HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-19, Page 4V_ .
4 ,
tbe, witole civilized world and the,
., �
ab rmr,,Ijio?qj.,,D SNALL110 . X
� I ---._.1__,.____
. XARRU0914.
Is published every Thursday 4t
eagerness with which the English-
Speaking races are seeking homes am.
Wo. are s,rry to report the death, of
Clarelt�q k1listur, infaut son of Ud-
'the Provincial Board of 11calth ]told
its first quarterly meeting, for the
February x2th, 1)), Rev. j. C. I X101il!
The . X,ows,Rccord Printing House
ong,st its, thurels no need to m.ter to
Waid and Alice Nicol, lot 16, 60A
, last wea, The stuall1pox and
101) Of Clinton, Mis'Y Lacy Garner
Pcovies whose every inclination !.,,
line', ,K;Ilicfi occurred lapt. week.
flower scares throughout the
to Mr. George Ambury of Solskat-
a!ielk. to, ( , 'anadian, seutinien t.' Thii
little IadL ,Wp'Ls a very bearty child,
province were the chief topics, 4ealt
chewast. .
010bu ,a(bilits tile viciousness
bilig 20 P(�Vnds when, threouionths
with. I Thu. usual virulence of both (Ila-
WAI,T1,P,RS—`N`AYI,OR—.�t . the- real-
Terms of sub4cription—$x per year in
Of tile policy sanctioned by Mr. t-lif-
It I'liculilOnla was tit(.- cause of Ills
cases Was. espuci d. The
4AY ellipl�asilc
K1013CO Of tilt, blide's lll()tllor in J.301 -
advance ;, S1.54 may be charged if
ton. Our country nced not be math) a,
11Cce4sc. . ,
stlib.11pox flow IM aiiii1k is ill Inkriv
. oil February titli, by, Rev.
XIOt 09 Paid . No paper discontinued
110tbed .
Of illiaMiv
. h
Friday vl-ce� 'Mattliew Cunningham,
ca i o-nuill old fashiQuvil
Air. I r it
own, Charlotte, da ghter of
Witil All arrears. are paid, unless at
with which. undesirables are welcolue(I
- f
ith line, passed' over tile rivia O
type that in the I qs kill( xt a
, tile late. V. Naylor, to We loy Wal,-
.� the optioll of the, publisher. *Tile
I .
clifil oli,1v lead to a demoraliv.od jorIll,
death, after aft extended illuess at-
third of its Victims - :VbIs is thefirst
fers of East Wawalicish,
I ov
date, to whiel e subscri tion is.
of . C , lift-, which, if handed. down
tributable to falling powers. Ile was
t me that the virulent character of
RV". ,I - JO --. , )
' F r RY In 14tel licit
paid is denoted ontho label.
to posterity, *ill work endless evilq.
about eighty years of age and was well
the disease has maniiested itself .%I)
le bI itle"
residence Of ti a paronts,on,
Advertising rates—Trauslent Adver,
The g verninent should pause its,
0 , in .
known in the coulmunity." In .addition
largely in the, province for a number
I 4th, bv tile Rev, Xestle of
tisements, 10 cc,uts4 per nonpareil
inad carcer before it is too late,
to the willow there.are two sons, John
of years, and although thenumber of
on Jaines V. RlIssel to Miss
line for first insertion and 3 cents
" .
in Manitoba -and Win. on the home-
cases reported in tile province during
(14 I
i, daughter of Tar, ji,lijall
Per live for vaJi sutoequent insertion,
I �
stead, and two daughto
-rs, Mrs. Geo.
the la. t two motiths-lis very c i (I r-
4 0 Isi e
Small advertisements not to excer
. A
, .
White and Mrs. Purvis, Deceased held
abiv smaller than the jitijuber reported'
, 13 , W Ile
19AMITF,I — AWDFN -At t resi.-lellee
onle inch, such as l 4 LOSt, I 1. I I Stray.
adherence to the Methodist church.
rolfug December anti. January of last
of 11. llawden, Ridgetow
,13, 011t.
ed, once
" " Stolen " 9te., inserted
Leading l3ritish authorities are vig-
Tile sad intelligence wds received last
year, tile health officers' anxiety with
� :
brother of the 1wide, on Feb. ,10
. fOr 35 cents aud each subsequent in.
, - ..
orous in thvir condeninatiou of t ,
wk thitt Laic, the youngest son of
wc ,
, litie, died in Brit-
Joseph Stubbs,
iegard to the t-pidernic is much great-
er. The'surprisingly good resul a ob-
I !),y the Rev. W. F. Jirownlep,, Reg-
mald Ilrassey ,Samuel of V,xcter,
sertion io cents., .
Communications intended for
., , I
, terins of A14-ka bowidary settlement.
ish' Columbia of typhoid fever, after
- .
,ined front vaccination in ameliorat-
ta '
I son of the latc Rev. .iolin . an, I I
13 I e
tion musto as. q,
is now
. I t, not the Shadow of. it
a brief illness, on Thursday of last
ing. the diseaw, and preventing its
of Huythrop, Oxftirdsldr,�., Eng..
guarantee of good
faith, .1 .
be accompanied by. the nanie
I doubt as to the, nad condition Canada
week. Ile had been working oil a
spread were Shown. by statistics pres-
to? Mary (Pollie), o Lighter of
Illy (11
of the writer.
has bct:n placed in. site stands to
dredge before his illness and had been
enited at thoi inceting, and the need of
Mr. Air.%. Jo.i , llawdl� 11 of, kt,.-.
gain nothiog irom the deliticrations
aw0,Y from home about a year. 1�5r.
a more general systeirl ,of vaccination,
eter, Ont. .
To insure publication in current is$'lle
ot tile Proposed cutilknission kind to
'Stubbs'was a fine young man, only 21
especially in the cases of, ohildren,was
CROSS—$TTTTT—Tn T",$Water., - Ott
copy for advertisements
, be
lo,,:e 411 that she has contended for'
Velt S of age, and was highly esteem-
. ! ' '
ewp!iasi;.ed. I .
Feb. ' yi1h, by the Rev. Willioam
sent in early.
during past )car%. - . Tito remarkable
ed. A memoal ervice was liciXill
. I I
Opposition $)town.
