HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-18, Page 64 C ..:.-.44 9 I F �, _______.__ I ------- . , , ,. . � I I - - ­ -_ MODESTY OV TU4 GREAT. duced, and, a large quantity of seed does not Improve the temper, the . I � I I � .1.11 I 1. qw-auzq I __ WORLD'S SEED 'GARDENS.; obtained per acre at a minialum. parties concerned have mado a mis- , I Some Regard.od Themselvea As __110 cost. 11MUCT" take. Had they been suited to each Irive o0clock tefts and 800alsl functions "Ordinary PeroQua. 21 T,QCATED %X VUANCE, GEU- It would be unreasonable to ex. . I . otbor their tempers would undoubt- a , onr sort ore Incomplete without -4 MANY AND ENGLAND. pect our farmers to grow root crop odly have been Improved , and that ": " . I In "Stuilles in Contempoi ry BI- J&XDVCZ9 Is the crux of the whole question -it 0 , . , - seeds for the Canadian trade and . pgraphy" which James Bryce has WIAY,Qur Root Crop Seeds 3Fre- compote in the mattcr Of price with a couple are suited to each other, . . tuat published, there occur two stor- � the seeds produced by the above EXIMNSro their tempers. will improve after .1 I . . les which have caused some, of the quorttly Vail to, produce $At, methods in countries where labor is SO" marriage,--Pearson's Weekly. B,'Iue R*bb; n gritico to express A. . isfactor3r Crops. I � ,qtonishmelit - at so cheap, and climatic conditions so 15 Goo %W&rd will. be paid by �, � 6-1 . I , X *he "mod -sty of the great." The I ptories are these; . Every careful stockman recognizes favorable. Until the consumers of I . Levvp Brothers I I'Meeting Mr. Gladstone in the the fact that flush pasture is the these seeds learn that it pays to use 0mited, Toronto, to any person who 13UNCI-I 03p �p-UGRI$XS. . lobby, and seeing his face saddened ideal feed for keepifig 411 classes of only seed that is taken from selected ,,an prove that thiS AQAP contains . Itit Ceylan. -Te , . � . . live stock in a Ilearty thriving con- and transplanted roots, grown In a liny f6rm of aclulteration whatsoever, . Charity uncovers, a, mu ude of 1by t lie troubles 14 Ireland, Mr. of this climate similar to that where the or Contains any Injurious chemicals, sinners. Dryce tried to divert his thoug, . lits dition, but In -most parts I Some men Impress us . AS being too By giving vour guests the best rou by mentioning. a. recent diSCOVOX`�, - country it is necessary to provide seed i's wanted for use, 1he quan- Ask for the 06"go" nar, 01j; good to be tive. - fliattaIr thomm and aafe commonde4- for , to wit: that, Dante had been saved largeL stores of succulent feed for the tity of home-grown stock offered in _____ - _�_ * I tf. A frieze on the Wall is worth two , I - I . . from. Want in his last years by a lec- long winter months when pastures the trade will be extremely limited. .1 I ­ -_ -, I colds !a the head. . . your . oWn L good, taste. . I &ureship At Ravenna, 'Mr. Glad- are not avallable. The .various It therefore appears that growers of . Exp�emp�� : A man of mettle mu I . - d rAtei. I . �st be one who : . 13111,011C. Mixed.. Ceylon Grabaf . Ask ter Re . . otone,s face lit tip at once, And he sorts of roots,'\ go a long way to- root crops will find it to their + Ail- CAREFUL, . . has plenty of brass. � . I . 0 1. % 4-1* - , maid: ,How strange It is to think ward Supplying A cheap and s4tisfac- vantage to purchase only seeds from When aerial navigation comes wepll ; . NICMTV, CXNT8_&U0VLD ism r1rTy I � . . I ihat these great souls, whoso works tory substitute for grass, and in extra selected stocks, no matter 3 0SE T be all up in the air about it. L -11 . I 1.1- I _ ; I . W . � I ... I . .. , CONGEN-TRATION Tlib lon*9er you lieep. a. secret - the ­g� _-m- -----Vm-- . . . , � I Ure a beacon light to all the gener- consesquence L Many, million bushels what the price may be, ok better , � . - ­ I � ­ I ations that have.come after thein ­aro grown a I still, grow their own sted from t1i.e On Your Work With the, less importi I __1 - "I I __­­_­ I _4 I L mivally. Large quan- 11 ant it seems to tell it. �156 ­Vb' - _.... '_ 11 I . I . I L. - . 11 &,hould have had, cares a,nd anxieties tities of sved of ,turnips, Swedes, best and most typical roots raised Now I realize that riches take IF . � OHIO colrespomence 001110C I , Government rests I L em in their daily life, just maugels and carrots are used each. on their own farms. I unto. themselves wings," mp,sed the I . .."L I I . will eveAttlelly IaRNA619 YOUR INCOME , b&Ve proven tJI%t So par cant of all the vaspra J yed fruits ' like the rest of us (101111111011 mor- year 'on Canadian farms, b h pr of Agriculture, Ot- TI VY Yo AMBITION. married man as he noticed the pluan. Merl�etqfI at top. L pri L "a if spraye h %; � ,tals.' crops produced. are frequently dis- tawA. . W11ANOrProeHooklat� AgentsWanted age on ,his wife's hat, � Waste might be d Vt*'"'to -The words reminded me," adds appointing. As A, rule our farmers I .1 4 - Canadian Correspondence Coll . ego, " . . . * I the author, "that a few days before have hitherto been entirely In the Llratted, . ._____+___ S PRAMOTOR-�.. I � J had heard Mr. Darwin, in dWelling THE ,AVERAGE BABY. 4"SKIng Wast, ToPONTO, ONT. dark regarding tho sources of Supply . - .. M"MFArAT9?0H0MV= - -tenths of the 14bor can be saved where mueh whitewaWalf apon the pleasure a visit paid by of such seeds, and the methods of . I __ - - - _1 I I ,�-_-_��- - . Muo I - Mr. Gladstone had given him, say: -- - GOLLINGWOOD B orl I , We Walat you tP Im.,ow W - growing them; Th: seed division of The, avoinge baby is A good bab3 clatinfi a necessar ult While ordinary sprayers f14. 