HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-07, Page 5Mar 7th, 1908 Tin OLIN'TON INTEW5-10300,RD .e 'Hagar 'Shoes is the best shoe in.•AnWiea men or women. Prices range Ram $3.00 to $5.00 You Can procure them from FRED. T. JACKSON. SHINOLA S is the best Shoe Polish S H Beware of imitations 11 I which are named to I N sound like Shinola.*- N 0 0 L Shinola is the -only L A The Original. A SHINOLA Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes Flea. T. Jackson. umandillalnle44. tSieraiest9iStrale,IME-Mal$91049101$10k1 > • • • 4 4 44 4 4 4# 44 4# 1 • 44 SUN. WE have just unloaded our first carload of Sugar for 1903. As this car- load has been shipped directly from Redpath's refinery, we are enabled to sell it as usual at the wholesale price. As.we have on hand a carload of POTATOES as well as a carload of Sugar, we are putting both in the market at very small profits. W.T.O'Neil. Mirk TIE Ne ROCOf Mr. Harry Cantelon . Late of the Clarendon, announces that he has bought the grocery carried on by Mr. G. J. Stewart and will continue the business. A share of your patronage is re- spectfully solicited. HARRY CANTELON. Rubber. Tir es. I • 11111111.10411811163112r 01416,141111111111111117 CALVES POR SALE", • The undersigned Will be at Wilson's Hotel, Brueefield, a.t I •o'clock p. on Tuesday, May nth, with a load of calves for sale. JAS. C. PARSONS, ' May 6th. Kippeu. BULLS FOR SALE. • '• The undersigned has for 82.1e a first-class Shorthorn Bulls, from 13 to 17 months old, red in color and the very best of breeding. W. 3. 13IGGINS, Elmhurst Varna Stanley, one mile south of the G. T. IL station, Clinton. TWENTY ACR.ES talt. SALE. The uhdersigned Offers for sale north part of lot 36 011 the i6th con. of Goderichtownship, containing 20 acres, Good frame house,. barn with stone stable. •God orchard with all kinds of fruit. X mile from corporation of Clinton, X mile from school. Apply to • JEPTI1A xoLLAasm,, Holmesville April 14th. HOUSE FOR, SALE, ; The undersigned offers for sale • his IX storey dwelliag, •containing six rooms. Hard and soft water. •Also acre of land, .ground in good shape. CHAS. F.' COOK. Clinton, April 22nd. CLARENDON HoTgl, SITE ..FOR. SALE. The undersigned offers- for sale the Clarendon Hotel site together with the stable belonging to it. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Hele, •Winghain, or ; 3 D. B. KENNEDY, April 28th. ••• 'Clinton. HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE. The 7 -roomed house on Walker. St., south of the railway . track, lately occupied by Mr. Santa Livermore, Is offered for sale or to rent. • Garden with all kinds of fruits. Abundance •of hard aild soft water. ,Apply to • ROBERT MARSHALL. April 4th. HOUSE FOR SALE. The undersigned 'offers' for •sale•a IX storey cottage with five bedrooms, large dining room, parlor,, etc. • Situ- ated on William street, convenient to the Collegiate Institute. r or farther particulars apply to James Scott, barrister. • MRS. LAIRD. Clinton, June 28rd. • • TWO HOUSES FOR SALE: The undersigned offers for sale a IX storey frame house on Victoria street south of the railway. track. Small or- chard, • good well, stable,' etc. Also small halite house on James street, near the knitting factory, •X acre of land, goo yl well, etc. Will be -Sold on easy terms. JOS. ALLENSON. Clinton, January 6th. - , • HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR SALE.: The undersigned offers Ids hardware. business for • sale in the village of flayfield, • Nov. t2th: R. ROTJATT, BaYfielff.. TUCKERSMPTHaFARM POR SALE: • • The undersigned offers for sale that choice 150 acte faun on the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, one