HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-28, Page 21. .
. TRZ CLINTON NEW, S-RECOAD May 28th, 1903
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11 Do prui., 1
2 c 'Otilek.
"0690. Room) "L"OL, 5, .;
1:1mitpd, Toronto, to. Any person who. I
can soap contains
Any foPrrgvp'oftbadt%jlt'ehr',astion whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemicals -
.0 %Z15
AsU for 010 Octlk" 14 XU'll"
Don't Frown . I
Ilow inany frows are inarrell OY till
ugly wriukle called a frowti,
It ct)lucs from tryilig to f`ix the eyes,
()Il a given pohit arid forcing then, t,
perforin tasks f(,r which they ore ill
capacitated - . .
A PAIR Oli, c;ool) GLM,SI1'S,,1 11"ITT
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(,N �,-,_-- -.Z;t� --, --- --r I
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.1 sci.i.tific jewelt-r and,
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SEI -P, US FOR'. � �,,
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, I
in S1
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S E I .1c
I . .
Choice clean horne grown,,, '
Clover and. Thrinthy. Al ' 40 ' . .
. Alsillop, lAlfalfal, SPeltv, Buck-* ,'.
wbeitt" &I d fill kinds of Field. -
. I I I ;
I �
. dtid Gardell Seeils. . . .
I I .
� .
. . . I .
1,33 EA I I C -V ( C, I'Trim
. .
. . Collie I,, and see the,,]. . - '
__ I -_ % 1. I ... 1= ___,��_, % ...... _ - � � ., .. I _11-1.1. _ - I . . . . . I I . - 1. - ___ - � _____ . .... .... ______ - �
�7 , I 1. 1. � - --ij- --1-1-- . . 1. I 11.1 _1� _�. ;.-.- _n____ -
- __ ______._ 0 , . lot Imats, wbo Mary was, whleh ' . to which my feeling bad driven me, 1
**000*"*** -6 ahua,�'J(tl lleaqt sul)pO,,vol ivali tile c;tsl�: so Wiled the keeper to give Brandon it 11' ha hadent Foe
I . ,,vppt that n,ght and III(). lit Mary took It all very well and said To health and happiness 10 Scrofula- 1
,1114I(I an(, niote .comfortable cell, bu,t lite reply slowly and ab.4entinindedly:
I . 1A u had of late, be. .
, i-
ed� bevause she had ,-MW tO was that sue crl 'as "You are right. Co. I go ugly as ever since time immemorial,
I - , �
I � fa, 408pli4o my Selfish neglect. There Is It causes Uncheil in the neck, 418- i
H E N KNIGHT.H. A# Grouelives. it had aaaed inilliltelv to 0ale SO frequent 1,11 London that 110 I will, go at on
i,v', . OOD ', l')`i1'1'-21; ' � who commit, ,
W-11 . til t
� t 0 Palli of which her heart . wlls al. vor could be shown. them(, no other way -4 have raelted my brain figures the akin, inflames the Mucous :
:* � ready too full.aad made ber thorough. ted them, arid that mail like Brandon, -there. Is no other way. It must be membrane, wastes the muscles, weak. ,
:I. .WAS IN FLOWER � ly wretched and unhappy. who ought to Ittiow -and act better, do. doue, And I will go tit once axid do It." ens the bones, reduces th I a � power of I . I
A -_ ,served the maximum punishment, I - . ' � )ITTINVIP , ;
- I (TO 111-� ( N W.) .
;0 �t random and Mary Toolor, tbo. King's Sister, 1.0, : .1 told him he was wrong In this case; . resistance to disease and 'the capacity I
6 �
, . . 1. ,
Oro The Love Story of Charles B c I CILILPTER IX. - ,
.q.d. I
.�_ Happening Ili the Reign of ills August Majesty Ying Henry the Eig4th � N I that I knew the facts, ariol everything for recovery, and develops into CQA
`� " : , I i PUT NOT YOVA TIIUST IN VIUNVINS118- would Do clearly explained that very sumption, I I 11:
. '� "' �
, , I I
. I I
". � lkowritton a.n4 Wenderod Into Modern EnA111411 TrOm $ir Edwin . THOTTGUT tile king's (11111ce- day and Brandon released. . Levor'sy-zffloe Head)DIsinfectant, Soap wo of ra .
I . , Co.skodq.Ws. Mernoir I 4IT y children bad scrofula sores :
.1 I I . � that night W01141 never end, AiThat's all very well," responded the Powder in better th4n other so4p lxm ders, 'Which kept growing deeper and kept them .
I I By ..EDWIN CASKODEN (CHARLES MAJOR'] So foad were the Frenehillell: � stubborn creature. "Nobody Is guilty. --�ls it also Acts a4;L, . diolaftletaut. 1� w . from going to. ochool for three months.
it. : . .
im,11. 't
, � copyriolit, 1898 arid 1001, bN tits Dowou-Nerrill Cmnvanv 8 of our fair ladles, and I was who carries here. They can every one . Ointments And medicines did no zo.od until .. A
. #I 46 .I& aft, jkl. than anxious to see 11rul)(1011 and prQvo Innocence clearly arid at drice. I parIlla.
.I. I 10k *#** . wore . ,
4. 0-1440f 10 * dk lolrwili'p #* leara the issue of the girlal eseapadex Notwitlistandlug,, t I I began giving them HooWa sarsA :
' W .. bey nearly all hang, NAVIGATION NOW OPEN This. medleino'caused the sores to heal, and . :
foil L owing Lower Thames Street tGethe the full limit of their voices. How as I well ItTlOw the danger attending It. and frequently, for varletyla oa4 aro . OINT 14AX141S. , . the children have shown no signs of ocrot. I .
. . ills, Blnce.w .T. W, McGots, Woodstock, Ont.
neighborhood. of Fish street bill, where they did run arid scream! it was but A All things, however, 11 , Illst e110', 80 drawn arid quartered. � 0 1 ., . . I
meat till Brandopi came up with ling I Ila North-West Transportation �Col I- zr_ .
they took an alley leading up toward mo the early In the wart titelled to our I waited about Newgate until 9 pally-Stealner leaves Sarnia lvloudav$ szood's Sarsaparilla - .
