HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-12, Page 3Xarob 12th, 1908 , - . I - ! .---.-1---.1 I,".." -1. ­­­ 11,11.. olden I By OraTM M MAY 10 . - I t '"The, GmW4 V"ghftroff 0A=*a, VomWs. � 1104" l"A Howls ftwaltoor "A U44 imm" � � . 11 A HoWs W411 11 014" Gvye," gtc. 11 . .1 I � , 0 a TRV CIANTON WZYM-33100XVI 1, I . ! ml . preferred; � ght wonder Which ,votil 80, fAfft a Ciod that he ad I worldc Am felt ttAt It olis did obo � ., she must hear lr:. his but, when I CW310 to ]'now my Own Ikoop 4 swot. eveS It be had one. A L r4 lit d be quick golsps, 411 , -t an .. myself# I found heAt . d Understood oksd prostatly-1, "Witl4loou ? Who t , , I bite 1111011" Afs thoulgh fie that I loved YOU with, the IOV0 tk^t � Del turn! " I never let them go. I Comes only on 0 1A so Illotime. pathetic expression of her eyes?" , I You 4now what a shipwreck- tore. I bad time to tell you ad, how - , 'IN. sure to 'Write to we It y9u. (10, marl . . . . . . . . Rev feels wn e a ever, I heard that you were ong4g- ItItyawQrth; tb. ed to. L I ien It WiAll ,an4wered, ; 1arld?" b , Q said at last: Jn, a low, .ord I too late. 'Dolores, lei there be no time," be replied, with i%bleh Ulligry . atoso voice. 'X carx ImagVne"', she replicii, "but I � mjstakep; no nkoto playl . ng at cross - Inquired Lola, I , 0 never been shipwrecUed." purposes. Believe .me, I love Ito oth. ,Tbe three months .which Sir Karl I ."'I have been," be cried; III and Y,,Whole 11.1p, were vrec�ked when I 1: er wOnlan but you." . he The time was not far distant w- n sInve .-be was bol n." . ..t1AugIl)r You. Now I touch. land owm I ai,cry word of this interview wpool; to at the feet Of Dolorco. This time orel 'kTo%v well you are. looking, 1 come ,back to her with the sharpest careless .smile oil her lips, she said- I 407 Rhyoworthl" The name seorn- p4lo, wh,n she remembered t.ow earn-, flower-lij,iii face vdar him owp, obe, � d to pass his lips with ditliculty. III , i estly'each word vi-na spoken; how the I Ruproso.", . I I I , - , )Q110-ve you have grown -you see.11.1 . very ring of truth .and sincerity was I . ement tholif wHole, story of her cagag to ke taller than you were, andare ' . � in his voice. . 11 know." he said, 'iCif N%holn volt of yours.", i more. beautiful than, ever." . , � She drew onu hq I lid from his clasp, .I . I tire thinking. It Is Lola.,de Ferras. out gall was. mingled willi'hercup I � . . . 640 held up fi, protty white finger in ; . - You Lellevii that I am hesitating be tween you, my beautiful quedit, and � - to 'what she would do. She . could !, I Warning. . . i "You must not flutter me, Sir 1� . � . her. Lola is nothing to me but. a stately torn f. of Lola do Fort", 10c, k -- , I I I Karl,!, she sald, st-flilling. I "It pleasant friend." - .1 I Lady -11hysworth thqught of tho Dolores,. or not." She would have . . ,. is not flattery, It Is truth," he ,. .. . answered, I Ing 'at her tenderly. O�ok emphasis Lola had laid on, the WOl:d - her handsome features. L . � . . ,,"S.Ince.1 left yoil, I have Seen -So � . I. "Calpe," And felt puzzled. "I am almost atsbained to speak as .4L nt for ber to say to as it Was pr1l 0110 half sio fair, In my dreallis, 11 . , . have gone over this meeting a hund- ' T do," lie continued, "but in such , A I Sir ).,Carl wanted Dolores to marry . . . I I : red time.3.' I have dreamed that I - -0 . to is notht,ng li'. case as * this ill"' . mhe wanted it change, Dolores bad I sbould meet .you out of doors, by frillif ness; even that friendship WAR I I '!#Ouglx to oAtilsfy the most S'�rupu-4 . IOus And exacting, Ife urged, plead - I litho.river, 'the old.'ehurcli, every- n lore of her see'.,Jng� than my giving� � ' tation, And, o Ace there, she could see , .in � . ,wiiere and Anywhere,. but one thinm IF!. . I-` 15he is very.boauttful And accomplish- , I � via ," to be kind to him. -At Chiiist-* " � - I I." � qluito* certain­m-sjnitle the moment I ed; she is cleoler b -1 . .Cyoncl.the general . The next morning she went over I . . pArted from' you in madness And de- Ity of woniett-, I have spdnt some at once commence making the noces- ;iipalr, I have thought ofhQtIiingbut Pleasant hours with her; but,she is I � Ways sets me right," s n Lady Rhysworth Interrupted her. I the hour of my return." . I . the very last I-erpo n in -the N& orld - I kept A prolciund secret until two or three weeks before the wedding took I I" . If You Wive calle,O* to pay me a should . fall in lo ve with or . niarry. 1. . you. are here., You .da not look well, ­ � : � vis,it, Sir Kirl," she said, Now pronilsei file, I)Qlores.. Moot there . ' I , Ittle Kathleen in Ilia arms. avid toI4 ,�,..geri3ibole. . '. laug4'.Mgly, "you must talk to. me in shall never, Cl,trinq - , . .; the whole course , . "You are very L-ind," answered Lo- i I a sensible manner, I an% afraid net- � .cof our lives, Le anj misunderstanding .- I . ­ : not?" he cri6d.- I I ther France nor Italy' hits iiyil)r6vcd between us con,erning Lola." .� . able house, as it Spy Uron its rahit- I I � I You. You never talked such non, . She promisod; find ill after -years ..y,,,.. . . . � , sense as this to me before!" sho remlembered that -proinise in an b;auty and briglitn.-.-ss of It. Waq it I I I - "My deare9t Lady Ithys%vorth, . ,. agony of grief that wits %expressiblie.. . . be crpol, It is not an. tbough 1. had I . , . , I n6ver had the.chance. If ever. a man � I, It. is true. I went to. Beaulieu laab . . I., , . � � 'wishad to talk what you .1i'ludly. ,all . evening " , a ,,: he Liald: ,"bilt 2nv he rt - I . I I I . I � I 4 nohsense,' but did not dare to do . 'a was ,with you *Ml thetim.e. Dolore , , . . .L � � I L 1 � . A .have suffer4d I sCi, I was tba,t nian. . tL I have protnNed, �ou ofilespect to L , , ' ­ � '' . I .. . I mote than any one cnn tell froul Con- a your dead husbt,nd Ad. yoifr -owz� 1,., � . " , Istant, Cruel expressipril" .. L ... sorrow, not to intrude my love on. 1 . I � I , . . L "You must . allinit, that you.are ,- , I . Volt- I have. watted fiftee * n months before I.would return. at 11. 'I will a ,� . I . L .making up for it now," she -said, . I `wfth a smiko; "anti you not wait three montbq . longer before . L X . I W".. I ,htl;ve L L , , , . lost mur.h. t1mv lit beglnx)ing. Did ' - . your try to persuade you to .share , . .. I �: I tning?" - . I 1. you return lest ev life with me. I will leave the future . I , . 1. '- I . � .. . it was late in the After. - in your handsio .If,kou . wish .,.entirely . �",.