HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-25, Page 9e
June 25th., 1908
A Midsummer
Sale .
.-----�o Traveller's Samples
We wind up June and start July selling with a big sale of Traveller's
samples. While there will be many another moneysaving Bargain go
on our counters during this sale, the traveller's samples will be the
big feature of it. For the past couple of months we have been . on the
lookout for specials and on
Saturday, June 27th
will start the selling of hundreds of dollars worth of traveller's samples and many
other lines of seasonable merchandise to sell at bargain prices. We will sell—
Cotton Hose Samples Apron Samples Cashmere Hose Samples
Handkerchief Samples Towel Samples Fancy Linen Samples
Damask Table Cloth Samples Table Napkin Samples
and sell them,at prices that are positively money -saving, for we bought them cheap
and are going to sell them the same way. Many of the lines are better quality than
we usually keep in stock, all are in good condition and prices will be to 1 less
than regular. Here is a partial list of the lines we will sell.
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Cotton Dress Goods at 63c
Made to sell at I0c
One more of the specials we
have gathered to-gether; to
make this midsummer Sale in-
ters sting and profitable. The
mill to -day would not sell this
line for 6ic. We have these
30 odd prices to sell. They
are new, dust in this week 'and
we bought them cheap en-
ough to let us sell them at per
yard 6i. •
600 yards fanoy cotton dress goods,
suitable for waists, wrappers or
dresses, fast colors and good quail-
.'" ties, would be cheap at per yard
10e, for this big sale our price
will be 6 c"
Dress Samples
Suitable for Patches
We secured two big cases of
wollen and cotton dress goods
samples. There are. thousands
of samples in two cases, some
of them beautiful • ;designs and
fine qualities. Theywould be
just the thing for making good
quilts, and we have had them
sorted out, tied up in aundles
to clear at the following prices.
Wool Samples
Samples of fine woollen Dress Goode,
plain and fancy oheoks, sizes of
pieces 8x11 inches, put up in Jf"
bandies,. at per bundle .,
Cotton Goods Samples
Travellers' samples of cotton. dress
materials, endless variety of color-
ings and patterns, sizes of "samples
5 1-2x81•2 inohes;put up in bundles w5C
choice per bundle
Colored Flannel Samples •
Hundreds of ends of small samples
of colored fanoy flannels, just the
thing for patch work, put up in
bundles, at your ohoioe per bundle
200 samples of blank Silk, 1.2 yard
to the sample, all kshde in the let,
worth per yard 75o to $1.50,
ohoioe of the lot each 25C
Silk Gloves 10e
150 pairs " black and colored silk
gloves andmitts,assorted ed sizes re-
ular 25 to 50o, learing at your
Dress Goods
Here are three bargains in
Dress Goods for this big aale
of samples. Just "t''ree lines
we are going to clear at .a good
deal less than their real worth.
Fancy Flannel 35c
About 75 yards Fancy Flannel suit-
able for waists,or dressing saoques,
lines that are sold down to one or.
two waists of pattern, regular 500
per yard. special for sale per yd. 35C
Blue and Brown Dress
Goods 35c
150 yards plain Dress Goods colors
of blue• and brown, all pure wool,
double fold, Berges, clothe and light
materiale, regular 50 aad 60o choice •
of lot per yard 35c
75c Lusrre 450
Four patterns fancy figured Lustros
nine bright finish' and regular 75o
quality, suitable for waists or
ekirte, per yard. 45c
Lace Curtain /Samples
100 sample ends Not.
