HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-07, Page 3a it W. , - 'At , W 01 . I * ! � -.: -"R"ffl_J . . - - . - . I ­ . 11 . . .— - _ - ­ .1 1"... --11, — _,:. I __ ��,—%,-.-,--""-..,--,--�,.,�,-�---,--��---,-, w ____ , . _�_��.. — I , ­ 0_- . Political sense ,C%A we not study. 40aden the blaze. T,et it run over —_ _-_­___ � ­_ � -_ , 11.1. I.: . _:,�. __�_' _� . ,-''--,--,-- ­­__--� its influeAce lit a spiritual Sense ? rell-41, it dish One day And reftip# it "" """'In clothing and It will gy-P\74%99$90ige;o"(;!ZgPZ44",ItI I the, fie -it. �A , ;b I odor to that, of whgttever . I �ANGER OF LETTER WRITIN4 LVATTEIRS FROM A ATOTHVII. " ' ,t change t�e And 0�_ H �U U " "' Natury dw-ra,"t alwtws vxjilaia at . " , ,V , EH, k14 I Lot us 4rist see the Spiritual in- ikkatknIal you use. The sal -oke front . first jilst Why bally illaho"i 611ch ca� Arkence of letter writing In your 1 4 sllllllt Of any Wild of wooct or (Ivy . , � g ;� re. ­ . . 6-64 weed or ,.seat(, kind of herb, or, if I . . pric lous chang 9. ,t3ut the little own life. Strange to say, yell do *�;F;'R ON THE F4RMX I W, Your cigar or r . I � . . 6; orke'v tastes ulight gtilde 1,irll -,Vith, I ... member much at)out your ;� eo �3OU drIft A 83110k( _4 � , S � � L ' 0 r, -,- � � ....... h wi,,-doln if they Wer,- ,,(it ,andq When the Mind Is Liffuenced By Anger So 'r'noo'ther's life. I mean as you sit 1Wbq _ 'of "� 61Z . :1919100W;9,004 Idlio, 11411 (to It anxi, you b(I've thoil. - _t ,�; 6�artlllrfal by being, ofTered so aluich odor Instead of that stable odor. Le have forgotten exactly IW " wm paav no - 76 a unwholesolue food, each "'a t'he there, you i tw W I I how she looked and the tone of her � '1VIl"t Would leave the 11110st plonsaut grawn.-Upa so often imt. As to Obscure Rational Juhrm nt. SUALLOW CULTIVATION. Odor Would be the snioloo froill a� COW,uNu lulujsAlw. - 'p—e I -voice, She has been do4d many Of colirse, solne plain good sense, . years. Then you Ilmve forgotten to The practice of shallow cultivation sillint of hickory Or Sassafras wood. Rhubarb J$, rich In ox#Allc Ocid, J Must deterinine bowI far a child . 4 great extent tier words of, A muy be carried tou far. Tb *rl'O sa%Okc Siliell thereby becomes. w1lic I doc,u 11mch t . choose for blinself, but the. � (Entereil according to Act of the Par- tiono of an Awful, night Which , dvic,e of tile Soil llk�ulch - has lal-11c o delyth less and less after contact with tt I 0 tone the syF,tuln Shall liMment of cauji,cia, In the year Ono he Ila the bomet, bixty.ou have never for- it to (10 le fox' sunitner-a heat. ,pho greateSt constant approach toward nature I$. Thousand Nine Hundred and Threq, p4ssed to An or-oloAl of Inde6orlbable gotten her letters. 8olnehow'. After with the Water conserved in the Soil. till, and for good clothing w1lich k4s(�, to wl�.Illh We 1jut rhubarb is .for a bell1ul course to take. b Win. lially. of u1pronto. at tha horrors, A very near and dehr rel- . Prof. King fou.nd . that a laellow soil linv011'i Of t,be stable is certainly a pies. I Rvartmant of Agriculture, Qttvmf�-) yo of his cl, You left borne, the wprda which She juulch one ino�b deep did not keep. as thing to be advised, . Yet it in 1111possiblo to baku It ati _ WAS his Intimate ASSO Wrote to You made ;a far groater !m- 1301tWOcit crusts without bavin., the NO.PAY DAYS. ate for many Years. They were imuch. Water ill the soil as a mitiloh, I . 'A I A despatch frout Cilicago to proselon tban-thd words which She lluder crust soggy and laftestiblo. Afany -years Ago Rev. Thomas X, says: each other as Intimate as brothers, spoke, It I should go into your two inches deep.. and a inkilett two, JaVERsIvIm J'R0I)T_TCJ3J0T,T. 11 Alubarl) pie I.-; desirp(A lualce it Rev. r1rank Do Witt Talmage preach- They, confided in each other 'very' home And ask for your most'valu- Inches deep conserved less laoistur . Beecher wrote the following, which Pd froin the following text: Daniel thing. Time ,passed on, and there, Able collection of papers . three 0 MaT1,11 0, farmer Is Poor to --clay, af- like an P,13911sh. tart. Lay tbe Inch- is us trtle- to -day as then: , The quiet I . vi, 8, "Now, 0 king, establish the , you would than a "'U"" I inches deep. ter 10, _00 or 'W years of hard work, long. unpoeled bits of rhubarb in -a Ilidelity with which -she,, will di , . u endship was In all probability Show mo a collec- The principle of conserving $11 decree, and sign the writing, that it Hot, because lie has confined blinself to 4 dc -VI) granite or earthen pio, plate' wash hor life Away for '#him," is a broken, What did that relatiVe (to? Uoi-sture by cultivation is to Sprinkle Wwrally with sut, be not chair ol." tiOn of old yellow letters. They i , pro- single line of production, and 'that and ,ar, F!e duco a n%ulch of loose, luellow soil line Illarvel of endurance and grace. Just , King Da .110 intrikediately took all the letters were written by her hand. You have an overproduced und cork;,,. 0 ". or I'" top Illy 8trIP-9 Of paste in bore 'is the servitude � of woman Ilea,- rius was about to be which iny father bad written end- wIllich breaks tile rise of capillary oro,*S-Ijar - fashion. .find bake In a caught in a trap. The jealous state banded thorn over to the newspapers read them over And over again. water to the Pitirface. The loose soil seqUently a profitle,ss one, TO this rather oJOICk vi(Ist - no sooner is her worl� (tone . litfliqkrs, who had long been plotting for publication. The night tbat in Some of thoso letters fire stained as I be attributed inuch of the oven. - Air Attractive than It requires to be (lone again . . young prime minister, . gh the chil,aren haol. Spattered. acts as a blank,et, riot only to keel) I'll, igh poverty that has befallen And 11Y910110 Plo. may be made by X� an , . against the Y thou d.Wllr It works up folls, on had at last found a way In which father heard of the destilcable Act, water upon tbei . it, They at* Stained the water in but to keep the dry, the older fariners who are still in I Stowing tile rhubarb and nearly IfUll- ,j , ds them Ana I an he has often 'told ,me, was the hot Air out,.or frout coaling in coll- takes his: Pay. This Pay can be � they thought they could destroy laost awful night of his whole life. with your teo�rs as well as perhaps tac,t With the alolet soil the field. The dairy farmer Should Ing a 140 plate.with it, . over tile translated into something else , de- I . . !ruit put A generous inoringue; sot sirmble, I Ife lakew that he bad done no . . -eating evaporation and retatiling It Ill 4 -cool oven for a. ininute , hint. ­A1,nj­ they chuckled. "We hers. The gospel advice in those �v ; thus pre- riot, depend upon milk alone, nor A man works all day, and , will mhxku the klrig sign this young wrong, but he WAS afraid that in a with hors.I The gospel ipalvice in the moisture - in the IfIrra Sol, b(_ tile hop, bean or tobacco far tier or draws, his pay for his, dey*0 work. lich you wore _ . upstart's death warrant. 