HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-28, Page 6S
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I . . . I
-11 �� 1 I . �: ; __ ,----; __ " , ; - I - 1, . _. � - ,______-_-1.1__. I I � 0 1 1 I 1.0 `- _" . . .
.,� natured friend lending, bimselt for f .-.$77 �-__!�!!".T!,__ -_ -_1 __.. ___ _ - _,____.�.___-__ R I �-7,-�.,-*�,----i.,�---,----7-;���_,
SAINGERS MADE BY SURVIERY that purpose. I Q-,�)erluteutV4 with I 9A I - .1 . A T11=1 MUM. tZ -
.H I flint for lov montIA4! arld the6 ,]lad I I . 4 1 , I , . A Scottl�ih hotel -keeper was one I - � NOWA00040M . I .1 11
re I 0. . ,., p., 1. -.1 11, I . I 04-
I DR. =Tz, or B uoNA, iw.&� to give up. Tho practical value of #� I I I day hitVing a. -liquabble witih till --.-- I I - -_ I 11 . I - — .
. � _0 voly theories, it seemed was nil, It - - I 1`11t0is'llnian converning his bill. The
JANU.. I . -%trallger 19itilif
Toy, XANVFAC)TT . was worso, insuad of flotproving illy I .� it was " gross fill. . A UNA"WE FOR OL'"A"N PEOPLE
- patient's voice, It, had made It . I _. I � I 11 .11 1`0%,itioll-'he Could live chtaper in " IM. I
ZTus,I(;q6l Volpoo CoAxed Into Bx- hoarse and hard, However, I am ., �, . I the bost hotel in London. The 1111gh.
1.4tenco by . Opera, . tioull ox , L happy to 64y, he soon got over . . Ceylon Tea IS the fineet lall(l lan'djord 1'elilled .- , It should be emy for pcople, who -drink deliciogs. Blue 1UbbQn Red
Larynx. . . these Ill efflocts and his normal voice, . "Ob, line (lout, jir, nae doot , b . ut Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it. . I
. I
. returned; � I . 1, - I Tea the world produceOp 111110 Yo no l0n the reason 91�1 , $ to try it. .
- A, Joan Oe Repke and 4 U111, T,oh- ,,Disappointed as I was, In the end I I " Not A, bit of it,"" replied the --- - - . - ill.. 01. ., I - , - , 1. � I '. .
�qann ma.de to oilder cot ,twelve X profited by this L�Xporfenqe, for The satis action of having, tha 13"d Is sold only In Wild otranger, hastily. I
montbal notice by a man combining .observation tuliglit me that the Our- ackets, . "Wml, then," replied tho, bast, "as &,V% 0 in Cash ,
the title of doctor at music with *4 operation I deemed the all)" 'waslilng done early in thQ day, P '
. 0 ZVO N(vilt to be it sensible bit callant U 2 I
that of ntaster of surgery is the and amega, of my method collated ,and well' done, , belongs to every 81 -sick, Mixed and Greeno rit tell ye. There's . three hundred $5459m6wff
latest. This manufaoturer of 'Voices for ,little lest assisted, by musical , . . � y unnoll Prizes I
-of the hioest. quality is Dr...Itieti exercise and methodical mas;9age of 1USer Of Sunlight Soap. 1013 -%Pall tea drinkers try 41Sal4da" Cyteen t%6 all" elxt, -"" `d",vs In tile 1, - I �=N__ I 11 ..
_ . I . - I hotel -keeper's calendar, but Iva have '
of Bologna, Italy; the loan and, wo- the vocal chords. . I . .1. tf. � . * t -f I Onlv three Illotiths here. Dao y10 Twerity-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those .
man whom he qnriche . d by the great SUC014M FINALLY ACMZVED, I - � ;.Z�T: , �.---,�O, . "'.. . 142� . 1.1-.. I . I _. ""_____"_- uuio]ivrstaad ine noo, freen, ? We . sending in t best ad*ertisomcnts for IIJU I
est of money making organs Are. c'.)p- "`NVARiiXnl0, Molm, . Ribbon Red Label West.
2, . t "The next subjects on whom I ex- I RUAIANN. - �D -maun mak' bay in tile illelan's wh he . e I
Izens, at Bologna, moving in ordXh- porimented were Sig. Buottl and When the international IN TIM4 SCISUINTIFIC WOUL . ark . I �.
. Conference - tilt, suli'shines. for It's unco s.eldont I First Prize 9. IF Al — $200.0
airy walks of life. Their fldelilis Sif�nal-a Scillaloba, who otre at liber- meets at Geneva, Swltzk�rlarod, next Scarlet fever is toillpiown. In the -,ho dialt.11 ,O
know them as Musical cut-husia4ts ty to describe illy in0tho ,, d to all fix- fall, for the purpose - of extending . trOPIc,9, — +-- . Fiecond Prize' - -, up " I x0o.00 k
arid passable performers on dektain terestod, As to inedicul g*ntlemeu and revising the .0einva, treaty of To oix1inary oyes a .man 1,000 . . I I . . .
minor instruments, but at tile same I refer them to, professional notes: 186�$ various I . tOl;1(-,-1- will be con- ,yards away - say, on a riflo ra.ugo T119.1, I 'BUT01-mm's WARNING. I Third Prize , . - - , , , . 40,00 1 .
Wme they knew that neither had a photographs, phonograph records, sidered looking to tile amelioration -al)VOUrs as 06 dot', 110 could not be A few weeks ago 4. young Ind pre- � - . . . I
voice worth cultivating. The pro- etc., soon to be , publislied in PL niedi- of the suilerings catwed by war, kliowil as a, mftn except as being a sputed hilllbvlf at the 31101-Y of a local : 4th to I3th Prizes, $Xo,Qo each ; � ! I imoo .
unrit aingers did t thern'. Cal Jou,rual. Among the propomed Anteoldinelits is smaller dot than it liorge, but(her, anti, when the burly pro- 14th to 2,Jth,.$5.00 e.%c.h .# ..0 , &000 .
� ..
s0res until,, about a year ago, Dr. "All I care to say to -day Is that one providing that after a battle the Prof. Alabbiet bas proved that prietor appeared, gave a, 1;moill . . .
Rf,*tl proposed to make them 11111- my surgical operations were . comets, inotead .of having a. solid opdt�r, . . . . . I I — .
, . PrIll, bodies of the sight inust be carefully . � . .
., I . � . .
lionalres, cipally orn the vocal cords. I chang- examined so as to a.vofd.burying or body with a. guseaus tall, aro naich ,,,you don't buy so utuch meat now . 1 �500,'w - I
They thought be was ' joking And ed that apparatus * so complex Of burning anyone alive. Another plan, . lighter Ili w-0glit Ulan oux till,. lilven As you did lit the summor,',' ren;mrk- I In addition,, ,berInning with the week ending April 4, a -Special
accepted In the same spirit, also �tructulle as to defy dese0l)"Oft, Ill is to oblige every soldier to beat, Oil if a comot ivviv ti) . s,triko I 0 . a earth ed tile butcher. . . I � "a.nd . . )f 5" - -in tho best
signed papers promising to s0wit Several PlAces, allowing it to length- ),i's person sonic suitable nark . of It , would hardly penetrutu Its atmos- "No," '. responded the lad, weekly prit, o will be given to the one sending I
oper - I 1,41iore. , adv�rtj'semcnt during that wevk� �naking for the nine, ,weeks $45mo '
to certain atious and restric on here and again cutting. It down identification-11the lQuE1 tattoo," 'rile , . I it'.� because fattier has become ., a ' , .
tions, at the Wzimetirne acquitting �soniewbere else. And whilo the possibly. Than there is a scheme to int,r,ne jary , bo(lj(�s Nvhi(,11 a,) , . . . . ,.prizes, or a grand total of thifty-four cash prizes, $545, .