tingham Lace Curtains,
most of them about 1 1-2
yards lon',samplesshovv-
mg , the lower ends of
lines that would sell at
$1 to $3 per pair. .Just
100. we sell during _ this
sale at each .....,.....25o
Over Sixteen Hundred
Samples Pairs of
By actual count over sixteen hundred pairs of sample
hose go on our counters for this sale. • All are this
season's goods and the samples of two of the largest
hosiery importers in Canada. The lot consists of -
Ladies Cotton Hose Children's Cotton Hose
Ribbed Cashmere Il(ose Plain Cashmere "Hose:
Colored Cashmere. Hose
Silk Embroidered Cashmere Hose
All qualities and grades, All bought at a discount
from regularprices that puts '"us 111 a "position to
save you big money on. the hosiery buying. We
can't quote prices. There are too manylines to
do that but if you want Hosiery now, if you want
it wizhina year, you will be money. in pocket to lay
in a supply while this lot lasts,
Very Rine cashmere Hose
Among the samples are about 75 pairsof very fine Caehmere
hose, plainand embroidered, that are extragood quality, and finer
than are usually carried in stook. They were made to retail at
from 75,3 to 51.25. per pair. If you want something ; extra fine in
Hosiery you will find this an excellent opportunity . to lay in a
supply for we will olear this lot from one quarter taone third lees
than regular prices.
44-++444-44+4444444+44-4+ 44+4+44.+4.*++
Ribbed Hose tor Boys
Here is a bargain in cotton Hose .for Boys. A big
Importer wanted to clear his stock before stock-tak•
ing and we got this lot away under regular prices.
They are American make, will give excellent wear
and are fast dye.
200 pairs Children's ribbed cotton Hose, double knee,.
spliced heel, seamless feet, warranted two thread
yarn, American make, sizes from 6 to 91, would
be good gain° at 25 ote per pair, onsale with the 17C
samplee at. per pair "
Linen Samples
Hundred's of samples of fancy Linens, Towels,
Napkins etc. to sell at wholesale prices and less.
These are the samples of one of the largest Linen
houses and are perfect goods. Dozens of patterns.
all good qualities and genuine bargains.
Sample Tray Cloths • Sample Lunch Cloths•
Sample Doylies Samole Towels
Sample Napkins ' Sample Cloths
Sample Side -board Scarfs
Hundreds of pieces andbig' bargains for people who
' come to this store. A chance to lay in a supply of
linens that only comes once in A very great while.
With the above samples we will put on sale the
Towelling Tic Napkins 3 for 25c
150 ends of all linen glass 100 (Ample Table Napkins,
Towelling, 34 inches wide, all pure•linen,imedium sizes,
red border. This would be assorted patterns, choice of
good value at 10o. a yard. the lot for sample sale at..
These are a big lot of mann- S for 25e
fazturer'( odds, the lengths
run. from 30 to 38 inohee, and Samples of embroidery
Linen 2 for 5c
100 eample endo of fine em-
broidery hnene,the size is 9x
18 inches'
all qualities imit-
able tor doylies, mate, etc,
goods" that would retail at
50o to 75o, per yard, choice
of sample's.. .. 2 for be
Damask Samples
3 for 10c
Samples of table Damask,
broken lines, bleached and'
half.bleaobed. These are 16
130 inohee, and eamplee of
good quality table demaeke.
They ;make capital dish
towels, we clean the lot out
at your choice ... , .. 3 for
we put them on sale Satur-
day at your choice of the lot,
for each 't2C
L7 inch Towelling7ie
200 yards heavy glass Tow-
elling, cream or white, fanoy
borders, good weight, regular
IN, for eamplesi'selling peryard lie
Quilt Samples lc.
100 °white quilt eamples.
These ends are about 12x16
inches, They show the goal-
ity of the quilts and would
makeoapital weehrage,ohoioe .
of the lot, each le
Towelling Samples Se
Samples of glass Towelling
20 Inched wide, pare linen,
good weight, regular 124o
quality, 8.4 yd in the piece,
boiee of samples eaoh
Towels 10e
Pure linen hook" Towele,
heavy wel;ht 18x86 inohee,
red bordere,speoial for sample
eale,eaoh ...... •r. v...
Another Week of Bargains
In Our Millinery Department
The special sale of millinery' that started last Week proved a great success, In spite of the downpour of
rain this department was kept busy all day and we didn't have enough hats to go around. It isn't often
you have a chance to buy such good hats for so little money. �.