1.11) NY111 confidential correspondence. of many those letters wl , able to � upon hops, . beans or tobaleco two, then chill. Serve, this with Tills pay Allures btin, as - oA riot know that lie Is doing it, We yv � soal�, read in the quietude of 'your neath the blanIket of mellow 8011. A a In I,,. Each f,dritter, Iiiaturally and crisp Water$. . � . � ts m I ars he might have written 'QWn thick blanket Should be more efTcc-t.,.,, horse holikkoward bound, , Thus men Strait play upon our royal master's Is to -day tho,sweetest lesson, I)TOperly, should have ti, rakin line,. Stewed Ithubarb. Cut up one work by terms and jobs. - and,al- :_ Vanity arid ask him to send forth a thing which in the eyes of tile room ive th6i a thiablanket. Howcyer_ determined by. his locatiork, Ilig sail . . . world in that your mother ever taught, Wha Poulid of ,rhubarb and cook in an though work is endless. as to qu - .Cau a . ,an Ight be impraderit.. All that it very 00op cultivation alaY earthen or granit6 saucepan. Do not titY.' Yet w1hen otit up thus into � public letter and sign it, so that,the night lie tramped the floor. When has been true in reference, to, your. wAste of molstule in, tile So al"d his aka"loets, but WWI his illain . decree cannot be changed." life Is also true in mine. The great- . .surface line 110 call have side lines lines that Stow it ill a tin vessel; the Acid will terms And jobs, we men go heartily This -bublic letter, or procla, * the first ray of daylight told that . soil, because tile loosL,lied part Likics %1,1 I give I.ika sonlething to sell cv- eat o . mal the dawn Was near, he went out to est.lesson that my father taught me, .17 :tile till, and the fruit Will be on our Journey and count the inlif". ., tt , Out,, and ibe roots, also, would bave I- ' I , . on, was a singular document. It buy tile morning newspaper " which wag not by the lip, bixf with the less' -feeding ground in the rie I best Cry 11clontli In the year And -Ithi.lg a dit -y purple in color, lic-side hav, stones. . � . wasa dexteropsly devised to exalt the ,colitailled the publisbid private cor- Poll. Though I had lived with him part Of the soil. , . gi.ve hikii a hold on Several claIsses !ng a strong metallic taste, Tbe]re Not sos with our mates. "She', . . . , of consuiners. Tbo f4 thitt Ila WAY to cook rhubarb . our . king's supremacy and was well cal- respondence, He read those pub- for eighteen years he novor So over- The first' cultivation of I x,rnm y is no better mckaft -our Socks, a,rid we pljt . . Orn# Pa� are largely.thos6 devoted to diverst- than to set It In wniodermt,6 oven in, irresponsible toe upon the darned' , culated to please an oriental despot lislied letters In the street, When. Wholkningly 411fected me as on tile tatoes or tiny other crolk esbovId be ' 14 11 by Making him, appear to his sub- lie returried, the'llrat Iiards he .said . day I left for Pollege.- II0 Placed in shW.low rather t 4 .1 fied - production, while the loudest 4 tialall covered beark-pot ,without spot, and she darns. It again, She jects us tile exclusive source of ail to phart dooIj,,m,, is of- 021 ess come Ater, I I mother were: "Thank God, my hand a letter. lJoItold.ine- to tell recommended, ii.plaints of pr6litiessn i w I,et it bake until dia washes for the fairilly, and the. fa, good. It prohibited every subject and the latter clargely, from those who are.distint, then SWOOtOM If rhubarb cooks a Mily' makes haste to, send bi making any request of Goor or man, I there is nothing compromising that. read it in the train. In this totter, cultivation shaillof be deeper. A thin tively "single line" farniek' iiiiiiutc too long; 1 ]lave written] Tbank God! Thank on one .half sheet of paper, he Wrote 11141ch will retain tile alofstul�e dur- . . S. Which means after laine* garments to be washed again, . save, to the king only, for a Period . . . it has gone' to-p1ecQS - it will lose "She" puts the roon , : I — , , � li in order, find of thirty days. These plotters knew G,dl" That is not'the only illustra- these- words ; , ' 'Xii College YOU Will Ing the Inoist, cool' weather of . ---+ delICIOUS flavor. Stir it its lit- We got It rom . I ' I,, . � I i-ts dy to be -rid up" . t Ila t Dartiol � tion -wliich ,might be given where a fikid two groups I, Group tile first, spring,' but later in the seaRan whon tlo Lis posslbh� arid with a wooden again - Tbe saine seeks, the , same . . . was in the habit Of 1frivild has turned ,upon a friend. boys who -go to coll.ego because tile hot, dry days of July and All- L * J)"a.Ving to (.'ad every day, and they!Then, lily brother, to either friend or . . WHY "HE GRUSTIS BROWN SPOOTI, Do not ' Add sugar to it, Washing, the same room every time. their fathQrp send them there. Boys gUst con -re, .it deep mulch, is nece,�- . — When baked ar .Stowed, until after she hai "Jobs, no Wel e silre that lie would continue to 'foe alike, -never 'Write Anything Norbich who. drin,k and smoke and who che 'sar­ in ordej� tb keep the soil from *SOXE R-EXARKABLE $ cooking, Swooten, to taste at on( S no successive do So In si)ite of the king's pro am- i , � at I - I`;1 I likay some day not be able,,to stand at their examinations. Failure. drying.out. . .1 .:6 terms, no Pa alion. -fie would thus become an I . . . 