HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-19, Page 7F
Febru,,%ry ,!Oth, M8
.- -.-
- - __
__ _ - . h". , -_ I
neal '"' - to Nyllat was thi" eaulo of to .1 __ . ,
* I 'I I",- � ,
, I k9uch*is , , -ly always tile outt". 10 Ant 101teetive oAttachment. �_l ,jT,,--J ,
il'heMolsonsBanlk - �Zllupt n10%9ng ptag's dow4fall? Tht ox. -r! ,
OT of every man's life whon Ili We and A-ttitching a man's property for debt , � . , 7T,, ,, , ,
. . i� .
. , 11 , '. �,
�? , ,
. '. , , e I "I", - �� . -
I RUNNING INTO DL , trav#gant lifet his father led and the . '. , . , .,
Every -M o' Other i debt go )land In build and are allow- to supposed to be a legal process, but I A � h, �.; 11
Inc by I ed to sit down by tha domi. 1 life he allowotl to land. %. ,-,� ':.,*. ,
� r I . ,
, ., his children � , T" q " . , _'.' .....
orlorolled . -stiv 11re. an incident which occurred years ago In 1, I.". y , 1. , . . 11
Act of varliamcut 055. . Willful debt is Often, A. well OrossecI7 �,�� ;r� f ,..1;&`.,.',"', I . .
� ...., I
honest the city of Natchez, as related by Davy , )1)1;';., ""''t I
- . . . . I I PF19ACHER ARRAIGNS THE CAU84 OF "idis" I 71"'.
Capital #2,500,ow, villain whoi pretends to be an
Rest . � . . . . 2,250,000 i 'Aloctor ' MANIFOLD M1,999IR61 , Debt Is not only the Qf1spring of in Orockett In big "TAte, and Adventures," ' ;-�- I-' - , , �Z�A
; , via. Ili olden times If a Men could ," I I vl,',�m �,,,
. I pride, but Is: often the Parent of a c '14ttacli- . . ... W -
not pay his debts be. was loi*eO up� shows that there are cith ir I �, - .. JZ '. �1,4,;�,��-,� I -
HEAD OFFICE - -MONTREAL, It to 4n Anxtoux-time for motherx I � I large family of criminal chit'dren. 1'ho ;a age as A, thief And meats" ,,which sometlaiies accomplish. � / - )" A. . , . I .
, , . n e a � , M� ,.-
Will. Molson Macpherson, President. ,when the little. oniox get thei - tubles Is I _11 i lit' , 1A, C e,y, I .1 .
'llicit, 'cueral Vanager. I � t purpose, . ,�, -xv ).11 -
sent to jail. Under the old ,1, ,
.1 study of gallealogleal ItoAWA - a �. �_ I."; �
J41nes U G ome hoarse ar.4 - beoefic" . , , -;"-e N
TEXT i OWE NO MAN ANYTHING among the niust, Interesting of stu- I& .�.. I , k
I - -,k %,N �
Notes discounted. Cullections roade. co W, after spending a cortaiti, til.ne In C 1, ,.,. t �;' .'L .
ughIng, or Awaken lit the night vic. An odd afrair occurred when I wag , " , 1'�:,�� L
., �, -1 - , ;�� �
I I , , ,,- 190,
I diegi.� Certain framillQ4 ,neatly ALwOYS, jail, it he was ofill, unable to pay last at Natchez, says 'Air, Croe , .
, ' .,�
ra - tims of deadly orqu Thou it in that - 'N ,A-, I
I its issued. Sterling and Artier L p, i , 'kett, , ,
. A � , I
- _ N "')
1% � i
I I have good children; You can trace his'ereditors, he was gold into al4v- steamboat stopped at the landing, and I I,.-,-' �
mkin Exchange bought And sold. rriotherg tqrn gratefully t9 Dr. Chase. I I ' I ,%%, . .
M hot through his, great Recipe Book and Debt Ono or tho Iwost mistroalliag 74904 thent down froin generation to gene" ery ard bad to pass hit! life As a , one of the crew wen 44� �$ 1
Interest allowed on deposits. famous family remedies, has time and . ploonaos of the Uses-nor4ae arseley.ts ation. Other faitailies nearly Al- serf. Some one might say that such , t ashore to pur. L . .., . I
SAVINGS 13ANK l I . the 1, . I I
ore I$ ap, , L ' . , ..
again saved the little ones. and oldex � ' chase provisions, He went Into a sa. , . .
Interest allowed on ailing of $I 8.114 ones. , too, from suffering and death, . Famous Advice -Strong and Pro4sla ways have bad childi'en, a cendition is. very bard and unjust, , 1.11 .��,-- �, , .
'. . L
111) coil., pon litiLd hall yvarl L . paroatly 80"IeLhillff In their blood and so it js� But, in many cases, 10011 On the way, and the allrolt In. If �. I .'Q,.. , ... " � . "L " I ,��, :
- I -1
I Y. I It Is truly surprising how promptly But Very 11 boleogisile-Tho AoUP4 of that i,.i d ' " .1. ,.�� _ , , ) �
FARMERS. r. Chmse's Syrup of Linseed and Tur. is�asvd arid coil t "llkil"At'd. I - y mates contrived to rob, him of all his . "' 7r i . '. � " , . .
1) th L when a inan yvi I dellberatel enter . . Aov .
Money advanced to farmers on their pentine brings, .relief when e throat Life With tho Tyri.LAO and IWAstotV Debt- [ Ali the waters falling (lown tire clas- a ston, and run up a hQAvY. bill, money. The captain of the boat, a4e- W !'. . .
� _ , . .
own notes %NiLh one or nioro eiv� I Ic ,sore 4Lnd Irritated, when the cold to ElItereclaccordiulrtoActo Parliamaintaf0ali, I cades near Voluth show the discolor- which he has no Intention of paying, termIned fellow, went ashore .In the . . � .
I tight In the chest, And the co I ugh,hpaln. - y Oils - - atiuns con I tracted 411 Passing through he 1p� just as much a I I Doei it wit -,eml t,ora effective -to I
Jorsers. .\o mortgage required as ft, I I Allays uda. in the year 1903, 11 . ta Baily, ot To -.obber as the , hope of persuading them to refund, but breathe ina rextictly, to care diseose <)f . . .
security. . I .1 ,ric, distressing. t 0, .In, route, a;, the Doilot ut Agriculture, Ottawa. forustu of cedar kind tuniarack miles sneak thief who rushes.- Into the '' they declined. (lie Lrvathlair org ns, Orin to,take tire ' �
flarnination, heals the sore and torn . -oil _ , i ,
T -i. C. BRF�IVER, Managers Clinton, membranes, soothes the nerveis and Chicago, Feb. 15. -In ,this serillou ,Away, SO tile blood of soisio ebildi - bLakcry and steals a loaf of bread, Without further ceremony, the cap- reinedy jilto tile SLQ.11.:LclI? , .
, "
gem. 1 the the widely nelets, Ad 'cY I , .
. clears the air passa I Is titintod with crintinaltelide _ a . lie should have little 'lie' taint ;Isolated by his crew And passen- L .
- ------ I . preacher deals with inherited even liefore they are born; , L , , � L
mn A2
I . People who itnow of the singular. vlr- ' prevalent vice of running into debt shown to him, The debtor not gero, some 360 or 400 in number, m4de 1. m Nl�t,er
'ties of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseett -a born with a propensity fov only fiteals the � ,
. I as a result of social and domestic They at . . I groceryMan's goods, . fast an immense cable to the frame -
-rpentine do not think of actept. lying, for stealing, lot, inabriety, but he steals h i time and service. , I
Tu ,xtravkLI . . , ise standard of I has de L building where the theft bad be : . _'o,1 " 7..
