HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-14, Page 7May 1 ottill 190$ wiiiimpooposimowilimmfgaimo heiViolsons Bank 14 THE CaINTON NEWS-RUCORD IncorpOrated bY ACt of radian:lent. 1.855. Capital e PiSooto00 . Rest 2,e5o,000 HEAD OFFICE e -MONTREAL. Wen. itfolson Meepherson, President. Jaines 1Wat, eneral Manager, Notes discounted. Collections Made. Drafts iesSed. and Amer- ican Exchange bougSterlinght and sold. "IIIGII GRADE WORK ONLY 1" Intereat allowed t.in depoSits. Our gradnates readily secure good •SAVINGS BANK : POS,Itions because our high grade Interest allowed on sums of $1, and training prepares them to render Met - up, compounded half yearly. , class services. Business men want FARMERS. I first-class workers and have mi time Money advaneed to farmers on their to waste upon the other kind. Coin- , own notes with one or rnpre elP. tome a course now and be ready for dorserS. NO mortgage recmired as a position izi the fall. Write. for security. handsome catalogue. IA. BREW.R., Manager, CliOton. W, j, ELLIOTT, Principal. ee *f 1903. Only rifty COMM tedoe61 STRATFORD, on. OUR mom r O. D. ineragort BANKER. A General Banking Business transact-, ed. Notes discounted. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on de- posits., Albert street 7 Clinton. 1. scorr, . • . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., ETC. Money to loan Office -Elliott Block - Clinton.. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary, Public, Etc. Oil -ice -Sloane Block - - - Clinton RlDOUT Se HALE, • Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT B. R. HIGGINS Conveyancer, Fire arid Life Insurance, •Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for Se each. All work neatly and cheaply done. BRUCEFIELD, - - - ONT. DR. W, GUNN, • R. C. P. rind L. R. C. S. Edinburgh, Night calls at fron door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. -011ieeee•Ontario street - Clinton. DR. SHAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oifice-Ontario street - - Clinton. Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention given to diseases •91 the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: Office and Residence - Albert street East, Clinton. North of Rattenbnry street: • DR. d. W. MANNING SPJ.ITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Main street. BAYFIELD - - - - - .- Ont. DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Will be at Blyth every second Monday Office -- Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, Clinton. • DR. G, ERNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work D. '0. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons:of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class honor graduate • of Dental Department of Toronto 'University, Special attention paid to preservation of children's teeth. • Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, • every Monday from to a. iii. to 6 DR J. FREEMAN, VETE,R WARN'. smoring. A member of the Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Erlin'• burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- •io Veterinary College, Office -Ontario street - - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. Phone 97. DR. BALL' VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY XII- SPECTOR, . Office -Isaac stteet- Clinton Residente-Albert Street e Clinton: Marriage Licenses issomfl 3.13. Rumba, Minton EYPE*YRialtz ME TS tft/tOt. MARItil DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS lke. /layette tending a sketch mei emierbitemi Imo . einem,- /neonate nur onimon tree Whether an invention iti proetanyeeitenteble, Communfea. tionstrietly comment:in, Iteneboolc on Pistentx *tint :see oldest neeticr tey toeuriniontentri, Petentit taken through stain & co. reale( aeciasottee, without Nista, id the Scitittific AitrIca9. . it Itiltilsotucti: Montfort weekly. trargett els cuistof a .c,t nor 10:vmp 1.,,wa ..,. foto'. t a ti ear ;twit. manure ilri. float by ni. se:. ,, '1 Op /11 A & Co sotopedomv, Now f rif *rm. Genes 44 r et.. Ws.....,4,,,, • $.1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For an up -to data HAIR CUT - AND - CLEAN SI1AVE try tile leading barber. NEXT DOOR TO IRIVIN'SortoceRT George Di Roberton. 