4T 6 Q I ,�, � I h ,And lie talked just as if he had the Dominion Departin.eat of Agri- -cheerful. smiling and bright. When Ino orawl __ -, I, . i I.. . . �ccn an ordinary person like one of, MATRIMONY ARD TEMPER . WI ,ing of ,a Sprayer Is the matter of a 3nomen't, yet a mlstak(l 16 & �OWY CxPerI6WQ- -culture has been .investigating these ap I" crosi'and fretful it jw because we W a to Row I . . . TH THE - REST d =1 purselves.' The two men were afike questions, and is able to Offer SUg- 26 I$, unwell And he is taking ' the. . - � . I . it fmass the low of your Labor and chawleAOud affects your 8 roilts, 0 - �Inconscious of their greatness.'.' gestions that, cannot fall to, be of )nly *means he has .to let everybody DOES . MARRIAGE MAKE RgO- I - . . u a . . It is Only the little who think value to growers .of rool,cropg, Ac- ,now he does. ot feel right. When PLE 1115;TTIER I ATU ,ED ? ItruMARICARLE CUR 0 1 ' It � n 'T E , 7 A CIT , avoid . I . ,P thempelves. great. They are like I cording to 'Chief Q. H. .Clark, of aaby is cross, � restless and sleepless - . ZEN BY XODD'S K1DN9Y I those who do not know much, an � d, thn 8eed Division, a few farmers- in lon't dose him with ,,soothing" A Few Arguments . to Prove That . . .. . t'herefore, imagine that there is not . ... . PIL10S. .. . ' tn;ich to know, The great do- not Canada iiiake a Specialty of growing ituffs which c.lways contain poisons. .It Does -Exceptions to .. � . � I . think theinselves so, just as thelroot crop seed, but practically the Baby's Own Tablets are what is Every Ritle, . - I � .. . .. 11 . I , wliole amount of such seed offered needed to put the little . ono'right. � . . . Valentine. FisherPq Terrible Scia. � . . learned are overwhelmed by their in the trade ii ii I npor I ted from Eu- Uive a cross baby an occasional That matrimony exercises a 'very tic Pains, Speedily'Vanished Bo. .. ignorance. In tile sanw way, it is ' . I not tbo socially important who are rope and is grown in rirance, G&- 11ablet and gee how quickly he will distinct influence on the temper of fore the idney Rernedy. ' . - . .. ageeted and impertinent, but the many and Eng land, A favorable be transforined into a: bKight, sinil men and women. iliere can be no I . . . climate and cheap . labor have made Ing, cooing, happy child. He will doubt, but whethei the.influeuce is . Collingwood, May 25. -,(Special)" � . I I �Wimjjortant. . I and the mother will for good oz, ev.11 is another matter * Emery city, town �Lad Village in . .11 . I .. . 0. '. .1 these countries tbe:seed gardens of Bleep at. night, . , � I . the world. A few. notes on the way got her pest too. You have 0 still, taking- one thing with. another Canada .is reporting remarkable I I . . . .. . � I Jn which seeds are grown there will guarantee that 13aby's'Own Tablets it almost seems as if marriage ought curps,by Dodd's Kidnejr Pills and .. I . . Ralmisay's ImAnts arefer beauty, . I . I GOOD HEALTME. help to 'explain why' farmers often pontain not.one particle of opiate or to have a, good effect, for it carries Collingwood is not behindAhe rest, . . . .1 - , and. 4 cyour It Can Be Obtained and Uqw fai I to get roots showing go [,'%'rmf.I drug. 1. .11 the minor ail- with it so many benefits that the in- -There are scores of people here who ' tectloa . u7abiM3r--made . I and uniform ex elle I inents from birth up to tem or tWelve dividual must-orI at any rate should have used the great Kidney Remed . .. p= _ I I . c nee � fro the best 6il, Wirwwatiue. =34d It Can Be Preserved. - , - - . ; .1 . I . calls there is nothing to equal .the �be improved. I I . . and who are not slow to tell of thq I I '. . . . L, � . . . 11 . . ALL OVER A FITMD. y "E - . I ts. � . . . . I . '0ablets. Mrs. W.'B. Anderson, Gou-� . For one . thing,. marriage has .a splendid results. Valentino Fisher: The health of the whole body do-� ' - I - L well known in the town I and sur', I i * .. pends upon the blood and nerves, . "My -litti , - . e is Just A& and%an - Turnips, Swedes, .mangels and car lais River, Ont., says *. Q soothing effect ;. there s a Some OF I G H , I that is I.oy- was very cross and frctful and thing about matrimony which cannot rounding country, is one of them. . . 'I P 6 I : must be rich and.pure, rots .-are all biennal p1tint@, I � . k7 The blood store tip nourishment ,in the tic 'ot no rest with him until we be explained, but which brings A ­Iwas troubled with Kidney Dis, PAI NT 11 g Lk hwe-thew � and the nerves vigorous and strong. th(1Y � 9 I on cault . to- . Therefore a medicine that rnakeit new root during the whole of the first. ,egan using Baby's* Own Tablets. fedling of peace and contentment in ease for thirteen years," Mr. Fisher ,� I - get ;;;;r pain' . blood and strengthens the nerves year and use that'storq of food for Aince then baby rests ,wcll and he is most cases, althougli not in all. says in telling of We ,cure, "It do- ... . . . . many serious , ' . ' voloped into Sciatica which locateck . . I reaches the root of the production'� 'of,seed during -the ..ov-� a fat, healthy boy." ' - . There are 6xceptipris,to tz�ver3i rule. , To . Wrfte I*. moublorning tki .. A41 VNVII set" 41 , I . . . . . � diseases. Dr. Williams' pink' Pills Second and final. year of. theii'life, .: You can get the �Tablotq ir6in any ' Taking the woman's'point. of view in my side s6 that I could not walk * .. bookc t showle't havi some = 'hoesties we row"a � . will do.this, and this 14 the secret Most df our doiu�sticixted - plants t-ruggist, or they will. be sent by for b. moment,.