mile east of Cloiton. New frame • house with sum- mer kitchen, first class bank barn, drive shed, hen house, pig pen, silo, two wells, windmill, and small or- chard. Tim Bayfield river runs across back end of lot. Thirty acres' of fiats, the finest of grass land. This is • a • splendid •farm, well situated, 'and . will be sold on easy terms. • ARTHUR. COUCH, Clinton June 9th. We have just received a Mmachine from the Dun- lop Tire Co., Toronto, for wg°" repairing and attaching arm. rubber tire to any wheel, so are in a position to • •• meet your wants in that direction. ••••60.11.•••••••••1,60•0•101 All kinds of Buggies and Waggons for sale. Bcpaiiing Proniptly Attended to 111MBALL and Metall auunistmi clintan, , • LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA. Via, Chicago,. Milwatilcee and. St. Paul atal „Union Pacific lines Febrtia.ry T5th to 'April -.8oth, 1962. Only 533 Chicago to Sat Francini? Los Angeles and many other. Califors nia points. One-way, second elass, colonist tickets. Will be glad to send you additional information. • A. 'J. TAYLOR, Canadian Freight and Paos'r Agent, 8 King St, East, Toronto, Ont' THE WELL KNOWN' ROADSTER \ • STALLION. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed tenders for the ereetion of a brick school, adjoining the village, of Varna, will be received by the ender - signed, until 6 o'clock p. In. on May 25th. Plans and specifications inay be seen at my residence. The lowest nor any tender mit necessarily accepted. JOIN BRATTY, SeeAreasurer .S. S. No. 6, May 4th, 1903 Stanley, Varna P.O. PUOTO ENLARGING. ••••••••••,* We have opened studio in the rooms over Harland Bros. store where we do all lciuds of photo: enlarging, etc. XON,A.GUAN & WRIGHT; - COURT 0Ii‘ REVISION. -- • vI141,A.oE•Or 13AXTIMD. Take notice that a Court of Revis- ion for the Village of Bayfield will hold its first sitting in thel Town Hall, Bayfield, on Tuesday, May 26th, A.1),,s903, commencing at 10.30 o'clock a. mafor the ptitpose of hearing aad rectifying all complaints against or errors in the assessment roll of the present year. All parties interested •are requested to attend. U. W. ERWIN, . Clerk of the 11:Tunicipality. 13ayileid, May 5th, x903. — comer or REVISION. — • TOWN OF CLINTON. — • • Take notice that a Court of Revis- ion for the Town • of Clinton will hold its first sitting in • thet Town Hall, Clinton, on Tuesday, May 26t1t, A. D., 1903, ceanmencing at 8 o'clock p. tn., for the purpose of Leering and rectifying all complaints against or errors in the Assessment Roll of the preaent year. All partieo . interested ,are requested to attend. W. COATS, Clerk of the Municipality. Clinton, May. 5th, 1903. --- COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. • • • , Take notice that a Court of 'Revis- ion for the Township of Stanley will hold its first sitting in the Township Hall •Varna, on Monday, May 25th, A. b., 1963, commencing at to o'clock a. m,. for tlic.purpose ofhearing and rectifying all complaints against . or errors in the Assessment R911 of • the present Year. .4.11 parties interested are requested to attend. J;E. HARNWELL, Clerk of the kunieiPality, Varna, April 29th, 1903. 0.. .FOR SALE; • The undersigned offers for sale I ily. shuttle Carpet Loom in good state of repair. Will sell for 30 per cent. of its value.. Also 1 light democrat wagon. Will be sold cheap. •GEORGE -POTTS. April iath. COLONIST EXCURSIONS.' • One way tickets at low rates on oale until June Isth to points in Montana, 'Colorado, Utah, Otegori, Washingtoa, British Columbia and California, MT. CLEMENS MINERAL. BATHS.' • a Thousands visit. Mt. Clemens every year for treatment of rheumatism, digestive troubles and nervous disor- ders. Situated . near Detroit, it is • quickly and comfortably •reached, by the Grand Trmik. THE "ST. C.ATHARINES WELL." The waters of this famous well ore a O breat specific fcr rheinnatism, gout, nervous prosthetics* and also serve as a splendid tonic. Situated on direct O line of the Grand Trunk eleven miles from Niagara Falls. 