HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-04, Page 40 �. � 1 4 .11 . T.1114 CLINTON XZW$-FvSQOA1) %I I I . - ____­__ _-__1-__._1_-_-_-1_ 1-1-1 � 1. I I �. ­ - I I . The News -Record I ,','t'r,',�r0;i' soltn'sthoul, lfua(r)illuccyrs.r'g"Ctalloa-td�L etallau � � I WXST TT.TC1CzRSXjT3. . ' UOX4Xr4SVIX`Z,V. I I I in WINGUAN. , Iucxprcs�iblc. has come t!"'I" _**f 40 odors. To get tile Dest, MI o,s 10 - -L ie . Ile �d into tl happy lil;4z Ali ,rs while at s cilool ,es Alary Walte . Bit,%. 1%julljollgIld ,%pent fSatjlrojay grief Alr:i. F.. Sparlo 111111' * Jr I Cantelon, Jervis, I Frank Nvillia�jp.,oI JjiV,zie "Aalld Inally experiences -has tl other 'Ili%)- fell ,and broke her Is. London. hollwof Air. and, �. , * is publisho every Tharsday at that which I,tllvn to tile lot of . . wrist. Airs. T. C. Ilichard, Miss Bcssif-' it"d account of tile. death tit their %evolid 4)_ - Tile NeWs-Ru-cord Printing House Sturgeon Falls'll! And the Why to obtain such highly dvsirablo results Airs. 11wiry Carter it ut with an Ala,�ter Roy visited iriLrods. in Varna , daughter, Loretta Louise, wilt W Dr. AV. R. Wbut %ad Changes 40 4P ALBUWr STRUUT I- CLINTON I,% by adoptiliv I; . . systvill of adequate accideni while, in Scaforth, last week. Her horse becotningfrighteried pitched on. ,,Q,ujjdav"wvc,I,. illo 011011dago visited fSparling. I dovs the IL;Ileidosvol-c of lilt- pri"sw t. � 4 Z Terms subscription -,$I. per year in protuction and .�-li-tjuatv encourage- " went for factories. That is what the - nil gave - a )ter Out of tilt, buggy a b" Alv,., Owell of her inotber, Airs. 41olutes. I 1,ess that, 111tvell Inonths ago A)r. .0 Ili I\Ir4. siparling werc unitell in InurriagL , * of advance ; .50 Play be charged if I Cor,%ervative ,party advocates. . . .severe shaking ill) liont- which slit-, Ila 14 )ter Mrs. Leonard and Foil ,spent tile holi- , and life's Ititury to'0viii was bright * 4 9 ,$I not so pa'd. No paper discolitillUkAl . Erjwst . not fully recovercil the use of days in St. Thoillas. M Lit With ',Lllticipklluioll�kill(14'111'V. Dea V I until all arrears art.. paid, unless at . B The . - right arin. Tile windstorm of Wednesday after- Mr. 34. j. Ijej and Airs. Snell - (if W. Stanley s oil if 'Ck Ile I brought loas --hanged tile % . al (I sorrow and sadnes;- About , four 4 t option of tit' publisher. the , : date to Which every subscription is - . ' OF VOoR ORDI�R. IMMIGRATION noon of last week tor e oil tile sollth 1,11,11ett visited at A10UdaY`- . . .wceks ago Airs, (Dr.) loparling return - 4 P I paict is olLuotud oil the label. � I � � Canadian inunigration is still Of a West corner Of tile root of TUrner's cilurch. TreL.s. apti feticus were, also a g Air. Ketinedy lN, s lit St. TIlOulas last . C�d frmu tit(! West with lier husband, intt�jjdjnk� tO sticud tile sunviner with Advertising rates-Trausicut Adver- . I eil cents per nuripar y undesirabl, 'crude type and Inan 0 . scattered in good shape, Mr. tile I . week. -1118 , apparently she Wit$ in tier pure 4o tis � ,Aleut$, IQ " � line- for first jusortion and .3 cents persons are coming into tile country. J. R, Ball raised his barn past week and will build stone foull- t ,( Tile service las ' -lundav� evening was withdrawn on account, & Sharon all- tile best of licaltit, l,ast wL ck she Was worFe. % per line for each subsequent $roscrtiou. . ,;maII not to exceed MCA Ilave I )Ceti straticilvd tit thp. sea- 'gLt dations to them. When finished J. K I . . niver:,ary service,;. ' talqeu ill and bct:aine rapidly . Oil 'Sul)(1t;V ii wils thought that tilk. V ( 40 advertisements , inch, such as is Lost is 11 Stra .. On, I y- .board and do no � )i li-now how to . will havc one of the mo. t comillod, 4 jou,4 and modern stftbt�cs ill this' 10� s , Air. W. Alit lbollaud tt 1: tile noli- T.1- ("lid was 11'ar. $hi Called her friends i .. Stolen," Utc in.serted once ed to, their doitinations in tile West. I . � Culity. ­ I days with friends. in S A I ,It ry S. to her be(ls�de '%lilt tile scene will tier 6 i, ... for 35 cents ;And caCI;lsjjb�,equvnt ill- Some of the.se poor Creatures are . , &r. R. W. McKenzie and wife, 11'.11, never be forgotten ,is slit! Zilve * Alo, bertion to cents. . abs.ollitely destitute, Oil an itiluji- . . . ; . I 11olilles and Dudley iloinves, jr., (0, . partin g worthi. - . Ill" CominuilicatiOns intended for public-,%- . graot I, rain which left , Montreal* . . I VORT.I.-,R's HIT'l, Goderich spent 51olulay ,its guvtsts of Mrs.. Holmes. . . Air. Proust Nicholson, a brother oi townsinan, Air. Win.Nicliol-ion, ru- t . good tion niust, Us 4 guarantee of -Lith be accollipal6ed by, the,name tilt- Other .night were a number of persolls Without food or money. TlIcy I , The Misses Weston cattle ()tit froin , Tile following is tile report of tile pupilis of S, S. No.' I for the inopth. our cently met with it serious loss. ,110 is located in the Northwest and out! dav 1b. 4 (if tile writer. � were provided.with ])read bv cht Aritab, Clinton ou Sunday at)(] spent tile ofav . of May, ugstyl oil rogularity , I good and ol t buildinis, recently his barn I 4W i Tu insure publication in current js%ue I bil - IV clispostal persons !xit t1jis relief is under the parent�l 11roof. Mr, L L Mr. it. NV ("I "'llitelv Of olviloortinetit and general lxoilieivnQ%, - - , . 1, . were cumpletely (It y tire, to , � -stroved b) is., it copy for advertisenieuts.s7hould � . sent in early. Cenillorary at belit, NV'lat Will 1)CColue (A theal lit tilt! ,end ? lit Weir pr4ces and I - evocler - id, .spent a few days la,sf Week % , ,Sr. 011-F,valkila AICCarLIICV, Dai , lie willi alus, Ugerton Willson, Oscar . getlier with im-st of Ole itilple'llivilts. Tile barns caught tire froill .prairie 46 bc� , Contract rates -T L foljow.jug tabloo Canada might secure British descend. c onie of M r - T, A, Macdoh- at tit 11 . Tebbutt, , AM Albert Pickard, Fiore . 