HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-19, Page 1,
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I ;. I .1 -111:11;11. _ - � ... ''I'll --- � I . I . I I . I . I .
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� ---. - - . I I CLINTONO ONTARTOY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 19P t9'030! . Whole. Natubor 1255
----�----�—,--.----,---.!.-;�,==—",---"---�-----.,---��=---.�-.-,-,—, . , . � . . .
. — --�...,..-�.�-.--,..--.-�,.-.-.-,�-..-.---- ,-,��_ ____ . _..-_._1_1___--
1%--%.,%,,�%, A%,'%-4w"w.lw"q*"qlb,lwlwoftwlw"*.,w,lw,ft.,w.,w Ab�'q"� , ,lip, Ar.,kuli Blor ""'CORIP'S, , LOCAL MARIKUT. . I1OTAT01-,*,S Slill'I'lp IN, . _____ I
"r . I I - I . - . I 41) ' .. .13LYTa. . .$A.YF1r!,L3).
S. . . . .
$ -�, I Air. 144'. J. Calitelou made a good ro, Wheat 70C to 7LC. . The rot has played such,havoe Mr. It. - 11. Taylor , of Brewster was
_:� Coi he big tournament a � , with On Tuesday evening of last week a
_______�_1_1._1. , t Detroit Oats 3oc- tile Potato crop tila , .
. , t Mr. W. O'Neil gentleman grow Toronto Illet with tile a guest at the rectory last week.
. COOPER. . . 0 hust Week lit which tile best pigeol, li,'ggs 12c -to lie. - . . lilts- I)ro'IgJlt I'll 'a' carload Of 700 Ine'llbers Of tile Board of Trade of Misseis Flossie aitd Alaud Pollock —
. , tT. .S. 'anad4 par- 13utter Me to 17c. . blisliels - frain Toronto., They - are of this village to submit a. schemQ for a party'last Vriday evening -at
� . I . . 0 shoLs of tile kind C ,
" . I
� __ — - �_R - tivillated. Ile was the Oilly Calladiall Vlour $2,15, e 141V�i`cll. ail enjoyable time was ,spent,
. ,
_ . I tile B auty of Ilebron variety -and,
. 0 out oi fourtuen entries to . no the Starting of an enterprise in tile �
. - .-----.------.---- . � win a prize S'llorts $1$ . doubt, will be ,sought Wter for Seed, form, of a factory to manufacture There was, a party in the town. hall
�� . . 0. ill the �iporl.sriieiis hanclicap ill wbich Bran �j6. . ' .
. � . Shill9s I st Vrid y ev nin . I
. , lie score t 24 ()tit Of 25 birds, In the 11098' -�540 to $5,50, 1 rIIF4 NI�W JTJDGE. house "filrili I 11 tile line. of hard.- hu a el g .
. 0 is bird( event Ili the lutLruational I . " war(!. It was proposed to arm a I . Rev. Air, AlcKenwic, a returned =is-, .
� � Art Materials for Fancy Work I , 11IXY47- A. Session of tile lyivision Court Was I ofut tack company- ail w I su I
0 handicap Ile .scorQd .14, Mr. Qautclon's A , j s 4 11011 a 1. slollary frout China, gave an interest-
' , . 'I'M 1 ' I 4NTS. . held ()At Saturday witit Judge 11alt ficitult aniount is subscribed tile cree- ing and instructive address upon the .
l The newest things in stAnipec) goods olre the A winnings tit -the tuarmuncilt amounted Is U-4$ IM ,
I fount tu ul)otlt $go. ,rile iliallagellient set- .. I .
� , .1 presiding for the .first .imo 41�:q Ili, tf011 of suitable buildings and tile work in that country last Friday ev. .
Mellick desi.qus In centee--pleces. They are exi;remely ptet. Mr. Sauluel Barr .moved his fai lionor illade a renovation of others wi Iling in tile Presbyterian church.
� b ected hi -All as one of tile volinWitee to in I ily gOo4 impression, So .AA b � .
. '
ty and effeciive, $ fix thL haudica (01 a' c, r - far as ,Judge 11olt is concerned tile -latuilton has the stook ,Ali$$ I", Cameron i.9, payin
To woo 'Ps. to town oil Tuesday from with. Mr. C. J a short
k them the new Imperial floss is liged, m,bleb blks � ich township ail([ has ta -oil high standing of our jl book in hand for, procuring the Stated � Visit to Clinton and Goderielk friends. ' .
� 0 it silk gloss, and can be washed and balled wit.hout lo4ing 0 JIUNICIPAL OWN' .idiclary will be amount . No Blr-. ,R. Ariostroi)g anti Air, W, I 11�a-- . I
its viftictiveness, I FIRST11P. lip his abodo in the house oil maintained, I * better man . in Blvtll I
. � Ile I
. I T 71"Soll , .
. � . .11urou street which Ili,, bought from I . � . could 1), had as lie is a hustler. _ ()I Stephen Visited L friends in I I
0 Huckback centres are also new anti can Ile had 1 1 Rev- . The following from the l4istowel Alr .T J%- .flilf. Mr. Wit and family . . I . . 1. — citizens are tallln� a lively interest in. town last week. I . I . . . .
( eval pretty designs. Oil these cesitres lioman silk i1s, used. � � ' . . I . . .
0 0 . 1 - - . I . . . . I # St.andara *of last wQLK Will be of ill- -are' re.;idil'id nearer the Centre. of t1je G03)E'1tIC3K T6WNSM * the movement, - � I Rev, I,,. 0. Jennings said one of his . . � . I
tere,4t I.Q. the citizens of Llittioil k.t town in ille -]'()use they formefly o& I L P. . Mr, A.. McCreight is'at prep ith horses last, week t . .Air, Maga. of,
0 . � . . L . ,elit W . - . .0 . . ..
, ,
� Bishop Collars 1. � . .0 UIQ I)rche,llt tilue',' the filIVIA1011 Of 1,% it- cupled, . A ,company of Out a horse as lie, has hall the misfur-. Zuri0i,..,,,r I . � .
- - ,al ownersbip of � . light f4fitastics 'lit tilile Of losing two of latie.. The e by Rev. Canon Dam was ' I -
I . . Lar %%orlis anti umnicil ail evening ,it Air. Charlie I I I � I . �
; K I U I Le electric light systwil, licing IIOVVI .a I I . r SPL apprCciatQd by those who heard -it. ... I . .�
. In floral and conventional designs, suitable for wear, # ST'll . J, G ,R OWING. I . I ,last %,Cck� .. . . A c( � 4 egor's Air,. Alberi Howlett -of the 7th Lille .
Iover ribbon stock collarta, these are to be.embraidered W1111L 0 prominent olm , , . .Cotirt Alaple Lc� haSL I - Alr F,�Iwl%rd Viso bild " t � Of M.orris sold one bf his drivers on ,file .atten(lanco was small but th� L . . I
. , L . �tlbjlcct was large. - and Ireland was . .
. . 0 �.At. I If a membership lie misfor- last fair dav fpr fair price. . .. . z . .
. . .
I filo ill- twisted embroidery, . tile itivitation of Alayor Ilay, , Of ,8o an(t ill .11 time to lose his 'thorobred shorthorn . Mr. John'Donhol . I
I . . till growing. A special made an ititerusting place I L
� . L � � 1nK was leld oil Tuesday night ill, horse buyer of med. to 01640
� ' the mewbc.-rs Of tile tOWIL COttlIQtl1 : ,nee I bull tile other night but has sillet. pur- . I I .
I ,
I ��l tit this pla
liollic of the town olli-cials anti repre.. . e goat was. dHIV exercised for 'X� , . - � I
I NEW DESiGNS in Doilies and Olentre' pieces.for em- chased another.fr'om a mail near J� lee, Ila,, returned alter clispos- * %Vll() liste . .
