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Editor and Proprietor
The business of Parliament during
the past u'eek was almost exclusively
confined to government bills andpri-
vate motions. Little time was given
to supply. Mr. Tette called attention
to the introduction of. pelia:eel meth-
ods at the Sorel shelmild:ng vairhs.
A long dis,:ussem t ok piece in "re-
gerd to tr. ielt. coegestion in the West.
it wes pointed out by eastern mem
ers that the West was noworse oil
in th!s respect than the east. The
Canadian Pacific Railway, according
to well informed members, had done
everything possible to meet the grow-
ing demands upon its service but it
is ,alinost iniposeible to purchase roll.
ing -stock. So far as the government
is concerned it has not ventured to
take any official step to solve the
question of transportation.
The labor troubles in Montreal were
ventilated. The labor bureau was
shown to be utterly helpless to meet
such a situation unless the disputants
are willing to settle their differences.
The goverament's bill to provide for
the appointment of a railway com-
mission was coesidered.
The bill to aid in the settlement, of
railway strikes was also advanced to
the committee stage. The 'measure
will accomplish li.ttle more than legis-
laticm now on the statutes. -
At Sorel extensive improvements
have. -been made at a cost of over 525o
000 and the two railways- the -works
were to serve are bahkrtipt. The Min•-
isthr of Inland. Revenue happens to be
a director of the bank which has a
large interest in- the railways.
In the St. Francis 'River the goy-
eroment has taken .upon itself . the
completion of ice piers which are pure.
Iy municipal. The oppositionobjected
to having Dominion funds diverted .for
such 1)urpose:3.
Hon. James Sutherland pledged' him-
self to expend -all moneys voted for
public works and contradicted Hon.
R. Prefontainc'e Cahn that the De
partment of Marine and Fisheries will
administer the Quebec end of the Pub-
lic Works branch.
Conservatives, may well feel proud. of
their leader, Mr. R. L. Borden. , The
quiet, unaeseming person, who, two
years ,ago, took epon himself the di-
rection of the . policy of the oppcsi-
tion, has justified the fondest hopes of
his friends. Two sessions were passed
in gaining an experience -which is 11()IV
neekieg itself 'jell in Parliament. No
stronger inan than Mr. Borden occu-
pies a seat in the Commons. He has
forced the Liberal party to take a
standing in their fiscal policy and com-
pelled them to put themselves on rec-
ord . as opposed to a plan involving
the protection of the industries and
labor of this country. Mr. Borden
has one policy for all Canadians and
this position has won for him a repu-
tetion for consistency which is bound
to bear fruit. Ile does not stoop to
the smart tricks of the demagogue but
relies on real ability to carry him
ever rough places. In Montreal, where
Mr. Borden recently, addressed a large
and • highly representative gathering
of the city s leading men, his mune is
on every tongue. The people of isur
commercial metropolis are now ready
to accept the ,Conservative leader as
one of the great men concerned with
Caucida.'s destiny. They feel that in
his hands our interests would be
closely guarded and administered in an
enimpeachable manner, The great
Conservative party has chosen well
and already :the "awing to victory" is
much in evidence under its leader's
well balanced direction. "The flowing
tide is with us,"
Liberal ()raters can no lcmger hope
to deceive the electorate with the
spaciens srgument than an increase
in diity means an increase in price to
the consumer. Hon. William Patter -
Nen started net to prove that such
was the cese, hut his former cabinet
colleague, lion. .1. Israel Tarte, knew
a thing or two about the Minister of
Cuslonie' real opinion and insisted up-
on him giving a straight answer As to
whethis increased tarin itieatit increas-
ed prices. Mr. Pattersou tried to
dodge the issue, knowing how much it
meant to the Liberal catee, but wee
compelleeto tell the truth and admit
that such was not the case. He de-
clared that he never used such aft
argument, which is somewhat open to
question, as "increased tarill-iftereas-
ed prices" has been hie stock in trade
for some time. It is well known that
when the duty was taken ofl binder
twine and wire fenciug there was )10
decrease in tile cost Of the atticles,
It was just the reverse and the farmer
is paying coesiderably snore for them
than be was in IRV,. it is Most fin
portant to have a. ministerial tteatinin-
cement in this most inmortatit matter.
The goverment can now turn Ito More.
cot tiere by the Misleading arginitettt.
