HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-04-16, Page 5April i6th, 1908
is the best shoe
in America for
,men or Women,
MOOS- Tapp :fipi
$.3.00 to:$5.00
rp °cure:
• Can
bora from
luthe best Shoe Polish S
l,3e ware of imitations 11
I which .are named to • 1
N sound like Shinola.•N
0• ;( •0
L Shinola .is the only .14
A The Original. A
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes
Fred. T. Jackson.
for 1903. As this car-
load has been. shipped '*
WE have just unloaded
ar.-'1F1oacl. of Sugar
directly fF0M .Reclpagi's
refinery, we are -enabled.
to. sell it as usual at
•the 'wholesale. price...
W'As. we have on hand a
carload of POTATOES
as well as a •carload of
Sugar, we . are putting
both in the market at
very small profits.
W. T. O'Neil
experieneed general aervant for
9fluelf,, fahlf13') wage.* ten dollare per
mosttn. Reletrences required. Apply
after 6 o'clock to
' Rattenhury $t.
444 >4444
The undersigned *Was foe *ale 2
firet-class, Shorthorn Bells, hour 14
to x7 months oldi red. lit',Folor and
the very best of breeding. .
Elmhurst Farm.
Stelae)", OM tulle south of the G. T.
R. station, Clinton.
The undersigned Offers for sale north
part of lot 36 on the 16th on of
Goderieh township, containing eci acres.
Good frame house, barn with stone
stable. Good orchard with all kinds
of fruit. X mile from corporation •of
Clinton, X. tulle from school. Apply
Holinesville P.O.
April i4th.
The undersigned will have a load of
calves for eale at Wilson's hotel,
Brucefieldi on Fridax, •Apyil '24th.
April .14th. ' Kippen,
The undersigned 'offers for -sale fly
shuttle Carpet 1,00ne in good state of
repair. 'Will -sell for 3o per cent. of
he value. Also 1 light democrat
wagon, Will be Sold cheap. •,
GEoRGu ParrS.
• ROOT, -3 SALE.
The undersigned offers for sale a
couple of hundred bushels of first-
class turnips. Price,, five' cents per
•. 4th Con. Stanley Tp.
.. • . • •
Rooms to let over our stores. Tart
of thent suitable for a dwelling. Ap-
ply to
• Clinton, April .7th. ' •
The undeesigned offers hishardWare
•'business for sale in the viltage Of
•• R. ROUATT, 13ayfie1d.
Note re*.
.The undersigned , oilers for isle that
choice 150 • acre farm on the Huron
Itad Teckersinithe one mile gest of
Clinton. New frame.bcitist with sum -
Met kitchen, first illisss bet* barn,
drive shed, hen housi;" -pig pen,'
two wells, . windmill, and small or-
ihard. 'The 'Barfield elver eing across
back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats,
the finest Of tetaiii land. This. is a
splendid farm, well situated', and
Will be sold on easy terinth •
'June 9th.
- A ctuantity of hardwood plank for
' See 'cheap. Suitable for barn •or
Stable floors, culverts, etc.
Re• te 3 11.ANS1'ORD, •
Nott, 4th. •
kvAris WANT1.11). •
••Servant wantecle
Nurse girl also
ges Will bpaiA„
Apply at once to
wanted.. Good we-
. • , •
The'7-roomez1 house on Walker St.,.
south • of the railway track, lately
ocenpied by Mr, /tunes 'Xiivermort, is
°tiered Ler sale or to rent: Garden
with all kinds of fruits. Abundanee
ot hard and soft water. Apply to
A• pril 4th. . • • '
• .
- ilotss kuxv„
• - Good comfottable house to rent,
• `Apply t� the iiinlersigned,
• Clinton, March dsth.
Via Chicago, "Milwaukee and St.
Paul and Dation Pacific Hite,
'February Mth to April 3Otlf, 1902.
Only $35 Chicago to San Francisco
Js Angeles and many other Califor-
ittelmints. One -Way, second class,
Colonist tickets',
Will be glad to send you additional
A. J. TAI/1401,
Cf!knadian Preight and Painivr Agent,
0 Clng St, El4it1 Toronto, Opt.
The undersigned offers for sale a
ix storey. cottage with five bedroom9.
large dining room, parlor, etc. Situ-
ated on WiL1iaai street, convenient to
the Collegiate Institute. For further'
particulars apply to James Scott,"
barrister. •
Clinton, Sens 2ard.
