The Clinton News-Record, 1903-04-16, Page 4The News4Record is Pall -Shed tiVery Thureday at The NeWs-Record Printing Mese. 414EER•1' STREET CLINTON T•T•••,,,P." Terms of sub3cription-5r per year iu adVance ; $1.50 may be eharged if not eo paid, No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription IS paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates—Transient adver- tisements, to cents per nonpareil line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for ea b subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," " Stray- ed," Stolen.," Etc., inserted once fur 35 cents and each subsequent in. sertion Io cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. , To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements should ha sent in early. Contract retes—The following table shows our rates for speeified per lods and space: yr, 6 mo, 3 trio. 1 mo. r 57000 540 oo $25 oo $8 so % Cerium— 40 00 25 00 15 00 6 oo % Column25 oo 15 Do 8 oo. 2se g Column18 00 to oo 5 50 2 oo 'Inch 6 oo 3 50 2 00 1 25 W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor THE WEEK IN PARLIAMENT. Parliament adjourned on. Wednesday night for the Easter. holidays.. - The consideration of the ..public works estimates brought front the. Pp - position a stringent' criticism of the government's extravagance. At Otte-. wa the public buildings are overflow- ing with civil servants and :private property has been rented at -a• cost of 533,000 per annum. • The government refused to give any information in regard to trans -con- tinental railway . lines, The government'sneglect to provide a satisfactory mail service from • the'. mainland to Prince EdwardIsland - was very strongly cohclerrined by Mi. Hughes, Liberal, and other speakers.... Mr. 'Smith's (Wentworth) bill- tei amend fruit marks act was inttodue, ed. A protest frotn the Yukon miners was read asking the government ,to refrain front granting concessions t� private individuals. If the prectiee is continued it Will result in theruin of the gold field. A large deputation :of • labor Men waited on the government and pro- tested • against . the iMportation . of alien labor. This evil has extended to the Kingston Locomotive .Works where engines are being 'befit for. the IntercoloniaL The delegate's Were coldly received. , THE ECONOMICAL LIBERALS. ' • • . • The economical ..Libetals expended, about a quarter . of a million ,dollars last year 011 the upkeep of the Do- minion public buildings. The ceet has beenincrea.sing very raCidly:. since 1896. . The bad features Of the. Ccmservative regime have all • been retained by the present, administra- tion aed new .ones adcled.. The treas- ury, under the peatence that -our. fin- ancial status permits almost any ex•• travagance, is calledupon to meet endless bills which should never be presented. On page V.' a20 of the Auditor General's report will be *found some items of great interest ' to - the taxpayer. To pay carpenters and. laborers on Parliament Hill required Stio,536. The superintending staff -tee ceivecl $8,22o. Then there is a so -call.:: ed mechanical staff that got • 'attra.y. with $20,4t0. Other large itenirifor furnishing building's, etc., bring . the aggregate up to '5250,000. Luxury, is' presenting itself on every .side and is. received with open arms by'erstwhile. economists, The farther, whose. 'farm was once threatened by these large expenditures, will .doubtless be pleased to find that the prospects for doubting the burden are becoming. brighter end brighter. MR. BORDEN AGAINST CORRUPTION% Mr. R. L. Borden, tTic leader .of the opposition, hire set his face: ageinet' political corruption, and has stiggeet- ed that an 'official be appointed to • prosecute election thugs, Mr. Borden Would make the prosecuting eiffeer dependent of Pa -ellen -lent cold endow' him with authority equal to that, of the Auditor General. Such a Move \wield ' settle . for once and all any .die. position to tamper with ballot :boxes co -bribe the electorate. It is -admitted allsides that sone such. reforin . badly needed. Corruption has never teen so promitient as at the present time, and as Mr. •Borden's -scheme' is a feasible one, there .is no .