HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-12, Page 6W.- 4 n, .: , ­ '. . . 1. I "I I ­ �. - - - - - - - - -770-l- I- - I -F---91r- � -1 -1 --7rq"W17W ..r7T_r­q- - -r - �- -- , __1 -, � -TM I I . .9 . 0 1 . . I A t ! � � I � � " N . 10 Maroh 12th, 1908 I 6 . TUSIOLIXTOX XVW5*RZC0XV ' 11 . . � ­ _1_--_1__-_--._ ­ - ------- I � I ._1_______- W --11-11 � .... .... . ­ - - 1- _­ ­ ­1.­­_..1­.Z�­ , � . _ I �. ­­. "i"111010! I I I ___ __, - ___­ "I 11 ,_Z_.�__ , -1-1 ­_ _1 ___ ___ ---------- _ . - -_ ­ , 7--r- . - -­ _ I I I ' . 'Rho XoNtWbIdInst L*U01141re, Ro"t Is* % 1* um* ft 0%1*40 PO YOUR =DNAWS PERM= I " 111M (MARVIS. THK BURTON GKOT01 Latin is the language that has most A. correspondent of, the North oblas TITUIR VVNCTIONS ? .. The. Life Gull,rds are two regimieuts - �. � � *no of xvo, arant's vrfaUt slarlaxo, 01 clIvalr( forming part of the British It ovoreA t4v 114treplA iftloloror ond Cariched modern tongues, for its Clear JXorald writes this i PM houschol� troops. They are g0lant , r Too Late, 10110 "lo Illow. echoes Are bmar4 to this do , -lissertattoo u Palue's Celery la Dent Grant was Ily- loyal i1ritigh heart Neve , , y Ili every must pig*. ,%ow little western writers whop Mrs-�Jul soldier$ And every Where was tilkro a braver man, I quarter of the 'World, it entered large . - uadmtana the chinevol, who has . I . low in PhII44elpbia In the house at is proud of them. Not only tile y � I 2M Chestnut street that her husband King,$ household, but vours,. ours, I ++++++ , wonder, than Sir Richard Burton? IY, After their conquest b,, Rome, Into pot resd aa4, rejoloft over Tlamb�$ compouff-do surrendered to his. creditors at the time evurybody's should hawo - its life guar- � , once, tholigb, b . auto coull- 'PlawtatIO4 VpOU A944t; Vs? It Is . is, face paled And 419 the dialects of Spain And 0 1 . a ,'It Is re- d,,;, Th-' need of them is e�spccially . v of the 0 trIes tboroughl.,, permeated by Rowan not gverybOy who has 1:49 ,Oauc* . , breqLLt4 Oamo, 14 gu.gtq 0 . 'uatv,st foes of life late . � . .., A ghost did It, of- � corded of her that she was visited one great when (Im tit , , It is never too course, And this, W4 , ­ life And CIVIII9.01011, and has slue of agettlir Limbos- f4scluMlar story IS TIM, W I I L ,. , Is the m � .4nner of it; , yed.a. great Part 19 Mo history Of worked out in real 119o. ft the begin- ri,M_ Afternoon by a rich but parsimonious disivaws, fill(-. allies in tile Very 010- . Burton was told of a house In Londoup 144 � � UY AND Old Woman- � meats, atq colds, 'influeiwa, catarril, to buy a good Cattelt modern, languages. Ring of the present Chinese year A UDY r -ft ALL XIDN .44 0 , quite 4 poor Sort of house, by the way) The Roman pas I " through The old woman narrated to Afro. 0111 "I OV vinot",";)'"I Ptir' 41' " 111 We b"we a elloice 1. � , , . tongues are practically . I a busy Market village BIADDRR TROUBT11111S. 0 ofor4uy month of March. The best way . , which Latin In a new dreoo, Italian ., aY where the people kept many pigs, In Valelss your kidneys property and s rant the misfortunes that liftit. lately that we know of to guard agaillst - was said to be haunted, 'I - 40 in be , ktteuded A ward of bers, a you not bell9ve It.,, replied Burton. When be called the Latin of today; French and the W14410 of the night, A fire broke these diseases is to strengthen the collecti( 11 h) our .. . regularly oerforni .their functions tile woman who had warriefl. a drunkard 13arsapa -ilia � . . was tol . out In the market .village Rua, 4tp , . syst , ith Hood's 1, ,i -tile .4 that it was a specially terrl- Spanish axe based. Ong, similar ground- acenniulatiolls of morbid niaterials in ell, w I ble kind of ghost, And he said lie didn't' woric, nuAllInglish.ba's borrowed large, stioXed the, whole place, No lives 1144 your Hood will act like a *poison up- stridwho had just been deserted, though greatcst of All life guards. It rcutov- slioNy-rooni. yet. , . . 'b .e would go and ly from the language of Rome,. -either on tile nervous nysLein. 11avo she was penniless and bad two little Q$ the conditions in which these dis . . L . ell.eve that either. R been lost, but . f the ]pigs had YO* -e their most sticcessful, , at I , , . Most 9 I , I . . 0 I�eeu roasted, especially those too lat. be 0, pulluess under tile AIE'clisomegoodsee- see, To thp empty house ((the three last directly or throu h foreign ,Channels. , m4aclie, vorti'g children, egs(,s mak . . "I couldn't belp - � tack, gives vigor and tone to all thl.- tenants had been found dead Ili bed, In, very, early times Xl4tlu colonists In- � res or .dropsical tendencies ? Have L , . but feel for her this . � . , to run qvickly.. Roast ptgsl Ournint e) With ChilISL a � I , . 444,0 � you lov.er sotneOaxes ad morning when she told me about, her vital orgaim and Nuctions and im- bud hauld ones obeap. ,U,Clx thi , for places, . . jags get talked about) went troduce4 into . BrItala names i � . ., bou,seol LamWo story, In real , lifel . I parts a gonial warmth to the bloa(l. cc e Ix dry skin ? Is the uritic high color- trouble," said the -old woman, . � . . I Burt= With 4 friend And R 40'"' , "Come and in the seventh century MARY e I - Q.w e a al y that :some A quantity, IoIt was well that for her," Remom -y-stcul, ft'(- ' 'If I � . .. it atur I I remairUed 04, solnelillics scanty I - you felt ber tile weaker the s . . , UP with me." Said lie to his friend, 4nd plAstleal. words. of Latin orlgla, such. as folk � Must have had A splendid weal o I it- i I � , _ adopted of sonvatimes bloody and foal. ? Any of said Mrs. Grant. 1113 in greater the exposure to =aSc. Rep,,dring prompt- r - at .his. own request the compaDlou altar, priest, candle, were by roast pork in those 4ays.' T . .ut did you feel I Hood's Sarsaparilla inak:Ls the sy,,tew . . . , - -Did you feel, in Your locked Burton I . I . . 