HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-06-04, Page 2'�\
1 2 . THE CLUTTON WV,WSl-R1,3Q0lRD I .T -One 4th -1 1003
ft=0 1. "I ... ..... -1 - 1. 11 1. 11 I I I I I � � ----- � ill i offlawou., . ''.... 111 . . . . -------------- ,- -11-
I— - � �441 —I-- --- I__ ..---- . i 1. 1 I �T; T ' . I 0 $I . 141.10MR31ii , . ""WWAVr$90*eK-0V^"-1r.U111"
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.., . I . . I a ��v .. .0110
A li.we Sunffight Soap 'Will. clOan
cut glat;s 0,11.1 otlwr 'Lr'Licles until .
they shine and sp4rlde,. \Suplight
I 0
Soap will wasn other things th4rl
dothes. . 1 113 .
. .
�"""`� �.
101 am waiting to see the Icing," saw.
she, I'Little caskodea's friend, Bran,
Sevret of film SaIliecega. .
N`P-Nt to mysolf I vol)(10111ned those
^, - I
t ,
XWV, 64 Most
. "PeddlIn's A great business. The se.
cret of it to that you,"Viust do a trade,
wrotelied girls for leaving Brandon to
don, has been arrested for a brawl of
porlsh--l1randon, to wiloili they both
Out of Food
some sort over In London, and tile 1,1,d-
oweid so mucls. Their selffshuess turn-
will and Lad,v Jane have importuned
- 0
. I
ed file against,all womanklud, .
You dQu't and calil"t if your Stomach
to Obtain big releaw. which I have
I 11111 not dally this time. I trusted.
1sweak. A weAkstomacb does not 41. .
I promised to do. Perhaps your grace
.. 6
..... I
I 1.
to no. Lady Jane or.Lady,Mary. 1 de- 1
i �
gest all that is ordinarily taken hato It#
,will allow file to petition you Ill Ill,
"I 11�,-, I I
.tormlnetll to gai to the Ulug at once and
It gets t1re4 easily, 4nd what it falls to ' .
of earrying my request to the Icing.
.. ,,,-',.
, , . .
'(all )"Im 411' I did not clIt'll' -It the
digest, Is, wasted.
. You 4re quite, as powerful as Ills maj-
.1 ", '... I
, 11 10 ��
. I. 1, 2 1
* , .
. I 'I
wrotchedVary and Jane both had to,. ,
Among the aignA Of 4",WeAk BtO,MACb
esty In London, Rita 1 5110141a like to
Ve I-) ill ' -�"` - . � .
marry the French Icing or the devil I
� I
I .
as k you to. obtain for Ma
.st or Brandoll
. . E,q
;, . 0 1 d . n ke"OtIl OIQ
himself. I did not care If they and all
are ulleasmeon after eating, fits of nor -I
big liberty at once. I sball hold inT-
2"Fl a ,�, ,I .
. ��
0 ar.yon.
tile bost of their perfidious s1sterhood
yqus,beadacbto, and disagreeable -belch-� ,
self Infinitely oblIged It your lordllhip
f lirlwbitaUngly provilliTice my Cure for
, wout to the nether side of the ulliverse, '
Ing.- \
will, do this for me." She smiletl upon
I.I.Vul: t,'-tML,1-;t4 a di,i�,uv,�,,y uf the WWI-
tbor0 to remain forever, I would rae.
44 I have been trouble4 with dyspaeapol& for �
I him her, Sweetest swile, and assuin.od
(,.;t la,.-ortan�:%, ;sjt;,;!,,.,u,.nv,,;ai of. th"i
')r,'"; 1"'--
trIeve nly fault In so far its It was re, '
Years, and.tried every remedy I board of, , "a, I
but never got anything that we '*N
an Indifference, that would have de-
-411 A 11 4. T4 114- ll IrT
'-)'I t,J,7,-U:`.,-�3, sick head-
n(J.0, 1, ,i,_t,,*.;.,... cc-1,41.111,;,tiun aut! till me
trievable and save Brandon , who was
gave relief .
until I to , OX Hood's SarmaparIlla. I cannot
. I . . �1.41.y 0". U ", . . - worita them all pnt Together. I Praise W1111 medleinetoo blghl� for the good .
"And I will go with you," said i. . is another sense hidden about us th I " "" lu.'t w."101. f."..01v t"Ama colid"W"4. " L te would
I "'), .It
-----*-ft., , . lit him under the circumstances It wils Uver 1,�,Mdr ac,".4 p-,miptly-pu . Mary and Jane what I t4ought of It has done me. I #lwa" take It In the
I I "I do not blaw' You," Bile said, "for r1flaii IM spring and tall and would not. be without;
'VI'l . � L will develop as the race grows older, . Worse tl.ian wasted, Buck ngbam, At , them, 4114 that Should end Inattero be. if,,, W
I <' doubting we since I barg falled once. . I speak to posterit bl"04, vl"A Ow tQ,,,;l al -d Altin and . '. A, NVG=T, Belleville, out. I
00 , - /r -!al, 7. Once Consented and said likhat notwith. .,-I;..�,..,.J .,.,It; 1*_.(.l 1..1*..l ,% :. Tho ., ' " --
-P� � �'! . . But you need not doubt ine now. it In proof of this statement I now tell standing the fact that he did not like Uvi,-r'ls om ,i;'�!-o .nup,t Intportunt or. .(TO 113� CUXTINVr�p. . ) 1 -H- ood's Awaparl' L
I - — Z . .�lv person.
�� �� shall be done, and without delay, re. you that when I returned to London I Brandon, to obli,,W her highness lie &t.1's L'� t;-- .."t'."tow I-, Y. It to danzerQuH 9�. 1 .. . I 91 "L
I . I- I J CE -9-
. ,
I , � . . . - I strengthens and tones the oWmaph and
- gard'10sd Of the cost to me. I have found Brandon still Ili the terrible duu. .wo .,,,I.�.,l. !, ...Ln.�:i'- . /
11 . uld undertake to befriend 4. much to i.L ... . .
. . the whole digestive a stern. - I
- ", " , . . -- I thollght and thought to, And some other .geon, and, worse still, lie ])ad been 1 more disagreeable person. . Y,-If� -1 1 9y , I .
l' - . , =114S. TRADE, I u.��!E��.,$,,��,��.-....-..X�,.'�.*�5.-4Lr�';:4]L-IVI,,"Z�l'O..'M
I I way to liberate him, but tbere- Is nolw. tried for murader and bad been co . � , � L 4-.".% 1�-. .2 -Il�.�I� STARTING A - , �
I 0-41 . if 11 fear," he said, "it will have to be Mr -von'..; Uvor cur�-, - .(- �% vial, . .. ... '.. � I
I . I will go this Instant." . . derailed to be hanged, drawn and, quar- done secretly -by conniving At his es. 111,lil. ,
I \ .i .-'11h%4 Jlio.-ti Cule v-0--.1tus ail bn-� Vho New Englano Pi?allldler 4tritail tho .NAVIGATION NoW 01)lt,1X �
"And I will go with you. Lady Ma, -A 1*1 T111.1"I 0 it 1, iv,i Lai 11w kil(",l F'I".J. i, .
Il-l k, .
. I
I l -A .