- venoln of h, 11(thea con'tains; only vegetarian." in special
the physician beforehand. of damages small'wound.s.wero healiug 1 was d ( tic Well,' illy lad," . .� . . � . . . , . .
� small woolords weroi hooi,jing I once , . . . I
't, inake field hospitals noutral. in all. " came the grave . � 41.
. . �
his inie had might work. circumstances. . would, - not be virult-utly I)oise.lious, roti)rt, "you give your '.dad warning � CONDITIONS . I I
Sig, Buetti and Signors, Schalelia, Illore turned teacher and taught my D .N but tile norutal blood serunt of su,s f,,Oln 1. no that, as a ruld,. wegetarlans . I . I . .
. I . I I - . �
I .
with a hundred other people, attendw fatiolits the ,bes-t method of singing M . # . veptlblo animals coutaino the sub- - OV. X pr6fessicotial ad. writer, nor Stliyone connected directly or indlr(:ctly ynth
ed a music , ATCH-BOX ('01110 to a w1olent end, Take a 0
-al soiree At the doctor,'s . . WARNING 8 � , , the Rhoe Ribbon Tea Coinpany may compete. . I .
know of, Sir*ltaueous vvith the "'talle" wl"rb, 1)v coll'olylt act'()" blillock-'e's a w(,grpta,rian, Wot's 2ad, Advertisements mugt 3%of contain mar tlsiu So wo ds, and shorter on I
house recently, and, the progrAmmo operations, etc., wits ,a nietiladical ' Just now, when so much is heard Nvidl tile Iuterlik'fllt�iw b(,)dWs 6f the . the re%uh ? Why, lefs Cut off sudden, I . , 0 ,I . CS are
being finisiled, Rleti be&god permis- and peCullar massage of, the I&rynX of the agitation agaft . Ist,expectora- venow, causv t1w (1va I lily polsuning. . ill his wery. prime I Al , . I . preferable, . . . � . I . � .
sion to introduce some I'mustical Jil a, I'Veelit -avtIcio In a Nvidely - . 3rd is used in pacl;ing Blue Ribbon Red Lo6bel',Tea-tbere are
, and the vocal cords. � tion In the streets, it 'is Interesting . t I . . I I Qne of the card
prv,digies lately discovered." I "The whole process lasted abbut to le, read z 0 I . two in each p&cU;oge__m,ust bg enclosed *t� each batch 6f advertiso.
4 . I
. rn that the Argentli3e llealtil - " it Is sald, "All HE . . .
� .17 Fill'
. i6
Wlhon Buotti .stopped. to the piano -three months. Sino, Own tile sl Ills i'l't'i'atIL'rjig"'I't;toyft$"Ni' - 'toll at ments sent. . . . . I ,
9- Department has experimentally . ar- 4th. The comp2tition closes June i, ad all c4pinpeting a . I
those knowing hilli'llest began to nor and siguora. have been� taking tllt'� worl-ol. lidglit no,w bave silrallpox J. FLETC IS GLAD NEWS 1993, a dvertisemcrits.must
laugh. Surely the doctor was- fool-. I ' - I . With ine ' -est rang( -4 to' have oompivIielisive In- Witboot luar of disil.,fulrentelit." The . . . I � . . Mch one'of the following addre;4es an or before that date.
Ing. The niock applause greetli � ig s riging lessons - the i structioils. printed on tile labeIs of , 'JLlWl . jt�. I � . — I . , . . . I I � -
you know . I repeat, that all tile Over eij�bt Million matclv�boxos, ex- red light *tveattliont Was. eXIAll �DODDIS KIDNEY PILts CU -RED Blue Ribbon Tea Co., .Winni1pe,d, DIE .
Bilotti . subsided only when Nignorm ;ecords of the case are, at the di's- col Nvit-11 long b(IfOIT Will 111.1101 flillCO I . 1. Qn. I
Sabalcha mounted the ple4form posai. of. the. medical fraternity." plailling TIOW tile spl-4�ad of tubgrcu- that'l)ublicution, . aird the - restilts HIS LUX33AGO AND 119� jgoj I Blue wibbon Tea Co,,, Toronto, OnL .
from the opposite 81 -de. . XlvaUlj3ady - i a . L I 10 I sis might. be prevented. �. I , -the ( etc - - . - , ' C ' . .
I 4 � . �. .,how lu d statemoint to b0 lin A SOUND ivrAN, - Blue Ribbon Tea .v Vancouver, B. . I
knew that the lady. had no voice to, I � — 6 . I . - I I . . I . . I _ . I . . - 0 C. . .
speak of, but her sex entitle � d .. laer -THE CAUSE. OF SXALLFOXI � . . - ' - wa�rreLnted, — . . . . I I
.1 l . . BABY'S HEALT,R. Prof. Virellow said' that tho uts the G000� .5th. No person shall be awardeii more than one of the main prizes, but may also -
to a hearing, it nothing else� , . . . .— I. . I ., - . I . baiii4iiA have . tile J1109t intelloctual - . . I take one or more weekly larilies, . � I I .
. Due to, the Active 'Pd�o . . — . . . . . News that There -is a Cure - foil .6th. In. case of a tie, decbio�� will be lbased on all the advertisements subm . it . ted
. I I.. , . . skulls Ill lurape; _Tbey are, how- I Dis6ase and, tha . t curl I
F_XPECTED A BURLESQUE, . . � X., � . : * , , ,T� � 1. . I
"Faust . or . laro . -Organist . n. 1. . Mothers all: over the Dogiinion will' 6vor, seized of tile idea that � they Kidney is Xidiey )�i ' . . : by the competitors in oluestion. ' : I . I . . I . I
. and Margu fie," ,vaid . . . be spared in,Any an anxious Ito , ur if,, have a [lot - . . r1it., to exist than is Dodd 11s. . . , � Mr. 11, M. E. Evans, of the Winnipe � . .
Rieti to the accora n -ding At a, recent meeting of. the Boston , tei rig . . . .g Telegram, has kizk4ly'consentcd to.judge I
. panist, ha , keep alw4s',at hand a! other races and thitt uIl.othQr'racf,-s, . the admtisemeats and award prizes., ' . . . . . I .
him the music. 'rie st'looked S ciety ol. Medical Sciences, 1) r I'. W t1lay will , Cratiton, Ont.,� May 4.;-(Speci&l)-, I . I .� . . . � . . . I
s. . . I �. .
arti -P Baby's Own blets . There is no d" 'ab'aut All radveriinewng �ts that fail to w,in. a �
at Buetti and Schalcha, then broke T- Councitinati, Shotftuo�k'profcsso; box of. Ta and give' bvinL�. inferior, are on,earth only to
. . 0 , . uncertain soun. n I .
into a laugh. "A.4urles r ,sup- of pilthological apatomy.in the Tlar- thein to their little 'ones as occasiott� serve them. Death. 'llaq IA.() torors . Prize# bixt %7hith
que, I .. � the statement. of John I'letalier , 6f are good enough to he'accepted for 1pUhlJ.C4�t102X , .
pose?" � .. . Vard Medical school, made a -report .may require, These Tablets - lmve' foi- tile, Alboluiva),ijor his- highost this . . . 1�4, ,,,,,, r ,- ,
I Platw. - "I am glad to let . thd vVill V 11 at the rate Ov $1.0 0 4pach., -
)�,ou will please . play the raisle oil his recent' d(se6very as to the sav&d thousands of little baby lives. philosophy Ls Ili the saying, 11I)yIng . . . . .- � . . . .
.. - � . � .
.. . ' ' I' - Vublie know that bodd's Kidnei , . .. .