4000 te 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 1110;1.0... Itaa Cook's Cotton Rod Comionna, Is sueeesstully need monthly by over toesaLadies. Sats,etieetuel.Ladiee ask our druggist for Ceek'a Cotton Root Con. pause. Take no other, as all Mix5ure:4 pills and imitations Are dangerous. Price, No. 3., 1'r box box ,• No, 2.10 degrees stronger,a per box. Nu. 1 or sonailed on receipt of price and two &cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. em.T.ott. land 2 addend recommended ay su responsible Druggiets in Canada. NOS. •I and 2 are sold in Clinton by H. B. Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hov- ey and Watts & Co.%-clraggists. 1. L' . Mr. Alex. Mckinnon of the 4tIt con. ot. Kiulose lett with a. very pabefill aecideitt the Other clay. 'While tying a nervous lioree in the stable the animal suddenly palled back- and ilia left hand being caught inthc loop of the halter shank the third finger was -torn econ- pletely off near the second jointand the nails of the second..aded, fourth lin- ers were crushed out. ' The four-year ola 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Long of Ashfield, was horribly burned about the face and body While playing near a firs the other day. Mrs. Thomas Matthie received the sad intelligence by telegram on Wed- nesday that her eldest son'Wilfred Matthie, for many y‘lerS of the Luck - now Sentinel staff, haddied at Butte, Montana, ' The annual District meeting of the Methodist church, Neinghtun District, will be lice d 1104114110w May eoth and etst. An hotr will be devoted to discussing, the John Wesley bi Centen- ary celebration which comes on June 28th. Rev. David Rodgers of Ford- • wich s chairman of the Wioghtem Dis- trict and Rev. A.- 0, Harm of Luck - now Financial Secretary. I Results That Astonished Relatives and Friends, • SEASONABLE MILLINERY The chorea ef the Summer hats, with their masses of beautiful flowers and foliage, lies in the,r appropriate, US of the season. • . cotorssteirisewrlegdaser dt sitivtiloinlegt,coalrtiibuionsatpoiiio iun color, With Bordeaux or ea.roubier red. More pleasing, serhaps, 'as!. weli as more generally becoming, is the com- bination of brown with shaded pink red, There are both hats and toques Miss Barbara M. Stanfold Victim of Angie- . pia Imperfeot Oiroulation. and Debility is Cured. by Paine's- Celery Compound. In the month of tlay it is an a.bso- les arose from poor and watery blood: lute necessity that the body should and imperfect circulation. My aopee be furnished with It richer and purer tite was almost gone and .1 was af- supply of blood for the establiehmesit :octet', with insomnia. After severfl? of a health that Call St:Ceessitilly cove doctors had done all they could for with the enervating effecte of hot slime me I was vveaker than when they first nier weather. Poor blood in,May pro- began to treat Inc and my family be- times lietless, aidebitionless, sleeplesg came anxious about my condition. and sallow-facet:Union and women, who neighbor advised my mother to have crickly become victims of some .organe Inc sise Paine's Celery Compound. Bee le disease that ends life. fore I finished the seconi. bottle my Intelligent people recognize the ne- appetite was better, I felt stronger eessity of cleansiag and fortifying the and could sleep Soundly five or six system in May by using Paine's Celery hours each night. I had SO much faith Lonipound winch