11 --/ #+ I -
/ , , N
-.evr ..'a
Doift. Frow-i , � I .
liow many 1,rows are Ili ai, real +'.)y tilt
. �
ugly N%rhihle c"licti. a. frown. .
It collies [Folll trying to fix the eyti.s.
oil a given poiat and fore imr'them t(
perform taNl:s fair which they'are IV
capuciipted. . . .1 �
I �
A 1,.Xlkl OF GOOD CYT,A . S SVIS, 1�,ITT-
. ,
,7- -...L
f."l. T 7,:-.:--,.-.;- - , , _z_ " . -1
. . .
,,, 1� . " - C -- V; , I C4 9. 1 i - , � .
I` ., .
r$.,11 said I doggedly, . . .
Bile suilled at lily per#lstoucy and
took,we by the hand, saying, ,.'Come',,
I 'We at once'wont off to. find the king,
but the 'smile linall raded from,'�Nlaryla
face, . 'and she loo'liwd as If she were. go.
Ing to exec ' utlon. Every shade of color
had fled, and. tier lips, were the, hue of
ashes, .
IV& foun&tlici, king I . n the midst of
his council, N�Ith,tha French niubassa.
dors, discussing the.all absorbing topic
of the marringo, treaty, find Henry,
fearin�- ail,,.outbroak, .refused to. see
the prilicess. As usuhl. opposItioli but
spurred tier determinaitioll, -so she $(It
dowu lir the anteroom and said she
would not,stir uiall she, bad seen the
king. . .. ' I .. I
After we had walted a few'minutes
one Of tbe king's plig,es camp tip . and
said, he iiiia belon lou4ing all over the
pnbwe f(jr wo and that the Wag, desired .
I , .
My presence ifilwedlately. I vvent ill
wltll� the page to 06, king, leaving
- R.�l.`.al lily 0 Owfug.
Hangedl Drawnly Quarteredl It is
. time we were doing away with such
barbarity. . . I .
We will now go -back a month'for
the purpose of loo,Wng up, the doings of
a friend of i ours, his grace the Duke of
� Buckingham. �
On the morning after the fatal battle
I of 1311)lngsgate the barber who had
. treated Branailon's wounds bad been
. called, to Louden to dregis a' bruised
,knee for his grace the duke.. In the
course of tile operation an Immense
(leal.of Information oozed.out of the
barber, one Item of which was that he
had the night before. dressed .nine
i I
wounds, great and smal),' for Master
Braildoni the Irl . rig's friend. ,This es-
tablished the Identity of the man who
bad- rescued the girl$, a fact of ,which
Buckingham bad had hissuspiclons all
alojig, So Brandon's arrest, followed,
as I have already related to you..
I afterward learned fiom. various
sources how- Is poblera'an -began to
. I . o.
11*.'�Ii.ytail.'s Vild (.'itro ist-c-vents prioa.
Sevret of film SaIliecega. .
all"I'l, .
;i-�,Il at hs ui).,k ef"I'l Ill a few
lion".4, !rk,aj �11. .
. "PeddlIn's A great business. The se.
cret of it to that you,"Viust do a trade,
I . . .
. X*orth-Wkst '�rtui.qpori.ation . CoIIL-
INAal;ylala'. V,lil"le Aeliledies ari a boon
to vU Nvoritri. .
even It It *nets your principles, when
pal1�-,S4atIIQr,lC,tVC r .
A, s S" lilt), lAblidaysp
hlurlyolt!,; -N It"017PI' reRtOl-1111 lost poWor
I(, xr(mic %e,V. I" Iti. .11. �
there's a possible chance. I remember
alld Vridays I 1). ili,, ior -
, 0 .
SAllit 4' tj t4ariv, Port' Arthur, Fort
Ilersowil L,ttord addressi-d to Prof.
how I once Managed with ail old fel-
Williaill and Duluth (Wediu-sdav F,tea- . .
Ohv,,�,,,N, I'lki);,dill, hh. 1'. ii. A.j onn t.iiii -
i7ii, ar-tvils of 9Iv)-n,,.ms,- will bp answer-
low who ,wouldn't hev. nothin' to do.
I .
wer rims to Port, William olify.)
41 .'�Iolnptly and feae'alavIce us to treat,
- with me, He was so confident an' sure
\ortlli.ril Navigation Company--
.,,-i..k will Le �;.V,11111 . . 14B,
he warn't gain' to trade that I made up
Steamer leavis Colliligwood x.,jo p.In, � 1�
� . . I .
. -'l . --��l--
my mind he'd got to. 'I've got wooden
nutmegs, pocket sawMills,' says 1, 'an'
411(i Owe" 8oll"al 11 Ii. m. Titesda- S I
, Thursdays and f4aturdays for Sa�iili
7- .. . . ! .- .
I and weave sunbeams out of utter dark-
horn glin flints, basswood bams, tin
Stk�. Aft&ie and intoriliedhttQ points, I
hIllskoka, - .Xavigratioll colill)-ally--. ,
AM., With Mary, to resolve was to
bunglicales, calico bog trougits, white
lituwn�r Icaves Nitillcolut, 11,'bdrf 2 pan.
act; so the note was soon. dispatched
Oak cheeses an' varlous, other articles
I .except Sunday, for Bala, Port
by a page, ,and one hour later the girls
too numerous to.wention, fachidlu' of
1 aillield,. Rosscuit and intQrniediato
I were on their road towllidsor� . .
cast frou ratholes, an' It any of them.
points, and , oil TiiesJays, Thnr%days I
, ,. Buckingham WeIlf to Newgate, ez-
&Wt big enough to.'answer ,il�l knock
and S;iturdays to i1orl. *Cockburiii and I
pecting to Make a virtue,. with Mary,
the bottom out of a fryin' pan, np�
ports oil LaVe Josopli. , . .
out of the necessity Imposed by the
that'll let any rat tfirongill that you've
, 111tiltsvii1e & Lake of 13MA-S va.vivit- �
Icing'$ command In 1'reeing Brandon.
_ got, I guess, Whoop!, as" 1'. 'I'm Vom.
tiolt Comlfany--�.,Lcairit!r leaves 11miLs- .
I ville Tlkes- �
He lit
ad hopeli'to Jnduce Braudon to
. .
way In the mountlngs of HdpzldaM,
7.15 a. Ill, and 3,,5,5 1). Ill. . .
� I �
i dav , Tbuis lows and , Satvrcla�s for:
leave hondqu stealthily and immediate-
where the lion .1-canieth an' the whaug.
. .
1)j;f,'s,-t . . . .
se , and itiLrIll.c(liate pfarts,, . . .
I Jy by representing,to him the evil.con.,
doodle mourneth fee her firstborAll The
-. Troot Vishingfncaso . N. foy� . Trout ' .
I sequences of It break between the citi.
old man just looke.d on and sbuk his
, . .
.1"i I - - - - . opeiT, . 1 . .. I
sillig is Ilow .
zone and- the king, liable to grow out
head,. 111-11 take powter, copper, ztnc,lron,
. ,. .
- For ticket.g, iJlf(;I,I,1"4tio)1 alid ii'llis,
. �f m.; i " �, I
rues-anythin-1 says I lexe-tifil mon.
4 11 .