11 ;it is r lire which was burning ca 11 place, W shows our rates for* qCciflo . d, per, atits whoso liv so would Ile of general ald. . I to say - 'Air-.;. John Cox, we regret . . .. I � 14avis. . I Jr, 4tll-(*.corgQ Colclough, Howard Mr. (,I. X. Griflho. rquixud word last. a. iods and space : . mo� I 6 mo. 3 11110, I , , L - i Tile foreign peoples who I bell '11�ur a,L po ng into the land -are largel y i s ill. . Trewartlia, Frances Potter, Ida, Ilu',: . week oftlul sudden death of his br0­ ther Edwin,, fortfictly of NN111911,1111, 1. 11, tt. yr. I Colunin ... $7000 $4000 $25oo $8 50- � � 1, I unc esirable tNT"s,' who have "Oth"19 in interests, Call- , Miss Ivison of Xippen is 0. guest I I at 'Braseside-. . .." . ler, . Sr., 3ird-Alay UcCarLucy, Clarice near. 'Medicilic flat. . 0. - M. Wa, it- Mr. um -5 oo 1500 6,00 8 -4 cominont with our ada does not' ncea them With Llic Rev. Mr. McNeil called on members Badouri . I,eilol Ford, Muriel Willson, e of Winghain saw Won at Medicine lit, had then been 1 Oo 56 y Column ... 25 00 1500- o..2oo 4 Column x8 oo 10,00 5 5 .%pluudid opporLonitv she litts � � 'need ofj his congregration oil Thursday last. _ Mrs. Arch Macdougall Air. and AI I Council, Arthur Sturdy, J()Jili Ilat oil May tenth. ill t lie hospital Oil 11CCgUj1t of illness * % ... I 'Inch ......... 6 00 3 50 200, 1 25 .to *ollcr. . TI icre is no ,aking of 'lire . our iiecks in tile mad rusIt for W- . I ere lit Brucefield oil Wednesday last.. D6111r.1111se I � ), Attie Co-loclougl , l4lilu Mlll� 11,,11and, Pearl, Huller, Allunic ,Sturdy, but was recovering. . . .. I W. J. MITCH-11,11,14, .settlers as .-ths,gisands o good�� iiiiiiii- . Mrs. Bell o flel [Jue called I tile Bay El it oil tier friends Airs. Torrance, ,on Awil� F . ,d.lth Lavi�s, . I � � . , I A couple, Of (I"UrtS (if chloride of ,cd*� - Wil; said will at soda I U ditor and Proprietor . . 1!li grants are anxious to) ill) our ter- 111 . dle awairics, There is still lots of I- I a., . i ay ,t.. . 'K Jr. 3rd -John Sturdy, Myrt,16 Tre- sod a, ot chlorin. I )rdinary ci.stern froin foul I - wartha, Clilyord Mci�artticy, Pearl clear tiny ( I +1 June 4th, 1(,(.3 - - - ___-, - __ _. , __ ___ __ - ,.--T- . ,f,t_f##**+ I **,Atttt#l�.1*1��"-4,;I!tt�6et 11 I " A VICKINNON & 000 SLYTH 41 .__ I I"— ­ it - . I "'. 1. � I --1 I .1.1.1 0 . I �j . 4 GREAT SPECIALS �1 ("011ipwreial, trovellor,ii know wo ltro silwayi, oppf) P.T. 1.�Irwlfnq if tile �i 004 and pr1vf44 aro right, and Minh they bo.ve nily Knill), I(, (Ilyt.). we ;,I- �i flys got t bo first chance to bliv. Our tv"ado IN I - -.1nidly � increa-,Ing, .I I till 0 vp vaii handle litrgp linvs of goods that tho 1111161, fellfin"i 11-tillill wot (I'll.f. . I t 1 1 ()tit") - We kolkV0 Just e)"Is'eil -1 dMIl f-11' foul' (114'ert-rit I I'll vell(il-'s sain. IPS, wh'Ch st.re now ready fill. 111spoction. � � . . . . WHITEWEAP, � Two spt-s of t-avellorq's t;.-iropyl., of Ladles' V -ifs IVIIII(Molir in Nip I Dr(4;.,o;.,,..Skirts. Coi-si-f (!oVpj,;. f lit, , ' )f-lt%vVr4, 14"te. Therl. .Irp stilill. 114,011 41 'how, goodli in this lot. still] sliell so v-11-111ty Oov !-jult-o vvill jifit, ,,,, ry 1 11r,; to disel-illp th , .11.w or Whitewpiis' "llf"'r.""t L'.1t"114'"lu -llfll('� it tit l"'V it N the fint,4 Stock - *it tinleyou valA ii.a.ve 4 - %ie t -%,(-r, slloivwl. "toil If visit get 11"It � from .95i Ili 40 plot- rent fill f.;I(.)) I)III'LillasO. . . . � � - .. . . I WRAPPERS AND BLOUSES 11 A inlinti6etin-PrI� �;i1olljos All(l ovpf. njIlkes ill Nj,l.,I pliers food illoupev. I ' Ili Blaek MPITPOZINI SoUi,i-ii. j11i,rclll(.l4 food j1rijq,,;. yoo c -in buy a vooll, � Wrapper, well Itifide. flirt rolorm. Ifflod villne lit, $1.25, fill. 7j -)c. and jjla(!k Sat"n oi- Ppl-vale WMAS, %vol "t .14)c to 75C ('or ,35c. � . .. � I l . I . I I . COATS I , I A A tvavpllpr'.� s.itopleq of l`,wll"';' Rod G'P ts' U,iintiroof 0o;qq in a ' great varlptv of styles and colors v% hick, you can Noy lot 2i5 pel, ce"i"below ! regular priceiL. I .. I . . . . . I I I . MILLINERY : I.. I A traveller's r-arroples of hit -t styles in flop Amerlefto Millinprv. in vintrinfirm,d an(] ready to-weill. H),ts, S fit 4 � o P . tle(.i,.,, ,ill es for tile' Itine tralip g lot from 25, to 41) per cent b0ow reRtilar price;.w"ch went -P �lrerjjq I I - . � . . . . - . . . - . - __;= I .==_______. ____._______.,__.,.___ I - - 0%, McKI N NON '157ats, 00. - . . ­ room for reform ill this *direction.. � sr. Uoi.va, %,OX Joss purchased 4 wheel. flusser, Clarence Potter. . .. *,2nd-Iloiney I odors. To get tile Dest, MI o,s 10 - -L ie . Ile �d into tl , . � . . I ­ � 7" LA'V "JUXIL . . to I I THE WEEK IN' PARIAAAMNT. : . . I . - . . I . . . - . . . Mr.'. and Mrs. Robt, Mel,ean- - of 'the Jr I Cantelon, Jervis, I Frank Nvillia�jp.,oI JjiV,zie Lorue, Ila- material cisLern, should point . "" ,,'I, 1. I I- .pose " Ig Or t I Is pill . (O . . . I . � ipf"444ior-044 . ##.ia#4r#v#4iP4 ###*#*v-#-W-4.-V-*##.-r+V+444.,� Tuesdav I � � -­ ­ . . Goderich NVere guests of her sister . 1 . 'dour, Charkior Lavis.. . kind 'r)( 1) ipe that will reach the Loi- . . . ,, . . I)arliainent reass-mibled. ()It * the * 11HRU14 IS A NIU, COAIIII I NA rioN. J Mrisl Cox, bn Sunday.- . I . . . � Pt 2ii(I-Albert Proctot, . Napoleon tolu. . . 6) ( . �. . ____­. __ . . - ­­ I �_ ___'7____----­7�-'­ ­­"'. after U short rocess covering I I . I �'. . � . I . . . ­ . . Grt 8, U I Denipsev oyell, I -line . Percy . . . . .eo.ss,c.e�)C.O.see"@C.OTC.C.C.c.c.c."Si-c(.,Nec-C.C.C.C.C.C�o- 0-e . I . I . . . . . . . . I I liel ­ I .1. ­­­­ I 1. I . __ ;� I � . . .. . . . . . � I I � _ staLIIL(;rV 110liduY 8- , . . . I lion. Clifford Sifton, _ Minister.