* we can'easily see how* Without. .a. cane, 1. had to u,se hyp- pAINT . with our painti.. . � . '. , .. ' of their worrderful power -to conquer b.ave been evolved .� frow ,%�ild types riail'at Z cents. a box by. writing. her temper may,.be improved by odermic Injections'of m6rphiline'. to A I 6"T A. RAMAT & SON. P41"t WAkeeng - - 06WRAU6 . ' I . � . . I disease. Thousands of eases -many, through long'years' of selection, cul- i irect to tho Dr lyillia� ins�' Medicini, m4trimonY., When slic niarri6s she, .ease the ..pain. . . . . .1 .. . . .. X801. XW . . : . . � ., . 1. . . . . � . I of them in your own neighborhood.- . tivation And cross4ertillzatlon.* The� '()., rrockvillo, ,6.nt. . . 'has, ,we may. assume, Attained .the � '.J,tried different, niedic�Ll men and . . I . I . . . . . . . � I � . � I ­ � . I I . ambition -of her life ; she has got a medicines with no godd -results. till I . . . V have proved that Dr. Williams' Pink original wild types wero usually AV � . .----:+ _.. +. "" . 1. .. . 1 4 . .. Pills will cure rheumatism, Sciatica, .. ' nuals, producing seed the first -d�ar, � - . � , VION . husband - and a home I ,of her. own ` W;ts p&saaded to try Dodd's .Kid.- . I '"Mm � I . I � � COXPULSPR.Y ARB.ITRW I , . .11 ney. Pills. Threc. boxes'-6ffectod'' a ( � I . . I . 1. . partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, and there N a-tLudency among All, . � � . she looks forward to a happy life; in . I .. . I I I I I . facf,'the futu*ee is as bright as future perfect - cure, I . can recomniend . . I . � . 1. �.. . I . . . . � � I I . I . nervous and bilious headAche, heart ,improved plants to revert rapidly to Ne Zealand' Plan Is Not Work. I I . I . . 14-26 � trouble, indigestion, neuralgia and� the old unimproved types, whenever . . ing Satisfactory, I .. . I well could,,look. This - is bound.* - to I a Kidney Pills to all who Are . . . . . I . . I . . I the hat careful At- . I . . I tell. r . . =Ing from Rhounia:tishi or. - any . . I - - . . . .. I . r the lives of ,�i.'aro deprived of t . � . . erhdps Wore marriage Shp I � . ,-- - . the ailments that rende I , - . so many women a source of misery. tention'to. selectiOn. and cultivation New Zealand'has been referred ,to was, inclined to peavishn(1,9s ; she Other form of Kidney Disease." I I �.� . WrIENILLE CURTAINS - 1. . I I �. . . I .. . I . . � . Hr. Jas. Adaines, Brandon, Man Which'haS brought, �them up tb theil* as the most advanced Government might even have bad graye. doubts . � . . ___+ . . . .. , I � �, I I � . . and all kindo of houee HangEogs, also . . . . -0. . . 7, I . DYED & CLEANKII . . . I - old-ap peti- about .ever being a wife. ; she.might . . 11 I MAINS I says :-"Befure I began the use of pre*entlilgh standing. . 7 . in the world. With its, . The.danjors of sweeping may . be � I �_Irll . . 1101 OU LIKE N . . . I . . _�6 ... : � . - Ew. � I � I . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills my ,health '� Canadian farmers have not fully sions, compulsory ,arbitration, and bfive it discont�nted fam0y-cIrcl6-. to .ju,.dg(,d* ' by the. fact that i , n a .school- ' . IK-, � I . . I I write to us about youm' . ' ' . .. I � . . I was much $battered w! . th, rhoUniat-. recogniz . ed -that - - the :-value .*of root other legislation of sobialistic.'tinge deal with,'and so on, . I . room Where the air contained 600 1 . ; 1, - � I. BRITISH AlfikRICAN -DYEING 0%, Box 153, Maniroall .. .. . � . . I . depr . ession and,'Sl6epw' 'p .Is ,far from depending on, it hag seemed.to promise ,the f41611- - Tlies� things' are -all -brushed away.. bacteria , to-Ahe pUblip yixrd.before ,.. . 1. I � . . I � .1-44 . . . .. I ' . . . � . ism, nervous cro seed I . . ... , _ , . .. . . ' 0 -ies. ­,swoep-ing, after this 'op6ration. there ., � I . .- , - . . 1 ____ I . . .. '. . . . . ­ .. . iessness. Fo I rarely their vitality alone, .It is. even more .ment of Utopian..dr6ams, a paradise N71i a she,mari She cntpr� a con . . , ,. . r fully - a yeai * ' . . Were 18,000 in the same place,, .. . - _._­.� . ., . . ' ' got a good night's sleep. I. gave -the important tiiat'. thev be talceii from . -lie capitalist. and the laborer dition.'whi6h. enables .he�r- to see a � . .. -_ . .. I I I here� � - . . . . . �. ." � I � . . I .. -,- - - - I I � .. L I � - . I � I 'nary :' ., . I , Goonr d? � I .. pills a thorough trial and can now qar.efully gro elected -stocks,, "tile Ron. And'' , the tiger�iiiight� lie rosoat.o - hue . the most ordi � I I. 11 I I . � . - � L I ... . . . . � . . . I . . . truthfully say I could � se om. see . 1. I . - I . . Is V - - sio RIUBBER-`COODIS .. � . wn and -4 on . .. . '�for We " Ad , a field .'of' oots . -that � dowfi together. But rumors ` -that things of ]W,1. and where happiness 11 ) ; - I - . I . not'wish � 1. , * How's Th .. .. . '111NIN . __;� . I . . . I I . . .. . . I vall. � If , - . 