Axoxnult laxmaTsa
For .sOnte, years past the goleertnnent
has been building: exteusive , works • at
Sorel, Quebec,: alai up to date it has
spent over a quarter of a million..
The esti-meted vost -is $273,5og but this
decs net isclude prospective extras.
floret is the terminus. of .tkie South
Shore and Muted Counties railways,
both of which are inSbad shale fames
cially. It was. to .0.iford terminal fa.
eilities for Vase lines that the resour-
ces of Sorel were.. developed. As the
carrying trade of, both has not mater-
ialized, the money, to a very large
exteut, has been . twaSteds But the
drain still 'continucs and $4,000 ad-
ditional is asked for in this „ year's
estimates. Beltirst • the seenesm this
affair is a. bank :at St. Hyacinthe .and
a minister of the crown), Hoe. Mr.
Bernier. Mr. Bernier is a director of
the bank and tie?, institution is largely
interested in these two bankrapt rail-
ways, the outlets of Whichare at
Sorel. What could be more timely
than the investment of a few hundreds
of thotteauds which- might be . of ad.
vantage to Mr°. Bernitr and -his bank?
Isn't it it delightful . spectacle ?.The
people of the country are not in the
running when it comes! to considering
the private interests of ministers, Who
under Liberal- auspices, aro becoming.
very wealthy .112 short order. The its-
tivity at Sorel hes been more or .less
of a mystery in- the pest but the ex-
planation is . all the more -interestiug
for its delay.
Hon' J. Israel Tarte again calls e.t.
tention to fhe insincerity of Sir Wil-
fred Laurier i dealing with qiiestions
of great public interest, No „Man in
Canada is better qualifitsi than Mr.
Tarte to 1r. nottnee en the eharacter
of t!,c 1r't M.'eisece... The latter met
•ielest at the hands of the ex -Minister
if Public Works 18 -1878. 'On that
occasion Mr. Tarte 'used vety. strong
lauguege in referring, to Sir Wilfred
and- the attitude 01 the government
towards • the _tatilf has eansed him to
return to the attack. Tbe record.. of
the Firet Miniater .has been one of
broken pledges and opportunism. He
has no fixed policy and has no sere -
pies about breaking ,faith withhis
followers, when politieal exigencies
demand it. Onedey lie denounces: a.
proposal which he readily accepts' oh
the morrow. The .following recent de-
ntinciatien of such a: Course from the.
Pen of Mr. Tarte will be read twith•in
'Sir Wilfred Leerier' entered: ptiblie
life , as a proteetioniSt and later on
became a member of .a government
which professed to -maintain a very
low tariff and died iii- • the :attenmt.,
The Penne Minister ,liaseno very str-
ong- opinion on Matters Of this kind."
"He is an. opportunist ; his •faVotite
doctrine being that each day should
look out for itself." .
• . cAsI•x:
. • . .
TIie goveruniente.has varied its Pro-
gram .18ewaSting . public funds. • The.
censtructiOn. of public works for nieliv,
hers of Parliament and. friciede.of the
administration. . haS , been a: 'favorite
.pastime. Se- has ••the outlay of: large
stens for buildings in ineignifieent
Lagos.. Ite it now -Proposed to . .take
ov.er lnuli.ieipaI Iburileus,:ptoperly. that-
eastble to county' tonricils or provincial
eovernments. Along-: the 'RiVer St.,
Francis, Quebec, farm lands have been -
flooded -• owing to •thebacking: up . of
ice •in the. spring. In every sectiOn Of
the Dominion .it iii- a re:Op:Ned-prin-
ciple that relief in., such :epees -should
-be had frOal the responsiblebodieS,
HoWever, the town of •Richniciacl save
;in opportunity'•to, unload its ..-burdeas
on Canadians and sent- in .-a • petition
asking for. aasistance. • Without ...So.
much as e passing thought, .iteiria ag-
gregating $re,ocxe were put- in the es-
timates. to .coestrect ice. piers on the'
St f.' ,Ftancise .The river isetinhaVigable.,
and is of no puhlic.sekvice. A.,'protest
was made but th'e -government .did. not
stay its hand 'and it is 110W open .to
an -y tnunicipality to ask theDontinion
for peenniery assistance for. arty 'local
service needed. The Whole 'system is e
•disgrace to . a.' ftatione.11 government,.
ro hold the people of .British Corinne
bia resposeible- .far
provenients in • Quebec or vice verse
is to invitc. ensilesi raids-- on the
lreesury. .The door .iS ;now Open foe'
claims. of . any .theractee'and:.. the'.
iults are likely" to' be disastrous.. - • .