(r c ;ance and a Ill, _
G. D. McTa �o_rartl 12'! the cheap substitutes which many , which they are seldom ,able tq erad- �431) Corn-
-4.5 Z!b ir : �
.druggists offer in Its place ; 25 cents. living And armignis willful debt As Many 4 man who for years 1/17, � Q!9W
. . L � L I moiserles. The icato. But, though those children liber0tely run Up all tile debts he InItted. Then he allowed fifteen win- 44
. . . . the ,cause of .manifold #1 h Ill + V - 44, ; 11 . A � utes for +he mo-iby - ha f-+h 4 V
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest alluwed on de-
posits. � .
Allicrt street - - - - Clinton.
. I
. Money to loan.
Office-Flliott Block - - Clihton.
. - I I
W. BRYDONE, I . . . (
Notary, Public, Etc. .
011!ce--�:Ioulle Block - - - Clinton
Con%-evancers, Commissioners, ical I.
Estate and Insurance Agericy.
I .
Money to loan. I
. .
- ___ . ,
13. R. HIGGINS . . I :
Conveyancer, Fire arid Life Insuranc6, .1
Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for
it each. All work neatly and .
cheaply done. . I .-
BRUCE FIET.D1 --- - - - - ONT:1
. .
. .
__ I
DR. W. GUNN, . . .
I .
R.,C. 11. and 1,. R. C. S., Edinburgh', '
Night calls; at fron door of rdsidwice �
un Rattenbury NtreLt, oppositc..
Ilresbvtcrian church. .
01,.1ce-oliturio street - - Cli.14911"
. I
. I -
DR. SHAW, . .- I .
011ice-Ontario street - - . Clinton. -
. . .
opposite St. Palli's church.
Special attention given to diseases oi,
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. '
Office arid Resic1crIcL . . .
Albert street Eastj Clinton'.'
Worth, of Rattenbury street. .
. . ' I
. .
Office forinerly occupied by Dr. Pal- :0
; .
lister oil Main street. . . .
BAYFIET,l) - - - - - - I - Ont;
Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday
afternoon. . .
Office- . . i, � I
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, .
Clinton. . I -
� .
. -
.1 .
. .
,Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work
1). D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Outar-
io. � . . .
L. D. ,S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department of Toronto
University. . . .:
Special attention paid.to preservatior,
of children's teeth. ..
Will be at the River Hotel, Bay.field',
every Monday from to a. nz.. to 6
p. in. - . I
. .
A memt)er of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Rdin'_-
burgh and Graduate of tile. Outar-
io Veterinary College. .
oflice-Ontarict street - - . Cli!2tdlt
Opposite St. Paul's .church.
Phone 97. 1
SPECTOR. ... . I I
01fice-Isaac street - - . - Clinton
Residence -Albert street w Clinton.
Marriage . I
. Licenses
. .
J. B.'Rumball, C1111ton
1. .
- ___
- .- �..
1, , -
,-��,.,, " '51.�Yt..'.0%cl
�Pl..'�.',':',�.,;, EAr1Z1WAN1G=
I .,�% -.1, - . _ ..
1�"'*�,_,. 11 . �y I
. I I A
ra� , TMOZ MAnKS
i � '. '. vZolrono
tj rio endbigtAgAphicidAcitte luortmay
�.4,�1 4i,41P
Joly,1611, 1111414%rUkin 011r0OW"'i I ether al%
I 'Itwit", 00TA1111111RIA.
Jn etition ovroboblw
'ticilin atrfilt!rl (AMildwitevs), ,1W#d406X0A pato'ho
Aelltfr". � IdeA d cnlay.foreeoa� gw4gytts.
patAlito fakoni Mr0*dAh Milan k . 1100airt
ar.pectal notite, wlthOtlb ch"?(4104 "'i'll"
, sdallfic Amerka
A IlAnd-oldt-17 1,
'llotrAtod woo:t1r. otaoUlit
, �11 a t,
enitition, vf illy c0ior-tind oniltiall MAX,
, r 1110,111,1A 0. 064'r All 11AVAllonititc.
V text is Romans xiii, 8, "OWQ AO .14a., too . e A 0 0 Q W. 14M v r call as to ay wa c rig arcourt our -to* . . .
Vr. hases-'s . evil tendencies iql, their own strength, . streets claiming -that in the sight vowing that if It were not produced .-Stablisigo,4 .'s79'. �
. . . . yrup man anything," � . . . .
One day A famous scholastic clergy- thev can overectrue them by the belp of the law he. is honest. After de- within that time he would put steam Curas While) You Sleep, I I .
d Linseed , man was talking to, a noted practical of 4 sopernatural Power, which is - liberately swItidlPig All the men. lie to his boat And drag the house into the It cureg Innause flie.-I-irrendered strongly �
I . offered to all who. are tempted. could ho putathe little money he had' river. � I I
: -her, -How is It," a . I anti.it'J.'JO I.-, C,11 i;Qd kq,".r (lie. disvascdsur� �
- preac . Aid he, left in -his wife's nam . Then he en- The thieves knew that he would keep fh��.e tlie%'k!'�llir(.a,!I,f"ivijlt�-ptolOI)gecI 1 � I
on �
."And TurpentInes .,. -that you can collect such great . Willful debt is that kind of debt to I . NN 7. 1
I . audiences'to hear ,you preach'? I have into which niany allow tholuselvesOtd tel -9 the. bankruptcy court, and asks hi I c .
- .,. 8 word, and the money was promptly alld CU115t2tilt treattii .nt. It is inva !
. . . t 'I vate libraries in run through uselt-ss -und iiiinful the judge to free him -from all these produce I � Ili- I . 11
____ ___.. ___ Ono of, the beg P .1. . ' a 0 " . 1
-4. � AIJ:e ,lv'h(;rj WWI &r;iall children. ! -
- � - V3 ____ -2 the- ,world. .I spend at l0ast tCn extravagance, While tire yot.ing inan financial obligations, ` Now, I care, 1. . . .. - , .. . . I �, . . . �
. utly with my is being financially ground to pieces not, What the bankruptcy court . may � 13 P boon to,a3thirintles. 1 .
'I)S OF POSITIONS A104- . hours a day in my st . . I . . . . . I . I
TIIOT'SAN prefer to by the upper and nether millstones say in such cases, no honest man, Ili Parehijis May Plies. .� I I . ... .
OI1V,N TO THOSE W110 "CAIN * books, and yet tile people . On the blinks of the E The a curious -.For.- I � � . - .
. . of this kit.4 of del.t, what'is .often the sight of Goci or man, call ever . W11004 -ft, X Coii,-,ii. I troacfzo�t;ls . � I
VIIJ, TIII-�,,�T. hear you preach instead of WO.. They I -be morally freed. from a financial . sight may frequently be seen, Mqn � .
. . I i
. . . want to hear your sernions, AlthOlLigh tile Most natural tiling for �Iilnl to croup, . Couch3 . t . �.
.,-, (to? Ask that youll, � - collector who debt until that debt is Paid, It i's a and, women come there In the evening - � .1 � .
. . � . . . I 1 -430 and Ff, I .
- 2 �,� hard �1. ClItIrlb, Colds . arl, ever . �
)Talf is tahing some, of his entpluyor's hat he -owes and light fires, near which.they care- : ,rf.,, N,n1)0r.*.Y,,�r P11', . . k7r
'� "I 7, 4"t ., work a third as , � . I "Im'), V,141cll s1lould last . . .