% 'of I . - ' .. . . . � . � 51unnings, Norman Allitlei: . . . Erjwst . - - , . . I . , I #*+*+, +*,*+j1,,**44 . . *100+**#+ ""o, .),I r. R. L. ll(;rdell aN':el. tlll� gOv- . . tile Interior, is sLill in London c4- . I . ST. HELENS, - . . . I Huller, . Pt. lst�lftorilc AlcCartuev, Blanche . � MORRIS TOWNSHIP. I . � I . i , JIB. HOOVER. . I � - . � NF,I,SO,N - orli'llielit to announce its P0l1CV in. uny with A,' - N. JoYillo" r,.sL iii.c(;mpi: . I . I Quite a, numbier from here attended I . . ' � Humeri I,ulq. Willi,;on, LoWL. Lavis, I Dayid and Mrs. Walker, fitli line, . BALL'.9 . ____ . . I I . .* rVgard to tile granting of i %,i.%Lai1Cv to S_ ,kllroaklgola, who jor tile askin'g, tilt-, play of Uncle Tom s - Cabin , at r.,Ila Colclough, Delbert Ifuller, . talk .of .taking a holiday trin to ilic q the Grand '11nink pacilic. Sir NVilhe! Wcured all thilL was' ,worth owlifil Lucknow. last Saturday night. No. oil roll 44. Average It -N. W. So() ;irld on to Mauitol;a. They CX_ . . . . 9 � I . David Farrier has the concrete wall Trewartlia, Teacher. I . l7e,,t 1' 1�e g(ine a mojith or six wee'�s. I,auri(r -,ss-red tLe house thUt t;,c in tile, Yokoo. Mr. Sifton and Mr. ready -for Ili's new barn. They . cx- . . to . . .- . ' aillllijlistn�tion lout . I no poliev to). offCr , TrLadgold are alike ,in many respects, pect to raise it fit -a' couple of weQks . . � .. � .. Mrs. J.. 11, ''. Vocliroth ol' .,')cattle,. . I . - , I . " 'tI I I I . . . . I Wwilli�gtoli t!rrltf)rv, is visitirit,r rcla- SL'V,Tal propcsitions ,are bef(;re w Both art- strong, financially, Both .a or so, � I . . 1. - ' . ' I . . tiv( it Morris. ShL 's - sist e*r to Mrs - Mr,,and Mr.�..'Thos. Joynt attended SUNKERITILL. .8 I 11 a Cabinet. Although tile people .of..thc iew years ago were in 'very poor eir- . . . . . . . A ' 4 � culustances,' Mr.� Sifton caino to Ot- tilt wedding of the latter's brother, ­llan'Spicr� f.ourtir ihic.. It is -eleven West (I.:11and ffirther freight faji:iIi.t:es ' � . . I . Mr. David 1,6ughecd, at, 0orrie Itist Dr. J Lindsav all(] wife. 'off, I i vearg' since Mrs, VOCI,T0t.li)4Vellt West. 4 . vi,pited ilis brolher, Alr� T. I b11111!211V it will probably be next year before Lawa it bankrupt and is now one of week. � . I I.. �.. . I . . _1 Robert 8haw'Ni,ill Utconiofa resident , the govvrii-iii,lif is prCtlar&I to act ill Lli� wealtlijiJst , lintuAn the capital; He. . Mr. R,bt, Wilsou of - Onelph. . It as Ott SlInday. I . . . .01. . Alluilvale., .1. . . Ito' IncrCantile 1, . 9 , �scnt 'gointr . 11 this important matter. . nade SonieLllil * I out mof,notliing. H is hocu vigitingi Old l.-ricuds around . St. Miss Mabel Sheppi.,rd is tit lire life. llis,okt friends ill Morris-wisli 4 . �. . friends have wen 1,pleased.to call Al c 1.,,Ici�, tit, visiting friends in 'Scaforth. . . I . I . . 'file government has tit last, 1�1?,Poillt- , . I I . past week, . ' ' ' A�Ir. Wid. Mair i -s now takiiia. a %veil hilll' SIACCLS"i.- I . . 1 4 ' . ., process "successful speculation." Air.. Air.. Sam. -Durnin -and Wife have I . - . Aneit! � tile' �C, ed a, trausporLation couililits.non % " , I dv of inedi� It:r, of arly, 'pioneers of. 4 Ii I Mad, SOulLtiling for nothing, . OC4 carned rest froth his All . 4 ars ago by Mr. 3 i.'. moved inW. the houfse formerly his re- suggestud fourlye a C '()t t. 4, .Also be - cine unit -i3*,spCllding'h-'s� v�acatioll ,at 1-lorris towuAiip * Ila',;7 �one toi . 4 - , J 0.4, 4 Toronto I �' Al 4 �,i�tou, inay - Qupled by Rev. C. Rutherford. . I ., . '. - -ard, Ili tile .person of. Mr, , 11(� t'oltlik Ineu of rL r, �I " , , f I . . ,% 1, L a, % to cc� F. clarke, - I eadibir . , (I -6 . % - .s 11 Speculator." his home; I . . � . I . Al r F6x, who is engaged with Air, . � -L 6 i;erve in 'I'itC, � .� ** - - Il. (I elivi.rLd, good hot- Stubj)S, Who, pass -d awai, *early last 4 � i the country have declined *t') . Ivo "sit CL,.,. speculators" �61X .. . I . � .. . � e(y1jr,11i'sion, ,,,,.Ilicll will.djeal iner.-- -, I it I Thos - I'lliflips" luet witil, .111 accident ... .T. 11 . Ili it, ter sittlering Ncr� savoi-icly the ofi , , tile S travd led to E'ligland fly (116, I S,UII,L 'jast, Fridav morn litti.11 ses in .8caffirtit oil. *Moll(Itiv. , weLk, . . , , fLicilitics. aiul water s ing. 1-16 was 1) , - * IPA few I -Ceti in *poor 4 .Acalner I . 11 . 9 Mr, F, Hovey of Cli .: WLV!;,8, VC hils IV with terminal . . . and it would (it be surpris- .4olne' lia:y'out of a loft and fell (town - - . itton preached I � pil.';L , - 4 , I "' if all 'ex0iange of perience, repid- tfirough 41m trap* hole and bre a "I' ' . ,Ltclv ,,lid there -i dwiLl6j)cd alarming ro . I . ex lit, Peter"s-c�hurch Sunday. eve,�iiiig 1IL-1-11 h 0 C five Vetfrs but - only 4 . - . . I Ing I , �. . . * � . 1� r ,ously to both. Mr. ' to a good sizdd congregation. . . . . , . It � 4 The L.Stlinates f ,r the Depik. Uncut ts .advalitagoi . rib. lie is doing a.4 well as call - be , -, svitiptairs. 'Ile iLavoi-viiehind.hini ' a. was shown ' , . I I -3 -d's I of Justice were pas.ied- It frettil secured his' financial. advaif-. L,.Xpdctdd. . . . rhe Sacrament o(Alie 140 -Sul),,et 'O C .4011, . . . . that tile sale of prison bffidolr� twiliQ tages9i'lly!(it ."fraud a:lld InisTepresenta. I - . � I � . .. . . will. bcgll,isrclls�d, ill St, ret,er"s chur- wid0w.and four sons, it Valle./, � . ' I I . .- .1 ___ - a SwlldaV, � . . . . . - . . . nuniller or VeaTs has. be2n 4 liaA.resulted in-advantages,to favorites tion, " Alr.' Siftoni oll.the ather hand', : , : __" . . ch., 116x , ., . ,Wile? for a I . . . 'tars oind Stripes, re- , 4 . . . . � . - I .-Mr. R. Reid visitcd� Iiis.' ]ionic:. oil living.under tlic.S . 'of the governineut. . . .. , i��! it 4nan of deep iiimal 'convictio ' it's I . . .. . . . . - : Sattirdav, .. . . 1. � . . I . - '. . - .. ) idav -A few -hours .a[- 4 . , The administration of tI . to ..In . tercol.- an4l by kg peculiar conibination. of eir-, ' ' - COLE ORNZ-TO WKS:Fljp. * . . I turned hotne Mii . . 