speedily removes all in the wonderful compound that I POisous from the s) stew, gives to the continoed 'with it until I was perfect - thin, watery blood a larger proportion ly cured. To -day, after using six of red corpuseels a.rid' arouses all the bottles I am as well and strong as organs of the body to healthy action. ever before. I thank you with all my Paine's Celery Compound does a work heart for such a medicine ; it saved for victims of impure, watery and my life when other medicines failed, stagnant blood that commands the at- All my friends are astonished at ene- tention of the roost eminent medical, happy cure," men • in the world. Miss Barbara X, If you are in need of free medical Stanfold, Hamilton, Ont., saysadvice write to Consulting Physician's ';For over a year my health ,zets in Departnient, The Wells Se Richardson bad condition and I became •wciak and C - much depressed in spirits. • Wry trainee correspondence is strictly confidential. Q, Limited, Montreal, Om All timrle of foliage straw-bratds, 'or even folds of soft satin, . in these tints The straws used to Make the Sniu- titer hats are legion. Art agreeablere- vival is • the leghorn, as it lends •itself delightfulIV to pretty lines and cure r • VOS.. Coolie straw comes- in flat shap- es, .sech as 'are.w.orn by ChineSe labor- ersiebut they are rendered ;quite artis- tic by the proper adjustmett. of vel - Vet or ribbon bows • and ties. Hats • made. a French eltip braid are stylish che Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper. ty Only Insured, OFFICERS I, B. McLean, President, Kippen P. O. ; Thos. Fraser Vice -President, Brueefield P. 0,; T. E. Hays, Sec.- ircasurer, Seaforth o, ' • DIR=TORS William Chesney, Seaforth ; Sohn Grieve, Winthrop': George Dale, Sea - forth ; John Watt, Ilarlock ; John Bennewies, Branagan, James .Evans, "Beechwood ; James Counolly, Clinton• ; John McLean, Kippen. • • AGENTS. Robert Sinieh, Harloc1C; Robert Mc - Milian, ,Seaforth ; James Cummings, Egniondville ; J. W . Yee), Holmes, Partiee deeiraut to effect insurance or transact other business will be proniptly attended to on application :to any of the above officer's addressed to their respective postofiicee. • , • • inspetted by the director Who lives Twenty Years while the Tuscan straws are extramelY Smart. •Neapolitan horsehair is eni- ployeel on some .of the most .pictures.:. rine models and a pointin its favor is its resistance to clanepness, : Tulle and chiffon are as popular as ever and the Manner.' of applying' the fabrics to the Wire frames is almost as varied as the shapes that are used. • WEST WAWANOS11. .1 We are pleased tosay that Mr. A. B. .Carr .and .Mrs, James. Vint, who have had sack- along,spell of sickness, are both recovering nicely. Miss Maggie Armstrong, who has been ill for the past week with pleur- isy, is recovering slowly ; also Miss Connors. of St: Augustine has been • • • • George Wisebraok 'has completed his contract of- sawing tuniber and siting-- ' les at Mr. G. Tisdale's of Donny- . brook, Since moving his engine them he- has got along very sticcessfully; • sawing in 63,000 • feet of timber' • and eoo bunches of .1 tingles. • • Westfield Sabbath school hes been re-organived, -The following ollkers were elected : • • • • Superintendent, W. J. *Wightinan • Ass'stant, T. II. Taylor, jr. Secretary, Frank Campbell Treasurer, W. McDowell ' Librarian, Roy Stacklaittse .Orgapist, Miss Christiana McClinton olled brim sailor ,hat, fashioned • • • KEEP THE BALANCE UP, • Grand Trunk 'reaches it • anazGREEN, . Mr. Alfred Reichert purchased IVIr. Wm. Jarrott's driver last. week. ' Mr, Win., Gram has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. 