HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-18, Page 2M It
___,_,_2_"___ 1 __
�---_ �. _ ___
Shirt waists and daintY
0 linen aro made &lightfully
clean an I d fresh with Sun-
. I
light Soapv . 0111
_______ __ .. I I �.. .- .. ,�!�4
"a"". - ___ _______ _ � ..
I— __:_--a- I _. �11�1 __�_' - � I -
Or, The Love Story Qf Cllarlem Bryidork.apil Mary Tud9r, the Mrig's sistor, pmd
11appening In the Reip of Ris August Majesty JQ[og Henry the Vghth
lKowrition s.nd LoadwG4 folo M6dorn English. from SirjedWlp
. VaskodeWs Memoir �
.. -,. CQPIirig7tt-489$and.1901,bYtltdBowon-MerrU�Coravan?j
. -
0,-- . — � �
-1 �5.11 -.1 . .
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e-;,,, "'Y' _� ;,. ;:,�,
coumt, 110 aw 11 -it 6LI: " oi, il - Ni�)dd i- t", "' "" — _ "-,— �, W� _r � �W.r
. V 0 In -
to learn If he were true to lw.', I LVIAL'y
)lave behaved so, lipiowing I was In so .
X. ,t:;� ��,
- I -- "I" _-V
I I Q__ .
;:-L. 9_:�
much trouble. I did not see him at all
seems to be particularly qoll,zitive. in,
th at direction. - On(.. would think, It
. �('N NI)
'1� 11
� il I . -_ ,
.-.'�, I I - N
after -one afternoon ln� tile .king's-
about a week� before that awful night
,%Vag In the comnia lidateats, ,',Vhou. Shalt
I - .
.., �. � F-07'. %, - - .__.--__
. )^ ..j -r
In London, c%copt that night, when 1
. not go to Groucho's.1 * I
"WPI), I knew I ,could -do nothing .
q . 1W rv�__ -.,. - -
was so frightened I could a
. ot speak
with Henry. If he once learned or that
.- I
F %4 , ,
0110 word of all the. things I wished
visit, especially as it resulted so fa
. I
% .
,o�,- 511
I z
to 0.17.11 � .
This sounded strange enough, 4
, rid I
tally, Oh, why (lid I go7 Why did I
go? That was ,why I hesitated to tell
. �, L�
. .
. . , . . I
began.more than.ever to Suspect some,
Henry at once. I was hoping some oth-
I . If
thing wrong. 1, bowever. kept as firm
as possible upon the stock of
er way would open whereby I might
'k - I .1
indiguatiou. I had brought with me.
save Cliaries-masier Brandon. While
I wag waiting Along came tile Duke of
. I I �_ I �N
"How did you expect to see or bear
Buckingliam, and as I know be wa *
I F .
t i1j, .
I . -
frow him," asked 1, ,$when be was ly,
lug In a loathsowe dungeon without
Popular In London and bad almost a:
. .,
Don't Frown' � �
. . one ,ray of light, coudoillued to be
much Influence there as the kill,-, a
thought came to me that he might help
� � .
' .
hanged, dr, . rt
Awn. and (lua ored becauio
. Us. �
How many I,rows are marred by Ott
of your�selflsh neglect to save him who
� "I knew that be and Master Brandon
ugly wrinkle called a frown. . .
at tile cost of half his blood and'al-
most his, life had saved '
so much for
)lad passed 4 few angry words at one
It coines from trying to fix the eyei
� ,
you?" I .
time Ill -my ballrooiu�you remember -
Oil a givell pol"Ut and forcing thelli to*
Iler eyes grew big, . And .the tears
but I also.Unew that the duke Was in -_j
, .
in love with me, Yet? know, or pretend-
perform 'Wks for which. they are in-
-were chocked by glontilue surpi-Ise.
, I continued: "Lady Mary, n one .
ed to be�he always said he was -and I
cap-acitated. I . . . .
. I
could have made me believe tb at You
felt sure I could by a little flattery In-
duceblin. to do anything. He was al -
- would stand back ond;let� the man. to
ways protesting that . he would
T'n -UX-7 TTQ UPTTT. A_d*QT.Q111 IN .
Nyhom you owed so great a debt lie so
- I . give
*1 f
]on- In such Misery and be condemned
. .
. ___ ,
i . Tr
. . I
�rr_".,_--,__"- GELIC-.( �. : �
t(, such a death for tile aet that saved
I . tpi
you. I could never have believed I I
. -
"inip Or II(IM" P,�-re,'xwed Mhry. "What'
. i
, , .,
- �
,4 'S.S."'ti"n. 3,.-tV02.� ,..I
. to It., this you bring to torture roe? .
Is. ' .
. .
�1;p ovtio;u M. . .
'11ave I notenough already?. Tell me�
17 cl�zwa-(Dxf OwT.
.. It is a her or I will have your.miserable
��, - . . . .
little tongue torn - out by the root"'. ..
11 . .
5- ...... I ....
is no 'Ile,. princess, but an Awful
, ..
.. .
. ----. . ...-- I
truth and. a to you.- .
I � �� , .
1. Was determined to tell ber,all And
;- ----.-----,,---. ..
. � I . I
. . �
let tier see librself as. she was,
For Onoice . .. Fresh'
- .She. gave A hysterical, laugh . And,
. .
. . , . . I
throwing up bar bands -With bar accus-
. . . I . . �
Fruits of all 'kinds ,
tomed. little gest re, fell upon, the bed
. .
. . .
� I . utter abandonaleat , shaklagas with.
. .
� . I .
go to P. Maitland's .
a spasm.. She did not .Weep; she could '
not;She was past that now. Xana went
. . . I I
over.to the bed.and tried to. soothe her.. '
I . . . .
STRAWBER111p,s-F resh �. daily,.
- . � I .
In a moment Mary sprang to bar feet,
. . .
. exclaiming: "Master Brandon cou�
, �
. �
will be cheap. .. .
d.emned to death, a -lid' you and I herd
. .
. I I I
PrNrAPPI,Fs-are at their best
talking and Moaning and w4zdpingl
I .
Come, come;:we Will go to the king at.
11OW, larg-e.cholco.4061c,15c
" ,
we will start to walk, Edw�a-71':
. - . .
. 2 for 25 a. '!.: .-I ....
must, be doing 'something -�- And. Jane �.
. , 1
` I . . ,
011ANGES-all prices.fron.200
can. follow With the homes . and bver-
. � . , I . .
take us No;,_I� *111� not Aiea. 4..,F d.