The Undersigned offers for sale a .4
storey frame house on Victeria street
south of the railway•track. Small or-
chard,good well, stable, etc.
Also small franbe house on James
street,' near the knitting factory, X -
>acre of land, gm:el-well, ete..
• Will be sold oa ca.ay terms.
Clinton, Sanitary 6th.
The undersigned offers his cottage QM
king street for sale. There is hard
and -soft .water, a good stable, etee'
„leppe.y at the house.
TIE No grocer
• Out former esteetnexl citizen and
postmaster, Mr. J. T. •cairitS, bee
rented a store and dwelling in Exeter
and will open up in a few •day* With
a full line of general dry goodo, gro-
ceries, etc. Mt. Cairns was in this
mercantile business in ICirkton and
gave up business there on the nit of
We must congratulate Master Wil-
bert Pronee on being one of the eue-
cessful competitors in the main corn.
petition in the oat elase of the, •Mac,
donald Seed -Grain Coltipetition for
Ontario, receiving on eftel /oat a
cheque for ltio, being the fifth prize.
This was a three year competition
which begun in 1900 and ended in 1902.
lie hex won in alt during the 'com-
petition $65, This is pretty good for
Goderich township boy.
In 1889 P. T. 13aruuni, the great
showman, journeye,d to the Pacific
Coast to visit a relative. Olb his way
back east ,he stopped as Kansas City
to see the great Barnum & Bailey
show that was then exhibiting in that
city. The then press agent of Barnum
84 'Dailey show,' Bert Davis, introduced
to, Mr. Barnum the editors of the
localdailies of the former'e hotel. In
the course of the conversation which
naturally followed, Mr. Barnum said
"Gentlemen, Mr. Bailey tells me that
iny presence at the Barnum & -Bailey
circus is worth $5 coo a day to • the
show. If this is true, it is my name
that is so valuable. It is known in
every town, city and hamlet; it has
become a .household word through the
country. Now, gentlemen, all of this
was done by newspapers, and if adver-
tising can make a man worth 55,000
day, what is it that advertising can't
do. ••
The Blyth baseball , club has beee
re-orgattized with the following as
officers : •e_ •
• President, Mr. A.. E. Bradwin
Vice-president, Mr. Wm. Mason
Sec.-Treas., ear. W. N, IVIacclonald .
Manager, Mr. Albert Robinson
Captain, Mr. Jghti Stewart •
Exec. Committee, eillessre. P. H.1)011-:
glas, John E. Moore and H. L.
Haines. '
There, it at present. in Blyth the
Material tor the make-up of a first -
cruse ball team; We understand that
negotiations are already under way
for the formation of a Huron county
league, to. comprise Goderieh, Penton,
Winghein, Brussels arid 13lyth. '
A meeting to reorganize -the Blyth
rifle .cluli electedthe following ollicers
for 1903 :
Hon. President, Mr. S. MeMurchie
President, Mr.. It. McCinninins ,
Captain, Mr. J. It. ,Tierney .
Lieuteeent, .1.1r. S, 11. Gidley
Sece-TreaseMr. P: Douglaii
Managing Ccittenittee, Messrs.. C.Fra-
ser, •13. Gerry, A. Sims, N.
.' Tay' ior and D. .Stalker. •
Mr. T. W. Scott hae tenderest his
resignation as village 'clerk owing to
Itis appointment as local agent ortlie•
Bank of ilemitton. Mr. N. H. Young
succeeds to the clerkship. • •
Harry Cauteloit
• tate of the Olarendon, antlotilICOS that
he hag bought the gtocery carried on
by Mr. G.J Steteart and will condone
the hosinees.
A ehare of your pattoungs is re,
`speaftilly tolielted.
• .• .
..111.&RE,IAGES, "
church; Mitchell, on. April isth,
by Rev. Mr. Howard, Laptain 11.
B. Contbe of e Clinton to Miss
. Julia Isabel Dtinsinore of Mitchell.
pitIMOLDBY—R.ATH--At. the residen-
ce of the liride'S. Me:6,er in East
Witwanosh On April .isth, Ida E.
