HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-05, Page 4%
� . f I I
6 , , .
. I.." 4 ... -1 . I TZIP OLINTON NIDWS-MCCORD . February 5th,. 1908 I
I- __.. I
- 11000111-011-111 - I ________.____ . ___________ 1
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. 00=102to I UWANOW416TIC 14UTTUM. ]KAMAQVIR11 .. OVVVY .
. 11 ... W. �� -MIRAMAR wo PAR
The-, Now-voRecord, "' "1811"' 8111"Ps , I _�____
I I . Ills FRIENDS, Mr. and Xrs. XoXim. have returtle-4 (Contributed, by the W, C. T. V.) ADAIR—CASHMORP.--At. the home of
1. � I
. Is P4!141404 every Thursdqy at . . Irm their holiday trip 4t$t. Thom- the bride, hy the Rev. 1. A. Me. i
. Canada w . ,
I Ouse � � jo frobilbly $tiger irrepAr. as. " UnWge the place of thy tout and CNI&I NNON I
'Ao Noiti-Xte,cird PrItktiall XCIveyl OIL J4. 21st, William A. I M K & 00
, , able losses In South AfrIC.A as the rc- Mr. and Mrs, George Grahame, livo let th"411 stretch forth the, curtains of of ! I 0 .
AuugT $UUXT , C "INTON , XQA dair 111stowel if) Mir.5 Mary J. I
I stilt of tile d"Allagillf Ilispecd of returne.d from, their weilding trip to tation , spare not, leng.thon Cuscluore. 1"" X.A'V 9V U
cualled I ell row this Coup- Toronto. - . . tllitw babi .
—Si per y. e@kr in, th , kes
licats Shipp fo,y ctords. and strengthen. thy sta -, .
. Torittis Qf Pubagriptiqu, try. All classes of trade will fcol the We were sorry toll .
, , that tj .
I � _10 public has, shalt break forth on the . SIATITS I I ____ .
�_�_!..�,, _ - � -_ ! __ _!�*.t .... � I
. - A4V*Uco ; fl-�Q nlay be ChA'rged it effect of the disclosure, however intio- lost the pleasure of having Mr., Arthur right hand and tile I Ot." Is. 54: 2,3. _ _.__1 j imA. , � , I— I "._!�!'. "_
Ac?t §*� P0414. N � , - 1
a paper discoutbuted Cent tile .strippers ,may have been. rn- Sheppard ,wait 11p, Odgc 0 Bros, I MERNUM—In Dashwood, on Jan. 191, . !__.:.__ ,�!!"�, , � t -t" I
, . (
I , 4 H n Ottawa, Jan. 15, 1903, to Mr. ati(I Mrs. George Merner, r
until *11 i4trParl$ at# pokid, Unless at fortunately, putrid calittid meskig have p4trons. Ile has gone to try his for- My Dear Comrades,— . )r -
the optioU of tilts publisihor, The been forwarded ,to South Africa front tun, at Winnipeg. twills. . �
ditto to, which evevy oubscriptioill is Canada on move than one OCC0631 i I With another return of this sacred SOM14,RS—In Brussols, on Jan. 26th, Obly One Week More -
paid, I on allij i Messrs. Warner 04 McLay of Clin- Season permit I a to expre� $ to yc)t% -_ -_ . _ - �
is denotQ4 on the label. I ilia shipper.-, were protocted by ill,- ton, who have bought Out $towo,s It s to Mr. and Mrs, A. Somers, a .1 � . - 1. 1, I 1. I'll, I
,,olverlisfo ' rat I �
ti S . eP;Traua$ent AlLdver. government. . wartny* personal greetings, to . S0114 . .
si jol cents pvr notipAreil I in I
.. ,-
li'mont I bakery, are "ports, thank you for your fellowship and S'PARIXNG—InVeuvvr1 Colorado, oil Otir Great Clenring Sale will, lie continued one week longer. W6 baye i
In Igot the government, actin 6 VaSN I
line. for first in - ,ff for At the )Burns' At Rome a number help in tile lWaster's work and t Jan. 23rd, Ow wife Of Dr. W, R. got tbiough stock takingand find the Inst year bas been overyp
, sertion and 3 cents
- ch subsequent insertion, the War Department, purchase sup- * of Young man told us that they in- on to you th . . _rosperous . r
per line for CA . I , . I , a precious words quoted Spaulding (nep Mim Lou Sparling One and we can offord to lie generous. witil olip customers who bave fay. .
SMAII 44VtVtiS0MeZ1t# 110 . t to exceed plies for the troops in South Africa, tended to, join Inverness Camp at the above which God, has given to we as of Wilighaw 1, a daughter.. ored up. with tbeirptitronago. Thelastwe .
-, ., - course rienos Of Ova administration next meeting, We trust they -did $O- my golden text for i9o3.
R-, 044 ingh,*00ch 1l,s 11 L041yo is Stray- of f * A1AGTJIR1�__Jn Whighaw, On Jan. 25, our great clearing ittle, ek will lie the banner week of .
, .4 . tile orde s'and some of the .call- � Young men would all. do well to join Great bar0lns will lie found Ili every dep, rt, ent .
04 " " $tOlel.4," Etc., inserted once fillf I I What wonderful thing I, M
i�rl 35 .Cents �P&VC rise to a scandal. Some meritorious lod". . _s this year !'as - the . wit-, of T. J., Magitire of a Of Our Inawriloth establimbinent., Our space will not allow tis to give It,
_ 4 ,
kitol each stibsequpt in. Aled ITICAts $1, brought to our .beloved Canada I. It daughter. detailed. ritatemeat of All the bargains we will: offer. Below we give a few
, 1. . . , . ,
sertion to cents. WIlen the loatter was brought up in I While ,the terrified. calf was -running , IfaN been a year of .marvellous 13OWUN—In Seaforth, on Jan. 2,5th . quotation# Which will give you Ito idea of what you inay expect .
, ,
Communications Intended for publica� parliament Ilon.. ,Sydney Fisher shal- wildly hither and. thither last week progYess. Inter6iting statistics might, tile wife of Mr. 11. Bowen of 41 . y
� I �
tion must, its _. go6cl tcred tile firm,% who sold TA44 rucamfor Mrs. CQoper and little daughter were 1 be cited to show tile growth Of ro" Son, . I -5c .
. a guarantee 61 . , Flantielettes, wide width, fancy stil I
. , � � pes, worth 7r, tot I
faith, be aevompanie4l,by, t1e, name tho, army under the prctericc� that tile � Passing Alollx. The little girl wore ports. .and' increase in 'minigration' XCLAUGHT41N111 - oil Jan, Plaid Ginghttl0s, fost cillori;, rp�olar 7c, for 5e . .
I of ilia. wtiter, . War Department alone was involveA in a red coat and the,. animal made a Christmas found its, a, MeXillop, Grrpy Flannels, plaid qnd twilled, reglilar 15C, for 121C .
. I; a wholkt pros- �8th, the Wife of Mr. Patrick Mc- I Red Astrachan, 64 int -lies wtile. suitable rot, Childre"'a Coats,
To insure publication in Curran tliQ case, Tile interests of tile farmers r4co for it, so the chilil's mother pe and contented, while in - the ' " .