. I . . . I � -, . . . � I . . t I I . . . - . , z V% WI -0 (Qu MW.- . I
. ' . �
. : . I .. .
upp I . I . . , . . 1. .1 am�f thig will. do. Bring me, a l3at, half lils blood to serve me. As if iiny�
I I . ,
�. Lrimo-xs�Alwaysaa gpod sup- ., -Jaae-an � y, ones any one.6 , While put- body wa'ntad A d '
, . I I . . - . rop of Mp wrdtched
. . .. ting on hat and gloves she ebiatinuod, blood.. .Poor .Master ':Brandonl �,Hlg
. I - -
I .
ply, 25c.a -dozen. �- I "I will see the king ht once'-wid tell blooid"7-- � and tears came,' choking her .
BANANAS -We... keep tbe'best , him all-alll - I ivill do Anything. ',I. words for the moment . "86, 1 1old the
only, 25c a doz'en. � ': - . ... will marry that old king.of France or duke'IL had proml,ied you and -.Tana to
. .1 . . .. � I
I . . . . . ., . I forty kings or forty devils!' It's' all �provure Master BrandoiVs liberty, and
� . :
� . . . ' one to - roe. ' , Anything ,., Anything, "to .asked Ill I in to-do It.forme. He-iladjy:.
Full'stock of Picillic G60ds, .save'vlm!. Oh,' ,'to th..Ifi-k that be.h,ai consented. and gdvei -Mo.. hl� knightiv'
I . . . .
"Can- beea"In that..dungdoR all, this tim,ell' � I .
Bulk an d Bottle Tickels, ' word that 'it shouid. be ifte' � .
.. .. . . 'A . . . nded Ao
nd the tears..came unheeded IA'a do]- . I .. -
Iled Goods,Caiineid Me'ats,V6g� ugs. , . - . . . I . . . . .- � . I . WIthOUt*an hour's delay.. He saiff It'
., - ' . . . might'have to be d6ne secretly in the -
etables, F.rui ts and Satlbes... - . � .'She was. under' suell-bead,way And lvay'of'an escape�not otclally-as,the,
.. . . . % . .
. � . Spoke..and moved so rapidly that V Londoners ware ybry Jealou . s of. their
. . .
Best qualities at lowest prices could not Stop bar until she was nearly rights and much aroused oil a' ,
. 0 .. I
I . � I . ccdu4t of
. . . . . tdadj to go,- then I held her by tba .
. . . � . .. . e aral the kililng. Especially, he'sald, that at
*!lite I gaid:. . . I I . . I I . I , that time ireat critition must ,be used, .
P. MAITLAND*- I 111t, Is -hot necessary now. You are us the ' 'to con
. I � I . I .., . .. . I-.: . . . . . . king was *anxious elliate
I __ � 1. . . I too late." . . . � . . I 1 -the citysin Order to procure a loan for.'
. . . . I . . � .A look of horror,carae Into.hei face, S I � .
11 . I I � I . * z . . . ome-purpose-my dower, I Suppose- .
. . . . I . � . and� 1, ' continued 'slo I wlY:, "I procured, ',"The .duke said it . should be . as' I
. . . I Brandon's release nearly a we6k'ago.' I . . .
� if tit I � 11 : Wished; that Mw5ter Brandon shau
. I .- I did Whitt you should have done, Aud,. esicape And re . I . . . .. .
A I . main away from London
I .. . he is now at our rooms In Greea�Vlch." - for ajow weeks xiutil.tlio� king prb-
I . I . . . Alary looked at'Me a moment and. �cured ]its loan aild.thon be freed by
A I tu , riling Pale, prosqed tier hands io"he'r r#ixI proclamation. '.. *. " '.., - ' '
. .
. �� 11 I Illea�t' and leaned., against' the ,door "I Saw Buckingham the next day, for '
. . .
. . . -, . . . frame. ' . - 1. . I.was . very anxiond. you maybesure,'
) '11� 11 1. � . Af ter a short, silence She said. �'b d, . and he Said the keeper of Newgate ba . d
� .. . Vvfu Caskoden-foolf * Why 6ould you told . lit *in It had been arranged tile
"I . . . not .have. ,told Ina thai, at fli-st?.- .1 , n � .
� � tgb't before, " � desired. I. had come.
I .thought my'bialn would burn and my - . ,. ..
� �q . heart burst.":' I - - . I. . to Wiad ' sor''because it was more quiet,
L - I I , . � .1 . and my. heart was full. it ls� 4ulfe 4
'.. "i,should;h4ve, told'you had y - I .
I . .ou giv. distance from. London, And .1 thought,
. . " 1� a, 'me tioe. As,,to the paln. it ,ga - f.
I. I ' ' v ' e It might.affilrd a befter opportunity tb
, � _- 1; 1, - - . you"--41iis was the lasf charge to.'MY. --to see -1 thought, perhaps Mast6r
. . " i
- .
.�.A. dOOD IIAND ... , largo"rhagaxin6 of Jndighatl ' on-111'eare A conie-might want to-
- .'"', very little about that. You d' .Br ndon might . . . 1.
.W_._-_* - . .. eserve It to -see .Tana and me'. In fact,'I wroter
- ' . I .
. . 1, do not. -know what. explanation: you him, before I left Greenwich thait. I
V,VEMY VACH POSSF,SSUS SOAII,,* have to, Offer, bl�t nothing can. excuse should -be here. Then I�hear,d he had
GOOD POINTS---� 0,001) F,Vr�,S� A you. An explanation,. lidwevei good, ' ' " Now you see how
� , gone:to New Spain.
WELT, ,1411APF,I) IfEAl)-A GOOD would.ha.ve been little comfort to you till my troubles have come upon me at I
PROFI1,le,-SO1MX CIIARACTERU�4'TIC had Brandon failed
THAT WII,14 SlIOW Ul) VV14,141i I,X, A , . You In Billingsgate 'once, - and this' the greatest of theta
. . � I . 0
PICTURK. . I . . . .., I � that night.11 ' � . I . . .1 because it Is .my fault'. I call as . k no
IS PAR'l- OF 017R ART TO �, , She bad fallen. into a. chair by ,this forgiveness from any one, for I cannot
IT , I
. .
� .
I,OOK FOR' TIIMSI�.GOOD :POIXTS i. time and Bat in reverie, staring at noth- forgive. myself.7- . � I I I �
AIND To 81-10W THV,1A'JX TRB'1311, Ing. Then the' tears .came again, -but. . She. then Inquired About. Brandon's .