1. I . .. I �.� . . - � . rue 0 - ype I P -y, whs .-not prevails, or ought to pre � .. I I . . . . .1 better iiiialth." - . are uniformly' ,t ' '. t* ., t - and free coni tilsoi arbitration* . . . * ' , . .. . d . 48*0 - t I I � Latest ,Novelfi6s" 0.11 .Styles. - . I . I , . What Dr, Williams' Pink-.Piliih vtli of -tolo ltd,ge working - as .well, us might be'wislied this ,does not, .Imprdve hor tomper, .We offei Ono Mun4i%od Dollars Rewar . T.�EAT 0 \ -1 . ' I . Mve from abnormal groi . .. I I I . for.aliy pass 6f Uatarrli that cann9t be � .Correspondence invited. En- . .� . I - I ­ . . done for. others they will surely. do, necks -and" ill shap d. 1#6n roots., are borne out: to. some extent by . a even .supposing ctired by'kiall's "Itarrh 'Uurg. . a ur� . . I A to 'have b'e X 11 I . . . I.. 0 gY � , . .. e 11 I ­ . . . Close 2c stamp for 6rcular. - ' . a.. I ­ . . . . I ror 3�ou, but you should -be careful This undesikablo. state of affairs As recout article in the .Londo� Ti - 'Y & I � . I . I . . � . mes, -good eiiWigh'beforej%nothing can. F. J. ClION14, - :Co., Toledo, 0. . .1. I., . . I 11 I . , . . I I . . Most of' I the. arbitration Awn -, * Then take. the I : -of view. ' Wel the undersigned, 'have known V. . I . .. .. .101V.. .. ME UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO.j . . to get the genuine, with th6 fall 'large! -due,to the Sowing. of �.Seeds ,rds . ap mam's point .. I 'hency tot, the :'last It years, and . . . L . . . . 'y J C .. 1; L . I. '. . name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -for taken : from stoc*ks : of ., � 'similar pcar� to . have Javored the- employe.. FWAS, after fiiatriage� well--.iitt ndeo, b�liovo,-hftb perfectly hono�ablo in -all . . . � I . V. 0. Box 1142, -Xontreal.,, I I . L I .- � I . I . .e - . ... . 0 i J ; Plale People," on the wrapper rCu-hd . quali . ty . and character. * .,. The' result. , has be�n a g'dneral * in- to- ; 'lie hag 'love waiting on hini at busi was transactions - and financially : . . � 1. I I 0 . . ­ - 'J�'67 ' L ' - . . . . I . I . . 'J"kh I ...: .. L. . I . . . . L . L. box. Sold by all -medicine: ' U& I -y' 4 , , . . ' -, .. fL' So . go . , Out Lany *Obllga��onj .. made Put a variety into Sumrner� livin .NQ�Url+ -_ . I . . . . ?ach 'fte '.best-, q i. t 0 .. seed is -pi-o� crease in'. wages - so ar�,- od ; -all. times ; " his slippers ar�L- by- .the able to carry . . � . . . - ___._ ' I I ­ cqso � '.o.f - wages . . .. I I '. . . . WLIsfil &THIJAX,.Wholesalp Druggists. . it's not the timeof year Lto live near . . . I . . . &L . Libby's .. ' in K . . dealers or sent -by mail at 50d.. per duced JrCM k - I d transplant- 'IJuf - the incr ' hns fire, L . ' . ND.L COSY, L... by thoir firm. � . the kitch 00"UPTURE iss 'L ' - I I . I 2450, by writ- 1: � j`,'Obldoted an brought- an increase ,in the.cpst of . . X'd , �� , Toledo -0. WALDING- KINNAN en range. I �m INS I box or six boxes for $� .-oots. '�8�ed.'L of turnips . and . . . L I E -A . I . - 0 .. . ' . : . I .. . I . i . I . . .. L . ed I 'L� - I . . .. � I . . . MARV1N, )�hojesale.Vxluggists,.T, ledo, .. Veal L6af - Potted Ttirk* . . . lag to the Dr. Williams, iieai�inP* Swedes LIS: "- , , , living. . . I . . ­ 1. I .1 � .. ey. C OXIT make yourself worse by wearing. 91 - � . L. I . . . -,.prqjauc�cd in quantity' . in ,thL' -when he comes home, tired - of 'ail o, � L . .. . 1. I I I '' ' ' - I ffallls,'Catarrh ­Uute . I spring tru'sa. YOU CAN'T hope to ;et WOU . .. I '. . Do... Brockville. Ont. . . . . � this niann&.-.An the North at S:cot�. Hit4efto'. . : owing to e geneiI.al evening ; A- change oi clothes awaits � ally, b,cting .' I Is taken. Inter-. 060ed- "am ­ . .1, . wT.t.r . . . .. . . n diredtly. upon. the blood iindersucli conditions. We have nk , - : . . :. .. ,. like � . a . - ,tso, w�rk,.w kink ,,Ir sleep ug. . . 4 - - - . e, and to th . Le' . . I - 6em'6 .. to� .ri.i. I olne and, , _I � . 0 - his( .mdny otlier little .wants ,are ITestimonials sent free. Price 7 c. ' per� Q41clilly Made Ready to'Serve. . . I r.., . . A33 spa... .. . , . . . - .. . . that "of - Caligda�.' �ig such that ro.ot .. ur x _� at " C . . 0 1 L . I . land. Th .'�Hmate� of.Sicotland, ' prosperity 'of 'a country splendidly him. if he. -comes home soak6d, and, Ox Tongue, ., . - Etc. . . endowed by nat . .. and mucous surfaces of ' the 5 sy tem. . . I ait It ,_ , r. . ir . cellent. prices . obtainable for I . . . . I . !bottle, 13oid by'-alL druggists. - I . . - . . . .. . . . . I . . . . . . 1. kiall's . Family .Pills are th ' Send to-d4y for the little booklet, .. % . .. I . . TESS-LIKI�,YRUSSIA. bnl3�, be successfully a best. - �. or,.t. . BUSIN L crop seeds.can 'manufactures, the Prc`�' looked -After; . � . d �. IiI I yh,..,] aT . . '"Is have learned *in -the past Jew, produced by harvesting the roofs be- ducts And. ' * -employ- . %Now, a man.living with big 'mother . . . I - - ... . � .. "LHow to Make 0�2 ' Cod Things- to. . .:'- , .. 2�_41 . L � - .. I . years to regard Minister de Witte " 61 fore . winter and 'tr�ansplantinjj them ers in the colony.. have remained con' and sisters may be well, enough at- . . . ... . . . . . ; Oat I � full of ideas on quick, deli- . - . I . I I .�. I - L . in the last financial yeivr 62,523 1 . I . __+F . . .