0 my Sur' these symptoills arc true warnings. of the right place? I . ,rt the room and took ttlet !,Our forefathers. . I with 411,10t; kidney diwase. . - strong. . I , - _ tiso the Rating a4*04. -New Orleans Times Demor , tly att(-nded to,. . . . � key down with him, 411 $hall be, All Although it way not V so flexible . 'A 'o '§9 'Today a -inultitude of =ell 4nd wom- pocket?" I I I � plen4ld sdeill '%o .w , i4t I . I right here; I've got my dog, too," the and pliant as some lafiguagea with I that R#1441ng, `svAo�.y ptOg?".. WItIo. oil sn6riug from various forms of Cr4t, . . His EAm Sauee. ' . . . . � � L . _ . I great traveler whispered confidently.. which it has been thus Incorporated, I pAlAtg of li�o chipAplap Ab - kidney allections, enduring pains, and ' "Well, my wan," said the visiting - I . - , , , s9lutely re . . "However, if I ring, get ready to conio Latin reilects admirably the practical I � tuell agony are through the use of 4 Stovv*I4 Vott For 041001. . physician of a to I . . A , - jocta smoky .roast porkI All that mat. V lostold About an 914 . Dublin infirmary a I . up, and should I ring twice -we -11, come , character or its people, miIiho felt 4114 I itiffeent eplegre4a . description CUIMI, Pablo's Celery Compound eliminating A funny story Is patient, "how do,you feel this moril. RUMBALL., and quickly." I . _ � � I I , morbid and poisonous materials from. time doctor who, writing a letter, Ask- . . . WMATH � � used their power so that It, has been I Rating in the one wo,rd 'crackling'"&. tit(,, blood. Wise ,and able physicians ed a judge, "Judge, isn't e -q -u -i the Ing?" � The friend waited as he was bid, gin. well Called the '$'voice of'emplre and delusion, a yarn, a Hot "I gloated over I . � . "Purty'well, sorr," was; the'reply,. ' Huror St., Clinton. . I I �: .. . .. 1. , are proscribing _11aine's Cvlery com- way to spoll equinomical?" .- I. I . It . . I ... assed like hours. His eyes were. i%w.fp . . - "That's right I hope you like t e: ,_,-t= _ft__,." . . I that yarn when a boy an4 grew ex pound -for their patient.%. No -other ,,Yes, I t,hink -it 19,11 said the judge, I . ______­­­�� . dined on the bell hanging piotionleds. A m I cited As the story went frow one pa medicille* in the . World is so strongly . ionary. - It PlOdO?" I . . I . 1. . ejo of South Amerlea. ge . 41but here's Webster's Diet] , I . : long wait, Full of foreboding, he was SaVAK I to another. X4w"to' and tfid *hdlo dorsed. by the bet people 'of the . I I d4lAideed ,And I . 17 I . . .1 . Ill can soon Wt. you," , , do, sorr!" said the , on the point of breaking the conditions Two hundred Miles beyond the mouth thi ,,e;" . - , but gave Ka 17 wan thing wrong p 0 JUVIEW N , , I I ng.gopp.ln swok laud� Mr4. V,. 0, Clairinont, Vancou lie tried to find the word . I an., IlTbere!s on . � ., - . . . � and going up to prospect, when the bell of the Rio Meta the lairlda. river en.- � . . . I , I.. 1 L . vcr, B C., write about her blessed in this � establishment, And that is I . . . . I . I I , , it up at length, And exclaimed, "Well, ­ I . did ring. And before he had tackled* ters thd Orinoco. I started up, that . i I . I ; 'om I , onlyVet no much mate as wild feed a . � 901*41a It. experience with Paino's Colery C - sir love Always been a Daniel Webster �, I � . . . the first flight of stairs It pealed 6ut stream, says a traveler,, With MY canoe Pat*10ko a thrifty, tYade0man In. the . I)OUnd ; she SaYS ! I . . � 0 'sparrow.$# . . . I . � - . � . � - again and- Up those stairs he rushed, loaded with'trilikets for exchange with neighborhood of lifie-Dublih &Wo, was, "For 6Q y;ars kidney and urinary mail, but any .man. who will write as . troubles made life a trouble to Tile, biga'dictionary as this and not'put in 'lob, you're getting your appetite,, ' � two and three steps at 4 time, you may ,the natives, who live In � condition of . I : 4 � the story goes, a man who never ipent are you?" said the doctor. "Then I'll' , , be sure. To open the door was the extreme savagery, Although they are I . I ,, .. 6 no '.4%, ""a Before .coining here I ,was treated .by . as common A word as equinowleal 1. 11, � gg to be sent .up to you,pp , , � . . I . � . a peany.4nore Aaa�,h .de 0.0 two doctors ; both failed to cure me, can't got my vote to th a r.d r e I . � , - ' .r any In. here- 9 0 I'll I work of an Instant, and then into his- amiably disposed .and 'usually barm- ! jqod Mli5n;' and my sullcrings increased. I was lkfter,ft I I I . I but he *as advbitifelciii'A4 I I "Axiall, doetber," .rejoined the Pa, ... I . � arms reeled Burton, almost dead with less. ' They go entirely nude save for . 4 ' Irish bull, -aa any , ,dvi,,ed . by a IT! . , . .I . ,.!. I I I tleat'. "would You be so k1u4no to tell ' . I . I . . at the mak!no an end to try Paine's . � . , . I . � . I 1. terror. "The place is accursed,?',' he the loin cloths And get their subsist- who lived between Bantry and Bally- Celery Compound.. A, Ler use of tit$,* . .The cork TVI6e.' I thim at the same 'time to pind me up.. ' 172-1 -1 I.- .1 - .. gasped. "What have you seen?". begged - ence by . bunting and fishing, eblefl � " � , , , . . � 106q,-�X � 7, � 21 . Y Castle. - . second bottle 1 experienced a. happy The cork:. tree Is an evergreen oak the hill that laid it?" '. . ,� ... I -1 ". ".