HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-12, Page 2-0 Q ­ . . T11E CLINTON NEWS ,RXCQRD * , I Marob 12th, 1,003 ,-�� .. "I.M,Q.vm.&��,.%",.U.Wow.*,4u�.�� ------------- --------.- ------.- - __ - __ , . . ___ - ­_­ -,-"--,---,-- Mark Twain,* Flirst Uaroxy , Awk. Uarl� Twii.0 was uace asl-wd by a friend if he reinewbered the first Utouvy Liu had vvvr VILrued, "Yes", answered 51r. VIvilleus. putr- log uledilitthtly oil his cigar, "I Inwe a disUllet rveol!ectiou of It. When I N%. as a youngster, I attended twhool at a ijl.t"- %%-here the usie of tile 01rch r(;,J ,V,vus 11L)t all 111111sual evelit, It was agahist the rules to niark the desks fit tiny iiianner, the penalty being u line )f $5 of- I)Ubl!C Clutst!4clueut. "Llappening to violate the rule on one ocenslon, I was offered the alter- native. I told my futher, and, its lie seelued to think it would be too bad for rue to be publicly punished, he gave tile tile $5. At that period of iny exIstence $5 was it large sutil, while a Whipping was pf little couscqueuec� and su"- hore Mr. Clemens reflective- ly knocked the uslics from Ills cigur- ­well," lie finally added, "that was how I earned uty first $5." .tC-.r)C'�ait%�Ay 111. Mrs. Purke-Your husband bas been very Ill, hasn't he? Airs. Laii(--1 never saw him so ill. Why, for two weeks lie never spoke a cross wet-(] to me. - 11 u - Tvvrt � j ye . ars Leg Was Swoflen Three Titll.-s Its Natural Size and Morti, ficatiofl [lad Appar- ently Set Ili. - , itching Was Frightfo, Be Pow. - ley's tiquified Ozone HIM the Diseasi., Germs and Eradicated Every Trace of the Disease. . I . - To -day He Is Sound and Well and Air. Banks Is Strong In tile Belief That Ozone Saved His Life. . For twenty years . - A I w a a troubled . . with eczema in my .... - ­ 1, ft leg. MY leg POWLEY'S was swollen three ! LIQUIFIEID times its natural OZO , I size and apparently _ OZONE mortification had CUP,ES set in. The Shin � � � � DISEASE BY � had broken ill FeVn- � _ . _ DESTROYING - ral places and Mat - DISEASE ter was oozing from the ulcers. GEP,AS The leg was black WHEREVEP, and rawish-red lit .LOCATED. parts right up to my hip and -the mot%*PIV- - ful. . itching was fright- * MY v�ife had been much benefitted by Ozone, so I decided to give it a trial. It was not long before I noticed an improvement in my blood. The humors began to disappear and soon my leg had resumed its natural healthy tone. . . . I believe that Ozone has saved my life, and I give this testimonial for the benefit of others. Ozone also cared me of bad kidnev disorder and a most. painful eye trouble. I . J. B. BANKS, 787 Queen St. West, Toronto. . J. B. BANKS. . ToGet Rid of Blood and Skin Disorders You Must Get at the Root of the Trouble., . You cannot cure blood and Skin disorders by treating the symptoins. You must find the enuse and remove it. Medical science has demonstrated that these disorderS are duo to disea,o gerions. Powley's Liquifled Ozone de- stroys these germs wherover located, and it is due to this fact alone that it is the grandes,t remedy for the trent- ment of disease that the world has ever known. If but one person or a dozen bore testimony to the fact that they have bepn cured it might. be ran- , sonable to .think all were mistakell, or that they Simply "happene.L" to get better, but when the number runs into the thou. -ands, and all are alike in being most positive and enthusins. tio, it becomes proof of the most con- vincing hind that Ozone will do all we claim for it -destroy disease germs wherever located. The number of persons cured of blood and skin disorders by Powley's Liquilled Ozone is far I oo great to at. tempt to publish thnni here. Wo give a ifevr, however, to ,-boNv that the good work is not confined to any particular part of the country: ;ohn Smith, Cataraqui3Ont., siilt rhGIUL Jas, Bushby. 447 Nab 1. King St.. Toronto, blood disorder. U. Lever, 19 St. Vincent at.. Toront 7, blood disc vdior. J. W. Brown. 26 Aleximiler at., Torcilto, skin disenae, Miss Crow, 2 -IG Van Horn at., Toronto, blood jolsoning from Ivy. . Miss Edyt, e 0ooper, Cornwall, Ont., scrofula. Rodger Pilson. Dovinsview P.O.,oczems, Herbert Cookman. Huntsville, Ont., running qore Mrs. Ellen Smith, 31 St. Andre street, Montreal, eczema. P. Tramps, 891 Pituot at.. MontreiLl, PAIU- ful boils. Vincent O'Neil, 108 Mitchell ave., To. ronto. eazerna. Mrs. Win. Stevenson, 7.6 Laughton aVe., Toronto Junotion,Ont., akin disease. Mrs. P. Sculthorve, 72 Cobourg St., Ot. tawa. Ont., eazoina. I 0. Hagens. 9k Anderson at., Montreal, running Sore. W. Dorsey, 22 Sultan street, Toronto, eczema. Dr. M. Mecklenburg, cor. Craig and Blaury sts.. Mcntreal. oczeina. Mr. W. Knowlton's little coil, 811 Bruno. Wick ave..'roronto, eezema. Powley's Liquilled Ozone is gold by reliOle drugaists-nevrr by faltit's or , tedilrers. Prico60ce4tsan,l$1,00por ottle. Our free booltl`0 on recolpt of name and address. I THE OZO14B CO., Limited, __ - Toronto, OuL KW' .8 TOPICS Of � Will ImPortant Events in Few Words . For,13us�. Readers. Tile Busy Worldlit Happerillngs Carefally ,. conkpileil *U4 rat Into Randy and . Attractive SlAapo Ver *Ito 1104ders 00 Ql.pkx, lVaper-A solid HQurla; 1104soo),rakent . lit Purngrp,plio, I . I CANA DX.�N. St. Thomas, March 9'.-INTISS L9. 4. 1 81sk has resigned as lady principal . of Almu, coliege, TuronLo, Mat . ell O.-Ou. Sunday, on tile 14ty, wete spon. two Iceboats, A conou ttrid inen Skatlog, Ottawa, March tk.-Chief Justice Tuachoreau of the Supreme Court is confined to his bed with Ia grippe. Ottawa. 1%larch 7.-A coniniiLteere- Prksoilting county �udgea luet the Adni,ster of J usti�e and oslied for In- croased salaries. - . (Atawa, Alarch 7,-Tbe. winual re- port of tho Ilisheries Department says that in 190.1 $11,000,000 were Invested In the Industry. The pro - .duct was $2.5,000.000, Ottawa, March 7.