HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-04-30, Page 80 0 0 0 0 O 0 • O 0 0 O O O E O '.INTON NEWS -10E0010 April $0t 1908 '4NN4N3 2 ♦•♦ ♦•• ♦MN•N♦♦•H•N•0•744 N 40 ) 4. 4. + 044 4•wN••♦•••� 44 +0 4:1•44 .4++ O++.t♦•♦f•Nf•4«♦•NH♦♦t•tyNtNM♦N♦4♦♦♦♦♦M•N4N♦}♦M•N1,ei♦+•1+♦•«NtN♦♦•*+••++4•ReTM•#•may ':•fi• «♦4. • •=4•+- 'i••if .;._., It •_. .4..f •.♦ .i.'i. This. store swings into May with a big display of white muslin ._ i..=. •i i 'e underwear and blouses as its chief attraction. Months ago we coir ;%% ♦if sif . tracted for this, underwear, and delivery was promised for April l• =s:= ._"'_4♦• - _ _ . however the factory did not get it through in time, and now the ;:; ::: goods we planned to start selling in April come to us a month past "c•i Vy +.4 due, That means we have got a month less to sell the goods in: than ;_;;_, s; if they had come sharp on time. We have got the values and the :se 4- ys. • prices that will do it, and on Saturday May 2 start the selling go- •i •i . ;i;;• i; ing, The store will be. decked out in white, and we invite you to ft. Xi .: come and seethe dantiest, prettiest, best and cheapest, quality con- •_..' •ZR.=. sidered, white muslin underwear ever shown in Clinton. We have, ;:„ Y sALE- HiwwEAR ._.._, got the goods here to interest you and would like to haveyousee :_::_ :::2: them• The prices will save you money. •••• ♦::j: Just a lie - Words About .The FewWay ss The Underwear is Made .t..i. •_• This underwear was made in a bright, clean, airy factory, equipped with .:. ::Z: the most modern, labor sal ing inacAlinery` that money can buy. Skilled operat- :::..t. ;s;;:; ors alone liandleil it froai the minclf .' the materials were out until the garments •_••_• ..4. were finished and ready to ship.There is no stinting of sizes no lesseningof :i:::: :::: cost. by lour workman' hi or' iferior materials. Every garment is as well de •i•:i' z - 1 , py g «,..,. • and finished as skilled operators and modern machinery can get. it. Here are *._. ••_, a few hints of values. To know just how good the garments are youwill have +4. :_• • to see them in• the store. • - - Skirts •i•,:. These skirts . are all made in the ,:.s• newest styles, and fit and hang proper •.•❖ =•s' SKIRTS At 500. • • •.•3. • • •t„Z, ,:;i; This garment is •a'Special bargain and cel:-' ••. good English cotton, with draw string, .:.:•. finished with three- rows or tucking,, . ❖•_♦ with outer frill of 7 inch cambric ern- : - •••i• broidery with good edge. Extra speci; ' _ tote al value, each ❖•_• •i••i' SKIRTS At 79c, '••O• Skirt madefreen'good English cotton, draw • y•:. v string, 6 inch frill, outer frill of muslin . • •;•.Z. edged' with three inch lace special- at- •t♦ ♦:♦ each ....... ........... ■ Skirts made of English cotton, plain finish with frill, Well made, extra good value, • at each SKIRTS At 60c• OUR GREAT $1.00 SKIRT. Skirt made from good English cot ton, draw string, 4 loth dust ruffle, 14 inch outer frill, with 6 rot'vs. of hemstitching and tucks, 4 inch frill of .muslin Splendid skirt to weir, and extra good value, at each .. •I S0 ♦,•• .S.•2• wan fine laces. insertions 9 '«s.♦=: SKIRTS At $1.15. ••i: Made frorn . good English cotton, draw •i;; string, dust frill 15 inch, outer frill edg • - '♦4=, ed with 6 inch fire cambric embroidery 1.*:,::: - each . _� .51..=. .♦+• A SPECIAL. At 75c: = i Skirt made. from. good. English cotton, 12 ;:;;: inch frill, :with 2. inch lace insertion, and 2 inch hem. Very special value at .each,... .. •.... .,..' . ,s„76s; •: SKIRTS At $1.25 'r•`i• Made, from fine English cotton. with 12 ,_•,_, inch frill.of muslin, with one .rout of lir ..,. inch. tine lace insertion, and one of ._.•_ three inch' lace to match, dust ruffle, I seams double sewn, at .,.., ,.,.,.,..,. 