HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-26, Page 2ft
I . I
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�1 -
2 THXOLIXTON NV4W8,-SS00RD I Febrnar�"Wtht '
� I I . -
I - . --------. .
I 1. I ,� 114 1: -.-- I � . i 1I 00 .1 � 1.11 - Ir 11 I I � ; . � � � 11 ;.. . --1. � I .1 - . - �� ,,, . 11. 1. I I I 11. I . � I.. .1 � . - .1 , 11 � � I . I il ;� -0 0. 1.
11 I I I . I � � I 1 _4;� �.;M _'. , ;� ��__
- 7 ;_ � . I. .1, I I ..
� .
I I '01A0 at Herviusun's; Trlol;%. THE TRUE VAMPIRE. ______-i Get the Most I
atfe , Made, t;08teloi W. dir- - Ta, Not many months Wore his death I . POULTRY POINTERS. -
111p, loverial Comm I - � Out of Your Food
US ly"PICS � Of 9 I WR ect commorc - UllicatIOA be- Alexi nder Ilerrina till, the Illagiviall. wim An U Xrevicue, 1�71t_utue Wood sucu- I
tween the Upper Lostices and r3urope. Cr#44 Prices Were Flrx"Gr OR $Rturd'W'" a gllest at tile famous but now defill)(It tax Animal Ilk ladig. I EverYtiling in the poultry house You
� %don, Feb, 21.-Tta Admiralty , don't And calollt it your stomolob
L91 . Who & ve R. ex, Klorketo - The A'111teehapel elu.b, the rendezvoils of ning to observe a I should be dry. _ ,
anuouncen an important re-organlz4- . I L%tiovk 09tattgnis, Chicago Bollellitalls. On tile 111,1A In rather large bat enter an Outhouse f roln ,,I Ducks will, not thrive on sloppy food is weak. A weak otorasoh doeo uot 41- I
,important Kyonts In Few Words I tign. of the bome fleet iw4er the Sep- . ilt,sll th4t is ordinarily taken Into, it. I
11 arate command of VIce.-Admiral Sir Saturday Nsreulng, Feb. 21, i question a venerable Japanese priest which thtwo was no other egress thati, ; nor on cornmeal alone. ge .
For Bi4sy Rei4ders. TAvorpotill wlie4t futures, rcl��oed Y44 to .was. present. In the course of a few by the doorway, I was, fortunate ill be- I Rolled potatoes, turnips and other It oeta tired easily, and what it fall*30 .. I
. � . Arthur K. Wiloon, who will relia. lillcher to -tiny than yesterday, and corri ltl� tricko Herrmann. pic I ked UP' 4 deck of lug able to procure a light and tbq9 to Vegetables maj be fed to,olucks to *ad- � digest 10, WAPW, I
quish blis. command of the Channel turtis Y4d higher. 0 1
. S,tluadroU4 'in May. It is understood At Chicago, Mar wIlf-at closed �%e hig cards, 4*04 asked some one to select a. proceed to the capture of the aninitiL vautage, I Among the migas of 4.weikk storanch- ,
The Busy W944's Hoppoulligs Carefully that owing to the Increaso of Get- than yestorday; May Cora %o ,,,,,,,,, �Ilnr card. The seven or.clUI)s was the card Upon, finding Itself pursited Jt tooli ,,
. A, good food,for fattening fowls can are uneaelaess, after, enting,,%o of nor- I
C94mVIJqd a d rpt Into I . and It was Shown to up :
, 14 . Handy. and Many's Baltic and Worth Sea naval Noy ,onto unclitinged, drawn from the pacti, three or four turns around tl art- be made by mixing cornmeal with vo,uo headitcho,'And dloqreeable beloh- I
Attractive of . T,F.A11IS(k WitUAT )1AR10"' - I I
,, , 61tollop :F r * .9. but not to the Inao,'l- went, when dowu dropped what lit the washed potatoes. and, nallk. lug.
� t � q ,.he Xtea4ers power, the Government hns decided to the sDectator
Follolving 'Are the closing quottations at ; clan, The card was replaced in tile, moment I supposed tO, be Its Young 411111 - In dry picking poultry t )11 .
Out, P4par�-^ So4itl It9pes Iciqoymeat to largely strengthen the home fleet. important wheat centres to -day , I he picking .
I , . ("a8h. May 11 , Jilly. Be t. , L was shuffleol and tlwn . I I , have been troubled with dV.spepOla for . ��'i
ill Paragraphs. . . 03MNURAL FOREIGN XKWS, . '772 deck, Which which I deposited In my handkereliter. must be done while the fowl is warm- - years, and tried every remedy I board of.
. . New Xork ...... .... 81% , 764 72, 'ctat0r6- , I then but never got anything that gave we relief
Rome, Feb., 20. -The Pope, In I,*- t1hit-jigo, ,70,j� handed to one of the SP0 After a somewhat tedious ebase as Soon as possible after the fowl lo relief
CANAPIANA I ...... I . ..., 773 i , , .... "Look through the deck, Please," said sectirred the object of my Pursuit, which 1,111eil. Until I took Hood's. Sarsaparilla. 1, cannot
Toledo .... 7'Y4 . i praise this medicine too highly for the good .
. Cognition Of the jubilee, ha's donated i
Vancouver, 13. Q,, Feb, 21; -Ralph the sum of $20,000. for ,t 'i'�;;- Q ivi , .
L' , he poor of , DU1001,N0. A 7 , I ... 9 Herrmann. . proved to. be a fine feroale megaderina. , The nests sbou14 never be fastened to, it has done me. I always take It In the . I
Smith, V. P., is 4oriously Ill wl�h ,Rome. � . I TORONIV,P �,J r. 1.�L�*AE.I*i,,. u 1. ,%A, , The holder of tile cards did as ro� I then looked to, thti other bat wblell I L ; opring and fall, and Would not be without
, I . . � . - the poultry house in such a 'way that . "
laryngitis. St. Petersburg) Feb, 20. -As the I Groin quested. L had picked up and to wy conolderillilo it. W. A. Noozm, Belleville, Onto � . .
