HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-26, Page 5N1017011 26t1it 1.90$ vtr`ni*
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women.
Prices ranD from
$3 00 to MOO
You Can.procure'',
them from
S is the best Shoe Polish
11 Beware of imitations
I which are 'named to
N sound like Shinola.
• L Shinola is the only
A The Original. "
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes
Fre. T. T. Jackson.
WE -have just unloaded
our first carload of Sugar
for 1903. As this car-
> load has been shipped (>
directly from Redp.ath's <
refinery, we are enabled:
to sell it as usual at
the wholesale price.
As we have on hand a
carload of POTATOES:
as well as a carload
Sugar, we are. putting
both in the market. at,
very small profits.
eassoweee assesessaa
The undersigned oilers his hardware;
business for sale in the village Of
Nov. Is*.
R. ROUATT, Bayfield.
• •
A good Durham bull, just two years'
old, with a splendid pedigree, potseas-
ing as he does two of the best strains
of Herbal -its in the country, the Matek!.
less and the Brampton Hero, his dam
being a grand-daughtet of the noted •
bull Abbotsford, tl:e first prize bull at,
the World's Fair.
TYNDALL BR:OS.,, Clinton. P,
The undersigned offers for sale a
parcel of land consisting of 30 acres,
being part of lot Ix, con. 3, Hullett.
The lot, which is five miles front Clin-
ton, is eeeded down. It will be—sold
on easy terms. For further particu-
lars apply to
Hedinesville P. 0.
Dec., 16th.
Aft e undersigned offers for sale that
deice 150 acre farm On the Huron
itoad, Tuckersmith, one mile east of
Clotton. New frame house with sum.
ma kitchen, first class bank barn,
drive shed, hen house, pig pen, silo,
two wells/ windmill, and small or-
chard. The Hayfield river runt across
back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats,
the finest of grate land. This is a
splendid fatal, well Situated, and
Will be sold on easy terms.
June 4)th,
A quantity of hardWOOd plank for
tele 'eticap. Stlitable for bar!. or
utable floors, culvertsi etc.
& j, V.A1,1*SH0RD,
s 4th.
Farm Orains.
I offer the followingvar.
ietiee of Sod grain,
The Improved L1goW0 is a large
white variety with a branching
head and Stiff straw, a. vigorous
grower and free from rust a(nd
smut ..... • ,
Six rowed, is the best known variety for cultivation in this sec-
tion. lo acres with me last year
yielded over eleven hundred bush—
els . , ..... •
Egyptian Wheat, is. claimed to be
ahead of cont, superior to oatt
and more profitable than wheat.
It withstands drought remarkably
well, making it especially adapted
for•light soils. . . , .
'Grown from imported Dedelt Flax
Made from pure Flax Seed.
These grains, etc., may been seen
at my farra, Lot 22, Huron Road,
Goderteh Township.
•• CLINTON P. 0. I
Two stores in the Seerle Block for
Clinton, March 9th,
Home -Made
Try King's Home Mede Brea& and
you will say. there is no need of im-
porting it. •
It is, just like the real horne-made
article , and we sell it at the , same
price as the corntnon. bread.
The undersigned offers for sale east
part of lot 15, con. 5, Staithey, eon-
sisting of fifty acres: The lot is in •a
good state of Cultivation and well
watered and feitied: Brick honk
and frame kitcheit The outbuildings
are all in good condition. 1g thaw:
• from Varna. Will lie sold on •easy
terms. For further particulars • apply
. .
W. E. REID, :Varna P. 0;
Feb, 6th, '
SHOP FOR pm. -a,
The undersigned offer's1 is seagoa and
carriage shop for sale in the „,se of
Brueefierd. Also his dwelling with 3-5
actes, of land. There is a good or-
chard, hard and soft water, etc; Will
be sold on-reaioneble terins as I have
t� retire from the business on account
of ill health. • • • •
Though I am giving up the manlike-
turing I ant keeping ,on hand a • full
stock .of farm iniptements, also wag-
gons, cutters, etc.': •
" _ „ JOS. R.013INSON,
Brucefield, Jan. 3tat. • 2t
The undersig,ned offers for sale a
IX storey. cottage with five bedrooms,
large dining room, parlor, etc. Situ-
ated on -William street, convenient to
(he Colleg;ate Institute. For further
particulars apply to James Scott,
barrister. '
Clinton, June adrd.
