HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-29, Page 8I
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January 29th,, 1903 � T9Z CLINTON XZ*vVfs_j%xo0nD
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# I 10i 11 "; -
� I I - I - 1" - % 01-01401-11 jk++"�19_1*_0_G_qk_,G_41
WA1VA1l1-COT,TF,.%-At tile residence
.1 ,
of. Mr. lo Pearelt, Wingliant, Qtt
lVednesdIlY, Jail, 14th,
1-1. Brown of BeIgi by Rev- A'
ave, assisted by
SjTRANQ1-,', CO.
TJ a twenty fourth annual tnectilig of
Rev. F. J. Oaten Lucknow
this CoIIIP4l%Y Was held in Ptingaluton
of and
Rev. It. Robb 3 tile Winglittin, Mar-
on I'Veduesday Of last
I'"- .
i -A -A -9-0-0-4--t- M� � 4 j**1.j+%,jj 0 !�+m: 'I. .*'I*,
f 1 1. _110-4 . �
--R91-1 , 44 M! 1 !.. 1�111 1 9
tin Brown Waugh t �
I o bliss Clara
C'utiltes, both Willghatil,
was a largc.and representative gather-
, the policy Iders of tile sur-
Station M
, ,aster and Mrs. Stratton The atmilit meeting of tile Rorticul-
Country, over two hundr,4d
b4illg prLSent, all showing an interest
left on Monday afternoon for the gen- tural Society was. hold recently. The
eral hospital, 'Montreal, where Mr. treasurer's report showcol, the fo ow -
� -11
Wingliam, on Tuesday, jail.
20t.11, by Rev. William. Lowe, John
Ill the welfare of '.Ili% larg
porous Institution. 0 all(' Pros'
Straitou W! I I - III
11 UlIdOrgO an operation Ing receipts ,. Membership ff.". 0109-
tile Only incans Possible to prolong hi4p 1 7,� ; legislative grant, $81. county
I .
Casemore of Morris to Mandl:
DT. � 11
john Balla The pro.sident, Mr.
11tvne Occupied the dwiir
life. The G.' T� R. had a .01111man, car - grant, �2o, making a total Qtf $219,76.
AWqWA%Wq0e1W ft-'%- ",q�A%AbV4W4%�AW A%e�%.jb�,� A%,,W��4%,qqlll_
I 1 $
It j'_4eans . ,, #
. #
. r
Dollars To YOU f$
is the beat spoe j, .youngest. auglil.er 04 _51r- ,,.ith s I at this station to take them. I r. C. Naftel was re-elected president - 11 . I I
, I Ileury Godkin, of Turnberry credit , atisfUcti011 to 063c present and Miss Stratton Was telegraphed for C. A. Wells, -vice pre.sidentl and W' ; PNW-s I
in America for MICIIEL-811,1,URAN-At the keti W himself, The . secretary. to nurse a lady in Rochester, Tile I I44110, secrotary-treasurer. The lofllow� $ -jL-his big safe of 'Jackson Bros. stock means 401- .
ist parsonage, F,thel, on 'OA- treasurivr and (general manager of the case was very uricut anti Miss -Strait- 1119 compose -the board of directors for I , .
men or women, � Jail, 14, company, Air. .T. Al. Roberts, acted as . -
I I by Rev. C. P. Wells, Mr. W. A. �
I secretary. Tile injilutos of �t oil left home on F riday to attend to ; 19o3 : 0. Pontlingtoll, J. H, Rich- lars saved to you 6n a suit of Clothes or overm' .
Alichel to Miss Alatildq J., young- lual. meeting W , 110 last all� lier professional (Ijity. ,Site intended to 1 ards, W. J, Cox, V, Ilinglianij J. A . ' I . . .
elit, daughter of .Mr. .and Mrs. Hart- are read and adopted. rentaln. here whi1c, It.(r parents remain- I C. Campbell, W. Warnock and R, G. coat. We bought the entire sto k at a low rate I .
� 'lie dimctors' annual report and aud- ad in Montreal. . I C
U, V Well $Pcirall, -till of Gray. tors' report were read and ultani. . n jVowler, A. Mal). AlIqlt, Jos. Whitely, $ . . .
AN$_!kRF4BLU_At the residence Miss Elliott, South .street, lef 0* 1��ampbejl, W, Warliock and . �. on the dollar, and want to turn It into money
�__ e, bride's parents, oil Jan. ,.)I, * oil ' , were X4 ,
jIds It AudR
f , s I
A. tile I'lectioll Of three dir- John,4ton, before she leaves Iler home.. We note that Mr. Roderick MrQas- just as quickly as We CaM, After the Ist March I .
, by tile Rev. Dr. Hantion, Mr. bli3iness was s, -appointe L'.
