HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-07, Page 7Ma, 7t11,. 1908 THE •CLINTON NIIWS REO0D eMolsons Bank Ineorperistad by Act 9f Parliameat, ISO. eapitat . - . -, - 4509,9orf iva-!! U;250,000 HEAD OFFICE e *MONTREAL. Ur. MoleOn Meepher00131„ PreSident• CS Elliet, General Manager, es diecountede Collections tnede. • Drafts issued. Sterling ettd Amer. kart Exchange bought eud seld. laterent allowed on deposits. SAVINGS BANK ' Isetereet allowed en sums of $.1 and , nP, compounded half yeeirly. FARMERS. *Oney advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en* dorsers. No mortgage required as security. - 71, c. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. nee Of 1903. Only Fifty Cents, Toronto Live„ Stock Market. • STRATFORD, OND. OUR MOTTO : "HIGH GRADE WORE ONLY P' Our graduates readily secure good positions beceest our high grade training prepares them to render first- class seeviees. !Business men want first-class workers and have no tiine to west° upon the• other kind. Cons - ;mire a course now -awl be ready for a. position in the fell.• Write for handsome catalogee. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, G. D. McTaggart BANKER. A 'General Making Business transact- ed. Notes discounted. Drafts issued. In' ereet al:owed on de- posits. ' Albert etreet Clinton, 1. SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block - - Clinton. 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For an up-to-date HAIR CUT - AND - CIMAN SHAVE try the leading barber, NEXT DOOR TO °ROCKY George D. Roberton. 04•44.*.*0*0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 11101... W. BRYDONE, BAR2ISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary, Public, Etc. &fiee-Sloane Block - - Clinton RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT Cook's Cotton Root Compouna, Is sucoessfully used monthly by over 10,000Laciles. fief*, etteotual. Ladies ask _Your druggist for Ceekii Cotton Root Com. pound. Take other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Pries. No. it $1 P..tr box t No. 2,30 degrees stronger,23 per box. No. 1 or 2,zaist1ed on receipt of price and two it.cent etAsksplt The Cook company Windsor, ont. OB. i and 2 sold and recommended brig' responsible Druggists In Canada. Nos, e and 2 are sold in Clinton by H. IL Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hov- ey and Watts & Co. -druggists. B. R. HIGGINS Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., de -awn, for $r, each. All work neatly and cheaply done. BRUCEFIELD, ONT DR, W. GUNN, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls at frOn door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. Office -Ontario street - - Clinton. DR. SHAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office -Ontario street - - Clinton. Opposite St. Paul's church. t. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSIC.IAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases et the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and Residence - .Albert street East, Clinton. North of Rattenbury street. lik.-G:'"AlliMANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Main street. DAYFIELD Ont. 'The Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1' • Farm and Isolated Town. Proper- ty Only Insured, oFFICERS J. B. MeLeafi, President, Kippen P. 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President, Brucefield P. 0. ;-'r. E. Hay's; See. - Treasurer, Sessforth P, o. DIRECTORS William Chesney:. Seafortli ; John Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea - forth ; John Watt, Ilarlock ; John Bennewies, Breellia.gan ; James :Evans, Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton; John McLean, KiPPert. AGENTS., • Robert Smith, Hatlock ; Robert Mc- Millan Seaforth ; James Cummings, EgramielvilIe ; J. W. Yeti, Holmes- ville. Parties desitous to effect insurance' or transact other business will • be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoffices. • Lossee inspected by the clitector who lives nearest the scene. -ITANDIRIcpai LVVAV ' E TIME TABLE. Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as•follows BUFFALO AND GODERTCH DIV. Going East Express 7.38 a. m. 2,55 r. m. Mixed 4.15 P. ,m. West " m.55 a. 111. Express 1255 p. I t I 14 It ft 7.95a. Tn. 14 1/1 10.27 Pr et.. LONDON', HURON AND BRUCE DIV. Going South Express .7.47 a. m. !! !! Mixed 4.15 p. in. " North Express . r0.15 Mixed 6.55 p. m. t A. 0. PATTESON, Agent. P. HODGENS, Town Ticket Agenta J. 1). MACDONALD, District Pssen- ger Agent, •TOrento: DR. AGN'EW, DENTIST. Will be. at Blyth every second Monday Office - Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, 'Clinton. DR. CI. ERNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Outer io. L. D. S. -First class honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to prestrvatiou of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every Monday from to. a. in. to 6 p. m. DR J. FREEMAN, VETER)NARY SURGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medical. Associations of Lendoti and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College.' !bllice-Ontario street - - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. Phone 97. • DR. BALL . VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY IN- • SPECTOR. ... Office -Isaac street - - - Clinton Residence -Albert street - Clinton,. IVIarriage Licenses ISSUED BY ••••••••=1.• Mk HENRY BEATTIE (Successor to Mr.. .Tames Scott.) BARRISTER,' SOLICITOR, ETC.• • office •formerly 'occupied by M. Scott, MONEY TO LOAN, • in the • ,13lock • • ' Rumball, Clinton Y Er.A416' EXPErtiENCE ?Rabe MARKO DenlaNs Otitivatenta &C. litstotse dendlet n WWI and deectiptioit Mae foetal,. ascertain one menion tree '121112thet, 60 inveistion As era May isatontsibits, Commussiett, atone street, eettidentlitiellaudbonk nu Patents nett fit6. -Oldest tereneeror seeurinteatente... News. ware enough gums & CO. retitle. Seettiapttotker Withant, °barge, lathe cflifie xmerican. ,AjPovittotejoIrlititedttstoit weds% Y:0.004110 isito .1,11 rt.tryeicuttne: Journal, rrhrves. vs a es,71• fenrrstsontts, 1.Said btall neroartentets, &fZ,ctoittoittdY, Pew Ytit Wsoisis;,,Os Ls; tes. LIPPINCOTT seeel Mg1Thileys(mAGAZINE " A FAMILY.LIIIIIARIF The 'Best In Current literature 12 COMPUTE NOV21.11 YBARLY MANY SHOWS STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY Tortes $2.50 PER YEAR; NS OTIS. A EOPT NO CONTINUED Bros! so tvintv Wyman cotillit.ureiN I EI$ Health es. "For 25 years I have never Walled taking Ayers Sarsaparilla every spring, It cleanses my bloody makes Me feel strong, and does me good in every way." - John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, ICY. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You becornestrong, steadmourageous. That's what Ayer'S Sarsaparilla will do for you. gm Wile. All Irstaitis. Agit 760 dotter *hat tit mots a .0.0er 4.40.0istills, He lowlier MI alrautthlt erste aid Wally stediente. Talleneldi advisaanet vie PM So Nanette& .1. C. ATER Ea., %Went *MC l'oronto, May I -The arrivals of all kinds of cattle were light at the Wes- tern Cattle IVIarket teclay. .Butcher' cattle were in brisk demand and on aceount al the ecareity all sold early in the day. The better classes were higher and desirable animals were wanted. The Wilk :that were hreught were cattle of 1,155 to 1,225 lbs, weight, thet should have been left in the stables for another month or siX weeks. They were not suitable for ex. port and not fat enough for the local bdtelier trade. Seine are selling as feeders and are not realizing as high prices as they should. There are pra,c- acuity no offerings in the export class and none were wanted. IVIany of the buyers have a large number of cattle on hand for shipment but the continuance of the strike in Montreal is compelling them to feed their hold- ings at their own- expense. Mr. Le- vark has at present 70o cattle at the market thet he has to keep till the trouble is over: Verniers and drovers arestrongly