. . I � at issue ,rous Lauglilill of a son.
Copy for a0crtiaoments should be were Ignored by Mr. ]Fisher, Uvor� thought,. but with great presence of mother country keen, distress was ex- XE4RR—Ju Ma Q 'good Value, 4it $1.25, for 75c
. , . a . .. . J:Cjllop, oii Jan. 2oth, Homespun Dress, Goods, 40 inches Wide, in gpey, brown and, ' � �
sent in early, 0 cattle raiser irithis Country had A just mind Mrs. Cooper took her little girl p rjenceIl. I thq wife of Mr. Peter C. Kerr of . .
Contriket rates�Th.e *f' 'lip by tlt�e arrus ariA threw her into' a two,toritldi regular U5 - and 30e, for l9c .
. . ollowing table right to clemand',the investigation of a � , Whether this is our own -native land a $011. � � . Heavy Navy Serge, 54 inches wide, inakes clegant, skirts, good ' . . � .
. shows, our rates for speojfi7q�d - transaction which must serii5usly effect ,silow- bank out of the animal's way. or the land of our noloption it is a UCTAGGART_�_Itv Clinton, on Jan. 29, valoe at 000, rot! 350 1 I .
iods and space : . I . per our Calmed beef sales akroad. But Mrs, Cooper lives, on. eambria Road goodly heritage. Look at the area of to Mr. and Mrs. M. P. MeTaggart, Black Noreen Skirting, 87 incbe6 wide,wortil 50C,6k I IP price 35c I
i yr. 6 moi -Air. Visher ,had friends nearer home and received She says, the greatest _ I
, ,
3 Mo. I mo. , i , Ontario and Its possibilities, its Aittia- . a son. . 1. I I
X C911,111111 ... $7000$4000 fright of her life. * r - . � . Wool Tweeds, suitable rot- boys's ,��earing bults, in stripes and .
e griculturist was sacrificed. . tion, waterways, railways %lid -clim VOW41,1,—In Goderich township, On . . ch,eeks. worth 35e, sale price -25c I . I � I
Caltrmn_ 4ci oo 25 o,o IS 0 6 on It is safe to say � that had. Mr. Fisher Mr. Draw Rougvi�e and -sister, Miss ,ate . .its , virgin soil and mineral Jan. Ird, to Mr. and, Mrs,, Frank' WOOl 1.3lankets, double bed size, worth $1,75, for $445 . . I . �
. I . .
COlutull..'.' 25 00 . IS X)o 8 no 2 5o done his duty fearlessly in the first R-ougvic,, returt - led last week front at- wealth ; its .educational systems and Powell, a daughter, � I. lieitvy Wool Blankets, I.ofty finish, Size 0404, worth $2,00, . I
,I Column ... 1800 l000 5 �o 2 ;O instance no more rotten beef WOuld tending dt.1.4ondon the funeral of. a civil .and religious liberty. Trul' .1 . . I
. . y we . .
I 'Inch ......... 680 350 2 Oa 1 25 have goile,to South Africa. The Min- frierI4. . . . . .. sale price while they litat, 81,05 ., I � I .. I
, . I ssess everything favorable to the . DZATIRS. I Ladiet; Astritch *. .
I . , The big mill has a, Jar e order for "niking of a strong, glorious and up-' . I . no Jackets, In fine, glossy carl, 28 to 30 inebes I. I
. ister of Agriculture is zealous enough 9 in .. I '. . Ion , regular price $30, sale price $24.50, . . . �
. ' I . . I
W.. J. MITCHEr,L, when it comes. to. compel -ling the far�. flour for South Africa. . . right lteQple. . �. � BOLGIOR—In Morris, oil .Jan. 280, . Ladies Ivur Paperinea, Ruffs and Muffj at very . I .
. I
' - ' . . I � . Tressic Blanche Christopher, belov- . ing this sale. � low prices dur. . I
Editor and Pr9prietor rner to pact; his apples proporly,and ,rhe Disciples have bought, we learn, TH14 TOLERATED SIN. � Col wife of Thos, IL Bolger, . age4 ; � . . . . . . . I
in this he is acting for the 'public a lot on.South street on which to . . I . . I
. .-- � - _ii weal, but is this not the , strongest build a church, The ,13aptists will These great -privileges bring great re- 28 years, 5 months and i day. I . . _. . . . . . I
. I I 4
I .
. ,;;;;;;__ _ � .
I . .1 , mt in favor of makirip now ]lave to look up a site for heir Pousibilities4 It' ddd writes oppor, C NgRY-Irt Sunshine, on Jan. 28, 9 4 q i pm. ;;;;—�_ I 0 , - - - 1, "A I , I
SIR MULOCG:'S DOtTBTFUL possible argume 6 It s 1 crease weekly. . t . � S . 0 i . . I . I i I �
- the supervision 'of our export -food- Iln In er it trinity on one side of .our doors He Itucinda Conerv, age(I 69 years, 41 � .
. � I , . . . �,
�tuffs ix general and: even-handed one, Oil Friday the students of the -Col- certairil ites responsibility on the' ' .months and 6 (lays.. . . I I
? I . I I . ' '
I CAMPAIGN;' ' " legiatv Institute and teachers p eft d er, �Ilwat .. On Jan. 28th . MCKINNON' IN . 1.
. Il'oo much dog biscuiti turnip marma P nte oth Christian nation or indi� , DOBSON-111 Ethel, I . . & 0011. BLYTH . ..
Sir William Mulock 'is conducting lade arid rotten mdat has been allowed Miss � MeTieflaii on leaving from, tliq vidual at) opportunity is A claim Yet * Margaret Holland; beloved wife of . .. . � . . . I I . .
* I I . ---- �____ A A � " A A I ..
. I .. . It all these privileges We hav� one I . . - �
the campaign in North Ontario it) go to South Africa aud,,althougli teachers R handsomely frame4 picture, wit Lawrence Dobson, aged 7?_ years� 5 - VV%*JW - - - T 01A1VVVVW^AA AVSAAAAAAAAAAAAO� ', . I
nalit- ilia Minister of Agriculture. has ample. "Stranded." The giTIS' gift Was. 86 . blot�'upou � our sun, a blight upon, our . months and 7 clays. I . . . . . I I ., . �
. . . . I . � . .
st Hon. George 9. :Foster. 'the same tvidence,of the frands In his possession. handsome manicure set, Ornamented a festering gore, a plague. DROX-In Detroit, on . Jan. -22nd,'Jas. I I . . . .. I I . � . . . : .
ally throws ddwu with .Silver, and the boys a mirror,. "Ountrf., , ? -pronounced- Dron, formerly of Br.ussels, aged . .. .- . I -_ . . . . I .
gentleman played a prominent part in 'be libar the -farmer what t The God woo I . I
North . York during the Ontario. pro-, and 11 shelters Iiii friands,'the shippers brushes, etc.,, in -ebony., " . . . .� to the nation or individual who giveth . ___ . . .1 I - � I . . .
