HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-26, Page 6I
Mama 26th, 1003
I I . I _____
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�. _ ..... 1.111 �".. . � _,�p;mm __-, - ___.- as
.......... "I'll 11 11. _;_."; , , OU#T WrlollL0.
I .1 � , . 0 roaho 1* Aft,044 51009111W Q* a KORM 7 . , morew,10), juyrocuefit sellore Gunpo"1111% , le V 0
s tl,.cXQ bave been scvcr.al apilIlica, . China is a fund without ulattre4ses I "No, 1 am not Popular any It matter*. very little Int tile 1101,19
. ,
The Monroe Doctrlueq- tions of it that invite our aenn 6 Surprise to the lonell. ,I es, A begi, or kong, is I the gang," Moaned a business Man in I r 'Too bateo
By "n,'a , wits lifibteried to learn that pr;bably no ex. or counterpart to the small boy when, how or where .
annexing i , erely a broad Wall Of brIvIt .built ! Vbo. used to en. P0
. have 041to . , tertain lai;g.elY at Xer. fireworkio were first Made And Of what '
. yiplication, of jl� Russia,
'O Alaska, e through to
Iroul . r lige room. ()n first i #11 haven't touched a card 10 $Oven they are Made now. But the fact re-
purifIg the last few years wilt pro% plorer, to forcing Ills passag , .
, -ttied region 31"nown, as tile 4CV000, tile 8140 Q telyr till. 11 , ,
it .concerning the 1gourot; the thell Wise Africa, bag ever for More 0444 9 few weR13 absoh! years. The fricuilB I made at tile Pok- mains that the despised heathen Obl-
_ card roucit, I aill, when Na- %tell, 0,
Oregon terl:itorvp Ag � SYS At a thAe beoll. oft Soule be equatutauce ,It Be a M.1111 I er table w. , , ++++++ -41,1111" � -
- 4 I , o�e near and 4car to me. �
Doctrine,, L4#11y, Owing to tile Ocr po.tau Ill wits actively assisting , ,Nvery village U conllectetI. ,with possible fol All Anglo-Sallout but nese first made them 4nd used them
uble with,vowi-licla, there has - traqk. , in tho, ., of China Must either When I lived on tile seventh fitior of 4 and that civilized Communities (lid not .
man tro Maximilian and a rOY4Ii;t party to 6 ,R, every tribowlth the Interim I ' tenement, they 11,0�ked to K0 MQ Right- , know of them until tj - . 11
v$tabl,sh a Inorlarev on tile jklitis of 0, Ogle otbervillav ,
renct: to it in , sleep on a I;vllg or not Sleep at all. .le fourteenth cent
bt:V11 almost daily TP(o next tribe, everi atate 'With Ito U01611t. . I ly, climbing the stairs without A. Mllr- 'ver too hite
ould . ,
s and perlooll- Mexicali vell"blic,' .tile T-Tri'ted "'tates' - the rest. determined that It the bricks W tury. -The skyrocket was first invented it is lie .
lieu.-spaper Lhrogl ,at to ,with all 7
tile loading Ill " a of it gro bor arud thorefq simply to not yield to ale 1 mur. .Wben, I Moved to the Broux, � Of the 11111th century
. cala of both F4.role ,ilnd Anicric . .0jough thelt ill tile qccess. No ,The explorer`4 busluteoll is - must yield to 01cm. they followed me, When I settled In toward the close to btiy a good Cutter. I
eivil,war, proteited. with.s Idluggracefully) and at that time wits used, so tills said,
-for, 11 k of tracks, And, no a means Of Yte I I
Accordingly, ill tile mindi the thought doubt. also, tile British 1, as still Select from tl4l# notwor. � Of 41 ,Tumatca, the rldo,* 107 house did not flat �ras
studied tile sleeping Methods ny � , In India and Chilla In war. T
What Is tile Mouroe e, dint. recollection Of having had his keep .a general dtrOqtl*u and 11014 Qri I I ta that seem too long for them, nor did they - wt,� have ,-t elloke
Alittl rally, arises, Ist, 4 low I - I sey are veritable toot- Chinese companions. I fooll long before the InvQ11111011 Of 9114POW . .
. v; origin I? 11O)& tall t. .e , years ago by Prosi his way. Tj . . I - ,%y0a to clijub Inside of mind the journey home at 3 or 4 in the I
Doctrinu ? What was . � ,anti, I wlivu lie, made Ilia re- breadth, their prgeltice, , der. . (,ollt�ction. it) 'our
(lent Clete' . patlio. never over 'ok focii In 0, Which '. morning. When I realized that I was � . I "
allect Catiadit. ? a - Back$, va, . ,
does it , . oludst it) 'ongress for an. .ppropria beaten bard gill* netted beneath tuo quilto ,, lied pooka et, supporting thorn with my losses, I tore . mental Jnole- .1 I , I
* to ': url 0. of they tlea , round th(oll'sely I show-roolil yet.
a of -a coin- . and folilell,a � orna .
. .a , , � the cards and ,cracked the chips I Al� —
ilistorical ha.prenings are not isO- tiolli .4 the expense ,level of th, forest W. tit cent e Ong 10004 UP , The, ChIneso havo cut Jude for ages, I I
11 mittee to IuNestigate tile claim!$ of . until a. row of mell. OR a 4 . When, to, behold, ev* . � 11 11 -
latLd. To ilii(krstallol till-; doctrine i I Great Britain, upol, Vtl�e",Upla, in a Illative traffic. - the 014 Humans, no I t unlike sealed pavelopeo, Whenever - . with a liammer ' but'.tiever ornamented It except by A l,o sonleg6(di,ce-
4 of I , to
e,o h run straight on np cry mothees sou of them Xnew .e no 1101) it was, Introduced Irk-
oundar)r dj.L5pjjto With thut gotmixv. I 1O.�eorgo S - , ulpture. W
till its bearlugs lit would Ile lleQcs3ar) 1) too, govern- t�7eee I through they rolled or turmed over In their at( I lived so, far Away that It WAS Ge I
'. . 1 1 ,ul,.(l liand olles Cheap.
to become fautillay with the, politit!4- Then, -tZ)o, the United' Sta ers mountain , and their. poOkAFA rolled .With them. 11). . More, to udln, the native jelvelffs. with their I . .
0 erythingo ridge and , possible to flud time to come to visit saw what . .
t and action 0, Ineni 111tvirposed its friendly" OfIlOcs to , ying at ,obstacles, nor, whatever Position they happened to 119 ilia quick eye for color, at Once . .
and diplonlat'c though . - f Cuba and valley, never oh - ape lue. I an, sure that if I had opened a it perfect ground It afforded for -mount- .
- breatbe. on- the brlck pile they could not esC e ill the darkest'cell In the . .
both Europe and Amer;cit for the last secure 'lie 111"el"elidenco o] , �-
, I liew Phase of the subject � 4.uywhere turalull aside to ; of their poolc4s, poker gain Ing precious stories, and they were the Ropairb g pronlpt� �
hundred vet�I'S. Especially should Nye ,ect -%vould
. I sition of the Pldlil)Pillds- yet within thl stralghtfor- the amelloratink Of , . 1. .
'O'Ole, up all . Ob first to Incrust tbein on jade. The Ill-
. 1.1low ill"C.ctail the diplomacy ox tilt h3l tile 11111 .a general . Un, bottom of .the bottomless pit they Ily a 01
l;4tLlv, at% a warduess are it singular eccentricity . viougly 1, too, Must have a Poo .
, so, NN -C have lie rd tile do.? wa have .come to play with me. To regain sesses the . A (b d to. I
.Austr:au 1%lettcruich,who promoted tilt. dealer in -leather Ili 4 to . dla WilBe.vul In I,ondou POS
. cl.,raiion of Ilresident Roosevelt, of , an judirectue � Idallip It Is only necesgary,tq
I and is of detail, And. From a their Mel choicest speclulli.
Iloly Alliance, and the pOfldY Of GvO - of ills government to the D passed I bought two .,is of tills work known . . I
I tile I the reason to'not far to Seek. It A 14000 , through which W, I .
