-of-war "the trious, helpful.ono, or an idle, worth- 0 1 .elements Of fertility are. retain- wife- to. the theiltre once'. a month. I been a fearle6s rider, and n . ow - . sits. . I . . . � Little rcniain§� now., to -be done* . ll,o� t be nul-giters of many, trades, Able ... � . I . . � . . . I . . . . . or. ocean � I �11 I � . I I at, least to have soul!e- kii6wledkc of occasionally , dig I . I . 1. . � . greyhounds, and he will rquienil)er standln&'bJoc1cs' on. whidh tile hull less one.. :' . . ,. ad -at hbuip;"And'as Jong as.'this : �. , take a -carriage dr v6toll ber, horso with grace, and - .� . I � is . ad, I I . I 1. .. . . . I I � . * ' - remov, 'I'Exilillple �Is iil6re'tha' - pre6ept,, And -practical -details' of 'daily ' life., done the faria may 'ba'cultiv-4ted,to . it Lri - * . . . . � . the experieric .has hitherto rested are . � I tI a with liar, oil . visi art exhlbit�QnZ nity, .as,.oue born to the saddle, Al, ,. .. I., . .. a to his last ,day, -SayB � - .n An instance of this kind is givelt-by .1 I , I . .... . . . . I - London Tit- �. . with. the"oxcpption�ota few -JAnder -ds: :It is ' its highest -limit of capacity and - -it 6nd I present',lier; now' and again, ready one Of -the'most active, ea,rnr,, ­ - - I . . Bits. .. . I actio4s moren'thail.wai . � a" Mr. Cousins in- his "Mad' &aiicar",..of . � 'an I . .. 1. : . - � , Let .us picture for a moment,. oil the bo,w, rind, t1liipe 'is. not niu6li to . . . n . 0. . . � . . becomes more valuable cvor�:year to With flowers, 'a Piece Of inusic;.,or. , ,.. . � � , e 1. . I . . dangerous thing, to dee,dive a,child-1 To -day," , � . . . . I . . . . , I I . . est. . .d prominent ' of -the women ­ - . I '. I � � - . of a densely -packed Crowd numbering lit. the. viiSsbl starting down. the even' -a tri fling miatier. - : It is, the .,5 . . . I its'owner. - . , I I me ir111In4.gIft . , . . . : �. colonels,: whim. herhushand, tha.Duke - '. . - �' " ' - . . . . perhaps 10,000 people, - gazing' I up- = on hei own. iiCCOI.Int. "To pre- seed of distrust, -which- May * t' . , oon ,after the .dismispal'of Mr. .- I I - . .. :. . I .. . � . I . .. I I I .� ,�* I I - .. '. � of Colinauglit, becomts oommanider� . - I I a 'I . . � . .. . I vent 01.13 a few' "brakes" are put on -- " i . grow O' LY,,il, the'llritish *agent, - the Queen* , . . Cool; T1113 MILK. .' . . . . . . In . . ; I. . .. . . . . . -6hief of the"niftish' arn�, he. wi. I . . ­ 11 � . . I - li ward at tile onormous vessel that . such dimensions , as to !poison the -began to show uneasiness at. :the . . . N% I lim Td prov;e to 40tif that br. .in - 11 - I I r . 1, - ; e, sb�Lpe ' of, ­dog-�shorais,�' . I . . . . . ' i 01% Chase's Ointment Is a ceitalp .firlO n helpmate whose 1. .. I I. � ... towers threateningly 60 ft. or more, her �'.. fri ill . � - whole nature. If a boy, or girl Is growing intuence, of foTelibi Adea 'The :impo'Italice Of tlio�b 11 IliB:wlfe a ' . I I . . . ; . . - . . above his head, with its overwhelm- short Iliec . as of.wood placed. between called on to beat the pain of a slight. And 'wish '' . a.- mill aeri,-. r iU4 and absolute cure for each .sympathies -lie entirely iind undivid-, I ... I . . ... . . .. ad'to got rid of 'the Mis- tion and rapid cooling of milk After . and eirery. form of itchInpr, edly wiffi'llis Work. -and T nimy At- . . . I . . . . .. ,. . -ous stre . tile st4pding and sliding -ways: two surgical or 'dental operation, I bleeding and protruditi piles, 4 1 . I . ing sense of' pondez ngth but , . which sionarlog, . .5lossengers. dt.the Queen it is drawn is shown by a count .of- - the manufalitareris havis gultranteedit. , kine Will hiLve Ili tlle WIfoe Of4 ' . . � . .. . . , . .. . . � L . . . . sugligniled 'Ovdr each of them Is a does not 'require an Anaesthetic, it Were Built to. tell tholli that -they had 'lie b . lit under the timonials In the daily press daskyourneigh- corilimilaiding general a t2lue And nov.