The undersigned offers for sale a
storey frame liaise on Victoria street
south of the railway. track. Small or.
&arc'', good well, stable, etc,
Also small • frame house on Jetties
street, near the knitting factory, ys
acre of land, goosl well, etc.
Will be sold on casy terms.
Clinton, Sanitary 6th.
A meeting will be held in
the Town Hal), Clinton, on
Monday, April 6th, under the
auspices of the Ontario Fruit
Growers' Association.
It is intended also to hold a
short afternoon session com-
mencing at 1:30. At 3:80 the
meeting will adjourn to a
neighboring orchard for prac-
tical demonstration in prun—
ing, grafting, etc. In the
evening the speakers will take
up the different phases of
fruit culture, and at the same
time dismiss the advisabilityof
organizing a local fruit grow-
ers' associttion, the object of
which. &Ian be the meeting
together of fruit growers to
talk co-operative shipping,
packing, grading and hand-
ling of fruits; etc.
Zr. Wm. Woods had some sheep
worried by dogs lately.
Mr. Win. Taylor has bought Mr.
Wm. Farrier's farm contaitong too
acres. We understand the price paid
was 4500.
Mr. Thos. Robb of Amberlv has en-
gaged with Mr. ROL Woods for the
Mr. James Baker, who has been'en-
gaged cutting wood with Mr. Buchan-
an, left last week to wtirk with Wnt.
J. Agar, Ashaeld.
Good comfortable house • to rent.
Apply to the undersigned.
Clinton, March d501.
Via Chicago, 1%11watt-tate • and St.
Paid and Union Pacific line.
February 1,5th to April 3otli,• 1902.
Only •$33 Chicago to San Francisco
1.4os Angeles and many other Califor-
nia pointt, One-way, second class,
colonist tickets.
Will be glad to send you -additional
Canadian Freight and Pass'r Agent,
8, King 5t, East, Toronto,Ont.
Thot, White, Esq.,
High See. C. O. F.
Dear Sir,--Kitally allow me, through
you, to acknowledge the receipt of a
cheque for one thousand dollars, the
ameent of insurance on the life of my
late husband, Samuel Lowery, and to
express Inv sincere thanks for settle-
ment of the claim. I also dsire to
give expression to my ,grateful feel-
ings towards the brethent of the sub-
ordinate Court Selwood No.87 for thc.
kindness showu by them.
Goderich toninship, .s. leth;
. .
Petty acres of Pasture land; en the
Maitland concession, Goderich town-
ship, to rent. • Well watered and with
plenty of Shade.
- .
. • C; W: WILLIAMS, -
March 24th .' .Holmesville P,O,
. .
• AucTioN- SALE.
The undersigned will sell his house-
hold effects by public auction at his
residence, King' street, at 2 o'clock
p. in. en Saturday, March 28th.
1 bedroom, suits,. 2 single beds, 4
matresses, 3 .par bed springs, 1 ex-
tension table, 1 'kJ tel:en table,- 7 din-
ing reord c1.tiI. 2 rocking chairs, to
kitchen • chairs, sideboard, 2 hanging
latips,- 2 hand • lamps, 'Souvenir
range wood or coal. Challenge hea-
ter, 1 (Irmo, i new Williams sewing
nvachine, carpets, 1 cabinet maker's
Work bench, 6 doz..' fruit • gems, '
washleb; 1 elothss wringer, i wash
board, 3 doz, pickle bottles, / granite
kettles, 3 screen doors, 7 screen wins
doves, 2 granite basins and. pitchers.
• ' Terms, Cash.
. Proprietor, , Auctioneer.
or Farm Stock, Houteliold Furni-
On2P1 Ete.