Lcowe, Mr. , li,'dward It' Cruss lit
Contract rates—I.Clig following table
part of the situation is that it, d ,,,I-
,Sansbitle church on ,Sabbath, Rev, Mr.
� .
Vancouver, .,B, C., to i�lss AIIIIia
showa our rates for specified per-
ing with tilt,- boundary dispute in the
B -own conducting it, The. bereaved.
I .
opposition of anti -vaccination.
� Stutt, third daughter of Mr. ond
iods and space. - . I
� I
uArtiliner decided.upon tilt, British cab-
family is deeply sympathized with in
. I
ists havin g. their arms pricked by
. .
Mrs. A. Stutt of TeeswatQr.
� I yr. 6 MO. 3 mo. i rotor
inet had tile fullest concurrence of the
Canadian government. $1 . Wilfred
their sorrow.' .
III acre farm of Mr. Samuel
the health . oflicers during smallpox
Scares was brought up by a letter
nia, on. Jan. vat, by the Rev. 11.
1. .
I CO'Zumn... $70 00 $40 00 $25 oo $8 5o
Laurier, when a motion was made, .in
. .Tile
Burke, ith line, has been sold'to,Mr.
from the Galt Iloard of Hoiatth. The
C. ,Shoemaker', Miss Belia, eiiiii-I
... 4009 2500 15oo 6I6
tl Column...
the- Com-tripug a year ago for papers
-Tito%, McLaughlin of Brussels at $3',
medical inco. of that place h,ave. vgqcin-
� I
wing, daughter of Mr. Jas. Coin -
25 00 15'00 8,00 a So
Column 18 00 MOO
relatitur to, tit(, b;undary dispute ad-
8w, Mr. Burke has not- decided whu't
ated -sonic ,9,000 people, .ou authority
ming of. Eginonolville, -to Ar. J.
', I ... 5 50 200
I Trich 6
illitted that the British government,
lie will do, but - one think is certain
from the Board of Health. It was bt-
Fairtairn, formerly of Grey,
......... oo .3 5Q 200. I 25
after taking -over the settlement of the
he will � not. be idld. Mr. ,tvicI,aughllsi
qui red whether those who objected
� to
- a
otilestion, 'referred all propositions and
will &rate a good portioi of his new
I '. ,
being vaccinated could Ile compelled to
. .
IwInan church,' Newmar-
counter propositions passing. between
purebase, we understund.
submit to the precaution. Dr. Bryce
� I
kQt, by Rev. Pather Ill'hitney, Bir.
' 1VltkrtitL McOuald If Toicintti, for-
. and Proprietor
Great Britain and tile ITIlited States
A tAraw abed, ,92.i6i ft.,' ,A,ith cc-
read the JaV oil the subject, allowing
Tile echools of the -recent Blirrard
. . . . .
to tile Canadian government for Qx_
incit.t. Stabling, will be built by 'iljr..
,that if tile health autlioiiijo�s ordered
. literly-of McKillop, to, Aliss Max-
. I .
. home government, f
amination. The 11
Samuel Walker Ott his farm, 5th line,
. .,
vaccination the public had- no recolirse
garei Desin6jid.ol Aurora.
- '
its treatment of the.case, was gui . tied
next season, '.
but to Wbrilit. � . .
JONF,v9—DICKSON�At . the rLsir lence
. . �
largely by Sir* Wilfred Laurier.'and it
Mr. Alex. Clark got badly hurt Ott
-. .. .
Of ... the bride's parents, Seal)rfli,
is regretted that the riegotiationsl
Thursday of las I, week by fallingfrom
+ ."� - J, 11 . .
. I
on F 0). 7th ,' by the Rev, V. JI.
I T A.. WIT.- Q4 U-1.11 In -*11 TA
llon. Sydney vi 4
Slier, ,&postle of Ii%c
I �
have . ended n an - arrangement which
is I iailed as a 'triumph by the United
.a a ra + a ac , Ile was under ..,it,
DrIs. care but is *able to'.sit. up this
I N . .
D 15'S PHN S Ali 1,140. .
.. .� . .
- � . , V I . :
- I V � . Dep
It , .
. of Sa F r a c '
. n isco, CaltforniA, to
Trade anti Far, iLr*s Cha ipionj is a
. .9 . n
States press. Gre not
at. Britain can
week. . .. �
I r
. .
. Canadian Trade Review-' 'Advertis-
Miss 1Vlary . Ida, Maude, eldeat
resou reef ill man. From cme,end !ul
be blainedAtir tile result in t'hiscase
I .. . . . I
Ing is an aba6lii.te indosplensfible Ile-
daughter of. S. Dickl.soll'). postltla,i.-
Canotda to the other lie denounced ,,,Is �
I oflerin!�ps sbe- did, every opportun . t,
I .e
. .
I -1 I
I I. ' . I ..
. cessity in of , blisiliesses
I ter. , , , - I .. .
. . . I � .
. I . .
uneinits of tile state, those who advo-
to tllo� government .to pr
. I ess
� ..
many which could iio*t even exist
cated all increase lit the tarill. lie
proinises to re.sist tu tilt- u0nost any
theirAegitimate claillis. Any sacrifice
of 'Canildian interests must fie charged
. .
.. . . .
Mr. John .1-Tagan .111tends learning
wit)jout it. It is -a mighty power anti
proper -1v vicided, yield.% -greater and
+ .. I . I a
ELIJOTT�:On the Base. Linc,.Hullett,
aggression ,)it tile part of tile grasl;-
- s
.-Ill) tk) Ottawaf not to West - Ini'nster. .. .
blacksill i thing -vvitli Mi.. Gy � � F. -jjiil�
. -
111ore retntris tliaii any
I . Loil 'Fell. i8thl; to 7VIr, and Mrs. W..
ilig illonopolist and plellged hiniself, to
. I . I . ... .
Mrs. 'Eck -hart of 1�(Itrkhatn' is . vi,;-
other one thing, is. no business
J.- Ulliott, t%kfn boys. :1. . � .
lie at Ottawil ill tilt, thick of the fight
, - . . I I . .
- iting friends in.this vicinity., I I
� . '
. ,so .-,mail or So large, so poor or SO.
N�l1EBS*TV,1t_1n 'Torouto,, Ott 'FebruarT
. -
when tile ',robber inanufactu*rer's' , come
to the capital ,4ecking to iinP6se new
. .