. I Ilig of a carload of horses out N ,
I . . -of the local ll�ress, took a. tit of 'scvcra caficlidates anti it 8e also Sold a shorithorn 1je knows how to Vcb�, to Rev, and Mrs', Jennings, a ,
$ S � i broidery. . . L .1 . seutativ�s tile belle I eter, Xr. Wi I . VCst Born -At the .rectory, oil the i6th . .
I Pel, Spool trip to .Afollut Forest oil .1iondav with is confidently expceted that Cole. . . . buy to. selt. �
All Skein Silks 0 fnr 25c - "Silkine'5c 0 tile objuct of inspecting the . watQr-, the 2oo'niark ere long Aliss sy,fattic AlidlIeton left Iasi A sl . gh load of the youth of Clill daughtor, . I � .
- Lt ' Will lie rea6be(I,� - week �s!l .
Embroidery Hoops 10c to i5e per pair. I , and electric light plant _ here.' No x t Monday evelling an' At 1101ne for New York to take a course . as a toil pa sed through this, burg an Fri- Aliss Amia .AN'hiddou in a �ecent ex -i . .
� T � �i . L � . works Will Ile heldL1�11iVI W -in - . � (lay even 1 amination at, tile London Conservat- I . .
The following gentlemen composed the I 1 i4l be gel nurse -training, list to a point in tl
I BERLIN WOOLS in all colors, per otince 8c, .1 lar . towrish . iwMor,ris. Tlie'nig ie !y-vit[Mlisic,.p,iSse4 wl�fh honors, tak- . . L
I deputation : , F. 11% flay, ' Alayor ; tended, by the nic,mbers, their wiv Y'ktt� L Air. (4.eorgo Qatitelon's family are IP I -lit Watch- ', I
. I �� I . es L � I
0 i . . , and it report their it ing a fall one hundred per cent; We,
. I . . - J. S 1119 company from -Virden, man ca I �
I . . I . A� W. FCatherstclue '. Bi.eyers, sweLthcari.,j, . . early return bi .
. I . L . I
0 1 � Shetland Floss � . . . . � L . I C. 11rueUr, A�', llclto�, R. Woods and - � Alan,, daugl.iter.of -Mr. Joe Sinith not that evening. . . . I cohgratulate lie. r upon her. well -merited . I I .. . I
. On Friday evening of last week a -s" . I �
. I . . L 1; I . � it. Ilarn, Qoulicillors; , 11', 14; Binningi IOOVF,T,Y. WI,NTP,R IYUATIPF4R. , and lierafainily forillerly,uf.this town. missionary tea Ili connection with tile ,
. I
. -
I The best English brand 111hp- . Orkne . y 11 full 16 ounces .0 Treasurei ; Wui� Bright t, CI rk , .A, . . . I ship. - - . . . . . L I ' Little has , trinspitecl here of late, I L.. I I I .. . .
� R , � . 0 Ill rtlleWhig tier sill) to The News- .The names of tile success W - X. S. al the Methodist church wa so the-rL's little L uoWs' . - . . L . . I
per skein 7c. Saxotiles and Yarns of till 'kinds. , ' Kay Chief Constable ; Lewis Bolton, ..fill candi- . ) , . 1
,4, 'I'llo C, . � I . I
I . . . , # Alessrsi Climie and. Hawkins, edi- Rectird BILI., R , . amPbClI of Oak- clates who tried -tit(,- e,x ' held 'at the home of--M,rs, i3saph � . .. . - 11 . . I � . .
- � ail,[ , , burn, )IJan,, .-Vvl;1t(, amination If Conibe4 Ali enjoyable eveiling .was ' . .. . I . I
L : * I . I . . tors of IS, ; . � . . , If . I .. . . 1. . . . . . I
E i . . . the J3kinner, and Standard�' ,,, enclOsL . the -Toronto -Couservatory are pub?, spent by all resent. fid it was �t .sue- . -
. . ' , .
� I Stole Collars .1 1. . . . . I . I . . While awaiting train coiindetion at one (tollar as another lished and � congratulations are extend. . I a .� . . . . V-ARKA, ... I � . I I
i . 1. .. I I , I. Vedr's subscription to th xI to 1ri, , cess. financially. . . I . . . . I I I I
I . # Pallnerstou thecdeputation .was eilt` I, Ilewsy and L .is Flossie Cole who receivoll , I ' ' I I . .
I These, Will be Popular in SpAng.�Waists. I . i.gilled, at . 11111 It kit tile Queell's by .�VLImllv News-RCcord, We are bavilig .first cl,4ss honors in 1141-mony. The anuttal IllectiuLg of tile Chapicr Al i ss Tilly Duncan has returned front . . L .
I . .
� � . . a lovely ivinter L ill Atallitoba, Tile ' A slklirl' . of.the Black Knights �O( JrQltiud, toin-' .
Alavor.11av, Alount Poresit was roaoli- . I ., I. load ot young folks. from .postia, of - tile tier vi%ft if*) friends near Parkhill, She * � .
11 i , Fancy sl�eve, caps and Shl rre-d t-ffects'also will hold role' 0 . weatlicir' is clear Anfl 1liere IS itIst llortcr's* cOillities.: of klurou and- ,was accompanied. home by - tier friend, . L
I . L ell at ktboI4 '2 1). lit. and vehicles wt!rd . . . 11111 'sf)cnt'a'.pIeasaIIt .even- , I
. L
0 1 this spring. All these effec6q,,in fact, th.e latest of all prac- # I clu ligh tillow abotit. Oak , it; Ing recuntly at I Perth, win be J10(l ilf llly�ll eal Fri� Aliss � Amos. Bliss Mattd, Duncan - of I � .:.
, lo Waiting �to , o .4tiLpl) . ii1g, IliCL bli.ril - to ah -c Mr. Jaiiies C; , I
I . tical stvies are found in out, stock of Botterick"Patte'rils coilvey ill('. lml-tv to tile I th ) .., i . . . ,. - I . - Thititin's (ItIV" 1"ob. . L 20th, a I I . .
0 M�reh pi L t.tterns giv I i -ng sn'toe 'in,fication. (if prevqIli ' C� I . . . I . I IceSsioll. - I . ,. I . . . 1. t 1. .a.' I- . ,,Bliss
The n $ W,1tCt-%vol7ks 1,111(i cl&-LI-iC ligliL I)OW f- . . ()It the - It tit coi* it. , "i'lle. elinton. is also vii�ititig with . . .
g . ti --ollicers and otlwr .busbiu.%.� Tilly. at present, . I
0 � I ,zpring stvles are now in. . Whe)i next you come, to our 0 110ifse, both of wbich tire. mider one Bl'mI .,� V. ' Since� the ,last. issue 61CC oll'ofL � .
. I I IIA1111Y RUTURNS, - - of The I News- ,11qlI 1), ' ' I . I . 1. . . . .
I store visit our paper pattern department; indeed it would , roof in a substantial brick building - . . I L . 11 Record. We understand Air, Percy 'Cole. , attended to. , . � � . Sliss Alatuie 'Vostc� loft,gn Tuesday I . I ..
0 sititiatcol 61) the street lekding from the *. - 4111 Ili's rillgoi ampikated.and L has suf- A'. l3o'x .Social was . given in 'tile for Toronto where ,she will reiniin, it: . '. I .
. . , , . , .