Irouche's house, that rooms, where I found 11vaild011 lying 0,,cloc% find as I passed out met Duck. -s a � I _
1,,,ast Cheap to G pursuers, who, all unconscious % everything saturated � Wedntsola,� . rid Fridays 3 P,. in,, tor - �
It was it brave thing for the girl to they in turn were purOued, did not ex- Ill lit$ cl0thOs, Ingham and tits man .Tolinson, a sort of ,gault Ste' Marie, Port Arthur, Fort. will rid you of it, radically and pera � .
d n ed tile determined spirit peat an attack from tile r , ear. The with blood f rom a Oozen sword cuts, Ile lawyer-kniglit, going Ili. I went down Williant, arid liuluth (Wedliesday Stea- mauently, AS it, has rid thousands. . I
lier'soft white breast mon remaining on horseback sh' ted Was very weak, arid I, lit once had Ill a to the palace at Greenwich and, finding iner runs to Fort William oal�.) ___
that dwelt Ill . 011 . . I
Aside from the real dangers, there was - ail alarm to. their comrades, but go, in. barber, who tool, oft Ills shirt of luall that the girls Were still at Scotland Northern Navigation company- __�;__ _ - _ _________
I ,
enough to deter any woulall, I should tent were the latter ,, In their pursuit and dressed Ills wounds. He then palace, rodo over at once to see them Sitcainer leaves Collingwood 1.30 P411, AS=% �
think. . . that th y did not hear, One of the men dropped Into it deep vleep, while I U on getting Mary find Jane , to my. and Owou Sound ii 1). in. Tuesdays, . V.;AM I
q . I p V
June wept all the way over, but Mary on foot fell dead, pierced through the watched the night out, Upon awaken- self I told them of Brandon's arrest Thursdays and. ' Saturdays for 1,1.3dult . . � . .
never flinefied. � back of the neck by Brandon's sword, lng�'Brandou told Wo all that had bap- on thb charge of murder and of his StL. Ma7ric, and, int,crinediate points. . i
palled, but asked me to say 1101111119.0f Muskoka Na,vigation Company- I
There were great mudholes. where before either was aware of his pres- condition, lying balf dead from wounds , .1 . �
I , Stuanier leuve-4 Muskoka, Wharf 2 p.in. .. I
s a his illness, as he ,Wlshed to keel) the -) � .
one sank ankle deep, for 11O.Oue payed once. The other turned, but wa is wounds secret Ili Qrder.that arid loss of blood. In that frightful daily, cxccpt'�Sunday, for Bala, Port . '. . I �
� .
the street tit that time, strangely .corpse before he could cry out. The fact Of h dungeon. Who tale moved them great- Salifleld, Rosseau and intermediate . . I
ho"miglit better conceal the cause of. . I .
enough, preferring to Puy the stxl)enc'P girls II46 stopped a short distance. . ly, and they both gave Way to tears. I points, arid oil Tuesolays, Thursday' )
fine per Square yard for leaving it un- ahead,'exhausted by tholelflight. 'Mary them, But, as I told. you, Ile did -not think Mary bad heard of the arrest ail(] Saturdays to Port 'Cockbitrii aila, I � i
jig pgham's part lit tbd af- . . . .
done. At out, place, Brandon told me,' , an speak of Buc4l . � before, cis she did not Seem. surprised. ports on Lake Joseph. - . . . .
had stumbled and fallen, but bad ' a . . I
I .
it load of hay blocked the streets, earn- again, and bOth were, now loaning . fray. � . "Do you think he Will tell the. causo Huntsville & .Lake of Bays Nav,iga'- . � .
I � sa . w the princess that afternolin and 'of the killinc?" she asl�qdi Lion Couipaily-11,�5tcanivr leaves Hunts- .
palling thelli to Squeeze between the agalnSt a wall, clinging to each Other,' . . . . - 1. . �
houses arid the' bay. He could hardly a picture of abject terror. Brandon expected, of cour.1c, $lie. would inquire III lmow'he will not," I answered, ville- 7.15 a. I4. arid 3.55 p. in. Tile., - � . I
belle lays, 'J'hursda��s aud Saturdays -for.
%ve tile g
"Iris, had,passed that wayt ran to the girls, but by the time he for ber'defelider. One who had given "but I also know that he knows you ' 1. I . .
bo wa5 suffer- Dorset aiiii inierum(liate ports. I l
as he had not always been. able to keep h o *well on horse- such timely help arid w Will." And I looked straight into her Trout Fishing�Season - for Troqt I . ..
t 0 v - . Ing so much oil tier account N�as sure- face. I I � I
I'm ill ' lew, bu.t had soinetlines to back were there also, backing away at. ly worth. a little solicitude, but not a . I . $4 Fishing is noW open. . . . �
folloW them by watching Ruckillghaln. him from their Saddles. Brandqn Ald "Certainly we will," Said Jane. W13 Pot tickets, information arid .illus, � ,
t d litcr. stualner resorts i * I .
He, however, Itept .as close as possi- his best to save himself from being cut ' word did she ask, She 41(1,110t come will go to the king at once." 'And'she Lra c atu'r*e of 11 .
Lile-and presently saw . th,0111 turridown to . near me, but made a point of nvold- . -cz i
pieces and the girls from being tram. was on the Qui vivo to start immedt- 1-lighlands of. Ontario,' apply to A . I
� Groucho's.alley and. cliter his.liouse, . I in see. 4 lie next . I. . . . . �� OW I
pled underfoot by the prancing horses. fluce, as A. ately. . . . . � I .
T I , . n1ornint, she with Jane, went over to I Nr � MA + -n+ ^"on consent to - J. - D. UACDONULD, D. 11. A, I �
I �. +1, i� � 11 Eton. . I I .... 56 i
k poll Warning w I, - C., .
ve�, I-I.lackingliani hurriedly took him- -
self off, and Brailolon Watted for tile '
girls to come out, It seemed a very
lol.,, till,.p tLitt they Were In the Wretch-
1117�'Iacel and darkness had well do-
deended, upon London � when thOY:
. ' . . I - -
, emerged. - � - + .
Mary soon noticed ti.int a,man was
follo-8,ving theiri, arid -Its ,she did -not.
