HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-02-05, Page 1.1
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24th Your � . I . � . CLINTONt ONTAR109 THURSDAY9 FEBRUARY 5. 1903, 1, Wholo Number 1253,
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$ "M Cooper s B. ook Store - , ""
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Parly Spring5tyles . .
.. * �
To know what these are going to be, look over the Feb. .
ruai y Butterick patterns, juaf re
' . , ceived, These February pat.
terns show tikirts with outside box -plaits at the back, bolers,
I ,, I . ,
jacket effects, some further developments in Norfolks, a new
lot of Russian styles, tucked empires, blouses with capes, etc,
A Butterick pittern enables you to make you owri dress, .
I Butterick patterns can be relied upon for up-to-dateness, .
Fashion Sheets free tit our pattern counter. 'February Delineator,
now or. sale at 15c. � � ,. . � I
I I .
. .
. � I-
. .
� I ,
75c Library Books 25C Choice 16. mosi at 145C .
I . . � I . . . .
103 choice books, well bound in Daintily bound and stamped , ,'
darkelotli, white Stampings, . .illustrated and printed On ,
$ good paper easily worth (]oil.
$ wellprinled on go.ol paperl I I
worth regularly75c per vol., ble tile price, bargain day
bargain days, each ........... 1. 25c. prico each..,...."..., -........160
. . Modern Painters ...... -...Ruskin
I �
It's never to late to mend .... Reade Mine own people ............ Kiplin
0 Silence of Dean Maitland ...... Grey' -Francoir, the Waif ............. S a nig
#Cast tip by the Sea ........... Bak&- Wookli Addresses
.Tile Blaster of Ballanerae Christian Living ........ F.B. Meyer
- Stephenson FowerF&bIea..'._.,._, ... �'Alcott
Master of the Mine ..... Buclitt6an Paul and Virginia ....... 1. St. Plerre
$ House of Seven Gables,.Hawthorne The Pr1ncPss..1..,_... . , , ..Tennyson
IAnn of Ghierstein ............. Scott Letters of Marelue ........... Kipling
I Tom Brown at Oxford ...... Rukhes Jacob Faithful '�..Maryatt
Green Mountain Boys,.Thotnos.on I . Essays bf Elia..... � ... � ....... Lamb'.
Pilgrinisof the Rhin.... ..'...-Lyffon Hiawatha.... ...... 0 I -.Loll ' fellow
In all, ...... ;. - Allen The Vicar of Wakefield.. Go8smith
The Red Sultan ........... Cobban Bly Lady Nieo'tine. .., ...... Barrie
The Alhambra ............... Irving De eam, Life.... I 1. I - - I - ..._ Mitchell
Eugene Aram ............... Lytton The Blind M.U81eL1anj.'.,.KoroIenko, I
$ Ndt wisely but too well... Broughton The Rose, the Ring., the Ballads I ,
J CleOputra.; ........ I I ...... Reggard - . . ., Tbackery.
L .
) Hypatia.. Kingsley Pilgrim's Progress ........ Bunyim, I
� Que'llit, , , _* Cott, WaterBabitis .......... : ...... Kingr?ley
Auld Lang S ne .... 1� ....... Russell The Queen ut the Air.,.,-... Ruskin' i
The bride of Zarnruerinoor .... Scott .The,king's Stratagem'.,... Weyman
I .
The White Company ........ �Doyle ' Robbip Hood . . . I � i
Wit bred in the Bone..-....*, Allen Marmion ., .. i ................ Scott
. I
n�a Mts ' .
Gu annering .............. .. Scott Childe Harold.., ....... I ... Byron
$ Tales,6om Shakespeare ....... Lamb Frankenstein ........ i ....... Shelley 4
The Caxtons .... ............ Lytton Tanglewood .Tales. - ...., Hawthorn
� . .
. L �
I .. . L I . . ! . . . I- . I . . e �
. . . .
$ C - . - . . . . . ..
$ � we . . .. L :& 0 L
O. 9 . 'CLINT N.,
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I . L . I ... I . . . L
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express - , I
. . . .. . .
. . . . . .
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns. , ' .. I .. . . . .
. . . . . . .
$ ... . - . � . . ,. I �
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1. . SOVEREIGN - BANK''= = = C00ton Branch : .1
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Sovereign Bank of Cana'dit, � � I . I
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H. T. RANC13- - : " . W"_ .W�' Manager. ' i - -'..I
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Havingdecided to .1e,aye t6wnI offer my entire ' .. %, I
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� � stock ot watches, blocks. China, jewellery, - , itrid. I.-
+ I I . . �� . I � . .. ... I .1 I
silverware. to the public at. exactly wholesale Vrice,,. - . . 4
1 , __ .. . . .. I
. . � I
Stockninst be r0ticea a:t least$26(� Intheiext .. . :
. I .
. i . .. I ... . � � . I i . ; + ... . :.,
I few weeks. You miss birgains if y6taiet -this- stile . . I
. �; .
. I . . .
I . pass without njakingit pn'rchase.,+For� full pa�ttio:U7 . . . *
. . � . I
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lars see ad. on pitg6-3. All accounts, indst hii� settled ' . . .
. � .
. - . . . T.
I . . , . I � �.. I . . . . � . . . �
by Feb. Ist., 1008. - - . 1, I I . , � ...�. . ., I . I .. +
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I I . 4i - 3;
. . Pe. 13' Crewso I ..
� . � . .
. . .11� . 0 , - . ;�
. . . Biddlecombe s Old Stand6 I
I . . . . . . + . .t
Seweler and Expert Watch Repairer, . . . . . .. .I
Refractionist and Dispensary Optician. .. � . . + I �
. I . . ".
I I . . . . . I I
11 �
"; ..
.* :.
. ,
. I
. 11,
. , 4, .
. , . . A GOLDUN HnART. � . . . 14 I
. I .
. �
Next Sunday Rev. 1. Q. Dunlop will- On Thursday -evening of next week The opening chapters of the, scriel, While Shooting sparrows -a hired main . r. .
$ ecliange witli Re , - A14geo of Goderich gon , h N _4ohn- -a.,d- -Riss , 04huvre- of . . �
� es ,11amiltton rucefield are the guests of, the Missea
. v . Geo. 14, Poster will deliver , a. 'A Golden Heart, are, given in this oil the farm; of Mr, Jam' I. -
who wilt preach iii -the Baptist church le�turil in the town hall 'oil 11 Callada. issue of Tile News -Record. It is one shot a valuable .colt- The animal Falconer this week *
both a. tit. and evening .and in the And the rimipim." 'rile to it tile Airs. J. Falconer was visiting friends .
