HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-21, Page 8A I �k May Wet, 1908 THS a 1qZW$-RB00jRD 7 000101111100111110MV0104011IM", I � . .1 ­ _....__11-_. _­__­­­___.­ __.___1-. ­ ... ­­.­ ­­­.- .1-1, ___-_1 t-_-_..1_11___,______ -I-,-,---- __­_,_,__.____­. ­­__�.__ - , Of lntere�t to Farmers, cessful operation Over inuell, longer LITCKNOW'. !"79.�*'*" I - � " A"'row, � . . - - - TheMolsows. Bank I * . Wireless Telegraphy., distances than Other dwilco lias Live Stock Market _?:'��,.k`��;,fi. . I... ­. , I � � W . I Only Fifty Cents. "M kinds of weather. . ,­,; "� �, . � Tncorporatto!l, by ance of I903. covered and in all I . Mr. Williaill Swittier of I -It .t, -R "� ".. " . q , . Aot of Varlia,ment, 055. . By Marion V. Coats. Wirt -less TvIebraphy,,which, wa,s so' Toronto, Way i,ith-Ibere Was 310 Was hadiv hurt in a rumtwav .1= i ,.,? , I � I ,, 11 I 8 4k %cie3ltilic tOYi active business,transacted in buicher oil Thurtitlay I,tst. 'fill, I " , . . - I � I I Capital - - - - - $q,&Q0,009 __ . � recently egarded ill' S ! falling of ,I '�' � __) , r , t .X . , I I ... , - Iri.,ht6n,,l thr broudio Ilk- wiv, k_�,�',.4 . i '. , , ,% �, � , OFFE -5 " ............. , 4Ncovory a the equipment, of ocean stea rs, at, driving and Mr. 1� ", " " ,, f� . . Rest - - - - - - 2,259,Q09 -0, �.�)_-2�71.11,4, , lPc%v ill the marvellous achlevements ill llk)N� all allilcist c'kynitnollpluce part alild. export cattle at tile Western C doot -, _�( . . , � . of witatilic of . '4wit/er uits thrij,wn ­� J ;�,:, .! , . , not invention mot v ��',,,!� .... I it 1, IV ... . 1, . . I . I W14. U014ou Macpherson, President. during tho lattur half of is installgd ga mciot wAr ships 4.Ticl tile ItUrkot today. and prices were =aiu. out Of the ril,r und, fallill.r tin TIN, . � "T Jilme 001111tew�e` I", -thic ninetecuth. , ', � I � I ; � , a Elliot, General Manager: I . it Will play an important part in tile tained at about the $a tievol as head, was - A __4 : ­_ � century liko-ro equallcd in the Wonder. n,vi,, ,f ' , m , yes. unconscious for !ionie tilne. � I I 11, , ,� -, Notes discounted. Collections made . 0.e future. It would He receiveil it sti,,ult.-vot ill lilt- '11vall ,% , ,,, I STRATF be terday. . - �,.� 11 � 0 . - ORD, ONT, ment aroused or h4va ,in . 1. and 11, � , k , I Vro.ft4 issued. Sterling and Amer- rPasseA in possible for a ve.isci ill tjjstro&�, it Was otlitirwi.w. liatl1v :11ithol llp.i �;�, I � -I-ONr I _ . " I '. , I le . . � , Vi 1, , � Jean Exchange probable practical utility that which equipped with the The cou ti lilt ance of tile buyll,g of Waster Glailie Ab:!�,)uaig liall , �� ,:1i Vi _, luterest 4 bOught and sold- � OVR MOTTO : , Marconi apparatus, his — - , I . i to call upon oth r v"sels for ]let 1) ) ITIlited States cattle by our exporters right hantl - , _�, llowed on deposits. I , haq revently brought lie naine of 0 badliv kTa"Ilt'd I)VtWVVIL I lil I'll SAVINGS BANK I HIGlik GRADE WORK ONLY I" Willialn though none were visible. The ap. and Of shillphig thein fo R4,11gland was rollers at.t1it, furnitilli, factory A a 1% -I - . ? I , lontl y .%." . It , _ s Ilowod on sums of $i awd 1"rc"li, 4 YOU119 Itall4l) proacit of ships 11,ay alit) be gnuounc- a feature. Three or four buyers have 3110rilitIg last- Tliv . whole' liaii(l i's . . "I I � I ... . I . I 0.1 N I ig before Ilivir call .Ile seen. It lately golle (wer to Chivago for con. terril I I=lted alld hirgv pio:v: 71 , . " � Our graduates readily secure guod resident in Haigland, inito worldawide ed lot L� upounded lialf yearly. I " I I ill 1i;1 � - 0 `W loo )ositions because our high gracte I�r,olljitjpljcj�, 1� 1. Iv torn auav e '1�i& FARMERS. , -nainc-) , tit(,- developl, has wen )ately scatcd that Marconi sigIllulents of cattle and they Were well IlesIl , I t w , I 01.�____ ,., I I raining prepares, them to render first- y Witt . as a , . . .,-3, , I I I - ,� nced to farmers on their I c . Of a cohiluvreially pract,iL-ablc- ' has about pecifteted a new device to PlLaSed With. the quality (if the still very painful .Ievitloa 1,11i Ow pluckv - I .... )�7 . lw" services; 14,lusitless Illen want . , S81st'll) detomnine the distance bet ,I litilc,, f0low brawly bort. till, ,suilt-jo, . ' I 11 **** 1 �� Ap - all with ono or wore . . . wVVTI a $hit) tilley got. Mr. 11', IL Di -an ))ought on. .11 - ... . ��,;A'q mortgage requireden- I firNt-clas,, workvrs and have no thue of wireless telegraphy. ing, wllije� Dr. 4V '01. lUott cirtis%cid . . ' , as ' I . .. and tile ,station. Ott shore. ',-))lips will IY a few loads liere this IvALL-kit getting . . """ 4"" A , t ail "It 11 ,,III "I .4 I'll t , I., . k I . - Isecur ty. to waste apou the other kind. Coln. Till; spcietoccle, o lit, able to. locate their4 exact po. all t1w rest abroad, And Mr, W. Lf'.v. tile Wounds. Does 't not mem ­ r , , k,-, v Aliellue a Course now alld Ile ready for f a contral telegraph thus - . mol� efice,:V0 to � . brMthe in fa reni'MY to cure cliqv;mv of siti�)n even during, the darkest night$ ack was also a heavy birver of United ----.--. , -11. C. BRE,WER, Man4ger, Clinton. office with ( hate --,,.---. __.,_,._ .., - biliatbiog .01-g-4111, than to take.the . . . it position in the fall. Write for I Its thousands if Wires or in%thc, thickest fog, . ',S -a cattle, . (Ibtainink -,-.- � _.___ __ thf; I . I :Lcllill, . altogether . . . . '11AY il�tu tljv.�Lunjacll? ih� -7 1 - handsollic. catalogue. . I Art W out , ovor land and . rel. ,. . under . this week - `4' carloads, containing T11H, 01,()A�, (IF Ill.,,.",TIl. . � W, J. 1�,LLI&T, . Principal. Oceall-S to riallotest part's ,Of tile 'globc, - b There are as yet several obstacles to about 450 eattIv. Ile stated to Tile � . 0. D. McTaggart ______ _____ __ --.-.