HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-05, Page 2E,
a TUB MINTOW XrAWS-RECOAD I . . I � March ah�1'1903
N� - I . . I - I. . . . � - . --k- .......RF. . I I 11-1 .i -11- � ______ 7� __ � _ - I I I I . .......... .... W _1 I . . I � .1 1. �1 I.... I . .1 . I ... .1 I I I I . I I - .". 11 I � -----. �__.__
I . , I'll, _... . --- . ", , .,;�,_ - ___
.;�-:1����;;L..*--*,�4�4"�---��-� - � - - __ Tn"�=,%,;;, ��._ I -
. '
10fixerenvo oft optillion' POWER PROMIS 6AFF.$ FOR THC HOME, -1
"Ilow did t1fat poem of yours turn ODD 1111INGS, IN SIMI "I" MARFET REPOOTS. , . . - �
out?pp Ift9losslor Re4o Will Xpt;ro4uco I I a -f
I vie, to Give � Thatlo the cQu4i0on of many suffererp coniffilawly 111sid �.-111_leu Front *110
. I .. - WHOM[ N WORM I All IS f ed UP .
"Oh," ausivered tile Author, "there Co-sperating MAIRIVIVAIltigs Alshts Liverpool orala lilarketa stfsadl-4Ayss . Vyi.-s. of S-ervalate.
Was the difference of opinion that ClUBIOU$ QV$T0M5 AND CEREMONIRS , o from flatsarth, expoclikuy 1A the morning. .
THAT ARE STILL OBSERVED. Av. Niagara rslls X .. Wheat Doe 11*64-% A010,V114111*0 b%1PA3*.r Great, di0culty is qzVvieuce4 in clear- The Clumsy safe Willett formerly Ikeld
usually attellds the production of a ser" . .
wasterpleve, Tile postillaster 11181804 � Toronto, Veb. 98, - Apparently 1 -Tbv, &Atesi$ Quotatisloif I � London io Preparing 0 Hearty Ing the head and throat. Met precious stollf'4 and (100"Welit-i Of
tbat It was first eltiss tuatter and .the h very much xatisfie(t. the deputatiou Suturday By-olug, Pelf. 20, . Home Coming R000ption. Wo wonder catul causes headache, tile wealthy has practically been vbol-
Cuttilaw tile Topknot at t e Vidid . . rrh . Ished III tile bottles of those who �-au
, . I representing. 'Western OntAilo, which - Mverpool w!u%t 4utures ciqse�d uncliulli;e4l
editor lutilstcd Mat it was not." For We Splr4tuskl Wilfstre-The to J/*d Auglwr tu-tilq, ana vorti ruturis fill. 11 arlug, afford to keel) abreast of the thu-s In
. . , I pr,!8ented the .fi-W$ Of tb(� Berlin � . Impain the taxto, amell, and be I
Weddlus; and I 0 o e oss I Cb;lll;1e0 to Aid bighl.r. front, The Colt' $be breath, de SUOL-11 matters. and In Its pl.'ev, IntVe.
, , t* Cvlebratlop�Vrie- , Powel- Confeietivit t Fl-nni r 11 At Chlesigo x1ly wheat declined. lyde . osalisl soorotary is, Now Viewed as Pollutes, frangeo the stom. . k
WA 4ch an i.."la A
ation, With Retre,sbas,ents. � left the Parliament Buildings Short- ' ye*terday; -%Ally Corti l/.Jc find .Ufty oats %Q. the Real Tboach Not the ferefuter lo �. 4 ).etite, . been Introduced curiously wro ,
Scorobvd. In, Slam tb6 cutting o ! ly after noon yesterday. 'the 1lre � " AARKIU�. 1. To care catarrh, treatment lnust be places of coilte,liment )yIII(q1 the pro-
, f the topknot - I LKAMS4k W.W6.tx . , ,
Canuillni Chief-WIttit Was that I Is - I -e tile cloillig Iislot Name -1110 Squth African Trip Mae '
I . � I mier listened with Interest to the r Vollowing, ill atiou.4 at constittl0onal-alt6rative and tonic. Ccssjouai burglar would ls,170 V,i!(�at
!Intl for diuller? oo important pk ceremony for the future ! presenta,tions ina(le by the deputa- JIMPOPtItilt JVhvat eentres to -day, SlIqueed Political Qppoueuts-TQ JJQ "I wits III for four monthe with catarrh diffloulty In finding. A little seervey
(A'Al. I . July. Sopt. Xqtertaluod at Magnificent 111101(406t Ilith0helld and throat. Had * had cough � .
wa a bicycle - s � : . XPw York ...... .... 78% 77 .. . me dW has b(,.oll found to be worth inore than -
- Ile, , pirltual welfare of t it Is I tion, .and in reply promised to Ili-
Caunibal Cook is . - tli,e child tha . I'lav
. I most scrupulously carried out, With all ; troduce a Government ineusure gvv- . IS, Address. . . and raised blood, I had beco
irldet., ,%-out- excellelley. . I Vhlesigo ..".... .... 7-. al 73% 721 god, Given . couraged when my husband Is I � 4 foot of chilled steel. ,.rche old fasix- I
. the pomp andeere mony that the mean in And , other municipall- Tolet.10 _. .". 77 70141, 757/11 .... e .
auttil);1I elilt-r- I thought I detected q Toront .4o,ugbt a bottle
C . 4 P of RoQWo, SarsaparIllaand persuaded ria toned homeor office safe Iwa'dlrevt Ili.
a ball -lit -d taste. of the parents will allow; ',Chat t i ties the rl'�ht tct transtialt. power Duluth, No. I N. 713 . 77Y . , London, Alarch 2. - Seereta Y to try It. I advise all to take it. It has
he 7 . i 77 .... ,r
i from Niagara Falls and to co-oper- T0lt0.,jT,), $r, 1,AWn,1"qVj!* .),�il_,;ILA.r. Chamberlain's tour of Houth Attica, cured and built mis up 11 Mai, HuQlA RV� y1tation to it burglar. Ile ,4.nows th.tt I
cannibal eook--Yes, your excelleff- poor people may not be deprived of the 1 ate for that Ifurpose. Ife stated, 1. has come to an end. lie.. is now On pox,pu, Wei b 'K. S. the diamonds, jewelry alid spare cash � ,
exit ! G"an � � . � , . I
cy. lie wits scorching when we cau.-lit benefit of tbeceremony the governm point blank that tile Government .. - , I the voyage, home. Ile returns to . t IiIscom , and ,aluable documents ard kept th�-ro.
I .beat, red. buill ...... so 7�OV2 'o so 73%
him. . provides all that is necessary for It at � would nQ't undfirtake the generating Vhftlt. IN'llite" lJ11,14. o 7 ,,) j/1 ' England with a greatly enhanced re- flood's Sarsaparilla Otherwise, why have a safe In the .
. The ,Lug, * ........ 1 12 . I I an who, 11,;,
olr� of the temples at. Bangkok. and transmitting of power for the Wheat opt bush . 9 TO I .. . � putatioll. Ile has crowded all enor- ()ureff catarrh -it otiothes and strength- bowe? Tliere to hardly a in,
istaixtug nis $afar,,*,, -tern part ( Wheat, goose, basis I ... I 0 US .11. . - into the time mbrane and biiilds does not at some thus, have cousldi�ra
. . center of the ceremony Is the cutting ww. of the Province, If the Ileans, basis ..... I ... .... 1 30 1 50 mous amouixt of work � I ' . .