-Chlef Justice Moss has been appointed Adininis- trator of Ontaiio, and will open the Legislature on March 3.0, Sir "Oliver Alownt 6eing- incapacitated by ill- . ness. . . Ottawa, March 7,�­The .financial , statement for the eight months, end - Ing Feb. 28, which wits issued yes -- I , terday afternoon, shows. that' -Cana- . da's position is -better.by .$7,60,0,;. . 000 than it %Vas a year. ago. * - ' ' Seafurth, March 0,�Aboijt I o'7 clock Saturday morning fire was.dis- Covered in The Sun priniing offic6 in the Strong block. Tile plant, whiiAi was valued at $3,400, is - almost .a' total loss, insured for $2,500. . . Victo. lit, D. C_* March 9.-�-An ex- ploElon of 11r6 danip .occurred. oil I I Saturday at .No. '6 ,mine; fit -Cumbe'r- land, whem the disastrous explosion . I occurred two years ago. Six ,Chinese and one white,man were badly burn - oil. . . � . . . , : . . � . I Victoria, -B, O., March 9, -At a ' mass medtIng. held here.' Saturdlay night, a resolution was passed ,ask-. I ing the ' Dominion (Joverninent, to , give British Columbia .representation ol� the British side of the Boundary Coininkssion, . .. . . Toronto, March 7-�Repbrts repel ' v - oil from D , r. Bryce indicate that Galt has finally emerged from. its baptism.. of sinalipox. �rhe epidemic r6sulted, in 86 Cases, v�ith six deaths, .but, it � is entirely -Cleaned. up now, and the last ,quarantine has been. removed. . Hamilton, Afardl. 0­'4.61in, Dore, a OrtChd - - Trunk conductor,' was killed at Paris about 2�o'clocli ,`�4t,urday' morning. -Ile stqpl)ed off'his train in * front 6f a fast express, . was .If u'rIed. a great distance, und ins.tantly ,killed . . . � * Ile lived ' . at London. since - leaving . . . hero a few yenra . ago I . .. I . . I . Ottawa, March� * 7-�-:John Vuillin', an eld-erly - mail, . emplityed: as a �*fiight- watchman at the 0. P . ' . - It. . frei gh t sheds here, was 101led last night.' 116. fell belleath. a - inoving , freight train, was caught between the-� trucks -and. dragged' a distance 61 200 fe�t' Death Vas instantaneous. ' The deceSed *was ' ' all old Crimean veteran. - -, � . * Urs.qland , Alarch 6. �. An'gus. I]l. MacDonald, . aged twent-y-five ycar�, was instantly killed - by . a fallhig tree yesterday morning, .riear Blue. . and, i)u,�chaulilp Saw lUill. se"Ven - mil(.s . � north Of the City. Ills reltttiv�s . Ile-- �ide at Lancaster, Ont I ITo was- ,'A., ,jector. alid, is a . pros, I aid to ppssess valuable ninicra.1 land -in.12,aSt Woot,T .... � . . ellay. . . . 1. ­ . St. Thomas., ,,%rarch� ,-)' - Peter A, * . ' Ostrander, formerly � 4 this ,cit,3 " committed suieftle,on Stiturday, at the residence of' Ills inother-'.in-biw, Mrs. W. Luton of '.,%4ipI1vton. Ile. had'* . hc,ni despondent.- .find: while, it -is . I thoughL, tempol'Ali ly 11 I sane, .. took: a, � I dose of rougli-on-rtiLs " about. 9 . 41. in - 1. . ' I . . and dic-1 � at 7.3.W. .N(y; inquest. Will . . . � be held. . .. I . . .. 1� I I - � . Tta.ftliltori,`.Aturch'. 7._'A.fourtccn-.- '. . - year-oW son ,bf 11',dward Randall, �, a. h�rjiivr iicar Stoney 6`61i, ,wL.1s_shbt visterdap I)v his bri)tliei�, 'and seri- onsly wol . I ios's iouniis __ Ync�c�d. . The� 1; 1. . I the gun leaning .against Ahe' li-ou6e., while t lie father,-, .ivlio had been , ou*1 . --hoof-ing, was having - -Iiis - dinnor'. One of them plaked,it up.,'polnted it tit his brother, and Snapped -thb trig" ger. Forty grains ofs shot riddled tilt, brather's'arin and wrist. 11�e-has i ' it, good chance t6 got better lf.bI66d .1 poisoning does not set in. ,, . . ' . . i.. I THE UN I'VE li STATESV.. - ., . . . . . I New York, March,' (S. -The,. . ., pbpula- tion o( Now York is 3,782j9Q3.-' ' ' ' I Now York, March 9.-�-(Joneral. lVil-, ,liam tooth, founder and hand of the Salvation Arntyj isitiled for England' Saturday on the. Caiilpanla.'... ­ . New Nork, War : ch 9.'- Dr� 'ItiLlis,11, Speaking Of Ira ,X),.,-�;a'l1k0y,s eyo. Sight, says .he is already blind, Ili the , � left eye, and, Che right- eye is se'arct- ly ,,%ieldinq to treatment. . . . . (;loll's Yalls, N. V., March 0.-!-33� . . . the calmizing of a flatboat used as, it farry at Spier's Falls, nineteen men were .drowned Saturdity', According . to one report, ,(30. inen Were on the beat. I I I . I . . � Chicago, Marck 6. -Tho 'building contrartors; COU11C11,108t. hight, passed.. a ref'olution,establislihig it, rule that " lie: agri-cenientg with building trade. unions sliall be st-ned 'thiLt do not 'rohlbiting', sy conlain a clause 'P mpa- thotic strikes. . I . .1 . I ittsburg, Pa., Mal . rch T. -Tho Na- (imal ("lass budget tti--day says., All airreettients between manufacturers and Jobbers owe now off, and an op� oil inaeliet .With, much lower IL)r1CQs will lie the next-thfog hi order in tbe window' glus� inclustry. . . I . . I . . . . . � . . Miss jOHNSTON KILLED. � - . . Vatal Runkiway Took Plato Neat gone- villo SAturdity. . . I Bellovi Ile, 3rarch 9.-A runaVay ac- cident happened Saturday, afternoon, , clofe to the Village of Foxboro, which resulted lit the � death of one person, and sorious, possibly fatal, inJuPy to another. John Lithgow of Chattorton, accompanied by his Sis- ter-in-law, Allss Johnston of thig (ity, was driving home after a visit to Belfavillo, Air, Lithgow's toain waq a spirited one, While trying to ptu;s another rig oil the road the two convoyanocs collid(,d, frightent, lhg Li,hgow'A horses, which started to run away, After going it short distalice, Clio wagroll, Struck a bad I loeo of road, and both the occu- I ants Wei 6 thrown out, MISS John- ston had. IWO lUs broken In her f"A' the sPIIn!cr(,.,l Abs poil(Arating her heatt, 8)h6 died 'fit tWenty inin- it to i. Air, Uthgow was also badl,v hurt, and way die, U199 Johnt;.tba Was a Sister of School lt�spector JoIlligton of t1lig city, Sho Was about Jlft� �Yearl of ago, , . I I THE MARKET6. XlVoVpo91rrlCo* were Steady nut ,410-t orloatt Narketo Were Wealk qaturday- . Tito boteist, Qn9fittlo4sp. Saturday, Evening, blarelt 7. Uyerpoot wheat futures clohed unchanged to %d higher to -day than yvsterday, And cor ,,a futures %d to Lyad U16her. 4 Vilivago, V wht-At declined I%e . _ frow .yesterday, way corn j/Ao, and May 04to %(.. IXADING ITHF-AT '"ARKEW". . PollowIng are the . closlug quotations at Important wheat y : . cv,lt-rur It -,;1. July, 'Sept. New York ....... .... W Tit% 71 V4 Chicago _; ...... .