13ooklets giving information of eith- er of the above resorts on application to A. 0. Pattison or F. R. Hodgens, agents, Clintim, or to D. McDon- ald, District Passenger Agents Toron- to, •Jim Corbet Jr Jim Cabot, 3r.4 has proreit hiiiitell to be a good atoek .getter, 116 hi a horse of good bone and Oubstatiee with a good carriage and stands 16 heads high. He will serve mares ;at his own stable, Albert St. 'Clinton, and at Graham's Hotel On St., III1tA,11/ 4:trILLi OWlipra QODgitIOH, M. Thompson has a InatiOnoth ger- anium in his store winclova. It nearly fills the large plate glass and has bloomed •since last fall. Only the , branches are green., it looks like a bik /currant plan. It has aS Urge bunches of flowers upon it now and a very great number of buds. It :dust be a rare speeitnen. MeRILLOP TOWNSHIP. Ur, Sainuel Haekwell, 'who has been residing in the state of Michigan for some years, is home on a visit. • The ,Hagey Brothers, who are popu- lar carpenters and farmers, have a great number of contracts for this season. Their work is not all confin- ed •to McKillop ;as they have also several jobs in the townships of Logan and Grey. Mrs. Robert Gray has gone oa a visit to relatives at Sarepta, but more especially to see her mother who is in very poor health. • Mr. and Mrs. alowbray of New On- tfatritoliave been on a visit to relativ- es here. They are thinking about go- ing to the Northwest in the nearttlre. MissE,Ila Duffy, who has been resid- ing in Detroit for some time, has • returned home. „Her many friends are pleased to welcome her back. PORT A• LBERT. Mr. and Mrs. .John Tout of Ripley were the guests-cf•Mr. and Mrs. II -tar- ry Hawkins on, Sunday. ' 111r. and Mrs. T. IL Hawkins and daughter of Goderich Sundayed in the . Mrs, Nels Pearsoit spent it few days in rHellett this .week,. • • Miss. Jean Dunbar of .Dengainion Sundayed at home. .• Hector Hawkinsleft this week for the American Soo, T. F.' Hamlin and family „moved to Kfnearcline last week, also Edward ..cConnell.and family to Toronto. , • Mts. Wellington is visiting her par- ents,. Mr. and , Mrs, Win. McConnell, th5s .week. • .Miss Maggie Schaefer ..of Milverton is. visiting her' sister, Mrs. •John Schoenhals, tit ;present. • • Seeding has reached its encl.inj this Section for 1963. •• • Thos. :Wilson, jr., has moved into Ed, McConnell's house this week. The Mill wall is 'being piislied ahead but it will take, a month to complete it. It is being builtof cement. John Cameron of sashfield. inspector o[ the :job, - • • John .W, 'Grinton of Tonawanda, Penna., has his stock of groceries . on hand ready to. open up. on Monday in the store of mrs.. Thos.- Hawkins, late- ly occupied by, 1'. F. .11amlina' We wish Mr. Grinton every success in his business. . • The rain. oti Sunday .was a 'welcome visitor., in this locality.. • . 'Jos, Crawford. of this: seetion met with a lied inisha.p • test Week • while * 1 eIng being thrown from. 'hi • ou.. w , s ,witeel, striking ,hia. head and rendering him unaotisciousfor smile time. He is onthe anencl again. 