- � : ' . . .. little diminished by the gn�acc"ful . IL . . otter Ltd tell I . . acLaria r gorms in . I . . & 0 tea- L I , hig' . - . L I I . . I .. I curve of its lofty bow. The all- hoavv.Weigbt. * which, When releasqd,. is Always b . the truth been ' long time ln. the country, and t a' L . hors whabthay think oNt Voucanus6itatid ld.: . . . . I ­ . . microscope.' In milk which contains geb,your money back If not oured. 00o a box at Pir-failinK � iriei . : 1. . . I I . � I. I . . . L . . . , . . . I : - . preme moment has come; t1a chap- strikes thein; away And Allows tl,ie fiinaly. and quietly.. .It is wonderful it w a. ;time for them to think 915 bacteria When drawn,. and kept . 017011 , : cOMMIkNDS A CAVAJ,,RY CORPS.". . . ." L . I . . lain has vessel to..inove. : , . . . L . as how . all dealern-or EDUAMON,BAT319 & Co.,T ' 'to . L . . L I . uttered the last solemn I how uttich courageLit .give$' the child of -returning to. theirown land. I . . L I . . . - I . words of his dedicatory Service, 10.- . At the moment of launching the if -lie has learnod-to trust you !in- , ..The Ill1BSi6'nArIaS,L alarmed lit' this at 89 , degrees, they uniltiplied 1.06 Dr., Chase's Ointment -wh' L . .. . . 000 paii-s of eyes are. gludd as rope suspending theto weights is."t : I times; or a little more than.double - .� . . . . Ile the Princo Coins6rt of tho� . . . I . L 1 U31- 1 . plicitly. If .you: Bay "this will huri *m'essage, answerod, that. they had on- 0 L ' . I . , - Netherlands; the Duke of Xecklen- � I � all irresistible fascination oil the -with a chisel. ov the weights are but itL�W111 be 6Ver * in thro liburs, .2� ' times,in six - . . . ' ." ' . . . . . � . you at first, in ly begun to teach some of,the -cle- . . -Schwerin, is-.xncroly� a lieutien- . - L . L . . motionless bulk, and 16,000 Marts electi,ically'releaB1ad .by.pressuro- of a .. � . I . Lt . � hourB. and live times 'in nine hourS, . Pat (just landed, and sebing street burg . . I I . ... . ,. . .. .. I An .Instant..'! lie . feels Instinctively nionts of knowledge, and hat very But wheii the. milk' WAS kept at 95 surveyors a 'T . say M,Ikc ant - Ili the GermaA infantry, his.. L � 1. : � . . . I . t work). . , L almost cease beating Ili tho. Suprellic butt-plit 1. that' you -are telling the truth. - The much remained to be lmpaited,�The I . . ." . ., royal wifoo Queen Wilhelmina. 'Conl­- L . tension of expectution. Abovo.11i . Ili, . -fF . . * indignation And shock.to' a 7ehild .b a r d Y 4091-ees in three hours tboy had Mui�, phwnt. be, tbim moil doh)"?; . *Mike-- . . 1 * ,. . . . . . I , �l , SLIDING�WAYS..' mentioned Sundry ranche o e u- . mands ' one of the crack Cava ry . � � -ai. -owded platform I L - . , . IV - .tielletd , four times, Ili six hours I,- "Ol 4iinno, Pat;.,but Oi .guess they -,. a, preson . . . � . �.. . . on the i qed and ci on whic6.'tho� ship now rests 1 ,her. from the deception often practised at cation; axn6ng whiolf ore the Greek 2 0 Inies, andAn*nino hours, 3,7f)4. be. layin' wjrag� ter th' wireless, . t Irani the 14aiser-pu L . .1 . . I ' facing the b 11 such times may have A, perniai L ient . . and 1-robrow languages., which had . , ; . . . .tale- corlps � ow, a fail- hand swings.q. cradle. comes- in Cor'itaet with. the .. . .1 . . : .her, 18tilf,birtlidey, when ghe ascend- - gne L to timois. 