I// . ... �& . Mar I . � .1 .1 "Wlilal 18 t? � Its?" I arted Henry, re e sea a d relieu on."ranuQn a P rate lit.triavre of sminim-r re$Ort.8 all I
... I y alone and very welaneboly "in aveUge his -mlshap. with Brandon at , � � . generosity to help him,out, ey an' old malds.1 But the old man ou!Y Highlauds (if Ontario, apill to
') ,16 C I - U, 1� " T. it"d . but when I . , ,
I � I y
e - ""." '.:1 -"'v"%4 -"g' -IP- -� tile antechamber. ' ' � - ' "Mari's ball whea the latter broke his cape ratlierAhan by slink big head. . . . . . . . .
, "
. P a" -,,.*A I . an order for his .
1, l.;fX'Q1 . IN, . . . .he found the note which Afaryls:pAge* . . I .
,( f',1-1-14.'TOR. 0140'Ti %. , Upon entering the kingls presence he 9-%,�ord point. . First he'wont to New.. releasei The citizens are ,greatly b "I just simply had to start a trIlde., J, D. �,IACD02XAJ,D, D.. R. A,
- . . ad dellveredto the keeper of Newgate . . � . I . Torouto. -
,_J . V, asked: "Where have you. been., Sir Rld�, . gate and . ga*.e orders, to the'lieeoter, aroused *over the alarming frequellcY. he rdad it, and. all . � I oil*. a .pair at 'ola boots, an' I sirld I I .1
,.,.D n ,:�*—.,,�, )� ' I his plans, were
.. .... .�- - C,� , will? I have almost killed a good half - who ils tool, to allow ni3a commu. Of such occurrences, find as many.of .1 just what I ivanted. - (What?, � A� 0, PATTISOX, ag6tlj,� C11411ton; . '' ,
I".. - -, -0 ,.�-".- )j�--P- , - was I - . I. . chang6d, . .'. . them wag . � . . ,.!, .1 I
1!-�.Zm:, Z-`., , (, .,.- -;"/-'., on., :1 want you. . nication with the prisoner, and it was.. � . he says. ID'ye buy old boots?' an' I . � r, . iZ- 1l0l)('E,N,8,, Towil Ticitet, ' ' . �
I .-- Z.-%�--�.. - dozen liages hunting y' . �he. offenders have lately, escaped pun�, He* caused the keeper .to send -the . . .
. . . .
, I
I ... � I . aaaaaaam-Noaaaa-mall to pl�epa re:. Im Media tely' tp go, to Paris by.his instructions that Brandon bad Ishment by reagan ,of court lnterfer.� note to the Icing, suppressin . said them was my partickler specialty. .. .. -Alrent, Clinton; . I -
. .
. I
. - - -----' ---7- . with all diribassly to bli-ma bcoll confilied -In'the Wof , � g - tile fact, ,How " ch 41ye give?,. he'asks, an, I I , * . . �
.. L I .. . � josty King st dungeon in , ence I fear this man Brandon will llav;D that hei Buckilighaill- bad any.knowl� mu I �. -.-.,. , - � .., �. . '. - - ... I ..
0 lr'Y�� I 111, "", . , I outs You will be the Interpreter.. Lohdoli.-Irlien lie -0ent down to Green- to bear the brunt, in the LO' . A . says, -'Half a. dent a ppb,ud, 'i folig an ' . . . � I.. .
* " - Dd011 mind, * edge of it. Th& duke then at once . , , , .
0, L�! N.." �� � � ..' ��,'; �' ( �,l '�be ambassador you need not know. Wicb'to takd bar6 of mattorsth6re, of all these unpunished Crimes. it . ,half cents Is colned," Says'l. 'He dIdn1t . . .. � . . . .
"': I � i 11 . . , . I Started to 'Greenwich, where he ar. ' � � .
. .
D I" i ,I S ; ; , �-: Makil ready at once. ,The embassy . knowing that the king -would * learn, of 'will be.next to impossible to liberate � rived and souglit the ki . take no' liopd- of lily, meanin!, but, begin ' . ' �. . . . . 1
0 1 L., . , .ID�,-`, 0 . . � -�. . � . , � � rig a few. min- . � Uli�eouselousr .. Saracumm. I
, I
I . . . . . will leave London Own th e Tabard I.Vn 13�andoa's arrest Ana probably take 111111 except ,by arranglug PrIvAtelY utes before the me be knew t ' S- to rummage round find git out three . ,, � . . .
� .71 .. I I . . . I fl he me ' -They witrn't no j0od to., . . ar," said Young Mrs. . , - I
111) . � . . . Ano:�our , fience.11 - . . . stelig.for big liberation at once. I With 'the keeper for his escape. He ' sengor'with Mary' - or four pair. I' Charley, de - .
C." F" 1'.4 U S �.0 R - , -command to duty hav6'como , � The king had J' -he arrest .could .go down Int' . . - seriously,- "I have bought .
. , , P . . g note wall,(, come, -
. � . . 1 Pould a, .. . ust heard of t . I 0 the country and . The'kIng wag soon found,'i.tad � Duck. Newton,* but. I was startlit' a trade.. I Torkins very I . . I
. . . fit 'a More illoppoi-tune.time? I was . when' Buc4inglitim arrived, al)d the � .Nvalt In seclusion* until It Is all blown Ingliam, in Apparent auger,, told him , * 'NoW, baln't yer got some rap?l I says. I you a little book as A present.!',, ..�
I , I
, I-, t I . . 11 . 114 . dist I rhated, iii)d upon leaving thd Icing !utter found, be was, rig . lit,la big sur.' over or-untll LondO . n has a now victim, 'that the city � ii Them Was what I asked fer first, an' ' ,.,,Very kind of you." - . '
!.I.P. .1,11. I , 71D, �. . I , � . uthorltles tefused to.'de- . . . e didn!t.
", 1 - -.�'- i went at ee Lit nee- and thell'an r can be made the 'old ) I - � all Ito e �you- won't be pffended,' but - .
- ..., 1( -y -pardon- raiser said b . p
I i tt, ,; once to,$ : k the dY Alai wise that his majest� would at o * orde * . ..hdv � none, I ;
lj�,, I �.T, � . , I 1. `,,V,�, I I I I . liver Brandon except upon an order uw . . ' .
I I I i sU - � .11 - . I it Is something tbat I -feel you ought - � . .
I ��, *,q 11L4 X" 'I 'domaild Brandon's rel � I Ing I . �
"A 'i A "." I , 4 ;q XI -biliCleft.ber In the anteroom, . I but.now, stirred up by the clianst of ' � I
� iu, lore I ease� ' , him, and he cifiretuTn.". . , I . I I I., I � . . .. 1. .
, , - " - . , . � . ,der the kIngts seali - . . . . I . .. -It Is about betting," . - . .,.
�) . U-� 'N�i! 0, 1�paritj, � IN P What arb you talk- Henry - aiid.. Iluckinghlit m* were In. I ;. "I don't know that* I care for any ser- - ' . I : .
�' ", I . E�lie bad gone, so Vw0t,to hol., . *hen -, 66 -duke .entered the, king's - . ' ardoulng himl- � gittf.ul-soindthin' fer his old boots, he . to read. , , , ,
. . . � L . ' � . . � .