'Like "Gainey" he is slightly.disfigtircel but still in the. king. . Only the Best WE HANDLE ALL THE LEAD- ING MAKES, OF nxoyeLEs DI- MMING THE RACYCLE, CLEVE- LAND AND COLUMBIA. WE ALSO HAVE CHEAP wnEE,LS POR TIIOSR DESIRING THEM. OtTR MACIIINR SHOP IS PITLLY EQUIPPED FOR. A GENERAL RE- PAIR. TRADE, • WA no ALL RINDS OF BICYCLE REPAIRING, iffION TURNING, DRILLING, GRINDING, BRAZING, SAW GUMMING, SAW PILING, irEhtrERDro, VULCANIZ- ING OF mum, SAPPANIriTO AND ENAMELLING. wn ALSO DO ALL RINDS Or GUN SMITHING, OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS .THRY POSSIBLY CAN BE AND WE GUARANTEE • TO GIVE SATISPACT/ON, GIVE ITS A TR/AL. SZEIBLY & TURNER • • • it • ltANZIAGZii,• GARDINER—HALLS-At the residen- • •• ce .of the bride's inothera on April 29th, by the Rev. B.L.Hatton of Centralia, Mr. Peter Gardiher. • of • Exeter, ,to Miss Ellen E., second •'daughter of Mrs. James • • forriterty GREENWA.Y GANNETT — At St. Paul's rectory, April 27t1a. by Rev, ' Wm'. Lowe, Miss Margaret A. Greenway to.. Samuel Augustus Gannett; both of Bluevale. BAKER—BUCHANAN-0n Aril 22; • by Rev.. A. McKay, James Baker • of :Ashfield to 'Rebecca Margaret, second daughter of M. Buclearian • . of West WawanoSh. HOWATTJARDINE—In Winnipeg, en' • April 23rd, by Rev.. Dr. Wilson, L. la 13„ Thomas M. How- att of Indian Head, NI 'W. T., to Jenide, eldest daughter .of Mr:: and Mrs David Sardine Cambridge St, Goderich, 'Ont. DORRANCZ-BEA.TTIP,a-pn April 29, : at the residence of the parents CI the 'bride, by .iRev. p, 1Vlusgreve, Mr. James Dorranee, to Miss Mary '•Jane Beattie,iall of McKillop. BIRTHS. ROUTLEDGE--In Clinton on May 5 *. to •Mt. and Mrs,' William .R.out- ledge, a datightet.. •. KEYS—Oft Babylon Line, Stanley, on ' May ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, a son. as LENNOX—In Wingliam; • April 29th, Mrs. J. T. Lennox,' a son, ' • WICKWARE—On April 25th, ' at • 5$ Ossingtou avenue,. to Mr. and Mrs• . Bs C. Wickware 'a daughter. • (Mrs. • . Wickware was formerly a resident Of Wingliain.) BECIGNEUL—At St: Joseph On Ap- ril 25th, to 'Mr, and Mrs. E,. Beet- • gneul, a son. , 1. roleruNE--..Li Turnterry, oh April 27, the wife of GeOrge Fortune, jr., a DAVIDSON—At Varna, on April 25th, the wife, of Rev. Thomas ,Davidson, • of a daughter—still bent. • .. DEATAS, TOWNS,END—In Londesboro, on May ist, Elijah 'foeniseud, aged 55 years. .' •, ' HOWARD—At the residence of Wil- • liam Blake, • Grey township, • on • .April 29t11, Mary. Howard, aged 87 • years. SWALLOW—Ott April 25th, irt McKil- lop, Joha Satallow, aged 78 years., QUARRY—In Cetaralia, on April ao, • Mrs. • Betijamiri Quarry, aged 56 years. . BIZOWNLEE—Iti Tuckersmith, on Ap- • ril 25111, Rebecta iCarter, wife of lifr. George BroWrilte, aged 54 years. • • 1 T013/N—in Colborne township, on Ap- ril atli, johnine Tobin, son of Mrs. Saints Tobin, 'aged 13 years and ,8 months. SMITII—At Nile, oh April 28th, Ala • bert Smith, aged 175 years and 3 mouths. 1 JOHNSTON—Ili Goderich, on dk.pril 28th, Elizabeth Scott, wife of A'. H. Johnston, aged 68 years and 2 moutlia. • DENOMY—At St, Joseph, On April • 23rd1 'the wife of Mr. Louis Den - may, aged 26 years. . TAYLOR—lii Exeter, oti )April 25th, • Bethke Gertadine, youngest daugh- ter of lVtr. ;mid Mrs, James Taylor, • aged a yeats and 6 months. IVIACDONALD—In Wingliam, April a2, •Leonard ,Etigene, son of Mr. and Mrs, T. T. Macdonald, aged 1 itiOlith and 22 dam MISS SKIMINS GOER1QK. ONDENT, 4 Knox church was re -opened on Sun- I AIrs. ;William Peacock has removes' day, the decorative work and other to the house owned and lately occia improvements being finished, but tlie pied by Mr, Alfred Nicholson, Bay -field I very copious rain that fell all night Road. and Morning rather dampened the Mr. Alfred Nicholson has purchased ardor of the congregation. There was Mrs.',Feagan's residence -on St. Dav- e pretty large congregation at the 1 id's street and removed