Cunning, the British otatestnall who adherence to .�Iduroe 1) . 0 goatskins I Imil them Sewed together, AlMOU11CO A rcOX)elxlug Of thQ I-ame'! of the best,lno,Ml period', . .
pr�tncilt),Ics (of If � ,octrino but - Is entottutered, no. native will ever I . . P I 1. -
opl)(,s -d it. should Icnaw tile lead- w , , I devised 4. sYs- - . . - . . . . .
_ We . � . it te re�Lrvatfoll that tile ullicilly oving It; be Sim - . �
Ing jacts (If tile ,struggle jor iudepell 1. not rely . .think of. rein ply W141110 With tho hair side In, .
,.* I � -occur to him : tent of string ' 8 WALL and MCMATH
t,ence of tile 1.7pauisli, American colon- �)Oujh American states must nalt, itwouldnever _a by which I Could tie my- .. T ' 4 111T, . . . I
ti e, I p(werful neighbor for support arop �� Tbe rutilluCtIte Of CRON- . 0 INCRF4A18)1,4 YOUR WIUG . . I
i-,�.ts, tinder the leadershil) of IS1111`1 ()'I 'I 11 1. ) a ,several .tkat that Stone was a displaceable ob, self in my appliance, and to tbts way I . I .
against 3ust claims, such a , , . - . Ifuloll St., Clinton. .
ade of tl.Q ,juited , r ike general Weal he , I succeeded lit sleeping in (63hing. .1n. China tile pien. take its much prlde ,
� .
Bollivar,and the attlt . � V,uropean nations Alave'recently, ,made,, jeet and that to . . . I � I I In their. hair as wouiell, and the "919- , It you. are thin, weak anti emaciat . . �
,�tjtjes towhrds thtso and 1,110, I motile � I And been allowed against Veue4llela. might displace It. I 4; I . . . . � I . � ed and want to increase your flesh - . ---- 1. -11 � 1, __ - - I.. - . � . _,".". . . I
country. I . . a -Canada is. concerned the ---.;— . . tall" Is a thing of Ito little iliolliellt. Ill and .%vLight You should try DrXIlase's
- As far a . . . . -ue If - . I
The 'doctrine rwe are coll�ideriilg had Aonroe Doctrine call.only affect her olvue ,W . � lRaptA. worlk For Irlageks. V I making the (l le whole head Is shav Xcrvc Food. You feel it doing You .
osition of, I . . buleon AVVeltitte- �. , menRL - The dea � f� and dumb, as every one od, except a 01renhl" 'Patch "Poll the id from clay to day as 1 R'. THGKOWN .1 I
its origin in tile. OPP Its it affects .Great Britain, BY' tilt A whale,$ appetite is. phento 1, crown- The hAIr front this Is braided, gool )able 4nd ere----. I I . . I. . .
Dritain and tile United States to tilt' t, doctrine it 11speaWl. by means: of their fin" at the root of tr( � I 1; .
. ,�xprLss dOclara toll of tile .Hjg chief dleCconsistA Of Jellyfish- 110 knows- . i and st'ralids.of slj)z atte adoledi which tisstw and a a as Iltsh if. Von weigh . ,
dest'rns, or supposed designs, Of 'me"'- �elf there is uO intention Oil the part bag simply to open biA, mouth and pad- - gerii,. * How many words, then, can a I g it, I .
, � A the -tioly Alliance, "Pon tile ed $tatt,a of interfering el reaching to tile heels. youn;elf cach weak while ii�sill . . � . . I . .
lil.ertics u, lie struggling"colollist% O , dle along leisurely in order to takQ In good hand speaker form In a. Minute? 48 . . I . . I
bel 8 ( . of tile. Unit I I I ejudfnil n6ttaitning tuo blavic strands are I I - .. . . � I . .
'e of tho, the wagon load. Such Is The average number of letters per , . - . .1 � ,.
� . I . .
At the tint with the de,,clopillent. Of any s part Ol jellyfish by five. weplaced by white.0,ilps ,Ilia lit second � � � .
Spanish America. � '14.'urop4an'etapire, already c tilblf-sll d by the whalebone. k word, In the Engilisil language is * . .. . .
a In a .re . - ning. by light blue Or green.
it there was .110 a(, in Americ ,,Qcllt issue oo the method ad6pte hand speaker can make. mour . . Anli"Is and FOINOUO; -. I
I cainsula war, whe rolle I (j -JI -11, a 1'olldou y,jigialid, Times, tile VIONN .whale,. 'The sperm Whale, ouAbO C011- Now, -a ready an ulipardonable breach of etl- . *ln substunces which Are deadly 161"Pti - g W^��'"k:, A" psp �N k
, . - . I Alphabet ten times -In a It Is - . . Cert '', 11, K., . . .
. ,V --. - .
11. ,. 4-g- I " �31 - .
co I 11 public with regar to. trary, captures lit I I � ,to r ,, ",'�. , .. " --.%
. � , ,, - � �
, . r the pres. in their it , , "7g, ., _p=4,
real ruier oil the till -he lge squids weighing the English , z it qu tte for an inferior t� ente . � , �,�
s!ction of these onists, initiating ol Like, his ,brother I . is to, say, 260 letters. . .0 . . . ,Jfe ipon men can be taken _.�. , , L��Z '.. .
the I in a leading to I minute -that oillid with Imprint % 0 - � :.'.�' -, 4 -
Of I I � � . pause for the . ence of a superior ..With his cue w by the brute creation ty. 11 , 11V L Ill a,
tile example of tile fOlInders t�l,"i.lt"(iO-,,)L�l,rll,,tli.9 is set ford often several .no 'is ugt�al for him to space .. I I I." ,
. .� 1. I . .
. _V."`�,- ",?a "i �11/ - L;, ..
allol of the French Re I � rsome extracts'-. �'lt the whalebone w1mle, he must be coil, eck or head, as It. Is fre- . Horses can take' largo doses of anti- _11'_RA! �� i �p ..
. � " - ,
. , . -71 , il . .
I ,,,tdl, Icrc are , round his u . . 0 I 14- ""; ,.q ,,,
United StatLs, � how - I
� i ell this country has stautly on the lookout for food; other- of. one letter after each word to 0 � I., -
volujioll*sts, had add , to 11 . ring work, till - . '__. . . "
� . p;'ji,
lared for indepenw d I tluently disposed, of du d f mercury, goats of tobac t I t, � , ,W ,
. I I If, ti - ,WV . . . I
t ' . V-- - _
z Molly, dogs 0 I � .. , ."��
e xv Id stary-le. ' As - ilere
c . 0tbL4* ,,ecti(.)IIs, wbile loyal tk to ,eptlon and which .wise be .won many as that the word Is complete rabbits of I " , .. i L, ., � - �� . ,
1 �
. . ;
, ,
... .,
e to recogniyx Jos . - very o on other hand, dogs and ca .. I --I 4'�t �'.., : m , . � I t .
by e . . of r, , I " I ... I . , ,
(ell c � ut- I . t the greatest insult one, man call 'offer Co, * mice -of il.enj�ock ' and ,. . 0 ,� I . *A
Ferdinand, who hot ", r i V`�' i I o bs�rllctillg. . � - It I ...
d been depti,sed .e It. interest ill 0 fourteen seals have been.thkeli from a tore, we .subtract from the total Jus 9�
ierly iefus d opi " ca -ty toot "kill , er." Other fishes, of' About o - , another is to pull his cue; it seeing , belladonna. Without Injury 011, the I �: "
11 ol,r own se we arc� perfectly read) .givert, , ne sixth for these Stop 1%0��
of thi" tbtl - - old to see sailors and soldiers ts Are ralleW �� � �. ,_ , - '' I ,� ;
11 , AS V. fl` � ; .. I .1; "'I P � , , ,1 . I
who haU . been set lip - .6 not uncommon. the total Will be redue d'to'.215 ' , , A ,�i.,� kl` �i "
Bonaparte, to � acquiesce Ili tile application ougnobetites ar . pages, I I ship 0 Mbing Quell Oth-L - Buse ptible to the Influence it ,, I , ", .