. . .. lit'COUld I wel . room, Henry called to him: Ing of, my- lord? e, has done. nothing . terigell . � brought out seventeen pow . . . I . I I
. ,. I tneuts.'b not. h ud' lice. �. fflly lord, 9 indlgn ad of iags [ Mans, even if I do.lose.oac'si , , - ', -; .
I � . I . . I . .. I.. . - Y alit ,at, the conduct.of � � "
. , to the quedn's sAlon, but she was not you, nee oppor � d" be.pardoned,for.- ,Ae ,should ' I I I I , , , a onally.11 . . i
I I .: . 11 tunely arrived. .Spa goo(j. Pe and the. scurvy burgliets, and An immense all' we done. -a .brisk bif of"tradin".fer. I, . "It isn't . . . .1 �
* . L ' I
. — . .1 � there,* and. I travorsed. that ola. ram. ,-a f riend of the people of -London can ' slitill Wrowarded.11 Mary spoke im . . . . Puware. .1 left the old boots settin' .1 . -a g.errnon Cliarley,'llear :It ' : I 1. �1
. I . - a .
' * . I I . jamount of self importan , . . . : Is a. little book entitl d 'Poker" ' * * . .
. . . - ,. I . . we was dig- . � I and How : - ,
.. � . bIftil- palace from� one. end to the other I. help -.'us greatly this wornh ' Ig. . Our petuously', but caught herso�lf af�lil.trle.d played and sharn6fully wasted. This beside the gate when. X druv away.. I tOPI IV of , . . '' . 1. . I
. .
� Chol(*U Vlonn. lit - )tile: ill tIOW n � WILut'Anding lier or 14dy'Jane, I friend. Brandon has been.'arre9ted for. to remedy her blunder. .. "That . is, if I . . W 11 S, � its hig,hest�-' . ,Them Ill corlie In* liandy- to. start anoth , --- ay . ... I . . . .. . . I I . .
. . . manifestation a . t when . . � . : .11 . . I . . . . I
. .
(Ilover an -I 'l'imoth . * Al�o . The ki�g bad told me. the embassy' the killing ,of - two men rilgift before - 'have -heard 'the straight ot'it. I .have the I I . or trade oil no-kt thrie I come,� I sayS. 1. i �* - I . .
y . I I . 11 . . . . I. .Inger ,from Nowgute* arrived . .. ' t, - .
I I . . Messp 4 : - -A Ilomel Kau. � �
- . . .
Alqikv. "Allf�ilfit, Spi-liv, Bnck . � would be.a,.seoret, bne.and that I was last Ili Billingsgater ward. I. am sure% bee,�dtoll that the killing 'was. done in . -7-afullan Ralph, In Harper's Magazine. * .* ' . 7 . . .
. .
. ' . , I 11 . . , there is .1 some mist . ake . and that '. tl I ie � . . ,he 'fell .1 with.Uary's poor little not4'ag-Inten,d,. , . . I : . I I 1 . . John Sames Heidegger, maringer-of : I
to ppodk,oflt to. nobod�, least of all to . se of two--4vomen.'? Th' . . .:, . . I � I . .. . . .. I
wliont,, wid till kirds of Fleld .1 . . I I . . Ink' ed.-bythe:duke. � I I . � I . . . - � . . . . I . " . �
� � � -ary -%va' has th " ' . of, this, po r,' .. I . � 1� - the opera house,in the Haymaillce�,' Ili I . I
. IfIllil (.1.1 I Lie* at !Jk-0118. ' - . . . the, Lady M ..', No one s to. know good sheriff e wrong man, put o unconscious girl' so full Tbo, note was handed to Henry, -who Zo�er'sY.Z(W1s0*11c.1d)1Xsin *�' ' . - � . .. . I
. . . . i . . . . . feet tant'-,6ap London, Ili the times when George w,iis. :, :.� I
I .
. . . .. . . tliat 1*�w'as leaving England, and I was . right or wrong, we.,waut him but and 'of. grief and trouble, talking thus to read. motid its follows', .: I . Powderls better th�h tathe % I . �11 . 501.1ta lx-�%.Iera' k I Ing, one day, laid -a wager .with -the' ,
� I I . .
- I . lisk.youf good oMces." . .. � . . . ,. .. 1. Buckingham, who knew so muo more I . I I I . I I :.
- . ate with nwbne at home . I �o Master Charles, brandbir, greetWj:� r �sib 4180 acts as 114'sii ' -, '' ,,, �E air) of cli i ; Id not ..� .. . .
. . I to communic, . . ... . I bi .
I . I . . .1 . . . while*'In FrtMee.. . ! .. I . I "I.sha''ll be most ha py t6 serve your about the affair than, even,ghe who b . . I J 'Ifectaliti esterfield that he w6li � . ..
. I I . � � . -king's conipland ot to . be , ' . ajesty and � p . .taken i 11 . .% I ad Soon You Will be at Ilbertlr,. perhaps ere ., .. '. - L. I 1 .. . .1 I. . . � I . .. 1. . . find In all London an'tiglier face th '* ' � ,.
. - The' was n m,, will go to London at once �6 active, a -part I * it!. . I this It tca-your hand. Surely would I net I --. I ' .. an
. I . . . � . . . . 1. . : his. Aftor a. long soak h, the ' -� .. , ,;-,. ..
U I[I 0 V, C C' t I- -'r-'i C ell dlsobeye& 'To do go'wo Iud be as much. tO.-BoO the lord mayor." :1 leave you long in pirlstoril I�go, to Windsor;. . . ..
All ,,..il- . . . . � � � . .. "Who. told You 'of ,It?"' askidid the. � . .6 . , �.earl pro .
I .. ...... . . . t .11 � . .. . . " �'a,lRy.1"AND..' ' duced a woman of St; Giles who at flist,. � "I , -
as my life was wor't* b; but-, besides that . In the.'afteriloon the'duke � returned duke, . I . . . . at once,. theie.to live in ,the hope 'that I', �k ,%rlom,z v I 11
. 11 . . I
. I
G 11110, hi Jilld m�ts,tlIUlIl.-1' .1 " .. - i � may,ilee you -.speedily. %.. MARY. .. . . . seem6d .to' ouivie tile .. ..
� . . .. .. the conimabil of the, king I seryed was and had a. private audience' with the . Mary saw. she -had 'Made -'a mistake 1. . , To those- VVII0 k,rL pl-,w-iliug -a stimiller � .. manager, but. .. . . .
. . I I �... . ng. . . � .. i .1 . 1, I . . . IV -,61i r � ' '
. . .. ,ki . - .hat'is this?" cirldid-Hen , "Aly , outing and. �,-,Lkjng a-irr, Lelcls , I , when thelatter put on tile 1woman's
. , my highest duty, and no Caskoden ever I . ; . . and,. after'besitating for a' Vaotuent, I . . .... - . ry . . * anc i . i
. . I ' � . . I � ra to Brandon? God's imsttirc.� neitv, ,f 1� I -cap lie -was . . .
� . sister. w M �:
. . .1, . 1.11fled in tbat. I *b1ay fiot,be ai tall. as, 'It, did - I � n. ', ITe . I t ng S0111L place whure they a . . ; .
, . . .. ... , .1 I � . as your majesty requested in answered. "Sir, Edwin Caskode .allowed, to retain. the palm �
- ". . . .. death 1 Afy'Loid of -Buckingliam, the . 11ARI.V. CEISt. clire a�Sjail�% -.ah(l C(.),, uIll,,, - :Of ugliness, I � . .. .. ..