thereto. evening„ service. A good full elicit' Mr. Joseph Lynn. left .on Thursday also. greeted the' Congregation. Before for Port Huron where he will be en the sermon Mr. Merritt of the C. 1. staff sang a lovely new solo "Behold the Ring." His voice is firm And enunciation good. The serinon of the evening was most pleasing, Rev. Jas. Anderson taking for his text Isaiah 12-3. The decoration of the church is very chaste. The ceiling is done in gaged this season on the steamer,: Hill. We wish Josef* the best of ,for- tune. alts,t James Craigie has been suffer- ing froin hemorrhage of the lungs. We trust that the coming .fitie weather will be in her favor, panels of white. Surrounding he tceil- Mr. A. B. Davidson, late of Dray- ing is a 'border of fresco work in tan, spent a few days here the past antique oak. Around ,the whole church week with his family, , is a ;drapery of pale blue and white I Mrs. Duff had a severe attack of la - more than a foot in depth. The walls i grippe last week. ' are of terra cotta. The choir is V"Y Martin Cogens of the Journal, St. chaste. The ceiling above the organ. is painted in blue and white, the same as the drapery. The walls are of deep terra cotta either side of the organ. The front of the space occupied by the choir has a lovely border of scroll work in yellow and white, scolloped in white on the outside. The work cost $600. The decorations were done by Mr. E. P. Halton who come here from British Colugnbia, Knox church being the first church in .Canacla done by him. • The funera.1 of the late Elizabeth Scetta beloved wife of Mr, Jelin H. Johnston, took 1. place on Thursday. Mrs, Johnston had been in delicate health for sonic months and with her, daughter, Miss Maude Johnston, took trip by boat last summer to Tober- moray where they were the guests of Mrs. ,(Captain) Alex. Craigie, but last season was so wet she did/not regain her , strength as fully as she would lia4ve liked. Medical skill Seemed to be of no avail and. Mrs. Johnston sank into rest on. Tuesday. • with her husband and the greater part of her family around her. She was a thor- ough going Christian, fond of Iher home, generous to all, and ' of a bright, cheerful clispositiOn. She was One of a family, of nine children and was born at Newthu Beach, County Down, Ireland, three 'miles from Bel- fast. In 1850 the fatnily °Migrated to America., settling at IVIilwankee where Mra. Scott, their mother died. Mr. Hugh Scott and hid fainny two years later came to Kincardine where he - •died in March 1863. Mrs. Johnston was inarriecl to Mr. John H. Johnston in. February 1856 and with him lived a good many years on his farm • ie Goderich township where he (tarried on a saw • lain, removing to ' Goderich about 18 years ago, Lovely , floral tributes were laid upon the. casket, among which were a lovely large pil- low cf roses,. calla lilies and lilies of the valley from the :family. with ,11Our IVfother'' in purple letters,' large wreath from Mr. Preston of-the•Strat- fotd • Mill Building - Co., • a lovely wreath froth Miss Kate Reid. and flowers from • other 'friends. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson officiated at house and Maitland Cemetery. The pallbearer,. were Messrs. Robert, William and Sam., sons of the deeeased lady, her sbn-in-law, Capt. • Alex. Craigie 'of . Tobermoray and two 'brcitherp,_ 'Wil- liam atid Henry Scott of kintardine. Mrs. Johnston leaves to mourn her hoe husband and Messrs, Robert John- ston of town, Samuel Of 1Vtilverton, William James of Hamilton John of Nevada, and Albert of Seattle, all of whoni attended the funeral, ta.ve the two latter. The daughters are Misses Maude and Frances