HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-19, Page 9• 4$ Opening, D1806y of • .SpriOg.MiIlinery 4 44 MARCH 26th, 27th and 28th. sevasswaa."-‘90.~N."..eva"."...rs-sers..es•seuro We will Take our opening ,clisplay.of 214.111inery for Spring Thuii'ay, Friday11E1 Sglonl3t 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . . • 4' 4 4 4 4fo 4 TECIII MINTON )1101713-1111100ED Spring Opertin 0 F Millinery, Dress Goods, Silks, Shirt 'Waists, Skirts, Carpets, Men's and Boys Clothing SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. • You are cordially invited to visit 'the show room any or all of these days. The season's lat- est styles and novelties will be on exhibition. Pattern Hats and exact representations of New York and Paris patterns, made by our Milliners while visiting the markets, will be a prominent feature of our Spring display. On Opening Days this store will make a showing of high class rm. linery that will discount anything it has done in the .past. The show room is yours on Opening Days, to come and go a's you please. There will be much to interest, and we bid you a hearty welcome. • SOMI LINEN BAROAINS "Makers Seconds." This week we have•some linen bargains—"Makers Seconds" ---in Linen Towelings. Most of them are slightly imperfect, but the imperfection is more than made good by the reduction in price. .All are in short lengths, but none too small to make a good drying towel. The mak- ers sold them cheap because they were not quite perfect, and now we 'pass them on to you at prices that are posi- tively money -saving. Ready Saturday morning. . 30 ends of Linen Glass Tetwel- I one salvage is torn in places, ing, 30 inches wide, red • ends 32 to 40 inches long. fi border, good weight lengths ' Choice each, Saturday..... rU2 32 by 40 inches, clearing ' Sat urctay at the end, each.. U 175 ends yery fine Linen Glass Towelling. These ends are about 18 inches square, plain linen with red border. They would make good ta. hie napkins, or glass towels. 4 On sale Saturday at each., • 150 ends of Linen Crash, 16 inches wide, gond' weight, • red, bonier., Some of these 50 ends Linen Crash Toweling ' good weight, red borders, would make dish or roller t °wale, lengths 2 to 2,1, yda. • Ready Saturday morning. I Your choice, each . . • 1 • 75 ends plain Toweling, 25 Inches wide, snakes as capital drying towel for drying china or glass, ends are froni 32 to 40 inches. Choice Sat. fl ..0"‘"•0 TABLE DAMASK. • With. the Towelings; we 'got a couple of lines. of Table Damask, a little Undervalue.... They are: worth more than the price we are 'asking, but we get them cheap and so you get them id the same way: . One, and only. 50 inch Cream •- -One end only. 72,inch Cream Dattlaskifioral patterns with Damask, half bleaclieciamod border, good qualit,y and • • patterns, a good cloth to . will ,wear well. On sale Sat. .0 wear, extra„elnelal value at 2g day, per yard ' per yarct • • SW ILI 25c. VEILINGS 16c. • Saturday Morning We .plit on sale a big bargain in Veilings. These came to us away Wider value, because we cleared out every piece a -.INYholesale iMporter had '• in stock. If we had not two :stores we .would have had to kt this chalice go try. . As it is, you buy 25c. Veiling for 10c. per yard if you come 'here on Saturday. . 200 yards of Veiling, assorted: ends, with or With- out .chenille Spots, black, Cream) white orblack and blue. Regular 26Oper yard, on sale Satur- day at per yard ••••••••••••••.