„reason NOY the crimesthat have distraeed title emintry in recent years, ..4hou1d. not be speedily terminated. It ie to men of Mr, hortleti's stamp. that Canada looks for Mier. /Te•is a man' of high ideals to Whom the bittereet pertizatt cannot credit a single dishotterable net. 'Ile' 'beieves thet corruption is P11 evil whea: sheela he ended at e.av cost end if his suggestion were • ad- opted there would soon be an rind . to the basee. 54 of the franehiee. • Hon., NV, S. l'e'aiu Iu s intimated that e erre r Imola is willing to appoitit . :,e1ect. committee to coiteider this 1. ad other seegeetions. It is to be leo nrotniee will be fcillow- c • by it; prompt fulfil:meet. ANOTHER IMPENDING nuncyr. Hon. W. S. Fielding gave the Com - irons a beautiful example of incon. sistence in explaining the govern- ments position in respteti to the opening at Ottawa of a branch of the Royal mint. When it was proposed to est Amish a Ciiadian m int i mice en - dent of the British itistitution Mr. Yielding pointed out that the eoinieg of money in this country would re. stilt in large dereits. Ac-crding to his stotement suelt 0 feint would be elceen months out of the year un- less cret4 l5 eo'bedf and th:s could only be done at great los. Ur, Fiala. 1ftTeow barite his argunteet fit favor of a branch of the royal mint on the . elailit that gold SON' c.e'gns may ea freely Mined. rt. Ion stiray be grati- fying to Canadians to leapt that by striking British coins they eon loSe money. .A.t the' pr.:snit time we reap. large profits by having per coin eureence produced in England. When the govermitent inaugurates its new policy the simples. will give way to large dsfieit. . This, :and this •-only Gan follow, according to the .Alinister of Fluauce's own view of the. case. The scheme, however, is quite in. keeping with Mr. Fielding's fixed policy, which nos resulted in almost doubling our expenditure, lit six years. THE FAST ATLANTIC muunix. The Atlantic Vast Line is ouce more in the political arena.. The question was almost settled in 1896 by Sir Charles Tupper, who had arranged all the details for a 2o knot service, equal in all respects to the best afloat. Shwa that time marine experts have revolutionived the Atlantic passenger hervice. Faster ships are being laun- ched almost every year and the inten- sity of • the fight for supremacy be- tweenthe great ship owning nations is increasing. Yet in 1903, over six years after the Aliens had arranged to furnish Canada with vessels of eo knots, the Leerier government calls for tenders for a service of two ves- sels of 21knots and two of a7 knots, or an average of 19 knots, The govertunent evidently considers that Canada is unable to support in 1903 what was fitting for her in 1896. Either site has progressed or retro- gressed. The Liberal party say she has moved forward mightily. Our trade has increased, our population is developing at immense strides and our Prestige as a nation is. acknowledged. Iri the name of common sense why then are we antedating our desire for first class •steamphips ? If our people are .so progressive surely an' unpro- gressive spirit must exist in the ranks of the Laurier administration. The government can find money to build publ:e works for members of Parliament ; the Intercohinial has carte blanehe in its raitts pm the pub, lie treasury ; funds for useless high commissions and European pienies are easily' available ; but when it earnes to an ocean service of which Canada has need, and hi which Canadians have pride, nineteen knots is consider- ed fast enough. It is hardly credit- able that the people are in sympathy with any such proposal and we have theexpert opinioa of steamship men, that it is as ridicylous as it is behind, the times. • TRAFFICKING IN - • PUBLIC OFFICES. •• • We feel sure tha.t the public would ,like to hear a few wards from the good Globe about the . ease of mart verses •Dana: • , .. There meat Are something to: be said in favor of a govermrient connivingat the sale of public offices or the good Globe would have lifted :up its voice in condemnaticei of the practice. •:• It cannot, be sr: sinful as it looke— not even when an 'attempt is made to cheat the buyer:: . Judge Street has given judgment for $1b,000 damages in the ease of. Smart Versus Dana, under •the followirtg circumstances. •Smart was Sheriff of Leeds and Grenville and Delia, who wanted the lob, offered him $I,260 a year if he would resign the fees of the office then amounting to between. f2, - 00e and'153',ocio a .year. Smart .accept- ed the offer . and resigned thc. office and Dana was; appointed Sheriff by the Ontario Governmeet. When. the fees began to fall off Sheriff Dana got tired of • paying ex Sherif! .Smart 51, 200 a year and seetne to be wider the impression that he could: terminate his liability to Sirrere•by legally end- ing his, engagement .with the Ontario Government. Aceprdingly, he went through the form .of resigning his shrievalty. His resignation . was ace cepted, he stopped ca.yleg the.'51,200 a year to Smart • and, most astounding of a.11, -he was immediately re -appoint- ed Sheriff of Leeds', and Grenville. . Thrforittnately theTre is no law .eg- ainst trafficking 111 public offices : 111 this 'Country: ...Public' office' is not ov ly a private snap bet a perfectly sale- able commodity: In Thrglancl. it is a Crime to pay a 'Public official to re- sign .his office and -in ' that ceuntry,a1.1 the parties to ench a transaction •as that between Messrs. Smart and Dana including the ministers who connive at it, would be sent to geol. The 'Ontario Govettermat Seems to have connived at the sale Of the shrie- valty because Dana would hardly hive bound himself to trey 51,2oo a year to Smart for the job unless he Was sure of getting it. , He got it 1. That,the Ontario .Government,' how- ever, would connive at euelt a scheme is Dana's temporary resignation and re-appointedin order to free hint'e self from 'his liability to Smart is alinost ineoireelvable, • ' :But that Dana would resign him shrievalty Without being assuied that. he would get it back „agent is equally inconceivable. - ' • And again—He got 'it What a businessfor the mildsters oL • ' the Crown to be mixed up • in, A few appropriate word e from • the good Globe showing that the job really is not ae sinful as it looks evotild be most coitiforting.—Itiotitreal Star. . . SIR OLIVER 'MOWAT HURT, General regret was expressed when it became known that on Sunday ev- ening .S•ir Oliver Mowat, the venerable. atatesman :and Lieutenant-Governorof this ptovince, had met With a serious .aecident, the results of . which may yet prove fatal. The accident occurred about 9 oselo. eh. in the evening and Was most pa - &liar, While .being moved by attend. ants from his invalid's their to his bed la some manner his thigh' bone was broken midway between the hip and the knee. Dr. Primrose, who with Dr. Temple, the family physician, and Dr. Moir, house surgeon of the Hospi- tal for $ick Children, reduced the frac. titre, said . Monday that it was a. clean 'break and that it had set nice- ly.. Sir Oliver suffered great pain but under the skilful treatment of. the pity- sicians managed to spend a tompara- tively eosyoright and had some sleep. The fact that Sir Oliver's health for some time has been poor and that lie has reachdr such an advented • age, makes the ultimate result of the acci- dent a matter of grave doubt. Sir Oliver \IVIOWat had a refreslihig sleep last night mid is noW dohig alt Welt as multi be expected. Last re- portsirom Goverinnent Hoeft Say he is resting easily. TE CLINTON NI:WS-RECORD Mrs. Mitchell from .near Exeter le Visiting her sister, Mrs. I. W. hill. Our school closed Thuradey for the Easter vace.tiou whip)* Our teaeher ia spending at • his home in Stanley township. Mrs. Gardiner of Clinton was the guest of her daughter, Mts. R. Miler, or a, few days lest week. • - • Mrs,11. McVittie-Of North 13ay ia spending •some time With her mother, Mrs. J. Watkins, who is in a. low. condition of health. Mr. W,atkina has also been confined to . his room for some time but is improving. We hope; for a speedy recovery With both, We are • sorry tO hear that Mr. Q. Mellveen is not iMproving as rapidly 00 he inight. Mr. • E. Butt engaged'. the .gang of men front Loncleslioro •• saw -mill to --cut the logs about • his mill, They com- wormed' work Tuesday, . ittr. W. J. McBrien had --soine of Itia neighbors helping bitn with wood - bee last Wednesday. 