9CI-tETS S Y (lay, no'tmIly�stick of the test of the publie-mint, Group the second, boys who go * I . . E . oil taking it from 'the fl,re, life. . . I �� �, offender again.st the law and Would to Shallow Cultivation party. fit the . '. . . I . . . I .. I. I .1 I . incur tile pellalt3-, which was to bei Never write a letter with a venge- college to"prepare for life's stru --- ,_ I , . Jellied . Rhubarb, -Cut up one . I ggle, season .is at . � cast into the den f)OYs Who study hard . I .so favorable t6l4dthe Aeason.Why Wheat Grownin the Pound , of rhubarb, and put it irk'a ... WINDOW CTJRTAINS. . I . . of the lions. MI pen, ,dipped into an Ink well 1111- and go to quick.warming of the S,oji. - ose . � � . . .1 .. "Now," they would say when t1loied with hatted. When one has been chureli, mild the prayer meeting., ps- soil is not a g(?od heat dandi,retor Far Worth Is Xore . � . beant-pot With a. thin slice of lemon, ' Curtains in.country houses should . � I . . I . ' king signed the paper, "we slialf Ide- unjustly attacked, ''it is very easy pecially' -the prayer inectin-. Suc� and more heat can rcach*the firm Valuable. .. .� a small bit of ginger root and. one be lower And less voluminous than . . , I . . . �. cupful of ,.q , be city house, -since there Is far . I We Wheat will, not grow at sem-lovel two tablespoonfuls of granulated . that prime minister. "I wish cess. ' ' . ugar, AV -lien cooked, add In. t Stroy for an Injured man to Say:, 'Them that boner - me, I Will soil through m thin laulch than could riot do it by the Sword, but I could' see, that '. man.. I wish -I horkor.,' Arid -they that despise .me through.a. thick one. The weeft Are Within the tl.6 less necessity Jet, excluding the out, 1: . we &hall do it by the king's impul- could give hlkl� it good piece of jay shall'be lightly esteemed., 1. . also killed by earl? $]'Allow cultliIIa­ . . our- gelatine, dissolved in bat( a cupful er world. Arrange the, curtains . I . . taind. I wish 31 could tell him in . INIFLUUNOX11' .OVi A G0,5PEL PEN, I . tha .. IOUs fao�'i that the further front the of cold wat6r, and Stir -until it therefore with -Some distl I net Pitt- . � sive pen." Their plot operated as . �. tion I�cttor -a by deep cultiva-I; Polbs. witbirk the -temperate zone the molts in tho hot rhubArb. 71 not . they expected, and Daniel vvas plain, blunt language NVIlat. I think . . Oh,. the inAnite in don.. . . I 11 �. . , pose in View, either to Screen a win- . I *: . thrown into the den of lions. I him and his, actiakls� As I can- . ,fluence of A go's- WlIcAt-field Jies the better the. flour pink enough, color With a, touch of dow opening upon, a public w,%y,. to , we 0 � Pol Pon - . - We cannot. control tire - rainfall, that ii produces, .11 � fruit rod. - Wet,a - mould with;' ice exclude t �, � � I � know how the king lamented si not see bliti, I .Will just Pit down - I Infinite ir� reference to but we. can, when wo,have learn I I - - . An excess 61 sunlight;'or to . " 11 time an the . : 'I'll 0 water arid' pour in the jolly,- Tilm introduce -n r. �. gn- ,I 'tSome of u's have 'so' ed ot write him a letter. Then he . two likaln - con I color. Ing the letter, but how powe,riess lie .an . --�Ikat they are, practice such. sy8-, stitlionts I a . I I in a dull cox, e . 1. Assyrian histories . writtbri upon . W1100rflour are stinch and .glu , of 'out,on a platter whoh fli , - and'gar- 'Sonletilmes A strip of curtain, at.eith- . . . was to recall his .signature. hastily sits down and writes a',I)e- teats Of cultiva,tion- and rotation of tei ' 41sh. . Wit in I . I . . How niany people have 13' - , mosthenian philippic. � Vitapera- the slabs- of burnt brick by - Pons "er ' as - Will. conserve Sufficient. those, the latter is by far the. It whipped 'creani, from A er side, of. a group of -windo.ws with . . . thousands Upon thousark OPs niore . '' had irni- . ds of Years . � . Valuable, Wheat grown in the far bag. I . ,. . . I - tar cause for regret! How often tions and denunciations ago - . We have seen leaves of grass moisture , in the ,Soil to produce proI,.. , . � . ; I , a valance a toot or so in depth run- . oils excoriation, . ,stinging Ironles, lc� crops i � n very dry-SCOLSOns. ­ north has more &t c . . Rhubarb Charlotte.--,-Buttor a. bak- ning across op of. the,windows, . .. . 'words written under a hasty tin- n which. the Greeks. used �o . -erk� fltab . ar It and less glu- , thet .� .. .. . . . pulse have recoiled on the writer! bitter epigrams and whale verbal uPO . M I p . ton than that ral' ill g* -di-sli and toss* stale, broadcrumbs. and connecting * the two side our- � � . . . sed in a warmer . . avalanches of invective -are gathered grave their laws, and the shoulder ' . , . cliniate, and that, is, the reason why in - it until . the slfjW, are coated; taihs, f6rms a- desirable frame 'for . � . 1. - .1 ., . . Spoken words nlay be forgotten, but t t,flo blades . of a dead I leton STUDY OF WE'EDS. . a' ( ,, the outdoor view, . . Written words do not change. They together upon ,the letter sheet A 'op S . .. . the latter is worth fitore as food.- then. puf in - a I Yci, of buttered. Or curtains may . . . . ' "lie inti Pon's touch.. -Then he rusl7kcs' away upon which � the anci,lit �Srab i.ised � In the great War Against Woods it. There..are three qualities of ' flour crumbs, next a l4y�r Of rhiubarb cut be , needed 'to, conpeO an unattraot- . .. I . y be Used to condemn the writer t ELIIM't�kaj Ord I . long years after they were written, to the Post - OAce and buys ,'special o write, poetry, The sides of the is Of . the utmost invpqrt� . inarily. -'Iased in making broad. im pieces with a generous sprinli-ling ivo window frame ,or to reproduce .� I I upo - Egyptian obelisks: are' covered - with farmers beco' familiar with Rest. flour,.or "firsts," consists only. of sugar, -a drish of salt and a gra One Of tile .Wall tints to accentuate aye, after he himself is dead. . delivery stainp. I -Te pounds it n me, their I . t.� . I . , . i � . Never write . the envelope with . a blow'tbat hieroglyphics.of the ancients; - The distinctive. peculiarities ils- to habits of the findr parts of the best. wheat. Ing of nutineg. Cover With tbd but,.