, cturQ will Of t1le,b0st stories ,we liave yet pub- .came. running past the corner I , . .
Base, Line church in the afternoon, be tile ,Second in tile extension course !!*;tied. batil just as lie was ill the act , of in Goderich last week. . I
given under the auspices of the Q. C. . cc the accident. * 0. Airs, J. Tull is visiting her in .
A w9ax, ICNOWN'SHOT. Ing instituti . OLD BOYS,- ' AT ROMR, . . shootin henam. Hughes spent a few Mrs. Carney of Stanley, this ., othcr4 . 'Yo
on gives Air. I it . week.
: 1. This flourish I I Wit .1 ,-
In tile Now York Sunday World ap., nothing but tile best and w n� The Huron Old Boys,' Association of day$ with friends in, Tec$water Us,t Muster Kenneth ,Smith was confined * I
eared) among a group of leading ate in Securing the services of so able Toronto will hold its third annual A week, to his. bed from a severe attack of, .
0 1), Shooters," a photogravure of Mr. and eloquent a tri-tn,as Xr, Poster, . ,t 14 r. William Carter was a very sue- puetunobla, -
# J . 14�, 1 Home on the evening of the i9th, inst. cessful exhibitor at the Goderic9poul- Miss Mary bowson, of Stanley W410 �
. -
- - Calitolon of Clinton, who. is re- THRRY4,1S MANY A SLIP. 'rile News -Record is in receipt of all � try. . the guest o1 the Misses Falconer , .
0 garolcd by experts as one of the beat . h e won,.33 ists, I as, t '..
. I . invitation and will be pleased to ac" 8 2nds and i 3rd prize on '
trap Shots on this or the other side The report Which-WaS ill active cir , 42 en- week- .
of the border, I . culation last we , . cept if time will permit, it being well tricS. . I Major Joseph Beek of SaItford was .
I . ek that * Mr. F $. known that the Old tBoys always have te village oil Tuesday evening I
AM Scott of Brussels had been jillpointed enjoyable.re-nuions. I . , Mr. A. 13est of Brandon, Man., -is In tI in
; V,'iINQS IN ST... PAUL'S. �. registrar was believed by the local . . � . visiting, friends "in this .vicinity .0 . �t the intercits of -tile 1. 0,'P.
. .
I I �. Liberals themselves, but there is ing I OCAL ATARXJ�,T$. . present. . . . I . Oil the evening of Feb. 12th there
! A weeting of the clergymen of .the . , I , by ,, . . . . . . will be. A Ilecture giv .
- tile I I lie oJlice is. yet unfilled, Wheat 68c. . . . hall by tbe.Rev. Canon Dann; X, A., . I
.De'Aery of Huron Was held -on Tues a ,;tit) etc. T . Party Laulb-Mr. ..William Carter en in the town .
(lay afternoon in $t, Paul's goverilmont'not .being in this in� - Oats 300, . has. a Shropshire ewe that.gave birth. of St. Paul's cathedral', London* T14i . ; i �
116use" Owing iii scbool- ,stance SO for to a lamb. ou the 20th.of January. - .
a variety of.causes getful of,imporiant ser-* Flour $2.15 per cwt. Pretty early, I . . I - .. . -subject will be Ireland and the. Irish, . � . .
. .
there wa, vice e dered as those itiore hatne& Bran'It4 per ton. Air, P. X, Ila call of Cairngorm. .4 an Irishman . I
s not a full attendance pres- ,etes X it As the Rev. gentleman �i 4
ent, The Chair Rim ly bell�-fitted by,thein, have not- � Shorts, $08 t . . has been visiting ends- around Coll- .TLs well ,.is a. clergyman'of note an., e -
I - . 1 ,,, Fer or, Pfirli, . it � I
S. , -le .time may be expected. The
al Dealt and an address was dpliycred not, yet --turned down Mr, W. Coat, � Butte 17c. stance I,ately. I
� . joyab
. I . Eggs x6c to 17c, Air. A. BloicGreg I �� .
by the Rev, X, L: Tucker, the agent TIH�, HOCXF,Y -CliAMPIONSHIP, I. ,.or of Cypress River, ready wit and full and joys and sort, ..
. I
. I ..
of the , General Missionary Society of . ' . I liogs $5,50 to si,601. , . Mail. is . renewing acquaintances in ows of Ireland will be of interest and W.0
Church of England in Canada, Ouite I . - . . , I I I . .. . . � 4
tile , art Interest- has been aroused this -,towusllip� . amusement to all who attend. V,very, I �
i . Bit'. Tucker's 'address Was most in� in- heclocy circles by tile series ' of A GOOD QUARTETTH. . . I Trishnian especially $1,01,14 be pres . I .11
. . . . Mr, and Mrs. George Hesk spent a ent. , ,� �
spl:ring and it is to be regretted that games wfxiell 'are being played'for the Communion . . vith their daughter, Mrs., Admission 2o cenis. Tile lecture wd , - "' ", �%
a larger audience was not . present. . . . was, dispensed in Willis. few days v � 1) I at 8 F, M. , - . . I , I � � - .
I local championship. Pour teams have church last Sun John Di,llby of Goderiell townshipi. . �
I day morning and I J .
The A� Y. P. A. of,St, Paull's entered -I, R 1%,1 Town C. C. I. and file evelling Rev. Dr. Stewart ina in Aft" , � Medd is laid lip with Ilia . C9111. AttWood had a 'wood -bee last , .o I I I � I
t de Thursday and a good -supply was put
church gave an open concert in - � the 0. F. -and ihei'r' standing at present an old ,trouble, erysipelas, at, present, I
. schoolhouse oil Tuesday evening. They is as follows : , . � exchange with'Rev.. Hamilton of Dante .Rumor says. a* youn I up. in ille evening a party was given . : � �
' g man Will I . . I
were greeted with a fair attendance . ' Lolidesboro, At tll� Utter servim a at which a good time was . 1,
work Lost TO Plg�y ' q1taftette con. arrive shortly front the Northwest to . spent, . I , .
� qisting of Bless'rS. Spauld- . .
land the Puformance, Was very credit- ' I. R. M. I 9' 2 . � take away one of our fair .1adies, say Mrs. D. Harrison has ratu ned from - . .