---- Conveying inessages with almost in. 0 overcome beCore wireless telegra- Mail aq(1,Empirte that hu Was well sa- Whell tit - , ,blood'is ri(h, and pure �1 , "' e2o I , " ___ credible rapidity to and I . . ( phy calk come into universal use. One tisfied with them, they being It line there is'a I ) I _____ . rojil these . Iwalthful gl(:A%, I, t le ctnu- . parts, bringing, tile,,, all into njilt, is -that oil land tile waves oftem iuter- lot 'and, according to quality, clicaper Plux,ion which. spcal�s Of the ), igror . 'at fere, breaking one another (Iowa. Aix- than the Canadi' -1.011 . Therui is , . I "****"".***"*181�� "ClutlOu alid annihilating space and r all a,titicle, Asia rule and vitality of tile .%vs I � . .1 BANKER. � tilue-such a spectacle is indeed won- othe is that lllC%8"g`eR are not,yet on- these fral'ttle will dreSs 4 to 5 per cent. 110 1110170 cvrtain for- pale weak 1�17 "�&*4 1 $ For All up-to"date derful. I.' ly ,secret. . . better ti TVI�Ily 910W (4, 11V4101, . 1311,t still wore wonderful is Ire lan tile domestic product, and people to attaill I _r.,1,,.,,.%1,,d ,r.-79. A General Banloing Business transact- / I . lienco were inore desircablL for export thall bV the persistent Ilse of Dr-Chasu's �. 'Cures While You s I � . . it that without the 'wedium of wires, There is, however, a wide field foir than tivothirds Of W1 ve, b(�Qll Of- Nery ' . Wept , , I I HAIR CUT without visible material connection Of witiLless tolegrapity on.the occall lat Ila 0 Food the great foo(l cilre N%,I,icll It cur('$ becau.5e the air limclered strongly I I wo forms tiew, ich, red -blood Alld,creato.-s antis is 0,.Irrit.clovt!rti)L.,Ii.s,m,!d3ur. i, .- AND - - tile niLs,sagwi art-- linlittd,aud tile space mofiths There are as line cit,ttle new nerve forct,,, . ed. Notes discounted, Drafts any sort, it is possible to bring dis as fered oil this market tile ,last t Ir I . taut parts'of'the corth, into instant I , ' 2 . . issi-v '. In'.erest allowed on de- �ehig so great the waves are not as ; far. e " � C01111111111 cati011 and to. culist as Ines, 1 with every bNath, giving- prolonged 1, I CLEAN SHAVE ** � liable to luterferc�. . grown'lin Qanada its in the ,$states but I . alld - Cons . . "' I - I , > ` X. I I pos i I S. 4P . .X sell ,,, ers tile iiipilles or waves of that not so 111aliv of t1le-ii, our farinews '-"-------- I � tant treatment, It Is invalu. . I - . � r . s , illay well I belidvL that this great generally ;, , , . AL10 tO Mothers wit)l �alolll chilthen. . � . I tr-, the leading barber. , . lit but mysterious ether We . Selling tim many 'unfirlislied i . . ., . ,W)""Ii�,,r,�,111,, , scientific" dincovLry is as yet . I "A SI"WuRR 1PAIRYLAND. .. . . . . . ,lie I Q 'Scitint-4t tells Im pervades and voting ones that ,Should be fed it . .1-9 a bOOn'to asthmatics. I I . ilk its I . . Albert .,trect - - - - Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO IRWIN'S aROCERY ' 0, all sliavc,ulid is ille. Illedilliul by which Infancy and L11A not only will all few Weeks longer before being placed- To those who, tire -planning a.sullillIt.v -FOR- I . , .. . . . ". the light front the'sun reaches us. present obstaclo,;s Ile, rwliovo�d but that bli tile ,tuarket. Mr. 11', 11. Dean stat- outing and s"-Ici ' "greeii ficl(Is W11001711190ourh Bronollitio.. I . ___ " I I . .: ur and .1 - a I : possibi I ties, now undreatnt (,it will ed to the Alai) ail(] linipire that lie cli(I pasture 'W'.1. I . Ie pIaeQ wlivre. tliL,v croup . . glis I . . I . . 4. I . lot expect the prices of exporters s fte Wit coil 4 1. scol-T, I .. I I , I to I"aV east care. WSW(! ,Ill(] COJIV . ' Geor0e D. RoWrton It was at first rulzor�d that.Mar, yet.become acemnplished facts. � . . coxii had discovered. a new form of I :. . high n I . 111116L - -'aiiarrl', 06lds GriPTO and RaYNvejr . . .. with prijilitive 11 Tit ' Vai)ar!7er and T.-Impt Is-hich rAhr)uld 1:1 �w . IN, *********<"* 0.0. *""*<" radiation akin to Ahe X rays , but ' ' .. I . . ature, -where, tho, the , L BAI'R-STI�R, SOLICITOR, F.C. � still shilles a lif'! i"10 . . I.. this is not the case. The Diarcuta * . .11. Buttiliers, descripti )Its sold Actively, ,.,. Very brightly -cooling hr�,t_ ".o." " rogtulu�r Ititli .1 bus Ile of Crewleiie, . . ( 4 , , , I I'�x'l,t�AII)t)!!.:S(,f(.t!:,Qlclfo �cqutsand 51olley to luan - .---- ­ -, -,--------, ­­ '=;= , '47s they ares0avetimes called THY, LIFE GIVING VIRT,L,F,s .OF " Illikilown,* gre'at-, ])eat i.q. !��Cfnt.',. Wrir,e: ortle,crit)qve I) 2 . . � - _ . . r s, . A the prices thereof were maintained - always. Vlow. �Itlnd , , . , nololot coutain. __ . . . I , I I J� , it is .safely prcyluiso(l that tuc!4litnt t,istinuiny ai tu its value, I . �spects, roeluble the 4X . . . �l all VAP(..CRV%0 P.t;r is sol,J) AV � . .. 1;1(1;" n. sonle rL . . rinly There were quite lificral offer- I . . . I . rays, but scern, to, . ilg tile rocks and takes of. the jifils. I' Office-17,"ll.olt Block - - Clihton. , have a much greater I Ing$ ;)f these, blit tile buyers Were kok'(k:t district, ali,out IcAu ujilt.s j"'Llf.,ul. I I -r They also spread . 000WO cottot-abot Commula penetrative powie Paine's Celery nuincrous and eager, . north . .'is t`%LVyW1.E1M . , I � . — '. %'.It- , " 11 ,I: ! r . I of Toronto situated ill tit. Ili IjIt_ji J . VAP04c-esolen- C . W. BRYDONE, BARRISTEM, SOLICITOR Notary, Public, Etc. Officic--Sloaiie Block - - - - . Is successfully used monthly by over 11 - .1 - . Aect, ons roill Qle , . I . . I f, I I ­ . I . 10,000 Ladlos. Sage, effectual. Ladles ask lierator. The X rays are -the effects . There Was littfe change in sheep, 'It Ontario . j lot)() feet. abovu.sea, tevel) i ,A) I"uhtin qlr.et z6jx '-"Totra Daine, Street . . . I . Cook's Won Root Com. lanilis And calves to mpqrt. . . they Ivill find el, I ! . Ntity Y,,rl. Montreal , - I . A? 'our drumlso for g4f I Waves whi,di'a're even shorLer Com U , - . lellantillailt. - ­�---P-�� - - - t A Quoit. �.k'e no ot er, as all )fixtures, pills and thAt . I po, ndt : . � . ­ . . 014%tions ate dangerous. Price. No., 1, $1 v tiltill tile shortest visible- rays of the . . 1 I . * . Handsoino, � illitstrated,.. clescriptive . . � . . � � -, . .1 . . 