­ 74% 71% 664 Toledo ....... ­ 74% 761% 73V Duluthj No.,l N, 73% 74% T49 � :-::: T014014'r-P 4r. X,A%V1;l,;:,­ .. - 4-1"A. � Urnin- . I . Whent, red, bush ........ o 40 72'/g to . , . Wheat, white, bash ...... 0-72 0 i1i Wheat, spring, ' Nllueat, goose, b,,11,'1','..:,- ' '.. SO '607 0"68' Beans, bush . ............ I 4o I 00 Bonita, hand W -eked ....... I 90 .... Poll,bush. .. - - I ­ 1. 1 078% .... " buela, ­­.­:::: 0 52 .... � 33-yrei.y. bush . ............ 042 0 51 . Oats, 1AISI, . ....... � ...... 0861/2 087 leeds- I . I . ; Alsike, choice, No. I--$6 23 to $7 (N) Alsike, good,, No. 2. ... *... 5 25 Ek 75 Tlux4thy,seed ............ 1 25 200 . Ited clover _. ' 62.5 7 25- . White Clover, pc`�Viij�::: 900 1100 , ITtLy and Str1LN'V_ . � Hay, per toil ............. $12 00 to . $1400 Clover,, per tiin._........ 6 00 9 00 Straw, loose, per ton ...... 5 50 .." Straw, ahl"af ............ 8 00 .... FtLulto and* VeiretabIts- � , Apple$, Winter barrel .... 0 50 to $1 25 Potatoes, per �� .......... 1100 110 � , Cabbage, per oz... ­,. I 0 40 0 ryo Onions, per bag .... 0 75 080 ._ Turnips, per bag_:::::,,. . 1 025 035. Dairy Produce- . . . . Butter, lb. rolls .......... 20 to $0 25 - Eggs, new -laid, doz ..... ::13 IS 0 22' tolultry- . � . . Chickens, per pair._ I ... *0 80 to 11 75 Ducks, per pair..., ....... loo, , 'I 50 Turkeys, per Ili ........... 018, 020 _,'M�se, per lb ............. 012 : 013 . � � . I I . . � . . - EnV11sh .mind Anterhaiii Centres Ito- , . . I . tort Stextir Pricep. , . . , . TOROxTO LIVS sTocx.* .. The r"Pts Of Xre otock at rhe. cattle market. were not large, 53 Car loads, com. . fosed of 929 cattle; 5W begs 500, sheep an.), it ambs, with about So calves: - . Export Cattle -Choice loads of beavj 41h,pPea,s are wortif ;4.so ,:o 44,50, coulition . tight exporters, $4 t6 *4'.23. . . 'Export bulls -Choice heavy export bullm hold at *8.75� light export bullsi $3,50. Wireless Teiegrapby. . - Written for tile Tyro by 11. l3rewer. I-.--,--.---- --- . --- - -,--- Aching join ts I UU1e1'GAG11'4' SALU4. Vilder and by virtue of tile powf.-ra, X* the angers, Weil, armis, and other vested in tl,v vZ!:dors pursii-aut to a parts of the body, okra joints Chat art, certain mortgage, wbich will be pro - inflamed, and, swollen by rheumatism- duced at tile thno of the sale,thera will AtArcont was a wero boy when he . I � . It would take too long to explain tbe that. acid condition of t1te blood which be offered for sal,� ljy public atictivu by � 1). Pickellsoll, auctiopeer, at the-Coln- bewan. to dream of the possibility of 0 1 , 1, t. coastruction and working of the a I affects,the mufficles also, Inercial hotel, Climon, oil jLaturday, . sending telegraphic ines, I ,ages without tery, so all 1 shall say is that it is Sufferers dread to move, ,especially IT. I , 1. 51=4 j;l, A. P., v oit, at t, sour U wires. ITo. was barely twenty-ouv, .% the sour�:e froin which tile elvctr�citv comes. For long distance work the�c after sitting, or lying long, and ,their � , equilitiol, is commonly worse la wet . 2,30 O%loCk in tilt- aittrnoon, ilia fol- . lowing shy, 111(ulest youth whell lie went to . histrunients are connected in t1tis way: , weather, property, namely .- . London froin his quict flonie, lit Italy a long wire front one- oi tile Spools I(A. "I suffered ftoaftlly from rheumatism, , Lot aturiloor 34 fit Ilid sixteenth coil- . to toll tile world 61 one of the great- tile Sounder or rcceiver is connected but. have been c6anpletely cured by Hood's Cession of tile Township Of Goderich lit * * eNt inventions of tile tilnc�4. 4 few , with one (it the legs of tile key, the Sarsaparilla, for which I am deep, ly grate- Life County of Huron, imiltaiiiiiig ,.by . . . . . .0-P � . . . I . . I . I . � . � � . . other leg of tho key is coullectVa with till." Miss FRA1(CX6 SUIT9, lPreiCott,Out. _,tdlnca�sL;rC,ll21l1t eighty acri.Vof lauki Months later this boy had set ill) all. one pole of the battery and tile otilcr 01 X had an.attack of the grip which left rue lijore. or iv%s. I paratus an(i was soij�ling all sorLS Of lo:e of the battery is colim-cted Ny-Ith weak and helpless and suffering from rhou- . . . piv.ssagvs through tile air, through � el tlie ground. The �;vire front the ot.140.* matiorn. I began taking Ilood's Saroupa- I The property is convoniviltly sittlat- Mountains, through houses and even through, tile earth itself. spool of the souu&r is "Ito colin"tel rills, and this medicine ban en � tirely Cqr4!d M.e. X have no hesitation in saying it saved I cd within two jjlil�..s of tile jowu. (if . , C,i,,Lo,, gild there is a S.Ikool oil Vid I The with the ground. �'o instead of hav- ing two Iotmr str�.tcl.cs of wire the my jjfe.,� � X. J. UcDoxw), Trenton, Ont. - I Tl e , adjoluirg lot, Soil is a rit.h'llay a inst.rumun t lie used for this � I C ,L I earth tak .4 � place of one, i,olilplet.. . S -- U114 Hood' Sarsapdrill loall, a good state of etiltivation in was hardly more opellsive than an I " . le circuit. 'file c'.cctric:tv in, t " 1. Removes the cause of rheumatilim-no and f,�rddty, having Ineu used chiefly , . I - ordinary toy telepholle. I . I suliplil!d from tilt,, battery. Nklle" I (" the key, say at Clinton, the Or- . 