The Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-05, Page 8TRE QLINTQN ; NEW$-macoaD
February 6t1t,1908
A W$pperette
American Wrapperettes 12 c
The 20c Kind
a s t week we ran across a big bargain . in
American printed cotton Flannels and now pass
it on to you. One of Canada's leading waist
manufacturer had a lot of them left after filling
his orders. 1 -lis factory is now running on spring'.
work and• rather than carry these over to anoth*
er season .he cleared thenx'out at a big loss.. They
are very handsome patterns, are good qualities
and are very similar in appearance to French
Flannels. We secureda big lot of them and on
Saturday next you can .take your choice at 12%c
per yard.
200 yards American printed cotton flannels, 31 inches wide,
handsome patterns, fancy colors, these cost the 'waist man-
ufacturer 13c a yard in the United States, with the duty
added it made them eost overx?c to layclown in Canada.
The colors aro navy, . cardinal. red, garnet, greys and
Yawns ,•10 pieces to choose from, all on sale Saturday at 1
per yard ■ 1.L2
•Now for Spring
Spring Goods of all kinds get their first show .here..
this week. They are tumbling in on us. every :day.
Hardly a day goes by' but we have something new to
show. From now on they will get first . place in our.
weekly talks. Bright, clean, fresh, just out of the cases,
they are at their' best. People who ,Eke '. to" get. their
spring sewing done early will find -full assortment tosel-
ect from. .Just' a few hints this week of what is here al-
500 yards of mill ends of. White Cotton at •.money
saving prices, on sale for thefirst time Saturday mo1'n'
ing. Mill ends white: cotton, lengths 2 to.. 10 yds., fine .
even thread, soft finish, yd, wide, selling cheap _ because
we bought them cheap, on :sale Saturday at 2c to 4e a yard
less than regular prices:
All the famous Crumb makes. No. better prints f
0 made anywhere in the world.,32 inches . wide, soft cloth,
fast' colors, an immense`assortrllent of the.newest colorings .f
r� and designs justopened up this week. The' best time to
0 buy is now when the. stock is full and :before the .best .• at-
terns get soldout.
Price 12•'i"c per yard;
Thiscotton t n won 1
d cost about Gc .aY arch wholesale 'n
bale lots if bought today. •We anticipated our wants and
are able
You a grey
at 5c per, Yard .
would cost us a great deal more .than that if we had to
it now.
12C0 yards heavy grey or factor ,cotton. a yard wide, strong even
theeml, good weight, better value by far than we arelikely to
have for many a des,to come,as cottons are rapidly advancing
in price. Our special pi lee per yard...,,Y .,'.....
NEW E 5.
l E IE
This is . going to be a bigembroider season no:
g :, Y t .
doubt about that
We a
have prepared .for. this. Right
P Pg
from the Swiss makers our •stoclz has' e me n daintier
om a d alntxe
pa erns and better '
P qua have never -been on our,
Come and see them.
� em.
0 Y
� 3c to 25c
Cambric Insertions :5c to '25c.
et ".
0 0 40c.
Lawn Insertions 8c to 40c.
insertion muslin,embroidery
and 1.0c•to 50e.
All overs 50c to $1.50
We have not many Mantles left What there are
we are willing to take very little Money for, There are
some bobby garments arinellts lef
ti all bought t for this 's
tirade, If you want wa a mantleand there isO
h re one to fit
You can savea
good deal of
buying n g
s ros,
%� �Mlt.%� �✓'ef►•''�'!►'t1lE•'�ir'►'+1�"wv4�''�'�Y+''Nv+slr'�✓'w►�'�It:�►•
$tyiograpbio Pon At
Eighty Cents
is cheaper than we ever had them be-
fore and we think they are quite as
good as we ever bad them. They
write about with the same friction as
does a lead pencil only they leave the
impression with ink. No use for shad-
ing or fancy writing, but just the
thing for rapid, plain and durable
writing,looks like a fountain pen and.
works in the same ink supply fashion
as a fountain pen,but don't write just
like one.
Par Genuine Pleasure
And Satisfaction
in writing use a fountain pen, but
not at too low a price. We have a
cheap pen at a cheap price,but they are
not the kind we like to sell or the kind
you will like to use. They are always
ready to write, ,always all right, a
boon to busy men, a convenience to
anyone, Theyare handier than a pen-
cil, quicker than an ordinary pen,
as clean as either, easy to fill, regu-
lated, insulated and reliable.
