HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-29, Page 10Is .
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14 I
January 29th, 1908 . I I t
''I I 1-111-1. , 1-11.- . I—- I 11 --11 vl� . I _______ - -_ Mr.. (47TANTOW NZWO-awonx). � . I 71
.1-1. -11 I � _? � - -.0. _ -,!--!- --011111111111111111-1-0 '1- ____ i
..... i
��-_ _;_,__-;��_�---_�._- 4i"
TheMolsonsBank I --"---- ' ____'_____';� . rather than live drunic.11 I _____,___,__ , _ - , - I
""THRDELOVED b physician is tile I - . I lk -_ . 11
4 0-hrinian physician in the Alst - Qrnb. Street. 1,400404. . , �-
, ,
lucorporato;l by , Chronic . Plan who, in Addition to the diploma ____ _____ . p X _IAV�V . ,.�." I � I
. t � place I know that you came from A r. to tile t4QvvIktm,ljiIj vesaury Grub. <1 ') K "', 1
�(_,,111"J� ,,, .
Act of 114r1jo 1PHYSICIAN. cUltY guaranteeing Christian home, It Is A woude a I)' I.Q11don, / "I. I
� Street was on tilt, ou'ShIr. & J� !��.,, I
,ment, �85S. 1 a a Out 14 tg,/ 1. .-
Capital - - - - - 112,S00,000 1 . his proficiency, I)eAre thtw c011"'U'llda- truth to tell that nearly all the It W68 0 Street terillated by howyers, I I
eat 2,250,OQQ � tion of Christ in his private lilk. ,rho �� ... I .1
R I Bronchitis , i "' ""' "'ed"Ca, "' men who enter the Inedical or legal fiatcher-�i. nitlL,vrs or I)oNistrillgIl It d 4 ./,
HUAI) 6vilig, ,* , i TRUAL.' i . : GRAPH 10 PICTURE QF LUKE, TENDER- r 8 an Ill a 0 -a no illy a � i !, "' I
-XOX t QTIIY Or Ministerial profession come 'rOM QVer.VtIlIlIg (180 that UpIATOLIlled to � . . .
Writ. Molson Macpherson, President. , Mr. Wm. Davidson, Ot, Androwsi, I L -Y WRITTEN OF BY PAUL Auldng the most, hoaored of ulon, but ChN,stifta homes. ' Ao � I
Ch I ti I Y I I "' n ' ')
Jarnea Elliot, General Manager, ; wue,, states: -"Dr. Chase's 13yrup of, I I . . �# without doubt be call becoille tile lather And ,nother becoal 0000 as a I arcliery. Litter oil John Fox lived in I .i - I
. t Linseed and Turpentine hike cured Inq ; I most beloved of inen. a c9avOrt0d Craft Street, -Ciougil lie 41d not write 1��,
-�j Notes discounted, Call I of bronchitis. I 'tiLve, without suo, I I their chief' desire seems to be to giv�v 'I "I .1
, ectious made. lie lias great-
, r1inj I . A GAREE . er opportunity fox, winnial; the et, li- I",$ famous "lluvi; ill' Uort�rs`l there. "I Al 11 . ... 10
Drafte issued. StQ �� ;;lid Amer. ; ess, tried many remedies for the past � 11 their boys a liberal eductAtiou, so. 1, ox,p -�O, I
, bought And sold. ; six yes, Last WItittr when I had A 8 OF USEFULNESS, denco And lo�� of inea than a y Can illa,ke th� most out. of , ,vt oecurred . N. , �
ican "'1111111111ge . . re. I residence fit Grub ,itm � I
Interest .11 -Wed 11 4e I L severe attAelt and wax unable to worX I . . yer, tbo,statutiman, tile kt
, 'posits. ,, uthor or ev- their lives for Christ, Thus, youll about I.Zil'.), Jolla spued tile tailor N
SAVINGS 13ANK ' � ' I I procured A bottle, 'of Dr. Chase's - en the winister. ljo has such QppO.r_ 9 , it of Grub � N I i I'll
W91,14 1=2444401y Xn4obt 4,5 , man, no matter Where you go archill.,oloo, at, W44 a reside, � �
Syrup at Linseed and Turpe or I ., VA d
Interest allowed on sums .of $1 and ntine, And - 4 to vo iperskt�, tunities of whining the confidence and What you do., you can never ' get Street, where be, was famot.s .as the �. I I . I .1 I I .
I'm happy to. state that the third bot- *d Aleoical T41ept-Tile 6004 physic- tht, love of people that 0141' foreign away from the many parental pr.a I � . �-- -3
Upt colupwmt-led hall yearly. . , . , y- most responsible parent, listvIng a fala,
: tie Made me a well man," I .... . I e ,# , e . I I
FARMUR$- Mr. W, R. Alrtr, InsurAnep Agent 1411 Most Honorod Arnoul; wien-oroqt missionary societies title more onx- ors wbi--h ha,vQ been offored in your fly of twelve soils aiid six daughters. I .. I � I ..
0 1 . . I � � . / "J_j. . ,
us 4 r, o to Thow, alud I Are Always tugging Grub Street of old and �Tljt streot to, . I
Money adv4ncvd to farlaera on their Irallfar, N.S., osys �_,,X e 1) opporliunittes Corm ious to. send out the Uhl'b'Alan medi- behalf. They ()a . ..
n%,,n notes with one or more ell" Chase's Syru� of LInaoe(j 4.44 Turpon, Theme Are Cat i"1040IIary than they Are to ittid pulling your heartstri.tigs now. I . . 2, I , -
� Line for A never Nor, 1110tu 0094 pbmd HVII. du Is noted Nr Its great iturnbor of I . I _. '.. - AA, �
Jorsers. No mortgage roquired As e attack ,of bronchitis; -s(4d tile ChristiaxX minister, Pure and toward Christ. . . . I
. tlormlt.:me to teStIfY to Its splendid ICeiLere4at-cordintrto.tctofPikrila antof I it. ailliPle. . 41)e� . � � .
security. , . In Va .. . ra and courts. Does it not sf!p
T-1 curative properties, I got better from Ada, it% the Your 1903, by NVIllimin Bally, of To,.. It is Ille fap))!,Ofl Ilow ill certaill cil lit -the next place, you are not a �m more elTective to
. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. the time of takjng th'o-first dose. H I POIKU, at the POP't, Ut AgriottlLUre, 0 . ','- I � , From, Grub street Issued Such ,fit- breathe in a reme<jy, to cure disease of .
AV, I , ., �U&Nra. cles. to, disparagotho pb,N,slcl' "aale I loxneopath in A spiritual aelkaL, YoI4 - ts as "Jack the , the brealbing ,,orgars,, than to 1; ke the I
I.P.5 a family of Young children, my I . , . . All, may be a, discip,le of ITAIlliellaann, as mouls old literary sW 4 .
, rAvetorol bills have Annually come to a I Chicago, Jan. 2,5. -Irl. this Sermon, JI 10-M110 Say that ',lot oilly is tklo�doo . InarlY of you are, but lit a Spiritual I Giant ICiller," t7om 111cliathrift," "Ttle re.11ledy into the Stomach? .
� � '
Iot-slilerable Sum, I beileva a bottle of : specially addrestiect to the graduates tcr p., quack and - a Charlatan, but I sonFe, You ale not, Ili the A-CAInt. of I Wise Men of Gotham" all(l Scores or 1.
I I-. Cha,,'. Syrup occa-lonallY will. &I4 at a i,laglL prof,ssion, there are they have no use for physicialls At the Ilig I I
G. D. McTaagiart Ile In reducing them very. materin,ily.4 I . tier life you -do not bolleye Other4 now 4 part of every boy's libra.
