HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-04-23, Page 5April -28rd, I 903
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� 644 M -_1 &-a & .. , - of v14 � A . I cotdd uot i4ovo, .And for 1�'aj� 16�j 1�i , . "
11 I IMMEM, I I . **"'* , �440t, love, ,, y heart is of olio tatue Vick srom, the de il " I ;
'. 1113ut you know?" I.Mid. LoVOI M014- but thIP "The dmill" cried W. y Fielden. MITIAtON I 14Y On the ground ouffor., . -
I I �,4i. . . �
I . for my foAlter, All these Years'" h A 4a X ,� �21.4
1 . 001V , ea. a 0 "Sir 144 is dead tilien? ob 1139 intense Physical 1) in- At I t
1`0 "CliertAlfilly I koow*, but X will nov- continued, feeling thq,t bor - . , Voldirgs, Xanage4 to otruggle to my I 20
#,I . , feet, and ., � .
or tb4t,e my knowledge. $01.3's Interest in ter was isr=1111" Pblores. I thowl remembered that I had oncio I
. You can do; "Yes, he is 14ad," said Lola Slow- ;, .
.� . . .d before, b
. . Los bQne4tly believe, bt)A, *dead, bu ,con in tilifi, place with Sir
, I U:-, o I d qe% n Heart " -th -1 � , , , t ly. ,,YOU at a t th, , I'll I'll .
� I A` I an,% .ng you pleats.k, mprison Pic, suddenly An.4 quite =M 0 1 � . . . . . . �-
. . . I If place ule In A illadhouse, kill mt, if bit . o,ccldontally, I a nk tb%tl I AUI garl, We bad been in the neighbor.
. ve discovered tIlAt cleatil,
. , is , y
1. . , not . repentant Wnuer, nor that, It m hood of the Black Pool, far back $4 11
. . you will--Anytbing". ,but my 4 life 'Could begin 4 -_
I I . ecrot � , jain, I should Act I
I I nevcr force frol'A diffekeiltly, 1 am, prpuil, after ray . .
I I . I and ,his you "ttut" the cloud *life)%- overshadows us, but . past happy days, before Any, othop i . I
1W4 obame. Xy mother, who ha:4 . , I
BY. 13MM I I& CLAY OP R me, You cannot prove,a Single Ill , , . kept owalashion, of what Tdill. Few wo- bad come between.us. One dA_Y 1. bad , ,. .
. . LA. Ing 0o story from us, We* oompellod, .
. I Ago -Just me. I defy youl" men would have had the Strength of wandered with him through the � I . -
through our n%oo,tingg with Lady rounds, and we, bad come to this . . _ -
. J A*'Mt 'Of, 0 The GnWX Omwittiors't -OAmOa 'VomW,s f'We have Your letters," romarkcd mind to Act as I did, to keep the 9 .. I ., . �
- . Lord Vielden; "and you must re. I Floldon, to tell us the truth, ''but, silence that X.kept. I have h;x Very Part. Ile had stopped and told I ....... "I'll, 01,111,111,111, ...... I
. I . while my mother. my sister, my _4 my Meabout tobe Black P
I I ,_ I UIP644" "A,HcaWxBWpna:Wf, OAR04tavc;' inember how they criminate .you. I revenge! " 001, and had I $Uillight Soap Will not injtWe
..... "I do not believe," she OAK � "that friends,, and the whole together band coa- S414that many People believed there .
..... ��� 4' A Heares I � l � A touch froln Oertrudo's yoUr blanket4; Or harden ther
believed my father Judged was A subterrana4a � . ni., . It
. I ,44" 41 (;Wys oxye Etc, I If you laid theni. before m guilty, trolledher. She Avoided I oking at ,communication Will make them ;S_04 White and
I I iu�tl condentueo bim, a. ,voice .cried. 0 between the gool and the river, Th
� . Skillful lawyers lu� England, YOU thopure, sweet 940 P's she spoke; .(It 1.
I . I . I . ever louder And louder Ip lily hoart, but her eyes Were Axed. oil 1�%d� conversation recurred to my mind neecy, MW
,A, I, could find. a single dam _ , .
. ... , ,4 � 040t then o, few rays of light broke "Aire you open.to ai bribe?" she ment aga , lust me.' I t .,Aging, stale`7. that be was. innocent, And tbAt I Vlelden. now with terrible fQl.o. I . .
I I . . . �
�. . 'Migh't'ho clou'ft they Parted * ,asked, turning to the ke 0 Ile feared that It wan true, no, mat- must clear big name, It wag as "It .will be no news to you," she "But bc bad 'lot fallen Into the I wow""" I
� MOOS .. viier's wit., tihoug Mack Pool. I could see, it %low,-, far I . . —1.
� tio. graulclQur, rollin' gh by night And by day he call- said, "'IthAt ID41ores robbed me of the.
g Away In "I WIll make ,You & rich woman for ter ,what their own I
I ,, . opinions of her t .
, beavy, WASSes 9 ed 0 Map l0artrudo,. ray 4Augliter, Away under the, trees., smooth And .
. r black And white. ,life .if ,voa will do otio of two things, might be. They could take no pro- ,, only love of my lite, Sir Xarlw-that . �, _0.00`0.1_1-� - .
.. '. ,vapor. leavin , ' -Ing for long years, all mar% have tr.aducod clar.. - Then I remembered how . I
. Ig the moon SAM 41ther bi to, ini� poison that I ecodings a robe came between us and A Sir I
I ID6 , gAins! her for anytilin- she me, come and prove to the world 010 my - JCarl had also. talked of All via. coal. I A .
I I Peacefully III tho Sky. * , nlay destroy myself, or give me the h.ad written. 11 , that I Am innopent. of the crifille with life'a happiness AwKyro It is no so- mine� with Its long -disused, Open I � 1 ._�___% __%V� . . .
" ' ,
`fluluk Ileaveal" he cried. '$Now t1thrice of, escape through the window, "It will be Your wisest a 40," which I anx ch4rAj Think you,. cr,et either that I swore to have van. , I RI &1_iz
I I Can soo-your. . our ,ad.' , . shafts-pitfalle of danger, he had ** - -
TL I hero. I Swear to .you tbgtt I will she said, proudly, to Lord Fi"Id�'n, wholoved him, that In alltlie wide ought, perbaps, to feel Called tbent-and, more than that, he . 1 5�3_1%_ 1
�, . Lot -Q go," she w4lletl, pitoo , , , , = I , do not, ' I L . I
I f . ugly I,UaXO you rich for life." � "to let me go, or I may probably 4 w9rld up one believed in big inno-' 4 of myself; but I bad declared his 111tolition ,tj) me of I .
"I Chacit"'L , 0 .
I , let r4e, got,, Said the woluan, "I what you 4rp'doilig to tile now. -IM- cence, but 1, I ,stand alone to do loved Sir ]Karl with All the strength Ing: thOPlaCe safe ixhtAij he bad - .I*,, . . I .
, llke,�QMtiilfy 'She turned and bent her dare not, we have always.served ray prison you. I IdIave warned you. -R battle (or him, And there Is no one ofiny heArt-a. strength 'that Your . MAIC �r . .
I ]lend. . . time to Attend to it..
. 1PElt the moonlight shquld fall loili laltbfully." . I You keep ;no here until 4 Ole,. Whitt . weaker natur,es do, 49t. even. under- , .1
, : . UPOn her face. . , but you who can help ins. Mamula;, "I began. to UndarsWnd now. We I \
"It he.and you but linew what was will you gain if T'refuse to $peai�,. has to - me everything --how you stand.. I may have been. blinded by ),ad both b,en - L
�: % I ."X W .14 I , .Unconscious of. our . I
"I 00 1.111kill myself it you try to best for the whole famlly, you Would - "Unless you had solneciling io Pon. my aff"tion; but I certainly thought whereabouts. I bad .