2:. . ._.._• XX 'SKIRTS At `$1.35. ,::, Made from•tine Engqlish cotton, . cambric • .:._: finish;; seams double sewn,. draw string, •♦♦_ double frill,, outer 12 inch muslin with -� 3R . •=••t• tucks and embroidery. at .............. r •*••Z• SKIRTS At $1.50 - Made from fine English cotton,. • carrihric • • finish. draw straw string, double frill, oast, 12 inches. wide, muslin hemstitch ed and finished with embroidery, ex- ' tra good value•at each .. BETTER SKIRTS • •Handsome skirts from the finest: cotton and cambric& beautifully- trimmed. • • •_4 • • • •:♦ 3♦.i. 0: '':4:.:. • • ♦•♦f•, • ershown, `at'from $2.00 to ,:...,... O•YU'' '=•'S• ♦.• ❖ :• GOWNS ,_•, •,..i. •:••i• These gowns are all made full sizer, • and there is not a skimping of size on •_••_•': 3.i. any of them.. in order to get the price down. You will find them all Al values. •_•Y • GOWNS At 50c • 'GOWNS At 85c. ':"s• 2 : • Gowns made from good strong cotton, nice :: ly finished, trimmed with plain frill, .i. •t• each • ._• ;;;;s; GOWNS At 79c. • ,:, Made from English cotton, V shaped neck P r, . ;�;•i. brimmed with frill of -2 inch embroidery y .�..i. yoke of tucks and hemstitching, cuffs' ' .o❖ ofcombricfrilling,.hemstitched. -'Very. • :i•••• ' special i 1 at euh....... ......, .. r .9 _= 1 7 Made from good, English cotton,eailor coil- • ar, edged with 2 inch embroidery, pearl buttons, front tucked and hemstitched, cuffs' of 2: inch embroidery., each .... „ GOWNS At 95c. Made of English lish' cotton,yoke goodg t , a clust- er of tucks. insertion aad''heinetitch- ing, neck and front trimmed with 2 inch :embroidery, pearl buttons, em- . broidered cuff', each 0000000000000000000000000.0 000000000000 00000000 0 O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 O O O o o ♦•♦;- „i♦ . •44 .f• .• 14.:• : • • 9u.i.♦=. ._..�. O O 0 0 0 n n 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 O ..4 •• � TWOGOOD LINES. AT $1 ..❖ .s. Z i "Gowns madeof oo .Elgli h Cotton V shaped. neeks yoke insertiol. : s AA, ,,,.. ;s; .$ hemstitching and tucks. Cuffs and neck trillnmed with 2 '.inch :embroid- " i=••=4 *.i.I ery, pearl buttons. Also gowns made of same .:cotton, with low square 3.1. to neck, insertion and imbroidery yoke baby ribbon trpeal] buttons. •••, trimmed,. peal], ❖._. p _ : • Either line for $1.00. ••••• ♦ i GOWNS At $I.25. • ;_;A Made from -tine English cotton. yokes cif, •AA . tur ks and retrst1thing, frilled d yok e and entre tt}mmcd with embroiderY,r • CORSET COVERS. ♦:♦ Everye1 size co rsab• avers, riide from flee 1' ' •1.25cottons and cailii ice, plain or trimmed with embroidery and fine laces• and ftit- .. sertions, the newest eat, _ i I at....25c, 355, 80c, 9i c and: I.00 �:;•j• I.. At. 1.65. DRAWERS •_ l ...:, is •i• ♦:♦ .:... each ,...,. ,... .,....,. • ••••i• OWNS ATt$1.65•. • 'i•Y Made from very, tine English entfon earn ;•_, brie finish, yoke of insertion and tucks, ,., A neck, fr'ont.and cuffs tninirrmtd with 4i♦, ,.•.i• , eel - Iraf}Irveach ., .., .. =;:si ; BETTER GOWN -S. •2,.=. Bet.ter'gowns merle from fine English cat - A.:. on rind cambrics, handsomely ti mined : ❖ with laces, iuseetionand embroideries, •$•_• choice gar mellts;• • and a good assort - 4.••t• [� 4:4 • mint, at each ...• 2.00.to 3•'00. .4. •••Y .s♦•:• 1-wo .rapper. pecia s. 4. • • .A. .- .A. big assortrnent made from strong Fu - i •i• gg .•.. • i lash cottons, fine Cambric finish, ,, seams double sewn, trimmers with. ♦. i fine embroideries, laces, insertions, ...:� tucking and hernrititohinkl, extra. ...s. veins at,.,,3tic,..50c; 7*o end I.UQ s. I. ,s,• ♦:. .:, wo,new lines of wr•apper4.. They just cart= ,s•.♦ in with the white.wear, and. like; it,are -a month ,s,♦:. behind time. However, as good wr•rnppersits they ♦:♦•_• nrueellinuret $1.00 anti $1.25 should make them .:.