Mr. John Cartwright ,has been • ill
for a few days. We hope to see ,him
about in a, few days. •• • •
Miss I3e11 Farnham. intend going to
Chicago in a few days. • . • • •
Mr. Fred. Martin has the mason
work •on his barn finished, ,
The teriverancelodge at Constance
has been le-organizedand" gives the
young people an eveeing out.
. •
Mr. Thomas • Troop sold Ilia fine
cattle to Mr. James Miller on Satat-
Are regret to hear that • Mrs. Thomas
Fear of the'Gravel Road is- Very ill.
Mr. John Wells received .35 head of .
prime steers on Saturday at his grass
farm.. They 'averaged about 1250 lbs.
Cattle men say they are a ebotee 'lot
and ought' to bring the top priceand
2)11 early markets
Mr. Harvey • Sunclereock has been 011
the sick list for some titne but is
improving. .
Mr, A. W, Beacom purchased a fine
three-year-old colt one day last week.
. Mr. Thos. Knox. delivered his fat.,
cattle in Hallo& one day last week.
Mr. ,fas. Heffernan of Myth was the
hover. • -
the. *funeral of Mr. mid Mrs. Geo.
,Sitos's baby WA& very largely attend-,
ed on Thursday last to Burns' cone.
tey. The sympathy of the community
go mit to the sorroWing parents.
Messrs, Bert. Allot and Dick Proc-
tor leave on Monday, for New Ontario.
Dick is going to improve his home-
stead which Ile took tip sonic tittle
ago and Bert Will Stay With him for a
tuotttli and look around. They take a
C., P. R.' boat from °evert. Sound. We
wish them success as well as pleasure
in their trip.
Mt. ]lett. Riley got rather seriously
itticired the other day. While Moving
an abutment under Mr. Prod . lVfartitt's
barn smite of the timbers fell on Mr.
Riley attd laid, him up for a few days.
Had he been a• foot la.rther back he
would have boot instatitly
Toronto, May tatItsellarIM Hay is
quoted atetuly at Se per ton for car
lots on the trait here, /ladled straw
-Car lots ott the track her are
SteadY a$ 4 per ton.,
Mr. C. A. Tobbutti of St. lIciens
spent front Friday to Sunday at his
home here.
Mrs. .A, Mulholland, Mrs. SAntess
and sons left 'Monday morning for
Vancouver, /I. C., ,where they intend
to reside.
Mr. Lennis Yeo a student of Strat-
ford Business Cellege, was home OVer
A number from here attended the re-
opening services at Ebenezer Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. .W. LeRoyd of Sea-
fcrth spent •Sunday the guest of Mrs.
Mr. D. Connull has ectinitnenced to
build the parsonage stable.
• On Thurscia.y evening the members
of D. C. lford's Sabbath Sehool
class and of the Epworth League
choir met et Mr. Elford's to bid
'farewell toFred. and Gordon. Amos
prior to their departure. for :Vancouv-
er. alley presented Fred. with a sil-
ver watch and Gordon. with, a pair of
cull links and a fountain pen as it toks
en of friendship4 ' The evening was
spent Very pleasantly. The boys will
be tnissed by their litany friends.
On Thursday-. evening Miss Lulu
Mulholland .gaVe a party to her young
friends in honor of her cousin, Stan,
ley Amass, who was leaving here. The
eveuing was spent enjoyably,though
they were soon to lose their friend,
whom they presented with ,a beautiful
Pearlshandld knife as a remembrance
of the many happy hours they had
spent together.
At .the meeting. of the Quarterly
Board of the Methodist Church Mr.
William Crooks was appointed dele-
gate . to the District -meeting which
will he held .in Clinton next week, .
Mr. Ben. Routledge of Claxton spent
Sunday under the parental roof on -the
4th concession, .
aniiissL.O.Nnedloit Macdonald has, returnes1
Mr. John Thompson of the Bayfield
Line. was it guest 'at the home of his
friend, Mr. Arch, Macdonald, on Sat-
urday evening last.