. .
the and other .pos enorm a co . ." t V .
,Napoicou. This gav . - Tot Canada, for es Oil letters., - I r In barrack t more e ' � - . .
a strength to r:nqlple, . example. thrh . V, �.
d in consequence, s,�s tlatitie, we rel) .TAe bluefish, . g tresses or coolies. at the stree I I f rin than .man. and are much I V � .1 : I � . .1 . . .
,s .: , th .�
republican party an . ions be) ()lid the A I . Let this be divided by ,five . e aver- er's loal I ell I . . .
I .
aiter mativ stilcresses and reverse,';, - chment of the peopl( sardines and. other ' small fish. Assilut . I � , I corners performing the same .friend y I goo=- Ouillied'by It. . It. this invaluable . . - .", v - . . . . . I I . . .
. - -ow- _n th� loyal atta No foreign inter.. Ing that one.bluefish ents ten small flab a0e number. at letters. per word, and. I orbids. a man to wear Ir arniestiletic bad been first -tried upon ' 11 . . . . .
thex libL:rtv was all but secured, to ill'(' Biiti'ill' Ilag- . re� office. -Custom f HIGH. CLASS' . . . .
. to ill - inability of tile, -mother- I lit iqdue,eded to guard tile rights a dhy, It ha n t -it, . we gliall find that a'fairlY expert.deaf atiol-mustg6he until lie becomes, I ie should probably have llev� - , . . . . . . . . .
I lig e . . I . .00, sardines to feed d dumb personwill I $pea -three 4 beard I .1 d . I � I, I I I . . I . I I
1'ell'Iciani army ill ,, or, to securt � an . k forty I . : .1 But. W pa,it would 11 �
-y to plate .it -,� ion ow-sub-'ects, quilres 10,000;000,o .1. . I Ina ig�e . -S SHOP : , . .
. , n pos- a er e ..
e Allitl of Our I . , grandfather. enjo Its blessings, . . 11 ALR N ES
1 �j.cir indel-endence, 'a truly t ' 0 . .. . . � .
tilt) field atrainst. it. At ,ms itincturt! .. ;" And'th, he 1,000,000,WO bluefish woul"coaSts words per minute.. A: person I . � . . [k1 that its . . . . . . I . I
1 cad that France Was AbOlit I , I seaslou of speech will. probably spea . . 11 I
stqtetj pur, position; Canadian& Wish . . . . . . . . .. . I I
. a report sT tl, every suture most curiougof all � I . 9 - ge .. Qot U,V- � . . discoverer would. have . ., .
I linve been found to be so fat
assist ,S n 170- . er, '. .. . . . . I I been pfrald'.to . gity, Ij&ne%s,. both ,light
to send lc)rc,:s to , pain I to.cultivaje feeling% .of friendship WL ' I -'a strang creature.1 100 words In the same space of time. I .. . .
� I eaters Is t le hydra go . I I � .
. ring his. lost possessions and . to tile 17illited States, 'along . . I � . There Is a keen ir,nowledge .of buroan test Its effects upon human behigs. . It: G604 :ol" I .
, , . _. . . . . locIL-ra.te Prices. . I I . I .
. .
cove ,be, People of 1,1103 , but so long av that cau. be .turned Inside out Without . . I 1. . . . I . .. - bit of full from Xperiment. and � ltt,avyj . 'at , it . � . . ' ' � .
%hare the territory so recovered. Call- .11 peaceable * inpaijing Itj appetite 9F Its POwer - . to . nature In the following t no moie than I is evident . ; then, that all e. I Saskat,chewan Robes, . .�
ning, the British miui�ter for foreign �' tjorl� provail the li�i . I . . - the Lewiston Journal, bu allimal . can .. never . be.�. the I 'sell' best
I . .
� condi - eat, .. . DIAMOND - ])YES. m a down. east- I "'hily certain deductions $0 far. . I so Rugsj Blanl,Cts, 'frtuiks3 - Val- � . .
rs at the time, Who had All "long � -4 tis'to Britain is indissolu , . I . . . � I . . might. be expected fro . =a not . al �
ailal � that bind.. . . . . _ , . . � . had a long ex- as man . to, eoncerned.- *,' . � I . , . . . 1. . .
been an outspoken . OPPOlicilt 'Of 'tilt ble. NN'e: do not need any more power. - .. . .� . ,rijr�., �WOR1,J)',1>' FAVOR.ITV4S V,OR tavern keeper who. has . . . . I . ises, Etc. I
at _ . . . . .
pretentions of -the �Tol� Allialicoj now. . . . . than7 that: - A MINtalk-q Th ' Paid-. - uniniii sportsmen, of. � .. . I . . I .. .
. . . �ul or beuign. psotection, p' . 'ARS. � perience with aut � . I � I . � I I . . I
, IIIIIS . 1. . 1. urpose otre some.- , OVER. - `AVENTY-FIVE, Y144 . L'. . I. I . . I � I .
sliggestal to the UnIted States I" ' pall claimjrdnl� tile nag 0 Mistakes made -on, - I . . . Whom many are called; put few get up',, . . .., . .1 . I '
which We . . . . . .. . I .1 1. , ,
mricni . . . d a lie York met- -a__ .. . .. .. from Boston , Put
ill i,ondon, that" his gOvor ' I and the Selitifivaht of all times profitable. till(. W . * � I I. . . � I .
ter Britain ; - . I 11 . . . . .A. mighty hunter . - .
. .
should unite. with that of �Grcat Brit ' true 'Calikidialls .',N,itll .regard to their , ellint illustrates -it thus.'. I v -five years the Dia -1 . I . 't' 6 he telry - R .OVF,R -SIXTY YEAR$,,
I . �or over tWelit. opol at ,v. ,i.tiain -little Main ..$ . Is Soothing Syrup ha - I . � I
dcSjgIj'jTOIn bQi tj'�`e ,nother laindj is that "A coutiern owed me $50, and repeat- - I - Mrs. Winslow P , . . I a
aill, to prevent'thiS . 119, rclat'Ms it) I . . , '-d . -hers for Rd' ffl. cKoW A .,
. carried into executioil. ress.-A by their greatest sta. ci diftno. did'sto good� Tile debt. waR hiond Dyes have"beell. tile chosen and and left . in the oftice that h6.wisli- . .
. once exi - . . .. . . I er the civiliwed' . bden used by. millions, of rubj . I I I I
it was, apparently, 611ly a di,�agree- I all . I I lar dyes al OV ' Ilia Ilt'llillf.past.4 -in the 'their' chi o. rei - . . —7. . , -
- . - . . . I per ctly aquare,'but I had no docu- POP" * ed to be ell I . I I I while teething, lf'Ais- _-, . . I .
L . _. I . .. . . , fe . . I world. 'DiVinotill' DYQ I %ers never $lif- - - - Sharp at that tlme,tbe isext. turbe . . � , . . I . I . . . .
t about the x . I I age a pl,,ointinents in I ;tnorulng I . f ight jinol'broken -of your
I k ' ' )01 mentary � 1 11 I a -o 11 I ,- and' * . AGENT�9. WANTUD. .- .... �
nee ri . .
Men 1 es", , , ril o, . evide ., for . failurvs* or disa 10
'C�ognitioll of , - . . . onwillch to b -
revolted colonie"'. -ect I was, 13 - . I , ruing' Came. &�thutldering rap at If a .
I .
independence of the 1. I �. "A Britisil slib.. . : 1jult, io'! decided to be foxy ilind Secure they quicklv and � easily . .. . . . � rest by'6L sick. tit ' ild' suilffering, . . . I � . .
- .
tbai . 1. will d�e," , , I q I . 1. I the'r--.work �. . .. 1 2 �,[ cutting teeth'sditol. . - * It- jtlt6r. on full *, M.part time - .
before it was ' clearly evident . A'British sub,ect . . . � coiors' thcN; require and door. .. - . rying with pain c � . I .
. C . . . . I �
-1 to. . , 1. I . ., .1 . . . 'such proof., ' I . . . 1. get 'tile exact � -, . tIq of "'Mrs;- I . � 1. . - .1 . . .