- . I " I . I . I . � I I . � . . . the Seed - of .these crops, which howeVe -y to. the do- tai . I - , . : Russik as one of the greatest finan- I the f6llo'wind. spring. L The .- bu lk. .of- tentedly .. quiescbnt. . There . must, tended th, y'et there is .always A cer- ' CiZ lunch iserving. Libby?s Atlas L . L . . . . . 4. L . is . .r; be some finalit . A, lack of interest ;L but it does estates changed -hands In'13ritain of the''World . mailed free for. .. . .. . . L cial administrators in the. -world, , . is mands of.ldbor and -the' position is . I . ' L.Their A�vorage value I.. , ORANGE$ LL ' LERMLONS. ' . . . - through ,death . I IVI . I A Yet every book on Russia-giVes. fresh iinported�for. the Canadian trade, . ­ I I not do for a wife'to rbe uninterested . two -cent stamps. . �. .. . . I I .. �.. . I. . . . , L . , I .. 'L L I , L . - . evidence of mismanagement on tile gi�pwrf in France �Ancl the South or now being seriousl� discu9sed b . �4,282_ . �. .. . � I I . . . y . the .1 ,wliere'.Her hus!ian&s welfare is, con- was & I . . . I I .. ., . . [Libfi*­ Wehave Mexicans, WE ' ' I . 1. , ,: . . I.: . r.:, . . L . . , I I ­ !re tlie.climate is 'I, ernpio3reis in the ' . I . . . .,� .- . .. . y . e M L! ')YL' . . . . I de- England wfic . sue varioi;s cominord happiness, her futikre- L . I '. 11.11 . ­­ . . . 1i WN 11 L ..... 4 California Navels' . I , , . HAVE I . I .. part of the aovetnment in the I , , . o I , . * I .. ). . . .. 'L depends- health U641 -240: I N 'Cowl. - . . . . .1 ., . ... I . 1 � � .. . tails of business. Mr, Wirt. Ger- that the roots * ma .reniaiii 'un)iar- centers., Elaploy6s ' have generally everything ,: on his . I . Chicago V. S. X' '. . , V4Wncias,'aiid . I . . THE I . I . . y I .3 L=1 W --- I . _J sevilles. . . I . L . . . .. rare's "Greater Russia; tile Conti- v6sted through the -winter afid *.pro- been satisfied with'the a�vards. The lbeing. well looked after., All this , a I I I . , . . . I . . . I . I - - . nental Empire of th World," Bill- duc6 seed th � I ar'. Some' incr I ea L 6ecl .L 9st of - living, I however, is. i's � I . . . . I � - .,... .. ..w.� ._1 . . . . _. - , ­ ____ .. . . �BEST I .. . . . .. . . � � . I . e . e. following. ye in jeading. to c 'demands � for stili hijhq I r lid$ to s6ften his �'tcmper_. whidh � I 'Inpe'ro-'r �ha . .... ... I . The xecor I 313 TV.&,XTALSOI. .. - . . . . . .� . trates the Russian way Of doing of the -more r6liable seed growers ' I - benefits hi's health,' and his, -temper' The German- ' F, ,, - d . fox, spbed in railway - ' .A6 . . S irwre I .. . . I . 11 , L 11. . I . . - . .. ., his einpl�� than 'any coinstruction ' has been ach4evbd on 'Carload eVeryL week. All, the abo*ve at I ... ... . .. � . .. (- s. -At tho present ra:teL't ay benefits! again.., .Servants . it . . * L ' as. Wecan als e . . - 1. I . things by this'accoli.at-of the .Post- these,countrics exdrcis, a great deal wake ­ . . the Baludhistali'llailwayi. which was market. pric' a handl 'y9u"!71 . . 1. office scrvice: . . . of care iii.. the production of their soon be cheaper - to inifio�'t Articles.. ,� Moreover, there is, a pleasant, com- otAler :monarch. Altogether th�y . I � . � L . . At the chief postoffices in St.. Pet- . . . su. OM their. than. to manufacture . them,, and . - I a , fort�ablo . I � - out. two- vuslie'd Across a treeless pladi''at, 31 1butter ,Eggi§, ftult0y, * I. . . . . stocks. "They ,pp�� seed - fr - I . . I feeling. engendered by the nllml)C�r over 3,000, .at � . . .0 � . . _... . . . ... * . .. I � . I . . . ' ... . .. . ' �hilll I .:-. . . . I . 1. -9wn scrIcAe'd., , far- present question is whethe . -.:iiot to th ' L , he of tligm being wop�vn. . � miles a (lay.. L I . . L . I � orsburg and in. Moscow there is only .stocks to small r'oi L knowledge at you I)OSsess- a me d,s I ­­L� � maplii syrup and-other.-producei io a'dvat' .". . . , in ,;_, L . " , , , L . . .. duties So as L to. ' . 6 I I . .. .. . :, . , , � I . '. ­___ . - - - - - ' : . .L ' - . . . age for you. - : " .. . . . 1. I.. I I ' �Of L "I of your : . �� one clerk selling stairips He clos�s ors -� w io . gilow quantities, seed ' 6-eago. thd im:port . . . . . . 1 own- You look around- I - . I . . :. . . . t . I . t . ' ' 'L S L 07VER I.. - , L . . .. . . I . I �. 1. . . . L : . . . . e ' can L .. . . . keep, tip. home manufactures. Thil 'that 'is your piano, your sideboard ,D;I13AI` E XCUJI,STO'N� TO Drul . I . ... . HE 0'AWSON.06MM18610H CO.i.l.imited ' I . his office At two o'cloci. I -I,' . for iliieid�un.dek c0htrixt.� L . ' I . . . , . , I'!"... E .1 . I . . .... . .. . I . . r .-F . .. 'I'. - I 'L L. �' , L could hardly be more- than � . � ­ I . . . . I ..� . not reckon change without a count ' your:thi$, that or�thp other, thing ;' the. .Wabac'h' Will -sell rouAd trip.. . .. . .... � . . I Cor. West Mariceit Sti. T006NTO.' - - - . � . ; I I . ;, . . .1 L L : . I ITY I , . �. . .. L . . . .. - .. ,d. . I . THE' . 'BE'St' QUAL . 01J SEED � WID 'L . . . L . . . . I .. ing boai . . . I I :._ . . .11 . . - �L A TEMPORARY, EXPE , NT. ' and .- there comes .a nice. glow . 'Of tickets,, to Denver, -Coloradi) - SprifigS ; bear, SL r I . . 'lu . 45. , . . There are about half. a dozen. offered, in %the 'Canadian. -trade - is �L . I . ,I , ., , . .: . I 1. 1. ' ' irii,-Within the past- Year, 1. . .. 