. � 46 vears. . . � I . . _ I - I . r
I � I . . I
of unsound produce. I .. --In Ho * k, Olt Jan. �lst, jes- . I I . . . " .
'R4v-. J, Robinson has been invited his neighbor drink. PorF. wic . .. I . . . I
� ,
vincial. elections ' and his calidid'ate � � . 1. 1� . . . � to remain a fourth year at the. Victor- We realize, more . - bor- . ie Clark, wife of Thosi Pope, -ag- . . . I I I � . . I . I .
. I I . I and more, the, ' '
or . I �
HIM. E. J. Davi.4, has* resigned rath ' ' z' I . III. streat.church, but the.reverend gen- r6ra, - - iniquities, nutterable . evils, 9 .
. � I It ad 74 years, and in months, . �
than face tile revelations of the . � . . � tleman declined to r6nain longer than crimes and' distresses of the I TAYI,OR�Iir Ethel, 'oil Jan' 26th, W, M. - TAA72 LTL w . . �
c .. I., icgnsed , � . � LOR �& SON I
SHALL, MINORS BE LICENSED .. ' the end �of the confere e liquor traffic. As qhristialls no:. 10741 Alice Dawsj relictof the Jai', Thos. �. - . - � 1. . . . I
courts. Sir William's progiam in .. . . . .. . . . . . . I I � . . . . . . . . .
� . . 1. �
- . . .. I ' . . � . I . � I . . . . I . .� . �
, I �ancl i,5 days. � . . . . . . . I
North Ontario promises to even eclOpse, 1 To TEACH, The - Messrs, Maskell's -tender Was and honn. I Taylor, aged 84 years, i ' month, . . . .
, rable course is open to its
I . � . accepted', by tlib Public school board but to fight it.to tile d'atli . in the . . . .
. 0 . . . 11 � I . . . . . . . . . :
that of North York. A private letter The-follo,wing is r(sproduced from the. for 75, cords of wood at $3.95 per natile of Jemis. Wo havd made great GXLTVIOVI-�iln Turnborry, on - Jami- - . . . . . :
from a Liberal in North Ontario is C..C.'I. paper, The Tyro. . cord, I . 1. I . . . . . ary 26th, John Gilmon HaV� been stock taking this we'dc and � . � . , I I
h . Ili. . . progress along temperance lines a ' lid ,rs r, aged 28 . . . . . . .L . . I I
authority for the ,statement that Sir Altlinuvg- � your previous issues I , � Barrister Hays is the secretary of our sobriety is tile 'env� of many . yea i,� ,3 niontlis and to days. . .. I . I. . . I I I .1 .. .�
. ' I I . . . .
I William's manfesto is to the I have not 11 ,noUced and Contributions tile knitting ,factory directors, , R. lands: Yet th6rc is just - catige - for IVIACPHERSON-Iii Exeter North on ... I . . . . . .. . . . . � � , - . i
effelot .. � . ., . . � 1. � . ; . . i
. . from ex -s the liberty to I nc � I 114 I I., bava I I . . . . � ;
- _ . . . picked out several lines' of first. clas$ . . . I �
A be beaten at all send. a few'.uptps on a subject which place of Charles Sheppard. The' oV among us. Juvenile crinie xis� on tile beloved.claughter, of Alexander anti. . . .
that Mr. Poster inu y indents I t9ke Downing was'elected to the'board in allixin.: Drunkenness is o I Jan. �5th,. Margaret Mary Ailkie ' I . I
I , ' . . . I . . . I I . I
cost and driven from politics; ' An is, .no doubtj of interest to many of ,ficers are'the Nattie as for, 1902'. ' Mary Ann Iffacithersolt; aged :5 . .1 . � � - .
amot y . . � .,. I. I . increase and . .vice amongst ilia, I . . I . . . . . . . . . .� . I . . 11
Int of money required 19y tile your reactors. . . The funeral of Polly Murray, ralict educated classes' is. prevalent to a . years, 8 monflis and i7 (lays, .. . . . . .. � . . . . . . . . i
. . . I . � I . . I I . . o -
purpose will be' forthcoming and no . I .. I . . of , tile- late .Thomas Smith ,of Sea- shocking degree. The liquor'traff,ic'.Is SMIT11-In Scaforth, on Jan. 260 . . . I .,. . I . . goods wbich they'noiv..Offer at - I . ... . I . I
A at deal of attention has - b�mu forth, took place ,on Tuesday front the largely'responsible for all this. - ... L . Mr.� Ad' . . I , I - , * , I � I
. . NtOnc must belaft unturned to prevent given in ,recent years to the question ' .rliyaboth Perry, wife of - � . . . I I � , . . . * . I . I I . � . .
Mr. Poster from entering tll* s residence of ber son, Mr. Archibald R. . . am 'Smith, aged 6o �eiirs 5 months I . I . . . . � . . .. I
.a C61111h` of' licensing minors -to .teach in our IT IS HIGH TIMS TO AWAKE oTjlr I . I � . I � . � . I. I . . . I
ons. The epistle- shows the high soul I Murray. the old, I'ady had attained .. . ,� aud-26 days. . �, I � I .1 . . I . . . . I
, ad ' - Public schools. The-lnajorit� of -those . Or SLURIP� . 1, I � I . . . I . 1,
character of the war about to be- the age of 8z vears-,.tatiII alth6ugh she .. . GLASS -In &aforth, 'on Jam 28th, I A -BW SACRIFICE .TO CLEAR: . I � I
waged, who express their opinions appear to, had 'every c6t, I I If we were a.united Christian eom� - ` I . I. . . I . I . . . .� . . .. - I .
Sir William will lead the .1or- th - for iteasons, nlOrt site Suffered so -long, Catherine CalbcCk� relict of , the .. . . . . .
. . . . . I
ces of evil. From his standpoint .the , that � she welcomed -death. . . ifliit� we could do anything we liked . late 'Glass, aged'66 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I J
. a affirmative position i , Mrs . SInith : mt . . I ,
I take the negative side. I for one take. , James. , . . .1 . I . . . I
only question t6Lbe considered is thq . t1iIi - affirmat I was - ii, - Caoadii6t, boirn, in 'Vaughan . in. moral r(sf6rm and ])a. as prosperous, , and. ir'inbliths. . . . I I I . � I.. . . . . 1. . 1� -, � . I . .
ive position foi reasons,, . in. s)irittwl things is we 'are in . . � Qr6at Big Bargains for Friday.and Saturday , ' ' ' .:. . ,
. . -
I —
"" ' I to.witship, - For inany years She and tein- 'LOGAVI� In Stanle�, 6n Jan. .3r$t, . . . I � ; , .
defeat of a man whose. usefulness it some ofmhkh are giVen.bolow, .., I , I - " . .. . I
. .
Parliament is conceded' by the � p6ras.* Who c'Ani.rileasure-the power Of - I . . . . ..
, , n in . . I I age 75 years .and. . ".. , . . � . I . I I I I . . '. I
best I her' husband � lived 'o . their farin ' . Jgiiies Logan, d ' I . �. I . . . .