•_• find mew owners Poon. They are the he4t wrapper •• values we have had for ninny a long day. WRAPPERS R ERS At $1.00. Ladies' wrappers, made ftoni etrnn� prints, waists lined, all setting carefully sewn skirt full width, dark colors and a good of pat terns all sizes,each WRAPPERS At $1.25. Ladies' wrappers, made from good' quality prints, waist, lined, yokeand neer( trim. rued with ruffle and faney braid. All seams well sewn,. skirt full,. 12 inch frill, a big a,sortment. of patterns, light and dark colors, will wash and wear well, each. .............r. ♦ra. 1. {//6 odgons CLINTON N•tH:N+:++++++++++t♦+:: •N:N+N+ ++N4N::N•t •i 4 4♦R♦/.••.•H•i40••+0,: t• ♦♦N••• ♦,•• •..+ iii ♦.�4r4f.N4:.H44♦ . •N.,,♦•♦•.♦•♦•..•.0.♦•..•..♦ 4.♦4,♦4R.♦.4.♦.4.RN♦N.4., iNN 4.i •.4.4 iHM 4.0+.,i. i'.► RI• •R4RN•RN,HR•NR •• • • i li •4 AY 1♦,:. i4•• 4% ai;l Rio. • ::•= •• 4. 1•• 4 •4 :: :4 i4+:: 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0v 00 •• ..•e.x••••• • 00.0.0000000 •• • 0.000 • 000••: 0000000.00000000000000 4444- 44+4444 4444 0 000000000000000000000 0 0 --A THIRTY* DAYS' emonstration Sale OF CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., ETC., COMMENCES * •- • Thursday, - April 30th We couldn't expect nor deserve all your patron- age by merely doing as well for you as other stares. We mus t do better in Carpets, Curtains, etc, as well as we do in. tlillinerY, Dress Goods, Hosiery, etc. We are proving our right . to your trade every day, by . offering you new seasonable goods for very much less than other stores ask for equal quality. • It -is our -ambition to lead; in the selling of Carpets . as 'well as in other lines, so in order to get people ac- quainted with the new stock, and to know of the ad- vantages they have in buying here, we have decided to put on a Thirty Days' Sale at Special prices. Our regular°marked - prices of Carpets are fully 15 per, cent lower than any other store in town, but duringthis sale the savings will be from 25c to 35 per cent. GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS - ' Our 60c Tapestry Carpets, sold elsewhere at 750,' sale . 50c CC 65c • el ti `r 80c, " 55c.. ct . 75c ra cc ct 14 . tr I is 90c, " 59c. 85c er " . " at' .$1,00 se 70c. 75c All Wool ". "r ' " 85c re .63c, 85c ,, e• ,,' ,, " ' " . $1.00 " 70c.. Union carpets at 25e and 40c, worth . 35 and 50c.. • Our best $1:00 Linoleum on sale at '89c. LACE CURTAINS AT SPECIAL• PRICES 50 pairs curtains 22 yards long, 19c a pair. 50 pairs curtains, 2i yards long, regular 350, on sale at 25c. • 50 pairs of 3 yard long curtains, regular°85c and 90c ; a pair, sale price 690. • • 35 pairs of curtains, 3i' yards long, regular $1:25 a pair, •`onsale at 95c. 40 pairs of 3l' yard long lace curtains, elegant new de- signs, regular prices, $1:50, ; $1,60. and ; $I..75, sale price $1.19. .150 yards of Ocrim and curtain muslins, regular prices 12ic, 15c, and 18c, sale, price I0c There will be hundreds of Bargains • from other; Depart-: rents -during this . sale. from MONEY 1311.0111, .. IF YOU WANT 1!• - CLINTON 00000000.00,000.0000000000000.0000000000000000000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0) • • s • • • 0) • • 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O • • • as • • • R. o. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 • • • • • • Co) 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 • O 0 0 O 0 O O O O 0 a O 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t7 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O O 0 0 O O 00 O O O O 0 0 O O O 0 O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O 0 00 0'0 0.0 O 0000000000000000000 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'•000.00.000000000.00000000000000.0000000000 REV: IRI; R. HICKS PREDICTS 'MORE - .COLD WEATHER ' : AND thunder and, stiff squalls cf .wind .will be natural on• and about the 170th and x8th. A ' quick and sharp change to T.ORNADIC" STORMS . IN MONTH. much "cooler will also be natural im-: o>' •'MVt&Y • mediately after these. storms.. The ;fifth . and last storm period. is Rev. Ii•1, R. ?dicks, the noted .weath- 'central. on the 24th, covering two to er prophet of the south, 'foretells May `four clays on and after •that' date. This to be. a month of changeable days and promises tc' be.:a'p :olongcd time. of chis not all sunslmine and warrent. He does Curbed and ,threatening weather. :On not predict any severe' cold, however, .' the 21st the weather conditions wily although wild storms may, now and break' into ,'electrical storms arid the €lien sweep' over the country. indications • are .: that a storm: centre Among his practical hints he says will gather. in 'the :west -every after- nolo t e that in all northern. and. middle sec -n enc ev Hing for several . ,days, tions people should not be. in a hurry : scolding , 'a series 'of sterno. pu'lsat}ons to plant bottom lands unless they are across the. country daily for a 'num- ber of 'days. Srnrtetii above high . water,•sandy and wellnes these May cy- drained. He further warns .his read- .crles brinbr two storms every tweinty ers to ;" Iet'nothing prevent'thenn.from. four hours and the culminating tri making every possible preparation fo•r.. sis will fall ort or next to the 26th, dangerous, tornadic storms. • the date of the •new moon. to. cool. His predictions according to. each weather" with• possible frost lit ilio .storm period are given in the fol north will ,follow tvben. ,Elie; storttn lowing 'retu'arks ' conditions' break up: • "A regular storm period is central • The last three days of May can- on May rst, having its first stages in chides ,the prophet,•' hould in the reg - the last :lays of April arid; reaching.`to filar order, bring ort re-actionary May' 4th. 13y the ist the cloud, and storm•• conditions with more ;disturb storm area of this period will be or• ed and stormy weather. But r .tire re- ganized, rains will' be in progress to the west and during the 2nd to 4th these • storms will shove eastward' across the country. They will be preceded by warmer weather and 'fall- ing .barometer, the. hygrometer also showing above normal • humidity. Rain, lightning and thunder will oc- cupy tab middle section of.the gen- eral storm moveinelet to the east, • while 'rising barometer, falling tern peratirre and clearing .skies will bring up the rear." For the second storm period, whielt the prophet predicts, winds, ntuggi- mess, high humidity change . to malt wartier and falling barometer may be expected at the outstart and storm clouds, rain rand' thunder will quickly follow, ,passing rapidly eastward across the country from the 6th to the 8th. If winds do not change' to westerly and cooler, with decided rise of the barometer behind these storms,. daily repetitions of these storms may be looked for until these changes ap- pear. 1f such chgnges come prompt- ly rompt ly about tlret;7th frosts will 1ikely�fol- low in tntany places' to the northward. The third storm. period runs from the Moth to the 74th and an unusual wacrtn wave for ,the season will begirt in the west on or about the Iotlt, Winds generally will be easterly and southery, loaded with 'enrich humidity. Front about .Monday, the nth , to Thursday, the 14th, breaking into violent storms. of ,wind, rain and thun- der, will traverse the country front the western' ►prairies to the Atlantic. When the general storm conditions break up he .barorticter will rise quite high, winds' will change to west- erly fall itt matt . lo- calities northward. Following this period a sudden change :to verywarm will be noted. A low drop of the barometer, with black) forceful clouds,. ;,leeavy ram and sults at this t} will depend s s s mepe upon the nature • of disturbances at the last regular • period. If they prove to be too ,severe