OTOGRAPHS,- NJ?8 'IIARE4� I CONSE- ' more softly. , . . . health and spirits,, and r left out, no
QTTP',NTI,Y OTTR 11ICTITIZES IMPRE- . "'You are right;. nothing c(in oxcuSe distressing detail, you al -be sure.
I me. I am the m6st selfish; ungrateful, Dur ng My recital she sat with down.
. I �
: . : . . I
guilty opeature ev6r.- born. .A. .whole - cast eyes and tear staltied face playing
! month In that, dungeonl" And she with the ribbons of her lilt. I . .
HENRY'S PHIOTO STUDIO'd covefed her . 4rooping - facii with tier ,
. I . I . I when I *as -ready to go, sho.gatd,'
_.__.____._._ . I ..... . 7-- -hands. I . .
- � . . . �.
I �, I... _ . "Go. Away for � awhile, Edwin, and " P16ASO any to Mastef 13hindon- I Aho,ald,
. . then return.. We'shall want to see yet . j Ilkow-to�see-bfm If, he cakes to come,
V I I . � �agaln,tl said !an&. '. . I If only that.11 may. -tell him how.it hap.'.
. . . I pened."., . ... . . . . .
I . Upon - my, return - Mary Wds, . . �
, I . . I . . . More. .. 441 .greatly fear, In fact, I -know be
I I I .. 40MPbs6d. Jane- had dressod'.her halt, IVIII not come," said 1. "TI6 ciaelest
, , .1 . I and she wag Sitting on the bed In.her ,'blow of all, worse even than the dun- '
.%. riding habit, hat in hand, Ilet lingers -on or the sentence of doath, was �
. . ge
I I i were nervously toYlng at the, ribbon# )roVr failure to save him. Ro trust I ad
. , and her eyes. cast down. - I I you so Implicitly. At the time ,of his
. ... I .1. I , . "You are surely right, Sip Edwin. I - Arrest lie refused to allow me to'toll
. I . � have' 110 excuse, I oan',hava tione, but , tile king, saying, lie kne* you -would .
I I will tell you how� it WAS.
1. member the ( You re* 000 to It-tbat you were pure gold.)p .
� I lay 'you left .Mo. in the "Ali, did he say that?" she asked, an,
. I 1, Waiting room of the king's council, a Bad little smile lighted her face. ,
.. I i When they, � were d1scusolng my mar- "Als faith was so entirely without
� . tiage Without one thought of the, ag doubt that his recoil fro '' YOU Is Cor-,
mll If I were but a Slave or a dumb brute In
11 11 I I I that could not feel?,, respondingly groat. Ile goes to New
�L N I I She began to Spain as soon as his �bealth Is recovered
, � WeeD a little, but soon recovered her, guMolently for -him to travel."
5P . I self. "While Waiting for. you. to re. This sent the last flock of color from
"Pov ,,to � turn the Duke of Buckingham came Ili. tier face, and witit.the Words almost
!. I know Henry Was trying to sell Me to
Zkja i . the Prouch'king, and my heart was' ' �110kfllg her throatp "Then tell him
I 1, ful I I of tkouble-from move Causes than What I havO said to .Von and perhaps
: .Ile will not feel . Sol,- .
Mr - YOU ofth know, All the council, espe. 4dI 6winot do that either, Lady Mfiry,
onij 16 -he R st � cfally thai butcher's son, were urging When I mentioned Your llama the other
IVR, 1UNDTIP11 AT,T,_TII1,1, 1,V,AD- , him Oil, "lid Ilenry himself was an . 1V day, ho said he WOUld curse Mo If I ev-
ING ATAXES Or, I�IC.yej,lj.ci. ,1,�q. � foils that the ,marriage should be at spoke It again In big hearing.',
CLUI)TXG '111R, RACYCI41J, er,p�,V1,4,. : brought About. Ito . thong , lit it would "to It so bad as that?" Then, medfta.
T,AND AINTI) Cot,17-AIWA, W144 Ar,'Slo strengt1lon "'in for the tintJerlal CrOwn, tiv'elY- "And at his trial he did not tell
TIAVIP, Qth,%�11, WITU31,3,8 1-�()Xt 1 Ile wants eveWhIng And is Ambitious file reason fol, the killing? Would riot
Tlmmo, Dro,srluivor Trinu, . to be emperor. tnipprorl 116 would .
OVIZ MA(!fTl.\J,,' ,81tOl, IS I . compromise me, who had served him
F1,T,tX � cut a litetty flgurtl I lioped, thought so Ill, even ter save his own lite? Noble,
VQVT11111e,l) VOR �k ('*''�HMAT, Rl",- ; I should be abl"o to Induce, him not to noblel" And bar lips went togethok AS
71�tlt TRAPE4� VVII*, DO AI,T, KINDS qncriflea we to hiq -;vItI.qb Interestao. as
OF 13W'S�CLV, I 1410,111AIJUN0, lflto"l I I have done She rose to her feet. No, tears now;
TUTZININ0, 151111,1,TNO', (',,1ZTXI)IX(�, borore but 1 knew Only nothing but glowing, determined wo,
PRAZT1.14101, SAW GI-N11,11NO, ' � I too Well It would ta", illy I
, I i POWOrs to the inanhood.
FILINGY, T11',11PHIZING VJTT,e,kN1l7,_1 Utlad-It this tfnit%. I klleNv that It I did "Then t will go to him wherevot bo
11\07 OV R11111IL"R, JAIIiIANTING A\'I) � Anything to 611ger or to antagolilve him may be. 11o, aball forgive me, 11 t�
Y,',?N*A IMUT,TANG. Wli' , A 1,SO DO. Al,t4 i It would be all at an end with Ine, you top What ray fault 1, . 4 Ma
RINIMS OP GW'.�T ISMITITING, I 1014W Ile Is 90 oxnetIng wltb Other poo. Soon After this 'We Were on out Way
AS IV T` V 1 Ple b c. 314not for on(' Wh() Is 90 corele-419 t6 London At it btigic gallop,
I I T1O',,,%11IT,Y CAN I of lil.g owp-qo- virtiloliq Ill, proxy. You W6 Word till Very Allont, but tit One
TIT,', A�71) IVV, GYITAIIAXTI,,�L-1 f remember hmv orlloll,V he disgtraeod
'TO GIVP', SAVSVACTIOX. I time Mary spoke up from the indaht, of .