Ll !r, 0 1 4 ,,some monr, bfit.my, u.plity'and bonor�� regard to, Braudou',s, release, he. said, litid It frO..m Master Brandon,' I sup- 11 . . . I , . . I . . .
. - . . -e liat4l 'ho, tile .. . , . �. �. .
'!' 1� * I I . � . � . . . Suspicious you ,whispered in 'my ear Witll I)rililitiN . 'e, Nvh6rc,- t l I . . I I . I . 1. ., 1. , . � . . .
J- . -XL '11 t ' �r V';l i;1 I - � ,but you will, say .1 boast, 1. .. . � '.'but an Investigation I thought -it best . PO�e." Rather adroit this was,. b'ut,. , . � I . . slifi .�Ilille.s Ver 1. . I . I 11
. . . . . . I . , . . . i. . I ay have some truth. We will let thi .y brightli-; cocaling braL- . . I
. 0 k re-pro6eeding cq . na I S - . aeorir6ls icind, V6rityxisslou. - i . .
. I Wag t Ina e ready my bundle. ind to consult you again befo uldistalif 'from both truth and, 0V I va3 '9 I . . .. � . I . .
.1. . . I I I . ., New* , , - and allow . .itma .
,�;,:("'?n44ol. te) 0. ("Imi'l . . .. � � � ?,L,.s ah -s blow Will- � .
. . .. ridb 'six miles to Londo� in'one riou'r; further. I fear there Is no 'doubt that foptiveness. . - . . � I I ..: I � ., .fellow, remahl.in" , gate , , raiktt"Almt ..is [ - t ry," lief. father 'called .down: �` -`� . . .
. . . � k .y promi,,,ect Lhat . % air -S.. "justask your -man if be.-doosn't � I .
- - . - - . . . I � ' ' D"allaflork 19 the r ght.man. in I till Ilown, it Is. .sale, , .
. -- � � I I I and almost half that .time wag spent. I' '' -It see 9 be- . '11*�wlll go. lit Once to'London and ar-- our: good' people -of London to- f,ake Llltla�-'1;1 tit(! n, clos, a -J (I * lak Ls � .
� . . . . : .
. . . . . . *
. - I . I — , � . ' for 'Vr�andonls 6scap�efll , said -tb6lr'oVvn cour�e with fiII112, . 'al'tilc A�lllsz - 'think1t's pretty bear' bedtime!" .,-, . � -
- - - ( ............ — . already. I was'surti to be late, , io .1 Nyas. out,witli'll, ,couple of, wenches a. rttiigae� kol'a "district * ' . � I .. I
, I . . � cc I . , , * I
/ I � . . Buckingh6m,, preparing to leave.- "But Buckingham went io NVIndsor*next 4 - I About JCO. Ill i fes north % - "Yes,. papa." replied the 'sweet girl, ' . -
, . . . . - could Dot,waste another minute. - - eornifig whom he � got Into trouble'and . if �Toroiito, situated .-ill tilt 1lj,,lIlaII(ls. . . . .
. . .. I I
� . . . I;...z � I 'I went tai' - a � iy room and got together. ; �4tabbed two men. iff the back. it is: a - you must riot divulge the. fact.thatl,l; fty And told Mary. that arringementsi (A' outgri6 ,(�Z000 feet i1I),)vp .1) ,, after a -.pause., "George. Says if You're.' , ., -
. - . I I . I . . I . I I . se� �evae �
��� . . �11 very aggravated case, and the'ettlyons - do It. It would cost me all the favor 1, had been made the -nig4t'beford for. they will-1iod . vn�han6i alit. .1 I I sleepy go to bed, ll�y aU me4ns.0�-Tal- .
. . . I -a f6w thlugs.neceggary for r.by Journey, ' . ' . . . .. . . I .. . . Brandoals 'escape find, that he -.had : 'Ifandswne illfjst�ateall fj6scq, . iptij� . :1 ledq ee. - � I . . I . I I .
bilt:dId" t y - with * tb D .... I . .
. I . 'l not take much hiAlle way, of .ltre. much Incensed. about-,�A. Owing enjo . e - people. .of - Loudon, I . . , I e - . .. I .
. I .1 ' . . . �
I 11 l . � pl� , wirtlk to the fact,that such 6ccurr6JIccg. though I would willingly lose that fa- heard that Brandowhad left for New -1111bli-catioll ,�Vill be� ilelit f.*L� tq tiny .. . . I 11 . .. . . 1.
. clothing, ofoniiito buY7 that-neW I . . . . . .. . I I � 1. . . ..
� I �- -- K, 1. . I . . 0 latest haire' boon , so "frequent of � la . vor i'thousand: titueS. over tor ii�. smile Spaain.� . -. . .. * - %*.. � . ' - address o!i oplilicatiiii, to . � . . . � Jumat'so . . . % . . . ,�: . � !
�, � .
.1 ill �! - .rA :1.11, III Parl%,�-N�beke 1 could find*th. tol f I . . . I . i �
I � Ll-, . I ., - " ' ' . . .. � I '' . � 1. . ' .
. I .-N . � . thoughf, . .. . I . � . I . Mary thanked -�he dukei� bidt.bad,no . I -J.. 1Y., 1,cl)o,N,-,.11,D, 7 . "The poor fellow went,blind and cm- ... I
I . 11 - 11 st�yles Ill. ptitterii. and fabric, . - . . ufiddr� the,. olrcumstani�es and. from You."'. , *. � . . . I . I . � . . . * I ..
1. - -cr - In .
� . . ) A-.' �� � . s , §h6'gave the, smile, � and as be 'laift- Smiles for a4y afie� Her supply was . strici 11a.s.seng Agent, G ,rand ZY at the sa 7 e time.1? , -.. . . . I . I .
11) . " �%"� I . I 'Aried to asr livview oli-the fact that dur inaj� ty� . . . . . . . D J', . .
f , * I . Wre myself that Mary . . .1 Y . ex. austed. , � %, .. . � . 1. I . T�Irunk .) way oronto. 1. . * * ' , '
I . would%s I � will soon.'eall upon the city tor a loan followed his'refirfili; figure * with b . . . ! I see -out of siglit; out -of mllidVa' . .
,0 Ili . ee the king at once and tel� him .. . . . 'S � .. . ., . . . . I � I
11 . he remained vt.� Windsor nursin ' I W . . . . . . . . . .. I . �.
-- w iny dear friend . . I � . . . I . I .. � I . . . . q . . :
.. * -11, � 3-4 *1111 and flot.4110 , Bran-, to make tip the Lady * blary's dower It dyes and ,thought la4ftor all, .". a .. I . , - , 9 � . I . - -... . � . . . � . . . ,
I I � . . .
. . .
I . . " � . .don tolle inAliat terrible place -another . . wQuld be w1go, not to antagonize them - kind heart.,, . . I . . � I . .. .-her love.for -the. sake of the -iery ,pain. . . ... I I I . .. . . . . . . . . � I . .. . . , .
1; !::., , I � . . . . . . I ' - I . .1 . ., I . . ., , . , '. "
. . I ,�',�� . . '. � I . � Thought works In.silonce; so do6s.v r- .
