HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-03-05, Page 1THE CLINTON CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1903. ,Wb.ole Number 1257 the C. all oil, ansom y fires ead.way, any. sed to g left eed. e the n hall uspices access. ger of a,ction. • Leon - Robert ,'club ith of pro - by the lied to t the arsons, elhurst ssalon ge at nday; posi. iaking Her d her e will ends. cut a f Mr. synson Public cad on edness s been H.. W, Good I Wed - been IC past Friday spent iday at . • James as the iggart eillors• town by the fleeting • nd in or en - rig we uitable people y Mr. . ine on report lsgrecn iherring unday y pro - in the arnotk jarnes g• the pressed s act g. the his af- dollar 11 .f�r on. others rectory m. they urtday given ' Mrs. as a who is am - guests enjoy- ssalon, calla week. oad al. iday. ent it Mrs: linton s. Alf., o Lon- mon - e, large n to attend eaforth ly ets- 11, this . muscles York. in out livery. itg are ill no London called aye re.- nesday Rapids an the width go to m !eft ✓ home after it isit a- . Mr. o -going otigh ii ----- 16'16•1b."11b•••••••••111aolfa,'‘a-410.011e-411110.011aogla•.4%.110.1.000,4000%.410.0110e 1 . . 1 jEARLy • 1 . • 1 HOUSECLA ENERS . THE BOOK OF PRAYER. At Tuesday evening's meeting of the Anglican Y. P. A. itev. C. R. Gunn gave an address mythe Prayer Book. The next meeting will be of - a musical „nature, • • GOOD BYE, MISS PARLEZ • Miss Paslee of the Collegiate staff who ha.s resigned to accept of a, sit- nation elsewhere, was on Friday last made the recipient of a presentation by the students among whom she is very popular. A large number, of them gathered at the station on 8aturcley to aee her off. . SWORN IN'..• , .. Mr. H. 0. 'Hoplcirk, 'poitoffice in spector, was in town yesterday and formally • handed over the office •to . mes Scott who haentered u MrJames s p- on his duties. For the Present he re- tains the former stail • but Miss Mac- clonal(' retires at the •• end of this month to be succeeded ,by Miss Amy Howson, an amiable , and capable young •lad y who will undoubtedly re- tain her popularity behind the wick- et. . .. LEADING CITIZENS SUPPORT IT. - • ' . At Monday's meeting of town coon- -eil the question of waterworks and the municipal ownership, of the electric light plant was • cliscuSsed at some length and as will be seen .the result was the ,appoiatrrient of a committee to gather'. information, Messrs. Jack- son e,nd . Joyner, . the only opponents. of the scheme,' base .their opposition on the plea, that • that the :town is well supplied . with gnisd "Water :by means' of wells. Dr. .Shaw, • the mech. carliettlth officeri: is of the ' contrary 0.1:4,11iOn:. • : . . . • : • . • The report of the special committee a' • . • ppointed by. the eouneil •was- as. fot.. iov,ig i • - • . - . .• . .. • "We appointed ' the • following to act With your •committee•to be kaown as, the Citizens' comniittee : Dr•Sh J. W. Irwin, N. Fair, H. J. Cluff, D. P.... Macphersori, 1):: Cantelan, F, R. Hodgens," W. D. Pair; T. Beacom, W. Jackson, W. S. Harland; • 'A., J. lIol-'• •loway, J. B. Hoover, I -r. B. CoMbe,• J. A.. Ford and ,T • 'C.- Stevenson. ' •Dr.' ' S ' • ' i f • ' - ' - Shaw wa elteted chair nen u il Cap. tain Coinbe .secretayy:• . After Lonsid- erable discussion it '. was - Moved -and carried. •th'at this -ecelinlittee,,rot,»ein-. end.• the council to . devise ways :end . . . . . . ..means to secure - municipa.,1' ownership 'Of tile: electric • light' plant and 1 E•‘-Ntl establish ' a.: system of waterworks • . - t believing this .t.o.,be fit the best niter," ests of the 'town. We -would also •re- commend the ...cOnneil to .appoint - a toiamittee to :visit. • Mount Forest and, other • points to examine. into time . .,,„ system of. waterworks in those plac.s, d •t ht.' ' 11 ''''1)1' 'nf i' ati • an ...o o ain a . possi a i 9 in on from those Municipalities •oWning. their. own. electric noir plants and water-. works Systems:4 ••., , : ., .. . • ." , •,. :- • . • • Mayor. Jackson said the .report Of t he ''Citizens''' caturnittee was • a. • piece - What. right had , the of .presumption. 1 t ' to dictate. to the few •coniposing i . council what 'course they should f011ow. He did. not" think •. Clinton • needed ' a w„..... system, ,at least • riot. for ten Or fifteen. years,' , It is Weil lciloWn . . . . that We have good Water arid. all :that is needed to ensure a still more abun, dant supply . 