HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-26, Page 71.9 A 0 . . , Pobruary 26th, A 908 THE CLINTON NZWO-3310ORD 7 I . - I - � ­ .1 -__.1__._1_-__' -- �__-_� I des, raelt who two eonscientiolio. Secretary Of the Trem�ry, Alelander . ­ wo I ­ , - 1�z - , --- , I 01 y I'll 11i S � Ttlemolsons Bank , 16511t ful Ila, OvQrY - duty ,of life 111111111t0n, Just an Important to, 90 -Ir -NOR NQTF.,,. which confronts them. 'When the,tid- American history as George Wash. - ,. I 19Z. * - I., 'a , - . � i , , I . I . , Ingo of Bunker Hill were c �Ik - � , . e , arried to, Ingtoll leading his troops across the A body weighing quo pound oa earth �< . 50, Incorporated 1W AsthmaCasps GAN[ WAS11101 0 I � , , . I I ", I I I Washington, lie Anxiovely asked the WILLwar0; 04orge Washington in the ), i (, k Aet of rarlialmut Am. � oQ = 4sithilik , It Would weigh tweaty-seveu and a halt , , , "' . . , . tj - #ufforvrp, give u . , this question: "Did t�he mill- Political councils of at I . I .. - .,capital. , �:�tsoo�WQ eir for apre, believing tl3at ­­ �.­ courier ato. just as pounds. upon the sun. . - oll?" -When told that they Important for American six -S 41 �, %, I RQAt - - - - - - 2"450,00,0 t4eir Powtioul4p ease In beyond, the con. 44, FATHF,k OF His r0QUNTFtYl# NOT tIA* fight W , M. to 1%, � t llid he rellUed, "Then the liberties George Washlogton under the famous Tho.bigboot mountain In the moon Is. . I ­ .. - , I, 11 E4AD OIWICrt - -XONTREA1,. I rel of scientific treatment. I BRI4.LIANT OUT WFMI� ROVNPF.Q, , PURI; prin elm of Cambridge. I at least 8500 feet , In height; that is . I _V ,,� 11 � 11 WAl. Molsoll blacpberson,, President. f;, it is only .necessary to point all , of the country are safe." 11 - I ­ , . . - ganager. Much to V., AOW hope In Dr. Chase's ciple Is our ground of hope to -day, George Washington lived arit.1 died 01000 feet higher than Mount gveregt. � I James R 1110t, Qeneral I � � . , I Notel aispounted. Collections made. Syrup of Linseed iand. Turpentine, thel on this nAtional birthday we 'I � tln� � , re-eebo, , A Christian gentleman, lit you know Vanadium to a rare metal wIllcli oxi. I % I - N . - proven 'a words And declare that . � / I % � .. , I L , I 'i_ , one great remedy whiou #a$ Washington nothing of the principles of naviga- I dizes In air ,With grea. t I 11 t1ts issued. Sterling And Arne i It, THE 0 iOWTH OF HISCHARAOTER . t 4flIculty, melts .. , ,� I - , 1Y fiott .F,xch4tLge bought an4. sold. : efficlency not only "., a prompt re- .'tile liberties of the country, Ara tion and should see a ship - sail up at 2,000 degrees and becopleor y I . � bef, but alio, as a, thorough cure for � � I . ed hot In I � .1 . I . Interest allow(:d oil deposits. xxth]ZA. I . * . safe" when its citizens, from tho NOW York harbor, you might be x4r. hydrogen, . . I . I -) �, � , S'AVINOS BANK I Mrq. George Itudden, PutriamV111% Aevo Dr, Iralmage Tres0hes ob X.&C Notes. humblest t(i the groatl,st, are good PrIAed- You might say to the com- I luterest allowed oil suiris of $x and I Ont., 04Y4 ;�"l feel it my 4ut doing, their respective dutie , s mander of the ship: "Captain, tow Perfectly transparent bodies are only "% .. ..- I Alen � , . . . . 1 commend Dr, ChasiPll Syriiiptofy to IN OIL 94.*lig Firot P-414.6nt *if # I was It possible Jor you to steer , orm J11U. I . I . up, coinpouji3Oect half yearly. Magee latlo Germ well. It was In Waollington a' ' Ngen- visible by virtue of nonunif I � I -,xi, . I I and wurpentine, as I had he Asthma . the United Otatqn-Han Whose Lire your &hill through the trackless deep? m1nation, and In uniform Illumination . .. - " . FARMERS. very bad*, cou ills of character"' that we find his . -il I I I a thor greatest element of strength. George Viles find miles away is England, they become. absolutely v sib . ). . Money advanced to farmers on -their ild get nothing to do me -, nue Won A4mlr t1on yvom 0 . . in, 1, le, , .. . I I 4'k 19 1. . ... . good. A friend of minellersuaded me to I . Washington was a 'well rounded man. And ,yet you have pointed your , "I . . own notes Nvith one or incire on- I Ure4 Natlonii-A 10144sed 14 Father of Asay A. transit of Venus occurs, only four . . I I try this remedy, I did so, And It c . , ship's prow straight into the Xar-� 4or5orN. No mortgage re .1. I . � That means in ordinary, everxilay time"A = Years, It 10 most ImPOr- Does it not scera more ,.effective to . . quirva as ; in NatlQns.vp I . . towo of Now York harbor." .Then . breathe in .1 TCWV(ly� to Cuie di, . Security. . M, soble to Imagine A ,better tgnt to. astronomers because lit gives .,ease Of . . po Entered accordiar to.Act of Parliame. f ,all language he was, o- gooA4 an whet- the captain would take you to � the them an, opport I tile breathing al,galls, than to take the . T-1, C. BRE'WER, Manager, Clinton. troal,ment for aqthma than Dr. Chase's nto G - ,, , � in, - I ,, � Fyrup of TAnsvel and Turpentine. It ada, in the yey 1904, by Williora 11411y. of To- over you study, him. . . box in which trembles the magnetic - unity of measuring the , I It 'a I ronto, at the Dep'o of A,zyloulture. O..L�awq. George Washington was. ready to. � needle. 410t4nee of the earth from tile sun, Zcn'CJY into the stonaach? . I sontbes. -the excited nerves, clears the � I Ile would explain to you , . . � I tironc,lital tubes, gives prompt relief to I sacrifice, Ills all for American liberty, all the laws Of the cOmPAss;, he- The sun an4 the earth are both prac. . _. I 1he fr1rhtful spoems, and, when ume(I .. Chicago, r, ob. 22. - In this dis- I do not suppose he was any more would tell you that no matter which tic4lly spherical In shape, And the earth � .. .. ­ I . ; I � , ... G 8 D. McTacfgartl. yo-ulariv. tboron-hlY And Permanently course, the preacher extols, the pat- w(IlinK to sacrifice his all than' WAY the ship's i I . 