__ , ­ � . I � . - . . � . � :,", ,�, 4. ,.1. ". I , the friend. Burton's head shook. "No, the latter. . Having one day Occasion to senda change. I could sce"and feel that Your And in southern E ut9pe and northern. , . - . . ... , 11 "; . � no," he Cried. "My ppor dog's dead. I was. much Interested In their metli­ - ine was doing � its Africa usually attains a height of thir- , The Privilego - of Popsum. . � I.. . , .. letter to a place some distance, Patrick ..wonderful ,luedie 1. I - . . '­ . I .. I'm almost palsied with fright. .More work well. After uMng eight bottIQ$ . - . I . qd of taking fish by tb�lr, use of the 'Called a messenger and'asked him his ty feet. in Spain and PortugW It. is. d . , , � I . A Qqorqla� , arlty arrested -10 st0lit. ...... .... I . I ,; . than that, no, noo I cannot tell YOU!" bow And arrow. I � I . � - ' . I atii free -from all symptoms ly cultivated and is Ing a possum from a white man said � - . - � � : 1. I 'r, price for join; ouch a distane somewhat extensive . . . .% , ) 14 1.1 J � "4 . . . . ,Ak . lain a 'low . I �� . . Now, this Is quite true, and the house For this purpok they employ arrows "It 'III be 4, shillin'.11 said the nian. old troubles and feel that . eeled -for the flist time when from"ten to the judge: . � I "I Q , ,7 i , six f- reedsilpoped . 4 person.. Paine's Coltry Compouno - is p count it.no steallil' 'tall, yo� I I V, �', , �� 1, 1. _ . . . I la�trl,ck_ I iiftg to th(ise afilicted. -wi . I . I '; #Twice too much I" Wit P to tw � r. was .Immediately afterward pulled eet.1h length Wade of I'Let en years old. The first stripping "I don't .1 ", , . tit .ty . �� I . down. What did Burton see?. No one with Iron. - Whili a, canoe is paddled it be -si X` pence,it.- .1, .. . . 1. tra1v al)ltss As not'valuable and is Used In the old homier, kaze d9 possum wuz raise-fer -' I . . k. � � I � . I kidney complaintp." . I . . I 1. .� . ... . . j He Is dead now, poor fe . - ad . � or � . . I � � I . . knows. .!low, gently along In the shallows themarks I Nivver, answered the messenger,, . . . world principally for tanning. The, de Rigger, des. laX. do mule witz Let � . � . . and no one ever will, The three tenants man stands ready with h1sarroW on "The way is that lQuel'y Oat'Vq nivver .. . . I � I I . . . I .- � bark gro . ws better after each succes- de white inan take de turkey . ea' leave - HIGH CLASS . '. I . I I . . I I - " � L, � . I , .. 1. . � I ' . ­ . f, I " �. . .. I. . I I .. I . � I . . I . . - which is done at Intervals do possum for do ni Is what 1. . - R N ES S .SHOP � -. : could tell us, but terror and death Came kg of the bow. As. soon as, a, 0, It* ltt�de*r a 'till illn' " . � the strft . . � .. ... I sly,e peeling, � gg�r , . �. . . . . . . . I . . . . HA . together to them. --London Tatler. I large Ash is seen, If.the approach can Lonelyi.1s; ftl" said VAtrIck, scratch-* - A Pope Related to a sultan. I of from eight to twelve years. The.sea.* iaysl" � . .. . . . : ., � . . . � . � 1. . .. . . � . �� something, n � extcrv. , be made w,ithin range, the arrow is let.. Ing his head. �.I'Valth, an! yd'rd right, "Me learn frowa ' 1113,4t," said the negro, . . i � Swiss writer of the, ton -for strippingAn Europe Is duAng the Judie; 41 Good quality bsxnesp, both light , . I ' . ' "Doctor, a week -ago you. gave me , fly and rarely falls to strike theproy, ' NOW, man. Ifil.tell ye what we?I1 do; ' seventeenth century . that Pope AiexaEi. July and A.ugul,Bt. . I.. frequently takes the turkey'too?"? - � . . . . . I �. . I . � I . I . � . I � 1. I '' , :and . .heavy, at� moderate prices. . , , . I . . . I something that you said wasgood for I .. . - . , . � . . make it sixpence, aup'10.11 gowid Ye to - der � VIL, whose pontificate extended - ' I _�.'.� I . . "Not dis season, sub,". was the qfallek I . . . � . .. ' . . . I .: . I I I . ., . . to. . .1 , I poll - best - Saskatchewan Robes,. ., dyspepsia." I . . 'A Humore"a.sualre. - , a 11! :, . � . . 'was,x6late,d to'tbe - . I'Dey roostlill too, high. � I . i , "Yes." � . . I I n,M � arlawie North"o .,Recollections kapeye . company .. , - :. , from 1655 to 1667;. . Naffnetizing. a Wl.tneos. reply. I . I I . also Rugs, 131�Lnkctsl Trunks, Val-_, -- - .1 '. .. � .. � , � . . � . � I .0 � , . � sultan Mohammed IV. . the, connection )Brougham, while practicing .at the � .- . I * I .. I . . . . . I I � . . .� . .. . I I "Well, now, Suppose you give we 6fa, Happy.Lifell is a description of a . , Met I I . ' I two to . . . � �� I . . .� . � . . . . . ises,- 344te, I . I I . I L I . 11 . I -PSL ;� . . between these . ntemPOrarY Boy- bar, once tried the experiment of mag . . . . . I . ­ I.. . . ... � 1. Cuk A .Rio Nateb. . . ., . I . .. . , I somethinz flint'a lv.4j. f---. ',�. irs I)een tgale snake. _ �. . . . � Curran, tile,*famoui Irish advocate, I - efeigns is'tracedto one of, thb.se occur� nettzing an- Adverse . witness giving evi. . ;. � FOR OVE R SIX'ft - YF,ARS ., . . L I I - � . . l . I . , , 11, . � ­-I.-n-c: c-nough, Jajr."-Pal+'��::'. .. Ats i Istresswould. -was a mastei -of'repartee, but he did . rences whiell.twtho times of Mosleml, donee And sileceeded In a. remarkable 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has , . . . ,� . . . � ­ . al � � . ... � . ' . . I . . vowa. . . � I .the pretty bronze creatute'In .the great not alwa*,vs score, though b6 enjoyed invasion and predatory. aggressi If-" Manner without'speaking a word. Seat- been used by -millions of mothe . . on o ars for 11 L I plait , of hair she wore around ll�r head . an en I counter . none the less if liewai ten led to strange blood relationships � Ing 1imi*lt fin ly betore*'04. , their children -while teething.' If dis- I 'Ro. . G WRN . . .� . I sometimes twist . '. . ., . I I I , Mediate - . . : . 1E 7 Ko . I A 13TTRDRN TO f-')RLV AND OTHF,RS - and blice threatened to go doWn.thus fairly beat6n. , One day. 16 a gay Mood. �.between, representiMves..'of 'Christia.n Witness, be fixed Jilm.witb his eye, tfll � turbed of night and bkokett'of your. . . . . I ,� . . .. 11 11 I -your health I I . . . . * , . !_� . Take care o �; you - decorated to a:d1nuer party of rather , ick child §u4ilering a4d . . . . . -e. no right to fieglect it and thus . . I .. be.'stopped and chattedwitfi a .certain and Mohammedan houses. - . Jhe poor man bilttsfied, stammered and rest b , a S . . . . . . . . . . . . I : ga% . � 1. stiff peopie. - . . .