HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-04-23, Page 3;•••••••;•:: The Romance of St. Josephl TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS SPENT IN CON- STRUCTINO A HARBOR WHERE NATURE NEVER INTENDED ONE TO BE. TUE-MINTON ITEWS-RECORD 1111113191,11,11,r.itre. ******0004************** Get the Most WHEN KNIGHTHOOD Or, 'rhe Lore Story of Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor, the Ring's Sister, and Happening In the Reign of His August Majesty King Renry the Eighth Laminae "ad endered Into Modern English rpm% Sir Edwin Co.eiteden'a Memoir • From a. stalI correspondent of The gar were sent to lleasall and teamed By [OWN CASKODtN . [CHARLtS MAJOR] . . Toronto News. .1 to St. Joseph. Some days later they , Copyright,1898 and 1902, by the Bowen...Ater:ill Company . St. Joseeh, April 130- Were the were tealned intek and sold at less difi6044446dlittiailitilli4U8SakailtpaA***404+40404 • storv of the city of St. Jimeph, with . than wholesale 'prices. Mr. Becicoeul, . " "'"`"'"•'""."'" 'I'. '""' "r.'"""'' ' '"'"wr'. its mysterious palace hotel, its mythi- who is said to have sunk about48,060 eat factories, its 2,,00,,) elty building, in the scheme, is still 'desperately wait - lots, its glowing but still nebulous ing andwatehing at St. Joseph. IIe !attire, and its Government -built liar- sin wed the News man through the fac-• bur, printed In a magazine of current tory on Saturday. The wine vats and lie Lion, it would be generally consid- 'mineral water apparatus are still ered as a clever and playful bit of there, a little dust Covered but . still lat.ey, well imagined by some .ingen- anworn by nse. . "This is the factory ions liter.try 11Tuneltansea. ]hit as au parlor," he said pointing to a little actual story from real life, happening shisty, lumber -strewn room. "This is in an age when sane business men are the shipping rOOni '; th;s Um ()nice"— both are bare. dad 'unfinished as they not apt to indulge in such • expensiye were two 'or three years ago. . . Quixotic schemes, -and When Govern7 "I hope to start making wine next Incas are not supposel. to.throw away fall. The place looks a little bad now public money in abetting themr, it but. ecnne and• see us- then." would be laughed at by •all seri:41)1e ."But how will you get your grapes here ?"' . men as a pipe -dream. Yet, this mys. "Oh, Nue hope to have a harbor . by terious folly of Iluron county. is no then and will bring .thent in byboat."' pleasant tale of fiction. It is real. And the fact that it. is real furnishes ' , THE PALACE HOTEL. - rich material for Ancients: .of queer ' phases of human aature and of the But the -richest part of the story con - ridiculous in modern Canadian poll- cerns the hotel. It has been building for six years and is' still •. unfinished. About thirty miles down the shore The keeper of the her, o. French -Can - of l,ake Huron front Goderich, and ter adian youthEardockea the doors for the. miles due west front thu town of Ilew writer and sltoWed hint thronghthe so.II there jtits out front a straight. building. It is. 1)6genough for • any . stri p of . unprotected, wave -beaten metrop o I i tan • hotel ... The ,glass in the coast, a forlorn bit: of Crib .work, windows alone cost ' S:Voo° . and - the. some twenty feet long, . Farther .(nit whole- building, unfinished as it is, itt. and a rod ur so to the smith therc. are aid to ha N. e cost over $loo,000. The the remains of another crib,over Jar. and the barber shop are. the. only- wlt'ch the waves 'dash. StreWn• • albsag • turnished rooms' as yet. . Some time the shore for some hundreds of yards ago.. the whole interior furnishings ol , the timbers, •sante of which Were wash the oId Balmoral Tiotel were bought ed from .similar cribs by the. unoPpos- • nid: shipped here, apparently Without ed- onslaught of IItiron'S. white -capped .regard to the cost of freight, or .wite- rollers ' and, others prepared for the ther the' stuff : could be used or - not continuation of the work: PraCtically AS a' matter of fact much.