:: !.!I:. '\ . ; ; . 'I this matter. but., to allow .-Ilasterl � , 19he bileUthed A sigh of% relief, too, for It brought her and dr�iitdfn f . .
.. '. . " i � . : flight yet ii. pc�,qistent fear gnawed ,at ' u . . .. .. g ille,battle � - I . � .
, ,
1:111 Z 1 i . P ! - ;;0 .. my beart, and a sort of'Intultion that' 'Ilfali't,1013 to 1!eInaII)'quletlY,-In conflue. -she felt ,51fe- had accomplished: Draii- for More �Lban life'. Itself which she 11 . . . tue. One Inightdielat.9tatues to silence. . . .�
. . .
� : : ' i . ' know she should soon be called' F1 -Carlyle. .. , .
. :1111, ". : seemed to bit-,- . o the very tb of-cer.; 111ol. . . I . . I . . This Boy's Nad . . .. I . I . .. . ,
I ; %Ii . ,brea It until file l0all is completed, and (Ion's release and Still retained hor dafiw upon to . . . .. . .1. . . ��
� I'll . . . , — , -
fl . ..... . I I 11 -Ir s secret, the divulging of ii1ch fight I.- - � . - - I I � . . . . . .... . ..
1� , . . - , tainty inAts.h.).reboding Made me doubt ,, then we. can snap our fingers at tbew.11 & cf, w . . � . 11 . I , . . . . -
.. ., � . � "I - o will. snap our fingers at the 8116 feared -would harden Henry's heart At, times she would fall Into obe of � . a Mass'sal ScreS rVADIAN", .. � I � .
%"14= .her... . '' I � .X I . . . I . I . ; I .0A`% . . .1. I . .. ...,
. . I
I . . . . . As. I could find neither- Mary nor scurvy burghers now and have the against her blandishniefitq and' straild - 4er old fits of anger became Brand!)n � I . � , .
. I . .
� . . . dld' Ill "'next bo�t .thing loan, .too," returned Henry: angrily. ,,I . tier upon the throhe of Fkancel . . . had not come to see her before he . left, For Three Years a 'great sufferer fralam. .., . I ACIFI . C , Ry. , . I.— -
I . . . -
AJ--Ai-R1UV G ROD Q ' ' .-Ta"' ' 1 I 0 � -1 . . . but ' I . Nezenatit-Would marenat with agony. . . . . .
� � .P - .. .. wrote a.letter to ea ivant Brandon liberated at once, nd I - But she, was not entirely satisfled soon the -auger melted Into tears, .. I . . . . � P . . . I � �". . .1
. . ., I . . . ell of.them, urging . . 4 - - . . . I I . . I � �
go '. blishl . . . Iiiiinedinte act! n and left them . to be I s4all expect another report fromi you N'vtth the arilaiigerneiit, * She knew tlill t* - 4lid the tears brought a sort- of joy -. MR. JAmEs Sco�t, 136 Wright Avenue, - - . .� . . . —..-. . . 1
We 11111, a oss of takill-8 0 . . . . . .
led by. flay. man Tbomag Who �fllmedlatoly. 'lily. lordil� . . I . . Toronto, statesr---�"Ny boy Tom, aged tell, . . �
. . dollvoi , . . , . I I I tier obligati0tijo Brandon,was suchiio,- when she thought ,that he. lia'a run . . . WiLl'.1.1uN. . . .. I ... �, . I , .
pictlims.-IlillUng a tuatttre-i)f ll�rt . vengo to. (1011111 ' ihat.04 sbo' ' Away from her'becausb he I I � 7 was for ridarly three years afflicted with a' bad ' . � .. . . . .,
. , Aluckill,-Ilskm- felt tbat his re ' nd. of ber uld not oved be)r. r , I co - . .
iva,% bne of those trusty Souls that,fiev- , s age to aVy dr in . .1311.6 orm, � of eczema of 't�e al *Which was ver . . . � V T, S I ( 11� S, . I .., ��
. � . , had snilvea through his mweis this., , loa �e the riiattor of his role I:. �
photographs. . C, After Drandon's defense -,of 11 reAsted.'s.c y - H 60m kers.: ,
I � all. ' , ' .unsightly, rids of remedies , .. . . F X (I .1 I
. . or f. I Aid not. tell the girls I was - � . . and 11 . �i I � DAJ .
. . . I � � � I . . 0 c u ellf-Iny A ' 1. . �
A,e .,t.,I(lv ill(- al-l-migrtlinetit' 6f ab.but to start for Friince, but Intimai- , ti ,. i 1 no, but lie, Nv:is patient whire 'evit" . other �p rsoft, m ell � less to. an.* lingpgate Alary ba4begun to see the nd doetbes treatment, His. head was in i TO.TFIE CANADIANNOIRT.R. . W 141, I 811 . .1 - .
. . I I ... Will to be-accompilsbod and couldwalt, such as Buckifigbalti. , Yet the cost of , whole situRtIon differently, and every- terrible state. We had to k6ep him from . .
groups witl jnt!jvidtinls, dwl..our . ed that I was. compelled to leave. Lon- . . I . ' AT It -BTU wx V. A ItHs , - - � . .1
� . I
don for a�tIme,and-gaid,."I' leiiiye.t . be . Tll�ll It was that the'douilell wag called his freedom by',a dirtiat act of, her -own * tiling Was cliauked.- � 646 still.saw'.1he I . . . . ichbol, and-, at times —�,�-� . . '. � .1 . . -
. -
work is the sort ti -at insures sa,t- . . - I I I . ould be,so great that she as tompt. .same 'great distance bot-sveeh'them � I I .. . ., his hea'd �voulI bleed, WInflIIlow--','-' . � . � Regina .... o . : - I �
. '.. fato bf.thi§ man, to .whom we all owe during tile. progress of which. .Mary N%7 w as I . . Wat,kada.'.. ", ' - : . .
. . I and. the- chii.1 woulcl 1�q 31loose Jaw,
islaction a") around. - - nd I- hild tried to obtain an audience .ed to take wliatever risk there inlo It bqfor#,. but � with this differenc � tot;ltll....�'. $30 , ., , . .
so,inuchi In your.liduds, knowffig-full a . �l ' ' e, .66. Yorktoil;...., . .
. of tllo� kill,- .1 . I. . be In the wiii that: had aopened� Itself'to was looking tip now.' So! Y. I,Glglll......-�; . 1. .. . . .
. well ]low tender you will'bo of him." . . . . . I . 11 I y -Before that 10�. For iwo'And a hall Amok,,; .... I
. : . to' ay -bib fle. Zot that she event lie bad been plaiu'Charles 13 - I I - fAR28 Pr. Albert .
H SIM Y "' PTH 0 TO STU lit, i -I 'was away from 'home 'nearly it 13ockh)"llaw had,gonb p her. N .wou'ld not have.. ' . ran 1 4 years we battled with .Moosdinin .... 11gicloo(I:-) , 5 -
. , . e " willis-way . Ina . I` would. don,and a I , ncess Mary. she I it in vain, but at last uIlliota."..' .. .