� I ."Yes; I I , .. ADO ". � . :,me ! - Ill I . . to wait one year or two,, I will � I I L I . -`I, And I am ttle first old friend do so to ploase-y=, thli promise me ., I I whorn, you have seen?" she inquired. that- eurin, that tiTnd 1�17111LY 6OMe OV- ' ' ' * � 11 � I . r1he Suestion wa* a4ad 'iiAbout Or to see or. to write to you. ..,My t i, I lr . - *11. I 1. . any special rea!'011­ but She Saw �11 exile has b6m hard enough,. and it: I � �� , . d.tillc flush . s swiftly over Ills fu,cii,, pus was the hardt.., because it seemed to . . i i� * : , .� � and a. gleain almost of aji� � .er darl,-..'. be'W.JthOUtL hope. And now," he add-' . I , . �. � . . . � � I -d h2.4 eyes, � . I en ­ I L, "'let me see' ed, Ill a ligbtor,tone.. . I �: 11 I . i � ­N�o," h- answered f1rc:a'-.Iy.,' ,,,-I .. . 1� � . - .1 your little ':gjrI.: I have' brought ­` � ' ' �-� . ',v, cailed at Beattijou. it was'an did, 1. . some wonderful dolls for her, . . . I" . I . promise mad3_but I am sorry to say ' - . ' . .. .. . � . . , . . . ,- . F".." L 11. . - , I � . . almost . forgotten by file, that. - I i I .. , . , . 1. . I '. I . . cv,irolormv xV. L� . ing, - � Hit spOke of it;. '6ut: I am , not .. '1111 � ,' : 'would inalce my first call there .on I ,: � . . . . 1. . 1. I . , . - '. .. - -turn to. E , L , I . my rt ligland;' ilnd .-having ' . . . 11 L L .. , " I. , . . . I What fir9t dre�w'Lola's. at� � to � �',N. : . � I � .1 ­ j . 1 -ben reminded of my prcimlsd, . L I was . .1, . . I, pL-iled to Reep it," . L. 1. cow ' *. . , i��,teifih l, the. fact that som6th I., �, I was I, , I . I 1; :1 V .. ,. ,. I L" I I 11 . . There was an. 41most imporceptibld . . - panshig .was 'the significent smile on � I . 0.0 I L face Sit-.Xarl I . I ­ . . � 1. . : , .,hnfi.-b in Lady Ithysillcirth's manner. . � I . -Fielden's when, . - ady. I I . . name way.inentiorud.... He Aadyihl r. ip 1�, I 1. �1. " , � �, . I t At he zVoutibil, of Pca�ulteu all that .::: Lola 'hl� said of Sir Had retu.n3d . . : ' . had givprr�-& dinner -party, limited, in 111�i � � - ­ I � . ":_ � � . . li'm QWIQII'� 4t.Or/*mfnd. She had in) r" - honor - An& flu )o I in -of his returnj :,�� L ' . ,called � - . ­mJn3;'I.and the fact e . WLd that It during'the after-dibner chat some of , " ..". L I . , gone first to Beaulieu seemed to give .the matrons prosentL . . .remarked how. . . . L , �-.. �, . L.. her the righ t. � . � . . it am to. ,.well he looked, and. that w , �':. He . felt rather then saw the change.. ' . 1. Ile hoped he would settle down now.' Lola;," listenini, bills ed.and looked.' I ... i Her swe'et face grew paler, and .Silo ' .4 1, .., i , ` ­ qpletly Withdrew her Clther hand front _(O 4clou:�; but' Alibro was L a strange fqi . . " his clasp. � . I 1: smile,on Lady , Fioldcrt's faCe�'L "AS L I. �, : 1. . . � . 'You did well to keep your � I . profn�. .. though 19he eW addietbingrol blit :XA . . L . . Votild-not speak. - .. .. �� ` i9e,". she said,. calmly. . "� have. .the L , ' gregest horror of a broken -proxii7 . . I . _.1 do I op I ell'. said Tvfr,g; Marabout I I . ,_w- . ': I � . Jae." one of the L Most. noted mAC-hrinakellmi I � . ", L '�__ - - I ' L' Ile took oijiti of the whito limilp - in the neighborhood, '�tbai,t Sir Xarl - . I I 1, . !� I I . I . 1% . back into his own. . I t 11 I I . -will marry trom his'-'oWn CoUn Y.L .., . �, �. ;0;- - j. "Dolores," he sikid­-:111 ' may doll .. � . . . . . . 'go?-yolt qjlL And agdin Lola watchod the - Jot ,sraile. that a . pread. over the face of'fier I I I L you gave me permissiop . . . ;Vhon L ][ was leaving a, d you . , .hostess -as 'in a-quIet. voice, .s . 1. I I sho-an �. . 4 . �f I , .you" ­: I must &wW-d ine the same privilege �fn ­ ':' the first happine�5s of iny, retut n � swercd- t - , , '' � "I 'do not think. 'there can be Any. ' . .. . 7k , : . 't ere I ': . h sWiderstand it have been nA . t �" doub of it. t mpe4k, !rom * my...Own . . ' - . 11 . . . . I. . . -9 . , I . . I 11, 'ehough between us; th.we shall ..� be . ., . . . . ' I I .1 I .1 . observatibm" . I .. . . . . ' L III.' wonder ii '-she' means 'me!"." � ..., �� � , I . , i I .:.. L - #'d more. I' diL d not intend, wh.n I. , , .. .1irst cow you, to speak of wtv,elf .. thought. Lola'. '18he' Must -.m.eali' Mo; I I- L 1. ., . . . ." lo -6u' . I I t,o so, I -, renieni.ber. I 'there Cann Ot L possibly be iiny -one, . .. . . . ,,, .. ,�L".: ��_�L'Ll. 4. � , '_" . . "i. .1 � . , I k-.*- 1...._,_A`... I . . . . lit, - when i I, . , I I ,W(nt away., - . . , 1. 11 L clan .. 11 . .. .� I � I I ­ ; , 6%he 'won ied- - I . er 4 if Lady , Violllefi� I . I �, ", ;,,i,,, .., I . � L �, . 'V -,%v " she replied. - .. I �:'. _L_', �nytWng to her,. and she. . . i 11 l-, �_ . . . "I - . 1--nwe'al" lot�, Pai, L, I . It. ve ,�I. n '_ L .; I , .. '*I -..,)^ - :. I .1 I ��. I - . 4 ;.I +� herself with I . . .1 hcr, ho +csa. tj i* � ...: *f-ir, . ,, I , __:� -1 . I - I left � OV' t J LLA -Z .. '­, ., I t L I t 1, L . -L � ':' ' 'thougut. - -',- - '-Illpr r ro: till i - a - _'., I . . . girl I, A.nle�was fl.6qii!ell6�o,_.. a- " - " I � , , .� I I , I , . . . . I I . . : I if you had never becit ..... III. , .l. Chink it hita the C1.1, 110 (,no, i-amod t. L�' 1 , I . , .L. : � : :� %, fbit- love of you. have gono unnil, . Lr_1 . . I ". �. . .1 . +.. .., ried to my gravo." . I . . I I �' "Rom in' -_,rt.§,, f6! :her, �'. '. .'V" -L . I � dent that, A�"'�.-! -.�­' - I- must. ha -, ,'. had .... I ; ,. I . I . I., ,� . . t 1, She shrunk from him, poinffiig to . - ' I some Ond'in h:r, thougtxt,;, _ '_1 Oja: . , I 'L L' - . , I _ the crepe on her dpe.�s. ,. , : 11 ­ I , , - ected, long -And earnestly - an the .. roil . I I $old, loWill, YOUL Wilit46 to me from . ­ .1 I . 11, " �'L - 'I know," he cried eagorlv. '.'Do � �, . . silWeet, It � could not - Ili- 1)olort. a*, .�IJLIC. , t lin't was utterly ) ;Site t;jjpo,q. autty have adifilred hur. L But 1 was U" � not think that I would pain .you. Do. � % , I 1. . I, 11 'not suppose th.it would iwollu-�"e svouted tile Idea: fatef could liave'no- "so' . I : I � I I 1�' ., oll tho-kindness you have shownLinc. ,.tbing in store, for, her' onb half' . "go; I ain, Afraid I shall have no . I I - . '. � z� I wou'd not,. I)o Lo es, sr.eak to you . .. cruel. . But, her eves were sudd. nly � ' qnad; jor Lad,,� :Vlelden, I .�, I , In -this fashion'. bu� triat I so�; . . 'l . so I :� I �� - plainly there' will -be. nothing hat ,o: I ,Spe'Oo',.ing lit a low. tond .to Mrs., mariibout, , . . . . � I ' L ' - 1, L'. , ,.,. 011stdkes UWQ415 We understand each I �, other. ­ Delieve me, I have had no :viiald- , . . . . . . ,,, felt au'rc-I .I.n.!