Vancouver, B,C., Feb. 21. -The op, result of a. fire at Pultoytan, in. the Wheat, red, buoh ...... �, *OL 72",A( to if " . . . (,is the card that was drawn In the surprise found It to be a small klud or they cannot be readily removed and, r_r - # 0 1
I . 11
ening session of tile Legislature ' cut of Podoll per- Whent, white, bush ...... 072 . 072% . cleaned. I " Qod s Sanaparl. I
0 Governm a, twelve - . pack?" asked tile wizard. 1pistrelle, which is exceedingly abun- #_ I
summoned for Uarch 17, has been sons have lost, their lives and two Wheat, spring, bush ...... 0701/2 i i6 "No,. air," ,answered the spectator, P Fowls are very fond of raw vegetao Strengthens and tones the stomach And �'
. �
' I p ,
I � B final bush . . ............ 100 daut throughout India. -
hu . r9yedi Pens. bush. � I I..... ... I .. 0 7sk
postponed until April 2. . , ndred houses have been dest , -4 . 0. I 4'What was tile card?" . The Individual now referred to wits bles. Be.ets, carroto, turuips and oppe- the whole digestive system. ::
Toronto, Feb, 20. -Holman, Dray- Paris, Feb. 2I. -The Chamber of lt�t% bush . ............... 053% vially cabbage may be fed to Advan- . . I
ton 4 Slaight, barristers, have 610d Deputies yesterday passed a. bill pro- Barle,V, bush. ""L' 048 6'ai 41Tbe seven of clUbS," I �
feeble from loss of bloo,q, which it was . I . � ;
, ,
a croas-patition, against Dr. Saider, viding for the construction � of a 'Outs, 'L'Aall. ... 0 .. ,::::::: 10 86% 987, . "Well, gentlemen," Said Herrmann, evident the megaderma,lind been suck- L tags. The best.plau Is to chop them 11
. I
the . Conservative o.andidate in North 5*4AS-_ . ,,It Orie. Of you will kindly Unlace the 1110L fine, - .. ,����_ ___�' __ ______ I -_ .. � I .
wireless. telegrapil, I station to com- Alslke, choice No. 1 $6 50 to *,7 00 * lug from a large and still bleed � I
L the card . A, dressed fowl way be made to look, .
Norfolk, muniqato vith the stations now ex- Alsike'. good, $Zo. 2 . ,::::: 5 75 0 25 prelatels. slioe You Will find , WOU4 under and behlud the ear, and ' . .
Toronto, F eb,� 21.�-Princlpal Au- isting and the others contemplated, Thaotby seed ............ 1,25 2 00 that has vanished.from the Pack." the very obviously suctorial form of plump by (lipping It for ton seconds In .. IT PAYS TO ADVR'RTISII�
L , 1, L
. I I
den,the now head master of Upper -It is reported Red clover ....,,.., ....... 625 7 25 ilpanese I water that � Is nearly boilin; hot and .
, iThe Hague, Fob. 20. . White clover, per bul$4 ... 9 00 11.00 After 4 suilling protest the J the mouth of the megaderma was Itself I � . . :
' ,
Canada College, arrived here yesitcr� that . negotiations have been opened � . I priest Unlaced his shoe, ADd. tLber6, to i ' then holding it until chilled In cold , I . I I
I 11147 "MIA Straiv� , . sufficient to blut the strong probability . .
day. He was greatly plessed NvIth, between a finandal syndi4pate of Tile Ilay, per ton ... I .... , �$12 00 to $15 00. the amazement of all L Wa's found the Water, . � . � I Nr',W$-Rr1.,CORD, � I
his welcome to Q4 I nad%. � . . of such being. the case. During the . . IN TII.Pq I . . I I
Hague kind Andrew Carnegie for the . Clover, per ton...,,....., 6 00 19 00, .eeven. spot of clubs. � 4 1 1 . . I � I . I . . . . I..
Halifax, N. S., Feb. 28. -The Ca� sale of an estate here,. which former- . Wraw, l000w, perlon...... 5-50 . ... I . . . . I . very short 1,11me that elapsed befort, . . . I � . . . .
nadian Goverament's new steamer, ly belonged to the grand ducal fam- Straw, shent ... I ....... 1. 800 9 00, � I .1. entered the outhouse It did .not appear - - I I - . - - - __ -.--- w_-_-.- - - - - - - -!tM!____ � . I I ,
1.4ady Laurier, Captain, Johnston, ily of Saxe -Weimar, upon which Mr.. . - )[Pro, 'to and Vegetableo- . � � I . that the depredator . bad once I alighted, . I I � . . . �, I
eleven days from, Qlasg6w, arrived In 4�pal_ . Apples, winter, bbl._...,V 75 to $1 50 . Spider Vanclex. , . I .
, � � Carnegie proposes to erect % . Potatoes, per bag .......... 1 00 1 15 � . her. own, and I am oatisiled that it sucked the, 9 Is el__,Zkp_�� � I I
' , ' �
Port yesterday afternoon. . . . An elderly lady*who lives in , 1-i -1 I
j ace of peace," � .. CnbbagO, Per doz ......... 0.40 000 as it fleIV, . i0__A!N11ah
Toronto, Feb. 23.-Oarl Brown . . . house at Buttes Chaumont, Parts, has U Zi .1-41 0i I 11 . .
. Onions,. per bag .......... 0 75 080 1 9R- �_�4 , . . .1
1� � .1. "� -n �-- 1� , . . .,
THE COLONIES. '' . vital fluid from its victim' "AIR GO'Do' 1, " 'i
.,�;::�, .
� . - W R ��'�, .
. " ,_
the Cedardale youth, who -lost his - Tilrulp.e., per bac ......... 0 23' 0 85 discovered that spiders are Peculiarly having probably seized it on tho win . :,., � _: - ,
a,, Nfl4., Feb. 20. - abe Dallry Prvdace � . and that it was. a � eeking a quiet'no . ok -1 K
St, John' � §\ -_ i%x
. � She bas made � .1 I . M N kr.-. . � !
I ,2. I .
legs ill an attempt to board alrelght, T-Tnited. States revenue cutter Semi appreciti,tive of waste. /I � "
I 11- I Bubter, Ill. rolls ........ $0 20 to. *0 25 , aud her house Is full where It. might .devour -the body at " .
train at NUM)Y, died at the' Geller- Eggs, uew-Idd,.4oA_..:: 0 22 0 25 great pets of them . � I . . . I . S�__. . . I � .
�-�, ole made. another attempt yesterday I om she leisure. .. . Prof. Dorenwend ,6-i ��-�'�� � . �
��1111 - ..
al Hospital Saturday afternoon. to, get to Day of Islands. to .release ''roultrY- . . of spiders of all kinds, on wb I kept both animals separate till next ' : � , , f
St, Thomas Feb. 23.-A 'report Chickens, per air .... �.,.;O 80 to $1 75 spends bet, time and fortune., . . . .. I
r,. . ....... IM. morning, when, pro,outhij a. convenient of Toronto �
buffalo that Mrs. FIQr- -bound schooners. She . was . Dark% per pA . 'm
comes from the ice 1 5e . - . . I '11 . .. .
Unable to do* so, in. the'face of Her proteg0s are lodged 1w a large, . I 11 I
� ,
-as, Flo. - P. �.It a', Turkeys, per lb ............ 018 ' 020 1 first put in the megaderma, and . 0 . ��.� .
ence Snell, better known , blizzard which sr,prung u is Geese, per lb ........... _. 0 12 015 airy room, Where she has provided ev.. cage, . I � . . . I I .
