HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-12, Page 7M,, -=412th, 1903 - , I 11�____­ __ '. . "" . - .� , . --%e . __ - - I � , The Molsons. Bank I .4 IncorpQrvited by � �O Act of Parliament, '4655. V ; CR-pital - - " . - J;!;,500,000 Rtl.st - - � - - - 2,250,0 . I ,iEAD �, OFFICE - -MONT;B' . , I Wil k I M her4on, President, I. PMAt ,, 4ep General Manager. ll James 1� Notes ditou$teol, Collection$ made. , I Drafts issued. Stes ling atul Amcr- I I ican Exchange bought and $old. I . Interest allowed on deposits. . � I 11 VAVINGS 13ANK . .1, � Interest allowed on sums of $1 And I - ,. tip, compounded half yearly. .. J FARMERS. : � Money advanced to farmers on their I o%Nn notes Nvith one or more an- ;� I . . 1. � Jorsors, No mortgage required as I , 11 � "curity. , ­ 114 C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. f. -, �, � I ; ��.­ . i "� Cy. D. McTaggrart L. I : � ;, � .;,� BANKER. I .1. . � , , f .4 General Banking Business transact- . , L � "f ad. Notes discounted. Drafts I " � issued. Interest allowed on de- . ,I posits. I .:� Albert street - - - - Clinton. Y. SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan Office-Ziliott Block - - Cliritou. I - W. BRYDONE, � BARRISTI�R, SOLICITOR, � Notary, Public, Etc. . Oflice-,'�Ioune Block - - - Clinton . 4 RIDOUT & HALRI I , . I 0 Coliveyancers, Commissioners, Real Ustate and Insurance Agency. Aloncy to loan. . 11 , C. B. HALF, JOHN RIDOUT B. R. IIIGGINS . . Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurances Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for f i each. All work neatly and cheaply done. . . - . BRUCE FIE LD I - - - - - - ONT. _�, INk. W. GUNN, � . % . . R. C. 11. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls ,it iron door of residulice on Rattenbury street, Opposite . Presbvtcrian church, . 011'ce-Okario' street - - Clintoill� I . . - - DR. SHAW, . . . . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I , . I . . . � Olfice-Ontario street - -� Clinton. opposite St, Paul's church. . - . LAL. CAV. THOMPSON I . AIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attctit"on gIvLn. to diseases at. the Eye, Far, Nose and Threat. I office and Residence— . All,ett street Rast� Clinton . North of Rattenbury strect . , - . . . . . . . � . . DR. G. W. BIA\INI-'\G SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I Oil'ice formerly occupied by Dr. . . Pal- . lisUr on Main street. � � . BAYFI110,D - . - - - - - - 011t. .. DR. AGNEW, . ­ .. . , DmxTIST. . lVill I)(- at Blyth every second MOITday Office- I . Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, � . Clinton. . �� Z, �1 - DIZ. 0. ERNLST 11GI.M.1",S, ' ,J- ',L'I)(;Cial;Nt Ili Crown all(] bridge Al',,r1k I13, 1�1..`,"',�`il , � J �i' D. D. S -Grailtiate of the Royal Col - Surgeot�s of Ontar- il , 4 IL-ge of Dc:.tktl . , I -, �,�_'11 � , , - 4 � io. . , L, D. .4. -First class hoilor graduatt . � ,;, .�:, ',I ,.�_ of Deiital Department of Toronto, I ��! ",,1 . Universitv. ' �.:�,p " -,), Special AtIclition wild to preservatio" i o��_ of children's teeth. � ,,�­i �'�,��-6, Will lie at tht. River Ilotsel, Bayfield, I , ,,, � every Alouday froin io a. in. to 6 .,:�,�, k, J'.'-'�,;`-, p. in. . . .. . J4l1-,,,,"- �Y, � DR J. FREEIMAN, � . 1, _ 'v ��,, 1, ��,l "TERINARY,SURGUON. V P4 .1 . . . �. A inesill) er of the 'Veterinary Medical I �'. :�'... I ­!,,',..� If Associations of London and Volin- ,- �:�",� I—, bu.rgli and Graduate of the Ontar- _!,. ­: J." '! IL 't i 0 Veterinary College. '* ,.�l.,,�, I�,,,,,`� .�,, ollice-Ontario street - � Clinton I .� , ,i , �.,. Opposite St. Paulls church. , . .1 " I 11:1. ,� , .1 .. � , _ I . , *��.;� � � 4i . h . P one 97. ..'� I - .1 . � 1� 4 I " I � , , !� ;� . � 11 I ,: '' � DR BALI, �VETERXNARY SURGEON,. GOV- , ": ,. '.. 11. , � � *- 'RNMENT VETERINARY IN - Ii. , �,., - l'�� SPECTOR. ... . 1, J�' . Office -Isaac ,street - - - Clinton -, , , '! ,, � .. - Residence -Albert street Clinton? � - '? �' �711'1 , � I I l-li . .� I �..l " �3 1 .. ".C., I.. � I � , ��i , Marriacre ,% :: , __ M - . . �", , �, �. , Li , .. � �1)l , I '08 Licen.9'. .. � - ­ � �� . I'll , 1! -1 ISSURD BY . ; 1, ­.li . I I , � '' � -7 - � - , , " A= � J41 Bi Rumball, 01h ., 4 � ":, ,tLi, . _-L __ � � � . _" . - . -,_*-1. I I , - ­,_ _­* . , _ " .1 �11 `­'��k,.eixpaFIIFNCE ; O'. 4 � � � I , , t , q .. - 4 1 ; I I . . . MAnKs x �, 14, k V � -, ) is, � I I" . ) , � '. V. "', A I 6 � V I & Q 96taloidwa#. fjol,q 11 , 1AUNN P 6 ar,sxs4fi 0111ce, = 0 Stis, JVAaJAJ$1Ji�0## 110 J;V . Jr, . ssp,,116�� -4 ' ' . . 41� . . TaB'CL1XT0,N N'VWS-AJ4C0R1D I 7 - _,___ ---I-- � ,, __. ____ ___ _____________,_ . I ... . , - ­­­­ ---1- - - ­.�;�. L - - . - , .1 .--1_1-1;__1 . -1 ­_ _. -__1 .- TIJOIT,Q)ANDS Ol-' POISUTION% ARit, UNITED STATES' I days of the 4postolle martyrdomal. ' 11 . I . . . I . . ­ . -, . 1 14" "I .. , - a, jij- OVUN'TO TIIO.SV, WIIO CAN Qan we ever reach tile ally witen thO Qx"410011 Of Quo mail, by the ,.. I.'I ­ �­?. We shall feel that our relidlous lib. filial tAvoges ui oinuillpox. 6o, tit . I"i " .I'l , i, . .. I . , VILL TIM01. NATIONIL DEBT, � ,* i�j,; �, ." , , the lace at (A , 4 1 - .� I I crty $a not a natural outgrowtil at � orislon -glId pelsecution, Poutt Scesto vind Apoontuseftf�. 11 .... ,,�, I_ " I . � I -___ , the Christian heroes and herolitoa JQ1WeV Proclaimed the goopel "'ManY very Intelligent people aro � ,I I of vac. , '. I . I - , I ,cluation. , Though be Inight, a deterred. from swallowing tile sceds at .�% Z -'A. ,-' ". ��_a,>� I �/I/ ­.­ .- .­.4�. Y,,) REV. DR. TALMA,GE PREACH FS A V2RY who d4rod, to defy "Bloody" ALVA, , lid to � . , , , , , �', /I - ,* VNIQUE SERMON. the persecutor of the Netherlands, or, : JL ,%rQAt 04tent Old, 4tstroy his pill- I b.errles, gra. pea and other fruits lest the � , .. V, 'J!j ., 4t _A . �04ee,eje_rv­e_e*v�,��, -, I (,e7? -,y, e-, I . Lord Clalverhouse, the persecutor of 11 v4tepractice, be kept cryling to wit. I lodgment of these small bits of Indigos. 