'There has been quite a• number of such bees thia spring, - Miss M. Morrison is at present vis- iting at Air, Hayes'. Mise W. Thompson, who has been attending Normal school in. London, ii spending her Easter vacation under the parental roof. Bor.avrnsvuzz. Mr. G. McCartney of Donnybrook is visiting friends arouna her. Mrs. T.. C. Pickard, Miss Bessie and Master Roy spent the holidays with friends in Mitchell. • • Miss Lizzie Tebbutt Of Berlin and Misses Jennie and Rosa Tebbutt of Goderich were home for the. holidays. Miss Kerr of goderielt is the guest of her brother, F. Kerr. • Mrs. F. C. Elford and daughter spent Monday at Mitchell. Miss Good- • rich returned with thein. ' Mr. R. W. McKenzie and wife , of Goderich spent Goad Friday as the guest of Mrs. Holtnes. • Mr. II. Elford and grand -daughter, Hazel, spent a few days in London. Mr, jebn McCartney visited friends at Nile and Blyth.• ' . yr. Clark of Toronto was the guest of hie aunt,. Mrs. Hick. Mr. 'Stanley, wifeand daughter spent Sunday with friends in Tucker- sm i th . . Mr. D. 13. Calbick, wife andson of Woodstock visited: Mr.' Robt, Acheson. Mrs. F. Ford itt in Clinton hospital where she underwent -an-operation for appendicitis, We hope to soon hear .of her recovery. •• On Sunday Rev. R. M. Miller of Varna -preached two excellent. see - MOUS, The offering for the W. ,M. S. 'amounted to $3o. .• Rev:. J. liussai preached at Varna on Sunday. . • • NV, Courtice Of, Crew is home for the vacation. The.IVIission Band intend holding a quilting bee at Mrs. Ladd's on Wed-' nesday afternoon. The offieers for this year are : - President, Mrs. J. Hussar Vice, Mrs. Ladd ' Secretary, Miss. Florence trewartha • Treasurer, Miss Sadie Cantalon • The E. L. had an interesting Easter. service oilMonday evening. A ' good collection was taken ie the interests of' St.' .Tantes' church, Montreal.. 'lite :following is the .result of the uniform promotion examination held on March, 26th and 27th : Sr. .3rd to 4th—total 81o,' to pass 405—Franersio , Potter s74, Howard Trewartha. 553, George' Colelough 534, Ida Huller 530. • Jr. 3rd to Sr,:. 3M—total 765, :to Pass . '383—Leila Ford .612, Muriel Willson 59t,. Dlay McCartney 555, :Pearl Huller 539, Arthur Sturdy 475) Myrtle Connell 467, Etta. Colelough 445, Lulu Mulholland 415, Edith La.via 414,. Johp Derripsey 399, Minnie Sturdy 396. . . Sr: and to Jr. 3rd—total 6to, to pass 3o5--JOIni. Sturdy 462, Clarence 'Potter 459, Pearl .11.ussar 448, Clifford -McCartney 391, ,Myrtle Trewartha 385. Ft.. -2nd • to Jr. 21i1t0ta1 405, to pass 297. -Frank Williams 323, Lorne Jervis 310, 'Homer Cantelon 3o6, Charlie Levis 278. • •• All 'new pupils are requested to corimience• immediately after the Ras- te,r holidays as it will, be of benefit to both teacher and pupils to al' to commence on the same clay.—N: W. Trewartha,•- Teacher; CONSTANCE% Mr. Robert Lindsay has sold his house and lot to Joseph Rands for $20. My. 'Lindsay intends to " board with Mr. Rands for the summer and then willi go to the, Old. Country for the wiytter. • Mr. W. Stattley ond daughter, :Miss Bertie, of liolmesville spent Good Friday with his daughter, Mise Alice Stanley, ' • Master George Taylor is, at present suffering from rheumatism. We - hope soon to hear of his recovery. • Mr. David Weir is spendieg the va- cation under /the parental roof At The Epworth League met on Tues- day night rind 'elected the following officers for the next six =lathe : President, Miss Kate Mekorle xst vice, Mr. William Button 211d vice, Mies Susie Wheatley 3rd vice, Mlis' Annie Rapson 4th vice, Mrs.' Seines llincliley Rec.