,. .
. Mr, John - W.- Hogurth arol - Miss;
Blatiche McAllister attended'thp vitlen-
rich, that cannot in some �ornr employ
advertising with profit." . ..
. I . ..
. ,()frl to Mr. and Mrs. Jauries-Web- .
:. .
.�tcr, fortiterly -of ?4budesbora, of a
burdens on -the agricultural class. -
. I
A young lady, with her gentleman
tine social .at Rippen. - .
. .1 . I
. 1 . I . � I ..
. . Son. I . . . . .
Weld, the manufacturers have bee, .
It at
escott, W�4 walking Along the Street
�, * Mr, Alexander MdA41iister was indis�
I I .
. . � I . � .
JTf,NN`I`TQ,S-At' the; keet .
' ' ory, Bayfield,
Ottawa and have demanded for Can-
the other day. when they passed all
posed for It few (lays. I ..
The Presbyterians held their anni.
, . ..
, .oil -February * i6th, .to Rev, and
Mrs. U,'C. Jennings, a daughfoir.
adiait wares tile fullest safeguards
against outside c tillapetition. BuL
tild gentletiraii country. Tit -e
old gentleman accidentally got in tile
, . . .
versary last Sabbath. . . I .
- �. .
. . : �From the Tyro) , � �
' .
. STL an
'WART -In St ley, Dit Fetruary
where, and of where was Mr. Fisher ',
way of this young couple, whoirefore-
tI4 - '
Mr,... Frank, Farqidjar' ged
with Mr. R. Reichert cutting 'wood.
- -- . . .
.. � . .
- Our- principal ,-usually follows the
,�Fji, 1.6 Air. and' Mrs.,. Yenwick
Stewart, a son.
\Tot ill Ottawa to meet the robbe�
band fate to face. He had a, more
yrnung -man, Wbo-,was stylishl
.. y
.dreSscd� exclaimed to Ill.,. voting. lady
Mr 11r, T., r4 ar(juhar b(jugIIL a yralif--
' . . .1
grood 61d custoin 'of -saying 11 grace be -
. I .
.$TALKER -14. : East; Wawanoshj on
crashing blow to aini at the ]leads �tf
friend � klI. wish t1ose olio, haysee IS
. '
- I . 1.
able coft recently.. , � . .
I I .. I .
fore moat," morning not long ,a-
go be,, being itt a burry, ornitted tilt-
- February 5th,. the. wife of -Mr. Dix"
-or '
Stglk daughtei.
tile monopolists. Ili a.ino'rlient of lit-
spiration he conceived the idea of a
won to
lot w4lk lit thc�iniddle If, lie
roiii,d.'! Then lie carefttllv biushed his
1. —
I .
+ . . . I . . .. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. cereinottv *and. was thus reaninded. of
. oil of -
DOXG-Iii. Tuckci ii t
-Smith; ,, on Febr a y
trip to Japan, ,at the. country's - �e,o
. .
coat. where.the fariner's'lia,ol come -in
. .
. . . . .
- I I . . NENSALL., � - -
. . .. .. ..
1da duty by his youngest hopeful ;
Ila, you didn't say I Now I lay Did
. �
. � .7th to Mr. and Mtj, R. .C. Doig,
I I I . lo
A daughter. .
pt,-nse of course. That . would at on, -c
11 �. .
.and for all time settle the agitation
contact With it. This younganan gets
about $4;7, 11
, 5 a week, i275,,Of.- 7whic
I I .
, � .1 �
.� - r * `
Dave Cantolaft lids itted up a nice
. ', . "
('own to, .91cep.' ' E videtitly Jack
. � �. ,
. � . . � .
JACKSON * Ili Brussels, .011. Fell. t,th,
for tarill increases.Fiot n his stateL
,goes for board (p6rhaps) .tlid balance
I .
office for himself in,� tile- north end -of
Junior's. religion corresponds in part
t .
least that of the lif le - fel
to Mr. and.Mrs. SilasJokson, a
. ..
room in iniol-Pacific lie will burl defi.
:%Vitli telling effect,. at cncim�
for cigars, ct.c., and lie owes fok +tile
clothes lie wears, * ' S�
. +'tile fa�trler owlt.
the Quel.-n.'s hotel. * Me. has a number
Of .111ell.ChIfit 1- citing" dried .
� get In. pa aP7
.at- with
Tow who W" willing to say Ills PraY-
daughter. . - � -
ROS8-In RruS%cflsl,6'n+.Feb. nth, to
. .
�Iiccl .tile
lea of the farmer. And what is'more
about two hun(IrLd -,fefes'.of -land anti
� .
is .and ititerids %ahipping lit � a. . fuw'
ers .at I)Ld-ti-jne. but refukd� to do §o
� . . .
tile ring; 1 A A fell
Mr. 'aiiil Mrs. Di C, Ross ,.a daugh-
-ter, ' .. . . . , . I .
. lie uill maint ain the fight from ion�,.
. been
range until after the
has a )a -
. .rge bank account,' % Which is
thc,*6sL-rcspectbd anrl.usefill citizell .?
I 11 I . . -
days� . . . I . I .
. . -
, . -in , . Hig'g . . -(if U . sboine . to� � vii-
BenjaIii rin's
1. . . -1 1 . .
-in , morning , -say. 16W
` I 'list .be a.: - fool if he ean't take� care .
. .
, . . �
. , , *
-1-I I it . ..H . , . I i - '9th to I
S1VrITI ullett, on eb. .
� . I I t
settled by parliament. N4.
o. other.
knowri ,nifinibers cot'
The +.Young walking advertising'. sig,*
� 11
. for a tail -Or, o.r good 614 substali�'
. . . I
ship,'who,resided near Exeter, passed
I , ,
away recehtly,.- He %�as- well. I'
I Ill
I Of himself: ill the daytime-','.' and i
. . .1 �
. - .
, r, I , . rev`
p Aabiy characierized by greater
I ... . . .
Ur, aud�Mrs. J61in Sinit] I i a , , oil I
. . . .
DARCHY-111. H.owick, oil Feb. .2 It d, I
of tile rutions � can
I be credited with such foresight. The
,the . - . .
tial farinier ?--Ayhner Suit, .. .
�;. . +
11 ,
. .p
years iind had be,.w�aieslijlnt. ofthat
. .