. 1 Is At, me I" she cried. . beg of me on yo�r It fear, you would wrote to ray father, And begged him, that I saw in him some sign that he . . no Idea, that we L
I . , aces to go, " she Coal or something to L ' —
I "yQu� ,cannot.6 IT4vo you not the, said. - , . . L I � to see' you, and how he went out to ,Ovad ale. It all ended when Do- wore near the Black Pool, &1ad lie had I
. . . � .
m � last have struggled'so desperjxtelY meet you., 'After that night . he was loreg became a, widow, and be - mar:- evidently forgotten It also, "and, it , I
.. I Sense, Woman, to know when you Are But the woman. shook her head I' , with lite Ili .the p.��vk," declar , od Lord neither seefil nor heard of again; was plAin, be had fa,lien down. the I
I c!OS491(u�_red?" . B119 could llt'vP", C-Ohlo WhAt MAY, be- F felden.' , . . .. ried her. 16 was then that my blind,
,. ) � - � oVery one says and believes that. he deep, long-'clisused shaft. I speak I I.,
" made 0, wild dash at him .It .. ad, furious hate against her bega I .
... 11111 . , t tray her. trust. "I Wanted to be free," she said, "I Went Away with you, I Alone refuse m -�, quickly. pow, but, as 1*.Iay ti,ore' I
" 11 . ,
... . I
. her la � I ' ;sod in pleading and ,cilirs over, here in disguise, .1 wilitted to believe It;" . 1, . Id Ing Illy- with wildly beating heart, thinking �� � I - N
,�'11 st hope. .It was as tho igh -i Ila niiih. pa�, And I resolve u; on reveng � , . I
alwns . I . whatsoever it 'I I .- I , /M -
.;, 40 -0c0411 *Ave had flung Itself useless pia.vers. Once or tNV'lce, the neither to be known, or; to h-uQw any � "Why do you refuse to );iellave it?" self, cost Might. deeply, these ideas were some . -As ---- .
1� . . a rOc1r--'U,-QIesS, Vail), inclQed 1weper's,wito loved Sir Xarl go woll"that, if he. , til .1, .- , c"11 .
. . , - , nodded,'and Vokelslld- one. !lie plain lact of the matter is, asked the cider %voinwa In a low, shaping themselves clearly in Iny - .. .
� � . a,,( .. .
,.1 � , injurious to 'herself. The last Shred it; nly, to find the dark, beautiful fixes I Saw your advertisements, An . . 1. hAd asked my life, I would havegiv, . . .. . - . 1
,4' , I , � , 4 .I voice. I - . -mind, I had had a terrible shook, � . . � � . .
". : . Of' 41FRUISe tell from her, and she bent over ,her 'with murderous gave. wished to I now wl,iy I wa's wiLnted- , "Because 1. have 141th in him. I ell it to him without *a, Sigh. From- And my thoughts moved slowly.. A, . Don't Frown . � I I . -
, ,� I stOOQ'rQvva,led in the moolijight- -I W41,11�you", said Lola; "I Aut. . what had ba,I)IIellod. Foolistily so- haveloo ed for hours together at thoday of the marriage Iwas Ilke� moment before Sir Karl had been. I . . I
I I I i , . WhIch. slio.cursed in her heart - &L 4 desperate. woman. onema:d, rbad sworn to her and.to I strong- . � ..
I . t"ll. 'o I should set ough, 1 left my home and, came - In his photograph, I -Its face to, not that. him that X would be revenged -and I . walking by my side, and How in'�Ay 1,,rows are marred by tha
. . tiltOv '11-701"an, with a inews ot little value on y . I . . . .
blac ,halt- an' . ' ,our life. If you disguise." I . healthy, the next he had vanished
,,- �. k* . d dark, wild eyes, con- W'Sh well to yourself do.not ex " . � of A man who Would be disloyal. wasl I persuaded iny dear mother to tigly wrinkle called. a fro
I i � . from ight; And I knew lulia6t, for wn.
I 1i tAlast!"K vividly with her white faci�-. 1114 to-teroptation." ' gose Do You know wby You arei.want- PeoplemoLy say what they like; Tdo leave Beaulieu and go, to Germany,* s -hiin .1 .
III, � . . I ad?" 4sk4Ld Lady Fielden. not ,belleve that my fat , � there was nothing but death in� the It conles front trying I .
the fAIEC hair Lad been tramplqd im- This so effeetusilly. seared the . keep. her went She did So.. and she 'died there. I - . . to'fix the.eyes
"1N'9,- she replied.. 11I am still lit awa,vwith YOU. Theo A letter callle� . . - cleep,dark pit, and a tewrIbMv 'de til- . �
f , 1.0or. toot- In the struggle., The incion er's Wit(, that. she checked. all,;url tier need not dwell on any of-, the de- I I a on a, given pohit and forcing them to -
. I , . I . the dark� aboi;t it." I - . from you, saying - thgt you ha,d your . alone too. Stronger nerves 1XX411a ..
.1� now Shona out more fully and clear- ", I tails; but when she died I Was I than I ' ' .
� .. Inclination lo sl.,Jnbtr, -and wat&had Lady Fielden appe red surprised. lf,avenge, and tho.t my mother should in the world, my heart full of would have '
".1. .1 IV, sQ'Clearly that Lord Fielden could isvery movement, of her c in to I, . M � the given way, I cra.wled porform. tasks for which the� are',in-
. I f"L'e O'VerY line of the Stranger's.faco S 14) .Pan. A, 110 During.all these -years," she said, neverseei my.father again. Pd� yoV diso,ppointed - love And round to the-PiC The whole of its . . . I
�� S bitterfiess of . . . . .
1, It Wa Pitiful to See thO way in Ir 'Kaj-11s name bas, liceliassociat- knowhow I Interpret the letter? I o1a, Iletce longlug. for raven 16.10 wldex�.outlt, was covered with rank, capacitated, . . �
"I � I . . . .
iJi_ . vhich Lola, 'de *Perras paced up, and ad with, the commissi(a of a greixt found no Proof in It of my father's. , Interlacing creepers; To all ,appeal-
� .In A niolh�,ut it flashed across him. down the room, at times wringing crime; but the time has colhe yvhau cl n - I 'I heard. how happy I Sir arl .and . ance ?hake. OwAs A PAIR or, G ) .
'. . ' .
!A : guilt- I came to this can USIO , his -wife, were-thAt a litt I no difference. be- .
..�,.11; Who 'She was. This WAS no poo' -'erying out th' - to believe him guilty of � tlutt. whatever might havp . been S, WILL ASSIST IN -
I .. r, .her hands and At she -people refuse � Is daughter tween.it And the ground contiguous RD BY U
�,,�;' common woman loolcing for work. was t,wiped aw; lost. at otherq that � Illy had been born to them, that they. it. � . I I .
k. that crime, wlitift h' -,q fair, yo .ng dau- . fiLther's fa�e, it was known to You, one side. * . DRIVING AWAY Tnl� FROW *
*�I:,: -She -was rather li',�e a queen of trag- .they should never make lier speak - ghter' here domands,, I in , childlike , and that yo,u alone could solve were a - model couple -she so tender, .elt down and peered through it, � . I
. . to , There, was a gap oil
.. �� 1. , I kn . X, ,
.1 I .
edy. .1 � I never, -no one could do that. ' -ulloless fa, I tile he so proud. In those days I 'ba.4 . I - I . I . I . . . .
" . � shiou. proof of h1q. inno�, mystery. You may hAte my mother-. .1 neigh -I but I could sea nothing. I called. * . I---- I
I , i —
. Mllon worning caille, and the w :; aloud; no ' . . I .
. I -I.khow Vou�_ he said; "You -Are . atch v n o to give to the whole wide becauseyou found she was your rl- many corresponds ts In this answer. came. .Then Itook. � � � .-. :.
, ,
.1 i the - wornaz for whoin I have beeni was ended, when the, d tri, head, tired wo�ld- . , I � . val.; but you, even With those' hard borhood, alld my brain wqs tried by �a stone and dr6pped It into, .the I pit. . I ' A. J * GIMIGG �, . � . �
' ' ' � . I
,searching morning, noen and night - wearied, was laid to rest � ., do Ferrau smiled Again - the lines on your face, look too proud. - t ' hese home -pictures. I felt that .-I n .