41, I 165P ,25 cents, all dealers'. of, prow turns that mag- is evidently only it ,small, cooled off or I � 91 � I � " - . curea astlims. . . � riatism th statesmanship, and the tbuillx4ndis. and teas of -thou notic needle Always Points toward frozen sun. sun: has a ollel of , I I I gjinan4on, l3atea. A Co., %loronto I , I no savids, of ,The I f, � � E n112, . ' His other men. But. the simple fact was the ndrth pole, -Then the passage glowing metallic clouds; the earth has I I I . IiANKER, �) C 96 , Christianity of -the Father of of tb%tship over the, trackless deep. . , r, L ie,, that Georgq Washington held Lmore to , U I a obell of solid Opaque rocke and I I yrup I .Country" as worthy of .the enlulci- can be, ma. -simple and metals. . A General Baulcing Business transact.- I , . pacrillcoAllau, almost any other Juan . ., de to you very Bsfabliihed XS79, . A ! 0Qn of All Amarlca*ils. Who text is of his day. . FIrst, he Was a home plain� When we attempt to explain I I . Clires While Yott Sleep i , --- ed. Notes discottlited.. Drafts w Linseed. I Geriestv xvil, 4.. '-Thou shalt be a A body. � He had to give up all the George Washington's Carter without I , . Hearted People. - I , . - . I ' father of many I .1 ' the aid of -a divine compass, all is A Ilard I It cure% l4cati-e the air rendere(l stryngly � . , issued. Int�rest allowed on do . , nations." endearments of his Vii'ginia,plantar Filial I . axitiselilic is carrh4d over the diseasca sur- . - 0 rA.-Turpentine... I I inexplicable, but when we - find the .plety finds ii.o place, in Tibet. , face . I 11 .0 i Among the monarchs of . Europe tion life, The glory of war and.tho -cross as the. magnetic needle, guiding an chgtr�cter. it is no, uncommon Nv:Lh every breath, giving prolonged . . .� . . .. . I .there Is only one whose lot 1 manship, never appeal- . I . -0m;tar . . . posits. . I � conqid� prIdQ of states � - and , .t treatnient. It Js invalu, ; I . � PC___1*=="U" I .*:��=Zm i er enviable. Justin McCarthy once ed to h1m, gs'they often do to the him over the troubled sea.of , life, - thing'for a son to turn his father, when able to mothers.with small child . . I - . . . wrote that the princes -who we . re born ' Selfish ambition of the modern poli- then, "man's impossibilities become too old for work, out of doors and to I . ren, : . Albert street - - - � Clinton.' ' THOTtSANDS. 010 1101,L;ITiONI,-� ARE, t thro - God's basles," . � � W-lan. "HOW pitiful," -Ile crice . lea'Ve h m to perish In the cold. The Is a. boon to . . . , . 0 nes ought to. be the most pit- . I ,. . asthmatics, . . � � . OPI-,N TO THOSP, WI -10 CAN led ,of all men, The kingli and wrot�.to 'a friend, "in this age of IlQnr.Y 04bot Lodge -summed up the superstition'that the Souls of the dead . - FOR- , : I . . . . - . I . . . . - FILL T11LIX. queens* of Europe, as a rule,- aie reason ;'and relidion, is.that, false character -of George Washington " - . . . I . . I ' . I In Ran, If they Will, 'haunt the living : W]1001)1114,�Oough Br;onchitls I � . . . � . I doomed to lives of oppressive and ambition which desolates the world. these bea,utiful words: I 'I see in drives their hardened natures to gain. croup Coughs . . . r)---- P -7 .- with fire I -and sword for the . I I . ,rea,t soldier, . ' who I , ­ - 1. SCOTT, .. 11 , ` 7 ? �_ , . circumscribed servitude. The would purpose Washington. a i . by the exercise of cruelty the bromise Catarrh, OcIds GXIP133 and FrayreVer I �_,� ,(�_ P-g/?,'�V be assassins. axe always skulkU19 of' conquest and f4me. I ,hope to fought a trying .war to a, succempul -of the dying that they *111 not return The Vaporhe,� ana I-Pobich should la t, . . . � - ��L �_axl . lie rapossible. without hi . I a lifetimq,� tosether witit a o tic of Cresol.ne, . , . . _X a ,R, SOLICITOR, ETC. ;�!/,)" sllll - . " Around, ready to dig their graves. spend th9'remainder of my in cul- m- O' to earth, I BARRISTE 'd, " end,.' Ii I � I ?��F_&� I - . . $1.50. FXtrasultic�,,rC Ilene 2 cents ana - I Kings cannot., marr�y ooe with -tivating the affections of good men As death approaches the dying per- g clents. Writ d . rt�sc � ng I t t � Or 4suiptive,bopk e contain IN - All other mon to -lay the foundations �. t . Money to loan. STRATFORD, 0 T. th great statesman, who did more than ') � . . � . whom they fall in love, ,As Othermon find in the practice of domestic vJr- � ­ iglic, Qbt-yas to its valpe, I I . . Oflicc-fi;lliott Block - - Clihton, Properly prepares students !or good are 1 allowed to do. Whoij they wed ' .tues.11 But though George Washing- � Of a, republic. which has -continued in son is askdd, "Will You come back or vAPn-Crr30y.rw8 I% 001.D , . . . .positions, Lessons by mail in book- considerations of state and poll I 0 ton iwas essentially a home inan, and prosperity for more than. a century. will you not?" If fie r.eplies that he . Pl;!UGQ15T$ I-VURMkii"'ns. BY . . � � I I � I ' . . 1. And In him a me ielous , . juilg- will, they pull a leather bag over lit I I keeping,w sliorthand, pentuanship, etc,, and of International alliance govern loved his own fireside Above fill . is . VaPo-Crcsolcne Co. . . are guien to those who cannot attend the.ch9ice' of 6, partner, and they thr6lierooms, I yet at the -call of ,duty morit, which. WAS never.at faultf A bead and smother him; If he says he x8o rulto6';tr,,ct . Z64Z Xo . tre Da . . . - W. BRYDONR, � . I our' :Sellool" This, ce)llege I$ Well must not marr simply to .satisfy he sacrificed his L life's. ilesiroo and- penetrating vision. whioll'beheld .the will nott,he As allowed to the in peace. New Yotk � � me Street . . . . 