1 1 ,./J �' I , 11�� . . f . I . , I I old 8votland, or deinoulae Oather- I 104'109 hisulgilitY: "1101'e 16 a, resslOdy Ublexiess may Induce that dreadful ac. " ,,, I I' 11 ­ , I , / , V, I , STRATFORD, ONT, I ' ine, the Aersdish female histigator of :' 'or tit's dk04olful find malignant dis- VIdent appendicitis," says tile Dietetle , pl� '(P'. I 10 OBLIOATIONS OF THE NATIONS, tho St. BArtbolomew masssicre, .or '01460, `TAkQ It And livo,I Take it � . vwt -C", "-' :4� .", .1 , ,., 4 I , , , All excellent time to conlillQuce a the bloody (tucen. I�T%iry of the Enl;. And livet" I I Gazette. . ._.." . - Course oil study 1-4) al to bi- ready to . I I "This fear Is utterly baseless since i . I �_ . llsh throne?. When that grand old What A lesson (10 t1losai Illustrious . i 4", tal-C a good fuisition intlie fall.' All V,S. QW001 Outh $be Modorn. Oree*s assis) man. Iluglx, lsailxxicr� then over 004efuctorS of tile hunian race teach 1, tile healthy appendix Is protected by I IN ll� I . "ohools Are Not Alit -c. Get Ot . 1 4 valvular arrangement which . . � .. 1, ,-) ir (:it- pre. '... V -00wor loebto Than Com- usl How they study And investigtiNto ' .,q, talogue Before Deciding to go , 0orbalrianst �Jghty, stood among. tile burning logs I I v , .,# . 4 'Ise- , . ents even the smallest seedS train cu. Irf . 10 that wore cremating blax, he turned and labor to Alleviate suffering Wid 1 . 2 4r� " 4 Nyllere. Alail courses Ili i4horthaud, I WerC14 4114 Flusucial Obtigistleni-el Increase the lopgevi ' 2, . . to Bishop Itlilley, ilia felli)w wartyr , ty I terbigit. it is, only af ter In flalnmat� loll i �� �" ,;z l -w- 4 , , '09 mankind. Book-keeping, Penmanship, otc. I " luttilloottil"I anti rlqtilval btrellatI. near by, And said: "Be of good calls- And When any of them disicovers has already .destroyed Its 1101-plal Jiro. � ' - "I 1;-`_. , I `:�,*,,,W, I, - . I � III .. I � W. J. E,I,1,I0TT, Princiral. * P.Orr"wod From Athans; and tho Elvis- fort, Master Ridley, and play the . 101nedy foil disease or a nielills of re- tection that any foreign substance citu : " . . . . . . Muthor Countir,yoo coreat )Kxi4mple. man. We shall this day light such a MOVIng delovnilty how cal he gain access to lt� . . 1 DOCS it ,lot seem more effective to __ __ . candle by God's grace in England use makes. the discovery . known that all "To feel corapejlp.4 to . ��_ ­. escisew ,ill breatbo hin, relpt dyR to cure diseoi$e Of I . . � , � I. ___ - t�morvd alcOrtituir, to.1.0s; of l"trIlumotill of "4- I trust, .shall never lie put out.,, .-tile world u1say Share in ths: I the broathing organs, than to take the I - � I I a beriefit! seedy berries and frults is to RvrlouFily . I I . Will, III '110 y0ar JW3, Isy Wilbusis. liaily, of To . Ih,our hands We have A, revelation of 4 rvin"ly irito'the stoulach? - .0. 0"**4+�+t,**,$,"***q," � rut"u, tit, tile. Vop'� .4 Agriqualure. u4taill Aye, t did; they didl ' They not rurtall one?s, diet ry, and it Is entirely . . I - . . . I I 1%1� k,only 11�40hyt spel torch for- Rrig- Isiffultely greater value, ,1,11ell, dis- uIrliecessary.L Ja fact, the free and con .. , . . . . . 04 a 16-0 coveries call at tile . best prolong Ilia I . . . T ChIca a, March 8, -In this sermon land, but a torch which would blaze. , Por an up-to-date 11 9 L , � I I . L . . I I., � the lWeachor allows that there twe in America centuries afterwar& We . gospel of stant use of ripe berries ;in(] fruits o�� I =Z-11. . , only a few years, while tile ao . . I - � h4 "hrlr all kinds Is one of tIAe best preventives U I '"V, L I , o,i,eil than commercial and financial ve religious liberty In Amerlembe: Jesus C It is tile gospel of oternal I !i�!`rfa VW I -;;"(. . I . . I . . HAIR CUT :g PbUgatlov- between the nations And cause the flist great battles for th life and the rouxedy fox, the univol-astl of this dangerous disease." . 6 , - I "y Q � I I , no ittalady 'of Alit. Yet there, i "� - , L � , , � I - AND - 4�:I that Ohristian America ow8 4% debt ! exichainnitent tirid decapitation of SA,,,, L are among 1. . 11 .. "IV L �� " , 11 � L I J , ' taxisic bigotry were fonght upon the Us inert eallIng themselves Cbristians C0111411 riot, StAu'll it, 11 . 11 CLEAN $HAVE 'IV both Ili the spiritual and philars, other side of the seas. Who snake no effort to publish the A life of the J)Oot James Gates Per. Rstablishid X679- ' . . throple senoo, to tile modern Greeks America. Is Indelited to fox,eign knowledge of that reanody, They ally: Clyal contailiS souie personal Incidents 09:1cs While You Sleep I . try the le'ading barb6l', And barbarians which she now has lands Ili a conimorcit.1 and all artls,- "It the Obinese are'rsl willing to that Show thoi. obaracter of the wan. It cures because the air renderFd strongly I 11 . LL . NEXT POOR TO 11,tWIN'S GROCERY . opportunity to ,Pay, The text _.. , receive our gospe missionaries, Cheri Aniong them Is this: , . sinfls is c.1rr`A orcr the discaced sur. � Is tic sense' as well its Ili. a moral and lot those 111,18siollaVies t t h . 1-1 , . . � . I 8 0. 4 , onle. . I 61CO T,ItIlol eve -y bre, .. - lWixiasis 1, 14, "I aill. debtor both. spiritual sense. �' ,OxneL pollileAl Ut tile L y When he was. made state, geologist t atli, givingprolonged . . i. , chillese hordes grovel and . . I . ard 0,11st-ut Lrea!;-.,4nt, It :s invalls. I . I ,D i to tito Greek$ and to the barbar- s of WISC611SIU, L a � youlig . . . I-eakers love to boast, that ('011"ller- diol Let tile human Streanigi Of ulan Wisp ill). ;Lb!e to Illull"IC-s Mill small �childrca, . �. I Georse D. irsiberton. ; Jims", . L L 0 lliklv I � . cially we Are Independent of the heathen .life become choked with polated to assist him. One day tile . 's on I -ly -III They as4ert it would wake mol's,l verinfrill It is their own loolo, geologist entered the governor' offivi) . 1.3 il bcon to 'Istl-'rilatics. 4, iiat.) a debtl It is populaz %Vol - L' 8 . 