. ... I . � , � Alta , Lord . I .0 it . , � must'sibe him or. die. I wanted 'to with the Idea, of discovering, if it Scienlific Jeweleir a 4, 1
1� ��. � ,,,, Who.in. I have sought All over Ficiden Ivi 0'a a h (t le note to his ino' .111OCking, hateful - smile for . which and Pure to have sL'ent your life , as wareld".P. It seemed to me an Age I ,. I . . .
,�! � I _�11-_ 'L, L � o1a, de. Flerras I 'I thee to say that sM � .. Oj . heap ' burning reproaches on him, , to, . sh; . ovflviftxi� .. I -
'1� , , � 1'. 6� you. aic , . . was to Cottle to I -d Fleld6ii could Almost :Ilavo the world believes . you to have, ' by seeing my before I distinguis'lied a falut spia, . CIE-INTON, ONT. - .1
, ' .. make him. wretched
I , _�,v a �
� A V T. A me from her lips. tile cottage at once, And bYIng dert- struck bar.. - ' . .. . done."- . % . . . . � . I . the Stone .had fallen Into water of . . . . .. .. .. ..
�. .
'. 1. I at -I, 1,-ord(;7iC11%'21n releasing his bold ruile ,%yith her-�-,that ther I e.was imille- ,.,I,nn7cence is a most . ir . harming- Thepale lips quivel*d, andltse,ehi� wretchedness, to show him mV great. course Sir Xarl was deefid by' this L,_ . - . I I
; , " [Ehei� fell upon the ound.. shuddering' dials need for their -Is . 'hoil 11 the older woman's a es misery? that, the Sight Of 'it might. timi %No hot- could reach uJim � T . I I � I I � �
: , presence� I - nualfty " she saide '14we diffic-if 4 ed.ns i I .
�. I-
I 'L I I . I � I ,y 11 I 0 . IT chill his happiness. Let roe be truth- k � . I . I .. I
. . . .. . I . I . I I
. ''I :1 Itreibbling. . calitioncit t49 )"eaper fo be .client As tile. Present ft ,tt. . werefilled with -tears; she hold bid ful I hungered'to look on his facei . .1 .
0.� , - istance is to prove 1h, . � knew that, ,even as I - knelt * ti . I . . � . .
_. � � � I , IFYou are Lola do � rras,". he re- to what h4d happenodjnd�(-O, ho it ever.existed. I �etugo to ,speak, I her hands, with A g"ture of pain. to -hear hig.voice, to. toijbh Ill . looking into -that: most horrible - , .. --7-- '--- M ., .1. - . I
I ' � . - ."Do anything,"she cried, "except' . NOV , er did � t s hand I I chasm. * Aif1d than 3� ihast have fit , . . . . I . . . . . .
. � � , OvaLPd, "the women who 1,,ne,kno,vs 'had little. .to r(�-o,il-�--Lord Fielden 'have, not-kePt silence all.these 'years thirsty. -bar pAnt 'for liv-- 1. . int- , , . , . �
.� I lib�e secret of Sir ],Carl , "aninore's bad'told him nothilly. . � � , I ad. . . � I - I . * * - - ` , . ...
. -
fate. You must cohle -with in i 1. . . . ..In less than an hour the two ladim. "is no- power -which can force Tile to do I caimpt - beAr. " : .- - I .. . . . . Came to Myself tile fLir was. D. S. f � ..
. ' L . 'we . Ile I � ' . I . � I . � than I loved I " * I ' . .. I . . . . .
L ,,,e r gone. Th . men- , ell . their '%V�tyi. Lady Fieldoll 6O."" I— . . I . "If kindnesir ' will Win you, let me "Ohl blind, mald follyl , As well edid; all the summer'a warmth aiiii, 'S, .'.E, E �.. I , 0- . .
L I . to,bo compelk-0 to speak now; th6re b i kind: to me, that Is the one t-hing Ing streams as I for one. look at the When.X ' :. . 11
, ' I ' - .
. . ' . . . .
, -Not if you have lost All womanly 0 eauty had. departed, the windL. Wag ' ' . .. , - I I . .
"I � ,tion of her name seemed to have P�Lr � cieeply anxious and Agitated,, Q�ert- - . 11 ' be kind," PI mcleil Gertrude. "Try to � might, a man try - t ' ea,t . b .
jtjyzed ber.- Ile raised her, And sho, 1-dii Nil of w6ncl(�r. . I . .. I . 11 . � hungry 6 I . . . . . � .� . L
-. . feeling," said 1.4d.y. Malden.' "If pIty think that it is my father who 'is -stone! 1,.thoUght that look -Ing at wailing cheerlessly . through'the trees, ' ' 1. '
m�,da no . resistance, Ile tre,11111ILd. - : "I ain sum I' , said ph,), -as,' they . Compass! . on, J00'e, and bonesty -a'i-� kneeling hero,. pleading, to yc) ' . . I SEE US. FO'R . - - ' . ".' I
di.civp , , , , L u Ask- h- a-rLd the modn.was shining. -: As .the � . I . I
* I .
�..l ''the false. hair under his feet. alou,:�, , " that it fs Eoulething all deakd in your- hea�t, then Is All - . Ing you to olearhis name ' 1r, �nl would slake the thiriqt.� q I . my recollection of all that. had Occurred - .1 . I . .. . .. . IL , . . . I �
, I lie that burn- - . L I . . . I . . . I
, I I "You will not want this again, 11 afiout' 1 th� �&'�r�lSqmCntg L I his L 0711 A . fever, WQUldL Cool the fl 11. . . .1. . . L .
L L I . I . I ," - Litdy:- appeal in Vain,. both; for..the : living fotil'Sta'in, to. -clear me, innocent eii'my'likiiin. . I I came back. to my mind, my" whole . .. � � . I - . . 1. .
I ,
. I I � b . N - �
L I .1 � &lid Lloving child, from the shadow Of . Ili ed. re up the grAss, �', ' ' L '. ' . , '
. L -�. ., -o . ' . .. Arid tile 'dead." ' L _- - . . . . wrote to him, telling . X to * , W, - - S L f L ; .
�:. 'h. .aid, "you will have no irot Vit.-I'40n, J fivi'kiti I w, certn,Ail of it," .1 , I. � I in that I had- a,'Javor t6'ask him. fravile trembl . . . 1. .. .. �
! need for disguise. Come wiih me.l.'. Lady Fielden's firsi � words to her : *.-,. 'J, appeal to you, Miss, de For- guilt that is on, me.' I call tip -on you .1 begged that I inight see,hini, p I cried aloud, - and, more than- once I . r Jbi I - . I � . . I .
. As )is too� ]let- hands for the so- Son - werC of.rciproakh thai b-_ had ra�"'criad' Lord . Pi I eliten, f'by - & by the lilemory ofthe ,Iove*Ydu"ha4, eaafid Implored him to niect ray;. - went to tho,'motith -of -thAt terrible .1 . .O. ., - I I . .
. L I . I � . me. 1 S N . . I .
L .
. - L . . .
cond Utne, his eyes fell upon h6r', been out ull -nig-lit, au.d'!h-,tt. she had hAt - - )y.hic-li on ;a �,',jb you for him tb speak!" I � I .. . .. I -pitwith Ahe intention of throwing �. - I - . . I I .- . ' . ... I I �
, � . * * . I . a I . L � . . L �
hillIL ,=ry of t a . L . . _UpOh jOld hini that I w 61.4 wait a,t the. L' L I . 'L � ., . . I
:w6daix*7ring, and it startl(d . l�eeii:$t,ehtiLv.fAittz-'ili't,d about him, mot ell' . �:Ihyselflnto, it After him; but L my. . I . L. I .11 .L. I . I . .
' . . .
. ". I I ....� most! dearly, by your her's With: a: bitter. cry Lola f whitegate near the coppicia, I went . I . I i . I . - L L .; . I . .
I I L . . . ... - . . .. � .. L . I . � . I .
11VAS..shei married, And to whom? . 710 Went . ui):fo flie side 6f the lo,%v.. . meniory,,bi your.lover'S memoryl" her ]knees'. L ' . -L- . L . L . me".. I: woulil � have .. .. ., � L �. I .