. I = 'When the ,Holy Ghost : . . . � . . . .. . I . . . .. � . . . . � � . . I I . . 11 I . . . . . � . . . . . I I � I . ... I � . I .. I
section of the Liberal press. .Sir Wil� d6U.uQ,\3 sunll:,81112;� �W)sOA(f OtIl J4 : Goderic ' It: township and. on "retiring God's host , .'' .. 4 months. I I J I . . . � . . I - .. I ... . . .
liam's ul�im,atum, which shows that t many soccessful'studeut4 ]lave to Wait ircylil faint life took -tip their �residence 11 I )OU I it ?7 Then 11 one .shall I I � . � I . . . . I . .. I ... �.. . . . . . I . � I . . . . 1. . . . ..
pre -arranged raid is aboui.t' . a year..or, more before.. they cali.�iake at"seafortll:, After Mr.' Smith Ii thnusatiol " . and toil put- I ten I ' ' . . - . . ". I . I . I . � . I More ext'wbek... . . 1. I . . . .�. : . . .. �:
o be ade . I I . - died, ---,.—,- __= � , � . . , , � I � .� . .. . I , � I . . � I . . . . - . I
on the franchise of . t .7 . No' I , hut - 1, two _. � . . . . I I . � . . .1 . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I
. � . - I . I � . I 4 , . . . . . . I . , . . . � .
their. professional training, and dur- I%Trs,'Smitli took -up her �esidence With shall put I ten thousand to -!light." 1. . `01WINTON - - I I . .* . . .. . .
North Ontariftol is . i . thouSand to'fligill I . -�. 1. I .
ing that -time they follow otligir line's .. . p . . . 11 . . .1 ., . i I I .. ; . . . . : . . I
the best reason that could be ur'jod I I tier som,'who canie, borne year ' . . - � . ... .. . � .1 . . - I ., I . . . . � I I I � . . � . ;
for li-Ir. Foster's rat � .4 A . 1. . . ... - .1 - ; �... . . . I I . . . I . . . -7-- . . — . . . , . — � .1 . I.. . - I ;
. present it, . . . :,. . . � I 1 I . . I �
urn by an .over- ,� of work and perhaps never ent.er the tci-Goderi�fi.and purchased his � go ' ln� considerition, of. the -resulto! 'Of, , . ", - .,. ,* 7 I . - .
. . � I I . . . . .1. . I .. ,� . I � . . . .. .� . � I
. .
whelming majority. . . -. . . .. pidagogiCal . ranks, it . goes .Without residence ' on Victoria street. Messrs, e recent' vote, we have every reason MARBLE. �. .� � ' . ... . I.. ...... ; I ... '.. . . "... ,�. ;. ! 11 .. . .. . . I ... ... I..
I . ne that were, three years added to Francis Stnith of Toronto and Richard , tc; look for most 'advanced terriperailce . . . . . I I � . .. . I . I i
. . I , , I
.. say! I . I I . I , I. . 4
. I I
.. . '. . I . .. . I
. . .1 of 13rantford,: with their sis- ho � . I rn - . �. I.
. this time ' many -more woilld follow Sinith ' . I .legislation, at tile next sitting''Of tile . A..W D . . . I & I SON ,
� . . ilte'-shm6'course. Hence. warly of ouf.' ters, Mesdatricis use. -Between- now. And then it - bar . W -b-6 TAYLOR. . '. I
. . I I
. . .� . . .
'.Mitchell'.of Ripley hooves, .its as - - 2 - - ;- - - - - . , - ' '
. "PLAYING THE GAME. I I �.. brikh ote intellects wquld neven ' fl* -Loucks of.Utica, : sts 't?) be GRANITE WORKS . I . . , I I .1 I
. . It aiid Mrs, prohibitioni � ,. . . . A � . I . . . . , - . . . . I I - . . I
� . . � . . i
. I a �� the'�chool-toorn; and iolead . S, much in praver that He who hath got,- - . I , I 1. . . , I I - . I * . I . . I . . �... � . I I . J
Honor must be found in the III Ii . . - a att�ldecl �*fie funeral of thek =r. .. � The, best class of- work _. . . da:sh . . .i . . I I I I .
-of having some teachers who filay-per- s :tlio�lvi - afe I , � ,and One Price *.: : . . . . . . I � I
. I .
1,91 Another s6n, Mt- .ten it. etory will still , vottehi§ I .� . - - . I ... I .. � . "i
� I
, '
� places of any country aspiring to u. ti- liaps be.- y6titliflil � in - appear�aucq but ' Alex. Staith O'l.-Ot- unto :us wisdoin.ancl:.guidance and.un-. - acurit,ble 'Jins been, .. - ,� ... . .. , . . 1. � .. . . . '. i,.,:, * . : - . . . . . . � . , . . . . I � .. . I
- mate true great . tawa, Illinois not. - A . . . P" . � , ..,. . . . . . . . . I
Item Oppqrtuiiism, I Id'not atte - 5y '' maiii,ifactueed here'. for' - , - Butter �dnd Egg*fl taken. as CAjh - . . I . . 1:4
� Col' I We have need to ])a united - : Ili . . . . � I I . ..
who, nevertheless, have beqn able to g Wers'ou ilia casket was a Many years past. ` - - -, . .. . � . . I . . . ..
the exploitation of publil . .113on the ,to ' 4 - � . .. . . . � . .. . . . . . .
c s0rv'cas fOf I;ornptete ..'their. .course when in' their rge the, bouds 61 ill t" AS, prollibli . � I , k , . . �' - I I . . _. I
Ilia accomplishment of personal .. la lovely casket boquat iAid-jovilig- t,Onists, no I � r .., I . I . I . . . . I � . .i
rids t- - , p 4 !mL t will lead as . � . I ..
C ndu4L n . .
Cans, we should have those wlid-have by hef'sou Mt'. Rich call on YOU a week after 1- I M — ...
" ly. *upon it L I � aFd:S,,' Into the lQW'Inarsli'latias and qua�� . -Rol . I . . I . � I . . � . I �
the corruption of the. electors -,"'A: the ... ante . WEWO I i .."'. . I 11, I . . - .. I :... �. I .. I �... . . � .. .... ... I . "". . __;-111,
. I ' ' - ,��, I . .1 I. . . I . ... I
- can, on- their majority. .' . .. I mires '�of .goverhmi�nt control Of the ' No I
abandonment of sacred plqkes Just . completed it when . they 'ob . tiaified Lonek-s. fZ6v� j 's.A. Andersdu of-' your bereavement. ' . . 1: I Ill � . . . . ,�,
I Iv result in one thib941ir'destruction . - � I . ' . .1 . 1. ficiated at house. and grave at Mait- - ' * . WE WAIT -make, the - work. to stilt . . '. . . I ,- . A I .�
- It ne . not.' be asked ai� which age � land c . ciiatter�. The pallboar�rs 'were ; iquo a many,,years a . . . I the price. � . . . .� . . . - . . , . � .. � . . . - 11 .. . I .. .. I-. . � . ; . . I . .
Of the moral fibre ctf tile country so , ad I* r- traffic. Tlivs_ . w , . �., , . I .. . .