11 ' arid' grateful moillers,everywherc 'ne-, 18 a plague; but it W. halt 41 � , 1) Ague. '!,ill -od Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we Will !consider ourselves at liberty,
sa�aiiwlit," replied the- doctor, qdd, cause bf swallpox. Doctor. Council- r . . s have Clio - n2e, of Lumbago i to publish the names of prize winner' . .. . .
. * ' . � . knowledge the. good they liave * done' to liVe." . . . S. , I . .
ing in an undertone-. "I hired you man, with the help. of able observers, . I � � . .. . . and no w r 1, aitt, perfectl sound," 04 I I . . . 1. . 1. .. . . .
with'that undevstanding." No,w it bets shown that t their little ones. Mrs, T,41 J, Mc- , I . . .. . . . Is the W. , y - A good advertisement should be trulliful-and tontain 11% idea brightly and . . . �
.r lit) .dreaded. disease 1. * ay lie puts it. Questioned ag forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with addrtn and d �
. I was the Accompanist's turn toAook is: due to the act . ive pre'sence of a Parland, .Wylie,. Ont., *rites :--"I! r .. T . r . I to tile ' . . a10 ftlri one who I .1 I
� , . cannot :prais . 9 . . . . . particulars of .his .ciAre Mr11 hastesied,thetea,isigogolfarm. AniLdvertisementfoianikiticicoffb�d,hottieI
bewildered. "At you;r service, 3fnle. .micro-orga,nism. Tilologists who have e . Baby's Own Tablet 1 . I . 1-16tcher. said .- . . . . r � �
� I
. enough, Uteri- I got.'them my baby, , , . . WILL NOT DRINX. . . .. . . not associate with it, even by.
. . I . contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise- -
, , �.
Patti." "At your cervice, Sig, exalnin4d specinions declare' tho . r Zoolo , -1 had been, troubled .for a yeal meat is the one thatmill induce ihe most-ppople to try the article adv'oti�cd. . .
a, And -gill was very, bad,�,Jwith *whoopJftg( Tlivre is a -rakeet at- tile _ Ith Lumbago .and Kidney Troublesi . I - C. -
anhil," this was wi . . . . � wi. .
Camp ith it pro- smallpax germs to be �rotozo* . , pai . .., . . . . . . � � I I .
I I ..
CoUgll,r and cutting her teeth bosides4 gic - rdens in LoiWov, .tbLLt r. has My urfne was of ' ' .1 � .
found bow. . I I- - I al 0 a, . . r . � I -_ - . I . .
. � .. I I � .not bacteria ; that. is, they are ani- I * . �vlt -, P. very bad color( . . �
The prelude was over, The : ae-�' mals r4ther thall,plants.' ,, With both ther troubles tit the. sumek lived. for over half it ccutor!Jr . .11 . , I get. ilrothing t, I .
- ' . . abd I could . o..'help me,; seeft volir InspirilLtion in a. Cup of uivoo ., .
. . I
conagunist hadroutdone himself in - ].Doctor, Councilman and his assist- -time ;*e was Ili a, bad way ' naid1l out driii-king anytllin&, 3kl�ny not- , "r consulted . dodtol'S. r bUt r thOy�. Ribboli Recl Label Tea.and tiftel I . I
Arienesses, by way of he,ighteiling the . . slobt but littlq.eithek day or night. turalist,s IlaVe.a �heory that hares could llot hoilp:me', and T wits no . t foil I . . . I
ants, have been able to Work ou.t I the - I . . . I .1 1. . � � �
I � I . After the sedond'-dosm. of the Tablitsk nover.drillk, -or, at:ali.event,q, that. . .. money as yours. . r.
contrast, he thought.. I. complete life cycle'of.'the parasite. � . a Veri,- -cheerful- frame. of mind wheill . . .
� Then the great garden scerie'open- There appe'ars to,be two. stages in . to th4eir 1 , 0 , . I I ; .... I .
. I r . d cided . r. to" tr;Yv - Dodd"s -Xidney , I ____ - . W . .. . . . I . r
ed with a Marguerit . 6 singing , as the cycle, one, asexual, the o' t . fair - the better: - She' slept, . ivell . I i oixi8tence. ; the olew -oil the ("N"MR, . I Is Fill,. ,* . � . . r .. . . I . I , I .
I .found there was:aIrea;,dy . Nvate� is '.viot.a liecog.9ity
. .her - - I (. . I I r . . . . I - - -_ .
. I . . . 1. " r 111111111�illillillillillillilliililI ..... ffff I .�. . . - I .
sweetly And bird -like as -Patti lised .qex'u;il.. Th .1through the day and nearly till ni lit 1.�llpposed to be.,:sufficient 10(.1pid for , '13ut it was! �-'a, lucky (I _ � r, �
. . .. I 0 fl.rst.stage�occurs in t.he 9. , the,, r , . tty, for me I "I , �. 11 I I . . ...
. I ,
, . I ,Ana t,,,, r ...-. I'll ... _-__._ ____.__...__ . . . � I
to in her salad days,- and a I aust Protoplasm - at the epidermal cell. ; . . s was A. great relief, to one .a$� warits. -Thero is it -o'"t"'ll .when I did. Almost � r fro -------.. . - .
. � .1 in the ----,------ . ____ -,- . ___ . — I I
as manly And fine as Campanini � - . :,1 was 'nearly worn'out losin So-, I breed of glx.icbe that liever drillfo. ,r . - r - irsr, . I- _._ I � .
� '
'Sr the -second stagoi. lli.-.tho nuceltm" it,4 .9 I . th elief. And I was -� Soon - . r r � 11 � � � ; . . . I . -1 ,,.., 'r. . , * . .. �
when the tenor cornallAnded *.5,000 a self. The two sta&s. accur early in . omuch,. rbst At nigh't., .She 'cl-10d al-� and the llainas.oi I�Atag'onia live I Jor t. I � ired'. * ' . r . . I � 11 �. � i I . �� I w I r . . I . ..� " '. . . , )'- - , I - I .�
. , pn tre y cu . . r I. . . . ir . , . 1. . � ..
ni-ht. . I . . . -the . ine ssa years . ,N.Iihouit' 'thking Nvakw� In - r . . � t . . , I . .. � . 7 . - �
. r .. -6 I' imo4t . e ntly'15efQro,1.bogdi1 giv� ".Ve.$, .my: Lumbago is gond - ray, r . I . � . � .
I tho disease, and . parasites at . In . . . ; I .� . � . . . � I .
Both used full *-chest notes, no fral- . .1 . . if,uj�� �bor the Vabi I t .. - I I A A -j . I r. . . � : ", .
. the..s�pore .stage beforb the th ,7 . pts, .hut in. *4 � bliort. Frunm tllori�"Sra pa:rtielil"". C16S.S of . . .
- I � ne. ,vilein lit six. . lUdnov Complain. . ims, gone L . - A44 . I I . . . . . . . � .
setto or - other artificialitles. In- the�' disease brings death One of �ttnoe..the'cougli. ceased, ,sbd c catile near Loscre, that, t�itvely touch- D,ddl� Kid, .. I . I . I . .1 . . . . ..
. . . - i � r . ney Pills 'did it all.- � .1L - , I .
ack r ta3th, grew chqerful 'iend -b�gan to o S W a . re-, . ro- I I I � '.
, of. the latter; Doctor . Coundlihan's pliotomicro- ,, I tor. ThisAs. ull'the i116 1).Odd'� XidncY ]�Jlls never fail- toi ; I I . I . . . . . . .
r I . . ., . el", ; . I � .. . .1
� -bell wqR r er I<i(lrfe lailit, whether that1 *' I . I � I . : " . ,
but of' that -even the Patti � enthus* ' . in fact, I e -markable 'because these xat6o. giv . , . , � r
graphs -shows that,:.as generally . biJ, 9&"n lwondo"fully, al , , I r.ur y Cbmp r . .