? C&A. f you do, not man's business to pay,w
_�_Vl ---I- . upon them as I do, of Your. - it, as lie foolishly thinks, no matter hoW the bill was contra(t- ully 4 read spacious cloths. - In a fe 9% 14WIL4, tq,,.tl1'Vr �V'
_ ,
. .:=;,�= , tit in calling and lit 1110110Y to wl , f . P w , 1111 a . lo tic ('r Cresolelle., . . .
�00-1,,,-�;��2z _,,O, 1�� . days � are ape ed. One of the nrist signs of,Zace- . minutes swarms of May, files, those del- $[-SO, L'-"-Lrn�q",),)I�cl,of('r�-�,ol,L�l),.:?ScOilts and .
. . fortt1rie at tile gatubler's wheel. . . . pc-qit.5. 1Vr.,tri,,r,:,,c,;,:i,,J, . .
. i wandering aliout the streets and in a. . haeus' real conversion was when he ic , 1. 001,14 Contain. � . I
� STRATFORD, .-ONT. - the stores;" "Ali," answered the- Ile Is not at'heart- lt'bad.'�roung mail. turned to the Saviour and said, ate little creatures whose earthly life 1111ra�"La't. t,;bt:rWlry P", t� its vallio. I . . I
I . I Ile Intends to pay that nioney back. ,, . . lasts only fQr.4 few hours, hover. around V,�Pn.c!:r%;,,t:r ,,.I r.nLr) By � i , . . .
. -
Properly prepare,s students. for gookl. practical minister to his'scholastic Ile expects to - use. it only for'.4 little Behold, Lord, the half of my goods the fires, and speedily hundreds -nay, Dru:uw a's Emnyw4u, 9. .0 .
. .
friei d, "the differealce between us Is. . .R .
)ositimis: I,essons by mail Ili book- � I giv to the poor, and if I It C
. .q eve .
teeping, shor I thand, peninanship, etc., thAt you read books, while 1 study while and then return It with inter- . thousands -of them are burned and fall � . I V.1pd-Mesolcile 0. . .
the stuff Out of Which books are cat tifter be has escapod front tile taken anything from any man by � I . I .
are ginen to thosu who cannot attei . . clutches of inereileas debt. Ask that false accusation I restore t hi on the Cloths. ,. zeo rulton Rzrect I . i6jxXotrc'Dnlne,9trcct . 0 -
I 0. lilt !I IN6.". Y,;rk MOntrcut . I :
s You breathe the atincispher& .. I -other'words he . said After a suffidlent supply of files has :�__W_�.___ .
)ur school. Tbi. college is well made. it fourfold." In I . .
knoivii from one arid of Ca'ilada to the ' of musty tomes; 1, by close associ&- yot' g entlIezzler who has just felt ,.,If I have cheated tiny initirt out. o'r 'been gathered In this way the fi . I . . . . . . . . .
6ther fc . )r Us'strictly first-claiis work, J, tjon, study the hearts of the IIIcII the IlCktvy hand ofthe law placed up- his just dues, I a ready not ' oul ' extinguished, and the. cloths are care- -- -- �- . � . � I -..--.-, . . I
.. I ., , oil his shoulder, Did lie ever, expect � 111 Y I . I I � I
Circulars free,. � arid women with whontJ collie Ill to restore to him the full aniount !Df fully raised from the ground and taken I . . . .
. � . . translate epitaphs of that tile lutesuppel'.,41 ilia theatre - I , . Aliaelent Legal statute. . �
. . . w. s. a,uJim,rT, Principal.. conta t. YOU. tickets and the atteiWasice at. the money talcen, ,but I will restore .to home. on the following morning. they - - The provision I . I I . I
. . . . � dead c ; I analyze the troubles� arid him. double arid treble and quad- are placed In. . � of the.Virginia code ex-- I . . I
"" . . I nien . races would yet end lit it pri-son cell? - I I a garden on a sunny spot,. empting from'service on tile grand jury, . .. . I . . .
_____ �� - ,,*ins of living nien; . I I .
-7 . --- --'------- ' . . '. . teniptitions and , ruple tbAt which :1 have. takeni" And the result being.thai the bodie's O� tile .
� . . .. I ,sit with them at the table; I go No., )to! .lie was.,led Zia a lallib to Ito mail, in the Sight. of God, call be . the owner or occupier of a. grIst mill, . �
� .
with them itito their .t.r,s; their, tile slaughter 1.)y the 001 worryings, . -fillis become thoroughly parched. Thd- says . Law Notes, 1 . . . . . �
. a Christian until Jtte first 'Isigillflog. ,a an Interesting exam, .. . I I . . .
. .
be. -in to discuss their trials . t , flies are then ready for.the ' law which has'been allowed to . .
6ok's Cotton Itoot Compbuna I of debt, accumulating debt, Ask tha, . market and
Is suileepriftilly used ractrithly.by Over when 1. his intention to repay to the utmost . � ple of 4 - I . .
teril-piati(ins they ' naturally. Nylldcat -speculator in Wail .street. . of.his ability all themoney.b(rrow-- are sold for a few cents a quart to remalivou. the statute.book long after . I . I . .
,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask I and thit . � .
P urldra ist for Cook'sVotion Root Cam- want to c6ine and bear Ine preach." ' i(J. he ever.- ik * for, onct moment od by -him and to. c4iicbl his full, ob- .dealers In birds, who say that there Is. its usefulness and the. condition that . ... . . .
Ma. a onoot%9.erviLsallMixtureagpillRand - I rat lie wduld-los,o the estate. confl,d- . . . .
d .1 i Paul was' a, practical 11111JAs.ter' arid . 1) . 11gationo to every one of his linan- no .better food for nightingales, i�cibfus called It into being. have ceased to ex'ist. . . I
irtitions.r.d.rig.rcous. Priee.No.l,$ ir, - intell I � cial creditors, .Yow calinot love 004 arid other feathered 'pets. - Only tit . . � . 1.
box, 110. 2, 10 degrees stronger,48 per boxi Do. I not one funted for mere ectual . ed to hilliAn trt,stev- forill wher I '40 , 0 W -se - I . I
� egan to'. run Into de o When the 'statute* as passed, I rious .
lorb,inalledonreceiptof pricleandtwos-certi; And at tho same thno signify a 'wlll� bodies are used for this* purptise, and I . ..
etellips, The Cook Company Windsor Ont. attaihriients� His rostrum. v�Yashiipro' ,)) . Lby . . . Inconvenience to the citizens of the sur- - I �
IV --Nos. I and 2 sold and recommended 4 *11 often the rof,)emaXQr's beach than tile "I hest -o wen are being destroyed ingness to cheat your. followi men. :' -therefore before, they are sent to mar- . . I . � . . �,
. s n I agog , , , EL practical debt Ill tho saille NX ay ttlat� tile learn- .. lit closing.! Would like to ask nl.v ket the utmost pains are taken' to see rounding country might btive, arisen as � . .. . .
I to In 06nalls. . Y I I � I . . , .
. . text to- ed Lord t 1� . . . I
respopsible Druggis . , . , . . . .4ii's pulpit, _As acon -was J;,ff to accept , . a. result of summoning a %mill owner :' .
. . . .
- . .1 . .. I
. . . go.4pol physician 'lie Ili illy �. . . . .beiaxers 4 pertinent question -Is not that all the wings ha ve been removed.. '4rom Ill -but the. mill owner is - .
n .A I . I . . t .11;6� . . . I . .
. NOS. I's, d 2'' re sold in Clinton by clay' diagno-Ses one 6f the- Incis-t dis- lot 9t . I I the chief reason why you.aie.'ufiwiII_ . I . . � . s workj . . .
