HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-04, Page 3V
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- 11 I - - - I _______ � � _;; 1:1 . ... .... � I .
drIvo from mind and heart the good of a coliplo of tbichnesses of cllec,qe� % � I'll . held there will remain sweet an(I ill .
n w hch tile soul is Jour- 9, cloth and large enough to, be usea � . - ... - 41.4--
. I � � � Food C.�)ndltloll much longer than 11
. I noylnw� and then, insteaLl of looking in Place or ,.� wash cloth, Orange AIM' I , I
RR'18' 1A, X �EX AND wo EN upward towards tile hills from A boutthe aud'Ient-on Peel are, Used for soft- .0 , . cooled to oilly 70, degrees ox- 7Z
- � Whence cometh our help. we look I . enina'water, and they also ad -d to, . .- .. . I 1. . I I dogrecs. .
within 'ourselvei§ for comfort and it a rvfre.,�btng perfunio. 4 A& = . I I
we -turn our gaze back.' I ..,,House Ten leave:; should never -))a t,hro.wa "I b�,.M. I I 11 Wl' ,ANING PIGS. I
Are Unfit for the Kingdom of Heaven While 'w'ar18dfatc,Ptw'ol`rd the old life with it; , . away, They are excellent cleansers, I , _;;WA10 A selles Of eight experiments, re,
� . indulgences, and is it ally wonder , of woollen fabrics, sspcLt:aIIy car- relitly demonstrated tile advis.4bllit�
rFl tha� like the children of Israel we � . Pots. SPrInIde them over the car- OILING FARX UAQIrINJ@RY, of keeping pigs on Saws as long ali .
1hey Murmur at Providenoe. Tall to lusting after -the Ilesh pots 11 SE S I FOR DRY B=- AD. pot$. Just before sweeping, They It Is safe to say . that thousands Pomsible, cons0steat WIVI the he althy I
,.,-.--.---.-----. of Egypt and murmuring against Bread Crumb C421 also, be put to other use$. When Of dollars are annually wasted un- and strong condition. of the into e .
, a. - The scrape Of A, low days ,. th r
. . God ? . d he ad . leave until nearly necessarily L through CareleSgneSS or The chief reason for this is tbat a
r 0no- rich beauty and wide extent, before But God's voice Bounded out over table can be Placed In the oven, and 191101`411ce in the ailing of furm sow and tier Pigs together will ex.
,(Luterccl according to. A,ct Of0f) VAX! h ld pour boiling water
cold; .strain and ii -go tile water _
140,11101tt Of Camille, In the YeA him and he shouts: "We are more that rebellous CAMP, Oh, wh4t A dried or toasteil a delicate 'Prawn, washing pal 1 or ac
Thousand ,Nine li4ridred and 111hree for inachinLry. Not long ago, tile wr t tr t more. nourishment from a .
11 IIHI. .13ttiLy, 99 Toronto, St G thart. conquerors, through Him that, God wo have I Instead of abandon- theri rolled nt" Wl"tc Pilitit Iii -ay kAe1v of a forehanded but "bind- GIV011 qualltity or food than will the .
11Y.Partment ot AgrIcuAture,QttaWA?) loved its, for I am persuaded that Ing those ungreateYul people I Ili- close . very line, and plam-d Ili a be caFill cleaTied by rubbing sighted" farmer well supplied with w6aned piga, alaixe, .
. I or air -tight JEW. W -bon, -frying it with y .
neither death, L nor life, nor augols,� hops, L Veil,, flannel 'that bas been all the best Ut
A despatch front Chicago L , akey of modern imple- The sow anti pigs - were welglied
I stead of chiding and punishing them, park 0 Outlets, fish, dipped into whiting, . ,
I says nor principalities, nor powers, nor 1,10 says : "Bohold, I will rain bread ,chicken, et I a., Ilip the lueat Into a luents who 'Was. constantly seeking separately each week, and any loss
Rev. Vrank De Witt Talmage preach- I things present, L Inor things to'Come' from 1104yon. for you." And that woll��boaten, egg, then Lace handkerchiefs should be wash- tile repair Bhop, all bee se ho chose Or 90,111 of the 93QW was deducted �
ag text, "And I -r . 4u . .
ed front the followi , nor height, nor depth, nor any OtIAL is what God Says' toL your soul and crumbs, letting them Into - tbO ed Ili warm water Ili which there �o dePP114 Upon , or ad to the iL L
the children of I Israel said; Would to Creature, Shall be able to' separate , roulain five Or %re 4 few drops of aWnt.onia, and . the kerosene. barrel frOn, ,ded ncreased
. - d, L I Instead of a ilve-cent box of axle weight of the pigs, ,The pigs were
Ogypt, when We Christ Jesus our Lord," ore crumbs and,fry In hot fa grease. All hig boxings were Allore. allowed to remain on the Sow for .
Lord in the land of 10 , Castile soap only should be used.
� had died by the hand of tile us frola tile love of God, which is in from the hand of God I Daily Alp� 1111
God Ni,L min . Broad from,Heaven I Feeding ten litinutes, then add more,egg Ali 1
ply ; enough for the da ' Servo on a hot P t* AVasbed in this way they will look it ; most of. them L .
Eat by tile flesh pots, and when we The redeemed but, uns4rictilled be- . y'a needs ; . latter, Varnish w I or,less cu more so'. tell weeks, then 4. similar course OIL '' I .
. The blood a I I ed, but shouid -b , he piga .
did eat bread to the fulll , . . Then liever stands before us the gathering of the maim the firs't Parsley. ' . . "ll like new. They shoul,l) not be lron-� And yet, . although a fairly intelli- feeding was carried on with t
said tile Lord: Behold, I will rain of the Lamb, Christ Jesus, has been business of the day. H ,gypt's flesh Egg on- Toast, - We have tile 0 spread out
i smoothly on marble or glass by pal- goat 'lien, his -answor to a protest, fat' seven weeks. The SOW and pig$ L . ... �
bread from 1-Teaven fo -ou." - F pots could no longer', nourish Israel, fried, poached and scrambled egg on ling out on that polat . .
,r � QXO- sprinkled 'Ligon the Ilatel. and door - tile edges gently to give . wag, "Wity kerosene Consumed on an average 281 pounda . I I
dus 16:3-1. I . posts of his heart and be has gone The world can no longer feed and to4rt, but did You over try the them tbeir original shape. , oil is the be
., . I 131rd's nest? The childrcli-IL' Just, be- ,pt oil in th a World . fol-- of meal and 58-1 pounds L . of .sklm. I
and satisfy your soul's ILTAnger. aIwE Clearting the axles ; why not for millc In making a- similar increase, *
"Now these things were our . cxr,out of tile land *here darkness . Lye fore thoroughly dry told evenly and keeping them clean 21, .
amples, to tile intent that we should death reign. He has bad some L GOD MUSTiVIIED YOU. enjoy anything in ,this line, so smoothly and . place under a heary . . � .