Spain herself could not reduce then � . . I . .. . . . . . jj�y, The Dia- "All rigli't I'll be down In a min I get a bot
. 1. .. I . "I sent a bill for $IW,�wltb ScallOtIC, thus save, thne and mot . . - at once, aw . I . � I . - . ...
� .
submission, : that preverited GtCat _.m_ �.. - ��'. I �_. _. � ., . . . Red in initiated voico from tinder .,Winslow,$ �SootliinZ 1p". for child� - . , - �ur imonic?
a . 't I figul ng that the.conceill. would. Inc . 1. . . . . � . . . I . . . . - it ,%� e poor .On satisfied ,.Nrith yi . , , - � . .
from g ',party .. . . . . - �- rill -relieve Olt � .� -Are y I �
bein 0 thL �- : letter, ,, I . q1ti'llye'lKat and Rug 11atterns, are otel" ca It r. . $yrl . . . if not :1 .
Brita,n . . . I lie Atlantic to.the Va- tue.quilts. l. . . ,-reti -teat Ing . y. D�eliend. ls� your- timefully occlipictL ? 1. . . , .
, " roe Docirine*. As a.result, of Can. .� � . .1 NUS�§ ' ' ,answer, repudiating the��Ialui of'000 popular froin t I now. a. d sign, this! sufftreir inatntediatel . . write us. ,W5 c . an � � 11
Mon .. spRING I T.1.1041) , " .. . �. . � t was $50.1. cific; .'file. d6;igns are *articticall� cOl- "You got up' here n litile'. 'is ,to mistake I give you eitiplOv- il * '. , . I.
Iling,s suggestian Presid4lit, Monroe ., I � 1, . % .:. . ;Rud'sAytwf.tIIat too amouu . . . � .1 1, . . . I
I ,a . t( I , . � ,* kC-. ,Olice I. - would be. ored, on tile best. Scottil HessiaW , and reb�ipt!".LiominaliLled,.Uljele Cy. ,,,)on it, IllotIlel-4 tht-re ioea, regu-j'nwrit 111011th ou.iood te-rins or., . - I .
I . in his -nitessag , ., _got tbli admission I I ' it.. It. I cul -es.. Diarri r tl� y I lt�,e ,l . .
- -T �N I -I U A T,,'r H Y j C4 ab tit , c'ut 't 1;uyl. 3.011 'Nvell for ,, sue t . I
Oil Dee, 2ndl 1823, IS CAYM) BY, � . . . . ... .. ,are ready for,hookin 1, I our full "'Reaelpf? Wilat.rbcOIP�0'! demanded' 0. It and B � - . , - .
I � owels, cures ' ' I
� . . I � . , � 1. .. ' -a I
. � -ed the � d6cirine that - � 'in a I . . Id S; ""' f' - tile Stomac ,'you
Congress, entificiat .. � TI.IV, jj VER. AND . KID- )ositio.n to sueo - ):.,tile WIM & Rchardson. id the'b6d lates for us dt - odd . I
. __ - Tile follow TTON. OF � . � � I j-0rise and �leasure a( ress to � a vory wideaivake voice, at . d Colic -*s6ftens.the Guins, reduces buMncs� as -see"' I
bas since borne his ,,all, . D, "Imagine' m1"sul . I .11 Co., limited, �oo .1folintain St.; %on- . . � will I . I oy, buth, male 4iid I
ing extracts from the. nvessage contain --N-RY- ASS19TED'By STARVIt 3nan- - . . I sofuo�aked loudly. - . I Inflitniiiation and givc"Ii:tone and ell- times- We ""ll" I
. . . . t . . . . �
. I
. . . � I I
the chief points of�coiitointion ,: ' .1 OR CjR-CUI,A- when I - recelied a, let er from the I . .. I . � .
. . trd�l, iv. -,Q. : . ,gr rited Uncle Cy, !1 -don't. . s'pleasant to. the.taite , terna.16, representatives. The,nd\i th.ree'' .-
� . TD, -A - I'O . . . � 'apologl I i I � � �__ I I - . aal,'�' I I . ieixj�ething j ne of tlli� .months is the very best tilne� tO self I
-It th"a&'the alliec. . . I . . I I ..agbr of the concern , . i . , . ';k rl �scriptiou of. 6 1. . . ... . I , * .. col. I
impc ssibl� . I BI,0OD AN I 11 . zinIF, for the I c� �' ate to luiave*ye bumping down tor - I
is TION - .... I . and Inelosing a check for WWI � - , d is .tile. pro � .. d No. depos t ,is recluir � .
* - . 1. �j ayJ . . , , . ' all ,d ,*�.Ourr goo s. . .
ItIcVl '. , ., , , . . I del . 1. . . � �'. .: Tke,Wora ,dUmbiella." a - that Ye sicialls 4ii t � 1.
should , extend their. pbli ' ' . I . , I . . the office at 8 O!ciock declaring .. -i'tifid best fell"lle, Oly 1'r ce & IL - We have tile
,owcrs I . . . . � .� . . 1. .. . . .,. . -1. ol4e% . -17, ni t ad . Sta is.alisolut.ely free. . I . . .
I I . I . . I I
. . . ' - . . '. I . . . I nurses 1.11 - ,e t . I . i I .
.r - tein to -any' P I' . '- . .. . . . - .11 .. The English. -word umbrella Is very . n - . ,tile' ti's. _ nurseries in Cotnada--�- over Botr
%vs ortion of either dot .. alnit� bee called." .
--nent, without.end . ., - n 's -ZelerV, � ... I.. . r.K11IC1.AW.94qoI... ,. .. .. Ming 0 , - �. I .. . 1. . ., I. I - all . drug-� I lar s . f. val I �
. .
q t Pai v . 1 . . lion, _ . it. you e we like the * Latin, co irougb' the. . .. .1 '25 cents,aJoUle. Sold by . " l"g -
I . peact . . I . . I . , I -- ' I I . � I �'. ' " -1 gists' throughol I - Be sure .,,rt._a e, range; o liable iiew I
. . I . I I . at willing, , . , U-010rou" � Mixtu tit. the. *orld. , , , -gii-V - � _____1
and, bit PilleSs." - 0 I . . I . . . I . � . I � . . I He --T . . . lit We Will Italian 1,9olubbr0la,"r or "Ottle 6hade.1 " I . � .A H re.. 1 , . . , ,5tock Is A ,� -1
. I p coloulos or dependell " . '_ . . . . I Will, be * married at,once, b I . . �, Spanish and oth- � . � . minister' . ergy. td 'the :. I whole .system I . I I 'Mrs.. I speciii1ities rtnd all our . 1. . I
-With existing . I I 1. . I ity I The, French, Germa. . ., _. In a Scotel., church an, Old . � s rej�r"ented. .,If -yod waiit�,to I
-C - any European .powers We . -M I . . IT .n. The close. crowded cl - I I � . . ' I .. I S'yrup1j. for child; t d - '
- I ll�lvt Co, pound, . . ..11()t,l.'e I b.as - � ilniT Willsiow 3..Soothing "" "' " ' a -t, h3oit PbPular '
c s of 't interfere ,� .. . . ., . . andwo will .era give Its, distinctive name, sue, who- was very aeaf was' Alsoxefy. I I . for " Mr' . jN,iusIOw,3,,5obth- r,pr6s,riit�,�he, largs . . I
. 11ot. interfered and stiall' n . I . � . . , . will Purchase a little farta, It, '44P . schirm!' and "para- . . .. me i4whymnbooks j. and as1t . ., *. . .. I I . -scry writc,,us. It - . . .
I �
� . 0 11M. \t0.LTRI,,;Hli*,S- �, THR, i,191o, STREAM. � . d be �8. happy as turt arapia.le.11 "regen . ions.to introduce so . . 1. � . .1 .. .... ,'and best,'v,kn,Nvu nat ; . .. . I " . .
, � . "ill - ... � I
itiverninclits who . . . I.' I Ing'Syruti." - . I . 1, . rt .. I .
lhlt� With the g . live Qu It an .. .. � . .. "Umbrella" and "parasol" are - rell'and 'asked his .precel . , - . I . . - I . h youP %vbile. , .