Cook, has been killed there by falling afte observing It for some time I . ., � I I .
nec1c.. now conceded thatl the. Seminole's. ' ' TOR0N,T0 LIVID STOCK.' ery necessary support for their differ. .r . . \To S -_ 1, 'a . - -
downstairs and, breaking her ' . I . � I . - IS 001VIIING PIP
- �
eb. 21, - Last -night � mission, Is. bopeless�, ` I . . . . nted to. 44. ,*i, at favorites are imw placed the piptstrelle with It. I ooii .- � Iq
. I . . IteMpts of live stock amou eut webs. Iler 6 e . %
Cobourg, F . I - 1. , .. I � carloads, composed of 578 cattle, 70 hogs. mense black miderso ,which., With ibeir er was the latter perceived than tile I . I . . . . . . . .
John C. Field, ex-M.P.-'P., one -of Co- . . . I . 517 alleep and lambs, with about 40 CaIV0. i look very Other fastened Upon it with the'ferocity . . � . .. ...
bourg's most highly. respected cl,ti- AGAINST'4LL 6USSIVE5#1 Export Cattle--Cholee loads of heavy hairy legs and great bodies, . I I . . . . . I . . . . . I : ..
zens. "crossed the bar" and depArt, � . I thIppers. are, worth 44,40 to.44.75, common 'repulsive to others. - . . of'A tiger, again seizing It belilind the I ' * . � ,I
I � ,- . . . rough exporters, $4 to $4,k5. . . I off their car, . and made several efforts to fly off. . I .. He will be at -tbe - I . .1 �1_1_ �
ed this life in the Slst.year Of, his NqrthwestNeedi All the Land It Has Export Bullo-Cholce heavy 'export bulls .When she is Inclined to show. . � �. . . . . , 4 %, �, .
, -,
. I . I . � - finding it must needs stay . . . . . �,2�". E;
. . � sold at o Surrounds - wItlx It; but, ;;�S. W 'P"
. age. 1 $4; light'export'bulls, $3.50.. . capabilities for. music, all o keep . . Rattenbury 'House . ., , � 0 - " '4P'�
and It& Iways Will Verne Anyway, Butchers' oattle-Chokee picked Iota 411 - . ,-, ',.� �
� within the precincts of the cage, It soon , C 14 -
Brockville, Feb. 21,-Q.Porge Lott . I herself. with a circle of Water t . ' . . tjz� , , , . ,
. isty - butchers' cattle, equal lh quality to beat . . . . . ,. - 1�
p. . .. .. .q� �1 ��
of this town, a Grand Trunk brake- . ,a Hon. Mr. sulyea. exporters, 1075 1 o delicate attentions. -and Iiiing by the bind legs to one. side of Its ., , � ... . q, ) I
I I . , . � . , .; .1 - -
I to 1150 lbs. each, are worth off their to - . � 11, ..Iq��; I fi,5LA -I, - �
man, was killed at Gananoque yea- Toronto, Feb, 2$'.�In' an interview $.4.25 to $4.40; loads ofmedlui�- butchers' ' , . a victim till CLINTON , . �, ;*6, �
g,, V. Bat- $&40 to $3.75t loads of good Initt-hers' gAt I plays slowly, sbftly and In a mlvor key prison and after sucking it �� ,- ., " . '0 � 11'1;'I� ,
. . . . . . .,,.;,, y M)n . E 'I, I
, . � I . t , , 'A Ly �
�4 � -
-day morning by being struck by a I here lasC ' lon. G. From 'all coluers of thet 'no more blood was left commenced de- . I P* a',J�T �
tei night, I . I. .., li�� I - � -/ � J� .. . I ,.,_,L"P .
'butcher I , � T � �-- P
-ain. He leave.,; a wife and yea, Commisisloner of- Public Works, at $4 to. $4.25; common ,91, ;8,'to on the barp, .1 . . . . I 1 \ . t . 50P E ;3.- 1 � ;., - ,
. .$S.W; ronigh, $2.80. to $It; canwerm, tit �2 P.Ldeis' run t9ward 'her, * Its- v6urlug It and.soon left nothlug but the ._". , ;, ��.
passing ti � I - . . � .. . Aw i0olo. the 0 � . 0 _� . �,'�� - ,
family. - . I I N, W. T., Regina; said: - * - I . to $2.00. . I . . - . : I . but sbould' b6dM and some portions of the limbsi" . W ednesday* , Mar..'i , - , � . I
Hamilton, Feb. 23. - Eic-Wardem � "The X6rthwest Territories' are'of Feeders-Feedira, 1000, to 1100 this. - e,cilt teeing with evident pleasure, . � , . . .. I ... I . . . � _' . . . . I . . .. . :
1 . . - "Beast and Y_ I Ili india"o . . . .. I
Dinkley, who wa's unseated by, Judge . C . - worth $4, and light feeders, SW to' 6W :.she strike up a nolay,.gay, Inharmoul = � . .. I . . .
ourse most interested in.seeing.to it art. . . � . . . ,This Winter Visit of 1003 - .
lbb, each, *3.75 per -cwt. r back to their ' . . . � . . . � 11 1. . . ..
Snider's decision Friday, Will run . that no moro,land giants i%re made, Stookers-F-tockers, 50o to 7tiolbi. efteit ous strain they scam#e . . . . . I . � . . I I I ,� . . .
I . ; .... . . I I . . . I : , .. I
again for, his seat in the ' *County and incidentally I may say I Iyelieve. of good quality, are worth,$3 to $3.25 pet boles as though disgusted. I I . I I . I . .11 I ... .1 am pr6pared to allow il� larger variety of Now Yolk London and ...... : I . . ,
. Doting Dotage, . . .. ..
-4 is wholl, owt-; � I ' Paris styles than ever of(iwed to 'the "Pohlio before. I obatl have . .
Council, but the Consprvatives will the sentiment thei y oppos� off colors,and or unlity of 'the AL curious Oct In. connection with. this I - . � .....
put a candidate up . - against him. . - - � ed'to any kind of subsld�, to future ,vame weight are worotto $2, 7% to .,$a, per the blith. MISS De Splte�I Just dote on Georgd. - Ladies' and Can I lein angs,. Wavy and Plain . 11"', ').
cwt . . . story.1s that thelady bears . � . .1 * . en's Wigo, Touptmi, Bi ",
Chepstow, Fob. 20. -Dr. J. X,. railroad projects. We need all the. ' Milch Cbws-Mllch And. wingers , Ina k of a spider I T understand. he threw you over, , . Fronts, Switclies-of .all long hair in every Ion h and.slinde, 6tc, * -
I � . . I �
Stewart, Liberal, and Hugh Clark, land we ha�ve-need it more thari we ; aro,wilrith =._hs I ,.. I T . . . 11 I . . I . . 1. Miss De Sweet-Yeg, -in dotagd'one IS- . .. Ladies my Goods.are recogniz, MrIndard of perfe*ctjon . . .
I . .