Jasts had no tima, to.thlark. .-,N�%at lieved; the Parasite r I . I owe her. lifo to Baby'.s..Ovr.rl .T -)_ illillic Of it rich quality, froon - :which. � . . I I � � . I r'
- s are.cutried to' . .. � � OWl'ilidilt takes the form. of! Bright's .. . I I � .
irripressed them w T ., I I � . . sQ I I ' � . � . , .
. as�the breadth and tlf, .,kin by the' blood. . .. '. . ,liets, -as I ,do nai' tbfnk� ,she ' wo ild 1, excellont:c.hem is made ' I 4i Diabetes .Dro , HT;� :- .
. . . . �i as- rKE RIGHT PAINT . TO PAMT'RIG'HT;� ..
clearness., the t1inbre, I of'the . two % .. . .. . -pulled tilt "' . , . . I I . � . , Psy Rbeu=- I . I .. � . . . I . ..
. . . .. have, ough. had .it not been; � , , , . .- ' . . . . . .1 . . � . . .
__ I .. . . Si , r I - ., . .. .
I . . ,� I - -etc, rs ago we:m le the Besf =iir- t .
� voices and the high notes the' .aIgnor . —.9.. � � � '''. ' tor r them, J can i-ecommend -the Tdb .. . . 1 . atism, Sciatica, Lanie Back, , , . I . �. I I
1. . . . .. - � , - - - . I I * .it at
and signora achieved, . . . - r - , '�. �;' ': "O' . � . . . . . , ._�_-&� ... I I . ,. . . . _ y OU,r yea . .. � .
. . . I.: A BRAMY'S CHAB,19r. :.: - � . f,ets to any in . ' ' I . . . 1. � - , � .-I . I . .
. , 1. . '. .. other who...bus ,a�...CQOJ " i . . I . . � . 1 . 11 I . . . ' I . ...�
. . � I . I . . 14 . I M- All VLi�NTS -ORO . r . . .
Before the duet wits finished �thq . e�" . . .. .. I I AOW`J70 I �. W - _ I .
. .. . . � � . e .
� . . - . . .. - � . � .
audiefice brokoi inti) wild bravos and A, S' .'Che6ks � " and' �These Tablet,s : -e told. that it ww , I I . - exp��ience - liay..C.. � I I I .. .
_.�_ I . k ild, . . I I I . .. . . . . B.Olghlrrl has ll� steamships � 9.f , . -if6*1
1: .. . . - - r., e kneW. hovV-1 - dge, and
Clear. - Skini : 'Ro y . I . will curig CCU. : V .you .*ei � po�ssibl(" ovvr - 1 00 - toxx'§,, but, oilly� *one sailftfg- . . . .� . . � . . . ., . ... I . . . �
finally the. 'tumult became' so g'reat, - : U * to I ',.16 r ,),,,,t, . . . . I sh ip ,of tilat - size. � ,. 1 � - ; .... I I I . 'ho .1.)e . �
that Dr. . to" Bright Eyos,Compel Admira-, "' pnnor a. merits of little ones ; . . 91*OW YOU Would - .. . .. . I .. .. I . I � been - addin value to if.'ever since—it"Sj St. , * '. 1. . r .. .
Rieti gave the sign . .1 . , � . , _ -� ' Iguarantbed to'do5ittaill . . .. ' * . I . 11 I . . . . . I � . . . I
in -flourish.4 . r 14 �' tion. no a. la..el', gcarci.,,ly believe 1 t, but tirb Ger- Ir' 1i 1vortMess; ser-vaiii, applying for . . * I ' ' . .' , . . I .
stop at the end of a Corte, . . . . . � ta . the, r' ._ .P J_U,- r a .. t
. . I . ,a ,i � t '11 4i - &td * .� t* . �. .
. , � . .1 ft can, be. givoin with advan 0 0) maps say ' they -Ito Coll ,.,haractoi- tie his- master.w.fien diu We. . k ew how to., inike . . O'F'r. . I . . .
Then men and. women stormed . .the . No 'wdzilan. needs to ,be .- told '. th �.,%� I . Youngest r and ' 'xilbst; de 1 .1. I . Lve olls lattel. aiscalur , received tile - - . . . . . . "� . . I � I '. . . . .: . . . . � . -1 . I � �
. -isses, q,,uo§tl . 01 . i o; to, method. , ' qf""hoaring"' plants ,grow, god him, - r . . . : I . . ..
platform to shower 1, OAS, . . I I .1 0�vjrlg:* �"JjljiS 1.S. to I I '' ' . . I . . . 1. � . . . . I . I
' charm of A% clear' co miplbxioh. NQ,.tchild.. Sold by a�t druggists or sent, 1n;the. app6ratus the growing plont foll., . Certify .. . little betteir than the* best. - . - I . � I i". *: , . I . . � �
I r. . �. 1. . . - . .
Ingers - M � ' ' r 1, . . ' I- .. I . illj� -
. .
and exclamations upon the si an csit be b Ind . to the, beauty of 1)y niail, at 25c,' -a bd;�, by ��itin '" lis connected With a in it -Is my opinion .that J�llil,.J' that . . . ." " . .
in effusive southern fashion'. I . . . I I .disc, ha��Jng acksoll . Write us, onetffloning.thisp4t boi*klet skovdng'how sorte etwu. -� r ..
. this Dl% WilliaraW iredfdrio�Ca. uld provo� invaluabl ..per, f6i' b Stu . r.
Mine. Schalcha And the new�.t ' Iro.sy cheeks, - or . the powe .. � X6 -, I I . 3 its dentre an -indlcatoi� which moves- WO o ..in any.�-pus- I f�j ha are pAimted vnth.Ramsayls raluts, .. . . .. .. . . . � . � .. 11 I I
enor sparkling eyes,, And every., woman- Brockville, 02itz. .. � .. W � :1 -%;Isibly a4dregularl a� ition that � he. is .capabl� . & am" . . . � . I r , . I . r ... . .1 .
had great difficulty in makiing'them- . . . . � I.. . .r . y, and this, On � .I fillinfi!.11- . , . . . .. . . . . . I
. . ., . . ' . .. . . . 1. i , ,
selves heard. When fitii1lSr no. inatter Wliat her featurevomgy be � I — I 0 * . _ 11 :p: , � - scale fifty 'times, magidfled,. denotes .� . : .r — - - - . .1 r - ..." � I A. RANISAYA SON, I'millt makers. .1 . . . - � , . . � � �
. I they. I I * I Mnrklan� ' ' � V.. I 1. SP r .. . . Ir r r. : . . .. .. . . r. , , . . I . "A., r .. . .. I .
. , . lb
I . -can ";J%N7 -IS I . � I I I , ,
� ,� have :a, � Pei -feet Complexion'- � . your telo�_ th progress I .r r.111 ,growth � Both di ' , .1 . . .., ". . 1A0KTRr,&L . r .. I .1
, , 0 � - ..
succeeded they cried: - "Give praise � . . . � � . � . r Use l'over's Dry Soap , (a. - powder: . . . i, . .. . I . USPI 18�. .. I I : I .. . .
where it is due,' to Maste . . ,, - Bright ekes , andr a perfect com.-I phb.ne service?" % Throlglaorton "."It and. indicator are njetal, and when, . .r I . I � . Jr
� . , � .
r Rieti. .. . I . . � � . I 'r r - . . . ... .
. . . fro � . to wash wbohms , :and ` flannel�s.-. . I : I . . 11 I
. I I . '' �
plexion r Come . in pure bl'bod-and varies, -considerably', . When'I'm ln�at brought Ili conlact... with: ail elettrie r r , I .. .. . . � . ..�3 , " . : . - , r . .