14M . many suggestioUs that must prove all- T110Y cicktltalltlY boast that they glinilia. sliallibus curantur, that I ry. Probably literary men first - began
271) cents . 31
1 � . [I battle, $Ill dealers, . helpful And inspiring to all oung have never totlon Any medijile in -111,0 Cattle 114e." You do not Ile- I
. r.*h who. are, about to enter .upon a life You feel Only the , great number of seditious and libelous . /9- MC -40 40mb4 1
13 A N4 X-C E R. people, Irrespective of sex or calling, their lives, I I to populate Grub street In ally num-
'Syrup . Some, years, ago, as It merchant, on You know %lid Oh, no, bers during. Cromwell's time. Then a r
I . � . - I Dr. Chase's I lieve that "llin cures Sill." I I Z,stgbl4shed
A Q'encral Banking Business transact ' ' I varpor.' The text is Colossians IV, account of Worry and overworjc, you I blood of *Jesus, tile $mvjourr: call : painphlets were circulated, and as the 1$79- .
, of Linseed 14, `X,UIco,, the beloved phy-,ician." became I.Alysically run down. A fl-lond I make you as'spotless a,+ the a.,i.\QLI
ed. Notes discounted. ' Drafts . I . Ifave you ,ever explored the east told,you that you ought to so a ; Snow, SO, now, 1. feel that the purr Authors for safety bad t6 seek obscure curps. WhRo You sleep,
irsued. JnLere,st allowull on lie- . cmd Tntspentine. side of Now York City-tbat 1.4, 1!hyslciarx. 'You slivered At Islin, L but er .and holler life. is, daNiniug uIroll I living pla,ces they found a fitting re- r It cures bee . ause the nir rendered strongly I .
- . where tile Bowery is situated? There you continued to gi-o,w wol-so. you You. 4 fovI that all the good and the . treat Ia the inaze of, Alleys which . untis9lAic is carried bvvr the diseased sur,
. . �
posits. . I . : many poor live. �17here the-massus 11CCUle so weak that You had to take true in you is leading you on to webbed the"Grub street -section. At -1-C With every. breath, givilig
. () . I and Constant treatment. �rolonged . . :
I - are huddled together in 'tonernents. It A Cd1TIagQ to bil-Filljo a. - no day' You fully Consecrate Yourself. to tha ally rate, by.the Commencement of the It is invalu, I
' . � . =!!t "1n=�__�_1_________________ Wthe Itome of hundreds of.thousands felt I . "ble:to mothers with small children. I
. ,in Awful pain.shobt flivoulgh - Master,ls sqrvice. We have. often eighteenth century Gr�ub street had ban .
Albert street . . . . Clint . on. . . .. -0 I of men, and women who every wiliter your lung. Pneumonia had stabbed heard how , brave, Vie surgeons have come quite notorious as the poor au.' Is a boon to asthmatics.. , .
.1 M I lire fightill a with- a been Ili battle, President Itoosovelt
I arriage - g the two inan cating your bre tthing Apparatus a' I
. I bloodhounds, 'cold and hunger, whidi , t1lors' quarter of London. I . . - FOR- I .
, . __ I . . sharp knife. YOU uttered A, cry 01, declared that there never was 4 . . . .. .
- .
. . . . . I , _______� . � are Snarl - I1)g alld allapplag at thoal Pulll,, YOU attelli-I)ted to stagger to braver set of men than the doctot. I I . . . . Wh.00plag'�Courlx llrozi-Lttls ' � .. I
. . . � -a I
1. SCOTT, . I . I . like famished wolves, . . .,. . YOull 10t; thell. You fell back,. white who belonged to Ill$ rough ride a. Man and His Cula. . Croup .Cqughj.;� . . . . .
. . . I .1 I I But though the east side, of No and With your forehead And so, young I hy.91,011, as , In man.the. front of the lower jaw. datRi-.11, COX3 GrIVPQ =d Ray rever , . � �. .
BARRISTER, SOI,ICITOR, ETC. , � . . w -a A corpse 3'Qu boie possesses a well marked projec. The YaporlIzer'una 1-ptwhich should last � I .
Licenses York City may be the home, of the 11overed with a cold, Clammy 'sweat, are now rotvdy to consecrate . your . A I � : .
. I � I . � floor and, Ill. many places, of the so- The dorks bun(lied you up and took life to' the Saviour I atil going to timi.. known, as. the chin or mental R lifutime, togedwr -vith a o tie of Cr$!sojeno
_. .$"So, Extrsls'%P�li�sof (rcsolene us Cents ana . I
Money to loan, I . . cial outcast, yet in 1896 there was you 1101110, YOUr` wife at once - ranir tell you , about a bellutiftil Scej prominence, covered by a fleshy. pod of Aoftnts. IVritefordescriptiv ' .
. � to I . , looklet contain.
. . , Inz,highest testun=7 as to its " I
. . . I seen upon its streets a most remar_�- . the telephone and called the doctor. which perhaps may happen -fit youl. corresponding Shape. In all other back- . . . value, .
011ice-14,11iott Block - - Clihton. ISSUP0 BY ' able funeral. That day 15,000 hu- ')'hen you'did not ordlir tile physician, life and death.. J hope the (joitt.i boiled animals th � VAPn-CRMIXINE IS Sol,n By .,
. I . e jambone slopes back. , 1)
. man hearts - were Aching, At least Out Of the. hotwo, You watchod,,him. . scene ma,y happoll litany . RuQulb,rs �.Vg9v%vtIattg, . . .
. . I I .1 . . . , . I I , oil know' all You lqy. there,. that . now. .40111.0 day, i You a from Without Any such protuberance. It Is a � . Varo-Cresolene Co. "I .
I 1. � � � . � � 800 men word walking in lbio*b&hid 0 1 . . a the dial. futul*o, singular fact that the pres ce of a ii. rulton ptreet 2651 Zqotra T)nr . ne Street I . I
. . en
W. DRYDONE, . . * . . that hearse. There. were sixty pitil- -your life was field in -the palat of his .let us holie .whe4i your life'� work is ,woll marked chin Is 'associated with New k 1�.'ontreal .
I . J. B. 1R, z ill rer . . ( !a.", there will be . . VQr 7 .
. I .1 ball, Cliliton., - i)ea , " a. ,every orle of ivIxorn'"to ni&e 1141ld- Oh,,hOw falthl'ul that doc- dra,wing t) a - c firm Chard . cter and well marked Intel- . L�� --..-.----A
. BARRISTER, SOL,ICITOR. L � I 1. .. L or loss extent, was. indebted for his L* tar was! 110 caltle lix theinorning;, great excitement Ili. sollio village,or I lectual 4ualitles. This lfs, one -9f the ?" . . I . I I
. !M- " L ' in one' of the nd,rhborhoods . -
L . L.. . - - ' L� ....... �M�" health 41- life to: the man whose body � lie clime In the ci e)Ang.� Whon ' I I
I L . I . Y014 0 . .
I � I I was � ,I - . . I
Notary, Public, Etc'. L . . . � L had that. S lll;jj)g .4pell, Ile of a best founded rules in character dellnea I .
. .. . then .aleeping. hi, the casket, , , Cattle, at . gl'eft't City. E,*crywhere 'the, I.W01*0 ' . . .
011ice-Deaver Block - - - Clinton, cook'z' Cotton Boot COMPOUlia "Who is this mail . About to. be bur-�r � Illidnight, Ile worked..and, worked � will be ��hls,-,ered: "llave .you heard tiou by_pliyslognomy. The late -Profess, - SA6 "HoVed.10 For Their 11appiness.
I . L
I , L L .
. . . Is successfully used monthly b over led, 1, I ,Asked all eyewituess 11.1. . ki L alld'Worked over you, � fhfi now's? I'lavo 'you" li or Auxley,used to Ill strate the matter . The Newly W, ed-Rdit - ..