]1. B. Combe, R. P.- Reekie, E, Hqv_. tressing moral disease,�'of the human Crooltednew, gambling, . wildcat -Ing-to publicly prolet I is I : - Christ I bo� - � � .. . . � no Jollger so impOrt4nt a member of the � .
. I
. . the merf .anol.. sjuvalation atzd�a betrayal of one's 01jujit, you . . Waterproofing Boots at Home. . . . . . I . I I
ey and Watts & Cco.-drug&ts�..- - race. -4fe saw_.that I . , have not . bpen * living -right . . conzimuilltx� I , � . . .
. . � � . . I . belit. frionds &1.6 oft(ii found among with �.our follow nion and 'trying to I have for years used succestftIlly.a . I . .. I . . . I I .
- � �;;� ... ; ___._____._. -1. .- .....- ..-.. �. _ women,of his' ti.iIiii were living be- � . . . � dressing for: leather. boots an . d is . licip.s. * I I. . I . I I I
. ' ggli'lli; in tI.e inalfoi,ixictd-olTspritig of a, hideous .. willit " - - - .
yond their inearis and stru . I . pav YQUt hon Oit-'debtii? .])I it, I I . Parrots. '' . .� I . 1. .
File, Killop Mutual Fire' . . . the- q1ticksand � of debt just as many parent debt. Blit: without doubt the - C,Ilal)llliLn,,l th'ink it was,.oirce- told. composed of oil -and India rubber,RC0P- X dealer' In birds In sober and serious - I I .. .
,. �
. . . . . . .
� .. , -6 - - twentiAll 9,'rcator littitibel. of the 0liI(:rL4I.Of this this inciderri lit a great 6vangelistic.. Ingtiti,t moisture and uninjurlous to the - Manhattan - advertis6s tliat be Ilda, in , - . �
I I . insurance Company ,ppoille . tit doing in. tile L infamous progunitOK .L"'a th08c With. meeting, For some weeks there w�as leather applied, leaving. game soft aird �, . I � . . .1
I . . . century,,, ther�forc he gave.in his Ro- . . . I . I. I . stock a "large varlety� bi! semireligious - . - . .
, .
. .1 . . I . . I �tic tile sanic advido that 'tho fatal glarks Of 'pQl'JLl1'y staniped,".. itmong.,the'audience to 4boni'lie had* pliable. To prepare same, be' . . I . . .11 .
. . Y'arm. and.Isolated To)�tz,,Proper- . ,man. el)i . I Cuhi-lfl.e, upofi tlicir lwow, '�`Lyiug- been pr hi- '' - � 1) 4t'll"All parrotsi the most,profaric 'One only : � , . .1 . -
I ' "T i .
�. 'ty Qtil Insured. . �,� . Ilurace �cre,vleyorwc wrotd: .. 4eVQr . - eac trig, a 111411 NVI 0 wo4ld not , iron vessel either fish 'oil, castor oil 01' $200,!' Thafs an.bdd Way of appeal.� I . ..
y . . .. . I ' . always vidts qpoir: debits back" bfice C,onfessl Cl ri%t.- Dr. Chapman could .. � � . I . I I I ,� . .
I . I . ,old,' r.gs.. - 1. I .even tallow to about'2150 -derees If.; Ing 6 pu�bilc. patr6nage. If the most' '
. 1. : OFFICERS . I .� .run .into d(,))t. . Hunger, 1( , A . I . I . 0 . I . . . . � I .
. , .
Kippen. 1.). hard - work, suspiciort_ urijust, ro- . W1104 'BeIIJEL1111,11 1'�ralik�lill, .,"']'Ile see- not UJI(JOI-StaTid why, But one night then add, cut Into iiivatill pieces, vulcalt. Profane parrot is bel � (lJor,sgle at,$20P. .
J1. LB. .MqLc,ai) President, olid Vice" Is .1,01119; tile fil st � Is r"I'llillf," ' this nian ctriliq to h I. .: - . .' :
- � c,h, ;r(� disagr(eable, but debt is . I . .. .. IR. hotel room, * �'w,hfut would be the'price of a'parrakeet . 1. .; . . I. ... 1
O.- This. ]��Ascr, victi-Pr�si�dellt; - I . a into debt," . . . Ited -or raw hidla rubbei.�.,about one: � . .
. . 1)", Rely. worsti than them all:., Avoid all , .is t1iore, help, *foe � , � I I .
' .J.211,11 . . . . cl.said:� "Do�tor fikth of the Nvelght'of the oil, gradually ly say.;IG6od g' ciols?" - . . .
Brt t&acld , P.., 0. ; T 9. Ilays" Soc-' fi ifu I- _', nie� : I am defiztu�t - I s -tale so. ..
, . . �'. () .� ublig us' -you w6il'I'd * , � Whall it inall llavillolisly.. 0,11A. w a er, .1 . . . . that.0duld oil I ra . . I
Treasiaer, 13carcirth. . 1'. . I I \V- G. t pectilliary rations . . I . . stirring same with'. A ..wqcideli. 'spa tul:i . - � . . I . . . 1.
. Idlermt, 01, fallible, If 'you lla,00- IV runs itit,,) 6bt,' J,je opoiji; tfie'�-juictj , inany� thousand - dollars'froru. my eln- - I I - . .
Broadfootj�' Inspector of LOPscg) Seg, -a lies I , . . . . I .. . I . , , , . . .. . I ;T ompletely dissolved � , The� neal Vrutla. - . I . . .
. . I I .
. I . It �'bt - gates of fuls i I r � g ago, 11�ly.bitve* until the rublier Is c I . I I I
. I 7.. 1 ,:not Illore th - li 50 cell tis: arid ('air 9 . o.l.00d.. � 1.1 IIl.oft--q.1v,91hjs p oy.e ,.. many yeari � "15ldn't she -marry a 'has beenT ". :' I .
f6rtli.P., U. , I . . .1, , ' 11, , 't (1, '(Ili - u 'JLh de- lion, -found it'out, ,What sh0l 1:' . I . . . ..
, - . . . f.� i%orimpiet.s. o.*cIaspJiiIlI .or , In the oil;. lagtly! add to give it color, a I . . . .
. no nicire f6t, 0, .,,xcvl,, .buy a, pvc.: .0 � . .. . . . �
�D*IRUCTORS . . , Pour, "No. . Sfie� thought he was a 'will beat - I . I
I I . -ch it and livo On .it 'rather' cel i I lo n arid 4e,wiL Tho-dolitoll.,isays do?" *I)r, Chapman,tb�d the mitij :to, . small amount of pritiltors' ink. I of , * .
W..': G.. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; jolill Cot"), Par � .. . t cool. Out,.. but -be tutned out an 'Isn?t.' -Life. ' � I
, ,
Gricve,..AVi.nthr6p Qeoige� Dale, Sea- thitri o.we any inan a, dollar." "Ove, :!�o'llfs :crofiltor, .",I 'havo, I)o njolley go. back ,to his old ehipldoycni .atid.to into a.sultabie vess�el-aiid.le . . . � ., .
- . � I . . � 1. 1 .. I . . I
. I . I
. . .
. I I . .. . *Y.confess, wh(tt he , -are sud I . . . I
. . ; � th* 11 , .thi.4 Alloruilig, but I Nvill confess, and ful. I .
forth � . J Olin . Watt, - Hdrlock'; John *no nian . any trig, F . . . ,. : pay you. -. - Tile' t hoifyinati. told or t,wo ftppllcatio ' us of this I .. ..., Chazagej_ I . � .
I � . . Debt . is gencraily' the offspring :.of llextwetik," ITIs.wards tlre� J"iso, he - had done, D . ;',C . '. . .