at home and Mrs. Alex. Craigie of 'Tobermoray, who could not attend. •The relatives whe lady the funeral of the. deceased y Were Mr. , W. Scott of Kincardine,. brother . of , de.ceased, Mrs. Scott 'ac- conipanying him, and Mr. Henry Scott, another brother from. the softie town arid sister, 1VIrs. J. Wall and husband Irma Kincardine, alsri Mr. Tom. ' Of . Berarie, - brother-in- law, and his daughter •Lizzie, Mn. and Miss Nesbitt;.. riephew Auld niece, of Bervie, also attended. . • . . The Gun Club had their weekly. shoot Friday. We met Mr. Ed. Watson on WO retutn from sh the oot and asked him 'if it were tad cold for them to remain later. He replied. in the negative. We. then Said ,that we never remembered. to . hear of more. than a half itich •pf ice • on water on May Day before. "Well," said Mr. Watson, ."when •I was a little boy I attended the funeral cf Uncle John Savage and the snow was six inches deep upon the ground," his relative. The people of Prank who survived the shock were all taken to Blairniore, a town• some miles distant. Miss Rhynas in company with ReV• and Mrs. McPhail, the'latter a daughter 91 Judge.Britton of Kingston, made a trip over .Turtle mountain at Easter by train whieh they. enjoyed , very much. Wilco they arrived at the end of their journey almost the first per- son they met was Mr. Bird,' formerly of the Bank "of Commerce staff here. Mr. Bird kindly invited them t�call upon hiM and Itis wife, whom we all knew well,- being befcre Marriage Miss Ada Chilton, youngest daughter our former Americon Consul. Miss Rhynas wroth her Mother sorn'e tune ago that if they ever had ast • earths quake 4 Prank the town would go - On Friday it; blaze on Britannia: Road was caused .by a spark .frota the chimneyM of the residence of Mr. c- Leod falling upon the roof of the kit- chen. The. Collegiate lestittite studen- ts rushed tc the scene and helped . to carry out the furniture, etc., also to extinguish the fire. The children were playing ott the floor while their moth- er was attending to her duties of the Morning Mid on towing down stairs Saw the ceiling of the kitchen on fire. The whole thing would have gone had the fire occurred at night or earlier in the morning. The sari had' dried the roof, which was Wet enough. the day be(ore, So mach rain falling upon it, The Students had as eventful a ,May day as in sonic countries Where they dance around the Maypole, On Wednesday of last week at 4.30 p, in. the following telegram was re- ceived by Mrs. W. A. Rhynas from liar daughter, Miss Ethel Rhynas, teacher at Frank, N. W. : 'Valcohic eruption, town partly de- stroyed. Safe). Ethol.1 The icing 'Mt mid. canto in on Mon- day with weight and passengers for Sault Ste Marie from Toledo. Mr„ and Mrs. Grahame of zToronto were the, guests this week of Mr. and I Mrs. Hodgens at Hotel Bedford., Rev, Dr. Ilre is progressiug most favorably after his Xteent sexione at- I tack of illness. Mr. Itcyroek Dashwood, 'sister of Mrs. E. P. Paulin, county president ! W. V. T. Mt_ accompanied Mrs. Pau- oii her visit to Goderich 011 Monday. T Mr. an, \Burrows is iympropiing rapidly'1 1 11.