• . •••••••./••• 10C WW4OVIAA4AAAAAAM6Yidlitlif,''.' • NEW WASH GOODS: "Prettiest Wash Goods in town,” is what people say who see this Oack. Afore new lines came to hand this week. Every few days there is something new to be seen here. Novelties that you will not see in any other store in town, and best of all only a limited quantity of any one pattern. og.....wvosvorwoodoiknew. AAAi New Shirt Waist Prints Aercerized Canvas linsgant row patiert s itable . for Shit t Waists, in 'Cr uirete famotia wash ittiets, fine auft elotita, u101.108 wide, feat colors, m'w and ttobit,y 21 pa t terns, pa r d 2 4 • 40 4 . . New Mattino. Now Ala LI big' * a popular met. tatial fait aatistor and skirts plain vo hi r ea, whIte grounds' with colored ettotnes,or plain colors, flue finish, matted stylish anti sett/livable Iv/tight or full dresees, cyoryd as In 30C Now mercerized canvas cloths au elegant material for • waists or full dresses, lu white, pink, blue black or •rream, one of the prettiest tbinge we have thie eeasott, per yard. .......,.. . *UV New Scotch Zephyrs. Dozeint of handsome designs • hi fine Scotch zephyrs, cheeks and stripes in alt the poplins, coloring's rind eorno binatione, nothing better for fancy waisf. nr child - red's Wear, per yard. „ IB, 20 and 1114 ON FRIDAY T is with a great deal of satisfaction that we announce the opening event in this, the largest and finest store in the county. The dis- play of Spring and Summer Millinery, Dress Goods, etc., is by far the best ever made by us. A description can give you but a very faint • idea of the beauty that is to be found bere.-uotliing short of a personal Felling Bays inspection can give you an idea of the size and newness of our stock. 10. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME. 011 • • EVENING THE STORE WILL BE OPEN FROM 8 TO lY 4 • • Dress Goods. and Wf; never had such' a splen didcollection of tine dress goods and eilks and never gave such values, It is a treat, juet to see the ex- hibition, a treat you ale welcome to whether you buy or not. There are 130 Many new weaves and designs this season, all of which will be found in, Four Black Sateen • Silks. . Skirt Bar ains ourdisplay. Softie of the new weaves and cloths are VoilesCanvas Snit Wire Olutbs, Para. digns, Ole. Ja.panese Mattings at 14., 18, 25 and 30 cents. We are showing a fine line of Iapaifetre Mat. Ung at the above pricels,every one. even the loweit priced, has the cotton warp, which makes them wear better. All are new design's and colon. with rows of frills, regular Made of plebe heavy thalami ' 4> $1.50 vaine, Opening Days Linoleums at 75c. and $1. Sale Price. .. • I 00 ..• $2.25 Skirtsat 51.50 $3.00 " 32.00 g Commencing Seturday morning we will place on sale three of the best' skirt bargains ever offered in Clinton. $1.50 Satana Skirt for $1. • Two yard wide Linoleum in a fine range of patterns -light' and dark colors -good heavy quality. Very Speelfil at per yard -75c and $1. 4 -yard wide Linoleutn, extra heitYy•qoality, tit 75c • BrOadClOthS. - in eavY. 'bran, fawn and Mack, the best value,4 vvoi ha ye. 1 00. ever idloWn. at .4315, t71.15,1.48 to • . All Wool Serge.s, .fienriettas and Satin.' Cloths., . They are (the best. Values we everhad, they come in afl- ark •,loacling shades. at 28,.40, .50 and • .0 U • Lustres at 25c, 30c, 40C to 85c. Our range otthede populargoods is very large, shades are navy, cardinal; pink, sky, cream, grey, blue grey .and black, all are extra value and are in great demand for waits . .. . . . .... ..28, .30, .40 to u 05 Waistings Of sat,in striped voilee, in a fine range of new- *bade% I fl • prices. „ . ; . . . •.130, .75 to 1 U Silks of Guaranteed quality.. 