HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-18, Page 8TIE
INTON 14TWATS•01%7X00.04)
Reaps ofGomfort
Ladies' 18cBlack Cotton Hose
31 Ladies' 20c Black Cotton Hose 111 a Hammock
t: Other GOod Lines
X These can be depended upon,
-.Better stockings . for boys and
t "i„vid girls are not made than the fam-
ous Black Cat Brand; they make •+.
's over in Kenosha, Wisconsin; They it
: have triple knees, double heels and
Soles, and are the best stockings to Ss:
.:. wear we ever had. It keeps 700 , 3:
people busy all the time to supply st
the demand.•
I Black Cat'Stockings.for Boys et*
N and girls 25c, 35e and. 40c.
± I I °C, IROYS HT ri. 1
X A Good Silk at Si.
A :
4 • The line of black Peau cleLsoie Silk we . sell
+ at $1 is- regular $1.25 value. We imported it
T. direct from •the .,Old Country markets, and. it
. : has been the best selling silk we have ever had.
t Made by Bonnet & Co.,:the leading French
$ makers, whose name is stamped on seIvege, is a 'X
7 guarantee . of quality.. Suitable,for vt gate,
yr dresses or coats.
Guaranteed not to cut, per yard $1. .
...-.. .
.4 vv.Atobiwomb^100•w•Aeo0iiww.,...,./wW•f4 x.
:$ . • • . . t.
5;: Very Fine White Skirts • • = •
. ..44:
. • . , .. .-.
g This season we are showing some very fine 4.
t. white :underskirts garments that are made frOm the t
$ fine 'muffins and Cambries, and prettily trimmed with +,.
. laces, insertionis and embroideries', Most of the good X
x ones we have not more than one or two alike. They X
+ are dainty and pretty . gartnents, and'at our prices .4y:
:4.e. "cost you less money than you Can hay. the material +,,
? for and make them up yourself. Here are a few X
.: ,
41: prices. . .y
$ it $2.00 . ' :.ALtatt3e;5webite Undersliirta. • *4'
X ...e.
:e .
:4 Ladies fine white skirts," rciroawilse rortorntnofikoiengwb8ite4montslemni " ...
inch apart, full length, also •S•
eldri frill of open insertion •;••
and tucking, edged with two ?
inch strong and fine lace, , a . mn :::,
very pretty gement at....0.uv A
. . . s
At $3.75 • . x
Ladies white underskirts .
made from fine Englieh cot- •
ten, bright cambric) finiih; • ,
dint frill, 18 inoh frill' of al -
120 Pairs to sell at per pair 12ie
• X
These three lines tell • the story of a Hos
iery bargain for Saturday,. . Two odd- lots
we pickect•up ..last - week' at. a bargain. just !.f
120 pairs. in all selling at a saving of 5c•to
8c a pair. :•• •
120 ealre. Mies' bleak ootton cotton Hoee,Germen dye, .
guaranteed absolutely feet, optima heels, Seine
have Balbriggan feet., Kno all bleat with Way
drop etitoh down the front, regular 18e and 20o n.
goodieon eale Seturdity et 2 pita for We
Hosiery values here are all good. The best x
we can get at every price is what we have for people j.
who come to this store. Never any sacrifice of pal- *.t:
ity to get at a low price but good goods always.
At 2 pairs tor 25e
Ladies' biaok cotton Hose, seamless feet, double heel,
fast black, will give excellent weer, special at ..
2 pairs for
At 25e
Ladies' blank cotton Hose, natural wool feet, simple.=
black feet, with double heel and Bole or fancy
lace effeot front, Hermsdorf dye, full feshioned,
per pair., 25C
25C .
4• :
and heaps of value in the
ones we offer you.
A. hammock is one of the
best known antidotes for
weariness, It has healthful,
restful qualities, It is a good
place to sleep in and a fine
place to read in with its pure
and healthful air. • It will re-
lieve yor mentally and physi-
cally more than it will your
Agents! Parker's Dye Works.,
The 11. Fair Co.
-Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
*r: made from god quality Eng -
l. ish cotton, brigh cambrio fin-
es eb, seams double sewn, very •
!. full,15ineh frill all tuokecl in-
.4. sertion and muslin embroid. a AA
2 erg at each •
At $2.75 • .