* he Ilketl her.bo-' I . I lot Occoption, It you had. Wiz,hott to I � � t:, ' . other love'but you,, all:t'n vo,-. shall . fOr(i hot- Inarri6ge 01 . - 11 - I.herO- wits tile u-sual raising 'of eyes .un Ind of him? He wrote to � me `�':'L have. It may bu an un!iappy 1016AI ­ I . . Cannot toll, but it Will. I.e theonlyi . . 'and uplifting, of hitrid:j bu . t the. words I toot, Karl." � .1 '. ,� . one of - my )ife. I L went away becaLlSo . I I Avent, Ilp.e' a sWoi d throtigh,Lola's hciir - t It was of -Dolores ihim that. London." I � . , . ,I could riot bear to spa you IM� wife 0, , " ' -of abo'Llier nian. I havii come b 1100 . LadY Flelldon was lopeaking, .and ill 'areporfect, Karl," eame, to her _ , . 'It. ' ."I"' freaL 'L�. Anowing that vou w4ru ., to tell . 00 Ph Aow -that h:jdL, h;.tkg over he , r Mo and ,hot eyes reated'in swootett trust . ,�, 1 - , yod that I wfil try my )lest. to win I was deepen'zil. InNtend OU, .. . I . I . passing ,�... . � ,� I yon: but not yet. -not yet, Do!o' ­ . . 1, have too nfiiich, respect .�esl � � for this;" Away. . I Lady Ithysoovorth .bid received L An , 11 I I � � �, � .. and he too touchad MO black. cropo �s "I jhviC&tjon to tile (it, nor but had Ao­ 'Llino ' it.' L . .d ' care to ii bh- did not. .1. . t gdrlilv. ,shall be near you lo,bo� L 1. . fr1w d YOU; bilt I ' NJ-] 11 not !01-trud� ,,go - Into oociet'y at prbst-nit, . Loh%, hati I1hysW6T-h,L "It nifty be Just poll. . I L 'i � L� . my love on You uWll I fialle paid al m anxious that, .slid t0iould 6, v gm. she � 1: I :-the kespect that even You could do- . --to,* -as phould put .was deal. �a I b it f)olot . � - .... L 11 j� . �', , site. me to I - ON to th.- rnew6ey . ., I ' of away the last remnants of mourning. I 4he lofigtd to set old times ' of 'hoL . . w I 4 Ultiorod tbo worO; and,lo if ,�. �. ,,� L, your hl:abanti. . r say th 1 .. - lie went . . 11 pftj "at an in6ppor tune tfille: but 't Lthe festNity buck at Dbel)hig Ifurst. Now 11.1 cannot llioav,6� my I 11 '001 . . . Ile ooniet 1� I : opeak bociiose I atil Afraid of' inisun- felt jh.n,_fUj I -Ke .1 that. Lad'y Ithvs- I . - Thlil secret of bar ohaagotinl6fit W46 "; '04rotandin'ra, . I You are not ang',v 'rith Worth w4ts not thero. Shof would be itble to 8petilk to Sir X01 Without, in- pression of his . fate, , ,. A%bseiod . W111. me, Dolores?"I ��W- "No. Why should I be?" she fle- tatoruption, And find out for horso,f *%Cited ' Ain IjUrpriss, It htid lolig "I . � ;11'� " plied. I'Since you linve spol(ch ilia . "k- how matters"stood I 'I schoolboy, tola looked up quickly, ; �, , " .. , ly _�vih do tlici ,.qanie t I.",- to me, I , o you, Tt - But Sir Karl waa not In tho'mood I - fot tu!Xing; some ot'the youn' - , lish hit rdAn'siori on him retvriij and '. � 'Are you stire that In saving this you, . Lt�jj" X PCo Ple had proposod A. d 'o and- he 0111 1 trop . tj " I knlolv �,Oue .own mind?" � I I ­ V.,'." I .1 I ". I I was one of the Cirst to JZ.in it, Ile ' 440444404 9t tho oto squi;VA � Pit 0, , - , I ,what Way?" her asked, wcond� , c hose miss lPMden for his.first part­ I V . �rj',Tll ,�, '. ligly. . L -, I � � nor; and thnio, SCOInICL Lola's dark . I , I "I do Lnot wish to speak of j,dys I Lit Oyes following lifin, reproa�ljfull,Nr, he : .. � or of.-I64;'I An4wor6d IAdy Rhys. r ) Asked her to join him. Bilt aurIng �' L ", _­1v6rot9 '!I want ,vbq to. Ile sure tbilt 1.4� . - V - ' oil k4qw Vout Own mind. You finAg. � the dance there wa.1 A6 opportun Ity 4or -conversation., when it . � . I Ine that ,V;U lihd Me, better thaft tiny WAX over, ' aind Lola, flushc4 With excitement . , : r,#i else; (tro y6a certlxin of it?" , tk�d 40ollip - , L ,j most jpyelyt si.064 fail . . fQ14ite," Allo aosWerod 0ittonc-stlyI L nip hersoif, sho onto to hifi)V- ,1`1 eould not bo more oertaln. I know fd4vo you been to.Moplfig Rurst L my own heart it any one, over CIA, infid , �eL Seen Lady j1hyawprt4 ,vet, Sir . . have - suffered most grievously ,�d ?09 . ji,C)ra the knowledge, luriddrotan-d JtL ij have been there three timoso and I . .1 110rjeetly, DolOrall, WoU,ld,to Reaverl boovo been fortUnillilfi. enough to _.bed I I X d undorstood It years agol Vou � Nift her each Unto," ho roplied. . , Init thh14 have ho4tated betWoen "Do you find 'her sAuch thiouiga?" � .It I . you and Lola 'lie Fetfai,31 I Will tell , � AbUbd LoIA. � � . . L ,you the plitin truth, Wborn yop Wort � "Yes, she oltiptart fAlla and Is I)oth d6Mj)arl%UvO Atratigeirs to Mo, I altogether a fix r4oro hea'UtIful *o* �� tHd hL%itato As to �#hleh WAA tho L A'An'than *hoesl I 1411t rnsWid.11 . I Moro beautiful of the two, ttAd which A iu4&n torr4p solzed her, laui sha 1 . . I liked thd bost-olftti As You, I , .4- , Iftront &M I A"Wrtioll.'N A � � A *044 *ttq-ekt #.? i*V"t"(10. t0L hW . rZ., _­... _ "' , .."t . ,�!%r - ...- I . . ." I � , 0 a TRV CIANTON WZYM-33100XVI 1, "Cortainly not." rfvj:1441�0000. worldc Am felt ttAt It olis did obo "I ft Sot 11,01100 Sir Karl c011Id should, cloopoir or 410. L Ikoop 4 swot. eveS It be had one. A L "Did you w the jittlo one?" # . . .1,0 , pleaftnt IOUr4#V to Lcudtl4o, Sir oksd prostatly-1, "Witl4loou ? Who t , Karl," oho .added, "and oL safe roll . A tovely child she Isl But;o .what "d turn! " I eyes all* hoosl Did you notice the LOIA Want -up to hIlX# and 0414 in % pathetic expression of her eyes?" low tone-1 "Yoo. and tried to Olopol. it Lb,y Sly' 'IN. sure to 'Write to we It y9u. (10, Inz her xCline wonderful doll#," ho flild Unto.", ,an4wered, ; "I fool sure tb*t I shall not bl,vo , ­11ad yo�j thought so much other time," be replied, with i%bleh Ulligry . as to bring toys purposely forber?" , ou clous words be, I ado her adt . I, Inquired Lola, I 1111 *1 . 0 * # I . I'Verta-loly I bad., why not? I ho.vo . I ,Tbe three months .which Sir Karl thought Of tIlo. little one�gcin bad said he would walt .were ended, . I sInve .