� . . lntinth,4nd as I dar d not write, and. SPects to tile queen And -o' do the Sacrifice willingly or be the Pd ...... I . Wit'6111,110811, � Calgary ... $3 .1
P� I..."- -A...... .11-" 1�' , ovorl Jarie did not know ftere I was, btickhad espled Mary waiting for tile not havo,told Henry all it that -were was the prindoss.still, but he Was 4 , . . 1"Ifound .a cure Ili *Dr. Binsearth .., . . .1 . . . I .
I . I , loom and went -to be . tile only ebance to tft,vo� Bra: douas life, demigod. � .... . .. .� .. . I 'Chase's ' . Gillind vlew.o . . .110( . I DI . -ar I . . . . .
40=11, ; I did riot receive nor expect ;tiny let. kink Ill tile alitel Ill n . I 11 41. . 0jotment. Swat, River_ . I
�. . - , . I
I at tile SNI't I the I and It . lf� , ' " About five boices were . " :
. �. turs. , The king had . ordored'606rery, - I At'lli-st I'll(- was irritated' I but the other Way, - onta, site hati tglc� So Mary remained at Windsor, . I- . . .. � I "tiraLli.. 140 '- � �%
� .
V d, b Adli bell), seemed'si and, I wept And dreamed and used.� The original " -- - � I . calla,. .
11 . she so despise - ell y Hue life, , grieved 11 \ � .
1 mid It I 'have min -led with All my of�thli,4 mail, .Whom wiam's , I 1), I ..
. . . i . it Is -that of 'bl't 11 thought came to lice . that -she allid, though mot cut . Irejy.sittisfying, she laliged that.she might see across the . - sores dried upi leavin 00f 119 J 6'-\1 9 40',- r6tIl Vnillk* Willi A I'M Vs,ll .1
, Nult9 ,,I single virtue � I . , 4th(allrallorS.K Atli 8 hal."CIL'I (4ell
; . If to her love, her . I - Wal I 1.
I could not. see how It eould inliwarry. miles Of billowy ocea itg the skil 11 'I J U IN I.;
. . I i- faithfulliess to my trust. Sc� I bad no allght ulako use of him. She kliew- his, . I 11 t. I 18th, roturning IIII'M ItUG ulwr MIT (al rall ol. .
I I . I . love, -her lovel MeanwhIle Brandon '. Tom Scott . 'condition, To say I 8,'S� Athitbi(Rett,) G0111, J111 y t(h refuriltI14
., � nowi$. from EOigtand and sent none I)OWN, U"Ith tile cltiw�ts and elt1v au- 13tickiugham was notably jetuotto -of. . � Isa 11 intil 8xP,r1o.v1l1L,
s " . I . I . pleasure to testify to the,%ioiiderrul merits I it M, (I"It'luli "" S X. M,Lli � I . .�
� lionlo. ; I � thorlde,,j,of London And,also klick his knightly 'word. and silo *had nil.' had his trial .in secret down Ili London . I oba.) Illickotgapeilot.k,
. I � . AV, or, if Dri chase's. Ointment, is putting it very , oatl on ,. I IT, ii �'Illall Ulii-
1. . � - C . � .1,t)(1,11 1,101, tickore au�l munp) .. I .
' .
' time old thotight 9110 klic-A"Ahat WSM116 from boiinded faith .Ili tier lafluence over and had been'conf%elnifed to be- ' 110t 9fring fill) .
. . : Dlirin- all tbat,time the' o I . , . hanged, mildly.'! , . . .. - , )"t'"ll"t"s, 111"Ply to Y01ar .404rear,-Can4dital .
I � , � Mary - lihia., In short, like maily it pcp� drawn aud, quarto D9 Saved- � Dr. 'Ch,se's- Ointment is a positive cure for, . .. I . . .1 I . . ..
, fear lived In my heart -that hor could accomplish ovorything with nothor red'fo,r baVI Paultio agolit, or to .
. i .
� . ! might fall to liberate Brandon, 'She Win. Site had ample evidelide of Id'i 80-11, she wits as wrong as possible. just to her 1316170 than life Itself, -1 . eczema, taIt rheum, scald betid and chafing. . A. Ii.. la4O,I1r1AN - . -
- ,
11 . . . . filratuatioll, nAld silo hoped Ahat she tit the time wilen, She thought she was Put not your trust in prInc8asest 6o cents it box at 0.11 dealtis, or tamanson, . Ati,datiwt Ocktortil 1,il...,Iwin�ar.eigout : '. 11
I 1 know of the negotiations concerning could proi!utlo IlVaildon's llbdr itirely right, and when the cost of ft . I Miles and Cc.., Toronto. . . 1 17 Young 8t." 1'raroutfa . � . I
I t t1w French wardage, as we till did, al- I ty th"611gli 0.1 I . . I � . I 11 . �, .1 I I .. . . .. . q I I I I
� l. I 1300,1119haln - Without- r0V0Al ' . . ` I . o- ! , - --- �- * . . . . I
I . , . Viou,gh only by till indefinite sort of . iling her mistake wits at its maxlwuln, I , . CHAPTER X � , ' . � . . � . I .�
I . Ole roeolled abio from tile thought JU .%.,%,%��4�"0&4&,%Vtllkil.q&.O&.%4&4&,,& . '1�
I I � beflilsily, and Vivas sure tile half found- dangerous st-eret. , ' . . STX011, 0 ICINGt � . . . . P .W%'%'ft'%,%-W��,%l11&1%.,W . 4&.wql.,%Al���,"�6.4&,%"%.4..%� A . I
I . I .. �
I .
11 I ; cd I'milors that bad reached her cars . Ulleb. to - tile dulce's surpri3e, 'she of -Brandon's "escape," and\tt built tier VCH was the state of offairs . , I , I ..
� I
I . , I .had long since becolne cOrtabitles and sn'll0d Itpoti hlru find gave a cordial that he Should be a fogitive from tile' when I returned from France. . 41 - 0 . I
. I . JUstI66 that'should reward him, yet why. Work 1o' Othe 9 #
, that bor heart was. fanil of trouble and wolvollio. itilying: 111'aty lord.,You bhvo , I Hbw � I bated ulygelf be.- P. I ras 0 0 . �
. . I � . 11 . .
I � � have n �t She Quieted these disturbing sugges., . .. . . . � $ :. 11
I \ I foltr or tier violent brother. She would 0i'011- 11111011d ,to ITS Of late and I .. cause 1,. had not faced the, — , ., .. . . . � I
--.--.��=,=== --=_:==.=----�.:��-4� . �
Hbowu ug. tit(. light of your ooaullt6- itions with tile thought that It .would . . =1�=1=1-=rn=1-Xli.,=- I
I vortithily be lilt her coaxing, and whoo- , king's digpleasuW and had not refused . , I I . . "
� ily out of , !
(!]Ing nivahi aiiall on 'tier bost bolinviorf lifilive, I aul glad to See Y,)u once be only for a short time, and Brat'doll, to go until Brimillon was safi Now* is yotir opportu'Dity to find a placa Nvllere y , ,
Illid I fourod afte tnight. retrain from I;Ioro. 11*011 file tile news.,,, . She'know, Would be only too Cid to � big trouble, It IVIIA hard tot, me to be- .. I . a .� I , oq . call 'k I I
,, -0 the , I f I ..