I Calves-C-alves cold at - f3 � to $10. edich, or.. . .. . "I ... I � . ' . .. . and theiv use'protects the'bead and --prod I �uces it younge . r expree.sion . I
Conservative, were nominated here' do railroads; and then, too,the rail, from $4.501o,$6- per owt. . . I liable to do almost 'anything. .. . . . I I . :
. . .1 . . .i face. . 4. .
yesterday to contest Centre Bruce, roads :will o come anyway 'without" Yearling Iama-rAmbs, sold -at. $4.50' to . � . �Mlotletwi, ' . om . . . . .. . . ..'. ,t: . *1 I �o the , . I . . . � . .1 . . � .. .. 1; . .
for the Ontario Legislature. The. grants.. Everything. indicates this. .. 11 . . The . mistletoe 'comes lefty. fr . r I � . . .
I . . cli I . I . � . . ). _0 - . ! I .� .
5.50, . . , ' 1 I � ,.44. " . . . ontlemen are you Bald P . .
election will take placeon Feli_!�6. .*Oue -land is' very valuable *'to -day. . sheep -Prices $8.M, to $4.25 per oWt. for I Brittany. Some 700 tons of the charm-, . . I � . . .." . . . I invite yod to m� -trate the complete I
I . ewes, and bucks, at $2.50 to* $3.25. wl�lte berried plant aid exported . I . T , w . -1 *; I y Show RQovrut to demons � 11 �- ... � I
Ottawa, Feb. 20-�-Ycster4ay.Hon. There is none in.'the Tarritorleg.that ' *Ilogs�Best select bacon hogs, not.' . Ing � .. . � . .1 J sriecess,of mi Art Ooverings ih Wigs and Toupee,s, worn on oveiv .. .. ,:. � I � .
. . . lesil. Once, long ago, Itwas her delight � .
- 'from French ports ,yearly, 1. This mls� - , To dress up in. a handsome gown;. , ' P§,000 Heads, They 'are light in weight, strong and rlio9t natural .
David, Wark, Fredericton, N. B., en- will :not sell for five dollars' an aci e. than 160 lbs.. nor moreAhan 200 lbs. enel). � . .... ._ . . 1.
d I Trunk off Cairo, sold at $5.85.per qw,t_ lights, at tletee Ia*to the.Breton what the Pig is . But now when he's out late at nlght,.�. in itppearilt�.ce, and a protoction to the head -.11ga.inSt Dritaghts., .. �
, I
I . I . .
tered upon his one hundredth year, "I belleve� that- it the, Gran t . . . . �es to dress her hubby.down. : -Colds, Oatairb, Neint-Agia, etc., and give A Younger and blind- I .
. ' ' , $5.60; sows, *4.50 to $5 per -cwt., una stag s, t. The. . ;She Ili : I
and is thus probably the oldest -le - .Pacific or any Oth r" lin was * Put I to the lrlshmftri�lt pays the. ren . .. � I . � .. I . . �
9 " ;8per-cWt. . � - .1, . I ,. . . . . . sorrier expression to the face. . . . I . , " ,
. . Normandy -and I 11 , I
Senator Wiirk �,.Idtaecure . Brittany . .. �. I
enor- . . I
peasants 'of . � 1. .
islator In,the vm�tld- through Canada it - . . 1. ZASJV'I1IY1VFjt.LQ1 CATTLE 3XAMCF71, � . . � 11 . ..I �..'Please Remember Day and Date.- ,. I � . � I , I I
. was barn in Londonderry, J'ieland,, movs traffic as apidly .'as it was - , dulti'tate th . eir'noplo, . � I 1. � I . ; . . . 1. 1. I M � �
. . . . Vast Buffia,lo, Feb. 21:-Cittile-Revelpto e pAkasite 'on tb � � � ..Practical View of It. . I . I . . , . I .
.. ..� . .1 I . I., . . completed. With e rush of settlers light: general feeling stronger for 116nday. I treeS-;-Con di � T . lie ) spirit mo . ves: . me!" exclaimed Clinton Rattenbnry House I .� .. ,
Feb. 19, 1804 . 1:' tr ry ,,to popular. beflef? it. . 11 � I . N
, I , �
* . . - ,
Ottawa, Feb. 23i-4; J" Jo.ugh, a I ill 0 that. country the. rall.s could not 'VeAlif--liecelpta; 100 head; 5.0e lower; to 4, . . oakg�and It " forms . � .. . . I I � I . � 1 7 I . .. I .t I
As. here, nogotiat�. be laid fast enough for them. orrubcon.jo good . the Poet, . . � - . . . . . I I . I . ' ' 1116sddy,' March 1 � � �
r c mmandant, I . it They 49.25 to $0.50; .$5.50 to -39. rarely grows. oni� I . .1'. IL I . Wec 1. th � `1111� . ... �
0 . .1 �. profitable crop -A few "Well," Sal . . . . . . . � �'01 :..
' WOO headp a�flve; heavy'. I . . d afriend, Iltbat'li cheaper ! i . . � :
Boo l4ogs-ketiel C . their'most i.* . I . . � .
Ing with the Government for.land in .would spread -out, dVer any. section pts, 4 1 - de . artment. . . . . �, ! . . � , ... - . .. . .. �. . . . I . . . I , i .! . ) ! .
. .
. . - that. -is pierced with a. railyoad." I , $7.60 to $7.65;, a few at $7,70; mlx#d� $7.55 . . years. Ago, th6 141rdrich P � vf tha ayla I .1 ., . . �... 1. I .1 . I . 1. I . I
the Northwest for .a *settlement. . . It. . 11 to`$7.60;� Ybrkero $7.45 to 7.50; pl . � Uction of , mp . g bou.se. rent" � 1.� 1-ni :� , . � . I . . .. ,. 1 I . I . . . - . . ..� �
ht said that he, is the ag6nt of - li000' fact I believe In' time that , part 'of to $7.45; ropghs,'$6.50 to $K75; stago, F5:35 agriculture decreed the.destr �� , . I - . I I . - ___ __ - - ,. I -.-.. _ .... ... - �,
� . .
' - - , - -
Doers now in New York who have. Canada will support half 'R, dozen' . I to *6. , . . 11 gs� 50, Ril'inistletoe, - on -the ground that It ln� - . 2---- . �- . ��---_--- . -7- . . I . . L � I . - . I . . .. � . . . . . . .
. Sheep aud I,arnbs-Recielpota, 11,200 head;. jUred tile apple - tfees. The oeasant�, . .
. . I . I #***#*#- #*#**"& �� - ... -
$10,000 each in cash, . 1. a a." . A *********-#-#***"**"****"*****A*+#***-" **#-**&" " I
I tr ascoutinental railroad � #"
1. . . . Steady.; lambs 25e low6r* top lambs, 46.80 � . .
. I ,� .. .. I . . - - -, #V-#*"4#4VW##-,r-4#"#" ####V*-#V#V*# . ip"t*k%_ "Aft"****"�" . : -
Sydney, C. B., Feb, 20 ...... The .*tisb * ... � ! .. . I . . I . . to $6.00; culls to i6od..j4.5016 $0.75;..year- however, denied U4 impedchirient; and ' . . . , . . . I . . ..... 14 . .