-be was bol n." . ..t1AugIl)r and he had ones pioret lald his b,;art h fu th titto bit- I at the feet Of Dolorco. This time L terneas of death IS her heart, but a there Wera� noL reproaOes, no rogreti. , careless .smile oil her lips, she said- I With her grais round his, aocl�,' tier "TbAt Is becauso you thought so , I flower-lij,iii face vdar him owp, obe, � much of the little one's mother, I I'll told lit tile truth--hoW Well Lahe had I Ruproso.", . I I I loved him And )JIM. Alono­_tQ . . '14 him "I hat In the precise reason," he . ement tholif wHole, story of her cagag answered. "That was a shrewd guess an(I t1jo Cause QjL it, and how her of yours.", i heart through all had been Ilia, Sontle one interruptedL them .then; I out gall was. mingled willi'hercup . u L a a her mind. As .of happiness, for ht the background to 'what she would do. She . could !, Dolores saw In li,x mind's eye , the , r , not say to him. "'roll me At ,Once ' stately torn f. of Lola do Fort", 10c, k -- Whether you aro. really in love wIth ing, IJ1.q aq Avenging Angel, with Dolores,. or not." She would have . * d?adly bate ond rev�luga stamped on . ' given, Much for courage to do no. She ' her handsome features. L bod said just as much all she l:larcd--� . . I . L , I - ORAPTIM XV1. .4L nt for ber to say to as it Was pr1l L . - bliff. She had resolved upon It plan � I . . I I Sir ).,Carl wanted Dolores to marry all a,ltioe . L Before this, when she had felt that him At Christmas, Iie.told hoil that . mhe wanted it change, Dolores bad been Io- her period of. mourning had ng � . , presRO , hee to remain it, week at '!#Ouglx to oAtilsfy the most S'�rupu-4 . IOus And exacting, Ife urged, plead - DeePlng Hur�t; site Would so manage that Dolores should repeat . the, invi- ed; liq ev,en brought down little tation, And, o Ace there, she could see Kathleen And told her to, ask' I'mum- , , . for herself there Weis Any truth In via ," to be kind to him. -At Chiiist-* .if this , rumor, . . I I flias Lord JRhysworth was coming to 1. . The next morning she went over I . . take possession of Deop!ng Hurst. if she would but say liVes," Ito woulct to Deeping, Hurst And complaine; JiLto Dolores ot'languor and.weakness. at once commence making the noces- . . . vs .with you, Dolores, al� "A few do, aary preparations at ScArsdAle,,and, if she did not care to have their on - Ways sets me right," s n Lady Rhysworth Interrupted her. gagonient announced, it should be , "Then by All meixns come, Lola," kept A prolciund secret until two or three weeks before the wedding took she said, earnestly. ,"Stay, now that I I place. There was no resixting - his you. are here., You .da not look well, pleading, especial . ly when hie, raised Send one of the grooms, with a note I , Ittle Kathleen in Ilia arms. avid toI4 to madame, and let h1ra. brinir wb4t i � you require back With hifn.",. ' - her not to ce so kissing I'mammao, .4 . . , . "You are very L-ind," answered Lo- i untit she had said,,.Yes.l. : "You love -Ale, Kathleen; do you I&, with .0 stulle; but'hey heart - .- I . ­ : not?" he cri6d.- I I smoto be.r for ituterin& th,3t hospit- . I . the little rooebudoface nestled on able house, as it Spy Uron its rahit- I I his: breast as the child Answered ress. illtion.she kissed the faie-face, . . ..y,,,.. . . . wondering a little at the increased � "Your own little ida.,ghter given b;auty and briglitn.-.-ss of It. Waq it I you to me, Dolores, You must not Sir Karl that had brought that del- . be crpol, It is not an. tbough 1. had jeatie flush there and that radiant. ex- ' I. ' ,only just learned to love you'. Re- pre.ssion? 1. I., ... . � ! . ' , . mellabor 'zny years, of faithful, hope- 'She could not let the. matter- rest. less, love, Say 'Yes.' " � .. . . 'When she had seat off her note� and I She was whispering something to was sitting with Lady Rhysworth in i . him with her. arms round Ilia neek the morning -room,' Bile soold; . . I and tier' beautiful faco. hidden on his . � "Sir 1( arl was atj ady Flaiden's - . . breust,' . . . . I . . dinner�-Pai+.V -last. ovt,ning It: WRB 1* - "What is it you Are saying?.. he given. in honor of Ilia .return. I alu . . I cried, Ili utter astop4obinont. "You sorry you welool, not 'there., It was � 'Sir Ara what, Dolores? Say the words, very. - enz!oyable, lCarl told me -again. You -are frightened because of that he had' been to see Yoli-a,01`91'40 ' Lola? Uy OArlingi. NFhAt* nonsense I tinfes-t1irce tlmes,'l 6ink-he said," . . Even - should :she take umbrage it my ."I 'have hot cowited the nuntbo, of . � marriage, which - shi has no right to his . visits," laughed - Lady Ith o- . . �y � .do. why should, sko be augry with worth. "Depping.1-Turst Is not very. you? 'What .could she. do to Y�u? 'fat from Sc&rs'dt0e',I' ,. -­ � . . . Dolores, you tire , - a fanciful, nervous ; ."Ile seeing to. be.. very tend of your . wpinarl, I i)i6Ii#ve!. What could Elio, do � little one. -'lbat , surprised file; I . I to. you?" '. , � . ­ . . I � ' ' should," hardly have lml�gjned him -to . Of, -, "I calindt'-t6li why' I am Afraid y fona of ch, be a man . 11dren. I sup-. . I . . ' . I �, bei;. but 'I - � I do.knoW that, as.1 am. . I � pose It -in because �Kathlcen belongs . � . sitting here quite happy with � you, I ' - . . I to you." .. .. . I ,. . ' . , the th6ugbt Of tier"- ,hightons me. . . �, "Wo it' li',ely I' was.'. I . ; the IwLigliluz When I Idak: fdrwAra.. to the time . I .. 1. . . � answer. .. I I . I ' q 'I u a Who - ishall 'be',*with yo I _th I Lady Rhysworth"a heart,'was' at thought of. Lola . darkens it "' . test now.., What �Slr Karl hi�%,d told �. "How strkiligel" he muri;,-r-eid. . - h6ir had.,reassuked-.1ter.. . INTO ni.attCir . - "It is not so strangb, ".'sald - Lady . ' ' . ,.wl,,&t Lola. maid � or what impression , . , . ,. Rliyawo;rth - In A yolce full of ,*emo�' . sh.,j tried,.to. coove I y to heri lidtith I I . g iiofi_' '!D6 not think.me wahtJ31gL in would. destroy-.1ter faithAn Sir Karl ,. delidacY If 1 say, that I am quite sur6 . . . � 11 . . I ,.. 'Agaln.. . ,�,� , - ... , . . .. . that sh6 loves you,"I ker,sweot' face. . ."I should .not be suiVilled,". she ' . Rushed- hotly -'at thou#h she hall been, added, "at his rldhijT over . this morn- confliissfng s;me, . great transgression . ... . ' ing, - � Hit spOke of it;. '6ut: I am , not 0:1 her - Own, .. .� .. . I I.. I - sure it he decided to do. so or.Aot,!�' ' � ,"The moril I think of it," - she COU-� '� � It. would , hvivi becn amusing, had' . , -tialloc , 1. nr I . I "'the more, I am all. tb t I I It not been so:pItiftil, to-sei.�ho.w; of;- . .. Am right. .'While you Avere-away from � � . I . ton -Lolg, inade 66 ine pretext, fdr',go- home she b ad ilia ny Offers- of marr I- -in, -to her roofit,' now io fastin an ' , age, *411'oUtho kind that the, World- ainber rosre in. her hair, now to put . calls good, but she would, ' not jLcc4pt onii'� in the bodice of her.mcirn,ng- ally of � them., I ,'remember how -people 4ress I . . . ­ I .. .1 ` .;­ , .wondered. - I am auto no*,. that - it I I � � .., ic -art I . I I , Sir � lid comm, a,nd- he ooked 11 Ciur sali art. She was Was, for, y el X I . . anything but. pleased at see:ng miss � . ,quite.a. difteront girl when like. �hearfl I . de -rerros * there. He was - not. exftl� I that, you were coming horn.e. :, W.fio.