"You told tup last wm'k that you off of the topkiAot, which Is all tho'bair inunil,ipalitles took the matter up and. IvIcked 1 00 he has spent in South Africa, and up the whole oyatem, ome which he , . I
� . , Beans, h. .... . his valuables In his h
theins,lves, Ur. lloss' prointse,d them 11PAS, bils"11 ........ .. 78 - must Intrust to his Private safe,
would tl'.y to Flli$0 Illy 150ttry," sl0d children are permitted to wear up to . , I_ 0 _% has done ull Ili his power to.heal the
Briggs. that time. But assoclatedWith It are a a ,cOxMulI$8l1On to facilitate the niat- 41'e, bush .._._.:._. 052 ,::: wounds inflicted during -the war. Ile
"Oil, yes." replied Ills elliplover. ter of distylbution and to corStIlt, Ttarle I)IISLI ....... �,.... 0 49 .... -_ Tile most ingenious mothod of filed.
. number of purifications and other rell. .1 I onts,yisush. � ............. 0 3TY2 .... has been frip're successful than, his, � ' . ern safe�bullders is to construct a re- .
"Wv!l. I did, -Illsed It after soilre with a committee represqnting. tile most still .
I I glous forms which have to be scrupu- .s , Scedx- ... guine friends expected in Alyuio:\ �'Ali,,,
if utilile. Beflove ine, I had ,11 V(T.3' lously carried out. Tile topknot, which rount,ipalities and the ninnufactmol i Alsike, choice No. 1 2�) to ,$T W - c(Acillating those tc). whoin, his name, I ceptacle for valuables In the walls, I
I tro. I " I before they met him, was sYqbnY- floor or c .
hard little raising It this week., as to the dri,ifting of the measi� AWke. good. No. 2 ..:-::15 25 0 7.3 Farm ,Stock and Iniplextionts. ellings of the house, The
. is ordinarily adorned with a chaplet Of - -ther announced that the I Timothy seed ...... _.. I tY,-) 2 00 - . .
I Aft. Hoss'fut , mous with everything that is harsh, work Is as ingenious as It is effective
. I . Ited clover .... ; ......... 13 4'5 7 25 , . .�
__ . flowers or beads, often held In place 0overnuient was having an Jlnvestl� White clover, per :nush... IJ 00 11 00, tyrannical, And, overbearing. - Whers rhe 1111dersigne(I has been instructed An expert examines the different Part; .
It is remarkable how vIrtuous all(] With a jeweled pin of considerable vfxl� gation made b.), experts into the Lripy atud, Stra,v_ . . . he Arrives in England- he will be re- I by -AIr. 11. Alakins to sell by public of a room selected for the purpose, and I
. ,
generously disposed every one 1.4 at . use, .is now much more: resplendently ,;,tv, available At the Valls, and ,1 Ha.v, per text ...... to $16 00 ceived with the utmost enthusiasm aucti,A), ()It V vchit-fiday,, Warch i tth, at finally hitfif Upon ft Place WbetO C011=1-
. .,) s still I . � I
0, 9 00 find The City of. London. . � . �
a play. Wv uniformly uppland w1all adorned, while the child Is ,further loadr the cost of transmission of -power. Clover, per toil ..,:::::!`6'0' Applause. i Lot 21, btanley, Bavrield Road, 1 irsilo ment can be made the most effective. -
I .., .. . . ,-,traw, loo -W, por toil .... 5 134) . I
is rl,�,bt anti condvain what Is Nwroll��, ed with the richest jewels the family . - I 18traw, Sheaf .......... I . 8 00 .." . Which only A little more than a year east of Varna, the following propurty: A square of a couple of feet or more Is. .. ..
. � I .
'when it CoAs us nothing but the sel,ti- can provide. After the ceremony the � HAVE SELECTED EXPERTS. Fruits and V09,Dtabieu� . Ago paid him a signal honor, will i. heavy Itiare, 1 driving horse 5 years taken out of the plaster,'aild a chilled. �
Went. .. . ' - ... __ - - repeat the coulpliment And present Old, I spring colt, ,3 cows I;, caff. I steel safe Is made to lit in the hole thus., �
. hair is allowed to. grew all Over the I I " Apples, IvInter, bbl $0 75 to $1 25 1 1 .
. I 'tto - bag , . *::: I 00 I 1-11, him with an Address in a, golden qas, bull rising 2 years, 2 steers rising 2 - .
. . head and is usually worn about an inelf. Will -Report con Ninvaria, Power Siiais avid J'ot. .�U, ties. .*.
Ali Pasy Way . to soften 11:1rd W:itll long, standing up like a brush. Tile 1 . Costa Transmission. ' I I "Cabbage, per doz ......... . 0 40 O50 ' -ket and entertain him at 4 magnlfl� years, 2 lwifer3 rising 2 y * * made. The Inside of the safe Is -lined .
OnIons, per bag .... 111. 0 , ears
. . 15 1) f�o )l 3 with plush for -holding diamonds and
dolt"NI'lilly is to tlll-U%N' orsi.ngv I ve: child Is now reckoned to have reached 1 Toronto, Afttr,:h 2,-'Tbe Niagara I Turnips, per bog .,.,..,... .0 25 0 85 cent banquet, spring calves, ,3 bill! calves, 2 1,Li:es_ precious jewels, find there are cowpait. . -
I .
- ,
Ultu It Just before the water Is 1:;4. d. man's estate, although, ,to, their credit I Falls Park Cominissioll hold an ixu� . Dairy Rrodlace�;_ . 'Mr. Chamberlain, Ili short, will be ter owcs, I brood, sow in pig,, I Will- ments for bills and valuable Cocu� I .
. ceting at I Batter, 11), rolls ........ $0 20 ta $0 25 , in fact, though not I name, Premic, ber wa.-gon with box, x gravel box, i �
. . . Sli,agarn, Fall4on I Ills . n " r .
be It, said, the Siamese are In no burry ; portant in P.14190, now -laid, dozen ... 0 20 025 of England, onduct in ._Jouth set iron harrows, i hay rack, i 9.1ingle. ments. When fitted Iij Its illebe in'the
. . . . I
- 0 1 to marry.their children. In fact, undue I ,4aturday, the Chairman, Mr, J. W; P4 ultry, � lenced his political op- buggy, i pig -rack, I-ligilt wagon And wall, ceiling or f1m, the most ir,-en, '
. . . . Langinuir, presiding. Prompt action . _ ChIckens, per Ila � Ir ...... so go -to $1 75 Africa has si . I I
' haste to .make a. match for a.daughter . wards obt . ing,furtheiry i bucks, "r piar ".."..... I 00 I 50 portents here; as for his friends, they rack,, I binder 6 foot cut, x inower, f. lous part of the contrivance Is then -
- Is apt to raise a question as to whether ififovination rest acting remaining � Turkey4 per Its ._i,_ 018 020 - . . . -of the .
P n 0, Ll I M1 Of 11"I a 8nd ' tilil� are comparing him to the greatest seed drill, 1 roller, I citttitig box, - i made by, An expert. The opening
. . �
. I . things are so flouHslilug with the f . am. . a,vailable ,power and1ts cost. , The I . Geeee. per lb ........... 0 12 .015 figures of -history. . . I cotter, I set double bartw.ss, i. ,,jet. safe -door is made so carefully that It .. .
y might be. � - I . I coiiiinis.qon decided, to sublait, the . . I ' . I . . I � . I . plough liarne", with collars nu:t �.swet appears as if . the side Of the wall moves . . i
I . 'ical *experts, who I . -y outward as If by magle. The spring . I
When *mnrrlag6 Is thought of, It Is of- I names of two' eleett I I CATTLE MARKETS. .. ANOTHER.G.T.R. WRECK. pa'ds, r sugar kettle, 2 fatili r lt,,!Is . . .
0 - r 0 il G'I I i .1 i Is"3 Cured., "y as the . .- . I., . . t hay rakc�, i single plow,- x two fur- . mechanism Is often .
� 0 ten ,the, resiilt of mutual affection and i will be asked to report oil tile cast ' ' - . I - I which controls the
- . takes the form pf'art elopbment, with , of. -constructing a transwission line Cables Steady_New'Y�qrk and �But- � I row plow, i. set sleighs nearly new . .
