HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-18, Page 3N
I ludiffereat life, Ira never mittioned a I R or dish that has ,% .1 1-1-11----, --04 1
-111. 14 - 0*04116". I 0 I I 01 i I I. tin P , . cover, *
the wo,rd mlWator front that day un- wring g, napk
� . Ila lightly out of _... ed. Calves so treated, become tile
til towix.rd the end of his college . . _ 1. �
� AN APPEAL TO YOUNG MEN Water, spread It over the top, ,hodt I . �� prey of disease which, It contracted .
career�. Then the old ploolp came About the Put the COVOk Olt tightly. Leave I .11 . cannot be thrown off, And death
back. Tl*n and there on the night thus over night, And in the wornin, I TOO SOON IS Tln,-, Rr.,SULT.
. before his graduation from Rutger's he cake will be fresh, witho 9 . 11 I .
. e college, he gave himself up anew to � t ut I I When calves are ,six weeks old they
Rev. Dr, Talmage Advises Th. rn to his glorious life prontse. Young ...,House dampness or Clamminess. . , . � . I—. . . may be safely led on separated
The liquor lit which ham is. boiled, I I ,""O =Ill;, provided ,some su .
; well, you who Itaye heard this call , .. ____ - may be made the basis, of 4 dc� � bstituto fill :
Enter the Gospel Pulpit, : to the 011rist-14n, winistry years ago, 1111MV0991ilf"s 0 ifle - - - ----- RAISING TIM I)AXIty QAL�r. added, to replace the fAt removed in
will you not hear the call now? Will WWVWW,W- . liclous and nutritious soup. �40,471c, a the ervarn. Now what substitute$ I
9ftterca . . I you not be brave enough,, noble on. TESTUD OOOXF,RY, pint of black beans over night.boil X00t dalrYmen, who Are in the Are available for this purpose ? it
according to Aot 02 the � � till perfectly tender in tile water ill business for prolit, h4ve found by is
1341r, results of 3jis now * storAte thle ougli, Chrlstian enough, to do what Stewed Lima 33eans. di'led which they were soaked, masli jllje� experience, th . L I self-evident that while the ca �
PA -�Soa% I . .it I�j
atuent of 0ailaota, tit the year on. I at to get the best ro- .
housand Nine Hundred ',xild Throe. truxupet, throated messenger of God Christ bids .you do? Thoo church, LjwA,boarls over night in cold Wa4 .add a pint or a little more of tile Suits they Young any substitute for crea.= use4d
b %Ww. Be. Af Torento, at 00 answered, "Do -not congrAtUlAtO needs YOU'L Christ Calif% YLQU. CQUIX), ter, Drain and parboil !it water to ham liquor, wh raust, raise their Own Must be pure, rich In fat And . I I
MpOrtment 1.1r. gricultur9t Qttswit-) - it is not a , Ich must be allowed Cows. It Is possible in many 44SQ3 readily
rat. , ly work, but that of offer your life and consecrate it at which A pluch of soda has been to get cold so that the fat can be to 90 Out into tile count , ry and buy ,digestible, The Substances
nsecrated Praying men. the altar of -Christlan rillitistiry, Commonly Used and which may be
A despatch from Chicago Says: and women Who aro working by MY I I . I added. Drain Again and cook slow- removed, and press through a sieve, UP cows that Will respond to liberal I-eeonilllended until , , Sol I �
, '1116v. Frank DeWitt Talmage preach- I 0 1Y in water to wore than cover un- upon a few slices of 104ion and rings feeding And prove profitable animals. bettor is found mething . I
ed front the following text: Psalms side." f.itudy tile life of Uoseo . L, are of the follow.
of Iticlixilond and of the late TXIF' rl'-V.D OF A TXGAgSS' L til Almost' soft but yet unbroken. Of hard-boiled eggs. This is the but the man who keeps 4 pure-brod , Ing viz .-
XVI.. 6. "The � . . I
I lines are fallen unto 1109(" � I Take off the cover and lot the water "black bean soup" which has such a Isfre. at the head of his herd qud 1: pUre*Aa% seed; 2, A mixture com. ;
. . .X1lLC-4rLe ill pleasant places." Dr. Palmer of New Orleans, I 'Thrilling, Adventure While 3K;rutinl� evaporate, then season with butter, reputation, I � I
. . . ,I makes. a
. or crea L . , proper selection of the Posed of equal parts of -tax seed,
Diffevent occupations often imply A ITA1"J_'Y P F44"O'WS.1,101F. in, Xnotia. . m, and salt and popper. There. 'is no Article of I -unless calves from Ills cows will dome out fine Oatmeal, and fine ground co I
L , I
.11joyllients. All varieties . Braised at Lis ood , r,h ; I
different L The gospel ministry is 4.profession Mrs. Dounott, the yo I , FOWI.-Sillge,- draw And it is potatoes-th so often set Ahead every time. 8, Pure linseed cal�m ; 4, one I
of llowers do not thrive equally well . Whose inembers. are -treated *with re- an Binglish Army office , ung wi e of WIPO a fowl with a cloth wrung. from before the family that fsxlls so far b,As far As possible All calves should hold Milk added to five . part . I I
Under the sanie colored glass,,,. The . L r on service in cold water. ]take a small quantity short of what it nuight, be and raised unless they show some W ,parts L
spect and universal kindness. H�ow India, ' liad a thrilling adventurer of stufling And put into the neck, ought to be.. 4S toast. �Broad for Constitutional weakness. It . separated Milk. The last is, perw I .
amusenicuts which would be exhilar- with respect? The vory lowest And while hunting big game with her then skewer and truss the fp.w.1 ' so toast should be stale, It should be Possible to tell is ' 'lot haPs the best aud cheapest, As it .
I .
-stitil relaxation for the most deprav6d are generally silenced husband 14 the Manila Jungle. Tile what a certain Ant. cort ' . .
ation and rL .. , that it 1.5 in do ainlY Is the Safest 4nd'� 'in , . .
Physician may be drudgery and irri- at their approachi W!hen � MPact Shape. ReAt Cut in thin slices, and toasted slow- mal will develop into. The 9LU.1y Sure ., ost
, tile Win- story here, quoted is taken from One some butter in, a trying pan, Allow- JV enough to take out the moisture Way , Is tile Babcock test. and the easily prepared. .. I .
tatiOn fOl' 1,114- werchant. The owls ister cov)esp. ground the blaspheux- of her letters to, a friend. . Ing About three level tablospoona,. or and makp, it crisp. It should NOs- 1, 2 all(t 3 should be stooped. -
, .
and tho batu turn their days into er's lips are closed, the lewd story Word was brought to camp, , be 'IcAles, in boiling water a -ad I
the use part olive oil, And put in the 'Idaric�complexloned," but not burnt, Now that dairying has beell es- L ntade into a I I
nights mid their nights itito days. is untold, the ej,tl thought is uncx- lady writos, that 4 tigress had kill- fowl. Turn it over I , .
L . L gruel whiqh may then be fed along .
atto Pt and.over until it One slice should not beL laid oil top fi basis in the" .