� barrassod,''for he knew .of n6thing*-- ther sho, bad. any suspiciob. that � Y04 ' that need embarrass Kin, I -Te bad al- - cArq4 for .'me I. cannot 1 tell, I but she wtioys a�tcd in A� sti.aightforViard - loan- has alwnYll spoken Of yOU to, me -as I iier,' and It.-was*flot his fault if oth-. , though you belonged to her." 1. . ., I or p - Cople wore- diffaivilt. . '' - ..*, I .:.':!. "You'did.not believe it?" he .said,, I I - . At ' last he been . me Annq, . d; ' lye I ye quickly., . . .: .. . . . 1. I - '.you �. . said td himself thitt'�sha �nivat be try- - ',No, 1 , did tok bicaute . had " Ing to vex, him. � I -Te had corne ci�.,or .told � i.ne. tile truth about It,:': VAlt. I:. I . . to -talk Z Dolores,. an�l he e6uld. . Am. Vdry..sorry: for. her., and , 1,' gm , . , I . hardly 'get I A word'with her. 11rin-A frig4toned.­ . . ' 4 . . . �� sninething Lola had'sald, lie lielarind You ficed not feato"I he'replied. - . ' . that she wits to be .Lady Rhys�-. . � But he co old Inot.hoelp oUrning to, worth'o guest 16r, A A,eekr -land he.. himsbif that the situation was' awk- 'angry resolved that ha ­would run up . I Ao ward. - ITO ought not to feel . LcnJon and otily there t , hat week., Ile with any.ono for showing him grettt - find ne; pleagura in visitioiS Affection, but�bo wished with'all his 'was ,.would I . Deoping Hurst %�4iija,,Lola wiks thore, �could "his heart that Lola niarried. ' and. safety "way He could not- biar to Ile apt talk at ease to its. mistress; besidQs which, he - eoWd.uot , a.. his C1.1111;19 a (ice clousled evca by I . . endure, in the presence of Dolores I I "Intilylacly this 8hadow. � . . . "You most cheer up, DO!461.08'. All the air of 4i6n7d, ntiat that I . � .. Lola assumed toward-bini, ' - I . . will be well,"ho saidj.�"'thLre to no . - . ' . III am going tip .to London - too� . Cause for lear. � As for, deferring our , - . inorroW, . An& shall be absent for no wedding. for that, -it would -be utter . . . Wook." lie reiiiarl,vd. nonsense. Our marriage will at once I . ' Jjt_L ' . i I . The co 'of one lady. dar":41ned, and put an end to all uppleasantnet.s. Say, Christmas, lika'a darling, and-forg � at thn't of the other brightetied. - Lola. - _. .�'.. I I 1. .. 11 . . Lola.,# I � . wits vexed that her schainci was baf- . L . . 1. , . . . . The sWeet eyoes ,looked up - With Red' L while ..Doloees haA not felt very . confidence Into L hifffaeoe... , , comfortable, 'And did not care to L "'Did you evei, When you firit' bel-, �have the jni.er,%�ipw repeated Ili Lola's L L , came aoqualfil;4 *Ithhibr, filrt� with pl. e, Ce. Q She Matters ea 11 I saw 116W how . bet *1thout' any * thought of lovoe?"I I stood between tber&.- It was Lola . she asked. . . 11 , . I L ' who cared for Sit, Karl, And.not,SIr . L I I . -1 " go YOU � My No; I pled Word that I Xarl for her.. � - . . . . . . . . nover did. Before. I - toyed You aAd I . Lady lRhysworth:and Sir, X.arl,had � every thought of my heart was con. no opportunity - of exoha�giftg Lone . centrated 6A you, I � w'Aa perhaps giv.. � word, Lola, fired one po,',,ting sh6t I . . � ea to Admiring every pt -otty girl 'I , I at the hands6mo,youhir I,Ar6ilet, . -ilaw. I could not help; It, " ackno*- � "You are gollag to London;" she ledged 'the handobine-youtig fellow, I $old, loWill, YOUL Wilit46 to me from .blushing for'llis weakness, ":Isajd 1. Vlore as you did from Paris?" . . . autty have adifilred hur. L But 1 was U" . Ilo feltL'rather than saw. the ,sweet "� -d ,Dolores 1$041 the Dist -, "". 11101st eyes' of Dolotes, Oxed -full upo, 11 moment -,.saw tbai ullo was kirld , .'him,, and he answered gently- "� enough to take Any lutoi�it 11% Inc. . "go; I ain, Afraid I shall have no . � I have, never -AlIsLed ht)r 4p. 4ny re - titne for writingl , Is t hero Anything 'do ' I spedt-Aditbep Oy Wgr4l or - � lo( -)k, You . IL Can for you?" . . , �ito,v . � . -tv . @L Mo. '00 joU "Aot?" Ilxa.� If you will oot wt,464 . yo� . . . VY004 implieltw, 1400 no motive pliall #ot do anythinj else. Lady I lot Occoption, It you had. Wiz,hott to 114YRwol"th, 40 You �hot think it very w4rry her, you could havo doul tij. .un Ind of him? He wrote to � me Ify ,faith 0"44 trust In you � aio per-. from V,rdnc6 And Italy..yet will not I toot, Karl." � ba,vo time . to send loae line from , In thQ troubled after tilas', those London." I 1 words, "My faith And trust In you . "Sir Karl could nev&, be tialkind to 'areporfect, Karl," eame, to her you or anyone else," roplied.,i)oiCires; . and gain, they plerced her and ,hot eyes reated'in swootett trust 291trInt With Abele menwries and stoQd on his IaC4, , . � A . . . ; b0iolle her In letters Cif tire. "YOU llaVo & folieL higbidto opinjosi of . . 1 i -you must mee for YO480t, Do� him thau I havo," said Lola. ; . lores," he o9titliquod, - 11that, our' V*ed- . , , , . "A WoOk's Ablitnev difter-N, from' till, , #kII, : &K *P'put a fitoo at coneg -to long aliscuee of years," said I ady . th"s ki#d of thifig,L 'NOW A04k at 11 ' .Aj I1hysW6T-h,L "It nifty be Just poll. Ivithyqur f.weeteat spillot, -13�y 'Vej " ' siblo that in Ono Vfek ho­%'Cnjjd halve VLnd lot V0 ha;V9 tho 1%%AAtto ho . Ppit . * L wthlo�; to , Xay. ,,,, . . . .1 L Ilei;$ 1Rf bboifintfig t(L) Prop'Aro StAr#_ . .11.'ah I not we .,poit for oild Mo- . OOL"i for y6u.11 1116tilt, Do!oroos*�', ,Ahl,4 sperk.6 4 I. it X&tll. 'hoL . . w I 4 Ultiorod tbo worO; and,lo if "It Is not polisible," she atimwored. 0VOr 06111Y MOn t9lt 9r4te(Ul to 116AVO 11.1 cannot llioav,6� my I 11 '001 . . . Ile ooniet q0t jolt .his heart, thrill WjtU hAlloll, nes$, it 1�jas Sir KAtj Allanmoro, muttered in# *h1ch lingde Dolores smile; the *a4 thtraid that It Thlil secret of bar ohaagotinl6fit W46 WAX A -Strong OXPIOUVO, � but thtfolikol well kept tor .4 time, The ro,doeork. pression of his . fate, , ,. A%bseiod titift and refutiftishisig of Scarsdale bar most, It, Wo Just that *%Cited ' Ain IjUrpriss, It htid lolig , alt an inlpetUOUA, - 1*10atoltUto Vantid doing. And it MeMW 'Only 'I schoolboy, tola looked up quickly, , sla,tural that Sir Xatl should *M"I- it 'y busift"o 0* amer6to , lish hit rdAn'siori on him retvriij and I to"`d16N'VCUGoX`?0'U' 9210 said, "AM lt de, 'After 66 long An abIOUCO- � JR -4 tk# 0111 1 trop . - ,news got *Ifid at'longth through tbA . . .. . . 4 440444404 9t tho oto squi;VA � Pit 0, , I I ­,*-lio +, " -,t�,W.6*�+.Oo�o!.,.#*.