�. ,
abl.6 - to those who.. took part. Chorus- - Town - . 0, 10 . in"' ,*XcRae and Ziegler of ,towil'and from the'litit concession. Particulars her re . cent visit to -friends. , � � r , � ; I.,
.es by tile nwilibers, instrumental set-- C. C. I 1 .3 th! Utter's'- brother) -a. . traveller, � � I . L'
. * the congi . . . I 1
. . o .1 - . � '2 charmed * .0i latef. . Miss Stlsan't�Parke' left for Detroit .- . .
s by Bfe.ssrs. Hovey,. Blackstone, 0. F. ' � aiidn with its de- Mr, and Mrs. Williahi Aloon gave a last Saturday� , . . .1
ectioli. l I :,. I :1 . . . . �
- ith Bliss Billings as . I . .. I . I lightful rendering of sacred: music.. . . ' . . I "
Vor " . - . . party oil Friday night last at which Mr. James. Armstrong. of Varna . . .
!.(,'�'n1':ugti0su' w 114D THF, BRiDGE. - , . . �
; piano''oluetts 'by Misses WII,ri BU .. A. 0. V. .vs. C. 01 F. . there were present old'couP called on the rectory.last 61YA , , - I
I . . I les - and Saturd
Gunne alit] Bentley ; recitations , by M . I . .. . I I � I . I , young couples, ina,tried couples and . I I I . .. . I . . � �. �.
� ' . I
. .
Ali." May Rance ana Messrs. Q. Brew- Tile county council last week decid-' . Anotherof the series of kames of unincorr'ied couples. Tile large company . . . . . I . ... . . . I. . I I
I . .. J, Stewart, and solos * to � . . ..
er and 0 . . by ed build a new bridge at - Ben- , carpet bails between A. .Oi F. and C. enjoyed themselves. very. Much. � I I . � I -1
. I miller and let tile contract. for the VARNA; , I . . � I . I
-Miss.Billings and Mr. Blackstone mate �. . O.' F. was. pIpLycqJ last Friday, evening, - Willace Allen, aged years, .. I . . . �
ill) the progrhi-,�r, - 11 . iron � Work to'die, Hunter Bridge. Co. jesultin . g as fo . 119ws .: . about i6 . I . . �
I I . , *as -the victim . -ail assault on Sun-' ' We understand. that Mr. T' I .
. . . I � ^ `4,W fOt - $7,768, - The :1 concrete will. be .. I . I ZdcAsh . � ..6.1 11
' . .
mw CLTJB Big .T " . . _ . , . - 1. built by Mr. Frank Guttridge . � A'. O.., P.. - . Q, o. P. I .day evehing. In going out t(3. the is about to open tip a la , . . . I .. I
. . . .1 , " . I . I at $4.90' - . H.. G . alzier' : � ita�le`,to harness the horse the family flour and Iccd-. store in connection with , . . , . 11
. . I . I . per cubic vard.. ,.The Stanley bridge B. .Hovey . � � . � I I
The allnual'meeting'- of tiie-, aun. Club will be fliiiihed this'seasoll, . . , . dog began to bark violently 'and tan tlie�' post-ollice. As he is� a. man of , . I I
.. . I W. Mornan - E. .Brooks . . I . . . .
which was held last'Thursday* iweifing J. McOachert� . 0: Cook �. � . to the lien house. Wallace folloWed, great -push and energy he will, * no . . . I I
I . Clerk Lane, -who in 'addition to, be� � . -gb't tt� 'doubt,' Nirina I . . "
was well attended. The different re- Ing ail efficient: official. is a P. E,vans- sk '2r . J.�'Jklcst,'sk I Aliinking 'perhaps a .mink had .. ... :
� 19 I, , arge custoin, especiall- , . . . . : -1
. .
. ports showed, the club to be' in. � , . P . McNeil � . I m6ng the hens.. He found, however,, a .as Varna ast becoming a gre t � � , . .
. flourishing condition,' there a ,Very courteous one, had his salary W. Slornan I.. � . � hen asked. what. lie was , business centre, � a � . . I
. . . I being -an increased from, $6.0.0 to 5900. The a& J. McCluclierty H. Smith .� . stranger and w I . , All we want now to - . I � . . �11
.11crease in the inembership, and a dition only carried by- a narrow ma- B. Rove . .�oin� there,.said, 11 I'm �.oming out.".. make tile town complete is' a , good . . . .. I . I
W. Rouiledge " .
y . VO you're not," replied Wallace, shoemaker, a tinsinith, a flour . will, . . I I
' . I
� handsome balance in the bank. It was jority, hoivever, . 66W increase,% were F, Evilns A .5- .. J. Finch sk 13: who, pulled.the door -to and tried to ail electric railway, a, t6lephon� and .. . . . _ -� -� �
. . I , .
. I I � . I I . .
decided to alliliate with tile Doiriinibn aijkea. for, bui not obtained . C..'4bbutt *. - : .N�11 Routledge � , . able to do'so, 'And- electric.''light system And a branch 'of . � .1
I , . . hold it; but was un. .
. . .
I . , ,
. . L �
of Canada Trap.Shooters' Association, There wereAuite a humbei 6i.aP,pIi- J. Slornati P. McNeil , the stranger after striking him a vio- a.. chartered. bank, Some of - these - - I I
Mr J' -R. Cantelon, who is the.inost . . . I , . I
cations- Jot , the positions Of county , P. Hermian. . . . H., Smith . ., I : . . I .
. �
ind4t.%iigable .worker 'in the' club,'� auditors which Iell' to Mr -W. lent blow An. the ,face. disappeared, things at least we,Aook for ill I the � I .. .. . - �.. I I /.. -1
. I $.''Law- W. C, Brown sk 26 J. Finch sk .22, Wallace. ' as knocked *insensible and near fi.-iture. . I I . . . . . ... . I ..: �. :1,
d&lin.ed.reTe1vciion to th4 presidency, �rence. of; Goderich township ,and Air I .11, I . I . �� � w I , , . �
. . I . I , , � . . .
ry. 1). . ' Sic Foster - . . . .
. . . .1 *: 'S. Sloman . .. G. Cook itlentity. of his�as-. : Misses M I . . . .1
but acbepted.-the position of secreta bled. prolu%elv. The aillie. .. and ,Jo- I . J, .
. . I
I . . I . . I
. _v .
. ,
I His . . ,rqt�ring ..address . was. a .geiii, of F,. Munro, of- Auburn. A' more p . Ijerman - � H. Glazier- . Sailant Is. n6t .yet established.- It : is visited with friends in - Parkhill ': and I .. I .. �'...� .
, � capable pair could not have.been se- C * . .
� its L'ind-and * . . Tebbutt, . * dtlie assaulter was, waiting for . . . I ..
e 'here reproduce it : cured. � .' . . . 1, � I I I R. Brooks. ', .. Supplose . . - Hensall, last week.. . - ** ' � -, . .. . � I I , I �..