Berltie;�ics, - Bradlla�an - Jaines Evan!S . I I .. I I I . . . n clent to t.lioroug4ly w,ateVpr9of' a pair i hand Is worth: . - - *
I I . , . , tip no- In ontion of' paving, . - pf.boots �r-'.slloes f6r.a season. t . � . I I
Bcechwbod -� James'C',orinolly, Clinton;' pride. Tlid'. bAre nec6sisaries of. life h i 71.,of t .1 next that -wan to give up. all his property ,� A little change in the
ch. � � � , I - - a , , I . . I .. I .1 'tb licividate part -of the debt :And or shoes -thug dresied .1 t I � �13' oul �, . . more that -a. great. chiinge In'the wwth. .1 � I . .
, " K* re very siliall..: - N � early * ever mail "�,iA�. ".., Ile (II-04ar SaY4,:�11. ain )i o Nv . I I.. - . . I
John McLe'atr, - . Y will lake com, - I
I G, -to Prol .(I- 1 I s0l �omv l,agd, Th I -.dge himself to pay back, - the - 1. . . Ox�.77F`hllddelphla ]R:eccird. ' I . ..._. .1 .
.R . . I . .
� I I A ,q TS; - - . -ban inake enough money -'ide' y I g, W , e, deal to lile . moil "Shoeblacking NVIth th6., greatest' . . 1. . I a . . .
. ' ' � ' i -I . . . . . - I '� *
Robert Smith, Ha . Me lot- -these 'neccSsaries if he will only. Is dhhost-. closed: then I, v. ! I send. i -balance as. ,soon as he' could, 'The ..., . . . . .. . . . . . I
. C ..-� . I �.___ . I
rlock ; Robert. - , i , I fa Ility' Scientific American.
ail Scaorth , ja es Curnraings, woi!k hdrd, - d'6 his best and - not you g -chuck'." ''i'lie deb6l, kn()Ws hill I man did as. he ,advised. .In trying * . . I .. I . . ------- . ===1 _ .. . I.
, ,
mill , I .M .. . . I— . is a fuls! ler�� he 11, ts Ito 11111d -to sell.i 1 to � und'o. the -'Oast wrong he'removed ' I ,. mi . 7 . I . I . - . . I . .: � . . ...� . . . I
: I I. . .
FIgnicludville , 'i._ W., Yeo, HolinL�s-' waste his Incomil 'on useless Q.-xtra.v ., , . . I . . I - ____ I
; . . . Balizue land Dultuas. ' ' . ;.wig * , lZin . . ..
, . . . . I..- tigances., InNiry. Ward - Beecher once One of tile dearest friends .'I over� ,the obstacle 'which .,'had koA � bfin ' I . . . .Izac detested D ` . .. . .1 . .. , . , .
Ville, . . . I ro -realizing tha:t Chript Was read , '"'It 1-9 said that Ba . I . . . . .
Parties - desirous to - niade' Owl dee'lava tiori that a* ilian: had, by. this eprxe of rurning . into� If. m Y ' * . UM119, - . . .. . . I I . .
. . I .to forgivo him. - - My friends, ,is the Once lie brought to the Steele tile wan- .
' could foed him, tilld , a. ciebt. lw-iinio a. ino-ral deg,efierate. .TT.e . . , � . I
or transict other. busiiiess will. , be, self.and wife,, h ful r6alization that You -have . -useript 617A novel, WhICIA Nyas to follow nniversary. . . I . . �
0 *dtlended to 'on application. faillilY , Of.* .9"ONVing children upon' woot-to anot. al: fr"ielid air -0 hot rowed'.:. ftw � . . . . . I .1 . . ..
pr niptly . . ; " bepa financially unjuit-to your . fel- -"Los Trols Mousquotaffes," then being .. . I . �.
to auy'of.the above officers addriissed $1,50. per, week. For mak.ing this' $600. alifil xavii a"', .q-4ultltyl 'sonle ,. In You Away front the published. 116 asked *to be PqI . il� 21 �, , . . . � . . . . I .. I .1 . . I
. I *,; statement Mr. Beech6t. was Sharply catflo.'N.011cii he pri)ftitiscd- to -owrf at. low. en keeping . . I - For over Forty Years , . . . .
, . I .
. , .
to er respeetive postollices. .. . . �. ' love of Chris - not try -to . I
..th.i � . . I . .. . I . . �d by thousands -of,.critics - ,bat Unit, lit 1-.,arlsas. Ili f-0, lie did t? ' NVIII ,.you , I ftnos al. file. , The director Of the jour- , . . � I , . � I
ay S. yrop . _ I .
. I . . . I I . . . ,ral undo' that wrong? � Will,y 'not foj� it,] b'sitated.,."You see, X1. Dlhnas 1.9 . I . I .
. . . . . ?41 -It( 1. . I
-..--.. . M . , not, own a born oz- lioof Ili all . the . .qu �
. - . ... _. , � M.,tny ne,wspaper - editorials aiTfrin.ed . - . P _ . , . � ; .�, -
. . .1 1. I . . I . I . ` , I - was, Adyo- world, ,�;O die.periury hukit,' wbi0i IOw?,tbV copimand of Paul, whp tells - to Wif . . . I
. . . � � . that tire Plyftlouth 'pe:stoi I ..being pald ouly'� finibips a.. iiiiie, . . or .S � . I
rsprl�l�",of (10,I)t" will up to Powip no mall,4nythIng" the, - . . .. . I . . I .. .
. I . � . . j the i,e,luctiou -of tho-laborera' is' Oftell, thO Of . you: are giving.2'franos to that h6gro- . . . . . I..,. . I . I
! � -art iIH it Worm sairle' Pfitif wlib telig us 'to."'press . 0 1 . �. .of *. -1 . . .
, salaries O 2 ce - a ady, I e, was . Oreop It, 0 : I � I
GREND .TRUNK . I � - . qft'I-11 t, '05'. lit's , , I ` , t 4 litall's hi , - I shall got�qtit!" And Bilyac Stalued I . . .
. . . I
I . � , . ..
. . , . . . . I . . ing'What tuntioli; Jtp.�vay littO -tho J,eaq 'of -a . Wward the Mark for the pril�e of tb� I . . . ' ' .
I . . . . . I .
not attemPti �. . high calling ot God in Phrist Jo- . .. .
- I 'as this: - groat .tl'00. Rila' 'IeaVes-;f,)lQl'0 110thing. . . : . . oil �
I . R Mr., 11040or tiled to prove.,il, . . . I . .'. .�. .. 'Diimas-was not Igqor6ut of Ralzablis, � . w 11 I .1
1. I
' I
. .. . RHILWAf SYSTV rig. tiny such' th . , . ' � ` .pus'?" '.. , , * , .. 1. o � 9'. . . . . Rdd Sprollso.1000. Gum I I " , ,
. . -, .. ;. . I . The- bare, necessaries of life are v but doafh arid con -11110 it LOW . filth, . . . I � .. . � .1 �. .. . .: . .1 . . .
.. . . - I . . I.. � , cry ."All liars shall have their.'ptilt Ill . It may .only taVe a sm,all *speok of feelings, toward him 00 did ticit spare . .� . . . I.,� . I
. . TIME TABLE. ' . . : small;. -therefore, iliost people call pro- . . ilib Odeon then " . I !.... - . . I
. .. . ... . . . . tile Iftlie Which burlieth .Nvith'Alra'anil dust in - th6. eye - to blind. the, , sight . . - biln. In t1lo, foYar of ter - AS A SPECIFIC FOR . ,� 1. . I
. I ' - their act ids If they � , . - . . I . . - . . . . � .. - . . � . � . . 1: ., I
,.- for MO. ,hei) I . , � . � �'O . . . I
Trains ,will arrive is,t And. depart Vide . . . I I-11118tone, .. �All -It .- Jq. the si)�-611.1. And shut out tire 1ight of � thei.,40olr- Balzaa-W.as talking loudly In a, group 'ETC. - . I I I , . . I .