. - $ 1 Qns XiUed and Two SerlonslY 1"Jurid At Witli whippletre s and neckyoke, 2 concealed Ili the picture molding or
. . . . e . I
I ' subs1equent forgiveness by the old folk. ! to Toronto, tkiso 1he cost,of operat- . fulo R"nipts Light. I . I . Battle Creek. . .goes . el a number of hens, a. quantity of cornice some distance from the,,safe
� I . . .
. '11 to, a The more formal why calls for a. lot of - locted the ria-iiies, , TORONTo LXVK STOCK. . " I . . M' ch'2,-O'n6 hay, Also forks shovels, hoes and-oth- Itself. . I
Mrs. R. C. Rob'rson, Toro, 1 Ing it. Tbey also -so . I
* -
. I I Of two hydraulic ckpierts, tis req'.uest, I Battld Creek, Mich._ ar . . ' . .
1_. ' negotiation and the. payment to .the.. � O will I Receipts of live stock -were light, 38 car. an was instantly killed' one was. er,articles, all of which will*.be sold' To make It doubly stire so,that no - .
ai an ---Medicines - -emier. Ross; wh he del- ' 16do, composed o,* 51,9 cattle, -SW h6ga 3_$1 in I ) I -a,s,tlie proprietor bas� . � .
Very Sick We. parents of-fta, nom" which Is often, . ; ed by.*.Pi ' dheep and, 20 calves. ' I 0 Without reserve
1! I rgated to repolt upors' the available � fatally Injured, and several ruoreser- ' one would 'ac6ldentally touch the spring .
' however, returned to the: daughter op . EALPOA' Cattl(212holce loads 'of - heayy iously hurt. by the derailment here sold hi4 farin and is giving no farril- and rcveal� the - hidden ,safe, with its I I . .
iks, flippers are worth.$4,40 to $4,00, coal Ing, Sale at i p, in. sharp. . ., . -is usually a second
and Drug Pf eparations - : the birth of herfirst child. The moi .1 powor'sites remaining. The, natxws . 1 a iers,'0.15 to $4.30. -
I . of these exl)ei;ts could not lic made light expel "'ou Saturday of the draind Trunk West treasures, there
Did Her No Good. ' . who are the, Istrologersbi the country publi� last..night. . . 11 I . I I '.Export bulls-Choice.heal,y expoTt bulls bound'lilnited.. Dead, Bliss U.J'ar- Terins 'of Safe.�All sitins of ,S5 and spring. The first one consists chiefly . .
. . - I other accomplishments, ar . e I � I., I . I sold -at *4; Ilklit export bulls, $s.Bo. . -ker, Battle Creek. Seriously injured' under,- cash ; over that amount ,9 In reinoving a a All piece of the, mold- ., I
. among . . lienver H"M Publi'a9wperp-hip. . � ! Butchers' C.Ittle-Cholce picked lots*.of . � redit on fippr( - I in *
. I . wles' B* Wili . 111oliths C )�ed joint notes . I
I called upon -to fix the lucky day, on the 'or, March 1.* -The Suprr.,irfe Court butchers' cattle, esliial Ili quality �o beqt Brakenian Co . , , attle. Creek, ' �_ Ing or wooden base of the rlm,'dnd this
. *Deny an d the . Rush exporters, islrm to litio ass each, fire worth 'diej and.,� Flagman, Dixon, (,-.e llcg�* A Ii.,rount o.I ,c of, the ")""* all'" discloses not Ing but a bare surface of. � . � .
, - Will roco,ier . . I ed for cash on credit aniounts, -
i L
Powley's UqUilled OZOnt DeStfoy`�R his friends'go to the bride's house car- I constitu -al Amendment, adopted At F3.G5 to S1.8�; loads of good 1,utchers, Sold I 8 11 ".. , -1%I.kKVNS b I
artival of.which the bridegroom and I has stist Home Rule $4,15 to $4,40; loads of, asedluin buteliers, anip�tated, -
� . I . ., tion I - The first day coach left the rail .T. 0, I BROWN H* ) . wood. A little examination , wIII:sl.ioN#, . 1-1
*. rying presents of cakes and boteL All . the November election. The bill cre.11tes at' $4 to $4.35: collusion butchers', $3.25 ,to . 11 . Auction' L*er';' . 1 roprictor. however, that this wooden surface to .. I
ed the Disease Germ-sAnd 'Siamese chew. betel, and not to offer it the city and County .:of Denver .out . $3.50; ro6gh, $3, canners, at $2100 to $2.00, and -swept broa:dslde across Jeffers.o' . . . .�. � . , � divided into little square' lines. � One of I �
� � 'low to, 11, .. .
:of the city and half .4L doven Furrouncl� FeedcTs-Fee(Jim's, 90'lbs each, ,. avenue. Flagman Ilixon was stand- - � I . ---..--'' . . .. .- .. . .. I ' * I
to a guest Is, a serious . br6ach of hospi- I . fire worth $4, - find J1 lit f . strsidt and- was carried- � these pquvrcs holds the second hidden -
. I
Her Recovery Wes Rapid . tality. The quids when ready for chew- . lug towns" gives a,bs-*)Jute Home *Rule , 000 Ih-3 each $3.75 pergcl w,. ee4 . ers, 800 to, t Ing ii, the - I gers All- , . . . 1. . .1 1. . .. N . . . I . ,spring. By . .. .. ..
. ' . . I .And complete power for a6qu!rini; and Stoelcers-9tockers. 500 to 70� lbs. eack I under the car. The passen� 11 c ,pro , ssing It in a certalfi.ivay - ..
and Permanent. Ing consist of leaves of the. betel, pep-*. operating public, utilities twd provides of good quality. tire worth $3 to $3.25 �scaped with very slight injuries. - ,. 14OW � RATU,--33 TO:CA1,fIFORN1A. . It will SpOng open the door of this.safe, -, .
� . I 11 - ... . ' .
. ... per, chips of areca nut -there Is no that no franchise slisill.be granted ex- , ver,ewt..; off colors anti poor quality of the . nails Caused Six Deaths. .. Via Chicago, IM'Swankee dtid St. -located ,.probably. haff a dozen' feet - .. ...
. - . . .:1 thing -as -bet6l nut that careless cept op the. vote of the people. same weight, are worth s2.75 to $9. per . Spreadint . . . . '
.such, . . . I - .,. I - . _ . cwt. . , . � . .Xnc'xville� Tenn., March 2;-A fast Paul arid Union Pacific line.- . . away. Consequently If workmen or ' -
. travelerw write about -a little slaked � . . .� . AfIlch. ,0ows-SIllch ,cows and spr.ftsg�ars ' . I . servants should accidentafly knocli off :, ...
Though S'xty-five Ycars of Age, She Is !, are',worth $30 to $54 each.. . passenger train wilich left Chattallso- Vebruary L,5th to'April 3oth1903,- . .
lime and sometimes tobacco also. The ., � THE *BYE -ELECTIONS, - I I - _ � . w eked -near - Only $�3 Chicago'to San Fiancisco* molding or wooden base, . .1.
.Siamese ,word fOr till � . .. .. - I . I 1. �.. Calv09-Calves sold a -t'$3 to, $10 -each. oga - at midnight, was er ough. Los Angules"ana- 1 lifor, the pleed of' . 11 ' I
Now.Gaining in Flesh and Peels s mixture Is ap- . . or front $4 50 to $0 per owt. I .. - I Lenoir'C'ity early'Saturday, thr . . nany other CA I which., reveals the' second sp�lhg the ' - .
. . I : . .. Units Claik, C'6nso�rvatfve, Xlected, M.lr.P' s Yearling Lawba-Larnba eold -at $4.50 .to .. Ing of the rails, ..Six per� - secret Intact. r : . � . .
. ProprIately "muk"" This *111 always - - . . . I . . . . I . ilia point.%'. One-way, second class, . I
I - . . . colonist tickets, . . I . . . .