0 I tion can. Take it� - utward applies, as-graziqr land for soille years past. I The housp and outbtilldings aris lit , I With this brief introduction we sliall press cult is comi3leted'and.the arniature of . . . . good Condition. I . I I . I flow conic, to the theories oil ,which the soundcr at Some distant point., Por further particulars and terin s . Marconi Int,ses his Work. It iniist be sav Toronto, conies. down with 4, click E 'S, TO CALIFORNIA. . I I and conditions of.sale apply to I . understood, * howLver, that Marconi. I atid record.-, tilt,, message. IS it )lot ' Via, Chicago,/ Alilwoulkee and ISt*. I I I . W_ BRYDONU, .. I was not the -first to suggo.P.t. wireless woiteerful ? . - Paul and Union Pacific line. . . � I I Solicitor of the Vendors. . telegraphy .; but as lie was tile first ill In wireless .tcic,trart-v the insLru istli to April 3otlij 19o3. . I CIi11tOV,: Veb. 4th, 1903, - per I lecting a pradticablti System, to inent us�d to produw el"tric waves is .10chruary Only $,31 cMcago to Sall Francisco, � . I ­_ I . . _11fill bt1011g8 tile riglitS Of thtr '11VC11-- i the induction Coil. It I,. a $pool with a soff, iron core wound with a coil , ol T,os Angeles and many otber Callfor:- � ilia Poillis. 'One-way, second class, I � . .1,ondon, Uarch (3.�Tfill corl't'spon- tion, I � . � . large primary wire forining part of - . .1tolollist tickets, . . . � . dvilt of ')'he llfoiging-: Port Lit Ton- I . � � In sending a inessuge .through s; I pace a battery circuit and having a current 11MO111PIM AtOX pilos 01 In'19 o'-1. lluk . . ':'Lt. tole"raphs lbat the Moori:jl , , I . . � Karconi dculs: with that mysterious breaktr in the circuit w'itit it. Arouni inforniatioij, . � 1. . (;O%or11n1e;1t Is reg�.thltlng for (nlc- � �. . . . I . . . . I ... I. . . . --a - I . . . � a . " : . . I ­ I I b. I . I I .. � . . .. .. = . . .. ­ I . I .1� . . .1. I .. . ... I I . . � I 1 7 1 . .. I I . -0 . . 0�_ . . � I I., I I .. . . . .. . . . . .. . I - 1. . '... " .; .. := - ,. ,_�"­ this and insulated froin it is wounil- ki. V. J. TAYLOR, . tow-l%c, parcliases, (if lid('s Uild aill- . . .4 . ubstance known ,as ether. This sup- longer coil of siiiaIlLr wire Called .the . . . I � Canadian' Preiglit and Passenger Ag- , Unit Stat(s. I . liftlilidon in the oil , POSLd ether is ,a -colorless, odorless, in the. secondary which jii 111p across 'the .tile ' 111caliS Of, I C61 . filil-1111iCiLti011 I -And, ait,r , I , . ... Pe fin, Majolt O. -A desput(h front , I unsLen, rarified Substance which is, . .. tile gap. between balls Of the con- i . . _�_._ - . . I , Munich annoitikees that UlVaIx.th - : I . - . . I I � supposed to lilt all Space. ,Scientists dewKer lit tl,,e form of si)arks. vary j ng Von I-Tactiraler, I.a(ly Abliess bf Alic .� 4 know hardly anything of its proper- . I . secc,ndary, tile ends of which lead to two- illetal halls which act. -as conden- . . ' 'S FOR SALI�4. 1. TWO 11OVSH I . � Old Wonicii's Aw.-Ittin, who Was oil . � trial foil attellip6age.to poisoll a ser- ties but -they do I'llow that it. will . . vibrate and they call these . vibrations I sers lien ,it current is passed throu- ' ­ .NN' tha primary coil it inthices'eurrents . I.. - , , - The undersig-ficil offers for sale a. ix . I vant gi 1, has been sciltenced to six .. . Ili - . electricity, heat and light. , . gh Ili length'np to. several icet ' I accordmg Storey' frame house oil Victoria sti�cet . a Penitentiary. years' Cerention ; ' . . . Throw a - Stone into a pond' and' i to tile .size ot tile Coil., Allese, spari�s Notith of the railway track. Sn)all or- Lhard., good well, stable, etc.. Derlin, Binveli. G.-I.Imit. Steffew'i I Ims I.e',,n �ent­tt-ced by'a , court-inal- ., I will produce a unniber of waves ill ' 'cither word$, water vibrations. 'In. a jar, as it w�lrej. the ether and produce . electric. waves. This is tile transmittw . . ' . � A14o - frain . � . sitiall e house oil Jailies . Ajjj�-S',br­ to tI t:al at Ro. . , .. g. . inCe wonthW . . � . similar I why -othur has its own peculiar or, sending 'machine- and tile battery . . , street, near the I-nitting facLoryi Y4 ,, * acr . a Of lz�ndi gdoll welli etc. I it i 1pilsmi);ent, in .it for:trosa for 111-� trea-Ang privat,.s;- One hundred 'und - . - I � vibrations. For instance a Star, lllil� . lions of miles away, starts the -rapid curmlit through tile. priTivary may.be %tarted or Stopped by ineans 6" T a key . I Will'be sold. oil easy b �rrrs. : . ] , (I litc-en -ought . . . . , chnrg(s ivele lit . . -twenty-five ether -vibrations of light which final I). . and the fl' ow of' sporks regulated ac. . . I . . .TOS.! ALI, ;1 , Oz It'Nas x I i.t. Sltefyolls., .Of " "- ' " . . v1:1,I h were of bvatiAg- soldiurs - with reach our L_ . . - tit,! . �ves We do not see cordingly, _ - I . ... . . : . I . Clinton, January 6th. , . . . . . , .� I .. . . Ilia swoed, .. � � . . . star, ive are . conscious only, of. light The receiver aild re6ord4r, . however, . � .' . I . I . � I . . 1. I . I I ... . � . . . waves lit. tile ether. Vrom this we are the most' iniportaht instrumtnts . . _____ ____ I _. : . . . I . . _____ . � . � . I . . , - 1. . .. � - � . I . I . know that ether exists everywhere :ill ' spavc,' and that the earth, Suit and . . . of w'ircless -tolegraphy ; - they consist . � - of a coliu-i-or a relay a scimider . and W I .. . . . � � ___ . � . . . . I .. .. I . � . . ' Stars are sct. lit it, like Cherries in it . - two batteries. The coherer: is the, part . I . I . I . . . '. . . 1. . , � . Butchers' Cdttle-��Cllotce picked lots of b atchers' cattle,,, equal In quality -to best exporters. 