- of it was that is all that is lett fOr• the naked .absolutely useless -broken doors . and CVC to see as the result of a' Govern-. mouldings, odds' and ends of furniture meat expenditure of Sio,000 in a . mad in various states•or.disrepair and not attempt. to build a harbor where ne.t- worth half the coSt of . freight'. A. ure intended no harbor, and where- the '.arge -ticket •oilie.e. sign, stating . that people of auron asked for no harbor railway .and.Ste.,aniship" tickets for Nev and needed none. - ' • 4ng1and- and Efiropeaft points. . conic] THE 'TOWN OF ST. -JOSEPH. he purchased there, is Onc. sample. of the Oil the Mali above the narrow • -strip amazing f011y displayed iiT paying -USe- _of sand forming the . beach, there •lie s less transportation._ The hotel is_llitt; the almost destkried 'and •wonderhilly ed With .a.n electric light Plant aiW ridiculous town, or eity of. St. Joseph. when finished .wOnld probably' have ac - At present the city coMprises • a bare; commodation for tloo guests. The rich . thematter of Mary's sport, I felt there:. unfinished hotel about 'the size' of the lialnioral bar. 'fixtures are installed was. but little if any • denger of 'het . Walker House, Toronto, :a half-dozen -.and' in ari.atljolitinz room 'are set • up having tete 'much of it at his..eipense,-, vacant and partially . vaeaat,: stores, . four barbers' 'chairs' 110(1 the usurit' allik- tures. • ... . i _... ... andOn being. well able to care for. several . city -like residentei4 • a . post office., a building •diguilaul by-them'`But What on nae .' .. • - - - 'himself la that respect. . , • • . . _ .. ...... earth .a.re 'they going • of an organ pipe factOry, a,. small to do•With the piece when a .is finish... _...rp,e. next evening at the appointed franie, hotel, together. with building: ed. ?'' was .asked.'... • • . • . time we wended our Way by an uufre' sites for factories, stores and reSiden- ''We don't know ; . nobody kaows,', .• - quented route and presented ourselves . res ad .libituin. • . . . . . Came the ' solemnyetilv. ''The little , _as secretly as pos, , .. , sible at the drawing.. A News • representatiVe.. .visited this !RAO ucrogs • the way' sometimes .does mini Of the 'princess..., . . , forlorn and ithirost pathetic' •spot O11. not take. itt a dollarsa•dity, ..33ut they. . The door was opened by Lady Jane, Saturday last and 'the talc -that was say ' they •..are 'going sat 'Walt 'this. •,one. . and we met the two girls almost at the. told •hini by residents.. in 'the .vieinitN mil we are .waitifig nOw fOr!them to beggers notch that is tOld.by, mOder-n ::•oine back ..and. start , Wi,rk• again.1.1• • threshold. 'I had bald' Brandon ,of ;the. bantering tonversation •nhoilt the' title . . . romancers. • - . . . cANTIN, Tali .PROMOTUR. • • . . . it ,' . .;. NO. FAIIW ,TALE. ".mtestates of "the late Duke of Suffolk, . . . .. .and he had' 1atiglie4 over it in the best Th•d e esigaer :of this Ontario Castle . . Does the •incredulinis reader imagine of harper. It, tjUlek to retaliate for an in Spain is one Monsieur N,' M. 'Can,, :dial this .. is s;thiething lit e .a lairy Intentional offense,' he Was not thin tin. This . Monsieur .•Cantin, Who is ..i.ale that ..is;- being told . hi nf ? Wait • I. still a comparatively :young'. Man,: :was • Mere is• molt to, come- 'vet, - just .• -as skinned at it 'Piece of .pleasantry, and born of Vrelich-.CaliadiiMS 'parent:, aniaviag and• just as true and: the re- had none of that •stiff, sensitive.digoity ores thereof Jim. Writ in the amnia: so troublesome to oneself and'frieada.' - 'within about a quarter of a Mile , ol• the present city .of St.. joseph.,• then ,f the Department of .PliblicWorks;ol kmiwn, and still . appearing on - the. ..tinade. ' ' - - '' ' ' . Now, Jane and 'Mary were :always • :. .. i. .b. ante.ring Me. beetteee. I. was.-shert andmaps, as .r.ohileon'S .Milla., At - thal• The ramilicaticins '•. of, 'Mr,. Cantin's Iticiine.d to be, in .fact, • roond,-but..I time.' the pilule .eonsisted • of ' 4.1: • post clieme 'are manv. ' A Chieago brie', .did not care. It made them •langh, and . , . office and 'a saw mill:- Both are : atil. .O.tionitetnrcrWas bronght • inth i, iminee.. .eir. . Aa8gliing . was So. contagioUsit there: ..After - lie •• gr.e‘v up ,to youN. ' • 1.• .,.i.i.-11 1 ersuasi ve powers. . II( 'madetue ltingli; WO, _-and...'we .all en - manhood Cantin became' for: a timc. a ropped• 'several .thousande• 'and .ther •joyed it. rwould ,give•a,pound sterilog cattle dealer . on .a small scale and 1156.,it i a disghst, ; .A - half -built .-resident any.time• for 'a good laugh; and that, l- ima did business With a neighbor* • s the ••• monnment he left behind 'Alin! think, well-to-do Scincli. farther named James to!eoratnetifortite his fOolikhness. 