Splendid ... Would Not Be rt;,r Centrp'llruce, and Bon. N.J. Davis $5.60. . . . . . . .the.spread I . would stillf be . - .
. I be Ift evidence at Weddings, and the I � . . . Sheep -Prices. $3.75 to $4.25 per owt. -for sons were killed', and sever;al yvere . . . .. . I . . . I _
. . ' . .. I . . , . . � . I .., I .'' 1.
I . . . . ! .1 I . I . . . Will be glad to send you Additional . . I . . . .1� .. . �
preparation and presentation of the be- 0, Whis Ont lil,North York., ewe -q,, find bucks, sit $2.50 to'$3 25 I'" d I . . : . * . .
. . I � . hJure . - I . .11 . . . . . � I I .. � .
. I . .
Without Ozone. ., I . . . . . , "� 1. . 1. � . . % i Hogs -Best Select bacou llogs;" n`ot IPRR I . � � . iifforination. . . I .. I . . , I I : .�
tel- tray to -the ,bridegroom -constitute :in :Norti, Yorke_ I . than 160 lbs -nor inore than 200 lbs oneli,. I . sjx,serlously Burt. � . .. . . . . ... 11 I., . .. . . 11 . . .. . I . . . . ,.
. . .1 . . - . . . .. ' . ' . . I., 1. , , 1. ' _. - � I � .. . " . I . .. I . . .
.. .one of the forms Of acceptance by the � The (-'oiliplct-� returns 'ar�: e s and. jo nsville, Pa:., Afarch 2,.�-Six �: . , U, J. TAYLOR � ! . ... Watiters 7Who Get Most Tips. . � .
. . . . . ' ' - ' � . ' .
. I glad'y give you . . I I I - I , B �w '
g r autb Pavies � , I majoriti6s:. : , - . , . . .\ I sr, �er.cwt., a A d . ,sons �vere seris5usl�, liijure(l anda : Can;idian o receive the most' tip$,. �. -, -
my testimoilial to bride of,.hI ority.* over ber.?'The . . . -� .1 . .. pet . Vreight and Posseuger '.A`X- Walters .wb I . .
, � 1. 71 7 I . . . .. I I . I .
ancei* t .... ....... ; ' .,... .119 . ... . -t � yes terday- in a efit ronto. i3dyj the C
, - mo - - be' pd'' I .y.< I n! I iglitly.hui 8 Kink Arect, east, - To' hi6ago Intek Ocean, are usu. .
. 'T. .. I
the wouderful.vir ilhp will Already in, atte , g .,l,ownsJjip ., ...... LE MARKE number 0. i:: � . .. . . .
. , . "
. iue-i of your new feasted wi , th the, best Abat can be.pro; 1, Whiiehurcli I Township ....... .. . ' ll J. I - . . . . . . collision on the konongahola divis- ... . . .. I . i .. iLity those:who have 'everlasting: ai�a I I .
I . - - East lluff alo-, N.Y.,�F,6b. 28,Cattlea�. . , . ' . . . .. .: . .. 1 . I .
� .
- I'll ided� and, the ceremony of marriage I$ : ]CA . s ........ 1 lbel-pts, light, stestdy� Vea-10-Recelptsi. ion ' . � '
system , . t, 0 w, . -n.,,]1ip!,.. 95! P ania, Rail ' -- -- 16b -like patience, those ,
- ti I 111; -y rl,oN% 320 . nl� road,be I . . . .
- .o *v -Ih Gwillinill ... .�wer-,. tops, $8 to ;8.25; twt4�n a lociLl and a lig engin . e; . . . I . I . . . . . I
f eat. . tribul of the Pe , sylv who do. noO . .
POWLEY's ment, Ozone'. -I ' ury Township 19 head� $1 per. cift. I I lit .. , . ; . easily take an 1,usult,wbo d-Oer have.a ' .. I
performed by them with the sprinkling I 'Not . common to good, $4,50 to $7.75. � . . Sev9ral I . . . � .
* . .
LIQUIFIED - had a very bad. I I of� I con . . .. I Newinarliet, to.wn ....... 1. V.... ........'.. .104 Hoi-14-Recolli,ts, 77-1,0 head.1,'hoa-vy, bitrely The collision was' lica.dom . . I . .: ' their Patrons, ,�vho .. , ,- * .
.. ' . . .
. I I . , h -e, derailed, -And the -pas- ' - '' � I . . ., . . . ,,,. . pleasant smile, for. . . � I
attack of pliou. . Aurora Town ...... 4 ..... ...... ..' . SJ , coac es, w,ei . 1. . . . I . ..� -to* t1i.ein and'.are . . .
secrated Water over the couple . I . . , I , , ,
OZONE But the. gre4tL%t .ceremony:. of all . . ..* , , 15C -low6r; heavy,. - jolted.- . . * - . � . . . .111 try earnestly .. pl.eass§. I ' -
.. moil! a,. and broii,* - .1. I Stou.f1villo Tot.vil, .,..'�., ..,..,;. ....... t.. .44 1 �11 t7e t�. I .rt 1. 01 � $.7.55;' ssal.� od, $7 26 ..sengers badly .. L '. ...' Vnder' anii by virtue of -the powers always ready Ao ,accommodate every .
. . I -
CURES chitis. Also with Aakes place. -after d64tIL, If the person i . I �. . .. .. . . ,� I to $7,555-! 11-06tto $7.15; pigi, $6;70 . �. � H.ors6, was )KIllsid.: . I., vested Ili the,v�iidors pursuazit to L . . . � . .1 . .
I .
&ISEASE BY . that I had terrible be of high rank, the body is placed In it . . . - - I " to $6.85, roughs, �$Q.40 t4 $Q;60; '&,tagls, $5.20 - ' . . . . . a oxxe,, A:�.Walter should never place him- . . , I
- . . I �,otsai ....... * ...... . Z.; ............. 560 ta $5.75. 1. . . -Montreal, March I. -Two freight I certain in6rtgagei'which will b` ' '-' . L. . I th , ...
. i n- My fal 'urn or - . . . I . . .. 1. . . �SL oil , , e pro I self in a position of � expectancy. Ili , e
. - � I I NEW YORK LrVE ST;)CX. . ' duced at the t - . . 1*
DESTROYMO distress - ' sitting'posture' In.a.large me ..L I I 1-,ernox's Majorities' I- . .1 car the, Cansidian Pacific collided inle t,f the.saIe,thcro,vHII lying a tip and shbuld -'. , '�*
I DISEASE L stonjach. I tried theL commo . ners in, au. ordinary... . . Georgina To,%.".IJjlljl) L ...... - 'L. . '30 . .. I � . . . L . near S�. �Rose to-ni�ht and were wr6r.k- .". � � . .matter of..rece. . . .
-aniong , . _ ...... ........ I A Aic aus�tion, b�. � . '
GERAS everything I .could Co I . hat . . L I _1L . New York, Feb. 28.�U&,�(;s-Rocelpts, ed, .but no lives were'lost.,'.Sorne..of .be oflerb(I for sale by pul I ayold approaching a. guest If .he sees I
I 11,�ar . . . ffirs. After being kept A - period t Politind I.anding k Wage ... ... .20 ,. 164. -Market, nornival: Rxp;xts, 1471 1)(1011cs, . . D. Dickenson -auctionicer,'fit the L�6121�� ; ` , , f d , , . I 1. . .
VE 'of tram the` -e' 4'the. exaltation of' rank - Slztt'on V . ilfage, .:...z.,� ...... ...... 023 . . ftoo quarters, -Calvei;-Rece I pis 80' head. the cars caught fire an - I . I blin � .