#�,-4w#L* I V . I *_­Jj4o...,4�,,�# El F;01 was so 4elightood that his bisi-ii-M14 telveiil you?. lus )to m4lo foy's to ­ - - --__._1_._ --I-,---- . Wore# was to bo ,so happy lilt lasto, you as P. mere sport and pastime? It Ispilakillig 01 IWL One day to an. Antir so the law Shall punish him.pf. What made your linens Mato, trioAd 0 hors', ho said that. she Lola l4ughC4 again, this time with coarse? 1 bad carried Off the two boot pr , Izes In flu1jiled face and glowing eyes. Common soap I thaL LnelghborhoQd. This remarli: "No. juamm", he bas never madq Sunlight SOV saves linen, %wW,jened, tho visitor's curiosity, fur. the L Inquiries 1 Walro. in* lovo to me. Say nq more about him, - 11 . , do, and t1jon What llea botilvoeen, him and myself I I . - . the wholg affodr cAtuo %9 light. Cer- will repay. Never mention the Rub- - I s : t4luly Sir X%rl wAo In Tolvq with his I ject ag4in.01 I � When the clock struck sqven, III 1. douglitor. +the I UNUGHT I It happened that Madame do Forras girl stood up, And then n worn look � AMPw bad driven ,over to AiWe o, call On I dijunied the brilliancy of her face. , Mrs. llolara,bout; and when she enter- A14mma, 1, am very tired." she I 50" AZDVCZO - edtbe drAwIng-roonx of , that ludyo said. ,,I Am going �. I to lay roo Do , the news, was being discussed. Lady notlot Any one ;disturb we -on Any , L . . XX]PXN,TZ Fielden was present, She wets kind I no'count. I sliall be quite well to.- I of heart as A rule, And, seldom. , x4td morrow." I I AOR for file OC1409ft Nor 114 . I Ill-natured things; but even obe had Madame kolased her, and when her I I waned Indignant at the Information Claughter had left the'Lro ' om. solaced !�,!!!,�� 1. !__�., _,_!�. . I . that Lady Illivoworth was to marry' L bersol, with 06 novel until site forgot I CAMI�RAS , Sir Karl. She bad two daughters of her cares In sleep. I CAUVIRAS . I I . . bier own,, And, she felt It r,ather hard . . . . thitt Dot I ore . a should have carried off � I 11 � C I L the two mo t eligible mon In the � . I L 4.1 I L, CHAPIrER, XVA. , (A neighborhood, Lord nhya1WOrthL aho' I hadnot grudge her, It was A ' good When, Lola was alone .she draw 0, : I ' watch 1pr the girl who had no Mo- deep broath of relief. . Now -that she 0. L tbor to help her In thil moot. !in , � , �, ameras - i , ,port- 04re4 to be natural, th dark beausso i . . , L to . . Ant event In her life -getting . mar- tiful face was terrible- to, behold. She I I I . I I . ried. But It was hardly possible to-. Walked with hasty t , . L oteps, up and down CAMIURAS � CAMIMAO feet So won disposed when Sir Kurt, tier room -only Heaven know what ! . . � . , whQ. would have made so excellent 4x was passing in her heart -tier hands i - - I I . -4 . I . , husband for one of tier Own daugh.. clinched tightly, until he . . I ,r miaid came. i Is,( tero,wns. taken, captive by the ,vaine Stephanie," she said "will you WB UAVI� A IIARGU. RANGS, Ol? I I 0 . fair hands. . tell J Can that I want the little pony- QA=RAS BVT TIM BgST FOR . � . L All the, plieasuro Of tier visit WAX carriage, and that he must drive, me . . . over for mAdunle, she took no further Over to Deeping Hurst? I'Want to . A CHr4,AP CAMMA IS, . . � I interest in the gossip that was going * BjtOW.Njj� No, 2 W,U'I�,'UL WS S � L , . L see, Lady Rhysi.sorth, but madame Mr " Lon around. �'Pale and troubled, she" must.not .know. anything about Jit. I . L I I rose to ko home. . .You can mari4gq it for me, C�Ln You . I " . I . . . ..- i . . L .When she bad departed, Lady Field- not, Stephanie?" . I AT $2.. I . . . . en,mald, laughing,:- . L "Yes, mademoiselle.;" wa thebrief I PgrSp L as in neighboring 'towns . � . I mademoiselle. Lola, Will be vexed, roply, � I I . � . . I At the news,. I have Always , fanelod. . " I who. are . thinking.,of purc)las 11 . - "Toll oiTeall to malw. an little noise - ing . a camera: will receive I An I . .. I . she hp,d a liking for Sir Xarl,'� . I as possible, lest madame should hear I ' . . .. L I . . . madame drove home,.her heartAlloo the sound'of thq wheels," , . I , lWastinan Catalo y L � � ,gue b drop- .. I ed with grief for )lei, daughter. It takes a. great dea . I ping us a, card, Other cameras- . I I . I I to surprise is . I .. . I I I I 'IT would rather have to Ull her French waiting -maid. of the type of besides the 354stman * can be, I . � L . - . . I Anything than this," she said to tier- Stephanie. If her young mistress had supplied. Films, developing � . . . . . self,. "It she IoVQ him, as. I fear she ' Asked to be driven to some house powdeks and other light supk . I - dow!4, It will almost kill her," I where she might bave met a lover, . I . I i . When Lo , lix saw -her .mother's face, there would �. howe been . a spice of plies canLbe sent. by mail. . I . , � . she know that something ferrible- had fun and intrigue In 1i; b , cosirre Miter I . � . I . . lit a visit to Our ClAcap Uxp , . . . . Iiappened,,.She. sprung to .meet her, a lady, and that the most Irr6prcoach� at 35t gives thei correct e*pqs! �- I . I . crying'. . I 11 . able 91 widows was flat- and tame., . - . I I . , I * � . . I'Wh�f is the matter, maiumn? why Half an hour afterward, Lola was ure un,der All conditions . and . . . . . I . . I . do you look so red?'. drivinj toward , Deeping Hurst, . her pays.for itself in a short time . - . I . . � . L . But, madame was afraid to tell her- heart torn with pain, love find jeal-. . n . L "I au� tired, my Clear- It is* A forl ousy, her brain filled with schemes . of posure.,in . ne I - . I . � L . . . . . tigi ' ling drive, and the wdather I$ van oance, her 'Whole soul in hot re�- I . gative$ . . . very *arm And oppressive.'r .9 . ' .. I . .1 . .� . . : l hellion against her fate. .She ha:d no , . . . . "Idy dearest viamina, it is riot the settled plan of Action; but the look - I 1. .. i . . I . . L . I � weather that, - rankles you look 80 ull- that was in her, face and the light . I ' ' .happy; Have you had bad news from. . . . . France?" * "I ,. 11 . . . that. was -in her vy6s evidently meant. ' HOB. COMER .. . . . I . L miseblef, I � � I I . . I t . ..; . . I . . . . . "No. I arn'not quite sure,* Lolal, 111' told h6rol"'she Muttered, "'that L Chemist and Druggist., I . I I w * bother I itsove heard ba:d news or any end coming between Sir Karl and . . � . I I . . . L I T '* I . . . . . . not; 'you must decide. When Sir Karl myself should beware. Let ler ,*�be- . . I .. . called here first on his L return to EUM_L Ware L ; I I -cannot talce her life. but if'. -� I 1. . I - __ i � . � 1. . landi and' I saw how delighted you . I could mar her beauty -the beauty, �j , . were. at .his coming, I fancied thAP that has won 11 L, Cl. . �Ijhai � r .. . . * there: was . something between ­yOUL, hu -I woul . i V . . L that It might have* been 'for his sakii knew how 'to to�turc,* her so t S I I Is 0- L:, I I . � . never again In her life should there . I I . . . you had -sent so many of your lovers come 0116 luoniont of Peace of, rest, I : r . . .. . I ­ . � .away. and 'that. you liked. him.' WAS LI would dwit, Let her be varel " 1. L . � I I . I . . . I . * right r 1, , . . �ooja?". L . . . . 