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Rath,. to
John W. Grintolclby.: - • ..
Toroeto, on April 2nd, eSanutel
. Parlianient, to eetiss Rachel, second
daughter of Mr. -.Win. (,:uneingheen
.•of Clandeboye:
MCDOTIGALL—YUILL—At the reeiden-
. ce',of the bride's mother, on April
8th, by Rev. John Ross, Mr, Peter
McDougall t Mies •Maggie J.
Yarn, both of Grey. • , "
hchne Of the bride' "Elnidele," El -
ma,' on April 81.1"4 by Rev. C.
13ristol, Mr. Will. J. Goodwin of
. Brusse,s to Miss Florence • Porter-
field: •
McC11141,01101,1:-.,-,CROWSTON—At. the
residence' of the oiliciating clergy-
man, Rev. A. MaeKay, Luck:low,.
on April .7th; Mt.James Henry-
3.1cCullough, Kincardine township,
to Charlotte Sophia, third daugh-
ter of Mr: James Crowston, •Kin-
April 4th, to Mr ad Mrs.. ,aolin
Taylor, formerly of Clinton, of
WALSII—In London, on March 29th,
•••the wife of Mr. W, C: Walsh (nee
Mary McElroy of Myth) of a
daughter. •,
SPROA'1`—•In Tuekersinith, on April 2,
• the wife of Mr. Wirt. Sproat of a
son, . •,
IIIINTER-In Hallett on April x4th,
Mrs, Danjatuin •Hunter, aged 83
iICYLE—In Hay township on April
rept, William Kyle; oh e of , the
pioneers of South Huron. •
Mt.TNIZOlteeIn Searorthe on April 7th,
Mary Arnt Gannon, wife of tIr`
James Munroe,- aged cle years and
11 inoht he.
HAWTHORNE—In Ugmondville, on
• April 6th John Hawthorne, son
life•liery f and Robert Hawthorne,
aged 20 years, 9 months and 6
Kihloss; on April end,
John A. McLeod, aged 87 years, 9
ttionths and 15 days.
McLeod—In Kitilose, on April and,
jahet McLeod,. aged 86 years.
Seeforth, on April 8t1t,
Agnes Beryl, infant daughter of
W. A. and Aire. Crich, aged x year
7 months and et days.
SACKLIN—In Hoteicle, 011 April 2nd,
Mildred /attain, aged 43 years,
SANDERS—In Traverse City, Mich.,
on March, 25th, George Sanders,
formerly of Britestle, aged 76
IViARTIN—ili Ueda., on April etatl,
Alice Levele, relict of the late
lVfartflt, aged 78 years, 2 tnotttltS,
26 d
MELLY—In Detroit, on April mid,
Master Raymond Kelly of•Goderich
aged 12 years.
DRUMIVIOND—Itt Wingitam on April
7th, Mrs. 'Wen. R. Druffltinond, for-
inerly of Myth, aged *4 years and
8 inoflthi9.
WILLOWS•eItt To11et, Illittoie, ott Ap-
ril' 4th, Mr. W. X: Willows, son of
Mr. Philip Willows of Myth, aged
00 rare ati4 u month0.
gOr. IrICLX10,
Mr. C. A. Tebbutt spent his Easter
holiday* at home near Summerhill.
La Grippe is prevalent in this neigh.
borltood at present.
Mr. Chas. Cook, brother-in-law of
Thos. Joynt, and family have moved
into Mr, Joynt's house. Ito intends to
drive One 91 Ms teams on the road in
the ash business.
Mist/ Sara Sm,ith, who has been on
the sick list for the past twp or three
weeks, is, we are glad to Kay, improv -
big nicely.
Miss Mina Rutherford and Robert
Miller are home from. Ooderich for
their Easter vacation.
Mr. Charlie Miller is home from
Londonin a visit. .
We have to record the death of en -
other respected townsman, Mr, Robt,
Aikens, at the age of 67 years, About
two weeks ago demand was Working
at the waterworks dam and caught a
severe cold. This .developed into
pneumonia, and after a few days ol
severe angering he passed away on
Saturday. Mr, Aikens came to On -
toxic, from Nova Scotia about 49
years ago and settled in Wa,wanosli,
where be resided for twenty years.