. know who be., was became -greatly ,
alarmed. The object. of her.journey
. had .been accomplished -now, so the
qptir of A � Strong niotive � to keep her.
courage up'.was lacking. .
4valle, some one Is following us," she
. � .
whispered. ' ' . .
� "Tes,"! answered Jane, NvIth an un- .
poncern that ,Surprised .Mary, for she
. knew, Jane was a coward 6om. the top
of her. brolWn head. to the tip (if her.
,. .
. little pink heels. + I � . . .
I ,,Oh, It..I had only taken your ad- .
I vice, JA , ne, .. and had, rievei ..come .'to'
; this wr9tched .+ place! And to think, .
+� , +W. + T - me here'only to learn tile -
. I . .
Scotland palace WithOut 80 much as A
breath of Inquiry frdw elther of theirl.
This heartless conduct eiir,ig(,(l tile, but
1, was. glad to learn afterward that
jane's Silence Was at Mal'Y's earn.
mand, that bundle of sal-fish"Oss fear -
Ing that any solicitudej however care-
fully shown, upon tier part miglit re-
veal tier secret. �- - - . .
It-4eems that Mary bad recent Intel-
. .
ligence of tile forward state. of affairs
In the marriage lieg'oti,11:1011.8 find felt
that a discovery, by tier, brother o - w ia
she bad done, espechilIr Ill view of tile
disastrous results, would send. hei to
France despi.to -all, tile coaxing she
could do from then till doomsday.
. ,
. . It was a tOrrible fate'li-an
hor, dou * bly so in view. of the fact that
she -loved anotheY man, and looking
back . at'it till froin.the . - vantago'point
; (if time 1. . cann I at . wbuder. ihat. It.. drove
. other things out of her head arid made
her seem selfisli In bar frightened de�
sire to save her -self. ' .. .
. 'y .
Jane's proposition, but sat In a .reverie,
loiakingwith tearful eyes Into vacancy,
,apparently absorbed in thought, Aft.
er .a lit . tic pressing from us she said,
$4.1 . suppose it will have to be- done -1.
can see no, other *ay -but blessed
Mother Mitry,'-help met"
. The.. girls made, hasty' preparations,
and we all started 'back to Green-
w1ch, that Nary.might tell the .king.
on. the road over I stopped at Newigafe
to tell Brandon that the princess would
soon have him on ,� knowWg how wel-
come. liberty woul . be. at her bands,
but I was not permitted to see him.
. -I Swallowed, my disappointment and
thought it 'would be Only a.matter of
a few hours' delay, the Ume spent in
-riding down to. Green'wicli and sending
back a' in�essdngcr. So, light hearted
I enough aVtIle prospect, I soon.jolned
I tfic � girls, . and .we cantered briskly
, � . . � .
. .home. ,. . . . .
After. waiting a. reasona.bld time for
, . .
� . ary to see the�.�klng I so'a,-bt her
. . . . . TaronW.
I A. 0. PATTISON, agent, Clinton-,
. . I I ,� I '
. F. It. HODGFWS, Towh Ti I t '
. . " "'
I I . Agent, Clinton.
. . .
. .
I -
, I . -
So keen is tile sufTering of 111aliv
people. who endure the stinging, itcli�'
Ing scusatiolls. of r"cZenia. that they
Speak .iof the skin as heing on fire.
By . its- soothirig, healing, antis--ptic,
lifluctice ' Dr, Chase',, Ointinent posi-
tively cures Li'meina, Salt Rlictrui arid
every form of itching skin discame, It-
' -
,s 1()f ilic.stillia.ble valule.in evory horfie,
and When I bride . introduced becurnes a
110list.-hold. nLoicksity. Dr. Chasq's Oiiit-
. . .
,uLut is. the stalit.14rd. the world-' over
and ji�is uo worthy riVat� :. .
. I
� I
I I I . . . . .
I . '.. . � . . I . think
I She .(au&il.y.)-:-I-- believe YOU
more it that n"tv oldliipot than you
. I
do -of nic., your ' - wffe'. I ... . I , .
lie ;i,Ill(,,, '-\%ell, my dear, I can
� . . I ,I- I. ILI I -
I . I ro �
. �
lb -t
Only. -the I est
1. Z)
.. .
� .
. .
ING AIAKF,.9.-'OP IIICYCI ' iR-9 - 1N-
� .. .
IIAV14,' CIIV,AP- W'lIIr4l'P,LS'.l VOR
� I . .
. OU it MACIIIZ�K S.110P IS I"IT1414y.
I , . �
R,QT.TIP1'l4D FOR A GP,XRR�Ul, It ",-
Oijil IIICYCI4144 RF,PAiRING1 - �(AO9
TURNING -I)I�'11,I,]As-C',,-(',lUXD1,N(-,,
yll,I�N;G ' 11%-.mPl�,RING, V1Tl,CAN'IZ-
.. O,U:[� PRICE,14 ARE A,S LOW'
�.,. Bli, AND ANJ�, GUIARANTF,14'
. . TO'.*(,.IV.I', , KFACTION. . '
. . ' US A TRIAL., . ;
. . GIVP, .
. �, � .
worst! .Shall We, ever get home'alivel.
. .
' irien on foot fel� dead. . -
.1 One. of tile. . I . � .� . . I About 12- -o'clock. Of tile following .again
' 'a
. . - .
re and. froin whom
to learn whe I � . .
I,.eel). Iny pipe irom go) 1; oil - c
. , . , ... . .
,ai'lle �1culoy'lillics... . I I
. . . . . . .
I . - � I . . - ' . I
. 4- 'TURNIER: ..
do think?" - ;; .
t, Ili,- it I was awakened by kilock at
X -narrow jutting of the wall; a: too 0 . 1.
I r,ilo� Id recel 76 'the order for . Bran-
I ,
. .� � . �
. I . . ..
,16LEY .:. . .-
. ,.SF � . . -
. , ..
I .you . .
They. burried. On, � the man behit I id, .
� . I
Or'.` tw � - wlo1fhj a so . 11 ig Ili. Nvalked. ,.
0 in . it of flying but-, my door, and dPoICOPelill. ' '
don's rel6ase,ai)d when -I Should �goi to
I . � .