Mr. Ed. Johnston of the '6t1i con,
was in the burg on Friday • evenieg.
Mr. iiAd Torrance was, in ,Goderich
on Saturday evening. •
Mr. J. 0. Macdonald is in the em-
ploy of Mr. Robt.. Elliott of the . 7th
Hurd 131 -os. of Bayfield- were hewing
lcier" at Mr, Jas. Macdonald's last
Mr; Arch. Macdougall has been im-
proving hip placeby planting shade
trees and putting .up a wire fence -on,
6th• con, •
. • . • .
• .
; miss • IVIeggie. Stewart: and Miss . J.ettn.
eleCully oi Stratford are spending a
week at the latter's granclutother,s,..
sirs'. • McCully's.
Mr. Gavin .• Jamiesbn • is Very sick.
•wIth. rupttfre of the bowels; Hope
goon'to hear of Ids recovery. • :
• Mr. :Richard 'Proctor of „our- village
and Mr..T. Allen 'Olil
'arlotk bit on
;tIonday for. New Ontario,. SuCcess-
.' .0n •MoudaY. Mr: James Parish. and
Mrs, Shads -were-married. by. Rev. Mr..
Shaw. of Eginondvillo; Lintgratultis
trona, • . • •
The .Missei. ,of Harriston are at
present the guestO'of their. grandniaths
er, Mrs. A, 1.3.. Snell. .
Miss .Arlena Kort has gone to LOns
'den to reside for a time. • .
Miss Kate MarSonald Was , called-
-Some sto Tiyerton. lest •VvetiS on, ac-
count. of •the illness' of her mother .,of
typhoid fever. , .
Mrs. W. H. .Johnstonhand Mrs, H.
Penfouner Were in Exeter on Tuesday'
'}ittencling the District' canventhau- of
the' W. M,. S.' They .reporta good
Mr; littnald Geassick "received word
last Thursday *of the death . ofhis
brother John aged 55 in Craeihraek;
B. C., Who, went West about twenty
years ago; , • •
The Epworth League ..at their last,
meeting elected- the followitig- officers
Tor:the 'current year.: .
President, W. 11. Johnston ' t.
Ist vice, T. Meelyntent
2.tid vice, -R. Brownlee
3rd vice, Miss Dinsclale
• 4th yitit, Mrs. le. Ivisan
Secretary, •Miss Flora Ta)Cor
Treasurer; Miss M. Ricker
. Organist, Miss .Flora Taylor: •
of the Skitters:id Presbyterian church
started on Solidity, !Otis inst., 'for
this 'suminer. • The. officere for: this
year are : ' ' • "
Superietetident, Grassiels
See, -Treasurer, Cameron.
Librarian, J. Grassick • ,
Manager of Hymn Books, etc. -1'.
• Though feeling serionsly the Idss by
death of Mr: Peter Cameron and the
removal ol Mr. Hector Reid to Mani --
tithe, yet an earnest effort , will. be
made .to make the school a success.
Let everyone come and help.
Miss M. Homey of /laborite is this
week organizing a music class in MS
Mr, W. McDonald was engaged . the
past week in moving and raising his
bathe. • Witch completed these build-
ings Will add very much to tlie appea-
rance as well as the convenience . of
his farm.
'We are Sorry to learn that ' Mr. P.
Stewart is laid up with a severe at-
tack of inflairtinatory rheumatism but
hope to hear of her recovery before
long. •
The many friends of the Rev. S.
Acheson, who labored so long and
faithfully :in our midst, will be pleased
to learn that his services are being
!midi appreciated in the West. Shim
Slis induction at Pembina he has been
very successful at .every branch of
.Christiatt work aiid we understand
that recentIV he has reeeived and ac-
cepted a call to another part of Dako-
Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Lonclesboro
conducted preparatory services in St.
Andrew's church on Friday, Rev, Mr.
Davidson of Varna the Thanksgiv-
ing services on' the following Monday
and Rev. Mr, Davidson of Cromarty
tlte Smartly eVeiting service,'
Miss .TS. P. McLean Who has filled
the position of or,genlst in St. An-
drew's .church for the past few months
has heeded in Iles resignation atid the
vacancy is being filled in the mean-
time by Mrs. (Rev.) ItIcLettaait.