. . 10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Lad es "k .'t It ng . . Yes, you call eald the . I U . h, did the, hate I I �
. 11 ' remeniber it as though, ,it L .
I . or warrior, a statesman, an 6rator,, . wl.re yes news? The docturt, the. good old by drawing a profile with good. chin on fulest thing at our reception, andjIll
. . R our dru Ist for cook's "too Root cogo� . . .
. . � �., 4%91 a governor, a City offiCial?"L ljo,'j-10 terday -whon. the doctor turned Anti Wilily. dw-tor, 1S Ve"Y sick," Then the blackboard and then wiping out the ne'ver'torgive: her, - , * . . �
I pound. akenoot e4 as all'IMixtures, pills and , I . . .
RIDOUT & TIALE, . . Imitationsaredangerolis. Prlco0No,j,Si Ir was a plain, Simple Physician, L 11" . �,afd: "We,lI,'.'iliv:inan, I.:tIdn1c the tile flows will be prIll'i""JI.Lthe Vil- Wilu And replacing it by a: recedi' , � -Why, what could It be? . , ' L , I
.. . . box I No. 9, 10 degrees stronger, ss per box. go. was a Or, Ar 'nso' I . I . lage,or- tho'city 11 wspap ng. Cousin Jane � . I .. "
Convevancers, Cowtuissiqviurs,. Real 1. 0. i.mhlledonreceiptof price and two 8�6elxt a n, who had .-given. ClIs 9 is Past. I think you Will get e ers that tile - curre.- Any'one Who repeats the expert, The Newly Wed-713he � addressed . . .
. ' 7 lip Ilia whol I well. , But wd have 1) I Ad a h ar ' good dO,101', tile faillily doeto I r, is. I I Charles in: the most pitying manner ' I � I. .
Fstate and Insurance - Agency. staillPsi The Cook Compnny Windsor onk e life to' work among the . , d fight .
. L%?1.Nos,-1 and 2 sold and reco' I ment, will be surpilsed at the result. . - � . . . I �
. . I ., . lllmGudc�il�all floor, 116 not only.cared J `the�sick for your. life - Yes, A? Awful hard deitcl. Then lit your. family I . . . I �
Money to loan. I r .1 at, . I . 'I'D ... a The reason is not -clear, but we way and said, "I hoi;lb you'll be happy." The � .
. I .. . e011011sible-DM941staln-Cauads. - I.. I light." Then Ili 1:11a't,cri�IS 'Welle yo there will be Assembled a -tiarful'. � . . . .
. . . . . � . , body, but also for the sick soul. Ile I I . . I U . . I . . .
C. B. HALE JOHN RWOUT. , . . . I , h. ad'. inherited ' small fortune , I Ot Willi . . "Ing. The YOUhg men And the , I I veloped jaw way she uttered that �vard "hope" walp . - , .
I a, front I ng to, let thet ittAnily I hysi- gathe perhaps say that a well de - .. � . - :,
� . -Nos, T and 2. are sold in Clinton bv father�: &lid when he eaterc� tile plan gi-ve - -to you any advice. . he young wonjen thei-e will not only. re- Is associated with good dlgestive pow. positively unbeargbie.. . q I . P.. .
' Ilia- . . . . I . . I
... I . . ll;,B, Coinbe, R; P. Rvekie, E. Ho,;- ' L ' . I . I . � . I
. .,� . . I could? It tha,t I-AIVAciall- at that nioinber� that you welco -a ers, which have more to do with char- - ' - . . I - ,. I . ,.. .
. I . . I . - ey, and Watts & Cd,�druggists.. , , hoines, of the destitute. he Would . . . mod thei � . I I . I �
. . - - I . I leave here a little and there a little time had conle And preyed at y�ur into.,the World: 'but also. will tell acter than one mighi a6irst sight sup. ,Sbe Wanted Ope saved. rej Keo., ..
B. R. 1110GINS , , . I . . . I . . . I)a as a. ( firig. fall' : doctor how yoil 'Put . Youi;�g(nVe hand of I pbse, , . I . .. . . . I . � Young Miss Wilgus�Wh�re - are you . . - . I - � . I I .
� . _�_.._i=._.__._. . . - -T--:_.� Along with his proscriptions, - Whilb : bcd-"Ide Al .Te � � . . .. . I I . . . � . .
- - 'I . .. 1. : . . I . 1. � -eds- a 1110118t"All,�'e . uptiti. , their Ploulde, fj I . 1. . . . I . . I 11 .
- � - I gotng,: papa? � . . . I . � . .
Conveyancer, Fire and Life InsUrAllee, . . � . � I � lie lay 'sick hundi lid thousands -had told you abo�it the love .of the wilm they we"e about to dilft away Antiquit � of Gral". , . . . . . . I .
. I . .� Good I'lly-iciall C tj�jt I , 1 7 . - - .
. Mortgages, Deeds, 11:tc�l drawti fai. ' I . :, . ''of Poor pOoPle N;rholn.110 had befriend- It , W;6 11 d I . Tile Rev. Mr. .'Rlllgus-T
the Killo' Kul �1 Fire * . 113a"ve , illtO 114n, Then OIL, olde� folks, will I � . . . . . , a- the t,em. .* I
. . Nearly all.tbe graffi$ noW In use lire perflaq me I '' . . I . ..
. . . , e I - * I et ag. 7e Intend to Inau. , �
fi each. ,All work neatly and . P . W 1. I .d dadie to Inquire at Ilia door. They not 114'14 listClIed to 41in, lind � bell It ' . . e I . I
. . . gladly'said. '.0Ainen? : ,ow'you - prtA3�ed. %vit'li them4hen of utl�nd'wu antiquity. Wheat ,was * cuIL : I I . .. . ,., I .
cheaply done. . . . .. I I � ' knelt by hundreds in the street,about . . . .. . . . gurate a movement to.,save the young'. . . I
I 1 .. lnsilrWe. Company . , :. . the lost their. first babies. And tile ' m(�n- of the country. ' I . . ., .
. . , . I . . I .. �.. . - .. I .L his house, praying to 1�od -to' restore . But th%? purpose,of tile medical I,ro . y I . I tl�ated. in-, dii'latitudes as. far back - Ili . . .
- . . ., ... . . in'tho . !I- -good physician,' When . - ll�iilistcr will tell how your. presence . . I . � . . �. . . . .
11RUCIEFIE1,131, - - - " '- . ONT, * Varm and -Isolated Town Pr6prer- . to the Jesalon is * riot only to ii.i6l�-e* tile $401c . Iva . s, I always the I t�bo past as:We have ,authentic knowl-. Young 'Igiss WO -Try and save a � . . .
. . . . . . , .. b,.vt alio to I . Steongcst spiritual I . .gas . ,� . . � .
. I . I 1�ty. 04y �usured. 11 I .lie wa's dead, with their ow'n hands :w -ell'.. I., Pre erit Ahe.. ivelil, I � d edge. Barley Is thought �o havo.orlgl- nic one for me, W, I I I I , .
. I . . I I . ' ft t , . re-enforcentent in tl,e Church. ' 'And � ; . . . . 0 . 11 you, papa dear?- . - . � . ..
. . . .. I � . . . . the: poor carried him out to his' last -oin ge ting .(;Icl�.. -We"are, all xi?atly . '' *Rted In the Qatlensus,, but It was - . . . -.1
- . 1� Irk -S , ., � . . L . ., . . . '. . . .. ...
. I . OFFICL I . ' . . . I . . .
� � . . . 1, . . . 11 L � .th thej,)oor failillies ,ivill tell .. how, you I .1 . . .." I � � . .
. . . . I I . .. � I �. .
. . . . resting place, . . . . .. .. . 1 1 � to agred at tbe-chief duty 'of, th`� . , ' . ' . I . . ., I . .