1 timeSunday. is to . deepet eiisting . • Wells' -. ' '' • • . - • touncilloi liboVer • . took exception to the .'Mayor's ' statement. that the out 'that the .1 'Lens : .1 J.hereeer, scheme is, merely a'.' fad aed.,Pointed ' ' C't,'• ' ' ' edii mit 6 con, .., . , ... , . . sists of. progressive citit.ens, sonic. oi - .• -. .... . . . 1.• thein - the. largest 1.a.tepayers • or t le . . . . . rinieimpality.. . He was of the :opinion that' waterworks were needed-, m -,;.• the . . ... , . . , .• . .. best interests of the' :town, !lie stir- • ropniling towns are thus . Optioned. and ..Cliiiton must keep up with the times. Councillor Hoover also pointed out that • the water supply • is fest' (11111.111,. 'Shing and, the: wells must be lowered •' . • .• • • . to. secure any supply at *all. '. It is al, so a fact that much • of time Water in use us .Scarcely fit for human consnmn- tion. He made this statement on. the authority of • the. medical , health of1I7 . . car, . . . . . • . Coimeillor .' Combe :said that ... the Mayor's -contended that the supply of thinking water was , adequate . did' not ., agree ' with the. medical health officer's Statethent and he ••wa.0 of the .opinion that the . latter had the best means TO knowing the 'trite state of affairs,'. He ' (Councillor ,Combe).1 was in. • favor .of -4). waterwOrkt • systeni 'and :municipal ownership , ofthe eke- tric,•light plant, and .with a 'vioW ' to gatheriag 'inforniatioe that WonItt as sist• in the solution Of the TilleStiOnt Moved' that the following he. 'a coin- inittee 'to proceed to Mt.. Forest - and . • .• inquire into the working of the - sys- tem • under . mintieipal ownership in that place : •-,T, A. Fotdt.• J. 13. Hoff- or, pr, !ielutw, INT,• Fair, W... S. Hay, land,. P. r, Macpherson. - • • . . . . . Councillor Ford, ' who IS a Oat:Inch supporters of a waterwcirks syeteirt and the town .owning,• the electric light plant, favored. sendilig • a, . committee to Mt, Foreat,' . The- town 'council should be represented and, as. a matter of eourtesy, the ••Citizeitst connnittee Should not be overlooked. . • • Councillor . •Joyner was mmosed to the waterworks because of the cost. Conticillor Hoover replied to the previous 'speaker, He said lie believed Mr. Joyner to be a, reasonable man and when it was demonstrated to 'him, as ip would be, that 'a waterworks : vocal Would 'pay its own Way he feltyear ci41/trillfilid ite 1701114 lieSOine a -04PPOrt•-• er of tba Senglq. " . ' Councillor 'Stevenson is aiso a sup- " - ' ' h' • :and porter of municipal •owriers ip . favored sending a representative corn- - e ' ' ' mittee to. investigate into. its mode of operatioit elsewhere, , Mr. Onsiove trith, the ellicitat care- taker of the cemetery, applied .for an increase of salary from $300 to $375• The Council tUald no t agree to suoli an advanee but gave Inin a raise of op, . ' ts 're cited . itPoOinf 0 the neeq;las' P §w. ofi # ortnigh •'4 ploOlpg 0.• lrct fl.,110 a,,..„s„' the flidenialkP ,n4.4.; hie' PQN4atis'Ir #1.71 • The Ontario BOO Sugar .Apoolation he Cooliell to QM a rem. requestedt p .. littion asking time Dominion Govern- meld. to grant further assistance to a °urge the industry. This means, 0" . 1 a further increase of the duty on s.sti. gar Whieli the countil apparently fay- ors aui the desired reSolutioli was uft•,,,_ AlihtiouSly paSSed, BRANCHING OUT. • Mr. A. T. Cooper, one of the most progressive of our business men, is branching out, having bought a book and stationary business in Winghant, Ile will run both stores, 'Miss S. Look being in charge. of the Winghern branch: The people of the northern town Will find Mr. Cooper to be an up-to-date business man and IVIis l - Cos's most attentive and Obliging. • DIED AT4 LONDON, Mrs. Jacob Sheppard, who many years a.go was a resident of `Clintou died • in London Tuesday, aged sixty- three years. The remains were brought up. by. yesterday forenoon's train and interred in Clinton eemetery, Rev. Q. R, Gunne was the officiating clergy, . . T : on manhe pallbearers were John Sheppard, Petrolea. t George Sheppard and J. G, Steep, Goderich township ; T. Q. Sheppard., .Nile ; J. p. Shepp- ard, Clinton ; A. M. Todd, Goderich. Air. Sheppard and four 'sons and two daughters Survive, only two of whom reside in this district, Mrs, J. G, Steep, Goderich township and Mrs. Todd; Goderich. THE PAIR MILLINERS.. . . • The fair milliners arc making ready for the season'S , oPerations so with the passing of lent_ the- chief topic among ...the -.feminine . portion of the community will be spring hats, Mr. IV: .H. Newcombe was in Tor. Onto- thiS week 'attending the openhigs. His head Milliner, Miss • Stereh, v is.: itecl. the' biit • millinery housta in' De, troit before' her return and . her . assis- tant, : miss- McCown, has been Spend- ing SolTle time. in Toronto. ' ' ' , -.Mr, H. E. Hodgens has been hi •Tor- onto part, of this week • on the , same business and•the firm's:milliners, mis„ Ses Randall and Hattori, have• been, sptncl rig some time selecting the Most• fashionable: goo& on the, market • for the patrona of' the Palace. THE NEW jgwgrxR. - . . - • - -. The Cobourg bentinel-Star Say i t 'one friendt: of Mr .