' . Oh, the sweet- It will be a daily supply, It wilt, tempt their appetites some morn- Some men, do not appear to.under- . I I
not lust after evil things, as they blessed experiences. be Ing with the following� Toast weight of soine.kind. I-TAndkerchiefs stand that the use of oil or grease . . . I . I
also lusted." - L Car. 10:6. ness and joy of tilose first days Of only enough for the clay, and thel. desired amount, and tile 11111dered In this way will last a CALF FOOD. . . I
The record of the children of Israel the now life. Jesus' presence has gathering niust'be done before -butter ligilt;Jyj, long tinle, . . is to present a smooth, easily mov� A mixture which lias been very . I
I t116 placing the pieces of toast on a -�.. I Ing surface with gufficient, body to largely used, and with. excellent r;e-. I
lives to this day, that it inay �teach been felt. - He.has led Unerringly. He beat of tile activities of ' the, day' baking pan, and drawing sid. .
its of the waywardness, stubbornnes's Aias ' delivered mightily .wben, the have melted the -manna and robbed where it will keep ho . 4, a . carry up the load,'though it1s "Ise sults, by an extensive breeder, con- I . . . . .
, , I . .
and blinduess at the bunian heart, Devil has pressed hard. The. bitter * t. Select as TO REINOVATE CANE. PHAIRS. true that the .spindles and . . . I
. . boxes state Of two, . pVLrts of barley meal' . .
and the faithfulness. tho pationce and pools have been made sweet, And the you of your portion, Oh. how many fresh eggs as You have pieces Wash the seats well with otip and ,Should be *kept clean, a point .ove, and wheat. meal to one part of . .� .1 .
6�, sweet and blessed it -is to hear God of toast, and separate 'th 9 1 � I ..� .
the gonerous care of God for t1w Q, whites hot water - not so It nta%es I . I
children in all ages. Israel is a mir- date palms of Ellin and drank'of her - broad from the yolks. I a is added a
His soul has rested.in the shade of say to the soul : -'�I will rain e IvIlites to da, fbr More gendrally neglected. one kind ground linseed, To thl .
. I �pl . .
- which G from Heaven for you." Listen I all,- it stiff foam, and salt lightly. When , them Tellow. Turn tile chair up- Of Oil or grease May.be made to-, ,rich of carbonate of soda. 'say, at . I
roi .ad holds up for lis to refreshing wators_but the.L Ord .leads soul. , Is the murmur of discontent I say stift, I mean that the.fo side down, .iVet the seat well oil tile ,answer for . All purposes, but Z the rate of one ounce of the soda to I .. �
look into. It is a inirror which has I tile Soul out Into the wilderness . am timer side, push the bulge to' tile, have never yet found one that, is, every' peck � of ,the mixture. This
- of the X r Upon,your lips ? Are you'llankering should stand alone. Now. ulace a right e meal is prepared by being ' I I . .
tilt' pvnetratilig powel ay, I again, and there in the palace of dis- . , side, and lbave to dry. If not anywhere near th bs at make.d. with . .
and revoals-in the hunian heart and, cipline t I he a . out falls to lusting after after tile flesh pots of I gypt ? Lis, spoonful of the beaten white on quite 'tight,- repeat . the process. , farmer cannot afford to carr iri .4 Jittle cold Water until it -reaches a . .
Pro- each piece of toast, .arrange a round Sbou y ,.
life that which lies boueath the sur- thd flesh pots of T;Igypt. The faith, ten f . God is speaking in the . I Id the canes be much discolol,e.d, stock too mu.,ch Idle .material, but a creamy consistency, and then warm : .
. sent through tile a ' tile I o. in the center, anc .
. .
face, ana it is a mirror, also, whose Nyllich has ' delivered and the hope xperienceo of , 8pac .1 place the wash them over with a wealc. soll;- dollar or two JUdiciOUsly Invested in water is piddod until. the Inea * . .
past in , His dealings with Israel unbrokdn yolk in it. Add small . . I I reach- .
polished surface catchos the light .of I which has led out towards the pro- . tion of vitriol and water, - I)Py in a dilrerent kinds of lubrie'ants is well es about. blood beat. It may be I . 1. . �
i .
11'eaven and reveals God in all His. mised- land of a better life, have and saying to you that He will bits of butterP salt and poppet-, and. shady place. 06od drying'weatlicir invosted, illwa�s, providing the oils' used either as an addition to skim-.
fulness. Let us look .into thig-mir- been obscured and forgotten -as the feed- you abundantly, . The needy place in' a lint oven ulitil the e,gg is should be Chosen for washing the are made Intelligent use of milk or as a complete . substitute for .
' L
-ink Ili - strong I . nipulses for tbe -old life, its Samaritan woman at Jacob's well cooked as desired. Servo hot, chaills, or, if -done in winter, dry be- For cle'aning of'guui, rust or ' ,I- 'lililk, after the calf "is five or Six* . I
ror that we may di � tbo Ple ' Cream Toast. - Toast small _ , I . I I I
ture which God paints of the redonip- pleasures, its associates, Its unre- "'71111 promised Living Water that fore a lire, witill the logs and inider most any kind of dirt, nothing is we0kS of Age, The addition of cook- . I
tion of his ppupl:� ,rom bondage, stricted activities' gain he upper would satisfy . forever. T . lie, multi- pieces of � bread to a iiice brown, and .side of the se t towards the fire. It superior to kerosene.oil or a ' of Ing soda -is made With tlie'object af � . .
t I arrange' in Individual. sauce dishes. Is a great int a ome , .
of His lending, of His deliverances, hand." The most ilinhapwr L Person on tudes that had eaten of the loaves Take one quart of milk. and heat to to got stake to.allow the canes its full brothers, like gasoline. , It, counteracting ally tendency to jcOUA. . . I
' I .
of His care for thom, and'of His earth is the . ., . and - fishes were pointed to.- . the the boiling point in. a double boiler; very 'dirty before attending cuts and loosens the dirt and then or undue loos6ness of the bowelso
. .
wondvi-ful patience with thein In their . . * Bread of Life ,which . could satisfy when just at tile boiling point and to them. ... 1. .� . I . .. I
wa WILDEaNESS CHRISTIAX� . . . . I � . evaporates, -leaving no residue of its I . -�. 0 . .. �.
ywardness and rebellion, And as .1 .the soul's hungerings, and 'the Liv- a weill-beaten egg' that has had 4' . � 4 own. For this very reason, it is� no . . . � . . ...* I . . I
we sit before tho picture we mayl How could tbe children ` of -.Israel Ing Water and the ' Living Bread little cold milk added to It, 64ilt. - WAR ON,-CONSUNFTION. better then water for a lubric DECAYED TEETIM. � - . L. . ,"
. ant . I I . . . .....
learn I,,.,; lessons, for '!these things Liturmur so ? we ask, We -wonder from Heaven are, for you and for � .
i L and pepper to taste,'.aiid add two :. . - I . I for beavy ina�hinei'Y. That reqpires ' L - I * I
were our examples '(or as the ' inar- i NVIth exededin and impatierit'amaze- ine, Let us - stifle the. � hankerIngs tablespoonfuls of '' sugar, In a rEfforts Being Made to Extirpate 'dY,, Such as the thick, heavy oils I .
' 19. b Mauy, Maladies Are Traceable to ..
. . I
I ,. L . . . .
gill of tile revised version puts .It,; inent that they couldL think.that after the old life and the old 7 in, small saucepan . Place - onei table- I the White 'Plitigue. f urnish. I . The=. I .. .
I .