. MUSICIANS WERF, CHARME, 1), - . pure' blood comes from. Dr. WIiiianis, hurry tw doll ' - . - -1c -ent * �ing yqq'll. likeit. ,-- '. .. r . . "$) , . .1 _-Ak . t� 41 . " I . -.. - . .
. . . r . I . .ver an unportant xnes- haiiiinfN%, tile electi .cuh be 1. I . I r . I . �, . . .
� Rieti invited tile -�,_ Fink "Pills, By, eiiriching tile, ,blood; sage the wretched thiorgr�%%'011't r I . ... . .." . . . . R � WNN11U"MAW_______ � . I 11 . I . � . � I .
r . . wo,rk' intc�rulited at ealdli.6Lthe divid d . . . . .., . I . . . . I . . .1 .
professional m, ' :Dr. Wilhions':Tinic Pills giv ,gor, I i a, bit,.but .when my cl�rjc want13 to inter e. ' � . 1. � � , ,� , I , , . , � . %. . � � i ..14-26, 1 I . . . . . . . .. . . 1.
siclans, operatic impres-arlos, And , . evi . � I. stlees.of the disc, the gr6wth, of Duke Karl Theodora; of. Bavuria, I . . I I .I.... � - _. . - — .
' r
r . .
the critics In 16he autlie�otce to . � his iltrellgth, h6alih, happiness and gOssjp*fOr'hdlf all 110"." Nvith'the 910 the Plant 19 as perdeitible"t'O' the thL'belebratcd liosru&: O�iilist,- recent- I . 1. . OrAl r TS . J_L� . .. L .1 . .
stuldy and requested them, to, beauty. , Here . Is* A* bit .Of I at the central�arlce it acts likb 'a � . At. Yakdti§k, 'in F,4slterti Siberia, , * Ot QAMER04 .1
. :give .. . ----- ..t .Cliarm�) � L ' . r L" . . . . I 'Par as to the eye., - .. . . . .. ly ,' - prrformed -his', 4,1)0.Gth oporntion 'recoi ' r �I)Poj:tory of ,,t,,,,, r .r I I . .
their unbiased opinion. There . .was '.4FOr Vpwards of, -three years I suffer. . L L r . . . . . . . . . . I . . . :, L. . . .. for . cataract at r MU1110 . the I -d Andual 4t4nge'of Lemperil- . Can�4& L -to U; Hd Z, - . I
.1 " . . 'I... . _ ,r, . &� . . I . .1 .
I r.
. I A.,,.M,,,.,j, r Y, I ' ' ..� . . . r I � , PATENTS, : l'o.ovio. - . I
a great deal. of talk, but finally A 'ed'froini ana,eillia,".-s ar . 1. . . . r. .. ,;r# - ' .. I ...-L . . . - � .. I . -1 I - . . 1. � .. , . ,. — - — -.I- . -!::�—_ re Is. reach�A. -it .*alles, fl,01 'W"Ito fir frLe StIV191 , 1 r * . .
I . I. . . . . . I— .-� .
� a .1 . I . - of Nai ' - L r. 11 � . 11 . . . � . . . I . oegrees - uu�u w 1. , , , t� r . s
Consensus was.bad. .; I jacksoil,- malidalo, Ont', � -1; . . ': r r I . � � . abdVe to. 75 degit;es .� . , .. : . .
. r
� r17, I I i .'A LITTLE TALX ON A ORFAT �. * . ; I .1 L I .r . r .1 Stratfordi 4th Aug., 1003.' � Zero., . I L . : .. . _,J._5!i , . . . . r .
It was to the effect that whateve 'had' 0 color, .. in illy '. late, my lips. .. ''. . : .1.1 . .. . ID r . -C, RICHARDS&CO, , , . L . . I . . .,. r . __..'_-_____ __ � . —, 1. I
r , ,�- . . I � . . � . .
r r � 1, r ' ' r , ,* , iIATT'En - - . . I 6siftio.., Can.nof..Ab. Cured - %AE 5 , . I .. ,
. . . . I . 1, , SRrS. C. . . - .
amen -My noikhboe�s'boy, 4 years . . . , ON
method had pr dUced those excep- And gums were blap'dless,' and growl . . . . . .L. 6. . . . , - ; Geiltl . . � ) � ., I
.07 10CM. al)Pl1CL%tiOnS af3 tk . , ,
0 1 . I.. . . � � . .L b . 11 iey ctiLno� 1 m .:, !,�. --. -, . .,.-� . b n OD � I r I ..
tionally fine singing voices in per- �io �weakj. could scArcely, walk About! , r, Tile Inan 10o intoolds to get a new ITAC), tho oiiseased rp,),t,,, ., the ear, I old, fell itito a tulY of boillaig -water And . , � .
Sens heretofore bereft L Of 'that ifudl- .the house, I r dociore4 a good. deal,,, 'Binder for. next 'harvest- and hasn't. 'I'l i el - a iq .only 0110 IrMyLto cure &iLJ'1)eS, I led fearfully. A Whardl. Liniment Re'llees Keu,fal.aw Runa G �
,;,r got fiCal( f6w days litter � I . .,
' y L . . aral thdt, Is by. cow9titutional. roinedles, L r his leas. Swelled .to three times their' -fix, ,,r . I . .1 . . r . I r. : , ..; . . 14 4
. . I r , L . '
turit, � . . . . . . _ � , . ' ' * I . .
ity or talent deserved, the highest but got x.io 'benefit until L I b6gat: et placed- 'Itis order will be inter..; l)ba1h(.-4s is cause(, by. tin inflamM corlo ,;,Ze andrbroke out In running sores.' r L .. . I I Latest Xdvolti6, all stNyles . r .. r
linflig �of tiler . I ' I * , L . ; .
L . � ol�_ Ill, parts . 'last . . -
praise, being preferiant with . gooq,� �uoing Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills. -'Bf,-1 ested.'in.,.what follows- , . dll,ioli� of the xnuGoua lLs could got nothingto belphim In Bengal year, the're wero. .CorrespoLnoionbc Jilvited.' 1"C". . . I . � ,
things, with untold happiness for fare I had- taken thein more than a r , T11ri-KNOTTV411 is a, ' . ttiefiffm Tubc. When thiii tube is. Jun anl- till I recommended MINARD'S Ll Pj ,r . I close 2c. stani r far circular : . . . .
the great Mass of musical . L' . very impart.. �ed you hLxV(.' 111-timblilig sound -Nl� 8,000 deat&S from plUguie and 340,- , , I r
. .
. people, i6uPlo of weeks X could see a change' dnt feature .. of the 11inder. - -1 -rfect licaring, and who or """ MENT whidli after. using t'Ny . . . 1. P I . . ..
a bottlem 000 frolit L ClJoIL'I" .. . ,.
.. . f pe --n it is entlealy� �. I 'tily"'tit"ea hiMCL RUd 1'1,1%0�*af lie ' 'L. � . r . . . : . C;0., ; I . I . I
" I
w1ho have the will but not the pow- lor -the better� 'and cont-inlilng� tile' it ,. is Complex , it will prob- closOol, beafness Is tho, 1,0sult, and ull_ COMP C _ L �L r - ' � r . . — . , . - .... . ME UNIVERSAL -SPECIALTY . I
. I
er Ito sing, and for untold millions,, us& of the pills for. some. time long-' . . . . . . 1,-,s thd Inflarnmation. call be taken out eral otlj"r,oases around here alln6st as re- 1�r'qv . 4' . r Sixty ye'ara. . . . - - I F. 4D. Box *11 . 4 . . , Montredl. . . . . I
delighting' in hearing good . I , .. . . I . . . . . N�850-14A,11116. . and thl.q 'tube rLstored to its nornial markaLle, Cured by. the same Li4ment, ! * r. .. _ * 2 . . . . I I .