. d were burYied. in the act o rawing chan& frqip . - ,
WHERE , pl- . - d -rug store A!id an. .1 I1qth.exlSLWit . . , , L _ . . , I . _. L :,tls, .. A race hoirge, which was in 6n6 of the inercial hotel, Clinton, oil Saturday, . �
. a- day Is fixed for the.cremation. All I . I L . . . I Westernfi, 59�, eity drsiss�d vc 11'e. to . . I .his pocket. . po
LOCATED. .1 . I .. . . . I . . I .. I . . hls 'c Matcll� 14, A. D., t. ol, at.thi� hour of A. waltser. should never s& ... -- ,
imidly L I . 14c per its. ' I I ec * 1. I * , .
__ .. excellent * ..... : ..... ... t ........ ... � ............ 97 . . 0'- I , orning from , Ottawa� wam. ' .
ician.prescri . - . To'ai - . � -r 'fr . . I L. , 2.30 o1clo6k in tjie�afuinoon, the fol- as an'.obj t of �plty with a vi9W to So- - -
qxmg )hys - -the friends of thb family are invitdd;. .. Zheep anil Lambs ws�elpts,, 142n; I!Lihb& . killed I . .. . 1- .
_V4MW, Rt stk-ady, at,$4.4," . . I . .
. , W I b . . I .1 . . I .. 11 . I . I : . . curing * aflp. If he deserves w -tip, lie - . 1.
PV Davis' total Inaj . of ity, ..463. � I � .. . . . .
best f or me. ut ..and. exiormous sums;are spent on enter- rouser; at $6.75; s:heep, lowing Property, nailiely ; . . . .
, emed to. tainlirg'them and -providJug -free shows -1a Centre -1triter. - - . . .% .1 to $5.50; drosqed inubton, V& t o Oc per- . 11 . I I . � .1 should lot the guest feel within hImS0lf' . I . I
- '
nothing Fe .. . . . I . 1. I . lb.: df�68sed lainlys, Oc to.12c. , - ; __ i ' IN NEWFOUNDLAND.., , .. , . Lot litunbe't 34 in.. tile sikteenth con- yes It.'and if the. gbegi . , , -
. Hogg JtccQJpt' .1 - . 1 . I . . . . .L I I . .
- siL2C.')4', no Es%sjQs. '. : .. I !Cp_ _ion L of, - of Goderiell in - . I .
give me the least relief. I- could not for.the general. public., The guests will ` , .The complete �ycturns rro:' L . I � . I . I % . . - . . . . . thc.Towfisliip 1. I L ; that he deser . �
I' got, into I %6nie"r the ibdlosure,'while dhinese thew; . . �Ifogh- Chcrk:s*Ala,;,or11ls.- I I I . 'CHIC ti'm sirocK.. .: . I I Axpress : R , e . triie6s! . �Its 'I the County . 'Of litron,. co�ntainin -Wishes to- give him a tip he will us'Ually: .. , : : . I.. I
sleep and any position . , . . .. . *1 , . 'L . 106. i�lllesl.io, ]�,AGO*L L . . ous Sss�vvbound . . I � I g by . . ttentioll .- . ...
.1�. 28._Cattle_.�Ijec , .. , anaie to catch, the. Waiter's a
I was'advised to t...Y, ,- I I . I . . eLpts, No; ay td st..John1s. . - of land m
was miserable. tei-s, Siamese maribnettLis and * plays ,If. rc;tr To*rs.Alip ......... ......... ... . L .. :. ..:%V * . . . . I . I . I sidineasnrenienC. e1glity ac'r�si' ' . ' ,.,
.. .... . L . . . . I PIL.
I , . ate.,$hoisl _ _
, . will be provided for all Who cars .to Xincav(llne Town,,hip .... ! . ...... I m( re'& JeS.�.- L' - - � .. � _.
Ozone, and from the verv'first I' 96� - ... 131 f%onsinal: good to prliuc.ste�rs� _$5 to $51751W . or I ave t1fie tip. beside. the d ' * . .
. . . . � 'L. - . - M�rdh 2. -One oV, ) ... . 14 1 .. 9 . I .1 .. . I - I
I .
The Ozone loosened the pblegin , egs them. On entering one w , oultl 1, I<in6ardifiL Touln : ...... ..... 1- ...,.,.. � 4*6 -'.'poor to'nuillinn, $3,26 to, $4.75; %toekers And ,St. �Jobn's, Nd., I. . I - . . . . . .. , . . I the Walter receive 'a tip 'prpvlous, to , .
relief. , I . 'hip � . ..... . � 50i the two snowbound �express trains., . , L
in iny bionchi6l. tubes and.brought a � �,jtn . . : 45 fp-ders'$2.35 to $4.70;,cot%,s, $1.40 to X4.6 The propcx�ty is conveniently situat- ,
I (,reenock ']'own., . 4.75; ciiunor3,.$1A0 to $2X0; returned hbre yesterday., 'It. left this I I . . , .
s. be met. by dome - .memb.er of the do- . I ' . .. ` - hel f er4: $2 - to $ - *[ , ed % , : of wait ng on. the gile9ti he should leayo - - � . *
large ainuunt'af matter from my lulli , ceased's falially bea i ... . . . I , � .. . . . . bfills; '$2. t9'$4.'t13: eltivo% $3.23 to *7.50;. - I .VithillL tjVd Illil,s of tile town_ ' it'lying- m.table. and then do his .
I had also liervous prostration so bad y . y . . ring a black bag, I - � � . �. ., 1;. . .1 328 Texas -fed slecis, ;'.3.50 to $4.50. �� city seventeen ;.'days ago, and only. I Cli'ntoil, all(I there is* a school'on the I .on, t1iL . . I I I
* ' I ' ' - , I
that I thought notiling would eve.� into which tAL I Are Invited in turn to dip, . . I 80101, tq succeeded Ili' getting half.way a,cross I H ' ' lot.' Tile' soil'is a rich clay i,level best to earn it - ; , , . I I ..
. -Dr. Stewart'g.'Majoritles.-.7 .. H(,gs---:nft(4Ipts, 15.0); .,ION%", . . .. I a( joining. � I . . ,. . . � I.
. �� ' , - . I * ,. . . . - � . I I .. . . .
help me. Ozone cured all that. . a hhud. It Is fountl to contain 4 num- �� I 13 weak* inixed'si-nd butchels', $1180 to $7,201. -tile island. The orther expross is, Still.... -10a,ni in a gobd state! of cult t I .. .. : d I. .. I . I . 1. .
. . . I IP]derslie.T(iN6i.�bip ... ...... ........ 1. I I I . . iva ion a . .
-,r glad I was to 2�.r, gcod to choke lietvs,3-, $7.25,to $7.421,�; i�oitgb .,stuck fast, but the Asse�gers left''t - . . lf.�ad cilielly.' . .I. , � The -R-obrbaelt. I . . .. .
. Ho gt.t. that awful' beroi thxy Wills, each.of which is'bol-. Ch�,,I�w. .Villisge ........ ...... . .) heavy, $6.85 to:$7,15; light. $0.30"to $13.85; P. - I. -1 and fertility', having bebit, . . . I �1 .
putrid matter from my .,ysteiii. Xbe- . I I . . . ,..;..��'. . I and walked. across thirty. miles . Of ' i Ia�d for -sonie years -past. - -. Over flity, years iigo a writer of moit- * I I ,.. . I
_ 714w ,and contains, a. screw of paper- A riji.4ley Village! ... �... ............... .... 28, ., bulk of. saIM. $6.85"to $7.20. I. .. I .1 as gra:4i.ng I . . . . . .
rapidly.: 1, only took . I ' . �. 4 -Receipts. 1500:* ldlt'�P and ]"Vos, snow'fields to an Open section .of the The'lionse tind.. outbuildhigs are, ',in u T
'.. - 9 to a similar, - ' , . . , � I ',. . . ' .-umental but pla'uslblollo� I . -'
gan to mend Slames.e figure on it refer. . .. . - � I Sheep: iod.to vhol(,e'W6thvr4, $3 tO $5,50; line, find will reach . .1 . I . .. . . , . . hurlow .. . I.
in feenug. * 1. here the middle ' "MA-colidit,1611.1., � : �'. , ... d . .
ele in "One - of Alie ' - - - - - , - :� 27C) fair to e c �ntlxe , . .. Wening Jon ., .
three $1.00 bottles And . I a � , steaft'; gc I . _ rnal signed
. Irl'141 lloic' d, $4 to 414,7�.; ulltWO -, ; . Weedis� Albany Ji, I
. ' . I � particti.ars � And teriiis "BArm It6orbaeb.'�'�'Theie 1,
. .
splendid and growing in flesh, !it- "figure Oil some 6re, and tb . e ku . ests . ,':.Afajorlty. fpr. -C . lark,' 5'_y-'_- � - . I ., lainbs - $4.75 to $6.83. � I . . . '. oftli6: week. * .p, . I . . J I Vor�., further I ', Ills I . 'r§ . . . I .