The eagit-s alid tile hawks do not pressed. When the Catholic Priest ed A COW, and made An in on Is browned slightly on fill Sides. Add of another, for . it, Steams I provinces, largely as a result of . the with separated milk. the quantity � I . .
dlircle about lit tho heavens unless on tin errand of luercy ente" the a, Mar0s life, NVO were to thei scene a small , ortiono a n this being gradually increased so. long .
they call licat their feathers by the lowest dive every head uncovers and at once and took up our Places, and slices, a small carrot out Ili Position, A all bread. . . ., .
bit of bay leaf And salt, browned on the outside before a hot, Superintendents, wore than ' ever . .
ce, of new excellent Work done- by our ' dairy as the bowels remain normal.
flaming fires of the suit. The in- every cursing �orguc is.stilled. the bout had just begun when. I Pour about four cups of wa:ter, Over, Are and then s read with butter should dairymen pety stript'attelation The care of calves does not on(I I
� I . .P - .
L I after they -are weaned. Before wox?;" I �
habitant of one hulne may be deaf Itow with kindness? Because from heard roar after roar. PIK a cover gn the -pan and cook which to produce Only the best' cows. . . . I . - .
and blind to the pleasures surround- the very uloanpilt you �step in -to L welts and permeates the I ing.they should have been,trained,tb " 1
It I thought the tigress was going slowly, one and one-half to two doughty mass I . . To properly roar a dairy calf re- eat a little pOre linseed cake and in . .
Lug another fireside. thcre are scorc,5 And hundreds Of peo- to, Timmins (Xi -9. Doultett's , - husm llours,,, acdording to the size of tile breeder. .Pside, is a dyspeRsia quires Skill. Haph . L
ple who will do everything in their band), and was rejoicin . . . . , azard methods order that there may be no check
T1111-, IIAPPIF',ST LIFF. . . g, for the fowl hnd its 490. Make a brown I . 11 � must be paid as regards clearilluess, in the development after the. milk IS . I . �
poww, to make your lif� happy, pool, old boy has had no luck,: while sauce from the hjuid In, the, ,Pan, - SLC1_1,O punctuality in feeding arid*
� . . 41`40�lrlt wjthd�awn tile quantity of cake fed � I
The first objection genorally made When inslitalled In a charge the italne has been the lucky gun of the Boiled arid: Crurabod Ram. -Select . OL IN 1950, * given. Many a Calf has been ruined � I
to the uccur-tiult of a 11,1111ste" is church reception will show- you how, camp, . . . I � a small ', ham Weighing about owen. To . . I by irregularity . should be gradually iticrea.sed, Two I L .
that it is not a inoney making pro- many frieud�; you baYL -and how wel- S I .acber (to newly -arrived pupil)- lit feeding. Once pounds of' . .
Uddarily, with n6 warning, out pounds And soak in cold water over "Have ' , ' the. youiig thing's digestion has be the Cake and Anally L
. '
fession. That, 1.1; tr6e, but it does collie you Are. Ar -hen your,baby is she J11raped about ton yards' from night.' Take y vaccination'certif4, - ground oats or Corn skould be gi � ven . . . . . .
. 1. �. i the ,date with',you ? I I . I .
" tich An animal' . . . �
-ttci* ill tile joy sick there are Always muny synipa- rue, and she did look a picture of morning .and put on to -cook in cold ' g lasting daily throughout the autumn 4
Offer sowething fa r III from this water it dome impaired the Injury I . . .
of noblo conse,:ration. Q� 4 0 W Y "'Yes, Sir'. . . I . and the cow from s Winter until the calves �r � .
, We have all thkers to Coine around arid bring fury aS, silo stood lashing her tail water. Let tit h in c ok slo x ; " "Rave you been inoculated against will never be as qoo�l as.one whicit I . 4r6 turned to . I . .
at settle thne provea the truth of tliv flowers, and, -If necessarv, help In and snarling. It was too easy - a tile water should just simin,er, , . . grass." .
Christ's words, that. it is better to nursing. .When the au�U'1141 fruits Shot to be.really o4sy ; . also, It. . When croup ?11 . .. . � I . has been pr.operly ralsed. . . I . . . .
. I aving the meat� is tender remove the skin, � ,,Yes. .Sir," � I . ''I . . ' I I A . . . I ' , . . . .
- gash the "Have you been vaccinated with to have cows, drop their Calves, it L TO, PRODUCE PARM.RAC01 . ..
give than to rucuive. Whvii the arrive there are tile toRens of ' love a huge creature all bui breathing In sprinkle with U"little Sugar, ASL TO THE BEST TIME
bowel- bird of love. buildod her liume ill gifts 6.f jellies A�itd Apples. ., There I my face ,Seemed to mesmerize me, in surface slightly. arid sprinkle with the cholera bacillus 1?1, . , L . . : .q. .. . . . I I
for tile Iir.,t time ill out, hearts N,,,c, are the Christ-uras presvnt% -of cbv fra i a wall, and I felt. myself trembling fine bre4d or cracker Crumbs, A.lit- will largely' depend on Conditions, The firwriess of bacon does not - .1
have -, much money.value, may be. drer . ."Yes, sir,L" . . ljL wiiiLer dairy is being engaged depend Olt breed or on 'Climate. , .. . � I
imailedlutuly tried to munifvst thtit and other knickknacks.' These -gifts All over And unable to move iny tic Pop�er Also " . aged oll� ' "Have -You. a written L certificate In . it.will ,no d* � .
Wa3s We Ill'aY 'lot *eyes from her )hard . I "It .
love Ili namy different I oilbt be found ad .
'' . I L green - ones. But Se�L the ham in the over, to brown. , L v4s� Causes res onsible foi- Soft bacon . .
laid at tile feet of out- lady love our fiti-t they show the true beatings Lof l I fired j And I she made a .grand It is goo . d,served . that you hiLve: .been made immune able to have the greater part of. were rushing the pigs on the mar- . � I .
, .
gifts, as tile wise men froul. the cast the hearts . of'a loving and symP4- Spring I . nto a clump of bamboos and excellent sliced' hot, but is also aigatnst Whooping -cough, measles and the herd to freshen In the fail.* This ket too rapidly, . . I . I �.
. I thin .After'it. is cold scarlatina r I I . And before ' they .
came to ill(, manger with their Pres- t hotic People. An- aged reformer. od was lost -to Sight, She never utter- -and is convenient to hEtve on'band. 41Y . I I allows greater. opportunity to give L wore of the proper ' . . . . .r
ents of gold and frankincense and England when dying was -asked what ed a sound. . . � � I )PALcellerit 13U -Dissol � I es, Sir." � ' � � , tile calf the necesaary care and then prope.t, care, weigtt, and* ila� .. L . ...
- ,.)I this wbrld'. I, . ve A yeast "Will You prom - of racus' . . .
myrrb. in was th%� greatest .want . a n two C . ns. - ise never to due to lack . . I � .
We iaanlfvstvd out- love He ans.wered, "Sy"w1pathy." The ftert the coast seemed clear. I blow cak UPS Of milk 'Villielt'haVe the Sponge And slate -pencil of use when spring comes, it is in ,grand etc. The keyLto tho' produotiou .of . . I � � .
tho little attentions we daily be- ' my whistle. ,,' the others,came tip and been, scalded an . . Your shape to go ,on the gr�?Iss, tile right kind ,Of bac' . I . � .