1 -in Other words, Ili iiine hours .graph.", . . L I., 1hat . L ' � .. . . . , flowei--decked champa bottle, lubricated . Ways or !"rails" under.: effect upon the character. it is no been already.'partially taught - - L . . ., . . . I ad th6'th.rbfi6 of' Holland. �W I I 1. . .. I which crashes against the n 36nia; The inessoilgers'returnoll to there would. be .at ithe. higher tclllp� I . . . �'.. . . .1 . . i . , Awly- neath, and, under - the' impulse of uncommon thing. for a mother to I , I. . 4L.690,1.50 with a -regiment quite: her own the :" - ' I . . I . ... . I oraturo,' . gerni. I � I . . . . . . christened slil and sends its. golden gravity., tile. vessel gli her lose. tho' 'confidence of her children in file (jucon,, &lid soon came back with. . I .s, � And Ili tile ,-.See that:, young farmer, Maggie? �oung Queen takes An intense Inter- . . . . . � I . 11 . des down . . . . ' . . Cool milk only 4,875, - As these! bac-. Ile .. made a fortune ciiltiVating I est'Lin. b6r army... ,Wfiile at Ono .01. '' - .. I . I I . . showers trickling down its sides. rails to the'water, ' L . . some, such Way, and once lost Such this answor, ' . I . . L . I . . � . . . I I I A second later the same hand pres- * . ,confidence Is not easily .regained, A "Tile. Queen does not Care Much toria are.. the gernis of -decay, or a Woods. " ",-`.�')urcly. not, decti-I. What liar Country ra,sldoncLs .provioUs to - - . . . * . , . ses a. tiny button; the huge This brief description is necessarily. who retains the confidence and I-Itbrow. Can you largo, . proportion. are, it is not Milo. . of � weeds ,were they?" har"'I'llniesA she received word''that a I . . .. "I � L . ship, 7,- imperfect; but It,"pol,baps', Bufficicnt� inother , of for Q rack .. . - . � I . . . . I . 000 . -ors and ly oui-lines the Ingenious w4y* In her children can guide And hell) tli,ni' teach soinething olore usefulT 0 tin strange. that milk sours rapidly If "WidoWSY",'. I . . .. regiment was apprOACI'ling on a. . L . . 1. I . tons of' cA�ad weight, shb. . . a ,� . to put away whoti. Warm in a Warm ­ . , . . . . , . I I . 11 limost im- But, I' .though. she cannot command, in their .You, for instance, ' tea6h how . * ­ - . practi6e march. .Iniiinediixtely� slia . � I . . begins to mo which ships art., launched, n . make soap?" . . � room. If the milk*could be kept at "Oh, 'Ile S *a. zrli delbaterl" .. , . perceptibly, 11�kCi,a,t1ulc1;181`r. land quick- 'to recauilon And, skill, choice of life,.,dithout. inakiflig, them � I .. . . . . said called -for her horse mounted and . I � , Bpi of all p. . I Thl - question to the -temperature of well oi- ,spring ,one friend o another the other day. galloped down the V`aad to moat th�� . ... . . � still she rlidos, like, a Monster .iscrable, .Slaves. � � l . .s ,waa an Awkward I I . 11�i . ' .hitches do Occasl address to thoologJano; but After a W4t0r, 111311ally' ift' 11%ttle.boloW,150 do- "Thei-eAs . nothing he Ikes bettei dusty, travel -stained troops. .Salut-. � . - er tile glad I onlilly occull; often 11 -he liurest ways to Make . I . . . �. . . .. waking to life and to all . through the hardening- of the -talldivo Ono .of t moment's pause, Mr, Cameron said- ,gre0s, there would be but little *bac- than an ,argniment. X -le ulon't. even ing the Colonel, slid placed herself at � : . . . � I n a ss of inotion, away .down the and when tiia vessel refuqos to.budge Children g I ood and -ugoful moll ' -and . . .. .1 . I I- . slope through the black A. 