About 29 years ago he removed to
Winglieln. After thirty-five years of
married life, Mrs. Aikens is now left
1.9 continue life s journey alone.
There were nine of a family, two are
dead, four sons and three daughters
remain. The sons are John, Mark,
Reiliert and William ; the daughters,
,Mrs. Pryor and Mrs. Dyer of Windsor
and Mrs. N. Haines of Owen Sound,
• the three daughters with their hese
bands, also Mrs. M. Buchannatt of
dresses and daughters, with many
other friends, were present at the
funeral. Deceased was an adherent of
the Methodist church.
Otte byone the aged residents- Of
this locality are leaving for their long
hone. On Tuesda.y of last week ltirs.
P. Deans passed away. Deceased Was
horn in Scotland in the year 1821,
and hence was in her 82nd • year. Her
maiden name was Agnes A. Ellbeit:
She came to iiIenheim township; On-
tario, in 1856, and the following year
they moved to the farm in Turnberry
on which slte"resided till lefr death.
Her husband preceded her to the spirit
land nearly three years ago. Deems -
ed was a member of the Presbyterian
church and enjoyed the esteem of a
large circle of friends. She. leaves five
sons and one daughter.. r.b:e sons are
Peter and Thomas of Wiegbann Henry
of Nebraska'James of St, Paul and
William on the homestead.: The dau-
ghter iw: Mrs. J. W. Vantettax of
Goderich. • . • •
There are several hoints in this lo-
cality this week • where there is sad -
nese and grief because of the loss of
toyed ones. On Tuesday death visited
the home of Mr. Win. Drumtnand and
there, is now e vacant' chair. . For
several wont] s Mrs. Drummond s
health had been failingon account
of the inroads of consumption: upon
her constitution and on litesda.y . her
sufferings ended. She was 2.5 years Of
age•and leaves one chile, only a few
inontlis old. Mr. Druniumed has the
Sympathy of the coinniunit3e It is
perhaps less than two years since he
led to the altar, Mies ,Eve Wade, .as
his fair bride and now his home • is
left lonely arid sad. • • •
Wan. Wray is spending a few days
in London.
Miss Flora li'lett is dreeesnaking in
the village. . ' • .. . :.
John Stewart cif Blyth -spent Sunday
at. hie home here., .
Sohn Ferguson has engaged Andrew
Platt for the summer. „
Albert Bates has engaged with. Geo.
Daly again for this season.
' 'Ed. McLean of TorontO is spending,
his holidays With his parents.
Maple sugar and syrup making was
a 'failure, there being no run of sap.
; Wm. .Bengotigle who has been eery
ill all winter, Is somewhat improving.•
• Sunshine Methodistsare putting . up
a large closed -in 'shed at the church
thii. stinnuet'
s ,.. ,: . . ..
MO, Bruce,Sr., who underwent an
operation .for cancer, is able to be
about again.
, Rev. , Mr. end ',Mrs, Brown • are
spending their holidaye at the latter's
parents iii Sonibra.• ,
A. Proctor,. Sr., 10 on the sick list
this week. • ' '
The fall wheat is leaking well and
there is every prospect for ,as good a
crop as last year, •
Mr. Emerson Littlefair has sold his
faxen, lot 6,.. don. 6, Morris ;to Geo-
Armetrong of Morris.
Bryans Bros. have bought a ' fine
bunch of cattle at 4 cents per lb: to
put on their ,grass farni.
Mr. G ddes has finished sawing his
Stock of logs in the mill pond. The'
stock was light 1a3t winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason of Grey town-
ship were the guests of Wm. Hopper,
3rd line, 'Morrie; last Sunday.
The managers of the Presbyterian
church are patting up a woodshed in
eonnection with 'their manse,
Miss Annie IVIcCalltini. is . spending
her Eas er holidays with her sister,
Mrs. E. Vincent of Springfield.
Mrs. Thos. Anderson, who ltas been
on the ick list' for spine time, is re-
covering slowly, which•we are glad
to state.
Friends of Mr. Walter Scott, East
Wawanosli, will be glad to learn that
he is getting around again after his
recent sickness.