0 * . I Y . . future of America when itL � .. . � 1. . Montreal I � . I . An Nvu frout olle end of Canada to the ,the 'cra.vings of their own hearts. �drew his sword as tho.colivriander,of was dim . . 1-"­-__�.__,_ --..--.-..-J I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. . . other for its ,Strictly first-class work,. . . I . to- other QY09; a great intellectual . . . � I . . . I . . . L � , . . . . Royalty has Its drawbacks. as *well the American Armies. ,. ' " . - . . I . . . . � Notary, 'Public, Etc. Cirallars free, . � . 'its -dangers; but there is ., .1 I onl� force, it will of.iron, an unyielding. I A Very'Anclent Suake. - . After the Smash. .1 . . . � . . as one con� The sacrifice of I is case and c' � � � . grasp of fa.t.q, - And an u . : I I . . fort wa's not the only sacrifice. he was . . nequaled I F irst Pbdestrian-Well,-'I am .afraid . . I , . I W. J, E,1,14.10TT, Principal, spicuous example ,of their *being ov- . purpose. . '*The African cobra ranges from Egypt ' . Office-Flonne Block - - - Clinton, 1, ... .1 , . . I . strength of patriotic 1, But, that automobi . . I .. . � - . � it . . I - ___ � -_ -_ orcome, F,ven, a freeborn Amorlean .willing to nia. o,. When he became � -concep- to the Cape of Good Hope, That It was le is gone for good, . , . .� . . ------ I _1 , the do, c0laul n J op 'a' ' . Above and beyond that'fine . usands of , . .. � . .. . � . . citizen can afford to admire ander . of the Amoricau'aripill tion of Washington's charact X see . known In northern Africa tho . Second Ped-Yeh, ,but I am very, - . . I . . . a r . � . er, Oluch afraid lie will still be . ablei to use I . � . . . . , 1. mestic relations of tile German Em- he placed his head a d life I 0 A �- a still higher�'beauty. I see. in him. a years ago Is shown by; its familiar ap- . .1 . -1 I .. . , RIDOUT & HALE, . . 0 k's . otton scat compouna . pe,ror Tbhe six 'bright, healthy, fn� dy. Ili more'ways than onie. When the . , great Wi6d and. heart, but � I see God peArance in Bgyp . tiao hieroglyphics. . another. -Life. ' I . . . .. . . I � ... . � ift 11 0 � ' .e ,,, t . , . . 1. . . . I 11 successfully used monthly b over �n oys and the. lovely little Declaration of Independence was be- . I I - .. . A � . . � . . � . I - in that m4nd, and heart, using, hira , Neir.Cape Colony It Is almost exterml- Exemable. ' , I . . Conveyancers, Coininissionors, Real. , 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask girl Who compose his family circle. I'* signed Ili Independence hall', to win. supernatAraf triumphs. I See . . . . . I . . . Estate and Insurance. . Agency. FIVI-1, r drugg - are A.group to make a father's heart - He lives on tinned . . 0 ,let for Cook's Cotton Root Com . Benjamin Franldln� -1 think it was, G* , . natelk and Its destruction is much pm. . - . I . I L Arolicy to loan, . I . . found. r1Jckue no ot er, as all Mixtures, pills and I � eorge Washington S. a and patent foeft . . . . I . . I . . I ' L . I amitatious.are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 ir glad. ., To be the -head of 4L family is turned to some jot his colleagues And bI0 ' ,to Over- moted by that curious and, valued long , He alW YO wears a gloo I I . 60ine the greatest obstacles - of the . .No wonder that he talk .my look �1, . � . . 1. I . box- No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 4liper box. Do : toge V" . . receipt of price and two 3-ceni more gratifying than to be the head said, "We must a3l hang . ther: - Rev' . legged haMrk known as the secretary . The Way his mother ' S 9,13out ... , . I . C. B. HALE . JOHN RTDOTTT I orh,madled6r,L of L ' ' . olutlonary_war- Why"�da;tise 1 bird. 61 . . used to cook. . I . . L .. . . . �L L 1. sta at. .the Germ4n Zinpire. - �.. . now or else we shall ail hang separ, se,'Georje. *ashington- on his knees x or seven species of cobra lidve, , L I . . , ". . . . - I . . a It was so that the beautiful Cor-. ately, " - That WAS, a. Agure of speech . � been distinguished, three of' Which. be. . . . � �1 . ­ , L. I � r - An. the snows of V;J1ey :rotje., I .000 . � I .. . . . . � t I . . .. � , 0 nelia, %olt. when she declared thaV no that may- not have been true' of ev-- Gdorge Washington overcoming the long to the Indian region., .. . . . settled. , , L. . . L . . o . B. R. HIGGINS .. I � . L I I - ­ ' I I -was. comilaka,ble.to bqing the" oky, signer of t - eclaration, batL it 'betietting * L . . � I �, . . . . Meeli;er"My wife and. I always 13 . ettle . . . . .. . . � wealth he D difr.cultioa . I : . .. Nos. r. and 2 art sold in Clinton by . . of L . of his Prosi- . . . . . .1 � I . . mother of the Graccht. What,. then, Would certaijily have, been true doutial. life, Why? Because I � -we. ,� . . Not YeiLRIPet L I . out -differences by arbitration., I I.. . . I ' I Cong,ya#ce H. B. Combe, R, P. Reekie, 14. Hov- must be the joy of that man 1. who is ' the nian . who was rightly reg�*rded G'' n � . . . '' . . . L . I . . . rtgA Jor L . I I I , eorge W"hingto . US soon 44 he The physicians were holding a consul:- .. Bradley-�.Who is th6 arbitrator? 4 ., . . f s, Deeds, Etc., d1rawn ey and Watts. & Co. -druggists. .., told that be. is to .be "'the fath Of as the head and front Of the revolt. had tal--6n the oath. of office going tation. beside tbeL Cot of 'ill ­ I I 'of . I ... � Fire and Life Insurance,,, I , . . . . 01, All work neatly and . . ___ ��!__ L . ' "My ur . . L . man nationslP For'that rOason the .It the Revolution of 1776 had fail- � to the 8 * . . - e man sup-. , . .wife, Leo Se.". ... '1,41 . . cheaply done. . I - -------7-7-----. � .. � I Y . . . . � L . . acred chancel. There,,,. a,s. a , posed L to 0 . � I ,. . . I I . . ed, - whosoever escaped, George Wash, humble , supp! . . have appendililtis .cone alW * - . . � � � ­ ' 'Rebrow, people honot the icant, h4. liagged the ; � . . . . . I I . I L J . . l Fire * '. , name.. of L L � ' � about his person. . L , . I I . . . . 