1, . I .. . . .. . L J)Jeas6re. You -may. light Your pjp� or rucblo� Col., At less than. the One, .. �. .. . I ., L . . .. . . . .. L . � . , .!,: * branch oftices in thi�tse capitals, - but grown��.'.in this ,way, There is, how- The: TiniWacorrespoxident concludes � . .. . .1 .khow. of three* fatty tulikors 012 the , ;­ . _� I , , *-, .. _ . a . .. r I - ck ts 6n sA )" , . . . . . -rare as a postal order that,!'It is, probably 0o 6ar'ly to' here, just as you. f)lease lie one Will way,fare. Ti .� , id July 6t) ' i Ili ed b L t) e . . . .. . . . I I stamps are as . , �dverl.evlddnce, to show- that a &eat , omplaln..'Berote :�m-�trriage you-Iiad 7th -and'. Bth,. good. to return . . any', . head having-,beon .4 Ov ly . 1 ­ gaminien, Line Steamships . - . I . I e in an_Aiiieriqan any unbiased, person. L to say whother .0 I . . . . . tio'n of MINARD'S 'LINI- L, in a count,ry' stor . ed of the.56.crops oftt-r- t I , ituffy little parlor, or 1imeLbefore Auguit, 31st"1903.. , 'L , , - . L, . 1. I :'�Montrail to Liverpool. Bodon to Liv'erl . .. . . .1 . . .. � deal oft tile Se .. the industrial legislation - - hi this, 0 SmO CO in a � . . . . . . = without Any - surgical opera-, . pool. Portland to Livorpool. .Vis Queens- .. . . . . . village. . ed in Canada* is of -much . inferior I clso..go'O'ut of doors. to bnjoy your Pwqgengers gol Via Detroit and - - - . 'L I . . 1. At one branch postoffice in Moscow] * .1 * L c kl to achieve Suq'ci?SS Or - ­. --.t . Le tlonialid there is no indication of... a tovrn. - I L . _.... .. ".. . . . , quality.' Th:6 'indreased labor .re- � L I ii- pil)6.. What a, difference' -1 . . I � nunodation I . . I b �s VC ' Aatllrall3i� -via' Chicago ,and L Oinaho. - returw L L .. for all clamobo of pat,senvors. Saloons and Stmtetooms the letter box was full to ovL1i!fIoW-' I I . , whether i,t will , - eventually. reak' aftei-dimic - I ever _ lid great Wabash fine; an go . .. . . .". . I . . . Largo sn4 FR%t Stuamehips. Super!or acco - . , I -rare . L .H' � quired to -grow Seed' from selected down altogether ; but it will -be scen to.'be sure� I" We�j I .. ry return. - . . - . . . . I . s6roanddshiph. Specialattention lins bipeng � ' Ing when Mr. Gei called . e i ' their - . , 1,CaL S'aS *6 ' .C.APT. IV , A. PITT. Zoo to tho , I. . . I ,,t�, .. L . . . And trans�lafited r6ots,- raises this.gives you Satisfaction. and your through n I y- and St.. Louis ' ' Bec9nd Saloon and Third-Cisus accannno Ation. Pori �* . . .. . took his lotters inside, but the clerk I ' price Above . is * that. there L� are not' kvanti�ig,. . both, temper is sweetened. . - . I . I I . . Clifton' X:B . .' Gondola Perry. =fcr .. � . . . � I ti rahge Ot . Am'cilean 1. . . "I)kussage and all particulars, 4pply to,aoy.94�antj . . . , � A to accept. them. . I L among the employers. and aniong the . wittrout extra'- charge. ThISL Will .. � .. . ... pany, or . . . . in charge decline �Or . . . L . . .. . I. . L .. . .r , ,dsaian . . .. - , - s6ed -firms this the see . .. Perhaps. before anarHag6 A man or give passLngers the grand . opportunj ' - . . . 1. . McLards Mills & Co T). To . I . "But the letter box 19 full," I - c Our f'armers - have .workers, those:,. who,- emphatically . . . . .. '. . I � .- .. �, . . . 1Tj1st68t.,g,Ioa. , . rrance &Co.. I I "Find a letter b8x which is' not I not to. blain . � � - without � any' state that it is foredoomed to'fail- woman is very� Impatient � , - eVery- tty,of seeing the World'S.Fair build- . . ... . . . . . . . .. i . . . I . ontreal rAd Porils. . nd,. - - . . . I . � demanded cheap. seeds,.. � . . . thing mu I All Wi�baih . � ., ­ . I - . . I . . 9-60 ' . .. .. I . I S , I . I .time it must bo I St. be rushed through lo�ithj. Ingro at. .St. Louis. . I I . .1 I - t I . full," replied the clerk. I .lure. At the -same .. . . I 4L " I . __... _ . .. ­ ­- . . � I I "That will be difficult." ,.guarantee . ,ds to quality,. -and, 'the admitted that any sudden L breakdown .:.anything to. got-4ofie, But if YOU. trains- stop ut, the Fair Lgroun S. I- - --- -_ . � " I iw= . �. I .se(edsinen have .simply tried .to. meet cL are Vpl'y� impatient the temper stif- ' eas L L. -A. r, ifty painters are,ijsually at L work ,2 i 1'____ I . .. . . "Then wait until one is emptied the, d I einand. A. groat deal, of 7 the of th prcsent.sys�ic.ni. wou Id now ba,ve.1 For full-:paiticulars addr., , � J . 1. I I ... . 41isti . ou . . L I oil t1il, Forth nrld�ge. The area AT YOUR L .1 . � .. I. . ' . 01nan Pichardson, District Passenger , TRE GTH -morrow." , t , L to Serious, If not . dis k results. I fom,. it makes a man or w I root -croli Si , , . I � . .. iey have to. cover, w . I , Xing . I I 4 . This'ph'ase of . , L . . . . ; ith . pain, J. d% . � . �ed used! in Canada is. the question was re- very . . , . &gent, h6rthecist corner ., and, tl - - I 1. SERVICE .- . grown �by Small-,: Irresponsiblo, Eur,or . . . . t.1.2b acres. . I TI'LITY - . I ., � i.cently. very *ell put'by '06 1111wining 1. SHORT AND GRUMPY, I �� Yongre. str6ats,: Toronto. ' - . . abou . I � L . . . . � . .. JJpa:iJL farIndr, .whose Chi6l. Object . . , . laus� Tile strangth and . GOING TOO FAR. - S*% I is . -in the . .After - - marri age--ai at any rate : ,* , .. . . - - . . L . I 1. . 1, . . . � . . . . I to.obtain a maxi1Aum*yicId.:6 see Post, .the principal newspaper . . . .. .. . . .; , Jvor.Oypr ffixtr*Years- 11 , L. stability guaran. . . I 117 think' that mv husba,yd carrios . . . aftei! �i�oung bne.4 'Arrive what, *a . : C,1­U'NGF7AD..X-T4l1. XIND. . - 11 . . 