•:.• Ladies underskirts made .2.
from fine English oeettaomn, X
•i• bright cambric fimsh. ssinog
ternate rows of hemstitched 2
*t.: double sewn, very full, 1
sts frill all finetuoking and hand -2
rauelin and one inch lace in-•• untied edged with i Y
Y some muslin embroidery,dnet 0 „ x
A frill also, snob.. ... . . . ....... al • i " nee lace yereeen two 3 75 •).• .
i • • •
X • ••+
i Pine White Waist:ncis 4
• This has been a white season •'and there is everY
4 indication that white will continue popular right X
; through the coming winter., We are showing to day :1_.•
•.s: some very handsome white matorials suitable for +
+waists. Thsy are just a little bit out of the ordinary .4
•.r.. and you are not likely to find the same at any other X
:s. store in town. If yo .4 want a nobby white waist t
come in and see these. .r•
their bright finish whea wash
ed, per yard 30 sad 85e
White and Omens Linen
Waist Oanvae olothessuitable •
for waist e or dresses, yerd •••
wide, per .yard,....... „ 25c +
y Plain white Canvas Waist
very popnlar a
.e ed stylish,.
small and medals:a threads,
•.e_ wash and doup well at
st; per yard 20 and Zoe
Fanny white Waistinge, Fencer white Weistinge
.2. neat. small inflame, pretty • small or °
large strip effects, Y
mercerised finish do not loose , very etylish peryard35 and Llue
5: Parasols •.,::
) • •• s
.:: There is 11 good collection of Parasols at t., lis X
+ store. Tops that are good and will not out or turn :::
•4 rusty. Frames are strong and; handles are neat and + .
: nobby. .These are new this season : and every one *.:.
• bought direct from the maker. OS+
At 98e . :
Ladies' Parasols, filet eolore, tell guaranteed not to out; ..1;
drone frames, hollow rib', steel reede, Assorted UAt,
Utley handles, regular $i,25, our special price.. vac ..t.:
• •
At $1.50
Ladiee plant bleak Parasols, good quality Gloria top,
will not out or change its color, steel rods and
hollow ribs, black or assorted fancy handles, a or y
• good parasol at populailiriee .. ...
Better Parasols, extra (rood tops, nubby handles I'
$2.50, 8 00 and 8,50. X
Y •
•• ........ • ..... • • . •
tr. •
People .
• We .Know
Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Gunn& axe Lon-
. don this week.
Mr. Dan, Donoghue of Detroit is visit-
ing his -mother, Mrs. Gagers. •
Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury and Master
Ike weresin London.this We;e1C.
Miss Evelyn .Noble: -of Toronto in vis-
iting her ceeisin, Miss Nettie Ilea -
Mrs. Charles Copp and Miss Emma Of
Goderich were guests of Mrs* David
Steep on Thursday: ;• "
Mi-, and '1VIre, ',D. A. Ross of 'Exeter
• were *guests of7their son, -Mr, W. J
Ross, on Sunday..• •
Mrs- AndreWs and MissLily An-
drews , returned from Cleveland,
Ohio, on Saturday.
Miss iCoughill of W5roming and Miss
Murdoch of Potrolca are guests of
• Mrs • W.' H. Newcorialse.
Mrs. Alex, Bell, George and Miss
Maggie 01 doderich were guests of
• Mr. R. A. Bell Sunday.
Mr- Fred. T. Jackson is in London
today making his .purchases of the
famous Hagar Shoe for next fall and
winter's trade. • •
Miss. Nellie Catling of the Institute
'for. the Blind Brantford is spending
her holidays at Mrs. Thos. Postle-
waite's, Goderich, f
. .
Mr. aXd Mrs. Thomas Pengelly of
Rochester, New York, are the, guests
of Councillor Warren of Hultett, a
brother of Mrs. Pengelly's. •
. • • .
Mr. Alex. McNiven of Molsons Bank
is oil for his holidays and during
his absence the staff is being assist-
ed by MrS II. L. lieuston of the
Mat/branch. .
1/.ev., J. Greene, Mrs, Hall, Mr. Har-
vey •Hall, Jrs. D. Cook, Mrs. D. S.
Cook and Oise Mildred were present
at the laying of the Corner stone of
the new Methodist church at the
Nile on Tuesday:
The: following members of .Clinton
Council of Soyal Tempters attended
a District Meeting in Goderieli on
Thursday last Mrs. F. W. Wall's,
Mrs. George ' Levis, Mrs. John Bay-
ley, Miss Phoebe Allan, Miss Burn-
ett, Miss Winnie Goodwin, John
Cooper and Hartley Watts.
Messrs. Stoddart and Tier, Classical
and Mathematical Masters respect-
ively, of the • Collegiate Institute,
have *been appointed Departmental
examiners and will put in three
weeks at the work in Toronto in
July. It israther monotonous, lab-
or, but as the pay is $5.25 per day
they svill -doubtless be able to standit.