0 � . . Milch cows %old well and tile enqu- Imblicatiou will ])I. sunt ,free' to 4iiv' ____,_.,_,...___,__ - P -_ I . . . . . . box, No. 2, 10 -degrees stron'ller.0 per box. M st',ectruni, T) I e Iong' slow wave of RUSCUFM A LADY WHO WAS : iry for good ones was active' prices address ()It applicittioll to - . . I � I or i, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent ether, too 'slow �tu be visible to the � I . . . . , I I .1 $.tampv. The Cook Company Windsor OnL . DRAWING iNRAR THU GRAVE, were' about tile sarne its on tit I . . . . . , W -Nos. I and 2 solo and recommended 6i . �ye, is the forin. of energy eniployed . e other . � . . . I . Clinton &H I . I , � . . da s of this week. . ' I . . . . J. D. 1ATeDO-NALD, - . ,--I . .. . . responsible Drugglota In Galindo. , rodneing the effect I — . . I y I .. . . . District Passenger Agent, Graii(I pli � I I �. ,; �­ . � . � . . , s..of Wireless ' . MARBLE ' AYRAHIT'�: %140 - . . " T , 1, . . . Trunk Railwav, , llluj�ollto. . , . , 1 ;4. . . , . I � . . . . � . I 11 by e ,saillo lilt .which produces � THAT WIVWS AND -ATT-TJJ'n0 ort kveps — *1 . I ,V 11 " � . __ I I . .r.1,4'raphy, This ener one call see , THR LIFE, BUILDIN0, - "'lie demand for feeders anct stockers . r, 11 1. . is th I _. 1 gyl .1 up'DICINE . . I � � I 1". . "In `�11 � I . Nos. r and 2 are sold in Clinton as 0 ' ' . Ila,, not abated. and heavy sh Rmimp I, m jo, ; RIDOUT & HALL,, AM. J3. ontue, R. P. ee Le, JJA, juov- Lignto . . . I . -,- _---!-.______________._ � . M-156 b v . I .- I . . . � . . continue to. S 11 . about as, high ,as Lx- . � . .. .. . ','� . � � . 0 . . . I . - B . . ey and 'Watts & Co.--�drugglstsl, -, . . I NEED I I I , . . . � . .M, , . . . � . �. . . . . . � . r I . ., . . I � .. . I � A I , I . . . ­ . I I . () - f : . . I . Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real _____L____-_._.*._-__._.:�_� . Tile 'apparatus used . comprises a- , . . ___ . . . . � . INAVIGATiax' .Now Pliw.* �. - .. - '!> . . _� I . . N �'l A Y. � poirters, : , � ro �, * . I ` �. I . I � I . . � ! . � . ' J,AK 'S. , , . . I �� , - . .-,.f. '. - . . � . ' Insurance Agency. , iransmitter and a receiver, the I ' O\ 141 . . . 4i �J), - ,_ , . atter 'ne,q . F" , , . . . Estate and I ', ,i­NM'14 I N, .. . . . Vat . 6lery Coin The run (if 66 cars cofita�itfiig i; i So . I . ", ". � ,,, - � �,� I . , A, mot d o cs a WO-. I I ," . �,,�,� ,; .1 � . Moncy to loan. bcillg� "tile itiost orWrillal part of. tit' - lot . . � I 'y' . .�i . , g .,� Ir r I cattle, .36t - North-lvc,si. _'A . .,. r . . 1 s ilderotis work for sick and half (lead . 81112-UPt 448 11099 kind lo,.-) Traiisportil,ti.ol, C(lill-'. ,I ­ "W . ,__ .Li;k., 1; I -Fire- . .. invention, T f;(! traLusinitter coil. I 1�11'-,�'. F=/��M;, /, . . . . " 11 .aves Sahlia Molida ;;;_ _� .- "I ,/� C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT I lir."L.11 , womej' in A -lay. The.conditiolts Of win calvLm Ili a(l(lition IS cars containing Pall't-Stwiluer lo � vs I I i I I . 11laillIN' pf -an ' ' -days and Fridays ,I p., Ill,, r,�.,,�rzn �*.'Wl I I . .induction. coil ex. � � . ,�!,­ 1 cite(I ter have ])coil cletriinentai:, to,the lical- 303 cattle canie from, Qlijeiigo,. . . Wednes I h)l: , "'�5" mgq -, I I . . . . . 1, Aw I;at'tery-c0,Is or ,s(Iiite x . . - "'? . . . insurance Company tithe . 1'M__Xi`! "I . � . . -th of , I .. Sault:st' g/, I ; � - . . .. . I . gen6rator, The s�,cotidary or hi ' it lwoniwi and girlis ' Lverywhere ; Tile best . � 50 to X Rill 4 Marie, Port" Artliiir Fort , �'; %,�� ,, , ,;��;,;i.,�"j,4'!"i-, " � . --1111 ... . . . . . . . � : . . . . . 91' 1-cu� Illey ' avu declimol in nervous. vigor, '_ rs 460 Will! and Duluth - (wcidjjcsda'V Stea- - . 11 . I . - il" , . . Town. -Pro T W ;i"-," '-... -1� � ,4 . . . . . . . .. . . ... ., -�;,;:, . 13. R, HIGGINS Farm and Isolated'. p&- � -sioh wires terminate ca�ll ill a-.Illetal� t,he". blood, is !rL "WilIg Wi lbs. each, sold atIg-'Ll ;,�"22�i; �pci A� 't, nier funs to Fort William olliv.) . , . I . I lie balL l3etweunithe. tivwballs i tit kripurities, � , , . I :1 "I'll .. I . . ty Only Insured, � S, a , . and Illedittin to fair ones $4,76 to .Northern .xavigatiull. colilpa lv� . . . C()nveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, Or, F1 CE411S . . .. . . QuMeal- box containing oil. - Ill the -0p- LIIL -eNeretory Organs do not ,perforkli g 'S.), . .. I . . " .. 1 . 1'7;�,F��,r-7 _. . � . . . "U., I . .. � 'if . - . , % Steamer'leaws CollijigNy6od� 1.,�o 11' if", ,,, — . . . . . their work, 'and tile it igolstiye .In achill- . . .111, t . ..... , "� , : , . . . , . . posite siolts of the box, are flxp(l two er I . . . . . . ..... .. / - - Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for J. B. McLean, PrAisidenti. Rippen P.- brass balls, oil -ti y is sadh-out,of gear.' iii'llL human and 'OlVen ,961fild F, P, in.� Tuesdays'.. I . . I . . I I . 5x each, All work neatly and 0. ; Thos. Frase,r, Vice -President, lit, so , tAlat one IWIChinf! JTJ'13�St' 14C 4CIeal I Bull" sold 4t $4 to *$4-35 for hoaVy Thursdays and. Saturdays for 8a�iiif' r . . . ' - - ", . � ised, repaired -to .S4 for Ste. � I . .. 1W=_MkVW .� . I ; - Hay!; See half of cacti hall iUl the box and the export -allillia"s and f3,;-)5 , . " , and iliturillediaLe pi)inLs. ' . 1. cheaply *done. Bliticefield P. 0. T. U. * I ` �otlltr': half .011iside of t . lie box. ThLse aud sLr'cngtItehed ill Tday. liable's Qej- lightcr one,,;. . . � . .. . . Uaric. . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . Treasurer, Seaforth -P,, oi, - -.10)(nind (loc. ' � - Muskoka N" "' * , C`OIII13`aIlV_ I - . 4rV C0 9. tIm" werk surpris- � . .. .. 13RUCEFIELD - - - - - - - ONT. . bal ls,xio 'not. toileli. Ott. sending a curr . I . . . �91.Vlg�tttojl . . .. ' ' . . , � ; ` , Stuaillet. le,ave,4 ,lilt% I I � . DIRECTORS - _ rdjit through tile juduction. coil clee- ,ingly: fast, ..and givies a guarantce of � Tli'� oulk of the receipts were, .Iiiiixed. . . k6kii, Wharf p:til ., Ratteltibn '37S I . — . � . I . , . nanent It' , . dai 3", except Sunday, for Bala, I" . r , treetWorks . I I . , ' vl wat, , .. perl calth and 'long life, It i,s loads, hutchers and�exportvrs ;which I Li I . . ort .1 - .