3 ' . . I I I . , She never headed: the brilliant C61- , . : L SEE US FOR . .. I � . . � . ,"Quite ' right, ' mammal I should ors thatt made - the -evening. sky so. ..L . I 1. . : . . . I . I . . have said nothing About it unless yoti . Lhotice of :th.0 . .. L . .. . L I . . . . . I I I '. fair; she took no� L�song, 8, L LD.:" S I , _ - L had spoken firSi, But tho real trtith of the birds; all tile -fair beglity ,�oi . . 1, I A I _ _ " ia�why shoWd I disguise it? -that I earth and sky were lost On her... . . . . . love him with my *h6le'hCart;"`. '. . 'o1et h . .. .. . - E ... � 11 or biiware"" Ae-repeated to I .. E ' . . I . 0 , . . . She did ]lot . bl�sh , or L avert' her herself wh6a the carriage stopped. : � I .1 I I I .1 . I I. .,L . � f4ce;shc showed .none of -the sweet, IIVAit.,fbr Me Joan# ­ she. sa-1 I d -to . . . . . . . ;�- .o . . . . . �. . . . . � . I . I . .1 . L I . , : L. . .. L I . . natural. shame thi�t a girl. feels who ' it. . the gr,00iri. 111"ilfay be cone,hour, or ., -. L. - I.. . . :1. . . I . I I . L . . . t or :1 may be ,tbrdo' Do. .fij)t take the . . .11 . . . . . o her. mothqi, of. It . � love affiLlra" Tho beautiful face' h4d . ... L.. . . 1. I . - . I L . * . Wkifte , ' '* L, � � hoilses to L the �iable, And do ­ no�t . . 6�016e , clean ' holne I , grown A . � . ,grown perfectly . . . leave the carriage. � I shall expect to, , I. . I I L . I . 11 feared. so, " said madame. "I find'y'ou here when I return," . . , . Clover. 'and Timothy. . Alio I I I I I have ll�ard something About ' him , She . ran. . -L I Alsike, Alfalfa, Speltt Buek� , I I whi. It I hop . t g. the. hall -bell find was . I . - " I I . . . . ''' e,and pray' way not be told by the.servant who Answered: it . , v,vb�at,, . and all kinds of Field . L . I * ', L . - . true. ". . . , I .. . , . IIWh , . I that, Lady Rhysworth was at' home . . and. Garden, Seed,a. I - . at Is' it?" asked Lola, onge; ly, itndalone; that .13hd coul , d see her At .. I . I .1 . I .. . I I She went..� Up':'tOL her mother. , ',at L d . Once, 'her laclyshi wits In her.. bu- - I . ,�. . . . I I I . I I . . .L : ber hands u0ciiii. her shoWders, . 4ind' . . P -b I - , � . . .1 I . ll_llo L .. _. . 1. .. I I . . , doirl !. . - . ,.. . � . 14 '''. . ­ 11 . .. I . . I . . . I L looked. straight Into her face. - ' " .L 1, Yall need not . announce nje," LoI& . . . 1. 1. .. ... . 1. .. I .:1 L . . -ren rae ,. what it ial 1, t4o bear said to the man. . , III will go , my- 'I�A at Lowest Trices.- . - . - anything but suspense,, In he Ill?. It self.'� .� L .. . . , . . I : . :. I . 11 . . .so,I . will go to -him, . N6 . one . has' , I � I . I . I ­ Oome:in:ana see thein.. . . . I , more: right. t ban" I - have. "' I � . .... : The servants were so !adeustolned- L . . . . . . . . . .. I . - . .. . � . - : . .. . . . ... . � I .1� . I ,.,It.is,.Uot that" rkpli,ed,madamc; tolfor eomfng.tp thq house at all - � . �L � .. . .., . ... . 7 � . : - ":,- . "it I . 'times that there seemed nothing unw; ' . . .L. . - � , .1� . .. . , . . . , . . - . . . , L .. ,is sbrilething quite, different., 1'16 * Usual in her request. Lady 31hys- . - I 'i. . . I . . I 1. . q . I I - -is well an� happy-7too happy, if 'all - � . ... . . . . . . . 4 . worth's f6ends. had aceess,-to her at . I . . " I I L , I ' .. . ' . � . - I ' I I . 1 hear be 1rue, ' Ile is supposed,"! fal� all times ' .. . . I . �. '� ' . _ . . I ' tore . nia'd . . . I . . 1. � I . . . d " emenib .L 'P X ot and, '(. , , . �. I jjQt zinc- r er Lola, that - - "Let her bewarel '.' Lola murmurCid. . , � . I I ai,­ I - i . . :.1 �.. -� .-.-L .� . L%. L .. I , . . . ­ . 1. . . -1 ­ .... L one word Way be. ,trus--ho 'a muli� I to*herself'm she Lwent through- thi .�? ­ -t Successor to'.0. Coo or 1. . . 1. . posed to be on tile point 'of marfrl' .. , I : . . L . L . C. " . I � , r. 4ong, -corridor, and up ,the. WIdd .a ' tail- : . .. .. I I I : ­ . IL . 1. I �. . -P I L . . I . . -1. I ag , . . . I � L .., ,.. . ­, ­ I :: . , ,L' " ... . . I � . . I case; . "WhAtl6vor tier fate, *she has - - __ . I . L.. . ' I L Madame never forgot 'the.. haggard, , L herself.1.1 . . ­ I I � . 1. �, , . .'.1, L.: . . drawn 'it on " L ' . L . I.. . .1 . . I . � I . . L . .: � L .! . . . strickei.i, 'despairing , look - that . came L.Sh� Anew the way to Lady Ithysr . �. L 1. � . L over her'daughter's facV, viffielvteerit- . ' - I L .. I .. . . . I . I worth'&L. boudo1r. She ' bad spent . ' �111, . . . . . 'L ,. . ed all in one - moment to,take. the - maTiyhopr4 in it. Without kncickini..- . . . . 1. �:. ­ . .. -youth And beauty from'it. -LciIA., did - ------.4j.--- - C. . . . ..., I . . � -, � � not speak, buf: from.. thi white, sit - I . ,. a be con0nue . . . .. I .1 . I .. , . . . I . . . . . . lips came � a long, - low, Iin 'erhii cry*. , L , . -_ - . I I ... . , I . ... . � I . .. I I I . I I . ,. ' . . . . . . 9 . I . L I . . . '.'It May not be true," continued - . : . Ituna Her Tim. . I �i . � I 1, . � . I . madaine - falling back on the, only : , "And when you miarry,"' she so y - I . I I . L, '. � 1. I .. . ­ L .. I ... , L . . ..,: � L . .. . . L L . comfort she.could give, , 11*11ilnjs are said, "I hope you'll. riiinmijor to: Invite , : . . . L ; L I . . iggorated I . . .'LAd. '. Fioldon 1iy .' ' . . I . , , 1. I .1 . I . 1. . . .. SO 'Often eXA v. motothe.ceremo .11 � .� I ... . I I .. " L - I I I . . . I . I I ­ .. wasthe first tomention-it;-sho said III ; :1 . . . �'. : , .., ­ : . � He � look#(! -thoughtflil.. i ,will* be 1 . I . I . . .L.. that Sir Karl Aljanuto�e 'wa's to.zn�Lp- - 'awfully crowded, Uj3,doUbt," be said . I. . .L 1. . '. I . . . . . : . �...., � I r ". ''� 11 ' ry Lady'Rhyswotirth in:two or three � . L . IN. . . I I , � . t I . L I . . .. . I. I . ... I I .. . I I . "but,I think.1 can ring .you In*t som'e- .. . , Weeks' time, that it was for his bride I 1. �. .1 N. I I .1 ..... I L . - . .. . L I I . . . .. . I . the 'Hall had been r"cicoratedfop 1. ho*.Pt . . .1 , . . I., L. - . . I � - : I ­ . I. . I _. . . I , . . Suddenly the hand,that 1ad ,be " 'And it -moment or two. later she de- I i�. : . .1 I �:% . � . � . l 1L: . : . . I , an I I �� .. . :­ . .. . . I I 'clasping her shoulders. relaxed tfiefr clAred the ring Was an asto.nighingly ... 