I 11 I I . - ' .. . I., . . .1 . "You torture me,". she ld ' 'IF ' to:Deeping. by train; no L one recog-, I ' � . .: . .. L. ... ��. , . . I . I I � I . .. . I .. I . . . ..
I , � 'WhiLlier. are .you taking -me?' she pony-cirriage; and' in a L low d ' -She held up her' arid. . .. L niiedme. At eight o'clock 'r ,WkS . . I. I I � . -� , �
I .. wor s h � � Sal I � or gone down to says i1m; but I -darea � . I L . I
. "I will.not go to i , . � r - I ' ; '( ... L ' . . I - .
I . asked. , the 'Mixn6r . told - them ,what had happened; Uleri� L . d'It is All Ili Vain", Sh' Said .. ].'r. Hea,veh!s 'a;k :Ictrue.al4lie!"'. - . not'dlie.:, � So �ar'; except in Asking . _ 41 " 11 L . 1. I � ..
� . ... a . I Qt . I . . I standing sit the, coppice -gate, woll� _ wice Olean . home grOwn � .
. )X-rotise. Where are wo going?" . 1-110'?s hiee Ilusli"ed. - an . d her .eyes will tell Yet] what -Ou will no*, do6l3t 4,1,cannot,,',` .'answered. (Ileftrude. for:�n interview With him, I had . . - . ' . - ' I .. I I &
I " . dering.with adoubtin' heart it ,.he Clovet and Ilrno�h'. -Also , .
- . �. . .� : . I -y �shauiofull truth,' : This. 04, ',tell tho truthl . Tell. me one would : 9. � 6 . - ' .. . . . .
.. 1 * '10 the k6eter's cotLage, lie rc'- , 1441M. % �� - ; ' .think 'a v'�i I come. . .done no Wrong, . " - - - ' - 1. I y : . . . .
'. Pita& L 4. I jif�L - O' . . I I ' "Now cam . .glilke, Alfalfa,' Speltv; lluck,� .. :, . I . �
I "I shall, Loop you there Until . �_oia � do 1,'�rrix`lt' I 1�1 she crii d. "Is I inoment', whi'ch I -see. my-' nemlos thing, I PrAy, I be$eech- you? Is I L a' my temptation, . He. ...L . L ... . .
. I L . I _111Y. "Tbe.ilfght. wa's fair and. brilliant. WaSL deq:d whom, I L ,loved, better- wheat,,. and. till kind -of 0141d L - , . .
,� . .Yoa. �solve the inysteryL of Sir Karl's It Possible? L Ila-,, Heaven granted �ny' hum led')efore me, Ii one: 'of tlici, I father living or dead?" ' . . .. . .1 L . . . L , . . . .
. � . . . I 0 . .1 .remember th04,odors'front the trecs;" . than , it a 11 S I� : , . . . . . I . . . .
� , e1l.gence.for us." � I . graver at last')" ' � . . - ,� - . . proudest and sweetest of my life. -At- LGIa, daPerrag *as silent for a few the Song ,'of th4'nigb0ifigale., the soft all the , world, but Illy . hatred ' and' . ud a"den Seed' 1. . . '. . 11,
L I � *
,� I � � . . . � � ,1 I I . S. - . . ... .1 . ... . ..
� � I I 11 L .:� , ! I
". I ,Then .1 shall die therel" siho'-rein. . 411. Tieldeu, � deadly: t4f-that,'bave you ankillink- further 13101h - It., Meemed.- to -he I. �'Bijt .. . I I . I ' . .;. . I . .. L , . L . . . .
" - B, t: JL&d�L. . r, gre'W L' . ants, , I" - as murmur. of -the; broolka I 'romembei- jealousy. of Dolores still, lived, L ,' , I ,. I L � -1 .: - �
14 , ' VNed, L. with a triuln1h,int. ' . � . . . . . . . ' I- I. * . . � . I .: " . :... , . . . .. ....'. I ... .
I laugh. . Pftle- . L . - .! " � .to say to me?'!- . I . . ,. I though the words. pierced, her inmost ,Oh� bet'ven, w uld -that . I had *died for her, he L Would have boon mills: 'As - - . .. . . :, .. � � .1 L
. ��N . L � _ WhOL . . L � . 6 . L '��: - .. � L ' I . . :.. ,.,' , . . . .
"Tho; 0110japany clever, Inventions ill. ' . "'Lola de F eira%*4 Oil, Harry, 1'. - Iti - was - Gertrude IS next.. . soul, while the thought overwhelmed. I I;iy writhing with piiiii. ot body. and . : .- I. , �. . ... 11 . 1. . ,. I ., .. .., ..
. . poke. I . L elian1d.th6iel' Look at MeLf -child', . � . . . . .. . L
this- IV -0= . a Ck . . I . . . . . . .
. , IS"t I have not yet' tli'lnot see'tb t woman-thitt. w! ed until naw, she,had. k6pt.perfoct .si- hor that lCarl's daughter, with Karl's. .'ill Anguish of mind, an., idea -1 grant . . .- ; . I
� . . .. . I. .z . . I with yvur father's- eyes.. With - x. kind+ . . . . I
'can Make . . ' I All'atLowes't ptibes � .
- .I;An!�" . ' : L . ' . ' . -tha,t it 'was A diabiiliba,l : On'ec4me
. likard. of one u,hich Z a L Wo_' '$V O' .'' L . . I ; . . leuee� � ofi '_ h . L _ ! r hiu'e eyes Arid ..clustering hair., ' with ly light those. same eyes.. . , . , r , I
man'slicak whm she. 600ses to be.. "!"O I must gee hor to' my i;akoj" . , "Let me'spoik to you. s a efi- .the - Well -remembered. Aones of � his 'ted- 0" into my mind. It' wag. thls�that. I L .1 . . _. . � :.' ' '' L
I silent." . . r . I - iug that night so long ago�-there wis ' Would !I . I.., . . . � I . I . . .
. .1 1, - � cried Glertrtccie'. !'Oh, Lady Pielden. ireated. . ','�-Dem;cst' Lady r,,Wden�. voice', was' praying to, know whethpi' no repr6ach in thein� 'no anger, n 1. ovorni-ea'l tile truth of Sir . Coine'ln amd see tbetu. , ' .. . I I
1. I . . . L . . I . . . � I... ,
"Nor have 1, " he Agreed, gravely. Illy Outrest and'truost foj�nd, YOU . Harry, lea,ve me with h;r.:. for, my , hoLWAS living,orLdead."'. ' . . contempt. - .... .. . . �, . . 0 L Xarl.'s terxibla'.'death, but Would lead . I .. I . . � .. . .1. . .
' -
. "I shall leave it to your ,�enso of. 'AiLUSt , idrglit everything' else `-oxcept father's sak6she will surely speaK to . .L .. 1. . ., . .. . . . "1 trembled'i0ben I saw * . this woman whom, t habod, to believe . I . . I . . , . . .. . . . . I I .1; . 1 . .
I � . . - _ . . . . . . . ' .. . . . . I ,., . � . L his, shitilow - . _-t- — , .. . . I , . . .
1L. I I c. to speali. I am quite aware th4t YOU have to lielp me,, - L . I . .on the, gr I tr:mbled whon -he that .he had abandohed.he ti ,. .1 �. . ; . . � I I .
. . . anci,that ..'mel Go . and ,leave me alone with , . . L L I I . . . .
4 . L � . . 1. . . . .. CHAA,PTER XXXVI. .. S ' I I . � I . . I I . . . I . . I .
J -- .
�.L that I 6Luih.&,_(olnpe1 y -:)u." , my father's' naine:mIlat be. clearedi"'. 'bar." . ' �. , I . I I . M.va,3� -with .me. ..I felt sure that the . I .. .. . 11 . -
. I., Y . I . . ' L I . . . . . Spoke tole..' . � He aid but, his. hand I .. L , .
. . � . . , . . . I . 1. , .. � . . - . .
.", Ou Cali lo They . — . L . �, ". - , . I old Squii:( - -.'Idrivilij . L
I . ' 11 . . L, I L I � ... . "' , , . .. : . I . . I
L -1 I : L I .