'd ,time. to givo.th I ,"Give tile a weak to answer thl� torla Ili 24 or 86 hours, b,v which Pat anything*thut a rees .with him.." tile head 461 the columin atid led it .1 I . venue of tile shipbuilder bas'a very ba WOnlea I.'; .em' a profession question.,," . � . .. I . . . I �!� __.C�_-___�_ . __ ___ . -17- past. -her husband and Quaed Itnsnia,- ' I . . . . . � onlookers %vitli white, upLurnad'faces. It MAY, then.be necessary to do all. Or trade. It 1g.becoining more , and At .. ilia end of. the welok"the, Manx personally 'giving the word of edni,,; '. . . . . until she leaps into the OcOnn's the work over again; or, happily, 4moro the rule And not-tho txcoption. Queen's messengers ii%gain �ppe6red; 1H a 11i, %J , -d fat, the sallitc. . . � . . . . I. . . E RESTOFRATIVE POWER. man . . � I . � arms and glides swaillike . . little assJstanco froin hydraulic jacks - for, a girl to study for a lifels"Work, and M.r. Cameron Was able to pre- . � . . At another time she reviewed ber ' � . . . I . OVER Ili -'ft NATIVE' 1,'LIi,ArV,XT.. .may be all that� Is necessary to it she. is ever a, wife and mother she 9 I 1F DR. C 11 ",a ff% E7S. N ERVF E F0 army *bbn fully .00,000 soldiers of �. . . I ful, 'overcome the ,obstacle. . 1. ,;it! I 11 be all the better htt6d for. bor ent. to them it bar.of tolerably, good oll"' 81 AAQ -00DIall Arms were i6sent,.and, as their . I Then the sLiIlliess, tile almost. dW . . I I white soap, niade entirely front. wa- - I . 1. . . . . . . . I � � � suspense, Is broken with. a Crash of , Ift. soinn cases, where the availablo . i ini4sion if She has learned -to do terials found Ili th . 6 country. 'Phis I I . �. . . . .-. � I � _. 1. . .. .. I YoWng Queen rode on to the field She . . . I . . .1 . . I I . . An '. excellent Answer';' and .the aiui I evoked tin allaost frolizi6d onthusi- - aisolne espocial work well. Ilo*ever Wag i I . 1. . brass instruments in some patriotic width .of water. is insuilicient for trated Iii the Case of Mrs. Turlfov, Who .Wa3 Thoroughly Re-, . , air, and the launch is an accoln- I&Untli longthway -'wealthV parents Ate, they do at post- In.alzilfactupo bf Boa,, was y( W ' � - . yso a ship I,; launch )i,tlx ILh � . lasin. among both soldiery and pod . ,, . ad l3toadl-,ide instead of storn f1rst; tive W�ong when they fall to educate intro,duced, an(I is still continittiod to I . � citcrad By tho Oso of This Grort Food Cure. � . ple, . � I I plished fact. . ' I .. .. . . . I . � , .. of or when slm has been built in a dry� ,,their sons And daughters so'thov can the present day, although no, one . . I . I i Tho dolith of 'Victoria left Wil- . Of all tile mechanical mat-vois I I . . our day suroly - 110110 N quite so I dock it is only- necessary to lot- in, becolue self-supporting And - s4f�re­ would now venture to call the, goal) The human body -is composed of "r, or some inontlis; past'. 1 found i hellnina. tile ,,, reigning sovereign . � . . � . . � . � wonderful as this -that tile more the water And float liar out., llov� sppoting. . . � I . I . . %0lito. I . . certain elaments,' such as iron, pot- Myself groWing very nervous, and Ili oommand 'fil'ivit.army. The pee- .. . . . l I . . touch of a woman's hand should re- enormous aro, Some of these vessels . ­-­_ ,. I As a result of the Making of t,bla ash, little, soda, Magnesia, etc,, and gradually becoming a victim of. sent Queen Consort of England, ,. . - toilch 'of tho finger chn con- * IMP0i1TAXcn or. XI,'.XPXH.SS. 