I am 65 ye�rs of age - We booths in'the inclos: I . �. - I . , . , . . . . : I � � - . . ., � . . . . . ,.; ' � . . - a ply .0 ... . : ettfl. .. I .. I . . I ..I . . .
I � . �.
0 " * . I . . . - . . . ,� ... . . . . . .. 1. . ' . .. I ; Grant I lnj:,HydrAul10 Clairns.. - - c0ndiii i!� 6.1, sal . e .. 1L I . I 'was no such bhron. - There was noulan , - . -
though I I , _ , � � : . iix�jTJSK CAT rL211AIM 11, V.-_. - . I . I and .0 1. .p .
-woul(i not like" to be �vithout bzo . xbecte( - t P esent the number'x , , . .. I �
are�e .1 o r. . . . I I : .... L . . I I � I I. I . . ' .
I , I I . . , . Dam I But the. ab9olute . I . .
in our lainily; it 'seemq so rood - for the attendants and receive as a pi asenl� . � L THE N.B. ELECTIONSe', ' ., r,oftdon, Feli., 29,�Vxp cattle, steatlr fit -vietbj I I �', --* UT - BR1.-DONB, . . ed. "Roorbach." I � . I .
. . . . I I . n - lb -for American st�es`s, � jja,. B.C*, March 2.�-At ��t� . , . -, , . . . � .
.. 1. . � 1. I .. . . .. .1. .126 to '13c P1 . � � , , p .. , .. I - falsity ,9f : th�. w0ter's statements was . ; - ,
. . . - � - '11Y -c t4l" ay"hight'-s session of the Ing . I !. *.. S41icifor, of 'tile Vendors. . � . .
any - qu I Way I I "ght* C tor, beef,,91/1c to 10c . . I � . I . . . .1 . r ach ecame a syno- ', . . � �
. . '2se' ' '
will gladly Answer y' i 'in the Neit. Legislatif're the Opliosition 1-r_,1X,,- fe Is ' ` " b �
every ill. Anyone cali'lig-on Ine 11 .whatever it'represents . , Canadian steers. � .- urd Min' I'
e9ti011s' I' - There itay'be a- dinner," but -an. . 11 . v ". _ ,'vl r� r' cfa Convention, a rot-olifticin - favoring � ti,intoll, Feb. 4th, 1903.. ' . '. I ... .such that a 11roo 1) '
- ' ' - VVill Noniber 11. , . p i 1, . . . . , . , I . nym fdr'any" kind., of lle,'es�eclally for!. I �* I'
can about Ozolleaq a great remed . _ .lse;b, l'4c9t. 15,1/,c pe�, lb., . d teased . . , . I . .
. Y, - - refreshments will' be. pr6vided.14 abun., .. "! I the Crown' granting� -of hydraulic 11_� . , . . I . .
. ' , 1. I . I . .. .ixbst.. 1. I .. . .. . . * � ..
Retpectfrilly yours,. I I dance. 'Just at suniet tile pyre.will be' . St. �ohn,, NX., Affirch 1.-(SpecIhl-)- - : . . . . I . � ,. . . � . � clairris �was -passed unanimously. - - . . I � . q . . . - .the'.kind Aga Inst . personal chdrac-ter' : I ' . .: ..d
(Signed) AIRS. R, Q'ROBINSQW� . lighted. .A. stick,of sediated wood or a In the next I -louse the Tweedie gov- . I . . .r . . . Premier Prior,.Was present and an� . I . . . I I. ., suddenly Issued against a man for, fils.- . . .
, .. . ' . . . To Keep tite Crop Down, . I - � - I . I I .. . I 11 . .
608 Ontario st., Toronto, 011t, .tll flowe , he per� ernment will' have 35 supporters afid - . 1. . . I . flounced tMit..the .Government would. . . T WO . 11 .1 0 r S E 19. -. .. Injury, when ho. could not weetAt Ili .� . I
. wrea of , rg made of t . " ' I . - 100R. 8ALL . .1 -
. . ' ' . . . I-Iftzen, 11. It may bs§ that complete - liamiltory,, March. -.-The tomato ' .1 I . . I I . . . % �
. . .1 I v still at' pay - the,?P-xpenseg of .a, commission, .. . . � � - I - time to avert the harth. The lie of poll-. ,
� I . Nined sandalwood, aswell. its a dalidle, . returns I will give I-lazen . one or two ':growers 'And'tho. cannel's . a' . . . . . - I ..
I �_� - . ., ... � . named by the conl0ention, to. proceed., ' The' un'deisignud .offers for'sale a i" ties, -the Ile started for j)'011tical � I
-�, - - of unbleached wfix Is handed to each . . - . . . . 'atur-: ilurA
, ?�_ - " �
;-,�,-- I *siin-'.1*, I
r q _ _4 1 . 1 more, . . I . - � I . . . . '2 I �
. "�) , I . war. The growers 1114A L19 .
. - _::;�,__,�. . . . guest, and lamps are llgbted�at the foot 'The election- in Gloucelster ' 6ount" I I . to Vomis and endpayor. to settld the.. %jorey fraind house. on -Vic�oria' streut poses, is:the "ricorbach" most.*In use tlio I I . . 1;
I 0 - I . Ith, will be, y Jay itftsirnoon, find dCLidQd � to Out In I iner . 'bteike. . 11 . . . . .1 1. . .
" I . . if the pyre.'Just as w held oft lvfonda�. --Thre6,inerr, � I s1. The antiouncern6lit 1. "otith of. the railway 'track. Sinall or-. � ,week before eleetlou.. . . I . �� . .:
, I . . ) . of tile steps 0 - . . bers a � re to.be elected. .. . . '' . I ilown. the produCtioli of toillatoe's . t I 0 -was received With 'cheers. The con- chard good well ' 9table etc � �' . : .-, . . . � . .. �. � I . .
.� us tboge at.tbe grilmide'llerforn! the . . i I - ' - . .
. . . .
I I I In the 14ouse. 39 About half of-Wilat. it, usuftll-v, Is. . . . I I I
.. . . -last ssbats. were h614 I s ,6e ,e,tion ineets Again this rii6rning. 'I * ; Al' 10 snial f'i'am&ll(')"ltsc ot' J
. .1 i last oflico for .the dead in dropping a.: I- . They say that th6y. call di s.i;O of � ., . . � 11 . I 81, .. I I i ailles '� I .1 _. Ills Little.Avo-b.fition..: . � I -:
, .. *.. . ' ' � . lby...the '00veinment and- I seven by, -.he' con- ... I . . '. ... . .. I . street, near the kfiiLtipi 111L.Oryl . X .. , . . I
� little earth Into the &ra opposition. . ; ..bushels- ituder . ,. . . .. . . "But"! lgald',the bright and goot! look;- -. - �
W, vei'so 4ii Slain .. . at least 70,000 Too Xosslls�'. Landanum . I of Liid, 'good" Welli LL'i I . . .