. � . . � . . I . . . � � . . . 11
I . .' e price' to suit 6. __-_7W1q"1W . . . 1. . ...
aillicted. I . the'average person,is the' -more eirter- Messrs. 4aut'es Buchanan, John- Ker- havol been protesting against the gov- WE WILL' make th . . . ""0i *#+#J*****"+"#4#+"##*# 1*#44 * , , .. .
I getic i,or animated. and i0tere these niglian, -it. McCracken' J651m, ' Shaw ernments ,of - the lana, being- .Silent. , .� . the w1ork.' . I , "" . . � . . � --- 0 . . .
- , , ,
. . .
The Liberal party ill Canada, I partners I . traffic which - "arries -with , . ' . � ,
. -since qualities would II6 lubst in, evidence H.. Campbell! And D.� btoddart. - Her It � e WE WILL give youithechoie6bf (be :* . I
� as�umin r in i896, -It it -so much. Of-*sqrrow and of sin and. . . .. . ,. -production I the work THE .GREAT OASH-.' .: STO , .1 ..., .
. . - . . .
of all four oll ke' 14c blasted hornes, 1,�, . i esign and matreial - . . . � 1.� . . .
9 POWC as bee]' -in the school -room,* or could these life wits one bf Christian piety,, Site .. Il I , , R
91111ty �eoces igainst good -three 'years �y hiore- . h . . . . I ,
,profftably Spent' walkedwith God, . �- � I - . I . . .
' T , . ' ' blighted lives, ruill, . , , - . . I. - . . . I � . ,. .. . . ..
government. And the -most 'serious than in, actual teaclibig- 7 I * : 1, . Mr. Joseph Heale, ' for a time hold- . Dd hopes!'alid death ' I, . We are the ONLY prac- ' , - " t ., 1. 1: . : . , . I ..� . '. . . . . . . . . . , I .. .
. �
. ,. 1. . � I I . . ' ' I . - I . . . .1 .
, . , . .
. , � .
phase of' the situation ties in the Ap- - Hd,., -best understallAs. CI in& a.position ift Strathiroy,,hasgon eternal. How imich. the worse then. . , Clinton in: -7 . t. I . I I r - I I
. views such ec;ndi- d"d better iii� ness collegre.in- order to be ' d openly. ihou*1461� the rbSpousi 'lit . . I I � I . . * .. . . ..
tion of the * party influencing it and &. golden jata - of ,able to take a 'lucrative position_ ,We an I In I y . � , . . . .. , . I I
I ...
If the government is reminded . I... I . I of the -traffl,c. w . I. . � . . I . . I . . . talked into placing your . - .LE '' '. . , ' - - .
paren I wh6 Iiia-lia'- . e . � tical nien.113
tions. t pride with which a large sec' .ture, will, 'no doubt site to a:busi . . . . to allow. any government to publicly � I . - . . our line. Do oni'b6. ' . . I 'I UARY.. -SA . .. it .
. . ' -1 JAN,
c1lilkillood behind hint has thits1nother wish him':xuccess. � . I . . . . . �.. . .. �. ., I . order Without Ifrst call- ,: . # I I .. . . I
. that such and ,I promise was I , L � . . , . .. .1 .. ...
such , . 1. . . . .. .
advantage - in' th t. lid can the more : Mr...W.'J.''Bryolges. left. Ott Wednds- -_ .. . .. . I Ing on 'us.' -* : . . � . . .. I . . . . .
. inade and has tint yet been carried out - . A . . . . ; . . . .., I . . . 1. ,: I � . . I I I .� . � .- . . . . . .... I . . I.. .
the readily Phice Idifiself -in-the child's day ai'm. for St. Louis w1vere he will - . I . . .. 1� . I .. .. I I . . I . . . . . I ,. � � : 1
. - . .
matter. is treated Ili a jocular ' THE WORLD W�NT,S' A: M ANI . "JAouary 8ale6f Winter Goodastill Continues. .'All wintorgoods r,Austgo � � :
' . - . . # . . .
vein position ' and ,sea ii the Child doeS,., jol'if .the staff Of mi0lariies oil the fair - . . . . JX -13. HOOVER' PAOP .
CekLain Liberals will tell' you ) . . .. . . . 9 � 1. . atlllatightbr pii'des as we want ther-oorn f6r.9pring,shipmenis. . - I
liviti; . rather than make the c4ild'see' as'lio btiilding� iinder Mr. Ezekial Smith, , , , , .. I 1. � . . .. � . I '' . . �
. I .., .I - . . I . . I . . I. , �
imeoncern that the - platform doe' - . I . - . . Miss Macdonald of' Port !In . ron . -is ,The . Publishers. of -The'Toronto World , � Next to Comme'r8al Hotel .. -ea�y.dri - sale price 68c' - .1 � ,: - , I
%0iich embodied sQ.rnany radical de- I �- .. I 1. ,� .� . . I Will Try. t:o,Break 11ecor& . . . ... I . �. .11 I . I men'sh ving rnitts. worth .$1.00, � . . .
. � In tile, que9tion bf character s0ending.a few weeks in to'wn at Mrs.. 1. .. . . . * "' . . . . .. � I � I " � . . � 40" . � . ...
� ,
partures from the fixed policy of . . build- I � .. I - . . .. I wiioo.ol� - Alen'fur caps, worth $2.'.75, sale price $2.W - I . . � . . .. . .
.country as it was in i896, ha the . in' . Collins.oin's. . I I .. � The publishers of Th6"Toronto World _-__._,_____7._4__ ,.--..-- ' . I 1. . � . .
s serV�d g�tlie grCatest work.of theteacher- lvlj�4.9. Col,,, I . . .. . I I . ; Men's f0 *caps, ivoirth,$10%. 'sale price S1,2�5 . I - . . I . ; . .., , . . .
. . inson has *returned from' wAnt,A repregentative in every, 'Postal ' '' . � . . . . . I. . I , ... 11
. I
I . I I �
. � '1\70 SIX, QRS - FOR S . . 'oon ebat woi th $25,00, Sale pric,e $18.50 - ' . � --
its -purpose and is now absolete , Vic .our. opponents make their. str6figest Toronto.and *ill. xetuain.at her .+6 o district In- Ontario, They, are trying - . I I 4ALE. - .' Ladies'Astvaliao Q .1 , ..
� . I I I
I . , I I . .
- I ' . I I — . .1 . . _W�lf in R. to niatch, wdrkh $18.6.),� Sale' vice $13.50. *.. . , . .
I purp so. referred to being the reilurn of points, f6r*'it i's �iv undisputed, 'Jact . . In .. . . scribers before: the . , . . . '' . Laolies� -tiff "nol tnuff . p . .,
. tile 0 it chiLrgeter, our' until the taillinery opinings-are an- Ao sbcftro� 50,000 sub I sleigits-olle light and : , ..: '.. , . � %
, . .. . �. Ladids' Sable Ruff woeth $10.00, sale, pr le' .. . . 1.
Libcral partr to power. They ilia - bund1b of hattits, nouneed. �. % - �. . . I . I . end,,6f'tlte pr6Sent year aftd:- are ofler-� 1. have twc . , . - L' e $7.00 . � . � . I .I.. I I .
laugh when such a thing as consisten� becomes more settled with age, . . I � � the'- other ban. Y�461` Sale. Wilt lie i, adies'Jap'BearRuff worth $6.50, .Sale price $5.00. . . . ... . , . � . .