1. . . . . .. . .. . . . I . . . . BRUCEFIELD, - - - -�- - , ONT. . . C _ L '. Father. Abrikham; for tha,t reason the. irigtqn, . as the loader of the Amerl- Lpioteetion.-61-hilli Who was King. oi 14 . . I . � , . . � 1. � I . ' ' ' LL . . . L . I miesi would have been slicit - G L �, I believe," said olle of the surgeons, Longfellow Yet Again. . . . . . . . I . L . I . L I . Insuran e Company American people ought to honor the. L Can ar . or. ldrigo and Lord of all., I hear eorge - . lig dames. . . . . I I 1, . ; I . . , I - � . thaf we should witit and. lot The gray ball, - worn -by some you � . 1. . . . I . . , . . narrle.�of George Washington. As the hung. or decapitated'. As the great- � Washington :turn to' his .old friend, L . . . , litill get - . � I I . . ., . ,�st . ., . I , . .I Was not attained by sudden fright, ' ,- . � - I Dr,-Craf�, and'say, "I die hardo but 'Befo, L , But the. 'b ' ... . . I I . . � .; Farmand Isolated 'fown Pr6pCr'_ - Hebrews . to Ahis day vviierate ; . the lea4er of that.time, he. would stronger before,cutting Into.b1m.". . I . L . I . � DR. W. GUNN, L . I * . . . . I * . have-L.hb.A tolay down.'his life as a I arn not afraid'to dii).'.1 Wily? ' Be� � . I , Y, ecause It was the style, I - - I 1. . . . . ty. Only Insured; . ,man from whom thetr race sprahg,� ' . re the. other prospbetf ve operators , Kept bleach dope, on It da;r and.. 11161it. . � . . - . , . . ' - i . , L . . Warning to 611 future Conspirator - caus, 'bi ' been .could reply the patient turned W � L - , -. .� .. L. . . . I .. I , , , ­ OFF . . .. .. . .. 1. . ICERS I I * ,, his . s, bead ., * . I .. I . ­ . . 11. . 1. . L . . I . Washington not t5nly ran the. risk of guide throuoh * � . L . L . : - I . . R. C. P. and 14. R. C. S.., Edinburg i. � � . so we haVo in .the' ea,derayid found- .. s�. -a .the G -Ist who had ' Night calls at' fron door of residence- I J.LB., .McLean, �Ficsident,' Killli6rl P', or of 'our - c6minonwed1th" a manL, . I . life 'was his com.1ortor, ., And realarked fedbly:; . - .. �, L . I . . L . , - I .. . L . . I . L . . I I ' I tIleL battlefield, but al6o.Lthe riSk.ol, in dbaill, .0h, ill), brot . . ' .. ' ' . Ab. to Siz �� . , . L . . � ' I ­ � on Rattenbury . street, opposite . O�i . Thos. Fr . . -nt, . whose cha,rac�6r is worthy of All our . 1. I . I - hers and sli�-' -1 - f'wba� do y I . : 0. . ­ r . .. �- .. . asdr, , Vice-PrcsidL I L' ... 11 : I , .qatukembfor�acheese?l .1 .��. "; �. . . . ­ I . - . . . . Presbyterian church. - .1 .L I . 11 ., I . I - .. L . L - 1. .1 . .. 1. Percy Gotrox"Weally, I o 1. . 11 .. I . I . . . . B ucefield P. 0. ; T. -I-:. Hays, Se�.- honor and vendration.. Thousands the-execiiiioner'li "... ", ''. � L I ters,,woul-�:Lthltt �%,,o li'light onli and , ! � . . 11 . . . L I-aw-waa., , � .. t .... ;, , I I I P., .0 L I . L , I � When a ' Xt crisis �qomes. ax gill hate v, - .. �. . ... . 6a'ivn with a , - , . office -Ontario street � - Cliuton.: Treasurer, 'Scafi)l th . . . . . .upon tbous-ands . of pilgrims 'have'* grel .. 0. you e�Lst%lne di%l.nt re4l�foroc­ L . 1. .. . silvah spoon in me mouth. ,' ..,� � .. . ­ . ­ . I � . . . . . .. 1 CTORS L.. . - in :rnent in life's struggles that -Georgo. L" �. I I .1 L . J)QIlY SWlft_H , , ' ­ . . L . L . .. . DIRU � , journeyed ",to the Shrines of ,MAch- .and I similarly'. roady'.to A, U 14 to 'Craniped 4narl�rx.- t . , ,., I L . I. . . . . .. . . . ' . s�ke � * ow very' romairtiel . . . L -, * ; John - rielah, sacrUk6 for principle's sake? When: Washington bad'. . Would . I L.. a.c L . . I . , I ,Willi�xni Cbesficy,. Sitaforth in. which are supposied to be.' - ,he, 'that we And of course it was a tablespoon?,� - , . . . . . . see mijht'triumph 6 ' ght, be able to­uSe Husband (InspOcting house and. lot,. . . I . . . Grie�e, Winthr6p ; George -Dale, Sea- - huried Father. Abraham and Sarah, we . ver right And mi I .1 .L. cross As.a . L . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . L , On this n . I injuStike - 9�ver justice, .are- we ready magnetic conipass'to g L . � witha view to purchas,e)-The lbt is ab. , L __ . : . ) : . . . L. . i DR. SHAW, . . . . . i I - foith,; - J61in Watt, HArlock -, 'John: his wife.. - ational. holida: . I * qid I. sukdly small . my delr; scarcely big I I ''' .:' . . . I L I .. . . I L PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - . . .1.13ennewies, Bradhagin';.Jarnes.Evalls, in' imagination we should be willing, to sgy:'.'�Here is my life, Vere As,' the 'troubled .9eft ' Of,Aiine'.* Int6 the . . I . L . The- Ikeleihone Girl, . , . . I I ' � . . . L ­. . L I � Beechwood ; J ton- - to - jouill my, firbperty.'', . Ilete.. is thiD, propert, ()Qtll.L unl'iffll(.�d'S�Rit . I . , ', L . , . 1, . L � allies Coilnolly,.Clint. ', I . ey -.*to� the 'Mount. Vernon . y pin ? . - of eternity. - ' .enough for a, flo,v�lir bed. . I L . .. [ . . % . . .. , , . L. .. 1. ' ' d ,, . $he sometinies.seems'A tilfle crosik, .1 ' : " 11 *. I � : . loved ones I ­ Staka every- .' Thus :Oe-orw�- naar;to the Wife (fresh ,from flat)-Er-coul n1t' . - The tyr' 1. . . . e ' ' ' . tombs in%which Slumber L the xnolder%� of - my . . . . .. . . 11 L. . cloce"Of . ant of the town; I . ., -L,,:., . � !,�O. p u" L ' ' , . � .. . I Office -Ontario street * *v- - Clinton. - .J9hu'M,cLedA Kip . . .4 . ' � . . � .1 .!� E ' L ing*L ' .h the 'earthly career of the g ' 'We. have a folding. flower � bed 7 I ..., I wondbr will she can-me.up . ­ , . . ' . : . . I .1. . NTS, ­ � bodies .'of Father*Ws�shbttonand-` thbig' Ili the struggle L W jell I Wage . reatest of I L I I I I , " � 1, , . . . . - Opposite St. Paul's. church. :Robert.Sinith, H 'L , to make all � inen, free, " �Have we the All � Ameri ' L - . .1 . ... . I . : .. . Or *91,she call. we dowAl I 'A I . . . . � I I . . , �. arlock.; Roberi'Mq-. 