'Otite:, : is Why : I Imre. eiWays .been- : roun .ap Rai ists -were. 'approached, invester d. . •• .. '' ': . " ' Campbell. Some -Mine' afterwards•Can small' • amounts in ••• enticing - paper.'So; upon entering, I paid: .'.. . . ., tin moved to larger spheres of' enter prise. Ruiner .•says. he intereSted. cap, ,cheines and were , glad. to get.01. •'grace the, Duke of.'Suffolk; la-. italists in another Pitirt of the:Countr'. good. Six or sevea.yearS ago lie re . dies." : .. •. , . .' .. ••. ' • L' ' ... ,vi thou t i urtiter loss. :Campbel If,. after in. a sclinne. for rualting•, *tent . 'westing, ,the. bulk Of. his :fortune,. var. . . • :They each Made' a 'sweePingcoUrte, the financial returns to: Itimielf Neer, .. :iusIV: :'1.•stittiated • i,i from 5, bo,000 i.o. . _ ... - . ay, 'with. hand on , breast,. and gravely . i• .0(1. ono-, I. rol,e'l down- In'. health ' quid 'iodated him:. , . . .,..... . turned to . his nativa.piace with' c"". '''i,A some- montini 'ego.. A Year or :so "Your grace; good'eVen..". ' siderableTlarger• ideas, of Money .and. .gi..)' a emapany.,wits . formed -by ,Cantin ''Branclop's1 bow ' Was is deep and how it was to be made. ,.Ile Conceive0. .1). carry -Oa the work. -. -'..1,11e- incorpora. graceful, • it ' that were ' possible," as. tbe Mee: of • turning 'Johnson's Mills torA were -: .1,inds de .Gotizaoue Ron; theirs„ and when he Moved On iuto the into a flourishing. •city, with , factories; - Allier, .M. D.-: of Ottawa :Joseph I'. Priallionnire, • Manufacturer, of Ottawa: ' room it . was with- -a :little' halt, in his street. car lines and 'big, .dividenda all, . .Tous•saint Gideim Coursolles, ' trans- steo . and it.• big blowing'out of the . complete. . 'QUALIFICATIONS. LACItINO.. , , • - atpr: of.. the Dominion Parlianient ; cheeks in -ludieroue imitation of .htri: . . .TOSeph T.:.1R.;,I:iiiiirelideau, manufact .r- lataittmented predecessor that sent the • le no qiutlifications fin- 'any sulch..des., • nanufaCtUret,. of -Montreal: ...i., I:. .,Toloc t, girls into peals of soft laughter and put ' Now Johnson's' MillS have apParent .:;r, of Montreal, and tiny. It has Mo. naturat•harbor. of.an V . . - . )anv 'was •incorPOrated under.. the name • ' The. :cm 1- us all our ease immediately. • ' , kind; 'it is/quit :the Centre oif• airy. rich ••if the- St. Joseph .I,and Iniprovement ' Ali, what a thing it is to )ook haek. or populous, agricultural -.diatriet- and 1.iid . Manufacturing :Company. , with a .his heaven in a ready laugh! upon -that time. of .1Ife when one finds . is ten *miles from the mcarest' railway ..'apital stock of 55bo,o60; They .sec- "Be seated, all," said the princess..,• line. But Cantin Was a goOd'• . talker li..cel a Charter to carry on .the. general '"This is to ;be. without • ceremeny and and had unlimited optimism 'in ' pro. business of -.building and ., Operating a only•we tour. No one knows a word ot jecting his scheme. .. He •approachee city: Last stomper ,w6rk on the neW it.. Did you tell any: eine,' Sir EdWIn r Campbell with his project, told him TiMel, stores, etc., width had been in-. "Perish the thought!". I exclaimed. of fortunes to lie .made bv the' building tertmted by- lack of .fonds, _wasvigpr•- say, this hard-headed 01(1 SCotchinan. anedand mime, 01 the .eitv lots wdre She turned her face toward BrandOn: lots, to be sold, • °tr. :And,: strange. to .ously resumed. 'A •..race-traek was pia - "But I know you did not.. I'vebeard • 141 in with thmli e 'schee. lie had .. p d eonlod tin ploughed and. prepared for the. par- how discreet you were .about 'another fideace in Ca.ntin and advanced a few pose. Dr, Ruthier, himselfSpent ,'. thousands. . • veral months in. the place superiiitead- matter. ,Well, no .(i.ae knows it. len,. o, A civil . engineer. and architect Was ., ing operation'. S.' -and we ..ean. have a famous •eyen ng. - Yon 'did not expect this, Man ster- Bra. engagbd.. The city wits. surveyed bac) . . don, after my -reception of you the oth- bending lots,: factories and residences. ' • MUST BUILD A HARBOR- er morning? . Weill you not surprised and a palace hotel was built (on pa- . city. a harbor' was necvasary. This had' 'When Sir•EdWin told yoti?"