Mr. MeQueig of Lucknow has several
thousand feet of . rock elm lying at
Belgrave station, the pries paid. being,
$18 per moo' feet, e.el
Mr. and Mrs. Ilaricex .ot:Altpjtsa.lonl
have returned to ' theire eliihnee biter
spending „ti' couple. of e Weeks among
' fri6iida,4i:pile Vici»ity.'
Mrs. Ea: SiFkiitler will be teerting
for her home in a. few days iri. New
Ontario,enorth of Lake Temiseu.rning.
We, Wish hera pleasant trip.
Mr. Ed, Wightectan and hie daughter
Bertha are -quite isidisposed at, peeilent.
but We hope to Set them ..arotind -i-h
their usual health. fowl.
John..WatSed, the Morris asseSsior,
haS giVen the people of Oelgrave a
friendly -tall, Mt. Watson it on.e of
the oldest °Inters: in the townshqS.
Mr. Brute of the Queen's hotel has
rnoved'to his farm hi Ittillett and Mr.
Strotton of Bruasels has taken posses-
sion of the hotel. .The price paid is
$4,250. .
...........................eses.......seeete-eiee, ' ,'.
4. 1.•1.441”1.4.4-301-144.441+101-1..4:1:4
Recently we •Ifad a, pleasant sur- ,
prise in seeing some beautiful penCil Station Master Straiton has: every
drawings framed, the work of Air. I health. lie wa$
AppgaraIWO Of restoration to perfect
wonderfully well on
George Stewart. Hanging beside them ; Saturday when we called. For four
was u. beautiful eil painting of Rev. hours he was kept under Chloroform at
Dr. Ure, done some time ago by an • the General hospital, Montreal, the
artist friend of 1VIr. 'Stewart. The operation being so fraught with oil flan-
uetgri; Tothein-itdfl'irs'11 ger. An abscess had fom
red upon
M. his kidney and his case was considered
a very grave one by the fe.culty. Alm
Au.s, Archie Halliday, who spent seat of disease being removed we have
„,,. every surety of Mr. Straiton's restor-
rareentsreAsr. iluenred Althrcs: gwile.storeQeRn, ilia' atien to health. Tie was considerabIN
latigued with his journey. froni 'non -
Fol arr. Yrt sh. illjaokasoettpah. her :sOonine, at Whea,tlanct,
has haa I Stratton rested a few days. at the
treal to Timonte and he and Mrs.
residence painted. white with tritn-enl'er- lrvierss4.11.-lvetanaryt.11.4i'rtheyfriteriedirstpritrc'eeire(al
ings Of green. The windows are black. to Hagarsville resting at the home of
Mr, Arthur Yule is branching. out their son, Station Master John Strai,
into the poultry shipping bustness. ton.
\III,: wish
hitiumiltsuq4ietses aandlawrgee thheitnilikeryit speeeurts,,Ea3'sotricartire llitteislIterot.eivirrsS,ealforwth.
will be of more pecuniary benefit to smith. Dirs. miner sat in her old
ben than his trip to South Africa seat at the morning and evening Scr-
vices' at St. George's on Easter Sun -
Councillor Murney has built a large day.
poultry house upon his Britannta. Dr. Clarke has had his residence
Road premIses. en wly shingled.
Mr. John Bedford has recovered Sid- Consul and Mrs. Shirley left for a'
liciently after his atteck of paralysis
blisittess trip to Kincardine. On Easter
as to leave to takej his post, as first
MWebster took a r
Vert Huron to Duluth. Mrs, Bedlore
lying onday. . •
Clinton by train ett Easter Monday.
mate on the steamer Wyoming
et Port }Limn. Her reute is froln Miss 'im down to
spent the Easter season with her date- Mise, Olive Smith is spending this
sitter, Mrs. Will, Green of Detroit. week at Seaforth, having accompanied
May wedding. The contracting- parties
it IpvtiltiterhayidnoilitsntigehioatpdYie,a,s.uwrleiclofis
are well known to the public, especial -
We learn that we are to have
nia cerfuryg son of mr,
son, • tloderich, Mr. john Henry Wat-
deuce of his Tether, Mr, James Wat-
cilia MDI:sied3—'0111iiiiElearstt: 1S!etrinidiamy"at the:, rest -
son, druggia jta,rnBeistitNavlootesoNn., Y., second
Mrs Schoenhals of Port Albert oit . On Easter Sunday a, in at Vie -
Wednesday. She said the tenders for toria street .church Rev. Mr, Robinson
their new mill had not yet been decid- preached on the Resurrection -taking
edw'lleP"sa.' his text fronx Philippians 3rd chapter,
W ,six leads. of lumber on loth verse, "That I may know Him
Hamilton' street on Wednesday of last and, the power of His resurrection."