1075'td, 115o tbs each, aft word) $4.Z5. to $4.40; loads. o $3.50. to *3.75; to . f medium butcher# ads of gfyxl butchers, out,] at 83.8D to $4� cQturnon blitefiers', $3.25 to 43.50; rough, SS; canners, at $2.00 to $2.90. . lreeders�Feoqders, 1000- to - I.Ioo The each, f4re worth $3.80 and, ligittt feeder.9, 800 to 900 lbs.,enoli $3.80 to $4 piit'cwt. . . Stockers�Slockerjs.,5oo to 700 tbs, each, 9f good quality., are worth '$3 t� $3,21. jelly. F,thcr is everywhere ; the liar� dest of diain(infIs are prevailed by it. But if licat, . light and e1wetricity are I I .a.11 caused b,y ether NA-aves, how �an N�e tell. them apart ? . . I . . . . . . . . The larger the stone, you throw into I tile Witter, the largef and -more rap4 . are'the - wm� es .ju�a Similar waV wav- , - a T0. 11 n i"', ..", es of ether arL " i, e " ,e .of the receivinm apparatus whi6h mak- . � �,s wincless telemraphy pos,sil)16. Mar- , coT;i did, . liot make :-the first c0crer, but ' lie maile , the fir.�t onti t -hat wos . practically luterul and it .'is to 1.114s -Invention '.tliat' I,C owes his site- I cess." , . . I I � . . . , I . . I I' ivill try to ,,iVe a Clear idea: - of Wil. -A djcL ,_:o.hcr(-r�is.Iikc aj-&wlly.it' Is . . . I ' . . . . I . .. . � I I . . . ' � . . UUAL IN. I - � . � I . .� �. � I �_ I . . . I . . I . . I . I � � I I .. I . � . . . � . - . . . � , , _. -_ -_ � � . ... . � __ , 11 � . . . . . . � . I . � I I I Per cwt "' air colors and poor quality. of th4 I sante ;;eight, .are worth f2.75 to 43 pei , � Cwt, I - , --- � . P g .1 "�`ill�` . . ;Xibrations of * one Speed i0y, lu a t, of tinother Speed light and 80-iltiportant; .It cousisis (5f a tube of - ,flass abOnt' the thickliew of a ther- . .. � � . . . 1� ... "M , - ' , 'j., 3 CA.nS CH-ESTN'U" COAL . . � . Iflldh� COWS -Milch Cows and-,4pringeff .1 . I. ., are worth $35'to *50 . �-.-tl.r: clectrivit%;. ,Scientists 11,LVe' . . . . . inolliclet tubc and, ahout. two inclics I , I it . .1 - . . . . I . .1. . . . . � . I I � each. * . I. ., I : Calves -Calves each. learned by a number of wanderfill ex... ..ong, - each efid O'f Abis bibe there , . . 1 " -IL . . . �p,ji 'g, .1 � . . . ­ � . . . ; . I . . . . ' sold lit $S to . .$10 . or from $4;30 to $6_per cwt ' . . . 'Yeaellng ' LaUlbS-Lambs ��ojd at $4.50 to nefits that Af- otlit.r. waves - are ru- peril . I ' the rate�'of.foti� jidrc�l - Ctli'VC(l �it ]lit 1 ­,; .1; si ver I I the tw6plu'o nearly jn ect. in!'r -,withi 11 flu., tul.e. In the.11'ar- , . -I)Ctti,ce,�1 � . I . "r IF "MI I I I .. I . . JU.ST RECEI V MJ IIIJ - *5;75.. . . ... Sheep -Prices, $3.75'to $4.25 per -cwt. fol triltions of way . . � , es. every -scemid.we sec. tj . he color -red and.if aboiit-I.Wicc�as row ..;pacc t116 pIngs nestle sever"T huncIred ininutL fraginents Of , I , � I � I . . . . . . � . . ..; . . . I I . .­ . . . . . . � ­ . . I ­ I ewes, and bucks at $3 t6 $3,50, * . . . . . Hogs-.Uest I . select bacon hogs 00., not IPM than 160 tbs nor inore than %2 . tbs. ench * off. ,41, of fast ),N..e see.violet while .vibrations of �. 1, . . `,4)OUt lini f - t It is rit.1 e will criyC us heat.... ' . 0 . , nick .0 and S:Ivcr, "and the'so have OIL 'tr :� �wge property of being aitcrimtel-, . I . �ciry . I I . I . . . , .. . . . 0 . i * * ` ' . . I . �. ' ' . . ST07RCOAL EXPECTE. D ' � Sold at $6Ao per cwt.j lights and fat.'at &85; sowi - $4.50 to if Ah C -,,��avc,% CO111e More rktpi(lt-�- than . . 'we 'cr� good -and - ­,_ . P oor coliductorp ,(:f 'waves, . . . . . .0-P � . . . I . . I . I . � . � � . . . $5 per ewt., and stilga -$3 Per ewt.-' I . . . . .. - those giving violet i,aVe %viiat , its . . '. the , I very g( Od. coj;iItjt.�j4q-s 'Wllell".Welc!C-cl*-'tc)getfier* .. .. I . . . I . � . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . � I . . .. .. .. .. . . . � . EAST BUPVAI�G CAirVLN' 31AIRICRT.. . . . . . 'Enat '110iVil, as ,"unscen". light,'-proh,U)IN, i, 1, ,,C rays. In addition td� tlicsci - there, , . by.-th.c-passing current., aiiti, very poor - conduct.' ' __ ors I . � I . I . I . . . . . . . . 11 ' . . . ... ' � .. . . , . I - I ' . . ... A. I . . .. : � D ZY Buffalo, March T­40attle-Ue�cefpts, . I 75 head; steady. ar . other slowvr vibratious of -'ether , %then tliey,fall u�part. under the Mow I . . ;1 ... I .:,. . . �, . . .ffi..M. . . . . . . .. I ... ... I . . .' � 1, . .. .� . .. I : I ,, .. - . I Yeals�-Itec elpts, 125' head, ptead,'­ _., ,tops, w a re reco * 1; i . hich *, gld�.Cd C. petricit.y. Ek- A . ^ I., . iroin the*.6.1ectrical tapper mhich forilis , 11 ­ . . . I I .... :­., � .. _ .. I � 11 � .. � I . . I I . � -1 . ­ , I. ­. . . . . 1. � . . . . . . . � * $8 to $8.25;,culla to good," $4.0 to $4.75. . , . � .. Invuito: s. have bcon able litiliv.t� pa�t oUthe receiving instrument. Que' * .. ; . . . . . . I I � . . . � . . I � . .1 . . . � . .. . � . , . .. . . _ . , . . , , ,. . �, . H099:40001pts, 8800 head; actl ve; r)c to ICA- higher; heavy, $7�70 to $1s.8.1); inixed, . .to t,itictricity' by lir6ducing .'):,Lcsc etliZ�r. _ � I , ,� Ping Of Clio Collerer is eolillc�iqd *%Wtil thL'corth arid ii.186-With tilt, hoine bat- . . � .. . . . . . . . .. '. - I ��. I � . ; I � . . ., . � ­ . . � . I . � . . . � . . I .. .- I . . I . . . .., . . . . . . . I I I. . , .: I . . ': . . . . � . I . $7,60 to $7.70: Yorkers, $7.40 to 50; Plg9, 21 - $6.20 to $7; koughs,.$6.50 to #7;. . go, ;q.rA - - WWNTS by aiLilicial 11,#_�S. , I . have .,IV .; tile ( . iL t )II'li),tred tl,,e ' at ' I Lery that'worl�­,- thv'-mla� 'file . . . I oilier . . I .. )(0 Leav*ei your orde'rs at our' §tore' kir *hat, u - to $6. I . . . I ' . . ' , . Sheep and Lmnibs-Rcc,lpia, .9400, bead. .. rthcr.'to ' cl,,trician firiciely jars this jell ly' ' - and. -Um ku6-,v'%aW.. is connected With the vertical I wir" e already In entibned ` and' 'also with �V. . . . �. I . .� . I .1 � .. . . . . . � .. . . . . I . I I . � . . I . . I . � . : I . . . ; � - � . ..­. . . . . . � I I . . ribqiAir.e� - - � .Sheep ,steady; lambs � easler; too native lainbs, $7.10 to $7.15;.a. few at $1.23; Calls I � to good. -$4,50 to.