. ,pn . se. I . . )art (it the! U . . I - I t .. I for tile , ; . . .
special trip to ourstore for . -I)Qt7ter k1ioWlI al, Joe -Rat. Jered ,,,to ll� village . On feW )%�eek$L�.s.tiidy,iiig.tlic,latest millin- , - ' ' . .
vay you if you have dress niaking Intentions * to make a, 0 os4)b � sellool-house:.liorth
. . . . . . C)r11 r , 110k the worst is Over, . ( f last week. Miss ery fashions. -before Leaving . - . . I
that pil" 'I a o
I L s t, illitify, born his .a - pkin. His lit ny friends FrWay evelling O .
s atioll: to the I'llsilivss I in Clinton oil 1�
: I I I . I town, and ncar'l�, lialf a milL froilli the �18th, i8fio, - -lit,, has li�-Cd all . I i ie . . . .
� � Code, teachef, and'-6thers hi-,-nislied ky West wbere she holds a good position L .
� March Delineators 15C. Fashiofi Sheets Fre6. I . foriiii.r., . Her - e the party. Was Inct - by inthi.� t(1%j,-n With tile exception Of..a , A, Pleasubt-Anelal was ]told at I Al . . . . I
. . L . � I I. , ' . tile .program. T r. L, Nethery lielfl' 'Of wit at Carinan. . � , . . . . . I .
I .
.. I . . . . till! Afavdr Of Mount F(;ro4t, J... A.- 'short time tile faillilv. ,spul = of* Air.. still Mrs., Will, Mill- , * numbei I", .,it Blyth . . . . .
_ . . �. It at '-'all"- Imiland oil tile chicif,301le it Wedding bells'ard ringIng land and . .� .1
.. . . a I - . . 1`fkilstca�l, 1�sc[;,�Rlld bitter titembers, t�f eNVilic'.- �Joe lla.� , fivell ill tile, hotc�l .evening and, al- I till -adjolning sections . . .
. . S__ businCsS ',illeu his teens' and Ila$ . It] . .
4, . . d , ' i . i:iw Mount Y.orest Council, - The Li tildligh - tile Zl-ral(tl�,.V, Was very bIfist---,,' tl took - 1) li I t ' in clear �Wte close to Varna.. Look: biti' .
L . . . . I
� 0 ' - toivel:.pa�rt was' sho'wn tile premises, cl*WI'Sive � acquaintance an a latge cro,,vd-turned out to.spen .;I , . iLe cariving out' of' the pro-yr.tin - '. for a wedding so 11 ' ' I . . . .. I . . I
y _t:l . among tile 'i it ..k ulli.611 . . .
wo oper - & . Co-' �.- CLINTONe J_A;Int alld-, L �.rkve 'cliffig' together.' .There were gmTno- . . li .of the K League, A r. Will:., Reid oat Bay City, Mich, ' . I
. . .9 I . _QIl1illg 0 iceting . . I .
$ 1 . . . . . . I L . . alub. rrotwrit tliC conriesy of �cOlkJTnt1niLV.. 1)v -,vIloIn Ili I and C, Encleavo'r societies of tlli,,;L 1.111L 11 I .
� I . . . . . . . p , . . S , witet. Ing, ilistru - '0� ,is at present ".visiting ,9tankcy . . .
.� . . . . . � $ Mayor Ilalsteall atul - SiipciMfLn�JC,nt 11011st; is regarded It$ f L , pholle s ions, sing friends.. . .
0 Agen t s for C. R. It. Tdlegr .1 I . . . I . . I 011e () the incist . t ,I I -intisic and ail abundance* t I ' men was held' in St, Andrew's church (it Miss Mail& lZollinSon': . . L . . . � L I I
aph and Dominion:,Express I .. . I . flills obtaliw'd muelv iniornration I'(' -C r - * 6at I I the efficientL . . , , . I .
. � . . 0. C6 . Pirle] i L '.. 13 o,itel ribs, in die p o,�jnCe. - . 0 - Tiiesdav evening, - The literary In -o- cle -farfiwell's .'store, ,- - * � I
erns. I I : . I . - kIbOIJtL ',%loll t Vorest's Nvdter-w6rkA ati& . . . , .. I . I . . - rk at Alvreliant I . . . .
e Money Oiders, also for Butterick Patt L 11 ,I, *r I , - . . I :' ,Tlie tables lo�kcd lovely and the 'loll.'% - I . . - - . .. . . .. .
I . . . . .. I L . . Lter�-Nvorks ate V L . . . wa%.very nicely (14�oratcd with, ever- 'is ftirnished by the two so- -narrow)-, escape( serious injury .the 'L ...
I L . I L . ;. � . . . . I. 0 Llectric light. .: Alte -,%� - T1 , I I OR K �, , A R, . . - -L . . I - . I I . . . 'I . . .
1q&,1Q6 A%._AWA�.%�-%� Ift�.*,b,�A%,��Aft,ft�l%OW,W,%�_-%,-qlb�.W,,ft�,%_%�,%_,W . . . . . . -. L alit" '=S Weprosented. �. I , I .
. I ,%-,,%, operat�cl 'I)v'kl twill cvIifid(,-r Nor0lev , , . , I .1 greens L and roses. The proceeds I . . I oth6r dav, NN'bile engaged at somii� ' : . . . I . ,.
. � I ' . I- out I . . I ' . . I .
. . . 1. , I .. L . , Thu Inon'(111N., I,nrn fai I. w'"L. J ited �'ki 'Iftile: over. $!'�' tile a I * All r - I, '13 ri)wl has, bought a oement, , .w6rk Ali _�Ccideutall� stepped, Oil a , - . , . ,
. pump o� 6&) yals, per,'Illillliic.cktpacit� � N't"Sturday . and tktir!v w * hel J . , I Miss- Illachill'o'L manufactured bV L BJC'.�ktll'i� &, � ' letti L ..
L . I .
I -,---,:- "— . __O wli.ieb lilnnps � the �waier . from a large. L " . ... � ell attended ioll., fee bLin,g .-,,mail. WL�Jiope we -may trap .door .'W_Iii�l�gavp"Lway, iig h6r � I . L - . : .1 I
, . ,
. I .. .. . I - **" #444 *044i . . reser%,( jr ()I 'qi(IV, of, tile! buil 1. L . tj , COUNitlel-1119 Vic 4att!" Of Oi� wtath,pi; have ani) i Pluutuwr ..and ill -'the flitIll`6 Will L L"C'. di*6 ' r L . I . � . .. I
04#0 ***,o 0#*****4 **"# ) it Ilig, It! I . . ther. stich social ill -tilo, near P- to,Abe colla flqor ,below, As. ` ' * . . I
0 . **** I ( � � Tliert!.-,A�erL,'-,SV"'Cr,al,L'1)11N,�'I'S 11 . I'll proparo�l it) erect collar walls. Aud ,the -Varna. gir I Is, have .been practising . - ' ' L _ . .
. L I . I I)rvgwit from "fitturc_ . I .
. � I I . 1. dimensiojis of 8vhich arq., X 'Ceti, -otttsii(fc: pofil I . - .. - � ' . ,. - . , L . . .. . . I . . I
* . 1, . . . 'Celuetit linc()'' L I 5� 25 1 J . ' 'i�.,JL � . , Work will L . ti . I L C .L 11, . � . Other L bujIdingS. on Lille new priticifild, gyninastics'lately Blatid -Was able. to' . I., � I .. I I L . . , . . . I. I
. . Air: Oeor� ill c')f - t ),.e Base Line Onucessions. Air., John Cox is reno-� ace of: the keel) s'ide 'tip. and got off, with a . .
" .Jii'. ais re.,,fervoir WWI- [ boom ,oil 7th and -8th
- . iu,.a f`L-�V. r".".t (if o;,Cil other Eire two. , . . . , Willett .is LASt Jaki , hg'� the I I)l I . . right , ' L , . �. 1. . �
: SOVEREIGN BANK = = - �_ 'Clifitoft I 13-rafich - Ivliv�rpd: a %pan N,eqt�rtl . IL 1. .. * . 0 . L . . .