'ill these things they become figures 1 death ainidst the flesh pots of Egypt dulgeric I es . by deep quaffs L at the spoon , ful of butter, aiid when melted . . . .1 . . I . For light machindry, like. .lawn . I . .. I . . . .. . . I
of us*), to t he intent that we should I was better -than *the feeding of the Statistics published .
f . ' L well -of Living Wrt�Or I Let us for- stir in one *tablespoon of flour, When -It is. recognized that among the mo*ers, sewing machines, etc., a I . the Other d ay . I
not lust after evil things, as they Lord Ili , thd wilderness. � And. while. kei theL,flash bats of the � did life ' . in all. the.. starch.. grains discreditable features of modern civ- light, iiermanent oil- -from which. t atAhe. annual. meeting.of the Royal � � . . ...
11 - . - of the flour I he Dell . .
also lusted." I I � tal Hospital lend color,to the be- .
, . I . . i we marvel we fo ' i get that Israo , I '- is tile abundAntand. full partaking ... 6 f aTe* broken, add Ahe hot nilil, let i.lization the one-Lleast to be endur- gum, and residue has been ab6ut all lief that peopla are bee . oming .mora, .. . . 1. I
Soine liffile exegetes, Ili Interpret- but a ,figure of us and L plainly illus-. the Bread of Life which God gives .!. boil once, then pour over toos� and ed, or accounted- for, is tile. preval- removed is best. The load it; ear * .
. I . �. . . . I slide of fatal diseases. With mem- requires aill rles concerned regarding the*e9nditAOR Cf . I I
. .
Ing the history of Israel's bondage, !tratcs the spiritt ' ial conditions which Then Instead of murmuring wO shall servA. . . I. � I . .y. a little bodyi while, the their: teeth, .says the Le4iiidon ' Tale- , I I I
dell verance, wilderness journey and 1 prevail in our own lives go Oftell, find the song* of: IiraJ§e.-4Xkd rejoicing Croutons. - 'Many people profer, Vers of the human race who eat' the very lightness -of the machine makes graph. . I ,�
possession of the promised land , as! Hankering Af ter. the flesh Pots Of rising to 'our "lips and instead of croutons rather than crackers � with wrong thing, or - persist in LL course it more ensit* I to the influence . This', hospital,. which may . . .
, . a lVe I
figures illustrating the s � I of now claim to be tAe largest And3best . - . .
Piritual Iife,,'If,'gypt..pr6v^iIq tQ, the pr6sont day, the back*ard glance toward the soup. .They are very appetizing -and that ultimately is fatal to the hu-' gum, and less able to overcome it. .equipped of its kind - ha� ,ma�terlall .
have hold the wilderness journey as God's children don't,get "Yery t4r C . ountry of sin Out - of which we have easily prepaxed.� Take bread that is "'an', life, that is understood- and, it- The light,.cleah oils (but nev * y . .
a t,vpe of . � A stale enough to toast nice lustrated I o . increased Its utility'by the erection . . . .
�.. - wildern6ss, experiences of ..boen' delivered by the mcicy and, . ly, cut In- daily. But -that there sene ar ..anything which evaporates of ,new I . .
TII'E CTTdUSTIXN WALX: the '.Christian -life sometimes before to-filediurn-alices, Dutter 11 and ad6quat6- premises. The I
1. . grace of - 4bod we shall'be lookinK . - . . glitly" 6ut should be a,fatality ;7uniiing late. tit. Once) should always be prefeered total number Of patients on wh6m . I .
Ili this life, the crossing of the- Jor- they begin. t�). long, for the iiidul-. forward as tile Lord leads out _' of. Into strips or squares, and pfi�ce Ili scores of thousands from collsump- for such . work, - For .buggy axle . .
. I � � Is, operations .
- of death. and the ,;as-. gbrices .of the old life, They forget I.the wilderriessi into the fullness �of �a quick oven, and .toast.. t:�Q,nie tion and other forms of pulmonary more were erforiAtid' ' during � I .
dan as a. typL * ' . . body is necessory and .more P . . .
session of the i��omiscA land as set that,tileir hunger call be satisfied by prefer th the past yqAr4bxceeeIs the rec*T,d of I .
. - � ,blessifig. of the promised land. . am of at4le bread cut into disease Js, to say the least; -a, dis-, gumminess allowable'. - ,till, the rule the previoui twelve MGUtkS- by some. . .
ting forth the soul's vter�nal dwel_jlthe Lord..wlio-Js leading thein, that . . . eu-bes or scitkares, then droppd4 into grace to the civilization of the 'day.. should be. as ligh . . .
. I ' . f , - j . I I -1 .t awl clean an oil. 15,000.. Jn . 1874 the total wag . .. I
ling place in H,Qaven; but there are tile, manna. of. 0 ad a boulity is Eta - ' . I hdt - fat, and-browned� .Lltt..- t4em .The. cause. as well' as.. the Cure ' of as will .do ,the work.. .When it com ' I I . �
I I - . .
so many difliculties in the way of I much - b tter than the leeks - and , � - A GHOS� STORY. ,from the fat. with a skimmor , .. � .: 0-5 glyen.a.p 3,9 .1 '.
� 16 1 . ... . . .. .. I . I I ,drain,, cancer is unknown, but the origin-ol, to'' heavy.. waggorX axi6s ti,.much and: la I at V .1255 ; In 1.963L. 74D,,046. . . .
such iritLrprotation, and it fails 'to onions, of:Rgypt as I& life better: � - _-, .. ! add to sou . . � . - Ii.' * 'body. is n6dessary, kri . d the .ear - 85 "'181 The repazt. . ... ..
. . g. and serve, 1. inPtion is understood. and 'it is eamer 1. A� . . .
. ' I �
bariuc)nize so many ossential detail§ than death . and H,Qaven better than Young- Lady, Before .Death, -Saw I . . .. ... . . .. . . I therefore not othe V�ise .than to .th � a light, in . aching oils, thou . . from which thp figures are . taken . - I .
I . . . Her 'Brother in .it Dream. ... . I - . I r . gh''sdtisfac- Pays a tribu ' . I I
* � . . . . * . ' ' I -
with tho teaching of Scripture Vc- earth.- .Esau was willing to sell big, , . ' . .1.1 .� . I . " . .1 ,,.8 . - . reproach' ' '" to 10 tile, work of . t1ij . .
I ; . I . 11 m. . PIES 'AND CAKE. .. _ . . ,� of the times that it should tOrY for a short' time,"by reason of atud nts.- which - lilone enabled - the . . I .
.1 . . . . . ,a .. �
garding the Christian lifL,;and of birilirigfit.' for'a,'�,=QSs. of pot.tago, , � Here* is an interesting, if,,soine- I I . claim so indily thouginds of -Victims their (juick dislittegtation a . .1 .. I .
. ' ' Lich a.Lfatalit(f authorities to .
Ht�aven, that we are inclined to ae- and the �Christian - sometimes is al-� what: "creepy" story � � which reaches, �. Of I course, 'it' is understood that , every year, ' 'S I . I" in. &� liflc sources' Or "dry* ., spindle,$- . Cope �wlth so vast an . I I ,. . 1.