- �'.(.J.al old 'clitioll if.
" I ian-My lad,
I - . I . .� I .. .. I
. !7rTr"", - - - - � 1. .1 . . ____ ... _ - .. - ... . .
. .
them taking less careto re.maln.unseell
. . I .
. . . . I I . . , . .
tres9i gave him al little, advantage, and . a �ergeant - of'. the sheriff 'of Lorydon,.
. .
tbqcoiner four at Ills heels. ' �. -
. . . . I. _: I I
London to bring. him. I . .., . . I
- . ' ' �
'%N'h a t was. my iur rise and disgast
-,.oi;r i Wmr told y6t, -to cut (rhos
1.1 ( I "':
ek' �vliat.,would you
.ik. eunkwood sti .s. .
. -A%AN � . . ; ... ..
. A .11 . . .1 . . . . .
. I ADIAbl" . . � ..
. ... .
. than ho.'did when. ' coming.
up into the. slight shelter of with yeomen
' I .
. . . p ,
I . .
.1 I I .1
. I I._ . 11 . � .
� . .. . . .
fears grew upon tier as she hbarLl.his
form fol�
if oue'"Charle
thus formad ,he thrust .-the 'girls find - Theseigdaut 'asked .s
� ni, arid upon- MY at-
�*ith * his Brandon e
wITeii* Mary told me She had not. Yet
the k -i that -she bad waited to
. .
10? : .. I .. . � .
.J ultliliv�Vol saw. sir. . I . �
. . I
'. ,. ir-A '
. -
I .10 WYN' I .
h. persistently
. step arid saw is
his biiek to. them ,faced' un- , was pres I - -seen
. . .
.. - - ..n . '
. I I . �
. � . . 1.
. .
I . R I I . . .
. I 1 .
]owing them, and'slid clutched Jane.
. . .
equal foe wTth. drawn sword. Fortu- . firmative answer d6wailded. that he be
4'eat 'and bathe and . dress?' and - that
1-1, kissed last night. . '. : .
' '
i . I
. . I . .
1. I . . . I . .
. I
. . .1
by the arm. ' . I . I .
nately ihe position allo�Ted..oiily one forthcoming. 1,told tile sergeant that,. 'Aila
fe'' - more or- less could
W. jn�omqnts - I . .1 -
. - p6tty larceny, oh. ? .
Ohl... ..
I . I . . ,WlLlj � �.. .. I. . � . � .
11. G iN, �., I . .
� . I 11
. � I � .
- "it is -all oi,dr With us, I know, I
. . . � . *
I have Or
.. horseman to attiick them. T,��o men on ' Brandon � was. confined to Ills. bed. with. .
I .
I I . I -%A, ere �
� ha 'e, been. less in oth- . fllnegg,.' 'h . .
'be: *asked to -be
make no difference.l!' ' *. ... I ,
. .
ll?Nly God,-ybnr hightie'sil Did I ot
. , .
, �0 it, Nvas grand. :,: . . * ., ... .11 . I
, .
7 ..1 .11
- ' :.
,. .
.1 . .
.1 . . I. 1.
. . . . I I 60 �� , . I .. . . I .
. I .
- 1001M. I ..
Homes .6ekers � ... xv
would give. evdrything eve"r
foot Woul d V each Rpoif . . I
I . . I .
. I ..I.: . I .1.
' -_ . I . .
� , I
. . 1: .
. I
I ve on for�for Mas-
expect to ha .
I . . I .
i. �
"Shown to his rodill. . . . .
er's way and much more effective . . ,
tell.'you tI,Idt tho man Who saved you' r
, * . I . . .1
I . . . � . .
. I .
. I . I
.1 t . I . ,. . .
. .DAY. . . .
. I �
. I . I .
ter Brali,40u_�at . this. mon . lerlt.,�' Shet -man,- however, stuck to their. bar . Sam, it was u I sefess. to resist or to prade;
. I . . I . .
thought of Win :as tI . ie on . e. person -best ,and.one . of� them pressed I the, attack, so I awakeried'. Brandon arid took the
I .
I . I.
, I
. able ' defend tier. ... . .. I � striking at Brandon most viciously. It. sergerint4n. Here' he read Ills warrant
Tfiirwas 'only too wblcomb'an op-. belnj� dark and the distance"dece-PtIve, to 'arrest Cbar'les 'Britnolou, � E, soi., for -
I .
pottuAlty, and Jane Said - -. "Th . at is the'limeman's swoid.at, last struck the the murder of twO citizens Of 1,,011(1-011, '
. .. '
. . Ma�tar Brandon iolloivIng us'. If WO - i wall, a flash of. spiir".- fty1bg In Its. . perpetrated,:,done and cominitted:utio'll ,
, ` .
. wait it few,. seconds,'he*llf- be. bere.'Im. tra:il, arx(i lucky it was -or this story the. night. of such .-arid such ,d day of - .
. . , I
And, ske called to him b . efore* Mary would have.ended here... liliereupon this year of'our Lord 1514. . Brandon's.
. .. .
could In'terpose. . - - . i Brandon �:thrust his sword'. into the Alht had been iouridt by tire 51de,,of the
. . � I . . � . I . I .. . . i 1, 11
. � New this: disclosure. operated In two) h6rse!s throat,, causing1t: to rear bUk-, Aead Men, and e aut ioritles ,,I . rd,..
. . I 1�
A ways'. -Dralidoil'g -presence was, if'.46 ward, plun . g Into tile ,,information from a 111911 source
P. Maitlaii 9 - ... .1 I .. . . .. . ' , ging nn& lungin . ce.ived . * I .. .
. . . so ardently. . st eat, where it fell b6iding I'ts rider that Brandom was. the gulltY, ,person,
. . true, just what m' Alary had ' r r . 1. . %
succesSol. to 9. Coop() . - wished., but the da'hg�b'r,-and therefore - by 'the leg.against the *cobbiestonei'of That. high source was. evidently I�uckt
. *
.. . � - the.uped was gone.l�hen she tound'that a little gutter. . ' '' . . I lilgharn. . - * - , I * , I.. ..