- -some prevailing note of color. I I . . an important letter . - . ' � . . .. . . . until you have had plenty of time solinds like ajoundry,in full blast, ' flrst pen Wielded - -by inaa ivas, a of growth and tile general appear- It is'sif ted ' and. bolted after . grind- tdred-ci-dirklis, . then more -rhubarb ,� . � . � I Ii � � ". I . . - I ' . — , . . . . , . . ... . . . to think it over. 'Foolish Would be I Thon- he g6ed borne, saying to hirilmr �chisel, and the first leaf was - � rk'at all. and crumbs on top. , Bake for'� half . . . . , ... .. it sheet. .ance Of the plants arid their seed, s,D I ing,. and contains no bra � . . I a ONEt VIEW OF THE- CZAR. � - . . � . I Self: ,'There,- 1. have rolleved, . . n)Y- of' solid -rock, But* Frorn :this, is''made, Ffench and fandy ail hour in a h)oderato oven;: servo � . . , that lawyer who would quickly give . . . I though' such. :that' , - , they may be able to adopt. . i . . _ . . .. . . . self of tba,tI- mmtter,,'-- I ba-vo -told. writings xnay ast hundreds , arid . uitable measures' for ,fighting ilicira, bread and fine, pAstry,. - ., . .. � a] .01 . . "' � . a decision upon any important mat- . , , I I � . S 'warm with a ere uy,.hard. .iEluc . P41ionfUlly COnscious, Xindly and I � I ter. After hearing 411 the state- that -man just what I .think of hint thousands' of Years,, ,. yet � J --h . Like cill other plants, weeds are'. `_w,conds't incans those:l) - I �, � , Sens'ible. . . . � . . I . � I - OY Will, - Arts , of 111111barb Marinalmdo.* - .*Press oil a - . � . ments of his client tile wise lawyer Ills. m�tioris. - .,If .ba,sbollld ever. not.last as long as the gospel words classified according to .their lckkgt,h the d�,­icci4t wheat ' hicb. reiria"nd af­ lemon .squeezer -ull tile' juice from 12 . . . � .1 . and . W I . . says: "Wait until . repeat the.offence, I sball'not only w � Atten, upoll the human lleaA b of life, as . :annuals,'bienni . als,.. And ter ttle. "firsts" Ii . . I . falb ,oranges. and one IL - ' ' F . An opportunity.to pe'ep behind the ' I I . to-lilarrow, or - . I Y a . I Ave been sift%l. . . liken, � rora .curtains that seclude his-mia * .. * . next week, and I will tell you what write to him another letter, but I� gospel pen.- Snell words shall Perennials. ' 'AnAiials, as their. name, This. is roground with other whoitt, thd sh6lls of thei fruit jjoel thd white .. I . jestyk. I.. . . 1. I . I . . last .. ' '. . ­ " , t 1. I believe you ought to do. I do shall expose his actions to his em- Iong After this earth'is dettol and a* implies, exhaust themselves In. A and,:. alixod 'with'a proportion of pith, then -chop the. rinds fine', ,_ Put. the Czar, Iwo uld, dolibtless ' enlighte4.� -. .. u'r " ' .1 . . . 1. . ., . I t� ' ,� , � lus as to'the call . . . . riot wish to answer you without filcyers, his -Wife, children and to souls have passed cycles of eternity single . season. : They. are o flists '1� h7 used for� makl' ' th ' tbd .rInd, ! ji�lce, thr(lo pourlds_bf scs of policies and - ­ . consideration. I wish to think this the public at.109C." . . ' . .. .. . .. tvP I I .�. ng 0 1 politics in -11assia. But, .mlas!, 'we . � . . . in ]leaven. Inflitite lit reference � to classog:­wjnte�r annilml�. and sumaker cleaper ',.grades of household bread, sugar and two quarts of rhul;arb out. . .. inatter over carefully.11 A prominent - . . ­ ­ .7 . . Vond I ors, 4ccoinpliolled I In! our . .. . I 'lirst.-named variety �'Thirds". - or h I ollsehold flour --is in: small pieces , in A preserving pan can look ­ only.thraiigh the eyes of . I., THU 114VENGEF UL. LETTEM. � * . na.� annuals. - Tho, . . .. I I others, , who- we . , . I I ­ I , ­ .. spring :Up ill the fall and liv6.6ver- a lowor,- but 9�111,-"-orolikkarlly; a pure and boil'until thick, . I . � seldom. ,se lawyer of tile west once told me. . I : ­ . .., 1. tianal museums Some of' us - have . , e What - . . .. - -in one - * ;. . . , . . . would ,see. Mi. Labouchere lately , , . . . . . that when be was proriaring a case Now, mY friend,.' .sense it Soon Pti'lls Wcirt .,o%� thousa,li winter,' prodlicing seed early in the �alkd wholesorkle flour_,which cbritaths ...'. *- 11 �_ , . I . . � � i I. �h d tirkl6s I . . ' - * . . . gave a* readabl for court lie Spent onb half his time way. ease your mind t'Q Write a to.-; more than 'their weight in - � ' summer;-.whild the .sul-Aimell Annuals a small admixture of:bran; - . .1. . I . : , ., - c ,Pea.Pietur6. of- the , .: . - . gold, - - ' ' . . . MAICIXG OVE it, . ,.. I I � ..., I . thinking of the arguments Which his vm&ful letter,, but- What good dqcs They. are 'h'* . Spring tip, grow and d1e:dui-Ing - the - iWilat 'is - us'LiallY - sqld .As.])ro%v,n . . . . . 1 .I. . powerful Nicholas ln- the pages ' Of . I P. . . . . I .1 . I � I I � Ake . ,.bc6n s�ason. , Bl6llirimls,� tiltboligh bread consists of A: mixture of The Woman who Uncbarstaiiils - how Ithe Londoh Truth'f � * "Trpth - about . � Opponent inight present arid then a suoll a letter do �- D.ocS' it in . hold -in the hands of'presidents and onlao ' . ' - ' .. ' -the Czar,- we 'might - Is I. . . I . I I I xpc�,t the -. - great, part of the other halt plan- your enemy. -feel. Any kinder ar more kings.: -polls of pdae-0 or existing two. year�,. only prodvice. -one "flrsfts"�- a�ad "'mconds," with whole- to cleanup -and.refasbion her hats, . . . . 1. of. lw,arl.pens . era' of , so' . eal. Who . lerricall J , s'iindrdsFed floll' arid gowns is ,.often as . wqll' dressed heading to read, but is' the infarraa-'� , . I ning ]low to refute them. And yet gentle to you ? Dbe� such a letter' of liberatic' I ii: r. .. , � . .. I )n. . Or ens avement, ,peris . p ed, During the I ,st Year ra . .L1 . . I 1. Oyi ..1. � I the strange fact' is. that men and over make a maki feel any' kfider or which decided ther , , -!at . . tboydevoto their.'energyAo tbo' ­ just AS it leaves, the millstones after .as those who" spend A * lei' of indney' tiori -true? Is it founded the Ill-. ` I . Womm often, In of more gentle- to. t . he . gr- . ' I Vance- . . * L I Pro being grourk n ore, , . ,� I � � . a , �t - I . . . - . . matex -ad d,'a' d; theref . oil their clothing, - 'Amej.skill mild tilllate'6bservatio s of be ivriter, or, . . . the moments eat' world ', at ment or reta�dment 6f.