week. , Naturally curious we asked In the evening the Yones sisters of
their destination and were informed Kincardine sang e beautiful solo be -
that the luenber was for the St. Au- fore the seratott and "Tolling Bells,"
gustine and Kingsbridge churches. • at :the offertory, with guitar accorn-
Mr. Smeath and Mrs. •Costie have paniment.
both taken down their, fences from Captain Craigie and Engineer Frank
the front of their buildings. Colvert of Toberinoray are here ass
Mr. Burrows, grain dealer, spent sieting in the .fitting up of the tug
the Easter holidays :with a cousin in Quene, .
London Whom he had not met for . The funeral' of the late Mary Bent -
forty years. -, . ing; beloved wife' of .3"9101 Wallis, and
Mrs. David Caseady of • Ayr and two neice of the late ' Col. Benting of
daughters are • spending this week ill Cookstown . took Place last week. • •The
town guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burr- late Mrs. Wallis came to Canada at.
ows, pareuts of the former. • the early age of x x years with her
Mr, .Tolin Walker and daughter, Miss parents from 'Bailelim Vann, Queens
Walker, holidayed at Eastertide at county, Ireland, and • was the youngest
13russefs, guestr Of 13,artister and Mrs. child and last survivor of the twelve
Blair. childeen borti th her parents. .• MO.
Mr. Switzer is busy making an ex- Wallis was very much esteemed by
cavatikpil. on Nelson street on. the site her friends for her Christian and gen-
for. one of the brick buildings he erous spirit and a regular attendant.
tends erecting this- season. He cou- at her church . Nortlesteeet Metho-
templa.tes-butlding two houses an Nel-•, dist. Mr. and Mts. Wallis •Wecompani-
son street, ` • ed by their son and daughter eaniP 10
Applia are plentata this Easter sea- Coderich about two years ago, having.
son. One . will see' scholars eating an retired from their ferm on the Bay -
apple 011 the street very often altliou- held Road but Mrs. Wallis loved. 'the
gbmersra. ugHesaireischsepeepndainngd
It is about 46 years since her mei--
plcutiful.earth on which she had 'lived go long.
It town the guest of her inother, Mrs.• riage to ?Jr. Wallis which happy event
Rusk, .and Sister, Mrs. Swartz of the took place at the Clinton parsonage,
liuron .Ilouse. • • of nearly half a century .ago, the cler-
Mrs; Tam. King, daughter and little, eynian who officia.ted at ;that tinie
,son legersoll are .the guests cm.
efre. Kings brother, Mr. Scrimgeour... brother-in-law of the bride. Her par-
eg R v. 'Alexpitder .Campbell,
We acknevele'dge the . receiptof the ents settled in Simeoe and at the time
following, announcement from ,Chica- of her marriage she was a gyest at
the parsonage. • • Mr. John Wallis, -
Mrs. Ca.tharine Herr requests the . henband of the deceased lady, ••• and
honor of your presence at the . their two Plots Messrs.. 'I'. R. of the
• marriage of . her daughter . Bayfield.Roed, • Charles of town and
Emma daughter Susan. J. survive her. , The
' •
casket was covered, with lovely flow -
Mr. Willi:tut Thomas Smith ers, a large beautiful pillow -of roses,
Wednesday evening, the 22nd • .of
o ler cm) ems, tributes from
•• dred and three at 8 o'clock. • loving friends. Rev. Mr.' Shaw of
-333 East Thirty Fourth, St. • Benntiller, former pastor of " the late'
Chicago.. 'Mrs. Wallis when on the Bayfield
Mr. Smith leas the best wishes of Roa.d farm, conducted the funeral at
out citizens on his approaching' mar- house and Maitland cemetery. The
riaga to ,a young lady of Chicago who pallbea.rers were Messrs. W. R. Rob -
has many frietals.in Goderich. ertson, R. W. McIeenzie Edward'
Mrs Datt Melver left for • Toronto Acheson Joseph Whitely, Jacob Stok-
on Good Friday to sec the city in es, all of town, and Mr. Sohn Cox of
its Easter glory.