1 I i ,:; 1. .. . . . : , I I . ,. .. .. . .. .. I i I 41 . . . . . I - the.white fao'was 'raised for if, good . . I I . At .. . I . I � . . . hold, I . . .. . moment with,a faint cry, and th I I I ... . I:, .. .. . ... . '. L ; . . - afirm" . I - . . 1. . . Lola, fell,. a senaele I . , en L ... . . w .. , . - . . . . I . I ." . . , . : �.. L. . I. . ­ saj helpliogs .glass � . � �. . . t . .. .1. . . I 11 � j I ... I . .. . .A . . Not Worried - by Them. - ' , ­ L I . I ' I I . .a,t-he'r inother's feet, , � � .1 . .. Mammael-.Tohnny,�. when. you told ln� The�. Reos.1I1ts--.'..L' .. - - I . .,., ., . Madame called. for nq Aid; with her _. t L I . I � . . . 11 . . .. L I that tha Sever boy threw stones at L I ­ I . 1. �. � 1. .. 1 L I ­ . . . 11 � own hands she- ralsed - her daughter., , notA61"Ine that It Was. I , A - slit, ' . '. L, I . . And laid -her' u you .you. did *� .be posed , I , * . . ., Pon the couch;,thoneho .. , . " . - r calino. .n a . . , . L . . after you hktd thrown stones'at WWI � .. - , . , . . . lknelt.by her, woe,p,lug bitterly. .. �' . I I niollie It' � � To secure g6od pittuns I .1ohnny--.4 ,wasn't afraid- of the, , 1. . . If. 1. . ."It .has brol<en 'fier heart." she, -I - tfire tit Ith , . . Ona nitist take tilue.to st�,Ciy -tile . . - iuoaii�d, !Iuly only child -broken tier stones . W , n ma.� 1, it Was .11 ' . . . - i . .. ,. - .t I . njoo(jS 'of the, �sittcr and- givaL hinf heart," ., I � . I . . I only the ones. Coming my, way t4a 'I I I . I. .1.. .. � . I I . I ., . the to . ec . . .. Presently, she thoughi of the *so,p- was scart of,-Boaton Transcript . . . opportunity b , onie .'.at I . . . . . I I , . . r6wful Awakening, * ,&lid shlS faiwied � .. L . 1. .. - . . .. ... . ..� . ease-. Nye pursue this Course . and I I I I L ­ . . . that It . woold; almost. be'bitter. 'for L . � . One, ot the- Infell1gentl; - - 1. . the - results * 1118jifieS ,tIlOL ti1jit and , ' I . . . . . I .. .. L I her 'daughter to die'then and" there. ­ "Itivei. you any 'uciluples,ll InqbIred : ' . patience used, . . ... . - . L . I It Was her Wallin Usilos that tbe'prosectiting at-tornOy, "against In. � � ... . I I .. . . . I I . . . I I. ­ I I . lifebAck td*Loia,. that Colo b oug ditting the death Penalty In ac . I . sc� t "ta - � ' dark ekes to open *and the. looked lips wjllful.� murder?". 0. ' . ' . L. . . . .� * 11 I . . . to"LuAclose. '.-'. I . . .. . .1 . . - . L HSHWITS POTO , STUDIOL. I . I . ;, . I I . I . . . 'a few, words and, L "Ort I to hev *em,01 ask .. . . I . . L She- 'muratured . cautiously. .ed ' , ., .. . I . 'L I.. L . I ' . L I I I then nindazue'driw her head too.hor' the talesman, "or not to hev Ielp, If I L . I - L . . L . ., , ' 210 11111111111111111111111 F 11111111111110 I . . . breast but Loola, pprang from her don,t want. to set, on the jury . . . . . . . � . I. . I . . . . . v- I I . arlils"alie would not �listen to. t4q . .'' I I .. . � I - . . I soothing voice. . y'', . I , .. I 1. . .. . . 1� . . ; I I I . . .10's, more, mainmal" she cried, It I . Iff I he, , "' �="/,_ . . . L r 11fdonlitable -pride And spirit com- 91 . . I � I I �'.-M% _11��_ L . I ­ . . � - :� - I . I , I . I .. . . I I k0aw;e., ."It, is *tit it mla- Kir lx\� �K L __'_ lo, . L. takej 1-1 do !lot Carol ]Let Sir ]Karl'. S " !,G,P'a' 6 ti,, qr I' . . I I . - .. �%,%. I I . . .1 L. . � . inarr A he will, it is nothing to . 1. I .1 I . : . . I . . I . . � . . . . . , : !. L L file "y Whoi . �. I e . . . . I . -10 I -*$#4"* I *" - - , , , I I . . I .. ROO voice had In It such a ring of - . . - .#**6++,*# so is .. # L I . . . . . .. . . L . . - Pain, that tears came Into her mco- 1% : k. _7 ­ . .. I 11 I .1 I ��- . � I . . . .. . . I . . I t1hor'll OYIQ94 , . . . I . � I .. . . I . . I . I ("Did I sa"y that 1 loved hl' I . I . . I . . h m, � L 7 I L I mainnial ' it ,livas perfect, . ntjnbe.g:-,, ll I Standard . . ClUlto UntrUe. . q4ho White road' YOU . I 1� . L L . . . . I ' I I . -know-alwa.vs the White rosel"`� . LL 11 I I . . . . . I . I . . levator. I. . . . . I 1, . Madame thought that ahe was *An- V_ . E . 'Clering In her mind, she Could jot . . . . I . I F. I . . . , . .- . 1. . N I I . . . I se What a white rose had to do with . I L . I I . I . � .. . .. L . I . hot dinappolittinont. LolaOs dark eyes L I L . I . I . 1. � . . . :flashod as site welit on. ' - . 40 - CLINTON - I ., I , I I � "$over remind , Me of my folly, . I . . I . L . I . .. . . 1. . L majuma: forgot all about It,* as I L I . . ... . . . . . . . shkiL% Vho would have thought Do. Don't Prown. . I . I . . . . . I + ' ' I I , . IONS Would hAV0 two husbando, vh116 How many 1,rows are warred by the , I All kinds of I . Ibavoi *�not Iliad *no? It to most uAl wrinkle called .1 ftow". ain, . amusing. ITO,Vtt I frightened *you V ly I Lt ,%r I, I wanted and said, looking, *oVolard her motbo�r, who , It ootfiqa from trying to fix tile eyes, . h ) I L . I . mat With a terrified faco, .'In was the on a given poisit And forcing thentAo I ghest prices paid I � . . I elogencis of the � room Whieb mtkdco orforni tasks, - for which they -are ill- in. OASH for any . . . file taint". tidt. whot Y04 told mo p . . . . L about Sir Raill,"I . . I capacitatedot . I quantity. I . .. L She Wgbood *i1th so laugh that + Call at the 1431OVator and L PAIR Or 1. . wat% madame"s blood run - COld-A A I GOOD MASSUS, VITT- soo us before selling. , . . I horriblo laugh; then bho stopped tud- VM XIV VS, WILL,ASSIST 19 : � . ditinly, listed her motherli faco And I 6&I&- . . . . I IL . . . DRIVI90 AWAV.Tn.0 PROWN. I I . . �. I . i41lbor i4ammal T ,vliA.sorry I have . .. I L . ­ . .11 -"- I � .­­ . ­­.owllo I L . I , frightened you. Let me got you . . I I . . L , Maine wine, You Must have . 0611404 . .A. J. VAit I � I . I . I . . . I I 11 I I 5 I I L � : . . I E ID 11 , thing; you 1061C quite White." 0 � Want nothl"#, Ul&.L Toll rM One il �� � "I'll . s C14*Lotla Yewe *VL 004 .: I . L 0006104 I ,.thin$o, YOU 'have nolthot father nO INIZONo ONV., . L . n I I . brotheroo-only . me to ioirIM 344 , I I # h La rt, but 1, though a. ,W�eAk Viagal I c . . . L , � bo like ,& iol,V,04 'Wheo, y child, V � I U�rq 0 � , t V10A 44- . W10041 �01L%0, b orw � . I, '..., .. . i . ­­­ .... �L�---'-"--�""---"�'--"-�'- I _...