Mr. John -McCartney hat inttracted
the undersigned to sell. by public auc-
tion at one o'clock p. m., on Thurs-
day, April 2nd, , on his premises at
Holintsville; the following : I driving
'Mare rising 7 .years, 1 driving mane
rising .6 'years, 2 single buggies near-
ly new, s. cetters, 1 wagon, 1 set
hartows, . 1 bessv pole; • 2 aet singlc.
harness, 1 set tea* harness, Number
of hells, 1 giina stone, z 'sap ,kettle,
x vinegar barrel. I milk Can, 1 boiler,
2„ .Nitniber of Mill: pans : andpuils, •
, I Happy . Thought range, t
cookitig stove, 1 heating stove, i loun-
ge, I. sideboard, 1 hereon, several
bedsteads, " 'chairs,: • tables- and Other
articles too niuuerou to ineittioa,.
Quantity of • Matigolds Mid Turnips.
Tcrins All Smut .of Sia and Under,
Cash on over that amount: 8.,inotith's
credit will begiven zm .furnishing ap-
proYed • joint notes. Positively no re-
serve as the proprietor is going West.
JOHN: McCAIONEY, , W. silur,t,
• Proprietor. Auctioneer.
The undersigned oilers his cottage oa
King street for sale. 'there is hard
and soft water, a good stable, etc.
Appy at the house. • •
Tehders will 'be received by the.
undersighed up to April ist for •the
enlarging and repairitig of time. towu
hall, Hayfield. • Plans and specificat-
ions may be seen at the Clerk's office.
H. W. ERWIN, Clerk.
Hayfield, March 4th..
MISS SKIMINGS 60.9.,„PRIll c(f.nn,FSP. .ENT
4' 144•44+444÷1•4•444+4•4•4' 04$
, There was a very large congrega-
tion at Knox church on Sunday ev-
ening last, Rev. Ur. Small of Au-
burn filling the pulpit, taking for his
text St. John 14-2. 1Ie said no one
• could doubt God's love for us all
after reading. the 23rd Psalm in the
.01d Testament and the chapter from
which he took his text. The Rev.
gentleman thought that we might
make flea'ven upon earth and • be
ready to see God in His Heaven af-
ter. He read the ' 23rd verse of the
2ist chapter of Revelations showing
the glory of geaven and the 5th verse
of the 221d chapter. Rev. Mr. Smell
is naturally a comforter, sympathe-
tic in a high degree and sincere. At
the offertory the choir sang the an-
them "0 Radiant Morn."
A delightful Birthday Party was
given by Mrs. William Young on Fri-
• day evening last, it being the six-
teenth anniversary of the birth of her
daughter, Ms bmuia, the guests 'be-
ing about 26 young ladies and gentle-
men of the Collegiate Institute who
are the young lady's classmates. The
evening was devoted to • crokinole,
parches', and others, interspersed
with vocal and instrumental select-
ions. Mr, George Yule delighted all
with his gramophone selections. At
eleven p. a inost reeherche supper.
•was served, the birthday cake taking
the. place of honor with a rose tree In
"doom beside it, The present's were
really • beautiful, embracing a gold
watch the gift of Miss Fautna's par-
ents, a gold .pansy brooch and one of•
gold and blue -enamel, handsoine little
vases and candle stickasf Wedgewood
ware bric-a-brac, . lace 'handkerchief
and other dainty articles covered a
fancy table, • The company dispersed
at inidnight after wishing Miss Emma
• many returns of . the. day and singing
the National Anthem. • Clinton friends
sent gifts and congratulations. •
Miss Lillie Fisher of Chicago is
spending a„ few weeks -"at the parental
residence. • ••• • • ' '
Mr. Naysmith • was indisposed 'last
Mr. Tom, Pringle of the elevator,
forinerly of Kingston, has purchased
Harpers testatirant. We hope Tom,
will feel . elevated by exchanging his
position at the elevator to the gar -
Pe •
resteauerantmiss Lewis will
soon be permitted to take the . splints
from her limb, being. obliged for the
past four weeks,- to• maintain, the . one
.Mr, John Tiitt left on, Saturda.y . to
visit friends at Seaforth• and will fill
his old position in that town. .