advised not to send their cattle forward until the ,strike is over, for buyers here do not want any at all. Any coining in would likely have to be maintained at the expense of consignor, or else shipped back ' to where they came from. The arrivals of lambs and sheep were so light OS to make practically 210 market, Hogs declined we per cwt, •The run amounted to 46 cars, 13 of which were front parties in Chicago. There were brouglit in 552 cattle, 203 sheep, 838 hogs and 31 calves. There was tro 'market for exporters and only one or two loads were sold. Butchers' e.attle for the „local trade were active and strong. We quote : Picked lots of finished heifers end steers $4.35 to $4.70, good loads $4.25 to $4.40, fair to medium lots $4.144 to $4.25, conimon grades $3.75 to $4, cheaper descriptions $3.50 to $3.75, and rough and inferior $3.35 to $3.50 per ewt. Butchers' bulls sold creadily at $3.25 to $4 per cwt. • , $teeleers and feeders were firm and high. All kinds of grazing cattle are much wauted,. there being a good ea, tive enquiry for them, both front On- tario and ihe West. We quote ; Short keep feeders ',too to 1,250 lbs, each $4.50 to $4.8o, leaders feeders is000 to 3.400 lbs, each $4.25 to $4,50, stockers Soo to 900 Its. each $3.80 to 415, 'stockers efoo to 750 lbs, each 53.75. to $4, and lighter ones $3.50 to $3.75, off colors and rough unfinished stock- ers $3 . Milch cenre were - scarce -and filen.' We quote : Best descriptions $4o to $58, cheaper grades $36 te $40 each. • There was practically no market for calves. The quotations are nominal at' $2 to 510 each, and 4c to 5%e per lb. Sheep and lienbs were quiet. Theta iS. 110 demand for expert sheep. Quo- tations "f011ow : • Light •export sheep 115 t0. 140 lbs $4:25' to $4.75, heavy' elves .150 to leo • its $3.75 to $4/25, Intake 140 to 1.6o lbs. $3.e5 10 $3.75, yearling grain -Ted ewes and wetliers $5.50 to $6; grain -fed bucks $$ te $5.- • 50, yearling thin barnyard lambs $3 to $4. Spring Iambs were worth tO $5 eeell. .• Hogs were easier and the prices de- clined toe per cwt., Mr..William Har- ris received about 700. We 'quote : Sel- ects 160 to 200 lbs. only e,6.4o, fats and lights $6.15 per wt. . . 4 -NOW IS THE -TH4E". TO REPLACE UNHEALTHY i331.4QUD BY A FRESHER. AND IVIORE • .HIGHLY "VITALIZED FLUID, Paine's Celery • 'Compound. . ,IS 'THE ONLY MEDICINE THAT .CAN PURIFY Tkrz LIFE S'T/LEAM e AND REPAIR SIIATTERF,D STR- ENGTH.' " THE sleeplessness, nervous prostra- tion, getierale• debility, weakness, func- tional irregularities' and despondeecy train which thousands of women, young and old, suffer, can he quickly removed by properly. feeding 'the ner- ves and replacing the unhealthy blood by a fresher and more highly vitalized fluid: The happy change from ill health and misery to true wonianhood and "happiness can 'only be chute(' by the use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. ' • • . The present spring demand for Paine's,. Celery Comeotied, eontan's friend and life giver, is enorneeis 141 every province of the leniiinion. Tnie tact . alone amply mioves thot the' great .compound possesses viitues and powers tinkhown te other reinedies. Dear if and mother do not procres- tinate •; liken today to the voice • of reason and the pleadings and testi- mony of thousands of your sex who 'Jaye been well and .strong. Mrs.' S. J. McKinlay, Chelmsford, enit„ says : 'I Wish to let you know whet paine's Celery Compound has done for me, •/ was afflicted with nervousness, • sleeplessness, debility end general weakness for five years , and during that time I was doctored :and spent a great •deal of ' inoney for medicines 1. withont ,any good omits. A friend advised me to use your compound and I tun happy to say it has completely. cured me. I now eat well,:sleep %well, Mid am as strong e. as ever before ain 'sure I would heve (lied had not raine's Celery Compound come to my aicl. I wish every woman to know about your wonderful medicine," If you are in need cf free medical