$7; vibratknis Vikich'wo a .1 . cuVrent. aic produced: Elkc'trieit-v (,(,C., . battery of" not illOie t1fan two cells. - . I ­ .tbc,otber pole, of batt�r�i)scoll_ . I � . ., , . . . - . - -, * - ! . I . . . . . . . : . .�' � I . . , I Z. . . . .." . I � . . I . . .1 . . . . . . � western, $6 to $6.75: yearl1bgsi­45.50� t* $&25; .ewes, $5.50 to' $5,75; ll(,t flow tIjr()11gIl. Ll, Nvire'.'s.it t1o'es not f, - *- (1w - like. Nyater thiough a pipa, - al- .this S: mcied with tI c. rela)-. There also . � . I I . . � � . . . -_ --- - ---. , . . . . . . . . I . . . .. . . � 1. . . . . 17 . . . -1k 611L -el), top,, InIxed,', 45.50 to $5.015 . ,culls to good, $3, to $5.40. ' I 5; , . . ithough bur: 00niniain lan,111age has Ito . a -second 6irell"it. in il . � ic receiving ap- . � . . I . e * I - I _.� 1, - � - . .... . . � I . I . . . .P I . . . I . . I . . , I . I . . � wiciv x0atic C.TV0 iiTocic. . . . . I I . New Y&k; March 7.'-Beeves-Receipts,'21 . , ' o� her ireans. of exj5rL,,s.�,'.V� its. passage. .0 . . . . In reality., - a . vibration is, st,Lkrted Ut . I . . ... p6rattis consistli a a�tcr ... y and. a Morse -redorder .or a souvffi� .1 Tliu*arniat.ure of *tlie ielay is Connected � . I . . . I I . . - - . I . .- . , . I I . r .� .. . . . . . . .%. .. . I . I I . I . . � . ... . 'HARLAN D ' : - S, -It 0 S head; dressed beef steady; city i6ssed One end of the : wire and- it is 1)3�jucalls 'a . - � I . . . . .1 .1 � t � sides_ extrenie rMige, 6%c to native' - 91/,jc . peir Ili. Exports, 1076. beeveo% 201 - a4 Lhe.: Wave ,tll,,Lt ' trave:s. ." -Vor ,- - .' ex , . . 'of ' of . - -.virc with"one ter-ininal of,tI;C:sotjidcr at I id the other terminal . I - . . I . . . I , � I 111 -, . � . . . . � . . . . . . . . 1. . . . I 1. ,� I . .. .. I 1 . ,.s I I . I .hect, and about 37bO *quarters of beef. I I..� Calves-Recelpts, JW; ate*; .4t ate ve4lo" 15c , _ 111) . - locks, ,tlllple,�, Set rom toy M 't t' ` vek "tile first ouL and.i� N�ill. . I 1) P . . - tip . � I of the soundLr is colilicct�-d with one I pole of the baltery' the other - � . .. . . I . I . , . , . I ; .. . . . . . . I .. . � . . - . . � . � . - I . . - . .. . .. � � ... . . . to 17c;. city di-essed, 10c to 15C. _ Sheep and IbRinbs-Re6elpts" 1613, all $5.62%;. lambs $4 6vej jJIL'scmadw, thL -secoild, tip � over I - e thir(l, and go on -to tit en&. Tlw , tit' pole.of'. . thC battery being:�cohneciecl With 'the . rej.iy. Ili'lliultiple Nvith. t1lis 11 Circuit - I . ; . . .. . ".. . . . . � � I . . . I . . �. . . "It . � .. I .. L. Yli i lit 11F M 11F 11F M 1IM1111 ITT '" f lit P? Pf In? Iff � - to $7.121h; dressed mutton, 7%e to.9c; d6so, li-s stay lit thL s'alilb reelative posl� 1�10c . . . I . . -'s. .tit t .. . . , c apper. - � - . . . . .11111IN *_ . � .. . . i . . I I - . . i . . .. . I -V. .... led lambs.'ge to . I ', ,. 11 . ljons 1�-Ljt 1fle, lnoti6n; i or. wave,-. goes - .. � . . , . . � . � I � � . I I.. I . . � . -.09 t�� - : . I . . . . H0987.-BeCelllt�,.&Cil; no lutic . , * * , .3 . . _ . orn. . . . . ., . .. I .- .. . ­ ­." . � _. . ,. , . . I . ­T�wil be-secn that t1w ObliqFer forth.!i . . � . I a I I I .. � I . . I � ... . .. . . -9 . .� 11 10- . . .1 , � I .. , . .. . 1: � CHibbAGO, 1,11vn, swock. I .1 I I . ' Chicago. blarch 7.-ClLttlew�-Recelpti' 2001-' . I . . q I . . I .. 'An Anicri�an di'f,cov.(ir�'d ill 1842 that ' � phen 11c'pi6duced u.P. electric spark. Ln I pa',rt of a circuit containing -a local' battery and a rcla�_ ]),It _�i,6 filings o I I I I I . . . I . . . . I ... I. . . . --a - I . . . � a . " : . . I ­ I I b. I . I I .. � . . .. .. = . . .. ­ I . I .1� . . .1. I .. . ... I I . . � I 1 7 1 . .. I I . -0 . . 0�_ . . � I I., I I .. . . . .. . . . . .. . I - 1. . '... " .; .. := - ,. ,_�"­ market nominal .. � . LIF, . . � HOVS-Becelpt;, 11,0 ­ , _Qo; Mond _" : left ' itich' l6ng at 06 Lop,of -the house �t � il.;CkcI. . , arid 'kilver: forin sliC!r a �tesist- 11 ' . -curr uqc to the Clit that it js tl� . . . . . 1 . I �' .. , - I I . . .. t. - 1. I . ... I .. . .1 . .. .. = ., I I � . I : ,. .. . . . 1. 1. . . !, 43 I . . ';_L .. . 1� . . . ,f � over,'950i 5e higher; n Axed amd bX'h` . era', .$7 to $7.49; .go.oKI to obitice; .heavy, induced � - -a �curfcnt in atio,ther, circuit in .callar. '.Vlterc was no .visiblc� . I I)rev*ejit- . Ud front drosslog, . - I _ .' . I . - . . I. . .1 . . - . . . . . .. . � = - !. . .1 : I . .1 . . . � �.. .. . . . . . I . . .. I . I . . 5i I. $7.40.io $7,.55; tough, heavy $7 10to $7,40; . 11 t, $6.10 to $7.15; pulk U sWies, $7.10 to I .tile ' 111caliS Of, I C61 . filil-1111iCiLti011 I -And, ait,r , I , . ... . C' The proxd al openiti )11 (if thi! 'traiis-r . ( I , ,nitter . . . . I . . .� . ... . . . . � � . . I . . .='- . . ' 11 . . . . . . .:. .1 � I . : --0 . . I . . .. . . 0 - I . , � �. - , I $r35. - - - : . . ...� ! tudying maticys Carefully, lie ct�jijc t(, s - I . and -receiver ..is ,tit, C '� � a singl * ', . � . 11 , _�* . . 1: .. ,�i Fl� :1.. ,. 11 . . . :. :. -30 . I Sheep.sind Laknlis�UeMpCg; ib�; . .sheep And.lainb3 steady; good to choice etheisi tile conclusion.'that all elLcCr:c spark �Lt kind ' f acLion ' vilwation jcOnic,4 frotil, tl 1( 11 � . - to .induction c )I lip, tile neffi A. wire,. thr6iigh - tl,e . I ­ I . I I � I . . . � . . I . .. . . . � .. I . . I _�a . � . I .. 11 . _-11 I 0- . AM � �'. 11 . j r j 4 5 to $5.05; fair iv. -cholce, nlixedw *-native.lambo; $4.,50 to $7. . - 1 *4 te 14,75, , I I up sonw .An .the 9 ... �th . � , f,() �thc.,.ccllar all L I or which pti8set. j -i I Cr tth ' to .tile ;aeiial. Wird of the recei- I . - I . . I . � ,� �, a- � . : I .. . I _.N2 11- . I . . � . I , 1. I � .::,Z. . . . I . I , �� _..'� . . .. � . - , I= - - :�� .- , .. .. .. . .. I � i '. . 111AXTIS81 CATri,x X,%,1LKj;0.' caused all fij,luccd Current in Ile other . ver;, down Al � Its Vire to the colierer, I . . . I --wa , _4 . .. I . !