-Secretary, Miss Eva Rapson Cor: -Secretary, McDonald' Organist, Miss' Charlotte Wilson Assistant, Miss Maggie McDonald . Rev. Mr, Gifford of Clinton will preach next Sunday afternoon. FOREST HOME. Rev, Mr. Shaw of Eginondville on friends in the neighborhood. Mr., 'Ed, , Box and his mother from Seaforth visited at the home of Mr. Geo, Brownlee. The 4th coneession .is still looking tip. Mr. ,Angus Brown and Mr, Geo, Brownlee erected a new hen house on the premises of Mrs, Jessie Ross. Mr. Win. Chili, who has been home for a few days' vacation has returned back to his work in Toronto. Mrs. Sancta Sproat had a manlier of the neighboring women gathered to- gether for the purpoSe of sewing car- pet rags, Mr, Geo, Brownlee has rented his farm for a term of two years. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Little attended the funeral of his coesiti, Mr, Janice Mt- Caughey of Clinton, last week. Seeding and house-cleaning are the order of the day. Mr, Sam. Horton of Vsbortie paid a flying tall through Ohl :neighborhood. Mr. f. -lam, Mitchell and, Mr. Walter Xevr of Colborne called on friends holt Wily, Avirrtior. Restoring at lionie.—Aniong those visiting parental abodes here or near during Easter vacation we notice Miss Zella Macdonald of London, F. Munro. of Torouto, David Lock- hart, Wm. IVfole and C. Askwith, Our congratulations to A. E. Cents who by a good majority was eleeted an alderman at the Michigan Soo lately. The rifle club on Tuesday night of last week elected C. Howson as presi- dent, A. C. ,Taelcson and Geo. Young- blut a,s secretary and treasurer re- spectively. They purpose having a friendly contest. among the members on Saturday, April 25t1*. 51iss Sclater returned to her hinne Seaforth for Easter vacation. on Thursday afternoon last. C. Askwith taught the roorn in the p. ni. Ir, and Mrs. Wetlaufer of Rostock were guests of friends and relatives here recently, also Mr. W. D. Wilson with his wife and daugbter Bertha. The village churcher Were suite -MY decorated for Easter services. The choir concert. in Knox clitirch showed proceeds of $41.4o and con- sidering the uncertain character and prospects of the weather was well at- tended. Those who were fortunate enough to be there declare it was a good thing. The renderings of Mr. Murch of Clinton were well delivered' and received. Miss Walter, displayed her usual vigor and a.bility as an elocutiopiet, The violin selection by Ansa McLaren was excellent. Mr. Has- ty spoke ably on the twin sisters, music and conversation. Rev. Small's recitation was well received. Miss Paterson's solo also, while Mr. Coup - land filled the chair well, The union choir interspersed anthems among the numbers. Those taking part were entertained in the ina.nse tcs refresh- ments by Rev. Small and the ladies. Ware Cammings arid wife of Strat- ford Sundayed in town. Mr. Wilkens °ails, at Mr. Geo, Daw- son's much of late, The Orange brethren met last Thurs- day night and 'the Canadian Foresters Friday night, Mr. Nicholson spent a few days Toronto recently. Mrs,Thos. Anderson of the Soo ' is visiting at the sick bed of her mother, Mrs, Geo, 'toting. lia•YTH. •Najor• Beck of Godcrieh spent two or :three days here last week in the •inter- est of the 1. O.F. • • . At the last Meeting of our town council .Mr. T. W. • Scott, who has been for ,several years our town clerk, handed itt bus resignation which was mach regretted by the. beard. , ,There being .two applications .for ilia Messrs. W. Canipbell and N. IL, Young, the. latter was cippqietecl to the positiOn:1„ 'Mr. J. NV; tell.' spent 'Easter with his sister • in Opdeeicle. 'On Sunday evening the fire alarm Was ,once . more sounded, the firemen's services being callied • to the, flax. mill which wits: on • firesbut having' been. diseOvered jit time the flames- . were - sem put out. As the .rnill . has been closed for over a year it seeurs to he a .mystery as to the eauee. • Mr. • Will. Masonof the Queer's is busy nia.kieg • preparations for altering And enlarging -the hotel. for. the acconi- odation of: the travelling public.. He intends adding twelve more bed- rooms and two sample' rooms . besides. other improvements-- . . On Wednesday evening Professor Campbell and. his pupils gave an ee, tertAininent itt Industry tall. • , • On Vfonday evening tne annual try meeting we's held in Trinity. char, ch. After the financial Statement was presented'. and read, which. was of a very satisfactiry uatute, •1VIessrs. W. J. 