,1� , " Wd on home, he: recognized me. �Maitland .
ck "Ile up, rhut me in spent some few.ruinutes dis- . in 6,11 -kill' eli4is to me.. , I . . ti, whom I � ll�:(l uicii
.1, I , . CHAPT4R XXXV . . . � ' "I long "ter. may father.� .Ger- * I , 1Xy ,doarl Lola ' ' he 9 'You - X felt . . , . * -7- 9. .
�, - . . . prison7-you Carl do anything L4ndev- cusSing Whiit had, � APNIted. '. .... I I I . . I I . . . . . ' I I . . . d '' , P I . .� . .� .. .. .
... ,1 '!She w . 1, . .. ... %. L. I. I . �� I : , . .. trude to Lola de'Ferras.: who, till _ , , aid, equally sure that tlie-,grobin-baA'also' .' .. I L . . - I . . I I.. .. 11 . I I
, , 'but I ean. qurwu of i - I .11.1 never - sp6aki "I ,said 3�aqy . . . I . I . . � - - : kept -silence. I'My heart ,is thirst iihould not have done* this." Twethf- . ' So t a In allL 1. � . . I I ' L . .. ..
She . L * 1. . gnized me, I . - ,L ..
I Ing . reco .1 b t - , , Successor, to 0. Cooper -
,�L the position, and I shall reirwit'so." Fioldtn- "S116, is SLI%.Ag : .Says L 1 Asmicither. and son �descended-, the fd fro' L od to see You/ .1 c 'ad * . 'proba- - L", L . I I. . - .., I
. . . 1� .. � : a tL, ' wo . nx� him - Ah, . ri to him, ,now - . . . .. 1: I I ... I . I . I . I
�L I � I They reached the "ZiPer's cottage 4qt(o(n of the Position., .. 1, . I 1. ,. . I . stairs, it ocdurre, o Lord Fiqldon . kcir it look P.; a . L an You bi id� hard And .crulel to me?: b1fity .every 45,he would.,kilow that. .. . . . I ._ L � .. � . .
. L — . . . . .. . ,
I I , Mq, _ . . 1. . . - I I
: ''.. , tell me,' if you ever'lovo him: .'I, h, C �
,,, t. , at last; and she stoodlin silence, . . been longing for A' glimpse of Sir.Xarl had como-out to. meet . L I . . . .1 ... L � I I =5 . := .. . . . . . . ...
. . while � "She I tvilf� speak,"*.. declArcid - 'Gert -I ,that it'inight not be safe, after all to living or d6wd?" �* .. .. ' . I e. I heove' . . L. . If I could but' get 'away, and tbein. - � .. . . .1 I . L i ... L . .1 . ..
I'., . thp,door was unfastcn-ed. Lord Field- rude,- "for 1-.�hall intift' h4i 'to do - IC -ave Gertrude with Lola dii Forras, " you. How Can, you scold,me? . . . .. . 'L .. . .
. .. re . I .
. L .
a . .. . . I . .
'. �, '.?He is dewd," replied ]:,41& - .in a Xty from a'disiance write to Dolores an - .1. . , . . , . .
�oL ! (n L kept L keen watch upon -her, .10 lit it father's fiame." .. she was so violent that She was quite I 6 . . . I . very it - ;as fading because I tould ... L � d. - I
ly . . . I CO. . I - . . �fj � , 'At... 1� : . .. . - .
' . . P' oT. doing' 'h . Or 'that � . :11 � -
'L L L . ,
, Inowing well that �ho would make 'Iun� Lord.- Fieldeh asked Af they ca Able low Yet .to v say -my tevenge was. complete, I. ,� N. `.�
, bodily. har.m. �, '.,Dea.d,' ' not nee you.'. - 'My dear Lola y,. .. � if Or� .�� _ . . : - I . . .
. .
I I ;* , , uPstair . s, and I Mrs.� Tdri . . ... I repeated .Gerirude, with'a, .11 that she would nev � e -,, �, ,:,. . . L .I.. I I I - . .
, : , , her escape it it 'were Possible, - and , could 'To : cl-' ' But -ho. -contented himself. by pacink , must not speak to mi I' that -fash- or see lier.;husband ' I 1793 � 4, �,I- .1 .. I I .. -1
,.'' not bull answ, . I burst,of � bitter tears- "deadl ,Ali, Lion,' he said � .1 agabil L 1 L would riot may that, he ha;d � - e, 1. .. , 1 �,,- W, , . .. . . ,.. -
- . . . I . "N... .1 ilk 1. . I .. �. .
� . I . .. I .. '!' . � . : . I . . .
that- - he was resolved she should red, "Yes.11 up � and'down MY , � $Yclu must 'rer-mbe. . . .- 1. - ` � "I'll -.. ,
. I do. . .. . . . himi '.Ohl. . __ — __ - , �,,,.
��_ � . beneath tile window, than 1 Oall never- see- . . � . _Ai� 19' . . . . .11 I .
:." I . I They' found Lola sitting Ili a clia,i.r where he. would be wit in call :Yet- ,� . ,i I '. - - . - .
L . I ,1 - .... . . L,
I . . .
�:, . I . IOO!L , '' f' ii�', b, . . - .. .r . . . . 'you, Ihave .worked lot ' . " I . .. I L. . - . .. 1 I L . --I . 1�11i,l I . . . .. L� I . ,
11� L . . . _ h . dear dear' -father, I h&VeL.1 � your own. self-respect, also that I Am. � ....'-LL .... 11 - . -
.. ' Ger r4d . ,B COr�rMUE,I).) . . `..... ,
. I
, o L. - t 0 Sh sb for ' P .V11ed 'for , married.t. the w6man I' love. 'The ' ., (To :� . . -1�. . ;i'. � �* , � . . -
� 1).�, I he window, Und it' ber eYe* wa,15 ,if a had any'Cau. L .. . L ...
, CRAPTER XXXIV. . % L , . I . . . � - you., .and,, I . I 11 .1 L . _ .. - . � 1,:.' ... � �. .
I I . .the , 0 unt6d Anihiil Arivtn alarm. , � ... .. L .. pool�, man %who liegg6d. . . .. . I . -- , ilihk. .
,:1. I L . . ... � . . ,. ha,,Vd loved YOU;L Yet I Shall I . the crumbs I . .. ;. 04 . . I . ; :4 " , . . 11 I . I. � ... I ,
I i . . . ,
� � I .. ; L . I � 1". . , . .
: : at the - 3 SO ad licillind . out 'But better,. a thousiind tlin�s ' man's table askedwou _ . I I I . . . .. . , -
- . . . . q 1.4 .. I .. . ...
. ly : . , .. . . '? . I . I . . I
� 'L %e 1. . . .: . . . . I .� 14.� , V , t . ��... - ..
I �. �1. �. I . . ,. � , '. , .. , !. I .�, I �. .
. .. � I . L . I . � �� �M ... . .. �- . . : : i " ,_ , .1 . � . . . . L L .
I I . -rat. . . e - .N 1 A � ., . ., , " . . .
- once. . -, . Poke to, Lot � ' for the crumbs, not for :the luxuries.. - - - .. - 1119AD. .,�, . . 1�.% I .
. . I .1 . I . 7 'went up tci'�Xlss do Pei I am the gains. I ask. only I I or . wbb,t . .0 1BASy, LIES THE. I I ___ L. .. I I . I . '. I
- her opened the door. There stood . . . : =d . .,
I keeper loo'ed. bewildered when la,dies,� but s a�nd -XAdy ;r4felden, .073i.trilde I than. living As -they 'bdlie-�edf.- . A' ': ; * "' , , ,
� I . � .. 10' bay: She never glanceci A ,on ag tha db'6'k CIOS never see from,the'rich . . - q I lr,.,41,�
. I .
. t.- -d Fielden at., Lord . .1.4
I . .
. . . . , . . � . . . L . I . , N � e�:.4,, �,.'
Lord Melden, And by his side, held v. f . , , thing. more. Pid he, .. I A
Tell'me ,on .".'..., k , I �
"Let ins - , "',:she - said .. h I 11 I -your ; I . . . . .. * �� ",. -
, �_: � 'r ,. ' L' ':
. . I .. . n , �F�� L&,�., L I . ]''' I 1.