1 4 - , , .: The it * 8 S ) . . I I A . cullistallecs bas. converted..ati,fistimat'.- . 01i urL 1 1.4 , Ipt;l(ling' tile 'ter Itis, fad r's. death, .- � - : . � , %. I q . . onial railway ,iv�� - . ., I . I . , . 1;11 I T T .1kice . 8 , . IICNV . . . I . . . .. ., I � .. . " 4 its discussed. I -loll. k. - I .. debtedues'. * 'viii of Nile' Cellar )r ?, I r. W I . . I . e( In ., �(A �Oo,000 'Into . -1; Air;* G, i occupied' Zion i G. 131air avoided ma,king any tef crence - - I ' . * � I r . ' ' . ... .. . . . . 4 . prince y forLuiW-aud all ill , se�cn* qntlpit ou& .Sabbath in .Air.. ShawN � ho'UsC, Al r. W , JWiot IiasAlie COII� - - .1 � I . w to capital expwidittire which 1111del! ' . , . �­ . .1 . i o ­. . . - . , I . . TS . I ' . ... ' - I . 1 ,4 � Sift -on .is -Iir6bably un- absLuice: . , . - I I I ,let and - wit I 116 doubt. I nak-c. a, g6od -8 F O It, j7UN ypar.. Mr. . , . .. I tr, I I I-IIL:'ICS F ORCA - '14,1. 11 ' � I i his guidance, has added $*2�)0001000 � pressing upon Mr. Treadgold' the ' -.Alr, substantial i,ob. ! 1. . .. . 1, . . I .1 � I . , . I.. 1. . . . - lad. the' till. I . . � . . .. . to the national ,debt of the country. .. of - making' niono t bv - I fraud and . -,.it' Will. Forgritsoii I sfor� It . ispector . 1, . 1. 10, , I : . I I .. .. . I I I . I '. I . .. . 113's- . tune to get three oi -Ili.,; ribs, A)roken ani inrade, . s usital - calf -Wo I c - ntet ti olistifid"Inontli,* Jo,ine, i unit Pacific bill - wit.,; representation; j)articularIV , aA * the one day the past w6ek.''Ure hople t 6ii-�itir school�- Fri day hisk, - . I . � to .1; I The -Grand Tr . . , . 0 . . . . very near. the Centre JA till c(lotil Octial' � passed in- part by the railway .com- Departincht-.of' �Jiiu Inti-rio-r. was vic- ,if* i Tlisl renains of tliL' o;d .school have, . - .. .. - I I . )on see bitii all. right' ag4sn... .. is firbance this peri'sid -having begun, . mittoc . A clail providing, for *.Call- thni7.ed.,--Canadians will doubtless.ap- - I Poll ill er . of ' L G-dollericl ' been, TeblovLd Which. lillikei conqider.-. Ill t . I . lip to and be- - s� preciate Mr. Kiftoll's: .Mrs, s ,g I. is .tile . . 1. Ill Bjal,' and UXtC)ldilIg I adian winter ports Will be Inserted 'in .charitable �vicw . * able- .iniTrove.inciit" in. U:c. alipearance _ 'Tile first -1 . � : . .. - I I . guest of Mr. an(] Mrs. John Fowler ;* . . I I I voild �tlielniddlv of June,. , the bill. . ..., . .. , or Uf'.* Trcafflrold's' taid owthe crowly I . . . ... . . of the prenil.90%. . .., - . -,on the - . I . ' As A, a rule man is - jud . 9'c( this Week. . I .1 . 1, I . . I . , � I . . . . . . 1. storin peri i)(I � i jI,.,J nile* is central - . . . clainain. ,i I � .. .. . . .. . � . . I .. . . .1 ,.. 4th Oo)jv�.killg tlj� �lld"W tilt,, 6t.h. Therp The n stinlates weic passed iii. . l')Nr Itlie CoInpal1v keeps bnj Air. The ,ATe,s..'1&s,..A1cC O f I�ijcknpw . � ' - . . I iilitia c. troops- z � . ..I�C I arroll . .: .% - 7 , ... .. . � . . .1 t of part. For political purposes ' N�ijl, ,%�ere, the'.guests�of Air. a . I are,good reEisons.to L,xpect.the &isi%. I . . . . . . Siftmi'i; . strong moral v'iows no] Mrs. Hol'. , . . . Called ,Out to. prcserve order ,at tile , - . . I .1. . �. . CONESTANO�,�- tll:s period. oil . And toticiling the �rd. -alleylield Cotto workers' strike of .rornove, , anv 'suspiciall. that ,,light Millian on Sabbiith� , .' I I . . . . I . .. . �Z.!.. .. . ... lligh-dezrees or hillilidity, fif-gh. teinp- . . a - . . es Clark -at . id Al . I . � ' . . liatlin se I .his 11 chard* V n llv-4ri. f roll' . VAociatio' . M�-. Ri' Alfooib an(]. Air, Will.' , � 1% I rs � iatil' liss C I aik j,� 'Were paid by the govern . . I .� . . ... - . attire � and lvprV 1( %,r.f)aroiijvLer; oil , igoo . . ineut. �;itll'.a iraud. . . . -. *.'- . Millian are improviiig-'�the - -looks I i '.iUarnq, Manitoba, -turned ' oil' and next to Wefd.�ei;dav, 'ilic. -,41. , . � I ., . . � . . I . I . Of . of 1% r� I rd' �viii I . . . . ' it Montreal I I . . . . - � I I r - , . . . , Molldav art� * [Ile prove certain . harbing . The .rving . I . . - . LIMPS'. 'r s: cliditit trolsoi-ps s, i . . . . . 1. I , their , prolidfty.- with. new. wire f g, soline .1.1 . ers of ,severe , � 1. during tile long-shurcmen's sti!ik(:_ I . , . . . . . I . . . . . I I : 1Mr, Robt.. Strituglian -� left, oh�'.Sftn-' . the .former'$ , father. � Mi.�s storill.. If . 11 we Ili I fly t I licicitv! 6f. . . . . . I I ' � . I visill"k . . .these - Conditions. develol - ' of �vcr, inoust _. Ila'. .. 'r-1 () -N- , () v TIIF, 11'. u.' ' hi Soo td visit Iii.q - Staples of. "Constance -accoin- about tile 3rd all(i. acLual..storins .are . . CONVEIN s. oF'. (lay' morninj ioi t L-Icila, , � I I -- it I I- - - I � � � . ( * .. Ow'.11 home -wit -will - 1 -11,� (10 Imontreal, because . there , is 0 politi . . I AalightQr, Airs.. Jas. Tci�slcy. .... l)-ni'd ere sh-c )L delaved even 111) to the ith or tit � cal capital to Ile inad out -61 'the ... I . - storin --- ( . I married to Mr. Piobery I,indsav W- .1. . I - g � tiard until tile N Tllr,,, GOVE11=1 'DISTRICT, , , -A - very It ..) f(; fot lie thrown off-,;oni � I clai lif � ... . . . . caVv wind pass . - : MAtlellielit of this pa.rticular K . - . . 1. I. . I . 'day I (A this illaiie 1�atc..,.,Vicious 1111111� � I Over -thiZ. I calftV ofi-Weduc, of 'nerly . V .14 - - - % - . . . I : I . i0h .of: th6� -God . - .. . 0 1 1 indications etiltili. . bV the governintlit. . ­ I The. annual coill-tent - Isust week follow&l W:rai - - Mr.-. 1*4�ariicst Adanis and Miss, Mag -a ,,r ,iorills, - acconlp kill i ed witli hail and. . . . . . it, and thun , . ' 1. . I . . crich District, IV. Al. S. wa.� lielif On der,, uliroofiljir� -ban and,� ug. �gie Macdonald silent Stwilav iti','.SLaffa.