...t - 11 ••• .. ' But e i. order to have a well-equiPPed per ) and . CVerythilig. was coMpleted but been _foreseen•:by Cantift; . and two years "I think 1 ean safely sny that .was the actual building. A' street car line was eVett pictured mi the plan. with' a, prepared not to he surprised at any car running past the hotel entrance., - ago he. succeeded -in. -getting 'an. appro. tiling your highness Might graciously:. The erection of the hotel and of priation 'of _.$5,000 pat in the Public Conclude' to do -atter my' Best expert-- a factory where hair curhra or similitte. Works estimates' for it wharf c'at St. ence," he answered, smiling. • : luseful orticitswere to 1,e , .TosePlr's harbor.' ' The100110 w e oey. as ex- "Indeed?, returned. Mary, with , ele- v • 'mo.de pouted in getting timbers for the crib. Was begun. 'Things went ahead with a Work •, 'etc, Nothing furtlar . waS done vated eyebrows and a' rising luflectiOn great ' hurry. Newspaper 'write-ups that sunnuer,and last ,year more funds on the last syllable 'of 'the word. It were secured and the public, beenne in. terested. But presently Campbell gt were asked. for to continte the work. Was now her turn for'a little surprise. t restlessand funda• Were itot, fOrthc•nn. ime 'day last summer he appeared at "W.ell.. we'll . try to find some way to - ‘r. Tarte was invited to".the cety, and liensall in his private car. He Was. istirerise you one of theta days." And ing. Straightway - new eakpi i rVst -• :driven Over •to St, Joseph and proper- the time came when .she was fell: of were brought on Ala: scene. by Catitin. dug up from nobody knows where, nurprlses. for . him. Mary continued: blit always. slime, well dressed and Iy; eutertained • over night, •.IIe was "But'let ma not talk . ((bent the otber slim -en tile "harbor." The. needs of day. Of what use are 'other days; any- " in ill ionai res ." Can ipbel l , . w ho had ,!lic new city and 118 Wonderful feturn way? Before the -evening is over, Mae - Already sunk thotsauds in the scheme were ei4tplained to him... He left, and ter Brandon, We want you to give tie was persuadt d ttet the f rats woute shortly afterwards work was begun on eventually be•tin to . appear. fie could the' pier that was. to form the harbor another Sennett." And she laughed, set. ‘s has alreadyabeen explained, there is ting off three* other laughs as 'hearty hat e his morev back, of .convise if he wanted it: IlLt he might as. well stay ilsolutely no aatural protection for and sineere as it ehe had uttered' the in the scheme ;mil Slidre the profits ,e.wies at that point. it is exposm rarest *Midge" en earth. now, So he staved and advanced more , money. Thus ae eq., rogressed by m three. sides to every/ storm that The, princeaS had told Jane end Jane 1 fits and star s. Viirimis . factorieshad.told Me Of. the "Sermon in the blows. One tail see. up. .ilti dowtt the were projected and occasionally thev mast for miles,the • water is :411allow /lark," as Mary called it. . started neerations for a few dliye,. .ik the beach yarrow and ma city to be • "Jahe needs it as much at I," Raid .-erved by the wharf still in the ,cionds. the princess.; hammer factory was planned and ' er.• . eeted. lint the walls of the !Oldie '.'lltere WaS no popular demand for nes "I Can't believe diet," rettponded were, so report has Randy eight inch- wharf ; In, petition has heen circulated Brandon, looking et aane with a Sor- es thick, and before - the throbbing by the the residents of Huron County, tit fact, everv one that the Xews rep - came tip and blew &twit the building. toting glance quite too admiring and machinery wee' put in it strong wine .4entative talked to was emphatic. nt , commendatory to stilt Me, for 1 was a stating that it wharf there would bejealous-ilttle devil, . . .4 WINE, 'FACTORY. , •UraAically useli ss and the numey spent The eyebrows went up again, ' be it might just as well be thrown in "Oh, 011 think she. doesn't? Well, in A Mr. Ileelqueel of Sandwich, (1. wine the lake. • There is not at present even truth,you Standen, there is .0n0 mitueferturer Was iiiilliced to emne to a fishermee's beat at it meet to. use felling thet dannot be lald at your door tte :net:111.min' elty and start the man- a wharf when built. Liberals and Co- --you are no filittOter.'