� . . . . � :1 . I William Chesney, -Seaforth ; Johil Lx(-. magnetic or Helitzian I long S'ailli lot, Ro's-scait all(I . I 0 .riave,- Winthrop ; Geoige' Dale Sea- set' ill) at tit . tile bue sprIng. nicolicinti that ,truly .sold principally for this local � trarl ilItCrIIIL`diaCU . . . . � I I are . Q balls and conril . . e ( . ' Direct initiorters. - 'Workryjan. .. . . . . I , , . � ­ I DR. W. GUNN, forth � 'John Watt, Harlock ;* " Joliii� �dted_ tol t1w,'etilier, �The-( ' 1111111- nourishes,. regnl4t", and'invigorates ,1,1' ic 'Ir prm" of thc.,4e .Were .high - anti II)ints, and <)it Tuc;sdays, .Thursdays I I . . . . I . . jil . � has a' the entirc itervotts systotil front the 1) . . And Saturdays to Port Cockburn and . Olil) and Mitteri,il � . R. C. P. kind L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Belinewies, BraAhagan Z Jaines Uvalis, peonliar. effect, acting gs a sp , � iched, lots of the b�st but,clierW inix- � . ,� I � I . . gun ran teed � . . . . I I . m,cs� Of- brain .to tile uiinutest'...n�rve filauient;lt. Ld 'With -a few Lxporters for the local port,q ,oil T,ake ,T(isLph'.. . � I .. . . . . . . I .11 I 1. 11 . . I , ,. rich �supplv of kne IliIfit,5%?ilIv 8, Lake of Da-o"'.'Nityi a_ J. G., S � Night calls at fron (lour of residence IJL,ecllwo.od ; James Connolly, Clinton; !?rake, reducing, tlle'�ajiidity of, the giveS.a Still .rgizing trade, sold 'It $4-76 to.$5 per l'OO lbs., . . 9 , I F,XLE and C un RattenburV street� opposite Jollu 111CLeani Kippeu.. . ., . ' . , . . . wave vibrati6ik.�.. Thu;se vibrations ' I . I tion Coulpany-Steanicr lcavvik� llmits- " '. , �' .., I . . I .. 0. � . I . . . are, bI6Od,' it'CICarS - tile 11111�11N% unlWalthy'. the lLiitLr pric4'behig real ized. tn, a:'few . . 1. .. . ­ . . . Presbyterian church. � . AGIi4�TTS.. ' .. ,,hell givell oil. into space all around in- - lo. . I . � . . " . . ,:� . . . . . I -PROP I'TORS.' � I . . ... ' i 'I 111. ',Ill( -- -Tlics- I : . . a '�' . .. - ail incro.isti iu.wcl,­1ii,'.,cases. Goqd load,,; Of iiii-xed Ijutellers., . I , R1 -, . . I �-ery dirceii6n. " '' . I . . si im, it gives Ville: 7. 1 5 , 3.. -L) -)'.p, ill. ' .. Office-Ontaiio street - - ClilitOn. Robert Sniith," Harlooik ; -Robert . Wft- . . . I . . I I id more r�Jre%hing sicep, - N\, . . allot , ,�atlirdays for 1. .. I I I . . . . . .. , ... . �.. ­­ . . . . . . - at A � I . hat ever and exportetk' lieiferi and. ,steers sbid 11a ...' -s 1�1 - N -s . . I . 1. I � . -11 . �.. I—. ­ : . ., Illillan Seaforth ; Jaines Cumnlings, '- Tile essent'.4i . part ' 'of . B-Iaicol ' $4.6 5, to. Do�)�rsLtiir:!iltiilili iiit�.l�itiL�(4.i�te�i)(ir,t.�., , I _.__ _:�11.­--�­.­­ . ­ ­ ___7!!T!!t� .. . �! . .� .­ . ., � . � � , I . be, your ,condition - llilhapi� m . . . .� . . . y ifferer, . __ Egniondville ; .J. W., Yeo, Hohries� , I t I ru I . I i, s. . . at '$4.8-5) I)e" cWt.' and tkood , Tr011't. Fishilig-Fcason Ti -(Wt I . . . . I .. � . 1. . .. � , . �, . .. . .... I . . . , , you a bicssed asAirance �0'f a 1c) it.% o"i'llrix .d lj'�Itchetsl' alone brought F. I I .� . ,� . . � , I . receiver is the inam etic'dett.,�toll \�hich ,�T . � .. a , A. . 1. .fc,r . . . . . ..­ I , . " 4 � . . .. 91" fast ig health� thrmigh- the vsQ "'90. . - . .AlLdill-111, and countion -is ting Is now ()I)Lll, . I . I . . � . . . . . . . . . . , AW, .. Ville. - .. � com!sts b( .two Wooden, \Vheois half 'a new Ind it . $4 � 3ii 'to 84 . * . I 1. . . .: I I � . . : I . DR. 'SlI . I Parties desirous to. eiTect* insprarice' ,*(jot in circitinferolIcL, . aro . tit . Of. Jlainel,s - Celery Conliwund'.' Mrs, butche'S' �UalizQd $4,12',, 6 $4.30 and* For tickets, inforiliatiOti. and ilill"i- - I . . . � . . . . . I . . 1HYSICIAN' AND SURGEON. or 'transact other busin I ess will - be ,rTIl',-,s a'' wire of. -soft '.iro lot , which VIc.ra ,S,. Bri.tntle� " . . i . - . 0 -MOKOWN . .. . . . , I . I . - a, � ilv�uilatcd, . I lldvi��,. P.' ,Q,, wr:tes Common qn,es-, Illiked-with. co'\v%, , tt�ated' litLrL�ttire ,of ,stilirniari i -L -sorts in � . I . ". . . I I . I : . : , . . . . I - . - � .. , . $,3.6--, � . I _ � . . . . . . . . promptly attended to on application throilk.11 Noliell a slight altbehating pur- thus.:- . ­ . . I . . t I'* kill s o f �'.to . . . . . . .. . I . . . . . . � . . . , . . I .. .. I . to ,�3-�o'pur cwt. Roiigh�,and'.IzjfcI*1(;� H"9111 (i , Olitkii1o,''appIN I . . . . . .1 � . - . � I � I . . I � . . . . . . . I . . .. . .. � .. . . . I . I . .� . ; . ,. � , . . I . 01fice-Ontario street - - Clinton. to any of the above pfricers addressed rent 'passes, The Inagilet. causes t1fe "Eighte'en montlis ago I was terrib- �cows and bulls sold lit -�3'40*to' 51 I * ' ' ' � ' . I * * . I :1 I . . � I I �).5. . J.. D.. .)LIACDONA1,I) D 1,� k , . en I . I . . I . .. 1 . . . I 1. ­ - - . '. . .. . . ., .. . ­ . I I - respective pogtollico.- - Losses current tc alternate - ly aillicted witli'daily licadaclic.i; ,and o " I . I . I "'AAlt.." . . . . to their . which .1neans flow * . Butchers' cows s Id ai.$�'.56 to $4�2�5, . . . .1 .1 . - I . I I . .� . . .opposite St. Paul's church. inspected by.the ' director who lives ing.first one-way around the . was I desljon6ut; ­nervoua.'and-, 'weak., ' . I . .... .. . - I . . . I . � ... . .. . Toroutc),: �. ,�� I. ,, . , . .. � . . . . I . .. . , .1 . . . I - - ­ . . I i _ . . � Wheels, , , . . I N - 11 1-M. -.11:1, . � : . - . . . . . " imirest i e scene. . ­ -�the. other waV, The, ether Wav'es - -There is still -a good in-an:3 , buyers�mf * A. O.. PATTISO'N, agelit, C ,* " "I !-V ,Y. A . � . . . . . I . I � � - - 11. I I � then Ivrollical assistance. and pakolut. inedi - . I - . , . - (intoll , - . vm. . . . ..., . . I I . I . . . . I I , ­ t , I ,., , . . . . . . � . _ - , . 0 0 * oiizn�s fitilcd to 'bring me reliefi- My st(yCkcrS . 