%hations. But duetion� . a' seed -I -making : materials, . I . . . crover'ness I rehash of sedond-hand , greatest mental excitement, will sit large.? Have you made him a bet-. the . sacred pen *of gospel. letter'writ which are stored up.iii. alleshy tap- CONTAINING, AU,,ITS BRAN. . . �. are 'all needed, .but then- is It a . '' and'* , .� I root.. , - � -The second year, -the . . � 6, the 'One c . . - . the result. docEi:provo so pleasin third-liand fumors'! .. an - only,'. * - . . ,town and dash off a letter Upon the plant I . � . i . tell man T Have. you. made,yourself, Ing may.'bo.-Ievekk greater in *Its'far-, Bran, .it should be re.membered, ..con-, expohditure of these' requisites Is .read an(l, judge for. hinigelfilliglithlifS - . . . most finvortant of subjects; without a better inan. also ? In fact,, in iIeaching . - results. It . may be the develbps. more fiklly,�. matures s.06d, tafnd,' a high ficreentagd ol- matter � I � . I 1. . giving the brain tinic to cool or the ilinoty-nine cases. out of'a hundred and dies .11, I . I . . soon forgotten. :1 � . � rbad,, and judge for himself, ' . . I . . . .. . , moark�- for the liberation of - immortal ­ .. . 1. . . .. . . .. � . exceedingly rich in: heat -forming ele- - Hbro are a ,few . hints wbich Tn,ay - 'The present Czar's father, Alexan4 . . - . ballast of judgment to settle down does lint such -a:� letter, damage Your souls'from S I . '. .Perennials, like blorknials; produce. meats. 13kit.it-also contains, '.tt � . . 1. . . * � . ,I!i,, for their 'coronation * '. gr-' y bell) hot 'on , her economical way, der III.; Was 4AU11 ' man says - . . I . - . In the light equilibrium they will neighbor and also do more :daiiiage. -in tbo�hemvenly.�redenlpti6n. . . ,. 7 .. ,neither . flower nor seed . the - III mt pa.,,tie 160, ��4s Well as a kesih crus . sub- $ I . "Labby," Ile .was a ,sort oil rever-Io ' � � I_. . , � i. dr than it does 6 the I year.. .thilike bi i Is, . bo* v " - . ,, Oiled f6thers may'. be ,�ashe*d in .. . .. I . . � . I hastily coxisnilt words to to the .sbild, eAn a .e er, stance, whichmis riot assimilated, by hot 'water and.sci � mp -. R � inse . - tho'Pea.5ant type, witij % ­ . . �.: - . paper , , Thus, in -clo6ing I., woula'. impress they yield repo.ktod crops during'.sItic- the d-, t- I . I . -thor- 'SiOn to . h I 1, Upd you all th6:' flu I ve organs. - . �: � , , �% oughly , to I . 1. which xvill deelde.their whole earth- man to whom t e let ' t'e'r is sent ? . n . n e. '199.9 1 get, the ­soiip ,",out arid Powerful.' - physique and,.a common. - * , . .. . ly and perhaps their heaverAly des- once read of an::ea,stern. tyrant -who . . . ceeding ' Seasons, There a;re -two " Viour, like wine and -tobacco, Jm- 'tile'. quills with a. nall brush. - - � � � 1. . . . secrated poh, May you lea;rn to .use 1clasr . . . . - brusif I .1 place- rdind., - Suspicious O� his Intel. .. I . I tilly. wanted to destr , . 'es ty of woods. One proves by. ki ' ' ' � enemy' � , eeping, -,rttI least, for a Ostrich feathers nrjay� Ile treated in, lectual -ouperfars, he -feardol'the -ef-.' . ... I I , I I .'him. I o lboy, y6, i * . . . or underground I I .savld ivay. After rinsing thom f � ects of original - thinkers oil th* . . .. oy an . .. He for:'Gool aright that pen, which as ,a having ' creeping the . 11 -AD TIE STOPPED TO THINK. iliVited this -enealy -to sup,..NiIith . Be, 0 1 short pe, l6d. If used at once after . .. . u, once held � in your st ms, by ..which -the. plant' -spreads, being groulid -it does not �nlako. good * . Do you suppose Kink Darlus would i While they sat At meat,he had' tht chubby fingers when it would sput- e pass,theni through,& warin solutitl2f minds of his cfiildr'on,� whoaq. .tute. � . . . .. . . Walter brin­g:4n.twb­glaSses of wine,. ter aii I and arldther , whick.1las* an. ordln.03r bread.. . At'is at Its best -when About df'oxalie mcid.- Then Id be Iaic,� acc�ordingl* . . I . .. bave sent, forth that doeme, or Pub- I d twist iiInd'try to squirm out � . . .'. . - I ., they, shop Y, -as left to - well. � tile. one -poisori6d and the' other .not'. of Y rd9t, but - does not multiply by that tht iliont Old four Which informed hacks, Sb the present '" lie letter, which condemned his pre- . . . Your -hands'. Use art' . .ec . be old. starched in it Plata starch. 'Elie fib- . . I . I But �vherk the. king o(Yered 1 � 'to his' by which. as .a . vo . glit that - pen mearts. ! .To thi� class belong bulb- Aas begun -to odolterloratii rtlay. %yet . I ers nia . .,%r be curlod with- a warm Czar wi�d�lils brotbadr.bodaitle "good, .. . . . 1. �� -mier, Daniel, to ,the li4ns' den if he . I . �. . ung.man You. used ous - and taproot p6r6kinlals. Al� be made Into ' eircelient bread by mix- . . I .. . .. . had only stopped to t1link? Suppos- guest a .cup he (the king) by . MIS` 'to, rci�6rid ,the so�ci�ots- of* your heart . - . ctir:ling'irork. Steam the Abors .bc� ,borest; . Ing . littlq�, bodies. ` , I - . though it knowledire, .as to- whether Ing it half and half, W4 ' � . . . . pairiftak . I . � Ing the king after he had written the poisoned cup. when the old, od, story of ,., . I ill newer four. fo),6, cui-ling. Wings and fancy fea� .free fedirk hurtful pride'll,rid not'with�. , ". took and drank I ' love, be- the life�history` .. 1 of A: weed 'extends Qld . . .. � . . 11 . that public decree had placed it ,tin- Like the. king,� is it,- n6t. 4IW&YS the ca.nlo� d .now Story.: �to you - . fit thi . . flour requires mote water. for thers may. b�6 of aned With benzine 6kk.*� shrowdrless,� ' but- lacking Ill . -. - 1, . . I I � . d, � I - 11 . . ill. s t oy... .ad*. . ' . I , . . `writep� 2L pur " of great value when metho a of Is desired -to ' 'TuAl6d the be�,toth � -.�L.11 � I 1. vanced, in yca�rs . in t o ort, of men. . . r.' . _: it case, Whelk n: xhab' ely' re 0 Over one, two or. more Years may be mixing 'into dough' %)ran *new. . 1.1 it . of� wherk (try.. c Strong cerobation-and as b ' der his pillow ' 17 Springdale. an rubbed with magnesia, . and slept upon , .. . . Learn,to use arighi for . , I . I . ... 