. L I . . . � . For. .. .. .. . . �.
tept the interpretation of .other, coi I I , , no one factor of our lives passes out this--dpinion wias' Ill, .
L . .I]- indat ready .t.6 .give his .soul s iop& us from a correspondent'.upon whosaL t.� � great, army. would. lead. men: to hold such gpiridles a Very.iniuch heavier oil Increase,. and. . . ... I .
9 I -vc ' i wil� for the ii1dulgence, and:-pIdasure, which 1'9'o.� faith we-. caii- rely, - says the I leave a Yold Unfilled and unfilla- UP .their hands !-a ' horror at -the or grease ihould be U.5ed. -It'lMay be dorsed-in spy *A��.. L '.. i .
Inentator. who belie that ,the . ral 'of tile' spbe'ehos at L
I L � � the, meeting, over. wh.i&. Lo . . .
derness jouruey.is it type re . blo� so it, is. not to 'be. -thought -that slaught6r. -Ilui -we are used- to it. .a 'bit. 61 valuable n6wP to - sonle that . . .
- the world h offer. Lot's wife, ing. ' -A cp . � Rd
.. of the as to,.* Lblidon, .E I Daily* Xdws. ..r- the retirement - of - j3io and L cake has We. -think. of it as a ..,presided. . �.. .
I . nalrd . . 1 . . .
decined but unsanctified believLi- in hankerifig after. ,.-the lukVries ana tain young lady . wh�Om'. we, will call. left U With 'ut - recour' , L to: sweets J%� . nia,fter of Course'. good pine tarwJII usually put anL , rman ex . presse . ' ' . . . . . I
Christ Jesus, and that the crossing pleas. . . to' . . a . a I Se . I e regard it as the Inevitable, . and end: to a , hot box L after everythillg The chat * . I d a hope I . I . . . .
. ures' of doomed -Sodom,� uked, �'Afary A.," wha.y6covering from an - of their nature. To .:.be very can- ,�tb submit that since so much� .
of the Jordan typifies iull siirrund�F liae-k, -�; I ,With tile. toll, . fi,jell.da I Ili * a half -a I . ..S. . .1. I I .. .� . �.. �� t�. being' dir I . - attention was I � . .. : I .
. and . , ging. L. look' illness.. T-heL.doctoil:had declared'boir did,' the pie and eat* pirit still slialne-faicied' sort ` ' polOgbtiz; Ila failed.' .octeii 'to -dentistry, ' ' I I . ..
to God, and the possession Of L t -bei I lives N_ 0 S. L . . L an M_ ..
- [qamo -..Iagglng fdatatqjs until tho� to -be out of danger', akid her "Ith . . . . .. . .. .. I - I � L .
promised land illustrat * . _ . us, and wo, do .obe it - .... L I . .. of way to' : thi�. -, - - '
.y '. . . Partant, branch -
I . I li n ash . . I 'L , , ' . ' WATE R IN T11n, '; . edical, ajid sur- . I .. . I .
. * lie after A) r ow . 't I , - . . I . '�h- public WoOld COM& .. .
, I L OfL"M
Ls the sandti- d alk -ah. ' i L : . . ravages of this 'disease. . 1. �
fled and victorioll.1 � I'.., '.., 1 1 ho saint. , . . . . Which , w.e -�a and rclatives� werei rejoicing in L'On. I I . ad , L .. .� . , SOIL.. �'Y.:., 91cal. seiahce, . I
- !railli g upon the city ,fell ..also - upon,1 fact% Neverthelc�§s, J�IiSS _A, ketiliv- . Although- it is true that the * pia. it is but good -sense arid in' . _ il-he more th" Sol Is, p a .1 : ' . .
' � . ' .
U , . I - I . I I . star, . . t ' I -ddneo with . L 0 1 ulverIzed, iLnd for.w. rd with a corresponding liber� ' . I - . I
Solne of the.difilculties which pre- .hot, and encrust6d lr'. and, she was, Ing a visit �onb .. day f)rom, a sl a be quartered Or dut into*fiftlis or 601 1 the inclinations I Of' the flner�. --its. condition, .:the gre'aier alitY; and ,� thug L . . .. . .
-L . . . . I L � . L
sent theinsch --s against the reason,- Itast , L . . . . . gravOy'assured tier. - 'that she was " L a no lingeii a * ' humanity thdt intelligent efforts are it 1. . . .. ena�fe, their large. .., � . ...
. .. . sixths Jl a 0 pla:co. on the . s.,capacity to.. hold wAter.. Stand- schools to caii�` 0 . th .
ablonuss of the first-nanted- interpre- . Why was ii, that the chill going'to die_ The I L i - 'L, .., n eir 'work '.An '.
. I sister pooh-pooh- correct table, it lies left,a direct rl� Luakinj nb�r *, to e"racifeate this group. I L a ... .. . I I.
tation, are that the crossing' of the ' .1 . -ing.water in undraified' scsils"absbrbs eminent author* y on entl' * I . I . .
. I rsrael fell L into. .tNs. sad.conditio'll, ed the idea, and treated A`as-anAn4 heritiLneq, In Ahe shape of' tart, .,, Qf diseases.. ,.t� f ore�tgn 'authority pro- .heat - an& if it* is I a . $try . OX- ' ' I . I . .. . .� I .
IL . . .. '. I . .
. . I
. .
Jordan iriarked the beginning of real � .. 'dicta' that �Prussia will'be exempt it evapora . teeiL' and the heat pkion. t1rat - ' � I .
conflict with evil and the .'enerni . as of this. yearning'.. for - ilid flesh. Pots. -of iialid's .1a:aely.' A,JiSSL A. however, tartlets, 'as -you-,wfll. They . are . not drained . ofy' pressed :sin . dental cl;B� : . I
* . � . . . by , , . . Is there-. Coy Vras greatly ineriasing - among , . .,.
I . . I . .
God, while'death niarks the. passage Egypt,? If we.had gone int6 that with the , utmost calmness.. repeated dainiier' and prettler in the sorying,.. from i.t in twenty4our years _ . that. i,'very Vio , po of . London. A 1.
. . i i
. - .. � - ___ her statelneni.'. 8he was'certain that aiLd. ,are -capable of more 61abora- England I will 'be exemPt.-'.' froill 'it lOsts' leaving the soil pold. I l - . . .
I , .
of the soul frow-the scene of conflict. . I . . . ' ' , . within , few Years L . . . barrel or water. avaporated by' .-.the perfect set ot teeth in:aa.adult was � . . . I .
. � . . she i�ould die that night, a:nd'begged tion by way -of wbipped ..cream and - after that time, h hea L t � as woluld .now ex . i-em6ly . . .. . - I
I 110111.1 n � I I L t .rarbl,V found. Mine -1 :L . I
;th - evil and the e es of God I ' DR. A W. CHASE'S '6, at. . L h , ; of' ., Amerl6a, he ttill - be ie . I Ve -for -some ' . L .
w . . sun tak�s aa muc
. 4 C., h star to. -fetch her parents and othe'r gilding than were the outraad.�, I while t 0 cas�e I
. . L . as 'basis ' of ' . a . I
this world to the bliss �iidjwacc and . L 25 at out pies. rega�ds hopeless.' Tlie' ' I ,quired to evaporate the same hosp tal atithorlde *, h& I .. I . . . . .1
joy of I4eav'en. The promised, .land. :CATARRH CUREL... bee . relatives to sgLy - good-bv. Thus, it. comes about. ,that . . quantity - of, water In a cauldroti. ti#le past been eiLdeavorink. to - -Bo- . . . L ..I. ". .