Mrs. John Grainger of gay, sister
of Mrs, D. Poliek of this plate, died
on Solidity laSt in liter S6t1t yeet. ,She
had Men ailing for settit thite but ,was
taken much worse a. week Prior tb her
letnise. She leaves no children.
ceased Was a member of the MIMI'
14t1A0410t cblitfA4
Messrs, W. J. and James Turner
awl. Mins Noble Rathwell -of Goderiela
township visited this week at. the
'tante of her s:ster, Airs. ,Williant ros-
Mr, George • Coleman has much
improved the appearanee of hr place
by an up -tie -date wire fence. Mr,
Ralph Workman did the work whiclt.
was well done.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Coleman of IIensall
are visiting their Sons, Messrs. 'Geo.
and F. Coleinan.
Mr. Lonoch McCallum of Tuckersenitif
spent .Suaday with friends about
Mr. Robert '.Stelek, who, has been on
the siOt list for a fortnight, has so
far recovered as to. be able toresume
his -duties as principal of the 'Zurich
Public school. •
Mr. John Consitt, Sr.'s has also been
poorly but we hope to soon see -lina
able to be around again. -
Mr. William Cudinore has had hie
hay,- press at work •iit this. vicinity.
Among • those who have had - . hay
Pressed were Xessris. Thoines and Wil-
liam Consitt,
At the Methodist parsonage, Hensall,
by Rev. Dr. Medd, on Saturday, •May
2, Ur. Belbeek of Franceston, late .of
Rodgerville, to Miss Fanson .of Exet-
er. 'Pie happy.. couple intend.ialgrat-
ing to the "West 'where groatpresperity
awe its them „..
A happy event took 'place at the re-
sidence of Frank UpShalls near Kippea
on Wednesdayof last week,. when his
sister Henrietta.i. clatigittet of .Jos. Vp
shell of Hensell, was iinited in marr-
iage with John Wesley Frencll. of near
Port, Elgin, The wedding was a. quiet
one, none but the. immediate relatives
being present. Rev, Mr. • McLennan of
.ippen tied the nuptial blot. •
../3y,the death of Mr. Rae,which took'
plaee at. her home here on Friday, a
hasband and.two children; a son and
daughter are thrown into a state , •of
great grief. The. deceased •had bcti
'ailing _but a few days with .peritonitis
anti gradaally sank -till' death laimed
her. • In her. dying hour . she gives
expression to ,.. greet ..joy and coin -
fort 'through trusting in Christ, .e2e-s
pressing. a SreSi.re to • • depart 'and' be
with, .Cbrist. -The.reniains- weretaken_
to Oil Springs on Saturday and inter-
red on Siniday.' We 'understand that
• the. family 'intend leas/leg lIenSall in a
few days. . • ', •
• As Mrs. Stephen. Troyer was driving
into -town. on Saturday the horse be-
came • frightened and' , ran away bat
W88 caught.
.• At her •residencehere on Thursday
Mrs; Walter Hannon paSsed • to - the
great beyond. The deceased, who was
79 -Years of age, •Survived•lier husband
jest. about eight months. Price to the
death- of. Mrs.- Hanson :she, 'had •beeti.
very feeble -and grieffor lila loss- no
doubt ,hastened . her departure, . She..
Wtti bolsineat Hell, England, and
was- lir-131101i' otet- 'to Canada, by her has...
band' Who eelturned ,for. her
They livedon the faine•heat•Kineen till
.14 years: -ago _when they unmet- -to.-
*Hosea. The - deceased•,•wee 11 kiadly,,
industrial's, Christian woniaii whom all,
wit() •knew her speak of in terIns of .
highest' regard. •
• • •
• •
•Council inetpursttant to stidjourlitaeut.
with allmembers' present. A circular
the, Laura ,Secord Monunient Con, -
in which a grant Was •-• sasked
..e, . was • laid before' the coneeil,. the
,cOmmunication was filed. The conneil
passed a resolution enclorsing the coun- .
ty council's Movements regarding the
good roads -scheitie in the county. The
treasurer, was instructed to change the
accounts of "the tewnship from .the
Wilsons Bank Hensel]. to the 'Sov-
ereign .Belik, zurich. The clerk was
request:eel to advertise for tenders • for
the followistg, works : 1. For "Scli-
waltu Drain. ' -2. • For 'cement.
inents for- Sauble bridge.' 3: For, steel
superstrue Lure " )17 Situble bridge.. Ten-
ders .will b0. reeived up t 1 o'clock
p, in. Monday, the, ast.day of May,
. The 'following 'amounts were ordered .