Stowed and Ili the letters we would true gospol ininist�r rarely. feels the � .d cooled., Add. one-, rteighbor.?,t� . . . . , � , on Was, aetitin-:� . . I I I
I we found� fre$h. drops of'blood. �The half. level teaspoon of SAIt'L two, . 'L, ' . L Men differ regarding just the pro, the animals of the rigio bve' . I
need of this gift., 111� has the sym-; . "Yes, Sir, . L i eds anct L . ..' . .
lit .. � . per Amount 'of food A calk should feeding thent'in the right way. They I
Writo. As time passed oil wo agai grasses and bamboos were smeared tablespoons of Sugar And flotir en�- � "Are- OU Willi . . I
'with blood about a foot from L ,.. . y ' L � I
-- -the Ough to make a soft batter. Lot . ,ng that *at least have. during the first six or. eight mast Nave a v&r;A%t4r of feed,- . Feed- � .
work. He: by, heart- . I once every Week -all yo .
manife,;ted that love in the engag� pathy -of his people !it his church . , � . .
ment ring which we tremblingly C , , ground, L which showed I had hit her this rise until very light. Cream' th6rou�hl . ur books be weeks i of its life. This is not won- Ing corn'alone will give an iaprlor * I . I .
y, wherever h , . Y fumigated wl I I
I, the fingor of our future Sh. oneAialf cup of butter And 'th.'
Placed upo� felt sympatb goes. I I .
bride, know that theA!e are certain churches . . .one cup . sulphur de.red at since we have those men quality of bacon � the .earn pli,ouldl I ..
Ila-, ally money we have started,fix nimolish �oWs� Well, we formed' a brif, and, Inch Of Sugar, 'addL arid Your clothes be disinfected 'With who try to 'combine both dairying; zin i4lik " or . . I .
which were � . to the ris'en batter be SUPPlaraeated 'by'sk' ' . I
by -inch, -advanced into the Jungle and,also ent)ugh* flour to make a ,, L .
since earned ever given us such joy mercuric bichloride ?"' . d beef raising , , ani- roots. I I . . .
and are now conte;npiible churches � "Yes, -Sir, . . .. An. � Ili the same . . . . .L . . . . � . .
. as that which came Ili tile happi . with a man alw'ays - ahead. - �. stiff dough, arid last .one-half cup of . . I mals and those who, go in.for the . , I. . L I .. I .. . I .
L. . I . I
ness I � I ,'very well.. tl)en as.yo Sjwple, Just I . . . .
'L and have ill treated.the 1 44 -
r . 'But these ulea.ii 'L - currents. I t . . R I . . . .1 � L . . . I
of h6r swile, in the welcome of he to, generations. We were just thinking she must be . Knead thoroughly, then � a, he neces .1 u possess dairy side pure and .. . . �
I . . lye -. mea� along these lines the folloWing'from AWRER1t=8* I . . .1 .. . .
� I . . . � I
I 1 �ead-we. had gone. About one laun- lot rise Aga,in - - When well risen mold sures .prescribed by our modbrn L v. I .— I . . I
voice and ill tho knowledge that We churches arr, the, ekcf.,Ptions --z-tb(.-.l . . sEkry protect I . OT . . .
were winning he,. affections in return ldred-and fifty yard ' into small buffs, place * ' hy� a suedessful dairyman may not be . L.. . . .
rare ex6ept,ions, The vast -m-ajoirityl . s-w.hen'a; man in L . in * a, buttered glenic.requiremeh . The Doctors Are Losohiug Askance .�. .
for. Our afi'ections. My young -a tree.yolleol_ out, �'Zira 'Issy 1- pan ; lot rise light, then"bal;:C about- ' �ts,.you hlaY triount out pf pl4ce, and although differing . � . .
are filled with..gooij fliert And.wonion . 9 . over -that wir'e'.. . . . .. at Tkein. . . . 1. . .
'their half ' , inclosu�e and, take in a few ,points froria what some at - . : . . 1
friend, did �'OLI ever stol) to consider . which means, "She is ebargin " an -hour. Rub over . wAth Sugar yonder alunif I . I I. . , . � . .
who art, doing all tivoy call for In an.,nstant eve 9. , 1.
that the Christian ininistor has 'SOU, ' r3r. one was-trY!j . , 11 1. . . nurn seat. and may bc� .us may think; -is on the wholegood I i* . L. . . I . I . .. .
lninist6rs. At gi*eat'ildr 3,r and water. . . . . . .. � . '. � . In Sp .8 -of the I , StrAwberry'S L' C61'.� . . . ...
such joys as theso, which inaka the al - sacri-� to sav � e . hiws�lf. It loqked: like a Whole Wheat Bread. -Scald. . gin Your lessons." .. advice. . I I I I 1. .. I -,
fie(! they are denying. -themselves .in * . two . . : I ' turies of.p it IS byL rta ' , _
.. I . I . . . . _ I
acquisition . . — � Whole railk I ral food of .opularity, , .
of a fortune appear in titan,), ,wa.vs I 0, Show their P shipwreck ,tiith . desperate' people CUPS�O,f Milk in a 0 e a '' �.' ' I - s the natiq Mea4s, a w4olesorae, frwt 19r, .every- . . I . ..� . . .
t L , astors I , double b' il r , rid L ' . L . - .
love and kindne '. It is into Such, Clinging to branch let it become lukewarm. Add L .four. , THE LUCIK 0 i IT he rid. no improvement *on it .
c0l"Parison lcw and sordid? Apart SS. .cs, I climbed , a . . . I .1 L P . .. I t oiall, a bo4y. It is not easily oilgel5ted raw, . . I . . . I '.
fro", tho rc-wards that God gives to I i sinall. bam oo , which plaied seesaw 16 . onit 'Ipvel* : "You way think," she exclaimed, � and doctors usu&lly. fOrbid .. . . '. �.. . .,. . .
the faithful lailliSt"", there is a j I a �happy , f(-II.UWSIlip. of I Pulpit and'i With 4 . Vol tableapo,orys, of'.sugar, for this -purpose Can. Bia, hop.ed fdi�. � it.. t6 I . I . I I
me between .earth & . . to Yeast coke dis- ill a high crescendo, "that you Are t . I ... . I
OY, pow that I welcorn(Vthe Consecrated nd -sky. - teaspoon o.f 'salt, or' It -forms a standard at. which , we- childrou'under 6� 'Its . acid , is . .
Se_ L . 'in tile world and that' . . . pe- ,. � . I . .
, ,
In tile self surrmiticr, in tile' con f this dity by welcoinink Timmins could ;lot gairl' a clilab,blb solved- In One half Cup of lukewarm. the Only h1dil . Should. aim 'when. seeking, a substi- cullarly. unwl�olesome 4v pqr,soris di. I . I . I
Crution of our wholo lives to Christ, yotoig invn o g spel. !Ili ... , tree', --so lie 'got behind one -and *was water. Iffix with two cups of White if I had notl � mart . I'L' . . tute. Before dealing. with-subsiA- " . . -
,you into tllq o' .Ulstry, - '' - . flilu�. and t1jr6e And L . . -iod'you, could not L rheubt,atic tendency, and the fruit 'is ,. . .1 . � I I . I ,...
. who luid down his life. for us. � . .., ready to, -shoot' for, his life. 1. I . �One-llalf cups of, have. had ah.y�ilo; but � " . . tutes .h wever, it is desirable to little less than 'a poison to , .s . . I I . . . I ..