1. . � I ... vengeful letter At. lie isburt more Christ, - that 64 h bradic g C, nsidcroId,.y�et. poor qiimlity of flour, ft .'shoul . . : . . what would have been the result? in ' :t4 . . I in' me . pen wit 'which I silk ribbons and pieces 'of -silk- tality that grasps'a subjbct." � I �. � . Would he not naturally have scent . the sending than Uo onomy is I . I . I .. . ation are.bqin o d -be I - I . you -have Again, and -again iviittork w I -ill s atay be washed in soft.wator, using' . I ed a fatal conspiracy in that re- the receiving*'?. Did not the officers n .. t n st be remembered that -an- mixed,with as little water as Pa.".9i-. pure white somp. �Wusb gently * and e o rcial Adver. I . ., � . I . anto .upon. a. black -bordered., on- nuals, for. example, Aiffer very nitich ble into a,.hard. still dougb.- and balo- Wer sunks up .Laboue'liere's. v4ew . . � . . quest? And, illy brother, if you had Of state. prep6re� -their. own 'death. vel6pe. Use.,aright., ­tlimt, pen with 'I I in an avert ndt overheated, I rinSe ' wella` 11011:11h a: towel *and � �. I . warrant when they*persuade rk tlkc.�arrxount of labor necessary to ed slo%iily ) thus: "Tile, Czar thou, accOrdiAX I . only waited one or two days before -d Darius which ' ou made a last iwill alid-tes- dest . . When nearly dry'lron lind6r 'Usgue' . . ! , ' ­ Y . . . roy them. ' Each Wood should. -The ordinary -�empefature .foi - An . ' � . to this view o ink, is A.Porson of. . I � .. � you sent that important letter which to Send forth-- the public deeircte . by tanient, and. -use aright, that . . I .' , -squeezo, the I :h . . I �to destroy . pen be-knowni - and,' in ,thIS country oven in, a .large -b4jker,v is. 450: d& paper..Do not wring,.but . did YOU so much harm would you which they hoped . the' with which ' � .. I I . . I . .water. oui by running . 'Ithrough' �4 Ill best . intentionsi, paI.nfulIV I I .,. . or . 11 I . . . . :You can win immortal where they, are alariningly ort'�­ the grees to - 650. , . egrees. 'but, I . 1. , C. 0 ' , I have s�nt it? Would you not haA;o I prime minister'? . . .d 1 .. wringer with ',.A'towolj, or. squeeze islaayas, kindly. and sensible, but . .. I . . destroyed it? Many have studied th' . souls to Jesus Christ. in the. gOSPOI increase, - an effort Should Ile made in Spite, of �this high de- � without: ibe force and penetiati . . e efTc6t - 'Of invilation of private correspondence. . . is � A fact them . :between the . palrns'.�df the on ., . . . . . � latter 'writing in a. political- sense.. I I I . � . to encourage public school, pupils to #ec .of heat-, it that. the � . 1. . nevessary lo carry oult great plans Never write an Important, letter I . . 11 F � sted in this work�� interior of a loaf of broad is rather hands. . I . I I I . We know tile% power of S I . . . . becorle hAere . . I - to a triumphafit issue. It is a smy-, . . I . . . � I .. . I I . I which you would not be willing. for ainue). # . .boiled than'baked. When fresh from , 'Sillos -tan be well,clearked In gasi . . ' ' I I tbe whole world to see. Many sta;tp- Adanks' . pen : In foxnenting Revolu- DR. A. -We CHASE 6 . I . .. . ..... line. The' mostimportant thing. to Ing of those wild kiriow him, that .it tionary -strifo, We know that Alex'. . . � I . . . ' . I � . . ments that are perfectly proper and , I . . S O WT.N,d 0 L 0 V ER S Put) D. . " the oven it still -tontains. 30 to 40 could persuade Heaven - , .., � CATARRH -CHI 250-N ' ' . " . I edt* of lvater. I The strach and remember is .-that the. article to be to rain .dew , . an I . . --- � . - �eutgc , s � I .-ightly understood by those who der Hamilton's Pon, bSi tire power . . Is sent d1ract to th The'quialitity , ofthe seed depends �'l inside the loaf . are cooked by cleaned in-ust.be on.tirely subme'rge.d . n . cabbago-soup.t1pon. Ill . I ' � know Us will not be rightly con- of ' public, letter � writing, defeated , I I a' dlseasad� upon the condition. of land, writes boiling. It the temperature were in. the ­ gasollnd,.. Mehy girls make,, poorer subjo-As,bo. would spend ,his t- - . . I a bY The lulproved Blower � a, ST kbO : otrued If placed before the eyes of Amron Burr for'. the gubernatorial 01r,.1 1. the W. A. A. Berry, Where blovdr is the rrkii�tmko.-Of not usltrl� 'jIflicielli whole ti upon his knees. ' But; . I . . � I P Ulceii. clomrs the ai; sufficiently high 'to bake the. loaf � . . . they, 61so declare tha:t he is- extreme- - , ... ' , I the world at large. There are. chafr, of New York:State. find eaused I . 2sSACes, slop2 droppings lit the raised. and soil inoculatodwith clov- .right, through, -all the Starch- would quantity Lind the result is -far " from ly vacillating, . c � hanging his opinions '. ' � I throilt and IV . . � ... . firany thoughts that I might write him to- challenge'lInknilion' to' , a . ,rulahantlY cures ee bacteria,* ,-d' W01 - be be turned iato *d Satisfactory. It is Always wel . . ­ . . , . . . . Catarrh and I Favor. much less se( s., , - . I I I to. . ,,, I . slower extrive I accordance with the views of the , . I . . free. Alf deglersi or r. A; W. requ -he far in. . . I . to a friend or a brother whi ' ch would deadly duel; We 'know- how George . . S chaad ired and the stand is'ntare easi- it is this baked starch which gives bear. In nilkid. t A that gasoline last p . orso.n -with whom he talks. . . .1 . I I ' be entirely misinterpreted if read by Washington by Aettor writing after - .. . 3-lod1clike CIO," Torp"to' and BuffallL ly obtained. . Eight to 16., pounds to -crust Its ilutty-brown color. Dex-. and. bdnzine are, inflanumalile liqWds kits'as 'these , * ' I. nn enemy or a stranger. It is very his retivemdrit, .freui'.the,presidchtlal. � . ­ I . r an,46 of either straight clover, or tr , bic, which is a ,kind.orf gurn, also and sholild- not be iiised near a fire "With such It I 1, . the -.' . . . . e . ... � I Czar's relation . to Ills own- gov ' . . one should novel, d national I TG HORSES. . clover .1 ail&'. thil,othy or Standard givis to'crust. Its pleasant flavor, * or. larap. . I.. . � ... . . � . I . ern- I . Important that chair practically directd . . TRAININ I I � . .. . mont -tan hardly be that of a forec­ . . . I write a letter which would be capa- legislation. We know hoW the fa- . 