_____ __ . : � . - . ,. .1 -.L. � . I �. . . . . I , � � . I . 12
.the man -who was, following em,had A cry. from the Ilen horseman the se eant�.fouhd Branwn �
. . When' rg �
. . . I . . . . I .
. . no evil,'intellf. . Two thoughts quickly . brought his companion to'his.slPe and . covered With . wounds.,. illere wfvi,no -
. flashed throug�h' the girl's mind. 1 She kave Bkdndon�au opportunity to escape ' .longei any doubti' and, nithough hard7
. .1 . . I
I It - with he 'girls. Of this- fie took ad-, . abi * to -lift his,'Ilaud, he was forced'
was ,ung*... wit Brandon for having 't . . .., ly a. , . . . .. . .
. cheated. tier. out of.io-,many fay.6rs arid - vantage, you ma� be,* sure, for one of to dress'and go ,-wlth them. ,-A 110050 '
. f .
. .fo I r � - liqvilig sllght64. berlo'va,. as, she tits m6ttoes Was that -the ireatemit to I al iitter was.procuiiild, I and we -all started
. .
I had %Succeeded ,h) cOnvinclug.''berself .'in the world 19 he who does notekr ly - to I . ridon. . ' - . - . I. '.- ., ., . I .. . . .
.� . . -all of which . drouche' had I. " . I I . � .. 0 .
was the case, . . . � . In life learn how find When to run. hile..Bia ri"; 1 said
. . . . . . I . I .W ndon - was dressi . . .
'rmed by telling %ei, he was false. ' InIbe light of the sparks from the I would at,.'ollce go I and. I awaken .the
con . . . . � � .. . . . ..
Thenshe bad been discovered in doing ' ' brief. as I union the .:
.. strord stroke *upon the wall, -w, would: P 0 .
. . I . king,. who, .I klie
, ' ed. .tile face %,
I what silo knew.she should have' left it-ivas; Brandon recogniz . offense when *he heard my. -story,. but
..;�� .
.0ridone and -kft�tsbd was- anxious to : or gucifliffham 'from which tbo- inask rtvn,l�'n asked the Sergeant to leave
. TITR , .,Pr,L ,S. .
. �.
- w ti� r I .. . , .
. .. -
- . Is ilid, largest � nerve -centre '� Ili the
. . .1 AT AN'TURN.FAR11,", . '.. . . .. I .
.. Sympathetic nervo i system, is-sittlat-
- �-- ..._ . I I .
. ed"Just back of - the s6mach and sup-
. � il .
Nvinnipasr ...... . 1. Itolgil I - , i"
..., I ..,6 .i�,W.: k
, WatikaWa ' . -%I,. 0
plies nervous allergy, -thoi vital' force
.. 1. .. - . I
J,',,,tcVgll ....... I , ; � X.orktoll,;'i�,. J$3 . � . . .
� . of th Iiiiiiian body, io. ille''stonnach,
� , . e I
heart, lungs,g 4idnevs, -liver, etc.; - By
Algln.;.- . 1. I I
....... .,-.� . . �.. I '
I . ' '
Arcoln, ... .... iyli;,-,�A be, .:-: � i -
Alousuaiin ... � ) .
1'�o 6 -
) �-
I ereatingr, nerve 16re e Dr. ChaWls Nerve
i,Nva%%�tae.l ..... . i I � � . � %.
SV � Calgark.....' $3
�,.�ood , dir�ctiv-ai.ds tlio]: solar plexuA in
AlIniota - -, ..: � . .1 . , . . ... . ..
,; y
I 'uppl. iilg tlic.,powtir.which,runs the
iiiachill6ry � digestion a.114 -so .cures
; .
131tiscarth.. - - - I . . . . I . . . � ,. .
QVILIld View.- .. I - --fted Dear..'i . . %.
. . I . I 1!.. � - .
I , tit,rittiv
swa, I
' $40.m. 1''... "
- '
I �of .
iicrvoiis "dyspepsfa, headache : -d I wiw'
. . � ' 1� �
1. . . I . ...�.
. ,
... . . .. . . .. _. colatt..) I . ,. 1-1- t ,.: . -
. _�. .
; .
- -IN y . : . * %,
.4 1'. a , arid b6dil weakliess:, . .
- ..
' Going JU214F 40, riltuening un'til AUGUST - . .� I : I .
. I I . , . I
. . I . .
. I
. . I
. . ... ...
'oil' I J U, 14, '-� . . ,
. ,
Ith'(all rall or S. t$, Atliabasoa.) G A N ,. . . :
. . 1. .. . .
. I .
.. . .
. .
I '(3 U8T 1801 (all rall a�- .. . - .,
t8ch, returning until A -U , .
1. 1. � . . I -1 .
. . . �
. �
-Athabasoa.) Guin�, JULY 4th rettioling- ..
. . Queer -language, isn't it ? , , . . . � . .
.8.8. .
Uijtil ISEPT110113.Xft 81,11 offl. rail or 8_6- Mail, . ' :� . .
: .
I ., .: . 7
.Why, So ? - .. .
toba.) iutgoml,on Imperil I.
TiCk0tA*arC al Lloi-. . .-
itod," For ticket., tiod paliVrlillet-giVing full ', - . .
. Because. of sickness I had to, Send
tioulais; apilly to your hearest, 0anadian ., - , .' . -
Vlarulitlt,Agoikt,.�r - " .
ny shorthand writer hoine ye.kcrday.
to . � � . . . ,. 6
.1 Well � . - * . . . .
, ,.
. . I Ill.', � � ., A,,- H. NOTAAN . . I . ... I : . .
I . . F .
I I.. ,nl�at 1��ft, nie,�horthan'd'ed..*1
.... I Asilsistalit.Gelloral Passenger kg,;�nt � . ,
. . . � . I .
" .. I .
.1 . � . �
I .
� 17.Yoting St.,''Torouto . . I . .
I .. , .. ", � .., .. . � .
. . . . I . . . .
. � - � �.. ...
-_--1 -.-- - �
� : .
� . I . . I � I . . I . � . : '.- . I I . I
.1 ! I..- ". . .. . . . . .. I I
� �
- ___.___ __ � _ I �
-..---.-, - - 7 . -_ - 7- , .1 . .