% • Catharines, spent three or four days • at the British Exchange whose host is. Mr.Coliii.Murray, although he tinders went an operation at the London hos- pital, is still a sufferer. prayer meeting was held at his home last .7.73,fekra.. Wilmer Smith 'returned front • • Toronto where she was the past mon- • th the guest, of her sister, 'Mrs, Char- • lielleieM°°PiesrsC•s Coutts and a lady friend have returned totheir home from Sault Ste Marie. • Mr. P. J. Dean. has taken • for his family residence the house on Water- loo. street lately occupied. by . Mr. R. B. Smith, lately of Detroit, intends spending the summer at her • eeece in this town. •Mr, Woolgar is ill of fever. The remains, of the late Mr. Angus Murray of •London were brought here by train on. Saturday night and taken to. the -residence of his hrbther, Mr. John 1VItitray, from which the funeral took 'place 'onlVIonday. The Laura Grace left .for Port. , Ar- thur on Tuesday. a '• ". • The canoe belonging to the late Dr, Frank Turnbull is now at Lee's ware- house.. At 'temperance hall on ..Moilday ev- ening the W. C. T:•11', in goodly aunt- bero held" their by -weekly meeting. The guest of the day was Mrs. Paulin of De.sliSvooda county treasury. Miss • Allen Icillowed with a solo "Our boys came home to stay," Miss Coon ac- companist.Mrs. George- Acheson was then . greeted by the • members • and rose to give a fragmentaof the work of • the W. C. T... 'f.Y. in Los Angeles.. She. said it was a ;great' prohibition town; •the strongholdof the W. C. T. U. riamberhig 600 • membero... Their temple, combining . concert hall,.. tea ception. room, 'etc.., eost 560,000. • Las - tie, • too, where she, speet most of her time„ is also • ruled by prailaitory• laws. Great • :attention . VAS given Mrs. Aeheion's actcliesO: Letters • from *the mithionaries Miss Sproule, Pigeon .River, Silver Mine. • and from Mt, Leckiewere'. read by the .secretarY. Mrs.. Pemba then .addressed all present and she is well „fitted for her work, • which.• • oe that alterncen was chiefly• ' motherhood, oneof the greatest hon- - ors to vvoirion, namely that: of train-. C„.1 • aormskunr4 All. Nicholson is engineer on the steatner George N. Orr. We think the crew of the Orr this season must 1c)eealisvCanen. Canadian ianand some of the offi- rsMaiss Laura, Acheaon looked her lov.. Best and gave the lovely violin solo Beriot, "Scene de Ballet" in highlyi artistit style, playing "Annie Laurie' for the outburst of applause that greeted her and for her second num- tier one of Gnonodis serenades .respond- ing to her eurore by a; boav. We would like that the opera house was crowded. Miss Rthel Achesou aceom- lauded her sister very cleverly ,cit tha luau°. Mr. Murdock has removed from the residence he occupied belonging to Mrs. Joseph Wilson, to the residence mit West street owaed and lately oca eupied by Mrs. Colin Campbell., The following note from ;the Nor- wich, Conn,, Evening Record, is, we tidal:, well worth copying : John A., 1VIcran, the hatter, has installed a perforating machine in his gore for punching letters in. hat bands. Llie purcha.ser s initials will be punched in the hat band free of charge. The machine is of the latest make and is etlonienoenctlyicuotn.e of its kind in go= at The following officers of Victoria St., League 'were elected at the last meets ing of the League in April : Presideut, Miss 1W:than • rst Vice, Miss Florence Bates 2nd Vice, Miss Blake 3rd Vice, Mr, Bert. Hale, ' O Secretary, Mr. Fred. Holines Treasurer, Herb. Buchanan • Organist, Miss Vida Bell. Th The literary meeting of the Epworth League of Victoria street church was held on Tuesday evening of last week in honor of Mrs. Robinson, wife • of the Pastor, NOM has been president of the league Since coming to town. We trust that the new president, Miai 1VIillian, may be enabled to keep it up to its present sgandard. The aumbers were exceedingly. good. The duo given "David and Goliath" by lVfessrs..Bela cher and Broderick, was beautifully rendered, Mt: Cooke's solo charmed the audietice and he was obliged to return and. Sing the two last verses. Mr. Wooten followed in a very pithy, address, doubtless inspired by Mr. Cooke's lovely solo. The features of the evening.. were kiss Olson's fine ,` Viblin solos,'' the \first No. being "Siniple Aveu" and for encore "Home Sweet Home,•" the second a classic selection "Tares' Halls," "Take back the. heart" and some very lively Vari- ations which won the clever artist a: • recall. "Mr. iSam. 