' . . I
I .. . I Thinking to - humor hei the. sistLr NVe have retained - the good things, this predictibn is 'in the i@� L . L . I I
. . I I I .
was filled with the eneinjes of right- . . . . .. . Is sent direct to the diseased , . . L - . . j. L ' I tint'll$* - Of The SoilL olid PlalltS are Chilled- for cure .,a Perfeet set Of teeth for pu:r-,'' . .11, . IL . .. .. . . I
� ' ' aL S t, , , I
. eousness. Heaven cannot'Le such a , I . 1. . partsbyttle Improved Blower. dprapfied. On6 person - was ' ab$ei�,Lt:that lived in.gios while doin, away lm�rtdllty. statistics, showink_that th 'want .-of heat absorbed: by Ahe Poses of- demonstration. . Such . e , . .
- ,. . P - I .1 . � I I
I . .
I . . ' ' billy gathering- with..4 the qualiL that made 'the the death rate 'in Prussia. withinL a. Vrkter. :.Dr . .
.Heals the ulcers, clears the air . -from this strange fa .'IesL . L .
place. The promised land was the �' . I passages, steps droppins, a L L I.. � . , I . . . m I , aiiiage v�.Itrin.s � tile I joif had '. 'recently been discevereij� I a L . I .. � . .
i . .s in the ' . � . .. few Years has fallon rr -six and 'Prevents loss L . . . . I.. .
scene of desperate fighting, but no th�oat and permauniltl'i cures . brother.'. who was at sea -and was seem. inelegant. _. L . . olif twenty d4ring ,drought, 994rdsman being the f6rtuil' * .. .
. . � . . i . .
. L , . L
. . . Much, the same.. state Of 'things'. ex-' to s' 'thousand. . . . . ate .pos- . . � . . I
such conflicts await the saint in "', . -: Catarrh and Hay Feve.r. - Slower L expected home Ili a, week or two. - nWeteen Ili the - because bl.'every Saffth6r6 ts' �1 Ressor. The, recent appointinent of 7 . -
. . I . � L . -Of . .
. free. -All dealers. or Dr. A 11:. .11 1*1 it does : 4sts with regard to cake. S of I . I L .. I I . I ' L
W.'Chasto B�. . not na e " Miss �A The' as -lease atal disease, ,' while -it has place Where., th13 -iree L army- 0entista hL d'again brought - I " I � . .. . I
. d Buffalo, . :�, t r' -as -water. ftand - a*, a .
o' . ., ., cittletly. . Observed, a i)�6 last sence of. the palce still abides with fallen nearly .much fit .England Which 'place - is called the �'water ander'notice the 'questjoh I
Heaven, while on the O,thar hand in .: , Uedloine Co., ToTonio a; .
this life th sanctified saint is - the . . . . I �a W h . of the - dis- . , . ' ... I .. .
one who has the inost desperate " . I I . ... :, - night in, .a. dreani nd aid good- us, but it� has bbon,rollned and sub- and shows a very-warked gain ..for ia6le, " . It i * �' ificatio�j of ai� .
- I . I .
. nay �bo six inches down quial . I
callip .and pas�ed from firmily- liniated, so.td speak,., and,'.the . .. . my men because of . I .
fightin to do against.the eneniles*0f, I group b..ji to him in his .cabin.." Before the . ... . result exemption irf. other .60tiltries �f or , . Ott ' 'teeth.', The ,three .dentisii ' * � .
' '
9 oulAink .yery. I . . . . 1. 'iss' A's I . ig�-p4rxeh ekkes.,:'petit fours. and ' 4 tb�nany 'feet.� ! It is .the. b am of unsound . , . .
.to 4, .Y alked with'the gun. rose �tga n. , � the ,western Europe, ,':'In' America.. soil . . I . . .
God. Satan is not tr . . f mil group and ,t . 1. I At' - predibtion. " ' . � the . resprvoir, or 'similar' to a aPPojiit&d by Mr, - 13�odrlck will - - be . . I
much with the a. murmuring people we would hilvil' had come true : she was .dbad. That, like. Between -ourselves, these -are statistics- indicate : that.pulitiona ... . . . . .. .. � I . �
aints who are wall -,J, j us�t rich . pou�d., 17 dialipart.. The dishpbLn,' or"the' upper engaged chiefly in sto'plijig.the teeth : . I . �. .1 . .
I . cake,'. fruit cake, disease igincreasing, propord , . . I . � . . .
dering around Ili the wilderness; but discover6d at least two. reasons for "libWever is n6i the stfahgest part sbouge cake, or chocolate cali . a . bear � . .tionately.. arld tilladle sail, Is, the reservoir. It. of. men bel6nging to the tr6ops; and. . ', ... . I . � I . . I
. , . - .
-when. they cross over into the *Prorn-I their discontent....Virst.. they'' had' of -t -his Lih�r-weird story:. When�, ill I I .. _� to.. population, rather than dimillisll_� is* the p-ai-t .m which ille. water As although Ahe a'sure is .at pro t , . .
I I fo'rgpitell . th . . , , I - � ad Ili Ainy-.tins, or. cut.from jE� large Ing. -. .1 .1 . .. . . . I I I to Me sen - . .
ised land of the consecrated and, . e oru ad. r ue time, the salor ,brother. reached: I . . I libld as hIms'6 ,mp,rary,, It is likely f�o. 1. . I . .
I a loal . * into � I ancy . shapes,' I on the, soil particle.4. be con-' . .� . I .
I I � .
sanctified life Ili. Chrisi.JeSUS' then I which they lia .. set out, and second' Port' he .was met by his other,sister 110itV � Few. experts longer. regard .it ' as Tbcs f ling travel froin . . I .
. I I # � . 0. -1 .. particle.' tinued. V or soldiers particularly, ... . ..
I rounds', and,tho,lfke, dlj)P�ed�t.hgn-fa li�r6dltaty. No one. need feel. obliged ,to partic � ., . .
he begins his bitter and rclontl6qsl-�hby had takdn. 'thOr eyes off -the 'who'began to toll him''the*sad news: rich, dellelous icing4. topped by, I , , le,, the* gel'wral tendency sound.tieth 'are most Important.. it I .1 . .. I I .
I . � . .
I. . I - - I . I .
warfare. � The- proinised land wit ,'cloudy pillar of aoda presence and "Ali," he Interrupted, "YOU need not .p,16co . 0� to die. (if consumption :bc"use . art bbing . Upward - becauso the molgiurt) is -not. SQ.` easbtitial * 'a, Point, where I 1, .. 1.
. . , . I . , . .
nessed the wandering from God of: were looking into their. mea , I b4gs., tell me. Mary ., is dead.;. I knew It, - of walnut, a cherry, or ,. any finmediate'. ancestor! pa I seed out of is. llaasin� of I I i . � near the' -top of L . . . . .1 . ... . I .
. . crystellized . fruit-, And they are . . I . � the good, srj9t*dJet is assured,' but under � I . .