Agents Parker's Dye . Works.
The I D. Fair. Co..
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
We Know
Mr, Hooper was in Exeter this week,
Miss Ida Holmes is visiting. friends in
Miss Beda McConnell is home for her
Mr, G. W. Simons of Dublin spent
Sunday 'in town.
Mrs. Brock of Ottawa is ;the guest of
Mrs. W. S. Harland,
Mr. H. Jackson, of Hartney, Man., is
Visiting town friends.
Miss Annie Naylor spent Sunday' at
her home in Belgrave,
Miss 1VIeBrooin, of London visited Miss
Laura Olson over Sunday.
Mrs. John Bell is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. H. 0. Bell .of Wingham. •
Mrs. James Fair, Jr., 'was in Glen-
coe for a couple of days last week:,
Mr. and Mrs. George. Martin of Mani-
toba . visited Clinton friendsthis
Mr. T.' H. Brownlee, principal of S.
S. No. 14, Hay, spent Monday night
in town.
Mrs. Chant of Unionville was last
week the guest of her'son, Mr: %I,'
iVf r. Washington : of , North • Dakota is
visiting his grandmother; Mrs.
Washington, • •
Kiss F; Everett, who' has been spend-
ing the • past : week • in Dublin,. has re-
turned -home. '.
Miss Minnie Roberts of Seaforth was
the guest. of: Miss Millie Stevenson
over; Sunday.
Miss Alice Burnett has gone .to God-:
ericlr to accept a.'situation in Mr.
Mcplay's store.;. :
Miss. Erina Kaiser has returned home.
. .after a visit of . three weeks' to her
aunt in Seaforth. •
Mr S,: Kennet was the guest of his
brother-in-law, . Mr. Will. Rath of
near Belgrave, oven Sunday:'.
Miss Etta Hall. has returned to near
Hamilton where she makes her home
with her uncle, .Rev. Harvey- Hall,
Mr. Harvey Hall, who spent a coup-
le of weeks with' his another, return
ed• last week to .Scarboro Junction.
Mr.; and Mrs. S. Smith 'left on Tees-
. ''day for Manitoba after' visiting the
formers ;s parents, Mr. and Mrs..' Johu,
Sinttlt. .
Mr. Alex, Robertson of Treherne,
Man,,' is on an •extended'.visit "a-
• mougst relatives. in Clinton and. the.
• adjacent townships..
Mr. • and Mrs. R. J. Clulf were in
• Wiugham on Tuesday attending tlic.
funeral of an old friend, tlta, late
Mrs. ' Richard Herdsman.
Mrs.. A. T. Cooper returned tart week
from Kincardine; Her many friends
will regret .to learn that her health
issuch that -she has :entered the hos-
pital for treatment;. •
Mr:: John McVet.tie *fie and daugh-
au -
ter • wlio have been. . the u ts' gof
10 es
•, g
his 'mother, Mrs': MVIeVettie, returned
to their home in Nebraska on Wed-
nesday.'of this Week,
Airs., W, Taylor returned home on Sat
ttrday after paying a visit to • her
daughter, Mrs. F. W. French . of Chi-
eago, before site started for Arizona.
where Mr. and: Mrs. French and fans
fly: have. located.
Mr. IT. B. McVettie of North Fay
was bast week the guest of his moth-
er . in -tan and his brother on he
w. i t
old hoinestead . Hulett. There was
l t
. also present at the
sane time, bring-
ing . additional gladness into thase.
• homes, another brother, John of Ne-
braska, who. WAS paying his ` first
visit after anabsence of fourteen
-Years.The latter was accompanied
by his wife, H. B. is a member ,of
the C. P. R. staff.
Mr, Joseph Robinson of Brucefield was
in town ori Saturday and instructed
The News -Record to insert.: an 'ad-
vertisement .offering his wagon and
carriage shop for sale. He has done
a good business and has everything
',comfortable'•comfortable about him, but, unfor-
tunately, his health has faied• and.
he is unable to engage actively in
• the work as heretofore, therefore he
.has decided to dispose of his proper-
ty,, 7n the meantime he will contin
ire to handle all kinds of farm im-
Mr. S. H. Parke of La Riviera Man:,
was to in' on
inw He
down on a visit at the old home-
stead near Drysdale and is also
calling on friends throughout the
comity, Mr.Parkerk4 has done s
o we
in the Vet. and speaks so cnthutsias-
tf a lof the prospects for 'ndu t-
c l eindust-
riots ni n —oat tit _ that his old
i e exct
neighbors in. Stanley are
in the fever. has half'section
igt,c eve. Ilea ►a
it La'Riviera, er , t►o .. having
tR tt,e but wthree
sons old enough' to homestead 1ie
last sutnnncr prospected in the.