,and M6nday W" the Fea t cf,.t,he.pUrIfi_' Ing liberal contitnissicing. The' Worl& .v . I .. � 011 . ... . , . .
cy is spoken of and point to the fact they�wlio have the strongest persona�l_ - . .. .5 first1sold Cheap, " I . ." . � I I L�dios!AtbericanSableruff,w th$4.15,sale.price$3.75 .. - - . � . . .. I
.t ost. marked, impr I Suiccess ' . . . � .. 1, 1. .. I . 'Ociss'um-ruff, worth $6.50, sale price $5,00, � - . - � .
7 - call "I a distinct as tile . I
had the Conservative part' make commonly. Col Cand boas ScOiL LadiWitaidt'Al 00 I I � .
that I - the, lit Cation, � I . 4 ' ' .., . u . . � ."
. ..
.ASS- . , in ' It 2.? SIlle'-$Pt,ive.$8.0D . . - I , I . ''. . .
. I , I . . . ' ,00. _
, ,. . . I
.. . , . ,
; I a MW mada. It is cu; Clint6n, Jan.' ,-) . . : . . . . .
iscration they 0 zirsicter, 6ludd the vigi --n'. Moore .. Ira., ill Ca ;y - to get sub- . . Am - cap r e ' 0 I at ' rl e., 2. 60. I . . I . .
played the game" y tons. But even should- a person . � .. � Xathlc: . . . oue-cent morn I ing newtpaper,,publisheol " '. . I . - EVA' 6 a ' I. b ape 4bw,03T.t. .
with a littde more , of 94Y 1 VRANX NS., , . . G P SW
. .7th.: . . � or . .. 11
� might yet be Ili con- . nable ch - uitl -scri The ' I . I r e YJ . .
. bars for a.brigllf paper like . . . v y aull; � P Sal p Ice
"I H I hI
u ' . .� yy W art e�s, 7ort $
. �. quite recovered from 'her attack of � . . . ... . . � , . . . ea On h �, 25 , 1. �$ - . . I I
0 . a -Model School Master.alid. . �. . -_ -- M . b 2.25 . . .. . . . . � I
. lane a Will ' . . . . . .. fld at OrIIY $3 a year -or 5r-50 for , $ 0 � . � I.
trol f tile adininistration ' * C.unt Y. 13 . .. I . . . e , . 't s t X0 e 75 ,. .
. oard scarlet favor. I .*WO . . .os � eavy Op iris wor It . , sale pric 0 , , . . I
What I,. meant by "playing tile., , � will not the younger Mrs.., Tye' and family returneil lait six inbriths, - d3right and entertaining, - 11 - � . BOY' T.UD. '. , . . 1. . . .. 1. I I . . . I � 10 11
eir, holiday -trip to their 1aIW0 . . � . . . W, S e *' ' . . ..
.,p,evson be Inore o,.tne d - . .WAN �O
game ?" In the fiTst place it is based i weak from fit �ys thi World .Is conducted., oil . . I . 1. #. � The above. trientiotted are ouly a few of the bargdins that- it al -t, th - - , . ..
apt to n Ili's ways ' . I .: . - �
Ian the _no at I I I . . I . � #.'buyer . . I � � . . . . . . . . .. , J �. . , . . ,
own the presumption that.the elebtorat � t ad t�ndon-. relatives at Raysvil,ie. and vicinitv, broad principles, filled with gcod read- BOV wanted t learn. the printihg. # . . : � � I I . . . . . . . . I
a cies and �er, Of more 1. a itritt.ge i. � . . 9 . ,� . .. � �, � I .
n If money is % ... The* rdsideilce owned by the 71 late ing for all good p . . I . I . - I . I . ... . . . . ..
delights Ili' bei g fooled. . ,be, again it ys ,d' cople, It. hag been -a -P .. , � . 11
a, lant
with the rdl,., bQ d 'ItIrig . . . I App�y * t the office o.f,.Tlxc.' . News ,ee- .. ... 11.1 . . . . All Millinery-'at:slaughter prices - . . : . . .
needed for the proces.4. of throw to &1s,) i � . Crown d the :11 farmers' daily" because I I . . . � . . I .
in I I . Attorney Lewis *and at present calle or( � � . . I
. . . . , . . .. . . . I . I . . .
. I
dust in the eyes Of the people, money . � 1� . Ojecupied by X. Drew,kouivie,hasf, -we '60 Inach'space'.18 jiven*tO'marUetS-aAA . . 1. � .� I 10 . . . . 11 I . . I -% � � . .. .. I . . . .1 . . : . . I � . . ....
is Used ; if all eleetion is to be sto Another objection I . . - ,. I , . . I , .
. Jell, I 16 their 'entering learn,, been sold 'to a retired Itle farm news. W. F. McLean, M. P.., e& .. - - � I . " - I . .. . . ,..11. I I I , 111111111, �. .M"000, I . . I 1, . . . I
. rgy- ' — _.� - , . I I
. � I � . . . I � —M �
. . . I . . _ . . � . . .
the trick is performed ; a policy ' th.at flia pfbfussion is raised on th'e ground man. � . ; . - .. . itor .of The World, says that' The . . . . I . . . I .1 . . . �. I I I � . i
with I . . . - ' . . . , . . .
promises to please tile itia,jority is that they'are satisfied Owek Sal� ' Miss Mabel. . Farr, ,,who left - some .World has .. now over - 6000 'well-to-do -TWO HO-ISSUS FOR SALE. I .. .1. I ' IN I ' ' 1. . ' ' I
I -
. . .
. I _ I .0 i -0 .
adopted, only to be abandoned. aries. While this is trite itshould be .time ago lor,attendanee at Almac - 'farmers on' its Subscription lists. I * D M ` M.'-�"`EATH �-",. .. - LY-TH ' .. I .
. . .
the borne in.mind that in few" of rsigned offers f6r '�ale t . I . . . �.. � 1. . I I I . . g . . . X . . : . 7. :
� . I �
Illintite it is found dangerous- � ill . trades .or lege, -Si.:' Thomas,' speii� a few days New subscribers, who Send $4 clire�t . The unde k xy� - I I - � I I ]Pretoria 313loolk. . .1.11 � .