: I. . I : I
. , . .
. .
' be how you - tide suit. It may only tal;e- one bill . of literary'nibili -,,When I have written '� Mir be7en tested ana jilds'be6cline the , .
,from .Clinton Sta � tion as follows': ' 1: " � will - only - energetle And at - the. )J- 1. I I . � i
I I � . . . . - - deilth." Dowirre'' . I .. � .
. . . saiiie thne be-frug:al'.' .; .- , .1 0 Inall, - I . . " I
. .. .. .1 . . Al , 11 I �. . nottrish th - lis I dogtro�-Ing , oililld ,of per.- wh -L . � AnovdIIst, I shall go. to Fanii1y. cotigh Specific of thousituds _. . I . � . :,
. .
'BUFFAI,O AND. GODE�RI,CH DIV. ., �But ins 41-ugality,kAn. many Cases, , 1.61i N4, I 4use - to , pay to' .out, - alyse.ir ,out it'i I � . Jlfronghotit Canada arid the United - .. . � . � I.. � �
. I . .1 . 7 . I , 4 . - , i)e; * hent I to prac-7. � Itilry. which is oftell 016.64'spring of � 1101ghbor to shut. o4 All Ole! I �Iyou.-'can� begin.41ght' : I .. . �4... . .
. . glorll�s ItIng." I . .
Going T4ast .14XIItess . .38 a It pride will not . -nlit: t ' � I. .1 . , . . . I 1. . states. it never was more popular - - ; . . . I..
. ta . . it I I accurs)-d debt! ..'' ,.� I I .. of ,heaven, , Paul does not, ask."6f p ay,wr . I - it is .,. ,.. � � ..��
..d4 . .� . 2.55 P:. i�, tiec_ Pride,.*.-ith 'the sirlillng, super-- . .1. . . I 1. . I ... I .Away," called out,Dumas. .. . � � nor more largely. iis�d than . � I ., �'.. . .: AWI , I
. , . . . . . I � ,its jan fmpclssibilft'�, but he doed do- . I ... I I .. I . .1 to -'day. . , I . . I . . I . ... �
I . I and'beditzinone . � . � I *. �'. I .. .
.11 ',. - " � Mixed - ., 4.* P. 14; - elliolls , * .face,,* ... ,d flngor,' IVIIlfui clobt Is the fielid who 'eares nIttlId.that, Wet. one,and :all, ,qhould '. . . .1 . ' " ' ' - . I I . I . .. I ., I .1 I . . : � .
. ,
. * 9.1 . . tit. - usually colh6s.. to the�youlig zu�411'8 JVA bow n1afty, helvIess 'arid Innoceni � t only love G With ItIl. ,oil I r r . 1. .. _. - . . I MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. � ' . 11 I I
. West : " � � % M15 a� , . . Ali, Axablau Stor3r. � I . I . . . .. I
- I I I vji�tiliis -110 truly de-sti-oy lit his own no , 16 C ur� . . . . . I . . . .
. 64 1 &I . . Express '12-55 P. In - hunib ,with such. InsAnuating v.�orcls.as �' rylic, pilat , souls, but also fellow men AnArababd his wife were 604istant-. ; eollghkezile�leiicbnie' and go.� kew I . ... 1. . � �,
. 44., .46 : . 4% : . I annihilation. � as of old'- . * - pre pa irations are'tried and abandbti.'. . I I .
. . ,. I U I A. I � � . . I Al �, . . �`6� a4. m. t..hese:. 'f'Afy fi�iend, you.have no:right:'. .. - flags. and enough to: be financially just 16 thent, ly� quarreling , and. the Nvif ' I,ways , .cd, btit 'the old reliable. renutins.' . ... 6 . .. . . . I
� to � 10'27, -p' 11" 'to i redr YOUr fahlI1YL kS You., &Ile do� used tu ralse their black I as well as inerciful. ' - . � " dther and ..11,11 . 1 I. .... .
L I on. tire aricient , 'Ipl�ilzg. The. . . .. .. . . . I
, . went -.strttlgli�way: to her f O a present is a tryi Ig ea on for, ..
,�� � . . . I
, . ' ' , .Q, � . ' Q "d ds ... .
1, HURON - AND BRUCE DIV. ilig, * ' . �You sho4ld not .allow your Pray lip . .. I ._. . ;, .. I . .. -A�rab' both old and yciung, a. tts, easily � - . . . ...
: LON60N made. complal�t,* ,One day th6 �. I .� I .
. '
* . .. . I I �. wife �-o qLand b6hino W &unter or to' robbers 'of 41.3coillind. uped, ,:.to , plitce ... I No* ftenroe'Doetrine for Him; - . ... I . . canght iroware.apt toirelilail for tbe � . . I :., . I , '. T.141 I � , ..
Going, ,South F,xprcss . � . . . I . I . I .b -r lialfs. , Winter mil 1. .. I . � : I
. , .. 7147 A..m live -in* the back. roofti.of tl)'e .store false liglils-upciii the -shore. so. that .4 Monroe doc� . oxed tbq ears . of his bettc ess promptly cured. No
I � . . - X just hate this old b6r ' ftj�k.. - � .better re�ncdy CaU l3ef0illidthAll' ' ' - ' .- � "' " - - .
". ' I I . Mixed . 4.15 P. In- tile ships would Ile decoyed upon.the . I . . . ,Wbormlpon 'she went again* to. �.., � I . . . . I .. . I
� .
� .14 North Express - I wi tit her two - I)clibies, as- you], mother ' 'Ic trine," said �the beautiful heiress, I.", ther arid. . related . her grievatico, de- ;' , , V I , , I � . .
*14 10-15 A. lia .1 . once did . 11'hiq is it *different.'.' age. rocks aird the� Nvi-eckers ' could . collix. t, 1 4 I. .
, ' � � - is -. , ,
I 44 .Mixed ..-.' 1`6.45 p. ra. .. -s . tart- I I . k -n cargoes, . ThL- mail who "Why?" asked the. count, . . ,manding revenge. The fkber, -4 wise ' C311 e ., . . yrup ... . . � I
lroni.thti� in w1ll , ur AWiei "'Its -Purpose lit to stop foreigners �
A. 0. PATTISON,' 1. R,', HODGE-NS . . lch -yo .the brol c
I - willftiif�y illus into delit I.,,' a human . . - . . . . . . . . I . . ..
. m .. - - Ag tit. Town Ticket Agro 'ed out.',' If y'ou do not let yqvlr�chil� lifeb old sbelk, shooli; b1s, )lead. and,.'afterl " � SOLE1 I 113Y ALL DRUGGISTS. , . .
. I front conting o*pr- n . . I
. - . varn lie .who Is sticking ji�hi! io,d . h'itirb-a d annexing
� . . I .long Ire .1 ghter's . --.I- . � 1. . I . I.
.. �- -ow up in. a respectable n -. . P I fil ,c, , '. . fleotion, boxed ills dau
� . th.ep .gi cig� I . akeri. . fi.. thl g1k.." - , : - I . I . . . .
\ M. C.. DICKSON, - . I '' ,6ut,of. his butcher arid 1) . is . I I . . ,.
. .1 .. . .. 'boji,hond atict go t6- refined and *ex� tailor and landlord, lifs It � iond and L lie then took the. hl�t An4 ina;:10- - 911.11g, and said: 41NOw thou. art a.v&ng6(.1., . � . I 1. . . � . . I .