His children, their indulgence in!Aild the Christian t. -day, , * , for Bhop merto me- arid night Ili my rectily as much like bonb9ns* when -life that way.. Every community is ,soil by-nicans of evaporation .and camp conditions at the front the . . I . .
, I , . s, ' . . I .
idolatrous worship, their punishment . FALLS INTO AN ERROR - dreams -and told me-glie was'golng .familiar now with instances. of those I apprdpiiation by' j)Iants. : 'Moisture I Point is' Of , v I .. � . I
. �
by fainine and pestih similar to 'that of 'the children- of to, die. an I d wb.nted to . sa . done as they are like coke. For 'wfio were predicted as certain.to die I . s, tonstantly , . . � . I I I -Ital significance, and. I ,
. � Y good- the icing whiell .covers them: Is quite of cons . . . . . . . supplied - from below.. I has more tp :do.- ,With good health': I . . �
, I . .
their captivity, but , Israel. wlion - lie forgets the high by."' .On' comparing datds'*.It Was like t& the creamy' mixturo. ill -t `c .timptian in theit', early youth, through capillary attraction, than most persons realize. Anaeilala, I �
things can be true of the �.. . . . � . I .. . I.
I . . O' - but have rbadhed,middle age and. are. -Water, Is_ constantly .. ri , . .
calling of God In Christ Jesus for, found that the dreams -were dreamed ture and'dolor, of 'which .boil boas I sing froill. dyspepsia, r . . .
.. . gene al, maladlies, ands. N ,. I I . ..,
. whfcli he-lias set out and which is; on the self -same', night.� - , I I . .. I ... still Ili good'healtli, simply. ' bjicause -the lower depths� of tile soil through. slow poisoning ate -all traceable to I . . . :
111CAVE'NLY EtXP,EInLiN,cE. .' Irealfibd In the pioinised' land of full. . , axe mit.de. '' they. have taken. care .of thenisgivesi, -co I . I � I
11aul in the seventh bf,nonla:lis� - - .!+;.--- '' .But' along. with these tricks In the _ . aplllary� attraction, andby, 'this ppsound, decayed teeth. , . . . . . . .
I . extremes and - the e b I I Sam hing ought. 'to be 'glahe: ' ' . .1 .
draws a faithful picture -of tile saint surrender to G.od,.and ,whart he takes . I THE MAN AND THE, BOX_ .. evolutioli. - of pie and cake we , are avoided xPe- process . ringing . UP With . it the A fit - 1. I .. . � I . �. -
who is struggling throuKh the ]its, eyes,'afT the Lord � and - begins * . � 4 . I I .. learning . a.great deal about � other tiences ..Nvhlch,, tend 'to break dOWY1 Salts'. -and soluble fertility released. the schools, towdrns chocking.the de- . 1. .
. wil- I 'look Into � Hare'ls a -box..' In.itself it is not. * b6alth even *of the , rob'List. , " . � . . ' . . - . . I
derness experiences, and when. at I to . . ,the meal bag of his. � . sweets. Thero are, jellies, for - - I . We have an exaggeraied 6xample of .day of children's teeth, and Its' pre- ' �, . .
Own' phRry, mean posscssions� . and remix I � a g, stance. 1n. oilr grandmother's t1mg -it - w well, therefore, that the this in- t e,alkall, soils of ,the . West ventic, I ee . .
last In utter despair lie exclaims: rkable, 113ut. a.man -1 packin` . . "I . . . IS h n. Dentists had,, 1) i. ap-- - I "
t it. . . - , .,
. . I ., untr Is, waking. tip at.last to 'tho. wherg-t 0 process works to ,the de-, Pointed in i;omo .cases to the -Na . . .
"O wretebed nian that I am!.. who. lien .lusts. efter . th&*thing§ of the .1 the making of )onion and w1jfto. jsi_ cO Y � �. I h . . . I
iollvcx ind from Qla ))ally Of bid life. Human natu're . . W.hen man,* unmarried man, .. . . . .
shall ( i - , . is ever the � I Packs lies Consumed a good half day 'With' need (if constant arid perslAtont or-:. triment rather- than the beneflt of tional schools, bat, so-fa�r, although � .. . . ...,
. .
� . 4.b6x, women weep,. * I .. . I -the oti-ainings, that ,war' 'necessary to s'for the extinction'ot pulnibnary the * farmer. r Excessive ,quanii I . � . . � .
. . . rt ' .
this death?" lie, suddf-rily lifts, his same. Israel, *W a: figure of us..' The . I .1 . 1 13 � . I . tiQs .of provision. had been made id. secure . . . . I
See- the iltan.l. ' "O. is - . not . to e O'. - ' .". . . . , .
bf. the - 'wilderness His hair resexhibl a storm -s � ,�� � . .. � � I .oughf*up. from �he Optidal: attenifon� for the children I � . .
eyes and the vision of the, proxhised- dreary .wastes ' � 0 .ealml have them clear, . :Now,,.W.e have dis aso : these salts'are bi .
I -ill 'utterly forgot the - pro, .1 , 0 .% WePt a I.wrified, clarified, rarjflod�sprt'.of .. 11 I i . . i at- .� I . ,.. .
land of the higher Cbristiall-life .Juade thL � �. - I loW,dx; soils In solution, and then as tending board. -schools, nothing had ' ' .
� � . I .
. .
wheatfield, I -Te. Wears 40 � Coat, and , golatilia that'almost turns into �he J -M ;_ ,. the -water evapdrates intb_the air 6een.propo* , ' .
bur9ts upon his soul and lie tri, nilsed land of fullness' towards which his collar -has Playf[Illy'broken away, jelly wo want' if we b . ut expres . a Ek . WHY I �'DIDN'T RIN( , � sed ;regarding dentistry, 'a I I .. . I
, , I . . . . . . . . they are left fit the surface soil 'in stibject 'almost as huportdrit. The .. I .. . . .
umphant Iy cries: "I .Jhank,�aod, they were journeying, and. the .baek- front the shirt -stud. Upon bfs-pel� - . .. . . . .. ..
through Jesus Christ our', L&rd" ward look shut, out .tIld vision of � wish In. its presence, so little xnanfp� A well�-known doctor tolls this as such quantitles-.lis to make agrictil- board Ilad appoilited a dentist, wit' �
' spiring face is the loolc Iga,pplo,oll ttlatiOn. is necessary to their' pa�(,_ an -actual .experience: "One night I tur I a impossible. Tills . ... I 0 I � .
And then in the ulghth .chapter ' .�e the ilowind clodd. And with us tile used I to habitually wear when -he pa,ration. . . 1. only, occurs, was held responsible for the children' - - . I
gloriousIv unfolds tile life of,the temporary desolation and weariness I , I was aroused by a: lou;d" rapping at however, in the and regfan6. In the bblonging. to theft, residential In— I .. I I .
caUed upon' )its neighbors, The mail , 'I,..... . �. . nly door,, Lpaning out of the win- "rain belt" -there is no excess ' I . . �
.� . . .. . of dustrial schools, but, beyond tfif . .
saint wl�to has ent4ed the promised of the wilderiless journeyj the . cross has observed his sister pack, boxes, � . I is, . .
land of full blessing Ili Christ.1e4tiii, we Ili we have . THINGS'WORTH KNO .dow, I saw,a, person ,;tending oil the mineral salts' as.thby are being'con' . .