Captain 'Alexander :Murray McGre-
gor has been. retire'd from being com-
mander of • the •Governthent •Tug .Bays
-field. Captain McGregor has been an
active and" energetic . -seaman for •most half a ,c•enttiry but the continued
illness of his .srin and failing: • health.
of , Mrs. •McGregor, necessitates. Ida
presence this season at, his. home.. His
sell, Captain. A.- 'EI-ItIeGreger, visited
his parents a. short time since. .•
'Res.- A, .R. M. Thotristm of 'Rodney
spent...a ,few days here first week • in
3311airci,I. eo''
Mr Moores, late manager of the'
•Goderich ••Elevator. Co., was i11 town
last week. He. is »�w managerof the
newt elevator .being built „at' Sarnia..
Miss. • McKay of Woodstock, •who
cattle to take care Of her encle,.. Mr.
Alexander Munro, is :the (laughter of
his twin sister, • Mrs. McKay. of *Scot-
land who is Miss.VeKay.'s mother: '
The indisposition af Rev. Father
West on •St. Patrick'sclay prevented
, the congregation. of St. Peter's • from
. .
attending 'High -Massui honer of the
patron saint of Ireland..
• Mrs. •Joseph Wilson, Who has re-
turned to Iter residence, will not. he
Home" until the /11 Odle • of April
• We are sorry to loreof the :indis-
position .of . Mr. .Shannon, Cambria
l‘alits. Mary Cox, we: are • pleas.ed. to
learn;' • has recovered so • far aa to
leave her town.' •-
Miss Gilby hes returned all ready
to prepare for the Easter mniltimmery
display at Smith Bros.
Ur. and Mrs. Henry Scott of Kin -
Cardillo spent a couple of daye the
guests of Mr. Scott's sister, Mrs
John Johnston.
The entertainment held at Mrs.
McKinnon's residence on Friday even -
lig last, given under the auspices of
the Ladies* Aid of Victoria street
church was a mostenjoyable affair.
,ut 90 or Joe persons attended.
Captain Craigie was like ourselves
last week expecting a squall and
would prefer to have the past flue:
weather later. However he said if
the fine weather continued the Evelyn
and other tugs would have to go out.
Mr. Pringle of the elevator said the
harbor was full of herring but the
fishermen on the dock could catch
none as the herring are too wary and
will not bite. While we were down he
tried his „fortune but all he had was
his bait.
The new tug Slaniton with her coat
of white pautt looks lovely at the
island. The engine works have had
the engine put into the tug Wright
and bOth tugs will Soon be all ready
for the fishing season as this week the
nets are being Amu, out.
Who will win the gather Easter's
hat ? •
After a short illuest Mary Ann
Westlake; beloved wife of reaptain
Alex. McLeod, sank to rest. Mrs.
McLeod contracted a cold at , the tirne
her mice, Mrs. John Sowerhy lost her
baby and later it developed pneumon-
ia. The deceased lady was married to
Captain Alex, McLeod of the schoo-
ner Mary of Port Stanley at her resi-
dence Stanley township on Aug. 7th,
1869. They sailed together 24 years
in the Mary and other vessels, later
taking grain from Chicago, ICingston
and many ports. They retired after
24 years of life at sea and lived at
Golden Valley for 9 years where Cap-
tain Mcliced kept a general ' store.
For the past three years Captain and
Mrs. IVIeLeod lived happily together
•and about one year ago the Captain
opened out a grocery on Elizabeth
street where Mrs. McLeod rendered
hint all the assistance in her power.
The feneral took place on Wednesday
to Bayfield cemetery. Rev, Mr, Turn-
bull officiated at. house. The . pall-
bearers were Captains James, William
and Dan Sutherland, Captain John
McDonald and Messrs. .John Sowerby
and George McSween.
We were sorry to: learn of the death
of the lovely little fifteen -months -old
babe of Mr. • and 'Mrs. Norman. Mc-
Lean • Of Marquette. Mrs. -McLean is
the •eidest•daughter of .Captain and
Mrs. John McDonald and we are sor-
ry to learn 'that she has been very ill.