0 . , :. . .1 I ,. . , ; " - I , . . OU stoile :%vall. . . . . O (I sLre'arid- a f6w b;i�ilse%'. ' - _' - ' - � . 1. . .
. . I . ai.tcsian_,-veI1.q,AQilc of wilich i'4 :;oo fe 4 . av which had 'vattil�g barn and putting- cemlint walls ' �
# .1 I I . .. . . # . . -L all argregate )I 340b Pound.%, undiii-nekh it. Mr."Peter . . Ou',Tuesclay.incifning.the therilloilletm . . g Miss - Cassi e - J ohfiston, . . . .
. . � I in -depth and the oth' r, 2 0 feet. 'rile 1111,��, - Calltelon Is . liag resigned - �: ,-- . ' . . I
L .. .. I . . % ,g �. ... . . L . � ,lit 'tild " ' ' I I ' " .'. ' L. I . � .1 ru L and b ' Itilding I ., I . -t this � winter. , - � . ro, tier posftio . , . . . . � . .
� � 1. Idi, 'tied
. . .. .. I * - . I., lWfall'Ni. si), and brought:a fancy price. -eatv'� - and . Air'. -is bili fig , to lowes I"iV,I,,L , ... . .. : - Her place ivas ably Ti by 'Miss . . .'' . . .. .
. watdr supply' I.-, fiirni,�hcd 'bv those �Ahc Methodist '�Iioir,, '
******* **,"*#+###"_"+.##+" I . e . L .,5 were 1)( WCIA1111� "I I r 'registered 2
�# . *"* . itb , iiiilals*,' tearifil e, I degrqes-. 1)61()N�, , v.c it �i
* . L .: . . .one : e87 g d6wn his Ila
: � I Is LF to I)OWS01I.011 t�ll,ud Y, CV611i
. ,1*1111; , L . . I .1 � . .
I I I . - _ k a Isinki litimp is.lisci Thev . �rtii inteniled : tot the Old .Comi- a'bdrij also find it -is wh T; gatww havittg bc,en Sad 6, �41g , - ' . � .L '.
; , .. . gi G. t
: . ,. . . :to ,. I � irti.4i.ci Air .
Start the N6w Ye4r''With, -. - . . - .. . ,aiSe tile water ill -to - tile reservoir. . . . .. - is cred. . Mr-. - L . I
_____ . . .. . �., . .1 - ii , lelie,i diameter' in- . irv.* , , � - , - . , ,.� 1. . . . � Kerli� -.Cox i '- .-,kl "' I . scrintriily.ill and poullnell to the j�'ouse Thd litekary so6iet-V is still- M�rfsfi- - I IL - L I .... . . - .
t . . ! . -Tile w(,Il% are 4 , . . . L I � . S ilia Ing preparations . . ' I .
* . I � . I . .. . . . . . . . . I . . . . , ... 'L . -neighborint . . � . .. .. ... . . I
. I
. . . I L I. . . , 11 for several � .w�eks, our ing, hkIvilig- al.,011f forty, members. � . ,. .
. . . . . . Side steel piping. Both -wells itrd.. ill A . I . . for . a new Mule.: .So a n fielt for but -f , oil ,Or Thil L " ' . ' .
* I . . . � . , . . Th , I wl"If. . . Afl�SICAi,-AIOFAIR. � ' : � - 1. . I , ct a clay apart fair, makilla a 'rile � - - I
I . L i . L . al me'j.� .L%
0 . . bed rock. tWo ,;. furidsh - oL I I . . . . . pinkrq4siVe f�rmers. . - . � I . - re is a big debate rsdaJir . '. . . . I . I , .
' , o . . , . I I I . ' in - .1
* a Savh1Zs Acco nt in the - - �,411fficiclit Sit I)I)IV* f)f L water lor the pres- '.,Oil - .11 hursdity ev' . . - AlisseA zzie and Rtis'e I)empsey . -of bee .1
U . . eilfik� �i'[ next Ta' , to draw ' - the logs ,already ,,(Ait e�rcllillg. Same .of the. young men are. , . ' -.-
, I L I
, .
0 �_ _ . - I I .. � .1 L I , I week 'are. -visi. Ing .. �Jll from Pbwell's bush 1.1ilijell he lJ4trcihiiS-* (I ilig into able:,debaters, - `1 , I.. L . L �� I . .
. I . . . ,
. .
" v, . I L . . I . . '61 ... (if I inusical'eutprtailiment: will be,givell .'tile 901- Coll. ' It' friends ,. . ell �L short ft me ago 1 for'get the Foro.�tcrsl .Concert - - ... , 1. - ., .
. . � ,cllt requil. leAs - 'tile town, A t I .
.. I . � . I . � . . I . o carry oil his�
: . . .. . I . . I I . third .iveil ,was siink about�'ii rod from ill. tile ,S.,A. llarrackp_ Tile beilps baild Fast WaN;vkillosli . . . , I ._ _ 03'v90111111t) . .
0 . . : . e was -%libsetli . - . . .1 I - season -'s Work. . I . on* Friday evening. V,veirybody come.. � . '. . .
4 Sov'ereign Bank-. of Cana da. L ,ill* .fe"s&rvoir, Lbut lcIltIv will.be, assiste(Yfor tll�, oqamlolk 1v1r.Jame,qi "if(I Miss'susie"W'ellster: , I V. . � . .
. . * a on Sliutla%, L Rd , WicKenzic, a L Ini.-_ , , - - I
4� - . _ � . . .. 413,411fdolle(l, ,The water is � puiop,,��l tlxFQQ.;, plavers -from I'lluafbith. )y - iid�Ariis Miller of Ash -field dre keep- I . L . .., A 'good time is cxp�cted'as the'talent - - .
. . $101 . I � � . .. :1 . 1. I
. . z=_____=:,__=__�_ . ' . . , Mr " Ing ,� house. for lary frol�i., China,, occupied the pul- engaged is Of the best' L �' . . . � L. . . . . .
. . . . . roll it to ail- cleva,i, � rown f' it tile , I .the- forinef's brother . . . .
I L .. . . . ... L . j: I t I . . ., I a'io-inch inai ' (� James 13' ' ro I -4atn-ci town s, who is on a v.i . � pit of, 91 uarew�,s church anti ';0- .' Mr. Wellin I . � . . . .
. I . . Ish CC gtl�,�ilk, fully half a- ini, Will- give graniophoilL � sOuctiolls. . ' , ' ,. - A i . I I . . .
t . I. q. . . L I *. ;` st i le -f�oin the Thoma. - Sit* to Ills par- - . gton .,161111ston. of.Tarna - . I . I
Stibti(;n L., ' �l J� ' _,V .3lI,,p,.L , , . dressed tile .� I COIILg - i' 'Ose . I .1 � . . 1. -
�iS ' 0 . regation on tile nis-. is
:**<6t##**#*"+*+#***#*#*4 "***$.0.##"***#+*#4#4#*#**# - pul�lpiny . tali ents -fit Ashfiold t ' it I I .at I- tit, attanding the Grand * . . .
. . I I .. . . . I I . � I . L . � . . k has EL I ' 13�% 010 ),%-,Iv. i the ban(F has had - ail ... .* L' ,1% . . Wawa. I . jlis� 'Coulle � Roval Templars'th�i is . . ' � . .. . - .
. . . I . afl(litioln Of five I* I ., � 'of Hist -' sionary mork in thq.1l country I . L . . . .
L 1 ' ' . I - go Ipti,t ., ws' latel Mr.. . - J, Webster . . . .
, capacity, af,'.66,000 gaL kmd is, . LiQw invinhL v I . . I I . . .1 .