• W.. H. Hellyar: has . , , . - 1 • , , ,. ••• ' who beLn employe( at Mr. W. H. HoOper's wateh and jewellery .stere, for 1 1 ii t le past . eig it. -years iyi •• regret to learn. that he. is -leavirlig. • tovin -shortly1' s, having purchased the watch and jeWel-, lerY. business „ of My. ..1), B. -Crews of Clinton, Ont.' During -the time...IA • , te/1r. flellyar• has beim •ili: tii.Wil he. has Made Many . friends . by hi's integrity . a d • , I f . ' ' . . . " • .. n straig it orwardness and has acted 'Tor a ninnber ol years as .librarien inthe Methodist ' Sunday ;' Seta:nil:Where • he will tie nuieh, • misSed, lie. has- been e 11/.4 - member o o ourg alsb an": a t' ' - -'i C -I) Lod- • No -i• 6 I:0.0 F •H' .. ge.. ., .3 , , .... , , . ..: e experts .t t•Ic l' ' b- i e I I' 0 . a e .over. us, new ns n ss• s tort y and the ',.8eritinel.Star. joins .With utarlY • .. friends in wialling:Iiiin sUceess." 'n n-., • .. ,• - • • . .. • . . ' HALLEI;UJAII. 1. , • - • ' , ., •• . • A large... i . . • 'crowd attended- the enter- taininent• given -in the S: A.. barracks . .., . . • . , on '1 hursday evening. last, • • The pro-. am was Musical - and waS furnished by • . ' ... ... time band .01 the Corps, . . Messrs oY:• ,. V. illiarris amid Brown of Seatforth.,. Mrs, ...1 ezzo and Sergeant-Major:Livermore, The ;local' °al. ters will farewell neXt. Their successors are .not . as yet known, but •in.' view' of. the fact, that ' it is proposed to • build a new barracks nai-ct ;stunner .,it - - • ' t '1.• that (food *collectors iwill bel8s eenxt13 , An good - is beim; made to.. u . ,-.-, . . • g , , Secure time i...cmanissioncr, Miss 1/0.• Booth, fcr. a 4 . 's meetings in CI t 11 , ay . in •on ' ' - te • . , .. - . .. ... . - . - . Intention Is to• make:- it a great ralIr. .for Salvationists: " froni all over .• the diStridt. Clinton •Will gladly Valeom".• . . .. • : . • .e this talented lady who is spending her Iife in doin oca mita Others' - ' . . . , g •g , :ROli'Al, TEMPLARS, : ...., . , • . . • i ' . .. Tile leaf. reviler meeting. Of Loy Council' on Thursday evening Was lield as an. open council. for the members and their friends., The hall \via coni- fortahly filled and the following: pro', gram rendered; • Mr: . F. W. Watts,. select councillor, occiipybig the chair :. . . ,• . . ' Short address, Chairman ' Solo, Miss . Lilly Reid. • . , Solo, Mrs, Bailey , . : . Instrumental, Miss Alain! Goodwin . .• Solo, Miss Fanny Shipley ..partiemated Recitation, Miss Dolly Caritelon . ;Sold, Miiis Ida .Rosa •• . ,. • :Vocal ditet,. Miss Jennie Jones and •• Mr.. Zeigler •. • , . -, Dialed. Reading, Miss. WilSoa Address,. Rev, Dr:. Gifford' - • " '• Solo, Mr. Zeigler ... . . Recitation, Misa Carrie Shipley .. , Vocal chiett, Misses Maud • and Win- nie -Goodwin . , . Address, Mr. Cluff,• Distriat. Chap- - : lain. ' • ' ' - • ' • Address, Mr, , Young, Select Coun- pillar, Seafo rth . , Aecompants s,. , - ' t Mrs Watts. and Miss - , • Ooodwitt,. ., s I , misitirus iviurr No . • .. • . At the annual business meeting of , Willis church, 'which . was held • on the evening - of . Wednesday Of last week, i financial report's • were all of an time . encooraging character and showed; oii the whole, considerable . improvement .iipOn those of the -preceding year. . . . • . .. n , ..' The ' amount teem revenue .acconnt was $2069.63 and that received oft ordinary for:missionary. and benevolent schemes $855. , , The inunbo of deaths '4 tiring'. Al.,P 1901 Was is:Ported to . be, tnt fanallest in 25 years bit the number ot ramoVars was mucit'latger tlian ugual. % 'Ilia number- of new members received was 'exactly opal. to the nitinber lost by death and removal. e. s s. G, D. Me 1 aggert, Dt, Ag- ' 1St s r ' " . .. • I t d •trus- iiew and 'James le-lr Were V -e0.0 • tees in plaee of Measts, 'Sohn meGarva S. W. Irsvfa and D. A. Forrester, the retiring Membert of the b9at4. n ,.., -the anniversary s,erviees will he Ileld • - next 'Sunday and Will be eoiultteteil,hY the Rev, NV. ,T. Clark Clf fillt 1-*Vgq- oriau