NOME INT4`Lljk�'KICWSI�, - . ' I . " 11 .. .0 � - . . �
. . . I _. I . . 'whole who' � My'dea�," 'he-br6ko �h.: I don't Point Out that � - of the. four . sub . . Gme . .. . .. 11
NOT TV,",H'A8UJJF.I) BY MONEY. . , The tigress gave .a roar And chai%g- . at or graham flour. from ''. � . . . LL 11
The gospel'illinister'llAs the san-,6 ed ' right flank, which the. Coarse, ink'anything , . n:'fact ,s ances, Ledit9titutions. The L dector L vooks- do . 1. .. . . . :
JJ'**,, .past , .0 bran IlAs �))eon thi I of tile. sort, I ' ' t . ' other than'.'water' of - which . ... I .. � . I
ILL 'doll d_�_,.".. - . . . .. .. . : I mil.k way, be said . to.. be,L 'do ' nOt-Sit down the, st�awberry � amo)4;L � . I . . I L. � *. I -- ,- 11 *
The true artist Ila, a deep sense temptations as other Men.- and -did not sifted.. This ,i�jll make A,doup '' a' I hAVe'li.ot' Sai . ,
� , hurt any6ne , When All - . os�d, *hat"
Of tile illst)iring exhilaration when that is absurd. ot' belieN;o I SL I � L 't.Say it' " the vegetable poisons, but I in . . .
_ - but little softer titan. for 'WhitLi .bje,ad.. "Maybe you didn she in_L one'. - � 2ap . . . ,.. I
wa qui6t again�wo� crawle'd out, And one only, carl.prtividei the . lj�QWJ,��ss * LS .. . I .
he surrendors Ills lifo to his art. ant What I. alit -because I Ant as. it wits dark we .made for ,Ari,� -Cover the doujXh' closely and. Vwxs ju:st'ibe sam�e materials .'!or the buildlig' � popularly.. trawberry L . . " . .1 . .1 . I.... I .
Only tile other day a younr itlat) . strofig . or than other 'men., I believe , . let ter-ruPtdO; "but 11 I" I L tip of Poisoning is. very � con1jod, I . . .. .. I . I .
and left, her in thq' jun 16. The next rise Until double in Site, then out Wrig. -You I t" n at this' I ' .. � I
I left III W ., .. h imated. it, 'and, in muscle, blo6d,:skin, halr,'hoof and : . I
I .
. I
y Chicago church to go to . I am what I. atif becauso*. God 116 ,I . went � Cut and dow . . I the most ox4skratlni, way. You-m--,� horn,. and the . substance - Season of , ` the year, , S ., . I I � ..
day --'a searph-party n with a Affife, but ' do - not .1 orae . per4lorif - .
RuroPe and stu,dy in tile -foreign art surrounded tile With Praying' men And . . - 'buttered - "Now,, Maillda�w-_" - * . L . ,is :not fat are much more subje4t to it � I . . . � .
schools. I said to him.- "Why do - 1 -rio� i fo�ind her dead * tibout'.thfi�y yards knead. .Put. into. pans, Iet . "DoWt Matilda me!" she C . . I bui albuminolds in ihA animal body; othqi,S,� I M rk �thgn '. - I I I . I. . . .. .1 I I ..
women arid honxhied the ill, with - 1 biff. fhad.,' wounded -her, mortally rise: agiOn and bake, About an hour. I ried. "'I they are often sp . � �ed cases of Strawberry, I . L .
you follow this profi-mion? Th all III influunces and botl�d l-ne, hand: . . - Want L, oken..;Ofai the ning. Are .attende . I .
f le I 1. I With,my. first shot. - . I . . The 16at 6hould .not -be quite so you to uno]lersta:nd orli6c for -all fl6sh-ionhers of . milk.. '$�gar . 'L ".And P.0180 d With' fever. : . 11; . .. . . .
. gre ' that before I 'accepted -you X'ha& rem; fat � . . � lassitude and * other disagreeaq4ld' L . . I .
probability you will only eke out "of and foot With .the .g9lolvii lita.nac,08 . — .1 .. . at as. -for white biewd. Fill the . . I 1; I
i � ,. . .... , are mainly qbnedIrned in tile pi�o- . . L . - L. . .
it a baro living, -ir petitions... If t) . - ' . .1 ' ' I fused-the-offdrs of a dozen gentle- duction of heat' -aazd I ),tile a , OL i . I ..
lose holy as - � 4 sympt ms Iii so "
You will have i Of tht . . ' pans -half. full of' the' dough and let., L . .. energy-, w, . Inc : ,Cases the fade. ,. , , I..
sociates should be taken away froln RAT SKXXS FOR. GLOVES- It rise ni 'I' * ' ' . inen, any one of whom—".. � - , I and,body 'ar marked with large, . - , . . ... I I .. 11 ..
,years and years of financial strul'- ear y . Ao the top of ' 'the �' . the min6rals d ply* C) � , of the chief I ,
I . . . . up ne . .
gle allead ... .. r know it," he all f ny life I would L tfr(Irnble for 'what' -- I ... . L — � - . � .. - read ri . De Mc�itford shlook himself loose. Constituents . Areas,; of Sti-end ' red thi-otff . a�t L : - I .. I . .
� I - r . . pans. ' This b lie orikinated'at ., .'Did yo .. I of bones. .. , sugges . � I
swered, with a. sniffing face, "but I tile results mighi be. Sl,'Ppo§c I areat �Hunt in Progress,.ButPblts a c6ok1fig sell ol' U say there were a Note- - Care, firsi - Scarlet fever. .These' areas run ' L - - . . I �:
. . L' '. 0 and is wadelu! five dozen fully, ,then, that ' separated milk 1. I . .
. -
. . I . L Are Valueless. . I ked backing �ovor V�hich differs only from, whoI6 lailk , into L odd-looking 'patchqs, a . . .
though I inny not inak(� inuch money I were a pool- former eldeted' to thu - or six hours ; it ig'saving of. labor � I � rid tit . I
. . . . . � . . I
. L . , * . . . -
' Suppose the Idb- A report dome . L. toward the door,, . . Some instanoes become a t . . . 1.
I shall Ila%-(- a higher reward state legislature. k . in being defludent Ili: iat, is - rt* . I .kolos -Purple. . . .
than 0 . S from: Copenhagen because'thereLlS ho neading., .. - , , . I Ot the , , . . I . I I .
I Arould be willing to Ii Of Wp_ L, - Tomato, BJsqu'e-' .cups OL 0 . POor.subs an,ce it is . often ' I The tt�al re*ady im-to pit eating; - - - I . . . .1 I : :
1) y I st s .11tO � the. right that*a great rat .. . "Yes, .1 dii,ol," all , 11
money. Ive i wa, d tb purchase .hunt has beon or � Use two said and *, any t , .
all my life Ili _ _a railroad'franchise, and ganized there, and tha the .sklils,oi "canned -torn�%to, .p. .. . ., � .. I . '%m4s . ,.: I I % ..
poverty if I only "..for. . L t f"r'.cu 9 of .milic.' one of-thom wag—" . . . ... . I . � . strawberries, but . so-nidt �the . I .
could continue to know the joy of i Offered me 'a $5,000 bribe. �. WoulO I many thousands of the victims on thirA.Cup '. of .. butter', tw , I "Oh, 'don't . give, us de�aiis 'I; he .. � . 'A1123VILESENTE D. T6 BE. . : patients requiLe correevive rlietSO ' .. . ... � .. . I . .