Among those who took in the excur-
sion on Friday. last were To Ham-
ilton -Dr, anti tits. Thompson and
Master Fred., Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Cantelon and Miss Phyllis, IVIt. and
Mrs. Dowding, Mr. and Mrs. Itry-
done, Mr,• and Mrs D. F. lVfaepher-
son ; to St. Catharines -Mrs. John
Shipley ; to Niagara Valls and Grim-
sby -Mr. A. Hooper and Master
Olin '; to Buffalo-1V1Tss ,Biggart ; to
the Falls -Mr. D. Dickenson, Mr.
Fred. Hay and sister, Mr. I, Jack-
son and Miss Jackson • ,
Among the members of the Woodmen
of the World from Winghain who at-
tended the me/ening cereanony On
Sunday were Peter Tansley and
IX. Crowther, both of whom re
well known tem.. 2.`he former is he
• telephone expert. He keeps he
'phones in order and is such a
cheerful fellow that his visits are
alereys alppricetaitedk Mr. Cgowt ier
Was for several months a rcsic nt
of Clinton, but is now carryin on
a large men's furnishing business in
Rev. A. Glazier sif Cape Croke has
been the guest off the Andrews and
Glazier families the past week lafid
yesterday performed an intersintercsf.ing
ceiseitioityqat the residence of Mrj. S.
3. Andrews' of which mention is
made elsewhere in these coin rms.
Mr. Glazier ties patrimonial lnots
with that neatness and dies ateh
that . eau only be acquired by •long
expetience, lie has bcetr thirty-five
years in the ministrg .alid at the
meeting of did Ilatniltoir Conferee.
to just closed he was by his own
request placed upon the Superannu-
ation list. For -sever44,yestrs lie has
been engaged in missionary work
altuong the Indians on the Bruce
Pt'iiiiistilat and thoroughly Meier -
stands the nature of tinted aborigin-
es. Mr. Glazier,' has beets negotiat-
ing for the pittance of a Itsidetteo
in Clinton and in the course of a
few weeks expects to take up Inc
obode hero.
June 18th, 1908
1V§eseSeesellesqlssliteliellissele 4...resessweeee.",essereeesssesee
The Biggest
Millinery Bargains
We Have Ever Given Commences
Friday Morning
• sesseNesee","
Trimmed Hats Worth $4, $4,50 to $5 at $2.50
The greatest money saving sale in 1V1,111inery we have ever had starts here on Friday morning.
Every at in the lot is trimmed in the very newest styles and nothing but good materials are used
in the making,
If you haven't bought your hat yet, it will pay you well to come here for we are going to sell
Trimmed Hats that would sell earlier in the season at from $4 to $5 for $2.50, About 50 New Hats
to choose from.
50c to $1 Sailors at 25c
3 dozen sailors made of fine and course straw in newest shapes and
colorti, these are odd lines that sold at from 50c to $1 each, all 25
to clear at one price . •
35c to 50c Tamsand Caps at 19c
Children's cloth Oaps and Tams in assorted colors, odd lines. that .
sold at 35c to 50c, to clear at .
Flowers, Half Price
Commencing Friday morning we will place on sale any Flower in
in tne store at exactly HALF'PRICE. Every flower is new this season, no
• Old stock to choose from
Three Whitevvear Bargains
50c White Skirts at 38e
. Skirts ot fine white cotton, wide flounce, taped waist, regular 50e 0 0
fo 4,00 ... • • . • .• •• OUU
75c White Skirts at 45c ••
$1.25 and $1.50 Skirts and gowns at $1
Madee:feix.ctrpar innse gtgriand
ilacetabroldery..ete., I
itil lrce.0
A Big Lace Curtain. Bargain
l• . . On Friday morning we will .place on sale about 2
dozen pairs of lace curtains at about Half Price. These
are curtains that have been used as samples and some of
them are soiled. . .
75c and 85e Curtains for 50c - . • ' '
75c and $1 Corsets for 59c
Odd lines of Corsets; made of good quality of sateen and Jean in
assorted sizes, all steel filled corsets that sold at 75c and $1. .59
On sale commencing Friday at
Paper Patterns worth up to 30c for Sc
Commencing Friday morning we will plass on eale any paper pat- .0 8
tern in the store, at........... . .... . ..... ........; ... .....
These are all new patterns,
50c White Table Linen at 35c
50 yards of 56 inch wide full bleached table linen,extra heavy qual- .35
•ity that will give good wear, regular value 50e, On Sale at...
Remnants At Bargain Prices
Several hundred remnants of Prints, TOvelings, Flannelettes, Lin-
ings, Dressgoods, etc. go on sale Friday morning at greatly
reduced prices. , • ,
Dress ,Muslins and Ginghanis at 15c, regular
20c and 25c
• 200 yards of the very newest designs in Dress Muelins and Ging-
. .... .... I
hams, all are warranted fast colors, the regular,price of these
goods is 20c and 25c On sale at per yard.15
Black Cotton Hose worth 20c at 15c
81 and 81.25 Curtains for 75c
• $1.75 Curtains for $1
$2.25 .thirtains for $1.25, .