The babe in St little white casket covs
ered with floral' tributes looked ".loye-
ly.-• The funeral was private but a
very ' :great number of the eitizons
.were invited, Rev. M. M. Allen offi-
ciated at- residence end grave. Mt.
McLean: is menager. of the INfarqUette
Pislier•y: '' • •
The C. i. of .Knox church lia.Ve in-
vited Mr. • Thomas McGilicucldy. of
Torento to give his lecture on
'"Hotnely 'People. ..
tett Brophy of • Stratford .spent , a
:few days at &rine this -month.
' Mr, and Mrs.' Tipling have gone, tip.
to Wroxeter . to visit friends before
they leave for Manitoba: Mr. Tip -
ling has had 'a' bad attack of la
flrIPPe.t. • • •
We have just learned .of the death
at Brantfottl-"of one of its well known
citizens, Mr, Samuel K. Passmore,
, late organisf of ' Knox Church, town.
«Captain Colwell and . Engineer 'Wil-
liamson left last week for their new
!Mat.' '
. .
• Mr, 'Walter Sill ibs is putting a new
pipe fence upon his .lot. • '
The harbor, hill looks as if there
'Were several good crops of hay upen.
.its sides, good length •too. Oa ' the
north side of •the .hartiOr roadway
there is a pathrunning at a little
diateince from the top all along the
. .
side. • • • .
Edward Sharman, contractor
and builder, died suddenly on the 12t11.
of March. Ile ' had not. been well. at
the time of the sudden death of his
Wife some months Previoua and al-
though .recovering sufficiently to walk
around town he was not in very pro-
mising health. On the morning of hit
death he had • breakfasted stS aisital
and camedown" stairs but suddenly
his daughter noticed a change and be-
fore any .medical skill could be sum-
moned Edward Sharman breathed his
last in his -flaughtet's arms. Hewas
in his 751.11 yearHis sister,' Mrs.
Wm. Campbell, just . died two days
before, • which • must have been a Shock
to him in his weak state: Mr. Shar-
man took many large contracts ill
town ,inid country, building •hitnself a
Very .pretty brick 'residence on. East
Street., He was an indulgent husband
and father, a good entployets a good
Conservative and a sincere and faith-
ful • member of North street church.
.1Ie leaves to •mourn • their loss a fain-
ily of four sons and five daughters,
Rev., Dr. , Daniel officiated athouse
and grave. Lovely floral emblems
were laid upon the casket, one a
lovely. large pillow at the • head with
"Our Father' in beantiful large let-
ters upon a broad white ribbon and a
lovely tribute "The Gates Ajar" sur-
mounted by a dove and a number of
other lovely tributes. The pallbear-
ers. were Messrs. . Walter , and' John
Sharman, nephews, his sons William
and George, the latter from Chicago,
his son-in-law, W. .. C. Pt idliam and
his imphew, tVillittin Campbell of Chi-
cago. The futteral, which wag. large,
took • place to Maitland celnetery,
Hispatriarch' father died in December
Captain Colwelt and Engineer A.
Williamson will take command of the
Norsinatt at Alpena which it is ex-
pected will have the three -masted
schooner Katandin as a consort,
Captain Colwell coinstianded the
fgatalidin for years.
Captain James Hatter will conintattd
the new tug Manitou and her first en-
gtheer will be 3. Sitnpson.
Changes in town still go on,' Gor-
don Henderson, so popular with Our
citizens as a telegraph operator and
manager, has had a short term in the
old C. I'. It. °nice here, the agency
being transferred to Mr. Joseph Kidd
and the office moved to Kid's book-
store. Mr. Heederson goes- to the
Windsor C. P. R. ,offices. •
Colin ArurrAy accompauied by
Captain Dan Sutherland left or the
hospital at London on Thursday Iatt
aild stood the journey very well. He
was operated upon on Titetday.
1VIessrs. Ethic Stewert, only son of
Mr. ;fames Stewart of the Big Mill,
left for Winnipeg on Monday and
Wesley McLaren of Welsh's jewelry
establishment left on the same train
for Brandon. Our youths are leaving
Horsefor Sale.