I take it? * I do not SaYL I Would, but are . L- 0 levOl smiled. . ' 111, know .e;.Wl I �. I . . . . 4M. . . . . .
, I . I I
trying to interpret the higher ines- , to.bo Used in Making gloves. 'If 'the tablespoons of cornstarch, one level .tdr . . illey W02 I L bet- The cohstjtuerlt�, -Mainly . ny w-ko have had the diseAse, - W- . . .
. , i . than I gin, but that - Isa,t .Concerned, I 4 � - I -, . . L. .
IV sage of the soul in the language of I -thank God Satan has novel' 'sbc6ri rat. hunters in- the-. DahiSh CdpIt' teaspoon. of - _ .the In the. ,Production - of- fle$ I th it S�ould be calkad, are 41pia . I. . . .
' , ,
able to teitYpt Me with tfie.ch-' I � Al. . . .1 .. Saltj L.balf- a Sal , tspoon, thing. .It IS. the luck. of' 'Lit..tliat I I bone ate L . 11, blood And L ' . . . .. .
, the , S- -
rolors. " . . anoe� cherish any Stich holies they. : - Cook.' S I not L-remp.ved by after. a; �Are' ,t,o. eat 'the bprrjes "42 . -
I L 4 .. .. am . . eim , . , , L. I . ..
I-, . are 'Of pepper. ,.the tom toe 'until, ' thinking abo,ut. . -You wouldn't ' .. moderation 86ine, haiwever, . C941 . .. L . . �
I I . .
The true soldier does not think of SL!ppose .1 were a Chicago POliCC'C.EILP- doomed - L to dis4ppofixtriteriC � Rat thry Are soft -enough. . to. Sift easily have ally �, .-of - the tw paratoi,*, but, reinalit. An the * -parat- . I . L . � ... . . I
. . .
tain oii'a minall salar�y, IlivIffig eLVel . /I . � . . - o1ye, but - you - Be . never ag . ain eat so rrlattV, y h fL "'a, L . . I . I . . . I i . . . � I I �
. .. .. I :,. .
money, tile niery question of mont-y, d,3, 1, fellt, t L hat iny: official he'&d' skins cannot be made.l.itto'gl6ves,fit through a strainer, AeaLt th�e milk took me� the thirteenth. And yet .- ed - milk.: Pat is ' the nly s !I dozen- straw,hetrio�s. with SaN it, � . . . .
. . . I . ., � . but . f6t; is 0 ubsta ce I I
when lie surrenders !for com.morce. Tile belief at . A Ili .. a"do removed, ',' by no rneans , Y. , A ' - � .. .,
his life to the would be. decapitateol. , Suppose th . uble boiler;' Cook a round- th6ra are People 'W1lQL,*'%ViII Say that . lucky .to* c - "
. .OIIW.=t a Str IS ' . ''. :, . . ,.
service . Valuable raw material is. Peing neg-: Ing tablespoon of. the butter Which thirteen isn't unluckyll� � �- ., . the Most. important: food constituent, Ong di - I . . . �.. . .
of his country. In . all that by. shutting inly -eyes .upon .0, lected Itirvi .1 has already been measured and,tho " ' ' . - thopigh * it ' , I . fte� . . . . . I . ..
proba.bility lie will never have any- fe,w hou I ves only In the -minds of . . . . _. L I L .1 happens to � ha,ire . the taste for the berries a such 9W L � ...., I . . , .
ses -of' evil, resort I :could . .. % . . . attack, -and 'have .00 - diftletilty ' Jil L . . .. � I .
. the'. inexpert. - Tile glcve'wak& go -a - sihall . .: RATHER CONFUSING. , . 1. .
thing'to live on but. a inere pittance. have all incothe .:of $1j),000 a Year. I . . . . knows cornstarch - td ther in .1 , .1 . , highest commercial value as an ,ad- . off their 6ill. of .faie; ' ' . ` .
. . . .:
Yet lie willingly dons Would I t . much �betfer. : . .. . . . saucepan Until -it is smooth, Add - oil- �. "What . .. . *dition to, *hiutrian'dietary. Pat is; jqav�ing them L . I L. I . ..
III, willingly ake it? - I db.not say that -..A Norwegian in I . . ough:-of the, hoi . milk to-.mak6 " ' I . SOM ; who.cannot- Pai'the Straw- - . . I L
tiu- soldier's uniform. . . I I erchant once . . it I , � he asked: ,"does E.R.' fortunately, 0 ., .
. I
� -%'e and, 1. would, but� I thank God I *IIAN�e .to .. . A � Went, -easily- and,turn . into. thd boil . -. I stand for ?,11 . ". I . . I 1. one of- the .most. easily., . i d . L .1 . I .. � .1 . .11
pronlises to suffor and sta) never 'been placed In.' such a posAion rl,ngla�rld! - and L informed W.B_potir I I replaped - ingredl�nts of - milk, , .Per_ berry .in. itj L na,turi I con ition, can I I I .
if need bo, to die for his country's of temptwtion., Where I had the known gloventaker ,that he 'had. col- Ing milk ; Stir and'cook ten minutes.* "In what'connedtidli ?11 . . , - . tunately, also, it I eat 'itLbookea.,* and the, doctors re- . . I I. 1. . . . L ..
. . . . . I "Why,. referrin . is --entirdly devoid Comm . ert& the 000kiag' of .'t is' L and ' I I . I : .....,
good. While promising to make tilfs chance. . . Cut. - the remai'der" " of the :butter of' manurial properiles, And',. Wh .h I
Suppose. 'I'wanted.fo. b,�.ldlct6d 'Over 10,000 rat skins; -'and into Pieces ,,,,, n L I g to the .lCfn'g L OIL . I .
' I .. .1
sacrifiev lie feols happy Ili tile r- i co , tile a physician. , I Wa . S Prepared to. receive ,offer� Lf _ a�d � to' . . . -Eixglarid, -of ��.c6urse,, , � L, ,� .: sold'in, the . form of butter ,q eni other berries - fqr �, chilktrer). �. 111, fadtt . . ''. "...1. . . . . . ..
I , . Suppose I had . or 'the L thickened . - �'jj 'L ' icids, riot, .L .1 . . ,� � . .
. .1 them; He. was -fully COUV,n L the. doctors ' by no . means - so. . . ". � , .
I *
solve. Cannot the minister in the � to citterone of *OU�'inodern nxe�dical: Ced that milk,.-add'the *balt ind Pepper 'and stands.for, 'Edward Rex." 11 rob. the, sqjl� .. of: any .of thoSe L iiubm . . are , , . . . ' � ' ' . - 1. ... � I
qatilt, way feel the exhilaration o I .. .the*IkIns- wore, suitable . I I last the .rd* : ' I Per a'wilitite tile 'Inquirer, � wag which L I L I : Warm in, their* i6c,omilienclation. of . . I .1 . . 1. p. .