I .1 . , . � , . I � . . . � . . . . ..
1. "A 8110W,k :FAIRYr�AIND.";-'. . I . .. '. .
. . .
�. I . � _ .
.. . . . .- I � . . I . . I .,
I .
Frightful - Case * o` f '. - .
I I . . .
. I To those NvIlo are plauilirl�_'a sul;iih , el� , : � . I.... : m . I
. �
outhig and s,;cki ur -greca fields , alld'. so. , - ,_. I
... 10 .. .
. .
. I . ... . � 1. ..
.� . . I . .
.�, .
* ',
PiLstitres'naw," s(iiiie, place where thev ,, _ : . I .
I . . 11 , .... .1 .. �.. . .1
. I I
. �' . . I
conceal from, every one, and, worst of'.
. I
I .
haT fallen. Of this he Aid riotsp�ak.-
. I .1 . ,
I .
. . I . . ' ..
us to ourselves for a- short flirio, and.
. . .
L -fore Ito arrant -to , arres
,read hls ,;w t I
CharIcs B?'altdon Biq. - -
. . . I
. . ... MOM Ing IF He I
I , � I
I 1
may .cast-. cure uslue all col 11111le , . .
. . . . .ve iiattire, vdiere, thal thu. . ,. ,... .
with pruniti � I .
all,. had .been, .discovered by' the �very -
. .
: to any one till long afterward and his
- -
I .. 1.
'losed the door. . - I . . . .
c .
. _ . � - I I I
life :rind who:.Is -Wlth�
Vocior vrant4pit to -burn them withw& red
. still shines voiry.-bri,gliLly, coyliligI)rce-'
person train whom,sbe was most QIIX, '
. �,
slleneb Was almost his undolui. I .
- "Please, do: nothing- of .tile' sort, Cas -
,bonor,- � .c.overed
hot Iron -cured -by Dr. Chasels . .
-t - -
zes always 1;1ov, and gruai hea is .: at
*1 "
. u � . .
to to, hi.&e it. 1 �
I I-Iow oftena word spoken- or'unSPO-
J� koden',11 said be. -tile king,
"If you toll
wounds ,received In Your. defense and
I 1. .
� MP_ ALEX. McLEAK, Tarbot Vale, N S
� I ;, �,.lp
uiik i6wn it is s4 lmhu A . .. .
I -,' , fuly Ise ' that .
� . So she turned upon. Jane' angrily:
ken ma hav4 the ve' deuce I
,. Y ry IiI.It
. . . 11 . . .
I -Will declare there Is not One word Of
almost dead from.loss of blood,.sij�lled
. .
writes:-I'As section'man on the'railroad, 1
"sl t f *tile I - . . �
I antonig'the rocks� alid lakL.
I ) A lits
"Jalid 3361ingbrbke, you sbalr leavo-me
either wayl ':' ' I . . .
. truthIn youf I 'story.. .Wbefo 19-0111Y 011*0
.that you mig-lit .be saved .from worse '
3s exposed to all sorts of weather, .my
w! ._
health bili till and I became A victim of
kolow dl.si,Tic� � ibout 10o liffles north .... I �
as s on as W6 got back to: G'i*-eenwlcII
0 1
The Pirls wore nearIv dead :from I
-_.J. +1"arhl Who Illav . tell Of.
than deitth, Is -now. lylpg in a ra les .
. .Y 8
. . . . Al . :I Irl, u
- ,
lof Torouto, situated in tit,-, Highlands
� .
� � . . . I . . � pro ru ng p es. -6
� ' ' to make� any sort that penii . dungeon, aplace of frightful filtb,,sucli - -tario:.�I000 l6et-above sea tevel) : - - .
. .
for this betrayal: of i4iyi confideude." . fright, arid In order I Al night's ,bap' ngs,'and If she . , , , ' . I a doctor' treated. m6,y,, of Oil . . . � I
A FAMILY GROUP - , She Was not afruld'no* that the dan.. -,ak pro rem I 6 Brando I I . i . bod.to'cairy file 'doe not t ey shall'-fenlain *ulltold. .ShO as - you ,Would not walk across for all . . I I - I I .. they will.find, anchantiriaht. . . . . .
. .9 , I 13 h . I I I . piles, they only grew worse I (I I I
r I . -of London b lilge'; is. sur- . . illustrated, dcsQrii)tivL �.
. ' f . gii . - will make Jt till right [it. One the wealth ! r - ip and I was forced to give up - publication � Nvill be. .,;cut free to allY, - � .
. We in,,ike ,a busitn's', . j)f taking ..gar Was.ove and fearoid .no: new dan- princess and help Jano, unitil lie thou t . . I. . a, I knoNo. - ilde4by . loathsome, creeping things' work and� go home. My I -Ian solnc,, . I
. . . .. gar -with Brandon tit hand to. protect 'they ,were out of dander.". Jane. soon Iwould, not do her tile foul wrong,19 :1,011 . . . .
featt,we of, art , � tier, for In her beart� mile felt that to - recovered,' . .. that would ticken'you but to Jiini of � .. � sufferings could scarcely be address oil e,gplicatioli to
picturcs-Illaki-lIg a. . . . I . . I I. . ... . . .. .. ' KALI) ; ' . . �
. . .� . . I , I ' . . but "llary-did, not seem anx think fo.ir,brie instant that She will full... - is resting under a charge whose peilal�. , . . described, Icould not walk I I J . IL AleDW I 4 .
photograph%'. .. . . overcome a few fibry arilgons tind a toll to Walk and'14Y vAth her head , know tier. She sometimes District Vass6ugcr Agent ' Grand ..
. . . . ... . . . . , . S. 0 . . � . , ty. Is 'that be be banged, drawn. arid '. .... ' � .. or lie down, arid* while the I . . ...
I . ,�-would -be n - upon .Brandon's shoulder�.. apparently 'seems Selfish, but it is. thoughtlessness, . I . , .. . .
. . .. . . . . - . company or so. of giants . I .. .,I YOu,'do not . rest of theJamily slept I . I - - . Trunk Riiilway, Torouto, , .