'to he paid patterson, Ellis&• Welis
'ham, ,ceinent pipe in .1900, *.fe8,12 ;
fly. Megel, Vroricifig• grader $2;e5, J.
Deieltert, lumber, $toe '; .Fred. Keld,
cement culvert con. 13, ssi ; Coes
'tett, euhert 'and ditch con. 1898., $7,.;
Came Roehrig.,1 culvert: C. ;
Isaac Wismer, *odd for. Mrs, Ilse,
$1.75 ; Grand- Trunk R. R. Co., frei-
ght on tettient531.50 L. N..Denomie,
chlvert I. R.,• $1 ; J. C. Kalblieischs
bal. on spite driver(, 525 Mrs.. Aubiii,
charity, .86•;', Caspar .Waiper, hauling.
cement, 53 ;T011jt Roltsanann, hauling
cethent,,, $3 ; Hy., Rupp, work Rr.
and healing cement $12 Den. IKoch:
ler, 'hauling ceinent $1.50. , • ••
The „following is the report of • tile
.ptipila of 5. 5. No. /4, Hey, °for the
month of April, based on attendance,
denreetior, and •general proficiency
40-.-Olieer Yee.
Jr. 4th -Emily Fee, Jessie .1V1eArth-
tit, Letitia Mulholland, George Cham-
bers, Percy Clark:
Sr. 3r(1s-Nellie MoArtlittr„' Sara
Petty,. Eliza 'Mulholland, tGrace Ander-
son, Eliza Thentison, George Petty. •
jr, 3rd- Victoria • • Deters, Laura
Fee, Sydney McArthur,' John C' at:
Clareece McConnell.. . ••
Pt. and -Elle Berry, 'Grette. Ivison,
George- Mulhollancl, Clarence 0aters,
Petty.. .
Pt. tst-Maggie Fee,' Orville' .
Con*ielI, . • •
• Pt. 1st 'DatarS.-T. IT.
Brownlee, Teacher,
Mr. G. C. Creehuan, Secretary oi
the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associat-
ion, was In St. Catharines tlest week„
where the Executive of the Association
have been conducting, a scries of ex-
perimeuts in the packing Of apples, in
boxes. The British !market calls for
alt tipple box containing. 40 pounds of
fruit ,and experiments were -car-
ried out 'with a view to finding the
most tonvenient form of box for the
diderent sizes .of apples and it was
deeisled that no ore box would Suit
the different grades -of kelt Experi-
ments .will be continued atscene future
date in tinie for next fall's crop. Mr.
Creelniati exsects• that the . box- will he-
eome.. /pate, popular in place- of the
barrel tor Our finer varieties oiapp!es 1 4
it is it ihandier forin for the household,'
occupies a, -more ecouotnicat space in
shipping: . alai presents a much snore
attractive appearance in the grocer's,
window. • 'It also allows, for better
ivneunctiiilation and .enables the producer'to
getbusiapples before the people -in
better shape. .
• 'Denver, Col.,: May 32 -The most ex-
tensive . gearautine. eS' cattle in the
Westfor manyyears will be in effeet
within a few day's as the .result
the prevalence of the mange. Six or.
eight ,other -States and Territories.. will -
Come • under the sante, •.rttle before • the
end of the week. Cattle - from the
Mexican -border to _Canadawill come
under these regulations and practical.
1.y all of the territory from the. Rock-
ies to-the...Missouri River will be af-
fected... •
The little son of Mr. P. Beadourshas
Veen dangerously ill aeul. under the
doctor's cares We sincerely wish hint
a speedy recovery. '
Mr. 0. Spenser Mul family have re-
moved from the honse lie recently sold
to Dr. Routhier of Ottawa, to his
other house across the street, recast-.
ly vacated by hi daughter, Mrs. Ra-
The masons , have started to build
the. hnuidation of Mr. Etpil Hendrick's
nees house,
Our enterprising brief: manufacturer,
Mr, Joseph Leadeau, burned a.kiln of
brick last week. •
Peter McNabb, 6th line, -has added h
half acre of new orehard. this year is;,
his farms 1 '
Dr, Roe of Philadelphia is 'visiting
h's pareuts in Morris. His inother has
been ill for the past few weeks. .