01VE4 '118A TRIAL, L and eruslie(l Door Lady Cho.stemleldt it rovorlo,.,44DUrIng the Mom ,* an
I I W1110 Wag in Such trouble nbotit lior hua. a ent
thought Wster,nrandon h d beethfale! :
SOM11W & TVRNt R bliud.tmd wito went to oroilao,# ows gutw--�Whou IOU #414 It W44 too',
. I - 4* -
f I . .1 .
� . 4i, N� -
June i8th, 1008
� I '__-—___ ____.___..__'' _ I � I I - '--�--'-�—'--"—�--"�-'7�":'7r'!'!�'-':��nl'!!-,�'w��'jo
, . __ __ __
___ , -,-
. � It seemed that 1 WAR bora 41"Ialn and 411 to b0levO YOU were too sure, that I bad Waft loot, 1001111
� Made over, tbat I was changed Ili the grown cheap in your eyes, and did I
Aching J
I you Ire sprang to WU
Very texture of MY ilatum by Illo not care So MUell AS I thought . . ere she stood luau-
� ' and i Ing toward him And caught her to his
. rillock, as they Hay the gralu of tho Iron hoped for what I had to give, for after I b L
tu the fingero, toeo, Arms, an4 Qtlsor
, I
� cultu011 Is NIN-13MV3 6111119Q4 by t0v that day you came not near me lit all. I $be held him froui er while sbe
�, Violent an esplosloo." And this proyg , b
'd I know It was the Part of wisdom and i "Now
� ppirta of the body, are Jointo that Are,
jutiamed and awollert bY rheuna;xtIom---
� o4id: you Unow_
to be true In soule respects. prudence that you should realain, away,, : that I would now you know
� , We rode on rapidly aiAd did not stop : riot have left you in that
but )lad
th4 t; Lucid Condition of the blood whicli
, You cared as. Much .as. I your ; terrible place bad I known it. No, riot
i In Loudou. except to give the horses � prudeace would not baya-beld
afsecto the museles 4109, I
YOU." i If It bad taken, My life t.o buy your
: slrlu4. . � i She bung her head a moment Ju al. ; groedolu.,, . I
After crossing the- bridge Mary said, ; lance, then, ,��
BuOorero (Irt4d, to move, espeoiAlly
after sitting or lying long, and their
looking at him, almost "I 40 know-, .1 do know. Be sure of
, ,
� halt to June And halt to herself, "I will ' ready for tears, continued: "A man Ila$ that, - I know I� and Shall ,know it al.
.condition is oommonly worse in Wet
never marry the French king-liever." 00 ;right to speak In. that way of a I
, wO* . Ways, whatever b4plielia,, nothing.egn
� Mary ,was but 4 girl pitted. 4901118t it m, an whose little favors be, has taken, � ,
"I suffered dread
. _Nlly from. rheumatism,
I i . cha
; age me. I will never, doubt you
bogy Qf brutal men., two of them rulers gad make tier regret that she
I , bus given ; again. It Is. ray tur4 to ask forgiveness
but have been complitoly oureo by
Sarsaparilla, $or which I AM 400PlY grate,
ot the two greatest nations on earth- %
a gift only Matt it way recoil upon. her. i n'ow.,, -,
411V AUSS r' XANM SXX=, W911COtto 04t-
rattler heavy odds for One woman. � ) %ittle,l did I say? .Sir, do You. know ; "No, no, .TUB
We rode down to Greenwich and ell- � What, that-grot-itiss . tforgIY6 me. That Is all
01 ba4 al) attack
; . of the, grip which left me
; weak and helpless and suffering. from rhou,
was me? JJad I ask." ,&lid her head was on his breast
tered t4opalace without exciting cow. .
In habit � ,I- possessed all the crowns of all the t "Lilt us stal) Out Into the passageway,
i t6atl0m, I begaq taking Hood's sarsapa.
rIlla and this medicine bais entirely,careq,
ment, as the princess was the ". earth I would have given them to you � Edwin 11 said -Tana, And we did. There ;
of coming and going at will. . . as -willingly, WOW Y , On know the value ! were , �mes when Jane
tue. I have no besitation in paying it. saved
my life." * M. J. 90PONAIM, TrelIt011, Oat.
. Tile king and queen and Most of the seem
I Placed on It, however worthless it 0,01red. - I , ed.to be iu�
I Hood's Sarsaparilla
courtio .
, to were in London, At Bri4ewell was to you, Yet I w, as a cheerful giver When we went back into the room
I-Iousa and Daynar4's castle, where of that gift, WAS I not? And cau'y I . ,
, . ,Qu UAry And Brandon we , he
to sitting in t
, , 1,
Removes the cause of theumatiom-lio,
ouliwar4t can. To it.
Ileury was vigorously pushing the � ,
I � find It in your heart to make of it a window-w4y ou his great cloak.
loan of 500,000 crowns for Mary's dow. ' They
shame to me -that. of which I so
.application uke
- � ___
1 ; .
. ' ' -
.. .
. �
' WAS rose and came to us, holding each otli-
or, the only business of state In which proud?"
4. 1 1�_ 1� 4 oes, bands, and Mary asked, IoQkIag un
R INUAL time, lie o azu ,�Oxm I ata,
est. Subsequently, as you know, lie be-
She, stood there, wltb head Inclined a
little to One side, looking. At him In- 1
to him-, . . .
"Shiall tell them?"'
. I .
., I
. .
came Interested. In the divorce, laws
and the various methods whereby a
. quirlugly as If awaiting an. answer. Ile !
- "As you, like, my lady.'r
E treaty. bad been agreed . Up.
.man, especially a king, Might rld hlmo
did not speak, but looked, -st6addly at '
his book. I -felt, boweveri tlia� be, was -1
Uary was Willing,. and looked for
Brandon to speak*, be *"This
rwon, and as to tile International � .
* .
self of a distasteful wife, and after lie'
changing. and I was -sure her beauty, �
so said,
lady whom I hold by the hand And my-
: arrangement, at least, the mar� .
Louis de V
W . - riage of a'lols
saw the. truth In Anne Boleyals eyes lie'
I �
adopted a combined policy, of church
never More exquisite than in Its, pros- �
self ba,ie promised each other before
,and ,
Mary Tudor wait a settled fact�,, All It �
� �
and state craft that h4s brought'us a
cut bumlllt,r, would.yet Atone for even .
tbegood God to be husband and.wife
.needed was the consent of an eighteen- ,
deal of senseless trouble ever sla.ce and
. sogreat 4 fault as hers.. Err, look beau-
if. -fortune ever so favor us that It be
. . .-
Tear,old girl-asmall matter, of course,. - I � .
is like to keep It up, , "I .1 I
As to 'Map.yls, dower, Henry was to
and receive temisslont Sue
. . h 4.