advice write to Consulting ,Physician's Deparhment, The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, IVfoutreal, Que. All cor- respondence is sacredly confidential. • 11XXV4. key. A. McLean left last week for Woodstock where he attendedthe an- nual meeting 'of the Synod ot. siemil- ton and London after which lie • left for Xingston where the degreeof doc- tor of, divinity was eonferred upOn hire at the 62114 'convocation of Otteeit's university, Itor .37 years the reverend gentleman has been the .faith- ful and untiring pastor of Myth Pres- byterian church and we know .of , no one Who is more deserving of the hon- or conferred by Queen's yesterday, Veal* coat sneers 1(111.4. Glace Bay, N. S, April 215. -416 - Serve Mine trete the dearer Of a *ad fatality yeitterday 'inornitvg and our men worked their' last shifte, An ex- plosion took place between / and 8, o'clock in number IS level, Prima' slope of Itstlerve %tine, end of the five Men who worked itt the immediate neighborhood of the explosion, but one woe brought up out of the plt alive.. Thel bediele lora badly 0.44 041 • .4. r w Or .A 'fours TOWNSITIr, Dr. S. Ie. Cali:thick 18 here for a short vacation, looking the picture of bealth. Ilia home is at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Lastoattesday Jas. Sintrrie, 4th line, delivered, eight hogs of the York-Tanil variety to Joseph Clegg for which he received the tidy sum of $111•00. Who can beat this for good returns ? Rev. C..$3, and Mrs. Fiukbeiner and children of Sebringville were visitors at Mrs. Thomas Maunders' last week. The Rev. gentleman was on his way home from, attending Canadian Con- ference of the, Evangelical Association whicjL inet at Dashwood. Mr. Fink- beiner is not moving this year, Rev. 3, R. Kneelitei was re-elected Presid- ing Elder for another year. It is said that Adam Halliday has disposed of his Too -acre farm, sth line, to Wm, Armstrong cf the same line for the sum of $5,500. Mr. Hal- liday, who hat been a resident of Mor- ris for the past 16 or le years, NSill likely retire front lemon as lus is short of help owing to the locating of his sons elsewhere, On of the pioneers of Morris passed away recently in the person of Jane Kerney, wife of William Little, of the 4t11, van. The deceased who was about 67 years of ege,lied been in poor health for the last two or three years so the end did not come uuexpected. She was married to William Little about 45 years ago, when Morris township was yet in its earliest stages of settlement she and her husband being among the first settlers. After much hardship they secceeded in cleaning up their homestead, lot 52, C0n4, where they have resided since their marriage. Her husband, a son and a. daughter survive her, The son, John, lives on the ,farm adjoining the homestead and of which it was formerly a part, and the daugh ter, Mrs. Gideon Hood, who residee" at Unly, Mich,, but•was in attendance at the death • bed of her Mother, 'Tvve• brothers and two Sisters, namely. Hen - Ty Kerney,Meadowville, and John Ker ney of Mich.,- Mrs. Thos Clarke of the .5th cote, and Mrs..A. Laidlaw, of Mea.dowville. also survive the deceased. Mrs. Little was a member of the 1VIetli- odist church at. Sunshine, HE. CAN'T HELP •IT, • POOR NAN He would be a pretty good husband. if he wasiet 40 cross. It's about bis• only. fault, isn't that 'se. ?. Don't spoil him any 'more by ceaxing,' humoring. Get a box Of Avers Pills and have him take one • each, •night for hie' liver., , • SEAFORTH. It is not anticipated sby the officials of the fisheries departenent .that there .will be any change in the regulations. this year in which ease the following Will be the eleee season : Bass• and meckinonge, 151.11 April to 151.11 June; maskinonge in. Race I,ake, 15th April to ist Jane ; pickerel, isth 'April to ieth May ; speckled trout, x5th Sepe teniber to loth April • salmon trout and whitefish, 1st November to 3oth November., . Engineer Leonard Neil of Port Hur- on, brether of Oscar Neil of