11 . . out, 4lot OUI.S! " I tell you to . . . . . *,*+_*********q4# **** "�*O- I understood to bi,- a financi4l obllga� very little differenco to its whether In a state 'of excIteluent. ,,I I I - J?C�1_ . . . . ' . . . I .- tion which a *00vol-ilillen't, bi , is pledged or no foreigni Countries held any this t Chrl.�tlanL Americals; _(14Y stand It., Indeed I cannot! I c"Inot Whooping'.Cosigis, Brouslixitla � I . I . . � . . . . foreign . cannot , , i Itself to pay. Sometimes this. is con- trade relations with us at all. But obligations can never be canceled un� Work With Will arly longer!" he declared . I . ___ -_ __ - ________ In tile intereStL of. 'a Single Croup coitighs I � I I tracted this is not true. You are R, wefll� til Jes 1. . . . . . . I Us Christ Is preache(I to all with Some agittition, referring to his . Qltarrb, Cads ,_r1jj.,3 and Ray.rayer � , . - subjeet. About ,thirty years ago tile. thy man. You im,ite -Line to your people, Where we have now one a Til -I V�Ipor� - r r.ul I "up,, v%lca should lit.it I 0,0,ows cotton soot compouna g1g,41, Government. Assumed 4 debt home some ili.�;ht to, it banquet. I *m-issionary to the dark ssIstant;l , , , 1lIi(AII1,:,. t').., , . I L t1wr ve;tll a. bo!tl� o(creq,lon- . 0 suatitsofully used monthly'lbj over contlaellts we "What's. the truoble?" " i $',�-. L.ii,ii,.-,I,ll";,�i�t"(.re.s,)Ie"c� �1;1;ia'lla . � Root com. Cairtain Cameiron, who other guests- to !1'.t. 11,;:tq i. -, Iq.I,( �:-'!jvo 1­��Jj :t co,tai.l. . - . of over S2.5,00Q,000 to libel -Ate a Aecept. As, .1 lIt waiting for the should -Send -A, thous lid; wheVe wo "Ho,whistles it' � � iO,OQO IA(Ilqs. safe, effeectuili liad as as); . a r have one gospel nlossoalgtq- now lot- a l.;4 L Icti:II: � I � P our d,ru flat for Cook's, (,otlo filixgle 114411 a Vivo; I say: "T%jr, '11, . lid he throws stones at -I 111._��,,,' L,oyas tOitsyAlt(e. . . as, pills and , . . . pound. 7�ake no offier, as all Mixtur had been �njustly endt;,sigeoned by So -an -d -so, this is a b0autifittly de� hundred thousand birds," WAS t1le indignant rejoinder, . . VA� tmr,��'_* L Tq 8OLD, 13Y . 11 ' r . People we Should Thereafter he pursued his geolo I ­': . imitations are dsrlgerous� Prisse, Wo. 1, $1 R1 the.kint'v of Ab3s.Ania Ili the rocky .4ignod hoine. Where did your arehi- have I - thiat every . gleal .. I:Vu;.IwiiLgL,, . . tax, No. 2, 10 degrees gtronger,$3J)er Nix. oI so great a r unibet XHL(.(&�!� I or b, malled on receipt of price and two 8 -cent fortreas of Magdala. It, took ' six toot get tile itiva?". You Answer - fol-pigntOwn and village, as we-)] as labors unassisted. . . i I V -t - ­.)-C.CZo1m,U Co., . . . I I . I . . The Cook Company Windsor On& months far the news of' the outrage' "The plaxis of this hotise. are * not QVel.y City'L should b persu d (I to - . ,so r,.,t . q..!R.,e,.t I 01;;1:98;s. x and 2 sold and recommended U AU to travel to Li'ngland but in less Ws. Ideas. He iaemdy ,ivorl.ed them 0 4 0 , I I � zw.y v�xi,­ 7C�x Notri Dun* Street I . i reslionsible Druggists In Canada. I Irocoi%re tile open Bilile.ai d to study , Basil Good Itennoul to NVorry, Uontreal .1 I I . than eleven flay$ after�lvard a British Out ill detail �aftor I had'dese..Ibcd the 1� j of . 0 . I ,q -s-..*__------ I � . . L . � L O,.4 0 a. :Cb Istian Asnor- They Are telling this story of the pas. . .;:�� I Nos. I and 2 are sold in Qlintoix by - at"IlY of 15,000 men, under General them, Some 3,vars ago, while I .,;Vas ' Jell, Will ,lot. be free from, responsi-, ter Of a metropolitan church who Is.1s. "!­ --- -- I -- . . I , � . . . I . I . . - N , - , I . ' '11. B. Combe, R, P. Reekic, 9. Hov- AttlAcV, Was on Its way. It riot ors- , In Frigland, I ealx�o across a beau�l- bility until tho'gospel. of. the Lord `r,aade a study at palmistry I and kindred . . . .1 I I � 0 � I � ey and, Watts & Co-.�druggists, " I ly crossed tile seas, but Also march- ful country home. I then, said "to Jesus is preached 's I .. . ­ __ - . I . . . . ; . . . 'Into all P6011 - subjects: . .. .1 . . L . I I ­ col a terrible journey pf 400 miles myself that if I sho0ld o%er .have If th9sol peoples rec I ,o it ,lot, ihV . , ,I It Muddied Ulm. I . . . . I � . . : . . o N n . Came Lto him and begged "It gets me," confided the intoxicated 'L I , .. � . wider: a , �trol:ieal . sun, until tile ,' nioncy (�nough I would build a botiso they, not we, wu4t be - � I A wonlan I . L . . . i . . . . L . . troops reached.Magoldla, and battered L" upon that ljajl� .Tbls battle is the sjbliay� . "e''tho Vespon- that lie read �Iser hand. She wtts it Individual who was gazing . Into the � .. 1. .11 . . . . . . down the fortress and -rescued their' jestIt of my r,golve Inade At -that'. ' I Spinster," and all li)jereStllIgL uet�i,orlt florist's wJ31d6w-111t gets ' IL .. : L . . . The nations Of the world have Also . . . me VdlknoNO . .. L . .1 . rhe Kiflop Mutual Fire - - . incarcerated count.ryintin. -A civiliz- I tillso." Under my feet Is it. rug .at othel. plaiins upon us as 0, (,h of lines had sproad over ber,palux witit wezv,er a chr�cUr"clir"zannemum -looks ', , . � L . I I . ., ristiall I I I . Col .country is usually ready to'begin. exquisite wql-killauship. Wil-cre I wits People that must riot be Igxxor�, , the *years�. The .1ninister (Jecidod -to , like a Skye.-terri6r or wezzer a.Skye . . . . I ,� .. InsuranGe,C0111'PaDy - tiny undortaking,.'ussunio ally II ' ' It inado? Ir 'be, city of .]).a . . d_11' . L . . � . I Inark � I I lIIa9;:'.V_% we' have: the ';J)iVIt of. C.11rist we give ljei*.a, bit of advieg. . � , . .. cial. responsibpty, it to Pro:� L'. It is * L . terrier looks like a chr�ebr-1zz1ann1um.I1 I . . � L . ! .. ,%. order � an,imported rug, Nyholl Your " shall- not be unmindful 'at theiVolyla- . A'You should never tWilk Of marriage," - But the pqllceman got blizi-Just then' I . . 11. I Farni and lsoilated Towil.Proper- tect Its own front the, tyranniciti. I v,ffe Col) . Wailts,-� Ile who I'll am e Id. � - � 1 . � � P. , . .. . . . ,- . ty Wily Insured.. . . clutches. of a forcl,,,n Joe, L . I IQS Ill to gr" -t ruse she - -, Js terial ad c, .