� . I.. ­.. . rather. O'Leary. "Ah, fatilgri" said The. story 'Is told -by, � WlillichIO; A Anally . collapsed Iii nervous confusik cryin . V.ith pairit of cutting'teetli send AGENTS . AVA=34, D. ., . . . . . I . .111 I . * � S. I - - - . � beconie a burden to yourself and per- � I . .1 at I d get a bottle. of :41 Mr' . � haps others." WhLit the liver" gets . : But. one 6f't1to snalie's own-6ccentric-. ntemporar.7' 'of Alexagder VIL arid,. � . c . . � ., I .. I ably Jeaving his mos.t� fin . - � . " Co I . poirtant:, i . I 11 � . . � Wins o s oothing Syru'p" 'for chil&' . . . no advocate, waiting fo ' r An opening, prob, , , I � F4,itilet oil �Jull or part tim, el � .. sluggish, the . kidneys inactiVe and the I Itles serves to distinguish it amonsp. All- 41how I wish when. ,I div that you had Mohammed IV. Some Turkish corsairs 'evidence unsaldi . . " .... � � . '- ' , ,'. . �. I ­ . � . . . I . . ,, eptiles of A, similar, nature which �- the key to h . , . . attack6d'aud pillaged � t . he castle. of the - � � - . t . I... ­.,� Ten teething. It will relieve the., poor I ''... � . � .1 �, � . I . I .. . . .. . I . - . ]-.oivvls constipated, Dr.. Chase's iCid­ Other r . . .. � eaveh!"' . I �., . . .. . . . . I _�* . � . . .little sufferer immediately. Dcp"d- : Are" you. sat . i8fied I with'y'our, income? ' � - ;�_` � licy-Liver Pills will promptly set'your -have served as -pets... ... ­ 1. "Whyl" said the p4 for he guess- , �tsj to, in.1525 and'eariled'off Mar-. - I I 'is no mistake - � . , I .. ; - . I , eqt, M I , .. . I A Betier �Trade. - there . tie as tend Of g1litering things as I . I I . . . . I . I upon it, mothers, 1s,.your -time fully occupied ? If noto. . - I , filtering and excretory system in. per- .. It W . . � 46d a trap was lajd, .. . , � - I.. I . gherital, the daughter of.Noni Marsill, . 991. ihiderstmid young Brl6i[iebs 18 about it'. It . . cure's': -Dlarrhoea, rcgu-, � .: . . I ,. � . , . ;. I -, I . . I I . . I write �us, We can glyo you emp oy, I " . . , � . grettion. And when sbe took , t ,.. . and,. this fair"14dy 'old, la'tas. the Stomach and - Bowels, curds . ... � if. lts�mlstressbersblfj .. , . � "BochusIe y'6u could let'me 'was �reseived F15 4 about to: marry. the, 4aughier of . ment by the -month 6ii good t " ' fect order llind 'hisure good di I . I .,i " �, 111.91' _ - I .1 . . . . � . crins. oF . , . . - , ' �nd goo6 health. There is ho medi-�. .off her many rings and placed them on . � .44 Ab,� � said Fatfief"O" Leary, 111twould present- for. the Sultin,Solymani h ' ' '� ' Wind'Colic, - soften� tile Gurns, reduces con * I I - , . ' . . . . w 0, Bonds',. the MI � Illonaire?" � -, � I . A , .. . tract to' pay you Well for such � - , ' v' � so (liffere ' ' tabl'o* it W'ould-'90 , - e her�one of . , W .* . I Inflamma'tiou'an ',gives 'tone and en-- I - . ... I . clue so generally used and none ni parts 6f the - be �b- B th, I I - . . . . ., I . I . - - you .If I . . mad his wives., is "Yes, so I am .told. . � .� , - , ts'utinqss as you seeure�-for us , - at odd .., . , I ! successfu4. One pill. a dose, 25cents a � , - motherof Selim. - -& . . , . I , _j ettei for had the key,of Y , . . , . . .1 . About collecting them: and stribIgin , . me the" Ten...teething is 0easafit to' the taste employ boot i male.. and .. � ',, '- . . . .. . . . 9 the - othbil "pl4cot � for * then i coulil let . union. she beca ,Will he give upthe Idw business?" . is times. We . . ­ . . . I ­ 1,ox. . I � . .. . , I , ' and the prescription .of one of th't ' reprose .11 ,them. on Its lithe body.. Then It ,would: 0 . - - . .. ' - lemale, , The next three . 1. I � . iououti.. . I il."ancest9i of Mohiimmed'IV, , � 11y6s. He will. give up. the laW bust . 11tatives., I ,. . ,� . I . . . .. . . . . . . I . . oldest and best - female physicians, and- . , . . tie Itself In. a knot,'so 'Xitat theyings . � . I . months -is tit e* very best time to sell . - I � . � - . . ­ I I -1 .. . From the same noble family, Alexau- Riess and go Into.the.,son-in-law bust. nurses -in the.Unitid 8tates.' Pride I . . . � . . .. .... . . . . taken off. Until -It 'Wai � , � . � I . I . . . .. . . . could, not be I � . e Rose. . . I `,&r VII. was, lineally de ness,,o � . . � . ' . our� goods.- N6, aeposit is required. ....- she nelouasn'ted the Charge. .'' ., � � . .. I . TiL . .. � somded oil the � � �. - � 1. . 25. cents a .bottle� Sold. tIy.all drug- - it,bsoolutelly free. Wq'have the . � . . pleased to untle,itself again. : . . � . I Outfit. i� . . I . I Old asAlle. history of'the world Itself maternatside. Lio.AardO,MarslI4brotb-- - I . i .1. . . . . . w sure " I C id J I . � '. . At the wen's ,service Ili ai'Yorkqhire - - . I . . . . . owera.� ' . .. C;r* to, a � bart. Receive. hroughout thi * orld. Bi, . . . I ' parish the vicar fried to convey the los- ; : ,. . - ... . . ., 1. I to that of thd queen of 11 . , The- er of . the . captive 3ofargberI*,:., had. a .ztvx Relit' , Ive W . gist�' t " Mrs larg6st mirscries lit ,. alla a -over �oo * I 'L . . . - . . . � . . . ergy . .,to the - Whole ..system - - acres.�-a large, raiige of � valuable new I I . ''. son that the truest heroes and herou I ten . I . I I . ' . ion, Cesare, W -01 kin s6t:ft i . .. .� . . . - . . � . Not Quite -What He Nean.t. ­ ancient Greeks and �omiao reveled In liosd 4aught4g, Laura Uncle. tteuben � says: Wn Winslow's Soothing 'Syrup' I: for ,child- � - , . . The I man who thought he had the - , I I .. .. I and b 0 � Vito by , . )ecialities and -,all our sto'ek.is;guar.