the 0ySter Bay ristairannw t, tow, as killi ed n a Grand Trunk -Railway accident near Len n ox , 111 i eh, . recently . He, was a brother of the Misses Nellie and Ida Neil of Stratford,' who are Well•kaciwn in Seaforth, "lie funeral of the deceas- edtook place at Port I-Ittron, .Ile leavca to survive him . a wife and two children,' four' lirothers and threc. sistersMa.rshall of Toronto, .1"sOac of. 1?almerston, Oscar of Seeforth, Will. of Sarnia, hire. cf Toronto •-and 'plisses ,Ida and Nellie of Strat- ford. • John II. Swallow,. an old and much respected tesident of 1VIcEillop town- Sliii) 15 Ile had reached the dd.: vanced age 01:3 years and 7 inonths. • ZITILICIT. The wife of I\Ir.• jesiale Sararas of the 'Satible• Line 'presented 'her • Inis- baird"with a baby lioy on Tuescla-y Messrs. C. Eilber, 'John Hey, II. Magel and .1V, • Scholitg; have put the. race track in first class Shape. The manager,. .1.1r. V,ilber; ',intends keeping it in good e condition this year and will .charge • horsemen the eniall sum of one dollar for the use of it during the summee.- -• • The township Of Hay has•purchatied and 'received a carloa.d of cement 'and will, under the seiperiut endance Of Mr.' .1lIcKay, a thorptigh practical man; Make itl celvert tile in the village this year. No doubt the sav- ing will be considerable besides giving. Work to laboring' men. • . • Dr. .Campbell hes left for the Old Country where he will speed a fUvir months, in the laud ible pt.,rpoSe 01 quirnig into the. latest and • best treatment of the various -diseases' 'to which man is• 'subject. ' . .Reeve"Lamont' • is still making • im- provements oil h is 'fart». He is laying down between 130 and 200 rods of tile drain, . clearing' the roots .froni a large field' and is ecnitemplating •the erectioa of a drive -house, hennery and pig sty, , all under one roof. Looks. as though . kis bachelor tla.ye are nearing an end. 11, R. It, Johnston took possessioi1. of the Doiniuion hotel this morning,: It is ibout 19 years since Mr.. J, re.-. tired from •the proprietorship of tlie. house. Mr. Shoeina.ker will live .pri- vately for .the present, occupying the. ,housewhich his successor vacates. IT PA'S TO ADVERTISE IN TUE NEWS -RECORD. . Was Pale, Weak And Very Nervous Mrs, Benj. Hatfield, 77 Ifillyard St., St, John, N.D., writes :-"Por three years I was a sufferer from extreme nervousness Ind female we.akness. 1 was pale and weak, had net appetite and would some- thnes faint two or three times a day. I underwent a very painful operation and (Of WOO weeks was under the doctor's Cara but he seetted unable to help me. ,,,,,Despalring of recovery, I took the ad. *Ice of a friend who told me that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Weald build me ufo And make me strong and well again. I continued this treatment, using in all sixteen boxes, and believe that 1 on as atronE and well as ever in my life. At a result I cannot say too lunch tot Dr. . Chase's Nerve rood. The, testimonials I tibi, for it are not half strong enough." 506, a bft, at all dealers, or Effinansen. Bates & Co.. Toronto. On every box of the genuine will be found. portteit and lignittne of tr. A. W. chug. Diri Chase's Nerve Food Another Nice Story of Liberal Corruption. What It Cost to Take The:,Census„ Buffalo, April 17 -Before a jury of six men, Jas. Ne12011 was tried in the Police Court by Judge Murphy this this morning on the charge of (stealing U typewritten document, Ivaluod et $20 front Attorney John Ryan's office. Attorney N. Norton appeared for the defence and Attorney Ryan pro- secuted. Patrolman Driscott testified to the arrest and discovery of the paper in Nc1o's poc e . . The paper was marked for identifi- cation. It was a denial of certain statements made by Nelson to Organ- izer 'Wright of the Conservative petty in Canada. Le the statement referred to, and which is in the form of an afildavit in the hands of Mr. Wright, Nelson swears the Liberals in the by-election of last .January bought votes outright