,woman as Mary carries her Indulgence
possible.', . :
, .
"No; that is not it," interrupted Ila-
as marriageable women are but com-.
moditles It) statecraft,.and theoretically,
pay Louis only 400j000.crownst but lie
In bar face. . . i.py.
I now began tQ realize- for.the, first �
, "There is Do lit, in it. It Shall be
Whether It to possibleor not.
Lt least, acquiesce In, everything their
2 ' '
liege lords ordain. � � .. r . I
Made the marriage an excuse for An,
. extra 100,000 to be devoted to his. own
time the wondrous power of this girl,
iball 'Prevent." At this She kissed -Tana
Wolsey, whose manner was -smooth - �. I
private use,
ceased to marvel. that she had al-, .
. and told. her bow size ioved heir, aud,
as an otter's coat, had been sent .to
. When we arrived at the palace the
,Ways been able to turn, even the 101%
�he most violent, stubborn man Z.,
ve me ber'band, for her love was so.
994reat her
fetch tbb needed "yes," but lie failed, ,. .
. .qlrls went to their apartments and I
to mine, Where I found Brandon'ivad,
earth, to her own, wishes. Her manner
within that It overflowed
upon every'one, She, however, Always.
Jane told me about it, I .
Wolsey had gone privately to see the I
Ing, That I a was: only one,.window to
made her words -eloqlient, and already, �
WItfi true feminine tactics, she had put 1
had a� plenitude of love for Jane, and,
though shemight scold, ber'and appar-
I .
ppincess and, bad thrown out a sort Qf ,
line flattering,her beauty, -'
our,gommon rooln-a dormer,wIndow
set into the roof and reached,,by a lit-
113randon In the wrong In everything ,
eat , ly misuse her, Jana was as dear as
skirmish by
I but had found her not In the best hu- '
tle p4ss.ago as. broad as. the window it-
, *
because he was wrong Inpart.
.-Then she quickly want ever what- she
a sister and wag always sure of her
isteadfast, tried and lasting affection. '.
mor. : . . I
I . ..
"Yes, my lord of Lincoln, I know'
I self apdp6rbaps a yard and a half
long'. in the alcove thus formed was
had said to' me. She told of her great .1
.kfter Mary had said there oboula be
yes, .
how beautiful I am, No one knoWs bat- .
a beach along the wall, cushioned by
dread lost the king should learn of the.
'visit to.Grouch�ls and its fatal conse- ,
-no "if" Brandon ,
"Very Well, Mme,* Destiny." Then,
ter. I know all about my halt, eyes, , . .. .
, .
Brandon's great campaign cloak Ilf
. '
this window we often sat And read, and
quences, knowing, full. well It would
I 'ie-nder'Henry
turalng to'Us, "What gught I .to do for
teeth, eyebrows andskIn. I tell You 1. .
am sick of them. Don't talk to Mo � I
. I .
here�was Brandon with his book. I had
impervious, to her influ-
One who Is willing to stoop from 130
about them. .It won't help you to get , 4 I I
. . �
Intended to. tell him the girls were co . m-,
46nde and preel itate the French war-
fiage. I . p .
.She. told him of how she was
high. an estate to honor me and be my.
wife?p" - . I . .
. '
my pousent to Marry that vile old crea- . .
Ing, ;for when .Mary' asked me If I
. thought -he - would come to her at -the
going to,the king the day after the ar-
"Love her and -her alone -with your
1. * ,
ture. That is what you have come for, . . .
i oi course. I-bava been e�cpectlng You.., ' - I
. I
Palace, and .when I had again said no,
Silo: reiterated her, Intention,
rest to ask his release, and of. the meeit-
InSwith Buckingbain,*and his promise. I
whole heart as long as YOUL live, That
is Ali. She. wants,. I am sure," volun-
Why.did not my brother come?" . . .
: I I
- 41 think be was afraid, and, to tell - , I
of going
. to him att once; but m y courage failed
, Still Brandon said nothing and stood
teered.Jane sentimentally. .
- . I,
truth I was, Afraid myself;" . . .
$ � . .
% I �
me and I 4ild not speak of It.' .
as if politely waiting for. her to. With . I .
. Jane, you are.. a Mme. Solomon,"
answered Wolsey, .with a smile., This I ' . . . .
I-UheW that Mary ought not to comir
. , . .
I draw. - .
, 'She remained silent a little time, 1
solid Mary, with a tone of hap old ttm*
. 0
laugh. "Is the courso.you advise ag you
Made Mary smile, too, in spite of - herm ' . - �
4nd went a long way towtLfd,put-. .
to- our'room, and that If news of I i
. .
Vaiting for -him to -sneak wlicen.tears I
I I . .
self . I
should" reach the; king's ears there
would be'mdra and worse trouble than
ever, And- as Usual Brandon"would pay
the penalty for all. T an again, it it
� . . h
were discovered- it i� . t seriously. com-
p . p0mise .both. Mary and, Jane, as the.
World. Is -full'of people �who. would rath..
er say and believe an evil,thl,ug of av�
other4hat to sair -their. prayers or. to*
believe the holy creed. . I I .I ..
I I had said tis much to the Lady Mary �
. .
when she exp.r.essed bar determinatio � n
. .
to go to Btaadoil-. ,She bad been In the
wrong... so � much'Of. late that She was-
, ..
humbled'. and 1,waij. brave efiough to
. . .
say whatever I.felt, but she sdid,sh,e
. .
bad thought It - all over; and as every
one. Wag awak.'from* .
, , Greenwich . It
. I
would "fiot be ,, found v1pt If do . no , so,
:, ., .� . . .... . . , . I
� .
She told Jane she meed not go I ; that
she, Mary, - did'not wartf to !take any
risk of coh2proialsing her.' . 1, . '.
.Jane W ' ould have gone, thougb,,bad
' .
she known that all bar fair name would
g9 with, ber� She Was right, . you see . ,
when she told me 'while -riditig over to
Windsor 1hat should Mary's love blo's-
' ' '
som. into .a. full. blown'll0sion she ,
0 . f
partly of -vexation, I think, moistened
... . I . i
,bar eyes. � I . . I
"Tell Me lit least," she said, "that !