�., I . . -2- . . . I . I London, Wfarch..7."Uve- cattle steady at 12c to . Me per lb. for Alliet-loan steero, eircuit. *111is is now. one o(. dic Itiost - , ' faluiliar - facts , Of, cicct�iiczjI gejelice. . Causink tile msistarce of tije.,I'I* * . I 111gs in the. tubc to fall frolll nearly an ihfilil- , . . .- I . . I _.W - .. : " . .. I � � .� , I . . . . . . --%* ,-- I . 2 . . . .. ­�M .. go L Lite4s.ed :welght, Canaillan st o ,� k. "I - used Edison .1 has alre ly. . it in tele- a( " I'to vidue to something. between ioo . I . I . � . �Z 11 . 1. I � . --A . -elm . . 121hc per IN ; refrigerator beef, 91/ ,je to 10c. .Per lb.; sheep, 14yjc .to 15YjC per lb., dress . I � I weight. ed . . I . I I . . I . . gi7aphing from - vi c t�., a . I * I . all ill-Illt-r, .. I flic great (yerin � i ng train* I ic( ith , and 500,611111S. I . This allows ilia bat- I .terv. current it) '�ross and niagiletiv,e . -d* - V= ' . I. . ; __W . . . . .: `1 _-M . . '" I` . . : . __w . H"VE YOU. ' I . . . . .1 . . . , . . . - . 11 the sai d !; w(,),�*.l,' lic- se waves ,.in( s � L . , . t C h". core of the relay, which is coil- -0 . . . =: . . .. /A oENT .. . , . __2_ , ­ .. . .1 .. . . . . � .1 I � . : ARRESTEDFO a GOV. I . . ric I tratb wood and 1) k but not itietat . 1. - -,trt'Cte(t 561liewiat like a Sounder, the . ; .=. . � .- - . -10 I .. . . I I ., 1. -.--a . I . . . . I . ­ . I .R . . . I Ill art Ini's masoning was very sillipIc artnaturC of the relav is drawn over . . . . I � .. I , I = , . I . �a ... 11 Wete W . I I *dded and Parted,, and Each . . ilarried the.ather is (_-�,crywhcrc, therellor6 clec- * . . . ,It inust .pass- through c.vcr-,-thing 1�k L.o touch tile' second wire froill. ihL� I. . ;otal battery, thus closing the circuit � T= . I .. I I 1. . I . I . . I 1. . I .. __�* . 1. � I I � . I . . I . � . ._�. I . I I I . � .. . . . .. . . . I Z4 Agalik'ltqcontli�: .,:� .. . I. . . w�., "i'lliculty lily in constructilig ap. . - . i . Which contains the larger battery, tit, . . , . . __ .. _­�. . . -.1 " ----,..- __V . .:= I � -a . . . -Woodstock, March . i`4 . queer paratus to iwo'duc� 9"certaiii kind- .o. '01inder or rcicordcr, alld tile electrical . I - 'p- ' . . I � � �.. . . , . .., . � ­ I I . . .. . . . _.4 .., _ 11 '_ I . _�w � i . MatrI11101lial tAllgld-'-Was .brought to, . . . . at' .1 wave and to receive it aga;ll I : tiil�per.� 'I'lic' tapper decolicres. the pai- . . . .. . �� I 11 I . . . . I , . )�:7 . . � I., � .. � . . � I . .. .. � � light Thuraday,.night In ,the, arrest distance,.. ile finally succec(Wd'.-iii do- Licks and ehceks-th�. J16w'-Of tile curr- '. � , . . .-al . . , . r- . � �., .1 . 1. I � ­ . . . ...... a . , :.�. � . . . �.. : � � : .: .1 . .: . I .. ---a . of.Villiain D. Burgess of Prinqeto'n� V . �nd Mrs. Ague� IT01 Pa0fleld,. both , ing. tli:s by ineans 61 Waves hice those . I . i, I prodiiced by IIcrt'/, witil 4 Spec al, ap. -fronis the I ','tit , ocal' battery, and 11 tit . Aforso� roe rder � or tile d () solin- . _ . . . ,�. ' ' A- I -0 . " a_ � ­ -.0 , fi�' I.AP I- W ­� I . -1 ' ' L - 9 Y" mug ` R EN"""W . man and . 0uwgcd.w!tk.blgauxy, The, . . 1. .. U , . paratus of Ills Own: inven lot'. Vro'll . Jer records a (h0h *or Aot . accord-,' . I . - .%" I -11 . A-. U brow A . ,a __411 1 - Woman %,ere, hinrilled to , each other 1 . the transinitLing inuelline-thelAQ waves ft .i i to lie tinic the trafisillitting keN � , ,.� -. -_ . -..qo .... ;_ . . ­- I . . . � . . ��. several Years ago, but had a .quarrel . are sent aloiq .1 vertical wire which . .151cld-�Iown. The code used is, inadi . � .t-, . . � I . . I . . . � . . . i and.soparated, Each then considered . . . hangs froin a high pole and 'theit pass ilp of' d combination of stich, signals, , . I . . . ' C__ I I . . . I .. . .. __=11 .. - . � . .that they wero free to act as though � induction thrpitgh dic ether . to a � , Great adva -h necs ate Cing Inade dailv W_ � . .. . ---a I - . I . . I � I � _." . .1 I the other had never existed, so 13ur- . . ges.q. xeliresenting himself " wid- 1�3�. 1 . , lijar , wire oil another "pole, perhaps in. Wireles.�tolcgrraphy.* In . DecatilbZw , t8 98 wireless Aelc�rrhphic '= � . . .� . .. . . . . . . QP . � k -.0 I a-- , We want snibscription paid in - . . a , � t1lousali(is of iffile." nW4y,., -WhLre they 1 � coiniftunicat- . . ,� ,every . -]"'a's , �. . . 0� . . _�" OWOr, it is Said, Woil Clio aff0dtlO119 ill I - ar ' conducted to it receiver -'and regis­ � , 'found * c$tnl)l fisitei loll -was I IQ cell Sc it It ) tw ) t .. . , . I 1. . . . I . .. .. . . . I � . . . I . . I . �E. of the daughter of a respected fdrin- , , j� red, it"is that lor long dis. IPOrciand Lighthouse at'Dover and the . -4, . I . advance for- 1903. .. There are still a,' �' er of Princeton, and they were mar- I i the .vLrtical ires tance trailsiiiissidi W Rest Goodwill I,iglitship J2 1 n iles dis- , ?.= I - - . . . . .W.�a I SO- . I . I. � . � . _-W ; ried.', Last December It Is alleged I ' thitt the _ jjj,,,jjtioue(j 'i�iij.,it. ILL,, o,'. LIIL' $iLinU IC11gtIl LIVIA, . Ilefore the appal, Its -I ad been. I .. .. . .�w �� = I r =� few who have not. reinitted.. if --you; " erstwhile : Mrs, 13Ut`geSS'Wa8 U, give good re%iii't's, All.-OdlLr words ir iL't Up six Ifloriths several WE iflngA of ' , . I . I . I --a , � , married. to -one Padfield in Brant-. . fotd,., and thOy have since been living the transinitter lid icceiver mul a. A be 111 8.) nell roll is, it, . I %vrecks, v�csqels in di I Stress re, C led shore. When, hift fcr 'marconl alg lioth- ', sign. .. . . � . � . I -01 i:- . 4 . , - rlooked -this matter, ive -it ' I - . , have ove 9 .. - at .Vandeedr.': Both-.114rges and the witnian appeared in the Pollec.Court. � - . To iindelstand all this we ShOnId induction is filg Of the danger wqtild have been known, Another useful application' Of . . . � . . I #P_ . . . . . :, . . .. . ..