. ing. plant of the Dominion . 1r`bn arld : ' . , .. . . . lingo, $5.50jo $6; etresi, $4.75 tot $5; sheep, as the order Is not enforcedi Itbey-grow... .1. L �1 .1 . I . I a . litsmom , .�_ ' I ' � * . . 1. �
Steel Company, situated at the coke. .1� I .. I I �� .. , and expert mor6 "gull, than . . .. .
.. .. . to' $4,90'.�' I I .. � . I � . . . I I . �, �
- .
. .
o,%ens, was completely destroyed .by Two Impersonators'Get a Year In , Central. I ,., . � . I . I d -the dbilstir.las enlivenment Of English . � . . . . ; 11. . I ll� . , ,
. . . . . . . I
� . .
fire yesterday morning, and, along , . . . " I CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. I .. and American homes. , .. I . .. . . . I I : � I � . . . �.. .
. . , I Rrison %nd.Nust ro:t a Wine or sibo- " Clilmgo, Feti. 21-Caltle-Recd . . . . . . . . . .4 .. ..
. -
. � . [Pig, Soo; .. . . . $ � . .. . I I . 1. A I 1.
a . . - GUILTY. ' . -do 45 to -45,25; culls to rdod,'f2.20 - . 1 I . ev . er for- � ., I . I " T10 -N * I I .
with it, three, i djoining buildings�-- .': FOUND top,mixe . A*U 0 SA -L' E, ' " :'
Two, Cases Adjourned. ' ' nonAnal; good to prime steers,. $5,W I* - � � . . . .� . . ,
, . .� . I .. . . � I . . . . . . . � - ..
. ..
Loss is estimated from $100,000 .. to --- . I. I. . . '$5.1 . Inotinct Stronger Than .* . . I . I I � . . . 4 .
� . . .. , , ' 15, poorto. medium, $3;25 to $4.50, stock- * ' wni. i I.., . .. . . I . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . ' . . . , .
. . � , , I 1. Alosiggiii,_ � � .1 - ,..
. I . of , - 5; canners $1 40 * J � . � ' . I. . � P. B. CREWS'
.. .
. $200,000, eb. . 21.7 -Mrs. . A exa . nd, Toion'toi Peb..21:-�The' trial Of orii and feedors, $2.85 to * I 4.W; cows, $1'.40. .' k on - rious story Is t6ld of Darwin and I �. . . . .
Toronto, F I' er - the personation. cases arising Out . P.- - R- CREW S .. .. I ...- . __ . . I "t , � . ..
. ..
. .
Champion, an elderl . .J., I I , referendum vote w. as conti d * to $9.50, I)ulii% $2 to 44.25; calves, $6.50"to. Snakes. He tised -to � go. into...the Lon-� - . . � . . . I .. . . .... . . I : , , . , - : ,4, 4
. y lady xving at tile, , . inue - I . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . � . . . .. .� . I ; .. .� ., .. I � .
. I �,&W; Texap,ferd biteeroi $8.50 to $4.50. Ical socl6fYls,gaidens, Re- 14 . .. ., . . . � . . . ,
,. irimmozi yesterd . don Zoolog � 0 1 ----------�:___.__,�---�-----�-:---- . . ___ .-....--.-.. I.... - . . . .
'laremont street, , . . . . � .
76 C was kno6ke'd - lieforp .Judge I&C ay- , � Hogs--.1tecellits to -day, 13,000; Monday, . .1 1. .1 . I I.. I . . .. I . I I 11 .11 I . .
� - , the glass - � I I I . . I. . I .. � I � . . . ::
and, seriousIv Injured by a After hearing the. evidence presented. : 88,000; 10t over '40OD; opened steady; m.x gent'a parki and, standing by the glass ot . � I . . . r . ,. . . .11 I I. .
down . . . .
trolley car yestc�diiy. She had '-' a` ' .1lis' Honor disposed of?the case as �� ed and butchers', $4.90 to.$7.25; good to. ca�e.' containtng'the cobra de chpell.ok I . � . C I ... . . , I � . % .
- . , . .. ,� . I . cbolce,- heavy.1$7,25 -to 7.50; rougli, heavy I � I I . .. . I . ,� . . I . .. , , � , .. I . ..
. . . . . . . .
broken coIlar bone and Several bi�d follows: ' . � I . . . . I . .$6.95 ti t.55 to- $7- bulk'of- put his forelle.ad'againat the glass W1.1110 4., I . . . �. . I .. .
� , . I .
1q. wds- . , F.. B, Carlile, impersonation, on I C . - sales, * $7 to, $7.30. . , . . ... : I ."� 'bra. struck � out- at Ill . m. The.glao . a I I . , . ,.* .. �' 1: .. 1. I.. 1. I .." .1 . ..
cuts about the head when a] ,. . . . the' co I , . . . . � . .. . ...
, .
-.1,od up; I . .1 . I � I . eotral PrIgon and fine of. 'Sheep -and )Lamb&-Recelpts, 1000; sheep � . � I t I. .. I .. ; I., . I . . ..'�
. . . . .
L , ea . . � � .. . . I . . . .. . I � . . . . 8, I - , I .. :. ..
pi( . oc- y x all, C . �. wether$;, .'*as between. them., � Daiwin's, mind. wag �'S. - . . '.. . owe er, .'. "
r,roronto, Feb. 21.-The,death �46o' , , * . I � . land' fixinbo steacly;� good't6 chollo ;J; * Perfectly ,convinced.'aS to 'the In . ability )
. $5. to -$5.75; falt to choice', odxed,* $4 .to 4 .91 6S I 0 C . -
, . � - I , - . . S - . I I . �
I . � . . . �!
curred, on Thursday of Mrs. Maclen- impersonatiori, one "' � � I . I a P- y6t. he would Wa . te .. " , I 9 . - . 9 . I . . .. �
no�ert. Raynbr ' native lambs ,44-75, to',47s25. . I m him I . . . .. I . . .1 _y I
nan, wife of Mr. Justice ka,cleiman year in Centre, .P�ii;on and fine .of ! � . uUIT ' . I . . I . of the Sri. ke'to bar I � . . .. I : I .. � . I . . I . .. I . . I I . � . I.... . . .. . ... ...
I I . . .LSIK CATTLE IKARKET., always -dodge. : Time after time be. L . .. I I I . I . .
. . �. . : . . . . . 1. .� . . I . . . . .1 1. . . . ! I . � .:� m
. , ' .: ' ' . London, Feb. 2l.-Uvo cattle- firm At 121/le " tried It, his Will and. reason e6pi 9 ' � lit, I . . . � . . . . .
of .the Court of Appeal. Dqedasel $400' : . " - . ,k P I . . . . . . . I . .
was a daughter of the late John � J.. D_Coulter, procuring; hold tliat�. to 13%c per I.b. for American steers dressed ' ' lin ... I .. !him - . . . . . I . . . I . I I . I . 17 . . - . .. . .. _- � �. . . . . ;.