lititelb Lputhilis.. Aft.. cia'citi Wa3 et one time an atsistant or t4 ate Dr. McDonald in Sonforth and IP nOW ' - ' 1 ti' ' . ' ' f one Of tho ea tog divines 0 the Presbyterian elttiteh in this part of the • provitiee, • Tho it -agrees ask for a colleetiOn. _ , _ . t tT ' et a s connect- sufficient to ince le exp 1 e 1 • 1 ' t A ti church ( Wit i the ntain enance 0 ie . e_ , , i 1 prOperty, iri addition •o t ie ordinary expenses there Will be required this _ year a•112.50 ter insurance. OFFICERS or L. o. L. . The following are the officers for the current n term of Clinton Orange Lodge : . - Master, D. Cantelort ' Deputy, D. S. Cook Past, J. P. ShepPard Chaplain, John Ford - Rec.-Secretary, P. CanteIon Fin -Secretary, W. G. Smith . D. of C., W. Ford . • Consuonnit;tele,: .1-,:P.m-Iu<reoairtyns,, HE.. i. iRinon.hin- TIIE. A. 0. 10.. I3EAT '11 -IE C. o. F. • 4. game of carpet. balls ,played. .in C. 0. P. 1'41 on VrithLY evenulg re" stilted as 'follows : . A, O. F.- O. '0. F. J. Slomari G. Cook 'W. Slonian • • , . • HGlazier F. Herman E. Brooks . F. Watts. (sk) 13 W. Rutledge 04)19. ild game 5 ' 2nd game 14 J. Appleby.. I'. McNeil D..Livermore . J. West Tom Herman .- Ed. Caatclon inch • F. .Fivans fsk) 9 J. Foh) .15 2ad game ' 4 • 2nd game 8 . A PAINFUL ACCIDENT. The followingfromth . . e Phenix of Saska.toon, 'Alberta, refers to a broth,. er ot the Misses. Keane of towit, ' . "While Atteinpting to rernovd. a belt from a moving pulley on , Tuesday morning Mr. Chris. Keane,. manager of the West Elevator. Co's elevator • at Saskatoon; met sv.ith .a very • pain- ful accident In the act of moving the belt IVIr. Iteane's glove caught iri the Talley and his arm was crushed against the wall With the _result that his right . arrn..'was broken in.' two • • • places below the •Clbow. Dr. Willorigh7 by dressed the wounds and the unfor- tunate man. iS nOw .progressing. faVor» ahly." . • Auximxic _ Wedding Chimes -111e cosy Immo- ot Mr. Chas, Howson of the village was the scene of gaity and mirth on Feb. o.--- 25th, it being the occasion f the marriage of Miss Florence Armstrong of Auburn to Mr. Melvin Jewel of presents were costly Benmiller. The -p .T and beautiful. - lie ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dunlop of Clinton. The boys of the village were . . well used.. The bride was attired in dainty . white and carried a beautiful lioquiit.' The groom is a proskerous Colborne farmer and. we Wish ., the Young couple .good will in their ftew state of married bliss. • • . A load ol the village young people tt d I-• 'a en et a party at the genial Tetidy Jones'. on 1 nesrlay of last week While 'R. c:italker entertained .a few friends. on Thursday. ' Thursday saw the rifle Club Wahl win by 48 points after a trip to Por- ter„s "lin whence' they were taken to . Goclerich by that club and used ex - - eeedingly . well, the utmost good lel- lowslup prevailing. On Saturday the . 'Tee, e le clubmet and i r their late captain Dr Turnbull Teta, nil elegant 'Chain alai Charm. The inediente : man .repliecl in a neat address and , then the bivalves were discussed.. at .1i . '1. Rid- del's.- , . .. • . The parsonage was. the Scene ' of .6. merry social gathering on h'riday " eyt ernng when quite a number of invited ' guests were pleasantry 'entertained by his reverence and 'fainil C . „, . y. 'anus in great abundance and variety werli in order and an. enjoyable evening was ent:. ' ''• 7 . . . . - s.P. .. . Geo. Lem ) his • sold his boil e - 1 .lot to Samuel1- ' * . s' sal 14.i:chile; of. the Nile,' . • „,.. '- ...• . ' • • . • - ' riss ...s,ellic Wetherald. visited In Goderich a.nd Carlow recentl' ' ... . . . . • Y• . , . Mr, John' WilSon, •Sr., earl •wife•vis. fted. at' Winglsam last week. • Mr..II. :Walters • was . in the village: on Sunday, . . . . . Miss Aiddel left- for 13lyth on Mon- (1.1. St .. . aitdiah has "moved in and. - is getting his houSehohl in order. • • • • • . . While F O. .. Tuesday Melds *t. The lire • .• that it i thing in h4ve heel' in the, very serious , , sympathy Thu concert on Tn..,,, e (if the C. Mr, Bert. Toronto, Miss .Tury ard, - Highland Craigie, SWillger Baylield gram which large audience, the doors, 1‘..lilifi past week returned on StindaY, Mr. Chariots is visiting present. 'hIisS Mary Morning tion as d<ti•Wilnallt sister, as far cperel • a. St Andrew's :social evening Archie . Line on Mr, .T. school inspector, ' T 't yes( ay. - - . Mr: Janus day for. engaged • Messrs. , - Brwin. . Roads convention nesday • visiting t:'(Iiishs-;(..):-;t1lairsa, last: .. Mr. John Moirday 'Miss Tgittie ,the .home 1. Spite mit.n M C . TS. guest of Abe. paSt.,week.: • At the, the,:.stibject hall •was candidates . steps 'were% vieW. Tenders- larging • hope to for large, Quite .a 'attended ,eorge:-Dewar Thursda a• good .. Mr.'