. . . I
You know I speak tho truth. I have al- I
Ways believed. In you,* and now I ask i
ior your fait . h. . I would not lie, to you I
. �
Ila ibe faintest ,shading of, a. thought- 1�
not.for heaven itself -pot even fo . r your j
. . � . I .
�ove and forgiveness, mubb As they are. I,
to Me; and I 'want to know that. you I
. . �
itre, sure of M��- .truthfulness,. M Yqu.,
11 . I
dbubii�all.,Plse., You see X spdock plainly'. �
ot :what your love is to me;. for al- i'.
though by. I remaining away you made 11
me fear I bad been too lavish.w'lth- my'
. I
fav6ks-that Is every w6inan's feak-1. I'
, � . I
kn6* In..my:hear-tyo11 loved me; that ,.
iou could�not hitve done and said*liat
yOudid otherwise.. Now you�see'what .
faith I .have -in .you, .and You a man, - .
whom a woman's InWuctprompts� to.
doubt. How does,it compare'with Your, .,
thith In.me, a woman, whom all the In- -
' '
stincts of a manly -nature Should ,dis-
nose to trust? it seems to .be an un- I
written la* that 'a man ma lie to'a 1
. .Y I I
womanponceruing tlib mqgt important ;
�Iili4g in lite to )U6r and be proud of it.. I -
hilt von see even 13-0 I h- all 616 +
Tin a goou numor. VY olsey. con� . I
.g her I I , , .
Untied: "His majesty could nothave ., .1 . . +
I given me a* more disagreeable task. , . .. I
i Youdoubtless think I am in favor of - - .. I
i this marriage, but I am. not." ' % � . I .
I This was as great a. lie as ever fell '' 1� I .
I whole' out .of a bishop!s mout.b. ."ll have
i been obliged to fall in with. the king's . .
, ' '
.I V141va on the ln,atter,,for h Ims 'bad big . , . . �.
' a " .
i - mind set on 'it from the first mention I :
� � . . I . . :
I . . .7. .
� b� !)a Longuevilia."'... - , - .. 1. .� I . ,�,_ . . � I
I-�_ , � . �. � -11 w_ - . . 11 . I . .
i � �7 ---.;. "
---- -:---,7-- - =!_1i.+ _' .
� �. * *_77, -7 - . . I .
I. - . 1. .
.; � I . ; ., . i . I : ..; I . . .. . �
; - I .
; . ... I
"'To Protect You , I .
I �,: . - .1 a ... . . 11 �' � . ......
I.." :.:,A Inst.1mitatichs, , . ..
Tbib -Fortraf� !.d skmatui i * , � .
I . �Chasep the rAMOUS recelpt book4uthor, - ,� , . I .
I are PU iiVeri'bOX Of 1118 rMCOICA.. + � . I I I . . .
I ' The.:great prescript I ions . -of Ijr,'Cilase fia.,ve .
attai�ned such enormo'us sales. that'the.teml . ). . . .. :
ta,don to. imitate them 1s continually grovvffig -
1stronger. Int order that yo'u may be certain' - � , ,
1, that you are gettink his genuIne remedics� the I .
I doct&s portrait and signature are oh every box I .... ... ..
� I . - . .. or.bottle of his rem- - � .. ., .
I � .ef., �, v5ies. This is the. .. .
I- � . ..
; ... " Atrongest guarantee .
AW , that any medicines. I, , .
� "�� � 41,
would I
. ,, W.reck. *,everything' And every.
I Dody -including hergelf'perhaps to at-
. .
' . eIr urel
. in;'yolir love' for 'Me, .a I s Y
* .
.1 . . . .. � . , I
I . . 'Now vou hn''o, .. .
. I I . Itill- ..
. I
. .
I can bave� . Ile skill, I .
. .. I
experience and integ-
. . I . .
I I . ,
.tain the object of sU great a'desire. . I
sil,ould.not be here. You Boa I trust dven. ,
, ,
your unspoken word, when; It mig4t,-
I Would wish to be, dbue by T� And- she .
. -
' � ' � .
- � rity of Dr.', C haise are , � I .."
- ?.. at bac ' ' . ,
It looked .now, as 'if she wage on'the
W, I ,
thout Much blame to YOU, be a SPO-.
. J
glanded.miscbiavously,from� alaetgme
I as the laugh bubbled .
up.from her heart'.
ofe .
. g . .the ach of - . -
these preparations .. I - �
. � , . - � -
Totbing �sh
highroad to tbat end. 1\ . Ott.
of, clAaf is and fetto rs coiald. have -kept,
. .
ken lie, yet.yob'do not trfist tne
' , Who
. . .
-1 marry and soft, as It It,had not come
, I . and
. I you cannot afford .
. . � � tG accept c cap im. � - ,
. h' i '
. .
. her from.going.to .Brandon that evanr
V no world"-givian right to speak
. I � .
falsely, about suefi...Jbings. and'.wben.
-1, from What was but now tho home of
!. grief and pa.l.n. ' 1. �. . I I
L ;�-4 _. itations and so ristc. ` - . .
lag.'There- was dii,inher-eut force about .;
her that w 9 Irresistible -an I
4 V t
that which I now do is full Of shame
. .
. , . . .
.know noth g abo .
i � "I - in ut how i . should
I �
.k.- life and health. I . .1. . . I
. , .
. I .
r. � . .
Dr.' ChMses Kidney-Li'ver Pills one
� , .d
everything before.1t, , ... ... .
.ior me, and what I bave,donb full .
guilt, if Inspired by Aught but ,the pur-
like to be done by," said. Jand, with a
L , I .
pout, "but yo ave such. respect'for
pill a doid, 25 cents a box, five boxes for $1.00,' . . � .
, I I. � . . � 7
Dr.'Chasa'is Nerve Fo*d,- 60'cents.i box. - I .
� Ifi.our garret _
I She WAS t.o meet.Ano .
er Will, stronger and.fullfiftely bettet ,
� . .
" '
eSt ,truth from MY heart of hearts.
. I . .
. .U� .
my wisdom I *111 offer. a little more� I
. . ,
Dr. Chaso's Ointment, Go'cents a box. . . . .
' - Catarrh Cu*re .1
D�, Chase'4 cents boy
'' , , Own , A r .. .
controlled than her , nd I Old not
-, how it, w6uld all turn - �
-Ybur ,1kords Mean inuch-so. much
al I 1. . . .
ore. I think', than. you realize -and :
think going." .
It I, tiln
r ewe should be
- ,4 .