' . , , . . � . _ . . .:
. I - � 11 I ... . . .
Diistrict Pass. Ag., Toiprito� pensive private'sellotiltir, th�n.' (hcir' . I . � . . . I . .. .. T1 y ��-.-,-.,!.�....;,�-....----.�--l..-.- ; ., .
� . I . his gnppq pliko, IT - cRrps .0.6t , )low hur -41),O! , �. I iy ,husllaind has ,boxed the ears of iii I . .
. � .. ' . . . I . .
I . . � . I . , , .6 I % 1 . .. �. ., - . I I i ' I I . � .. I .
. . . . - - � y -s 1xvill.1 . . , . .. daughter, and I have� boxed the bars'of
- . . outhful. astmetatc hp bad, arid � . It . . I L - . .. I � -
.. I * ho gpt,� -.1orig pt,ls.he gw . �. , I I ,� . . - �
..4 p1pittly so 1� .
.. , . . � � . . .. I jef)ned Oople willl hpqvo' notbin- ... . p it I .. .. � . . . . . I . . . I I Is w1fe!'l-Lu "I . . , .:..
� � . I � .I- to Ile pares, not N�bo hits to paffer so . . � � . . ,. I . . .. I b.. . I stige Illattei.'. - .. .. I
. . , .. I I . I ; . � ,� . . . in . ,
. - . � - I � -do. with :fhelii." SO the, ' young ulani long ps.his'lircknt clesitos aj,e saihj7, I . .. : I � . : .1 ! .. � � .. . - - , ,. I , , I I
� . . . . . , .. I , a humble inconle .. I 1, . . P1entV;,of.TJme, .. . . .. I Uo lker�lr 31ndelt. " I , 'Cutter's, -for � a 01. . .I. � �
. 1 &24;, who ._ Wlis-.-ma , I�frig . 11pd, -What is. tile.. it atil ral ppid Inevi- � I ' the . ... . - . S I , '. . I . .
arid was 611 the highroad to ultimate -a Viaoon�Burglars entered first "My boy doesn't, seem to have got . . ., . . � .:.
. I I .
. table � result? 'I'licile hav been . I . . . . . I . . I . .. I I
VZ% f1lialicia'L success, hires . a private ' . rly ev . . . . .1
LIPPINCOTT .... . thousands of small rctall I-IterchilLritg ,floor of our house and took.nea - along here very well," taid the. olmee I .
. . . . ' . . .
. . . W . 'home oil ,ill(? boulevard. Tre n.loves driven into bankraptey bocause their orything we had . . � - .. . . I . No* 'is the time to buy Your tnt- . I
.. ' . . . while my Wife was boy!s father. . . I I . . : I
� MONTHLY' MAGAZINE his family away from the rwlgbb,or�, ' i ' t tb� idrs il�ld sl6igbs.. W6 .still have a. -few . . .''
.. 1. - ":, ' . customers, supposed to be honorable. , upstairs putting on - her bat to go out "Well, to be perfec ly frank wl . . � I
. � I
A FA hood of his, store: I -To Jilres a'clork bert-T.bey took. quite a ,.good deal, you,00�replied the employer, ."I must. 'left which . y low pric- .
MILY LIBRARY " man, wool(] , not pay their bills'. . Eg . . J., axe selling 14t ver . . . I .
. . . . .
. I . .
� * I 1. . to olo the work. formerly done byh's There have been hundreds and 'thou-. did t0ey! , .'. . . . I . .. . say 110.11 - I , , , �. es - , F . or a-Vort I la . n . d c . titter, I sold. I I u tile . . . .. I
I I 1. . . ' . hat's I - "Oh, yes. it must have taken" them I .. "Ahl .trouble?" - . . . I .. . . I..
. . . ' . whiilcsalc� departments, The incollic" , .. I . . � . regular way Trom $38 to $40, our'price. � - .1 � . !
� ThO Best In Current Lbrature .%,lie, while.ho himself is T1,;,ItIII4 the s.inds-cll Poor wJdoNcs and orp ' What's hf.� I I I .
12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY . . wIliless depositors of - several hours;o" " . . dirle hasn't a -by -trouble; At's. the rest, .
. sinall befcii\-, �ecoinea less arid less; ornall, ounia Ili tire banks 'Who. have � . . 6 $35. , .- . .
11 . , . - . . , Of the far . - . ' . I � . 'had that." . 'i . .. . .
I MANY SHORT--STORI P.S AND the oxpi�nscg nilly glisten , lost� all.,rucrely because the cashiers .. . : I .of .us,, who have For- a�piazi.o bo -x cutter, sold In. the
I . PERS ON TIMELY TdIPICS ance, ai4e doubled and quadroplaid; a .. have - boconie'd6faulters And cared not .. I Irleilonts.p.letion. I � . I I rd�ular way front $:28 .to $30i, 'our . � . . I .1
. . . . I I . � I " . .. . . . .
1 2.80 PF14 VICAR'; 26 cft. i copy� hatinted, worried, anxious look comes whom they dragged d6wil with them 1%avye, you. read WrIghter's new, � , ... I . I . I I I pr,ite, is ,92c'. �. . .
. . I '
$ . � 'young nian's faco. Inste' rork'of fiction?" . . I . I . . I Satinfledt . - . ill -or glis, .sold in the. regular - . .
NO CONTINVED !6TOME R r � over the I all In their ..;'Wri L moral and spiritual 75."Not exactly�" . .. I .. . . I slc� I . . . . . .
I ofthere being a b lance in the bank, destruction, It 16 a contemptible act I . Tile angular pfissetIger stuck her bond way at. $28, our price is $24, Liberal . .
. 0 -E I ii ITS .d I I I .. . 'oil fol . I
evieny Numirm 0MJoJ,&7 LF now there is A dc,lx,ft, ,,,t, ; I What do you mean?01- � diScouirts - ppot cash. - . . I
. . . - . ad Of tile for � man to steal from a million_' .. out through the ear Window,' .. . . .
. I . .. I - AvIlole's,ale st(wes allowing -the Young. .. . . � 1 . . o�Well, I've only read the advance 41WAky".1 She asked tile. man on the .�. We are also hesticlitarters for ie- , r , � . I .. .1 I
. .1. . 11 I Man Lill tire credit lie wishes, how alre. It Is, Infinitely meaner for. s. . � ,pea � k Ju t pairing- and .reiriodellilik all kinds of . . . I I
I N____ - . - - . ey begin to , Push him, and, Ono woman . . to steal from her poor dress- I notices, but I suppose there is really ptatton p]atfo�m,.,11dId you s 5 . . .
* I
�_ , I 01 'her re fiction In them than tbe�e 19 In ,DOW of thgt.oingniar looking machine rigs or 11lachinery. Our pfides for � :. . . .� . I
I . ... I day clobt, the offspring of pridej calls maker, her - cook Or , ' washerwo� ' in() . �R to � � Jauttary are- away down. If you bavt . I
M - I - - , inan, or ,for a man to rob his gro- . the book ltself."�Balftojlo Jleraldl . as ,she . � . . a rig of afty' kind III ncect of repairing � . .
.. . � ai I the store to soo lipw the � young _- . ,113ec4RUSe, Ma'am," replied the mail
. -getting along, b . illit . InstpitA -of oz, iceinan 61, his coachlitall --.M,T_. --t-k-, . . call arid get our prices before going
I . man is ' coryman
. il debt now coining with the obsoclul wh() sQIIs to hillit 11fo . lgeqx4lIte Description. I an the platform, "It's a mill) snittelier.". c1sw,v6rL. All our work ftilly guvati- I .. . .