• Robert' spent Sunday • Mr. Murdock. fishing . at home ' ,, Mr. (homes • - ' - • prietor Village :.11,1vis5s, :131,ary:Tort ' .' Iti4tt Peiguson.• . Rev. ..T. . itunouileentents his .. appreciation of 'his. Stipend ter. balding, church • : - the liberality - • Miss A, • , of , Grand on their will visit. Miss Blasilie. fs . • •p.t •ss ' • 1 . • tc - BA:271zI,D. they Were attending concert in the town h evening the home of I totally destroyed ' was . . had gained such h was impossible to sass the house. .It is sum?! caused. hY.,,.as.hes. h.e'l woodshed, •..inis is. un . loss and they ha, .of the community. ' given in the tot , , • •• u 1 r th lay (Newt% ru e f. a O. F. was a great, t Harvey, .coinic sin was the leading- attt Brown, soloist, hlis dancer, Mr. . bagpipes, Mr. Allen of Goderich and Dr. Sr furnished ' an excellent was much enjoyed the hall being fi ' -rig itunin, w m . sper W - 1. ' . Al, ., with the Lases I to her home at Chis Donaldson of Th friends in the villa Whiddon left on h for ..Oniernee to take E manager of the dress -s ill' '41' l arge , store, Mist;,•Bella, accomptinie as -I'°"at° where all short while. visiting fri church choir s• .at. the home ci Armstrong • on the Br, Tuesday eVening last. , • E. Tom of Goderreh, visited our sch • • • • • , ,• herguson left on:N. Cleveland: Where he ha. for the suninier. .• .P:. rA, li:dwarcls and • . were delegates to the. at elleton o: ' ' . - ' friends at.1<inca:rcline tl r:tro.7111(nicl' .11:1:ivileme :in6f : • ' . ' Gardner. of Clinton. in the village..• :. • ' , Martin' spent Stu of Mr: and A.Irs:' ' On ; the .Satible Line. 11' f 0 S d - o ins o Well 01.111 N .131r, and. ,Mrs. John A • . • •' • ' • nomination for . cow of improving ou: strciagly adVocated"' and at •the last t taken, • With that I ore adVertited " the hell - and before lo. • - - • t • ' • •' c have accommodation . ,. gatherings::: : • , number of • the •young . the Tarty . given.. b f -the Sa.oble 1 o • evenin * last arid all y g . . 'time. ' ' Parsons of ' Hi] in the: village: • • Rots,"' who, is at Stokes.13ay, spent „t • • • ' • • " • , • . • - Stephens,: former • '' • . . , .. of Lime Rtver• hotel, was a ,few .days 'last Week, srlield .9f_n_.. lVl her si•S'''''' .41:Es .• • • :. • . - McNeil, 'while nadir on • Sabbath, . ex of ..the: generoi . congregation • in. raisir One hundred dollars. 'I • a four thoesencl. • lest summer - speaks .we • i , • • • o. time• congregati ' •-, • - - - • ; i aylor •and• her •two. ly • -,13encl :called. at :the : Way te. the Nile When friends. • s' . . Perdue leaves on Tt . . . ohm; Algoma. ;•• 1 ' Will find us fully 1 1 I I I 1 1 Never as Large, Vou ask in larger quantities,. the manufacturers and so the choice , i ed by extra discounts r: be pleased th show ALL . • . prepared to supply •their wants - with . , .• • .0. TO, , , 1111 ,_ ....• „,... ....... t‘ i !_,..,,..._ ll Our Never Value it is ? Well, permitted very better on the the . ,?1,•\ #. k / ,,,1 ' ' 4 141 6 q 41 . 1 Ott ir0 w '‘, ,. 1 i. y. ; ll 14 J 11 (01 i i T ow Ave.buy. - 1 10 • • A f . I 0 ti Y . •a r . ' . .• Never as Good • • • . • ' is We are buy lug . •: ' trade and . the grades- prices are secur- • . . - We shall ,.. • FREE -, 141 st, ' , . Pik .. WALL As As why have is you PAPER 1 - Sthck as this ; then lines. TRIMMED ,..t... .0%, , it 2:n. . . PA.PER was Choice, - season. the rea,son by an much the quantity 1 \ - IG . increased improved • ,BAUCEFIELD. " • . ..• . .. :'" Mr., and Mrs. A', .3, RAMs. have re-. turned . home from n a• visit to friends Paris and Niagara Falls. . . at . . . . , Mr. Andrew Beatty. of, •West ' muister, Who: has been - staying for. Come, time with en s in 13rit e e t la t • '• - .• JO d -.. ' , • eefi ld, l f .' a week to take a situation at Ilderton., . ' Mrs.: ljas..-Furdge 'last week reeeived '4 telegram advisiug hey of the decease of ' a' child of her sister; •Mrs. .(Rev,-,) ..Wni.. BelVof Court:Wright. .." ' " f ' 1 f 1 ' 1- ' S ' " . ' lhe nnera 0 t le ate• eldon Ross ' • . . took place. from the• residence of • his , • I 1 ' '' S ' ' ' - at ier -on aturday. last. Despite the rain and bad, roads 'quite a: large nurn.:, her 'assembled to. pay the last token of respect to the depar , . • ' • .. ' ted . I he , young ' ' ' l• " -.'