F tolling Itvnl�y of tier trip to Groucho's, I M11110i say there IS'Mueb of Inter. Mal, - sadrillcie It It purchased for Rove that I had, left, such� a matterto , B 18 P I N 1) E P F, N 1) 61 N T - ; $-
1 119"� . I � lffioj�ljllg 116W ,qpvero he wits Ill suelf (-t, I have learned the new danco her froedow from the -worse than darli- two foolish girls, one "of them Ili � I . . I 0, � . .
-IV . . , rroni Caakoden. ft that Is news, aad nation that lUrked.th the Pronch inar.- changeable its the wind and the other I . Every On until June i3' 1 . Y1
, 7 ". 4j- , . � riattilars and ho8v ruillou lie was sure tinge, I P . � . . y . , 1903'. . � 0 .
, � 3 I � bopo foil a favor at our next ball froint . .
I -, 4 V4 ""i u *I I to be6mo at 06 di,,icovery. I j�as cer, completely under her control. I could �. . I .� J
, k: , - I �,:� a, . I
0 1-12 lit. y ,.b/r.' , X �y k.. U - a Y V All this ran quickly through Mary's but thilik of the difterence. bletwoon , P .
. .
WE, 111%.'�'111,1-', A, , , tnin It Ivas this fear wh1cli bad pro. t1k I'llfrit9t I d -111 the I 0011l" mind and brought relief, b . � . T1 ,
� 141i r I I 1,,' IX,AD- ; v(,nt(,a Mary froin going directly to I "A ild finite welcome," returned Mary, Ut It (%d .tot Inyself and Brandnn4 and well knew, I 11 �
1�;(" ,MAT�X'S 0V 131CV0,R8 INZ. : the Mug oil out- returil to Greenvialel) dOuiplocontly appropriating the title, i'lia (IN, u Sense, Weighing like had I been in his place, lie would haio . I
I 1� ' � ',,III(] Weltolile to more that) o)o, I Pon her heart, that she should liberated me or, stormead the very walls n $ , 11-1
care the uneasy
ClIVOIN01 1I , Jzl,&CVeT,1�, ej..J.,Ivl�'. froul Scotland palitce, and I k,le%v that I The.. Gioat liorthe r'. . milway "
" . .
. fail I � ik' 111A. ,4() livr entil1g, battling and dr(,qsfllg worto lIOl)Q, my ford." . flake 00 chance with thig Man'O life And $ Of London single litinded and alone. . -1 . . . I 0 1
I'A.,%J) A.0) I �11,.10, ,lw,, I .1
ITAV la', C1111l..%V ��'Ifl,',Il;f,�3 ir()g I)Ut ftil.excumt foil if breathing Spell be- Tlils-graclouAnogs would Ifave looked ihould put no further weight of siacill. OOMX.".&I-�h,�-,r�tzt=A==%.4Y,.4-&t,.W.tW.tW.t-.9�.I =�.�-- - -- � I
A , . . —'---"---' " . I . - - -- -- . � -;"�-�!-�.�!�-;- ,.,
11110SIP, 01:11111JIAINIcy Tllf!�x '400 ittlou laill but Should go to +he
OUR 111A, '11) \I., ��Ilrw I") vi:,l,t,y
RIM1111171XII) i"()'R. A, C'E'*�!.'RAT, RR -
. I DO ALT, 1%1\'i)�,
Ola' JITCV(1,10, 11TWAIRIINC, ,I.,.j.N
TXT1WI\Z0, DRIT,IANO, G1ZT.\1)J.\(1y
v"\xAV,1,u,T,fN6y. AVT." ALSO DO ALL
Otnt T'RIC104 ARR, AS T,61V
A,t4 TITT"'y ro'sSnit'v (�AX,T
SIMLEY & TURN1,711111
. re Vle dreflued Intol-view.
: Till% fear remailw(I witil me 411 tile
flnw I was fl,way, but whon I roAmoned
u-101 lillYs,olf I wolild 411iotlier It as Well
I lit; I vollitl %N-Ith niagunnintativo attempto
� at %vil, ns,411rance, 1 Irould $fly over
; alift Over to tllyq(%If that Unry could
Wit rait ,111(1 flult A,von It 14110 did there
lvr�; .1'.ow4eill'. ftweet, tbolightrill. till.
: Vv!i:l:11 ,N nv! -W110 won1d, act 1111mv tier
� in &I i'm I'lut, fin far Its thoy,go, onr
iI"", 1.7v%.4--01111 11bollill" ,f ,
i ,4. 11R, We tall
i Ili
. .1 -,:; ary worth all tho, logle tit ttip
I av"'10, nml you llia'sl say what you will,
I Wt R"V IMI!f0ilf,111(int.s.-I spealk for no �
� .*w Orau-4ra well to bo Wlailod, Ulm
�", ... . .
1`14119111100118 LO OtIO %VXLU JeS4 VatIlty tildn
13tivIdughilm, but lie Raw no craft In ft
Ile did See, however, that %lry,41d
not kllfl%� who .had attacked her In
101111iigsgateo 'and be felt greatly ro,
lloved, ,
the duke gm1lod nud i4rairked and
was enchanted at her kindness, They
walked down the* corarldor, talking and
laughing. Uttry awalfing min opportu-
]illy to put the Important question with.
. out exciting Suspicion. At last It came,
whon Unekingliam, half Inquiringly,
I blvrotsed his sturptleas tbAt Mary
filiouI4 bo Ound sittlas 0.tho kingla
40!?� �--- z�..��-�-,.t,-.;�,4,e.t-t��.P.�-!--.4d-
king and to)) him' a Straightforward
story, let ft hurf whore it would. With
4 little Meditation, . however, came a
I thought which decided the question stbd
, ,ly made everything bright
agath for her, so great was hot capa.
bility tar distilling light. She would
go tit �ono to Windsor with Ube aluA
Would dispatch a lipto to Brandon at
I Nowgttto telling blin upon big egeapo
to come to her. Ire might remain Ili
hiditig In the nelghborbood of Wind.
$orta and she could goc, him every day.
The t1mo had dOW0 to Mary when to
"Ado him every dayt, would turn VIII.
W1431 04408 Into wonda,y b
I . . -01;htnop
. . OPMRS tiXTP,8:JN1ULV . I
. I
. . .. . I ril *1=1 4a . .
. ,� ljolw ItA _1ZJ . 1. .... I
. a, ,
. To L points in North Dakota, Montana, ldabo). Wasixington I . I �
and Oregon. Every ticket agent knows. Ask bin -1, - ' 11 .14* ,
� . . Or write to ., I . . i
— - ---..-, ---- .
I �-------- I
Chas. W.'aravag, P. 11b Whitney, . I
DINtrict PrOght t%nd Pass, Agent. -Gell, PsLss, and Tkt,Ag,b, '
I Mug St. W,j Tor6flto. .
. " st-poulAtn". I 11
*%4-"*"14**Ift..*Ill&�. �0*1"16*"4.***_"*40",J&4k,tL.4..& (�
I . �, A I . s. . �1,f,k , �,, , '. � I � .t . I ��
.1 . I . I �
* � . f.',�
� I'l- - -A.11.0w, �
- )jj,,.....�,., . 0*001.1" � 1 4* -",0l, 4 r4 � , �
—�-- %."M.,.,.�,--,. - � I . %&-AffiWW ( ;,If 4*e--%^ ^%.. �
A� . -- . -WK '�2, ft.4m.....- - I � A
— 34 - , ------