Geo, .Ar.nstrting, pth" line; has sold
his farin to Mrs. Taylor . of East •Wa-
wanoshi : who ..gets possession .in Oct.
Price '$5006. :idain Halliday has sold.
his 100 acres to his neighbere W. Artie
strong, 'the price being 85,100..•
The coetracte'for the new horse shed
at Sunshine was let to Jae.; Hill of
Myth at $380. The building'. will be
45 fest scitia.1 e enclosed. A •bee on
Wednesday of last, week, levelled tlie
groundrot' if and work will .be pushed
along, ' Tire' old shed will .be left,- at
least for a time'.
I. :•Kingswood of St. Thomas has
ptirehased a large grocery business in
Ingersoll, Ile . has- been. filling .a.posit-
ion as -traveller for the last year or
tnetre Mr: Kingswood is ,a-soa-inlaW
to' Jellies Sharp, 5th iine• • " • ' • .
We,•are sorry to report the illness of
cm old and welt., known resident of
Morris,- in the person of Mr. Thos.
ViDer, 5t1i line, • ivito..on .Monclay was
suddenly stricken with paralysis. His
many .friends. hope he will somi be.
Metter.. Mr.' Millen`thad been. back • oil
the. farm attending. to:different. chores
andon returning eo the barnyard.fell
at • the straw . stack wbere he was dia-
collared by liSs daughter, Mrs...
ter who is visiting itt honte•this sq4-
5011 frinti the West .
'he spirit of Neil SsfeDonahl took'its
flight :Irons the • earthly tenerrient I on.
Wednes,clay.of .last week.. •Ile had 'been
Poorly foe the past year, nervous pros
tration ..beieg. the cause au., lan about
eight weePs was confuted to bed-. De-
ceased -.we's :born in Argyle; ScOtlaed,.
and canie' to ,Canada. with his Tether's
family in 1847, locating in'Elgin cottn-
ty for seven years and tries -moved to
the: fann in Morris 'ill 15.4: WI which
lie died, the old homestea.cls Of • late
years he,hacl. not •farnied td ' any ex-
tentas the place swaS seeded down.
.arid. cattle .grasing • substituted. Mr.
McDonald was unularried, tWO .sisteri,
residing 'with him. Ile waa 56 years
Tmasons . are at work 011 tlie
stabling.. for . George Kerr's ehlerged
.barn. :
D. S. L. Caldloick is here for
short , vacation looking the picturo. of
health,' Hip:home. is at Grand 11,apids,
Last Tue.etlay :fag, Shurrie, eth lino,
delivered .8 Inigs• 'of York -Tani Var-
iety to .Josepli Clegg . for which he r-
ceived . the tidy stint of fittr.
• Alfew of the ist line people attehcled
thebarn raising of Oen.' Tisdale of
West • Wawatiosh on- Friday, among
them were John I3rooks awl daughters
the Misses: Hitglies and Mr: Cornell.
All' report haying a.- good time. '
It is said that Adam Halliday has
diSdosed of his loci -acre faiths aut
to wm, Armstrong • of the • same lince,
for the; sant of 55,40o.. 'Mt. Halliday,
who hits bees- .h res,dent of Morrie' for
the 'past /6 or •17 years, will likely re-
tire front farming .as he is short of
help owing to the locating -of hissotis
Jim Dumps had tried some time in vain
To ease an after-dinner paid
Which gnawed at him his belt below,
And filled his world with indigo.
Dyspepsia now can't bother hint,
For 4trotto 1" 1.45 made- him Sunny jim."
The Itoubste.Scrve Cereal
diva work
to weak
and supplies
the energy.
A. Woe to Inc/ideation.
"trot? summer I have had
to take tonics,. but. 110W I Win
4 Perce.. 1 aux enjoying excel-
lent health ; it Isis built me up.
I oat tresee'' at night and it
gives me a restful sleep. /t
builds up, satisfies mid is plow
ant to eat and a fee to Indi-
"Mahe /CATS W. DOW
******** **44404t******tt
We have done some heavy huying fluting axe tiv,i 10 clays awl got 43*
some special drives in several lines of goods. We know people like to
trade wbere.they have a I trge and attractive stock to seieet from vvbere g.
everything is new atid fresh, find no o!cl cheettitite to be palmed oft, on 4p.
giloteoz; :_ltt the following liot yeti will Hod several lines of underpriced. 4
Black S;ttana, fine glossy Hindi, very special, sold everywhere at 20c,' 4
our pries., 15e.