•For particulars apply to •
Clinton, Mar. I8th.
Bull for Sale.
The undersigned has for
sale on his premises, lot 24,
con. 8, Willett, a Grade Bull,
1 year old, weighs 1,100 lbs.
3t* Londesboro
Steers for Sale.
I have a number of Stock
Steers for sale. Also some
newly calved cows. •
JOHN nouns,
Huron Road.
Clinton, Mar, 17,
Mist E. Cox was called away to
London to visit her 'sister, Mrs. Cam-
pbell of that eity, .who is 'a great
invalid tut Could only remain with
her a .short- time, her mother being-
3,rs, , ewton is at 'London with
her sister, Mrs., Campbell, who is ho
Mrs. Alexander Stewart- and•
have reinoYed to Niagara where Mr.
Stewart has the contract for making
the coders for the electric power
there. •. •
• Mr. Blair, gardener for Miss Cain-
eron, fell last week from a load of
somethitg he was haulieg a.nd broke
his leg. • .•
Mr. Colin Murray was to leave his
home on Wednesday a, in. to go to
the hospital at Toronto in order • to
undergo an operation but he felt un-
able • for the trip. - He has been ill
,several weeks.
A• number of our citizens Were mak-
ing their gardens on Wednesday of
last week. '
Mrs. ThoMas IBidos and little babe,
Thomas George, of -Brantford are at
the -residence of Mrs. Warren. The
baby is very delicate and Mrs. Bates
broupt it up thinking that tlie. care
her 'mother, Xrs. Warren, could give
It would be of much benefit to her
little. infant. -
Mrs, Eh. and Miss Fisher left • for
their future residence, Philadelphia,
oa Saturday.
• Miss' -Wallace,. accompanied, from
Clinton by her sister, Mrs. MeGarva,
and Mr. MCGa,rva, tame •tip last week
to attend the sale of Miss Wallace's
property on West street.
The train on which Mr. Charles
Crabb left • Chicago for Los Angelos
ran into a freight train between the
Windy City and 11 pas° whiert would
wallow; doubt have precipitated all
on, board into the river if the engine,
that turned over, had not tamed 011
the land side..m
It ust have beea an
awful. moment . for • the 'passengers.
They were detained • upon . their journey
for to hours but • na one was injured.
Mr. George .Drew has returned to
Ooderich after a two years' stay in
Toronto. 'Re says house rent in Tor-
onto • is very high. •
SIMPSON—HENRY—At the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. W, 3.• Foster of
Strathclair,. Man., on March x2th,
by Rev. D. • Sutherland M. A., Mr,
• 'William E. Simpson .of Oak River,
Man., to Miss • Kate Henry of
Whitethurch, Bruce county, Ont.
at the residence of the brother of
the bride'by Rev. I', Musgrave,
Mr, Jas. Aitcheson, to Miss Mary
J. Kerr, ell of McKillop,
WRIGHT—fAIDLAW—At the Manse,
Egniondville, on March ifith, by
Rev. N. Shaw., B. A., Mr, 'William
. Wright to Miss Isabella. Laidlew,
both of Tuekersmith.• •• ,•,
MORRISON—HOY—In Walton, on
March 17th, by Rev. I. M. Webb,
' •
Mr, T. W. Morrison, to 1Viiss An-
nie E., daughter of Mr,, and Mrs.
Hoy, all of Walton. •
STECKLE—In. Stanley, on March to,
• • . the Wife ;of Mr, John Steekre of a
HENDRICK—In Hay, on the • -•t4tli
• March, the wile of • Mr... Alber• t
Hendrick of a Son. ' • . •
LAPORTE—In Hay- on • the t4th Mar-
ch, the Wife of Mr. John 'Laporte
. of a -daughter. • .•
SCHENCK—At •Zurich, on March -17,
• the .wife a Mr. Williarn Schenck
ofason. • -
TALBOT, -In 'Exeter, on March t3th,• ,
to Mr, and Mrs. • Wm. Talbot, a
son. •
aleVICAR—In Goderieh, on March 19,
to Mr. and -Mrs. W. W, .McVicar,
a daughter. • •• • •• .