31artha, -his wife.. We should .on this I I .calls. ,. His life and death . ' � ­ . . . . . . . . . . I. I L ­"_'A'� . ,.. I I � . . .. faith in a DIv�ne'-Pr.6vIdeaiw . In . I Y. . .. .. � - . L - � . I .. . - - , . . � I . . ...: . I.. . . I . , . Millan, Seaforill ;. James Cum . . n .all probabilit' ' ' : . . I mmings, WaslilngtOn's..'birthdAy. be klad , to -slime . as ' ope � sense shall I � . L . . . . . . � � .1 .; . . . . . . L . . . . ­ * I . � - .. � , ., . I I . ­�- Egm0iiliville ; J_. 'W� Yeo, Holmes- givo.up, a:t least one service- to the * George Witshingttin had? ' Are we as be Just - the. Same as our '. - life, - and . VM* the Preii.ehir Failed. .M!!EX_!T__ . . . . . I . I . . ­ I � I 1, . .. . I . .... . . . .1 - � . . . . . . . . . I . L L . I � I - . . :�* . . ni) -ville,, ` .. . . study of the life and the ch,araqter -of. ­ 'He 1011ged­earnestlY and in - "So the. Rev.:31r. Goodler Was A fall. ., : '. L � L I . . . . . . I . as e, As -ea:dy as death. - - . .. - . . .. . . . trueto'lirinciple, ,; fi i . . . . . I . . �L . I . . L . . . . L .1 I . - 7q YSICIAN AND SURGEON. - __ - 11i , . 1, I Special attention given to diseases, 0 the Eye, Far, Nbso and Thro,it. . � � Office and Residence- , L Albert street East, L Clinton. North of - attenbu .street. ' R L .rly . . . L . . . . I . I L . . DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH I . . .Parties desirous. to effect insurance or - tran�act ,oillir ,business will 1 . � . be . attended. to. on application promptly , . to' any Of -the. above officeiqs wkdrtissed to their respective postoffices. "Losses L. insp�,ctod by. the director who I&es � , nearest. the iceqc.' ­ . .. . . �. . .. . I . 1, : I �, I . .... . .. , . . . .L .1 . . , - , . . -_ Ahis great and good man, whose . . . I name..not only towers above all oth- . er names in. Ameritiah. history , , but .,. whose life has won.the Admiration I of other natiotis.'as well'.as * of : our., . own.. I I � . ;. .L . . . . : , .. I . . .. 'George WashlOgtob. was a 'L W011. . . ;L EJ . , ropnded mail s 'was not the bril, _ 'L a I of NAPO16on: ­` - a liant gehlus or L I . . Richelieu or A Mazarin or a .06,rdi- he to put liberty, poverty and life - itself in peril for ,the.sake' of right? Do we feel it is better to die right * . than to live wrong? L . ' I L . .. ' , - . George Washington was also stead_ -last', though I . he , had to. battle.' ItgainSEL and . I overccim . e' thel. mismAn.;. . . agemplit' .of L the.Amer can's,ta.tesmen.. . . I ' L ' I and the jea 0 SleS Of L'fiiS .1 u OWn'gen&t- - als. Some people think that.., - the Tensely longear"for the time When he Id gou ret6rn to the.beautiful fields . . ,of ills dearly beloved Mount Vcrljou. When 'that' - '40lightful . day. at last L. . .Aolnned near; he L 'Wrote, .those happy ,q%ror s, . :: 4 - �, ,"I � have. retired 'from�.' *all ' , public oniployinents and Shall , tread the paths of private SatiSfactl . .En�. Oil. vious of none, I am ', detet-min L. L . I I � ed "to , beLj)icssed� 4 .with all _ and'th L Ill, my- . . ure tit that church' ell?." * � - ": L . . 0 ... I 1. ,"Yes, he"tried to bring the congregft't L tion I . . UtO harmody With his Ideas In-. stead . of brIng!ng his Ideas Into barino-- . . ny with the congregation," ' -L-7Exchanke. - _ . � . ... . _. I . , I I � I . I .L . .. '. .. , . . . � rcrs63oal. * " ' L ' . ' . . .. . l5ditor- ,�-You must try to. culti. v*ate a . I I velu, cif satire. -.. I � 1. I I L I = I .. : I . I .: 7 _­'_�__7­7��' . . . . .. � . . � . . - . 1. � . . . 1. ' . . PHYSICIAN AND SURG;ION, , . ...:. . an D .'TRUNK.'.' U . . . . nal Wolso.y. �'Xlis military. career was . I I Lon - ly battles ' -Washington had ' to dear 'friend, . bein' re . m4rch,.I Will . Po�trlbutor-�-How can that - ., . . . at be ddne? . ' L - . - . . . . .. . not,spectacular, like that of Arnold 'fight Were those against the Eriglish.: mov,e'gentl�r down the' -stream, *of � I'Well, #trld. . ydurself.'�-Life.�.. : .E . . Office fortnerly occupied by Dr I- Tal - . . I . * . . . 8 fl' - R9 ILWRY . 'BY TEf , . or Greoni-.or 3gorgan or' I `i�ight- Horse" Harry . "M�d". and' t , . he 'I'lessi-an Soldiers. Q�orge t * Witsbing oj3, w.a,s not "fli-st in I lie until'i sleep with my. fathers." But, alas, Alas, 1669 than . �. . .y , ... .. I � . . � ' . . . . . .. ...r, .. I . 1, . . lister on Main street. .. L I BAYFIRTID - - - - - Ont'. . .L . I i. L ... . . ,L I . ! . - - , I . , Lee or - . All- . . L' . thony Waynei,' His poll was . not fac-i p:lways. I I the begris 61 his countrymen"- ao:hc L I � , I . ' three years After, George, Washington I. � �beautiful . . . L .. . .. . . I I . � 1. 1. I - L L . . � . . -1. I . B . I I 'TIME TABL . . I . . I . I . . I L . . . Ile, JJ:k0 that'of-1familton. O� leffer� . § rst - in war, an �i L I I Ws, ; 11 'd n ­ . the first. , returliierd.ta Ili@ . er;. Mount V . 3iori - there: wa's heard 0, rustle.in -the, . . L .0 JE.S,t.a., _' - L JINGLESL: AN _ . ... 1". I � I . . I . . ... - -1 I I . . . . . . . � Trains will arrive at. and. depart Clinton'.Station as follows : He had no. oratotical , gifts, Son-; '. .1 . like! those of Henry -or, Adams: or - - peace. No sooner Was he placod- In' . cOl. rimand. tha ' 'hip 'nerriles 4t liomp ' n Q . ' Lair', TheAeath angel f1eWL down And, ' L I .. L I � I '. w. L �, . . I Two. Alenulugs. '.'. . DR. AGNEW, . .L . I .. . . . DENTIST. , . * . ..from .. ; .