- , . ...'I .. sed, lavishly At their Married into the Chlki -family. e� ' an' k1b. m' fellar.; Man Ad 4 an or -It Mrs. Winslow.'s Sooth- are those who do noble deeds lu the . . roses. Theywere u. I .1 . . ly . d aitit. f * I � . . . I . . ­qaPn1j6ed. &,s represented. .If you want to . . : .1 . . . � , . . . . ck of saying pleasant thinis'calCuL . feasts. , In the time of 'the republic. the me.the mother of Fabio'Clilgit known - .hour an' feel as e mplacefit asan old. I . . .. , . p,present the. I I popul * � secret corner of the home,�,wherew nono' ' kha I. I .� . 11 1. . - . ell I . .0 I I Ing Syrup."; -.- I . ., I n largest, -most' ar ,, - . ) ' ' O' . nihilt: my: fetter- '.' . I .. . � ... . I I . � . �a� , . .. . I call see or applaud. - . .. I lated 4o. war= tile Cockles of'the oldest �eople had their on" of falernlAnwid,6:1 A the roll of pontiMs as Pope A16xab-­ 'bon ..about It. but de . � . , " d be'st known nursery write us.* Jt� , 1. .1 .. � i I . % heart was revisiting the,6wn In ,vihlob. - . .. . ., . . . . .: . � .. 0 . - . ... . . . ­ . . . i ,- . , "Few of you seem toAlifilk," he con- . swimming with bf�oms. and the Spar- dijr Viij- . � . . I man. begins to advise me. I git till ups - t . .. . . . . . . .1 . .1 will be worth your-'1011le. � . . I .1 he h d.o eiit g.summer twenty.years � � . . ' * . I . .- , 1. .1. � . - . de:. Idiot am. . . TONE-& W * I - . I eluded, "that your wives �taylng 'at: a . . 1, . I : olier It an"woudek .Whit . 4 ITIMIGIT� - . � I tan soldiers, after the battle of Ch-rba, ' - A .. - , 1) . . I - . ' . . 0 , -�_��____________r . ' �t ;, L. ... � .. - ...., . , . ' ' I ''Nurneries ­ .' I - I I I . Canada s13r6atest . - . : - . re � I . ,Xh at - - - tit kin' 'bo . � Logs and.Headi ' ' B Its I ,,. s ' I I - , - before., -,, . fused to drink any wine that was not - - - Ralei and the Pot o '' ' I . . . .. . ,ng o . 1. . home uncomplainingly to mind ibe chil ,, -t perfumed with roses, while at the roil It was StrWalterRalelgh who brought. � . .. I I . � . . .. 1. . � I . , , . 1. . I'm Miss Mears. T 1C, don�t know. tha . . I I . . , I.... 1. . �. . � ...'. ., , . . Toronto,. oint. ­., .. , dren and prepare the: ineals; are ' ' . - . * � . . . .. . .. . . _. . . : . . , . .� I - . . � . . . ". . . lierolnes, and yet their touching 'devo. . You ,recall me,", said a. coquettish. el. Xatta -of Balm the whole ,surface of the potathes'into Ireland at'the same time � . I . � . - .. . I . . .� � 11 � .. . � I I . I . . ' Ills Tattered Thoughtil. . I � . . . . derly spinster, alipro6chifig him In the . e,other Amerlcaa�'Orod- I I . I 1. . . 1. � ,.. . . . . - . I tiou to duty proves them to be so." ' I � .. Lucrino-lake was strewn with I -flowers� . I be brought tit . .1 I "Soni(itlines.41, -sald the poet.' 1,11 have * -_ ' . . . . 1. 't , I � .. . 1. I . . . I I 1, � , I I . postoffice, the day after his arrival . I I . . I � '. 'uct,'tobacco.' SIT Walter was busily, -presslou.10 . ''. I I . I . - . .., I . � I 1, . ­ � . I - , , , . , . . . - . I . t . � . . . I I I . . ttionght that strug-gle'for ex . . 0 t I . . � . . . . . . .. I . .. r' I . I 11 � I . � * I I , . I " . , 040 It certainly hadn't struck one olO I I . � . I I . . WANTED 0 0 * ` 2 0 , .1 . ' 1XIII �. .. ­ . . I - , . ., � �... .. . . ' . . . I . ssing the people� I. t" . ...,. . P . - , I e'roadT heart warmer turned with . . .. . ,, . � engaged lit 6�pre .about : I -onle of those you have given � I -*MMBL1;AN , � ITE. - �. . � fat-iner Ili this way before, and.a.9.soon . . I . 1. . .. I . , I . . I - Ild ,., .. - I - I . I . , � I . . I � � . I .. . ­ I . . 01 . ­ . , . .. ... � I . I L. f . his Most beaming smile'an& wrlifig. bbl� . Cork, So naturally, when he planted ti,j) 11, show. evideaco' Of the I I � 1. - L . - ­ I ). .. I , lt` Br' kf t , Fo6d., the - Oughal, to", .1,ld . . . , . . I ; I I . . I I . _ as lie got honle lie promptlY'toicL Illo and. I I., .. � I Ma . ea as . * . .. wife that the vicar had 'called her's h I I .. I .1 . 41 : * I . . I I . I I . . .potato on hislestate At. Yi* �;truggl%.­.�repf;ed th.e.'erific.--�Chleago ,�;__ HiAest Prices Piftid--�-. .M . !,. . . . " . "Itecall. yo -0,11 be echoed, reproach- - �. - . � . I I I I. . . � -1 . . I �. 1, : ; .1 I � - L . . . . 0 11 � . �� . . . 1, .. , . ,� . , . , near Cork, the people Were -suspicious. t­,6,�t ­ ,. ­ I . . . . .. I . NUMENT5 I I heroine. . . . . . . . . . .�... __71�* . - . . - I . . ... I ...�. . . . . I. 11 �. .1 . .. . . I .. � . .. . . . .. . , . I I . . -Whatever does that meaUT' asked fully. �,,As'tf one. could.belp It, Miss. . . .. ... . I . I .1. I ­ of. ft. despite its 'palatableness.- ,Cob-, . .... . .:.. . . . : ,� . I .. � . . I I . .. .1 . . . . . . I .. . .. 1 , . I . . ... . . . & . .. ..� - I . I . Mearsl. Why,'io.0 are one of theland4, IS, - VIR. - WORLD'S BUS'� CERJUAL b6tt.cursod the root as' --being the-rula . ,No *man ls'a Milan because he says - ,& J � RANSFORD- - - �' � 11 - . - I . the good lady. . ... . , . . I . . . . I . of Ireland, declaring It a device of:Sax- , .. I ,. . R, . � . .. . ol I . I , 1 N � . marUi of the town.." .. - � , . . Fooll FOR MA�WkAINING THE . I . hat ilv�* thl-111cs'.. The ,failure Comes � 11 . . : . . . . 'lob, it nietins a w. oinam who stays Ili �: I . .. .. I I . . " " , . - .. �.. I , , , ingenuity brought Into their,midst' St * leton . - ''Sa'It' . I I I . . . . , , . . : . 11FALTA - bk �THOSS'WHO ARE On . . %,%-hen a inan'thilik4 of the.wmig thing . ap : , � . . :,; --. Works.. � - - I I . , , ,­ 1. . , to slim . � .. . .. , . , . � . 11 I . I , ... . to house Inste � y . � I -, ad of.goln' art : A ]301�16le survillme.. . .. - : , ' 'to tempt. and eventually, to 'weaken to - yi-Boston Ckkrlailan Ileg stt . ', , ' .'. - - , � . I . I � ,,�, I . . - liersen," explained the farmer vaguely. I . . ,. � I : 1116�v' WELI�. AXI) - STROXG ' � sa I r � . I . . ". ., . . . runnimap-Now, there's .your hug- � I . . , , , . . .1 � ' '. - them. SirWalt tittes of po. . .7 �. I . ,. . . . I . ., ... .. : . . . . . . � : "Then I'm not it heroine, .an' I'll . . . . . I . - - .