COOPER—• -In Goderich, on March 16,
• to Mr.•• and Mrs. Charles Cooper,
• Cambria 12163Ead,ATar5. sson. • . • •
• •
MANUEL—In WingliainiMatch i2th,
Thos. II: Manuel, aged 54 yearS,
to months. - ' • , • .
MeLAUGSILIN—In Gorrie; :March 5;
• • James McLaughlin,. aged 69 years.
CHAMBERS—In Stephen,on March
tath, C. Frank Chambers, aged .27
years, 8: months and 7' days. •
MeMAHON—In Hay,. on IVIarch • iSth,
Elizabeth •Pyfe,- tenet ',of the late
• *John, 1VIeMalion, aged 74 years, 4
months and 4 days. . •
HAICEI-At Ctsubrook,.. on Match' is,
•Aclain :Baker, aged ,S1 yeara; 3
inonths: and 18 days.• • .
13.rutsels, on March lath,
' Clara A.; 'infant (laughter of,. D.
and. Mrs. •Dapee; aged..4 months.. • .
BOYDS-In ' McK Olen, on March ..12th,
Sarah iRoss, wife :of Mr. Robert
Boyd,' • aged 35 'years, 3 months
and 27 clays • . •
KNIGHTs-In Cranbrook on 1VIarelf
• . 131.11, 'Jean. Airth,• wife • of Mr.
John • Knight, ,aged 58 years and.
• , n months.. ,• , ' • •
THOMSON—In Cranbrook, • on Mardi
• t2th, 'Mrs. George Thomson..
Miss Pollock iS keeping house for
her sister, Mrs. Bates, during her ab-
sence here.
Mr. George Scott has returned from
Paisley and is now a clerk for Mr.
Wilhiamu bliarman a the boot and shoe
Mrs„ Milian: Smith returned • last
week front spending the winter the
guest of her ..daughteri Mrs. Field,.
Captain Babb of the Ocean House
presented Mr. Phelan on St. Patrick's
Day with the Shamrock of Ireland.
We do not know whether the night
policeman "drowned"- it or not.
Mr. Maloney has returned from
Chicago where he spent the winter
and is . again upon the staff of the
'Engine ,Co, .
I De. Gallow has taken the residence'
on Kingston street lately Oecupied by
Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. Stewart.
1(10 beautifnl edlored views With
short explanations by Miss. H. 4.;
Rill of 'Toronto
• TUESDAY, APRIL 7t11, 8 P. M.
Admission and 2,5e.'
Torento Saturday Night of Marek
701.—It is refreshing to see people
enthusiastic in their work, be . it of
.necessity or be it a hobby. And a
pleasant bobby is lantern work, with.
'the making or directing the making
,of beautiful and ititeresting pictures.
Such we enjoyed lately. in Miss Hill's
snuggery, reviewing the , scenes - at
Westminster of last 'August and the .
late celebration in Dello with many .
• beautiful pictures leading to, the same
and hearing the few • concise remarks
that point out the noticeable features
of each scene. In this, interesting and
agreeable way Miss Hill gives pleas -
urn and as her many friends. through •
Ontario . wish to see this valna.ble,
panorama, of a hundred views she is .
•contamplating a un short rthrough
the province, thereby hoping to collect
funds in • aid of worthy institutions,• •
Next Friday Mist Hill will give, the
• series' of views in Association 11a11.•
The News.—Miss Hill will give an •
• entertainment on Friday, the .13th, at
the ASsociation Hall, corner Young
and McGill streets when She. will ill-
ustrate .by. many. 'lovely colored lan-
tern pictures the Coronatiou oration-
io and • theDurbar, India,• giving
short, interesting -explanatiOns •of .
•01(1. • and young should enjoy •
• syliiiietesivint:
Valuable spectacle. Miss Hill
e going to several cities in On-
tario, thus givingeveryone a thenee
• of seeing • 'this panorama, besides • a .
very vivid impression of these • noble -
Irieiids sPent Yeryi. pieatant.