1,1101)(11FINS, 1�(;%Vll Ticket .1 44. . . I , . .. _. __ . ___ - _. . - - - 0 .-- 4 __­ ­ . . disturb tile roglufar- fli.-w of'this mir- - � all', feeders 'oil the watket * : - 1, � 1; R I . �. :- I I .. M 'A 'N ,� � I . .. I . . . . . I , . . . . . � . ,:,�...., _ I . �. . I .. retit. and additional curient, pour-- .4ulleriligs illereased,.-abd .1 was. told I ;Uld twerythillep good in thi,% line -fonlici .. I �, - Ag, ni, -Clinton' . ',,� "'. . . - ­ __ - . .. � . .. '. . , , . m. -_ - . . _,,,�. �.7.7v.'­r I i o At r S 0 N ; ' . . . ,,, � r . . � . . It , " I I -,, 0 . I at .the' inornent of w0uld not.get better again. I was suf a. re ,4� � . .. , , '.. I.. ,,, . it' .w � . Iq Zi;., I Ing, ady sald., We quote t 'Choice fee I . , � .1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 7 . . . . ... ­. I . . .. � - "g k__ .�N . * .. , . , * " c' I It . . . . . . � . . . �. I . . i 4 Z. V. . discas s oi LA�p Jhe .disturbancLs ificmases the f6ree 6f, fering sio'.1,1111ch thktU I was- satisfied to Lrs. iii5o to i,-.,00 Ills. each, $4.9o, to , I 1. 0 1 1 . Special attf-rition given to . I . . . � 4 !,:,�) �­ . Z��,�41 "', . , ' . . . � . . . I , �� ... . , . . . I the E ye, 14 - � . disturbing wayes so. that it- oper- (lie if it was God's �Vill. A peigbbor $5,i2l.,' per cNvt - ..',veders, .. goo to i,000 :'- - ; - , : .. . ... . ­ I "' ." . � � � . I . . . . the' . . `f � I 'L , _ I - ,ar, Nose and Throat . at . I . R '$IXt . . -, , � .kiNll, , , . � . I I - TIME - TABLE. , : " ' es the, Morse instruinout. Marconi killdl'y sugge'Ited the Ilse of Paine -'s It)',- c0ch, $4.25 to $4. iO ', Ceeders v,000 . FOR. 0 V. E, y. YEARS. - . . . . ,_.�, R, I . I . . ollice and Residence . . . .. . . . � . . .. ­... I . I ;. I - �0 I .. . � I Albert street East, Clinton. � . . . fdollierivi ,utilized tbe"collererl-ol. (bm- Celer�-. Comimund, and to . please ,tier � to -1,-IOO - Ibs. - eav-11 $4.,50 � to N-50 ", . .1 ., . .. � . � , � . 1. 1� *1 I . � I � . I I . . - r at and d . epar . t � /,ecelli *�jid 11raffley, It c(insists of' &, 'I ) I is N%, stockers, 'go .00 'It)p. ca , $4 - to- . ,"Iklls. Wills'low's . sooLiling I Synip� . has. . * � . I . . � . . . I . 1. . . I I North of Rattenbury street. Trains will arrive C( eutcd tof trv� it., The first fe o...to q , dh *' . :� . , . . . I I . -ioll is " . . ch, are I I . . . . .: tkVo - (IOSCS. S(.,ejIi,e(I­to so�lld d feeling of stockcr,�,, -,00 to. 800 Ms. cach� ,bj�tin­llscd ..I)N,,., Illillions of mothers - fur , .. . . �illlall glass 5 ;, I .1 I I froin , , new 54�25 �, I . k1. . I I . Clinton Stat follows. : ,�'-' tube' in, w4i .,, �,-�� I . � . , . . . I � I . . � life. ' ;1.'i � to" $4 - And*1160d sl.ock calves their clilldre-n While'teething. -If dis­ P . , i.. � --;ilvar p1tigs t6ruilliatilig lit Ivires) the into,niv blood,L,nd I Went oil ;Ilsc- �' I � .1 " Z I - � . ,, ; . 'OU 0 I I �, 1�.,, , I'l I . BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. 14lds of Which, 'are .561clered ,to the sil- ing tile c6inpoinid. I ba�e takell five �.� .,:; o � to $3,85� Per 'ioo'lbs. ,i rough ill- till-I)LId' of' iiight ail(]- broken of your � I . I 11 i I i 1 *14 1 1 DR. G. W. MA-.\rNI.,NG SMITH I I . , . . I . I . rest by a sick chil -ing and , , . I , ; .1.41,uy . . . . ':' �gsa -lain fitl- � ferior and o c ors $3 ul , I Going .East Uipress - ', 1 7.38 a,..m. VLr plugg.:,'The %V'ires aic fused into b0ttles, and cauAioliestly y . I : If .... oi . . )wards�': d 'suiTflet , IJA , ." I s . . I . I I . . . . I I . 4 . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEION. .1 it 11 .. 2_55.-.l;. II9 - . . . . . I I . . . . . crying with pain ' ..... I . If I . . � . I . Lite glass, Thoi tube is exhausted to a I A, ITall'i-sletpilig welfl', al)l)ctitd -, .. , VA I I . . I Y ellrAi . � . Of cutting tedth kmd � . . . . . - I . . I . . . , . . . " Mh'oed - : * .15 P.- m. ll6ar apnroach � tq absolifte - .1vacuill. ill good ,.QolIditiO11,.,,&r&ttin,g ,ba�k lost �,Spritig larfibs ,�. were firin 'and .unchfur- . at � once . and git. &:']* . . . . . I . . . ' . . 94 4.6 I I . silver Illugs* a etive,a-4 O'girl of,. ged - ­ Ligit, oexport o5wes were -higher c )ottle of " Mrs. % .' I ' . . �... . � . . .. . . . ' ' Office forinerly occupied by Dr Pat- . 11 West . . .4 The Jaees of theAN,vi) , flesh, . all it' - feel * , s ,.a I . . . . . I Q. 5 a. m.. . . tire, I � . , Wilislow's Soothing iSyrup" ,for child- . . . . . .HIGH C1 'ASS . .. . . I . . 9'. A: . E�jTgss '- . c 'aiid OIL s c, fift(-ca, - I -think. iny .enre I.% a , , . A_Z_.% . . I I . . 1, . . '1')L�jnii- and grain -led yearlings Were: wante I ' ' It i�ilil'..rvlicve the poor .. i I . . . lister on Main street. , 1j.55 P. in. very close to cacti ither - pat _ � - for J'a . � (.'-.� ren teethingr. I . . . � I . . . . I . .. �., I I . . I . .. 11 BAYFIELD - - - - - - - Ont. it' . �. :: : � 7 -.0 In, I)ct;VLCTI is filled 'lip. with v'ery fine 6411t �(�tle. 1. t1laitk, God I ine,s ThciZ�- was Ottle flonand for bartz;yard- little suffei&er. inunWiately... - . - ! , : . . . . 5 a. . . . . Depend � . . ' ' * ' . I I . . . . 44 ot � . I. At 1 '70;27� P; In - fili rigs; 'preferab 1.� of nickel -and sit - C.clery Compound ; it 'saved iny life.ti) slic'!p'. 1111r. IVCS16�, bunp �eported" � , - �lotllers, there is* 110 . I . HARNESS - SH01- � . . . 4 Ver. . . . . . pri,: upon, it, : - . �,% , . I . I I .1 - * , I tit Ista c e . - . . I .'''. I . I ___ I I I - I ew - 1. . .., I � I . . .. . . . . in,ary , Ces as Jofioi�s .. - 11cayV, , . . . LONDON, ITURO-11 AND BRUCE DIV, IiudLr, ord' couditions','the�e. filings my blisband -a-Ild chi)(11:6n." - -, '. . * I � . . I . LA,. A 60� it) about it.*.'It ' cures 1)iarrhoca, regu- . I I . . . . . . 1, � .., . . . . .. - I .1. . I . � will'not ,conduct vIcctricity, save feeb-, if N'o'tl 0 . re � ill I fited., or*, -free .inedical 180 * Ilis eacit, $,i,75 60 '-$4:25 .1' �Jigllt lates .tha.'8torr . iach and B .1 . . . I � . I . . . 