- tti away wit , you? , I I 3worecooli suitaft oillers Crown to'. nil I ?W, .
-1 lid ni as: . . you'have to, glvc7� , friendship
fast 'bylbim, 'WAS a lady, with a face' "ITave you an. UrtfiL I id L " . . . go I � '. .1 I � .
' spe4k to -.Vou;� � L b . . .
L " " L . -1 � " I : . . I
T 7 -indness, 1. cannot live without. . I ... � ; .: � , �'� . .
to (it ,r'lne r? she demanded. II -Am. "Yo , -�Vili' I "NO,',t-..she._&nS.wsrsd, "he,did not . . .: R ot I � " I . � .
, IL oil rapul6ed'ine Yesterday; Yea " and L . L 11
. . I ' 1. I r r. W116 . Rafused. . . . 1. . �,�,:! 1q) . . . . . . ; . ' ' L I
! very beautiful end pro:id, yet white .fo 4o kept here in.prisoll, ..a show ilotdoSoLto-dity.* ,They tell me -that L ' 'g ' . I . h4b . ,. .
and weird, . . . . . . 1. . . ft, 1",U,edi I startled even Ili them ' I..repliecl. ., . .. � I . . . L . � L . I "I:-- � . . . . . L'
. wi h great. black eye for VOU'Lana your 1,1,itndt9,, . I you'loved my fathol-viery I . her . 11 . .;e, I . I I .. L .
I . , 70t�. . L . ; ,. . �
'S " clearly..� �40 which broke -I' "k(iu..,m:re:-.cr6el-cruel,l'.'I cried at .Tanglor, 'April IS.-Advices.*,from' � f- 0 - . � .
` I ,
: "I ft- dearly'that you 1 own pain ,by ' the cry 1. I I � L L . .. ,; I I . . I .
that seemed to blaze with liquid tire, Lola: de Pei -r s-,"' -. La , r its was;ruined Jor from Gertrude's jips, . - I . I t'�I� .
. . . said cly F ield. ' . last� 'I came to youin deep - dis- Fel'yesterday say:,the pretender. L' is .. -1 �, ; .1 . ,
. and a mass of black hair. She had On, 1`11' a $olvnan' voice., Wdo. not use . his sake. if that be the case, you - -tell me, only- of your. a, - I I 5L -'�41 - , , I . I
. . .
. . .
ed find in I ew.itl � Ah, . L . 11 . I. . I I � . .
. r X&V"SL � MY Own He stopped abrupt- � largq fores of.rebels, the Sultan is ..' L , I I I
L . to my son.:. Wick' - a for . .:T a . I Si Idarlingi, If I could but as . e you, hear. 4bg;Pp`IIieSS!' . L 11 I `� I I L
L neither bonnet nor Offiawl; hqr dress - Such words lung O%Q I . ,. "I i neW it, I kn . tress,.and you marching from Taza � on Fez with I
I , cl��ghl . I . '' � ; . " . . . .
ivoal% *. - its vou htt% Vot . . . said , vainly at . .
. Was of -plainest black; Yet, In some re be U�,-.P�m . L. . I I ly. . You are right, Lola,' .lie tempting to obtain recruits I I L- 'T, 1 . .
' ague . I-e0ho', it .6 al'so the d � you, tell you, how much and how -,--horribk -amoniK. abyle tribes.' Three .. �. -1 1. .. �.� � '; � I . . . . .1 � I L .. IL . I
L V Way, the man felt that she Lost. atonenic nt..yoll eajl.?��`L 'Of 1)0- . dearly I love you, - and he* I 'have I . . I . . .., � c
was a lady.. . . . . a L . . augliter I am selfish V selflsh�, Tho�. this. X n , I . .. - . .
1. "I'll ve. 110 L l6rcis, who stole him from me,!' J%,&S: . I . .
I d. L atbneitunt to make" But L L .L Always believed you innocent I" Then' he tried _it) L Console me. .. All I next thousand'Moors have arrived.at 316- .. I . . � . . . � I I . 1. , . . . I . I .
- .. "Walk in, madam," said Lord she clumvere . ;,I shall die L SS .'.1 the Sullen reply. 11� L" for bor I .1. remember.is that L We walked .Alway Ii'lla It I sking refuge, fro= the p t - ell-� . , . . , , I . 1. I . �- % I : . I . I I I
: " . . L ,a , be;ll _, .be - turning. to Lolar �Sha Added more I .0 re , Re ,
. , d h % mfue� . .. . I r ' ' froin'theL light.of .da,Y�:and tha der's trocips, It Is again stated that - L. 1c, . suits.. ... I . . . 1. . .. . I . I
I , be. gure,O,f I. ' *as t, L t 'Illy L . � . L . , .
, . Malden. "Mrs. Turnbull will find have lived-milte; voll in woul 0, . I . Artist
I . ixy , earnestly, "Heaveri:bles .... . . . I .. . �
� you all, needful accommodation. Ybu, that. -P , ., . . . .. 1. . � That is all past," said, 0.011trude, I . ,a: you for tell�' heart Ull Lof"burnipir hate . 6- :.the Sultan has offered the crown, to. . - - . .. I L . . . . . .. I . 1.
�,r:� . ,. , Ing me even so muchl"- .' L I . .. . I. . 1, . L . ...
., *111 IVA tea, or coffee, or qohieL re- .-Pell 'Us 'O'n'e th1u'g,,'Siiid 'L6 --d -III d6not know wh�t Your . wards Dolores. ... I . ,.: . I . � I I � . , .. . .. 11 . %
I . , ' ., . . .
1, � froshment, perhaps?" . "to has , ,It WaS7 the elist, til,he for so: hiany d,W .. . hii brother Mttloy� who has Mused . .
. Fielden-"you �aud you, .alone call been, . but. no L one could Ila e -been I Where gy,sixt boughi. it. ' The : Sultan,' with big brother, . . Our pi�ide is in tlie)results of. . . .
' i . _ L I� . I I
: . .years that any one hAd pra. . I I a W��Ik6d I , p1lotograp Wig., It's a, plea- I � I � ..
�L.. -Is albsed thie door behind him: 'als tell* it, 'is Sjr� IC � moile unhappy � than my mothei% She . ell to bless her, the first , yed Aeav-� haded-Us, Iiiiit I'did.not tice ..the 6xcord1fig. Lt6 a' . our. . . .
"" I . I Itri living or.deadV-1 i voice for so a I . no � despatch,, from Melil. . , I Sure to get. negatives tha, . .. . I . .
., I . . t will I
I .
it : A curlods:smile. curled -her lips, is .96 -sweet 'and trvo,. so.- thoughttul. really. years,, that had spoken kindly 'Place, him that Vie on A .. : .1 ,: satisfying and to' liave * for . . .
;, lie sPoke, and thch turnL , .
1� ,d with � I t4ld: e de- Is. has stixted.for Taza. ' .1 ' I . .
L, Start take to the keeper L And . big . .411 Sha.11 tell Vail' lioth . and good, ,so w,ell. Ated to. adorn a L . . — .. ., ... be .. .
. . .
. . . , ing"'. sha� re- , iii 'that' Lola , was , I Sire Of L my heart. was to rime '. back: . 1 . . � .
�, . � I I - . . . . to her, "Mplet6ly � I : ed,%t6iners J)hotograilis that . I
.:.. wife.' . � � plicit.- I ., . . I I gh position,*, yet, SIn-L.-q,,4Av father's ' . � . .. h6re a , nil live near him, wherol co-ld . * Mus' stiald His Xiial. ., , PlIr . . . I I I
. ' . . . . . me. I 6 . L . I .
I -
... I "I fia,ve brought this lad,v: berei'L' he - ' '"D I disappeiarauce,.-, she has been buried . o.verco' I I I . .. I . I will be a credit L*to us as well . . . . . I .
1� I. 1. , 0 nq�., be . obstinat% hiallain, � I 44trudo's ex itexho * + BOMOLIMes, see. him, -. talk ,.W-,.hInj ' . . . . -
-said; "and here she is to rema, n i 'I'llink. of the - IiVLS that you haVe Alive. L Dear mAmuW_,J1,h",_' no c , fat hid almost , 1, � 1. Toronto, April 20. -Alfred McDOU- as -to thein, ' Out . speaking like- L 1. +. - . . I .