I I . I . . . � I "
� .. Gentlemen . . 'W. � C. Brown sk r 8 - - J �, West - SIC I the fantily to leave for .church so that . Miss Aunic, Posta ii; visiting frie'nol * . ..: . . .'.. � :".,
'l -This .being our.annual ' ship. -, Mcf,can of 3 . ,a .� I
_ .Re. the war'den. Al I .1 I ' ` : 11 . I . I .
meeting I have intich'plca.�ure. tit* pm� Tuckersinith was. a, inuch disappointed A.� O.. F.. won. 7, and, lost I .. . - I . , he might'r6risack-the house.- - . in'Seaforth 'thiS week, � . . I : . ''I . I ... I I � . .1 �:",
Ading. 1 have also much pleasure. in man, He expected. to Ulid the ,pri . zej I P. 0 . . F., . Won 5 .and .�. , 11, .1 . I .,AIM �kndrew� lBe§t-* and. chUren � of. Miss hicPhirson of Hensall visited' . . ' .. I I.. I . I I I 1. I
0 congratulating the -club in haVin i , . 11 .. . . , . . . I � lust . 7,. . , " � I � . _11r,dridon, Manq 1. are visiting at- the at -the hoine, of Mr, -Joseph, F � . .. *. I. .
- ,. ' but in a: roo'ni6itt of. ak-nes.s co.ftsent- . � - . I . ' � oster for � ,. . . : . I
g Sue' . I I ,we PAWAGRAPHS., I . .%_ 7 , - hospi able home of. Air, Ile . L .. .. I -1 . - .1
a:wortily Fetircisentati6n of truly b6bl, ed fb.flip'a copper.with Brother Kerr ". . . . I I I . , . t . nry Allcm -a- le*. -dai�s this.woiek. ' I . . . � . I .. :� "',
. I I I : . . . Alr. Watt. Muri I "'�
sportspien-sportsmen Who.really. wi- of Brussels, V6110�-won .tile toss and '- c Aw finished. up the Abtunl;or froni here attended the fun� . - . . I .. L
. - . '
. , -iliell of 1), .1 .On. of thti.-locii]. hockey clubs pi.iy- season's t1ire-shing at ,.Mr,- William eral of, the . late 4ames Login. on � '' � .
JOV tile % o*der;. the flight of' thus.ti.je. wakderiship. Mr.-McLeau Will cil in Goderich on Tuesday bight: . * Sheppard's oil Monday. . .. . . � - Tuesday. .. I . . . � ... I
;�fug and tile! sj#ing 'of tile traps, and - n'ot..for Soul � . . . .1
. � . � e time to come 6gage.i" ' . I I
n . . I . . ,:, __;
It - Rev. J, A..Hainilton of Gullerich - lvlr.' Arthur"Parsofis gold ,a . team Rev. ' Mr. ' Ma'ckenz!46 � of' Hortan, . . . � . I . .
who on. - every possible. opportunity :guell anothei V, Inc. Of elia "', .' - ': , �cotidltcted' 8unday evening's servide in of horses t &,,96afortli buyer last China, will give a lect' , I .. . I , ,
hav6, given th�ir time an . d attention . - ` * 'i , . , ... � . I . i1iis. �hlwcll , , , . .. I Q . . .. . ,. . - . ure.in. the Pres� .. � . .. ... . .
' . " �
. -t . ONVardsj.the advancement 'of our or-' SOUTH -HVRON�'T,.. O. L. ' i . . I � 11' I I 11 . week . . I . I . . . 1. .. I . I byteriiii Church on:Thursday; the J2th, ' � . 1. . . , ,,;�..
. - . . 1. I . 1. . I For, the. - �xinIrienie of. tile piLblic Is . * I . � ..
� . I . . I ,. lice I � .
, were dispos- -I' � - , . , , , ,Tile many friends 61 M .5 Xesiall, inst.� Mr., Mackdnzic. passed. through � , I I
ganizati6n, I-inight 'if'l . . it Pa"i* tr I � ... , I ,
ed to be Somewhat - verbose. in - my re- 'rile atimial. *. meeting 01. tho� �, County' to V,. D. r Co. ha�e'.,piaced large. ,3difts regrit t6 - learn that ihil is saf- all. the 1 oublesome' times. with ihe . . :
" ,
I ifiarks, here,dilate. 6n the many good Orinje , . Lodp- , of- South R-uron 'was � -and e'xpei.isive thertfioifieters at the fering.,. front diphtheria. .. Site -.is-, a.t- Boxers arid,,so will b . I I . �
. . I . I . � -
qu-�lities -possessed by -our lbeinbers�* held.iii E�reter on'Tuesday. .-Theire.was front of.:their store, but three in sue- ,tended by two doctors. I . . I . ... v ry interesting address, . . I . �. I . . . .. . . I..."
I . . -
� ,r., to be bri I . 4 fair attendance,, but' a very .riotice cession fiav� now been sttlleft'.. ' I . � 'Mr.- : and Nis. Robett.Perria enier- uarterly servicei Were lield in the' I I I 1.
.but I much piefe . of -and ici . . _ I . . I I I .. I
. . .. able vacant chair wils that of the late , Tit& W., M - 8 - * of Wesley clinich will .tained a number of I ftigods - oil Monday... -. Methodist church.' on - Sunday last, " a . . . i
... .. I
tile I .hold-a..26th anniv&saryweial .on. -Iast'tO a §oefal d ' � * - 'ber' attending from each. I . I . I
. point. I Will not impose on y9ur .
.good -nature .too. intich b� presenti Air.. John. 8cac�rn, ,.who' for Ina ance. - , . I large hum . I . . .
� . .
I . .1 I :1 . . :
119 I!y Thiii-sday ev&iing, of. this week, * n men I .
ll�61fmibaries,. but will- *.endeaVor -to ,years was.the. treasiver.. Ttte brethein � ,, Mviss.' Belle.' Neilalis ' has, 'recovered. appoi t * t. ". .�- , I . .. . -1 . I . ... 1. I
pit . t, b�fow you I aid tributes to III-, memory and a Miss Olive Manning tendered a solo.. from her recent illness. .1 . . Mr. S.. C� Rathwell,' wife and family . 1. .
I matters of" interest to P . . .. , . I I I 0 . . ..., � .
the" club And 1he. general * cotnolition of resolution . of .condolence was' directed 'in tWesley ,church on Sunday evening " *The' Women's Institute 'held a 'very came down froin Gorrie to pay a vis, . . . - 1. . I
. . I ' I �
. . I . � . . I
. .The first. litioli, of ,,f.,' to lie sent to the I ereaved wife and Which greativ pleased. the large, altdr successful meeting tit Mrs. Henry Al- it to Air. � Rathwell's' si . . .1 - I .1 � "I
the� same. ' , colt( .1 . . .. , 1) . I . . � . ster. *Ito is 1. .
faiis I beg to .draw y. out attention . to' failli Y. . * . .. .. . ionce. ' - , .. � . � . ,�. . I I . .t
. . - i. . . . . I len'slOn Wednesday aftePiclon',.. : - .still, very ill although improving slow -i I . 1. .. . . . . .