'Illatertlie kind We sell; never have we:been so well stocked with heatitiful silket as this season. LIICERINR in all the newest !shades, also -Meek, guaranteed pot to cut, at Boiled Taffetta SIlk at 85c. In black is. really 'wonderful vaine, will make up nicely for at waist and W111not cut. We ask you to compare our 850 silk with any you can get at $1 00. • • • 1 40:: • • • Orient Silk. • * In atin' on one side and silk on the other, make a, 7 t • very,rich waiet, price . • • . Silk .and riuslin Waists buying Opening Days we vvillmake our first display of the new Spring 'waiste, smite 300 in all. Don't think the etyleat Were ever so pretty its they erg this season white rune. lin, white batiste, white silk,hea riy every. thing ,is to be of white this season. eyery- ' thing is to be trimmed, some .with tine tucks, others with medallions, others with embroidery or lace, whatever is new will be found here icea......... .. .80, '721,1.00,1.25 to Carpet Store Opening 8- . • AANkmAiwoosvv•,vsekeywwwwwwweivocm•sewomwoi eii Brtisi CLINTON* Our new Carpet Department • • is now ready for huainese- completely ready. We started right -been plan- ning for tamale to make it one of the very beet Carpet S• ores in the county, wtth Whatever advantages in the way of lower prices it Is possible to offer. you. We open on Saturday with a Very fine showingof Wool, Onion. Tapestry, and Bras - eels Carpets. about 6000 yds. in all --,every yard of which • Is brand rieta and bought . • from the best millsitt the eonntilr. Every yard We sell is jiiipked by our absolute guarantee. The Splendid Values Offered During , Opening Week will no doubt make this the busieet thuopet Department in thertoWn. For, beat in nalod, that although It is net& it is perfect aticl well equipped in every PAY, and no to °INN finer tielections. You are sure of entirely ' new pattern*, fresh from the mills -remember that, Hemp carpets at 12 1-2c, •184 arid 23e. • Afitniltgnoryodwcenalorr.s,end patterns Ail heevy qualltieb that will glee belie. Union Carpets at 25.4 40c, .48o and 504 , Attheee prices we are ehowinga fine range otpattertts and color& Tbe regular prices in other stored for those qualities would be 26 pet cent. more than our prices. ' wool cerpoto at /$ and 85 tents. • At the above pridee We are isheiving an elegant rang i of Wool °Arnett. The patterns ere the tame ae you. will 'gee in many of the Semisoft Carpet& •*TriPtetry Carpets at 40e, $04 604 ,6$c to 844 If you want to see the finest range of color* and destigne ever ehowe in Clitit,on, be Sive and deo out display. We also trek You Io.a0Inpare Out vidnee with other stores. ,L Floor Oilcloths at 25c a square yard.. $1.00 Black Sateen Skirts at .75, 18c Featherbone Collar Foundations at 10c. On Saturday morning •we will place on sale 120 collar fowl- datl'ons made of fine muslin We have them in all widths, and many designs„ and colo re. and featherbone, in assorted styles and sizes, regtilar price of, which is 18c, • 1 U • Formal Opening of Clothing Oc. Linen Towelin Boys',.Vo.uths Children's • • . . , . • .. On Friday evening and Saturday morning the first day of Spring we. • . I invite the men and boys to our formal Opening. of (nothing in our Men's I store at the rear of our Dr Goode- store. We have put • in 'a complete stock of ".„Newcoinhe'S-Own" clothing. Mena', Boys:, Youths' 'and Child.; tens' op-to.date, modernly' made, and mensibly , priced clothing, not the cheap band.ra*,down kinds, but the kind of clothing every sensible man wants to wear. ' . • - • • You will find our brand of clothing Just as etylieh and well made tis any you would order from your tailor at two, three to even foto tiMes our prices. Satisfy yourself by cbmparA tson. U the new materials, this season shows more handsome:styles than ever. ;, • Men's Suits at '$5 $675 & $7.50 . . • When you zee them you will wonder how we ever got such good :suite to sell