'Wen. Reiehert was to Bluevale last week for a load of household effects. Communion- services were dispensed with in the Presbyterian church, Sal),. bath. Mr. Alfred Reichert gave a dance to a umber of friend's Friday evening. Mr. Samuel Reichert has engaged to work with Mr. Moffatt of' Kippen. • • A• SPORTSMAN'S •MECCA, . • There is. no more .delightful place in the Western Hemisphere. for: out- doorlife • and perfect sport with rod and gunthan the famous Muskoka Lakes region in the "Highlands of Ontario'-' about., woe mile,s north. of Toronto. • Canoeing is one of the ina.ny lileasures the district affords. The iith ease and .v comfort; . whirling . its .passengers •through some of the.grandest scenery .on earth: . • - ' • Handsome, • illustrated,'. descriptive matter Sent Ire to ee o 'any address 011. ale- plieatiou to • • . . ' • • • .T. D.. MeDONALD, • District. Passenger Agent, Grand • Trunk' Railiway Toroato. • Toronto, May Nth.--Reccii,:ts of live Live Stock Market I Stock sVcre light, 44 earloaes, coupon- . ed of /1W cattle, 1300 Ins, 242 shell,' and lambs, with about calves. The quality oil fat eattle was much the, same as on Thursday, Consisting of a large percentage of unfinished rough stock, not good, enough. or ex- port and not wanted for ilocal use, be- ing too coarse. Trade was much the same as on Thursday with no change in the ,prices for exporters, but butchers' cattte of good quality were scarce and lime at quotations reetven below as will be ,seen by the litany saks havie given. Feederseand stockers were in deneatul and all olTerings found ready sale. About 15 mileh cows And springers " sold at $35 to $5o each. The. run of sheep and lambs was not large. Prices for lambs and light elteep of good quality were uuchanged, but heavy ewes and bucks were eaSier. Good veal • cavils sold readitiy while, those of inferior quality Were Slaw. The rtoi of hogs , was not largo, eeon all told. Prices took avoiher drop, selects selling' at $6.10 • and lights and fats at $5.85•per cwt. Export Cattle--liest loads ciPexport- ers sold at $4.65 to $5 pm cwt, Export. Bulls -Choice quality bulls sold at. $4 to $4.:20 per ewt'. good.balls 51 I itt Export 3CSO°wtso-E13345orit)°Coeewyst" sod at. $3.11115tetar5s1.1&tPtelre-ewelhOice picked lots of butchers', • • weiglihig front lees to birsto el xbsp.0 retacerlsn, esqotitda. 1 aitiesq4u6a511 tic), to. 75the; picked lots • for lecal use sold • at $4.35 to oo $$44.,16to •:. loads of good sold at $4-25 $4.30 '• common $3.65 to $3.75 ; rough. Co inferior $3 40 to 53.60 per cwt. 100 to 1200 lbs, ea.ch, are worth $4.50 to $4.4o •,' fair to medium $4,xs to Short -keep Feeders -Good steers, 1,- • ..5 per cwt. Feeders -Steers of good quality, 900 - to moo Its: eaels are worth •$3.7.5 , to 54 Pet end-. Stockers -.-Ong , _ year to two-year-old: il steers, 400 to 7oo•1bs. each are worth- I $3.60 to $4 per cwt, ; off-eolors 'and or poor breeding 'quality of same weights are worth $3 to .$3.25 per cwt. -, 1 Wei Cows-Milelt cows and spring- ers are worth $35 to $50 each. i . Calves -Calves Raid at $2 to ,R. eacht or •froni $3.5o. to 56 per cwt. Veerling. Lambs -Lambs sold at $4.- 56 to -$5.5o. :. . She'ep-,•Price's 54.50 to $5 per ewt, tor ewes and hackie $3 to 54. • -erogs-Best , eeleet bacon" hogs, not .. less than 166 lbs., nor more than: 200 Does it not seem more erectly', tO breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomaeh? Bstablished Cures While You SIOOP re -care; because the air rendered strongly entiseplio is carried over tbe diseased sur- face wall every breath, vivingprolonged and sena-ant treatment, It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. ei 100011 to asthmatics. ,-7ron-• WhOOping Cough Bronchitis Crone Coughs Catarrhs Cold! ,CITtype end reveY The Vaporizer and ohlele Ahmed Iasi a lifetime, together with a bottle of Cresolene, Us°. Extra. supplies of CresOierle 25 cents and 5o cents., Write tor deseriggam booklet contain. in highest teeth:eine, as to itsltaltte. ' VAPO•CRFSOLrNM is -SOW lAr RU 1)GGISTS EVERYWHERE,. VapoCresolene ao Fulton Street Os Notre spume Street New York The rMontreal , 'MAME marina bs.. each, °II cars sold at $6,10 per wt, lights and fats at $5.115, sows ., 4.50 to $5 nee cwt, and stags.