� . ter, ate. quan .. I � I . . . I . I . 1. . � � _� . ., . . ... I . : .. . . I - . I . .. ... I , . . . � . . I - band.- torningl, Mrs. Candor. Let's, make wliif� 'the most ubittl" -food- experts tatoes. himself - before ,be 'could assure - .. ... - I I I . � . . . . . 11. . I I ,- ' . . . ' . . .� . I I. . i .1. , I 1. I ­ . . I B#bre. - � __ . ,: . . t1laug t, vicar to wind what. h9b`ts say'. � . , . .L . ., ' � ' 11 . ow. -� � to his 'a1ittle surprise k6r*hIm, Mrs. Funhi- and medical men.strongly rec6ilinl-Oid -the loeople.of their harmlessness', .*Now? � *1 l vo,oart p6quaine, - ­ 1. I . . - in'," snapped the wife. Ill go . -niost be-' wit commendable gratitu I d e, . the tqor- � - . . - . '. D y 1, C!, 11 . 1. 27se GrOat 241ish Vn4g. I I 1, I . I . I .� . I , , 11 . , . . . W a b . Sold and recommended by all � nan and I' ' Ili hide. behind the eurtalna'� M'IV Bi6akfast� Food as the' . .. DIAMOND F4Z 0 * . � church as much .as to other,women do . 'y(.)ur ex- tieficial article of diet forinvalids and I let. is shown the very spot in the gar- ' � I , . .. . I. . . druggists. in Canada. only. reli. . " ... � � ...4 . I I . I . . � - ... . an' he must be I blind If he can't . see me.. � - ,here, and you tell � him that, L.,II people �I,wcak digestion, they are; -al- .: . . I I . TEIV, DIAMOND D . YX. MAT AND RT71(� �'! able medibine disoovered.'fift I 0, . I .! - t� ,V;. / / . , . I . .. -pected guests haven't Come. Then wi . . � den� *bere,SIr .Walter planted the pota. , 11 . . . : . � . , :.-� ... :11 I- � I . . Why, I'd five different -colors In 't , . . - . $0:.agreed. that A -is the.king of br4ak-p . . TTURNS �COMBIN9133�kUTY`- guaranteed to cure all . . .. I �_ � . . . . . � � ,step out and surprise him, ,, ,:�, � . to root.: Olose'-by it., Is. another hlstotl�-. � _ PA. .. - . . . . �': i : 11 rms of dexua. Weakndss, all effectEi of abuse -, , , I � . - . I - bonnet I wore last Sunda !"-London : . fast-400ds for. yoling" aad'. did in.gobd I . .. ,� I ­ �. � I " W . I I . (EnteV Mr. Candor.) �- . � health. M I , Food. I i the 41 bit of. ground. Therle,'It. is claimedf. - -.ANI) � SIMPIJCIT . Y:... I- I ,, .or execs% Mental Worry, Excessive useof To- . .. . .� ,. I s . . . I I . , . I Answers., 1. . . . . 1. - I alt Breakfast i . , , baoco; Opium or Stimulants. mailed on receipt I . , - - � I I , tire., Candor (obeying 6rders)-Wello only cereal � food; that regularly � fur-. . Sir'Walier'iested under. the shade of a . Tile . indre.asing demat%4. for the Dia- 'of price, one lCka; . ii , r 0. ' . , . , . . � I . I , �VA0#0z,$5. OnewgllokWi Rafte bl.1 yStr 60V'Orks I . . . . . . I I , i . I . .: I 116iry, our. expected I've dli- nitales that vitality 'and energy ned-, tree smoking big -first pipe, of tobacco niond Bye Wat and- Rug Patterns is !ft �M cum - Wn 13 at$ free to anv addreas. 1. - . ... . � I . I . . I - guests bi � ... .2%6 .040 � out. . . - I . ' I ' apI)o1hted us,; -Mr. -and Mrs. runhiman es,sary for the'daily success * of the when his servant deluged.11m, with ta , the strofigest .indication -of, kh�ir POP- � I . . �. on, I _.� I I Imp(irters. Wotkirjan- . . ' : I . Wedt'l , . � I . . I I -and brain worker, Malt Break- - tuider the lmprosil6u,he 'tilarity. The fascinating art of. Mtit . .. � , I . . I . . . . at guaranteed, , . I I . haven'toome. : - ,,:. . - body pail, of. wates, . � kbip an4 hlater,4 . � RUTS, . '. . - �. ?&r. Candor (heartily) * . : '. . fast Food pleases tile -�vliole family, . was on.fire.�-MIUat-Io tat - * ' - : . E�nd,Rug making is now" 61tivateil to� - .W00418 'Phospliodind is. sold in Clin- :. � . '. . - � � . . I � . - . I becaus ' cereal food that' ' ; ' . .. 1. .. I ­: , : wonlen.ot alt cia 8 I ;ociety. ,Combe, .R. P. keeki6, i .. G1. *. - SEALLE. -aud Co.' , ­ . . .. . . . I .. � .. e it. is .tile only ­ � I . . . . . � I . . - Watts & C 1.0 1. I , . . I . .;. � I . I . . I . . . . - J IZ I oug ad I , t . PROPRII-�I`ORS. . I , , . � . relished day after day. - , � Diaiil6d Dyo%117�aldlk -Patteim. U1:110 6.-��-druggls 9 . I � . I 4 . . . _1 . . . I . . 41 .ey a . . : . . � _ � . Saharalo Oases. � q 'horougb�'y . . . It 1. A Silkworm -of. tio, Sea , i nplieit�..` After . . . .. � I .1 .. � . .. . .. . � . . I I . I . i � I' .i . . . . I . - At and reqOlnillenct . X41 combine beauty and q '. . . � . .. . - ,- . . , � I - I Some of the oases of the Sahara are r �l , .. sh .11. I . .. _,__� _. I . Br I I' P cer's s'. I . I . L I � $eel . � . I The walking sick, what . I .&Ja. 3rio d. . .:. . Bilk Is .obtained' from the efifish: Liring one of these patteins ' I any . . . . . . I Aarge,* one of them' befiag, 120 I . � . I . . I . I . I . I . Raj Which I's found In . an .1 ' , quite . . .. . . known As the PIP . . I . lady can 'easily fini'sh'it dnd produge - � a ' ' , . . . . . . . � . � . * - a crowd of them there-. are,: -1, miles long and fifty-elght miles wide. - I . I I - . I . � the Mediterranean. this shellfish has a'vgltlable'.".�nd� attractive room'orna- . . I I � I . I . 'no springs. are.of various klluds­;�-hot;- � . .. I I � .. � I . , , . ., . . the- power of spinging A viseld; silk , uient� The manufacturers of the deie-:� : .. . . .. I . . . I . - ­ , Persons who are - thin* "afild*� . . -The Xargb4 . - sere#i Is. Queer r1phi, . . Ch In: Sicily' Dyes will send. to ' HInts" Jor . Weak `.Sto'machs. * � . I . - I coldo mineral or gaseous. . Each one of us 'has'at 'some. tlme� Witt 19, Made Into a.regular . brated Dialnond . � � r -, � . . . . . , . . . :. 