'voices itr ni�r ,strength" returned, the, color L ... .. � . I . I c6polition, Itearing will be destroyed1or- ,lLud. I ctin trulysis� lbover'liandled.a ing, . A:,Y,. WEL-c-Titizu ftuilm -w, Air.& . . ':'L� . _ ' I . � 16!67'�: � L
when such pleasure is. to be hRA for Caine back to my. face, arid I gai I .. . .ever; Nine cases out of ten tire CotoiSe(lr. 4 OLD A$X) - . — � -_ - - . .
r net]. . . dicine which has had its good a sale,wo Winslow's t1:ooth;z108yrup has been used for elversilty . r I
. . . .
love or money. . L pounds . . , . by UaWrrh, which is nothing but an r I , jv.ars by inillians of nioijiers for their obil4ren whD a'. Ste' ,IZV I
. . fo urteenL � in I , . I inflamed condition iverral satisraetloo. . ' 11aminlen Un . ,,8ftjP9 .L , I
. . Nvefjht.� 1. can�, of the mucous serm . given Such nil . sothing, ivith parfca4 hucoosp. It abothea the ebild.
After that, Riett -conseriteol'to give ,recommand 13r. Williams, r . I .0. . . . r . . I M..HIBERT, GellardlMerchant 10ftefIS t1le gUWX_J1J:1y$ all PV,ln, CUI'CS WJJ3kl 00lia, ind. . . . ...
. I I Pink Pills . . r. . I L Vices, - . .. . r . . . : tll.j r Mointreal to Liverpool. Bostay to 'Y,Ivtr. �
a plain statement as to how he ito every ,Weai' 'Ailing girl or I r ' ' . ' . . Wo will �givq Ona Hundred DollLrs for , � L. � I � I . . . 1.59 ooL Portland to Liropool. Via Qttetau- , I .
I ,Wo J . I Is thaL We retpoLly for Varrhooa. Is! pleiamat, to' .. . . . .
built voices in the two persons pro�, niall.- - . . .. r . I . -all I I toAm Sold �y dniabts In every jaa of the Nvortol. . town, . . . . . .
. . ... . I . . gy�case of Deaffiess (caused by datarrh) T 0 %ty-fi, - ltary&lUe JA jJ10dJ0U1g6blL. L ...
. * . I I I. . . a i,a conts a bot,tlo Laye wid Fitst Stevimshi,ox. Superior tLecotamodWon
viously considered voiceless in 4 m;u_ - T. hdse . . I tatiMot be cured by 11all's Uatar.rh The Condor keeps. its young'19liger! 13wes&ure wid n&k far .14r.. Witiolow'a Soothing SYMP., forn alap#ej; of pm,svnx�m, galooyj4 and St4aroomi _ . r .: .1
� I pills Are good -fol,. all trou-i . . I I . . . . 'Caro. Send for circulars, free., .. ' --id �o ",ktlier Mnd'r . L . � I . .
si6al sense. . . . . Ibles due to poor blood or Wzale , . . L 1. . � 1-1. J. CHENEY. & Co., 111oledo, 0. Ili* tht? : nest. . than. any .dther r bird. . I . . . . .. . tra iiinidsh1p. 3ijeoW attention biks liteu Ovot to the
11 L . . .. Sold by Drugg4its; .75c . L Polly twelve months -cla L . . -74 . SecoTid 8sloon and Third-011ass ao-oama,lation, For � .
As the phonographic - records nerves, Don't take!'any other irledij ably give trouble.. r - Thb . s I) ar I.. , * tl'," best. , L . . pse before . .. . . 23 - ,'' .I rates of ImAnge andall particulaM aPply tonny pgo.o.,. . , -
,,_L^A, Va"Ill'y 1.,�ll, . L . .. .
. I . I a 9 &kVe , tile . . .1 . . . — , ,� at the Oowpany, or � .1 .., .
ne-see that ' the full.. 2ia:mo. Dr.- . . to yo fig wildors can fly'. . ... I . . Rictods, MIM&L Co, ' 1), Tornkhae & (1c),. I . . . . .
taken with the assistance of well. r ' . I ple L . L L . . . .
,I - 1�11:otter 1% the one to - !So - . .. I . u . . . I . 1
. k'n,Own .medical and ntusical experts I . cliosen.,' The simplest Khotter . .. . r. I . . . . ' The best Carinel coal. foil gas mak- . . . I .
Williams� Pink Pills for Pald.People'� . Nile I . . . . . . 1:1 I . L . I — L I . ,,,, ,r ' 77 iitaWao� , Robton. NImitreal asia- P00sul � L r L .
show, Signor 901ohleha and Sig, Bu- is found on- the wrapper around evJ kitow� Of.is the MASSEY-ff . . C9 . . L. . . . . L t. r . . It q found in Au4tralia. . As irtuch 1 9-60 . r. I . . . . .
� *
atti had no singing Ac4 whon I . . .8illipl'icity, .ARR19.. Xr, '. Han . , - "Did =&JjJr ahout MIflath'- Llnke.n Urn -Dandro . .a '17,500 feet have beefilmade front . .. . r I .
via ery box., If in d . oubt. solid direct t ) � 1.14 to be desirod.-in ftlIL r . I . L . r . : - ___" I , , ,
. . . I I . , . ,.
iu�,ok them Ili hand a year agy),10L , , � farm L. . . it 8vollian .who. In 011b, it) an ... � . . . . a ton. Ordinarsr coal, gives 0,000 fA . . I
otald Dr. Rieti, .. - Willi I Machinery. L : L . ,
"At the.s,ame th6 � Dr. ams' : Modicirie -Co.,, . . I : .thinking. lie was finothea,? mi- I . ___+ — . . t, . . . . . * ,
. . '..r Ifle . . � 1. . I
-the pills important featur-6 of .th6 Jones -"'Don't a . THE TOWN OV SPECTAC=S.; 11 .. ' rr �.. 'LEMONS , "
these Phonographs prove that tinin BrdckvIlle, Ontf, and wll� Another. get oxci+t(,*l vbr 'r r I . . . . — --- 1-u— . 01RANCED
both . . — . I "I mw=t!__�� . ... . . . r .
� . I .1 . . . . . .
. I --- .
be mailed at 50 cents per box or 81 INTASSE Y-ITARRTs+ . 1�cN,OTTRR is. that. Lots.of Women do 'the i African Set- � . . � .
the laidy and the gentleman ,,, r I I + , same X4nner in Which a K We havd-MaXicans,, WE . r
were tioxes for $2.501. . . . I that it so. constructed' that any- thing every day 'a tile woek."r . . . I " . . .
n-- . . . +1 � I , I , . Cali-Fonfla Navels -
blessed with � . r . . 9eceived Its Name, � .. , . , . . ' I
an excellently co , , I . - . I -1veat, which may occur in course of . . . . . . . . I . . 14A%1l!', I . .
structed larynx and healthy 1. . . . � t1eillent . Valencias, and ' . I
atory organs, respir- � .time can be readily to,keii -up, . . � . .1 . . I .. . . . . . I 1b 1. r . . . . . TITS � . I I
Their lungs, wojrked I . S ME lix& doms, . . �. No . . I . . John .Koir'built a commodious re sevilles, *, . . . B �
I other Knotter equals it in this par- . � . � I- PST - : .