1. . . �. I . � DR, AGNEW, Going South Expfess. 7 4� �L: In - iy ; init what,. .they collie. withi ., . the adviee, writc to Con4ulting Physitiatt's* bticks, S ' grain -fed ewes, . . .owels,, curc8 �: ,Good. .quality haness, .both light . . .. , . . . . DENTIST. . 11 .I( . . . 11 . I 1. $3.25. to ,4 ; , . Wind t6lic, soft6is� the Gum.,;� reduc,ds I . � . . I I � � , . . . , 1. -d - 4 15 P Ill � influeneb of the;eloictrc�-niagnttic, wk&e� De'partinoint The & son. wethers, yearliii-gs,i S5.50 to $6,� grain- . ' . ,i,iid ., heavy, at : Triodefate prices .. :, . . . I Will be at BINth cii-cr)' .-c( � i . I'd Monday .4 � Mixo .. : . . . � � I . W eI is " Ri6hard - Inflamina66n, ,and giV�s. tone and.bit. ! I.,. � I . " I *1 .. . . . . . . 'Lrcohi's -transinitter,tht Cc), T'hilited, Alolitt . , . 5o; cournioa jar )1easatit,to the taste* - ,I sell, b t - : -*;a - tchewan Robes, . . I - I . . I North Exprcss . . io.i5 a..ni, sent Off -by Al. . . , -,eat Que All eQrm: fi:ot,bhckA-, ,S5 to -$S: , , "' I ' ily4d -ren ic4thi�vg, is I . . .1 . I I . . . I C, .y , 1 to 4 p , i es s" .1 .. I 011ice- I . it ki. 'Mixed - 6.55. iy.. it' . �aru- nl��i'togriAlier ok,tnaole to collere; rosimilderice is sa,�Kedly �Oni�idointiaf. , lalilb�i $, $ r cwt. ,; %piilig laillbs: , I . I . I . . . I � . .1 � . I . . a:ud, is the prescription, C)f oil* : : - � - - . ' * Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, . ' . . . . I . : d.. . . c 61 the: .�. also. Rig' " Blank-ets !.T Asf. � Val � ., . .: .. , .. I I .. . r � . in -Niielf a Nvav -that tilley forill, as it, . . . . .. . . .. ;� . I I . Yilera wbirtif $2-;to'S4-qacIl1' ,- :. � oldest, and bust I'vilkalL.pliysicialls �nd. , S, _ I I 17A . � . . .1 . �. . . I Clinton. ,,',. 0. PA,'11"I'tS;O�N-I...A',,,Lltt., ., . I ' , .1. , . . . . ­ . 1. ,. . . . . . .1 . . were, � a ljr�d ge over. w tic i a current , '.. . . . q ., ... I I I I . ... r . . " ., � . . . . *: I I , . . , I I , I � — . — ! . . � . . . . numes; ' in -'P ' ' . I . . . ., . .. . I ,. .� . 1. :: � �, ____ F. it. 11ODGENS ToNvu Ticket Agent IM .. . .., I � . I 1. .I tile. 'Vilited States. rice is -es, 'Etc. I � I � I � 11 . " ,. ,. . I .. ' � . . , J. 1). 'AIA ' ' Ly pass�' The' filings'in the receiver . . � I Wilell .Cows. to tile. 11111-aber, of .20 -Or I At.16. - S61d by alf dhg- . . . . . s_ . .. . _____ CDONALD District 'Pa,i8Ln- I .1 � I I .1 . - I I . 20 Al�llts a )o . � I .. . I I. . �. .11 I- 11 � ,. I I I � ­ , . . once illade'to cohere, ,would rejuaill il . I . .. . .. . - � ,� .. .., I 2S $01d at S35 tP $40 cach.' I . .. �j.t. Ahroughotit tile ,world , Be , s I ire . .. , . . � I '. � I I . � . I I I . . . 1. I I . I I , I I . . � . go,r� Agen't, Toroilto. I I .. . . I . . ! I . . . 'ST . . I . I I , . . . , .R N H llol,ml�S, I . � I iterlering with tile working I D - . I ergy to. , tl . ii;yst . . .. 1. � DR. C. F � I .. . that state ii God -Bleo bur,'Nad. � . , . ic, wil6le 1. em, I., Mrs, ' , , , . . , I . , . I , , � I . of the apparatus, To get' over this � .. - . I " $4A . .. ,cipecialist Ili Crt.nvii and Bridge Work . I . . . I. .. � . I � .Calves wel-6 steady ats 50 to $5-56 WillsI.Ow's Soolthing-SyrufI!, for Child.,, � . I. S.-CIta(Illat.1- Of the Royal Col- ---:�� ....... I _­­­ ____==__=: ­ (;bstacle a tiny halifiner is so arrang- � I . I I . 1. ''.... I � .� per -cwt., alld 52 to'410 oeacil.', - . , and ask -for � . � .slow, - s f . . , I 11 . , , . . . D. D. ." Mrs. Win Sooth- , I . I . . .. . . . I 1, We happenw.1 , lit it, liou.,w the ,other . . . . . . I . . I . . Sooth , . I., I utar. ' . . I t passes I . I � . . . .. . . I . . .. lcge (if Deutal Surgeons of Q 11%.NRY 11EXXTIS . I % � . . ed'.tha the nionient a current.. . Ifight and over �, tile, parlor door saw I " . . . I . . it,, Ing Syrup -11 .. I I � I . . It :. ... I � . I I . . - . R W W . -, ''I. I , .FflG a'" " io. . . I , .. through tile tube tlw� haininer .taps the Hogs: d osed weak, without a ofut I . : . : . � R . , .. I . I . . , it! . . . . . I . . I . � � . 11 . q . . . . . . I . . . . i . ilingrs -to tI legend, 1.1m,11tit is 116111c,without a ,I . * ­ * ­ . . . __ __.. . � . . . � , - ... . . I siilc' ofAlle tube� Causing tile fl t Its% follow I sa- , I . I 1 p. D. ,s. -First class honor graduate . . . ' )IL decline., Quota io ,---- ----.-,--- . I . ­ I . 11 � . � I . . of Dental Department, uf Toronto (Successor to Mr.. James !�co'tt.-) " decoherL, thtts breaking tile- circuit ajid* At - other �` Across.tlw room is anoth-. lects, i6o to 20o IN-;. eacb,. �6.,Ia, . . I I I I ; . I .11 .... I . � , I . I I . I I I . I ., ., . � . . . � , . . . . '. , University. . ­ waking. ..tile Oparatim ready . to re er brief dusire "God blow Our1laille." liglj.t.4�-aild fatS.;$5,85. ' ., . .1 �. . a I., Oilo. - � * . ., I I .. � _ .. .. �� . . � ,R, SOLICITOR, ETC. . -. "Now what's."thi,"in, tt,r 'tit -Go, . . - . . a. Special attention Vald to pr0krvatior, 11 klZRISTE . spond to tile next Wil,ve'. - I I . - , . I, a e . wi I d . . . - I . . .. -1 0, M 1% C . . . I I - . . . I Mr, .Scott, . � .. '� � . . I i. 11 . Bless Qfir Dad-?" Ile gets tit) early, 1. .1 I . ... . . . I.. I . . I . . . � . - 1. . lights. tile I' � . I I of childrion's teeth. . o . Ili . ve forniprly. occal " !yl�'TO. LOA The operation .kli as. . "taliffig", ,rr., boils ail egg, ,grabs his . . � I . . . I . . Will be at the River Hotel, Bayrield, , . I Moi(��11.0 N -, own - ' ' . . . .H.Ints . -for.. 0 0, . d hse , .1... I . . . every Monday frg- lo a. tn. to 6 . ill tile Elliott Blo& .. - . . is ail imporitant- part of the Wnrcolii (liPlier pailt and wipos oil tile clew' of , I,e1,_'T-OTH.1,,R8 n�XMMIAIX'vT . . . I .. � . . I . I I I . . . I . . � . � . ,. , I . . . .. . . 