'bur of soap the blissJow gainod a re- nature replaces wasted cells and tis. aleeplossucis dnd subject to frequent Alexandria, Was at One% Wile a Su- � I . lease a Wilk of 7,0U0 to 9,006 tons which a l ' . ta attacks'of nervous hoa'dAcho. About . dead weight, A burden loo,000 sign 6 the deep may be. gathered .1 Neatness is A, good thing for a girl, SPItO for live Years. I suos, by extracting those cloble.q porb horsewoi�inii and displayed a , . ' stronV iven could barely raise, and, from the fact; �that ther Cain ! and it she does not learn ft When, she . I I . .. from the food W-6 eat. C,onsequently Six weeks ago I began uSing Dr. i deal) Intermit lit. military nUairs, but 1 . pania'19 . --,+-- . . , I or launelling-Weight Wag About 0,000 is young she never will. It takes- a, I . . orrorB lit dict,. Insufficleftey of food or Chase's Nevve Food And cannot of raC611t. x0ars , 4910 has not been . I stmil it skimining down to river ' . - ' I I 3 a sea. Even a haby's finger has tons, and a first-class battleship gmat,doal more neatness to make it . CONSCII1,NCH. � tallura of the digestive orgatis � to , speak too highly of this medicine, I "on oil I orgib ek, to tlip great ru- � . I . wrought this Mai -Val, fol' WAS not ranges from 6,000 to* 8,000 tons. . girl tool, Wall than it does to inake "Look horai are you the l:nan . * pl,oporly perform their work aro,can Sloop well now, the headaches frret of the lo,val Toiutliy� Atkins, ' I . . . . . . the Arden( lumiched a fow years ago I I 4 ------�- a boy appear passable; not because I I are nioal to one coltr. among the most usual, eauses of Ais- I have entirely disappeared, 'and I bo- I ONLY TWO WOMEN ADAITHALS. � . .1 fro,w 'lilessrs. Thornycroft's yard At A RATIVIED CATAS'111tOVI1,'L1 a boy, to start with, Is better look gave a squ 00 case, . � Ilieve that-iny syqtoin generally hAH I I - bleak February morningl . Though there are Witunwrablo wo- I Ing than a girl, but his clothps are Onto tile System is weak, run down I been much Improved by the use of' lilell colonels, only two wortion Ill , . I little grand -daughter -only -not go naany col- ,,Well, do you 1, I . or exhau4ted the natural process of this treatment. -cor-.,,- Chiswick by on 41fant-the blitIlder"W It WAS in the Cool of the evening, of a dillerent Sort "I'm do mail, mum." � I ", .. "I . I I six and the inhabitaritEl of the village , ementbor you proina reconstruction fa tadjously slow, usu- Nervous firostratioll And exhallo.1the world Illay wear tile three I ,� months old? Ors in them -and people. seldom ex-. Ised to. Shovel all tbe iinoW out -of . ored Chapeau And the four stars And I . 11 Were beginning to think of retiring., . idly slower than tile wasting pro-. tion, headaches, d3;Apopsia, dUx,y And I litilpes of . tin noilintral. Theso tire . . . . To explain in technical detail how when. Suddenly a piercing Soreftnilpeet. a boy �o look so pretty as. M my backyard, and then sneaked off -as, and the end Can only be phyal- fainting Spoils, paralysis, l0QOI11OtVL'1Jho 7)dWagpr ]�,InXprpSS lyagnIal, Of . , this inlracle is performed W I ould fill rang' out, rind a torrified woniax, gfrl, I . Without doing it?" I cc, . . ataxia, foolings of � weakness, dopros. I Itussia rind the Queen ,01ga, of I � � cal. bankruptoy'and collapse. Columns and would, no doubt, be irushod Into the road. A .girl who is not neatly dromad.lo "Yes, Illuill, till' ilia con"66006 it is just at this point that Dr. sion And despondency are readflyj(k-eece. who Owe thr,ir hollors to,thP . I I tedious; but tile ProCeSg, Which is In- called it sloven a -Ad no one likoq to smoto me, Dat's do reason I tral I "Fife! Are!" She Shrieked. 'AP' Chalie's Nerve road proves its won. ovevotinie, by this treatinont, work- la.td,Cv,ar. 111ho Bliniprossi Do.giniar fii . 