'Bean's selleetiou "The iloop. •Skirt" • brought a great burst of applause but no response was given. Mr. Belcher's baritone solo "Asleep in the. Deep" with Mr, Syria ney Belcher as accompanist was a very, pleasing feature of the evening. Mr. Sam. Bea.n's 2nd No. was "Mr. Sch- midt's . Mistake,"the reopens° to Which was a bit of advice, word . with you." A beautiful Quartette was givea "The better land" by IVIessrs., _Coolie aid Broderick arid Misses Har- ris and °Toon, •the latter playing a .violin ohligato. The evening's accom- • • M Penisti were Misses Vida Ball, IaudO Hale, Allen and Master Sydney, Bel- cher. iug up :ter ren lati p et y, . in watching them clay' by day, ever thinking of the, care they should give abir moral and, iritellectual training' as wellas their physical, Mrs, .pau-s lir; wai quite at home: She is very quiet in dress, her costume being of caster cloth -trimmed with silk of a lighter shade, Silk waist and belt of the seine with aairbati of castor color- ed Straw thin -Ili -led with silk of same color and white "chiffon star'. Mias Brown kindly sang "lust for today," Mrs. George Achescii •accompaniot. Mr. Clareace Rhynas, may son of the late 'George Rhynas, left for Tor- onto on Friday to act as assistant book-keeper in a wholesale house. , On Wedhesday evening : of last week we had the pleasure of attending the entertainment at Victoria opera house given :under the auspic"eS. of Caiiip Inverness Sons, of 'Scotland. The en- tertainer Of the evening was L. B. Spofford, cartoonist, elocution* and. humorist: . • • • sa-a A GUARANTEED CURE FOR • ALL : FORMS OF. KIDNEY DI/SEASZ, We, the undersigned druggists, are fully prepared to give the , following guarautee with every so cent ;bottle . of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney -Wort • Tab- lets a the only remedyi , n the world ; that positively cures all troubles ar- ising from weak or diseased kidneys.,, life and lienb now. . • "Money cheerfully returned if . tne sufferer is not relieved and improved • after use of coe brittle. Three to, six • bottles effect astonishing and perman- ent cures. If not relieved and cured you' 'Waste 110 Matey." R. P. REEKIE, Clint�n,,. O Lever's Y.Z (Wise Itead)Disinfeottint Seep 'Powder is better than other soap powders, ;A it also aets as a disinfectant. se : . With your choosing if you buy a match from us.Sivebeautyatisfiedwith time-keePing, satisfied with , We are making a specialty of our watch de- partment, And I invite you to inspectpur stock. We have, during the past week, added to our already good stock, a number of High Grade Elgin Watches and can fit them in any style of . case to suit the purchaser. Zou will be satisfied if you being your wadi or clock here to be repaired, If your watch does not run satisfactorily bring it to us, We guarantee all repairs done by us. • 4.RE LEADERS IN OUR LINE. , W. 1-1.41ELYAR. _ Biddlecombe's Old Stand,• e•IpeVVs ETLeistlieRd pArNee.DOPTICIAN Opposite Town Hall. 9...3.441144-944.304441 0000000 0000 • 000 0000000 00000000000000000000 ombe s Drug. Store. • In the store of Mr. A 34 Holloway, opposite Town. Hall. Entirely •Neu) Stook, EveryThing Netv and Everythin• g Fresh. No old or stale goods to be found in this storei Agent for Eastman Kodak Co. Agent for rarko, Davie 46 CC, 11.13, COM, Chemist arid Druggist, (1)(t4 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0000000000