ton alt irnct and tookathree ,9uar-
for the boys and bought a half
section for himself, so will be sel-
ling2!t's o acres at. La RiV' ereto
locateuponthe larger place, Prair-
Cans tr, Pollock says,
and n thsoneion he admitted
that he cleaned up $2Ooo the past
year. Ile purposed taking backa
load of horses, but finds the prices
in Huron for the proper stock so
high that it will pay him just a-
• tout as well to buy what he requires
in Manitoba. Mr. Pollock, who is
accontpanfed by his two daughters,
doesn't t10ok a day
older than when
he left Stanley to become
a prairie
Clearing -Up Sale
For One Week
We have just finished taking stock and on going through the .different departments
have found: hundreds of ends of Towellings, Linens, Flannelettes, Dress Goods, etc., which
pasthave selling which was- by far the largest in the
history oft this store. ulated ur><ng the six months sell
Now what we purpose doing the next weekis to
in the store, and the only way to get rid of them in a hurry is to mark the price Iow en.
ough, that we will do, so commencing FRIDAY morning these ends will be marked ONE
QUARTER, ONE THIRD and ONE HALF their regular prices.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
In a short time we wia have a complete line of Clothing
for Men and Boys. The Clothing we will sell has been made•'
to our 'special order and will be known as "IsTewcombes Own."
It will be altogether different from the Ready-mades sold in
every store. The Cloth, Linings, Making, Style. and Fit will
be just as good as your tailor would make you with the diff-
erence that we can save you from $5.00 to 100:00 on your suit.
This department together with Mens' Furnishings, will be at
the rear of our large stole having a separate entrance on Isaac
street for the men.
We might just mention that for Spring we will have the.
finest range of Neckwear, Shirts, Hats etc., ever seen in 'town.
Hyoid want the most comfortable collar made, try a
"Barker Brand" collar. We have thein in all the. newest shap-
es. •
Carpets for Sprit
'More than an 5000 yards of the veiny. best Carpets, in Wool,
Tapestry and Brussels, will be here in a few days. There will
be no old carpets to show you. We' t;an save you from ten. to
twentyper cent on your Spring 'carpets. it will pay you to
wait. •
••NM•444NNN•••••••N•••••••.••N......, . ••••N•N•N•NN*'N•NNN•N
Mr. .and Mrs,. Thos, McNeil .'nave tak-
en up their,'abode in their new iesi-_
Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Young of Aber-
deen, South Dakota,' are in town'
this week.
Mr. John. Irwin of the: C. T. Si stall, .
Palmerston, was in town on Tues-
as thet 'f .
st his e ft
i o 1 father; C'fi=
Y,$ , i
zen' R. Irwin.
Mr, Charles B. Middleton disposed
of a. .valuable .horse to Mr. James
Mose the other day. •
A few of our sports took in a bell
in Varna. on Wednesday night of this
week. "
Miss Mina Middleton has rettiraed
froth a visit to her sister, Mrs. Chas,
Ii Taylor of Blyth,,
Mr..; Acl. Cantelon . ofthe itlt is
slightly indisposed at present, t, bu
t the
'tope to hear of his speedy recovery;
Mr. Ad (. me o t
Adam a I n of the h ave
ni 1
a, liotsupper to ,a, number of his in-
titnate friends on Wednesday evening
last. It is needless to say everyone
i 1
enjoyed .thetnsclves, Mr. and rs.
Cantelon' make a genial host and host-
Mrs.. James Mose has been on the
sick, list for the ,past week, but, we
are glad to say, is convalescent.
Mr. Joseph
Curtie had quite
citingexperience last week, He, was
on his way to Clinton, when his horse
choked and fell . into a deep' ditch,
After considerable trouble Mr. Currie.
got the horse relieved from its:awk-
ward o' his
position and et. n
Mr. J. Alexander has disposed of
some fito tattle toM
r, Middleton
n for
a good figure. •
was no clntrel, at Sharon
Sabbath owing to carter1Ymeeting
Hat r. Robert\ Cole to daved at Mr,
Mr, Olt, S t
•li 's We are - always
Mason Star ni
glad to see Rob's' genial face; in this
Mr. Thos. Perdue, son of 112r, Henry
Perdue/is home onavisit after
absence of five years itt the West.. He
is hrakesxttan on the C;. 1'. R. at Fort
Mr. John Marshall,.
con., who spent a' week. Sr.,In Lucknow,
returned home on
Saturday, finding
the sleighing a. little scratchy
on the
Monday was the day tot old Bruin
to stir himself from. his Bong snooze,
but he -Hissed seeing his shadow.