, e professions, ,do aptire ticies and j6ur- asIler *.home I . ri reet ,� 1.
accouqts of the country are, juggled � A � -last week.. I idThe Toronto'Worlcl, mentioning this. stOreY fraMe house oil Viato a st , . . . � . - . . .. . � I ��. :* , I I ,
06YI11en ieCeivo- the rc!muneration of ,,.rlle, county.. council -r .journal,.,�vill receive il, credit tip Ao .South of the railway track. Small Or- os000*000***0*4***40**#'*,*"**************++**#*"**.** , . - .1 , 1.
and distorted ; criminals are �ardou- had a banne 4*1 , I . . .
ad; others are pardoned and raised to the e,xpetienced workman and as statm week last we4k.for bad weather. ' We � the i'StIt -6t April or nearly .IS inointhov chard, good wolt, stablc� ctc� I . . ., . . 1. I ... . I 11 . .. . . .� I . .. � 1. . 11 . .... I
. . ' ' I .1 I . . I . . . . I . I .... . .: I . . �
. . . . - . _____ . .. I I 11 I .. . I I
llositidiis of trust ; the publie-jurids ad in.o6er words, if yon: ofebar them told a gentleman. that they would miss fOr $3� Any. subscriber. Sinding two Also small frame house on James .. . I � I . . = . �
. ----- - -_ .
are used to corrupt thd voters:61 Con- I frotii ' tittering our ranks in those the sunlight, to which he replied, "Olt new subscribers dt $3 will receive the street, 'near the knitting . factory,, Y4 - . � . I - I � I . ... .
. . . . . . . . I.. . .. . I .1 , .1 �. , c. . . I 11
�years in all, probability few of thein I guess tflay got enough of. light . acre I land, gocyl well, etc. _ .. . .
stituencies favorable to the govern- Wduld - . 1. � , for World free for due year. . I .. . � ,. . . I ' -
I 0 ever imter, , Miss Ulsie Lawson, .a yearly visitor , � . I I . . � I . I I .. . . I . 'JOS. ALLENS0111T. � I I . I ...� �-.
part of tile country, while a dialilet- Ons might Ile added but oil _____i�, . ; I . -
OI)IJOSLite .. . I .1 . . -1 . I Clinton,'Ja3luary 6th. . . . : .
, .
course it offer to our ,good old town, is the guest of . . .1 I -HOLLOWAY -
ment ; one policy is devised for 'Ile . . . I all the business they had on,hanci." , wit be sold oil casy terms. . I . "
. Oihcr teas * � �
rically ad - foir what is already given I think it safe . I � 11 . . . . . ROWE & ' . .
tile consideration of soine other siac- to clahn.fliat the present system is the 'Misses Ctailgie, I � - . . . . THE ILLUSTRATI11) EXPRVSS, . . �, I . . . . .1 I . 1. . � . I I . . I
tion holding different views. ; allot a 'more Congenial to the welfare of the' � Mrs. Jamles B I . . . . . _.- , . . . I . _�, � . .. , � . .� . . . I I- I I . . .
III- ' "noblest of prol"I . . town of Xalarnaitio., George Ado is the latest Americali, .1 .. . .. I I I . I I , � .
Lry other known artifice of a doubtful I sions," than tilt one Mich , is Spending a few weeks at the. . HOUSE Volt SALE, - - . ,. � . ; . . � . .
. I " , . . .
. . . I . . I
character is resorted to Ili the hope which some would have in it.-, place. matc�ual residence, ' * Writer, to make the eouquest of Eng- 1. . - . 1. ..
. . �
Of govering It . ' . Mr, A_M. Policy, the veteran ,' land. He is Itailed over there as one The'undersigned Offers for sa I le a . . O'. a - Furniture, . . - � ..
p questions of vital im Perchance this may awaken ,another; � livery, of the'greatest Of Atnerican humorists. - � - . , . I .6 ,. . . , . 7 .1 � I . .
portance to the healthy futilre 6f the line of thought and it, other. articies "Ian, will Ili future',coliduct his farm xX Storey cottage With five. bedrootfisf I . . . . . .. . . � . . .. . . ... .
country. 'not con; succeed - neat town. I. . . . . . It' will be acknowledged aftee this i Situ- . I . I . . . . . I
I ..pro. a this the write; . . that Britons call see a joke quicker large dining room, parlor, Cie. � . I I I . .. .. . - � . .
I will. feel himself repaid .for the, effort Miss Agnes Ferguson of 'Morden is -�ed on William street� convenient to, , . I . . . . . � I . . . . . . � � .
I .
Only a short ,thne ago at a bat qUet I � once for -a .three tholiths' visit with the Collegiate Institute. For further - I A ; I . . . .. .� I
lie has made to assist your editor in It than . had been sApposed. Mt -Ad'e's ' � I I I . . . �, . . .
held in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Conger- suppl . ying, hii readers with* .-literary tier parents at Carlow. Site likes Mof7 tables are -one. of the features -of tile - I I Some rmsons.whyi,you should buy, I . I .� -1
vative letiders recommended t6 their Buffalo Illustrated Express. , pattioularA apply to Jilitiles I Scott, I .. . .. . . - . 1. i . % . . . 11,
matter. . I . den and thinks those -who. went out; . , barrister. , I . . from the Clint *On Furniture�- Co. .
,rs the necessity for unitecl and * . r, ., . . . . I . . . . .
follow# . ., - there some time ag6 were: foolish to .. .. "I . MRS, LAIRD. . . . . I .. ..
consistent action Ili all matters relat- . -A Graduate of ' 99. .. . - - . . ., .!__!.!"' I 1. . I I . � I . . .
. . . return t6 Ontario. . . Clinton June 24�d. . . I 13e6aasa their stock.is large and Oell hasorted I I . . . .
relating to Canada's welfar'e. ,,rt I.-, . I .. . I . . WAGON AND CARRIAGE k. . . . , . . .
far more preferable that the Couser- .. W I Warden Kerr entertained tilt county . 1. I . The designs are the newest and Most Up-to-date : . I . . ,
. I . . . SHOP FOR SM.U. ' , — I .
I vatives remain it, ol)POSition. 'for . I . touncil at the Blackstone restaurant I 1. . . . 1. . e 011-1110,01 . he cotisft,tiction avid finish are the best . . .. I I 1. I I
- . . Materials that Wear out the buyers' Opectations. . . .
than have them sacrifice the .RAY TOWNSAMP. . . . last week, We orchestra furnished The, an&rsigned offers 1-44 wagoi-i and PLANX FOR SALE CXRA�.' . And prices thabare easy oti our cuitolliers � . . �
. I .
� Swee't Inasid''for ilia occasiCift. - � . I . I
151lianr4les for which they have fought . The followini is ilia report of 8� S. ' carriage Shop tot sale in thL vtAlige o5 I — I I , . . I I . . �
since Confederation," was the advice NO, 14, May, for the nionith of .jamt- Mr. Duncan Cauveron, who left town Brucefield. Also his dwelling with 3-� A quantity of hardwood plank .for . I . . Alsd till kinds of repairing, lipholstering and . . ,. .
given to the Oppo,4itioh -supporters, ar.V,baliedbn demeanor, attendance and a few weeks ago to acee t & situation, .acres of land, There - is a, 900d Or- Sale �fiaap. Suit&ble for bara or- 1. I � Picture framing:at moderate prices, I . I
.p . - . I �
. . . .
I . . .
This advice is ill striking contrasi g�iioral proficiency � , has returned home. I chard hard and soft water, etc. Will . stable floors, culvdrts, etc, . Undortaki�ig in ti,11 its branches ..
to , that contained in the exhortation . Sth Jr.-, John ,,city. I . I � . . I be sold Olt reasonable.terms as 1, have . R, & S, RANSPO", . I . I . . I . . . I .. 1.
. I .