. . n ' Rvr4Ry . .. . . . . I I � guas." . L .. , . I . . .. I I ., .� I I
� dependenct, Alid Whose Rj4,'NGTHRNS . .. I .. I . I Info *the ch.0 -
. .. 'ClUChAreo) their f .Axp , 61� T . I .doves. ' , � toologleally precisely thesime thing, t 1* , --- --- ; -_ __.__ .. ; . .
iudependetue -we havoi, acknoWledgcd. - . 11 .,. ----! � . -
* * � . or. to give. out the. notice immediate y-, . . . . . . . .
- .. - . .
- I . . �.: . - I -0TO'
� I . I .
. . ' f M $,Wife- OW Alstine; after the sermou. Thb preceptor, hav- i. � . . STONE &- 1j'1%Tj,fN N, .
. ,sition , ORGAN IN THE BODY., 2 ' , '.. She-�-And I oball. be a armee . bu , . . I , I 1.
. D Gri-awst. Numarles . . . '
) purpose I . 'rhic . . � �. ' to o . � .. s - . , . . I. Its -
we --t uld not view any inte ) . I � . . t.custom hasgivell.them the . . . �
rpc ! . . . .. ' . Canada's'
lid great vi A . .. .. 0 -gs and . a ng . , I -1 I"
� . ,,yes,, my darling. d today, cout -that . . �
of ollpressilig g of *paine,s Celery � .. .1 I tionothat wia understan . I .0 . Lo . Me di 0 1 . . Toronto,, . Ont, � . - , �:
for tile, �them . T ,Aud what do you. think, John? � You . I � 11 I . .. In'. a notice'of III a Ow t gRvE .-b . D. . . . . �. . :1 . I . .
contro'ling, lit. any nialiner theil lid ar6 af)undallily manifeste'd . I . I . I . a congregation . w 18 . . !: &. ...... !:___�_' , .. . I ." I I . I . ,_ �..
won't have . . ,.. .. I .1 .. ' _:"___..__-4_-� . -1---7 . . I . .
. . . . . . . �
it: I, tile .spring.. I't .is a medicine . coin - to buy a - milking Stool for - , I � -
or � Comport � . . . � . . member of the � . : . I I *. . ,.
. I � . .: - I . E I .. �Iaptized were * I � . I., , : . , I - - , ., .
. ('.estinv, Ly . any Europeall power, . . 'me, for I've.got one afrpad "' . aster Wor,k.: . to have their. children .. I 11 . � ------- :—�- . I �
. . . I
.-tho.r'ligiii tlm�, a, . . . es ... .. v . . �. A. . L ve.your. - , I 1. - . . I ,
, , a� inatliksta 'pecially to 1 -race the.nery , .y . �oti - try to -car Into the'.vestry, . . - .. - . . .. I . . 4,0 1, . , , .. 1.
.,I,), o .. pounded *% � hy'..don't : to send. _ eir names I . . .,
A' in to 1. , . . : . I , th . .. I I . . � - ., .., '.. . . : - �* - - - - -1 . I � I " , ,
K ., : .-o. sust in. 11L -to cleause IT011havoll, ., I I . W to .. _ I . .?
:, L . - . .. I . , . , , e,"Vr, --),F&- � , ,
t on of an unfriend1v d SPOS . the inbl6ts of?,fRm0? Tile old -minister ,thinking that, W. Was - .. 4 . , ' L .
. . . . . , a art, action I .the ever nalm .. . I 't . . � I .1 ; . . I 6 opt?., w i C ,�;,,,- -. -� . � .� ... .: I
I ..
' -:, keely tile stdmaclic. IoQh, yes, , prettiest you" ' BR* ; 0 high,- on , hyinubooks stood (I I , - E I . . b %, � -J��. .
W&Ards tile JTniied States.-" lie blood - and . . I . . ., * tit the . . . , �,� NT -D - � .. � - MARS, LZ k, 1. ... .
,,Our policy in rt�gard to,ZI ' � kidneys in vigorous bealth. I . handsoul' plush and. asked tko poetic enthusiast. _ - . . the notice abO I I ... ; . WAL . I .. I . 1, . . � _... . ....
e � . . . . . 4 - - .. . . " . - .
. rope is �-decorated w th , . . . . . 11 .. � 00 F "I . . , . -, .1.
n . cherry colore no. � I . I . . ".. -'., � . I .. �
- . ... � .. 11 .. I � .
. I ill I Worries of 1) isine, � . � � . . . . . . . . . benefit of those 4ho have not Any,, I . - �, � , - , . - ' PENN 4 '.. ,.% .1 �
. up �nd said, "And'I -WIsb to. 66y-'fOr i � . .e,
W.I. 1.0 interlere i 'the internal- col: 1-livill.r.tal'T'spIrling tini-d the-'ellects di tile. d rlbbo, " - - ' - . . "My friend," sinswer6d Senator Sor- .. . . L . . . , . I I y
- powers. " . � ' . -. work, . I .,,'.s . . .. . jhuru, a little. severely, "there is no use . the " I 4 . 'I Q .. I . . �,e�.7_" . . . . . .
CL rt a of any Of its ces P' id— , .... � -,. ,,Q4
killtoir, ' be had Ine the vestry all ' a .. I . . . i._, ,17��VW �4 . . .., .�
. . . Ing a und with a hammer. y % * W911. .. 171 . � . I. .
I-'rom thise extracts ,we.-gatlier Al'i old care- and', the .severe cliainge�,. -. . , Carlyle on Novels. � . , � Ili -my dodo to . that they'dily I I 034P . '.
. � lionsell . . . 0 . . I . � . .. - � a - � , � I I . - - .W. -g_-_,- "i. . . . . .
max.ims of policy : I�Aiii- -ell . . . . . . I
I . A., letter.'of Carlyle's gVVQ3 u's .tit# � and chi el when I can dosuch. effective Afternoon$ etWeen the: hours of . I I I . � . . 1. . . . - M .. I
a .1 I . I .. . .1 1, . ,?, -_ ',� .
fanowing . )t. te.mr.erature till -conduce to Weal, � b I . ,3 anil:,.
. . I . .
mizai 11 sollillia; povert3 . .. fain pen An blIllu" : , , - . , . .. . .1'. . . � 11 I. 1,
�rica is no lougL-r 6pen �to' cOIC I . tile -indamed ticrves,. if, :Opinion �of nollels%tiutert,alned.by him. Work with cc foun I d'a check-,. 4_Lm.dln�ry .Iittl&' ones . : at It S . . I :. .. .. - � . . . I
%tropqatt 1) 11 owe ; -2 , Mon, ".. I. . I deranged di �r � III ' . I � ,:. . . .. . oheP,;.,%vlth. red . I - LLL � i�,. . . ... q
r '01 tile gestion,.liVe ", I doling 4tOrY , bL o ko"' '. - , . . � � . :, e, 6 : and special little - R. & -4. %RANSF9RD, I . �� , - , . -
lon by any, R I)IOO( oe,, To�a'.�b � . a I �
- I n the, year,18 , . V . � � . . . - . ' . . . I , �
. bad condition ; '", . . , " — . '. 'ilfid tUr . . . I
rue. I , eLi.'! :�, . I I I "., . . .
Lrehy -must not be forced oil any I Inil �. kidney -id� ' ,Ill teller .he wrote to suggest that'she %. I I I _: . . . backs, at one . I .. . �, St' ' et �, Sftlt , -, -Wptks. :' .. I I iv�l � . . I . 11, .. .
.. Ll .sands. of cases rlictim.4imll ,a , , . ,,, . . . : .. . A - . .l �
American people.' '', 3-UntungleinelliF � . :.. . , .
I - 1. toll 1,sfioi�4 - her. oi . . . . . I . .1 . I . , .. ;.. I . . . . � . . . I ,� . . " . � I I . � z
ir' are to b .1 their " hotriblc, , � Should ,vn - novel well . 1 . L. Borro,tvina; Trouble. . 1. . . . .1. .. . apl 9 �. - ,�; ,; ..� . . ...
in European � affa s 6 avo_� - I Lgat * collillience I � I er and I -d ,a good'defil about peo- .. I . 111(fort and Its Effeqt- . '' - _"": _--_-__ . . , ,I .7 �. I ..., -, I . , � . .