- - - I I
. is t . � . . Airs, J;. C! .Stevenson' received Word " Mr. George Patterson . is moving, tp� Z,:.We are. glad. . t . a hear,thsit he I , � i's . . : .'- ' ' - � I ., �
lip- finances..' The need, of money is ' ' Mr. Peter'Cantelon Was lect- ' . . � I 1. 1, - . . I
� a in e the 6ther day that her sister, Mrs. *it'.- ek* -and hir� Mc*)31016� is ng a larje- and ever. inefeasing.liusi. � . . i ; - -
_,� _ia I - ' He has ' g� * .1 . . I . . .
.it I tile. lack of. money is re: ed ;. secretary. served for . i"farin this we, I .
. .
- I L.
... � moving . . . . I . . . I �
'bit t ail allitille. sufficieoc�j' *01 e, c6fisecutive years� during which. or , was, very % 1. . �: nussin Gorrie. � ' 1 , . . .
. graable, tweiv OW -cit -of 96w Y k -ill , to Kinburn. .I . . I .
. the current currency of the reain; 'to Ilm�_- he only missed one.meetingl and Air.. MeV6ttle and family of - Wesi� - Mr. Alliert MacGregor of -Manitoba ... .1 .. .: ., . � : . I . . I . . .1 . . . .
. . , . . . I �
, I '' .
.s ipply all our - wants is. -a source of cJ,,,,,,re d '�- desireito. rqtire,- but the fiel�i Will take tip .their residence in is.,,�isl friends in this-iowliship. . . . I . 'r . � . . . .. . I.— �: 'I . 11 . - I. . I . .
. till .. . .
se . . I . ..
� . �t . 1, s . said stay- ,socinphitically Clinton shortly; Mr. MeVettie-having. Mr,' 11 . Neilans delivered a, horse I � . . .. . .. . . .11 I I �
. atisfaction, Itiolced, The latter., part 1, ,rn , secu .. *1. , � a I 11 I - -1 . � I . I I .. .1
. . ' , . -red empl6yulent libie, I . . . I . . 1.
.- .
Of the.:preceding- sentence, I �aiin pleas-: that, , lie consented �to - remain in har U . . � . . I to Mr. Charles Willis �Of 'Clinton, � 611, . - .... . .1AUBURN. '. . . .. I .�.. . . I �
. '
. ed , to say, ,is the: condition: -6f the , . ncss� 1. I I . I I . . . .� ave you. -renewed � - subser � iption - Monday' I . I .1, . . .. .. , I I � - . I . 11 I . . ...
� . . . your . , ast. .. � I I -gu I . .
. . I * � . ' to h . ..$tevens of Ripley is the.. ept , . I . ... .�...
: T c, . News -Record ?., if .not,. why Air, Si(L Stni'tit, the -cattle linver Of I "Irsi .. . . . � :, �_ .;. _
Clinton.. jun club 't6d'ay and -'on the - Mr,- 'Adam Cantelon.' was .elected * �� I . I . . of lie " sister,. Mrs. S. Lautenslager., , ; . * . ,� � � 11 . ,.�
*1 not t I . . . ; I Clinton, sllipped�'two'carloads A mix- . . I � I .1 - I
� pretitation of this; the ioth. annual - treasurer. - no o, -who . - . I - ,Mrs., Knechtel of Seaforth- . is the., �. .
se * , We know of ne . . - ,. _ .: . . . , I .. . .. , . . : . - I . . ., . I.:, �. . I �.
stateinbut, I trish to call'your atteft- advance - ' . I -1 ------- �_ � ed caftiol from- Lovidesboro 'on Monda3� gu Riddell. ., ._ . . . I
I - ' . 1. , . I - ,
. would �willitigly (16 more to - - - . . . . . * . 1. � . . I .. I , �&
� I . . . .1 . . , . , .
tibli to� the fact tliat,.therc Is a: bal�. 'tile inter � - - : ` ' � last. - . ;, . Mr. and. Mrs. William Carter' . of , - �' .. � '
I.. , est4 .. of. the order tit an A. C.;. . . - I I . . � - ' . I I
ance ,to tile, credit 'of. the tlu�.J� the ' . . . .STILNZE Y �TOWNSkip. - � ' CliurbIlill'of Turnbefty ' ` �" I
. . ;iud we expcct� -lie, will remain treas- . � . . . Mr.., 1tred. . Clinton Sundayed at -his, brotheirls, - ,:, .
. � . I � . �. . . ,� . . . I . ft .. � I . . : � ... . '..,
liands'.of tile. tre�istlrer of $j 52. - I al$ I I .. � f -t - -. .. Mr, Morton "Ellibit of tile- ' . spent su�dti with friends I a -, .this Xf. 'James 'Carter's,:'Xis d . .
I 0 � urer 'Until* lic- grows .very weary q I �. I '! Gosheill . y . . . I P re . Mutch . . ,. - , . .. . - ,� , '
- I. I I - ` � I : I - . , . . . . : .
. Specially wish to call yoti� attention . � ha� bought 'Mr., Henry Makiti: ,., heighbothood ' ' . . I I also. .. : - � - . � . . . . I ,;, I
-t inad ccoulniodation. of Mr.."George B." Han-lby is again bcp�! near V � S � farm ard Carter of the 9th con. .. .., , .I . �t.-.o t. I . . .. ... � .
. to lie.' equate a . , arna'. 'rile deed calls2- Mr.. Rich Miss- S,,'�Carter s visi ing -r 'la Ives , . -. - . -
. Mast*oir, ,blit that next .year he. . for 107 1 . , I ,
. our club'liouse-., Tile growing member- - . . current dpiui6� acres and the purchase, price Was $5000 'has sold his fifty acre farm, to Mr. it,. Clinton. at. present. I - , .. . . . , I . I .
"t � I . � � .
. � . . .
. I
. . I
. MI ,be .Afast�r is the . . � 'Brown tuid'has bought Mr. Gcoi. - Nicholsou� attended th � fun� . . � .
ship and th:� increased attendance at .. This i's th� third farbi nOw:owned .by. Moses Mr. S.. e I . .