On Friday morning we will have ready another lot of hats that would sell early in the season from
$4 to $5,50 for $2.50.
Also a lot of nicely trimmed hats worth up to $3.50 for $1,50
25c to 50c Sailors at 15c
Odd lines of Ladies' Straw Sailers in white and colored, hats that soldat i c
25c to 50o. To go at 1
50c to $1 Sailors at 25c
3 dozen Sailors made of fine and course straw in newest shapes and color
there are odd lines that sold at from 50c to $1 each,all to clear at one
35c to 50c Tams and Caps at 19c
Children's cloth Cape and Tams in assorted calors, odd lines that sold at (�
85c to 50c, to clear at ■
Flowers, Half Price
Commencing;Friday morning we willplace on sale any Flower in the
store al exactly HALF PRICE. Every flower is new this season,
no old stock to choose from.
A Special Sale of Men's and Boys' • Clothing and
Furnishings on Friday, Saturday and Monday
See Bills for Complete Price List
Boys' all wool Tweed and Serge Suits in a doz. different colors, made
with best linings, pants all with double seats and knees, all sizes
from 26 to 33, regular prices $5 and $5.50 suit, 3 Days' "Sale Price 3 95
will be
Boys' two piece Suits in s splendid range of colorings all made in the
very, latest styles, all sizes from 25 to 30. Always sold by us at $4 0 I n
(special price at that) .but for 3 Days we will sell thorn at
Men's dark grey Cheviot Suits madewith good linings and trimmings, An 6
fitting and all sizes fro36 to 42, special 3 Days Sale Price
40 pair boys' Tweed Pants in half a doz. different colors, our best 45c and .35
50c pants toclear e,t. '
12 pair only men's Tweed Pants in a full assortment of sizes, always sold n n
for $1.25, 3 Days' Sale. Price will be .
7 only men's•grey Waterproof Coats in sizes from 38 to 46, always sold 3 n n
at $4.50, to go.at U. U
36 men's and boys' Golf Caps in navy blueand assorted tweed patterns, .��
60c values for
The biggest neckwear bargain ever -offered in Clinton. Last week we got a chance to
buy a: let of brand new neckwear direct from. the manufacturer at less than cost of production.
They come in a magnificent.range of four-in-hands, reversible and silk lined, flowing ends,
etc., and are worth 40c and 50c each. For. the 3 days we will sell them at the low price of
25c each.: : This is a chance you will not likely get again for a long time so better be on "hand early.
On view in Isaac St. Window, •
18 only men's extra fine Straw Fedora Hats,tnade in newest shape, guar-
anteed to keep their shape as well as a felt hat. Our regular price
is 82 each, for 3 Day's' Sale price will be....: , .:... ' . 0
4 doz. men's Straw Fedoras and Sailors in half a doz. different styles • all
sizes from 6.2 to 7 3.3, regular prices 75c, $1' and $1,25, sale price '
3 doz. teen's and boys' Straw Hats in assorted styles, worth up to 50c, to
goat 25
1 doz. only men's •grey and fawn Fedora Hats, very best 'English felt,
all good styles.. .These are the. best $2.50 and $3 hats we sell. For
3 Days' Sale Only the prig will be •
4, doz; men's Soft Front and Negledge Shirts, sizes 144 to These
shirts cannot be bought in any other store for less than $1 and $1.25
Sale". Price will be
■ 7 5
5 doz. pair men's fine and heavy braces in a. dozen different styles, the •; A'g.
best 35c qualities to ge at:. ., ..". L
75c and $1 Knickers for 50c
60 . pairs of boys' . heavy wool Knickers, double
seats and' knees, inassorted sizes " and colors,
regular 75c and $1, special Sale Days 'at.. 50c
Three. Big
Handkerchief Bargains.
• A wholesale firm were clear-
ing out their stock of fancy
handkercbiefs at about one-
half regularprices. We got
f rst• choice :of the lot and now
nearly. 100 dozen fancy Hand-
kerchiefs are here and go on
sale marked the same way we
bought them; about one-half
regular price.