- 18, to' I (tic centres, tire among . � .. . possil) r) a I . .. . I 'A . . _��­! . , .Thflrsl.,t4.y. -laA -at Ilob ' H ` ' - , b I . i . :- -. If s' Bell't `10artilront left'on - Frida 'Ile �tfiiu!s reasonably to b- expected. .. . . � . nICSvI "V. I .trees: , . , I .. . I . $ � . . . � y .t, , � C. I - � - - - . . . Mll ipours *. A COSTIX ,POLITICAL MACITIN!X, -. There were , two sessiOns, I morning.' for �' Chicago. to snend the S rotiler at this 1;�riod: � Venus.d(lW1 04. . . I - .. Mr. 'Martin-Colin6lIN will hav'd his with her sister 'AW'ss �1. Farnhaill. . , . , st i . it mally . � . . . . .. . .and afternoon. The.morning. sessi-op, - . i . Tain aillo'Elilting to clolt(lbur. ­ . I I siw - mill going fill] -.blast ,lit ti " 'few ' are V' r . are also more . . . The Intercolonial rnilway,': whichl to. wItich conlIllenctil at tell .thirty, was. ,. . I 1, . We , ; vc� sorry to 'si'LA , that l(ie,,Iiti,, . than probable, . . . - . . . . -ven, . tvm d ays in.111r,. Thos. Feitgan's.-swarrop. , death Ii -as ? again ta`keii ''awiry . One storms of . . f its ex- well atteti;:10. m)otit, 'Stl * - . I I inoNt act1w. I 'lid tit) li. it"the. . tire all expression Of one 0 - ., . .. . . . I . . , Oil tile .411111111it . of the . J.*otl Call (ICPL will 11, t. be eljti�cl�t (jvCr Managers, Mr. Rvw,seil, .,iis 'run'like . 1�10�_7:pursq�ns were', present,.throughout , from our . nAdst - lit the - per"son of th i,- *,ri od (), I . . . . . ., . I .1111d the largest volcano-ini the world, Aliss I J, . T. - Rfigerr6n; fornifirIV . Miss , . . . .11lakes a ile'tided. I I . ' . . I both Sessions. i . - I., . . I . . I " weddinz cereirionv' -of Alary ' 1. . ui�til the barometer Comic. opera," 'has. cosL.this oduntry - - I � , t ic . . � I. . * a . . . .t,xer-! Tewslei,i s �`oltd. 4a * ie'ssic Lowrie, She l7ea"Ies' to' fhourn �', and the willd,.,, chiinge and 'blow ' � ' � I six years. - IVItil . e- . tile .After the opening devotional 11 Ir of. 'tile late lier loss . AwW sinall children,, 1(he. ris. . oltr,-frcrin tile, I We . A " . . ,1� . . . I strong and.InUch co �?3,000,000 in Is* ,tile , -Trea'sure'r's report I .,Cpl� (Nlr)11111110rilc� ,,, . . . Cost. q�C, was. j o, , C�rsl&� township, � I � .' nights ' ' " CCsi; Of , 1-nuintenance .of all the' ra, I- - rk'!ad ai.id 'adolited, . . .. . . .. Kel'og'g' Harford, tll� .,oll4v VoIll1gest,* *Offlv a fev;, days old, and' .1 (1 .north. Sollic very cool . are . .. . . I and Albert . . . I ''r lirsband, ' Thev ilave"tilL sincere, . , 11. WIILII.' tile ,.9tornis 'lire ways of Canada c�,clusi%e (if tile Tnter4 IWIrs'. Tebblitt 6f- 1-161irilesvillL. prc,.,cnt-. qoi.i. .. _oUAN71u; ,Harford Of Allnedij It' -iglib4j ' 1 s6re, -to result * ' * . . � . . . . . sviroplitliv of .tile N�holc. lit tom . On.,the. ()thl and loth. look for colonial was equal to, 66 115 I.er �clitl. ell ,to the nieuting :a - ral 'took plute to tile Hill . .- a go ' few: very hearty Cal., was performed, the happy eyent- . , . I 11�loll - 0 () �*c Words ot welcome to -�jrllidi .ilrs. Me- taking place, in' the Volcano House ot 'file , fulic rX t storni. ctniditioh*�Cll IlIr of itheir elLriiings, the road "entrusUd' ( I � � 1 'cemetery 61f M6110 -or .'ri "... Air 11ol.;. ,t'(j'-r,'n'uch 'wkirulers � falling harometer � . Xhilev., of Goshen AII-Xiliary rep'ied. Xilaiica . vokano,, liawaiian. Islauff,%. .- - . I` �rvi * and itlore:'.storills of, ni-'iil Vin" to .Mr. Blair's, care -ilevoted .99.- per 1'11o� f'ollowing is a short rep�)rt .of the The ,rooins. were handiol el3f decortited - 11nes' �of Blvtli wholucte( tile s call; tiller pid I . I 11 .acconk of Rev. -Mr. Kcalile(j� hol. , - - 11 --f Wind. 'Tile regular . Cent. of its carnings to niect its run- �ing icp(rts 6f tile Aux- with flowers and grec'nery and. tile - On - avy squa 8,(Y i, . . .Lry encoural I I i-fivillisr ifi vo to �Colif� f, lice oil Mini- sunit'ier ;.,Ol,stice, disturbances.;. will. .set . - . . . iling expenses. This too is the liaries and Alissi,on.11ands-eight aux'- floor hidden betienth fern.4 and roses .. I . . . I . . I . ' ' ' I " � . . I I . w e on' ' n at this tilile, titaking Junethunder- - - I liarivs,ai d. two,missibn limids. rop I . . . . ,.: ­ . I . after- , )A it hour I ort- The'bilde' as -attired in - whit c: . day morning. � , .., I i fill s, of tilt: ind *s!nital .,!. - I Ct Z� lig : *1 - I ... - . 1. . . C 'a � . . . � . .. �%-Ilowcr% r(A), ble" ahrlosc.anv , � , : . . . I � , . . I ,,, , 1) a , dreds of thousand,,. 6. f doll s I tOPkA., .. I . . I . Itetion,overlac of with �ch i ITon � C. tight I . I . " . I 'I, j u. , From al;out the, . ar . � � . .1 . . olets, aud'c�.irri � . and 6ve * * g. . i . . I . . . , ` * , 1) lon,ring, : to , . up -W;t1t white vi . ed a - I . . �, ,� . .. 110011 , 11 veae-the earthpas,scl.§. I . . ' ' UELGRAYU. .. 1. 8til to,T. - chargeable to' maintenance. accoupt , ,\to. of Intel , pliers' c. 1, . 1) I , e r(.-e,s.' The fine �, I. I. . . 5th,olic , 1. . ,40, ' i' . Auxi'l, , '., , , . ., - . I . . hicil tibriormal have Ifeell inggh-A into Calpital it ,,()It- . atries ...... ...... .. �. ". -216 ,ocil'" ol- 'Y'l . I . . a point ill its. orbit lit w . . - . , ,V (Idingr ctike liad beelt .provided, lit- , johl . . . '�S­ttrc. infused into .our I i ,-Crihed. iii.11 , . '11, chaug 11 , , �&Uti' us to t If de )t- of, KaSt.er OfTerings ....... ....... ... I..." O .. t. , l3v tile .' I O , . $it do ., ) a,.�aiiaii Irl'otguaire, Alolla 11 Nilightillaii is wearing ,i broad, electric, ' ThL. �gtlfiir I Ihe Counti-V Consequent to.Afr. Blair's ',\,nount (if inoney scrit to.Br- . , ­ ,ek. - -_ gl()I.c and aillosphere.' � rL . smile this wc i0s a g i I,',. . I ., _ � Ind oc* ivhich tne,,vns.Pr;s,perit-y' - and, ' ' . ideas i if I;itsincss, tile Whole � Intercol-* . Airs, Geo.. Dal�,.ahio is at pres,ut storin period covcriii� tile, l4th to)' the *aaeli TKpasur�r during y�ur. 182.. 7.8 I happiness utteind .tile couple. `1 lie (lay . . � finial Sv.S.Lin Ila.