.W 1. - addrlisp was It ten d - witb� il�Lfked being., in Co"boti%.' ire is.dclegiite
H. T. RANCE- '=' . nbsh is. v ti g u'd' . .. it If ,�
m . Manag'eri, , in height, laving" a. ot�perstrticturp `6 I ever : . . It It er the pataft al. S e . , ,tell, . . . L I
I I . . - . . I I I , of h W01111se,'; to Ile f4.troll,ge�. �llail Isi. .t6 . L i I . . .
. , , , 1. .1 ..t , file L L . .
. . . . L . � . . -I( . )W it . I e . r )f. ., % . . . . . I aTiontion,.'. . ' . I I 11 �.. I .. front . diStrijA'L Council of Royal., . - , . 1L... . � . , "
. IS, t . . i . , : Rev. .1. �E he recior' ,of -Tehaplars of Huron , ' I . . I .
I .. . L brickwork ..55 feet high,'.; The. Steal bQf;)re' It , , , Ider Lit 61itloll'of loo, . - - .. . � : - . I., I
I I �� OnV, . .. L � . . : L . I ... .. . I . . - . ... (Illibilds; t . . . . . . . I . I .. . . . . ..
. L � . I I
### #+#**"**"#"##*".#"#.+#.##" taI%k_whicIi'is.',,,,:� ft..ct !high, ig enel )wd' Air, Jlarqld' Mackst . % ., . . . . 7 . _.. . . I.. � i L' -church, was able to NMI his , ..The 'Varna � Al' tit * La' " .. I . . . -
I .
. . . . I , 'L
_. . . . . . is roofed.. AL * . . . . I �. L : Trinity ' . 11 . . . L . . .. . . . .
I 1. I I .. . � . . _OW� . . on Sunday last. aftex 9. three At Home -at the parsonage -on the ev-. - t. L ' .
. I ... . .with woo(l,an(l : half I otir . . . a . � ..... L. � . . I L I '. .ditties c odist chair lield , n + I .
, . .
. e a day. keeps the talik 'k 'lie' R - I .A '' 11 Weeks, ilbless iviih la grippe., '� Citing of*Feb� -x6ili to, sa.yjarewell to � , I ,
I _� 4 .plitilpill"'r tivid . . . . � .. . - USUA91 L . .
4 -+++I-k**++++++**++* i -6--d- , 44, . I . -cu . L. .� I - I 11 : . . . , � , . , . . . . . . � I L � I I . . .. ., .
'Al's, -i I' I , roin a go(,), arn 'tba� , G ' � Miss - I I I
. 4 I . � ... L. � . supplied, except lit casc:of. fire, wit V � �1 40111*�L We je Miss Lucy ., Vlaud' Proctor is att"cling, the one. af. ilia proniinent,members of the -' . . . . I .
+ . I � I I . : . . .It .� : the. tanK can be clo�sed .oil,. a-11.1 tile , " . arner was wilted in . - I , ...
41 . I . . . + . . . . L 1.11LI'L is a. I " , , I gi"s' � -over . s to Tipellings in. - London - th 'Ile. per, .
. I nir - row I I pro 'lly'llieWS bond -Alr - (Ieo'. �A,,nbltry of y . . S. choir -i In i 40ti of 'Miss
. . .. . I . pumpeil d-iiectly thybut " milliner . . I � I . Cassie .
. . .1 . '' . . 1. Pt+ �.Val . .Cr + I'll., . . , gli - the, the t6cri.41-N! o)fflice appointment... At 0 ' � Week. . . I I _... . . .� . - ' ' , . .
, .
+ I . I . . � 88111' CN � .. . . . ,)askate6wau oil Thursday I I .. I Johnstone ere she: ledvia 'for her new.
f �tll,e :.&PI)1,7 L WL'ek I . . - . �.,
' . . .. . � hr. matus, *. - I it,,. water I I . , . � . 1) a Messrs, Metcalf ; Tier:ftav, - are Ili boine'at the -Xfle,. kre +tdlis.tiffic next �: , - . .' - ' I
. - tinic 61, xi, ri Ing not. ollQ. o
. . . . ;rO ` `11: the . . t, , 'Ind
. I. . .. . .'wg*, taiik�is 6ojbs� to ,%*4tiare inch.* 'OV1.1iti.. h al) . Y tllb 14v. J � 'C, -Diinl6p. "fit Toronto thig week - tit th* I ' ' . I - . . I .
. . . . * . t . . I . ' .9 �alits :I,% able. to, bank heavily art his - couple tat - for the West I . L e literests. of wock'she.will I - ie ',%Ir.s ' Instead Of " MiS6 .. . . . . .. . . .� . .. � I
I " A -it with . . .
"' Leaving=Town.. Sate � * . . , I I , ther s,�:ltt .*-'-.I !a- � prospects. . I eck, py . 'Society' - - ' _` L ' -and liqr inten(ed Lis- a , . ., .. .
* . . . . . . ollilt ForQS,(,s I " .. . -
. . . . : ' ,It was Scott last'w ' . the good wishi-,S the nianv friends .., . . . ..
__ ___._ ___ I j' LrIV6' of Illai . I f - t1le- Amricuftu'ral cl prosperous ifarm- I . .
— . - � . � . ,Xbol L. mile, its' are rC- . . ' I . L . I . . - .
— — - �
- ___ -,.--.--,-- _____ . -�_.'!'_ . I . 7 t . . � . .. . ., I. . � �.� �: L � . dills , to' e . s I . . McLe4n N-esterday and it 'is lik,4Y an-, anti relatives to speed . Larg . coming, er of Colborn�l towll.§hip. 'She will bo.". I I . I . a I . 'LL
L . . '(f V(jL its.t, r4jKtA ' � a c1mintiflvs of''ICOL jLj7e
* � I . , . I I . qtlirL 0 � � L . Tile toti.l. - , , , .. I . them to success I I . I .�
. I . : . . .. . - .- . . . . I . I . - ' oligr'll � to lie: . Coa'ts toinoftoW..' The and Ilap villl b� 'I in, ilic,se dayi. for t . tel keepers inlich-fiiim,ed in the cat . . 1� �. . L .� .. .
+ I . . .. � 11 . . . . , - tile, wa,terw'Worh.; . pllit:�;s- Those av 1, ". . . re -9 aurant . s, .1 : L. ' . ' ' . .* . i . s hi'khly respe�tcd �J 1111111 ' I * llit� as 8h6_- - I I I 1� I � . . ... .11
+ I I .. . :..� . '., ; ' ' . . I irs 'gjveij , a's . . I . .. . . _y4 �o 7he ho - ,
.cost of . . -ing with t ic 'appli- c6lirse illade it tile ci�.'Casjoq of jk' uoisy . .. L I . . . . I -�. - .
Having decided to leave t6w . 1) e explinse of c;r.,'- " . . . . L.. .:. - . . I - �- : ' . 11 . � . a.s. I . s .
. li tqng- '$aq,,560. . Th . goverfillwilt's. pla� I , and t . . : �Iat is Varn
+ . . '. .. r. I offtir my entire : ' till", tile L I , Pants (is a, Cat �vitli mice has,. -thor- daincii4s,tratibi 1, � I . . . .. .. I I 1.1...IbssL.J§ Nile's gain, .1 . I . � .1 . 1. I
� I . � :. . , - -works can oiilv bo �l Oil C JvCrF, Ill .. . . . . 1: I I I .1 I I .. .
. L � �. 11 , water lArliplents - . � 1, ., � �. . q - ,.. 1. d . � ... . I 1 7. ,. I .
. . � . oligh4v disgusted ev�iqbotty.' IL I.j -a 161 diic6fd torture, iind agcihv�- '' ; - . L . I . .. L
+ stock at wat I . " ' . I ., . I I I . I � I � . . �, . I . ,L . I .11
ches, clocks,- .china, Jevi,eHeryj and . - ', �. .qppJ,f).JIlIla(t:d, as the,� -are .rtin iii i oil'- %vandaloup cx* L . .. . . . I . I . I � . i .