• ' - man was ;just. in nt prune and • had on y• recen y eouip e c it s u les in I tl ' ltdh' t d' •'' the 'dental college, Chicago ' ...While • . ' ' " '• • .• - • . • there he,contracted a severe cold which settled, on his:lungs and he -fell vie- Um: to that dread disease.- donsurtip• • tion •The sympathy ,. of. timeentire'. . • • bereaved. cornm.unity. goes out . to ' his • , parents- in . this- their time of Sore • bereavement. . ' : • : . - ., . , . . , .. • . ,. . . . Mr, IL R. Higgins -has been appoint- . • ... .. . . . , . .. ed agent for the Angl 0 -American Fire Insurance . ., Co head office _Tororito. ' The .Manitob. , e • . a p op ' 16' who haVe been • i .pre., a - visithig in this vicinity,' are • 1. , paring to leave for , their'hornes. in • the •West . • ' ; ! ' ' • ' % lkly,..-- Win.. Scott last week shipped . a ,.,, nent ' of oats to ' 'Liverpool. c°4"-111 .'. ' • • ' vtni. is. a hustler. . : • ' • - The- grid nomination for reckersnuth • s d ' • ' ' •• I 1 I 11 M 1 u as it in t le vi age on mu ay. ,,, , . q - • Ilungs paSsed aly. very . qiiietly... . . . .• . ' ' . . BLYT11,. ' • ' . ivr T 1 ic r. . 0 in • env, and Mr. • j ... B Rel- '1 '' '• I tl • l• G• B. lien iew, ro i o o( talc 1, •' -I were attending the. funeral of . the late Mrs. ,Eagan of Morris On ,Mdriday',. ' - • - lisr. IN lies morgar, of, Btueseis kmit. :.• SUnday in town. • . • . • • ' is•s• • ' ' •• ••' '' - •• ". • . . i. ine service is beine• held 'every ny • 1 .1. . ' • ' • • - at . • - .. % etnesc a.) evening an tne Angus!). (lurch •during I nt • ' ' - 'e . ' . . Mr. W. Bell left • this ' week .with • .a carload Of horses for Manitoba ' , , , .. . • ... . .. • ' The ' nierirbers Of the •tovn council met on• Tuesday evening for their reg- , . . • , • ular• Monthly transaction 'of business. '1mss • Fr k . Moore' .attending'' • theC' - s an is .. Milliner openings•in Toronto• this ..,_ Y... , . . , NYee4-.• ' ' ' ' • . .. •• ..• . Mr.. Robert . Sainera. • has returned home froin Stratford Where ' 'he , .has been working for Seine Lime. -• • ' .. • . . • • ...Mr. Istitie Barr having 8 1 d. his , . v -. o s farm; has beconie hue ,of our 'citizens ' , '. 1.. havingbought time' brick • ' • .e.l. tresmence of Mr,: Geo,: Delistedt- tome .time • agO, : Our. monthly :horse. an - d cattle • fair was held or. Ttiesday• and it being • a fine -de. ' ' ' y . there was a large :crowd in n...• 1Several- - . tow buyers. -were. present • • • • d pr„es, and picked uP 'horses at goo - - . Mr . Elam • Livingstone left 'here oft , • . t• I litirsday: for St, : Joseph!t •hospital to . undergo • an; 'operation.. Elam's - Many - friends Ione lie will -ri• till :through and - - •• - . . , . lre better than. ever. . • • • , •.The many 'friends Of dia. townsman , - • • 1 Mr. I:. W.,- .8colt, will he pleased': to hear that lie- has been appointainan- a ' '' f tl 1 1 1 1 ' 1 tl *-13 • k • ger o - ie oca italic i o • ie . ati of: Hamilton . . . . • , • -Mr. ,I0lin Pen.holin -lsit ‘here on Wed- nesdav with • the second 'carload . of . for'- ..*•this' - ,.Manitoba, •.• season.. John is a: good judge of borse flesh dInothing.' '• 'an takes. but time best. We Onderstand. the • who • wishes• • , . .... party . , . to establish a lock factory in our . burg• has accepted the' offer • made: to them by our board - of :. trade ••eonse- , auently . we . may e . to see our expect • • •o town boMia shortly, ,: .. , •.. • The animal Meeting of the •proynt-• - ' 1 Orange'.G 'cl. Lodge1' ill 1 held cm. ran w re•, in Winghani • on: Tuesday,' WeclueSday. . mrt ay p next week. ,, i d Ti d • f t ••Oi Wednesday ' evening • a public ' meeting . will . 11 be held to.te addressed by prom- - •• • , ' itient members Of the- ' order.- „Taere will alsolie-a.„musical prograxii, ., Par- ties •attentling . the Grand Lodge. , will. secure. reduced return railway - fares by securing. certificates signed by . the proper party. A large attendance and .profitable Meeting is looked for, Dit Monday evening . a' pleasant and • - .enjoyable time was passed by the members of . the Methodist churth 'choir at :the home of 'Mk. Ja.ines Huekstep, Mr.. H. knows how to en-. tertajn it- company of young people. • Aim evenly critipled sleighload . • of••.: young . people started out on 'Friday evening making Clinton their objees tive Point. Allretained' safety during the night reporting :in enjoyefile time, the roads remindiag• them of a, sea jotirney which acted on some of. them. • about this..satite way as the .. genuine Anas-de-mar, . - • While we regret losing Mr, T. W. Scott from the. number • of Our iner-. chatits, et WC OA tulate him upon y e gra bein at. »oin ted to the res • onsible g 11 P Positior of raana,ger of the local brats. cli of the Bank df Hamilton. • -' y-• • ; W. Cooper & 14.,o.,•••. CLINTON. . . . Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express • Money Orders, SAO for Butterick Patterns. . .. • ; ' • • - ,,,,,,,,ew.q„,,,...,..a,..,46.-ea.....„111,qta/feb,••%/ea.0%,..-qftelbAseaelkeite./sre.Aca.tia.111aAke-, • - ' - - .,....,............„;imi„ ...- ......., ... SOVEREIGN 1 I I S tart Savings- Sovereign...Ban .ada. H. . _ . . • ' • • ' ' ' Clinton. Branch. . : . .. ' ......4.4.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ems e .........................1 HODGENS BROS.. 0 :111vsli•itsesi--serse...sawsis...ea.-sia..isesis.9 $. Talk' /a 0. to the $ • i $ MEN . . Again! . .1 $ • ,„ . To -day we make first. $ i mention of Spring Stocks. . This Men's Store is quick- f ly getting into shape, and 0 by Saturday many Spring / Lines will be complete. : Come and see the changes we have made, end get acquainted with our quarters. New Spring. , Shirts $ New Shirts for the Spring of 1903. Patterns &at you can bank on being positively correct. : They are the famous "SALEM ', and W. 0 & R. makes. ()on. trolled hy us exeluslively for this : town. Colors that are absolute.. ly fast. Material that will wear. Comfortable bemuse they fit p_,... $ A fectly. Prices $1,$1.25 & $1.;0'. Hats irican ASme . i 1 . The new Hats for Spring are $ here. Nohhy and Natty styles. The newest and most popular shapes hard, serni-hard or soft. Correct in every • detail. Prices 0 $2, $2.50 and $2.50 # The New # # . • a Suitings Our first shipment of import- a ed Suitings for Spring arrived r last week. Neat. and natty de- signs that will make Stylish Snits for Spring or Summer wear. They are made from line pure wools, and will give matisfactory weak., Only firstclass lining used, Fitrand workmanship guarante- $ ed. Come and select your .pi ing Suit now. We will make it up and hays it ready for you any time you say. $ $ levsla,•••••••qe, stiviee-ea,...-se•ma.-eia..le,,le. . . HODGENS i Successors to Jackson •Wog' liR0s. soes-layeas•co-110,41•4111s•lb...111.0...s.‘,Alis 1,.....,../ssiswolk•41-1.41.441144•16' ''::' • , • ' • Well .by• having a . .. , . , . . • ,,... .n ...toe AccOtint i • - • ':., • . . • . • • ' ' k ..of "Can. • •• . • • . . . . . ' . . . • • . . . , •• ' WEST TUCKERSMITH," • '. • • , , . •• .. • Mr i- Clement Of .Essex Centre ',spent several, days • the peat week. the guest f Mr ' Thchnas Waldrbir Of the • Lou- 9- . • .• Road. I•I'' li • f ' ''number'horses eon .:.. e as . or a pi, 4' visited here • for the purpose ' of year. . . ,. of buying - a span. of colts :. the like ,..., which are • hard. to .secure in -his. • own •CQ,u,n• Y• ..., . Amos., Townsend moved his fain- . l'ir.. • .. ./ .: i and muse i effects to ' - • Exeter ly a 1 old .„ last Week where he has accepted the agency .for the Deering' COmpaily. • - The young people held their animal • . • • 1 ' ' I' M • oyster supper at : the ionse o . Mr Thirs„,..'•To.wnsend on ' .Monday. evening f the ' k ',past d 0 I, 1 ' Road o . e, wee an ' ie mu on,an ,yeung folk Itaid. their's anider • the -oof of M - R • T , i ' • Wednesday.' -, . • 1 • - . • 0111..011 q31 .ev cuing of the sante week. ••••A.- very.' ploplarit• time, ig reported. ' • • ..• ., - Mr. and Mrs. sydncy Johns of Sea-, forth spent Tharsday :last the guests of Mr. George • Stanhury. . . • • . -. ..: -Buss Phoebe Je nison left yesterday for London after s ending a. pleasant week., under the par Sital 'root. . - Kr. Saint. .Asliton left this week to .• • is 1 tu 'a in the West. H' • try. his. or ne destination will be• Park River, - Da- 0 a, • '.• - .. . , • . h t Mr. W. : 0, Plowes . of Sault Ste Marie ' spent- the Past Week With old .frienda here. . Fortune has smiled fay- °rattly on him .sittee leaving here a year ago. • • . Mr. and Mrs. James Nat of the London Road entertained their many friends on Friday evening. last, l'ro- • o gressive "Lost licur was played to a finish .and. after luncheon a program WAS retidered by the guests, the psin-. . , . • opal -feature being a debate 0a• "which a 1 an eralik wife or it the better,- " 9 e, . , y aft untidy gOod-riatureil wife." ' • Mt. Fred. Voinlinson's sale on Wed- aesclay last was ,a, decided :success. Thos, Brown in hs usual good, tyle wielded the:hammer. . i .. • Owing to the, illegal election of the t.,wiship eotteeil nominations woe r• • • ' . ' held. on Monday last. 41eve..n men laminated Mr. Herb. Crieh is w%I.