. . . . I
. IjR. W. GUNN, � . I J .B,.. McLean, President, lZippen .P. 1. Dr. Ar * good. lawyer i%'to k-�� . not..9nly pa.1d fol: vie medicine.4. out I , knowwAnd used -every'wherd iu,:the* . .. . . . . . . � I . . . I ., .
. onson wits only 6 beautitul ,ap . his i�l!ej. t�j . . � . . . . . . :.�' ,.. ,�
0. 1, . Tho%, .Fraser, H� -c -'cfeut� � tyl?p . of . . Luko, -. "the I)Cloved phy. , , IV() Ito ' of'Your own I I most. ancient Alines. O.ats,' like r . . 43- ommeret.; I � I I . �. : .1 � I
Vice-"' t, of P60�:.et', but Also:` how, . . . I y1e. .1
R. C. 11. paid L,. R. C. S., ri..dinhu4h. . Tirtmefield - 1i. 6. ; T, E. a s,% .. 1. si� I oil Court; U--hy sho �jd- t be, Y, , . . . . , . .kily U,xprexsted. � I . I . . �
.. . y .. . rea at, got 7your flieudis � to help out . . . . � - a It � . I . .. : . ,�
" ,:
. svc.-� dy to confess that tho Cj)j(q, .were uuIcnown Ili. anderA- � India and �'biL f t or of ten daughtejs� listened . . - 1. , .::
Night ealls 1 t frou door of residence 'I- * - ' I . S��afortli 11. 0. , . IV. C.,, clan,", . Paul Would -nov6r. have Writ- I I . ..
. reasurer I Pu"- their winter, need with Clothing ,alld - Eg-ypI; and Ritioug the Hebrews.- T I I
.. RattInbury strtiut, 01) tel so tenderIv a' , I pole of tl,C:dOLto'i, is to keep hi 130, . I . lie oil ' that united . .. . . I .
I 11 bout -hinx uniess Dr, a - food ' arld cnal*� And while tho*� 4 Greeks and omns rdc�lvcd It from ently to tlie-saleuim. words . ; I . . . ;,. .
k , P03ite Broadfoot, .111sl ector., of � 1,08ses". 'Sea- . . tients' as Ion, r 'asj),Ossj�jo , .It ,
- Presbyterian ,phurch. . . . � .. . :Luke had 'b�cii that kit* o out of the . his eldest to A all I lionalk6., . . . I � .
. I
, � .. . .., )d of a inim, - . we6vint.- lvieh4s Are .telling ' * I.
a Chilton: - f - orth 11�. I 0�- - . . ' . : , . ` . lil'iniagi-nation, I sve Paul conling, to . ickroom? ." . .1 . I I 9f : Your tile north of 10iurope. . Had thbre .beel. ttTtere!" he murmurL-d . . . . I . : .
0111ce-O .� . . 116.�f)jtal and,the .k . .
tario street . , ��O-t .. , -w r.'-&, .as. the wee. Ing wjf,o�%,s , a . � .. ..
. . . I . . . I I)IRI,',C R8, I T!,,,Lt .tht- 'Chivf ti -W good P - �. . . as .the tying '. . .
� . . ,. � . oot, Sealorth - jotiji his -rooni . at night, 'and ,saying , 1111:11% - �of the did about Ill - - � n early .clvltlzatlo!n. on, this. contIneut .of the -'k-ij � -was successfully concluded.; � . . .. .
� I . 1� . , . . I , e corpgo Of j)Qrc,jjs. there o I .ot . . t ' ' . : . . . . .
. I.. ; "Whel-4 '10 .;Luljtej,. . - - 1), '11" lical . pro,"oesk n.,hu'N 0 [�.',;(,Tl Wall ! .1 - Ee -d fit . -iound herie,abd there. � 'That s. 10 per eon *off 'for clistiII, - �. : ' �.. I
. . - ,04rieve, Winthr6l) ; G,eorge :DMc 86a� I .. AVher,6 . Is, r.. mduring tile fiv-tibn -In , wi I befix a' nit t(, r of ' wings.. - . wild oafs . I ;. 1. . I .
- . . � ;1 I � - -I attack'- " John X,uko?" . Then some -ofic would aas- -1 . - , t, ti the - pro. "rh,n :tl,6 s�ille IT' . . , - Which cap- would probably liave. develb�.ed Into .. . . . I . � �. . . . . . � . I . . . . 1.
DR. SHAW, , forth � J-ohn -Watt, - I I . I . X015"Nig(li . . . . . � . ' . ! - - . . � . . . I
- . ventian of d fs, it ur 'l It Ill tt e tile useful cereal now considered All - , I
m I � I . I wee �' " � 00"'o 1, th, - I I - I
. IVITIls, I . Paul, -after You had.. finished I I-ied Ill)* You soul-�--yoilr . recle I I
1) . Beiinewit,s, lllradlia�an ; Jiirxies U cure,there . is ,ill � , I� , r C'nied ' 11 . . .49� If there eke no such.] "ward., as fall'. ". - I .
- \1. Beechwqod:; JualL ca It Ily Clil . preaching -to that groat audience this no doubt. Ilow 1A%9 1. ' lu.tely . a entlal � to the' proper nourish- . , W . . . . . . - � . .
. . '
HYSICIA,N AND SURGRO_ jj 4 0 it oil; - the great. Plaguvs.� -.4,ich. yoUl-to, the �'white 'ifiro'ne of Go"I . e a . .somo,dislibnest m4n.would soon Invent " , . . . I
. . . . . 0 .TOIIU WeLean" KilipLn. - ..' .. �Ovcziing and Luke had closed the scir- I . u "'cd , tc will. refurn.' -, . And tbe -sarne ,.,6-ce, -ment; of horses,, This cont'licut Is.cred. it- hicago News . . . I . I . ., � I . . . .
-Ontario street � . . I . -, . . I . . .. . 1-0 ? By . I . l . . C I . .. . . . I ... . .
* %
Office . Clinton. . . . .. - , � a with prAye;*, ji;oaie one.. told, Dr. 4*.00p Over P-11 N�e been halt�-d' . which- OlAtIc-6 when the whfto� .dov , ;led With having given Indian Torn to � .... � . . I:_ � . . I _`..,
. . . ..., . . 1. AGENTS_ . - I- . Vic . ille poiver of- tile. sw ' . e . . . . . 1* .. �
4 - . I - . I 1. . . . .. - 1. z I. .
- " . ' ' . � . ,� '.
Ato I ock ; Robert Me . 4:standihg ' ' I .1 .
Opposite . St. Vaul's cfkllr�h.. I " �' mit *sIllith, Harl :Luke' about -an old. Christian- Saint' tile o"") N'O-" ' By , �'� hoiiei�cd over' tl�o : (,h: is -in . the old' . .
. I ' ' ' : power -of ther bacLeriologist's.1ai-, . . .World, but this useful cereal-, 'Oblivion Is1he rule and fame the ex. � � .11 . I
. . � . Alilfa�n, Sv,af,c,)ith ; James Cuiniiiiiiis, who.was sick and could not got ont, eroslope And the pitysi(iall,8 'ijen., Dr. . the Jordan Will Sp.C.&I, i1jon. r I .-And' was.doubtless kri9wa In tri . I . t I . .1 .
. . Xl- . . I . . qla and ChIj : 'ceiltion. of. hi4m4nity. - . . . r . , . . .
. ' '
� I � . I . . - .. . Hgni6n&ille"; j. �W--' Ve6,.,Holxnes- to'.the.- sc7rvic6. Then . Mr; Luke it' Zat'10,- a lea.4inj professor in "the I then all, the weeping -frionds''will'..re- 7ja many hundred years before the dl" �, . .'', - 1. .. . "
I .1.