Miss Emma Barnett, we regret to
,learn, is suffering with a sore ]land.
We stated itt The News -Record last
week that Miss Violet Cole had gone
to Galt, but receiving a letter from
her, untie saying that the Smallpox
awl of a
ti . there a
t e
contagious nature she decided to re-
nnin) at boat,.
Mr. • atic1 Mrs. Jones of Brucefield
Sundayed' at the Commercial, •
Miss Allie Untie' was visiting
friends, in Brucefield last week.
The remains of the. late .Mrs. skim-
ings; who died rather suddenly On Fri-
day last at her son-in-law's residence,
Mr. I2. McConnntns ,, were taken to the
Sunshine..'cemnetery for interinent, oil
, On Tuesday the regular sitting : 'of
the cath Di'vi$tott: Court was held: His
.FIonor Judge Holt presided for the
first ` time. . There was a very small
docket. i..
Bailiff R. Somers is under the "wetth-
er these days with la grippe. •
The Knights of . the Maccabees held
their regular meetin �• and added • two
more new .Members �''to'their list on
Monday evening. •
uite a large u r Orangemen
it inbc of Ora emend
from I here and onc1csboro attended the
district meeting'in Wingham on Tues-
day. '
Otir new es or 11T Hamilton,.
. ass s r, C. H m
will be. on his rounds in a few days
to' let you know 'now rich:•you are.
Look out for him,
, t r I
Mr John Denholin intendsiris leaving
here with another consignment .this
The people of -this vicinity were
shocked to hear of tie' death of. Mrs.
Thomas Bolger which sad event took
place early Wednesday morning, Mrs.
Bulger was the only daughter 'of, Mr.
and. Mrs. G. Christopher, formerly of
the Base Line, Hullett:.She was mar-
'tied in `March, xeox, Besides her .bus-
band she leaves two little 'daughters,
one a year old and the tither only. a
few days,- Much sympathy is express-
ed for her husband and -parents. The
funeral was largely attended, The re-
nttaitts were taken ' to St. George's
where the Rev.
Webb preached the funeral sermon af-
which the remains were taken to
Brussels cemeteryuCCCrY for interment. Tito
pallbearers were : G. Helly,
1oon, W. Snonlctce J Bennett, .T
Lamb and G. Hamilton.
t r Day aittts r ltolditt
The Ice S ac
Y g
services itt our village school,
Mr. Clayton White was taken ill in
Seafordt. His manyfriends wouldlike
to hear of his early recovery.
Mr. John Scarlett attended the L.
Cottmeeting on Tuesday 111
Exeter. .
Misses Ella and Eliza Stephenson
of tate Goshen bine returned hothe on
Mr.. W.
Elliott of the Goshen Lino
sold' and delivered a horse to a Clin-
ton bttycr On Wednesday=
'Miss Susie Acheson visited. friends
•in .Brucefteld '
on Sunday,
` `Mr, and Mrs,A Elcciat and: daugh.
ter of Brueelield visited at Mr. W.
,Stanley's the : other day.
111•x. ' . Lenus ,,Yeo has returned from
St: Helens where he Was supplying fpr
.Mr. C '
A: Tebbutt, who was sick.
Miss '1' di h
t Tebbutt has returned
home from .Qoderich where : site has
been for some time
The social at • Mr. W. Mulholland's
was a great success.;
,Mr. and Mrs. Watson .of. Nile have
been '.'visiting at Mr.'' John:• McCart-
ney S
1fcCart-ney's .
Miss Alice, Stanley- of Const tt:ce is
home for several days.' .
The following ;ai tun standing f the
of S. S. No based r • -
'pupils .3, on call.
larity,good deportiiientand general
rofic. .