� It an . ajid -the. problem'ceased to get Lim for - . I I .. . . . � . . . ' . . I I.Vasseoj in a, Iwati,ifid e, -s * I I I I 0, At passion Oil tile. multltildt) becaiise . '� "I dsjts?t," -replied the spinster VrOml)t- . . . . I . OFFICERS . , I 6011leffilles all -extra Anancial obli- I voine IV )A:thv' �i %iovi .s of Pran­e', 1 tile), had slotbil)g to Jhe time being.. . . . .. .. I L 'L J. B. MeLoaii, President, Kippen P,. gation is Assumed by A, I Gcsvesrillllent� '11rit (X�Iliond .g1l"'t-Aing � L- - ' q qat" Would ly; Ili *worry about. It;" I . I I . . . I . . � I .:. . .. .. O.-, Thos. - Fraser, Vice -Preside . alkoll your � never - have blostKI .,his . ears to � � I .. . . - . . . . � . . . ' � . . . I I . L . . mt 0116 Oi the -African � . at L . . . . I . � Sought Rargilat In War. . . . . . I . . . in tinles; of peace 'its' Well as - !it tlnWs 1:ngor. wk a - titig tJI0­cVy of Ii fall'Ille I . . I ... - war I . . � . I L - , . . . . . Bradefield X.- O. . T. R. Hays, See,'- m of IlL That,.1�6a�t;tLfui porcelaill vIlseJ I rickerl islatio 1� - ., . . � . L his. L ,. ' -1 . . . . . . A -olpilleted tre's6ry during mines, . I' . .1 .1 BI divard 111. had just aDriounced . . Treasur I . I It w6 lv�46uld ' I . � . �r, 'otaforth-P. a . I. . . be like Jilin, .live, too, . Curioriltieft of Et'niollogy. s . � * 60. fliTamial 'vanic. of 18931 cauwd upon yout, iiiij n tell Ji4eaL has- it tor(I ell :� should feed tile ht -11 . . 7 . Intention of beginning , the Hundred . .: . . .. V IRE CTORS - � . . -'� . L 1. gry and succor . It'Is extraordinary how wortis for Years' War. .� . . . . . .. . I - the prc.Adelit: (if tfio ,United States ilutillO A1,1111'ed ul,son. its liare. ThIS . tile lionieless, tile widow. ' and ' . L . . I .# the . ' L . L I . . I . I Willialli Uesi-ey,* Scalok1h I '-John to 4s & $200 000,000 wortil of (,Ov,. bi, litiful tabj,cl "th, triii 11 in spread ;. orphall. -ow better cuIlL . the �amo thing Allb,lr In even po sinall ' "gut," sobbed QUeeD Philippa, "Icault. � L . L , 1, . , I L A . Gritivq, -Winthro� ; George Dale, . Sva-' . . .. IT. We lllal�:o I . I . . - . 6-1111.1eilt, bonds. .' Some of these into r- in -your dining room, came from D( -I- kliow'n th I Of a country L as I"'Ilgland. Take "Ieft. you reduce -it to ninety-eight?" I I . I I . . forth I John -Watt; Harlqck ;. John-. . . 0 grandeur .4nd beauty m, . .. . . . L . . est boarinq - bonds were- purchased by" fttsit. -Those gritial.))irtill"t'S 111)(ill your tile ClIvistlan faith Chun by provilig' hiclided,'? for example, . Ili .Ciloucester. I .. . . . . Betimwies, Brailliagars, ; .Tattles Evaits, : foVelglii ca. . 1-AZalists and , others by WAIIS wk,Va.pt' Maddened, however, by this request. . . .. . .iIItA . .1 ,of I)y aft)StS ­ . who I ' c rson Is d0svIsibed . . ... 1. , L . .1 I I Beichwood ; James Calmolly, Cli.xitotri . Allievican cl-Liming. But *.there are Still * V0,114- to ).(I lllt-SL13:8 by StIldyin ' .1 to other nations its betieficent, illfll�_ shire su'li* 4 lie . . . I , as � - for a !bargain, he rushed out 'at once. I . . . , . � I , . , , I? In � 'Tolul McLean, Kippets. .. . 9 L in , cnC4 .� As'� the 114,14 of. Clivistian � "scranimy," ..'Staffordshire Ile' be. an d PaWited 'their -crow 9 to. p th . L . . � . ,. . . I othet. forms and causes of internal- Joreign" schocls and �it; Ing �at, tile - Auterica is'. stretched aut auross tile' I . I . n. fly, 16 I . - . . . AG 3ENtS. . t I Hrit I il - oblig, - Gov( 01 .. I . comeg.."Craggy"I tbei�pbrnso for a, joft ti -bops. .. . . I I . I . ,.... . . . . ' ' . . - . I Robert I-Virlock Robert , M ' . -I'llint,lit .NA of tit Oli jnarke;s k -f L�urope 'I fl;(.ms, bottring brolad,401, tile $tarvirig'. hali6d Yorkshlrolliall is *Igawkrodu , . L - . I.1 -1 . I . 1. . . . ration. ' A � . . . I I . I . . ; o7*' cull-OW0, ti) furPigis lano�ls 'inoie, thali, ITON.." VIII11'. is, - I 01iribi li%ing, a nin In is . tile �L ger' . L �- 1_ . . . .. .. , . I . or "61lick . it IloX L . . . I - . � . ­ wss hig deal% name. . . . � . - ­- . I .11 . . I is Cummings ey. Such d93iiiii .' tilt- ukWorlul de . We , haiidvd,,� till Ili . . . . Nlillasx� IsLaft1hrIth.; ...Jawes . Alflvl"01 to cano,-I 010y SOO. . .9 I ­ . I mail , oils as we havo. I.t 'Ilru 11161 -til. tv (I alldL .Having, .1 - �.. . . L . . I agnionolvill.ty ; J. � 111. Veol. Holmes-, .1!1,. 611 111,01 ritHit 'its tat, IAS . t4ey. gO.I. . 81 V-ituid �ae.Xlstj N,V11 jell � ""IIII Ile. * - - Courity, DUrbaln' Ile IS �,(:Uddy paW"'_ ' . I . � 1. . . � . . I . . I . , . I . . L Owks t - t acc,1)t(Kl -from us, the br' ,that [let-' . � . ,� . I Ville. - " ... ­ . o L . . . . . o h , L ead '7 London IT e I (') . gl-apil. L ; . � 1. 11 i. 1 . & Illitek Eye. .. ­ . . . . . � , , . * . . Parties de.qirous to elf I ce't Insurance 'bl t' they - are too dreullia,,I jl)t.,(J. .. sniodern Gleeks und. to the batbari- islI&S,.' they �- Will ,. listen as -Wo .tell L . . .. . � .1 . . . . 1, . Provided there.. IS no abra'slon or Cut L' I ... � . . . . . . * , * , L' I I Who - it LhL -1101 r',w Paul NVI'oto' I L "I 4111 ails '? L -I';(. � 1.1 I ! , tit ""Wors SO1110 � Mle them of..the - Broad- that estme, down , I : . . . . I . , ., I � . . . :, . . L . ., . . - or .ti'ansact other 'ba$'116SN will be ' ' -L . I �. >f tile --putlelo, a black eye can -be -r�- I .. � . I . . I � I I I dil tL--Lr I 11.1 suppo-"e tho 1(.,;t NVRV to rollay I It. 6ut : ' - L Foulad..,ty, Ditrerene L L . . , . I I � both to V:4 bree%s andto tile . . . fro'sn heaven; ;of NOiicl ' if A illiAr . . ' . I : L , ' �' I . pro�n�ptly 'attestdcoi to on applictitibil , . . ' Lt)IC . (�J.t. tv I. O.Wo-t � L . . dsL is fl� &1141 I ' . . e.. rxi6%-Vd1n ohle night by an applicatiolk, . 