� .. . . I � "' " I . . � hers C. . I '
I .
. s - . . . ..
each one. lights his- candle -at. a- Jump . ' - __.. . . . . . � ... . -1 - . ,tract 'at :2a cents A, Lushel to wnew..'� : .Toronto.. AT -arch 12�,-.An,drew. O. , .. - be sold oa easy ter � ins. Ing young womsllls,�' "havell!t you any - :
I 1. . . I . I .. , . . . ' I � _ NVill_ . I . .. . 1, I
I I f, ; I - and places It under the ufn of- coffin. to- - , Ilimil, In .."111(isoi.. . I '.,� . . �concern.in Burlirigton, And to one of . . . I pursult that you fbilow fOrrthe simple
. % .. � .. I .. . I . . . � . � 11 . � . . . Stuttaford. ,Sr,, died at Wit home" I . 'ALT'L. - 110% - lo I ve I
. - wreath. ` .. the factories h6ire.. thsit� is -not a Ineln- , J.0 S. . _N 11) IT - of It In the hours wbbn you ate :
. - gether with the scented stick, of . Windsor, AllIrch .O. -T. >1. White of, - i8a Church -'street, ye6ter"y evening I .. I . . . I . . .
.. . . . ber of tile -Canners' .Assoclation. The' Clinton, 'Janvary 6th.. . . .1 .. .%. . ....,
I , - ... -the I about. 6 Welo�k. ITe had been suf-. I . . . .. . . .. . I
I , . I Buddhist. -monks away In bile. of , , Windsor, Who Was atrieko4.wlth par- . I . . ., . . I .. � . . not at your, office?" .. . �
i '
. I 'k I . . . . - - - Tuesday'; d . iod. - . Friday � -beet sugar Inetdry project SoCills t I 6. " . I . I I I I . . .. I 1. . � . .: . t the great arid'ilowerfill organizer of '' "'
. bootlis. will be. reciting. sacred text�' , alysis on I fering for some time from inson nia'. . . � I I. . . � I
I .1 ". . I .. . . . . � e oil t present, at least. - - . , . I ..
. I '. ' - ' It -in the way night. Arr. White Was one' Of. -'thii�-. 'b a �__� I . � - in thebabit. of taking I _. ,- .. � ! - shod by .
. I ,��' �; meanwhile bnt nothing -of . - � . I and had been c" pital stood, for a monient.nba',
I . L. . I
, ., . 1% ill � . . Vesterday I. - TN�'O, �SJ,RJGITS; FOR SALE.. ' . andbi- . I
11 �__5ffi- I . , . 1 , 11 -whe her toi- the dead'.or the ,bcst�known men In Whitisor. ,Some . laudantilh to induce sleep. . the simplep of a Y611lig girl. 11,1101i .
rwn, .... l p'rayer, ' t ... I � Protest Akalsolt, Q Uaran t Ilia'. : . � . I , I .
. 1. . living, enters Into the ceiemcjiy� � twenty years ago,.he catne to Witid- : ' . n urning he unfortunately took an , . I , � I , a ray of, Inspiration swept over his .
I It 01" � orn .14'xoter, established. The Ile- Nyasbington;. March 2.'- Secretary overdo4ie of the� dvug, Thsi deceased I . r have two sTeiwh.�-�inc light. .and countfinance, and he answered, , . . .1
I I Z":. ) -0-:11) - , , I view newspaper, whieh he condu(t6d Wilson - had a confct�en e . .
1. - I - Fireworks will be let off,including a . $(Jr f . r c . With the . gon tleman was' 74: years - oi age and the other licavy-'fo 610h� yes; I'm. a coils colle�tor2l ' .
"I P _4 very mournful one known to the un- . r sale. Will be . . .
� '�!. torday respecting the *��. I . I I
" Y, It UlY to nine years ago, when he was. President Sa as the husband of the late Madame sold cheap; '- � .
V;` " tives as the "rodring of elephants. .. . . . . � I I
It, , . 0," ;'N'-, � , forced 'to retire from abtive.- ,worl,,, quakantine'which has been placed.by ,Stuttaford, A� well-.Rnown opera . . I I . . . I I I . . ' . *_ . - . �. - .� . � I 11 -
I P;p-t, -�- ,' Is made by shaving a thick, bamboo . I . . . .
, I , . I .partiliont of Agricultur * I . . . ' I . I ,�, I 1� . . . . . ..
- .. . - s. � Aft,. - White wits 47 � th 0 .oil singer. � ,' . , - - I . -N-5.'
_. - ... . f � ,owing to illnes. e De VRANK' .UVA' .
� . I very thin at one I)olnt,aifd then alai . � I
5;R-91 � I - ,Ing yea ' 0 . . I - . I . . .1 . I . . I . . . . I . . . I I I
., , '41111�� - &WIM -_ re old, and sl survived by A, wi& New England wool to' PrOVent - th � . Clillt0ll,, JaA. 120,01 . . � - I . I
. - I 9 ? � � �� � �SWM F, 1 6 . . I I
�_ a -slit.* The lbside'Is filled.with coinpo- ow and two soils. I . . I qllroad * of the foot and.mouth dis- . Metric S�*teut inevitable. � - .. 1. .. . . . � 1:. I .. . .. I . I . . .11 1. L I .. .. I
�" . . I . . ' . . . I I I .1 . . I .. .
'A'') , -`�' k sitl6n and I . ,and owner' - _..______: I -1��,, -:�, '�_. __ - ,
, �, . �
� I I if 'A", ; ,3\ sealed, And Ilils,'*hen fired, . - , case. 'Large hold6l's -5 Of ' - Paris, March 2.-34r, Elihu Itoot, _.� _ - ___ ____ - __WW1f ---.4 ______ ==; I'- I - I
. , . � . _=14t I I . I . . _ t I . % I � .
1� , . . exerts. grout pressure ou the slit. inak- ', , ,ChArke# by Ulm Fathoir.- . I .. NVOO1 in New England, .particularly Secretary of War., 'in.a. letter . in � . . .. . � . .. I ,� . I �.
,. . . : . I .
. * ' . I . 11 .. I � ... I
MRS. R. C. ROBINSO, ,tho. edges vibrate., continuously. so' . I ill � Massachusetto, . have prOtestQd which he acknowledges the receipt of I ., . I ' . I . 1. .
, pro I d c, � Winnipeg, March Z -A small boy, against the* quarantine . regarding - it t e resolutions Adopted by the Parts � ' ' - . I � I ".. .
698 Ontario Orcet, Toronto.. u Ing a series of loud groans of a lveli Brickson, aged about 13 years. . Ill . .
. I .
- I . . .
I � . as unnecessary hardship. . 6meree, favoring 6 . � I I I . .
most doleful character. When the &��. charged by his father with the theft . . . . Chamber of Co . . I . . �
. .
11 . . ceased Is of I high rank, the I king Sends of.a, letter collijilif . .. . �. . - . metric systdin, ,says he considers I I I . I . I . . . � . . : . . . . . . !
I ng $5' .Was sent� rear varm ifniad 11hiotim. that 'tile universal adoption of the . .9 � � . I I �
More ,Home Proof as to the Curative a - if aWde-camp With UL IJIMP lighted' oneed Saturday -to six in�xsths in the - - I . I � . . 0 U"Ovlltt' A. -L' I
Powers of Ozone, . from one that Is kept continually burn- Manitoba 116forniatory for boys. 1-10 Chicago, March I.-Parmers In the ostem is Inevitable Within a short . .. � . . I .. . .. . I . . "
. .
i �
Powley's Liquified Ozoue Is doin,4 a * Ing In the royal temple and whose light had been arve.ited forL theft prbllous,- States -are confronted with a, new ter- time, and adds that It would have . I L . . ., I . �
- s originally obtained from a tr .1 ror. The hired man, the llband," And been Adopted before but for the hab- I I I . . I .. .. � . I
wonderful.worlc ill the curing of pill. Wa i�e ly, and lie had got beyond his par- the "hobo," who -toils When stress of it attached to the old syst6m. - - - , --.., . __ - _ -.------ -
inounTy aud bronchial afteo,ions. it fired by lightning. After tile cremation. entW control, I ''. . � . circumstances compels, are forming Ia.- � - - . L .. ---. ___._______ I . .