� I I .
' . . : Ville. - . : . . �. I modiately said, 'Why, I w�ilj go,at �. call the' cliviiie. counUendation " -!-'I . covery of Am 'ca. . I . a. I . �_�_ - _ : - ... . . , 1, r . . .. . ., . - . _' .
� ' Partie Chicago C031611e'df.. Ph�70kians' and ,. was sick, ajid ye vi rne.,., .011., . � erl.. ... . . .� . .. ; "., '.=-7 - - ------ - ,. .. I �
Z � or transact . . I � . in o' no -han . d and Ilia � I . � . 1. I . . . I � I I . . 1�.. I.; 7 � . . � .. I .1
. . once and See he'r." So lie took along Sul-kcions, told tile -that. when Ile Arst iny yourilz f% lend, - W�ll Y , . . . ...
DR. C. W. THOMPSON. s desitous to effect insurlince' . ' sited
PHYSICIAN AND:-S-&RG1,,'ON.'- 4' her busifics-s will, . be , his qtedieine'.baf,". . Ill' . 1. . � ou nof hel-e , . . . . . � .
I � ' , , L , I � �
I Dible Ili the bthei-: Ile to ' I . . . ,. . , , . . � . .,
Special attention given to diseases ol .. promplly attexide& to on application Id tile , to and now consecrate' your tife to.'O'cl , . r. 0'. I , , . . . , I
, t , . . . 130 per (�Orlt.i of kill his pat , An elderly -clergy , in#'n *living some � S I I �.: I . . I
_ a . l . . � ients' sidk�, I .
the Eye, F�ar, Nose and Throat.' . , ity of the above ollicers addre sed tell yoo-n6t to .sit up for hint. , He . . I . . � 010.140- nV the. gi!aie'tlf God will yotl' . � . �. . I . � . .
. - . � I . . . ' "I (ille-10 bad- water !and . . I- . .
. I t it . .s. - . . hosIzes we' - . . . � , . 1.
office and Residence- . th'j rest c". . did :Aot.:A<xIow,- When �be cobld'. , ge t . poor . . . n0tbe .-a Pli-Istibin ,fairilly phyki ij � . ." fr6m a market town'and . .. � . . I I
. . . I . I. Uratrutwe,. I . - I � � I ...
- ot . cointneileed . s pr-tcUcc in, Chicago'. . 1: - A Dow storri , � .
. )e0tiVe j)OS140ifi .11 � . a .
�ast,, C . linton. . . I . � I . ba& . I ' . . . . [in? , few miles � utter , - .�f6 . -'s, . q-;
Alhert street F . . . . � - . . . .1 . .1""'Yes, .Y69) 0. hq,lf, di'sappoint- illent of With 06 hyi1yove, Be a good .Dr; Ayow.,on or � b, ., goo,, somewhat AllgentmindedWIthal. Was Ili :i .. : - - . ,. . . .! . .��. .. . I . M., I I .
. � I . ... : . , . . � I . � . - Answiats the wi,,sionary; - Qh1cago*s drainage SystQ111. Dr. Lule. . I . - . . � . . . , . . the habit' of driving - there �* eily ;' '. � ''- '.% ' ' . . � . . . I I � , I , . . � I .. I . . 11 �,
. North of kaftenbui:y street�', - . edly I " th at that -31.1. -F01'. , . . . � . . � . e , .
I I . . I . . . . - : Cent, of sichao�'i Is ,be- . I . - ; . . � . . 0 NOW I- -to -buy your Cut, I
- .
. . .. . .. 1. .1, . . . I I is just like .Pr; -Luke. I never seelli . � � I . -where he put up h - I I., the' tinle, . . �
� . I � � . I . . �. . . . I . . ing gracill-ally eliminateirl; 111hy is .1 I . I . . �.� .1 Is'horse at a partle ters � I �.� .
. � .1 . . I . I .to be' 'able -to have him. at. all � . I . f .. I . -and sleiihs. We- -still hava'A.few .
I � -
. . ' . I � . .1 . . . . : myself,, , 11c is a . far . ,the ljo�ko� itv of. tile, hurilan 'race bo� , . . Piercing a Gisteler. ulae inn, -his dog -always in attendance., .1. left whicl, . . I . I ' . . . I
. .
TG 9' NIT11 ' ' . . . . . I . .1ways calling "Ild"' Ing. IlleleaKA ytar by . year,? Bectitise ' I the" pr6bloin of - III,-': cii�' ' , * I One d � ay -When . Fekilrning.With I,are -sel. if . i�g a, I t�.very,law Xlc-�� . . .1 . ... I ��
I)R. G. W. MANNUIN GUND TROK . I ' . 9. a glacier . .:a friend . I I . p � . .
. . . . es; . � � I. I 1 7.. .
� � . . . '901110 OuP that is pool, and sick at;d ' le do not.'Worlk.as fittivi .,as thoSr by. ineans ` of' a boring has At , 1&-.t .,be was.much.unnoye(I .to. discover that.' F or a .Portlaiicl ctitt,r ' . . I . . �
. I .. - . I ' ` . , . . , �
. ' I Ili trouble. -, :how I . . . sold in the '.. , .. I � .
. . . . . . . � My, tired .116 Illust t6 workl � Oh,'no! A ' ` of, real the. dog wds missing and Insisted on fro I I . . "r
PHYSICIAN AN'l) S . URG E ON ', ., - R911WRT.-SYSTEM ' got!" Then.some morning I , = n average been solved .with.'.'resuitf; regular way.. In $ 8 to $40 , --
I - I) ' ,3 , our.price;
I 1. . 1. . � .... , . . * . . SN' lan'to4daY ,116i -R thl"ougli Ilibre ,harcl .scientific Interest "411 . expi-millijoiltii driving pack'toii find'- him.' 'The Ilin*was i $ . . � . . I .. . I .
Office fornierly occupied by Dr 'Pal- - � �. 11 . I. I .. � I � I . . . � s 35, . . . . . I . I � I ... . � . . .. .. . .1 .
. . . .. . I , TAJ31,E1 I . . . I I . I I
v . . I . , TIAJE � . I Paul. Wake up, ; 11 ' e looks over to the worsic 'and 'jjoj.t,i� e:ll,t�jjE.,.,tloxx aid ex- imic!6 iast. 'Aiigust on a glac,iet. nearr reached, and . - ther ' su . re I enough, � was. . I
. , . , . A( I - . ' . . e, .. � I .11 Par gc piano ,b6x cutter, said in - the � � . .. ,��. I
.lister or) Main street. , I . . � . . . : i at �r oside' of tile . rooin, where ji� bod - eitci),�;jt. In a xvo�,k dimn, his gra,nd- . Vefiti In -the - -,� At cL I distaw,o Ahe dog' and not on y; the dog, but the. rt'gf*r �.;�ay - fron ,. �
' ' ' . I .
BAYFIP'I.D - - - - '.- - - ()lit I I . I u 0 �. I I ,- T3111ol . I I 0 lir, �. I �_. - � ..
� arrive , at and .4 Ithout all I . I
i . .. Trallis will d.�1�4--� As alf miss d ill) a d vot wj* fatbol. did in ki �Nllolc yea'r, . � 11 Ili Of about on(,- and ' quarter ' I ;I '' . � ' - i q 1 ,�28 .It 330,�r.§. . . . I
, .
. I , . . . a I Ili es - person's .horse as well. ,25 - � ima.. .., I , I . �.. ,. I I I I ... . I
. . . � . - . . froin Clinton. station as I - � -Paul; 1. IOM"OvIty of the 11 , The hostler price is . .. � . .. I .
. 1;1 . allows .. occupant.'. "Wbll," says,. . . .. . . � � .1 .. . I 1� ...