+ . .. . I I . . I - . , .. . . llfbitioll or. , W't'1,,kl,lm'4%, Ill - C, *k social ' . . . � 7�� . . � . ... I. : I . � . . .. . . .�.. .. .
+ pUbli L , .1 I .. , , . , .. � . . L . .. � Jillictioll with tile tleei.ric light.. 11�io . . . 1. � I J),J,L w -at Mrs. A.- T. Mc- . : HULLETT T 0 W It" $ -Ip'.� ' ' - - - L '� 7 .: . ,. .
I . . I . . 1, ,,jff. . . . I . . . . . I . I I . I
� . I I . - � I . . .. . . .. . .
are to the C llt�xllctly,whol' , , . .. ialcl's.was 11 eiij . . . . .1 .. .
-1" silverw, �sale pri&e. , .. . . nivii are elliployed 'tile year' rouiul, 1i A QUESTION:, ,� - , ., I . I . : L I . a L qoyalile. event.'Ping . . L. L ' . STIkNLV,Y TOWNSMP. , . , �: . . .
. . . pong IC(I 'tile' L The manv%friond,s of A I .. . . .
+ '' .. . . . . I �L , -superilitelirlent 'at a saldry of o600 kind ,. � . I. . . .1 .. . . � .1 I . I . .. gahies, ice ' creatn at . llr,L � Allen r& . . I I . L I . . . . ... . . , ,.� 1. .
Sitock must be reduced at -least $25M in the nex.t , .1 - . 'ew�s Record,_1 I;6tice-that lunch, Alliss Jk�.alt�Lr , ttndi�r - ,Bliss U, llipks 'of I 1L. ..
.1. . . . . I � 1. , . an enginku at �$Lq�o. A third In -all I.,, . If,ditor *.N - L . i%T r&itatjon. ..�, gret to leli,ru lie. is .,isolllewll, at . . . . oh . .
. � . I .
. I
* few weeks. you miss Nugain 9 if:. y(JU I L e.tbig side. * . * m ell? part 4. the year, 'Thb. &(.,st a* coliple of grocers. tire Ili . Much regret .is felt ifi our tho. V,Oaibcr;. - This is a very unusual is visitifig, the .Misses RichardsoL . � L � . 7 ,. . .. I . . .
. I . I el I . I I )11)� 11 T ipbrtlng- .. L commAlit- thing as the -gellial geptl email L f S I . a . �, I * L . . .. I , 'L 1, 1.
. I
. . I I . of , I � �il all I livt)rtant ; itein kinrl' is ., bl' ad . - - ft olnL � Toronto - 'and. I,oh.don it), at tile LISP. Of our wardly A . I . , Miss Georgifta Johnstoll . �
I . . . I file I I , portg VefL . ' . spent Sun� ..' I I I
* pass without making it purch'aie. For full particu� I I ,� � chargeable' to lioth Water and'ljglit ac- Whip 0 itian, the lo�al I : I , strong, ( 13 . 1. �
. ) ,11 tbvy Jlavf; a perf6el. righ .$a, -D . All&'glleSt of M"§S �
. � , - . t to. do, - .. . .1. cal�. I mail physically. Many lay at. annockbit' .. . .
+ . e . . 1. . .; � ". L 'Till t tligir lt)av�A, �LT al . I . . I y L lay 'i Cjllll$to , ra. . .:, I . . I. . .L I . I L .
. I . of Mr. John Young . . . L. I
.. - I Wthey ,sale fli, Tho youg. ,spil . to see theii� old friend QVbr day. A no. 1. . j I. . . .
* L . votints, � . . � � .
+ la . rs see ad. on page 3. All licclounts Ili ti�t,b.o s... ttled, . . . . P, -Of ColbArtle'got hii hand aililo".."' Ltak. ,and hope lie Trikly soon."be his Old self '. Mrs. C. Jolt stoit-returfied on Mon- . I . . 11
+ . .. '' 1� - . I , . .. . . X -- The ivater--works have bpop jil told, ('11N. weit'rh olie all(I a " Ila f , ( I it,, . � - - _- * I . I . Ill . I I . . I I I . . L . . . . .1
. . �rs , . ay roin visiti
. I :. . I . . -d I ' - ing friends in 8tepiken, .., I
I . . . I 'utting box lilst -onday. Ag' I . . .
by Feb. Ist., 1903. I . .. . ,_ opprg- �as oil * oil oil in! a . I' L
. .. . . . '. I tion for illreeLycars and were histallid' I p(Milds :Wlicrt r local bake I � L ae- . Air, Brooks A r..Sam, Torra' ' .BIi"qS Martha . . : . I .
. . .. L . .., .:. I., I cordhig to tile town . by-law; 'antist . I . of trie, north pa�:Lfl av,ay .1 t1ce of..Afauitob;L is . Taylor. of Port, 1-Juron I ." . . . . .
. .. .. . I I bV Arr. John Oalt,' civil ellgin6pr, .L§a � . . . . 1. reeLntly. - ; : � L . 'L - I . . . , .
. .. L. .. . .. . . . . I L. '. visiti;ig. Ili , this Section L at.present, ii v I . . I., . .
,. . kCep tip Ao tit(-, two .1lound -standatd,� . . I . � isiting tier brother 1%'illiam- . and I � . I
. .. . . � ., 11 .1
- � . . . . . . .. . ' L L far the reventio IiaJFP not .quito me � , Alr,- X 11, clil ire lived at and. time oil Air., Artblir .6ther fr wids- a:t.prest . .. . . . . . . .1, � I
___ _______ _.______.____________17 . I . . .1 .- . . I , s tlifs correct ? If so why rogulato A . tit, . . .
f ,L expendittirL, '-La Mr's. lt� Bl. ,311111111"lliall anti Ills 42kotiler, i . �.
.. I . . . . . I after c targ- - i I W , .! , , parson's farm and has done Well in. Bliss 1,; . . . . :. . . . . �
L I .. .1. ... si, year,.., 1. , � 0q - w tit Qlkl Iri- � . .
. . . . .. . L . . . i I ing .qgoo to "Ilvdi-ant 'r#nt"., , I , I , our lopal b"-CrA and allow 1hp. big Llilgill town. , . . � . I Peck-keturited home.from ,-. - .. ,. : I . I �
. � . I . I . . . I . . , W tic I Wo I . .1 . the-Trairie, province, ''Hig Old friends . . .
. , ,
* . L taKe it) CIV Aliop� to pel) ligplit loav�s OCjq� J - .. .. Scaforth last Saturday, I ,. . . . . � .. . . I . .
. . L .. . .. IlygAft ,fire. .i)roteqic;u serviati, Ull, s .. . . . .. I . . .1 .1 . . � apli . IPV.( rit iN abi-00 agapt - at � id are. glad to See hilu look -so walL Mrs. F,. J. Rdi(I Aud'thrc6 childr6 ' ' - - ' . . . . .
P.- 041 Cre . w's , . .. I . I [lie accoilllt' Wal"SOMQUIbIg OVOr $400 - . . . . I . 11 ., .. I . . . ( , luito T'Con 'oil. tho projecting Ileb o�_ Af i'q . ", � Edith Mills lias reco I vered front .leave oil W . III I - ... '� , . . . .
,� . .. I . , .. , � . I . . . .
.. ... , short '('fL balkiiieillg� This �was ditc, � lit T110 her rectiot severe illness, . L edilesday. for titeir lionic, in' .. . I
I ' . . . �
.. . .