1, - . opoiatl6n' ,' . And very handsome fab aa�'addm8s J)y mail,. free of, cost, a , I . . I , . .weak but not sick enou I- - oasis has a p 6f 8,000. They ric. The. silk Is � . ft., 11 . . . . ., thoroughly, eve wore', if , . I . gi . I raise gr-Al!tt, onions - d.dates, , but live eaten .too:. much, but we have surely � d * � E�at slowly' tnagticatiti,g the food tL � . . . ellfish In the first Ili. colors and-sheLts 'of design.% or or eri . -': . . I 0 'health. . Th,6 m I I � .. Ap spun by the a . . I i L in. ore time th� food � . to go to bedi. . . . on the least possible li.Mouqt of food I not gone to suebAn excess as this,90h . si�n or el purpose of atiaching4i. 11QW (lye book,. .amiAes Of 4,5 dyed . -- poWble, thali:is requ red � I I h 'as.' � ' it to 'Called the' "black switliow, , , n I . . Ing' Mat and Rug Patterns. ' Solid : . the less it will Spend in. the stouiach. - ' "Chronic cases" - that's 'work -and -reasoning power,- - Marolies . - I � ' � r ks;' IfioablO, to.gulde 0o , spends in the, tabuth, , . I ... . I . . � I :Sie�!'f to .� I . - r , t, 1111 � Adress - to The . WcIlls . I I . . I i Avoid drinking- at nkals a generil .. � u n r I or" And as a swallower takes Arst ' volt pos -0 -ice - I . ­ . . "I 9 � . what the doctors 'm,� abo . ad'a dfeve preval � Is. I .. . I place, for Its stomach is mUchAarger delicate filaments to'AhO.Proper place & Richardson r ef,." Limited doo wull- , . I . i . .call the . . - . I � . and, there. glue, 'them fast, And If they tafn St,, Mouireal, P, Q. � , I . I dyspIieptic.stoma6s Manage dry food �, . . � . . . . . . . . . I � I I . . than Its body. It will seize by the tall gro .cut,iway It can reprodudd.them. . '. . better than that contaffiffig' -vatlth' I Do.You Blame Him? I . I . . L � � which in common. English . � ems to be nothing - A � fish eight Or t6n,timts its'own size . I ''' . . . I � Towne-Ther4i se ' - The material when gathered �whleh is ,-�­ , I . . . . . ,fluid. Uat neither very hot not cold . m -long sickness. , he enjoys so muchap the sound 4 . - gRa Work its way over it by repeatedly . I . . eans I :)i. his, . d6ne at low tide) Is washed in soap and t1lug a Bill. - .. :. . . .11 . . . I . . I . . . sliding forward one Ja* And 'then the , � I I I . set food, The best *temperature is that own voice. . I . watet, driod, straightened and carded,. When Andrew Jackaoh lived at Salls- .. I - of the body. - Be. careful to ��oi4 To stop the contin'ed- . othert, Before taking a moul-the awala . I I . % I . u I tro-wne-That's io,�and there's Roth lower Ia.a ver�r kospettableL looking . one pound of the coarse, filament Yield- bury, 14. C., he onceattehided court at . . . I I excess ill eating. 1�ai no more'than, . "I esh thdy .need Ing Ann O*Y8 him do much as -the thought Ing About three ounces of fine thmad, ItockfoM; then'the county seat of'Sura . . .. . _ . - I . . fish except� for a Voracious Vast of coull, , , . I I . . 1. . the wautg . of thd, SyAelh require. . . . ' I I I that he CaWt hear. himself, When -he which,* when opun' Is a lovely bur- his bill, . Vor':'the.' . . I . . . , - ' -afterward he certainly . . 9 - I ry, 'and, left without paying . �. . ss than is Ily needed � . Scott's Emulsion. . ' ie7aace, but ' ' Soluititnes le, * re.a . . ulks� In his sleep, ` * �, has the Appearance of having eaten alshed. golde I 9 brown Color; . which..was duly charged up against � must be taken when digestion is Very - � . ­ . . feeling of weakness they . . ousinexo lantinet. I. � too mucli. Then the *ails of his stOW, - . I � . him on the hotel register; whi6h seems . , . . . . I . . � � ' . ­ I " Ili), scolds Ill.91 .to .have bebn th . o'botel ledger . at. that . . . I I weak. Strength depends not on what , . .. ... I e se . . . stretched ai to* be transpar- Don't censuro.tbe than w, ' � � . to but on what is di&sted. - - need Scott's Emulsion. Th following epitaph may be en gob Are so I �_� k .Is - eatt . I � . . . . . I' - La 'digeotlim begins. And .the wifela public. He, do: t dA ' �i I ' . I I I parish Inthe en- ent ter . eon', , re do it. , tim I o, and so stood for many Years- - I . I In the Cemetery. of a . .. I I . . . , � . I of:the victory of the zs% idle rcise of any' . It makes, new' fle . . . ., swallower is turned belly ,upward by at hoffle.. - . � When the news . . I -q_ .. 4, � I virono of Paris,. . '. ------- ._________­` . Sth of'january. 1$15, -wag recelved'in ;t sort, eith6r thental or, physical, either , . Ives new life to the weak 1.111ero lies Male. X----�­, Wife Of M. the imprisoned gas and,blo'stomaoil' I . I � I . . ; . . . this then remote section the old land- �_ I St. before or just after a me I 9 . N-# master blacksmith. The tailing becomes A balloon, which.. lifts hbn . � lord turned back th6 leaves of the reg- a 0 . je . . All . ! I I system. . round this tomb was manufactured by 'from the depthb of the ocean' to the lhe- Torture.of . I . I en and wrote under the Naver eat- mord thau three tiftlea, a ; , . her husband"I ' ' surface. and In this helpless Condition , 1. . . . I I . later, took his p I . . day� and make,the last meal very , � I . ,t against'Andrew Jackson, "Set- - I . . . � - . � dyspeptics, two. . . . . tlod It! full -by the .battle Of NOW Or- . loxitemely Rare. Iles a"Oun � � Scott's Emulsion gets . I , , _, ___ - he Is thrown about by the Waves, per , . light. Vor niall'y thin and weak persoms out ,� Ups cast asbore and left high *,and dry . 1. :Itching P11 1. 1 letuls.01 - . I . -.11 , " . mealg are bettet than niore. Never I . I . . Tommy -Pop, wbatis meant by tile .by the receding tidej Ili which ease he 1. � I . . I I I I . . . . � I 'Pit mi ".10 . .cat a inorsel of any sort' betWeth' ' . ' of the rut. it makes neW, I sense of humor? . I . � does not swallow any Wore for the to. . . . 3TOKOWW . . . , 0 mr, John Ha" Mayor of Arnprl6rd 4046)lc Ohau*b ,&*t1sts, 'EVO I . ... peals. Xever eat ' *hen very tired, I , ' � . rich blood, st'rcn - F ather-Tho sense, of humor, toy son. turning tide finds him a dead fish, .