� .. == t'_ . ' I .10 .. . I t::: your.imiiiedilate attention In make. - --"*' estorday - and y were remanded . until . I firist. jt�iow what and also this syst.4111 is tile signalling of. in- ku-_ .1 . . . I . . I ..� � ,. I I . to -day. I . , , . have sonic, knowledge Of ordinary tele- ' trrali]t)� With wircs. . Ail electrical cut'- . coming and, Ontgoing vessels. ' . . I 'worked � . . . . 1. I * I- , ,6 := k.- ing your remittance, ost it so that --s I P . Wke MaKint too Diffacre,64. , rsk . _ rult olay lie colidlicted by copper Wire ' Since then Afarconj has coil- % -t(Ultly in improving his t= . I ' . . -0 � � ..am 11 I Pickering, March 6, -One luagig- ,roll, wtiter, or kutV other good ,oil, . . al3paratils. Ile Ila$ SuCCCCdcd in wireless *,-- - -0 , it. will* reach this office ill- -time A0 . "a .. �. � Crate Of the County of Ontario de- cides. upon the evidence, that Pkeli- ion the cule, be. !ct(;r, lit induct , Ill ' colnes tit(,' condtictor alld tho, cittrent, it, getting: Inessages across the Unglish channel to France,. fl-eii as fer. a.q 1�jtrjs * ships r_- ; -40 I A- . ' .. . =X .. a'- have the date corrected before the ,= I . , dontIOLVIes V. SIs6 of the Bell Tolt-, . . Of. clectric.'..ty pa,,;SC.,; right through cleetticit, Nj!ljCjj n, current of y is ,Sent . I . , OfAlle British navy have been .supplied a.- . . . I . I I . -40 phone Company, should be commit- tod for trial for alleged criminal 1 tIlrough a Wire wagnot. gill is 'I)rL'.Wltt With his 1.q)parattig enabling tllclll to I . . -=X . : 1:-: next issue. ,, -I � . �11 . . . I -.10 I I 2.- . . I I � conspira,ey, and another, magistrato arountl that wire and it another wire, , (drining Of a. Separate circuit, coililntlj�icato with each other when . s c O rc% of miles apart.; Sonle, of tile C�: - . I I I . I . .1 I . . I � I . Ea I - I . I I . I of the .same county is of. Clio opinion that there ia not. sUff1biOnt evidence part is ifitd, or out of this br6aglit large occatj Ptcalli Ships are also. fit- L I . . 17 = . .. . = . S.- I . - ." I I , to W.arra;nt it, committal. This eon� Magnetic area, arid pit'rallel to the first toil with tile apparatu,14. . . ' I = 11 Iloppy is be " lit) will do 010 I I jil 1171 11 (111i"y of file inmllpn� 1A , dition of aftairs Wag anni)UnCOd here .1, ... � ..IV' re ft 011,rent is pr0huced or iii(r6ed * I it Marcoiti recently -couipletecl & power- (ill Station iq Canada and has tralis- . , - ipickly and elievi-ful ly." 11 -BR,Ni. VUAX,j<r.TN. "I = . =21 . -00 Weditmilay connection a,ftornoon In it, it, That is. induc.. oil, and en- allies Alarcolli jo solid joessages tflot,4.- . Illitted numerotis messages between . . . I 1. . 11 I I I i 0 1 . = with the lioW famous telephone ease, . George, Parker of 1)uii- . Magistrate I I -audg of utiles across the Atlantic.- caluadiall am I Valglish stntions it- 1111fareoliikr�fuiall I- . 1. I 1. _1440 I -_ I . I . � .4 1 = bartoa aitys the evidence is auffirion t. Magistrate Davidson of Cherry.Wood . We ,shull now consider tit a ordinary 11,'lectricity trav- fir the first bebig � 1116 rthergranis". froill the Governor or 'I 1-0 m - = �a " I DO IT N U` ­4� - W says it is tiot, . tolLgraph apparatus. Ili telegra- relteral and froln the Preitclent of the �- 1) I � L_: ."='__-4. . . erg in it circ'e or. etrettit. �ir'es there are three itupor- t7jifted fitates to 11. M, Xing Ud- frow Marconi Iiiiij."If P__ , - . 1*0 � . . . I . . �­*­ - � I . I �.�_- . . Phy with Viz, tatit things, : tit(,, sounder, the ward, aiO to tile J<itj� of Italy. I X= I � I � I . I 11 Es =. 1P I ThAb Pet-Lifart cra"IN Beak. Theta kov and tile battery. The sounder Loll- - -two spools wound with i -'J`tS -of hSid- T1111S the sttcto�ss of wireless tele- grdphy is fully established though t1w I . =3 . . ..WW I �31 . to a Weapoil known. no tho 44 crow's beak" which Was tortuerly ;Ito( I wire, Nyitji.4t. soft iron ore runu� , .telenee is r,, 'in it. jul, , .L , .t - AnCV. I . , We tal �_ � ­ _." P!:�:�:�_Zt_'�__ - I . I �40 . . -.0 = much Ili use anioug tuen of I -ittift fit i ing through the Centro of each spool. A )OV . tlit.-se, spools and held ill place L not evell �rcdict its possi . 6,11ities whell � flilly t1eveloped. , I . I A- . . . . -46 I ?-I 9), Rg . I I . . .= 1A W-1 P al Persia and noi,th India. It wits it horse. . J)y a KI)ril1g, is Ar bar of Soft iron, the . jyj)es it not sewn Strange, consider- . � E - I �jj N inan's weapon find conalAtod of it broad dagger blade artivature. When a Current (if electric- this -oil tile hig, the litunber of 0111ifient. electriciallA . . I I 1� 4 , "I r_�_ Va eurVed fixed at eight an. JtV is sent t1roligh wire ill' the World, that it was left to tile I , . 9109 to if Abaft, pickax fashion, The . *Onoli the core becomes it niagilet and young Atilt 4taliati, Ouglielino Afar- - ,lo �� = allart Ineloses it dagger, onserewIng tit tre lick. dtftwS the ittillitt, do,wil with a i: ioni, to, realize what tilitrl!t te clone L0- . .1 .1 . the butt end. This Concealed dogger Is . Whell the drellit is broken again tile witli electric waves and invent itisttit- = � =�f it very eoinflioll feiltilke or Indlon ArMA spring forces Clio arinature tip again ,,,d it Stril(0.14 R I)iCCO Of Inetal Witli, nionis for doing it. Atid Itere I t1duk We inay leave the V . � � it and egfiftl IIY of tho battle UX09 of . Persia. , 'ev is atiotlier cl."k. TIIG 1, , a. simple ill, I faseillifiting sublect, h cell soule. 'has . . 0 I . � � . ... - . strualent, collaiStilIg o I a bar of brass - handle i$ tlliilg oj What al readv been (lotle, It- ' A - �fl%h' vith a ho.rd rubber which 1�yet , otj to �1060 atill bre-,klt tile efrettit,tpilay With a very vague idea of what yotbodolli, . JUJAA&AAAWA Al flai #I&AAWA. " 44 AWAAWAM . � I . I I I , i .. I .`�111 i fO, I I ..'a - , �! .. . . . .111-1- ­­­.11­111.1111sibiollailAidlimm" �� ,