11 I I I . . . . . � . � 11 . . . . . I I I . � . . IL . - I , Ther is w s' sollic6ing- new : Ill inore,.if p. m. ­ - 1-11. . sy.,Awn. It consisisin adjuistiti�r- tf . tile dawn 'vVith 16,9''boots while. ;Ilallv I Flat slowly, iliastiditting ,the'� -food 'thoroughly., even . r . I . I r .. . .1 1 - ,)(?wer Of 'the xecdiwr to 'that. cof tit(!' all(AllOr Is .sI(Xpivcr. , 116 makes, - WL c at � av . I . ' " , - ' ,, . . , . - . . . . .. . .1 I.. I ., . ' . . the Way of inedicali treatinent and vott : possible, than is required itt health, Tile mofie titne the tood , . ., ... .: . . I ., 4 � t : I I 11 .. .4. WUkly haudoti,t I( r the butcher tile I I .. . . .. . - .1 OR J. FREEMAN ' � VETERINARY SURGEON. A Itierril)er of the Veterinary Medical . . Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. - office -Ontario street - - Clinton opposite St. Ilaul's church. I'llone 97. . . DR. BALL N'ETERINARY S1JRGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY IN- SPECTOR. ... 0111ce-Isaac street - - - Clinton I all.,Ill (3r, W A C I Inay X On 0 -43 unihnitml e\tqnt. To* such ,ail. ext�eljt- � . 1. I I �t grocer, inilkwaii,. and baker, and,his . - are constantly invited to try itew-fang- . � -led, renicidies. Let Others spenqs in �the mouth. the loiss .it will spend 'ill' the'- stonlach ' I I . I .. . ­ 3, . I I ". I . . . ­ . I I . . . 018 this systelli, been -lit"Hect-vAl thai little IAWC,,�',8�badly worn beiiare lie has. .m..1prove'u . .- and so risk 1-iialth Mlld lose, . I . . . Avoid drinking at weals . I .. . � I . in' general . I I - -, Itough when a* datircht is'started R bl-Wll 110111-c ian hot.r. 11'a stands off the lexperfillieni tinte, Dr; 'Chase,% Kidney-Uver T ills � - "' . dyspeptic'stomachs niiiiia96 dry food - � '. . . . . I uay *sprdait in circles to every' point, � � . f -no is. bailiff and keeps.the rent paid ill). If J oluittic ii-ceds a* new c;. shoes da'd ihave. been tried fit the ,�rotc'ible. of tinle . I 11 . ".., , - � . I : � a i. th, - � I better ill' ii at c6titainhig.. �nu I � . . . 0 - . ch' - . . . . . j tile -coillpass, receiver aficeted . )ut tile one 'attutied, for nse with tile pair goes down in his '(III) ctlid conres 111) -the - public OT Ill- Won the, approval of . - , . I fluid. ]Ut neither very hot not Cold - . I ' . . � I I . * . - transniftter. , However nurniorous jilay � . I ' '.with tile I.riec of a hard, dav's swtjat� . ff, !%lary for tier toil and (1011 onstiid ted their right- to it - I I I I e as i 'I Ili eIvery Ilioill 0, 11.1i,y ji'Ldi- 1) I f � - � - tenlperaturi� jS:tbat . 1, . . . . I , I ..food. The best . I . .. . I of. the body. Be be the receivers scattered over ijiter-. " noeds a it Iribbon' L . .ace C1114.1. - . �, . I eneeful to Avoid � . .. � . . . , . ilz�-� , . vLaing, space therL is only- one that hair, (,,'r mother yearn� for .a wrapper . . . 1. �. . . . I . . . . 1_� I . exc�ss in eathlg� ,, Luit no niore. than , :. �M . I . . receives the . Illessaga, 'Utiless others 4nd baby howl,; for ti -rattle, do 11 wit go- 'and . . . I - � . lk__`�: . � . . Z_�z � __ . . . . I ., . �_�_ - the 'wauts of the. system require. . -1 lk�z_* . .Ilwic been attlilled ill ullisioll rw itli it. I . . . es, clad . But. ill) conies the think . if lie I�Ilys� a,llew pipe for a. cloarter, . � . L .. . I . .. . I :1 _ . '. I . . — , . , I � I I . I S_� . -- , . . . ,sonleiiines less than i8 really needed ' . I . . . ,.. After jilauy. ta.�pt,rinients. fly lUarconi, bwattso tile old one is, getting a bit . TAver'a Y�Z (Wise 11badMisinfootant, soap. I � I I . . . . . I . . I must be taken when digestiou.is very - . . . I . tile , principle was �c.stdbljshed that stirong lie is warned thati-sui - oking "i s ail Powde r is better than -other soap powders,_ -� - Weal,", Stret3gth depend4vot on what - . � . . .: . undur. ordinary conditions the bigfic�r . expensive, Ilabit and that- nlen have' i4lid ,i it also tots 4i a disinfectant. . . . 9/ . I . .. .. . . is e�tev, but on, what. is digested, - . I � . I . the aerial. wire or the greater the. lillinbor ot aerial wirols the longer mie . .� farms and Ila])- ,qmokiLd I p blotl-s I � , � py holne"s.. I . � . . ­ - . . 1. . ., ­ . . I. I 1. . .. � , I I .. . . . Nevet talte tiolent exercise of an ' ' . . I . . 1. I �_ � :4 1,i 1. . I Y, .1 � I . � . � __ _... __ � ___ .- - ____ . I . . Rxsidence-Albert street - Clinton. - _. __ .... - - - - - - -1 . UlStalice tile waves w0lll(l.travel wit"- - , � out it wire for their conveyance, � � I � I . An. rolindry telegraph key. is used in tiansuitting inessages and a ,telL raph 9 Whoin ai show strikes towtJ dad, 0(mucs. . lip �Ntith the price and ina goes out , with a neighbor and Wr�. 41lar '" tier beau in the parlor. Dad's clothes are notle too good and grAlne, will stick sc I I . . I ail I Women, 'have � � . I I Oka Kidney Dise a 19L Vi%1110"11*4 �E � , 11 I I ­ - ­ . .80it, e . er Atuilta or*physicill, either � . � 1. . . . . . . . .. . . 34st before or just -after 'a ineal. : ' '. I . . . . . Neivet oat wore t1lan three times'a . I . . , I . . . day, and. wake the last. tlii�al very * . . . , . W.w..WL_ftnw-MAr1 — . �� .. . _. ­ _-11,11 "I'll, 01�0*. : I . I - - . Vlarriage . 11400 I Wea'h? relly'llaild sounder, Joilled hi series . . . ill kitelle'll with tile loids, lie sits ill f", I , U0 Av$ptlt done't lvbfa be thlbl%:6 UAYWS 4 - lit. Ila 146OW601111611ttlililrrafid medidlU6, F*JI6Wh1A#Al,,1e&AHd too tit ltroi`6� light. . . Vor niany dySpepti t,,v o - . . . I ksii . . ... — . .11 � I witha eoliefer and,a batterycall, are used ill receiving theill, I ,� I It there is a noiso during the night _ Alad make toot mistake ormtrAbutuar tue 'resUlting backneho to otber eallses. wlient allol And Aignaturt o(W. A. thdr fm _ t 'justaill1q, 11011rish, ,t book Author, tre *0 evoy ... nous alidg 1,0 bilrdell, bu tatip ofhi# I , K - . . . . ineals' are better than 1310re. Nevcr * * I . . ' ' ' Licenses I I �w � . I . . . dad is kicked in the Ila& and iiiadeto Many women have kidney diseaseand do . K 161VE STREms W eat a iiior 1. . sel of ally sort between , _ ; , I I � . 