%, dCV6lolxd into : .'a , 111.9sion blaudm rulmeted as' I.. . .!7ollowing . the party departed', - tile. visiting,her daughter near Guelph,-, jojtII Wit,'- �Caclr itr� cilsillinating stag'C", . -ViL I of Detroit spciit'a,_,cw �Lbojj't Wedneg-lay,' . 'and -Fri- I . - Iiii-e political machine, *Duri.119., * the - ' * 111i:11;stc r g(ling 'back .ilown 7. tile Voledno Airs, -NVilson .. Thursdav I . forlows . GoolLrich-inerrober - - �. . I . . d ictid Tdrs�, Spro: ,till I"'ith and ".)t1l'. � Many , re per ona * ; �_ j)fLWflOin ard urniulil, on wit ­*;ide - to Hild and the otimps,oil . . .7 � ill bC�.jjlt%t,.natur;iI ,:,:fit provinrial elections in Nct� � . . , ays.with her ir I at la4tv, (hix, 'tile 15� B * I . "o . . . I . . clee . trical . ortnswwi . � , silip of 84 .. * . . st Mr. Blair, by 1; s '11,jIffe In'Clubers. - ,. - 0q. find dangerous rul,.swick, . I . 1. : the- oppo.qitc .siolc to Paliala, � where wee], . - - thr,!ats, forcA his elliployces to . Vot - and . eve . . tit , � . Mr�� Se Ferrier -still continues .Very .11 sonle, energe, I � Amount sent to Any Troa ' .�� � ad I - . Wit � d touching tile, it Nova 'Sco, , saro,r 5 0 bri legrooin It, .a beiLutiftif hoine . .. . I prol arell 'for . his bride. 'Miss Tewslq PoOrlYi ,we , to stdtol. . for I,iheral candidates. I- ' .� . ' ) I are 80rry . wind. korlils. . Oil a.), . tilt, where 1)(yininion eniployccS, ffle Raster oftern g ...... ... ..!.. I., I ­.-. _* . $6 - O: WVje - Miss, Bella' Sprout left last -week �1%t and 22nd look for thd 'return of I .1 . and tier ,brother, Jantes S�, wit ' ­ I I I tit vo ur Ili pr - I . � lie in ' North Dakota a ii0i fitions with -reirewed thull- . prohibited fro' ti* * ' ovi-IlLial liolin6sville reported ni-einber-' - presert- at t arriake, -are Well and for . and ,M it Pa s(orin C011( . - . .1 ' , I . � erc()Iol--- hands . WC11c . ., . tlie. vicinity of. W nids spending tl I Much harni , I lilt hettla. slic- into, Ic 80111- (ter., kind rain scittalls .and I . e e�.,tions, . .ship of * tNN c I've. �. . . I � populatly' kno'wn- in . . . . ightning at night, ljost ,itict,ions f( ,I.Ced to go t,) 11-c vol's and - (-'Out- �.1%1110111it raised' (,litring the'vear - $7.�,p, Carlow. '. . . � � I I mdr wit -It friends. ' I - , I c "s j I s 'in orAr to enable them . . . I . I ­ .. . I . � , ' I . -at this, 014 . I - � Mrs, Arthek Brooks and children of Will .1lave still1clent. rain Init ITrjury ' I . . . . I . - , to recoo�d. illeir vot" k r stqypqrtl,�rs o( A ffiscussiou.was..'Llivii lield as' to , .. . ., Centralia spent -a (c:W (lays last we6k. ' otlu:r ,Tuno periods , Central rdgiolis the 1,iber-al parl.v. - Tluse. accimiplig' wlictl� ' r we .should iilal,e it a rule . . . . . . . 1. . . . .. . witit Mrs. Brook's ..parents, Air.. and luav have too, jiluch, jVlIjIc ext,renic; L _ . � � I . . . � ' . 1( ,Lctions� Inav suffer -, secillill,ri v, � thol.prittic-1 ob- to have a night meeting at our , . ILENSALL. . I . . Mrs.: V. Anderson. I All , kind 'so,utlk 1, . inelits " - I re; . - �. - . 1. . . . .. . it -tile '2,56 it,will , . iects of Mr. Illair .s . administration, District. Couimution (Yr leave it, as 'at . . . . � I . Mr. Robert Gallagher left here, las ' t s(l,llie shortage. Abot . �, till. C )Illltr%, Alillicnis each present, with. the 'organizer o do M, iss - Mary 'McC � aughey of Clinton N U . - '. or ­ ineter , t Costs _ I t . wcck:.for� e , Ont4rio where lie in turn ,,exceedingly arni, ,tilt, baro ing, ` of , fot;Ild dolivelliclit , and, Sujitabli., I heen vl[sitingi tier rclatNres g4t tile tends, if it .,juits him to take, ill) a U w 11 it . rk the Clos . 11'ear to c,nitinue th s condition . as 411L las . I Inuc,11, ,_qll rgy Ill . a all. around.' Thos'nitter course ,w . I � I I - of s . 'loudtiu(:s% -and . . it L affa!rs and it is 111,1;11 tiftle ' t1fat . It., "olu'llierciaL I I . � - large ,ct:tlon land anid inove Ili will fall and jW%istel . 'th . . Ina.le, in tilt' naitage� � . One morning recently as A. . * f 0 1 - - ill. inark . c closing � Cliallgo was . i� - Aucided UP1011'. ' - . John- ainily .out there. scillic thil, in tile.[ I inch eitergy 'Nv . nrunt of the go%ernnic-it road%� - . ' Rev.. Mr. Greene, who -was preselit,- of the 'llionth, . . . � I sitou .of Willow Rail vt�ts, awaiting the ndar future.. - . I � . d ays .i.- ft���: . : . I clOsed ,tile niecting.-vvith Iraver, tirrival'of the tiv. train lie tied .-Ili$ .. __3i=1r1_`sfi!lL1A . . ..... � � ___r�T ._­__� 11 - . . � . I . _ �._ __._��._ � . - . - . I .The members. theii adjourn�d to ,the horse with a itro�g -rope but when tAle . . I I . I . I I . . � . I. . . I . I . . . . . . : baseltlent. of tLe church whem the tra in. I � came lit the frightened atim at . .. in ^ . . . , . i . I . . I A PRACTICAL LESSON I . lJoinlesville latVcs kind I.rel,ared 'tit. pulled -so 1iard that the r- .,. - j, - � - ty - : I I . I . . . . ' ' I . IN PROTTXTION', inviting 11121�11- I . . and the horse started oil the gallop for I . I "I'\ ., ' I . I _'The afternoon s,ssion openvol'at two the .station gate. J("1111 18,11c,'Alet(l. en- jim Dolnopol a' little. girl Asetsed I I I At Shir e -)n. Valls�, in t1w Province o'clock. After. dc�o.tiollal exercis,ev 'Acavored to. stop her but site ,shot past .. I Who.in loss of a . ppotife- distfessetf. � .. (if oi,t:irio, It Ila re pulp. otild Intper iftilltlte% Of the litorning se.Woll wei.e Hin like a bolt front the hands of -Jovc� I 4 . 