. . our loctil.aittluiatch shoots have clear- among. .the brethern., , He,'Atas, Well. the Whott-fainily.. .Mr. Making gives Cockerline's Seventy five acii lot. .on Pr6thcr-in-law, Mr. Thos. " . . .. .. .. . I
. � . I . . eral of his I I
. . . �.. �
. , I , ' Cluff, at'Dunga'tinoil this wiek.. ' ' ' � � . . � .
4 demonstrated to) m6'thatl we mus� earned ilie.proinotioli for he has ' be 111) possession next moiltil..., ',� . _. ..stime concession for $5,500.' Mr *.Cock- . . . I .
. - . Collie T -of I . 1 I . ' . , .
I 1 , lghtt;� to be considered. iine� - johig .West. 1 . The annual union S. S. convention : 1. I � I , . � ; . I
cularge our premises, 'We,. as lovers the statiolliVs. - . .. . .. ,� . . , . . Air, and Airs' ir. Darralt of Bayfield erline: talks of . I .. . , -
. . I
of t te" , , . , , , . will be licict fix Auburn on, the,- 2 . .
, � I , trigger,. do not Seek 'Shelter . .. . . I . .were. Che guests Of Mr.. and. Mrs., Jas. The following shows the, grading of ' - 0th - of " , , . I
froin'the� ind and raill Or look for Tile ct)niplete list of 6ifiters. is 'as Dewar one day last week. .' . . r the pupils'6f. S..8. No. - 5, also their February- , . , " . I . 1. . , . .. .,
. . . . . . .. . I . I
w , I I I . I . 1. I I .
shade from the, scorching rays'.of the ollowg " , ., .. . I I . �. . . Mr. P, Wilds 1with X-elatiVe . S�ianding based on regultirly . Mr. James Aholdrson of Donnyli k . .
1. * .. �� I � his daughter,Miss .. � I . too : , . . .
noonday, still,: but for the ptt_�poise of Blaster' A 14tivin- * ..� , � . Katie, Londucted review. examinations : . ,was the.guest of Mr. J n . . I I . �
. . . . . . ;
I . .1. :, I ), I . I .. � who have been .visiting fTiends . � I 1. -1 X OX Alle oth-l� .. . .. . .
'S. .find tile ... Deputy, G. 'It; Ilan cy . .. , . . I
. .
storage Jor our 'eqtlipllle�ii ill Berlin- for the pas+-w*-eck returned ' SI7, 5th -R. Vooldeu, Viva Mair. . , I er day. . . ... . . .. .. I 1. I I . ...
. . .
. _
'_ datirin .of vi.sitors;' I urgent- , -Chaplain W. liewis." . I L I . on Saturday'; We unders It I 'St. .4AIil-,-�Mabel- Brown,: Sadie Me- Mrs. Thos. Ande*rson is oil the,sick I � - . .
nu'o I . � . tand they, , ol' Albert Vodd6n) list . _ I � . .. . , � . .� -
ly�accT that -we should *6rect a larg- . --Cor.-ISe&tary, P� Cantotlon ' � :leave for' their -'home 'in 'Osnabruck' - I ,. .1 . .. 1. . I . .,
alfirni 1: I I � " . � � corol,Jwhlo�s Mcco W . I I . . : . 1. .� . 1.
- . �4 . . . 1. I 1.� Johr, mr). - icia 8 ' :p ' , , .1 - � "
or. jaild us - club house *. �14 itt,-Secretary, .W. , Anderson �� ; ; . .,-Xorth Dakota, - this week, . � � I - Voolden, c - Jack,soii, Wilt._ .U�d. M61c,. eldetr n of eaforth, . . .-
I . I I I . . .
Oil I . rles, Johnston- returned abode. And ' .. *. � ; .
le J)r�elinbtise�e�se()6iifl'ltlihoedigouti. club. Very Treasurer', A, Cantelun', , . Mr, clia, last Snell, R.' Mccool, W., Hoggart. - . Sundayed at the.patefittit . .1 .
. . . ' . .
.decidedly have the I ,t two tourna- D of C. F. Da,vis : , :. I Week ' from a ' fortni S vi, . I , Sr.. -3rol-Ardbel. McCooi, Essie- Mair, ' � � . . t
. .as . . gilt, 91k to, . . looks,:�rell. - . I I . . . . I
�. , -
. tnents proven - thq most .4itecessful. it, , -Lecturers', W. Kenny, W, Deacon ' : ffiends ill Boston. , I - .. ,! . . . . Gertie Vodden, J. Wallace, Zia Wilbb, Miss, Minnie Carter Was the guest. . . I 1. �
. I . - - dud have done , . .. I - , . . I . - M rd. W. 11. -Hoiv'ard Of 'Toronto Who, Prank �- Hibbert,, ' B Knott, si, -her brother Jame's -recently. .' . .. I . . I . ...... . : .
the..1 , liaQry of tile elub, . , . � I . .11, *.TOWN . . � has been: Visiting ,friends here"t ) ert . , � . I , of �Iiss - LIZ2;ic, Coupland, uleed'of Rev - .. I �
. .
. ,,,,,,t,re to advertise '( ' %liton. than': 'any �N 13114TING OF .. -COUNCIT . 4. .... � . or tile, Brown. � , �, ;,., - Me ' Z 1. . .
P .
; �
b ing' or -e -oil in town '' I I . few � in Jr.. 2nd -Ernest Vodden-,�. Delia _- Coupland, . is a -guest. at the .
.r '.
,p6rt' gaitizati � ontlis,- -retuinea tk).he 11 . parson- . .
� wot,,' of course. balitt . lih , g the boN * - 1161 oil Monday night = last . week, '. . ' ' . .r . ap- age, .. . I . ... .1 ; . I I.. . - L .. . . .
vIing The - t6wu edu . _ - I C0161, Airtnand- AfeCool, Orval. 'R I . . . .� . . . . . .
I . . I 1. 1.
,,,, t , ap i�ted-i coit�-nlittee-,consisting. Of I . - -had a .. son I � .- - . I.
v f
r lie Lion -Brand clotllillg.)� , I' �r Iloover, Combo: ang. , Mr. James X.ttwood , Mabel U6, Chatfie Lee Bit. John Clark, $r.,.has returned ; . . . . . I
I L s. very' ; St. frotb: the West looking hlile.tlud hear-. , . . .
: a,��Tlz'iuch pleased with tile royal, sup- Ford, ,Successful wood bee:bu Thu ,Pt. Ind -Sam. Appleby� Chiflic . �, ..