. . . .. . . . . ,. I - - . . ''I uniun, race Is I'll-. -fronx the tip of, the glacier, - w1jet. e, h r hors ixiti� the vehict . . Far,,.. 8;14�Nj' so . . in � -the regular . :.. I .
. , Ili(, . e�. I . . . 1.
. . . . . � . �BUFFkLO:AND G0D3t,RjCj1 V� 1, guess Luke is off .akain;'on one of I Creasing ill spite of, the sirval,jbils. - its breadth is 2J30..fC . ad,put anothe e - $�,8, our price is $24. I,ibefal, , � , . , � I .
I : . DI . , et apd � thp *recogulzing -the mistake, . tlily .
. 'if I -We lon�.<�i�q I, , if Of it�,surftx.,e I . .91 , , W . � I I
DR.AGNEW, . I I I.. . . . Calls; I do hope he. will. ho "back -"I � but the .do , - coal I
, C,�ea,slug be It s6 .tile It . . . .
.. p � . : Goinj East 'Express I .7-38 a. in. time to take still) for Corinth. ' , . y,I)j3ho . Inh above se& leye:. elected to stAy..witli -. animal friend unts oil for spot -,.CasIl.` I , ,. . I....' . . � j
I DENTIST. . 1 46. -4" , It . . . I � We , �do, tot., year by �`oavj is to ifilig, , ' r idd! - his I re . also lie ,quaiters for. re- ... . . . .
. . . � 2.55 p, s In. . �n its. '. feet, A b6i r in tile - In 0 - . We a I �, I 1.
� . . . - ad' I �
I . . . ..
Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday. . ' :, �, . I':' ; Mi,,d . � . . I cok-tainlY Diust 'Bull. tci-day.. ' 'I'llell ill how to cat ' 6�*,, tO* dl*P�s' d fit . reached rock at a clorith 'at, 500 foet. rather" than retdro .Wlth his master." rairing'and r I . . . . . :
11 I I I .. - III.. . - - ': � . - . . ' . . . einodel'ling�.all kinds: _of I., I .� I �
afternoon. . . :1� I I 4,15 P j,maA1ljatjot*_ I see tI.10 coinpunh)n , of.:' what'khla (j'f'-h0;as. wc. Shoff1d li-�o Taholl along with. iueA9u.rcxnexx!0 , of "Lotterofa-Dog Lover.11- '. .11 I . . rikg or* tfiachinery� Our, I)rices for. : I %. .. .
. . t � a- 'It-, � I , " . . I . I � � � . . � I .
, � . .. .:: .Wes , H 10,15 - ..Paul "UnnilIg �(IOWIIAO the, Wharf just - Young Man 40 wit t( , . , . . �j I 1.
Office- I . If,. . - I , . . � ) ento�- I lie rate oV;wos�"eincnt,: surface. molting, , - , - , - , ., . . . �. .� I .1 I .
""I, I
, I I
CI .
I . . . - ..
I ,Express ' � - 12,55 P. In. . before -the gangplank is' . . . . � J an arp, away down. -If you hve, �. ; .
Adjoijjing�`Henry's Photo Gallery, . � . . 1 . a . dra.wit in, Ile -ofws,sitl e bile ekPori ftent eq ' ' .... ' .;... � .. . I . ,,,,o,ry ' * . .. . .1 . .
. � . I$ . �t* , .,4.. � . . . I . I medical pi ,n, you aic, , soon to and telaporatur, I - .. I I—— � , ;,�. .. . g of ally* kind.in need of repliiring' . . . � : �, . . .
. . Clinton-, . - . 44*. I v, I ,9 . 705 -,113- has been ciriplo,vilIg evel'y moment Qf.1 be. - one of.the g� eat. ball (I of i(a hii .s., - - Ant4p *11intKnetic Nexts. . I .All and I ret our prices. before- iping . .1. I . N
. . . . .
.. . I . . I—. I � � 10.27 P.,211. � the 't� ' ! , itbled the.' following conc.lusions to . . . ..
I UM to VL1,it the sickr6oln, Aj of 1111,N811ftl bYg,41110, C0.11 V . . . . . f � � IN
� . . . . , ou pot 1,,.e b ' ,. . :. � , .
. . I . . ... . .1 . I � . e..dra�vn: 1. Tile tcmp&atu�o of the' i�oft Darwin'.. In South Australia, �C�sbwhere.. All our.work fully gxwall- . . I I . - , I
� *
. - . . . . . I I I LONDONj � IIV-RON AND BRUCE DIV.' gl,vp a.- last Prescl'lptl6n and 'to olle . I- .1 a leader �In . -sp�rjtjiaj hygj,,(.Ij0 'tile Rieltilig Point through- � boAsts. of some of th - ter kabl - teed- � . I , . I
. . . . ... . . 1. I ; I I p . . . I . I al�o?- ice is ,at - .1 . . "
I Going South �Express. . . . 7!47,a- nl. a last prayer, and. as'lic, rushes Up 1 Y6111, rallffig ol -e s foil you the door oui tile whole lit . e most nar e . . .. . I . . . 1. . .
'RNEST HOLATES,; - . � 46'. 1, I .1 . I . . . ass oil the 1. . I . .
I)R. G. E . Mixed - . � - tongue ailts, nest's In, tbd rid. ! 1" It ' are , � ; - - . I . . . '-,
. . . _1 . 4.15 P.. ill. t'& the ship I Can see scores_,of well I .of matly homes, - It m t only, - opens of the glacier.' 2.. The bed of tile . I I . Wo ey . I I .D. AICYAUGITTOX, .Var * , I
c 11 North . d , , , -., - tile it- iW doe r, but jilao th , I , I trougfi__�Iaped, 3. �Tho fee kl'Owa� at! "I'lagu0tic." :nests, for the . - I . . - " � .. . I Inat '. , . . . ,. . . . I
Specialist in Crown aiid Bridg6 Work' Express zo.15 a. .in. 'in , h .h . ci 'has helped i, , - . 1. I I .
D. D. S. -Graduate Of the Royal Cot- - � st ,q 1, . Mixed.. .1 ' . _ I woulon W ont . . lot yw. 0 e glacier is. . . . �. ,.., � 1. 1. I I � . I
,... I I . 16-55 P,� in;" ., reach forth their hands, as they cl-y: '.. clo�,et dooi-; .111 Which. 11alig tile nl()%b ' � slowly at the bottonx Simple rensdii t1blit t46)r- are, without ,, ;� , . � . � . � � . �
lcge of Dental Surgeous of -Ontar- 'A (N DAIM�Tel '%xr V . I -fl- Al,�, t%, T 1. i . . I ;1 I I I . a more � :1 .1 . I I . . . I . I . . I ..
. �
I . � . ..
. . I
10. I .. . .
.. I I .
. . . I 0 ..,.Is,. XAV"%3jzf1V40
. .. ' I
Agent. .. 'town Ticket Ag.
. - 't 1. 11 - voodby! Good�
by I MAY Ood Wells And IcCoo.and rc�':
k)QaCjj0 1.001101S .01 a 111,11111Y 01ccolton, �
You art, to he tile re ipicnt a f* tile.-
than At tbe�surface. The bdre holes
were filled lip with y,I&O's Wood
exwij�lon vul I... in. a due norin and
", '. . _ .
South dlreciton� 106tiseiluently a tray-
. .
I . I . I .
, . . . I . .
'. '. � I
L. D. ,S. -First elsiss honor graduate
of Dental Departinezittof Toronto
.. M. C.,DfCXSONI I. �
I .
wal!d, you .f6r what you have,.:, d '
. . . . one
.; L.
heart's'se ret. Is no one elso.in. .tile
uhi(h will serv.e "
for many' 'years to
eler Journeying tb,rough the district In"
- I .
' -
� 1. �
. . I
. 1.