Commencing Friday morning we will place on sale several dozen •
ware of Black Cotton Hose (Heriesdorf Dye) these are'vviirran-
ted fast black, ancl'are wellworth 20c. Our special at par pair. I U
White •••Lawn•Shirtvvaists
at 85c$1, 1,25, 1.50; 2.00,2.50. and $3,00
At these prices we are showing by far the finest assertment of Shirt,
waists we have ever had. They are all made of very fine India Lawn and
come in the very newest designs. Every waist in the store we go al
to fit perfectly. Nearly every one bf our waistilliaVe thenew self stuck
collars nicely hernstitched. •
, • 111E YOU W AAT 'OD '
Mrs. (Rev.) Thos. Mason of 4,lie Mun-
sty. Indian Reserve- spent a :few
days at Mr.. Janes Stevens' last
week •while- Mr. Mason wet .attend-
ing COnferceee •at Wingliam. 'When.
a young man Mr. Mason was un -
several years. private secretary of
' the ..late Hon. John Bright, the
great trihune,' and the lady whoaf-
terwaxels. became his wife - was a
London city missionary- Snortly
alter their marriage they came to
Canada. and Mr. .Masonentered the
New Connection • ministry and has
ever :since continued its the active
work, for the past six years as
missionary in the ,Muncey Indian
Reserve. Twenty-six years ago he
Was stationed in Colborne township.
- A couple of . years ago he . decided
upon,' applying for .superannuation
and purchased a cottage in Goderieh
but yielding to the repeated solici-
tation of relatives in Scotlandthey
have decided to spend tlre, impaieder
of their 'days in that/ ..conatry for
whichthdy leave "carlynn July. Mr.
Masoli has. -not much hope' of mak-
ing a good citizen of the Indian
• upon •'•whom Christianity, nativith-
standieg the persistent labors of the
missionaries, has not made a very
deep iiripression. •
Mr,. Harry BeeCore was in •Seafofth on
Tuesday. • . .
Miss- Fisher of Denver, Colorado, . is
• the guest of .1kIrs. Taylor of Kirk
Street. k
Mr. John Mole of Atsburn swai, iru town
Tuesday , and went through to f
forth to visit his son Ed: • "
Mr Mayne Daly Hamilton, sots , of
Dr. Hamilton of town, is in Nova
Scotia establishing branches for the
Bank of Commerce.
Next iStinday %en]. be Children's Day.
n the Tuckeesmith efratil. Suitable
muste IC being prePared aud Isereions
appropriate by the pastor. . • .
ECULX,ETT toviNsBar.,
Mr Toliia gins ref near Harleek lost
three. hems. a kw days ago. • The
.yeterieary could nidy surinise as ,to
the ause ;of their death, ' •
Jim Dumps' youngWife while yet
alrlde , • '
Softie bieceitsmade with greatest pride.
: Jim looked with fearupon the food,
But toa bride one can't be rude.
"Let'is eat ' Force ' first; dear o 'tis my
It saved the life of " Sunny pm"
The ItcadistesServe Cereal
when in doubt,
eat it.
MI Heunn,v 41ms". Now.
"in our household 'Pore& is AS fre.
Millar and Welcome as 'Bunny *Tim,' and
there sayings good deal, for we are all
'Gunny Anus' now.
T ,
• .. „9 9
Sale Continued
We sold a lot of Hats last Saturday but not
nearly as many as we would have had it not
been such a wet day. We will continue this
great sale of Men's and Boy's Hats on Saturday
next The reason for these remarkably low
prices can he summed up in three words.
We would like to get the stock cleared out
entirely before new fall hats arrive, and to get
it down as low as possible, quote prices like
these for next Saturday,
.Men's and boys' hats,hard and soft felts,also Many lines •
of straws, broken lots and odd sizes of lines that sold
at $1,00 to $1.60. Every size in the lot but not
every size of any onekind. Clearing these Out on Sat-
• 49
urday at your choice for, .... ;.: .... ..„, • r
AT 99c
Men's and boys' hard and soft felt hate, good shapes,
• blacks and Color styles that are popular this season,
but we do not want to carry odd ones over,. so heve
gathered together these that are left from lines that
sold at $1.75 to $225 and yon can take your Choice nn fie
Saturday each 6 4 4 41' 110 0
AT $1.50
Men's and boy& extra quality felt hatc.eholee styles and
shapes in good fur felts,odd lines and broken lots that
are left from lines that sold at $2.50 to $3, choice of
this lot oti Saturday each, ....... .. ........ I LIU
ifyou want a hat now, if you want one
during the next six months, do not let this
charm go by, for better hats have never been
sold in Clinton,