. of another Small b .
er ' h in 0
Jiimself when"
wl thye
to 'Mr. and Mrs. Th6s, H! Darcey,
- ..
silly supporters of - protection. will
.waste their time in instead
. . . _., . ... I .
: . . . . I . � I I
' �_ . +1 . . . .
. . I. � 'P, ..
sectitm.-for.a long time. .. .. .
. R�bbert Bullard leaves t6mofrow for.
. . .interrupted .
-mldst of bis'praycis by' - saying,
11 . .
a son. . I V . I .
McIXOD-:-ln o',eafoith,, oil Feb. 8th�
of following Mr. -Fisher's". example
.11, . . , . .� . ...
. .. .. . '. . . ...
. . .. WEST TU0X,1MSXiTHs ' +.
Brandon, Man , to. resume w o rK in Ilbe
� .
Wait, 146rd, til I I give. Tom. a kick- , � tile ,wife oi. Mr. lVill. McLeod. of '-'a
ing, I I and is. also, *no doubt, soll�e- daughter. :� "
. .
and taking a trip. to tl c Fi 1 Island
. - J, _F
or some equally -.di,tailt. territofy.
. ,. �:.
. 1. .
.. . . . I �. - .
I . . ' ' I .. ,.
,.. Xis.5 ' Jennie � Grant entertained A,
P% R. rounah�use. . . �
- I ' ' '
Mrs. Beck'ba had the coilipally of
- � .
I lines
t* overcbme -by the feeling. of
+ . �vhjo:h troubled � the liftlle
I . .�, I I . .
I I I �
. I I .+ I
. . .. . .
: .1 .,
Some unkind flerson' has intimato�d
number of her 'friends In Viiolay ov"'-*
hoir'bi other. and%;..,iter ,'Mrs� atic I M is
Goldthorpe of St, for tit 8
. girl' .,So . 1huch * -that when . site ' had
, . - � DtATH�.
:. . . . + .. I � ..., I .. I . . � .
� Mr. Fisher was sent out of tlie, coun-
lug last. Pr6gregsive 1,46st Heir and
� *
. I, .
past. fcw..day.s.'., � I .
sleepily gone'through the first line,
, ,%,% Feb. .
try ,by his Coil lan-.��
eagries but thc,C
dia*u fartuer doubtless
Pin(r Pang I.i:� -tile irt ling .games of
thJ ning. After dl�fgty luncheon.,
., � . �
', ' � I . , . .
" Now' 'I. 1ay iri-� . down to Sleep; "
. . I .
I ath". AlAttliew, Curiiiin"it'll.n. ageil ,
I . I . . el $ 1 I
will , appreciiiLto,
� cvc . a
. . :, -�' � .1 , . . . — ,
. .
. yawned ! twice':and thcu jumped into
ll�o vektrs. . � I .
I . .. � �
- . "
breathed in till
I the nialice a inginua-
. WaSlerved the guests gathered. around
� �
- . .
I '
bed n , '
iayrii g- "" God knows the re.std'
131TRNS-In. Blytll, 'oil 14 eb. �tqll+ ,1*� -
� . '['I
tion when lie reaps tile b�cllcfits of
'M '
tile ofd time, cliet. �
-rfill fire -place . and by' 1
. ,
+. . - AAF � -
8 I ORTH.. I .1
0 ,
, ai
., I - 'ica:s
wo.t lit hope t that it is
All Ricbards� - . ,
' ii.aliL ni, .. reliat of tile
. r. Fisher's activ6 Free -Trade Carn-
its.. light sang Songs, -recited or, told
�. .
I . . . . � � . ,�, I .. I
blised , upon.. a - itiorot �iccnrite + Xnow-
hite Robert. Burns,. aged 79 yearsi
paign in far off Japan. - - I ...
amusing Stories. and -all. agreed. that
; We are.informed that Mr. W,
'If. Me-
* . .
"" ' *of scripture. and a l6s I a intimate
to months and io days. - '.' , I . .
. . . : . +
this, Valentine PArty. was a success, :
'Rowel .
1.6od hits resuiried the. IcaojerShip' .of
, knog,'vIcdgc'of the'devWs Prayer book
NVIGUTMAN-+ln 'R'ast Wuwaiio.ih, on
� . � . I I . ,
. - Aliss, Cora ff - Usborne S +
I e' of D
. . ' I
tile nest If ber.,sisteT,."Mr.s. J..
tit . . -
1#�e 33rd Reginicut Band. Mr.. Me
� od� has been connected*with the ',)anti
than that' of.the other.'Ritle gfrl�wfi,
,whell the ,of, -
. an, ,I ge
, ' -Fely, qth,�-llcury '�'iglittn' ,d,
. years. ' . � . . I
"' ' .
LIA- - I � �
ON PAR . . �
1 . ;. . .. � .G.
Crij . ... :
. I. I
4' i
for s6veriti . years; and: Will be niuchi
I . . .
asked inedning Kit Ig of
. � . .
and l6rd' of lords," answered,
.. .1 .. � .
ilATTVX,SON* Ill lVingliaill., oil Q),
. . - " I . ,
. I
� �
- � Miss F,IIIIIcc' B all, -of drL Base. Line
.. I 11 I .
riliskol thlit institution 1. .. I
I . 1. . � �
. , . . ,
�St me sec, no - I
& w , uld be
jAl I, Robert Jai Ls Patterson,' :llg� ,
* n .
, .
Tile echools of the -recent Blirrard
is visit-lng Iriends here, � . . �. . I
. ,
Miss Wav Nott is h(jme:,fr6m an.ex-,
* �
'Tile iepo5rf of. the Bu�eau
I . I I Of T1Idu8-
tries shows .the exemptibil from taxa-
� , �-�w ,it
- ?" � . ..
hearta..6r,clubs . : .
� I I I . I .
. . .
G 20 years. - � , -
, ell � . . , .
A I NS -In -Usborne, oil Feb.. sth,
election strongly o;mphasjZ'e+ the ch.6r-
tended visit with fridtiols in Datioit. -
. I .
tioil Qf prtiperty - in d4ferent. P -
arts of
'An. eight year , old girl, .Who like
'. * non ars,
jainin I,Rigkiirs, aged 72 ye-
ges that the +Libcral government, have
- .