­ . I . . . .. : 1. � , PVFFAI4 AND GODURICR DIV,;. �, - . .. . . . -, ., I WillianTPInkney; but,�.as. . he.had ii, . lot ; -su M-014 :the diizzling talentulof ell Men, L , b0gftn., to .coitapli-6 -agal list h tin, After - the tapture,of Fort� Washington ,by Lknaeked at his 606r.L' And within a L few ,hours he was, gone, So,with-our, . . When first I kissed s I w.eet I Marguerite , ., Wh,in first i -kissed �sweet AfArgueiite '. :` I Will be at Bayfield.. every Weduo-sdiy � . . . . . . . . .0 oing.'Rast Expxess .' .. 7-38L a. in . . - - . . �. . Aber .did he li.ave'.tho rnoral� weak.�, . ., the D'vitish illese. home..onquites tifod, lives.. We m4y. l6ok -forward :. to a � 0 happy and. glorious tearthij. twilight,*. . . " - She blushed roso red . . . . I.. . I � . IyL d.' , 1. I . . L And stern sal afternoon. I Office- . . .1 I.: 0 J4� , At 'L �L ;I C4 �" i Mixed'' * I - -2,55 W in.. 4'L15 P' in. . nes�ses, -which �marred' .their (;Ila -' . . 1. I . . I., I ,rv(c�. ters. 4 " L - L . �'to Wrest the commaodef's �&ord�out .of, Ggorgo Washingion's''hand -iind :Put In ail probAbilit I for Ali - bf - .. . I . Y: life � � L L � ... "Tou Ynit19tWt! StdP!", ' I . . . .. Adjoining Henry's Photo -Gallery,, , . ..,..,gt .Wt f, ' ;it. . , L' _ '10-15 a. in. ' �: . . � ... Wherever 'we Aouch,'.the life and . ' . . . ,,give .1t. to. 'Major General. L Charles . L to 1311 meani ,continued work - .the:, close. It'Will mean bajrd,w.6rk .1 . . " L' Last night I kissed swo'et Uar I guerit . e,, . .. . ' Clinton. I : - . . . . . . . . 94 . .it Ex ' - In � . iireks I I�Z-55 P. ... s 41 :..: It 14% ; . �7.05 a. Ine charactei. . hington tile w - of' Was r4s - e fift tbat, it he had any When Burgoyne g . ,urrendered to, Leo- . . 6L . 11otatio �'Gates. at -ftrfitilga, , th I Clear I. . up to. the end. Then.:Wheii our Work . . Last night I kissed sweet Marguerite* . 0 . She blushed rose red, ' . . . . . . . . I . . . :'t i '' :04­�, 44 . . . I . . IO.27 P. m. I .. . 1 g6nJus,'4'hiS*,­ sas D&v.id -Gregg. wi6te, I 'was L tho � . '40 Vay cabal" � tried L ' to - �sdpplant , ,011T . * 'this'new... is Aofto. whetfier,*,ell or poorly done, .. I . dL God 'Will Call on us - An 'w lAu () . - ,13ut sweetly said, ' . . . � .4'You mustn't Stop!" I .. . . DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES, � . L'� . 'r 'ITURON AND BRUCE D'V.L LONDON, . .genius' 61, character," -ft;id- of fsharao.�. .. the old.' leader' with corl�. ' ' L ,st We Shall go Lin 0. . go. . Ajl� prVbabillty L . . . ... . ... .1 I I ...., . L . ... I .. 1 11 Specialist in Crown Land Bridge Work. . .. . L . Going. South Express , L nl�. .. 747. a. ter. alone. I Ag a .boy -he was not a . . , We do , jo queror fr6iii. the north. . I., . .. ..; Here, for instance; is a trtio ' . - . 0, ..OQorgp .WAShinirt * on weiit��quickly,- . 1. . .. �. i , i . . : L.. . I , , I - � 4h , ''al, D. D. S. -Graduate. of, the Royal, Col- it - ,;L ' , 4� - Mixed 4�15 P. in. .brilliant. boy. : noi.bave 900� uno*peetedly, Vithou% hardly a warn- .W,,L e 0 y ny. . .1 'underitand . lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontai,u I ... . It Nbfth--­UxpresS , 10.1S a Im . - refer to the labled. hatchet story. to pel, minister trying to. pivach'-Jesus . �. . j1A.q. . L . .. L I Bullioll-Do I that you . . I . . � I 10. .. . . . it. . ..6 ., 1. it Mixed .55 P. in ' * I prove ihis. Ulhero are still preserved Chi'lst in the V14ge or 94ty church. , -Wl�or is thi gireatost onemy ' ho' h . . , . , . .1. ....- -.!....!� ­­.- .�L . L I . _' L . ­­.. . ., would marry nil dmighter because lid � . ; I . L. D. S. -First. ClaS%Lhonor graduate of Dental Department of T6rontd . L A O.* PATTISON, F. R. HODGuNS, - Agent, Town Ticket Ag. Ili his own boyish h"dwrltin� tbeL govern hJS fftrfi�lls r0es fi6 maflelt6 , I as L to fight! - The saloon keoper?. The 'runs.1he .. . : . I , ,�: . L . . I . . . I " , , '' . I . . . .1 I I time She I to have all My . I s money.?. , Knickerbocker 1; didn't, . University. . . 1; . . ..- . I . . . . I � �C ]DICKSON' - ­ . ''. . . . ., fliture life, which ho. wrote' out lit. . proprietor Who low- play-., I ..'_ 'i 1. nA I I INTENTION$ THAT COUNT. ,. L L -�-Wh , r-, think Y'� e I there was any 'other'wav Wt Pet � I � .. - 6 . . . A e in 01 wlip. never Sets � � I I . .1 . .11 . ­­ . I . . Special attentim paid 'to preservatiori � . . -.1 . ' ' I I .thirteen� ..Among those rules Are .10 u I . ..... I . I - . . . . . I . .; I _ � I .. .. � I I .. I I . . . . it. � . .1 . ____ � --- . of children',., teeth. - . District PAss.'A ,, Toronto . these worft �' "Endeavor to kec� toot inside of..a �hurvh?- - 'Oh, -luito X�Factli e Apsoitint . , I . . ., I ... 7 . - I . . . . . . . 9 . . - I . . 00, GaIr.VIA0*9 Put 0 , . . I . . I . . I ... .. . I !��. - - - � Thp pgates,t rotqrdment of - _ I . .. . 1 % , .. I ... . Will Bayfiel I M! � r bo9on4 that littledfvInp I . I . An 41Vpr .. I . . .. . Ill. - - ..alive in.yotr I ' .. . . I �. L.te *... ' f *S . , , every Monday from io a. '*,' -. ;� - " . I '' . - spark called c(.)n . pe (ni'oe," As a 'Young Ago Wilistgr's W44,1��. is '. . .- , , .. . to -Autthillor ' . * ' ' - I - I ' Never Iii- a. P-lekle. . '. ., t 0 ., . ift,Ao 6 � :­ - . .. . , . . I . not. *p �be � of the �k: . I I . ,The.. payl6g oad to a:very un . . I . #-.- . . . . � . I . .round outs,lde bot. Inside the church, I . ..Wigg -Old Happylplucky Is pretty � . I .- � P.m. � I - _ ____ - min, we do -not find 'him a brilliant " * ` ' � . ' . . . .( . . I ­ . .. . . � I It IS, perhaps the church .membor"Who comfortable. place Ili said to be,com` well preserved, Isn't be? I wonder how I I . . .� . � . .1 Young man,. but a conscientious. ano . . I . . CU � rs 11 I . . . . : , I I . 1. . .. refuses t6'bo rpeongiled to. tho minis- - posed,of.&ood intentioni.. Nowhere else h ' : I . .. . . I .1 . r . Oe . , . , . I . , painstaking -young man. Ile was iip- , � 1. � . e manages It. . . ­ . I . ... .. . . . I . . I � . I I ' ' I * 11 . DR i. r REEMAN, � . . pointed - public �orvcyor by Lord ter because the congroiation called basthis mirteklal-been tried -for pinving, Wagg-1, suppose * he keeps out (if . I .. . . . I . . . . . . . 