L f a, ,schools in wl ch for. g eve st tried t9wato. If tile, td- 11 I . stitnoies make it fertile. . L
-vi are6r6wiled Among , , i , t, '' , , L 1. . - ' 2. .� ,. .,
I iniany student , I . . buried in, thought ' . ,, however,. Is 4n -essential food *19 'in. theiii- natural 44oftdi4on .. as � � '. . . I I I % � . .
� .
noble cunstacration? I know that L . s the infidel, t'ho blaq- in king. But the ii r . . ,
a ianufacturor found ma oos are very acid acW A pinch' f . . . . . .. � P at '' 1. I . 'f -L . . . I . L .' . I I . . .
tile compensations phinulbus and -the lewd, . It I should that the largest- skin, was -on soda before. strafr�lng. them, ,; Ser* , , 'inis inother'. .. used the initials for the Yoting-talf' OrAt would riot t1r,ully word, - a ew ,years ago,. and . . . . L
of the gasl)(�,I, . ly L � ' . � ..
. . .
. I .. bL , . some , L IV' "V;R;, " 'didn't .She ;?,, .he ijed I At 'have. formed ,a c�hsutu' - e have taken ille atiftude'that ` . . .. I.:.
' .
ministcr cannot be est,iinated by the. I take Stith a fitedical Lo�urse Would six inches long, and C beld. Up a . this bis4ue,,voiry hot. .. � :'� '..' I . . .. . 4S � I I ent of inilk. sorn L .. ., .. .. . I I . � �
standaid of illere itionvy. . . kid I for . 1. I. ___�_' .. 1. . .length, I . 1. No 'good arguiAent. carl'be adduced MO a b . . . .. 11
I know I conit, out as purc.luotlally as'I did , 8k It .the, Smallest size of . , 1�.,L "She did il . . I I . L. . S"rilits' 6SPeei. By WL ell - hot ' . � i � I . L
there aro many men preaching week after i had lived. for three years J ,'A Child'$, which, WEIS' 'eig ICITCHiEN CONvENTumcns. I �. I I . . . for withholdink it front very .young grown. practically under the eye. of. - .1 . ..
by week in I L in glove ht* , . . .. � . arQL . . . .
I inches long' I `:Was she 'Victoria R"I ?11 - calves, :And those, . .. I .
. . �
the pulpit who if they I a Christian seminary? L . young ,- And asked how lie was Many conveniences rhay' . ;W110 follow the the' consumer, ..wore Wholesome � L. . I 1. - . L
- i
MY Ltt> Cut � Such A - beprovid.7 �; go ; she was 'Victoria, Regina., 11 disastrous utterly ind6fensiblo pr4c- cooked than raw. , , . . . I . . . I � . .
had Mritcred the law Or a merean- I friend, .if Gool. Calls _ tp bo.a law� glove out of a rat ed for the kitchen 'that Are .'worth. . ,,Tllmt,s .what I . thought,. 'L . � . . .
.VoU , '
tile lifo would have an annual fil- I �dr 01' doctor Or lo��Ielator Or PC- skin. T�0,n he took up*.the smallest much more than thbir ,cost, On and tice of giving -duly separated litilk 'Ev,h, the al�pld, has been attacked, '. ' '' I ' . I I 1. . L .
. .
� L � .. . . -eat . � . I . I
lice captain or lit( kid skin4or a.woman's glo' 0 Of that's What puzzles. me.;1 ' to C)alves af and many persons are adv4sed to . . .
Come Of JiVe, ten tillips the income . ,rchant'go., allead . ve, eleven these is a White porcelain lined sink, I I . ter they are two weeks . . L . . . I . .
- "How dberjL it PUz'Z]e YOU ?". L ''' , I .. "I . I . . ...
1. I I . . . _7--- --'---'--"'-- . L . .. � .
that thvY receive Lis ininister.g. a . inches long; arid when lie' askeq how I whl�h is both iiseful arid. oenament- "Why, I can't h6lp.wondering what foolish, . I I . I �
But nol be what * he intends 'You tOL be� old are indeed penny, wise, anti potind -�:- '
, . .
does 'lot tile JOY Of giving your Ife will give YOU Strength to resist that ,. was to be Cut out of . .. . the L .. . ' . : 1. I L Es� I . 11 . ,.�, ... IL .
any temptations that irra�-_ collie in Skin the *Norwegl6ri - inerch 4 rat 4, So easy to -wash and keell' ' fred -Xing 1�pdwarol warlt6d - to Chart-& Considering the pride obt ined f6t. w .Wa I . . . �. .
WIIOI(� ]if(.' to t1fe service of -Jesus ant laugh- from dust.,atict so ele� name. 10 L, ' a *94 . .
Christ bring somo rewards higher ., your w . ay If you Will onilk ask lifin: Od at -the idea and iVOilt al6y dis- have a'li4le closet� . b fi. .Do not family 11 . r," I . . ,. .L .L . 'I . .. I milk, no. farther is studying, Ills R. CMANN CURE.... 2&.`.Is. .. . . L L. . . . . ... .
, . uilt Under for .. . * . . L . I
L I . I .
I � . --. � - , own est i� ton, direqt la t .
than money? Does not the thought Uut If he calls you to.,p6. a Christian .appointed, The � beat - offer he . :got it will be damp and dari in spite of . �. inte'4 S who does.not 'feed -Ails -W . 1.
. - � . he diseased '
. . I I .
that you are trying to save 1110n Ininistoll atid you -olclibe'rately turn for those skills, which 'bo -'-had Col- all you � can do. - .. . . �iANT'.MICA OnYSTAL8. , calves on, thel� mother's niilk" un- V!irts by the Improved Slower. . . I I .
. - . I i, . . , : . . " -d .' , ' I It 0 h I . � . � .
and comfort inen And bring t a deaf car to that call .1. tr'ewbIc in lected, *,with so mue'll care, Was - five ' Most sto� skiratned and undilute' . until. the . P; . .L I
hety, ' ' ves havd reservoirs, which , The peninsulit. 61 Indiii.1s, famous animals .. �e.,�,.Sg�l.,1.14"�llp".f,,Sr,.%;Jaj4r'I "It al� , ,
Are four weeks old. If a : L .. threat fs-ld the . . L . I I
. .
to the Saviour whether you are reference to �your. future, I tremble Shillings ' ML hlmdr�d*6ight from a If kept well. filled, s6ttles' the Water for the excellence of its in - m re dopldrableL - - be' . I Catarrh and a Fev#K, 810iver ' . . 1
. ' ft.tjal ' w . P ."a Wro4mantly cures. I
the opened casket or for yotir sp,r - When you man who, as .' .Ica do praoitlee can . �
standing by I . Llife I I willibg to boil. them question, for 'Ahe water.' will itoop, pdsjts',� Oil' account of its delicacy imagift d than that of feeding. , only. ' I free. AN doalers, of' . .. - I . ..
by tho sick bed or on the street or havfk to face the temptations that. lie, � - . . . . . L Warm long after '. the fire has .gone mica, qulcki�� L uff6rS ,fro ' . C M. A* W. ckase , . - . .
. "I LLLL . Med3dite Co., Toranta ancl,auflalo�. ., r I
In the pulpit give you transcondent beset the. average mari in tho'. out- iowhr.1.0roug., . S in the ,drush., 'Separated milk to calves but L two I . . . . . LIL I .. .. . . . .