0 1 . it I des taid"t eat I of the child wouldL, .. I . .1. . i` read all(] approved. . The rig strivok the Irate and up- � . . � - . I . . . . . Wik,� -, ill cour.'e of (�VcAioll. T I 1�c Airs. Davidson, of Godo.ricli 111cil set, the wheels spinning around long . rr .1 . $Cream. � . . . I I C '.1lantifueture-I Into paper . Pat fixed a dish. of 41 Force" virith - pulp will , read , very fine paper ouidie .,;tit)- - li(,r.,e, wli;clt hold beconle e1c, , , . . � 1. . ifter the � I cream; I I .. . r glit un tilt! ,% lit and � ` ,L)o hands will � ect of ­sy,A�sinat,,c Giving," M ell, triclied ,and reached the front street * , I . IlL. clilplovA.4 it is 11nt'C'j;14tCdL illat VIllell ronle tinic. Was simot in pr(p wbercit 1wlis-soon Caught. After all She tasted Its then, )by for him I - . I I otiour the I tile populati(.11 of the town %vill l.c hable disctlqsiou� I 'lie CN-C,tailent "ind .'CH11111 , She . belfeds, for more from 14 Stinny - , horL, carlic8L coils,�Cration illect 'I'tillage to tile rig a a, . . . rol, I . , . , . A s till )ittriieas W. q - . - t ing Was Conducted I'V Mrs. Orvelle ol .. in ,I � . ilarvased bVI 2C..r) within a� shot. 11 tobe .%Inull Compared with.that' - � I . ) I pkr:od. if the pull) wi,r(l slaipped .to QIinton, after wbicli *.fts. Motley ol 4111stailled by tj�c-jjeirves ofthe specta- : . I illv I'llitt-d 1,11tates and fin;sIlcol there, Blyth, read au intLricating paper . (lit tots.. . . . 166 . tile gain . for Sturgeon , Valls would lid "I'�idueational work ol' the W. 1VL S. Outing . the th-under storin of limt . .. . .1 " . X pal er oil the sablect ti c week it cyclone ,stri-ek v, oug tile 1801 . , , , of . . small Co'llipar.A with what it will 1)6 4�clicflt of tile U'astt-r 'oflering," Nv , Cool. Of Tuc'.-er.�initlk i r ti ' red . TWO -ead. by Airs, ilusser of 110111)(3801 L tavatil. it literally 1c , 'r le' "' . . under existing oil-CII-InStances. . Ire IcGregorl.,� I � ,w which 'wes greatly appreciated. hush t(i, lijece.4, . stiewii Innha and . I I tholls.111d now settivi-s 111.0,111.� it ne 11 . market for tile farnwr worth it% tile A few niiintus were tl--cit al -cut ill trets in all ,directions. The s!)1eilAid . . I . I I vielilitv of of $t0o,000 1)(1! annuIll. g . .paulting Of tjl().,;e Of Our ineinficirt; L liew bani heingo built,by qollfil' Ilays � . I Of Who Wit1lill th,C last ' Votor 1111ve gone I" ITere 'is a practical UN'stratim ,Xt felt its fury aild ill a few notion- . Us Rudy-to-somb Coreal. I I wiltit manufactories itican for the to swell tile ranks ol the.� Heavenly en.tR ho,.tlj the fienie ,and Ott stono . - . I olgricultur:st. Wlidt I,,, being done, I'O.st. . . rontithition (Ili WIl:Cl1 it rested Were - " lit "Sturgeoll Vallit; (!An Ila duplielited. Airs, Leech of Ilolill,eaville, was; again levelled to' the ground. 1,11glittlilli a good tair�to . . _. I al inany points, provided that ade- el0c I r, for anotIlcr year. ,,. r I- cqk all youlm 9suirs. 11 tell as organize ., t1te red el(verti and juvsowd 9 qjnItc, encourag,cinwit is glVell to in- 'file tilectilig, was thell cloited ill till- through Ille lt(it.r right beside wher6 , . I � I .... ... r . I Tile T,anrj(�r govt�ritinenV usual W(IV. . . three Ilicit were senled. The storm I . . � I vestorq. . 11"'Clives to Illake it possible to finish The llidics wore again itivitt:l, to' WA,q thc WorAt experientted for yeats. Volortsildt 1rabld for Children. I I I . Canathl,q liat 14 tile bol-sell"ClIt wh(re a duility Innell . Jiin . . k(Wlieatia4perf(ictgutnmoreoteaI find-' 111. I -1 - I itral. product. wittlin - A painful atteitlent h6pilelled to 4 4 1 11 v i i i I I I 0 1 1 � a I lier own borders. I f,. ittstead of Awafted thern. Before partakinz. tl'Lrcl Shirray'as fie"4as bringing it load of I fifffloft9 should be mado to toach oblifiron t -r (),or pull) aliroad and provid- .It it Vou of thanks was teudererl to logs ilootto town\ou Thur.4day evel)419. to eat It.10 Lifui8it K IlooAX, I j - I s(ql(jiljj, ,It for forejyrtjcrs� we tilt, Ilobvesville ladics for their kind I 4% 1 In 44 Ilow to Feed Childriln.0 � .., . I ill.'t 'elliplovilic , eir While fixilig the bludifig pole lid .1 . . I J . 1. . I to I(;oIC Utter tile interestq\ of welcoille to tll(� delegates and t1i standitig, with one toot fit front of tile . - -.11. I . . I., I we re . N ,- . .11.1 I ()tit owu workmen, We Wonld open geller(Ws IlostfltalitV. wheel, it pa-qscil ovcrltis toot cril.1511ilig I I.- I I .1.1.11 ...... 1. I... ��� - --- till iftrge fields of cinployttleut for our DUATRICU, R, 011HUNHo it bailly, though foittunately tio bollqs W-4 1- - -_ - - - . . labor) AfId At 04 '001110 till' I Sao,-Tr4asurcr, woro brplie", - .. I . I . I I I , I I . 140 0 . .. . 'j.� . # i 4 . 00***0"+*4# + I � I T21-1411 I ... 11 - 0 . 0 1 . . . * . . FURN, [Tull Ell 10,., I , I * # . .444 1 ,V*#*# I . I . . . . . - . . . .. . . I . � I . ... I . � . . . I I I � . . I . . . . . I � . Keppel Oak is tfie'.very latest finish ' . L . ' . . . ... for Fueniture. 'Call -in and see - � . . . I I � . . . ' ' . .. I ... .. I how you like it.! � I . I . . , . . .. . I . . . . . I . . .1 ' �� . . .. . . lron - Bed-stea'ds are all. the go, - . . ". . I ' . . . . I . � I . . . . I . 1. .We. -,4el) .t6em-che a*p,,. . . , . - . . . .1 �. . .. .. I . . . I � I - I . I . I . I . . . . .. . . . ..... U.M. � � � . .. . I I ; , , . - .,. . I ..... DERTAKING.. .. .. .­ � . I . ­ . . � �. . I ''... - ­. ", . ... . ;.. . . . . . . � . . .. . .. . . . .. . . 1. .. . . . . . . 'CITE .. 1. 1. I . . IN ALL ITS BRAN N.' , , . . . . I .. . .. . . . . . I . -SATISFACTIO.Y. G.rA 11A XTER'D . - .. .. - , . I . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . - .. . 1. ­ . . . I � .1 . 1. I . . . . . . . . . .1 . . � . . . . . . . . . : I I I . I . � I .- I I . . .11. . . .. . . . . , � . . I . .. . - I . 1. ... ... . I . . .. � .. . . � ­­ . . . . . . I . . . � il , . I . . I I I . . . . , ""' I . � - . I . . . KOO V - E. R - &. U 11i..., .... � . .... .... I... 1. � -A L.41 .�.:- ­ .., I I , .. . . . I �.. I �.,.. .. . .­.. ''...'­­ I. . 1. � ''.... 'Night; and Sunday c4lN ainswered at residr-nee of Mr,- John ,Pow�.Il or * . . : . eitherof theprincip,tis. . . .. . . .. ..