I . . I ., .1ellral . I . . '41 have heai . . . - . . I w,._. i . I 11 I .. . . �� - "y - , .. " . .
' ' , It . . .. I I � . 1, - - - - . ..
by Americans. I ,: . . '. alue ,,� Colery''.Comilouild, "gstile.for -a good While Or fOr6v , thig. . I . .. I " I � I
.1 WrtlAre-S. : P " . i my: - 'is like Put I . 11 . . . I
. - . lsed t1wee -or foui.,tinies h be sby.cv(hil of re dlug, novels. It she ' w ,trouble, but t think It ays to think., , . 11 .. . ..
Since the doctrine was first womn. dy ,r .1 � pie who borro . I P ., I !:. I , - I I , I . .. � r, ;,;$A .,�,' - . I .
.at mident Monroe I I n -- . . a Ili" o6d 'All wife I is a ellit , I m6ii . eat,. Dollars Make. - .. , z_ � � I . , L .
-ud by pre I d6fci.ic�. . will fur , the do:read.'Iet It be 9 d..wise boOks. � di triploin, ill tbuf line.,, . ley out 'at Inter . ' )V�rs- '�ft"' . I It 1. _ 11:�. - � ,
9 , the, lieNt. four . w(�cics-, I . * wo0ays noipuaino
I . . of li fe -[lid now . I WILO Rlw4yo. dollars and thoughts mnk6 other , . .1; i....., I . __r -t I � . .. ..
... of tile iii,ertics of tile Spanisir. Ainerv. Id- needed clements. .which not.out, fit 10,000 of the k .Why I thought 511L yo it . . tried to . .me Great English Ilemedy.. ... . I - �. . .�. 11 .... "� I
. . '_ I .. . . .. I - I � . . " ` ,
� . I ' I ' a' ' tit( - . . I .. .1 , ,W gold mid recommenold, - .
. I .. I ' ,,' r op -i., r of. : 1. yet. Carlyle -ful , . . ...t,bdughfa. We. are, go accusto I by.aLl �� I � " � I - I
__:� ..... .. . e I ted, with;fier lot,. or r,ell. - - ..
. . t , . . rowth and , *rcpai I' And and couten
t- �_,. . _____ . -------. . called Inqve s' Is.'!. ch6ei . . W, us f I F., *
. ty of its a old wor I . k-0-: ,z,w. , , , %. , ,
I . . . .Or g It -,vill. quIckly mak6.new * ' ' it least beglu- . ,,She w I Ijutll'Qur baby. -was, born,- :having thl Id re a rd' ( draggists in CansdA. On � I � .1 � I
. . . . ,vlio!e body. �: .1 . . , was. blingelf..gUll - .. I I . . . able'raeolloine dfscovere .' Six , � . I ,�
. � . re all , . . I .� - .. I .. �.
oerv� fibre, pure, rich bl6od" will... be.. . I I LgO. - Now she is worrying doilars'that We forget ka quarantied tooli I . . �
I .. ining to write a Rprel. . .. . 1: six, weeks' v .. , things We do 1.11 .. I ! . . . - .I--, I . . . I
,: 1. I .. I -- eakness, 11 effec isof ' . ..
'I D S. . o S�jjjjd II&LIth, kind long years o - . . I that' nfd;as'bralns� �jns of exiga . .
. itow - . I - - . e girl, � . tberdi� is such a rew .. won . form ofT , - . . . ..,
. . � or excess, Mental 0 , cessive on 'celpt I a . . . . ?L .
. I . tille.drick, Magog, Que., . , � .. been ' us be mity marry some . . Happy the.one who sees ' R -tte. liburY S tree 01V ork S .�. I .
i fe.� Mrs'. S. ., .. : . I moons in "the -solar System, .. we shill.not like." � � . . � . 1, tal. growth. baodo. oppilarMa or Ill. . le . . � , , 1, , , .
. ully writes as follows .,� . . 1. F .1 eir 01,oper light . $ Ill .. , it . �. 11 , . I .- .
I 4. .. . . . . ' . - t . .1 , I i . . � . I ,all these thIngs'An �tll ' of price, One. I.2 o f , . ,. -'Dil cet itiii�or(el q. Wol It Ilmil- , I . . � . .
, . gr, '!There ire at leas ? - , ILI) . . I .
W1 [ att. . . I ty�efkty Moons in : I , ogni/es In e re a leS-', . - dre . . 1. �
� *Saturn -along. , has ' .�- - '' � I who' ree ev ry�,fallu . aftwin I - -_ .
� ,,,I.,o a time 1 liffered severely. from our, �
. . � . . . . r s $of - the Solar. system. I U, I 1K. . . . - � . trilpana.Nateriall K!'Arlulteed. 11 . . . . I. .
. . . -tiervousness alla po.culiar feeling-, eight, the big-rest'Of them, Titait.befrig .1 :- . . . I . I -
I . � 1.11. I 1. the moon, and .1 B1 �.. I . a specle. of. mental . . ' G. � SEALF, - a d Co ,- ' I
Ap -and my Malt I real t t; -rood son learned, in every effort a rut -1 I "'
Consumption i's,a. hU all faint"O's ";'I felt, all use"' 1 near4y twI& the size, of 1 - . I . . k as , be it - only a litil . 1, . . , pho.4phoditic -is. f . . . I
. I I sold ill clim- I J. - t, .
ITI appetite was very poor. After - using, . . I . flng� 'in dl- I . - �.— I � . . � ... energy. I . I . 11� . Wood's .. F: Reeki . . )RS. I � ... ..." . . , .. .
. � �
, Jupiter po6s sses four, rang .. . .1 . . . . el — pRorr TU I'( . .
weed flourishipg b6i irk weak painc!s r_:,Llcry.coi ' und for a.,titne ' . . .e . . . .. . . .. . . I . � . ... .. . tow by U. B.. Co�mbe, � R -
. . npo . .11 . menslous upward, frOmL - Europa, just .W, I .. 11 . I . I . 1. Co. -druggists . . .. � , " : , , '� . ,___.;,.�
- I � . - -BINATION -OV' UC- ?� L�. Hovey and, Watts &. � . 1, . . . . . . .
. I . . I
all fcolings. of nervousness were cotn.� , . 61LAVD. COM . . I The $Olf � nffacluir ,Act. : ' I . I ... . I . � I .
lungs. , Like other Weeds,'it's I ve-as the'orb of terrestrial A'� . . . . I. I . . . I �� .
islicd, . . about as lart; HF,AI,- ' . V,yer-In olden time It 19 a . . I � . I I . . . .11, I I !T!l� �J� . .. .
� . - I am renewed - ir� . ,of all 9NObly: NUTRITION AND. ald''that 11 , - ' I . __." . 1, 1,
. pletely bu.n, all& filght, tb Ganymede,' greatest ' . . . 1� . . . 1.� � . . .. . . . I I . . .. 1. .. I . . . .. I I . I . . ..
easily destroyedNAI.ile. Young I str,nith. and general .vigor, I eat I . . ' ., . I . . . . . I . . � . . ... . . . .
. rfectly restored.to known moonso, with a diameter Of 3480 - TH, -, I .� � . I . �, � ..was: possible for a � ma I n . to' render b I int - . . . . I I � ' � . * -
, . ' , . . . .., I . . . . ; ..
I I . . . . I
when old, . sometimes .1111- . � self invisible. . I I
.sleep well and ain pe .. " . I . . . — . . . � . . , � I
.. . : . . , sound health.,, . . .� .milw(, Whereas the moon belonging to . : . . . I .. . . � . Thites not-at.all t6-' I -UNK ' :: .�, , .
possible. . . , I .. I .. I . only 2,1�0'mlles through. ' a '.noted .Qyer-PshaWl ALCOH OLI C� D R �� . . . ., . . I .