!..'. Will ter. Rogerson 'of tile 2114 lids
. ..
tlllc� PrOvilice, given to assist ivaniufa,�-
same. .
. Other People, disliked to- be qal-
- : il inotAbs' and .7 days. -' , - .
. .
entered into a general calirj)aig!i o.1 ..
t tmsed his . � farin' for a year to .Mr.'
tories. Those ,.exemptions in Iluron
Ild . early lit tile ibot.-ning, wrote in
UA$Tl�RBROOK-Li Exeter' 'oil Feb.
, ,
, ,
.. C end OfCanada Lo
corruption from+ oil*
I . ..
r lip, Ilfr.� Rogerson c,q..are
J61111 _ r. �
. jj�,,� , ptIS
going .i dnd wilLprobabI te
Aer b6000
. : Brossels S�85o "Exe . ,
- ,� 00, God-
S . ighani $1501
I at 96 , . pirilied' to her quilt
, *
this atmouriccul alit, Tresspisurs on
. � .
. I 901, AlitrV, F,4ster'brook ' lv�ife- ,)f '
. 'W-lilia'iii '. Easterbrook- I aged -81
the other. C. W.: Murray, a 9tiong
. 11 . .
Liberal, Who SLIP orted Mr.
. � I , .
. there, .. - I . . . ... . .. .
'' ,;, .
.. . I
. .ill
Oich �126, . . .1 . I . I
I 500. - .
my dreams Shall . ba I
. -be pr �cktttcd." Her's
' �, � ,it,- - - .' - + .
. 6, S 3 1 day§. . 1.
.1 - liontlis' and IT
, .
tile campaign, is responSible for 'this
- Ali y
. red. Jorrilinson will ]told all
* .'
' I,ast Sundav'Rev. Xr, of
was, �as Mrs. Parting,toll Would . �sav
. , ,
DRODli�ldu f3cal,orth, oil Veb. -6th; .1,
of �' '
Scathing denunciation Ahe '.',,",A-
auction - � ale oil Wtiolneiday' next -It
I.... . I . , 25t
Clinton pr�oiac�lwd educatioria'I'sertnorts
. . +
I il)(41M& and her ai ffftll-tlire4t.
. - .
-.r.Charlotte, -yoiuike%t ilattifliter. of
I. I
- .
chine." . I .
. + I . - .
inst. .. " ; :1 , .. ,.. 4 . I . .
in .the - Sti'Liscrip-
i A!
em 11 S, its: of that of.. the Methodist
. - y e
Mr.. Charle.9*ilrodle, aged�'3Q ,ars
.1 1. .
�. .
- I I I
I . I . .
. .. � . I
11 ,. � '.. �.
�' important: N%�ork
lions ill befialf; of this
� Ili .t 'i.
Ills '�016 to-lidep jads out bf his
. e . $ -
.. ,.% �. t
and . I ..
, 4 Reverting to . the + discussion � ol
, I
. . I., I ...
of. tile tfittich were+ taken. 'Mr. Alan-
orchard, posted up , the' atingunpetilellt,
ALDRIDG.R-In. Plattavi'lle, on Feb� 9�
cot ruption in Die Liberal -rajlks, � Mr.
Ahirray informed his
I I .
. I.. . . I. . + ..; '.
, F01114,'ST HOI ,
X114, il . '.
Ilingr . cit, lie front 'flie Toronto 'cqufer� "Any bov.'eatight. stealing- ap�les here
. . . ..
I . *'be -
. .1
` 0,ra'ce, relict'�of: tile I�id "Willialh.
. , �
audience bow' -it
- , I I . , . . . 1.
' '
efibe to Clinton -and this was,tlic.fi ,
, irst
will I . .!. I
j)eraillicatcd." :
. . + -
I I Aldrid,,e, for a
I inerly of BrussI;ls,�air
was that Mt. Maxwc5l not -been
* , I
Mi-. Geo.'. BrOwnjc6 sp+ent . Sunday
1 Lime tile 'people of. SclaTorth ,had - the
, An(ther sinall Jack, who one day
. 1� . � � ... �.
ei . � .
( 74 years. - .
able to take any stand without' first
..last , ': .
friends iti Colborne. - . It
01) portunity of ,hearing. him. - ,.,'
I �
fair Lb ,be a ualileoi,
bills . �
" - .. 9thl. Clax-
N10t;�lii7 Morris, Oil Feb,
consulting, Mr. Xc)Iv.
- . It was usual
.*'tit .
Mr.. Thomas.. Br6wnlec of Ilay spent
�. . . .1 . . I ..,
. ,. . . I !, .., I
. . . I I. .
writing from - India -to , his �-atint ,iii
' 'big-
ence * Allistcr� �. inkitit_%ou `df Ed-
all election for the ' party
to look around ffir "slick"
+� .
litinday, at his liqiim.�- I J
' .
. � � .
. I - . .. ,
Englitild, said, J1 11 tre wc.liit�e a
ward Nicol aged'3 months and 19
I �.. . � - .
a man to
rnn things. This man put ill) ,.tile
r ob . flyi
+ M , Robt. R' inson, made a 9
visit to friend.,; ill this vicinity. �
. � . .. ZVjtjIbjE1. _ . -
. I +
, I
grer moon than you. and we keepit bet-
ter polished.",' 1,Ia4-4e'ii6t.j)een told
days., - . ,� I . �. .
MAR.1"TON--lu Goderich oil February
. I
money and, of course, lie, was -to get
'0111 etilillg fOr +it, In
, I
, Air: Robt., ' MdGliniiie 'ha's sold a.
Dr. C!iiinpbeIl.i&cceiv'cd the sad Intel-
that., this lad years did
I . is only
. . r4th, ]?,licit, wife of'. Captain , .10". � .
this ,case, we
will say, tor exalliple, �lt. Kell -
. .
valuable horsc� for a good 4ig7t , .
ligo�neb last week ahnotmi!ing the death I
i lit hav'e suppose
we 1`9 . d that he. bad
I dippinig. into Milton
Marlton New - Wes
11 tnihister, 13,
' -
. . I . y ia
Selected. lie
- Miss Nettie . Shillinglaw. Ila.,; been
of biii� out)- lyr�othcr,� Duncan J. Camp-
een ,and comb
, .