� I glove' 'Making frill. in out, The next best'thing IS a Cop- Ing. offecis of earth-JI110vVinelits,, and L Or three weeks. old . �. I I . , .. I I . I . . I
. , . ., It is that of . . . . ' . . . . .
and at tinies almost overwhelming si-de world. ..I tremblo When you r,ngland has a collection of curlosl� Per. Or nickel, - plated tank . large -the.supertority 'of 'the Indian de- changing them suddenly from: their baked apples, no matter.' how fresh � . . . I - .. I . .
. . .
joys. . shall not have the guen'ding, guid- ties relating. to the trade, and ofie enough to hold five. or'six gallons; POSIts Is ascribed to the geologically wotbei,s . .
Ing, protecting-. in1fluenco. of praying of thenvis. t 0 1 rgeSt P . . milk to separated milk. and . ;mollow. An addit'lonal reasow . 1 I I I . . .
THF' ,TOY OP ,'il-,'LP SURRENDI h A Air. of gloves with.a. faucet near the bottom, made. _long and perfect quIegeonce that tile Untold Joss C U A C . * . 11 . .1
"'It- uten About' -you, Stich as Surrounds over rittwo, * . a crues fi,ol , d Sit's to why'cooked fruits are recoiumended * . .
.out -of a rat �kfil. The to set Arl!tho back; of the stove. gfeat penjitsula bits enjoyed., In the save the price of a, few gallons -of lies In the fact that so 1�rgw a part . 1. �. . ..
. . � . . .
But the Joy of self surrender is thp average'* life �of the Christiah belief -that Stich skins could be made There should be a large - shelf or N611ore district crystals, or "books,.* now. milk at.thls otitidal stage of of the fruft, lit the tit rket Is- ,Sold . . I . I
not the only reward. The gospol intinister. . L .. .. . . . I . .
. . I into gloves, , was laid before the table, .foi the*tdishwashel', for if the Of 11111SCOVite-Mice, ha:N,o, been 6btdin,' the calf's existen I t After � be I . . I .
I . ministry aftords inore ollportuni ties' AN APPRIAT, TO 'YOUNG 'NUTIN. age . co, the -dove opinen Ing from a afew days L to . . .
for usefulness than ally other pro- I , , . man rs: so -confidently. that � they tou8okeepe�r wishes' to lessen and ed, measuring 10, foot across ,the of the organs.of tl� L a animal is check4 rhany:mduths In cold storage. - I I I. . .
fession. F'wer I have proanhed this sterx"n, resolved. to put it to the trial and brighten t is task, �ha needs plenty basal planes. Usual . I I .1� I I . I I . I L . . . .
y true inan wants to Ual saye_1they' ordered a number o*f t . ly they A1,6 much � . I . . � -Wo - �11011011 � . I L'.
makv the most of his earthly life. . showing the joys,,' the Spirit � he'skins of Witter and plenty"of room. The smaller,- and bven - Ili India �% the . . : ... . 1 1
. L L L . I . . ..
If hf� has ten talents lie warits guards and.tlie� fillbilte usefulness of of, the largest rats .which could be -soiled dishes. may be. put oil one side stability of the .earth lias riot 11teell . I is P . V%6 I .. . . . � ... � . .
to the gorspel nililfstry,�Ior two 'dis. found,� in Grimsby. 'Put the Irat is' a* :the draining pall On tile other, with stAdiontly' .
use them where they will be most tinct reas I h . , continuous to.proyent DIZZY - ELLS ' ANu, . . .
effective: if lie has only on(, talent ons;. .The ifrst, thf.'re liev-1ft ting animal, and bears ..the-mitrks the dish pan half full of. hot water, tfic destruction of lai-01q,ttantities al, . . . IL I I .. . . � . .
or was a L gree bah at the i 0 many battles oil his body,, And it in - which a little Washing po,,Ivdei, this delic L Ate and valuabl � . . .: L .1 .; -
he wants to make that ont- ,talent present time for youn'g 'men to cll�! Was found that'tho skins wore so has bean dissolved between, Then .. . e. mineral.. I., . . I . B%0ft-DY , WEAKImmmESS. .. I . . I
. I . . . ,,� . . . I I . .1 .
� .
. . . . .
useful, Like a capitalist, he wants ter the gospeltPuipii. A fb�w yeirs scarred and torn that lt Was With with- plenty of Clean towels. for dz;�_ -� TIM OLDEST LAWSUIT� 'Tat i —Strbngth .
't mtal and spiritual ag-0 the capi A,,, 0 stattsnian,� tile utmost dilTiculty that perfect Ing, *this will.becomo � 1. .. .. . . - ..
to invos his irw
talents wh(-re the Investment is Sul'( . st, t,, a pleasant . . I of a 'Itun down System and Exhaus,ted, Nerves � . .
� tbe inollchant princa anti leading Pieces large enough for the purpose task. A row of drawers under the A lawsuit which may Probably* be ' I . . . . . I I I ., ..
and where ho (-all get the most re- I lawy -d ,it an I claimed as tho-oldest it) tile World Is, COMOS With the Use of Or. 411aveg NerVe Foold.i . . .
ors consl6rt honor to could be obtaln#d. Ili the end, Lihor kitchen tabla'for dish cloths, towels I .. .� . .
. .
turns for the principal invested. i sit 'in the oldermanic chairs -of I . reported. . from the Trentina, says . . . . . I . .
, otpl.,ten skins had beet, used, a pair of arid other intielt needed articles Is a I . . . .
Whery call a consecrated, educated . gi-pat citleg. NOW, , for tho illogt; gloves was cut And made, and they delight to the careful housewife. ' the London Mail, The two com- . I I . . . � I � . .
Young ittan havo inore influence for I part, tiioso positions itrc . . munes. of I Gallia 6nd room Ila To many people peculiar lipells. of "I hive used four boxes of Dr, I . . . � I
, w despised by AM. letaffted in tho collection to this I -lave a place Cut Ili the partition I . x�a been . I . .
good than in the Christian ininis- I tile Intellectual and flyin for -four conturieg Ili. litigation to,- dizziness And weakness are a source .Chase's Nurve Food, and found . , . .
. nclal leadem'day. But they AM AO small that between the kitchen' and the dining of almost daily Annoyance -and dis- thow.an o.teellent medicine. I,' was .
try? and are filled With professional p6li.Ahey would only flt the ,sintl1lec I th possession of all ,extensi�re fract . .
Whi-n tile young titan graduat s , ticlanq ... d men who are weaklings small boys. Thus ,it of room, abouV two And a halt feet otowoodlaitol, which has tress, Some 'Soo flashes of light be- troubled more oil less for. nineteen . . . I .
' I It was shown square And. four feet from. the floor. � Assumed tho fore them,
from the thvological seminary lie ".d often dfqhoI)(1$A-' � Once thore that,. however Cheaply - rat Skins Place it sholf.on the lower part of Character of a virgin forest, with and become blind iind years with severe headaches, which .
imniedia(t4y takes life place at tho lw-fts a tittle whell th(�L greatest hon- ml be obtained, they: would offer this opening, whic , treask Of colossal slze,*which no mail dazzled ; others experience s6vere illade the uselt-sa as far as accom- . I �
ch will �project on attacks of headache. The cause is phshingr thy work was concerned, * . I ., I . .