11 tonsoly intorestjog, can perhapS be The Village Stalwarts wore on the l6ok at her. Tler face may be prot- ad all do Way liero Vrough do Wait- iieri�l 'POWOr as all UgSfStallt . to ba- Ing, as ft does, [land in hand. with An aftlival in the Ilussial � I navy, I . . indicated. When Once the hull Of A opot at once, rind dashed into the tV, hel"eyes bright, but It there to a i6g sun to finish do job," Wro. This great food cure 6ontains nature. Though gradual, the rosults whilo Queen 01ga is Attached to the . . new 01p, is CoWPletP, OvOft to the house. Ijut there was 110 S10 of spot of dirt on lie), check, And her I - � . . . I ainting, tho work of ptepttring ftil� anything Approaching the dastrue. finger ends are black with Ink and I . , , In condensed pill form -the vory aid. arO� All the more. cortain and hi.sting, I Itusnian Atedii,ort-4,neau squadron. . Ear laurielilnge W"gitlig, The flVat step tive rlemont. liar shoet. are not lacvd or buttoned Ir, evory 1111111011 of V'rigland'i Pop- alehti; required by nature to rovital- land by noting Your inerease %;IIIie- lattoll, 'who it; passionately fond is to lay -Ile ,,rails" .on whfeh tile lllMioro's the Airo?" they Asked tit), And" ap'r6n Is dirtV and hor Col. ulation 1,890% Ara blind or deaf No -and build up the system. Theno Weight you can provo to your satis. I of ,the sea, uSe.q liar Stacht as itiften I , .1 I Odd stpt,,all), faction that new, firin, flo.th aq other women call for lbeir car- , * I - "I , .f I I. If I I I i I I . I � .1 I I I I I - I � i , � 'I I I ; I I I I 1 1 ON vogpel is to glide down to -tho sea, fronj tile window, lap is unbuttoned, Anil her skiet, Is Inutes; tit Ireland tile number 'of poo- Immediately enter the bI And f1s., and theoe "ritfin" take 00 form of 1,01j, 1. didn't mean fire I X-1 frayed sho. callrot be liked, ' . ple so aflocted is 1,940 per iltillion. find through tile Medium of the cir- suo Is being ad<led, Dr. Chase's I riftPILIS, An# 011P IlR9 01180 Ptliol;tld the two "standing,ways"-49ng plat- meant murder." .. . . Learn to be beat, and When you rulation of tho blood And thA ilerV- Xorve F ood fifty Cents a bo.,�, six I tiavos,%ary examinAtion, to securn a � I . I tornis About four feet wide. built of "There's no one horol' Who trIW have l6arned It, your appearance . � oug 9". tem carry strength And.vigor boxes for $2.50. At all dealers, of Galling nAal;tor's "rtifitatp. Shot of- ; solid tim6w And runflitlg Parallel to to Murder you?" . ake Cara of It. Toimny-­irow does Jimuty like to each And every organ 61 the body, Vdinanson, Datoll & Co., Toronto,, ton coniniandii; tho royal Grook yticht � the ship nnd a fow Varda di I .10h, yt�ulro very partidularl I Boll. . Ills jobl" Johohlo-110h, 110 say Mrs, 1", Turner, 880 Aylmer Stroct. To protect you against 'knitationfl, A111,111litilitie, abil 4110 is col't-filbly hot- -stant 6 oquipped for the ratilit of ad- �, didn't intan murdor; Init ob, the --A- tborolg nothin' the rnatter With, it Peterborough, Ont., and whose hua- the portrait and tfgnature of Dr A till' I. ON 1.1,ACIT SIUD, 011, IT., I'Awfullest, biggest 110 you over saw Itooma lbfilated With 10116S. -Should except the pay, an' the hours, an, band Is oniployed tit tho Hamilton W, Chasa, tit(% famotis reelpt �Z 'Alirdl tban intliv of her sister sov- I To Carry tile VOSS61 Ott these I foundry, situ -tog: kuthor, Are on 0ery box. 01r6kiin nro qualliflod for thoir imili- � C1106d Ouf Oat ACrOSA the kit6l[1401" havo A; Platdful Of this InIXture J)lac- the work." +"~ 4,14,10*. a # .