: * . � 'fostered by flattery,.and tier heart fig . quartered? . And yet you stop to, eat- � . . . 1. � � '. I . . . . . �
We stti(tv the arrftlig�etiicnt � of ingre pastime - to him. Yet see how collt�ntcd enough, - , , �.... . . . would be- troaning *itb I
, -
- � silo treated filni.* :tbo girls had stoppod I - -. "If you .and bathe ail(! di�essl III God's name,, - iexcruciating piins. .. I ----I,-- . , . __=Z��__,_t_p. " � - .� ...
groups find individui6q, arul . our I n a few .minutee Jane said. . . '' ilght. I would trust'her 'With my life., I . . ' I . , I . .
. I I . . I Mary Tudar,* of'what stuff are you . . go
. . wbeii Jane called Ifrand011, and he Was - ean walk'fiow, my lady, I think you it you breathe a word of 'what. I nave. . . . . . I . . "The second, doctor told - Reom. After. ' voors. Phosplia ineo , - . I
. I
'I.,; the sort that insures sat- made? If he had waited but. one little '. . me the piles would.bave to ,
.work . . I at once by tbel� side with uncovered had better. Wa, shall Soon bc� near told you, you may do ruare. harm. than . . . . 2%e Orsat RngUsA ReMM11. ' -
� � . * -
isfactioll a7l around shmonger's ball, . . W ere ' i . . . . mInute,'had stopped 'for the. drawing ' . I ,be burned with a� red-hot . 4 Sold.and reeommended by all I
- . - . . . licad, hoping f6r. and of course.expect- p I b' somic Ono Is , y*ou can ever remedy, arid I ask You tO of ii'breath 'had held back for but 0110 . Iron, but I could not think . druggists In Oanada. Only rell. . I.
I . Ing a warm welcome. But even Bran. � , . . . � . . � .
. I . sure to be standing at this, hour.?! , ling to any one, It the princess - . . �l' ( u �
� I Buy not] faltering Mr. Wc e of und6rgoing such an oper- .. able medicine discovered. &Z . , . .
. I I � . � (Ian, with his fund of Worldly. pbllos- Mary'.sald nothing Iii reply to Jan% -but. thatis 'not - .. tholidlit from the terrible ation so he e me*a box of salve, rbr which � 2 ckaga gua?,anteed to cure all �
.r.n. . A...,
. I' would not liberate me,� Weakness ail effects of abuse .
ophy�, had not learned not to put 1116 but am )Brandon fell a. step or'tWo be- I to be thought of. � Never oloubt that odds of four Swords to one, what would. he &rgo4 me two* dollars, but did me no - 0, , 13 0 - sexua h, � . a
. . . . or ,,cess, Mental Worry, xcesSiVe use of To- . I I
HERRY'S PHOTO. STUDID, , . hind at a narrow 'crossing whis' 1 she can and will do Kbettei than you you now be? Think, princess; thlilld" . � I
. . I . trust ,Ili . princesses, 'and hIs Surprise pared: goods y pxeerience with Dr. Chases Oint- .bawo, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed onrecelpti I . . �
. . � .'# . I I I was A little frigh toned.1l't the length - merit Is that t e first application did me more 0 prlee,outi 40ltaR6$I'St=J$6j OnelllfflPkaael. L' I
0. I was . benumbing when . Mary turned , Il.r4orgi-ve me', forgive tile. I. -will do * think. She Is'all gQld I I wW mra. vaurphletS f roe to any
I - _. - .. � -, - - -_ - - - . . .. � I . . � . id the. two doctors, and finally , The Wood 'Cornipan",_W address. .
angrily 'Upon Illm. - . � . * . any penance you ask, Jam unworthy i This, of course, silenced me, as I did I 1. I . � good than di 9 any I Indoor, Oilf� :
I . I Ill randon, youi Impud 0 In . -a ''yoti my '-n . new dallgai, I might . made me as� well and free from piles a I . . . osphoiline is� s ., . I
.. Master 13 , ene to Speak -your name., I ow . . ot know what . , . man. . Since being cuted I worked during the old in - Cl in- . , . .
. � Wood'g ]Pit .
. following us Shall- cost you dearly, We life. and mord-and more a .thousand create or how I might war the matter. mi winter in the lumbei woods, and had no return ton by H. B. Cottibe, R. P. I 1.
, � I
,. do not desire Your company,� and. will ' times.11 At this She lifted her arm ' I so 'much. wished to mend. , I"did not of2z old trouble, Dr. Chases Ointment wag : U. Hovdy and Watts. & Co.-drogrgists. � t
thank you to leave us -t � our own tit* I . .
I IQ arid. placed her hand ,upon him cheek , tell 'Brandon that the girls had left - S N wifflOCK w,twone btindred dollars a box to me-" . . I ... I . - . I -
- 1. � . �
g fairs.:as -We wl4h you- to I . . ''...., . . . - . _... ____ . M
4'rain 1. Gra*i'n�, attend ex. arid neck. $he then -learned for. the ' Greenwich or of my undefined -and per. . I . I . . I . I � . . I
. . I . I . .
I I .. I �.
� elusively to yours.tv I I . . first time *that, he 'Was wounded, arid 'haps unfounded fear tliat Mary talght � ,. I . . . "1,.&,,%~% . A,v,%,%Ak'�ft,%Al,��ft,,%,%,w,ql6.w,%.-%.��q�l*.%Ab"o&,Ul,W . . .
. . . I . I . . I
. . . � . .
. I This. from tile girl who had given . the tear$ came softly'as she slipped not act as he thought she, would In a . ,. I . . . 1. . . I I . ,. . . .
^4ft 1 - ,
. . . % 0 .
*+*4 hit-A.so much within less than � a weekl . from' his arms to the ground. ,She great emergency, but stlentlY helped Shylock wag the man, who . I" e.',., 9 . -
I I . ,Poor Brandont . walked beside him quietly for a little him to dress and went to London along , ' . Why'Work It I Oth . I
. ' ' Jane, who had called him Up and.. time, then, tatting. his hand In both of. I with him and the sheriff's sorgerint. � . %vanted' a, .pound of human - ... . � I . � I . 11 I ''. :
. . . . ___M_ _==_.a_�__!�_===E=� . ..
. __==� I . .