C and rno ald'
, ) ther of Mrs. Osw
" to it likely calloli-
date, tells hiln lie ,Will provide .the
laid up for a length of 1inle with. I
blood .poisolling, - , I ..
*befl, which occurred'at Chicago ,
. on
Tuesday night. Tile &ccaacd hall been
, one of his fanititia-similesin
a q ross
%%hich lle:uses the moon. to describe.
I c4re�.* of Goderich. . . .. I
. .
,STTTI�B , Coluffibia, C'n
., . S -In . British, . I
ft"11(18 but tile candidate inbst pull.for
. ,.I+,
lifin. If the latter
Mi ',Slj, .
. Alex. roat's little boy .has
' .. .
. ,
ill for-sonie weeks and his.deatli *,is
- .
Satan's shield : - . .. . d.. .
. . .
.. .
Ve.b. !,Still Isaac Stubbs, fornierly
.. . I
won't � agrec' he
%LINS : "All r4hil I'll ell 11 -,4()me
Ila d an attack of inflatilindti(in ,but is
I :
not , -I Itogether unexpected. Ills .te-
"Ire scarm had'ceased when the-sti-
I � .1
, oif,lklorria township, aged ,23 years, I
',on Yeb.'
el, 11 0110
se . The election may cost 5,5,000
improving rapi y. r. - ,
. I I
Rev. Mr lllji�jljler was . the of
maim .M,ere bukied, here at two O'clock
1). m. Ott PridaV. Tito funeral -took
perior . f . I ., � .
Lend - - . . I
- towal, tile g1jorel, Ilia
lVa% moving d.
fTASSAT,D--ln ]Wiel 7th,
.1 � (
' Jo.hn Hassald, ago'l, 48 ye�1m,". '5
01 .
- $10,47-0, which is it good sitin, .So'
the filiancier Sol, A -s : * I'l,'ook here Air
, . guest.
cc the otber day. .- _vla
�Tvir%. Geo. Broi%fth i
' 'I
cc oc or a resit ence
frmn, the, il' 't " ' �ljd
, . I .
I . . 11
,ponderous sl ield I. . .
. I ,
I �
. 11110 , , .
. nths and.14 0
I vei.). .
BLAXF—In Grey, oAY11 jith Mary
IN'.101henson lot - whoever the daii`clidato�
+ AIr. David Rutlatt of ealLA
On Mr. Guy Colwell -arid oth n
the - interment at llro,�n4on Line cein e
. The was .a' printer by
17thercal teniper , 2�ai;kv, ..large, and.
, , .
. .
- ound . I 1. . . . .
r +
AT(,Ifaimuil'�vife If Pmtrick.'Blakc,
may lie) that's a good deal of nioncy;.
* .
illf put, it up, but,pll
. I � .
. � I +
Iyk . I I
. .
,trade .and'was -holding a lucrative pa-
I ,,,, i .. :The 'broad -
in cast circuin
3 Ind li I 1. ... .
11191 L41 l5i: ye'ara and ir (lays. .
' *
nnll;�t me
your ',note for half. This is = and
. .
. , r. IICIIT'V Little has bought ,A; pie"
Of land froin Mr. IVIcMaun of Rgintind-
,sitioll.-On the ".Musical Leader", of
go jor several years prlior.to,
Chica -. Ills
ference - . .- %' .
Hung .oil his shoulders- like the mooh, -
F'�T�,'TCIIL, 1�-Itt Drussels, oil Feb, . ,�,,
Thos, Fletcher, .jeweller.
t1le note and all agreement goes into
Ml% Xc'llv's Pocket and When the call-
_ +
illj! --und is preparing to ,buila. this. �
v , ...
ifiliess i
which culminated it his death.'
* . I � I
:1 I . ..;
I whose orb. - � . .
. . - .. I
. I .. I . . . . .
. I I . .
didate is elected tile latter still keeps
Summer. . . :1 . I
'Mrs. '
Mr., Canipbell .was thirt gears of
� . .y
Thr6ugh optic glass the Tttsc+an artist
I . . . .
. � I .
. � . I . . I
it and holds it over the mcniber's
head wlitnever lie feels like dojng
Mr. and .S3. S. Cooper of -ell&
I .1
I ,
toll W( sts of Mr. and MiS. 11. I
. . .
, . . '
lal",L,iie following ,left last W,eck� for
Views . . . �
. . ,
At livening from tile, top of Fesole,
. . .
The teacher of a class lit- a certain
tiling the mflitali.,it does n .
ot, like. M'r,,
l,ittle 1�,tlt 19, 11 11 I .� . .
. 11
Hopedale;'* Illinois:: Misses Sarah and
Or, in VaIdarno, to descry nowlaudg,
..school had been carefully eiplaining
Murray told Ills audience that is how
. jqi�a Maigic-Rouatt, who Alaa %b-eeft
.. .
in 1%lauitoba* for some time, has re-
Barbara Becht or and Annie Oesch, and
gressr's. -Wenno Oesch, Jr., James
Rixycrs . or flititifitains, lit. her Spotty
�. . .
lobe. " � . � ','
tile . parable M the prodigal son and
was now testing their knowledge of it.,
. it had worked and was worked a "
tile I "
y wanted clean ptilitics and
I , '
iurned' hoine it and is It ow reviv-
tthur R.-anitiel' Joseph Swartzeutrub-
A .
.� I 1.
' .9. . � I . . . I :All
' - . 1. I I . . . 1.
Went Well ubtil, she � ame towards. -
.. loNow,. .
lerislation they should .qttpp6rt Mr,
old acojuai�tllaLuecs 'lit this ueighbot�.
ing .
er, Jacob Gascho and Joseplf qallw.
. .. .
. .
I . .. . .
- ... I .
I . I
i . + licit -she asked -
,he. close, w
tell me who was not pleased: to see the
F;Ilev ; if they %J'auttld corruption tlicv
kti(4, where t� 90.11
,umd. � I I . .
Are tire sorry ,to report so inuch siek- .
mail, . 1. .. . . I . I.. 1.
There is a report that Mr. S,- Har-
+ . . .� �
prodigal son wheitIfe'6alliebome'a-
. i I
The Mr. 'referred
ue.%4 in this neighborhood, Mrs,. Gem. I
dy and family will,'ret, til -ft to town a- -
Veb. xg.th, at 1. 1). Ili., at�
"'b"t" , , ,
ailil", To . her cansCerriation she reL,
9 .