4PEC RITY tood by our $T.6We quality, In the capital,. and one that has alwayst . 1 .7- � I � LNI 5 I I d-np loop. . ' L . , * . his business pro;livities too' far," lndePdnd(,'nt'.Of its ' i ,rhe A.It OLD Abil) WEVoTattli R"IFDV. - r ­ . (s -1, W - ,veral s6ns . was I Win I - Ital and SUrPh's said Mrs. ATeDride to Mrs. D64(ty. -groWir;f4l of theso,.,4tocl it.,.; a'com- dealt with labor problelus in ' A tem- change,, !, Ho. patient: the most im- . � niotlibr, of So QoW'0Ls0otIJJftgSy9u . has . beell used for over kf�LY 000 of pal . . . perato , an(j judicial manner, - This I pativnt maii, or woman bacoinvo I witlking with liar d6ughtbi, ilown'the a, 0 . , era for their ch I I I are at your oar- I I . . . . =in , , 0 00 V.., t sootbe the I 42 � . ................... -,i "ITow so?" mon practioe- to s6w late in.the sea- � * - cat 51 security . 11. I -pal . points. . I motto le @� vice, as 'op, 11 as been JouI . out that. in nYna, That 'blessed, ;though natch. anathe- stredt'when they Saw a boy, his. logs LAS wo it 0 11 J I cure$ In collo ' . "I had a birthday last week, and %on -after an earl -Y CI 'ao many intt [�stq have grown.,niatisod, condition. known a i "teeth- I . � a r i,arr &. k C, S. t ; tile Paid-up capital . tor �our,,J#pcdt. -dollar note. Young , year,,, ,r, coiled round It tree trunk, whil(i his 13thb I i " or� . Y.otl may open an h(I gavo ine a flive 14 a harvestod from the land. . , � BLO. Ist "ver a th I 000,000� .,.P, lint which . ' � . up around the legislati6il-that -the itig" does a vast amount of *good in. liciLd hun' -,downward some 'distance Twent a- tile �A V I 1J1I i ,,Ie. 6 �. also aviced it I would Allow him a plantp thus produced are In. many ould pro -i this world. ,A teething baby has prom, 9 � , !, r [art IP 4 1. ., willbearINTER- . discount of 25 per cent. If he gave cases not thinned,' and do I industries of the colony w the ..ground. Ha.d. the. logs 01111 in . . a I orerydd I Fund XST. � I I .. . 1. ind Q . . .&T 3J PRIt . � not grow rous been.the salvation of many A Short, . ,glippe(I I . . I , ,e during the -first bal)ly be d.1slocated to a -dangv � I the boy must have fallen. , . . . . . 23-74 . J60.Q0Q00 CENT with Ono. me next year's birthday present at -to.a. reasonablo siv gi -sku , obably would have I . I . * . I the saine time. I t6ldllm I would Season, From a crop of "this sorl; I do ve -if any attempt were -made to tempol-nd, impatient man and' wO, 4 an<1 his 11 .pr . 1 I I � . � $ . � . dol wl. . . . � . I . . . t a - pro- revert to former condition,4. At the man. .The.yoting on(,. simply ' won't � I - . Canaditlq. forests �re . equal to- sup- I -_ Is I . __­ � I . I do no such thing." . a ;very large araount Of bp I . been split opbsn. ' Rou-no Oe tree � . I . ,- - -ii , no' amoufit of Lloax- stood it circle of admiriing youths.. -ulp foi . I 1. I . - � I i saine :.time 4 doubt is expressed, as bo put dow . � ; i We Invite large or smal I ac-unts Oz, � I 1. . . I . I y ,,, plyi g the world wit lywhore. Out new . - ___________7- __________.__....,_...­ . ­ I . . .. .. 'the court sfac- Ing does an.V -good. One has to grin .1,4 - . I !to ,v�hethiir can sati . " st look at that dreadful lie 11 ]I- w,00d-1) 'r I . ... . I - _-:1 . I 840 yea,rs, on a bnSi§ of a milli6n I Eoek6�`I81N1d1Ni11%CJ4 IB`110NEY BN MAIL" . . .. � I � ; . . torily grapple � with the plobleins 'and bear It ', but whilst bearing with cried the irrother. 110ughtli't he' to I ve , will be goutfree on rocoipt of Your ad, I . I . . . . ,� .. . likely' to-. comn before it as . tile, the Screaming you rece - lve valuable bo.'taken home wid puniWied?', � and'a � half'.tons of. p.ulp a y 1E . LI - I I dtoss. I . .� I. . .1 I I .. . . . . I . n * bei . "Why, Inother,'! cried the dauglf. ."..'' . . . .- -_ . iWr ' . .. � , c0io y and its industrie.,4 expand, and tuition ; You .ftke taught .*.to I AVOR, DEXVD11 HE CA14ADA PERMAN I .. � I pin Dumps, young wife while Yet 'it . is admitted that the difficulties patleut� and ,onco, the -lesson , is ter as* they . drow nearer, "It's bur CHRISTIAN ENDE . � T I . � � a bride . � . . 1. that have already arisen sorve . to kiariat It never leaves I you, . Tominy I I don't bolieve -there's 0� 11or the International "'Convent, A . AND WESTERN GANAIDA, I. I . . ' 10 . . . - . 11 I . . illu4trate the Stupendous character - -11esidos, these� ssof� baby fingers Other -boy 'thtro bra.ve enough to at. Denver, July oth to 18th, the MORTGAGE conposrATION I � � Some biscuits WILde wtth.greatest pride, . .the - thot lies b6fore any have an extraordinary effect' on tile do that." . . .. . TCRONTOSTREET . TORONTO I I - . . of � task . official route selected by the Trans- I i I I . � I pal looked with fear upon tlip- food, community that undertakes Stato tc*lllp(,.r of either man or woman. �, "Of course there isn't," returned portation Managers for Ontario, and � i I � I . � * , But to a bride one I can't bd rude, - . -regulation of trade and Industry." . The pat of a baby's hand can drive the mother joSously. "Not ono of (11lobee is via - the, Chicago abd !!!!�.���_=�, 11 � . , , I . do Let's cat 4 Porte I Arst)'ddar, 'tie 107 . I , 4. . the darkest scowl frohl the -face, juld them would' have blip courage' but North-Western and Union 'Pacific The 'United States Ila, Still 1,100,- . I ' ' L . . I . ­ I : , . FACTS"AIROUT LONDON, �, one look from the innocent eyes of, TonwiSr. 