I ave to bear, the trial r,4vbrythirl.g.fitted in So n1ceIV that WING. . . �- they , were IrrespOnsible. - Twenty' - - .* �
Ilb scales livight after height.- Until to. endure, the erience . he I . I I step bangingo away, "NI,'hat's thq stantly washed anti : drained away years ,, a I go In.* U ngland dentistry . � �� . . .
. failure we ,exp . t microbes .cried out tha'i they , A' few cloves Put In the ink bottlo inatter down there?# I cried., , WIlat The knowledge of this principle meant extraction, ; tioiv. it was ro- I .
I . �
. . . � I
at last all the possibilitle,s of that and I the ' disappointment and dis were b -will pro ' a from mold- do you .waait?' shows -the value of deep and proper alfted that 'a 'stopping: . I .
. I . sing ouffd�aiod; but 110j'cApnot Vent the content* I . . .
promised land lip ,mroad __ mit in. their couVagPinent, wp � have to. fA��,. 1117 make out how She. did it, ... Ing, - I � I .. . .... . I ... I care, judiciou I . 1. I I .
I � 11.1,'TIs me ould ntithor that" . . .
vl___- __________ .. . . - I - - - - - .- _. I ' I 9 tiLk cultivation of Iliad davo6d to, crops. nor -
111Aor i 01M ..,. . . Ha thrusts his � hands into �ils * A bot, solut! of salt and 1,4no., . and ge al - preventive measures In . I
' � �. � . pockets and. . . makes a few rem . . all bad, doethor,' replied the man, .. . As the wo.tdr rises froin, whatever early.life %v � ere only. correct., - . ., I . .
- , . � . . . arks:. ,gar will , ,brighten dapper and till -Your mother is Ill?" . depth� it is charged V�Ith s'lutl6ns .1 . . . . . , ,. ... , I . . ..
. I
v% dney i rouble' . I : . taut they itre for tho,box�and,. :not ware, � . : .. "Valth an' she is tilk. terrible � , 0 . � . 4.. 9. . ,_ - . . . .
. I . I . for publication, . . 1, . It door ' * . . . � . I ., . of phosphorus, nitrogen; potasb, etc., : . I . . �
I . . At last . I . or window screens WOVQ doether," I . . � .. ,encountered in its course and now .1 SNEEZV SAYINGS.- ,� . .. � . .
fa . -all is over'but the closingr with, difficulty rub their. edges NVoll I 'Trow, long, have you boon there?" _ ; . . � . I . .
13 a , . , .. . , rendered soluble thrmidil Its action, It is a:very curious thing t I hat all . . . � . .
exercise,:hnd the nian inotints on to with hard Soap, 'fIn faith, doctlier.11.1 so toil- that I and these, as evaporation takC3 over the world there exists the same'. I. .
a n d Lu moag.o He leaps ,upon it. with both Motollor of peal -I. mav b .. , to itil S I
. . . � . . tile lid. . .Ut washing. AV a cleaned- by 'would be ashamed ntioll. it," place, it deposits about the roots superstition in r4lord to the .
. I . .1 feet, and pounds arid jams It.. .13 ith whiting and cold ww; .,4111bati why didn't you ring . the , ' . ap- . '. .
1. � between the hasp and the slot ter. Never'Use soap or soda. ,* n, . I . � and plants Deeply cultivated soils tr 'sneezing, . .
I . � ght, beIP" . parently lVial matter of �
not only allow (or the deoper peuc_. Tn nearly every laagu . . .
Thirty Years of Onakache atid Rhoul"atism-whiter SeAson's *gs- 0161,0 is a great gulf fixed, nleasqr� A few drops at cixilmollj& p ,11 was afraid of disthurfilit' 'YOUr tration of roots, but they hold more stin. the,, is some equival6lit.of "God . . .
. Utill age under the
. Ing one -sixteenth of all in,ch. the water !it which silver ig washed hollor," wits the Irishilian's ParfOct- .. . . 011
peolally SOVOYO-AttrlbviteS� otira to Dr. Chase% Kidney-LIV60 P111qi . At *last! ..A clldkl Tho ,Ill . bt'ght, especially (11.1 . ,wator and produce greater solution,% i)Iess you' I" with which our oldest . ,��, . I
. . I . . . , W; I teop it I T1119 lk Sin . . . . . I
. I . � I . I stops majestically: from off the damp sumin.or wpather, � . . . core rep . ly. . . . -and plant fertility, . . � � -
.. . . . .� .. I. '. - .. . . .. - . Inhabitants Ili the country Will sa-' ; '� I 1. .
This season of the year is especial- physically. I twod g,11. gorts . with the flush of -Victory upon � lo T118cct SPOcks may boyonicive(i from .NOT VERY COMPLIXE-IN-TAnY. . I. I , � .. lute tile 'person wlio sneezes. To ' .
of modi- and notices two tomils shirts U114 A gilded pictiii-o frames by dipping 4 I . I TIIV, CARRI Or, 1,111AC. We Salutation . I n Fr . anc6 fs� added I . 11
. . . .
fy trying on the older people. 'rho ClYies, and have been treated by tile I pair oi so6ks under, the bed, . Small cairtel?s )iatr brugh in alcohol Nellie. - "How (]ILI YOU. worlt' fit- As soon", as It is drawn, milk. soluetimes the Phrase, "and pre� : . I . .
Pains unid aches grow� inorti severe mAjeal profek9slon to no purpose. I . . � . I I ther. sio boautifull V i . .
. I - Vic' Spot. - . I should be removed - from tile stable verve vou frola the fate of Tycho
Y,gable weather, . ,!In the , apri-heg of 1902 1 began I To remove tar put soft, 91,04so on Ja6k --r- 11WA i diploniacyj * my -pose, 11ralle," who .
In the-, cold and chang . i _11_4 .. tly I -
the k4dTlVYs got out -of order, lrtit-.um- uisib . I I ft! Am a self:-nlado Man," said t1lo SI)Qt rub ft thoratighly witli the dear - ptire diplomacy, I told,lifin to a. plaw provided for tile Put . I is IwIleve(I to 111'Wo not . �
g Dr, ChiLtoo's.Kildney-Liver Pills, . .
littism and I'Llinbago torture their and train the e the proud individual, - ,,*Ivell, '', f i and there aoratut.1 allid Cooled to �')o rid of a. I'death of cold" by a, silngld . ..
great � YOU h4ilds find witish both, the orotlkse 411d 1 wanted to A) a eat'911- t oogrocs at, 60 degrees �Vahronhe' --whie I .
A 1C , ,�arry one Of 11" it, I ' fteeZo �h killad hiln. ]11 j,;rl,i�Llld .