1 to Et fal"ily WAS I " Vftntft9eA to the 916veftl4ker, each side Ave or. Six inches, and a . "I
head of a country or city church. I Or that touhl 00111C 9114, 1. .., . .
a . I dares to totieb.' Spots are ttill. exhaustion of tile nervous System The 96ive Vood seemed to build . I I
What does that mean? Stillply tlifq-, I tho honor of a son dodicating; Ilia i , . . . ----.--4+ , , . . I little d6ol, thot may be left tit) or pointed out Where, - 200 year,; affo . . . I
Tho youngr man immediately becomes life to the gospel--Ininistty, Nowf . �, down When the dining - table is. the two communes . fought pitch7ed' And deficiency In tile quality and mo, up gauerally, and so hi�da 'p, � . . . .
the loader of a cons(-erated band of the current of Popular' opinion Is! TOO TOUGII -A J013. Cleared off, thd diSties c battles for the.disputed Wood. Ap- quatitity. of blood.' .1-n all such cases thorough cure ot my old trouble, X .
Christian workors, who are ready to rUnning Counter to this line of , Ifto- Noigelossly, but with all his might dtiL this j3helf, an all be placed parently the Homeric struggle is as Dr, Chaso's. Nerve blood is the most Would not . think'of being witliout I .L I .
I .
work for Christ in any way the ble service, Our strong. young men, Old' burglar tugged at the d, d After washing far from Closing a's eVer. - - certain no Well as the most,thorough Dr. Chasd's Nerve Food fit - the . . I . .
""""" _' tbelh, put them back there W11110'You 1 . . 1. I .
table drawer, In vain, of 'c g L hoilsor, find would Stroll recoln- .
directs. It means iiistead of,entoring th It' r twed to I � cure, obtainable. I I
youn� pastor Ii 0 Pulpit, are L � � gly L L .
that his giving thx,ir ves to law, to lner� OPen. He 'tugged agaill _ t . the table again, thereby Saving . . . - L' Mrs. Symoos, 41-1 St. Clal.r stroot, mend unyol,L� suftering as I did to . . L
individual porsonal Influ- ir L 1:41by stepti, � . PROOP. � � I ,�
enep is doublvd, trebled, quadrupled c. hand ,0J to railroads, to electrical "Give 'it another Jeriw, said a I . . . . . 11olloville, Ont,, �ttttes I "00010 give it A tri -10, It succeeded In il)y , - I 1
g . .
-ay(,. a hundredfold Incrimqed-by science, , . I . I Voice behind him. . A lady who had been travelling weeks ago I began A -course of treat- case Il�tor it. great mahy.,romadlca . . I I
Tile f4econd reyison for proAdhing The 1:lurglar turned, L 14XNTS TO ROUS.T1)Xt1)T10P11'JRS.- abroad ,w 0- ment With Dr. Chaso's Nerve Pood, had ffti;e I
. the consecrated band of workers . . . I as destribing all Irisl1w . 'd"' . . .
f The 0 . . I find found it A very. vatisfactory To thi, tjioust�nds of wolht�ll Who I .
. wh,O wolcollio him into blq new thIs sermon Is that I Vould appeal Owner 61 the house wasi sit- Cake Is apt to stick to now tins, man WhO1U She Ill t . . .
. to tboso young t.l n medicine, I was formerly troubled are victirl.,; of nervous 1.
. - inan.to en,ter tile g 111) in bed And looking At Win despite care in buttering them, and "She wag So refined, no Woll-edu- headachri .
I charg( . It inentin that by the pow- Years ago, h : an expression of the deepest it is provoki . ng to have vi, layer cake dated I " silo Said. "Why, she Was With nervous exhaustion and it Weak, till$ lottel should prove of Inestint- . . I .
( er of hiF; Christian co -laborers work- t1tO-qPel ")'nl$t'r-V who nilany , I UL so car " w3f heart ab .
Ing writh hint. and for him he can h(%"d the call and who have Stifled IntOrtist on�hlo face. break . eful In avoiding all tompta, fluttering hoart. Whoneve. lo value. If they Will but follow
� V an fildi-0161vilt Wayward life, #�*Terlc It again. Therola. j lot . P, 01, M chunk Como out Of,& tious 'to brogue _ that she invariably ,;)othot6d mt I would hav6 spolls of the advice ot Mrs. . L . .
in timp absolutely dominato a whola It 1), v of loat Cake Oil that aecoulit. Try Called the erator of Molint Vo, Clanoy they can ' . . . I
region for good. Atutty the hi.,;tory ILI ,, 11 , y .SUVIUS weakilOSSL and dizziness, Which Wore be certain I,$( I . I .
Whi'll My Unclo, the devotod missio 41uabI6 propert fit that drawer, this when the cake sticim , Turn the I . great . and lasting 1.
of .1onathan FAwards in Northanip. I (�. tl'ohn Talitlago of AMOY, but we haven't been able to opo.,h it pan upaide, down, have ready a ,the creature' ill . wry dlstresslng� By inedna of this benoilt, :- . . I
. . .
Of4tift, wag d: boy of twelve he'read since th,q danip weather bega , . . I tro&thlient L my nerves have becoine Dr. Clhaaolg Nerve Vaod, 50 cents 1% I L. I . .
ton, Mass. Study Lyinan Dpechor's tho Ilia .of I)AV it- It cloth Wrung out of cold Water, IDLY , I . I
� mtrdng, dnd the Action of iny hoatt box, at all'ileMors, or 1,1dwarigon, L
Id Prainerd. After YOU ettn'pull It out I'll give you a It Over the bottont. and side.,) of the Proud Mothor - nly beat" F .
H ministorial carper In Lltchfipld, Con clostlig the book lie went to rily to be rogular. I Carl recota- batos & Vo., Torento, 11 . I
After he had been lot- a short, ti "I ,, haildsomo\ royalty on everything tift, ittiol In 0, MW ,Seconds tile eako -,tloar, your oduoation is linWhed, and . O protect
in hN now parsonage a mighty fits grandmiother arLd said, "Mothor 'I that's--" I Will drop out without a brot linond Dr. Chaso's Nerve Pood, 0,9 ar 'You agAIT10 Imittition.4, the portraij .
I rd- ant 96ing to be a rMq0fOn8XV.11 1�ltno 11tit the burglar had jumped I out It Is ,said that citko w ,ak, you havd-diplowaa trom the highest oxcollont fitedicinei", L "d signeffilre Of Dr. A. W. chtwo, . I � i
�FA I � I
4 .4 f if P"...
� I
� vivill swept over that town. . hich Is b&- oeats ol learning In the world," Mrili, James ClAncy, 114 Water the famoull redibipt .book 4utUor I .
Whell Passed on, and he ekitered eollege.� UIP6116 the Window, taking it part ginning io dry out may be "fmoheh Culture4 Daughter (Wearily ,, Ar,0
some one Congratulated blin on the � -11yeso
Ar Ito lo9t hl� high idoml and Ind m, Of tbA NdAh With hiiVk. 'Ad lib" lo 01JA wa,%r �. put. If, infzk a *"A tiow 1"M ton aid ta luAXkv.p?. ] 1111�0t, P6t4JtboY0UUh, 011C, Atates ; oil every box,,
L� .. L I � I I .
1. . % I I .
"I .
I I . I . L I . �
- I I
I . 4 .
I . I I
I . . I .
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. .
. . I
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