• hour 'with Miss Hill in her artisticden
, looking at • e selection. of . her lovely
lantern. -yieiva on the. Coronation • and
the ' 'Durbar, • one great dual event . •
wortli lin westing • on the Minds' of
those who have. lived to :see • r to
hear of it.,An eye -witness Of the .Cor-
onation prceStionS -and.' gaieties' Miss .
Hill brings them very vividly -before .
• one and' her interest m Delhi end the
Durhar has :been greatly enhanced by .
the• fact that ber brother, General
•11111, being the comaratidant of • the. .
volunteets during that time and hal&
ing. the responsible position of Dispec-
tor-General of Volunteers of all India.'
It is byspecial request of -many 'hi
ends that Miss . Hill' has had • this
hundred• beautifully ,• colored • views..
• made •and she thinks of .showing them• •
iu several Ontario cities.• '.The • scenes
in the Abbey, with the gorgeousness.
•-'-of . the robes of the. clergy mid, the- no::
bility are finely. shotea and the Dur -
bar processions are led up to by.. ex- .
mdSite views of the lovely buildings of
The, ladies belonging to • the Foreign
Missionary *Society' of Knox Church
held one of their . •mest • successful
meetings at the beautiful residence of
Mrs. Warnock, The business meeting
commenced at 4 p. m. on Tuesday
17111. fest. • Mrs, Duff acted in 14Ce Of
1VIts. 'Warnock as president • of . •the
ineeting. Mrs. (Capt.) Gibson gave a
very instructive address on Christian
work: Miss M. _Morris gave a ple•as-
ing recitation, ''Ile ••eulictlt: for thee."
.Miss Sterling here lead a letter from
Miss ticTaggart of Clinton, Presby-
terial secretary of guron, asking the
ladies of the Foreign Mission • here
to provide. wearing apparel for one
year for a young Indian inan and In -
Ante woman of the MiSSIOn School at
Regina. The studyof "Lux Christi"
a.ild "Mobatininedanism was prepared
by IVIiss Grace Sterling, Mrs. Ander-
son prepared a paper on ."Caste."
The wateliteord being "Hope" all the
ladies brought texts withthe watch-
word included. Only two were alike.
After the ladies interchanged the
•greetiegs of the day Supper was an-
nouneed, Little tables were set in
the dining rooto and library and the
guests regaled with coffee, bread and
butter and a great variety of cakes
Misses Dyke and Murray kindly play-
ed piano • selections during supper
, time, At the invitation of Mrs
Warnock Miss Skimings sang "Annie
Laurie" and "Conte to the ivy clad
bower," a .sotig of her own which
gave much pleasure. tater in the ev-
ening when a number of the young
peoplewere enjoying carpet balls)
with Messrs. Goode and George Stew- •
art for eaptaius, Mrs. Anderson sang
beautiful soup from her repertoire.
Before breaking up Miss Straitoit re-
cited "Hineu ' and "Tam's Woo-
ing," "Auld tang Syne" .elosed the
program. The whole affair was most
enjovable and the hostess, Mrs. War -
on by Otte, We vosh Ahem good for- nook, is to be congratulated (ni her
Getting The 13est.
Our aim is to provide the best goods at prices
that are popular.
Especially in our WATCHES and CLOCKS
care has been taken to purchase time pieces that
are the best These goods we sell at prices that
are often paid for inferior articles, Call and see
for yourself, no trouble to show goods, -whether
you buy or not,
In our repair departmettt our aim is to turn
out the best class of work. '
Sidecombe's Old Stand,
Opposite Town Hall.
We all lack Oxygen, therefore ex-
posed to Colds, G-rippe, Rheumatism,
etc., from which manly are already suf-
feribirgi. Sanche's Ox3rdonor is the only
means wb.erewith to 'supply this defi-
ciency, forcing disease out of the body.
This 'wonderful little instrument gets
Ix. out of ,be. dleeling rested and full of
To be teen at all times at J. Wo IRWIN'S Store,
Adaiti Catitelott, 00 toil Merchant,