11 . . . . to ally of the , a'i, I L ba�baxl , :n,q," I .tit) riot holiuv6 bi, hao d - � L . o forti-Ii last . I lite. f -if -ever. -Weiv the, ,l�V�J_, The IrrepresSible Child -Ma, *of: LIll. ointment . blac . k . bellebom-'. - " ' * I . . . . ... � . - , IsAliere ' . . I . I I .OVL ollIcLks Addressed ally "i:'Ca at a flilalicia-i intuill r ,ta� U 11 - tit a .our. goods, bettel,"and cboap�.. canting doors ,of licAsiti,oll 'India . a, j.I. any dift I cri,nice betillebal level'and flat'? I . . . of - . 1. I . . . . � . I to tlloir.'.regpictive - ' ' I . , 'he I'bo : ' d' ' I Po"lit"o'llcts' llos"4es-- tion'. -11.e�ul,ring to Ovecce V anoi 'thesj:g6. forwai'd ktr'J. calittird wore widt,-)y A . . - Rub- so - ine. black, _I e re pow. er up . I ' ' . : � inspvcUid byAlle . dlr�ctur' who' liv'S I . . , I , 1W was ,;O I *,, ,, , W-C'ItLd foV tile goSI)t1I His Mother -2 ,\-a, dear, ''' - - :1 , -d and Apply,, leaving it . I . . . . C. . I sag 6 V . i . With sonic his � .. . I � � ne, , I-rL-st the"setillei : . �.. . I I .. . . : afllldln�;, to tirf, ilitelliletusti, in illence their' 1nark(t_,;, fcsr� our holue Indus- I W0. , " than 1% lieli -the shipjoads of -The 1. C.�Tlfen -why did pa� go - . _ , . . I . . . . - I., �­ . .. .. ..., . 1, . . . of CU- Ablionlan'. cupitiil, wid,ch made tV1(,S-"_ - Ali, my brt)LI,or, I An, ni)t , Ainoricurs 'breadstuff.4 ,lvel-e - floatej . � ail- , .011 till. lilght,. In the morning the d1s,!, I. I I I . . . , . . .. . . , '� I - Chi rld_ IlQVQ to fH,tt(2V 0way I'lly thuili 'till- Il. .8. tile - Atlautle, . gry wbon N-InJones ,said. lie was a fillt- 6oloratiou has'all, gone and the swello- . . � . . . . I . I. . . . I .� . ItsAf. .felt,.' thr ghout the, �- wo A,: 1. o� . . . I . throtigh: tile , , , . . . I . 11 I . . . . .. � . . . . � . 1. . I . - r q blit city gwaydol the s(ei)tc�r In the -. swc"Ing OUR& - "IfiSh - 1) Ova iti6its . ' 'Afedit6ri-arrears, (town the Red 'Sest, . . he -W 11110 then feel. gQW.NvIlan h e Iscia . I'd Ing' g6d, *0fily leaving a slight wrinkle, I __�___­ ------ . I . . , . . . . I I . . � . ., . . . ' ey tbat INIr. Smith Said he i�as IqvbI head.' -it soon -by, *cod water .. I '. � 1. . .. doinaln. of -intellectuality, It '.rutod pJ Onipted by: picre' caflimVi. Is 1IslkI;. I and. ovei- the luditti '�' ' i oll a a 1) p 6 a ris" * I : . . . . . . .. - I , . I. OCL,411 until ill . . . . . . , wIIJ( .. � .. I I - - . .. . . . I I . . . . . : tLe --worl& of culturin .witb, the sculp- 8111 110.1-0 to-dAy to tell yoii how, Jis 'Wel'e*-sixfe�ly landed in tfic harbor of ed?. , . . . . . .. .. . . . . - � a1pplicatiollS. 't , , : I . . . .� I I . . . . . . . I . . tor a chisel; -the pq'dt's Pen and the tile IdliguaAd kind the sl it it '� of tile' Donillify during, tho'.AWJqI Indian fa,- . . . 0 . . '... - . I . . � I � . .. � . . . . . . I � � . Fwayl . ... - L '. . . I I . . ... . . __�� I I I .. . . . . . 1) i k DomostliChCall 6.ht(31'�' of a jattrlot co - - the "Ili's-Is of find 19001?. - ' . . - . . W, I I .APOstle .Paul, wt, are �to can 1 1897 . . . . . - . . U, . ro'.I� Ing tire pok�JJ16 tOL WIL,g*p_ will, �national ,( . lebt Avo:owc to foi-eign Thou . . .. . . . . AL, R641Uest. ' I I . I . I . I . . . . . . I : . : . . ,; .1 I � . . . L I TIME TABLE.% I . I . gh , the' religlous and dally . Mistre.ss-Didn't you , hear me ring be� . . .. ­ . ,. .. .11 --- � . . I I � . � I . . ,. � . agalast, , King *11hillp, - When Pilul ,kinds; I am. ht -re, to -day to :t0l.-v6u 'nou'spapers * have. been for wtieks fill, -fore ? " - ' . . L . . .. .. . . . - , . . - . . . I I I . I I . I I .. . . - ppoke of the; I-ailba-Wrig, I believe Ile- . how best we esill pas, tile debt :its, in- - od with . . - I . 1, I I . I .L' . .. � . . ..* � I ' L , L I. Trains will arrive at and depArt . . . . ! . 1. . the accounts! of' Fifiland's hfatd­l kind of thought I did malam � I � . L I -lid the dividusitla-gs wtjnI its fs. I .. . . . I I L If aS�fallows : ,tvas alluding to the,wrongti it . I Illitioll" 'gufferill S, . I .. 0N , 'I'll .from Clintaii-Statio . . . , .11'a 9 tile horrors arldLagonics . but I wasn't sure. .. L . .�;,�, � I � . . .. . . can repay out, *1 . . I, I , . . . "%Ili ity which the world. bad abSorl��- itiLioilial. 61A first ,by which thow .slinple \ . -_�_. G ray L � S' . BUFFALO .AND GODERICH.DIV. . people Of tile Allstress ­ Well, next tinle I � .ed train' thb diaerent provincei, As a �.ccirrveylng to forcip'll funds t) -e sweet north Are' going through will . I pleas6 -*111 . , I I . . 1. . ' .. . � 190 tho�Qkdvary,qr'oss. Wheri. prob-, . g1V6 me the L .beliefit of. tile dLoil bt.' - L . . I 1, .� . . . . I ,� I . ,kjoing 'p-ast Express . . �.38 a.. ;rx. .. .man of -learning 1�c*.WAX's"indlshted to . I"O'SL ,Of . ably never �be fallyAold, But, as I I I I � .. . : I : . . I . . .4$L. � 44 .. - L It L .. . ... L .. . . .. - - �� , I . L up . . . .91 L .1 . mithy yeor.;. � . � . ''. . . . 2-J5 r -L. L 11" tllo,e pealle.tq, whoill, he -wasal.)asstL .1190 five ll"in'-Ie; conse- try to ol.ksdribe to you � liil.� liart . . . . . I I . - . " I L ' ; '' I . . . . . I . � . . . . . ... . - it 4C L .. ' .So to L - . . I ... I Sy.r. _;d 1, A J!"llut"'"t *UTX i� sooth e� L . , AV ' '_ o call so 'touchingly, . I . . . 41 _ I . , I 'I _d' . 1.4-15 P. Ill.' to fn'(Iiellt Jols"S -Chri9t, , cmtod students �net -))cl,i :kI A lj,j� Lino �wovds of inin ,. tense Buth. , . .. MiXe : L. I 1. - :. Ill' jail) ­ 'L. . . 1. . ,. It .*. " 11 I ' sick in' bld )(illitipistown, % � ji'll, xxu,CjL �.� . ,;� . . S , . . - - Jea's'l"ation- ' 6! I ,, 01ore I ., , .011d ,Ion of 10, by,, - .1 I I . L L . . . West, ... . io.i5 a I . tit,* . I. Want to spo4k Loi A'hior .1 . I present the o -it jhat�4(13! tt-�t I C I ors" e astlese V. 'I, ? � 4, 1. .1 . I . I., .: it' ress' L , 1[2�55 p i W.' . a ' llloi�til and spiritu used to 90 to colloge; aIIAIL founded lajtd:.&S'� does .tilt, '' all . . ,have every�Nvhere a habit whieb 'jupy 11 .qfid al$L . . . I . I , . . 9xii . I -debt , .. bx a a] , liple - stafenlefit . 