and thereby got victory in North Perth, Earth Grey and North Norfolk. Nelson was charged with stealing an uns igned affidavit from the law °d- fice of John T. Ryan, . in this city. The affidavit was a denial of the sworn statement introduced today, and Nelson says John .T. eVicearty, Buffalo saloon keeper, offered lam $75 to sign the reputing instrument. At the suggestion of Mt. Wright, Nelson Says, he led McCarty on, but never intended to sign the denial, . as the first affidavit, he insists, is absolute truth. After explaining he was introduced to Capt. John Sullivan by IVIeCartY, Nelson swears Sullivan said to him, referring to the by-elections : "The Government lias lotsof money • end' as it is necessary to carry these elections, it is willing to pay the price." • Nelson says he was engaged ..by Sullivan to ,get men from ;Buffalo, to go into North -Perth,- North Grey,. and North Norfolk fel* the Liberals. This lie ,did. The men were • William. Bain, Michael Crosby, Frank Schley, Leen 3. Mulloy, John FreernOn, Jolue.Has-, kett, John .1, Sullivan, Frank , , Gaila- gher and Nelson. • • ' •• Upon a later trip to Toronto, Ncl son sciys,. ,Capt.. Sullivan introduced liiiii to a men trained Smith, wlici told •hitn to go to Str etforde and .stay at the Cabinet Hotel. • "He gave the • address of R. T, Harding, a. lawyer, land Mr. O'llierne, "the Pub- lisher. of the Ileacon;" says the affi- davit, "to whoni r was ' made to re- pot every afterneon, and who were, he said, in charge :of the financial end of the Liberal .cempaign in Strat- ford • and would give Inc thQ • nanes • of peeple • I was to approa.cle'' Nelson says lie was in !Stratford diSguised 1LS 11 piettire agent, going from house to house sounding, ;the. people. "When I found' a Trian whom I thought °Mild be bought eto Vote' for. the Liberal' candidate,' I would repost.. his name . to 111r. Ifarang, and the money would be paid through .1-Ieskett. • . 1. made in reports to O'Bierne and Harding .by 'letter, its it was unWiSeto be seen ;geeing to Omit' offiCes. In *this Way' 1 reported several partiett. . 1 recall ehe naioes . of . james. comp:bell, Donald Campbell and J. Calder. • • At ' the.. IVindsor House; Niagara. Falls, •Oittes' on the inorning .of January- 3," Neleon lays, ''Sullivan give Inc $275; .inetructiag Inc to give 1125 to Bain and $8o to McCarty,' It was arranged. that llaui 11112I CrOShy 'should . go to Sim - coo, there they • were to put , up:• at A hetet, the proprietorii of which ;would be expecting them. They. syere •to Make reports in writing every day to Captain Sullivan at Toronto. The rest of the. men went to North Grey, and were instructed to stop in Owen Sound oyer 'Sundey. McCarty and .111ulloy were to go be the .Pacifie HotelTe.where McCarty' was. to regis- ter under thenanie of Marshall end Melloy. touter his own name, , kid Schley, Gallagliet and Freeman , were, togo to the Grand 'Coitral, They were to report to LaWyer, Pripet, . of Owen Sound, ancl . to Dr. Rent& of Wiartoit, who -Were' to : give-. them wha.t money. they ..reqiiired.-•.. 'rhe • in- structions to Bain and Crosby . were that they • ware to. represent Ahem - selves asagents of a; medicine (30111- p pany. Eain •wai to -handle the Money - and votes as ineteticted. by . local LiberalS and Cresby was to be with hin1. to divert •suspicion. McCarty was to act as bartender: at the 'Grand obtain money from Lawyer Frose, Central at Owen Sotind. He was to and hand it to , Gallagher as • re- quired. •Mulloy was to Operate from Wiarton under Abe .direction ecif IIough and Mr. Eaeteur,. saw Mill proprietor of Wiarton. Malley • was to p01. up at' the Pacific Hotel, Where ;Dr, Hough also. had eooins and was to, get what: Money .he 'required to buy. Votes ,from hint." continuing Nelsoft Saye : Jan- uary. 4 I. reported to Mr,. Harding. that a Stratford barber named (Co. Schwoob could be biinght to vote for the Liberal candidate for f.