at the:prm iThe cloth is good, triminings are good, and the style is correct, making and fit we fully guarantee. Mens Spits at $9, $10. & $11. .knio have been paying your tailor about double the pride we ask' for these suits. The cloths ,are serges, tweeds and worsted in colors of navy', grey and black, also Mixed colors. The linings are the very hest, all hav- ing French facmge, and if yen don't get two years wear out of one of these suits you are certainly hard on your cloths. Boys' Suits1 '50, 1 75, 2 50 3 00 3 50 3 75 and 4 50 You'll he surprised to see what a good quality of cloth we taveln our Snits at the above prices. Every suit, no matter how low the price is na e and finished ; all haVe s, ate gem to give satisfactory wear, good strong liningand uarantee : • Men'sShowerproof Coats forSpring • The Showerproof Coat We are stilling at $10.00 has always been WM- ni teivn before at $15. .Tbey come in Oxford Grey only, and the style and fit is perfect; • • • Men's Furnishings and the New Spring Hats • Nothing makes an,old hat look rustier than a new suit or overcoat and bright skies. Last Saturday a great many- men came for their new bats, and found such a variety that in a few minutes they Were tuned. • Don't Iet a,nybody tidl you that a Certain style is the thing this spring, it it au I tl for all styles atiA good, and if you like ifo certain hat, and your family likes Derby* May be had at $2,60 and 0,00. Soft Rai at 75c,, $1.25, $2,00 and $2.80, • Neckwear .• • Our new Spring ,Neekwear. fa now on view. Prices gt•e., 85c and 50c, 0000000000000000000 A Hat Brush Free 0 8 Commeneing.Saturday morning a very fine Rat 0 Brush will be men with every Man's hat or snit of 0 0 olothes purchased here. 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 • at6c. _ yards of 17i inch critic. Linen lowelling, extra havy quality. • regular value is 9e. Opening !sale 61. . 1 to go at ... . , • 2 83c Prints at Sc . • 200 yds of light and dark eol American Prints all warr fast coknos. Regular 8i cent mull., ityfor........„ .,...... 12i ct Printst 10 150 yards of light and dark Prints, 32 inches wide,good heavy quality. Our regular price is 12i I a cents, sale price.22c Grain _ Bags at 16c. 100 Grain Bags, extra, heavy quality, large size, the kind we always sell at 22 cents each, on 1,0 sale days to go at a1 U 12ic fc I5c Linen Collars at 8c. On Saturday morning* We seall. place on sale the balance of • our Ladies' Lineu Collars now in stock that meld at 12ic and 00 15r, for..., ...., , .. . .. .UU , • Cashmere Hose worth Up to -45c at 25c th. " 5 dozen Cashmere Rbse in as- sorted ribs...sizes 8 -if, 0 and • 0i, regular value up to 46e, 25 Opening Sate • Kid Gloves' worth Up to . • • $1.25 for 75c On Saturday: we offer at 75e :a pair 100.paireof very fine kid gloyes in shades of tang,. modem, greys rite., all sizes in stock, those are our new Spring gloves, with scene from our regular atoek and the Openingprice vitlfe.rip,..to $1.25, 75 7c Flannelette at 5c. _ 500 yds of Pink, Slue and Cream Ilanrielette, regtdar 7c for, ....,. s 75c Corsets at 50c. All steel filled and Made of good qiutlity Jean* 15c Lawn at 10c, 200 yds of wide Victoria Lawn, . rvialcieut3Inatiz. n.a,,lei.fiy:.r.e.g„ida. ,t,-.1!. ,c.t: 0 I 0 • 15c Linen Tray Cloths at 10c 100 Linen Tray Cloths with rein e 6..ti ends, wOrth 15e, salelicieei.. ... t 1 U 100 Litten Towels,,ffL , • Worth 25e per pair 't8 tiirls' School Rain Coats In Navy Dine. Sate pride NMI) $2.150 YOWL AtOtteir HAOR IP VOV WAWA, We 50 piars of Boy's School Knickers at 25c. 28 pairs ot $L60 Lace Curtains at $1 18. 44#4**04041144.413“0-0 CLINTON' 14444001144444.4144.44444 400+. ...04411444.44044. • • ,Nifirstr