. .. . . : . . � .. tills world is . . 1%,lalt Breakfast Food ]iA0 - rkibl'. Aien4nilitis-couu'tryare'do- I .. � . � . , ,. . -, .. . , .. ... I . - .
I . � . . I I I I � � � . . I . . .
I . � . � . I � I e . . . . . ' . * 11 I
. , . . . ... I .... .. ... . I . * . I . ' '
Strengthen the lungs as you ' ___ - . . and decided advantage over all other Ina it every day, I � . . . . . . I
- � , . . . . . , . ... . . . . . , I food. 'n. tile case of digestion. ,149 1. .. . How .do . . . I . - . . . , . . .
I . ' . . . � . I A ;., .. A . - cerea s I jno%L I . . 1. . . 0. . � . . - I Is - .
1,_ weak .land ' an , man r1re Extiluxullshe:r! , . I Malt Breakfast F . . N.P. 'M �
�NITOUJA d tl�c ' ' ' ' made application for: Insur . ood is �tlie Myer --you don't tell me! . A EDICIN ES' I
I . ' �, t .. COXSWai ri ance on a"building situated lit a village de .joits' of ; 'it they manage It? - . . . � I � I . . I � . . . I I .% . . I . I . . � I .. � . . . I
I . weeds will disappear. Nelsoil and. he . . I � 'lie all breakfast foods tier 0yer-By marrying fft . . . .. I I . a& , I
. .. . Stoddart. 13, A. ,,- where there wasT no 'Ore engine. .110 jp&II ou,.the tasttt.414. Olt . I Mons women . . . I
I 'The best lung Jertil By'R, ri, , . . I does 'lot . . . . I . . .. � . .several Allropean and American governmentshave in I * .
. . � . . ,. . I
. . �, . I *edi . . foods I,% I � I . I. and . zon-ilcoholic beverages for .
. I
Scott's Effiulsion. ' Salt . . . . battle; 6t Trafalgar was -tlsk � ,�e tile ftldjlj�,613 In .your, VU- Maj,� Breakfast 1?00'i is tile 1110st 1. I .- I . .. I . . 6mparative tests of alcoholic I . � I .. . ' .. . . .
I - . , IAt before tile -",What it . . testshave inv .
porIc TI was sent fro i a article OF dicL` for the . � . I Slimlattleant- . . . � on -forced March.. These .Ariably reiiulted - "
. )m the Ungli . . 1. w1diers . . I al of a!
. I is good too, but it is very'llard L 'nail all lage for -t1tinguisjAng t1te?" nutrition. P a a .. ... .. withdraw coliolic, drinks .. . , , ' . ' -
. . � fleet. to Ul and and' word v�as passed ,,W611 it 1ralus 'sometimes,' I " lie re- 'morning incal ; Otte' ack 90 cont 'I's In a well known thoroughfare lu,Lon, . I -, . in th16 . I . . ...
. to digest. . I that it. ml9X11It be tile. 1ast chance to " I I as, Inuch , solid nutriment' a.%� three . d6n outsid . e of a noted restaurint th�re. . . � I . unous ork, chocolate ' '* d
a . during a" stte 1%V � . �
I . � . . I I le t PlIed, -with great simplicity. � - of ,any other cereal food- , :- I . .. , do: � other . bein . I
- The time to treat. coftsump, 'N.rito before tile expected 'engagell 11 I . I I . . . . t Food is tile most might be,seen Old. follwi,.Ing notl . 11 and, . . sweet' ijeXerages . . g . I � . � � I
' Yhe letters had been collceted frox. I . A Great Inventlibille* - `11 Bmakfas- . "This Is the beat restaurant lit 1,011- . , given instead. - `S . I . ,�
, tion is when you begin trying tile $1lips, tile lettet bags were or - , . r As called the '1�0111tie':tll ,.cLrLaj food bow before . .. chWl" I ult . 'Of these Scientific re- ' I :
� liern lau"r-00-this guspende . I ptlekage ,,,likes. ,a donl Out nab cannot : b.o 4p � proa The res, � .
1, - tile* %;cs-9C'I 1 . . meal I ,file, .. I -London Xing. , . 1. I . , - . . � . .
which,was to take I. I I I tit(-. public ; one the Army Of I
to hide it f r6m , yourSel 40111t. di.�,tanco on tier iydropht$blc? ' -five pdo . . . I I . . s�arches is applicable to .
f� . ancl sl , ill had got S ''for, tv�� enty . . - 1 I . . .. . '. feeble and overworked people seek- . . .. 'i" i.
Others, See it, you Avon'.. Way, tinder full sail, whoi Lord Not- . - Drummer—Yes. Sir; these suspenders. I I I . ., . . I . . .!!!!!,: ....... ...... I - I
Don't wait until Y01i ,Can't � son saw a illidshi)-jan apprOach, and Shrink when the wearer .,approaches . . ______�_ I I .. . .1 % . .. Liquid medicines are - I I ,.:
. , , . I ==P _F I �,l . - ., � . . ... � .. ing., strength, . I
. 811 ,alt to 11asco, tilt' signal offleer. water,.and when lie gets near a puddle , ... . �. . .. � . . . � . . . 11
. L . I 11, I . . . I . . . I necessarily alcoholic ; - they merely . - , '...,
. deceive yourself -any. longer. wed tile side of his they contract lift him over It and land Vor IrObAecoo . is only . - . : - ,
, I , I :
, I �
. I I
. 'I'llen. Nelson 'sho I onustitsiteo Stinaulate-and their, effect
Begin with the firSt thought n.t4re Which so OftL - ry -NOW - I)tled holly jej,ves, the bark of the . I . I . . . . . I
. 0 1 1 . I It . . Peoplelho - . I
. . it *Olt tilt sailors' him,, d sha� 011 the other ride. a of the stag's horn lk , temporary �
.carts. . . . '-York Timos. , Willow and leave . . . .
to takeScott's r,11111115iOn. If 11 , . . . , , . Rmong the substitutes for., I � , " 1, . Weak people should take ST. . h .
. . I . . —
. I I -1 so . 11asco 'uttered- �an e1clalliati011 Of I sumac, ,are I I jAugs WAVIAtS, which are a recolt- , �
.. it isn't re'Illy. coll-sumptiol .d.'sgjj.%t and stairiped ilia' foot fit evi" ' Wanted to 0%eA11*0-#1' tobacco used by the American Indiana. . � e , , ,,. their
. .
. )ettcr; you will Soon �,,�,;'It - Vex ealle, Three -year -Old Julia wanted to writ& .. 'Have Us flt, , IV . i
much the I t,�tiojl. '7,111c adliliral . in Switzerland a weed called moulitilln I gtrued d and a tissue builder .
. Hor the � Iiiin 'alla asl`�cd wllat� was ,tile matter. Santa -Citing "to bping her a "shoot , tobacco is smoked In geeat quantitle-9. . Inseed 01 a laSting, and a permanent . . I. �
forget itand be bette . bai She wanted . It to powdert nd causes Say that br. Choseli gyrup,tif L A . effects are . . .
I . . � ,,Nothing wli-ch r.eud trouble your gun," When asked W . A before Using It � Turpefttlne "ILV-ords wonderfUllY improvement will Always follow their ..
I T,e !& I W% I . � *. . I . � ..i+p I RAO and I � ,. I - - and colds- I I . 1. �. . :
_.. . I;t Ca L111 C k I L. IM tIV1110%. V r 01%, -hip, 1, was the rLply. ' , 'it for, she Saint.. .. I the Smoker to liecome .& - r e r e6u5b - . �: steady use. - . - - ' I . 11
, � : ,,� . I .- eck. ,.tile nat . ives 0 f confideade in 1>rt ChA96, � ' ' I , ,:�,
I � � , tion you cin't. expect to be '.,,Votl are not .the watt to lose VOW of Want togho6t one,of PiPit's cattle physical *t f S0111ttl Everybody has, . . !Av�pta help stoma **%' � ,�
. I . ( . In hW greatte6ipe book and famous, 4 ST. JAX74S V '
� . , the motley Out of Its for pilpa Attica are peculiarly affected by smok, I � 11 IT -_
g 1, re,oilled X0141,11 and ,get , . . ,h6y haNO learned bY'
I lice but it- Yoil will temper (or "o(h*u , - , family remedlep, I I - '' digest food and send the Utri e t" .