Liasurabotreyditepthtecetterstexat hill:
i Mr: Petty Tye, who has been, visit-
ing at naysville, was accompanied by
Miss Bessie Tye, sister of Mr. W. D.
, Tye and Messrs. Clinton and Fred:
1 Walker, all of Ilaysville. They a.rn
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D,
on Easter Monday to join Mr. C.
erlqabrba. aCthazrolsie ACurgaebiobs.and family left
Principal llgert is in Toronto.
• The INews,aecord •correspondent
thanks Mrs. W. D. Tye for a lovely
boquet of lovely large daffodil* for
t Easter,uQrelr oGoodot no
Fridayiiozevectorgchin with:, lelsc:
• McGillicuddy of • Toronto gave" his
popular lecture "Homely People" -un-
der tbe auspices of the C. E. society
of Knox church, who with their frie
ends attended in goodly numbers. We
felt quite proft4 of pur old friend the
lecturer who with tactful feet com-
bines wit, humor, pathos and, cite,
quence. His subject 'Homely People')
is for the tasses, dealing with the
home life of thein all, Home he said.
was "God's first appointed • institu-
tion" and for the people in the homes
he said "God must love the common
people, He made so many of them."
Before the lecture Misses •Murray and
Dyke rendered beautifully an .instru-
mental duet, "Silvery Echoes," and
a. quartett was beautifully rendered by.
Messrs. Fleming, Thompson, Stodd-
are mid Leith. Miss Campaign . pre-
sided at the piano.
Mr. James Hoggarth has piirchase4
the residence on Toronto street owned
by Mr. John Fnumerton of Clinton.
Mr. Jarvis, who carried on the
Seaford brewery. • some years ago,
died recentle at the Rat Portage hos-
pital. • He was also a great fruit
grower and fancier. Mrs. Jarvis was •
a member of Knox .church choir.
$i50 has been subscribed here • by
some of our generous eitizene to help
Mr. • Schoenhals along in re -building
his &me mill to replace the one de-
stroyed by fire some weeks ago4
Easter • lilies, carnations and other
Ajiril, one thousand nine hUn- •• o • yerstfiroln falnilY tributes
- Captain William '1VIeLean of Detroit
before -the opelIing of navigation paid
his father, Mr., 2,lalcohmn alcL.eim,
visit.' The old gentleman; was at the
height of his enjoyment whena tele-
gram canto for Captain McLean to
Join hie steamer," the Sohn M. Nichol,
at Buffalo. *
There' Was grtat whistling at the
harbor On Tuesday when the tugs,
Sea Xing and Evelyn)caaneein witItea
.1,300 pound.. heal of trout
Captain Dan • Wiggins is getting his
:new craft, the "Foam," all ready for
Lake Ontario. • We told Captain Dan.
that he was shrewd. His craft wore
the colors of both sides of .the lakes.
Mrs. Ben.. Solis of the Saults
House ..spent her Easter holidays at
Toronto: Her ticket was. the first
bought at the new Statien.
The whitefoie in Nean's window
among the Easter chicks' and deckle
with .a cluek' in its etiouth,was seut
from the. Yukon to Mr. and Mrs.
Sillibs and was sent by Mr. Sillites
to a Stratford taxidermist. • .:Mr.
who is' now 'peospecting
at Nome; shot the fox hiniself..;,11d.
also sent a seutrettir Cant* madei, of
deer skin with three figures seated One
behind the other, each upona seat,
with plumes in their head :dress. -The
figures are made of, wood With painted
facts. Little oars are by the l side of
CODER/C/1. , '
Alderman and Mrs. Humber left on
Easter Monday to visit their daugh-
ter, Mrs, .Cassels at Stratford.
Mr. Stevch 01 lientniller has per -
chased the residence on Raglan street
lately owned and octupied by Mr. end
'. .Tamcs Hnggartli.
We congratulate Mr. Field of :the
Collegiate Institute staff upon his
purchase or the residence- of the late
Crown Attorney Lewis.