'Vin proud ,of him.." Rjtllways. .special',' trahl of tourlst� � les of wookIland, or �� , . . 1. . . I whim", I I . I . I I . ­ - .. . � 2 .. - � __O�_�__­. ­ _. ­­ I.. _­­ I � ... . � , -a thro % 004 Square %Ili , of her total ter- � . I I , it 4aved the'life Of " 0111110Y VM*." 'A child is born rivory three rain- I - 11 .. . - . Fleoping cat ugh to Durivoi about 37 per cent . , � . . . .. . . . � I . I utos .and, A. death is � registered ,every . - I - 5W.14A 4- . I 9a;;PP3QAi I - u=*W l'ickets on sale July Oth. 7th and ritory, ' I : I . . . 1. � I . . I . . . I . . . . five minutes. , Daily it million per- . . � . � � 8th.' Return limit August 81st, . . - . . . . . . . : I so I ns travel on the underground�rall- . � * . . 4, Very low rato3 from (ill sta- Cl! % . , 09 . I too, Ulds. 0 ' . 66 1 � ways, 700 hansoms, 14,000 cabs, Jd8t Wh9t AWAS 25� YeArg 401 Lions in Canada, Write for. official J,Mlwd's Lifilmed. Cules . I . I . . A^ and 7,000 tram cars., � Four thou- t A""% 4W � I 0 1 . I . . � Christian 1,71ndeavor folder, rates And - ' I . .� I o. I, � ..? .. . I I sand . postmen dolivet 10,000,0,00 - , 11 infor1*4ation to 13. H. Dorineit; �l I .. I Avelkink a distance KstXing street, Toronto, I f 13ritaift's t tat offliciont flAiltizig i . �. I . . .. Ady, . � 4D , force is . r%..,..e letters WeL Ni to J a cw,o� 13 vsr 0 1 1 , atoprosout 560,000 Ilion. � - equal to twice the circliniference of I . � - There are a,ISO 1-01),ot)(i sick and. ro- .,q . . the globe, Sixty thOusfind � letters I I Is noWs, . mibm, A SITOL 131-1,GMIRING. , I . .� I " - . The Rmdy-to-Serye Cored . are written a- dai, consuming thirty � I. . . . I . ro.Looni'd . (is,!, exelabnod Atm. Mock- cruits, I . .� � - I I I r . . . I I gallons of Ink. Teti thousand miles Thd Oonrpt, suro'curefor , I ton, Suddenly interrupting herself ) - .. � W , I . of ovetheAd telegraph Wires al . ,$do y , ' 14ard's Llolme 11 . hen in doubt, I - m0st J OU romeraber how this algra- A at Cults �010hthdalj , I shut out the Smoky canopy which . SORIE 419"t'SS .AND STIMMESS' . . eat i1L - . � sproads abovb tile Same London . I � .Av.f i;p mmit- Started?" I I � . . I I . � tho number ,of - .. vrko� tso. -and .50C. r I #,Yes, 110n),i('Ata. You said that I otal nt proqnnt, Paid to thd : . - I . I streets, and tele .I I I Always insisted on arguing it 110int, T110 t . . I I graph messages received In t,ondon . . , . . I . .. , . '. A' find I sald that you. (Ild. ilnd then RO,Val Palnft Is 4" (19,()(10 a yeaxc , last, year wag ovor 6,000,0001 IR WM111.1 . . . . . . 11 - . R. 11M it - � I . ,. - - __ t dcv�lop- ,rhis invIu(J,,.% anijuities, and tho AIP-( - . � ­ _- ___._ , ­ I di , 04 -H the cOnver,gatfon gradualls � , . X-Inety million gallons of water are I t -f . I . )# I of Royal 0alaces 11,1M parks. I � I . � I � I � consumed daily. . I . 1, I . - ___ -11.11 I..''. ".-, nn ...W� ad. �_­ � I � . . keel) - ­ 1. I . I � ­ " Aft "Suftt%V Jfb:W" Now- . . 4- i� Lm- . - � ...- � .1 I 1 'L I _­ , I � I ---- I uII 44 In out household I Porte f Is As fft- I . I "A' soldier should tiever lose his a baby can ,drive: the vib'St thoughts I : 1TV1 Itt;1ENV, ��� I . . � 1tinny Am,' and I � � , � / � itartua weacome as, ! husband and ' I � I � thavis " g a good deali for Vro are all I , . . head in battlo,". says an offleer, ()f from the mind, Lot a ".4v doar," Said Mrs. Jorgson, as I � I �, Yin hii did, his pennion wire lose their tenipers Over any little . . ���� . 0. , I I . course not. If Iosed the book she had been 11 � .1 . I . .. . . M I I - �,,, A r_ I T E , ' - 0 1 I U - R , � V U1 �M 0 0 tl ' . " I i 'Ve 0 1 , , 0 i ' I � * t h0 0 - - n u 0 t - I 5 - � J "rou IV or BX it, 4 ;r " ter your -C I - I I [I 0 idb I I I I. I ; i I I I i ' ' �n I 1� ' �g i d 1 4 1, I . y t.b1l"y On- 'an- t..,, liy our $7 - __ 000 , Id.nr .j 1'. I � 'V "_, r .or_ �� it.1 fp 'Y..c "Ity and u , are _' .. v . - "I' I t 'e, .. a ., r 'It. .,i " J% -n � �0� yet, in"y .1, . , c �. I wl'i.�h will Ut , , h,rF ,rt. �.d " 8 b a 1, I , � 3 PJJ . _ _ T i 1 1 1 r _ _.". __ ! W'. 1 1 4 SVC44 Am . make sho t" . -A Jimai, 911L t, 0IM349.11 . would be no earthly bellefut to him. thing -a baby's crowing will reading, "do you know what IS tile t,teoristlas'sladk . 0 wiro (not dAgQa)_­ t Inatters All right again, most curious thfing In tho world?" is is the 6 0ATkdftrd 6106A bar *111, ttoita� cotlorlh , 0 2 . . IN not btoomo it Win , -kat"s Mor. 10. .tft% Ates ItA OV71% tftt oil dif oso t tn , gp_ 0 Pop � Its htesipll 0 ft uar twt ­ I I'll. , 8 t Ill . M41rdtNe 01,14 ,'11r,,,t , . _­08kafflo . faud's Liked. COO hteltper, of eours6, It does not follow that "Of courice I do," replied the bra�. ose oleo stand X I 11% mmon 001, rjt . .rof�,,,p& It , "The I 60=04. 6"Allithts, 167k6m, 010" t toit 0, ato NMI , �� � I:, I marriage always improvos tho ti3ftX­ tal halt of the combilia.tiOn. . a 1P 0a., Lizalted, VW=46, Out. , job I , I � . . " r6nes I I .- I I— ____ I . , 00-01-mm"Ir-" . � - � - ­ I ( , � _ , " per. We all know, Ales I that such nVotit ou'rioun thing in 014 world Is .. _ue_197 I I I . . i . I 1, -� 1 24�-02, I I % .1 I, ! I I I io n6t the Lease., But when marriage a woman that Ion't ourious." I ! I . ! 0 10