01IMS, thet'e axe aching backs ,nud bonoilt, I contiftlued tille troatniont are all right except P 0 3'our tar witli warm sixIt Watj3r.' . ters. 'lie glaied ' at nio anti asked t � " . � I
Jimlim, �,,tolnftdl dorailgelvonts, Urin. until I ivIly .r6covored, good health head," commented ,the otber part pf one oi tile six. I said 11his should be -do�)o either by setting I a regular tormula, Is Used : "One'* for
th, conversati.011. "ITOW's that?,#. To rnako� dinner plates.and dishes which . tile cA.lio Into a tank of Cold water a Wish, twito for it, kiss, three time -4 -
ary and balvel. dism,dors and serious, aml %igor, my old trouble being :a L hot 'befor-0 seriding thent to tabl. Laura," . .1 � . �
0ainful anxi fatal in-aladies, tiling of tile pa's.t. 11 am seventy � live "Tile Part you talk with - IS O'ut of Oil) thepl, I 0 ISIC1110 - "You said Laura' . "A . and stirring occasionally, Or b� I for it l(,.tter, .and fouj� times for , ,L � I .1
4 in vory, ll()t water instoad I
. 'Its are 'yearo old, and it, at my a,&anood proportion tA the part you think of pqgng thenk It, tile ov,ph. 1�1&tvg jack - "Yes; alli diplomacy, passing the xililk -ovei, it cooler. The I disappoint.illaht." In Italy the Sala- ,. I . .
l Dr, Clxv�e's Kidnoy-TAver rl I ' . . I . 'Lly latter method is - to -be vroferred 'it I tation �, ik, simply "r, elici ta ! ", (�r . I .
particilbirly lklitcod. to the needs Of age, I bave*roc,oJvod such grand to_ with," � . . ast,'twico ;is Jo4lg If tre4ted in dear, Ito flow Into an lawful rage,
persons of adranced age, -They rog- Wits front tile u.11V of br. Chase's I . 'L I t�V,111141 1111allilf3r. I . . . 4-od said T couldn't have her, lye the Coollilg vall be done ill A, purill"Alfty xOu be fortunate I- in ln(14%, . . I .
ulato and invigorate tile liver, ki Xidney-Livar Pills after years of un- "Doctor, It a Palo young Illan An '0cellent Waterproof blaolt. said "Ito wgo too good for me. I In- atinosphere free from dust, * It Is of I It 1,14 en�,.toiiiary when One slleezv'4 1, a . I * I
d- nocesoqary 9.1iftering there Can be no nalned Jinka calls 'on you for vL pre- in .,her al,_ stated, Iry grew inadder. I still groat Ituporttinco to have it Small ISLIY., "Illay you live ! " and the ra� , I
neys anid bowels ai.id Provo offectual scription, don't lot , hiln have ft.,, ti g' for. bho". or le.41 . 11111k house or soillo Clea.11 room I pIv , 1.1111-1 "LOXV4 life to you ! 11 I it I I I
IWIlen ordinary lmdidnes fail. This doubt 'of their officacy in the tivatt , .ties Is Inpdo by Illixing insisted, 11han lie roared ant, 'You �
atent of ,yo-tioger Persons. , I roconle ,Nv,llv not,)" ,,Ve wants something ona Part of 'hor4x with can't have Laura, you Jackanap6sl away fi,ont, tile odors of the stablejum-lent tilliv.,4 the Romans, Iwilling �
Iletter from Mr. Robert 3aek9ofn to 'Iinpr�ve his appetite, atid' quite good enough !A which to Cal -03 for 11111k. . Ittle Idea, thot 8noo7ingr between iioo' � .
,gives nk)me Idea of what.thig, treat- . y one. I I have lodges at illy house," I .1 hP 010it0oh ' parts of inelted beeswax N01110 Is for 11 , .
tried to think of words to exprtisa Airrad to 4 S-tify jelly. Then 1111.X youll And that's the NVOLY I - got The sooner inill, is thoroughly coal. and, uildnigbt wtks a good anivil, I'll- . . .
'Ment is accomplir,illing .over, . I . ed aftor it Is drawn, afid the lower llo%va that. betmvell luldnil, t I
y day, . )u, X0111e, dear, Wasn't It bo�u- i gh and . .1
my gratitudej, but it is beyond ex- ' live I)arts of asp)ialt varnisli with Yc " . I .
I Mr. Robert JmckSofi, Ship carpen- 11ressioli, for tbey have done niora 'Smith t-? ffWbat boeamo of your %,tXtysfx Paris of oft pf turpentine tiful, diplolimey? . . � tile toillporn t lira to '.Which it. Is. I 110031 it Wilts; most ujilucky,' nnL1 it .
[ter, Port Iloblns,on, Ont., States: "I 'for Ine ilian I could hati� bolleftl,'l friend 31rown!" Jones - "De ; Iq which Stir �,,ix parts of incited I 10 I takeii, the better. Ilaetei-iiL that get , they shoulct chance to vneozo ubilo I . I
!was afllicted %vith ki,lftOy trouble and Dr. Chase's X14ney-Liver 11111A poor fe.11o%v - .died by hangln�4,i Apormaceti. After stirring thor. ' CustOlner (011WI'Illa POultrY. 81100- Into milk during Vile process of 11111k. ! IVOttillgr Itly Ili the morning- they '
t trat IfT should like to Soo a I
llumbago for about thirty Years. The one pill a dose# 25 cents a box, A # Smith - llvangingl Is it POS91- 0139111y eombIne t1liA with tile If Wee fat Ing develop Nery rapidly, so !ong asq I would (it on(,(, got Into hed agaill .
ill I
.1 I
I : DAN,
, 11
. .
. ,7
I ble?" Jones - "YeA, hanging rouAa mix ' , In. milk remains tit about tile tolilpera. - 'rho Oi%rnlails itay "Cood health !" � �
winters were always very gevera on all dentlers, or Vdmansoh, Bate. -g & . ture of bqrav and bepawax. Tho gocioc." Slizall Boy-l"Ves, air oth. I .
Im", n.nd I wal; nta;ny tinl,69 Incrips,ei. co" Toronto. To protect you taverns'" � Tamilt will li� a nearly colorjess'w4. er will be In directly-" . . ture at which it war, di'awn, but Us I becauso they 1XV4121taill,'and not Nlolth- I
Itated with all the sarloula synwtoing agaiiiat Imitationg, the pot -trait and I The biggen town I In Now Zoaland to )r?ot p1tqto. " . -0 1 sooll as cooled to 60 degreas t. h ey iotit rcusall, that sneezing is a warn- I
61both troubles. I h . itacbe, Aignatuve, of TV. A. W. 111aasa, tile XL d water tbat Is to be �ugt�ll tot' Tile world uses, UP 4,000 Imig �I develop sloItly, and If cooled to 40 jing of approaching catal,rh, and alsv
4oustues,Q, I'lleaulatf.ml, lleadAch(j I famou redeipt-bb6k *Utblirt t%rd O* -Aueldaud - ling 67,226 people; but bathing purposes can be inal(lo soft quicksilver fit cL year, and of tills degrees tIleIr action is almost Q11' 1 111111rliS the Inoinclit when it charni, CL
11 . Christchurch is a good secoiw Nvitll through tho use of all OAtmeal or aluoupt (;roat Britain*8 6haro 1.4 I,- tirely stopped, Milk cooled to tbia
an ag wrod)ked ovaq box. . Wish, ,01' U SUCCOQUOU may drIV4 it
I Over 67P000. brallit bag. This bag shotl1d be made 000 tons. It is worth $1,100 a toll, I telinlWaturd no soon as drawn An, I awayk� . -
I I .
I ,
. .
I . I I . . I