'Bell. and F. Metcalfweee. re elected . wardens; Messrs. McGill and Walker kideemen, Messrs. T., w...Scott and A. Plummer auditors and F. Metealf, lay delegate. to the :Synod. . •• - . Housecleaning ;will soon be the or ,der of the. clay. . . . •• Mr.John 'Denhohn• left here last .week swab ' another finecarload•of horse! • •. for .the West. • ; MILLE= . TOWMBITIP. - • Miss Grace WC:hater islionie from Stratford business college for the lion• ,: 1VIr: J. Good and Mr. J. Webster entertained the young people of Wal-. kerburn last Week. • • Miss Maggie Jackson visited at Mr. J: Stoltz's of East Wawanosh . last week. . • • Miss Ethel Govier is visiting at Mt. Phillips of the x3th this week, Mr. • a.ticl Mrs. Robert Roberton of Manitoba are visiting the formes parent ea Mr. and Mrs.. A. Robertere Mr. and Mre. Thomas Roberton vis- ited Mr. F. Wright oh Sunday. • • Mr. and Mr. Andrew Tyermaii are visiting 'their son, Ben. of Wifigham. at present. • • : Mr. Wm. Elliott of Porter's Hill called on, Mr. Lou. Farnham last week,Owing to poor health Mrleareliam leased his farm' on sharesto Mr:, 11; • Whilethelping to take down a' barn . for Mr., josepli Taylor Mr, Win. Dun- lop got itis foot badly jammed.' He es doing nicely, • Mr.. M. Hazlewood Ita.s so far re- covered' as to lie able to go • to • the barn. ' Master' Harold Rogerson is laid tip With inflemtnatian of the lungs at present bur is On the mend, • r ;The following is the report ofthe standing of the pupils of 8. S. No. Hallett, for the, anonth of March, bas- ed on, regularity, ,of attendance, good cleportatenC and general proficiency. The names are found in order of mer- it: Class 4—.T. ' Shanahan, Ed.Tighe, Thomas Carliet, Michael Illake, Class 3—Tlios, Tighe,Alpha Quigley, Lizzie Shanahan, *Sohn Flynn, Mary Carbet. .• Part 2-305e1)11 Quigley, Thos, Mary Carbet, Florence Tighe, Bonita littUter. , First :Class (4-4o,seplr Shanahan Class (b)-4,o1ette Carhet ; Carbet, Freitag Blakey, Mary Reynolds; Ellen Carbert, Kathleen Quigley; Mary Hunter, George Hunte ,r Ettla,la Flynn, John Tighe, Vera Carbert. Honor Roll—John • Flynn, Alph, Thos. Cakhet, -Ed. Tighe. Op roll 31, average 27:7 -Kathleen Mc- Cotirt, Teacher. HIGH PRICED 131TT IT PAYS, A sittgle..page in a single. issue , of the Century taken for advertising costs $soo, the Barpers $491, other magazines $too to $3so. A yearly ad- vertisement of one colttnin hi the -Chi- cago Tribune costs 528,57o for the lowest and $...t6,noo for the. higliest rate. In the New 'Stork World it costs $46,000 for the lowest and $681000 for tite Willett priced Column. April 160. 1903 lavrzlv. . Wm. Kyle, Sr., an old, respected and beloved, pioneer died very, sudden- ly at his roach:nee, Town Line, Hay, near Kippen; -on Monday last about 9 0. 111. The old gantleinan had •his breakfast with • hie family, talked freely.,and pleasanVy as was his_ eus. 'WM and after the Meal was over, went out to the barn to oversee his Stock, etc. Shortly afterwards he returned to the house and while in .the act 01 sitting down threw up bis • hands aud expired instantly .witliout a MOve or. .quiver. He was an old, pioneer, li.aving Como to Canada front -County Armagh, Ire- land, about the year • 180. Settling for about live years •in the • township of Esclueising, near Toronto...He mar- ried Agnes Cochrane in 1847 and sett- led . on a farm in Stanley, nearly np- posite his present farm from which nis son 'recently •moved. The family - consists of his wife who survives hint, also William and Thomas of Alberta, David at home and john and ames deceased some 12 years ago. The daughters are Mrs. 'Woodward, Syl- vania, Ohio, Mrs. - Hollingshead, •Itlichigant Mrs. Grand View Manitoba,. Mrs. . Pollock, Dakota, Mrs. John Peitz, Tuckerstoith, Mrs. Fred'. Tomlinson, -Brucelield„ and Miss Alice: unmarried at home. . Mr. Kyle wilt long be reinembered by young311(1 old for he was an ideal man, sociable, affable and kind to young and old who always eourted hissociety for his quaint and witty Sayings, proverbial of his race, for he was truly. au Irishman,open • hearted and. kind in the extreme, He was a consistent . Presbyterian and a -life long Conservative. • His biography should be written up fully for his re- collection of early days was interest- ing ,and to the point on, events in eceineetion with the County of Huron and the .provinee generally, • His remains were interred at f.taiid's cemetery on Wednesday and the large cortege showed the respect in which he was held by a wide circle o{:friends. • STANLEY TOWNSHI20. 