. . . I
I � I - . .. . I I I . .
I . . . 11 . I
. goes right to the fountain head of the the ashes Are collected and .niost of I. . I ' . . bor unions. Frederick W. .Job, Who Tolroitto Woman Gets !Damages. . . . I I .. I I I . I I. .. . .
. L An Act of Courtesy. I . ' yesterday from li, trip thrit ' .1 � � . . . L . I L . �0
trouble and ,.cur6s disoase by killing them thrown Intothe river. though of� * - . .�eturned New York", March 2. -Mrs. Vannah ; .
the germs that cause it. Here ore 4 ten a few tire placed In thd temple Ili a !
. . . interpellation Ili the Chamber . of I "T'T v .
Rorne, March 2.-Iteplying to an Illinois organizing employers' asso,�J.%� I lq� T � Cif'%AL '
tions, says the farmers Are flocking to Hyman was awarded, a verdict of
few of the Inally hundreds of allies wooden urn. I I the new a4soclations by the hundred $1,500 Ili this city. Saturday lit a 3 -CARSCHI.EST U. .
. . .
. . .. L
himilar to that of Urs. Robinson who , I I- 1. I . . .1 J,eputicg ,Saturdayj the Under Sbere in the hope of finding . protection suit against the Brooklyn Ileights . L .
these diseases: . ,ac� I , 0 . �' Vow- . � . . . tary foi . ,. I"01.0, gwAffoirs denied that , the L"V�age . L " D . , A XL D 11 ..
bear testimony lo the effie . Greatly neduced., against the demands of IlailWay Company to recover $10'- .
ley's Liquitied Ozone in oradioating oWell, Well, Italy coni eloplal eel c0d"119 Any POr- Workors.L , . . . 000 damagess Ior poraonal injuries re- L
L old mahl This Is quite it t I )If' of I q - Sornaliland posse,c8lons, to - .. ceIv6d. Mrs. 11;Vinan came to -this JUST R "I'"i 0 EM - , � L .
Ernest It. Crcsia, 921 klypolite'street, challie I tnst thile, I 811 w you you were land M. itish troops at Obbla, ho ex- I Forniod ',New (21111liet. . . ci . ty, Ili August, 1901, from Toroll- , . . � I . � . 1, I
ivlontrdtil, . I I amODg the Vour Hundred, And 11OW"- pU'l-loul, . �%i;us. Inc. ely an act of cour. Lisboli, March 2;'- Senor ItIb6tro to, Chnada, L to visit hot brother, I I . . � - 1. 1. 1. I I
Mde. Gauthier, 101 St, Fq.txl st,,Xontreml, "Now I am clean back, In fraetioniti'o- +08Y - . .. I I 10
J. W. Kir.cup, 1781 St, 'Urbain street, I .. . '�,as completed the forinoLtion of a new ,11a� n Keefer. . I
Baltimore American. . . .. I L I I . .. I � .rmj 1TIJID",
Mayttreal. . . . . . T Cabinet. . I . . STOVMA COAL EX""'�00w"""
. . . I - . .
. . L
Jchn M. Smith. 295 WoUlngt6il street, . I . . . 11n the Coagpervatory. . I. L . , . . . . . . I . I . A
London, Ont. Allan t an Avivitatiollo I A Pholsoultenal Artist. . . .
Robt. Treacy. Church and Park Istreots, 90 --There 18 something, darling, I Unruslesoo. olle 18 tile Only true niusleal PIIL . . .
St. Mary's, Ont. I ["' 'nonts, . "Y' L
John Britton, Ilia ChiLthtim Fit Montreal Pred-.-Votir rntber Is a man of . great Want to tell you, . . . . "Confound th8so litertiry clubs,.l sayl ollon I ever sniv or heurd.to . I DAIL � .
MattlieWl3lavIr., 14SPejt�i; t,,'�orarito, . Presence of 11lind, I am told. She- -Ob- then, let US get away from' Uy NVlf(,Aa crazy over 13rownlng.11 L .
Mrs. B. Hendren, 6J olarmice avenuo, "folla , r "Why- do you say that?" . I 11
Toronto., FL Q, . I L ., - yos and of Wedding presents the rubber plant. Come, tell me Under , "So's mine, but I'm not, raising Any "Beenuse lie acknowledges that be � __.__.__
Wde. BrarxislJorol. L"sollind. 0so, - I.,%elifluiro. the rose. . . objections, Browninglif dead." . I �
Mrs. Sava Brown. 30 33erthoiot strest, C(Ifteestiolux 511stleto6, � .. I � tours the country for cash first �nd art I . I . .
racntro,tt. . . I . I . - 11, �_ I L
Mrs. RomUnId. Cherrion 131 St. James sti. In "Wild Fruits of thav -Coulltry,dde", I . I I . . seeond: atid that this Isn't his farewell I 11
Montreal, 4 Tho Anisoisidstafiflats 1. . I appeltrance.11 . I Leave 'mir orders at our store for what � ou -
- blargarat 'Jinith. Oollinirwo�d, Ont, the author glv(,s some Interesting In. ' geeo.� read ove btfrere�jtjjr Vat.L . . I I I y . . . 1. . . W11 .i
Mrs. W., TP. Mountain, 180 Jalueson ave,,. formation about �xxilstictot. As a para- %lantalillo r. this fet, . I � �
Toronto. . I 1111r. ture of tile propot(ed dhartet amend- WIgWAg-Are you Interested In womm . I � . require. .
sitelt posse.4ses �uully curious Devil . ad's rights, Allms Caustiquel � I . . . I . . r ,A
In buying be mIrA to Rot powl�yla Itles, among others tile fact that it to Ment and tell xn# what It Moons . An Uxti-6me Case. ,
", ,,,fied Ozono. It is Pohl only by the only plAilt ivlioqe toots refuse to , Dtlkno infter roadIng It 0a;l1fally Miss cau . stiquo - No; woman'$. `9.10110s�-And YOU Aily 111901's to ab- - -11-- ____.___________,__
I I i I .
I rG1
I I .
J I I -
reliable dealn -q-110ver by fitUri; or g1loot Ill the ground. Another pollit MOV0111 t1111010 -If nionns that In aflY � wrong#, swiltinlilded'i
Addlers. pril"o 50 collf�c: and $1.00 per ttl)Otlt 11110 board at oduost- �' lii,i)%%-ii.-.kiis;etittiiiiitl(,dI Why man, �
"tIctop ;
, Is that It is suppow'd (IfIN"or ollierv(snoy tho a Ile , L '. B 0 1.
Nale, Out- fr(,�e book oil rocoipt of to �,,Ow oil tile onk tree. Nflstletoe tlOn MAY'0111PIO.V Or r0mott. atly tench- I It In better to spitro the rod and NPOIT [w's so 11b.4viltitillided that WI;e 101%8 .
name and addresLA. Mly groWk; Oil Oaks. UOSt 0 - the child than spoil the child by uslug mu:ht to haye a headaelie his corn I .
40 - I e' f it 10 or or bond Of deportindfit It It ftlL Ili 0
,ill)!" ('ZoNn CO.,, TAinited, gathered from apple tree4, 140 Ang#leo U00106 . . ... 1- .... the rod too much, � I.. . bill -to. . �.. I I HARLAND k 11
. Torolito, 011&, .
. -,* . ..
ux;0"VW �;o t, S" - .1 . . � I . . I
. I P
. X"
) �
�� .
_,d'.s, I 1-iia__,_A&. -
- I&