NOW 'Jane, you are growingtoblisli
k.. Chase's Liver Cuie, 60 cents i bottl�, , , '. -. :- ..
0 1 �
. Dr. - - .. .
�Chasa's'SyruO -of Linseed and' . ... , .
1know. out."
. � .
. . . . 11 . I . . r
. I . .
. . .. I ,- � . .. .
are so cruel in turning tq'i%
I . dl the high-.
. 1. I ,.
1. � I .
il n-* I will'not go �Yet," and Mary
. 94I I
T, rpentlne,'25 And 60 cents 4 bottle. . .
. . . ., I
. . . r
. I
At. all dealers,. or r'Edmansor4,, *.Bates
... I I � . .
. .
. I r . I CHAPT-Di R - XII. '. - . r
. . . . .
est, vlrrestlmpuls4'� woman ftil feal-�-
. . I
- a
the glowing pride In's It -surrender and.
� . �
made -manifest her Intend by � sittin ,
. . 06 .9.
uld ndt bring herself
down. $be co ' - to
. . . .. I . , .
Do' - Toronto., . , � 1. . . . .
. . ,:. � . . . . . .
. '. . I I . . . � .
. . .1 .
.. . .ATONEUENT. -� � , .
, .. ..
4AD, not been long In the room
the sweet, delighif al -privilege of"givIng
where sb e, loves'. cith You.?. How
, ,
' forego the pleasure of Staying,, . danger-
ous as she know it to be- and could not
. . .. � . . :*, :;:''
-......- . I - 11 . ,: 1. . . ..
� . . . . � . .. r . . r
. r
. I
. . , I . I � . . I .
. *ban a knock'at the door an-
.1 .
I .,,How
ca' ?PP . �, . . . . �
n you . . .. I r
r I
bear the path I Of r parting, 'even for' -a
. . . � .
"Was It'that hood eyed, little Mummy. , �
uounced the girls. I admitted
r TIo,W eloquent she was -1- Itseemed to
Short 'time, now that she had Brandon
*he suggested ItV. . . . I I . r .
't * hem, and Mary walked to
the middle, of the floor. It was just
,me this would have melted the frozen.
�Oaeerlaor,6. . The time was soon. comlng�
"Yes, And if you marry the king of.' : . . . r
r . . r .
.-growing dark, and the room was quite
.sea, but thilikBrandbli felt that. POW
Ili's only hope lay Ili t1rie'safeguard of,
�but I am too fastAgalnir
After a time Brandon said:, 041 think
.France.you can repay,lil in wl th usury.�' ' I r r r
11 'Tis an Inidticerilent, by,my trotb " . .
I dim.saveat the Window where Bran-.
I �
. ' 4
I g.
don satreadin those
. his constantly Upheld I
I .
's Isdom remains wIth hori Mary,*
w . . . r. .
� . i �on� '�
� "I do not mind saTing to You'll r
*o'utrage �
, .Gods, were ex-
citing mome .. atsl My . heart* beat like
. Whon he'spokibeIgnored iL.11 she
a ... .. . ��,
. It IS better that You do not stay much':
" I . 1.
fidence, that I` think- it An to .
. I I
I .1 . r a
womuWa. Brandon saw the girls when
Said, I
. * � .. ..
. "You did- well't6 employ my Lord of
as. I wish fa have you.11� � . .
r .
�', Showas.1 ready to pb . ey. him r at otice'.',
force, a girl litte, you to marry a man . .
I . .
: III- I e Louls,of France, but hoWr:ari) we . I I
they entered, but never .io, �Mueb 'a's
3�ucklngham. It will mako 11iait6rs
Wbeu .she - aroge ta go She too(, both
.. I .
I r
to avdid'10'.7 . . I . � .. . ..
. -looked- UP from h16'bolok. You must to.
more InterestIng'when I tell You. it, WaS r
� . �
. .
, his hands � In: hers :,
and whi,qwred:
11 . . ' : .
`By "we". Wolsey �put himself In._ .
member he had a great grievance. 311ne'
and'i had remained near tber door',
rho -Who attacked you and was caught
. ,
ii.,,Mary..' I Ilko the name onyout lips,"
I ; ,
alliance with Mary, and th.e.move'was �� 11
. and
poor Mary was a ;PIilab)a`-prI11ccss, .
by the leg Under-hig. wounded bo4e; he.
, ,*Vag la'aloi I am 1old, forgome time Aft-
and than, glgliclh
. . . .: . g -hurriedly Over, her
. �
, .. � I. .
,certalzily-adrolt, I ��
* . ' " I ' ' '.
.. �
"How Are � we to. avoidi it? - . .. r r
Have no ,
Standing there so I r doubt in the
full of
. hilddle, the
erward,' I -had watched him following
shoulder to see if'Jane and I were look�
. .
. . . I ; I yVill Show yo'." "r , � ... . . . .
fear of that, lily Iord � U .
of room- After a
. moment
Bile stepped towari wJndoW and,
, you from. the gate at Bildewell and tit
once recognized him wbeii his mask
Ing, lifted her face to him and.rarl'after -
us; %. . . . I
: "Oh, but MY dear'princess, permit .
. I
with quick comft-breath, stopped at
fall off,during the fight by the wall.
'YOU '
I . � . . . I
Wo,werp a little In advance of 'fhe
me, You do not seeia to know your �� .
� . �
brother. You cannot in any iway avoid . , � .
tile threshold of the little passage. -
have done Well at every stop, I
princess, and as we walked along.lane'T
. .
this marriage. I belloVo lie will 4m.
.1 Brandon, I have.-colae, not to
make excuses, for nothing ell'
r �
sce.10 ' , .. I �. .
�. .
"Oh, God;. to think of Al Had I but
said under her bredth: �'Now'look out
for trouble;.It will come .quickly, and I
prison you And put you on bread and I �
water to force your consent. I am sure ,
me, but to tell you bow It all habPened
-by trusting to. Another.,, .
. knowill Buckingham shali pay for this
fear for !,faster Brandon - more r than
yoti bad. better do. willingly that which - . ;
- .� . .
I - r . .
Brandon Arose
with his'llead; but how could I know?
,illy one, He has.itade a noble light
' ., I
you -%vill eV&itudily be compelled to do . . . .
alid, mar'kingr the
place In. his book* W10h, his finger,
� t6l�
I Was but a poor, distracted is
girl, SU'L
to*make some fatal error., .1 wag In
against tier and Against himself, and It'
is no.wonder she..Io'ves him 11 - . .
RUYNMY; n . .