L PTky I " she to,ok her head In again. teed, .
pusness of a, visitor he strides into J16,�erp. It .14 ingunE, lo , It Isn't tobaccot situce, It is - ,&Ui . .
�t bo.quise thAs 11.1oh I . I . I I . . . I
Hair - that young man's atore�ltr�d bolne Wbb arg, robbed un(or aucfi .eirtAlin- - tabasecl. ' I . .. . .1
� .Jow, don't let ige tlear, yoU . I . . . I .
. . � starides must perhaps, 1090 their 'all C, I . . . . *At . . I 1
- - w�th the nilon ' firl the beavy ote of .ailing it. wrong 494.11A," I . I .. . . . I . ..� . 1. � I I I D.' MeN 011TON, Varna. . . .1
. a . P , and be driven to .starve ,arid die. I I VN I . of I - 1, . . . . . . . - . . I I
I A ity ant anil a mastpe. . o, mamigiq, . . � . �__��! _ -. L ' . -1 .. -_ - - I - . I I I . .
"I had a very -severe Ackneag . 'Men I see Debt pall 6pt to a Veil- Dut'if ii is iiendlik� for the will- . 'TWO hoilord later 4t dinner44MAInnia, -------- ---__.1__-_ - I
that took off All my hair, I . ted figuro who Is sta'nding'. Ili , thp Ili, I dab'tor'to steal frolil his but ller 1 want some of that-that-thoit fed- - .. . .
chased a bottle of Ayer's gri; trna I)p1pr, ho%j Inupll p1pro prinlinal I I— -
.Lit bro4ght OLII.my 4j)011.�Vdy, , Ile kvs: !"001116 In, mOr , ,. - I . �
VI r and " tire Iti, You need not be is # for lilm fo 46sfroi tito spilitual - Oeaded siqUee that makes yoU mod." I - � .
bact ain." .1 () I ind moral .410 Of hi's .own 61-ildreal WashingtOP Times. . � . . � I.
,p g(rMcl; coirtio, jn.lt Then the fornale � . _�_ I . I- . . �
, D. Quinn, Marsellin, 111. There Is many a nian Who Is Mitring I 11 UT . I
I figurn' theows b"k the volt from off his '60-dreii 4ft0r the exalt6d style . I .4* f4 ftpod pinuiev, TV ear 1. That's 44 the greatest
- Ii r bead, 4Lnd 'I seo thAt 9)io is thp In'Jillonalre's chil(Iren, who When 4%Xdtigo me, rAr, bpt haVen't we met .. I � I I . I
n, old 1jig PrIde, With p, pallittid, Witht ol � 4
� One thing is certal lip (lips will 1pave to t1lell, not , ovie hof9:r,s$' Tour f1too Ao strangely fatuill- �. If .
Ayer's Hair Vigor mak ,,r. -41, RI)0vrIr4, scornful faito, .: Thion : cont. 11, O'flie'r lyprilh, fie to justfIll . . ,� � . . I . I I -1 - ), that's - .
U0 I . rig 14r 11 I th'ngiii the world.,' n anything - .
I I Debt takes Mother Pride thrmigh tho into Olt; beiArtii,of his hoys.alld girb; 41yeg. mAdanif our fi&t Introduced Us . . � .
. the hair grow, This, is . Aisles of the store and through tho unnatural dealroo, and than, whon lie t . , I .. � 0
I . 0 eftch other just before dinner." ovorn. You get st le, fit aiid finish too, in
be,gpuse it is a hair food., rooms of the young inan's hoinci as is gon(-, those boys and gills, In or- "Alit I was positivs I had Seen YOU 11 y .
I It kio,s thp hair and the lie soya: "Mother, these goods --they (let, to gratf0y those deldle'-4, 11141' be somewhere. I never forget a ffteg."'- . I . I .
. . will soon all be mine. Thcise life- Iod to Ill 'trig(! Into a li'e of dissolut6- 19vehange. . .
halrogrow's that',s g) there - tureg upon the ,walls, and thdoci ciar-. ness and crittle. To illusti&U . I � ..
. I , 4
I 11if pato upon the noor, those dishes In would lutrodudo to .you a young N, x U " - S' r .
Is to it. t stops. , ), ; T liver, 01001 . euva Coniplexiolito GRA"O' R, . " ".3, 1, 'e,,_ ji, e�'R'Lq
Jhr cJ.oscf9-t)I0Y shall soon all bO Man who ftiq onco a'colliptlil folk of r. . _�
� � ' "Is slic, a bi-tiTleite . I
ii ,
rca'te st �
14 1 � . . �,
: .
I i
-,- , I
, .
7 !
,�.' :
I st-at i
_� 11
I X19"aw - �
11 PA I
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g that's
I t 0� in
,�', 4 ,
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of tho halr� too, anti it in 6, 'an,4 f OfIl p , _ ; J
p,q)t pJ9 _V 'FN
. .p flip qp In. itymft,h, He was tile R61) of the . I * 1.
,. eg 001 r to hian droll No 111`1 plicy V jee "A bennettel Why, sheto so 40,rU UPI' ' "a" lAt -th�p 'Ont'. t T C ,*.I" I- I
I 0 W�,qldl.,Iq Pit t*Iftl (I IJFP insurail , - I P ill *M W C* )..qr0L4C Is
W#ys restor �s fq -4 to turil 140 . 0 . I . I I
, when he dies, I'lVill literalty . trip toinpall� Ili me -2t,' Ile, Came, to , theii, �Iiu, . M0,40 PA 14
� I , ille, 1-0 - it. �
at fil� hoine I, , a n . � 0% 411's P
. not 1 , OCIMA JZ �, 1. � ".o3"i"3%*
not realize What & 0'00," I &XICI I r, 't
VEY Writ his widow of everything. A OkIle thhe ago., 11VIY 4 , , , "' I t
list, tit . It al- TA fuld 11q. .,O ,�o 0�601 g�,�01- .1 .1
young man did I to him, "J.' haite , � incotp Tiget.", , . . . .. . . W �411,1 ah ,
A-40 * )4ke. All 010101t& % W
� � - -1 . - keen, AhiroWd, fare oling, Sata "e� yol,,'jor years, I Where did you -1 � .
_____-1._14_--G tile , -.11 I �. I
, I drrigAw,eiam.1 43P.11,01ill, ))annor I could be when I told him, come tvOill?" � "From poverty and Untried �oilgtabiell �i .., it to'hooll I
11 hell $1 . - P4 I - I- .3grths I ' . . 11: I
YOU4 . ttle, 110burblitild ant and drunNIIIII(q5 and from no- "Cranhy Rubbers wear like Ironlo I
64floot &me to Itierpasp Ilia outgo over his finan. w
� . pollee foi-ce, reetivo fAtty ponAll of
ofyout"'Wastok go gi tb, A dr#110i -elal IneofflA I ani Well wortiltr to W11010", lie anawered gloomily. "I I , i: " . � I
m.'Rt; u " . . ' 9, .111, )w C .4 14*61 aW, t � to you for helit), �Vl -Vill 1* weeK U14 � 9K fWulF %i %if I
� - I'll e ld, mother, I carry have coulo , . I
0. 30IAt09,d,1aV,fjPjtJ_y0rX .. I 1W I 11 you $
W1011M & C"i IF I I i - .
, . �
. U'li, i i'live, ,14-, r t)to. WgoiW* IVA" U" I wfllf,lor -no WOO vyPoIrl"Ir I FP ; . .
bm , ; � . - . ; .
. . I
I .
. .
. I
. 1. I
I �