�. 40M stua.-Ilotify persoulk who have 09aria Is began Mr. Stubb, 149t.pikht . 0 Rt 'ruNth as . . whether exhatiSted front Inental Or - gthe.ns,the . � � _1 . � . . kily in . f ' . EN91c" tH� 0 ot . . ' . Z .0insists largely of knowing wbea, not ox;kehc6d the torture of ittlif lies I played,poker, and"- ­ I , pTiysical labor. Never tat When the gives appetite Philar the COAotitation. III Pr ,. can totm any Idea of whai; I suqe�A 6m okerl,F Interrupted MrA. tflt CON TIO . nerves and . to be funny,- Aelphift Record. Settee "Played hid iswotrkd'or.the tenippr rufiled, ., � . ordinary food, . .1 . . . Who -theory 6ftb4i C61lAtItUtIOA Is that , this horrible disease. I was advioed to try Stubb. ,,El 0 W dare you opend.yotif . �� . . . Ini . . I *era- ind tair ositively I 0 . � , I for . -t Dr. Chase's ' Ointment, & . . IV#" I -nly . . . I If We till ptactleed what We PtIftelt, tho thr�o departments of the 'go gambling, sirl" I f possibly avoid it. tat 9 I � my that it 6s bolitpletaly cU169 me. I money � til� i I V. I . Scott's Emulsion can be it would keep -us so busy praetiell's , ment-the logislatlyo, the executive and tried very luau so,called cures for piles, � OAs I was saying, I played poker and 7 dol`44 Hootteal-c'm IS easy of digestl6b, , *d 11 . a have to Cut Out the therjUdiclary-aro Independent of one . � � - B I fing complicated and bJd'i*g iu ,.,-, that We Woul and eatk truthrully say that there w no won enough to buy YOU"- I � . � A I , - ,;, ii i , , , I 'I I 11 I I I � - I " I, , I i I b ' ag � � � I ,ak, 1 w � : t '1` � 1, , , I I 1;` s:: ­,116w.m V; Rf". a , dil taken as long as sickness . ptoachIng-IT0011618 Chlef. Another,, In praetic-6 the government r6mady oft the face of ilia earth likis Dr. IfYou did? Oh, John, you ate 00 90641 . - - a shes, aud'takipg but one i� 1hree � - --- . ' . In harmony with this Ch,tsa s Ointment for this Pur$56so. . , T MO . . , 43t! RW BRIITAIN . I . to not Carried on ot the t;z . tourft n - the , . . I knew those sbatpotoldl(i liot-9 Z�_ �iS I , a at a aleal. , , I lasts (a d do good all . 411 PrUQ5 , &' I . I When it boy Is. lonesome, It helps a theory, The system of cheeks And bal, would not be without it for any amount of , beit of' yolft." �9� 5 . After nleals, take two Or. JAmus - , . time. . . . . . . good deal it, you feed, fillit.-Atchtsoll an�os d600 not operate its its Inventors money, sind eiin lipaidly redoMme0d It to . about t6 40it'i ___ . � . , #Alt$� 441 'holleval $W( yathea wafefo, Globe, . I �vd sit t.ugarars, ts It is the best, thing I av . a "And just 96 I Was I 1. .. ... WA. , Intended, -the &sfdont wag to 'he . I dropped It till .and lifty-more'o- . . . � There's new � strength � used.,10 . I � I t h It ft A aft tUe ftost dotapItte e6bibitih- . � . po*er dfklootlugIlp hubotill. ,,you, brUtOl TO think I should have � kJ ! t ma . . * I I had tho: . . I . . I I I h Odd ofdtuira for streliflitut lit I . 0 Rates; the oea(Lte,throU$h W exereloo, ii ,6f br." I 'L 1 f thd Aervo#s AystolA. IkV6 lb and fiesh in everydose, . , . There Are boveral IniltAildl Warried agamblotill-Chloago News. I . . I . . of tile power of eo�flrmatlba, �Oaft to chite,s ointment. bot to fit It is the, . . I - I glassful *101-11 � . . . . ." A "Plk MA t"T%^124 � . . I! . . � I I . . V" 10M.A.1%r�*-A 0 . � .., - -n IL X . � )a extant ivnica is A put & Wo . 4 y Vo . I - - . . �_',a,_ � I . . I . I prevent the Appointment of U0*Orthy on Ilt Awl( .for piles olf every 16tut. . stoo exverul.* � 0 f1l. 0 t - AdIsAbutig, abotlowdo L . . We will bd glad 1* I t. .I ,M. IAI him �A" ..IA fal1w ,ft# *VIA*% -*hh Might Can. trucer"Uhl Cora ioA #& &A 11 A.,0.#.A Gi Vh4a Prift Ift CAhadlk w. $ 1.00. 460 % 4� dklp ­ ". . . ,� . . I ,� , . I t6 ftild YOU A t6W 40ses tree. I . vl.�lllia W.V ko,,w ... I ... Ointment have the best right to JiNdge . 0 6 U Uro DOW olve with the president t 0 . . You etu rely oil - � bolat6lyk Anct 19 11, , W2 VUSA . � - only a witsto of iltne and,mobay to try World," said tile, maii who regards ' I I 0XIkodt"for$5100 T h e y , . . . . I I . . . of its inerits And Otte Is'no preVara- ' er. in prac-lice &ONt of the Oresident's , otttbox,atilldoalotts himaolfa� rematkably *too. � 1111�1111U""- . - help'stoma0h, digest food and send I . � 1 136 wra thkt this otoo ilk thA folIth bf A labil V Oft th' wrA every b6ttli '61 tIOU oil the warket tbdaY which is backed by Such OL 111ass of tillsoliqUed sobordInAteli Ar4fOfOd 0611t'litill, - 316 � � uouglly solecto Affeil: tbixgultfitfft *Ith , iwltoioxilson�)344t"lm,&CO.,Toto.13to� - "Yoo, wo, eah'", alloweted Afro. Cora- - - I I I . n t0000l, "It loA hadn't of been atoppi ' � the lluttilltent Ahrough ,tht bloodo I . I � I 1 Untp troof gg Y6U WY, . tesU11101W. It cures, oozoma, salt rheum a#d Oiles so promptly and et seitator, who sfai&7 fov thi ',whole . be Aag lfd'&#�t 1�hlad I . I . � every ten or fifteen minutes to 00unt Dra 't6Wft, And thl't Is the. M test way to% get health Mad Stratigtho thb, kiA4 that I SCOTT & OWNS# � lchemlsiso Ir"rollid oiltsirlo, , thorourgly\10tat people feel it it Illea- I suresure to r(cotilluestit it to other , ,ft aufforers. See testilliollials tile Imnate, for lrollih a custom'-wMA W i0tWif , him ti ,, mduet kn6viii ji the I to be a. rule of t4 1 . .0hasols, his money While he was In that � � gold brick m4h, wouldn't, of won how � olntmo, "t MU4 4q 444'"-wAsIllogtoo Mrs � , . I Witio develops nd broads the ttler& 1 ##144 wotiplMs lutioli, * . . . . . . I I nowspalwo,, I ,q0VrTV11W 1p"D OPIM00- ,_ __­ �.. ".. . . . _... . . . ­... . I . . 11 I I I 600, sho 41 1,611 drossloo, . . . . I . I . A L I I I . I ".. I I I . . I . I � . I . . I . *1 . . . � � . I I I I I I I . . I I I I I . I , I . .- ,A, N . . ­ -­ ___ A�.­. ==0Z.&A&g=AA2& . - nobbblialwo.&A-da. 44iog �ft. - . ka __ ., ,.,