A di besides, there is another
tbolight that has come to ine. Sball '. ' '
lo*ed Mary, Who had Ste ped back.
I . . . .P I .
-%vard Into the. �
Such agony -your wounds-beile, , .6r
. vC
r This made me feel it ittile 10alotlS.
,I . .
. Speak plainly botor ,Lady Jane Boling- 'r r . I
(11 .
I .
. . room, I I. . .
"Your highness Is Very gracious and
I Su6red more from them than you'
could. Every painyoU felt was a pang.
"Jane, could not love him, could
. I
vou 101 I asked. , I �
broke?", . r �. .11 . L . I.
I . � . I � I r � . .
"I -have no secrets from bar." .
kind thus to honor mej but Ail ou�r Wayg
,will horeafterIle as far apar.t AS the
for me�and then that awful lilt'arriagal
I was being sold like g wretched sla,vp
"No ma#er Whitt I could do, Edwhi.,
I do
"Very well. It IsAlils. Louis Is old, . I
world to broad, I think It would have
. I
I �
not, find that should Satisfy you,"
and very fee ble. Ile eanno live .long. .
I been far better had you, refrained fr6m
to that old satyr, to be gloated -over
Iler Voice and manner said more than
and It may be that you can by a ready
.80 Imprudent bi visito especially . its Any., .
And feasted 'Upon. NO Mani can know
fier Words. The ball was almost dark,
consent now exact a promise from your I
thing end so �xaltod as yourself- may
the horror. of that thought to a woman.
and -I have Always considered that oc.
brother to Allow you your own choice !
. have to say can be. ho'affalr of'such as
-to any Woman, good oi bad, To have
casion one of my lost opportunities, but
they are not many.
Ili the event of a second marriage. You - _ ..
might ,11 that .W1 Y pUrebaSo ' bat YOU r
a W
I -one just free of the hangman#g.
One's beauty turn to curse ,ter and
,make her desirable only -only as Wall
The next evenin# Brandon and 1,
'could not bring about in' Any other I
110h, don't, I pray YOU[ tot'lae toll
ted eattIO are PrIZOO& No Matter how
Upoll Lady Mary's InVita1lon, went,up
Way." . I � . . I
. I
. YOU, find it may make 4 difference, It
groat the Manifestation of such to
to her apartments, but did not Stay ,
'110W do Von IMOW. that I Want to .
Must Pain youp I know, to think of Mo
called love, It all the more repels a
long, feating some one might.find. us
p Urchaso ought In (lily way, Master: ,
all you do, aftor�afteryou know; afto
I ..
er has
-WomAn and adds to her loathing day
by day. Then
there And Cause trouble, We Would
not have gone lit all had not the Whole
Wolsey? I most cortallily do not In.
tend to do so by Marrying Fr, r r _ , .
What Passed between us,"
"yes) r that only iunkeq It all tile hard,
there WAS -something
Worse than all,)-ghe Wag A 'most weep-
court been Absent - in Londou,, for r dis-
. "I do not know that you wish to par -
011. If you could give yo .
up kisses'l-and
Ing Aow-"X Might have b eon abla to
COVOrY Would h4VO been A sorlo.us, mat-.
chase Anything. but a wonlanla heart Jo.
she blushed ted AS blood-dito one for -
bear the thought even of that bldeous
+or to one t
7 .0 Ugat least, I .
not alwayB tinder lice fall control, tind ..
Y�hom you care so little.that you could
. . I . � . ..., - .
Mftrtlage-Otherg have lived through
As X told You once before, 11oury did
not care how touch Brandon
- (TO 13L�l . CO1-.tIXt,TJ,:l)1) �
. .. .
leave him to the like P, dog, wb6n a
th(l like--but-but after�-tfiat�tbat
d1lV—WhO�% Al*_441 A �1.
might love
his sister, but Buckingham had *his-
. _ . -r_ . . I . � .
- ,. -1 I ... .. I
word from you would bavo SAVed him,
a quuum at, 'Your
touch Wits a Spark dropped in A heart
poked Suspicious of the State Ot MAWS;
� � . I
1 I I ��
vthat teag6a have I to OuPPOSO they A174
full of tinder, which bad'Ilto
eea lying
heart, And big own observations, to.
not for every mall?" ,
This gaye Mary An opening
theta awaiting It all these years. In
gather with the Intercepted uot% had
given, these OU801clong
1W 01, t h r's Ea r
of which
that One. Moment the Ilame, grew so In-
it ottoager,color-
She Wag quick enough to take ftdvan.
touse I could tot Withstand it My
Ing, go, that a
, very small matter might
�ftge, for Brandon was Ili the wrong,
"you know that to not true. You aro
throat Adhed; I could searcobv- liftatlie, '
and, it seemed that my heart wotild
turn them into cortaintles,
The king had Pardoned Brandon for
A womb w maromoost eAmy WNWill
MONI'M40 I'MAIr 40*Mk IsitoonAt fHAr
not hoiftogt with Ina not with Yourself,
barAft"', Here the, teats gughad forth AS
the killing of the two Men In Billings.
and that Is not like you. You know that
She. took A stop toward blin with out-
gate, as he was forced to do under the
. soorve aA#U1.S10A(
no otbor Man Over had' or Could haVe,
any favor from Mo, even the Slightest.
Stretched atlas'nad said between Sobs:
"I Wanted you, You,'for ray husband-
01rcilmstalroes, but there his kindness
stopped. After A; short time he deprived
60pol.1997NAt Xk7'*A SY'RENOVIN ANb
WAMOU11699 to not 41110119 my thousand
for My fiusbaud,�ftnd I could not bear
him Of big Place tit court, and lilt that
N&Al.'toi 101f 00tif M07WOMI'ANO
ffi'Altii- It 16 )lot that Which 41190ro
the torturing thought of losing you or .
was left for him of royal favor Wag
sold, fat free sample.
YOU- YOU Ard hur(l enough Of we In that
tespeot, In truth, I IA44 41most tomp,
. . I � .
enduring any Other man. I
givo you Up after thit could not
t -It VA0 111 too
Permission to remain with we stud live
tit the pallaed until such time As bo
SCOTT & %)WNE, Ch6mist%
Tomato 'vkeo And st.06; All ttrugews. Untolo,
tgo, too 1�tqx. it bad gOA0 too f4r. I
014buld $411 for Now Spain, .
_..hL____10"0" ., ..
.- . ., . ,.,.,.),.O,
.0.,1W,,W � . ".�, .
- - ".....