McPherson to is
.11 r0wIjlj,,c,, Wit a sick for Sonic
0 ba,. beer,
gilin, I . 1. .1
'.. I
!,(",tclt,"is",,,,lci,(t),IllI I 31 110III161% Roo survey)
cell tile following reply f rom a
7ecl .
tile inenil
Ll ier-clect for Burraf(l,
tilue we are sorry to say, is. Slowly
. I . . .
. . � . � . :
farm stock 'and Willie-
youtlif till, sitiholar': "Please mq'4ni, tile
His independence in dealing with tile
iniprovin Alias 'llella Forsythe :has
I. . I 11 .
I I '
lVelits. - Thos. Prowu, auctioneer ,
I . '' 4 . .1 . . . .
fatted calf-" . .
great questinns to come before parlla:.
Ilient. this "session, if � judgred in the
11 flight attack nf'scarlet fever .
. I
' . ST.' JOSEPH, I ,
. .
I �
Robert Alurray, proprietor..
� I I .
. I L .. .
� I I I 11
light of tl,e Above rev,laiiolls, is of
but is doing as well as could be "_
: .
pLct6d. .
. . . .
Mr. 1juke Nigh has completed tile
I ; I
1VedI108dai,, ' Vcb- 2,5010,tt I Pi. III-il
.. .
_ ______,__ __ *--,----
tile order that sliorild Ile Suppressed at
the 1.
Mr �;idney_ Gemmel underwent art
contract taken front Mr, ,0. - Bisson-
at. lot 21, London Roa,,�, StaulLy I I
farm 62
. � . . .. -
� 1� I
carliest opoortunity. is tile
oj�eriitioti on Tuesday last had A"
ette of Cutting Wood. .
. .
Iniles north ofAirucefi e s,
Sort of thinr Sir Wilfred Laut'ler pro-
growth iliken out of -Ili$ throat. $ill-.
,Dr. Aoilthier is again back to ,St.
and impleinents.--Thos.. Brown, aitc-
� I
mised to rid the country ,of, - .
ticly Itaol tile measles last spring and
J'oseph. from Ottawa Where lie was
tioneer ; V. Tomliji%on, proprietor.
. .
, . . .
. ___
liEld been troub16(l with till% ever since'
tendilig" Scilne interesting bus'
iness. The '
Saturdav, Vcb. 28th, at i 1). -.) At
I .
. I I I
� I
. . I
Ile i-., a,brave little.161low.about eight
reports are that they will begin work
Archibald' & Cuolluoie'S Sale stables,
AND .., . . .
years old. I .
kit tilt, lake Wharf, Of courSe there is
- f rLh, e -,:tens sale of
1. . I i I .
Mr. Pobt. is unable to work
toore tban the future that
and general pni-pose hor.qwq, and
. The reforms applic(t by Holl. Llif
with lunibago it) l7is back..
can assure, its. . I I
.ding%, also soin6 good drivers. -T.
I . ,. ..
I I. I I . ...
ford Sifton to out firlinigratiou'sys-
.11r. Albert.13erry of Ray, who has
%Villialti Ducharine has disposett
11rown, wictioncer ; Archibald &Cull-
. ass of wot I ,k I .
� - best
tent are meagre after all. Last year
beell home Oft It vacation, was tile
guest of friends lit this neighborhood.
of Ili.% driver and purchasell one from
Maxim Dellonlie, . 1.
more, proprietors; .�
Wed Stilly, L I March 401, at I 1). tit.,
1, eI .�. �
procurable bits been I
over 3-2,000 persons lauded lit Call.
Miss Munroe of Brucefield spent a
#4 -
1110- 11181wilette block is now Plast,
1; mile. cast of Varna, clearing sale
. luanufact tit ed here for I
Canada from the 14"Ilropeall continent,
few days Ott the- 4th coil. drcssmalc,.� .
ell kind 011 , lost completed a not will be
Of farin stock and imploinents,-41105.
Ill ally yell I's . paf,t.. . . .
. .
and many were of the l6wett, types
lug. .
ready tot general purposes JIA the near
11rowil, auctioneer ; it. Makills, pro-
. . I I
0 f society. Just now the laws pro-
. . � . . I
future. .%Ile wish all were like Win,
prietor. I
WE WOR"T clIll On yor" Week after
w hibiting distmswl per�ons front land-
. -
then there would be more than blow.
Monday, March 210,"ht I P: Wis At
y our bereavement. d
ing ill tile country,are being enforced,
. . I
ilig going on Ili our burg. .
lot 2, coil. 11 Rullett, clearing $a of
I make the ' work to suit
Ni I
but It() clIOrt Las )tcll made to re-
. I .
` I
farm ,stock and implements.-,$, Love
. .
.. I 11
11 ""' "I""
s.rjet paupers front taking up- their
l'bode ill our Illidst. The scuill of ,
Mr. Gem Dever is visiting frieriols lit
- -_ _-, . ;
l3roprietor , T Brown, auctioneer.
. Tlitgday, 'jf�;ch at lot 17I coil.
WE WILL riptlipo Ile price to. suit
the Work. L .. .
41,Lmaely populated citics is still
Tceswater this week, . .
I . .
McItillop, clearing sale,_Xt. Craw-,
WE WILL give voll the choi ce of the .,
-,vc1coined + with olien arms by tilt,.
. Alias Lhariotte Wilson visited her
Air. Uphraffit. Browu has adorned
'r�j ;I �. 4 ��%- V VIrown auction.
1, pro4etion of (lie work
February 19th, 1903
McKINNON.'& 004-
.7B 9,4'V W� n' �
. �
l5loys' i0verconts, madoof good twedd, well lined . , in odd
sizes, worth up to .$I, fi,t.$I. 59. to clear,
HeIrTy FlAtIllelette, Yard wide, in a title range of *coloris, .
11 ular "rice Ilic, for 10C. , I .. . . .
. . , � e rl'�Fi ,,iwlet te 131,lnkets, in gney, and white, with pink �
� a y A I b.kd" I
. and bl -a, in two slze,s, very asocial at 09c all(A
98c. . .
Men's Fur Coats, in Siberian dog and out) bear,. will Ile re-
.. I. duced 20. per bent, to clear.