° Por answer ufacture of tribes. inliteral water, vitte- , aservatives alike ell through the Co, Brandon laughed, and that pre no the gars, etc. Ile is there yet, one of the linty scoff at the scheme of it harbor only two men W') have stayed. me there, and none to defend it. I '.2l---'ru it elle, and away we went ln a rippling other itt a Mr. Ilisignette, who 18 How does mot seem to be even the cxcusi. , dome, fill about fiethieg. Some per. making organ Pipes on a small scale, one might expect to MO for such an Sons may tall our laughter foolish. but A factory was erected for Mr. Beef- unealled-for expenditure of public mon- there are others who conshlvi It tbe Currants and a parload of att.. t CO,NTIN rE1) OPAOK ) v. 5height of all wisdom. St Ileorgol I'd oad of ,.. ,,,,1 mul 1,-,c't :nen? VIA itt. A ear. : ttiVe my Garter for Just one other MOO king and queen, to make up for greater like that, for just one other hour of faults, were wonderful sticklers in Nie youth's dancing blood and glowing soul matter of little proprieties, warmth, of sweet, unconseious, happy The ten crown wager, too, gave spice heart beat anti paradise creating joy to it, but to do her justice she eared in everythingl eery little for that. The princess After a few Minutes of gay converse - loved gambling purely for gambling tion, in which we all joined, Alary ask- eake, and with her the next best thing ed: "What shall we do? Will one of to winning was losing, you suggest something?" • When I Went to my roma that night, Jane sat there looking so denture you I awakened Brandon and told hini of would have thought mischief could not the distinguished honor that awaited live within a league of her, but those him. very demure girls are nearly always "Well, be"- 'But he did not say dangerous. She said, oh, so innoceutly: what' he would "be." Re always halt- "I "Would you like to dance? If se, I ed before an oath, 'unless angry, which .will play." And 'she reaebed for her was seldom, but then beware. He lute, which was by her side. had learned to swear in Flanders.. "Yes, that will be delightful. Nies- "How she did fly at me• tbe other ter Brandon, will you deuce with me?" morning! I never was more surprised asked the princess, with a saucy little In all my life, For once I was almost laugh, her invitation meaning so much caught withmy guard, down and did more to three of us than to Brandon. not know how- to parry the thrust. Jane and' 1 joined in the laugh, and mumbled over some sort of a lame when Mary clapped her bands that set retaliation and .beat a retreat. It was Brandon off, toe, for he thought it the so unJUst and uncalled for that it quaintest, prettlestlittle gesture in.the made me angry. But she was so gra- world and was arl -unconscious that our cious in her amends thatI was almost laugh was at his expeps.e. • glad it happened, I -like a wom, an Brandon did not. iteswer Mary's invi, . who can be as savage as the Very tation-the fit of laughter had probably devil when it pleases her. She usually put it out of his mind -so she, evidently has in store an assortment or possilii117 anxious to win or lose her wager at ties for the other extreme." • once, again asked him if be danced: . "She told me or your encounter," "Oh, pardon me! .0f "courser" Thank returned; 'but paid she .had collie off your And he was on lats.:feet beside second best,* and seemed to think .her her chair in an ineteet ready for the overthrow a huge joke," dance.. This time the girl's. laugh, "The man wholearns to ktiow what though equally merry, • had another a woman thinks and feels. will have a tone, for she knew shelled lest. - • great deal of valuable information," he out they stepped upon the polished replied, and 'then turned over for sleep, door, he fielding her hand in his, aWait- greVtly pleased that one woman ing the pause in the' muile to take the. thought as she did. step. :I- shall never: foiget the sight of I Was not sure -he Would be so highly: • those two standing there together - flattered if .he knew that he pad been Mary, dark eyed -and -glowing; ,Brandon, Invited tO settle -a wager:end to help ahnOst rosy, with eyes that held the Mary to. a little sport.'' . color Cf a dark spring sky and a wealth As .to the 'fernier,. I had an 'interest Of. flowing curls:crowning:his six feet there myself, eithotigh 1 dared not set-- of Perfect niailhood, strong and'vigorl. tle .thequestion 'by asking Brandin if ous . as a ylnixig limi. Mary, full of .he played cards and danced,and, as to .beauty..curvei and graces, a veritable "Venus in her.teens, and Brandon, au 'Apollo, with a -touch of 'Hercules, were' a -eomplenient each to the other that Would-strely make it perfeet one. ' • ' When • tli'e iiiusle started, off they went, heel end, toe,.; hew, and courtesy, iCstep forward'- and •a step back, in per - feet time and .rhythM4-a. pOefa of ba- teau -motion. Could Brandon dance? • • The. princess., had her answer in the iirst ten .steps. : Nothing-tould be More graceful than Brantion'el.daneing less it wore' Mary's.' 