I . 4OU0111-11VISINIHISS 11111ills", . lug, Allikes 'the laft 'and: lar,sic�; hu,q- . , Souris, .. I �
I Biddlego'inbe"S'Old Stand. -part. to tile. increa4sed I : I ., ' Ma 4' ,
I Cost Of tile). Tho : � 1. .1 ilesin 1he 106.. - I � . . B19 parties; have'recaudy been given . Ilitaba L . . I I I . . . I
. . I . ,. pres6it revel S' iospitable lionres of.J61ln Wells AlissAI. Rtithwell and'. -Miss Stella I . . . .
, . . . I iqe fr6ill �Watvr,servlc� to 11�ussvls , ull. ltot-4 wiW shut .dowil Air, R.' illcillwahi'of tile Nile Was ,it at tile I _,, --�JL13 4eJuZI 61 . . L
. .. about S L . . I . p -4Z)l - 110MIll -d . . .
Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer, . ".. . . '' . 1. . � . . . . � L private takers I% _ 11,500 4-041% 141fortly to perillit.of it ficiv pall bolog ,tile village oil' Monday� 11'sa . Carter and Thomas I'nox. 'the youth and ' Catitract6r, Ili 0=1 I)AVIt � 1, . . . : L. I .
.1 L I � . . . . I A Selled.1114 of rates for &N -V01111 Of put ill, and 'OthCr ill1l)�OVC1II0iIt$ Wade', aVC( . Y owe.. I. :. . . . I . Itbil, of Thrifold %as, ' . . .
1, I
. I
. � , ' I the guest of Mr. W. 14. .Xeys of. tile .. . I
Refractionist and Dispensary Optician. - ' I tollallied IIIIII It 1304111V of ' this section were present ' . � . � I
. . I I . hotels stiwcR, la�Vllll, et , Ty Mr. Ransford ',thlnl�-s Brussels is be- . Oil I What I a S. S. .k.onveliti-xi bit Ili laike numbers and report a Most Ballylon Line oil Tuesday Of . . . ,.
. � . bv-la� I 'file tariff for, dwellifigs.io ,�S h'ind 010 -times in not I . I t� , . . I last week I .
i living a foun- Frida,y. of itI1'SL`wcCk' , enjoyable line. : I .. I . . Mrs. George Dowsoll al tile Goshen . . : .
L+++*+++++**+++++++++- .1 fj)r first tap and $r foi:ekcch,4dditioiI-' (Iry Where tile work lie I I,.' illiproVing 'in I . . , , , - , .. . I * L -
___ —.-- ... ' . + I . . I is now having .Nlr-,,' 14. Roberton ., � � � '' , . .
I*— ________,,� L .__ I tit tat). . � I do;ne. in Clinton coold , Ile 1: carried . ficalth, . . L
ir.� .,� . I � . . I _L I I I . � Lble Is in Uginoullville at present tak- . . , .
_ , I I . � . .. I .. illL. I .
.. . . -.—.- . I . Blount Forest's electric light plant, through,. and .save Will. two freight. "tile ice Supply . is being secure ! d,'. , . " Care oflier.,niother, ,Xrs, John Mc� . . . . I . . �
*"*****#**********4******+***++*****+"#*#*"*###**" : . ' L , COL130ANP, TOWIVISHIpi + , _ +'KA'iiIc,V, Sr., - iVho is ill, We Ilope Mrs .. . .
I I . I
0 . I . 6oth are and incauclescent,:was oright- rates,- MeSgt, gT 'tile Methodist church lield an enter- . IL I . 4 '' , *1 . .
", -tit, thorou 1, .
0 . . I . I . . . 0 . - .R. sford are -thd it TuLsday of this *eeki '- . ad a Sale of McKinley will s6oll be better. . . . . .
0 . . .L I . I. ally* installed by Messrs. Corley & busilless. mwi and .n(hic. btit best tainmellt o Mv, SapAttel Stevens It' Mr. and Mrs, Henry 1,,rr-att of the I
+ I . . Collfiv� and was taken over by the, satt'sfics them. Thev deserve tile Stic. Air, and Mrs. Snyder at the Nile 110 . -and ililplellionts on. pgfr I,JIIC
. I . ,. favm�§tock .
. � I. . I I I I . Z ; T . 1i I I � were vut!sts at tile home Of L I a
0 �
. . . . . LoWtj it , L a VU ttal.1011 (11 ,?101000. �AX-
� . tellsiollp, iqlrl improvpInClits have broti-
. . � 1. '
cps att oil( Ing Lneir ;its ness tine man-
. ayeincht.—Ilrossels Post � . . .
visited ilia. latter s parents recently.
. Bliss Alinifle'Wall,ace of Suminej-h�ll.
wetlit"Itlay. Aast, everything -01elliug
W01L Mir. Stovos is givi g -up fariAl-
Mr, 'Robert . Keys' one, ovenliq last I . I I
, , . .
weck:i - - . � . . � . .. I
I . .ght tile capitat R06illlt tip to �i3,000.
, , , ,
. � . . I The town i� lighted by, 1*5* are light.q Oi_
. I
I I : I
I.-; a glicht at XT., J()JJn sy�njngtonls,
. I I
. Air.. Atiff qf,I)t I .wolft Was tile guest
Ing alid NVAII inove. to Godcrich,,
. �
Illip,v, Xirkpatrick and 11r, McLean by'
Mr. and Arrs . , . .. I I . �
- Grassick, accomila�i�&..* . . .
.. � '. .
. I 2.0oo 0oln'llal candle' Po'WVli,' 1110 aF0.
. 1. Ity ied by a
Current is m4y it old Balfgiill-
, . . �. I I
I ., .
R lopk Mapkenzi
p6n, "I'll, @, Vhn W
I , � ,
Is ,,+4�r, Irs. , Nll-
of Ili i . S' 'Nrcq1d,. ()A�
(Illy, . I I
. .
al' C . �
"cl.detich were ill(.' gayst.s. of. Q;e forw
I I , g1l"i,
Incir-S Sabbath.
the lattei's brother, Air, !,a-I �
W Moosejaw, visited .friends ott I
. � ,Lrator. . Thu. iticaWippent ,systani 's
, 1
11 Joilgh troln Ifooll" 10�s-
'111 l&'Attal
. Mis. Jos, Washington 'and children
grall(parolits oil
- Mr, Waldou Itad a ])cc cutting wood
Babylon and 11arr Lines recently. *
Miss PhoCbe
. .4
. . operated b�,a,- ilocio'ligilt (Lynam() with
. I I . I .
I . j,,5oo. w1rod, ilicandesPolit lightli of 16
ioll (icotipled tile, pulpit in
Ul . Church ()it �4tllulay 41lovill
illj4 - ing al
are visiting at hor pa"lith at 110111110;-
villo, .1 . . .
oil Tuesday last and gave the
, YOU119. tile
pcoplo�a,(Iallce at 'light they
es and Annie 1,�oys' of .
11abyloft Lille are visiting fricncl%;� .
. I
I . 11 . vandle, powar, - Tbo- inAtallation- of a,
favcl. 't very lutercsting�accatlut of �
till., tllisoiolm�y vrork. carried on in
. Mrs. 1T. Snvder of Nile ha4 been vis,
WlIcI1 near
, trippod. the . light fantastic to tile
1,,xLtLr this week. . - . . � .
Mrs, IT". 1'. 1<dySJ jeComparlied L
by - I
. . 0 larger dynaino In the mar fu
. I 4, colitc-111plati m, A 140 It tura is in
o , ly. WhccloA
0 .
that li I(I by Qlp Prpmbytepiall Cll.Uq
iting under 't tic parvittal rocif at Mr.
J. Fergtliioes tile pailt week, - -
Weo $ina Louis,. (It the inorning.. tier
Ali,, Ilarry Towsley is buying up -a
daughter AIVrtle I I , . I
L ' Visited friends ' .
. . ell "I",.
I g , furni,41les tile power for- both
of Can4(1jL',. I . .