Ladles'Astrachan Coats, Iiiied with heavy mercerized It4l. .
jan cloth, regular $30, for $M.50; 1 ,
Ladie's CAperines and Auffs will be reduced 20 per- cent., I
. Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsters, lined with he,o,Vy plaidlining,
I I . .
high storm collar, wortb $0, for $3,05 ,
Ale.n's Heavy Union, Shirts and Drawers, Worth 35c for
. 25c. " � . . . . I
Grey flannel, twilled and plain, worth 15c, for 12.je * ' .
. Men's heavy rubbers, worth up to $135, for 0., I . .
. � Flannelette Undeiskirts, worth 00cjcir 39c, ' . . . 11
-Men'o Lined Kid and Mocha, Gloves, worth i5c, for 59c , .
. . MeWs Wool Sox, ribbed 'lops, worth 15c, for, 12ic . ..
Ladies' Mercerized Sateen. -Underskirts with four frIlI8j. ,r
. . w oirth $1, a snap at 89c. �, I . I
. .
� .
. I
— . .
r - - - ---
. . . I I . .
. I . I �
. . .
. . .
MCKINNON & 00111, - - BLYTH *
I I . . I
.. . . �
. .
I I .
I .
. I I.. � I . I
. .
. . I
. . . . .
**"#****"**"*""""**"***"*"******"****"*#*# -I
. .
. . .
. .
I " I. -
and Saturday. .
1. .
. "
. . i
I . I I
. . ..
. . . I
. . . . . . . : '
New Goods, :
.. . We have ist received a large coil-
aigninent it,
I :tile. most beautiful Em-
* I , -
: .
I 1. � I .
Vroideries, lnscrt-�ons and l,aces,
� .
. .
. . . . . .
. . .
- - New Goods, - !
we have ever shaw.11 in Blyth
. I I I . -*. .
. ., . .
. I
. .
i -
. . . I :
. . . � ...
.Also an immense-rauge of lace'cur-
0. . � .
# .
I .
. : -
�., Ni3w Goods. '
* tains. Having imported these ctir-�
tainb .direct enables us , to �olfcr'.tberjl
. .
I , .
. . . � . 1 -
. I
'. ,
- to you inuch ,un6r the.usgal price,. .
. .
# - .
.1 L
% . . 1. . - . I,
. . . - : , ,
. 1. . .. . . . . 0_ � ,
.. I
. .
* - . . . - I . .1 I . ' I
Have also added ,to out stock a fine
0� 1, . �
- �
: .
. . I . . . .1.
. I
11.1 ... � . . . : I . I
. . I I
lige - of ladies, - wliit6 und,
ra orwear cbli�
0 . I
, .
, , ,
. .� . , I
I . . '. .
... : It, may " seem a. - - I
slating of ,-undershirts, night'gowns,
corset covers and drawers., . .1
. �
. .
I .
. .
little early , .td;1 talk �. il �'
� . . I
I . .
. . �
'Another. Shipment ,of new boots and
0 .
- . I
about . Spring Goods , .
. I I � I .
- sho ,pring at, rock .
es for.s bottoqn pric-m ..
. 1% . . . I ..
. . � .
durl ..the ,stormy .. I
. . . II
. . I
I ". . '. � - '' . I ... . I :.
- .
, ..
I . . �
I ''
hg a
we er but it.'will- * -1
at� *
. - � .
All winter- goods to be cleared ,out
. . I
# I ...
. I :
I .1 I
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W, _M*_: �..:TAXL R. �': & SON
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J'aurfer goveritulefit and these L 'People brother, Mr, J. Willson tit Gorrie the his lotaliti by tile. erection of a e0r. jv� u,F . I .. 1`� . . . . . In design and watrobill' . I'' .. 4 1. I � I . _T!M�nn
. . .
. I �
file naturally .seek to: domicile tbem� past week. ' . beautiful U* two ,story brick house, Mondij�y March ind, at I P. tit. . �Wearetb(-ONL'�prltc- * . . I � . ,. ��
M.Lves lit the shitils of our cities.
There thcv�bett)ffle tj burdell ou tile
Ivir. David Weir attended tile tedolt-
ers' meeting at Wingbain oft r4riday
"Illshed Iraul t0j) to bottom lit a
4trio(IY up-to-date hianner, It is ,oak
sbarp, altafoll sale Of 1()t ,I .
,,A, con. 6,
G()(jerief, toWlIsIlip, Insisting Of 80'
. tioal menin (1,jiIjt()rj� in .
oup 1hull, Do tint be I
Calia(liqu "ptlblic. L,4()t ()nly tbat,
and Saturday. .
grained upstairs and down, and floated
acres, SS cleared andlin -good gram."-
- Calked intri PlavinKyour
they introduce viciolts Priiielples Into
Air. Youtij and Mr. McLaughlin of
. 'cousin,
by it hot air fortiace. And aq aft ar-
. . , oligaily proprietor ;
S &'I3l.' Macti a T.
order without fIr"t, call. I
1,et-vtofore law abilling conutuittitim,
MeXillop, vislUtol the latter's
tistie decoratiorw for thL. Parlor Mr.
0'undry, auctioneer.
� Ing on us.
Thev anect tilt! labor ularket. Thev
Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, -on Sunday.
Brown litirchased a rule inahogatt,
. .
. .�, I
lover tile stall(loril of Iflorals. In oi-
ory req;,ect tfiev are midoifable old.
Wedding bells will iii.g t..ia week at
tile weak Old-
cabitiet grand
. piano - from Mr. .
Itoate of 'Clintoll. we join in WiAllint.
. " ,
jil 8* 140-1 , "' ill" I
OVER0 I, ot,
. �
� I,Ff. Avit'l tl,e*(a11,V of 0111ada (, vast
Mrq, (�ook of Wintlitop, ppeut Sunday
Mr. atiol Nfra, Brown tuatty y0ars tit.
, 0 ADVZ
, , ,
jlaV..%. , I 1,00111CA 'i'll"Atq...)4 ;.",..,f (;.Lt.
with her soft, Mr, 11"Cook..
joy'lliolit of their new honfe, . I
. _
IN Tito XV4W$_U.COIZV. 1
N6*t to commatlal-nottl I
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Page Metal, Gates