, Stevenson io, confer with the 16W L'. . rsday and Vc -los, - t � . . .. . . I . . . ;.""�
. .. 1. ,
. ,dolen, V Sic' Brown, Allity Jack I.
ort en -me, oil every )land by. tile ., got cut about thirty cords. In the . .. Y. I � . . . I . . 1. . . �.
11) giv 0_ L. in. regard to a celebration in evening the,girl-s gathered in and soni Sep6mus 'Wallace, Weslioy 1109- Mr. McShaunock is still visiting in . . I
I ..
1111plubIrs of the club during oui trophy C ,nton oil the,conjing 1, tit 0 -July. � a y Cockerline. . . I I . . . � . . . I
- and niu, � I 2 f t ip. gart , : .10 I the neighborhood. . .
and other matches st compli- .. very pleasant tittie: was'speut.in r - , L . .
-their excel- All afraitgement was, arrived at Ill I . . I ' L Cora ' . all OCC I . .
tile LeXtra ,L Ji. Pt, 2nd�Ricllard Voolden, I . The. river rink enjoys .
' I L .
Incitt tile iiew members on . ping the light fantastic till tile wee aSibliet ' L
dict if thev,kc,, regard to . work wh elt do- 811, � .
t t -Iinot-ntr and Dre , . ') 11011-S Ani-ul� I +16�. � me -Cool. . .1 L I boom between thaws of late : . . . .
-_ I . .. � I � ' L . . .L . . S on Clerk Coats in the pre-. . a . tite . I . L . . . ... L�
I _�___ __. ___"_�� Oil improving, that we,'will Ile able to . . ;'r - 1, P-1 , party frolli.. a distance,'wdre : Miss . Sr. lit. lst-�4veslcy Cockerlifie, . . Airs. Gautzuer Mrs. .Anderson and . . I L. .. .. .
� . a . � J_ �Avclllcftf b - I I I . , . I .L
MEN10= , - F
. . .
. . I
I I � '
Weare selling our stock
of � I Tweedglat 25 per I
cent. discount off our. ustial,
. . I
I . I
I . . 1. . I .
I . .
, . .. . I. I . . t
. I
. . . . I � .
. , . ;
make, a good �%llowillg at thit 3rd an-
I nada
nual shoot of the Dominion of Ca
para oil I : V .1 161inston and Miss , Rans and' Mr.
laws. - Air, Coats preferred a definite Churchill of Clinton,, Air. John Iiow-
.. Enrolled attendance 35i ayerap.al.-
tendapec 2j. -A. F, Johns, Teacher,
*,utid others of - the- village are slightly, . .. . ''. . . .
the weather at present, ' . L I . . . L . .
Tra�)� Shooters! 4siociation: to be held,
sunt rather than a grant at tile efid of
L . .. dollarS per bylaw ard of '13rucefield dfid. Mr, John Sport-
year, SO Seven . I
.. . I . . .
. . L L
'Lunder . I . .
Some of our loctil. poultr� fanciers I I . .
� .1 . .1 I
in oronto next Augllst�at which I
hope to see our chl Lb well represented.
.tile I .
. . cei of St. ,Xoseph. I � I
.was agreed upon. It requires' much. . . I I I
'L Mr. Wallac Johnston is A little I
I . � .
, .
I I I .. . �
captured sonie-prizes. at the noultry, . I I I
, _. I . I
.4how in'0-o'derich recently � . .. �
During tile course of'the'eVaning's bus.
mathematical skill and. experience to
prepare . mie of these bylaws. correctly. undet the weatli6r at present. nursing
, .'
I L �.. . . . .. I .. .
� .
� The Auburn gutincis of t'lie'rifle Club- ' . L , L L. 11
I . . I 'I
iness I am sure all matters I
. . of int
portance �rill be brouglii out in de-
, .
-town officiali wore appointed for ,onie of Job's, c6infofters, I
The ** * Air. Fritz Wilds *
shot Ills Iasi horse,
Aliss Mary 1�. Clarke Visited rela-,
I .
in Ugntonolville recently.
expect to collipete With soine Skilled . I .
Goderich. township I . . . . . . �
marksmen from . I
tail and need not here be Mentioned
tile year atia aro, with their salaries, �
I �
f6ilows I � . , . I lapt,weck, sh-ol 11AVing secil too many
,tives . .
We are pleased to Say Mr. Rithatol.
.. . .
. . I
this week, A smoking:coiteert in this I I I
There yet reinainSL a matter
� . . 411,11PIWITs to Ile of any titore use, He
P.eck is recovering from his recent Ill- .
connection oil the evening of 4h& . I . .
gratificatio3i that I feel should be
Clerk$ W. Coat,;, $250, .L_,, I Is now on the lookout for another,
ness. ."
applauded , by every. L member of the
Treasurer, W, Coats, $100, Miss Weston (it, Goderich township
-11�tc,, $36o,
Mrgs,'Charles Reid of trucefield spent
Miss.Sadie Carter is. visiting Clinton . . .1 . .
club, J mean tile' d0na,tlOtl of
trophies. -It .is the spfrit of\ COtIfe'll-
Constable .1. %%','LUIcy, is spetiding a'few days Alt the home
Collectorl'J, WhoWeYt. $�O' L' ' Of Mr,L 11. PeCk.. . .
Sunday at the home of Mt. Jolln-.103111-
. ardson, . I . � . I .
frichols, , - , - . . .
I Mr, John Xacgle wears one of those �
tion that adds ittipettis to tll� 9411110.
last have had
Night Watclinian, R. Welsh, $375, � I Mr, Oco� - Johnst6he has purchased a
Assessor, -T. COttie, $50. I .
Mi.%q Marthit A. Richatolson I$ ' at
smile.%, a soa being the Secret. . . !. . L � �
. .
During the .Season we
. good colt rising three year� old
present visiting Iriends ill
Teaming is out of the questioll now. I
Several trophies donated for which 1,
Assistant, N, R.6bsou, $$6, I Mr. Chris. Ward of Varna for which
I �
I . . I .
township i
owing. to the state of the roads. in this .
as preeident of the club, beg to return
. L
C Stipt" 0, Criell, $30cf, ' � - lie paid a hand.�ojne figure, :
$30. ., . .
. I I
Air, J, W� Reid -visited hi' brother,
.1 .
neighborhood. ,'�
I I ..
tile thanks of the entire IneinbershiP.
H�ea Dr. Shaw, . Glad tb report that Mi. R. Peck,
Air, Robert Reid of Rldgttown, last
� I . I .
111.1 .
The donator,-, were 11, HL. Crowsp'our
ungluetr" W, J, ralsle P 0 ' who Ila$ been under tit,.- weather for a
L ..
week, .
. .. I
eliterprisilig citiftil and jeweller, and
. M .