'However little credit a horse inav kinds of grasses. When clover and .� Old chiffort a3dy-lip made as. good . I .. . . .1 ORDINARY 331M, AD , ail now. Make a kther. of good lul, MiLearaIielling power. Routine .. 1. . I ble of misconstruction if that letter mous "Letters ,of Junliks," written commakily'receive for poseessing ded- grass catch easily., use a nurse crop. Is ralsed by yeast. I The fOrlaicatit- white soap; ;which Should be allbwed I in� tile ond prevails, and Mr; J,A_ - should ever fall into the hands of a against tile British ministry, might- eaey of acent, there are some . porw Saw on fall wheat as Soon a , tion' -thus set up turns part Of the to stand until 'nearly cold, Put the iboucliere rather ac'ut.ely says that ' , . bitter foe. .ily changed .ibe reaciffig .upon 'the funiog grateful twhiia� Horse. ttallr­ soil is . fit condition In tile spring, I . . very . :-..posilb y ational sIvation. ,- , . . . Aida � 9 the . gtar,oh. in the .11olur into Sugar; . I ebi . . , it era arc� aware of the .fact-, and make and'follow with 'harrow'11 . -con, o of this litigar in- may be in this inortla, 'mbloh allaw:4 .. FRIEND AGAINST FRIEND, pages .of English 'historY. And And, ' ffan in it And let it stand Awhile. 11 - n . . My father used to finpress this wo, are, ribloto study the Influe e of use of .their knowledge in training toeth­slanting.. Ila not.be afraid"Of then . Vorts ,Sam . Then Shako- it'gently Around In .th6 . Ile . ,to earbonio, mold gas itild alcohol., Witter, passing. it between the hal- things to take their' own courso and � , . Lhouglit upon nic by the rccol.loc.,, I letter 'writing- in a litorg, Ubborn and apparoiftly. intractable tearing out and damaging' the . . . � . I ,ry. and st I � The process is of precisely the Sawd but not rubbing it, . Then to develop according to the 'logic'. of � .. . .. .. , . . � . . . . 4 gers, . . — . I I arilmals_ Many trainers have favor- wheat. It will .do'It good. ture as thAt.to which Wine shake it out in Clear water, �hakkg- events, ,.Pit . . . . W. , . . ­ -7--—,",7t--, it, p,r1tinmg, tile i6omp . psition.-of It a spring rairse crop is used na . I 8 and ­ I o editor of Truth do. . :, which they. keep a pecrot; ailtol'it. .1 beers are stliajoct6d�, but the alcohol Ing the baths until there is no trace wilics the, Ciar, ' on the donlostio' . I . .1 I 1. me 0 S. ' Is bow -,carly Spring, wbeat Champion form driven off by the of , 'side, as extremely arkklhblc� and As .. � . the -possession of� this elkiomhs of aP7. beavdIess barley,or..speltz,1 od in dough is , ,loudiaoss in the water. Pill A I .. . I � pealing to the horse's aestheticism Rts at boat of the oven. . . . I cup halt full. ofwater, ha,ving it passion for rnalch-Inakitig. - - - . . . . � T o all early- and h n eople imagine that salt drOP In & I -To is. roliortiid to. have ,said 6iiiee to . . . . B I 0% 02!tk d 14, ,ate ry , ; , , . Is morsel of - pure gunk arable, and lot . that enables so -many of -thorn taAc- in time to give the yotiag clover'. a used billiply to. make broad more this ; the French Ambassador tbalt his I , . complish Such workoldrful.results. i9tart. BOW ly1th grain And .culti- Pa a But it Also poirforms all . -dissolve. Adil .'to it, a low hl�f objection u WasI .. I I. . I Is. . —4—. . . . vato twice when that is the b6st way. gtljol�alllo; - drops of white vinegar and aip � in c I I . .. . IRM duty.,. 1"t makes the dough rise the , the fact that it never. had any mar- . M g , CIMOIX UPON THTEVns. of putting In sinall grain. The ,hW,on. Don't squeeze at* wring ' rlitgeablo pi'llitesses to dispose of, . . . I �. Mori freely, .If, ho*evoili too much it dry, but lay.ft between very soft , � Ill the's, 9 I n I Tile Christiania police have hit up. clover'seed should'lic in the' ground salt be us6d, it rotardsk fermentation, white m,UsI)n �tld gently 'Pat it witil To hls iniad,' the best way to pr& . on 'a chai acterL# tic 'method -of keop- not oil top, The ' ]I t�Z And.makes the broad "sad." X I . I � plant Wi S ow the Mind. 1-TaVo ail Iron moderately vent a war or to end One Was by % I P Ing m control over the proceedings of both droutit. and severe wintqrn- bet- niarriage, And handsome, w0l-dowl. � . I , prore siotial thieves. r=cb of these ter from seed that is in the �-,found flour requires more salt 'than � old. hot and iron the fabile Op thry wrong � . . I 4 Wboat injured bv we't weather dur- side, having tissue pallet between It. ared And charming princesses were 1. It Is Lacking the ESS;entia% Lift-91VIII-19 gentry has ie eived it number and Is the proper distance. Aitalki, is, best Ing harvest -mmy * be much. improved and the iron., � . ', . , I 46 In=erkv'o Aid to the peaceful con- , now required to report biritaolf at 'to SOW oil firioly Prepared .Seedbed, by kila-drYing But wheat'that has ', . I . .. duct'of diplomacy," I . � . . . ­ .. . . . . . .. . . I I Principle which is peest Obtained least tuyiI: o -a day. at headquarters. the last at April, without nurso sprouted in & fleld bef ' . +_ . � . by the Use of . . . . I no the chief constable is crop.. I be love. Ivory strongly ih ore threshing FriE DING 111-110, LITI'LE OXr1,8. � . I I I . I By.this til I . can never mak Nor is 1. � 110,ATER N�ALVABLE IN VJ4,1XXCE. I. . . , I � ' . Speedily nblwto satisfy Iffirlself whe. Illixed grasses for. both hay awd. pas- it Ilse tor attmipt to nialce good As 101IX tie tile up-to-,olate baby is jrk,_'4�,ellleo WAUr is So . laicWhat . Of a I . ' Avt% Aft . + . they the' niellibel's of the fraternity ture. All the dirk -rout grasses; will b, I rom'it by ificreasing The quark- a w00 Illitu Of'& thing, Yes, even lia-, luxury,* as 1.116 InhabItants have to . . . % 0 9 -0 a 9,, va' %----,V Nerve F%J.%Nd, 1U I' 13 r. 6'% L caallf . I . � I are town.," or wlictlio;*, as fro� arf6rd much ni,ore pasture and long. tity of Yeast, The only'result is to 1 til past his second sunlyner, lie is rod , I � __ � IF 11 . I . . � qtiolllly happens, they have inado Ali or pasture tImn, it just one kind is nlj�J�c tl,,'6 broad bitter. When only by' sl)Ocfftl rules On the" mOst S60n- ollopond,vilon tile railis, arid there is 1: I The tired, languid, and doresseel tr(188 you, and all can be avoldod by excursion beyond tile city Precincts used. . I 0 � I . imd flour- ca�n be a�'tained, it Is be llo COMpally.for Supplying tbo city. feellngs which Canto with spring are the jlspt. of Dr. Chaso's Nerve Food. to attend to a "Job." . . 