Ernest Rothwell of riionto • spent
his Baster vacation, withhis sister,
Maybird1 at their grandmother's, Mrs,
T. B. VanEVery,
Mrs: Armour and leively little dau-
•ghters came up early last week front
their home • at Woodstock to •spend
Easter with her .mother, Mrs. Walton.
MX. Armour arrived on Thutsday lasL
to spend .aesterpae with them all
Mrs, SiniPsOn cattle down' lest week
front her honwein 'Carton to eau her
husband who is engineer of the new
tug Manitou and left first trip of *the
• J.'. W. Smith of the Haat street bak-
ery made and sold eryo &Zen hot cross
bulls for Good'.Friday, !more tkan up-
on any preceding. year.
Mr. Tont. Criffili has taken a lucre..
• Ott position at Chatharn. -.,•
Mr. D. fl, Grtint is with .tis time
again. tfs, convalescence is almost
• miraculous,
• Mrs. Donald MeDonald Of Calumet,
Mich., is the guest this Plaster week
of Mt'and Mrs. R. Campbell.
Mr. jamas Carol of Loudon spent
his Easter vacation with hie aunt,
Mrs. Z. Hardy,
'Barrister 1Jays has purchased dm
•resideitce of the late Donald Strachan.
Ms, Robert Orr has sold his Mucks
•street residence to •N. Dietrich. The
Dietrich family are to be cengratulat.
ed oh their -success•
noWi eaft,I:ad a heantiful trout presented
us for Good Priday by Mrs. (Captain)
Ctaigie which we enjoysta very
Porter's Hill. The funeral was very
large, litany carriages coming • from
Hayfield and surroitnding country. The
• late Mrs. ,Wallis had only been ill for
about ten days, pneumonia setting in.
All winter she seemed to enjoy her
usual good health. .
Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohn of .Detroit
are guests at the British xchange.
Mrs. Glasgow left. on Wednesday for
her home at. Roanoke, West Virginia,
At the last meeting of the Woodmeii
of the World the election of officers
was held with the following result :
C. C., .7. J. McMath ; A. L., W. W.
MacVicar • Banker, John. Staunton ;
Clerk, A. ID, IVIcLean ; Escort, Lorne
C. Todd ; Watchman, William Nevins ;
Sentry, I). 14. McLeod ; Managers, W.
IV: MapVicar, Robert Elliott ; Dele-
gate to Grand Camp,' J. J. 1VIelVlath
and W. W. 1V1aeVicar as alternate. -
The iestallation will take place on
May -1st, .• •
St. George's church was quietly de- .
eorated this Eastertide with myrtle •
and ,the lovely daffodils with a large •
epreading- palm. in the font and car-
neaasttioernns ciannid (;tfoltihaegeripiolairntisofts.t
Psalms, `1Magnilicat'' and i'Nurie .
Min ate's" were beautifully rendered '
by the choir in the evening also the
anthem "This is the day.' The texts
for the sermon for the evening chosen
by the rector, Rev. Mark Turnbull,
were S t. Sohn.. 20—e. 3 and St. Luke
''Jesus Himself drew. near."
The rector divided his sermon into
three parts, fully establishing the
resurrection . by His walking in the
garden alone consoling Mary Magda-
lene litho was bewailing His ' death_
The 'walk to . Einatts where hie two
disciples were -.talking sadly of the
things that happened, skewing Him-
self to the eleven disciples who sat at
meat in an upper room, showing how
pleased' He was with their communing -
together after they thought the Lord
had left them. At the offertory a.
loyely instrumentalquartette from •
the Messiah was. rendered by Profes-
sor Cull, organ, Mr. Thomas, cornet, '
Haroldtiaeliriloancektstone; flute.. an. 4 Harry
On Moridav .evening Rev. Mr. Gold-
berg. gave an address on the conversion
of the ..Jews under the auspices of the
Young People's Guild of St. George's
church.: Despite the rainy evening a-.
thit commandments and in the strict
observance.of the faith of their fathers
but lie deplores their unwillingaess to
ernbraee the Chrietian faitleand believe
in tlic ew Testament, yet ma.ny con-
•verexcees are being made, four being
great number attended. Rev.. Mr.
Goldberg is extremely in touch with
the Jews in theft' keeping rigidly the
• • „ . • . • • •
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