16c Handkerchiefs 1Oc
300 fanoy embroidered handkerchiefs,
hemmed and embroidered edges,
qualities that were made to Bell at
eaoh 150, for thie big sale our price
ie eaoh li'�
25c Handkerchiefs 15e
200 fancy embroidered Handker-
chiefs, fine quality, lace,' hemmed
or embroidery edges, all good pat-
terns and qualities that retail reg-
ular at 20o and 25o, °leering this 150
lot at each
Extra (food Handkerchiefs 10c
800 fanoy Handkerchiefs, all fine
quality, this lot includes lines that
retail in the tegular way at from
30o to 40o. We bought them cheap
and they go on sale at your ohoioe i9C
for each
Some money -paving Bar-
gains in Fancy Ribbons
This Ribbon Bargain ie notthe least of
the many this epeoial sale provides. Many
patterne and color oombinatione, in pure
silk ribbon, suitable for ties, trimmings
eta„ °leering at prices that are money
50c Ribbons 35c
Fanny eilk neok ribbons, assorted
stripe(, pure Bilk, 5 inohee wide,
new patternr, will make handsome
ties, regular 600 sreoial fOr sale 850
per yard
$1.00 Ribbon for 50e:
Fadoy stripe neck ribbons, 6 inobee •
wide, suitable for neok wear or
trimming, in cream, pink, blue etc.
regular yalne$1,00 special for this
' sale per yard .5100
Carpet "Samples,
Samples of Tapestry and Brands Car-
pets, 1903 designs and colors, all 1,} yards
long, imitable for rugs and mats,
at 75e
Samples of Brussels carpets; goods
that would retail at '$1 to $1.25
per yard, big lot to select from, 1
yards in each piece, eaoh ........ 75e
at SOc.
Samplee•of Tapestry Carpets, qual-
ities that would retail from 50o to
85o per yead, big range of patterns
to choose from, llj yards in eaoh
piece, ohoioe of this lot,eaoh 500
Sateen' 8c
Made tosell at 12ic.
Another Bargain for this Mid•
summer Sale:
Dress Bateene selling wader value, be-
cause we bought them that way. All 1903
designs and dark oolore, mostly navy or
blank grounds. Nioe bright finieh On soft
600 yards fanoy dress lateens, 30 to
34 inches wide, strong cloth, good
quality, fine flni6li, made to re-
tail at 121d per yard. All new this
last week, for our midsummer sale
price will be per yard 80"
1200 Sample Handkerchiefs
After we bought the above lot we
came aoroes these eamples. They
were so good and the priori eo low
that we would not let the chance
go by. There are Over 1200 of
them but at the rtdionlopely . low
price we have marked them it
should not take long for thein to
find new owner.
Over 1200 Handkerohiefs to tell
at onehalf pride. Come and see
For the Boys
Knickers149c,•',regular 75c and$1.00
Here's a bargain in Boys' Knee Knickers --Pants,
that prudent mothers should not let slip There's a clear
saving " of from 25 to 50 cents on every pair, they are
the left overs, 'the odds and ends of the factory and when
the season was over we got the lot. We got them at a
price that enables us to sell 75c and *1.00 Knickers for
forty nine cents.
100 pairs Boys' Knee Pante, made from " all wool tweeds, first-
class sewrnge and trimmings, would sell in . the regular way at 75
cents and $1.00 per pair, will stand any amount of hard wear, on
sale Saturday at per pair 49 "'CENTS
Sock Selling for Saturday
150 pairs of Traveller's Samples
at Money -Saving Prices.
With the big lot of Hosiery samples we bought we
got a lot of fine Cashmere and Woollen Socks, all are good
Iqualities and we put them on sale Saturday at prices that
mean three pairs for the price of two. Better layin a
Commencing Thursday, July 2nd, this store
will close every evening except Saturday at 9