0. r 1� I . ,t., title ratfolls. But after that a good The watol, for, (hinking and dolnestie I . the outward indication of thil wcak- 111fial I I . . -a— I.. I . ter to belp It out with potaito-ou or, Inally IT10001's Scent to think It is uses Is collee(od In 8111iterralleall, ra-. . '048 no ProplaVation to be coral, I !11HAT 11COWY11 SIrt'lliti. . , ri(e, . � J;lve pounds of potatoes, all rigilt, to let hInt, eat wlythbig. .. ened condition of the blood and the pured to I)r, (%asefs Nerve Food Ali SECURE,$ A GOOD I-TATIL, Mal , iy persons very Justifiably ob- ptectillod, till . tilemly, and 7' Pitt Porliki,ps It is not until this baby �ervolv,,;, wheve It Is said 'to b(% ill. low state of vitality. . a spring rost-ol,mt-lve, It Ooog not ­ A curious device is resorted *to by through a coarso Steve, can be mix- gets to be A schoolboy (or porchatipo til"Od, It is doled out at tile publie " . When the blood gets thin And w -at- 6ttlnulato, mild so whip the organs of Dutch fishornion in order Io attract ject to the stable odor whi lialf a. bushel of such flour, this one is a girl) that,there W�rky wells, which, are opened one houn �� . . ery the waste of the human body Is the body to over-exertion, but their victims. A -. lftbt�eolorod always present with sonle peoplel ed with sign that he hasn't been having the daily foil that purpoisp, and they tire .- ., a process of re- enriching the blood, tilstils rk li� gla�is bottle is filled '�Ith earili and more partioularly with those Who alld �Will greatly improve it . .' � best Port of material for �bulldlng carefully. looked UP. . . . ow I 1, I + � , , 1constructien. Gradually the action 'Vigor Into the bol-ves and builds lip worms, koaled- in such a way that persist in nkilking with Wet hatids. �_ i his little houso - 010 house In which I I . I �f the heart groWs Woakibr And weak- tile whol,0 system By 11 ting your only a little woUr can oritot*, tied to Thl.,4 Is unnecessary, though not In- ol.no you know What I iVould olq if lie must Spend all his dilYs, and "Ify friends," said & politician the r, the lutga do not work to their increase In wol . ghi W1100OUSing this 0- strinq, and thrown into %ho Wa- frequently it declines to ,vield to or. I owned this place?" said V,ru, Olin- which Will prove asholter -or, a buil. Other day, with 0, burst of Ingenu- I I full ca,,fitwit3r, tile stomach, And oth& great food cure you can prove that ter, The glioloning bottle, thrown di'lla,ty AOftI) And water, thereby Ill- well, Jurning onthusia'Ati0ally to tho den ix! Yoi'trs to cOni.O.. oils eloquence, llI Will Ile honest—".1 . Iff,reFAIVO or. ans fir.11 to perform row, 11rin 110sh and tissue is . behig hithel? and thither by tile clirroat of c"Oft,4119 the allikoya'"'Ce. Mot 10119 guide who Was Showing her the won- These sigllal$ of disorder MAY be Tho torrille .outburst of applailack . . their idutfeq, oafil the romilt is . All AdIttAd to the bofl,OI, . tile water, attracts a, swarm of Once we heard of a, ro.1111'.1dy which 1-9 ders of the British Museum, "X'd tbo. grudual creeping on of weak, Willett tollowod this rortiark exittrely ' Sorts of badily IderariM,nientq. I . I, fielies, Whose curiosity and grecol, tire reputed to be r4atisfactory arid which hold . the biggest jumble sale that riess, or fretfulness and dullIness, matl Upset , the Point ,which the orator, . TO vAvakeli the liver, 'invigorao ­ . Aching head, dizzy apOls, in,dlgos�- the Itidneys And regufate the bowelq, excited by the *rIggling worms in i Is tertainly 811111dicitY ItSelf. SO1110 Was over seen on this green earth.'% fxro natiare's Way of tolliag that a Was about to* Iritroduce. tfork, feeltngq of weakiloss and , do- Use Dr.. ChAso's Milhey-TAvor rillb. tbo bottle to such an extent ,that ronius.had the happy thought -sort . ____;.i , , .: niistake has been made Somewhere, I ----.+— . I (A)okidency, lac3c Of onorgy to Per ,411 dealers, or r,Xnikanson, 114 they 'fall easy vletinks to. tile balt at of holaeopatble notion - that ono T!,rantio, Wontail - "Olt, Sir? Aly "A ottou It It IS right lit the ma;tIi- , Stern Par0it - "Milte nol, quita tta & , I I V= 'I I I 0 � , I I I i I I I I I . I I � "" 6 t,m fr.. . 'I., b �, I Iform the -duflpq of tho (lay, loss of' Co,, Toronto, To prottet OU 11101ond of tho line llow thrown out ador might., kill another and being liki'MmIad r0ttltned tO our rootti a'j. ter'of diet. . ,��01 YOU"1011 )114D that You ))AV(' l)rO- I Y by tile wily 11"Alurillmll. . itself lt%ss porsi�;tpnt, t.hereby #et ter,wo had AM," 11"iroinlon - ',I)() Chkildren'aro not so Very difforen t posed to lily da,tighter, but.--or--yott, I ,avvft-tite, failing nipluory arid t)o%wr ngaillist linitationIg the Portrait alid I . � - 11 lot carienntrating tile rkilud, Irritalyfl- alglinfuro of .Dr. A, W. Chaw, the ____+ hira rid of,both, This Idea Is sial- you think IiWs in. danger?" Wolnan-�- from anlyria1g. They have tholl, na. stty likiflift, about .V(�uv position.", :Jty, nPrvounneng, The oaslest way to sell gooil things Illy to smolro your hands. mild parts uk, V . Mid M�Plllrl�nslle.,,w faldoun flamlpt book autho I . 91110 inay be, Illeage go to 111111 and tural ilistillot'l about cating, Sol - X,I- auq 0,4:tAttor ­ 11U,V poNittoll, sirl, ip,re among the ayw'ptamo tvh1ch dis- - ,every 'Voi of his r011110tw, III$ 41" " to to 110,ve It known yell have good of the persoll affeeted; Ilse day Ilia- tell billi not to forge� lily flict- tillit's tht'll, atillotit'v9 May Ne(-lij i)I1 -- or -- tho.--thi­11"Aull 0110" X I . thll)gn to Bell,, urfal that will 8111oke after YOU Jkjonds"� . I vory. unreasonable. iler,11aps they I bellovd.-oll%, niy'knoes, you.klluw,'� . I . . . I I . a i . L I � . . I I I I . I . I . . . . . I I . 11 �� . I � '41 I . I . I 4 wMadawA _1-1 ­­­ - � ". I 111-1.1i 1. I . I ___ __ - W NA"offloesh _____1d___ _._._____ —