'Mrs. Nathan Peck of the Babylon Line a.nd her Son; Master 'Bert, are spending • thisweek in •Torqnto. Mr. and Mrs. AV, b, • Keys ef • the Babylon tine spent Good :Friday as guests of the Tatter's sister, Mrs, J: R. Govenlock' of Seaforth, Miss Elmira Stogdill of the Goshen Line' is at present. learning dress - Making with Miss Keys, of Verne, ' Mts. ,Steplienson • of . the Balryfint Line is on the siek list at present, we are sorry -to say, but we hope • she may soon be well again. r Wnt. Keys,Sr. . who •hati: 'been visiting beralaughter,.'IMri, •S. Peebles of IIarriston, returned home last Rev. J. I -fusser of HOlineaviile pree.' cited. very .'acceptablY in the Goshen Methodist church on Sinelay mornieg in the interests -6f tlie • 'Women's Mis,. sicniary sciciety, • ' • Miss•Maliel Govenlock, teacher of .the Babylon Line school, is spending her Easter holidays with her patents in Seaforth, • Miss Teresa .Campbell. of Centralia visited at her homem Sunday last. Mrs, -John Reid,• Sr., mad, dough, Sarah Plvisited friends in London last week. • . ' Miss 5.1ary DOwsoft of .the Babylon Inne was the, guest of Miss Edith Fal- coner of "Bayfient, for a few days last wek • 1VIiss Maggie S. Clarke of .the Gosh- en Line was •a guest at the home of Mrs. •John•Watson last week. ' •• Miss Davidson., teacher of S., S. No. 3, is spending her Baster Ar0.41.ion at her home near Ociderich. • -Mr. 'Richard Peck paid a flying visit to Owen Sound last Week. 1V1r.: It. G. Reid of .Stunmerhill. is at ,preseet. visiting at his home. • Miss M..Reid of :Varna visited it tbehome of; her. uncle, Mt, Ji. :Reid, treasurer, on. Sunday lest. • • . A DIRTY PUDDLE. • • ThesCanadian•SPorteman says it haa received many letters tommending its statement : It ip •Pleasatit. to turn from the clirtY Puddle of•OntariO pat- ties to the purer atmosphere of the horse and stable.'' After, sonic .ferther remarks. the Sportsman' cotiChidee : 'There is a ring. of •expioiters ie. title' country • who 'Within tt few years' have made many millions of dollars • at the expense of the. country at large, and I am well within the mark in saying that hoWever, great the privileges they demand they are apparently Masters, of the Ottawa, as well as the Ontario governments. -.There are men today :a titls. city whose wealth :has been trebled within a few years *cerise of .the, enornious vulti ofthe coneessiotie they veere able to secure:at Ottawa and Toronto and there ere very few here, abouts Who 'are such fools 115 to be- lieve that. they escaped assessment for the favors accorded them. It is- an open secret, at, any. rate in political circles, that certain politie- isms who' a few years ago were no- toriously: poor have beeome suddenly rich ancl. gre•livieg•itt e, Style that t1- iaiid 0. very large income to sup- port. In clubs. and hotels men of both sides of polities eloia hesitate to discuss. the sulaject and 'enemy of thein' freely mhe ention tnames of those 'Who. have ,so soddenly struck it title Hew .long will the -game la,st is oft: - times? asked ? HoW , long, 'Will ' • the nresefit rinr of Canadiart iuillioiiaire exploiters. 'be able to "hold im" the rederai anal local•powerS. Without tieing called clown" by the people ?. At any rate while the genicis being so boldly played Canadian newspapers should refrain from criticising Ameri, can 'political methods. MIMIC OWNERSHIP. . Grand . Rapids has rejected private ownership in its water service, light service andtelephone service and ha.s adopted a form of pitblie ownership unique in Many respeCts, Says the Municipal. World. The local telephone deavice, while not under muirieipal ownership, .is under a plan of public co-ciperatee ownership, wliielt is Unique Tire plan'. Obtaius .itt only Iwo other cities in the Malted 'State:: and the saving remitting to the people .frobi the system is calculated .itt $7,000. The plait of lighting • service grew out of' it and is similar to the plan of •the telephone service. The rates, Without making allowatice for dividends, are forty-five per cent. less thaw the rates charged lis' neighboring cities for shit- ilar service. The .saving resulting from the syitein hicalculated at $5,- 0oo annually, its compared with what would be paid if the rates in neigh., boring cite s were. charged. The tele- phone and , light service plants thus make for the city an *tumid saving of Stit,060,. felkottlY01104.