$5o, and that I would send • a man (a Liberal, Whom Harding knew and who worked with Schwoob ) the next day for the money. • The man re,: turned within half ais hour to .Where I." was, in. Schwoob's back room, .and showed tile a roll of bills 'width lie said lie had got .froni.Barcliiig, . and he then called Schwoob "into the room atul gave lain inaney • in My presence, Schwoob was a Conserva- tive but after this. he was appointed scrutineer for the Liberals in "one of the polling places. On this saine. day I went with Haskett to the residences of .Tames CatePbell, Don- ald Campbell and Calder, before referred to and he told tire he gave each one of them $5 to vote for the. Liberal candidate," Nelson was allowed to go on suspen- ded sentetice, Clendennittg left last week to spend the Summer lit Manitoba. lip will locate for the present at Boise - vain. He will take his teaming outfit with .Itint, John Agnew is home froon the West- ern tIniversity after a term • of hard study and will spend the vatation his henna in Wingham. De, and 11Irs. Spieling have returned ed to Canada front Denver and are now visiting Mrs. Sparling's parents in town. Mr. J. tb. Cleddes of Delgrave has re- ceived the Sitti news trout Duluth of the sudden death from pneumonia of his cousin, Mrs. Zopp (formerly Miss 'McKellar) fa the age of 33 ,years. De - cased Wita also grand -daughter ot kr. Oeddes of the 3r4 line ,of Mortis SiSter of Mrs. Stewart 1VIeGee,for- overly oi Winghant. OA,. • ri.,44,441. The following list shows the am- ounts received by the census com- missioners and entune,rators in this county : EAST IXURON. Commissioner, Thomas Strachan, 13B3I.31 Blyth ---N. ' 11. 'Young $37.25, W. 1 Campbell $31.70. Brussels -W. k'. Scott .19.65 G. .1gtuosgoenrs;c5$22.770, .85, A. Cousel *.,.4.85. $, Grey -3. G. lutaluill $2.25, 1'. Ver - A. ',Ctienbull $61.o5, ,T. McTaggart si eert7$06708.7W. t.f.v!rierrieemt5zt.lit557..35, L 171-1ie 7.020wlwk-A.. VIrowett 96.m,167.,J 567.95, J. J. J. t wlicsoozti $71.20, J. W. Edgar 0102.75, j. Gib- S°11.1ttolr6rais-.25i. W. Sloan, (t6 d) $69.5o, J. hicDorsald (13 d) $54•75: G. llood $59.20, J, Shurne $53.to, W. Isbister (r7 d) $58.$o, W. .T. Dull $6.50, Turnberry-A. Kelly $59.20, William Bailey \ wf:. d) $54, J. $. McTavish $67.60, 1. B.,Scott $56.9o. wI,Vivi. ngfeintigii-i4Wszn65..7G5a. nnett $36.90.1 • R. E. 1VieRtfizie $40.35, P. Deans $51.4o, Wroxeter -W. M. Robinson $33-45. Total -$2,180.20: SOU'III HURON. Does it not seem niore effective tb breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the reined), ieto the stomach? Commissioner!. D. Urquhart, $274.66. Bayfield -N. Wombs $50.25, Hay -J. Willis $47.25, S. MeIVIor- die 540.35, S. Rennie $70.7o, J. Gei- ger (ix d) $36.75, J, Corrie -eau $80.7o, J. K. Goetz $63.8o, Win. McAllister (7 d) $27, liensall-A, Murdock (16 d) $48. Aullett-T, McMichael $55.30, '.1:. Neilans $60.20, P. Quigley $51.6o, L. Hill $60.90, J. 540311 544, II. M. Snell $55.63, S. Cox $46•45. McKillop -J. Everts $59.8o, A. Dickson $75.20, a. C. Morrison (21 d) $64.50, J. Gievenlock $70.10. Seaforth-C. Wilsee $52.45, W. D. McLean $26.9o, J. Killoran $32.e0, J. Watson $28.85, R. Lumsden. $22•85. Stanley -J, Murdoch $46.90, A. Me - Beath $53.20, A. Illiteliell $62.40, J. MeDiatmid $36.70, P. Douglas (t6 (1) $54. Tuckeesinieli-H. Chesney, $6o.rs, P. effereay, $77.90, J. Shepherd $76.85. j• McCennell $74.30. Total--$2,o9o.4e. \ IVF,ST HURON. Commissioner, J. L, Grant, 5287,86. Ashfield-L.B.Augustine $57.25, McPhee d) 563, K. McEenzie (r6 d) .554, W. T. Pellow $53.4o, T, Sullivan $58.35, T. Ford (17 cl) 555.50, 3. Jant- ies�n (1,6d)) $51. (flinton-E. G. Courtice $40.10, E. Dickinson $37,45, W. Coats $49.40, N. Robson $41.70. . • Colborne --W. Hill $63,. H. Mor- ris $55.45, G. Young $88.2o, D. Cum- ming $65.95. Oodcrich township -J • T. Salkeld 573, G. II. Cox 557, J. Torrance $71.- 75, J. Wiggington 140.96, J. W: Yeo .