11 he.' '. . . I - 1, , if I 41 - � S_ �Vall . L'S In.L d, fillan 'the fit'st Americail. to, Oign.11lis%lonary- - Enkbbrg,,wha tIr6ws have it less n for� us. .. In tifeir nightly, , .. . . th * . � - ; . is of . . , , I( I . � 1.05 a. An.. Sense a tclal,, I ­ which Inspectbi ..Q ., , LOON. L I e - sore � . I s . gIvL 1. I . � 10-27 P. In. ' %Viiift to ,sh�w what 'We should 0 society, ond of the greatcst. purpooes, that Country well, gave to a lepro-'. -bath 'and MOrIlIDg 'WaSh the' Water is . . , L . . .1 L . �, � ..... I I .� )lie . . ' ' . .. . � . � . �.. �� - 1. I . . . . ,)­ to th� I.ONVON,f HURON AND BRUCE DIV. a Z I I land' .i.. acrosm tile seas'fn of Amprican's future life W49 - givon seirlt4ilve ,of the.Anxerican pre,,s: 111. . . . . t h'r.o.a t . . I .. . - . . . L ays as ' I .. . � . . 1. . . . . -actical forin. I never cold, never warm, VIA atwo . . . . I . . , . -turn 'for ,what we have: absorbed . .1 I . Those (lie . young �have seen much L of tile suffering," lie hot as It call be borne. T I o foreigners . . . t � 'andweak . . I I . . I Gojng,Soqth Express . . 7.47 a; til. VL � I pi a . I . . L I . I I t 6 4 1.� ' L from them - ConsL iously , 01' UllCOTI­ meii' planned an ova�giiii[ tic work .1 sayia, '�Ilt bft, been awfully blt-,ck ceWS V . ry SUVI)rl, . . . � . . . ..�.. I . . . Mixed . ' ' . I ' I * - . 0 ,Illg,L 41it I . I. . I I � I . . � 4-15 P- In * . s,lously�� As w,� lialaric . 1. . which had tile saii)o4ot'lawido, s6ope. 'LAO is so' still_tdke in ' war! . this habit � a " lungs' After. a. few , . I I .tit. 1. that Cilrijugh'LLCUS� Oat itivetc.rate. Unglishmaii, it lie I North R,xpres.q . .. 10.15 a.'I ' .o our nation- , ' . tI,�'. L . y d to,, tile in . . I . , . . . . ' It � , * . , 6-.55:..p.. tit. � � al ,bIJUs the debt side of oux ledger I . PatTs � islissloi ' i .h ftir'- the � that. I' have booemoL L . . . . d I$ :r�e- '"*.. - . . , - ' . ' .!k Mixed . 11 . � . . .. . Chi1sl1lan" nlivik)n. - If tile rilit,rion ' Win almost'hardened to . Staysin the country hing elioilgh,,aban- Os6s :the. cough. 4 . . . I . . . . A. 0; PATT1,,M.)N Agent. -. . : ... ITISt. I)e Cleared Off. It We are na- " . seeing :.Wo- I . . I , - .1 . , '�'t' tional.1y'llonest" % . of- Je4us Ch., I t I's 'the -berst, "elit, men'tifid childre'ri , -ying . I .. do s -his cold tub -in its favor.,. lieved, and the s6ren eiss , . .1 , - . I . I I I ,� -a .ready to pay . . re, Lto'. A( . 11 ol ., food, 11 . . . . I I .., : .. .:.. � � - li" : it. 11.6 1) (" I �_N 's " Ti) re ,­. �e at . � ,;. . I , for � I . . 11 . . . I �� . : . , . . . . . . 1. C VoeVived L'., .' , -0 - it, that . .... 1. ' " , . . . . 4 lACD0- -' n "'ick"t al"S ft� wl;itt wo hit,. , . thing . thaot xi�o pro hplio% . was common as 1. aceilifly. as Now ,,The cold tilkingLwhiels, It, Is suspebt- I .. , passes .away -. . . . I : I . Ca- , I I ' ' : L I)li' , * Are . . I ., . . . � . . .1 I .Ji D. .1 . .;Ar . ,D) ;)is riot ' lists Amoricts, , no .o giltlo'n , to. �vcl i us 'i flo.,d Ili k6epin%,, , thv� 'Yoar�s day. - . .117bbIll * I lle,ar - people ' ed, must tqlloNv it N not found.to occur - . '. . , u L " . 1. ..'�: ' .. _.:, . .. , . �:.. . , ' . . .' . '� . . . � � . L' , ger . .. I ' knowledge of.,:it to ouriselves? ' Are talk about corldf.ions b(ing exager- It th6 water bas' be'ell It t-cuough. this . ay s, Vr p cures ... � . . .. . .? .11 �.. . . � A gell t, 1�orolli.O; . Gr ' 1: 'S * . . I, . . .:. .. .. � . . . .� , , .. 1 . I � .1 . lbevt'%�hesn she,has taken from -other' - ­ I , ' '' ,' I . . .0 . . . . .1� -. . I . . . �. . ., � �. . . . . We:not bound al� dobtoi S' I to . the ated,* I . t �Ihk � of.." b w.i7 I bave � L - stay -. cured.' '' , �: ­ * . . 11 � .:.:,. . *: I I . . L. .. . .. . . . - lawls such :-. foreign born leadw-s as � I . .qeen � heat IS maltitalued by 'a. little 'furnace . t6 . . I .:. .. I . . . r .1 ____ ­_ L . * 6 � I :' Alegander - Ifaistilton, to run ber � fi- wliQle worIll to ful'oly our oblfgatior, $ h , U1111 rt �bhl�s eating brahl" of ',how beneath the bath, ' Ili tile bath the , . I Uggl8tS � 2�OtS . . � . I L ..... - � L . . . . . I I �.,. . . . .. . I . ,, . I. � . I I L I . . I nances- And AgaSsIz to read -the I re- L by, skii-J,ifig it known far it . ild . wilc . 16? . tin -old woman,, the: Wife of a formi)V� h 8 I . . At 'all- DIX . . . I . * . � . I I . , I ".., .... , . . . �- . . batlibr or . bat er .� take 'it prolonged . . . I I US R Y 13 T�A TTJ t, . . I . . I ' - . io...( . The i.46olcal I;rofes.41orl sets us all ly prosi)0rous Uriner,'is lo the habit, ' L . I . . 1. . . I . ,. Cards of her rocl,s and El .,Lon .to . I Soaking, the wasbing proper being d - � L I ... . .. . . .. . . . � . 441inc:cessor to Mr. a Li 0 her na8�1(,q all d John �SLt example in It's. pel foriliallee of - this of coming 'to my:.stable, and begging Or, tile bilthroolil. . one , , . . JAM08 "Seatt-')' . L . L immer­. ' . I . .. .. . - . L floor;, then follow ' .',.I . I I . ­ . � I . I I I � ville find Solin Ball --to-preach Ili her. cluty,. No stionor -otoes it phyolciall permission to-iPeapo the, lea.vings *n, . ­ . .. . . I , * . ETC . . -11 L egi6 f UlJf,%,.iatiJIg: 141S�_L -ift OU ' horse far :sustonitnce - D - ivith . . . 'ARRI.S.TUR- SOLICITOR . . .. diseover it nio.tils a the 1 .1 second and -final 136aking, drS,I g . I � . I . . . pi.lpfts, and Andrew Cat , tQ - 1. . x1s, . . I . . . \ I TO LOAN. build her ateA. Works And .John W. . I . it I I' berL three eows'..of ]low L towel and a Ichinge In bathing -,A,1-!s,pp(;r. . wipIN-1,'y I s1i' � suffer . or, I . ovei-y L . . . .