. welgh I ,h there, ilia nstinct. alakIng . !
-grandd - ,6ase -had .been. made. out; � judgment, .t; Canadian ste�w.A ;Me to.13� per lb , . . �. . : �. � . � .
Maxwell .Steange,� a augbtei .- ' . I I,c eL Instinct was stronger t iii � : I . . - . . I :1 ., 'S I I I . . ., .
of the late John ry -1 Tuti�day.-' - . .. . 1 r4rigerator beef, Ift.per lb. Sheept , dodge.: Th I . . . . . . .%,
I Ewart: and a niece re8e ed th . . . I .1 . . . . . . I I 0, 1. . . . . . . I , , *
of Sir 0 . livkr Mowat. . . . . .1 . I 1:615c.per.lb.idreaedwelght.. '. -both will and reason. - . .. . I , . . . �, .
. Cohen' Impersonation, fail- . , , . . I - - I I
. I I I . Daniel , . . I . . . I . . . I , , . . I . . I .. . .1 k * I I .
. .. . . . - � . . .
, Ur . . . . . . . ... . 1. '. * 1, . I V . � - . . I . I 1. �
Montreal, Feb. ,'21. ---:In the. PrO7. -dd to answer;. � adjo ned Al . 11 1. Tues- - PROMPITS . RAILWAY -STI. - I . I . 1. loolati, . . 1. . . . . I I
: � ., � I . .. I . . .. . I �. . . Splendid Ono I .. I ,:. . . I I . .. � ,-.;. I
:. � . - . 110 11 I I .
. . I . . . - I � �. , , . I �
I ,
.. . ?�'. . 'S-. - . 1. . , , Ill. I � .. -I.:. I � , I . . I .� 1-: I .. , * - � I W I .
wspapers that put)- day. 11 I I . . . . I an . . I .,and ,: i ver . are,
, . . . - I I.
, % . . .
lish the fact of a.p6rson.'S arrest on .1 oseph. . P'Melia,* . impersonationi � . "Why .do Yon.remaln apart from oth- .. I . . 1. I . . 11 . I . I .. . . . . 11 .
. . . . .. I Itallw1by Men In Holland Test Legality,of ,. . . : . . . '. . I I . .... . I . I .
a criminal charge* must also. publish. adjourned till.Tuesday. I ''. : . . . I . . I . ers?" asked �a young lion of his -sire. . � . . . .. .. .. . .. . - I . . .. . . .1 . I . .. . I . . � . . �. . '. .
. . . I . . .1 � �_ I I .
. the acquittal, 11' acquitted. - In � Vie - � � .1 . ... 1. . . . . I . � �. . Natiqual statute. . I � . ... . Adl I _ - ., : ., ,� �t , , , .. . . .. I . � . , I . . . :. I I I . I
� �, .- ! .. I . 1, �. a . � . � . I ffould not a herd of ii6 s present: An � I - � �, . 7 . .:� . I .. 1. . . . . . .
, '' . . I I .. . . 'a I . I I I I I . :. , I I . .. .. I . . . I � . . . .. � ..
case of Bridget lle�rn '-The' I I . . . . . !to . : . .. �.. .. I I I . . . I I I . - I . v .. . . . I 1.
- .
failed to do this, and.audie C Stor . . I .G.T.]it.-i3r$&I�e'mal�,Ktiled., : . Amsteraarn,, Feb. 23. -With the ob:-'. 'Imposing airily , I 1 , .4 . . I . � . �.. � . . .. 4 . . . I.,. . . . . I I I �. .� . I . . 1, . . I I � . I .... . I I.,
I . .
Uri'" , . 1 .. .1 . � .1 . i . ject of preventing the'adoption -of "By no nicails," answere'd the �lder.... .1 . . I '* , . �.
. . . � � .. I ..
. . - I I , . . . I
.. Toronto,. Feb... 28. -After .being in the proposed,. ,law ProhibitiTig rall- ,, y diminish the -respect . 9, . . .. �..
has condemned Mr. QrahaiA to pay I ,Grand Trunk Rail . . . . . ... ----- cing. h rsdAy - aftorhoo .
. .It would great] I Commen . T U ,. ., , n
the woman $10 damages. . � the ernploy.of the I -I � road st.1kes, all rallrload � employes . I P.. - .. I . I � . I � ... I . , , . .
oting . oil -way but three, .. weeks, Richard . A. . I . . now feli. fdr. us. - sheep -may herd, -to- I . .
Bprlin, Ont., Feb. 21.-V, . . . .of Holland have decided to cease . �. I the lion. must flock by him.' . 11.1- � - . I
. n the t_ gether - bu I . .. . . UIL Ic # �
the bylaw for $100,000,. to. take.ov- Ford, a brakeman, - met death 'I work to test. its virtue. At a meo . I - . . . . I ., February 26th, 19-03: :. ,and. con'tion ,* Cr, ,
� . .
'. yards at Little York on Saturday ing- 6f the Wo'rkinginen's'Uni6n , which - self." . � . . . , . , . . . I . I . . .
er Vie gas and electrid 11 I ght plant, I ; ut on " de, ' . . I . . , . I 1. : I � .. ' . � , I I
r(sAted Aln favor of the'bylaw bv night. . Ford was o a run.. to , represents 00,000 men, it was Ad- I - . .. �m until, the 8ame is solcj.� I. �: o ffe r, my ent re . 1. ..
. ,
. 523 majority 'o -1 takes.p . o.- .. Be ng ths: day, 'and td� � ed1to su . ' I . . �. Tile I boot.0,11 110,7., � . . . . 1UP I I . . . . . .. ... .1 . . . �
. The* t.W1 a . lieville durl ' * ' . . Ppori.su[ch ,action.. The dato I - , . . - I . � . � � . . � � I I , .9 �
s(.ssion on March 'lat. Berlin .n"ow tuirked to Little York about 9:piln. , , I . . Wipe your � . . ' .I I
of the stril%qj'hoWeV`er hiLs not yet' tlamma�,Tohnnyq did YOU - . .
� ' . :
owns its waterworks, gas and, elae- The.conductor of the train, .�,qn its � been- announced-. .The situation lom .feet on the Will, when YOU came In? stock U .wa* otches .0locks, Jewellery. " i . , ,
.. - �.d .
trii light plant, and wtlltake�':up . arrival I therej- gave Ford Anstruction ' 8 cally,� meanwhile 'is, critical. Trains Johnnyr-1 couldn't gef'my shoestrings, :` � .. . - . I 1 .9 ... �. I .1 I 1, .111I . .