­ � . . . . . . . I . . . I . , . I .. . I . . . . "'A . . . . . : . I I I 0� I '_***+'' *#***"**" .... I . I . . . I.,. � . I . .. I . .. ; . . I ... I . � � 11 .. . � . . �. . .1 I. � . . . . . I .� I . I . . I . . . . . . 1. I . . . I . -4 . - --- � I I I ,, o . . . I - ­­ _­ ­ ____-, I - . - - j . . . . . I I . . . . � . . . . . . . I . I . . � . . . . .. .... . . I : - . . , , �� �, :. - .. - - . . , . . . q . I __ .. . . . I � �******"**"4k***+.***".**,**4$,040*4,,z.o* 6 ** 0, . . � . . . � . . I . . . ­ . . .. . . 0 *4w* 41 . .:. � . . . - � . . . 0 . I . . . . I . . - � I . . - . . . . . I . . - . I . `0 I . � - . r1a I * � � �' * - ' " I , ' # .1 .1 ­. A I , P�­ Yo -U"2"" 'LF -t . - - - -HEL 1. . U . ;Z54. 11 � , .. �.� t . - � I I I . .. � .. . � 0 ..; .... - .. . I.. - :. , * '. I � . . . ­: ... , " , LE OF SHOES I I I I, - � . .. � . . .. ... . . . I .1 � . .:: I'.-.:. .. . .- � .. . .. * .1 .. I 1. . I I .. I... -AT ' .1 . .­,... I 0 � ,�. .1. . . I . I . .0 I I 1.� � " . .. 0 . . ... .� Wool,,". T , - & S^N".S* .- ..AYLQR U . , - . .. .� .. . . . I .. � ...4 . __._ . L .. � ­ ­. , I . � � . � . I I ... _4 I . . . .., I - . . .....'. ­ * I %VP.'.�itve'.il(�(-icied-ttir'pd'iieentirl)ig.,ito6i� abo 1) t , $.�660 and. vortirvence+ .. . . I Aq slattighter'the stune nextYriday hold S;iLtlIl'd;',y, julle, 5th. tuld otti.: . � * . . . I .. . . . � . . . . I � I . .. . . .. . I . . I : 6 , � I I ' . . , ' . . W-P.are -ustinIly liqu., 86 if you want it,- hargstin' a In d 1. itre Will L13g tA 1-0 . . . . wait on yourself von cAn Rectire thEi be.9t bitrgtdils fit L I I d i Otis, Hisses and .. . . . . . . . . . I . ' . 0h.116ii_11';79O­0t;�,`car ever offei,ed in the County. I .. 11 I � . . . . ... �.- ..... I . .. f " , I . , . , . �' . - ..�.� I ". �:, � - I , �� - . I I . . The right ' bont, o Fivery pAio will hf-'placed oil otir - Bargsti n 06untprs.+ I . . The -original lit -ice, with: tfiq reduced price inlo,rkedih plititi. 1i . . * , ­ ., . . . . . g -es. , I . . .. I I . Ili , + . . I . . ' .. � .. . . � 0,4. . . . + 'You find -VO -111, Size, try t hein on.,hand One of+,th'e, cle k i (14, - - . I , r s tile r , . + price an , e e* _: ectire Lit rnih' '. * , * : , � . . � . � . . . � _ 1. , L . � . I . I _ , Ab 'pecial Bargltihs. in Men's and Boys' flne shoes. . . . .+ � . . , so S . . I I I , salet .0 a I Q I : , � - Yo,u can sgve money 'by audlidiDg this.13ig . , I . I . . . . - I . . : ..., . . . . . I . ­ , . . . _­­­ �_�­­­.­____ . I. ­_ _.. I 1. I I .. I I . I . . . ' . . . . I I . I I .. I . . . . .The Old Reliable.' ** � * : � I I . � . . , . I , ..: *-* I . . , , ... WM,'TAYLOR & Sof""N" , I . I . . . �.j 0, . �.. ­ + I . . .1 0 . . .1 � .. . .. . . . . I . I I . � . JUSK'AND QNE PRIOR,L�_ , . . : � . ... 11 .. . I.. .. . , - I.... �. � I . . EGG8-TAKEN AS CASH. " I . : , I , . . � .. . . . . . . . I . I . I " I + .. 11 . . . . ##*#4 *#*##*##*+##****4***++*#***" . "***** ,* t . I . . . I . � . . . +. . I . 11, . . I . I . . . . .. . I . � I . I . . , � . . . I . . . . .. � I . . . . . I a . . , . . : . . .. � . � i . . I � I . . � I 1. . - ­ . - - W -1 I I . - -7- .XM I . I. 11 � . . � I - -.---- ___ o I . . . , . . . . . � , . . . . t .0 0-&@@8@S�D� 0-�)(��. �. g$@C. es(��. . @(�C- C. *@(�@�- (� - I . . � . . I � . . , . .. � I I ... .. .. . . . I . . 0 I � I . ' . . . �*_-) , Mr W 9: Q, 0 = A Ir f%- A Q W . Q I"^ D C is, - ... . - 0 I . . W 0 0 . I . . , , . 0 _ __ . 0 I 1. . . . . . . . . . . I 6, e , . , 411 Is We-'anticipatod -,'a. big trade 'in the month of . 0 . .May: and were not disappointed. Atwas � a . I ., I ^ a f +160A 16 10+ *,"t%"+I69f=, Q *-I* 1% f,, . .. 11 . I 0 - . All %F %, � . F Jtxr, "a ­ � . . . I . 0 . . . . . .. nesg that we -have had . . I 0 . .. .1 . � I . . . . I � . I I . I . . . 0 . . . - THE Question n I lay lie asked, - WHX is bL Isine . . ss to good P. 1310i (14 j . T1,SE C 0. you will. find here .the right goods at the right prices.' ' . I ' - � � .. I . + . � . . so AND whi(tabont3uneli We bstve prepared. for 'it, big lintsii%ess with " _. + 11 4 . goods lit prices that Will colinnefid, themselves to tile lonying rpjlbjjc� . . . . I . is 0 , a. .. .� . � . . � . . . I .. . . I - Just to hand, a consignment, o+f . a. I I . . I , I I I 0 . Men's Water' proof Coat's (4) 0 . . I . (O . . . I 0 Yon Plimild 4ee Omni. Thev fore excellent "dim. Soom speebt prices I I � (i) �) ( is, injiOYS'. SUITS, sizos,31. 32 and.33, Al,;o twitte good valve, -4 in M EN'S ' (15) 6 OVE HALLS and PANTS.. - . .. . . 0� 0 The value we have fit LADIES' WRAPPERS N i4initilly Tola.pvtilona. *will (cy- * LiAos needing anything fit that line find it to theii,,nd' & . . Vall tit ge to I ee (!�) ,4 IllAfol . i1jR, I + 6 these goff;(14 -sit holy . . 60 . 4 FOR JUNE MILLINE PM CALL and see witat we can (10 for yt U O� � 6 before. pill -chasing elsiowhoire, � . . 4 60 . .. . � 6) ( . e ANY QUANTITY OF EGGS.TAXEIN WN EXORANZIGH. Volt 000t).oz. . . I . * -.0! . e 41 � I .­­ I—— ..... .- __.-.1___-___ .1. I—. 1. 1- I I 6 1, I . -----_; � . 0 I I ­ . . . . , . , , , 0 0 H -' B MW BEAT - LYTH 6 I - 6 I * 4I.D. . I a . . Vretoirltq 1E%14),fak,. l . I I * . "'. el. � . . .eo.ss,c.e�)C.O.see"@C.OTC.C.C.c.c.c."Si-c(.,Nec-C.C.C.C.C.C�o- 0-e . I . I . . . . . . . . I I liel ­ I .1. ­­­­ I 1. I . __ ;� I � . : . . ______ I � I � . . . . I I I .. 1. I �. . ­ .. ­. . I I..". - I && Aftomeo Poaurr N'fatflng , , , . . . . , L ' L' ' P , So" � I . I 4 bird dilibboto illy thttinh 0A Small a holo as lb tail through, P496 otolis I I � � OrdwA 00 ( oultry Notth)g fa bilift *ith Emit I � aluall.h4alies at bottom and jt%rgo At toR X0,120ugo I . witoto andbottom-nostog. Got 690fiorices4ud i Im AV gatea-Zily'ro beAL I . 10ftolk Tho 11`196 Witill V0106 ft, tft1tedAVA1ketV1U*0 0jit. W . - - Kontralil, Z O., dad, 9t. Aht, X -IL 6 -0 .11. ­.­_­­­ ­ I -1 - I I I __ '_ _'. ". .� - , I