Mr, and DIP,,,. Ylia 11oltzlilitter at
, in
carl�)ad of Tiorses to take out �Vcst
SCLIfOrdi for li'rew 'ay, .
, , 1. d. . .4 idst week.
+ I 1. I herviCCIL4 The I I � Tho . regular 1110AIng. at tho C, 4". � . . . Y council ,'let oil Moaday with
4 t � electric light Illyth Were tile guests of the former's WILLI 1111n. . . I I o-tatile
run,, to Illidnight, the, fucandesoo t .1. .Wlis held 'Noi0ay overiing, 'Tho, cate, , -i go ,,call of Ca all the wernbers present. After sign- L
. . I I , n a 01isin w6f tal; $its er"Affs, J"I'add. . Air. Opor .' How was the Ing t1le lllillute.,4 o)f I)rcv,o,IS I ectflig
1. . I ,;a running fl,ow' 6 a, In, :l,n' by. M14; 11carl Mac Mr, Churchill of Alberta, i's , the guest of Bliss Jjzzlc n
. . . cloring a por� . . Barker oil Sab- I . .
I "+******"+*****+****" . 4*4" � I tion of, the year, The tariff of char- flonal(t after 80101 the t6pla I'llarii . of lifig sister, Mrs, 1), Hamilton" bath, � , 11 . I I tlu) litishiess was, then taken lip. 'ten - L .. . .
. .
I .11 ".. I . I I . ge& for dwellings is in part kts.folloN�s and 73Arill0al; tit Antioch" wag clealt 9""' dollars was gratited tile Brueefield. .'
I . fr - oill I to I ligllt�,; of 16 candle power . witli by Rev. Dr, 185tewart, . Mr. IN% Lynn .of Lonittsboro passed Air- Pentland Of' Nile and AIr ' - Awl library. Ttic auditor's report Was � I -
I ____ I ---..-- ___ .� I � . . � . through au� village oil III-,, way to drew Arillian chauged horses 'o.qo day
.1 . . L %,&," $io per year 1 for 6, lights $t3-50 ; ANOT111ilt ATATCIL . I . . I . . opted. W. A.S. .
46.�-wi�,�l%lw-lw,*-,%,%,,*?%."6- — . - Dungannon last. week the past week, . presented and also ad . . I
--+.— I . I I for lo lights slg,,�o �. each additional . L . I I The Misses tevw�of Colbbrue were Revival sefvios wilt �uinineuco in. Coile *(, Alviston was appointed angin- . ', .
/ . � � . .
0 . I liglit $1.,25" The iarill for churches is, Vie carpet ball Illatch betweel - 11IN .1 . ect. lov 010 towliship, . �. .
. . . I tile tile kliC.StS Of ss.Ruby Voting last Zion church oil 84bb�tlt next, I
I 1_�, . I front I t�) 1'� lights, $1-.1o"!aach,�- rot A 0 14".q anti �C, 0, F "s oil Alonday week. L �. . . , I I Art. Will, Powler'liad tile Ini4fortulle" L its of gravel and .ad- . I I
�� . .L
. I
# . , 4�1 store ' ' 11tiod a% follows , . I . .
0120th Century I 11 I flote -4, etc., the rate is couid. Ili lit rost' Mr, and Mrs..' V41i 11olullauer of to fall oil tile ice a fortilight-ago aild vo"�ising were pajd� Messrs. Baird L
I 9 . I 'and Beatty each received $io, for _
.. . I erali, . higher, The receipts ft,oln users A. 0. V. C. 0. F. 1.3ruce oil Sunday )list. bt�A,k' kwor o4 Ilia rilys. I . I alt . L .
L . .. of Clectric light reaches abo%it $�oo a V. 1,,� BI i .., oil of I.ondesboro warp, ,I I I . � . diting. .
Overcoats .1 VIIIIS IV,' Cudinore I s 11rogol . . L M.. 1, - . Council adjourned -to 11 . I
. IL 11.1oilth, gliest ,It tb� parsonire lu,qi w , . . lcot the lol.
� . . �Vter being driven through tbe pril l I- V. Ile'rinan R, Brooks , Bfr, James Symiq,k(111 It�dqllr�u'day STA$_'�JMV TOWNS11M. I( ovotting, tit ac�ett O'clock to
are equal in every Way to . I.. I . MI. C. Brown 0, Cook . . . .. 12VII19 L
0 . cipaT t4treets. ()I the (own tile Listowel 1,�.,��,,�Vatt.,.(SL.). 1�5 If. I ( k) Ili ,lit , . wet CoI%Lr;ietor 1111trill ,,nd talk over
L I Mel) (,*,I W1, or s �3� 1)1-, Jiltt, 111,,rlll)i Una, :9. J, Reld ()I Souris, Mail., wattas cokicernfug Itig Swkillip Drai'll.
m made. No tailor � in tb P, delogittion.1cft Mount Foeest by tile I I . ill and WHO, of Goder- f f
. . I . Second, 0allip I -it vi,%1tvd Ms brother Vrauk oil . aW ,eturned oil X(m- , Mr. M% If, Keys; and Mr. 11iltoll I
I "to . L �" .\vt;�rq, took it trip oVer togalt Drain and also
"' 11 4 1), ill, Wain well pleased with, their . .q'kA. J. W, Reid r
c d will Trialze you a better looking or better fitting gal yp - Halstead .. '8 , 44 iropi ,qtratford where they .
n L , vNit allot thttokful tp ?A I 4, P. X it, e. 0. V Z%. , I vts�tijlg frleti(N for a fL'N\' (lity"�L.:L . .
<� � , ", � . . o" � I .r . . . I , lost A vaApah, I
'. , ,
, fteo
t g � Ir I)M't-of Big! 8whinp Drain aud,af-
L A I- Jas Welf0c; he Ovc
4ae in s arejust ug Mildness , and A. (I. 14'. L C. 0. V. bpast I)V* I para I% �Is. . . Mr. aeorge, Johm,'mill llas�pllrchwscd ter tousido-aWo divetivision alict debate .
0 M n . Material arid, lini cyood as lie ,00uld kind cotincil for their a I
e. Prices are $3 to t5 loss than he could &arge, will no doubt 1)6 turned to. good v e- ! 14 Man , 11. Smith , ' amill-pX .1n.1t "JIV Ii.to'sl .193oll 01111 'D it. eolwlllsion was lirialN arrived at, 'L
I .1 I courtesy. 'rile iliffitill'IfIcin Obtained 11, I ra L Air, Will. '.\�e,�vos had a hot-sa sold 11
I us . count lit putting ill N ter -works tl,ul F - 11017014111 �'A. Johnson for $t�jo but it died last wook. - for which ", W a hallasoltle flgllWil, alid terms were made coiletrning ft
A. 11, Wtibb .1, Shopp4t4 I Nto�sq& Johl)a Sparrow, Robt. Ro - Orain which is vxpectod to) lie rillisill
HODG9NIS BROS4 electric light Sy4temstre. Our towil 'Itovey (Rk) 1"A J. I", licit (4k) 0, . . 11 (ox aud Ralph Stephenson were am- by Augut.q. ed .
$ . being lullell 1116re compact than lHollut 11, I -1 . . . Uk tllo�so froul,LtIll, *Tit(,, .
I - 9 4 toWll.� who next Ineeting of tile 001111cil, will
Forest illl 010 to lessen tile cost of SpPowl Vqwf� L Rov. 11ir, (,'Jff(,v(l will prtach lit rais- oil '11,I)
I'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 - - .1 itistallaticiii ootisiderably," L A. 0. V, 11 � C, 0. V, 0 deliv"re'd* live stoct. to Clinton buyers Ile held oil March oilld.—J, U." Harti.
I fto6AAW*%11l0-* . I I ley next 81-11day, . an Alonday, well, Clerk, .