-WiNViayStro,ikettot"...-4-. - -40,,laWVAdeea"..4,PWWW. , • 1 13LYTH 4711,11.111PWIP.AlsitOrrowiF4ZPY 04Mit:i." e.e.imi. 0,4100, AMP IP!". f4P.b.rOw!•14•919.4010' •---' I SPECIALS ' •• OT,1.••••••••••rn F • • • THIS WEEK. 104••••••••••• Below we quote 11 few prices taken at random throughout our stock, / vvhieh'are worthy of the anent ion of close ctieb bt13 ere ; New Prints, 28 inches wide light end dark colors, woi th 70 per yd, for 5e. 10 yds Grey Cotton, $4 inches with., for 45e. New(inghaf7l"e"1 in bine ut1 d%liit°apron. eheek4a;dbrightri1(swi1iie:rur5 Wbt:0oitot,6ueertCad,yrwlde, rt.guIireice8e, fore. Wool Tweeds, itt stripes and cheeks, suilanle for boys' suits, regular 35 Cents fot. 2a cents. Men$1.41V. ofooliP , si.aoont.s, in light and dark stlipes, very swell, regular price White and Colored Muslin', in a NH range of prices, from 8e Per Yard on, Japanese Pore Blouse, Silks, in all the new colors, very special, worth 50 cents, for 39 cents. Heavy Serge Dress, in black and navy, 56 inches wide, bright finish, re great snap, worth $1,25, for 88c. Union Oarpete, yard wide, some special values,•in new patterns, at 25, 35, ....%_ .40 and 50 cents, Vrool Carpets, two ply, reversible, yard wide, in now patterne and colors, at 65, 75 and 85 cents. Lace Curtains, 2i to 4yards long, from 25e to $3.00., • • I MoKINNON & CO. 113LAIrrir us..--wow‘tAAwiev•igewovwwfwwwAivtovvvvvvv4A0F,...•--i..$ VII=O11116, ..-.. ...VINCIOLM31111111111.1110111111MarChNIMINIVIIMIllerWilll I......./4.................................... J. B. HOOVER, NELSON BALL. $ i•e*********************oe.••••••••**t 1 FITRMTURV I 'MO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***** House Cleaning. will show you many spots that would • he improved by :a new article of furniture. We-have-a117...- k4),C1s. 'Prices .alose.. .•UNDERTAXII\TG Our Mr. John Powell has had 15 years experience in ar- terial and cavity embalming. sATIsvAcTioN GUARANTEED. '4, • • 1 OVER & BALL • Night and Sunday. calla answered at reside nee of Mr. John Powell or eith- er of the principals. . . • • • eeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee****4441 Narstaximase fii41/811/1111=02.11111111111112111Milat 113111111111111111MIONIIMIIIIMIIIIMI [THE. GREAT CASH STORE i • t What,i; it This Week? i It's- a.- Big Bargain! ; --IN---. Hats,. : Caps . and Shirts for 1011 and Boys, I . . . be to your advantage to It will anal; in • boys boots for every -day wear. They are Whole stock and well 1 that line, We have a splendid range at astonishi.ngly, low prices. • 1 ll drop in if you are needing anything in . I per cent below.the regular price. . Well amen, just what is needed fcr the spring weather and are going 30 . • Some excellent value in those good washing prints. See the nice range of Dress Goods and Trimmings: Our rn illinere are kept very busy. Examine for yourself our stock and • prices, proye more than eatisfactory. ' • . . I • D. M. MoBEATH - • BLYTH Pretoria Block. •••••••••••••••••••,....„.......................... 1 :: .$PEC14. SALE. ****1 "ID01\r'I‘ iylISS IT. • SEMI-ANNUAL. CLEAR1NC SALE t AT THE 01...D RELIABLE x ',••••••• • Thw greatet sale in the history of this store now on. ThiS i a golden opportunity to secure the hest values in H1G11- ()RADE rpoTyvAlt ever offered in Clinton, ' Our Windows Will give you an idea of what we are doing. No trouble to show goods. A call solicited. WIS. TAYLOR & SON. Oash and Otte Pried Butter and Eggs taken as Cash • •••.,•.••••••+••••+•••)•••• ••4140,411********* A large and growing circulation • makes The News -Record a desirable dayertising medium.