Ci 93
e . .
Univ Isitv. � . :
, I
. -
I '! District "Pass. Ag., Toronto
. . I. .
. . . � .
for list Goodby! Q'oodbyl �'- 11, ell I
call lice good old De, Luke tui -n
coinnxtinity�. - You Will have'v6ur .fill- ;
. i -
gor upon the. puls,� of a Ca lilu itv
lit n
conic: ; as, indexes. of. il�e
, 'of
� . �
which -they abound may readily die et
�. Q
' 11
.. ,
. IV,-.
, - . �...
Special attention naill'to preservation
I . � . . .. , . �
.. .. .. � . �
, I I . I . .
I � I �
,I . alid
lav ' 1',Good4y, mi'deLia- Chi-istfal)
. ,
and-wil.1 1know �thethej- it
Woveriftent, arid of surface melting. , .:11.18.
� I 1.
I . I .. .. .
cot 0
irse by their aid. N living man,
. ,
, ,
- . 4/ .
I .
of children's teeth. . . � �
Will he at the Rivet Hotel, Bayfi,ld,
. -1 � -
I - .
I . I
. I .. I
. . . I
. I � .
t'l May Chxqst-, tile I)ivillt...
I 1. fn�itd . .
� I Ph
, Y_
� .ultiniately
, fasi �r'slhfully.
beats siqfnIIv . slow.
I .
. .� . I
. ,
.. I I
: � .
. r � , �
knows why th ese tiny architee
, .
. a 11
� .t
them In this Way. The 'are niorely�6no
Ilt ,
I . Syru
every Monday front io ,a, in; to 6
. . I I . . I .
ft=�_�_ _ I .
r I .
' - I
sichol, heal. Your cifseas.'ed phy�i-al
bodie�s anil your Sill . dfaeab/_'�d - souls I '�
Will You - nA .k,ay. the right', gospel
. .
I Word to that you)jg 111-ftil.tWhor lfi.fio�.
. . - h 0 L -
I . . r . . .1
. . ... . I .. . . I I .
. . �
I .
out -of the- many r Marvels of the � grefit
f 4;
, * �
'I . I �
, � I
" I I
I , soothes
P. in. � .. .,* I
' i
P INCOTT'6-'r '
I Ll P "" 4=0
Favewell until we raeot In heaven!" i.,
I have dwelt oil the. lives Oj these:
Ing What he ou,lit not to do? IVIII .�.
you not slical, It waxIiing woi.d -to :.
'Inethe" '
. . . �
,.. . � .1 .. I .1 . . , ''
- ,.�h r : �
. I
larld !'do
' wn uuder,"r� ' .It seems, how- '
ovor. probable that instinct loads these
'construct '
. r ,
V I I 1. 1�� . I '' ,
11 . and heals �
r ..
, .
two incn-Dv. Luke, the beloved. phy,
that wife, flilAt . tl lat child
, . I 8166 Riettienibe'red,
tiny creatures to so their
� th
3- SURG 1OX, ,
L . 0
,,!(-fail of,the cai*ly days of _
(jitelstian .
ity, �.
� who' inny I)ed1 ftingr filt� sin? Th,�
it ,,,,._, ,,,,,r,. ' '
"Rev. Ile, SternIN remark over po
dweillng�a that the fleree�.noonfty sun
. . . ..
, . I . I
-r of tilt vet, .
A nieiulj,. eritiary Medical,*
I . .
� . ..
And Dr, At' nson'ol
0 t out- owli
tinte-becaliso I -.Want you t:: . , I- r
0 rell, Ize
VVI b4lan
'Qly tidvi-e
front you w4ii,th. porl'aps they Wo
, I Uld
John Were so sympatlikle,*1 thought,"
I r r
. ...
said tbo. widowle friend. ...
Shall h I I .
ave the east 06osible effect upon ,
� I. . .
their Interiors.' I
. ,
7 1. .
aud weak':
Associations of London and lWin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
' a t ia . Current Literature
,, r 8,,r
how rauch the world is itt&btod'
. I . to. ,
Yjot,�talc* froln A milliste.r. t1mv i
, '11) ay '.
. is
sa§ - "A' '
, r
. . .
"Syllipa th(stl c I" replied the VVIdoW
, . . . �. �.
. . . --..,.-. .
lungs.. � After . a
urinary College. .
io vet' I
, * ;
. i , - . . I I .
Consecrate inedleal Went., ,
Irbe good ChrNtiall is to_
, rulnit:ter morely , %
. vor, log
for'blb salal'y," bUt 'they* Will I now.
(1113,rnke. �1116 'said John "
4011, , had 'gone to
P) *
, Talkinst.Throukh, the. noft, -
I . . .
doses' the cough is re
011i . ce-Ontario mtreet..- - crititoll
Oppobite Stl* Paul's. chutch. �
� . .
day one of tile, loost ho"orod ofall
t volt aro,dit,fntorestod Ill s.,cak_�
tha I
� . I .
Ing in �tbe
� .
41 . tile gr�vlkt majoi .
"Well?" I .
. rough a human body, or a -
To talk th' 1. I
row of human bodies, for the matter of '
. � -
lieved, and. the soreness
. .
I'lione 97. . .
, . .
nion. THs sentence would have I """
a Very, �tartling one to, have. boon
th�naaic of 1,o�-d. jasull !
t* t-
In 0-hrOV9 nante will,yotl no � ry
� I I .
"Well. fit hie Sermon Several Sundays
that, Is one of the weirdest of the oleo-
. I . . �
. . � .
PasSeS - away.
I . I
I . I
. 2.60 PER YEAR,' 2
1 $' . , 6 CTS. A c0PV
. , . .
made I
& CQhtUI'Y Ago. Dr., 16V.� B. Dav
. is In a lato address before a great
to lo-everit Bill 6�4 well An to �jll
oure. I
after It has already. vomej , I
ago he declared thi t tho great majOrl-
. . t ,
ty 'of people go WOW." I''. �
. . . I
trIcIan!9 fiats., If a jelephone'w1ro be
� .
severed and The two ends bo.beld by a
. � . � .
I .Orray's Syrup,-cU:res
. I
* . I .
. . . .. . .
. .
I)R. 13ALT4
.. .
. :
convention af� doctors and surgeoijA
jr to ,
I have been 0 -yin
. show YOU the
, . 1, . . I I I -
person, one In each band, but far
to stay cured. .
---...0_1�.i.� .0, ___�~ -. I
"�'_'_' .
declared that In the early part of th�
glodpop opportualtles Oil a Ohl isLiAll
I I I . .
Thsi Others.
apart, It Is �ulte possible for two Indl-
to -
� � I . I
At all Druggist
. I .
-_ -- - AWA�Uwftmnft
last century phvalclanA w�cre practi-
. .
cidly social nonentities, had
phys"Ina a Iffs, But now' th
. I 01.0
DouOt live for yourself and do not be
vidoals carry on a conversation
through the..bod of: the medin
y In its
� . I . 4 250ts�-
Office -Isaac street - - -� Clinton
_ �__
virtually �o, plaeo'f E'uropean , so-
I 11
over nie the. ovet,W1,01111,
Ing .
th6light th&t Pe,ba.1.8 YOU'jjt,'�� not' a
a irald of diminishing your own IIAPPI-
readily and as distinctly asjf. the line
1. . 11
Rest dence-AIT;ert sutut ..; Clinton.
. . .
. . I I . viety.of 'I'll oy - were
. looked tl,)On In C-11�1:41ail , I 110 .had
nose. by promoting that of others.
- - ___ ' i ' YO(Aag il&n, I o bai 6 you
been pyoperly connected. , I
� . .