1. . . � .. . . VETERINARY SURGEON � I L LIPPINGOTTIS, i Fail -fax. Why?. Because Lard Fair- , him Instpad gf Ariothar.m&n' to the. thbuah It In nleatiful enough far nli,hosf lars . .. . .. �. . . 11 'Kr � ! I . . . . .1 . I � . I . . ­ I . . . - . V � I 1� A member* of the Veterinary P, mA�dnme .1 � Medical ' MONTHLY., ., I A oddert fax know th t whon the Ill . . ,paptorath. What W, the greatest ob. I Istacle that mother has in the right any, purpose.' We 1AXI ltn6w. -people I � . . . ,- .. . . Ow 8 Ule Lillie to buy your Cut- . . I .. . . ters and sleighs. We still have a few . . /3 ' Associations of London alid Vill— . A FAMILT.LISRARY .,�- � Coorge Washington, recorded a iricas- . I dovelopmont of li'er children? Is it- Whose hoiAp OfA burn. when they � dre .1 . Hiff Specialty. � . I . left which are selling at very low ilric- ' � - . . ! � I . . �111 , burgh and Graduate of the Ojitar-.. fl, .. ­ I I ��t Io Veterinary College IThe But -In: Curfent Literature. 1 1. - - urement there . would, never be a doiffit. 'of the one - fact, that that . , � . the- bad example set by fi6r sorl'a 114st going to"Insure, who lose a Cow classmate's or her'bo Oyer? I . . OMPI , . . She went to have her picture, taken, - Feeling ill at ease-, I . . . . . . I � es. .. . . . . I I . I . �� h . .: � : . 1 I Vor a: Portland cutter 'sbold in. t.e. � . 11 Office -Ontario street - - - - ... � . Clinton I . It 12,COMPLCtE NgVrp YEARLY �11 - was� fight, As.a, ma- measurement I I Oh, ng, It 19 the _ . V .or a. horse when they are "Just going. 14;g' examl)i set o The artist saw her worried face , . And said -."Look pleasant, . regular way froni.,S38 to'�40 our price � . I , ' A) 11 . I . . Opposite St. Paul's church. - . I. 'I, . .i Phone 97. 1 MANY 1.5HOF1 " 8 N .T- STORIES AND tui;ed thp man we cannot portray ' well roundeoneps of Waghtngtonlo We - to?' mend the fence -or close the gatQ, by the boy'A own, father that .- does - � who. are "Just going ti�.' b - stock itly pleaso.lt . . . But Useless his request untff � . I . I IS . - . . � i $35. ' : I . 1. I I . . I . ,.For box cuttex � - ' in � �e � . . ,�,�� I . TIM94Y TQ,FIQ5 � I ,,', . . I PAPERIS ON , . I r . . better than by quoting Ooso words the itiost'aff6ctive damage. And so, I - . wherever 'wo go, we. find that * our' *hL'n It go0i 00.111ce a rbeket, Who are , . He Said (he know,' twould do), � . 11X al*ays make a. specialty a piano old � 7, s I . : . . I . regular ;ViLy front - '$28: to, $30, out . I . I .1 . I ­11� . .$ 6QP1CT.1T1fA111215OV4.Ad6P' .1. I " . I ... . written by Mr� Lear, his private.iwe- ' � I . - . . . , 60, grea�test etrugiles must. often'. -be Ittpat 00og. t . pay a note when It goes Of pretty girls like you." . . 1. . . . . . I 5. . ,. . . I � price is $2 . ' , 'A" I . k 19" DR BALL . . I i2� r,ONTINVIED STO, IES , I;: .� VETE RINARY' SURGEON, GOV_ �� N I . . E . I I 1, I 9VIC111f NUMSCR 6OMPLrTlC I scl-r � r etary, Who lived with him via a ' momber of his family in Mount Ver- , .. I . i *0 protestj Who are "Just'going,le.. helly waged, against thoag ,people who . I a niolghbot when he dies, wbo tire ItJust .. . . . . . . I : . I I _., . . . . ,�. I ,. I Por . sleighs, sold ,in 'the regular . . . . Way at $28, our price iS44. Liberal - . I . � .� . � .. I I , ',�;, ERNMEXT VETERINARY 114� - - _W 1. . _74 "Genoal Was,hing.ton tot T be- . non, I ou t to 11elp us , Instead of tr�rirkg I 1 going.toll send'some flow' - Ock `dfl, Pro to a to s; one of: the wheve the Respo". fbility Lucy. .4 y 41% You think Josh'. will . . . . . discounts off for spot'* cash. . ... I . . . . I . . , . . . .;, . , . . . � "� � I SPECTOR. _ . . . . , . . I . , � . I , . . I L :::4 Office -Isaac street - - - Clinton ... . . ' llovo, .almost thd 4qnly man of exalt- I . .ed character, who dovi not. lose.Some .'"a , chi f'=T'why, We honor ,01 0 Ge -go- ' ftifind when It proves too, l4to,, In, ftqtl gliventions work?" asked Mrs. Corntossel. . We are Also' licaliquarters I .* . or re- � pairing and reinodelling all kinds * of I .�� __ , "00"I'a"ft� , tr". Resitlence-Albert street - Clinton. _- � �,__­ __ - , ... I part Of his reqpectability -by.an In- Washington, to ay is because he ; thet aro.11joot g4l7ag �t$'.-do things all 401 hope so," answered her'liusband. . dgs or inaeltinery'. Our prices; fok' - * � . � ,.I I I I I .1 � � . . I . t1mate ac�ualintail�o, I have . never. . .went forth bravely g , -bojr, JIV(*, but noyco got them started, .lid faithfully to ,t , "I linow mighty well that Josh won't.,' January are away ilown, If you have I . I I � . . I . I . . t I � I ... 4A - st- lo th, 'ha+. could leg. J" . 06 Ills Work And di -a not swerve one O'Ta he alwave intondino 6 live a .. I . , , * I I . v. 9 � 1-1 .1 . . .1 0 .1 I . . I ­ i.., I , i�� . : 11 'r, ; I., . . I . 6 , : . I . Marriage 1. :..'.�,�11 11�. ; � : , , ,'', .. . .. . . Licenses'. : ;"�',� -i. . � , I elsewhere. All our Work, fully guaran- . I Where. Whey Differ. , �., . � �,;, ''� W-" , ... ISSUED BY . . I �� t ?�! r � , "'t ' J. B. Riimball,-01411toil I ­ � 0 :"�.. . ,, �.,k, , 11 .", � �� I .. - ­­It.�­-. - 7 - "' , ''"' , , ­ _­ I K. . . ­ 1, ��... 'jij,; 11 . ,.W�j ':, , _ � , .. �, 1 1 � I % .�. , 4 50 yi�Alll*kal 11",P.� . . I ; .. � I : ... 1�.�,:&�,'�,'.%`. I , f -XP�:PMENCE � 7 - .. i I , �, - I V ... 11 � -�, I I -� . I 11 . 