and long -continued, the elements, will .hardly re -act into storm conditions itt. the closing days or the month. Otherwise the 29th to 31st will bring 'low barometer, warm wea- ther and (more, rain and storminess.. iN'CREASING THE MII•K. FLOW Iii WISE p'EEDING, An experiment which 'shows how much the milk flow of common cows can be increased by 'judicious feeding Says Shaw's Farmer, well illustrated in the -experience of Prof. W. L. Car- lyle of the Wisconsin, Experiment Sta- tion. He began in 1898 with a large Shorthorn type of cow with four.pure crosses. She was then five years old; The first year she produced 219 pounds of butter, the ,next year 364 pounds, and' the next 426 pounds. At 1t}le pres- ent time she isgiving 4o pounds, of milk in a day:. This opens up an ex- ceedingly important question. It is certainly a great matter when a cove can be thus raised in her: production by 'meeting her special needs in the line of ,food and care. 001)2210.11 TOWNS8t=.. The many friends of Maitland ;John- ston s m )athize deeply with ;hi•nt,,.iit his ,sufferings, having to have his leg amputated a . little above the knee, owing to test wound inflicted thereon by the bursting of an old musket. We trust This sufferings will be brief. ' Miss Violet Colo was the guest of ftexfriend, Miss Aphrew Steep, on Sum' day last:; ♦•♦,•♦♦•♦••♦♦•♦♦•M•N•N•♦♦•N•♦♦•N•♦♦•♦♦•N•♦,•♦♦•♦♦•♦♦•N•N•1♦•4♦•N•1♦•♦♦•♦♦•N•♦♦•♦♦•N•♦♦••♦•N•♦♦•:♦•,♦•♦,•N•N•♦♦•♦♦•♦1•,♦•, :. I:Clothing �►to�k . ... ♦i. Now : •i! ;:; The stock of: mens ready-to-wear clothing is now 1. complete. The clothingof the best makers. in Canada ,s; P ♦_.' has a place in the big collection we have gathered ta= ::: gether for this spring's.selling. Not an unworthy quali- ty or poor garment in. the entire stock It is a big one. It is a good. one.. Clothing buyers will find -big assort- ,_, rents and big values here. These are two good sellers. A.: S .:'ERGE SUIT FOR. X8.00., . to •wear. • always w e remade frrim an all wool', irerge with finish, that 'will not hold or catch;the dust. lent wear, Thalinfn sore hood, ts'tyle for spring+XGU3, blue or black,; 00 fancy worsteds, d c sec . h 1 king finish, o face, cut in the newest styles a nL�hby eat.... .... .. ,. ,... R:, .Nothing heti er than a sergeThey1 lookell too. Tnis suit ia A hard worsted et. _. It' will give excel and itis cut in newest ex O n n Y.• tra good value •_• •_• A SUIT FOR $ 10. A'. Men's s u' n sits made,from old' ' •:. `' ltnings, French f i rt . and special vela t, SOD 4 ODD SUITS FOR MEN. ' New lines for spring ..i p g and summer mer have been ar11y ing to take the place of those we have been earring. So •_• we have gone through the stock and gathered' together 4 all the odd lines, the last ones and twos that are still ;: here. There are exactly forty that we want to discard + and to get them out of the way at once they go o - on our ♦i. bargain tables' on Saturday marked at bargain prices ;s; like these, Forty men will get a bargain; will you be •i• one of them? stirrs AT $3.00 • .4- 4• ♦i. 4 • 4,4 .94• 14, 4.. ♦_. •♦• .•4 •. •♦i°. •=4 •_* '6 only man's Tweed Suits small sizes made from all wool tweeds 0 ' + •b well lined, regular $5 clearing Saturday each.........., U.0 ._;: 1VI>Suits Nmade of 'S SUIgoatTSani $4.5tw0 .ie S. . wool eeds, mostly all dark colors, a ♦i♦ few light ones in.. the,iot. Well made and trimmed. A fl s Odd ones of $8.60 aid $7.50 lines, choice Saturday...... r t�1 ,s;, : SUITS $4.90 i .:• t�Cen'e Tweed Suits Made of dark tweeds, Coats sing�le or cl iuh.le +i+ ._ breasted, All Woof, well lined and trinstned: test ours . A.. of lines that Bold st $8 and 10, Your choice of this lot,. shr9 0 ,i4 ruse ARE BARGAINS) DON'T MISS THEM. _ . .i♦ ♦:♦ t♦:4 es ohChit. 4 ♦ y Wittistt.. +•:•f•4+:N+0+04f44' •+:44444+444••••••:••••••:••84.844.4•••°••••••••4044 .:4 •