$69:4e, W. Marquis $43.05, J. M. Breckenridge $38.19. • Goderich-J. II.. Edward $44-e40, J. Kucix $36.75, J. Alexander $39.25, E. R:' Watson • $37•75, George A. J. Frae ser $48.30, J. W. eietigie $30.75. East Wawanosh-R.. 13. McGoistan $68.20,* Ivr. Robertson .563.10, W. G• • 'Salter $73:35, D. c10W $,66.3o. . West Wawanosh-T. ItleCenu A. C. Jackson $49•95, I). B. Marrity 562; 3. H. Taylor $55.ics;•W. Al Wil- son (15 d) $49•50. Tota1-$2,298.56. • RstaOlished Cures While Yet* Sleep It cures becalm the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the dieeasedsur. face with every breath, giving prolonged encl constant treatment. It is invalu. able to mothers with srnall children. Is a boon to asthmatics. Whooping Cough Bronchitis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Cade Grippe 0.nd Ransom The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a. lifetime., together wish. a bottle of Cretolene, Use. Loa, supplies of eresolene es cents and go cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain. sag Iti:diest testimony as to its Value. vAro.nriFsOtENE Is MO BY ni:Vacntris 14v111:VW2lEn4r. Vepc•Crecolene Co. 130 Fulton Street r6$t Notre Dame street New York Montreal R attettbury Street Works Direct, importers. Woilcman- ehip and Materlid guaranteed, 4. O. .SEAttE and C . PROPRIETORS .11IGKOWN FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, • Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrep has been usedby milliona of mothers for 'their children while teething. If .dil- turbed• of night and broken. of your rest by a sick child sulIffering and erying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get' a bottle of " Mre. Wiuslovi's Soothing Syrup" fpr child - ten teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, Mothers, there is no niistake about it. It Cure's Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, mires Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en reit teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 Cents a bottle, Sold by all 'drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure ergy to the whole system. " Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - and ask for .".Mrs. Winslow's Soothe fug Syrup." .MLYTECH Dnring- the past few days Messrs. McNally :er Plummer leave sOld• and shipped' their Eurekacement block machine -to . contractors- in Hanover, . Kenilworth and Lucknow... 'This firm is looking • forward:to a busy season . in the sale of their cement machines. 11 IGH CLASS HARNESS S1101-' Good quality harness, both light and heavy, at moderate prices. I sell best Saskatchettran Rbbes, ills° Rugs, Blankets, Trunks, Vale Iles, Etc. 0Kown se. A -ZA Te. ‘nut:(EdSU:onutal;vie „crl rc Nni I; nov 'EE:Ntoo etIN: e aTor:10.1,1 ititros rv v:1"-°11 001: .ur CONSTITUTION te„ PRIC- II DruqqirehgenticiA t 11 •-, 1, -0" ::: : leer • • Price 1nt rainadst t $1.00; 61* bath's tor $$.00 le il A remedy which acts through the fouctions of nutrition, by the building - up of new and healthy tissues is not to be expectedto manifest its action in a few dayS. . When the disease is of recent ori- gin, this early and immediate action will often be met with. Otherwise, when it has already lasted some tittle, the action of the remedy must be thronic like the .disease itself. This is why the length of the use of ST. JA1VLUS WAPD11.8 'Will vary with every individual case, but it is a fact which no one will now deny that in the treattnent of general debility ST. TOMS WAvnizs produce remarkable, and in some eases, immediate effects. JAMBS WARMS help stotita.ch) digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength) the kind that lasts, develops and. breeds the energy which accomplishes much. tint Wearies of the literinten SE. "awes Witeetei ate almost if not quite a specific. X haVa teat faith itt them," Dr. Edward A. Untsitisoie, tork mewed StJanses Wafers are nta secret seumsty: Whs. numerauseWetoks,v- onnmetsding Mew id their tailcoat we mail the formula roan request. Where (kettle Mt not ?Wittig the Wafers, they are mailed upon re- celpt of mice M. the Coln0d21211 brAtleh : St. &MIMI Wafers CC, 172S $t. Muria. St.. Mainritl.