. I + I . . . I - . I I . I . . . I - .. ..
to, perfoctiotn. Upon this healthy. 'It., is ani'd . :gold ticular� . I � I I 1 . . . I . . , sidbneo a I riumbet, - of years ago on 11 � � . .0 % . . . 23.d�LW.L,&.:01,.Z_t,_.*;. - I. . I . .
condition of the lungs and larynx � . wyna0s, Lialment, Cur , ., our * etcl the ' s � of Blantyro in the $�� cavload Cv�ry week. - 4VI - the.ahtive .It- + . I . . .
* . . . � Circulation is gold � The VASSE Y-11A]IRIS im6TTFm . - . . '=1 - . . I A. market. price.4, Wo en ti al,,o jia .
my method is built. .coin now , Ili 00 .. . 9tiols"' . � es As, 81111'. , � :
. I ingot, or '1001 s, - , , . . � a ds south'of Lake 'Sy- 1� IlElik, vourl. -
"Let me inter�olate h1or of Anam,.'a Prench Is a great time sav,or,. too�, It usw . , . assa, BeAs tile ..'agent'. �of tb Afri . � �� . I . , I
e- that 1) Colony in Elastern Asf , . .. .1 -can ... I * ry, . .
was . a. 'It is A, flat, .b�tit �little twine in tying the ,kIlOt, . J itipa6y, which has utter"E -)Ult ;
a musician before I became ii round old piece, and on it is 1v . .. . . . Lakes (,a .... .- . ps . . I gggs, Pe . .
suAVeon. P or tells of years I . rit- . . . - . ,Crawf6r'd - "I. oxl)eCt to get', my I it I . .
"F daughters well married, . . ._ . 1. . .. ..
, built ten in Indian ink its valuo, whic , ;,!::.. by'. givlll� number of-htealuers oil LakaNyassa . � 1-1 . I Afitole 8);r . upand other,produre (oadvAn- I
il , I 1��Z*)'%11'�Z;,, . '� I. .. I I , , -1, - 3�011. I .
, � 'If 01)
UP Voices in the old way., Improved i's abouf 8.225. The , . / -%,� d educatio'n," :811a,��, _�- and )IRS � J)rOV0d that It ,is possible .. . 1. ge ros . . I
I ... �f, " .,,, �
' x1a 4,'------ ,."-:!tZ';.". �q,--V\IA them a goo - , ' - . . .
� - , .
On them, too, but never to guCh an to this next sized coin . � . . "I think y6a'il succoed-bpitor ,if voll to. build Up a prosperous business. ,Z"Itil . , ME cAltisold Commiss, 11;14 !1��,, V,In,tso" , I .
Valuable but extremely awk, 1 . %' � * . 14% . I .
extent as to satisfy rite. All �, over ward a , .. . ,., � .,� - gave thent. tile 111,01yoy tile . edue'atio'll in !Mier Africa, Without- solling spIr- . . .1 . . .. . . . Cor. Went xlarl4ot St., '. . ox 0 N -Vo. � . . I ..
ne is the $lob .k .., -% 1'_.-1 ... . . . . . . *".. � .. ,
The world great Singers were beeam' Which � I I ang, I I of Japan, :� 11 . � , . . I I I its Or firearnis, to tile ilativep, . 11111C. I % .,:.11" ,-. I . I . I .. . I
a Tn-ost Ingh prided 9 Worth about �$50, and 1.", -1, would cost.:" _�� _` - , � � . � . - Z ...... r, ..;;;�- .. I �. I
I .—.---...-- =�__= .C(JIApa)ly buys Ivory and.other lie- 111131".1 Z; I I .
Ing rarer, while th - next It ... ... , I.' " W�;;_L;L�,� � . . I I I . 1 45
. _��' ,... ....%' . .".. I . " � I . I- . --- , � . . .
,med el r._ ... ,
masters and mistresses see comes the -"bonda,,F1 - of Ashanto . . . . .
, . . . tivo coillillodities and gives in . ex� . I ."... ': . . . . . ' Z.'= 'h
tin- - . I � 99416.00fPOW.00 . � ..". - 6=Z .'% .
- . �
stble to recruit now ones, . which ropr se.nts - a 'Value of about I ..... / I ,( �-.," 11 . a � 0 Change nothing but cloth, "wire and . I 7 '..". ! . I
/ . I . & ,
. " I ,'. . . I I UA .
I" , I .1 . . . Other things' 0 )o colli- 'i, I .
. h, I'll, . � I 10 . I e
. ill .About the so, k, h.j, .. . 'A B 0 �, ` T I .
� . 0 ifornia $50 gold piece , %, � .1 - �. - whi6h add t tj - ' "
SECRET Or� GOOD VOX0.VS. $45' Tile 0 all 10 c . .
is �Or q � t""'..""..e., @1 % -�.l - -
me as the . . : ,�. . � 11 I's SPP I. JACO&V 0 fort of the natives and -do them no I GOING 1-0 TE LL OT. " 1 F). 1.1
1.(... ,. I . I . I . �
"I gave this matter much thought, "benda," The heaviest V12 le, , to 0 � . , I () �;,. - -
I Ili the world silver coin '! A i .. I ;9 , harni. . . � ; . . Tile Great South American. * . I . : .
I knew, of course, that with the Va. 4so belongs to Anam,. .�_ �11\ . J-4 I . �, 1, 0 .11r. Moil- 'Wears specta sin Cure; the kind tholt . �
, ;_111.11'.4 '�1,)..." ........ I 10 40 clois, uad, W2.6,uniatl a, 0 0 1i il�p W.2 11 . .
!r.% ...... I..!, � I .
driven through the g air .1 " ... ....., I �-..��. .�.. ". � " . I a the natives. call him INI-andala, whieb. cures in, a few day � - . ,I I .", 11 � . 1.
Cal Cords in a Certain position, Where the -silver' ingot is worth , � "I., I 0 � - . k
lottis sets About $15 ; then comes the Chfneso� . "... ........... 41 I I � , Im means ,ki vs. When lie ,( - _ s the most ob : . .. 0 H F. `7 . .
tbein . I I . 0 0 U _,reaed his stinate and Pai , ful caces. - I .
I . . . I
.14mutgor th "tael#" and then thd Austrian double . if I-Ou ha"VO Al. fribild'ouIT-oring 1 ., .",*-*M*,-F,i4r.,,'.;,V.V*.Ir",7 1, � ,; --
. vibrating, and the I . .. house they also applied the nallia . - . .... ,, . I . . . ..
o blast 6, 6r I I , . I
the louder sounds the singing or thaller. I . . I . I . . 0 . 4) ; Mandahi to the building. � I 1. from that horrar, or fro -.',q lunjbago 11 ', .. � . .. I
. . . . 4r�' -Thoil. Mr. Moir duvelQpe I . . or. nottialgi'a, It is � , I i . I , - � . . . . . .
sp.eaking voice. �_'&, �. The rLV,V,o%.TOR'CJT1AIX on tile M our duty at. I .
.. . a OIL 0 ol rL qottle- . . (3f I.,.1st"c' of 4',�rr ,
"Again I consider . ; --
ed that 'the pitch "Wha AfAss,"'Y-14"Altitis " rims a 91111ple R I AD niont, Around his private proper least to offer itto,hitr I ril sktrafti� ?tJ . I
. t becatno or tho Young Inan cotIrse, with ,. all the q -0,
� pi.ockp . I .