Poundkeeper, R. Menne , , short time, is fast r4_�coveriug,
. L
Mr. and Ttfvq, Andrew Ariti,strong of
I I .
. L
. . v " &! A � �, � � _r +1,6 ROV.
I I . .
. __ - - I . _ . � . . __ . _ _ '.., ..,
- . L � ,
AV.LL 1 4. . 11.y L , I - a6.
ereign, Bank, and others by nioulberS
I of tile elub. I oau, assure these 9011-
I . Fire Brigade, I I . we are. glad to say rJuLt. TvAr. G, .R.
Chief, .L Wheatley, $1,5 Keys of the Babylon Line, who has
. been oil the sick list for the paat two
I�Jlgilleer, 1. Miller, $40
tile lirownson 141ne 041ted af the iotne
of the latter's father oil SuhdaY, ..
The following is tile January Mon.
� . . . I
�. . 11 I . �
M.r. Peter McGregor left here Moll-
day morning 61i route for Calitoinia .
. I
. - 11 . �
mi6_ %Al-%.,%, ib, %, %.I& &*,*0%A&1&AW - .. I 1. . . . . � I 11 I
. . I
I . . I I., . . .
- . -1 I
ttemen. that we 9k.catly appreciate
their and wish them success.
1 .
Asqi.%talit, A. Seeley, $35 weeksl is better and able to be out
* ,
titly report of S. S , No. 141 Stat'10-Y'
in - .
wliLre lie Ila.,; gone for the bellefi� of - .
I I P . . I
I ` 0 ry . I .
1-2� th Cd ntu
through life, As I havo wado my ad-
,r lengthy I feel tit t - I
dress rathL a
Stoker, .1. West, $jS . again. , . .
�Captailll C, Ile) . I .Mr. and Urs, W, ?,. Xilys of the
a riabytoll 1,1110, Mr.
Then,ant" are order of juerit .
1`ifth-D, C. Grassick, 11. J" 'John- .
his' health which has not been very . I
g�ooi for some time, That the ballity' I 1
. .
I I . I
. .
- I �
must reach ulv loolleltision and il I on.
I beg *to illa-lik once agodit for
I'loutolual � it, 13, I&IrFr . � I were the .guest$ C
'rratt of the if' I
,. 11 , M 1141 and'Urs. Henry U �art
Stoll M, it, Alair. , I&I, Di 118-
Pourth-A, W. Johnston,
- restore
I& of tile ,,unity south may .
it is.the wish of his many friends. � I
. 10 reo ata �
. Ve . .
I Ak>
so all
undivided attliport and 'COUTU'AY
H, Mellrion, R. Welsh, 1, Whoatley, Line oil, Weduesday- evoulng-ot last
date and Mary.Johnston equal'
. I
. .
I�rtjcpfibld is to ha.ve telep 0 of- � .
0, It no I I �.
I -
- ,are equal in eVer . y Way to 7 I I
during my teritt of ollice.' Wishing 010
ti, C,lazier, N�1, AlcRae, 11, Bradford Week. . I
J. Viticit, C. I.I. Carter, 11, S"lith, P: uttle Alisr 1-ratol, Rediliond 4 visit-
Clegg, . .
Third -U. Gethiliefl, W. W- GO-Ifflif011,
. floe and tile e'all " Hello Central" will I
soon Ila 9, fat"ilitir one. A line Will Ile I I �
I 11 1. "
, ustom made. No tailor in th 0 I
Clinton gull clith every succeAs.,
. I I am respectfully, �
McNeil, and Al Cousina, - . ijt'g her Cousin, Win 111410 Melklinley
I efficient of the' Goshen 1,iiie at tirmout.
Ulleanor Hoodi .
Second -J. U., Jones, V. U. Fisher
built to tile one running froin. Clinton 1. I I
along the 211d. of St-iiilevv tile Bruce -
land will make You a b6tte better fittinggare.
I I r looking or
i 'T, 'T�, eAxTr,,140X, President,
Tile election , f 6flicars resillted a$
The ab ovo constitute aft
brigade The council could hatolly have Mr. John, Peck of the Babylon L1110o
wlib has been ill, is. im alld we
and hk9gic 00-tumell 0-011al, Ida JO ne$.
Secouct Part& -Rah %aft Dinsdate, Oda
L r
"Id people furnishing tile pole% This I . I I
. . . . . . � -
0 Ilvellience. I � .
will be 0
.. �
I �st as good as be could
nient. Matorial and linings are 3 u
follows t . .
made A'b6tter seltetioll,
. I hope lie inaf soon be restored to his
Al elleath, John X011"
, great . . .
q of Air. Charles
Tile, maliv frielid. s. I
- use, Pkie6s are $3. to $5 � less than, he could charge. � I
I President R. Oraliain
Vice, X. I'air
Mr. R. Welsil, who has no superior uqual h6tth, . � . �
its 0, night Watchmen, Was an , Pollock T,a
First Part -11. A. 3ofielq, W. S. Xyl
Mason wiIt be pleased'An know that
r �
, . . I
1 L
. Secretary, J. R. Cautelott
fivell muel it. of
, Mr. $a
increase in salary of ton dol ars. I 34e Riviere, Atanq accompanied by hi's
T'olm Rathwell
to -
�Ille best spellers In tile 111011thly
hig iticely frottl t1it Of -
sit(! is redoverl
fccta,of the Operation performed at tile
. 0 .
OS .
. HOW N R 6
8 ]a
rtas,rcr" J. I
T X Hovey
earns OV00 cent of it.
. two thilldreit, are 16me od it Visit And
m. telie. were , 14'ifth, It .
'spelling a a C 0.8
Clinton Ilospit.01 solde time ago. I -
� I
.r o. son, 0
D , cc, J01111, 7. Hillebley,
� An election for school trustee 111 for a few day$ this Week Were 911010'
11 a -
Graimick , Pofirth, Jftflie Me 0 tit ,
,trt With I
A graud gramophotie Cou
,, 0vt ry, IV, rosti
L 'rbu
. � bb-
St. George's ward will be hold bh r of Mr. and Afr,q, Itottry DOWN)h Of tht
,leatior ITood -, Suomi, Murray
Thied, U
I lipitt, in Wilson's liall on Thursday 4v. .
........ � ..... .... I'll- �Lj", _001041"L'��r
I � 60* __ -._*%1k"%04h1*ii4*� " %00*-"% . - I
1 �
tor I .
ruary 2oth. Gloshell 14110, . . .
1.11,,;ljor , $ccoM Patti JAI% Xyle.
011wo of last week, -
f, _
" .- � ,_ �!!_&*�"