'Her slightest- ., movement was grace Itself.. When she would thrOw herself backward in thrusting out her toe and. then swing forward with her head alittle to .one side, her eplifted, man undulating .like.. the white neck of a swan --for her sleeve, which .was slit -to •the sboulder, fell .,back• and left it..:1ere---7ahe Was a sigbt worth along jeurney to see. And when 'she looked up to .Brandon with.a laugh in her beciten eyes and :curv ing • smile just parting her full, •red lips that a man weuld give his..very luck to -but, I had better stop. . "Wei there ever a goodher couple?" .1 asked 'Jane, by Whose•side,I sat. ':"Neverrshe responded as sire played,.. , an(l, strange. to say, I was legloia cause -she agreed with me. • I Was jeal- ous because I feared it Brandon's : beauty to .whiell site referred,- .That . thought Would naturally..appeal to her. - Had he been less !landscape 1 should., perhaps hive thought nothing of It, but 1 knew whet myfeelings were to- waid Mary, and I .judged, r. rather misjudged, Jane.' by 'Myself; I: sup- posed she would- think of, •Brandon as. :I coald not . heiti thinking of Mau - Was anything itt heaYee Or earth -ever so beautiful as that, royal.. creature dancing there, daintily holding up her. skirts*with thumb and first finger, just • far enough to show 'a distracting little foot and ankle and make Ono ivish be had. been born a Sheep rather :than it sentient' lien Who had to nye Without Mary TUC*? Yet, strange As it may: seem, I was. really and Wholly in' love with Jane. In fact; 1 loved,no one but :Jane, and by teeling 'of intense admi- ration for Mary was . but it part of Man's composite inconstancy: . • A. woman -.--God bless ly loves a man, has -no thought of any other -,one at a time is all stillicient-• but a •inan may love one Woman With the warmth Of a .sim.00m and at the ,same time feel like a geed, healthy sonth wind toward a .dozen 'others. That is thediffereace between ti man .and fi• woman -the 'difference between the geed and the *bath . 'One aVertige woman ,has enongh goodness In her to supply alt .artny 01 1.0011.' . • • .. Mary and Brandon- went on (lancing long after Jane .was tired of It was 'lain to •see that the, girl was thoroughly enjoying it. They kept .up ft.:running fire of small talk and laugh- ed and battled and bowed and courte- Sled, all in perfect time and grace. - It ia More difficult than yOU May think, if you have • never tried, to keep up a conversation and dailee La Gai- llard at the same titne-one is apt to .bnik the other. Bet Brandon's dancing was as easy to Lamas wanting, and..al. though so Hinall tt matter, f conld See it raised him vastly in the estimation of both girls. ' "I)o you: play tritimph?" I heard Ma- ry ask in the midst of the daneing.- "Oh, Yes," replied Brandon, much to my delight, as the princess .threw a allsehleVetis, knOWIng4;1ance over her Shoulder to see If 1 litul heard. She at Once saw I had, and thio, 'of enurse, settled the wager. . "And," eontimied 'Standen, "I 'also play the new game, honor and miff, which is more interesting than tri- umph." • 4`011, d6 you?" er,ed. Mary. "That More than compensate for the loss Of my 10 crowns. Let 118 alt down at once. I have been wishing to learn, but no one here stems to know it, tn torance, they say, it le the only glum I suppose there IA where you loorned it. Ponape you kneW theft new daneeft too I haVe heard they aro deligbtful." "Yes, 1 know them," rephea Brandon Zou are 14 .perteet treasure! Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A, weak stomach does not di. gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. Itgetsitsirweadateetly, and what it fails to digest Among the signs of a7wealc etomach are uneasiness after eating, Ste of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch.. frig. "I have been tront•led with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything that gave me retie! until Ltook Hood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot Praise this medicine too highly for the good it has done me. I always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without W. A. termer, el1eyU1e, Ont. flood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. ramsomwrimiswernorIvireps,. Teach me at once! How, now, master of the dance? Here is your friend out- dolug you in your own line," "I am glad to hear it," I returned. • "If. Lady aline will kindly play seine lively air written in the time, of 'The Sailor Lass,' I will teach the Lady Ma- ry the new dance," said Brandon. Jane threw one plump tittle knee over the other and struck up "The Sailor Lass." After she had 'adjusted the playing to Brandon's stiggestion he. stepped deliberately in front of AIary. • end, taking her right hand in his left, encircled her waist with -his right arm. The girl was startled at first and drew away. This nettled Brandon a little, and he showed it plainly.. . .thought you wished inc to teach you the new dance," he said, • "I do, bdt-but I did not know it was danced that way," she replied, with a fluttering little laugh, looking up into. his face 'with a -half shY, halt apologet- ic manner and then dropping Iter before his gaze. "Oh, weir" said Brandon,. With a Frenchman's shrug of the, shoulders, and thea tnoVed off as if about to leave the dem . . . • "But is that really. the way you - they dance 'it -with your -their' arm around my -a lady's waist?". • "I should not have dared venture up- on such .a familiarity otherwise," an- . .41. thought.voy, wished Ow to teach you : the .netc (Inpea, • . swered. Brandon, with. a. glimmer Of a smile playing :around, his'line and hid . ing in his eyes. ' - ; .- .• ci . . , Mary• saw' tilts :shadowy' sidle and . - said: :"01, I' fear your modesty will. , cause yeti hurt. I ant beginning to.be-'. ' lieVe• you would dere de •anything• you. wish. ;:-.1. More' than half suspect -you ' are a Very bola Men, notwithatandtng your sinooth, niodest manlier." ' "You do me foul wrong; rassure you. I am the sind of 'modesty; and grieve that you should think ten. bold," Said Srandon,:Witti'nbreadeniug smile. • Mary interrupted. him.. ' "New,' I :do belieep you are laughing at me -at raY prudery, 1 suppose you think it.". •"' -Mary Would rather have been •ealled a -fool than a prude, and Lthiiiii she Was right. Prudery is ico More a •Sign. la virtue, than a wig is of hair. It is'. 'usually mit en -to hide a.bald plaCe... • -."The- princess stood irresoltite for a moment lit evident hesitation and an- hoyattee.' : • • • • . - . : . ' "Yon 'are grieving because. I., think - yen bold, . And yet you stand there laughing. at •me to my face. I think .so more than elrer. now. I know • it.' 01, you makeme angry! 'ben't! I• donot . like persons who ,anger me and 'thefl. laugh at nie."• Tina 'turned. Branden'il ' smile 'into a laugh; which. he could not. h.olel back.. • : Mary's eyes shot fire; and she stamp, ed her foot, eiclitiming; "Sir, thie goes beyond all .boundst I w'ill. ,not tolerate Your. boldness another .' moment." :I thought she was going to dismiss -bin, but -she did not: The tine had come When he or she must be the master. . • It' was.'n battle royal hetWeen -the forces on the fleet, and I enjoyed it and felt that Brandon' would come out all right. • ' • . ' Re said good hureoredly: • "What! Shall you have all the 'laugh in Your. sleeVe at my expense? ',Do you expect to • bring 'me here to win it wager for you Made Op the assumption of my Stupidity and lack 'of social acorn- plishinents` and. then complain when it comes my turn 'to laugh? I think I am the one who eheuld be •offended, but you see I am not.." , . "Caskoden, did you tell hint?" de. Mended Maty, evidently referring to the Wager. ' • ' "He said not a word of it," broke in Drandon, anstvering for inc. "I should have been a dullard indeed not to haye peen 'it myself after What you said about the loss of your 10 crowns, pa let t18 cry quits and begin again.". Alert reluctantly struck her ling. "Very welt, 1 ihn 'willing," she said laughingly; "hut; .as to your 11 b Idness, 1\ I Still Insist upon that, 1 forgi e. you, however, this time." Then, littlf , pole- getically, "After all, it is net salt a grievous charge to make, 1 believe It never yet injured arty man With *bin en. They rather like it, I am afraid, however angry it makes them. Don't they, Jane?' Jane, of course, did not know, so We ell laughed, as usual, upon tho Slightest pretext, and Mnry, that fair bundle of contradictions and quick transitions, stepped boldly UP to Bran. don, with her 'More flying in her cheeks, ready for the first lessen III the new ditaCe. She was a little frightened at ble arin around her waist, for the embrace was new to lier-the first touoh of man -and was abY and coy, though willing, being determined to learn the dance, 'She Vi ,in art pl11:ii 011.1 Soon and gracionSly around the room with illikeignicl itt 1i1tt hiding to the new srituation mole Citti 1 1 y as she IINcaine accustomed to it. This dance was liveleri;•xercise. thant. 