� ts all ,1W , . .ty, 01 .t a . . .
of the voice is Primarily depen4onj who Was ,stage-struck Y I I a POSITIM, "It LWR'CW1'.') 0 all devoted to tit lieve, Nvith the firat dow. . ; chim n6rtlo [I
a mail, Ade the chain 0 o company lie .represents. There tire . -Wii-ii7i7ii—il'iTr7ifia'i"[,-ai-"V",7rii—eY' I i liptor "Ilk, 1,311r,ri% oxotiv.4 . I
on the size of the larynx avid that froquisifiv ?I asked the %vifilch It tra.vols Inr 41 - 0 Intere'sts of tile . . - ___ 1. ,:�'rflhjlan I . �
t j , - fin't-attge"Von V 0 i" .. .1 ! . .
difted owing to gruolc the last X S' 0 40 .1 . 11 �.
this pitch Call be ino "Oh, lie was ogg. area, , This reduces friction, "J,ric- c' Itheurnatisim 0 Sto"ellouseg foil fvor�, and other Post QWC6, County ,of Oray,
-s in the sponded the InOnager.iti the tue-tj I 0 � , . 1)00;�Jo lqiin vv�'.nt �;l .
the action of Certain muscit Mw of hilit Ill re. tion, as GVery farmer knows,: makes W �_ Wouralijim . thIngs'bought front tile tribm. Trado Ontario, writes., . � I I
larynx that changes the tensl'aft P� heavy work for the horses. .0 I . u goods as they arrive from E'uropq. t, P. or illo last vcur I Wdz, contillual13, : . . toblolatt! *4 ozro� L,1,0".. I
of ped overcoat, I I .. 0 Lumbada 11 , .
lk" # I - . 0, Ift bed.. I fmotit *httliare(Is of doNara. it, I
the Vocal cards. The more tightl,v _ ===O� - __ _W. lk ..,__ lilhe ievolving. spool shown in tile a, . vio6oltmelb,c) . I U, are also Stared Imle till they are d(;t!tot-ingttn(lirietl,icint�,,.)%vlti�'.1 to-vtd, I . CtmaL:t F1.1
they Are qtretched, foil ingtance, the ratt Swollen, Could Not W,dk out bv used as a Chain tightener. 0 Sciatica . a, sent up the lake, The Jilace Iraq b(- (Iflittlet-offee, The vist (lose oll.501101 I I =�Iillllly U,� - .,,�,.,.,�j .
I Q) . I , . 04-%I,
higher pitched 1.4 ti -M tone ,of the "I have had Rhournat . Tnera is only a rolling triation here. a collie it very thriving FiQttl�lnleolt Amodpan Rlipthatic Cure itlavollill 11- '. . . i;r Gord ��Itvvvs �
i a _+ I ,a spraitis 1. I I 1,10'.VY),�, attra;;�I.w,i ;.I
voice, Other things being equal. Isin for tw . . — 6) ty NtIth several livadreil population. stailtileltee, lanimr.npletelvearpe." . , .
Ycatg, principally *In the lega, and the TIM ()N,'.kT SOM11 AMUWA.�NKVI 1411 Td-NI'V, I or 4 - % t V; I V; - ---: �, 'k .0 .. :, . �
0, , . . � � . .- - I
"Aside train tho*yllusloal art diseise Was aggravated by A well-known X 0. made a pow, 0 13rulsea 0 It (lid not 1a0c a, main 'for a silig ill .
, sing- a I 0 ,,J,� 1.3 0 -p re nzn .1. . I . .
Ing, then, Is morely a ,rful lyleit reContl in it broach of '0 Govdnasa day, because tile natives �Jlt onely most shaftor"I .,,,,�,qtems: . 1.14 .
troy work, t I " builds 111) illto vjr,or allaac-alth the I I. I �
meeb, y a � 0, It is un- .
AnIcAl which necessitated standing up all dly. prorliAe cate. His little .son went .0 stionesis �o named It Wh6ft the first storejtou�se, � V,,P ,V-., roil I. ,I '17. . �
process, I :argued after studying the About v six we�ks � ago I matched in fenuilo complainV" cr � � . 1� - .
'Iya -4 honie and oald., ",Nlfaniuia, I heard e. . .0 was elyeated. They simply jt)ade 1�y,etiero-Irlebilityitt'(.Itlic,i-tiox. � , I
mall voice as well A, - my . s t,ho, I I
k0latain,t/ and Physiology Of tba bu. PattlibUlarly badly affected 0 1 � ;� _,��. :� . . _ � , �
togs and Pftl)� Make a SP(leell; to-dav, Auo oD ' IM,411d0la, 0111hr"11r; 4180, tile t4noidr,cils of ta,tfunadlatt frOnt tile t, 11 I .
. S a.14VAan'1110- feet Wert swollen tip so 'that I Could ost 12 I 1; os town; and now on all g6o(l J,J ,, cared alles. . I � � I.,
"But how improvit oil thig mech. hardly put � my shoes on, I a what do. you think - papa alill 0 lips we -11, � .., . . ';, I It N . 11 . � .� I .
1pl of Muft.y,0 ceured 4, urfed, and lie madn mme of t1w jqry- -we a little ot And the word Man- I C �.f I I I I
islit? When that Was settled In my v' ID . a d ,--- I D, P 11 � 14 � il `� .
not Rlicuffltitigill Cure, )lien cr,v, t<)O,.,, 10 I ... ,."
"And what did Vou I C 0 N Q "Ury'RS to d' aa 11 'a' A � . I __ I I . . I
MINE U010mb.
1. I
I �1
, Ili
I VIE :U0 -1
I M n'',
- J �� I --
?11 y
Wand that my Inothod #, PtayrdJng for the� mo.q - . : I -- - "I L �
d I . thpivilIg % ,% .-S
' "a P nd 'It WAs Wonderful thd rtilef .1 all, (1�1 my son?" asked, the X. Z1,,18 O' .0 and Important sVburb of Ill . alityre. I . � : 11 I , . .1 .
- I W S rt P I , . "' , , ,
,jtou'�d neVor (* _ _ - i �.,*�
f _'______' " f; �., ..�% " If . , * � ,, . t'.
� , J X pattle- - "'* The atile of Mandal.4 is huown to '_ LF G A .. �.. �
I bOPe ior' r0alizDA10T, lest tained.i.,The swelung i,q till gotte, and e "Oh. lio e�an't tool mo,", 1. 4,T .
't .
, situdied medicine, surgery in %vi C 0 1 0 I
�`ular. 1 was 85 ybara old t,lien I 0 -ANIN"'I : W-tLt4*1,1 '
. I have not suftered a bit since, . I arn pll,, il, the holr and pride of the f4- �4; * 4111 who alle Intore.9ted lit Africa's ge oki I . k K!
and . 6 ^1 . , OL) 1.(No , ,�, ..:,. �Id'
. ,needed at leaAt V, year's pkepolration cardVI-4. D. Robinson, SS Clarence trilly, : 'PAING, LRDR.0' 0 1, v sulirs " '� 21 F!.*,, .1". Z.40
street, Ottawa. . . 0 VrOgre8s and the naltie It bears was % � , IW,lh I.
to fit myst-11 for the University, "rourkdruggist *Ili t600hiplrd Uunroft's ft, 4) given to it oiniply bocauso thij Total. Coin ba dobb MtfoetfY bi out t, rtim�h t1roon.m. Tt� it � ! 11
IrAt Rhoup,m-tbrot Cur,$; #Alt tl $
,'Two yedra ago I atdrited my M ., :606..zo�bl0006a&,S&666'saovljb,o* 1,r I tl towil wearo spectaclog, .11.1111N AlLlql ,A%!.,!�1111(t 0. : % -
-A"td!ot JXt Va" Atoig.ting, p, jto otily, no a VIA14 It. 'O 0 . .t_ .�.�L -%?,V*.p"A-. V� :,: ,�";,*".,."!,�;",;,�,'i*.,.!.,,..It.�,,. . t%
04- . Ift Word's Liolmed for sale eveqwhua 01 __ MONIMAAU 11A)U0100, mJ1.4tW,j ,t qVal;l:0 � _-0,134A,", .
- t-1 . . 41-03 ,—�- , � I i * a 1-1 - Jl.� .
. . . .. 1. . I