.�. I . . I eLtred at 0 1 What wits it ?11 gays there is money In cattlO." I 11 Camphor ence that it oftys to 1*111st on hav- . . 1 his is tho I . I
�. .: . � : 1, -begin and will be . " . . . I � � . I b160 With I r, Chilme's Syrup of Linseed an& I To I throtigh the olood, and t I . I .
I time , I . � 1, trem 'i" - -
Ing the dried' leaves of the
; in . Tile smoker Ing"I'l 41vt Swim . .
, ,,,� , , � 6W`( it must kilour, JAY 1(;r(l, , . I .1 I .. . plant. .1 .ru,l�4 acceptint the alth and strength, --
wir' i -11 if vo . I V and htind instead of . STONA01WEAK honest way to get lie
I �, . ". . . ri idly regular in -your trc,,It- I , . I I fright at. nothisg#'weeps bItterl, ,"MIx-t1jM-#. which NuRt I , R, 05 tops.' and . .
� . . . 9 . will tell"voll. .You i.ce that CoLl'. man Is be who Odes 00t uge(j ,Ill sotts of words which do not In various. unspietitillid 6 rood."' ty e ruNcnm - the kind -that laStS, deVe .
I � ment you wil,l win. . �.. � - ing to, line of tile m9st . The' gredt noi druggists offer as "Jilat W "a .. N91cif UE 111, D .
�' , I swain?" 11ofIA, , -Wr. loft s hoart.-MetIC-1118, I the leggt express his m0alllug�' Tile' Sol s Syrup of %,$noded . . . .
. . I . tIllulSion, fresh air active of tile petty oflicevo,, .his eblid' I South Africa" I)r, ChR131§'l ot the rAost � , THt CONSTIT I breeds tile energy � which accOM-
L 1. I .1 .. .., , . . lost ofteotlVe . P . .. 0 - � . .1��
. . � Can, eat all you mid. flie Itiemage, which put 5tie out . ,rho ljohlos.9t clitirftetors-are tho,le who plant polsous Slowly an valuablo and kt Olt and lung troubles . . . ,
I I rest 'all you . I . . ggtlits, for thra , All 140" a I
� Scott's I I jiavL. not It beAtt ir m4lt oil the Victor� . _�.� , wild daggA, another Y One Using It Turptilitthe c0tains thaty c romedial - lishea much.
8 tills : I wax; t ,�jvp gtpe,lipol � _____46__ It sets. I . sit eon9Ider6t-JSft1%0WSte � !
. old that he was ,,! 1. thp fire savIng veaftel . that sel6ricit-lits disedver6d. . . !tcellent TVATAtIon"IcIr. . .
. . '11, tbat's thi� treatni,ent and wa - and getting ( , Measure. prothptly as to be Of do04 I. B gniftitind I
.. C,,t receiving Al his so directlY. and * . 9
-4. � . . !jr1s.v , , through owrui tossed teng. A bed of I oelltair at-oliants toy I wat(,01-40 B 31,660.141vemands 41 ttd 4
1 1 � tl,rteS the,begt-treatmenL a,, s that lie fcr,ot to Pitt 11 � trade In,ele^ In�a1duV016 worth Ixtell agges of or6UP, . i;z 0 * 1
I I I . � mail. 1. lie' down ucv6t nurtuved it gredt soldier The Moorof who. drive, 'A fit c6ugh. It Is 121� thilta sonerAlly., I
. I . I . . . o4sift p1t ce " jDt. The*. ZrOOkS, . I
, '
. . . � . I I . OWn l(tter Io li'S, wife into ()lie of . . . I I - kauto I 0 h Me 0 lave a d' Xed bronchitis Atid whoero 'ItN 11 .
. ; - .. .. . � . We will Send YOUL tj alit " kind lie just diowvercd� it, it, V�11. ortIllig go far-reachl, ` lkl 1k ***ct' &% t* - it� QRIT� :-AMERICA . . IL Mandliesterl, Xait. .
. I 11, , . . I 1,106 for the Ordinary type nee looren t�hg t, Itl OUX al'oth and � � . . .
I . . � 1� I I .1. - p 230 A 44 ormisE a Chemi -_
I I I I I I I . a little of the 'Emul- his pecket." I . , heir 61i0le. TO Ascertain their. true I ,jure the 061d'a 1609 istAlldint- 11
I . I . - I 1� SXIN ON FIRM to t ,rdo timad Oa I . stj
11 ,,I, TIM I 0 t, ' "mgh t c "' " , t 6 ; family size tb ,- _400es WdArtare hop ast&.11
. ., I 81,011 free, . .():at ,tile signal and bring her , value they ensure from tile half Of bat _ *dni&A- 11 � rMoily"101hetlank"Usdod4t. 0.
S 0,
I I , . I I "Ut the about- .1null 000, at All �"'" - to their padiftfl
.1e � Lacl, 11, was Nelsons iw�tallt Coln 0) 91104413su"Is Dill Inlim"311) .05, q the tore toot to the top Of 00mme"dift'it then'
� . � . Ile Aura 60 thlb tittate Ill � Cirtring; itchitig ecZetim diat - victim lion. �afoo� & Co.# Toronto. .. . . we Niait ihefofmald qopi roussh �
� �W` I . I th! intill ,t label 0 an tilt uland.. rroolitentiv iloqoribe tht;r sufforifigs bY der, And for' each cubit high they , . , 0 1
. .. ., I 0 al 61 , . %phalit Of 4 Syrup i* . where deaders avenot1fiefflottlie .
=.l Who rolows flint lie m'.11, not 1,111
. . I !all ovory bottla . . I ill stvilig that- ,tile sulti iq Vill 'Olt fire, ',� charge $500 mi African elo I
. � buy. go W. t Illue Dr.6hase I � .. I - 1. W*ferlr thj!, sTelinalledup6hre-
. I
0111orrow "? Lis letter must ,: alegaureg aboll � , . etipt bV 4t at the estisdian �
I I . Tile sitingilig", (tiflng firel of de?A-filit the largest Alze I � 17t
I tl,e rust," I lalf f"t�4 to . branch I It. Jim'$ wook 06., like ;
. I SCOTT &I DOWN9, (10m)'Itch-im, 01 was brorght, * led by the rise of Dr. chasela, cubits, or thirteen � And 0110-1 P Of d PAto to CA"44 t $ 1.00 I lit. cithirifis St., M001:0411 I
The I'll, "lle"itc! 10 %ootth. aboilt40", '6t � I �
chathlAts, 011141,01, ThO Or"it few APP'leattoll'l 'b(A � 1. .1 -1-11.1. � I
6,ilititrio. hack for that alone. tuay cause a littie 11"Casiness but cure I eleplialitm MOW Is 16i six bottl#s tot $0.00 # , I �.- I I I .
Toronto# I 11. hugo, be.ylon Turps"flnoo I .
I IM41olt'v 4t Wps with re"SOU "that is sure to ir;listllt and the Aill, Is Ile, ,IgUtfilld and .-11 .,.. . . ,�
, �. $oc, j%fid $t; till druggittit tit tim" $*Id, 30 , .. . .V!,A I . � I
� 0 slilori �ololi/C4 Nelson, I �'W'. . , V , W ,%%Whool - I . 1. I
� I
� . . . I . I :, . . - . .
I � 1P ".-v,s-'�-. , ,,*� ,,� I ..
. I �p 4.1�'
1. . " ior" . - , 1 �,�i4v, - -
I . I I I I �
* ,
. � . . . �- ,
n . .1. . . I I . _Aot' � , 1� . . I �: ,. . I I 1� � I 'r ,-., �.:& , - LL
1. � J*,
I , I . . . I -A I I &O -jg, .� 1. '_ %Alikt , ���� * -1 '
I ,-A, A_ , 11 __ __ -
L., � f, 11 1..i&j.___ , �4" lwailw& ����