I I I. �
. I
. � "I
it & '
,00 SaITIC wav AS PlaYwPIters and
Actors were regarded duri g ; the
., Shakespeare n elea, ' a
a But now among
mity be %a:,y brilliant* in your lau,11- �
Chl 8-tt"llon,' but -have ne�ev yot, con-
fessed the name of Jesus Christ, . I
Who labors Wholly for the.benefit of
others and, as it were. forgets .,himself ,
1 a tar, baitpler than the � mail who
.- ,.. _ .. I
Nash, a wrfte� of the sixteentla eon.
Wry. says, "If it 10490 lbseth tilt oYn,
0 1 . .
. � . . . .
Sales Conducted in all parts of the
U .t)
'A -Co
tile m 'St 11011OPM lalon alle to be,
"Yes," A,osireje.soine young inan In',
miRkes himaL
'If the � sole obJoct of all be
dyetii presoatly." Also, "Goats tfilto
Pountioa of I-Taton and Perth, Or-
. .
und the 1doctors, As Sir, Aforroll
my audlow.,e, "that is 'the truth.. i
his hifectiotio nod ezertlond� � breath
not at the mouth and nose only I
P 0 �
ders left lit 'tile gews-Reccird, Of-
*, r. .
AlpNonvfe Was hanoved for P"01014-
Since I camie to Chicago I have olity '
1 11., but44t
Ve earse (cars) WWI' .. .
.. - -
� I
bee, Clinton, at addressed to Sea-
forth 1). 0. will receive
I 11 I bave� made a most thorough
Ing the life of the P,4rapp,por Tilroderlek,
so such scroll of hoiioe And knight-
bootj otwo vr, twice in a, city t hurk h,
ft injidical studonts hav(? to Wol,k so
� vemildno.viow of It.
I .. I
I . . 11
I . ,'. 1. I . . �
_. I . .1 � i
-, - I-
_______._____._ .. . .... ..____________
. .1 . I
Magwommommonvoom - - -
I . . ...... ____
attention Satisfact!"'. jl.�."�
MO of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i nd. Mrs. Wederly,�Soi you have b6ver. I
hood itt OvOrY Court Of 11111"OPO' has - luird that wh(,.n 8-w,d .�l t,i. �
. 16 ain prepared to say thitt tot all dia- .. � W.r 1A met too woman you thought rou could
teed or no tharges, Your Pat- l placed upon It. the name I of Otto * or comes we are dead tirod'out, so I I .
ronage solicited. � � . daises of the lungs it ilaver digap. more physicians, I . � . always take my $abbath for rest and marry? I . -
I - points." But . as I go on showing to You fuu," Alks, I know only too well Slogleton-NoVer.. .
1. . . . -.1 . ... I .. J. EArly Finlcy$ ltotifonoCl. � :Voung medical studento the golden that what you say may be true; that Me& Woddrly-Well, r don't wonder
. .
. . I I I "I'll
t kt,0 I I V . ....-, i ,,,, . .;. �� opportunities of future usefulness yoUr life may be very silliflar to -the at tbat. As a ruloo Women are hard to
, 1, " *Wch the consecrated, ten talent doo .
'� * kj�l , �'. .'� 14� %A, -7,-. ,E: " f. �t, r u I a [y ckm hundrods and thousands of Yount
.t"..."'k,". .. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I it 010986. .
, ,, '' .. ,�, . �, 1. . . . �
, I ,
. I � � I tar call Wield I irttt'nt Itere and novo HH'A who every year enter our large, I
:!_�, I I 'j.�� .. . ��, I
wilf I - V " won't c�re rhetimatism , halt, I Inuot'stop long �llovojj ta, pltloq to Pt 11, nit'dical eduC4007A. I Too 111444
, .
"� I �
D" I , . Allow You that 91'04 opt,01-1,11"Itle" know that,yotir otatollionts ju&,V I;#
7- 1$*b�& wenever said ft.would) - Wif'o-SO they teturned rour ragnu.
" I j, � 4 11 tot, good'always J1111ply g1pat oppOl.- k0ty tl'"O, bucMiso $001*0'Pt my old geriptj It 19 too bad.
X., - '% �, ,I .... � It Won't Cilre dyapepsla' tun .r, nicig and clasArnates bouaniq
4 ,� � , V itles for 0�11� fi ji . pUy,w
" R -, , I __ , I ) . N0,111atte how . Hilsband (who thluka ho tiaWwrite)-
IS ,� � I brilliant an unfIrtnelpled (lortor way piclanp, They ha;'�io W4 wo m(mv of
... I __ .4 we never 0altried It. But , . Yes; that ig what the editor said About �
. I bo no Chrfstlan Wun of* woniast can thil J0jl4P%tjOA0 b0flOttilIg a jactil'ki I It. ,. . .
DESIGNAl it will cute, Coughs and , ' atuaOtIt's lite-, :nwme-,i that I ho'No , . . . .
C601111014-tS &d. tkifort"r hAs 1tWl5t right to OmPloy I lived aMong the youn� niodictli Stu. . '�
goo MINI . hial Ilia ix family physician. I once, donto not only In NOW Vollk, but, al- to#� .
Quinkly ,tscortain (jilt ovinloo froo W isthor to rd of a reformed drunkard . who l
- AnYnlie- flelldift A ikketob and &AM colds of all kinds. Ve ,I hoa istull-6d the. Moll
InQ0#11 n 0 MrOhAblY WAWA 16, ICITIM1111110M
VollAA L � nolifidto)f At, 11audhook an ilittemA first SAId this- sixty YeArS wits supposed to, be dying, The phy- 00 In Phil lWolvillia, criticus (looking at A picture of the
9 I ("ita one lorgeoutillWL0111A. Siciah by his bods-Ide, said., "The on. gut, though you may deolart that 101progalotilat schooll-If that'a bigh
MO , !1 11115h , to .11111111 & 0, tecolvi - taying it 61 16 ybu IlaV6 entered the art, then I'm tilt Idiot
.- I i It no 0 nVA, i 10 ho I I ago; we've been . ly medieltio which can cuire you is, al. 0 medleal
� . . , .1 ever since. cohol," Then the wife, who nlatio-Welt..thAt to high hit
4 . . Mt, imhool you h-AY0 AOt lived a 0hria. cy I .
4, 11 1 3 e -11-0- � _11 , - hear and had lived tilrough thollop- tiah life, yet thoro,stre still two or . I .
A liandpAth,ft 111%00-t4d U-00102. I-fif0bilt 010 Tbtff timw 2k - 61A010% lur, �1 6tdicity rors: bf ImIng it drunkard's wife, turn. three treviendous facts that, '11thlilk, Ict bIt lbochliftleal itgo,tho r0obfiti-
"!ftlftl lon of ally �?,yc man ini'Mil, I em -Am. $0 I told,; ift. JUAt figK9 to? %yo"Odtfs, hoittif Ill) may wook 4 Change, �n you, two ot, 'a 11an '
� 0. : ,ed ,j,.",�jt
i Pur z rhl t MINIAM, 11, So d h7AH Owildeal6ti. to the Iftsiciatio and said: oe- Wily. hot tefi0b the highest"I
. h4a Mrd toldg, oto,, oil "not 4604611liftl
P f1j, .16iotoit"V tot ;ii;6A[j%0'1,111Wo kc P OA h** toe, It the Only medleftio which can thi" lacts by Which, I believe, you honors, but ho is jitnerally able to pay
I j 1�01 , , 4(11 I RK j , y PX610011 to I are go�pg to be redeemed for (.Iht�jst ftfic- .
A N f �Po', I i�, 11 �. , SAV# hjm is A10011010 then I refuse to I
4444b effita, 0 P 4y. wwoupro"'. V. 0. - --- - and tonfisso him and live 46r hhu 44 - - ...�
. 1�1 . let Wig &0,, Ygft�, lot hila die sobor .