,5 1, makerhim + .
,yer ' L - . . .
. I reached fever -heat. .what . he WAS oncep Ay gAll Will htme to stand trial for 'Al- lics,ses 'are 'our. pride, .+ . . . I
� close custody until to -morrow, Lot ruin(d already"' - seen her enjoy one moment a ppl- . 0 best friend And adviser. Ah, Mal He - -L leged- misa .L I . .
,,, ber have every cars, ovary attunti'011 - 'TiavQ, TV' "fiia cri � L, . - AeSSI H&vii you no pity for one ,+ "How could they say. it 'of him?:, I I I ppropriation , of Govern- I .. .. . . . ".
, I - ad.. "I'am right vkhose lite has been Wreck ship cried, - "HOW (lid they dAre?.". was not willing, he Who WaSL, uIL the, '. ment moneys. The plea of his couh� I . . I. . I . . . . .. I .: .. .
. -till that she requires; but she must Well -pleastd;, that is J ' ad' through. . b A. - r6i. . .
* -
I , � . I . I USt what I ,n, your instrunictitalit,V?" .. .. . , . Lola, an Ing over her, :said-. world to me sod Mo this ainall set,' that - his physical and mental .. .
" . . L . ,. .
. ,
': � .. � fucit be left. alone, so that 8ho . call tended -to do, ,I tell you Candidly I I 41 , t wag I.,who. caused thO I in to say crumb -of comfort. Where,. We were ! condition I Was . such that he Was Ir_ HENRY'S PHOTO, STUDIO I ,
i. escape. 1, . al'a All right' in. Your S , "I have none for Dolores, She took - It -fora purpose of my own.". I - walking the grass was thick and long, responsible for his acitons was not I . . .L . . � . . .
0 . , �, , on U 1: 6 MVon L how. .the, Rill the bialiches of the j�� _�!!'*!!!� L ,� ! I . . . . . .
I I UP' front we the only treasure on earth For some tithe the young giri'S' trees' droop- proven to LJudg � Morgan, before I 1. . .1 L . . . . I
�: "You MAY do All that , yet you know, can solva I longed., . I. .__._,.._.... - ....-, . � . I . 1. 11 .
I 11ho mystery. Of Sir - , wild, inco ii 6 , _
Lola look d, At lifin defiantly. :,.,�. . I And I only, s ' -far its I, for'Which . . ad low;'he gushed them Iside with Whom that a of the' case was . , L I
': " I heirent Criss for her dead phas . I I L IL
, . cannot make me sPec& .she - re- X&PI's fate. ,you wall, to )no%%#, of rn�ntlon of her 0ame maddens !no I . -
. I. � I '. ly that, if I Course, if L he IV t , 'ths, father continued;. .then she, sl�.ruhjx careless hands. lit � would not , do, , Argued, On Saturday Morning HIS L ' ' . L I . L . .
I .- I V With . - "" , . . . .
� . . p , .,"k tell you frank 'gilt ins or I have no Pity fbiii)y old rival', : , suddenlyfroln. her knees, and looked Lola,'be said. ' 'I .would, do .any- ; Troftor delivered judgment, directing G 0 .
. white roob, I hate Dolores.. Do not . �. I .. ' but proceed, and . �aftor , * I � .
� will do Itt if I can find the least OP- -if lie thought the. world well lost - - MeF-again." � . . . At Lola, *. I . I a you Or help YOU, that the , trial � :
I . 1, . I "Then if you . ."It he never w the step propcised would not,* I consultation it Was decided that Me- * . I
. fiaveL ho pity t away with , you. � be pru . . . .
: poitunity� to escape, I shall takO ft.li for IoVe Of 1110-4 it was � he who I for en I ro'e how .to Dougall shall appear before Judge .. , .
. and it he to dead, tel and dent,, Your best plan,- would be . ... I
I . I . . go.far,away, my dear Child, � I' .
:' odn get A chance to kill myself, I ''not--tif hJ asked we. or I asked Whi , name hot, to thing to Pleas
have .you none for lite'? You � I a . �
'' 6L inammap* &In L his -so good Winchester on Wednesday,
. Said' tile keeper, after A stL _L loved Sir karf I daughter- ,where he - died, -After being; 1, have i ,April 99,. , I . .
"Will'You excuse ,me, my lord?". placed thIs'Weddhig-ring, upon my Iln' .. .G .
. -ady'look' ,go; -if , h ..be Il,''n- or 'dead, I to -me, you will not -refuse me tfils?,, . onci,YOU evil, enough; Heaven forbid . at :to 0,61ock, , , . . I I ins . ralift., 1. . . .
. , # � " All 4ftd,strange to say, although you' . . that I should do Any, moral Try And I . . .. . .. . . I . I
at thi ffashing black eyes. 111 Arn tlffe.�O tilingis you. w,int,to know-, but have been Our most bitter oftemy', 'X Thera Was a strutg1o,in the h, art forget me, and,fill your lite with new. I . � . . . . . . ... .. � . I � I I .,
afraid to undertake the Charge of . ydil� hover hhall-' I am the only cma cannot help. liking. you And feeling a of the miserable woiii�u;, and . thbri 'interests. I am grateful for . your ilervand's Ac4pts P,01194se, Plan. *******+*+ - ***++***"I .. I .
1�_' , this . lady, I am not used to such, a Mho can tell you, and T never will . �'. kind.of sympathy for you because sheanswered, slo*Jy- . '20,--Sfr William � I � . �
tMqk Foxes, Pheasant$, And p0t- neverl"' I. . I . . I'As.t Lady. FleYden to come .. love --I could not be Otherwise, but .Ottawa, April I � 0. . � . �
, .
171ilg6iq and such like I undersi. ind; I - " .You shall -be CoMP011edl" cried youloved ray fS,ther"' . - lie a, You must, It You Wish to be happy, Mulook has received An =anoa . , , . . . . . . , .
' f . d I will toil 3 oil all." pro
,but Vot 194jes. I should not be, a6io , Lord Violden. . .. . � For the first tivad, the defiant ex- all( s . * * * � # * 10 overcome it. Zvon Were what, you 'from Bermuda of his propo . .
I . I I tims e Standard . . I
. . to dbiMll her, MY 10M, if she 'made I do riot thih!i so, No hum pros"iondn Lola cis Perras's white Urd Violdou follot ad contemplate a,teeptable as far As,you flouted some ago to I . -4_10 . I .
.. � a" fare scittencid, and her pe;4e lips (juiv- V his mother andl are concernodo it would' not ' Islomd on the game basis as Canada . 1. . . I I I . . .
up hoe mind to go. " . I Pali'ver call eonlp�t me. r would ra� *rod piteously. . How Joug Was it Into the room with 0artrude. as regards postage. The new . . I
I , . ar- .1
Then I will stay myself," 94id th(it Ali, Wall, hover infil,il'Whatt . � Please: Dolores. Dolores would not . L
rooill Let me since -any ,human '% died hAd all6ken "You iialo' too clever a woman not' .
I . � 06 Of � gg that N L rangemont will go into effect A week . - - I Ele ator .
...1. I Lord: 111olden. "You have a, remind y one thing, 'Illy kindly to herl id $lie. like it; Dolores would hot -0 I I ' . V . I
I I � n' from to -day. At present Bermuda is . — - � '. . .
� h - -Irlow I I
, "gigtAirg" - Mrs. Turnbull' the lady I she oftid. 'Ind pleased I'Viou lovod my dear father," Went tell is life or death to roe for Miss )ruled by the Postal Convention; but I ""
� IV 11 prefdr it to t ,young lord,' Vitatever YOU have ,to terruPted finwith A florce cry if Sh . L . I L .
- his, a nd You Can : to bear in iWild that. you are litying Allanmore's sake," lid said to Lola. , cruel you &rel Will you thinK Of no, after ApriIL21, site *111 be as 0 1 . .
tad -her Some tea th,r ontho Pleading voice. "They Mav
- 0. I pliall"git I yo�rsolf opeft.to a hofxvy, Its y onebut Doldrobt YOU stab We over . L
I up her#.. Madam," ,qIalty, I( that I am likib him, that 1, have I,& "For MiskAll4nm6re's slow"LOIA d that name 4DO. wore part of Canada. All the colon- .
he Continued, not IrAprigoilluent, by the obilraci ou ,, an over 'again Wl .