5th—Stahley Ati ss. Gordon
4th—Evaleua McCartney, Edgy Will-
son, Oscar Tebbutt,. Albert ,' ickard,
1' Myrtle Lavis, Daisy
Sr, -3rd -George e ColIclou h'Frances
Potter,: Howard Trewartlta, Ida Hul-
Jr. 3rd; --May McCartney, Arthur
Sturdy, Myrtle Connell, Lulu Mulltol-
-laud, Minnie Sturdy, Jolut Dempsey,
Leila Ford,, Muriel Wiliam), Edith Lav-
is, Pearl Huller, Etta Colcloiigh.
Sr. 2nd :I earl IIttssac, Clifford 11Ie-
Cartitey, .Clarence Potter, John Stur-
dy., Myrtle 'lrewartha.
Sr. Pt: end—Lorne Jervis,' Heiner
Cantelon, Charlie taxis.
Jr. I't. 2nd—Napoleon Graveile, Er-
nest ]'Biller, . Albert Proctor,. Norman
Miller, Sterling Dempsey, 'Percy Mtiit-
Pt. Ist—Lorne McCartney.
Number roll on
w 4i , , average. attend-
ance 28,5 l�elsatt W. 1.rewartha,7eaclt-
L 1JDlis 13 O •
4 OR
Mr, T, Hill is visiting in
Miss M. • Floocly and Mr. Joseph
Gray s1ent Sunday with Mr. D.
Mr. V. llrogden left for Itis hone in
Winnipeg this week after spending a
mouth with `'lir, c
t i tfather, Mr. George
Borden of this village.
Will. Brtndson went to Mitch-
ell on business on Friday.
Mr. Moses Prown, our
barber, has bought fifty acres of land
frontMr.Carter, er
R. a . tc , the price being a-
bout $2,&1o. Mr. Carter has bought
Mr. George e Cock
criteq title Earn Jur
Miss M. Agnew of Wingitant m:ettt a
few days with friends in ,.tic;e.
Mr. Barker of llartnn'v, ryl.t.., spent
Sunday with his cousin, 111r. WY
1 .
nn< s tn,
lflr, Sautes Hill of Illyth sundayea
itt the viilage.
TV CSiER$MITH, • : '
Mr. John Elliott has •'tad .a\ power '
mill erected: ,
• A number of horses .have changed
hands during the past few' weeks..Pric-
es are good and judging by the nrm- . •
ber of buyers they will probably ; 1:e
better; ' -
Thomas O'Brien had ai.
bee on Thursday. last and trett•d the
cutters to oysters when through.
Miss Hattie Walker: of Stratford is,,
visiting friend here.
'Ir. William Caldwell of the Lon-
don -Road is tearing' clown iris silo.
built .the past summer. . .
The "annual itteetttig of stockholders
and patronsof tate • - olmes •ille Cheese
H �
and utter Manufacturing Co. Will be
held' in Wilson's hall, Ho1t
,' on
Saturday, • F"1903,at,• i
eta rttar y X4,
o'clock p. m. for the purpose of win']- '
't u' 1 past
ii tt . the b stnes's of tit,
election ' of oilicers : for te curent
year, and forthetransaction any
o ,toil of ai ,
general ,business. It is strongly urged
•that all shareholders be. present.,..
The buttermilk for coining season
will be sold on Sante:: state. .
W, B. FORSTER, President.
W. S. 'LAWRENCE, Secretary;
lioluiesville, Feb. .z, reoi.
Under and by virtue of tate powers
vested iu the vendors pursuant to. a
certain mortgage,' which will be pro- .
cluced at the time of the sale,the .will
be offered for sale by public attetio t, by
D Dickenson, attM`oiiec.r at the Com-
1 n. 1 i t
n Saturday,
incrcfaf hotel, Clinton,' .o a day,
r a the hour ur o
illach k A. il. o r t e to f
4, � . ,
s,voo'clock intho
afternoon, the
lowing property, namely :
i't ttl- Con-•
iii • •tt sixteenth t i o
Lot numbere
34 -the r
t rich `u
1i of Owl i
cession oft C
the County of Huron,contej by
tan, A ecre sti. r is
ines.sur ti
more or less.
The property is conveniently two miles c
Within Sitttat-
t 1 S Of the town of
` 1 "tt
Clinton and there is a school on the
adjoining lot. The soil is'arict clay
loam itt a good .tit state of cultiv t ` a i
and fertility, having' been used chiefly,
as grazing land for some years 7:st.Y
The- house and outbuildings t, 111
For further particulars : anti 'terins.
and conditions of sale apply to
r fltVe s
'et o t
Solicitor o e ,y
Clinton, Pen. 4th, i9o3s