- . . I �
- . . ..
the electric street railway next. - _ , to. turn A'Swit6h, and while-walkWg 6an'uot priter .Or leave Amsterdam, d T,hey. were in a bard knot. . � I . . I .� I
. . I . I - .untle . . . I , . :VV elte , � �
. ES.. � . along the track he. Was run down by tr, , , Fanc China, Silverarae, b.9 �� .
T . . . and, additional ,troops are here: to Mamma_-�But what have es ings' . . .1 . . , 9 . I
THE tXlTET):'STA . . I sho ngs, . � . . .. .
. , - -
. k, .20. ,� , The. Navy . a;,�yard engine, . Deitth was in -stun , - .1 , avoid ,possible irouble, .1 .. .. I .1. .to do with It? . . . . ,q I . I . . . . . .. . I; . . " ' ' ** - ' , .1 .. .: '. . ., I � I � . . .
. . . . . .
New Yor Feb. .talleous, Foird was 28 years'of age At a mpetiAg of the Workingin6h's . . - 111, -nubl.*ic au 10A ' � . - . . . .. . .
. to.be old! by. ,ct 41- . . .. .
MagaAne at Fort Lafa�dtte - ex- und'prior-to-gbind into the. employ . Union, held yesterday, it, - was decid- ,i Johnny -I couldn't Wipe my fe9t With- .p - � ft.F - AU I . . . . . I .... . . . I I
. � . . - 4 . �
plodud yesterday. afternoon, killin- ' . out taking 'off my shoes, .could, 11-bos. . . . � I .. * � .
. .e . . !
. - . . . . ;, the' Toronto Street tIl6i, . Transer p . . , * - I . � d - , I
. .- of the . Grand. Trunk Railway . Was , d to Support tile. railway men -in i. . . - , H a ec -to e. ' ' ot. ' I A- '
four workman. . . motorman on ;,Striko the object of, which wag . ton' . . I�t ... . I . 1110 : �. aving di. ided 1 ave , ow .. an so ..
,k, r � , .. 't�e . � . . , ... � .. . � . .. I .� . . I . . I . I ,. . .. . . . � I . 1. � .. .1, I , . . .
New Yoi neb. 21.�Judgo lived at 11�2 Sher- . . � . . . . I
railway '.' � I � . ..
% I � . __ . . . V � ,
1\:'Q"V- Rai � lway,. ,.and . to prevent -adoption of the pro� I . . . b �t&.fai�d, a Coo S - , for, I 4
1,urgur yesterday .sentencW - Friolk bt)urne.. street. . . I I . I I . Hop6lesk. .' . .. .
Folina, an Italian, to six years' ' In, . . r � . I posed law , which pfohibitg, . . . not beingo.a I .tbmer�
, . . . . strikes. I . . _ * 1 1 . � Ho. -Suppose 1: should ask Your ft- I . . I . � I . I I go .. 11 I � . I do . . . . I .
Hng Sing, Prison for forgery. 11le . . I Two Children Burned. . . . I . .- . . I . . .. ld marry You, DO you - . I I . I . .
was declared to*be a second, "Jim., . I , I ': Lo I o. XIII.Pa Jubilee. ' tber If I cou . . iy stock, I halerAink d beided - to gl.ove, thlim. .
I . I reterboro', Feb. 2$. -Word had . think I'wonld stand any chance?, D I X IlFa .. . %W
the reninan," I . . . � bech'rceiiiv�d hero'wof a horrible acci- Rome, Feb, 0I. -The Pope com- She__,Nb, Your L Case would be b0pe� ' . . . I ' 1
Columbia, S. C., Feb. 20,-Forntei, 6 . . I .
Lioutenant-Olovernor Tillma I h . wits dtilit Which occurred.to two children. .plete'd the . functions of his Jubilee less. * ' I public- the benefit,. so -have secoured the .
' '
-terday afternoon. refused bail at . 01 Mr., .)allies Drain of iiiii Township .yesterday without undue fabigue, Up-. Ile -Do you think -he would. really . 40 I . . I I 0 . 1. . a 1) , I
. yL I f 'Durnmer, Peterborough County. on -returning to his Apartrudilts -the 6 I . . . 1. � . 11 . . . - . . .
the concInsion of. the hearing of� Hs 0 . .. say 'No?" . . .r I
Air -alln. two chi . .- . . . . . I ! .. . 1.
applivation ror 'r6loaso on bond. s. Ill ,left .her ldren Pontiff'exclaimed'. . . She --Not that; �Ut he Would leave It � to. services of Mrs, T, .-.Gooinidry', auctionee 9
' .. I . I . I � ,
eId On .the tharge of . . alone, one a boy OU three months,'I -"This isyeally the happiest day of I .. . I . . I . . . &. , . . . 43 �
. � I .
.. .
Mr. Tillman Is.h ,. ossible that It to me. � . . -
nitirdering Editor G6n,zales..' ' ' - . find the other, & girl. of three, year.. , my life, It seems IMP I' have . . ... of Goderich to help we'. out., .'Mr-,,.Gttn7' . .
� I
Newark, N. J., Feb..20.-Running, The mother. returned in time -to see is twenty-five ydaris Office � I . A Double Barreled . joke. : llo�' . .., . � . I _. a . . I . . I-_ I .1. � � . ;.
her children on , cra- . . y I �
at almost.full speed, a train oil the fire, the younger be- been there " was the ropti's ex ' b -
it!&, burned to death on the Spot I mati.on "'he looked froni,tL, window . The facetious boardtir'bad . the P161t a. - I tation. will. speakfor''i to I .�
Delaware, Lackawanna & 1yestin-li. i, d s past. .'.repu. 1, . . . t,
ngfiroad crashed into a trolley Call while the other Is not expected to r�. .,,* of his apartulwits yestekday inorn- laid �for a7 kIlllfig joke, , � -. . 0.0 - . � � . .1 .. .. � I 1 . .. ...
11 . . . _ L �'.
. .
, . I didn't ger 9' , '" ''. ' ft es - -1
I .
loaded with pupils on their way . over. I -low thd locident . occurred is I Ing into the - sunlit, piazov, of � St. '... "It!s a wondet," be,'8814, ,,that you I renuinenes o
to c I I Peter's, .This was the Pontiff's only ve tip th�s hen.- feathers and . ,self as to the, , S . . I a e,. i
lool yesterday wornlng� not knowm . I . I . . I .� . . .
the high set . . . I I . . . .. �. �, ". . . . I ' .
right or nine children were killed, I . . 1 . reference to his long terra dt selt- till 11 I � � .. I - I 11 I . . ' I W .
. . . . . imposed Imprisonment -in the 'Vati- ' ' o landladyj' stor . u .
At least fifLeen Ivere injured . Winer, "The.tioxt time," said th .. -Any. article in the; la will be ' ' wo at 4
Boston, Wass., Peti. 20.-VIrc it) Jerry -la: the world getting better? can during which he has never gone with marked emphasis, "I'll serve her, . t of � nybody in the audience. as every article is for � .