Out. these Goods teach. this senson hats been a record breaker. NVe keep
the correct goofis. W(4 i.how It in Meek and colored
Venetians, Olteviots, Vic:units, Broadcloths, etc., at 75e, $1.00, $1.50
(ltd $3.00.
We allow extra value in bind,. Grenadines, in stripes and Acne.) designs,
41 to 48 inches wide, at 50e, 75c and $1.
Oar stock of Wash Goods is superior to anything we halve ever shown,
in white and colored inuslins, Pongees, Zephyrs Organdies ete from
it .1
OC to 35e. per yard.
We have sot ted up our stock of Silks this week. .Tapanese Silks, in all
colors, at 2e. Our special line of Black Silk Taffetta at 50e, is again
in stock. Also .our three special lines of Black Satin at 50(475c:end 81.
Black Sateen Sit irt. Waists, in all sizes, a special line, new goods, it great
snap, worth 60e to 75c, Our price ivhile they last, 35e.
Mons' Wool 'Sock s, a special line, good value itt I7c., 2 pair for 25e.
Ladies' Summer Vests, in all sizes, at:50, 8e, 10e, 15c 25c, .50e and 75c,
Bleached Cotton, yard wide, Worth 8e, for 5e.
Art Muslins and Serial for 0 attains,' in new patter s, at 5c, 8e, 10e and
Goods •
McKINNON & co;
313 1:41trr.lE1
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••oeseeeeeee
,.e.eee.•.m..e.eee..e.e.e.e.e.e.e,s.i.e,e•ttt mtuTs
I age the ,." Macey!' Sectional Bookaase-you.,
buy one section or a dozen. They care for • your
library while you sleep.
Curtain Poles complete for 20a.
lict •
ight and Sunday calls answered•at residence of, Mr. ,John Powell or.
• . either of theprinoip,t1s.
********************** . 04044.****444.4..04444444
40 -Date' Footwear 3
Down -to -Date Prices.
Oue.stoelt is now complete with all the liitest productions.
Yon shoal(' see Cur special line of LADIES GENUINE DON-
GOLA KID:14cUP BOOTS ,nada on the 'latest toe, With .
oaktan sole, J. D. King e special at $1 50. They are the best
values ever offered in Clinton.
• •
OUR stock of.Meti's Fine Shoes was: never ne good as now.
Pt ices- $3.00, $3.25 and $3 50 for 'Genuine Goodyear Welted
Box Calf or Dongebt. Kid with the latest toe and the hest of
Stock, No better shoes made."
.The Old Reliable.
31.. TAYLOR & SON. 4f,
•••••O•••••••••••••••• 00000eoo*********•****
. .
ew Millinery New Millinery (!)
11jay is always a very busy month in the millinery
and never before haue we had better value that at the .
present time, The trimmed millinery that we are turn-
ing out is simply marvelous. See our special May
prices. . . \
More new Blouses to hand see thetn\while we have
® your size. Also ladies' new Skirts in linen and duck,
The latest styles. Some special bargains in ladies'
, white wear.
1 men Aainodrebno;vs.Hats just received ' felt straw f r
mand 0
thon 1Y: :ttnedangebtalittdglgoaanhyigntputtyeteitryolo.faeog.rns, in exchange for goods. Bring
Soule excellent values in the 13o01. and Shoe department,.
• See the Snaps we have in Printo this Week.
Protoria "%look.
0 00 �O
ThIrt.the PA;b•thtlani.4fitovon bar wire tones. Oen, nstd;c; „vire aotertmeem- Weal; t3'6
. 41°k
Antninor, noon' nob b6conte tOo tight in wititOr -r14tulAtpa Avril tOngiOrt hll thfl thati. 1,0014
VISrlitht• I h 41A601600 &Gold it obtain et 000 noando, Common uptig its Teti leo 1 tit each bar boak at U.
tonntIth rain tato oressinano ranee., eettart Atitinfr, Me tramline.) thst 0.0r.
The rare Ifiral/enee Wal.cerville, Ont. St Jehn, N.B. Alotttree,V.0 12