Standard. . 1 was the cause of his I following . them, tiers, gently lifted'It to her lips arid , Brandon was taken to Nowgilto., the fle§h. I 'There are many - . I . 11 . . . I. 1� ,� . . �.
. . . ,
. . I I began to weep. . laid It upon her breasL Halt tin hour most loathsome prison Ill London*at 1. � . . . Now is your opportlinity to find. a place whore.you call .
. "Sir," said she, "forgive -4 afterward. Brandon left tho'glels At that time, it being used for felollS, While al . I I . . �
I . . me., it Wa Shylock� now, tl�e .co'nv, esw . .1 1. . . . I I I
Mevator [lot myL fault. ' S had Just 0ald" I I .
I . .110 _ Bridewell House, ,went over to tile Ludgate ,was for debtors. Herehowas . . .� I . . . . . I 1. � .
Xi .. I I .e Slap C111110 . UAVY'S hand on Jahe's bridge where hehad left his horse tit throw)1,111to $in underground dungeol . I cent, t�he ' consumptive, the' I I . � . . B E I NDEPEN DENT . % �. � . I
I , I . I . I
I .. . - .
I I mouth, ali(.1 .3tiho Was matched Off, a hostelry, and, rodo do' brough sickly' child, the pale young I . . � I .
I . . . � Wn WGre0ii- foul with water that seeped t I . 8veryDay untlIJ1111613, 1903, , � � I � �. � I
� Aveephig bitterly.. I . .. wich, . , . . . . I . .. I I � Ahe bid- li�asonry from the MOat and woman� all I Want huffian - flesh " . I I . . . . . . . � I . . I , I
- CLIXTON - The girls had started Up toward East ' So 11ary . had M' � thing that . .
1q add her ttlp , to alive ,With every noilsonlo ,
. I . Cheap when they left Grouche'so In* Groucheto, but it wag labor worse than creoDs, Tfierewas no bed, no stool no - et 4 -take . I
. � � I .. I . �. . and - they .can g . I
ten(ling'to go home by an upper route, lost, Groucho had told her nothing floor, not even a. wlsp of straw;' S'Im- .
I and flow they. Walked rapt , dly Ili -that silo wanted to know, though.tillich thilt the reekin . g . Stolle walls, covered Scotts mu, � � .
. ' ply , . The great Worth.ern Railway , I -
All kinds of , direction. Brandon. continued to fol. lie stipposed.she would like to learn. with fungus, and tile windowless arch . I � . .
. low them, notwithstanding what Mary I Scott's Emulsioh is flesh - . . I I � . .
grain watited and Ile had told her that she had many overhead. Ono could hardly conceive ' 'I _____ ...,."....." ... : ==__________�z= .... . . _ ,. -..--- I . I
hit(] said, and she thanked him arid bar lovers, a fact which her.facd nd,form elid and blood, bone. and muscle. -.==- .
tile higliest prices. paid God evor after that he did. . It a more horrible place III which to SP . . OFFERS EXTREMELY .
They had been walking not more Would make easy enough to discover. even a moment. I had a glimpse Of It It feeds the nerves, strengthens F I � . .. I
in CASII for.any ' He Informed her also that she had a by tile light of the keeper's lantern as I I . . .. I . . I . I . � 4r-", (=. 41 .
. than five minutes when, just as the lowborh lover, and In order to put it ' the digestive organs and the. . TJ0"W IR 0 1 ,! �.. I I
qtlantlty. glels turned a corner into a secluded they put him hit tind it seemed to me a � y 'E 21:13 &---..,)
.. little evil In with tho good fortune find � I , e Id the whol . . I . . . � I
Call at the Y,I�yator and -� 'Iffile street, winding its way among give what he said tin air of truth lie slugla "'gilt 111 that awful place wou d f L e, body.. . .
the fish witrehousag, totir horseman . have killed tile or driven me thad. I To points in North Dakota, Nlontana,, Idaho, Wa8bingtoll I
added to Mary's stolte of unrest more I protested arid begged and tri . ed to bribe, . and Oregon. Every ticket agent knows. A It hi .
. . ng. � passed Brandon In avIdent pursuit ol than lie thought by telling her that bet, For nearly thirty years . 8 1111. �
. I . . them, 'Brandon hurried forward, but , lowborn lover Was false. lie thought but it was all of Ito avall. Tile keeper Scott's Emulsi6n has'been the . . Or wr - ite to . 1 t, -114-
4*- 1 I I before he reaebed the corner board to flatter her by predicting i bad been bribed before I arriv0d: Al- --- I . I I - _ . .
. f4crealris of fright and iis ho turned In. that she I though it could do no possible 9�od, I great giver'of human, fiesh. � - �_,_ - _ �
. . would soon marry it Very, great prince, I 0 _ I
tol the street distinctly saw that two of I or nobleman, the indications being In - was glad to stand. outside the prison . I . . . . I
the mon had dismounted and Were try, taVor of the former, Slid in place of walls In the. drenching rftln All the rest We will solid you a couple of . Chas, W. Graves, 1P, 1, Whitne 0 ..
Ing to ,v,ftlilcl tl,l,el,, ,111. lfthl ,,,, ,akinW bet hal)Dy She wished the ; Of that WrOtehcd ')'gilt that 1 might be I ounces free. District rroight itilid Pass. Agent, 0on. Pass, atid Tk flAgt,
'' " - rt TOM Wings tO- their feet, and, their 811011 wretched ptootlisayor In the bottomless � � as ! 1�jir rig possible to my friend 'and I T.SGoTT & 13OWN11,0heffil6ts, , . I .
skirts hffording freedom to th6fr limbs, Olt -he and all bin prophetilom; herselfF oil r a little with bird. . . 6 Kfug St. W., TbrooO. St. pa"I'Mitwo, . I
P 0 .t rqja� h a # 1: tlicy were giving the pursuers a Warm too, for going to him. M41 guesae� I An A0011 as the prison gates WU6 ronto, I Ontario. I
opoiled 1101t morning I ftgq�p , glidtogkistil. . . 1114_11�1_ N". A .
. little race., #oreamlng tit -every step to $!Pro gretty, *&O"t Mi "'10-A -- - , . ImAr. - �0-1 ond $ i.00l
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