1,4 Gaillard and Mary could not talk (TO BE CONTINUED.) April 28rd, 1903 :-,311,warretrar..wwwwwig.10,01 OCDERSCIT. Mr. San011.1 ;Stokes has removed fr:.t his toy,n re4'aictice which he 5O,(4 V) .1. • t3. 114witins, to •• •Pfast Hope" Ills country residence. ' Nervous Oueeu's hotel at present, II. llosSen- Mr. Lebeatt is• in charge of the $T. JOSEPH. . lilt:2;1z having inoled back to Grand Diseases. eiti h,1:1clik)i.e.ti;)1:111,1.is building is fast nearing OURaD EY c Itunyons NOPITO Clire. • Workmen are ausiously waiting for rtsumption t work here. The "City" S been very dull during the past .lirce or four months. ' 'I believe that more than go per cent. of business failures cap be trac- ed to ill-health."--filunyon. . 'Nervous disorders, especially among women, are becoming al.tri.linL;ly preval- ent. In their train are found insomnia, melancholia, neuralgia, epilepsy and in- sanity, 1 feel proud to think that in my Nerve Cure I have supplied a per- fect boon to suffering humanity, and one that will live in the hearts and lives of the people long after 1 am gone. it You are troubled with nervousness, lf you cannot sleep, if you feel irritable, if you feel weak and exhausted, 1 most earn- estly ask you to try my Nerve Cure.- Munyon. MUNYON'S REMEDIES. Munyon's Nerve Cure, 25c a vial. •-•,' Munyon's Dyspepsia cure relieves stomach distress instantly. Price Mc. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of plies. . Price 250, Personal letters audressed to PrOf, • Munyon, Philadelphia, U.S.A., contain- ing details of sickness, •tviii be answer- ed pronmtly and free adVice as to treat- ment will be given. 1513 1611.0130C23144425,019:11 oie ado Try King's' Rome Made Breed' and you will say there is no need of im- porting it. It is just like 'the -real home-made article and we sell it at the same price as the common bread.. A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. A. King. te.******#*4~41 4 1THE ''VICTORIA" •Si 412 • 01e, 4d •"4d 43L 15. oE 410 Will be quite in evidence on a' the streets of Clinton this seas:on. 1,?or artistic workmansbiP, '.style, fit. beauty and &Ira- 2 bility The Victoria. shoe da, has no superior on the American continent. PE% Pre A •stockingful of corn- • fortgoes with every • At: 'pair. The "Victoria",is tri duetiOri .of• fly( fore 4 -1.1,nion Factory 'in Canada, and will .be worn by the 4,) • MOst Canadian ladies.. • . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ..VICTORIA• BLOCK; CLINTON.. *************************A****-4**-tt-to ARE ,,..-'FENCING. *sm., nartv..nwaam:• • All wire fences are not alike. Every horizontal wire in all Page Fences is a Doub!e Strength High Carbon .Soring .Steell. Wire and more than twice as strong:as common *ire °tithe b, t same size, so that another fence" Might Weigh more than : 4 twice as much . as the PAGE and. still not be as strong.. * 41 " s. 4 PRICES VERY LOW THIS SEASON. 4 :11.t ....---....--....—.., t. Z 1 The Page Wire Fence' Co . . 11STAXAXEln-srix,.Lo , W. G. SPENCE, Local Agent, Clinton. ite I will 1.0 at Clarendon Hotel Saturdays. 4 ' (6454-444444-44444f+V#41#44-4044W004#4-44V444-4444-441*-44-4 9.. inited. t •••••••••••••••••••••••••440.4.4.44444***4****,••• 44.• t40 0 Why Work for Others? : iNow is your 'opportunity to And a place where yon can * ' : 13•E INDEPENDENT : ,,, I The: Great tiortherii Railway i _.........._...______:________ _ I Every Day until April 30, 003, , or•PeRs urrRemetit 0 Low izz,..A.trims 41. f To points in North Dakota Montana, Idaho, Washington $ 9. i and Oregon. Every ticket agent knows. Ask him. $ Or write, to ; t P. L Whitney, „ Chas. W. Grave.% ; 6 king St. W., Toronto, District toreight and Pass, Agent. St. Ptarontiri.. 141." aen. Pass. end Tkt, AO. : 4,44444.***************444.•44.444 i