� . I I L 41 inir than lie' I lav(S . it I' I I I i L I :1 11 i I I I I .I. I I I. I . . . ll($L,Ilnbft se l ... ��, I I I . U A ly *l:r. Scott, . Tkfae.my to develop hot- sudi -01 : "lot -light-' - . T pills to promote Softness . ..... . . .. . � offick. f6rinirly (xctkl,it, - les and the disposal -of his'prorossional'bi lies; in this coinninnity' i's do . . . I 4 ... � I . . , . . I L . .1 . I . . L. � thrda the world over. AVhoii E..dwai%I ed to get modt borits 'that hiivo Leon. And gilpliteness of'the skin and by per I 0 . . '' Ili tile IQIi6tCAUuck - ' Thowas'-Aloran to I')altlt hel, pictures I . . I . D , 1. . . I . , . I . . . � '' ,. , I L 'd I Jenner Ldelnos)SIVAU'd t')A"' mal'"Velous discarded by 1119i'vs Pilospe)-ous hoitso- sons Inclined to, rhouillatistil; is soon I , L 1 I . . .. . . stil Dr, Nlohdivol ` Scrin to stalid At . L , t ,` L J 0 � , . ' . . . I , , .. I I I . , operat ng . a, 09 'and - Franz Sigel � - of .11"bull'un b0ng-wlt6 wits holUer.4 � ati-ol .,boll theni ,and re -boll found tOL be' altogether preferable -to A . _- - I . 1. . I . ,. . I , , ­ . orr. -, flost, I - - ,�IXV'l'ONT ' ' . . - t bi inlillullity I ... - . % 1. - . * . : va(cillated NNIth - eel) bein until they float Lill the hLOI)e Of ' � - L . I . . ' L. . ,. . I .1 to, .� fight . hot- battles - -and Speaker I"J.,4 di"OVory cowpox, tild,lic-4 t . ,th . . ,. I . L I . ., L . , . 0 ,1,0111 tile wol 1(1? I"j.1 Ile extracting particles at nouri,qhin(kilt. , 9 cold bath In ovos�y particular, The �L, ., I I . . .. . . . . I � . . I .. I - I . . I . .!!!!!!!!!!��.!0..­­ L ___ , Vendek it. to'proside , ovoir. her'con- . poorest of tile Japanese licar:of a cold' 1. I . L . .� I . . - - , i ' . -1---7 , -.--. ., __­ ..- ...�. - lid 11161ysas� 1111itsovi to pi�ead refuse to a:dvo'cuto it le.t he irilght You, will ba right Ili .saying that :We - ... ". - - ___ �. I . I . I I . 1. . . .. . .gloss �a I I . "with arnamilient, stud would be ­_�- :� I . . � . I I . . . 1. . , : . I I be slitcl Inedleal 4avod' O'ff sia'i-vation till now, . . !_� - 1. I L, . I. . I .. . I I �. . I Sit 11 the ( I oddess Af . . 1,w-a6cuted,by V auw but bat I . . . . � . I . I 1. . I tit heV her? a I . . I . . 11 . I I ,[Abei-ty feel no' indebtedness..to ft)r- (.4,11 countries tilialn she,haSL take . .11 Charities � As Dr; Inglellftous?., And* Ill-, . Oh, no! 'AR'arl Intelligent Pearp,60 I . . nian deplored ,0od help us,-. It reliqf stsould ifoxv faW, us." Olij -my brathor� - L and sis ter, 'ally ,a* . tile man � who tiseu.sit; ibuss; be,,% . "t" I I . I I barbarlam �,. . . I.. 1. . 1. I I . %. - * � I . , . I M .. . 9. . . .0 ' ft - L , - ' I .. . . I I rw . : I S.81 .L " .1 - I . L I " L'; ' � I .f . , . . . I � fi%inx Ahdr fiiI,si,leti theil' fi.] . krost . I , . . . I he lh6 awful dostruc- tion inade by thf.i tot -rible scouvge could ,)Ie for food bb more .pathetic, . itio-o urgent thaft that? ... . . . . L. .1. L . i ' L LIU Isixse,U'a Way'. . . I . 0 . . I . I � . - I . . . .. . I U u rs . . . daui.,Ixtel-A , anti thoir binvest I . . . And . IV tet -t young men and clasl . 1 oil them of , . _. Smallpox, Ile know- that� whols ITUDIMI) beiligs tiompelled to. eat � . � . Ve ',6Me ImeS . custom house 111611 ba, 8 t . I I . . . ' 'those L . . . - . .. . . . � ''. . . . . I . . . L. ., . . . . I 1. �. I ... , . . I tabor own heart, tlnt�ll these adoptool countries hAd been alntost.depollu-� � bran -that 400d Which, .COL �day .you . made'other captures besides of ' . L. . . .. . - - .. ...;,�­­ . . . . . 1 � � � I. ' 'oils and daughtvrs. look up and- CA I I Inted. by the post. Mexico was not I Would refuse to give to,�our dog. contraband goods. A. -man who bad ef- I . Now� is tl to time to buy'your cut- . . . I 'We bee mother? - I . *ed,so.inuch by 'CorteA.as. it I . =1=1 Va ting bran and chopped rye� straw fet-ted abeavyfeive Iry robbery Ili a sca� ters. And sleighs. I., still have a few . . . . . . . .. . I It we were to blot out from A risers- helpless. by the itivusiol of . . I and tile bark . of ts�eoit -merely to � , . port, town Was -retreating .NN,,Jtb his . l,ft" vhivIi are Sol Iiilg,at. very low pT* . I . c N I le- L .. . CAAn llistolly tile deeds of its , foreign thi's king � of tier II.Io plagues callo(I siifle Ahe a*ful . cravings. of hunger, '. . plunder, and, having deposited It In A. . :� es . I .. . . . L L; . ; . � . .� I . . born childroa,. we Would sinallpox. Alison tho-1-11gri'lul fathers ' . I And yet- noL t able �o even get enough . , . I , , boat. lie rowed himself 11 -cross the har- Por a -PortlandL ell'tter" Sold i I I I I . I . it the I I . . -obliterate . . 11 . nvtnY of tile - - best pago,f of our ria- . . I . landed Upon tile Mfu4sacllui,oits shore�,' Choy found that the Indian Of that! -, . .. . L I . I . 1,17tu,rving 'Finland is- 9trotching her . ' I bar to atimber wharfi'landed and, put- . L . rvgular Way frol 1 $3 r pric . . . 11 .8 to 940, oil e . . I . L i is $15� - .. 1. . . . . . I . . I .. � .. d6nal .heroics , I - I . q,o � supply this national I -I I - befor ti be Which the��oat e had been , -s-is act . I t1i -ai -osg Clio A xntiC, Appealing fln'g.-the. an ek., across his. all on Iders, was . ' ,1,' making off, when a revenue Officer, I . � . � I -ilia , , For a piano. 1)ox� cutter t L, . . old ill I .. � ..deinand f . oil tign countries ha o boon g1% Ing us . *1 Y. Inhabiting ,that part 1: the. country I a had been entirely obliterated, for bread from Christian America. Dare we, can we. refuse to heed- the . 0. who had been d ilhg amou� the. tlm� L I . I re,rular ,,way Irani .$28'to $80I, Our . I . I . price is ,,25. . �. I . I " q I . . . . I � I far Canturica thoir be'st treasures. "I'lloy have us. It- ,with . I I . I . I . � 0Vy? l)aVos We, Aball W(, , I * " Stop our . ber, roused Vy the noise, 6ame. Out- find � I . . . .or liglis'� sold' ' in the r�gul, ` .. I L i F sIL �r . . given th, st.urd, . I lest I . I . I . I . � 6drS to this 1r6Sf)eI Call?' I Zemoinber stopped blixt and ask6d what be had . I . . Way at $28,-iiftr price is f.2,f, TAberal', . . I . I . �. . . . . 1� . . I ­ . I I . I . � 11 . 11 I ­_­ _. - __., . - -.- ------ , :Lw� ­­­ -fital . njoin of Inc .and moral worth and . their. fairest daughte-s, �wllose vir- Cues ario, as Xing "40101110h: says, . I .1 � 1. 11 -im6ftasimm�= - - - . leg o, that soleturs, qu , t Ion of the 'apostl 1,11c that hath this World's goods . I . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . I I l . got in the -sack. Ile quickly replied: , olliscounis olT Tdr spot cash . . . . "You are weltt;wk., to look. I'll ko.on I We are also licad-olitartiir ' I . . I .. � �. I I . : __�__­ -_ �_ � � . . I . . . � . . I � . . I. above the pri,!o of rulAos." Surely � . I .. . � . . . . and seeth his brother have. -need and shutteth up his compassion from him I , . board and fetch the other," And off the 1,it'ring and remodelling all kinds of .. : 0 . d "45' or '"A""IlLrY, Our I�rl&cs lot . , . Went, and, as may be Iningliled, he 41 'a I . . . � . foil such priceless gifts Ainellica xiltist acknowledge sho Is a. debtor "to tile . ' Whe n* it Hurts how dwelleth the IoVo of Cod In him?" As you love your childri6n, I . I . * ex. .1unualv am away down. If yoit have � . .. . . not turn ill) again, as no other Sack - a rig c;f afiy kind Ili need of repairing. . . . 1. - 1. Health Oreeks and to' the barbarians." 71clig lous liberty's cradle also was . � . . . ' think of those childron, othat tire iffiarvilig; As you love your Wife . fated, Tile, officer.on opening.the bag call Itud got our prices before going, I . � . was rather astonished to find It full of etewhere. All our Work ffilly � , . built Across the- seas. True, It .was floated aerom the, Atlantic, an,d dur- i :` . , . . . To'Cou h 91 � .Ives And nisothen', think of those w I , I Who tottellAg goaran. . I ,Loll I I . . I. . . I watches and Spoons instead of 'a few to I . . I � . I hundred some- � . . I I 11-11 ­ - - - ______­ � - , Ing its , tempestuous Voyage Of many. I I I and sisters are now ' upon the brink of tile gra,Vo: because elgat's, snail as sallors I I , I . I times try to land. . , - D. UcNAUGHTO,Ll, Varna. ' ' I 91 For 25 years I have never itilssel oli", Ayer's Sar.0,0111A . miles its Infantile occupant grew and waxed stronger. nut, after All, We , . The cough thoLt hurtsi, the Ough that . iteb, tight in the chest 14 dAIW gtttfris I they have 'nothing to eatl Vay Oad see your duty it, r&os lead 'you t6 rla I ... . I I - � . I.. I .1 . I . ____ . . ..... _­ .----. - I—— - I I . . � . . . - ---. _t_ ._­ . � ­ . I I .. , I I � � � ­­ - --- - .--- - - - ­ I I . : . every spring. It cleans 74% my should not I the cradle of orge, `1111111 . de6r,er trid deaper Into the bronehiall cal Which comes from once to this I -_ I I I � blood . , makes'me feet strdng, ana . does me good Ili every wity.11- civil and mlialous Zrty, was d1rat hammered together oft , foreign , tubes and Is Thaking diroetty for the lungs, to bacome pneumonia, lnflamfna� tterosis the soast Then, to some ex- tent at least, - we, nia3r be able to . . . . I . . I . . I ... . � . . . . " I . I . � John P, Hodneft, Brooklyn, N.Y. I M - , . . . . I . [,bores. * in the astronomical world, -we Mid tion of the luntre or consUMPtion. such coughs Are som6tJoida refl to in "graveyard cough'$." b4caussi theY cancel a part of tile national debt which- Christian America owes to the � . I . I I . W e arl Th at's ' c4 t� . I e. greatest r . PUre rich blood thaf. stars iratlerally travel In con- usually bring their visithu 'to that list rtiodern "arcelos and to the barbarl- , I I . . � . I I . .and card es, new,. life to every stellation, or In.groups. Thus we also. And *that every great Advance- rosting plai*. . I . � Dr. Chattels gyrtio of UnI1604 ittla . alias" . ... I.. I A# She Issaw jLt. . . I . I thing in the world," in rthything tht's . . . I . -1 . . I . . part of the body. You � . . IllOrst of the human race, apirituillIv oi mentally, aticiall at, econonsicaf F - srurpehtlub bits Ion been kno It assi "no'ba""s favorl-te re edy foil cribup, . I *6-ronchitis, init . I A little thfte.year-old going to. church for the a rat time wits much surprised . . : I I .. I worn. You I I gct styl, C fit and finish too, in are Invigotated, rdreshed. , I , . ly, '10 In touch' with other ibvonts, though they may be coughs and colft. not A6 W popultrit3r avery dity And no I when he reeognIzed one of his fatheeg . , � I . I � . . . YOU fOel 9=10tls , to be , You become strong, seen or unseen. The sweet voit*d villsigo church bell Of t"&Y .19 nut esitiroly of Amerl. by mil the largest sale 6f sal JJIM111WL I I pr6pitation. . rt toolsons the tighttlem Ill t1 %* lehowt friend$ taking bi) the Collection. ,,Look# Inot hot, took," he Said. "There's tit'. . I ­ . Ira V*.*. - , I �M 16 IL I 1) V , E-1 U " G" " R. A N 3 y T 3AW active. Call Manufacture- It Was east in the 0,11ays the Issilaturnatiors, ourex the cola 11rotison. I didn't know he Was the- . . I M1 Z*3.171 L 2% Z y � stesidypurggeous.Thit.'s hot 'firbs Of tile CoVellanter's perse. da.4 prevents 1prisumonlit, eofiburaptloks the -the conduetortro . I L I . . . , at. Ayer's S ra W4 a gpar,110 - =0, it , was east athoft '' th whiell wtapped th,& ges, 0 .914 otbQr lung troubissil. 25 oaptis, nift " 4e0erW, or ZdWatision; Vatis * 00�# 1*4w . . . . . . Tho bifteressioe. . . � � .A -, . I ..Dut t'.- one thhig we' emphasize i's � . � . wilt, do for you. ' I - SIAO It 6911o, Alt droulats. tot) gue" about the oohrivoling bodies of John Itund and Aldlo,v andLati- Isher Or"biligo, I .1.1 - I � , Dr. Ch So% itY ft ,J rU P Clara -What's the dible"renee betWeeb a pessimist and an optimist? I � . I 1. . I . I 1 11 ^ *v4"1g)g U . . . I the r t 4Y , J. . �W%,J, , 0 WHIGS. 1 11 abd It wAR cast s,monif Clstrene&­Oh, it pessimist think# V66- I ol. . I I the burnl�g lolgil hoapolif about . dyllig body of Savorsarold, When Cho Itallan of lahlace'd - . . plo who Owe him won't pay him And an optimiAt 1-loveg they wlll,-9%- I I . 116ran��y Rubbers. wear Ift 1ro.*111 I � j Prielit, V11jah-like, wAsabout to 90 to IIIAV011 In a chariot of fire,, . (Ind Toirpentine, 10,11-1 I 'elianio _,,ll -_ I "I'll, �� -1--_..__-_1- - - I'll, .. � it Was I tAnt centuri6if bo'ek among ') 111.1. � .. I I - I - �W- V-1 ­__­ -_ -.11.1. � - I 0�';M��.'g 11 I .. I 1: ,,, al I , 11 m111111111111:111111mw tile Norodian, 061"Peelftfono JO tho . I -,-_4�__*A*­4 r,­�_­. ; . I / I I : .