$S per from goarse straw bre.fcl in arty ferred adore black or white, remains in evidence, .and to the youthful wear- It has ,been truthfully taid that any er it is most becoming. For very omao.. disturbance of the even balance of heal-, girls, the pictureSque poke shapes, Ili•causes 5..trious trouble; Nobody can which art being sl own in i be too careful' to keep _this balance tip. • straw ant . mousseline; with' .riblicin and flowers for UM -telling, are most appropriate . . The ttpplication of • straw braid and hattoes is ...one of the .season's novel-. ties .-=-From the Delineator for • June,. IT FAY'S 10 ADVERTISE , IN THE NEWS:RECORD. . .nearest the scene: • 7 ' TIME TABLE. •Trams will arrive at 'and depart from. Clinton Station as follows : • , BU1"FAI,0 .A.ND. GODERICH DIV. Geeing East Express 7.3a a. in tt 41 it 2.55 p. 111. 1'41 Mixed 4.te p. m. " " to.re a. na. Express .12.55 p. m. it 14 it 7.05a. es,„ 1027p. m. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. Going South Express 7. 47 a: I. • ". " Mixed 4.15 P. 1/1. "• North Express 10.15 a. to . 1 it -mixed • 6.55 p.tn A. 0. PATTESON, Agent. F. k 0DGENS , Town Ticket Agent J. D. MACDONA.LD, District Passen- ger. Agent, Toronto. . , HENRY BEATTIE • (Successor to .3,1r. 'Sallies, Scott.) „ BARRISTER,' SOLICITOR,' ETC. office. fortlierly reminded by Mr. Scott, MONEY TO ,LOA.M. in the Elliott Block • IPPINCOTT'S. MONTHLY MAGAZINE* A FAMILY LIBlARY The Best in Cuirent. literature-. 12 COMPLETE NOVELS 'YEARLY MANY SHOITIs STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY Tomos $2.50 PER yea*: 25 CM A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY Malign Co/ROLM 1N rislar Health "For 2$ years I have never MISSeel taking Ayeeti,Strsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes mo feel strong, and does me good in every way," -- John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the bociy. You are invigoratetl,refreshed. You feel anxious to be utive, You become strong, steady,courageous. Thai's what Ayer's Sosaparilla will do for you. go* tettlt. Aft thilfilsis, itlk "ItAtIthlititf ktitk41:tittisigitaftsVAI est flossy Ineillefee, Vallor 1B14 itarketstrui WO WM tie mantled. Alrlt* 00., Toter411, *IL • .,._ let p e egin osi tg ieir appetito. or to e•teret' tired etasily, the least .inipric- donee brings on eiektiees, weaaness„ or debility. . The system -needs a -tonic, craveg it Delishould not 1. and it . , and the. beet tinde of *loch we -Vase . • • • any knowledge, is Hone S• Sarsaparilla. •. . . . . . What this medicine hasdone- in keep- . jog healthy people . healthy, in keeping . up the eVen balance of 'llealth, 'gives it the •• samedist inctiOn ' as 'a preventive: that .it enjoys as a cure. Its early' use has illeatrated the •wiedoni •of the old .saying that...a stitch Qi eine, sat es nine. Take Hood's. :for . appetite, steeneh, •and endurance., ' • . ,,, . . , • • ' • . of Itching Pilesi. Mr. Alex. WI. eLanghlin, thirty years resident of Dowmanville, Ont , writes :- "Por twenty long years.P suffered from itching piles, and only persons who have been troubled withrhat annoying disease can imagine what I endured during • that .• time. About seven years ago I asked a ' eltuggist if ha had anythiug to cure Pia. Re said that Dr Chases Ointment was most favorably spoken of, and on :his recommendation I took a box. • • " After three applications I felt better, and by the time Iliad used one box I was on a fairway to recovery., I continued the . treatment until thoroughly cured, and as ,that was seven years ago, and I have not suffered any since„ I sat firmly convinced. . that the ointment made a per empire. 