44 I s-Aftemd terribly and Was ex. . (Or 12 Tile . The, mocle of operation is ai tot- tows By holding lit � down stairs to fitid-the butglar 90 and kill hitit, Mother darns tile mocks, not know it, They confilse the symptoms with 'those of ailments of a feminine 'nature. I 411EV "`Rtitl WEAK AA - �" CuRe 1 2 650 - rUNf(TrION ZAVIty . ., . meals.. Never eat when very tired, % * .. .1 I . ... .. . froln ISSUED BY tremely'venk, � years, . doctors said my blood. was all . . (town the'key the trallsillitter, tile circuit is cloged. A . yes. Ae (toes ; but dad * bought the 8ock., itt tile first place, and th� lleefl- Backache, loss of flesh, dry, harsh skin, de� posits in'tKe urine, swLIling ofthe feet and leasi .: Rt I Q "'s'- ICOHERL D ST �,� THE CONSTM I whether e:daustod wental or. I . .. . I . . . I. phy,sical1abor. , Never eat when the . . J. 13. Rumball, Cli 11 toil � last I tried turning to water. At Ayer's .Gaisaparilla and wag 9001ft . I current. generated by the battery . is statted, through the primary wire of , let; nild V.Lrlt after�fttcls. Mother does . sti , finest and soreness of tile niusclos, woAriness and despondency. Are symptoms of kidney -- , . - ,�- ifti:o�;v M W/O 111ind is worried of. the tentper ruftled, I . . I . I . � & k I 4 feeling all right again." - . . Mr 4 V Fiala. Hadlyme, Ct the induction coil of the transmitter, indutinui a hitth-teusion,'carrent, in t I Yx,, A, t�uit . - I th ,clad bijught it all , Well,, "' s- and Jars and stigar.cost like the mi I I I � , . disease, and call for 4&. f .t . . �� � - - ,�..,4C)n.Eto . f If you can possibly avoid it, Lat only . . I . food that is easv of dice6stjoil 'I'tir"A. I I I promp eattuent ,ior et e W4 � I . i I . .., � _­.eg , ,.-Ill - 0- � . secoriclar coi I Soarks . to- n i acrose Dad buy.-, Chicken for the 81111- A, . ­ . .1 t �� moplir 12 144 a V I 4 U 4 A A .1 I . . , . I I I I J � . . I - rev n Der 0"S f eSU 04 1-1; � LIS t6oUA.MiJ %;1L I- CLLA V0 Aestlule . K 6 IS day dinner, 6 Ves it hi-Ill"'elf alid dra- . t-111 . . � the gal) betweedi the inetallic halls, 0. W. WILkINNi - �jutn oki 7 � I No matter how long you I . - i - - ce� - diihes, and- takhig bUt one to three I whic L, tile termillal. ws it neck roin tile ruins aftL,r everV , I . It or 4 of tile snoll- les .. Henry, St., naleville, �Z� -rA 11 courses at a Meal. . .1 11 . . . � 01 e e .e is .served. ,,What is hotne . �� BRITAIN -AME91CA have beeh. ill, nor how dAry - wires, V,Iectro-inagrieiic wavel; I Ofit.0 states:�"I suffered . �-j 411 Druqqi a Chemi . poorly you may be toda are radiated, which. travel to the ' re- Without it ill()tllP,r ?" Ye$ that is, lilt �r a great deal *!ill pains in 1_;:�� . . After ineals talcd two -.9'Xi. JANItIS I . . . � � - - I . I . . _ Y) ation, As they strike agaiti� right, but "U'llat it holne, Without it . the small of the back Zz__�_ I .. I . . .. . 'ivill, , . I WAV VMS) 41z bthlb§vt at. James Warfra. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the ", 1,r st father ?" Teti tn ore it fis a boarding , . I I 1___�� . � . . st the aerial conductor they influence I . caused by kidney trouble. � __ . then a live thul n1o6t towplf te ebtfiblint. I . . a best medicine you, can the filings it% .tl)e colverer,causing thent ilonge, father I,,; under At slab, and tile I . Whenever I stooped I .-,.. __ - 11 a I f 0611 of dtusrefor atreit ghtfiez lit g , . � . take for u if 'n afid en- to cohere, tficr�,by ,closing tile circuit, laildlaciv is a Widow. got . Vo _" I . could scarcely rise Again, I - - . the hervoko Q:Voteft Z cvor nliut . 1ARK111 M 11 - . . AS I . through' which a current begins to Dad flere's to, you " voli've . , ..� the pains were sogreat. I I � . � glassful wltll." . re U., riching- tFieblo'DT . flow� Tho� little haminier then tap.q the 411110-NOU 111(tv Ilave lots Of Icill-W"t .� The disease became to " o f. It o t , Wt. Itobert mclatilo, � . . I I I . Oti-11147 . othor An T'1A%n$fAnith*1t t'littlynitto side Of the tube kind causes the filings you ' Urk. WitkTAS severe that it affected roky pirlea In ada * $1.00; Adituburg, Setititkfid. . 11 ,lie all rijbt %And wc011 wiss you � . � I I W a +,A r . � I � + I I . � , , ­ . 0- -1 — 1, '� 11"'It"I"1111; , P4 on . . 11 whole trust in it, throw to, decohere, �thereby stopping tile car. As NVII01 You're gone. I . general heluthu ima I *as becoming Mmuch * � 0 . . . tud ddwh� Sidc* wint Dr. idiltv. . six bottloa tot- $ '00 AT h a y 19L Vi%1110"11*4 4way everythingL else, rent, the current passes out frolli, th-L cofierer through tile relay, tho lat- . I . . .� uvot 24114 1 *Ali my tbat my trouble hit tntitely disApMeLred. I can speak M the . � help stornidbi digest food 'and send I . 11400 . $1.0 o Wilt. All drskil 11 . I—— 011 0110' 0(94 ­ 1. 0 ter calls into play the powerful cur. ren froln ,a larger battery widelt . , : 1,t,'tr�ugtfi and vigor collit of good highest terms of this medicine frow the way it sated In lay 090' the illitritnanit throtigh the blood, and this i's tile hotlest way to got Av$ptlt done't lvbfa be thlbl%:6 UAYWS 4 - lit. Ila 146OW601111611ttlililrrafid medidlU6, F*JI6Wh1A#Al,,1e&AHd too tit ltroi`6� : rini� �A the sigual and operates tile re- cotcling instruiticuL. The distilletivol food, dilly digoste(L "Foreell a rea- To protect you % itatiott the portr4t jIV.t_o)-qerve barley- food, , ghinti: Im' . W. Clime, I health and Strength, the killd that vt ,�Jftl' ,; 4; 6Md"ll f-P-11"ll we will by. I sIkJI811AJNkd6.,U*6tI,f4s1N. . � lval.;irts of Marconi's systoin are Its wlient allol And Aignaturt o(W. A. thdr fm _ t 'justaill1q, 11011rish, ,t book Author, tre *0 evoy ... nous alidg 1,0 bilrdell, bu tatip ofhi# lasts, develops and breeda the etiergy . W,hich accomplishes much. 1�,- , , --I o0oo . -y aii(j its ,sw,- coniluercial pro,vtj�abjlit og I iilvignrato% tor4atili, 1. � � ... 2 " �� .1 . " i,) . ,, . 11 . . . .A.-- ­" ­'_"�io0)#�"P��l 4 , ,10 zi� �.!��!,&�., - �,_ , , !, , ' .__ ** - , 44V.0 , P,_ , ,,, . " T+,"'144114ut � - ­.�­.... .1,* ."*, I -1� ".. ­­ . . . I I .._.�­*__..**4*i41WVWV*Ai-*,*- "o ... N , . # 40;� ,ii,v*VA"t",4 �., W74k ioi.*.A.�. .- ,.. . . . . . . I . I