�v'. . y eyes-Aod hair, And that my voice re. 48)(6d, looking at.tho. noble fixes With lol,og , ,1 , must ill fes have bedh asked 'to domei Into , — CLINTODT . I .
. i .. . . .- .
. turibilig to where Lola stood with a are oursullig.,, I . .. ., a mbles his. Look M;t. Ins, and ,toll a ivild longing that It were possible' � I 'think of her, I he this position, but 46 tat "only Great ' . . 0 . . . . . 11. I
�e white' adOrtlit, look On. her ta,06 Ill I 11�rpy 'know -that WhA' she *tald ule It It be ttdo?j' I to undo the past, SAW" And What followed was my l3rli&ln, the Bahama Islands ttftd. . . I
. �
�.: Shall bo on the alert. I Call hoa�#'tho Wile Perfectly true . . Lola do Verr" WAS,. Seated In A !'Yes"o !he replied. "WhiLt, touches fault. 9�r words 19tartled hird; he ,Bermuda b&VO replied. These thros, . . . L
.1 stODIthimt Of footsteps, thd g4ghtest 1. #I 40% her is lite I or iictath to ins bo tisained suddenly to remoijuber t,hat We . . .1 . .
! to justice bqforq ;*On And justice be- IoWrodrlog Chair by the Win '4he WASL ..t.a. . have Accepted, . All kinds of ,
. cirtak of A board or Upraising of a VO Heaven are Very 4100"Ont Gertrude Wetittip to hall# toti(hpA . deeply remove �. �,;Ila we"I'LOUt together alone, that It was '' 11. . I , . . " . . � grain Wa . . .
1, window. rtoinclubOr, It YOU make things," he said. "Before Ileaverk with sudden emotion, . memliered 1111�Arij,seen the expreAfflork late, and th4t he was dihtaht - from ,& Oatia AntsivetAG. Cold; r nted and I . . I
tiny dbSperAte* attempt to e.qltape, I .Vou khO%V, Your Own CrIftl6, 1101118- I SAW' him KV -a & quick, ' . r the Mghest * ' .
�, s; L Y and kneeled
�, � 011 of Lord Plelden's eyed in those' of 'r prices
Will 91VO YOU in OUStOd.V for a crilno know tha live that. have been ruined down by hoe Side. ' . starbled glance &,round him. he Seem. Sydney, MS.W*sGAprIIl a. — Vout r I paid
YOU . .01,f_oi�at.mo", ille repeated. "und' 00 then who had loved .her#- but nev- ad to his conside A . members of the erma t:L Antarctic, I ill CASH for any . . .
. , " not IIXd ' *to bear me by your din, and, whtitiVer iffan liflay tell ,lie it I finit, 0 Illy it, til(Ir 0 oyc�g et., alAs, � In tho* I .
VoUld I eyeg. of ths' Mail she L 00K Which w4a the expedition h"o &rrr
hauld." ,a,, a' 'ti � . Shortest path acroso tbe,wood. Vilme . Ived hero froill. . . r I
say, I10A,vea.iit Ic 4t �Ill AOt Mis- The Pale fau,r tivot o. or I or, loved.* quantitv.
1110fol, monaleUrr"" She Said With, JUdg4."' � r L I Is this way, Lola,, he bald, And we left XorgUalon )bkleind#� *hero duringeigh- I
. I prideand haidne4s dying out of it "I hk'V# gornothitig to toll you"" r the long, straight pArth on which wo t,Mn Months this d6t0hod partypur- Call at the 91�vator and ' I I
yo . I
A mocking shills-e'MeM, You Will., The ArAlle I§h6 g0o Abe said-'Ithat Niblell I have " long sued investigatl6ils. The intrabers see us before selling,
I'lo, ory OhargO .00 I ingoleit. L thoAx wall moot as the unhappy woniall Allot the Clear, Vk ,lbleb I ra,voal llow bad b. n wal Ing. an -.0 ill
.� to Prove' ov $0 . ,�lt 91cret, L_ 00 _ d el Seed 0 .
. r, bAng ag4fritt *10;11 . I ""i'dil Will find ,out �Vour lulatAlca,,V. holiMit a gato of the oweet, - ]6vlAg torhor oak -d -only for hero, for Alub 91-011- ' I $41V thht 1 had diatroSsed buffored frow the Severe cold and I . I . ..
I MO *eht up the 40rOW Stalreacao 14ho sald� � ,,X &In queen 6 the p 1. Oyollf. ertrude weht on- . . hint. And My hatred of Dolores. In. PrIVOtiollil. 0110 doctor succumbed . . I
. ,
nicille With thpair of Ali injul'od quech � tiou,', I I 0 � 00 "I -Was a little child Wbtsn r my I# the only 'Wilk *ho has touchad Created. .,Think Of Mb At least, With, 'alid Another', T)r. Wt,rth who Was I . � �
I . my heart for �10
tttt of A Pri6onee'. It waa A plain, ,?%Vill you toll it fathot]01`4 tia, but I feel the, deepest gg lCul'I'S d ars-thim girl who in ft)II:tl#kI"d4A0S0V',1T cried, % is all tho l6ador of the party, 'is not like I.V L "..-I ,, '4-,_ . .
, . ..
I 61tty r I one thing 'at wid most passionate love tor lifill, aughter." Ddloroa, nothluX but DbI00810 X 64 ro0owsro r .
T6()Ju, into Which $b,) �VAA p,qSt?r' A . .
IS Sir Xarl living or dead?" IWIsh that 1COUId romemb .�Ald resumed hor, soat lit the 16W Mulitthink Of ;herfirSt, last and 61. - . . . I
O'Wh- For it few MonlLnts she Asked Lady 111101don. or hitil, *,�" I I
Od Mo 80146 04ged t3grOMN In the - "That to one thing, Lady Field that I had (mme rocollection Of big rtieking-chniP, earefully keoping tl:o Wayff", he 11101d. 'I)otol'68 IS Xyly _L$1140. . .
ddfo Of It, and then hastily ciub'd ti "Ody dear late oil ClOttrude's di,Aa- tilasred lit otl . Vy Tho,. Xows-Rtco �
, �l tiz fixed, of his kissing 010, of sit- I j( -r wo; d$ followed. ' JTbere WAS 6 rd for the I)al- r
o door. . I -ftt I refuse to t4II,11!jjh# ropiled. on his khm it would softehlbi I ber handef. Lo, d Vieldon plated a I toilble crash, a great. cry, and 'his I atloo of 190,11 0111Y 1"ifty Cents- -
r - .L r, . I . 1110iotly. I . I . . I . paill. I c!"not, 'even go to his ,chair for his mOthall, and stood bb- *ao: gohe. r stood in the long grass War% y4ft" 1rs&d)l)I1,Info6t4nt,-,ft0 I .
- , !)Ind It. .
, . I 44d sob but all my 91,161 wid W__ I Alohol rowaor in bott4r than other 6M.) ppow4lers,
I . I ., Ir love 1*aMlA& r4ost U64VIV "'Your eyes and Vo% r voice to his, "11ried to NM And hur,ry on;
. 0 4bi bUt D* Urphut,
I I . . 14"', voilt an ,Lj1aJL "are Ifleft fljoeli 1 h4# hurt VW foot to ilbrl000ly,tb4t. $A it 90 406 st 6 disinfootmC A 4 Lr r
, I r . . L
r . . . I I
. I
L I .
. I I . . .
4 0 1. - r I . - .
, I .AL . I I .�r 111. , r I I I .
� 11, - " . ,
1; I - I �' 'L . I 11, ..... 11111111 ...... . :1 I " .
, 11104fi�a�a_aMA11666"�. 13, � , ,
.��&W'fft_lr.k% ����-L,,—�------.--,�--.--.k�--,��,-.-��''. " r 'r . - . -1 . .1 .1. L..1_.___dJ