I 11 . . I _ . Clinton,, .
of Sir Wilfred Lattrier and' big ibl- 1. Sr. -Oliver Fee, necit,ried peqy, . I to retire from tile bitsilless Olt aCCOtIftt J, D. ATIUNSON , .
14, "to play ilia gatue.11 the 1, I of ill health. . .
lower. S� ,. . . . . .
,a Petty', Jalnco,' petty -Agnes I I I OT, HEXXX8. . Thou * tile � . . . I I. . . � . . � I � . I .. . . . 0 �
-game" is a thing to be areadod Thomson. . I 1) . I . I Am givilig 111) roallufac- I ttn�t�.nT2 -T _1 ,��_.Mt_ � _.___ ___ I � I I I . . Manager and Faneral DII-ector, . .
I and treated as , a dangerous pest!- . . . . . . . turitig 911 in keellilil't Oil liAllot It full � . . I I I . . . , . . . - . I I . I I . . . . . . � 11
. 01ce. If canadiatu" have faith Ill 411 Jr,-Ronily PLe Percy Vlok, Mr. Williaftr Oke of Whitby Is ro- stocli 01"farin implement$' illso wag- � -NOTICE. V,_ . I .1 � . I., . .. .
I - ) . I I . �
tile future of this country as a nation, ri". Mulholland and �o,;,,ie ?&!A1 t.,,tlr lieWilig old - acquaintances around here goins Cutters, etc, I . — . � . 11 . � � !( . :
. , � .
they will roseitt at tile earliest pos- Oveft), George Chambers, . at present, � . I I ' . 11 � . �
� SO . ,,,,I, .Rev. Mr. ]Bridge of Itanover is to . . JOS. ROBINSOX, , Accounts owing to 0, Cooper &CO- �
%ible moment a policy founded oil , 3rd -Tr.-*.Nlcllie MCA rtbur L, I prodell missionary sermons in Calvin 41r,1040,14, ,!all. 3VA. I .2t may I be paid at *11, Maitland's store. A X.Rowe, A. I J4,11011 ovvayqi , I .1
stich a flifusY 1011fid9tiott. It 1% 91fite Petty, 'Grace Audersout 'Uliza' mulhol- church next Sabbath, - - w. I I 11. t�_ I , . � , ,
inuist be played lot it by all theaus be land. Mr. Yoo iron% Goderich township Is _t.t��t� All aceounts not paid By tile XSth �f Night and sundIiy eAlls answered At, r4b6idefte On -VI,InCeA8 I I �
a gatrie looking to) ilia- upbuilding of 2ftd 8r.-Uliza, Tit' ' CARD or TIIANXS. February will be placed ill court lof St.,direetly back of Prebbyterlan eburch.
I our national welfare, Lat it be it Petty. � . Wilson, Oeokge� itaching St., Helens' school for ' a . 1. . . I .
, ., �tathall looking to tile upbuil4ing oi . . Couple of weeks ill the absence of mt. I . . collection. . . . ... .. ... I.. . . � .. . I . .
2ind Jr,-Lauta Yea, Clarence M&. C. A, Tebbitit, who has boom Ill but TO Charles, E. 81,11w) 11- Ill I W I I �1011' '!!�� ..� �
otir national welfare, to devZ-Iop Our Con I doderich. � q, Coopult & Co, - -
"0111 Jack Clack Who is expectul to be able to teach General Agent, . . .. ___ I—— — __ .
�groat resources and malce-thiii broad � k . � 1 take ill! IS of teilderilig 'Ifty Clinton, Jan, list. � . . I
I I't. 2nd Sr,-Syclney McArthur, Vie- next week. . a tficAll � I I., . I. 1, . . .
I �
, olornitin a ,'Canada for tho Canadians" - Miss Violat yjachatian spent a few thank,ei to The G'ore Distfie't Xutttul j�l 11 ill i'i'l t!��.I" ' '' L . Ie... ,,M,I&.
and the r0lipird as Well. Let it be toria Datars, I in 840161, tho mnftuoud toll &- Woven wirei Ir
. I � titkdo up the filettlL � 4�
rohlied of opportunion, torruption'; I 'days at home last week. ltlir6 Insoranct Co. ot Galt tor the � Pei Aw. I 1;
put Vt. *nd ar.-Ovecirge hfuthollaridt Mr. Fred, Bond,' whojuts been 1110ft- p.rompt and very gatlalactOrY thAinler H01USZ FOR SALE, 1, I - I I . . . 201 fences slacken In warni, weathor ltnd"7 . I I
'tetta rvisoilft,� Willie. retty"U116, ner. . gaged with hit, kobett Woods for the 'y paid I fire I s I $3)- . I I . tighten In eold - except tho va"45 F0h06. . 11
crioliftid expenditure aftol Z.Wpo� It G In whicit tile IAY 0 a 0 6jt,.IJI�6 winter season. po 3rp It back. Tago apriust volt tAtkos np the Alne c In. slim. .
. I
. U 'I
with Jh6 tc�liectable garb of tfutliftit- ry, Clarence I)atlirs, . past two years, . left for Xintarditte oo oil illy flour will at Port Albert, The und6rgigneil OfTers Ili$ cottage'aft - - .t!�-� war and lots houtin whimr, NT6lop,*q#4Ai
� I Ihoutnino ncIAtraftlingerbrettkipigin Ili-
11eq.4 and honesty. , JPt- Ist-MagglO Fact Orville Ate- last week� which occurred an Doe, 29th, 1902. Xitkg street for sale, There is hard tAt.comnionerill0edwitt, snaserl 4 aftil I lit, iftakenif it StA5'84 Sinakenad.
It is f6i you Calladlati.q, to see that Colitioll. X S(,, ate, t I ne tompore , I
� Air, J(;*Ilh- McGuire liat angagdd with .110I,4 ga 11 Waved t Ian ever, Pago wire to terapered t4reoulate its 6 -
't( crage ,XIIA14$. and soft Witter,, & good 104bles Ightons it 10046no n, I for, 00,0wiftilmolf -OW10040611II1186110W.
I It Olt Such floprov. AV ion 4PICY at the hou". I , t6ligion 611011916r, and win . ta Il P49 :
tho. gameol Is Oar! . A10lidatice 25, filimber, oil Air, Thos, SOYht (Or ib6 WInt4f Port'Albett, 1aft, !Zftll 1903- ,the, Pw*#o ronao 06.. td&
_T, 11, Brownlee, Twhcq tooliths, Ordots by wail prottlptV atteftdod to, JAMUS IMPOPI), Ch ton, 0 L , I I 11
. Od litlesi ��: I roil 29,� 1 . . I It I - , , .,, . ,,011t^ Woutt6ta,l?.Q,,M'.""",4$"'.U','.'I.o 1%,
. 1 46 / I . I .
. I � � I I . I I ., . � I . 1. . ;
, � ? I
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"Allea ." A, , , I : __ " - I I .,�, I � .161, 1� I . � - . 6 ,�A",._, - �� �� , . 11 � 1� ,�I_ - . � — . 1 6106",� — - � 0 ,. �
= IN11110"" - __ - ANA" - W9A1_.__ Uhd6&AA"__ - I