° 4 ' • running for' the West Etta and if the 'electors stand by hint he 411001410- . resent us at the ftext coutseil boa.S. Mr. rqd, l0011111iPa gave hi& flii- ends a *oeial hqp. cut Thus's:clay etteintig last prios to Ins. clepartere fog • nxuee. , field,.., .. -1;ondou Road piayer..tneetitig Will be held an Monday evening at M. John ui.,...:0{0w,g, . • Air. MO. Snider Of neYfle.ld bas ' • .- 1 ; ' - 0 r for a ane.aged with A r. ( eo. Staid) y year, • • • . STAITLY. TOWNS] . ..„ . ... . .. • • • • . • . A • mcist. deligntful "Tatty wai : -min by , ..ar and last Friday evc. . g ,... . • .. Co )eNS'al. of 0 aii e Inc C I - time S bl • L farewell" to Ca itain ' ''P011ocl • . . t . , has been spe.nding a few . wont ..• „ . . ,. ong oat menus. Abbot fifty . . . .. • • , in the evening's 1 ' • '• . ment and it u as the wee ma bafora 06 a • g Leering disPersed. ).... ms. ona ( to o re M - CI D 11 ri f T1 Who has been home on a visit, ini. , friends in this vicinity tini . Mr. Geo: Dewar •delivered a l ' f• t •1 s •to J ndrews ' ii 'Mot . a .log • • . o • . MI% J McGee. of Bavfield - • • ' ' . • tew days. last week -the guestii . Tohn Watson. - '' Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley' of '1 ' • called. on: the latter's sister, 421 A .. • Us iii, on M , . - oftday . • ,i. 4 . T.-RANCE Mgr. • . . • . . ***AM . NVe Are sgiling • . our stOcR Of Tweeds • , • at 25 per cent dls. , cottnt off our• usti4I . • prices. . ****** . ' A. HOLLOWAY. •VARNA.... .. . 3" h t - 1 . Miss , osie. os et la agone 1 den where she will take a fou: :Os' course . in ' a. intnilless colic: Mr.' 13. , A. .1Iiggirit drove . a' carryall' load' or Foresters do Bayfield on Tuesday evening -to the big C. O. F. concert. . , Mr. Norman Purdy was in 6 ,,, , on business tut incsuaY. Mr: J. E. lIarnsvell is •Intsi cutting wood mil the bus gaged • . - . k which will strengthen I ns 1 wee • . ' m ore than beltind-the-ccinittcr ' Our local tree agents are agl I' spring taking orders ,or d Messrs, ii`oster and Arnistro, hestlers at the business. and s doubt book. large orders, . Mr.• joseph Foster was in , „ , , . on Saturday and while there M 8 AI ft ' • 1 1 '1 on r, . o att ant OATH y. $113t1YEERHILL.' hit, 0, menvon has been in during the p 0,- wqek with a severe attack a' ' aeh of . pneumonia from Which. he is 'recover- lag aS rapidly as can be expected.. MY, W. Mains, Jr,, is also afflicted With the seine diseate. mt. z Hardy is laid 14) with an at. tack .of rheumatism. Mrs. J. Watkins is also ill but. .we hope all time anoetstl. will soon gain health' again., ' • Mr. George Hill purchased . another substantial horse last Week. from Mr, . Grahani of Goderieh township. . Rev. Mr. Ilice..of Beverly will preach, St. Peter's chorea next Stintlay.,.. . Mr. C. Beacom has traded his. house in 8=111641M to Mr, V.,„ Jordiut for , his house on his lot on the 16th eon., • Goderich, Well houssis, Mr. Beacom will Alava .40 his Own. prin,etty beside t, PERSONAL. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harland h thrned home item Petrolea. Mr: C. A. Andrews left on ' to visit telatives at turritts north a Brockville, This w former home of the family they left very marry. years t •locate at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eaglet( yesterday to return to thei at Langdon, North Dakota, . very pleasant two -months' t lilting friends in this: districi :Eagleson has 4)ecotut a tlior Westerner, but after all, th . ' - few Will Rattetibury Was in London. a ' ' days of the past week Malaita at- o rangetnents to take a tottrsa at the 1:11SitteSS college in that city, the C. all oil, ansom y fires ead.way, any. sed to g left eed. e the n hall uspices access. ger of a,ction. • Leon - Robert ,'club ith of pro - by the lied to t the arsons, elhurst ssalon ge at nday; posi. iaking Her d her e will ends. cut a f Mr. synson Public cad on edness s been H.. W, Good I Wed - been IC past Friday spent iday at . • James as the iggart eillors• town by the fleeting • nd in or en - rig we uitable people y Mr. . ine on report lsgrecn iherring unday y pro - in the arnotk jarnes g• the pressed s act g. the his af- dollar 11 .f�r on. others rectory m. they urtday given ' Mrs. as a who is am - guests enjoy- ssalon, calla week. oad al. iday. ent it Mrs: linton s. Alf., o Lon- mon - e, large n to attend eaforth ly ets- 11, this . muscles York. in out livery. itg are ill no London called aye re.- nesday Rapids an the width go to m !eft ✓ home after it isit a- . Mr. o -going otigh ii