41 consider Dr, •Chase's Ointment an Invaluable treatment for piles. In my.' cage,/ think the curelrwingsereatnars !coati!: w3ieshert y a and had been se long a sufferer from this ' disease," 60 cents Ft 134 at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. . , Dr. Chase's • BELGRA- VE. • . • • . Mts. Derorrest of Buffalo is visiting her sister, Mr:e...David• .Farrier, A very 'large yoke Of oxen, passiug through Belt:Mee on Monday, was a ,great:euriousity to the juveniles. . Mr. -Robert Stoaeliouse is •putting second .stIry to Illie:lionse,. and intends shectieg . the whole. building With block tinning.. • • .- Mrs. Sackrider starts ,for her home in New Ontario,- north of Ierniscani- ing, next Week. •• • . . • Mr. • 'Frank Wheeler' is eraising his workshop. and Putting Stone .walls un- derneath, which will be a great im- prOveniest.- •. : • The IrOvs Who destroyed the sidewalk near the• G, 'T. R. -station inad better -- repair it at once as Vey. are ,known, and will likely get into serious trotte. .stOnt: wall will 1,e put under 'Trinity church . preparatory to veneer- ing with. brick, The banding may be rakedtopermit of a basement being arrtielgsenda' Tny friends of .-Thertilo.S. . y '`A SUM FAIRYLA.ND." To these whon are planing a Stormier outing and seeking "green fields and pastures um," some place where they may cast care aside •and. commune. with primitive. nature, Where, thee' the: Sun shines very 'nightly, cooling bree- zes .always blow and great heat is unknown, it it is safely promised that, atheng the rocks and lakes of the -Mus- koka distriet, about loci miles north of Toronto, situated in the Highlands of Ontario (moo feet above eea )evel) they Will .find enchantment. Handsome, illustrated, descriptive publication will be sent free to any address on application to . • J. D. MeDONAI,B, • District Paseenger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway, Toronto. • • A GUARANTEED cuRn FOR ...ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY Dl'SEASE. We, the undersigned druggists, • are fully prepared to. give the following guarantee with every so mnt bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney -Wort Tab- lets, the -Ouly. remedy in the world that positively cures all troubles ar- ising from weak Or diseased kidneys, life a.nd limb 110W. ' f ' . Money cheer Idly returned •f tne sufferer is not relieved And improved sifter use of cue bottle. Three to six bottles effect a.stonishing and perman- Morris,will be orry to learn that be . . e.. Money.' Ointment we% t.tric' en donn, on Sunday „with you waste nO paralysis.. • cwt. • . , DESPAIRED BEING „CURED Mrs. W. E. Jeffries, 44 Ate.; kingstmi' , Ont, etates t suffered ag-• ony with itelling • Oleg'. In fact, don't believe that any person who lias not. lead- had piles can realiee what I endured • !he .hrst application of' Dr. Chase's Ointment brought relief and it has • Since entirely ciired Inc. I hope that this teatimonial will be. tit'a means of bringing comfort to other poWer of this ointment. -1 , sufferere, by Making knoWn ,great. Maws. Ret ft./II:airy Street Works Direct importers. Vt'Orkman- ' ehip and Material guaranteed SEALMCo C, PROPRICORk: • witoHAN. •, a IeaSt ,Week Mr. ItenrY Thomion solcl AA i5o-acre farm Wawamish the boundary to Mr: Isaiah Shaw, of the .4th . on. of Culross. The price paid.was $5,soo and Mr. Shaw will get .possession in January next: : • FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, . . Mrs. Winstow'a Soothing .Syrtip has .been used by milliOns of •mothers for their children while teething,. .If dis- turbed of night 'and broken.of icier rest by a sick ' child 'suffffering and prying, with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get 'a bottle of " Mrs. Winslcrw's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there ls no mistake about it, It GUMS 'Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Steenach and Bowels, eurea Wind Colic; softens the •Gus, 'reduces Inflatnina.tion .and gives tone and en ren teething is pleasant, to the' taste and is- the prescription of otie of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses 313 the tritirea- States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure R. P. RF,EKIE, Clinton. ergy to the whole :system. "Mrs WinsloW's Soothing Syria)" for child- ' • . Of the original r7z Canadian coins, stamped with the D.tnlop Trade Markr-pa; pair- of uplifted hands --sixteen ha % e been returned and the lucky finders have been rativardem As the netreeet piece Vitae placed in circulation again there are still one hundred and Otty-aix te,looklerro rind. thotemins, • return them to us and receive the following rewards : . $60.0.0 for the Fifty -cent' Piece' We originally offered a reward of Stoo and a Dunlop Rubber Mat for this cola, and turned to us and the reward paid. It has been put in circulation again ,ortd„o reward of offered for its return. $8. 00 and a Pair of Dunlop illoyole rites for Saab °filo 214oent Pleoast Of the twenty os.cent 'pieces tot.r have been returned • and the finders rewarded. $pero and a pair of Dunlop Weycle Tires for eackof the sixteen now in circulation. • $2. 00 and a Pair of Dunlop Comfort Rubbor Throb for 140 of lito 10.oent Pleoes- Thero. were twenty 10 cent pieces of which six have been returned, We offer two dollars and pair of Dunlop tocatort Rubber Heels 'for the return of the 14 now in eirctOstion. $1.00 for, iaolt it.00nt Moos , Of the one hundred five,cent piece sent out five have been ratIrOOdi WO shell Pay 0400 fat each of the oinetyllve now in Cite flation. IF YOU WAND rlir arst. Bicycler Tire!, sou Itubber and fttetilnatic Carriage Tires, tubber Mit. stud Matting. Robbor Hoek ,Rubballorsushou Pad* • , LOOK FOR nut rywvtoP MADE' MARK Oto mt. Dwitzop.rnit COMPANY; umirm rwtorra Seitiolt Dopoto ot /Writ 114 Et. sitiltd# 1111414411104 VIMM14811111it , •••;;-• and ask for " Mrs, WilislOw's Sooth- ing Syrup." Lomeli Y -Z (Wise Read) n fedtapt posp Powder is better than tither sleep. powders, 'A it also sets OA a'aishifeqtliat. hI.GI-1 CLASS . • - FIAIRNESS SI101-' Good quality ,harness, both light and heavy, at moderate.. price.% I Sell best. Saskatchewan Robes, also Rugs, Blankets, Trunks, Val- ises, Etc i • • T. JAMES WAFERS StPiNONTOWeit Itilt114i;IAKUC CMEAkiiTIEBONIALFAM:WilliatiGEA57,04 "IC CONSTITUTION gi lir gendort&thio .,reatcm rtPufilt-aEmrarrA ell Praggisto Cheri Pt*. Canidit $1.00; Sbc WO.. for UM t No remedy Covers SO large a field uf useftdness as ST. JAMES WAVERS. They are indicated wheneVer there is a weak condition, as they tone. up the different organs and bring Strength to- the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, Weak nerves, anwtnia, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by ST. AMER WAFRRS ; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and fatigue. ST. JiiivmS WAVngs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the hottest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which acconv. Ogles much. "St. Yentett Wafere furnish a Most powerful evidence of the lawny intreatted rosTrer of ntedi. cement by combination of Nab. l2i6t1S PhAerSeeetttie prepare_ tions. 1 have used them witlt good eticeeee wheat faity pathatit nettled streitgth.9 Dr. Charles HAIL XAverpod, Aug. ajaMei Wafer: are Old a lard toady: in the nroaett ua0c101 t. tertitneftdifor Mem M Me& patients we mail The fafriteuta 140 molest. Whera dealere are not ArtliaR the Wafers,. they are Mailed upon fc. eeipt of -Inert at tilt eassdisa branoh : Ct. 4101.1 %Ors CO., 172$ eitherint ate Monitell. eNteltrere