� . beyond -the palace grounds and St. . thereques t .
the cabin of the fishing. schooner Jeck-It Is getting wiser. I have an Pober's,' which it; considered to be billand all.0'. I . I . ' . ..,a .. . �, I 1. .. I � . . . . .I. . ..
Gertrudo, lying at ,wharf here ycster�- I . sale. . . . .
� awful time trying to borro money- - part of the Vatican. . . . . . 10 - . .
� . . � I . � . Causes. , . -not wis ' .
- . - .- - . . - I . . YEODY' hixg to attend the auction sale will
day, caused the death of two of the . . � 71 .1. I . . AN . . 1. .
crew, Theodore Doucet, a Nova . I � . � I . "Sticeeso." I asserted sagely. "Is..,due 1111 .
. I I I .. , I Lost Met gxt%d,. � eVery morning and until 3 o'clock w
i . find a,priVate sale going on
,9cotlan, who joined the vessel Wed� I . Good Onaltioth, , Islohdon, 'Feb. 2S. --miss X.Ally'Xich. ..to our accu.rate judgment of human 1111, . I
nesday inight, was Ono of the victillis. � � I I . I d any article in the. store "will be, sold at wholesale * *
ture.11 . * .*n. no an . V
Itighteen others. scantily -clad, nar- . Though min pervert dur mother tongu* ol 19 years ofage, .!list WIth a sort- 1 4 .. $ . . . . . . I
T.Y tit We want to shuri It, .. I . P ' iLticideft Saturday mot I "And," rotorted the. Man Who always I . . I
They Auftered severe- 11 . . . OUS ,ning at 4 I . I I
roWly escaped. You never hear the katydid . � i the , factoiY` of Reid Tlroa� & CoO . carries things to extremes, "to Its Inne- 4 . price. , � . I
rm ' One, man, crazed . ,.4ftemark that XatY done lit . . us."-Urooklyn Life, 4 . FRIDAY Afternoonwill be reserved for ladies, wh' en our
. ..
by pain from his burns, jurnped ov. . .. . I Clarence street. She was engaged curatejudg meat of . � � . I I will be . �
erboard, but Was rescued. I . -�_ . � feeding a press In the printing, d- - I stock. of Fancy China, Tifli'a ny Glass, Out qlass, etc.
GitUAT DRITAIN AND IRIKLAWI). � life Hard Task. p4rilmont when shd failed to dra . � The man who teaches Women to sold. . � . . I I . I I
. won't .
"Do you believe In netrot.0oclettes?" her hand back before the mach1w Smoke alWays marries duo who won't ..
London, Feb. 21. ---The' Bishop of 4IN , 1.11 . closed. The whole hand Was dattght, let him do It blirlSeIL-NOW Tor I DON'T F ORGET the time of sale -Every -afternoon fr0m I
O, my. wife belongs to one, and I . . . . . . . _ I
Southampton, Reiv. Hod. Arthur have to keep till the secrOts.#P. . And crushed, go badly that Its ampu .- orlmos. . .. � 3to 6 o'clock,,, evenings, from 7 to I 00 I I .�.. I % ", . �
Timiplo Lyttleton, died yesterday . . . . � I. �11 .
. , . I tation,miLy be necoasarx. . . I . .."...r. � . I . I .
morning at 11vtorshold, . lituaptillre-. I . � . I . Gettiner a C01410 . I . I _____ . � . . .
I � � I I '!;� . . .. I .
I .
Ile was born, In 185!�. now othey Do It. I 01 ; .
eb. 20I. -At a meoLing of Just Took It. i� I mat In 6. draft a �.
The b6id highwayman W11A "hands upllo` "I think love earned a klas." he- said'. q V ew minutes, And,, 4 10
1 4 .
the Royal aeological So .10ty YLS- "HAnds dbwftl" the gambler gay. I " Vila doctor soon after 'a IT
Ther lightA burned low, the hour A l4too I ` 1 4 ) I
torday, Dr. Ilenry Anil, of V � Goo- And. though hd folldws both pursulteh I I , IN likely to cash It. is tire 0,.* 0 "'
London, V dash Itt
She whispered with ivorted h.eadw.a I , Th' .-En * ck,� ., lust, Be Sol -d,*
'Of 'anada, tvad "Hands Joined" Is Cupid's way, , 11 'Tie not Worth While to sitbitrAte.01 U, I " 4 1 . . . . . . 11 I
logical SUI;Vek 0 . 1. ,� 11 '. � , . .
. . . ., �
I '. .
awarded the ftsby inedal, . . I . I . ,X - �_ , ,� . - . . __.- � -
London, 1'eb. 2I. -Mr. ItItchie, , . . I I A Nevi Joke, 4 -_ . I 41.
chancellor of 0q, V'xchoquor, Ili- . lail"al ib ,the 11kilersOner. I I Aorlutred Ili* matrilise# 9Jjo-1)Id you eVor coUntellailao it lot- I oow-ift Or Offt I
formed a doputatio-0 of coal miners "What would you do of you, h4d, I "fte bag a will of his own, they gay,0 tery? . ,U I WS I i1w. N* 10i -CL1414"T00'r I
P6 is, jj ., JN f
yestolday that there IS at present no three possums?') . . 11140. It came to him With bib *16.0 ne-Yes, I was bebt Man At My , . . I . , I 11
cliance of tile tibolition �or a redub- "I'my ter do Lawd fer a aM*tite tot -CbIc&g6 Post, . brotherlo ,wodding, � 0 I .. ,
Mon of tile tax oil exported coal,, Alik" . � O.. I . 18iddl000ratie's Old Stand, opposite Town Hall, & �
Newcast](" yeb, 2I. -William Pet. I Good Shot. . t.,m:t*�A. 4 . .. 11 I A . � .
lotgon, the Newcaqtle shipowner will Up Against It, ,"What should I pool" W, hunt4w NAI& , Pit* DWertnto ., !411 dr A" uatione or . ,
-eig eam- X166t, took welva got just novf. for isto . An b,* fitrolted along With her, : 'rdtt gamble- sit Monte Carle, T. Gun y) ,
Start it Mle Ot live h ht. st 11 . � .
wrolps lletivtoft *Vtollt.eal. 1.0i'don 4nd can't cook to save her life. And the responded, blushing r#4, I I And the World arhileb at $,our 0116. . .
. �
ltC(.tl1rr1AM! no a lob lit; the, pass,lgo- I'd Ilk* to fire her; but, goal "Porhaps the ijubstion, alrill : You aboot I% littlo ordo game. #*"#"46*064*#"**##,"#*"+"*,"_+#"#*#*" #*" ,�
, _+"#*J6#k4
1 1 , ##*"*"## I
-frao Ili It.0, 141fis A Voylb'st I asn't, tot OWN Uw wifol I ,1._.-. ....-, - - . ^ -Danvor xe*4. . I '---' '$`WZ1.1*rW# -eiill V90 so, , - , , #00#0## ###, �
vay 1.3 1 I ., �
... I I I
I . � �
. I