11, , ...I I , M ,. . ,�, � : ,, I I , I , V. .1, - I . �, I J,�, I 1� I il � , X I I T&Ot WARS 1, i, � I ­ DESIGMA . . cooyniakirs &a. I 1�&�-� AbVittie 90tidift n6kotell (ind deadription may _4;�4uloli)y, Meettitlil our,opinion fr6a W letber tin iff'I'l 1 Invelffloll to prof) ttbJy?at6ntabl(-.. Communim Y colifidont Ah ]RAUdbook on PatenU 9' ' , ti6grtrld A � . Iftst tigetior for becuritigatitents. I , , "', I tont feel, P�gntsl talmn t rofAwh Matur & , . ratiett , * ,, . Without Aftof in the ,. , .1 . � , , - � . I t ed lftotkto . $d0fit 3110010% ;k� I It , "I " ��, I., 1. k�.Iticlitstdoly'llitinf",W"Wonlcly. hfgo6t,oft �o,(Itt6ft(ifony�161�etiaaQljryll%I tlerm&$31, riv flitrIlOttip N lival"N1111letadortlArr. " , "' 91119ill & C0,661etd0,,11,,*Ng#J York Airgrigu owco, W V %, W4014ptov# I I 11 I � I I _____ ___­ � ___ . MINIMMIRMUM � . . . . � 1. - Colds. - I I = --'' J.'s4w , . . . I 411 had * t6ffible cold vid could bardly breathe, I then tried Ayer's I Cherry Poctors! And It gave me im. I madiate ralief.l# � W. C, Layfon,'Sidell, 111. .. . . 1. I , - . __ I ,� , - . .. , . How W$11 � your Cou I . S i ho to I ht P Worse, probm ably,'"Wor it's first a cold, then a cough,then bron- chitis or pheurnonfai, sind at last con sump t latio, Coughs ahvgys tend -downward, Stop- this downwgrd tendency by taking Ayei's CherryPec. I toftilk . I I I 1. . . 't, I— .1.1-1.1.1'.. .1 . "Ww" I "660 f6f 0i 6rdi t . 040M � . 6 16 sellmy respect for h1m. A complete . inch from the rigAt path, ,no matter, � 41ow life, but never to find time to siet , What his home Ab 'says .1 . . . & - - .y IL n. nee o repa r ng . ' . . . - call and get, our priLes before gping . I I � . kPowlidge .of his . honesty, upililit- . . enerales lit iniolit '' About, It,01 'Tillotson, "Is. -as If it . � , I elsewhere. All our Work, fully guaran- . I Where. Whey Differ. nes$ ,and candor in*all his privato transactions has obwetlinos led' me or say. . .. I ' , . man should put off eating and drinkillif 'Ai U'porge Washington's Y to I - he ' teed, . I . . I "Clothes *don't Make the man." . . . . . .. to think him more , ." 'than a man.' - , . f�r what �o did Lnctn,lor I 11 until Is starved to deatb.'� cll�orlsh�o first President of the vtltteo States$ igo I � , 'Under every clodk 10 a factory tit . . . . "True, and that's ,Where man and D. M . . cNAVOIXTON, Varna. . � woman dIffler.", , . . I . I Washington'.4 cliarfLet�r WAS npt the . ':a . . - I may qur metriory bo'honored, for the ' CloVeloao, Q,, Ili tbo motto, "Do it - _ � 0-- .. . I. I I I .. . . I - w -ma __.._._____ -.------ - = I . . grandeur of snow capped motlft- . I tain, full of crevassep,itild &taj pro- r bidvost,. deeds of heroism accOm . :49WV1 'ftoo (t mott% lived Up to by . . . . . I I � I I 1. . . c � inices. I It was that of & 'Well ehis� I plished by' u's Ili timoo of peace., Wo . ovei%y out, Would spoe the World much I . I . , - . . I . . 11W . . . . � ' I I pled place 0$ marble,, Qyor whteh the selillitpr'o hand hoog gone again And moy often -bo able to Serve our coula- . � try.p,nd people In the store and the ' - Irouble, It -would 044 thoumads of 00ad 40g4g to 441jr happenings, alive . Ftgain, His char&ctop was, not do- , velop6d I In an ' ifist4atj 48 a oohlbt home do uasolflshly4 "' and nobly 'As � 4f we 40411lod IL solydier'01 I 'And . 14"r orms from hinickUptcy through bad dtIltif.'piklAt hithdr6dis of pletutoo leaps � Infq t4o post.", #LpA i4fn dla� . I ­ un�jform marched up to the � C"non'o 0ioUth, When George cmly ftpamW of 4 write books without ' L appoal-S' But Ills 4haractor growth Pan 4ptly bo compared 1,o the sun- .W40hipgton peo, A YOUT) L man, was ba.� Lb the V r[ IJ Ing thank 71 St 10,11 IIou00 uumber od'4tialghteki ,6Ut halt the tangleg, Of out tompirdited Nocidl life. rise, which grows brighter and , 3 f(Y �od of .Burgos )r hie �gallantry during � The habit of.putting off disagreeable - "'111,1111or and sheds forth 4 more ro- tultsent, light until 0 last- that light . the,Pronch war And for h,JVfng aay. . od � the remnant of Praddodk's army, 1 duties Is responsible tot- much needlesit tmhappinem4 for thest bugbeaVs w0gU sinks away Into the twilight after , he could not speak & word, He Stood IL , On 'the. wind and, prevout tho ,"tisfieii , L . " . . ­ the glowing sunset has covered , tho' 'clouds With g4ri-nenta Olt gold'. . 'the up in the aisle, L Stilmnicring and bI%lbhiftg and trembling all over liko content that V ell per. . .. I . _ , qx glea ftqa liiqt� V V 4 t tas f6mPtly ull 'er, What world most lioc4r, to -day Ili not brilliant rdelft, but $;Ood men. . 0 'a child, With that, Speaker Itobill-L I Wli, I natiellig' his, PlUbarrassme"I ' I a ein rov6 less dit6l] t t we antic. . ite�&an the Joy of Accomplishment L I not moil with the Iscintillating gq* ills of Aaron nurr, biAt #ton 'With thf, . ealyle to bis'rosodo "d sidd. "SAt . down, Mr. %VaqhIftgtbn-, sit down. I , I ,� I ton �6 elisatei tot y . hardship 9!K. I _ good0l Oj Jx POW Washiogtop" , - , 1rhp wool' ''' d 611 YouT modesty in equal to your vat- that perlencod. I I Don't &A to be ktiol#a tog taulAlIed Id O no praeo,r AI le * h Mal " brtljj%boln�lt or, ikild sutpasyeg,thly POW& of I language that I So, ii1totitiong. ,066d,liftbilitifts ear. Plat c I Ja speech anil any possess." 06641 n , )1, Th n wolth A disoolu private Mato. 11 tho madesty Of WaShlngthn'L Our Wod out beeoliati 66 2W, AWN thdt pudlato all th6 noblo sentiments haL PiluAclated In that speech. But tho N6101149 In tIm4 lot peace may 04ual L Any doodo of milita ' ry eoll(I'lest. W# Wgko MML Insaftf, 16*t4 and ftmotis. 1)61bg things rather than just plabulag lVorld d000 neod kqod mpti�-iiloq wh I 0 may be horoes And herol ies makes gill tho dlfft4anea botWoob kro hanor4blo in their, holues, mon Ian's garb. i0eorge Waabington up- kn "W A"A #Jki1flVJi.�1kflAAA"_ I . I . . Who ao hoaor4blo In their busluets holding tho Aftnelal imliev of t4a .. .1 Al � I . . � .1 I . . I I I . 4 0, I �, � � . t 1. . I . , ; , , . I I . . I I I I . .. I - I I I il­­ � - 1 1 : 1� . . . .A.1.1 S .. I . . I I