Prices rangb from of tit Illously adopted. , The imict.order Of Tuesday to visit her sister LII r. Rvyll
(I . 14, V ectors, Dir, .John 11. Haake, Mr. john to ,spend a season with tier two claugh- sets ,the popular ticke $ L I
Air, and Mrs. William Treble t, * I �
of 4 1 ' �t agent of the
_all$ to Miss Ada, fifth daughter Grillin and Mr. James GIrvin, the re- ter$ at Newport News, Virginia, bliss G. T� R. at Stratford, has resigned -
$3.00 to $5.00 Huron street, Exeter. , 'Iring directors, w.cre 494ill n0lilillat- Myrtk. Johnston being aff etc we Intend to remodel the store and Move ou r -
. NVII,4'TER,130.N'-I-I()Ir,07-y-.kt a([ and lected bV acclamation., Mr. astllllla., - c I -d with Ilis position ill that department and � . . . . . . . I . �
. � � 014 9vall- Morgan 41toll and Mr. John Wilson has accepted the nianageinent of the .
I gelical church Ili McKillop, by tile were rt� .1ceted auditors. At a sub. Miss Babli left last week to visit her , retail store oI the Stratford I'loll,ing Own Stock of .men's furnishings' to- thin store. I .� -,
You Can procure . Rev. 11. J, Holtzivan, . Olt sequ.pitt IllLetilig of the board of dircc� sister and relatives Att Detroit $or a Co. Mr. McCassela is the son-in-law . I . . I . . . . �
. I Jail. 14th, Mr. Henry Wieitersoll to' tors Mr. Johl, Ballantyne I short - time. of Councillor. C. A. Huniber of this Before we do this we want to got Ja .
them from M I 4 s Caroline Hoegy, both of Me- ectud president and Vi 'Was at- Mr. David MAI c4l6brated the 2oth town. ' ' . . . ckson Bros, . . . I
I Xillop, .. I I Alr: lilay Antler- anniversary of his birthday by ill,�it_ 1. R II w,e can . �
.. ,
RYAN-ROWLAX-lit. Brussels Roman $On was elected vice pre,,;i . X rs - , . Whitely and Miss Erma , stock -cleared out I possibly do It. It. Is . I
cli dent. * The Ing all' his relatives here,'thirty I I
Catholic - church, . oil Jail. 12th, iret.tors' .report �N,as ill left last week to -attend the wadding , ' I . . .. I
FRED. T. JACKSON, that during tlie-past to tile effect 'number, to a sumptuous dinner � on of tier sister, the Jar entertainer the�best clotbiug and furfilsh6 . I
I . Miss Milinie, Rowlan, .second daugh- pany had N'car tile' Coin- Thursday, Four generations. werc rep- and elocutionist, 3 Ritnot. Fisher, . I 9 stock- in the .. �
. ' I Mp,lsl I . . ..
. . ter of Bir. AlieliaLl Rowlan, to Mr. I Issued 1092'1)( , )IiCies, cover- resented; his father being on 4 -visit whic . . .
. V,. J. Ryall, all (if McKillop. Ing risks to tile amount of'$I,*2,:3AV to ljis sons here. Each guest pres It took place on Tuesday at the county and the,prices we are q4oting are postive
- , I clit- first Ivrethodist -churoch, jackscin, Mich. I I I I � I
I . I . . for which they received, it, premium icol him a -handsome gjft� . . . . 111. . . I . . W .
. . . 1. � - I - The bridegrociiii- is bIr,' Tyle Blake Of ' - ' I
BIRTHS, note'; $59'6")2' ""'i's added to tile a- ' Mrs, ' 1), 1jacdona It, regent 'of the 3�Xanii1tol' last -ly money saving.. Come and see. for -yourself . ,: 1.
. .. mot.int brought forward troll, tit ,V- Daughters of a ]L� 1, *Ito visited GiAcrich . I . . .
SHINOLAL ATA . . 19, lolls year made .1 a fire tit .4111pire, preseuted .sullimer, Rev. Mr.. LeGear, brother- . . . . . � I 1 .
I HLER-In Winghain, on Jan for tile past ya 'naxilr 11-111 amount Lach of the mLmbt:rs at their first in -jaw. of the bride, perforined what we are doing. - .1 I
S is the best Shoe'Tolish S I tile wife of Mr. Jos. maliloy' itf a ear Of 4284 Pollelei, fitecting this year with a copy of tj � ,a the . I . . . . . .. ..
. daughter,' - ' ,155,604,148 -of weddi . . ..
.. ' 'risk and $208,571.11 Ing ceremony. Dr. J. .B; Whitely . I ". I . . . . � I .
TOWN -:111 W pr,�,nJuill note,;, from In first annual report of the Imperial Or- left on 'Monday p. in. ,to attend the I .. . . I I ! I
I #
- ___
. -_ -_ --- - .
H Beware of imitations . H roxater, ou. San. 13th,the which was dv� der, Daughters of. tile Umpire and wedding. I I .. � . . . I . . � � I
wife of A-fr. Geo. Town of the Got- ductcd tile ealicellcd and expired dur� Children of the. Empire, . . .
. . ' . .
I which are named to I , ton House of 'a son, I Ing the vear I in alliance Tile 1. 0 0. F. installation took C-LOTHING TO . . . I
. 2,37,+ . of � l6aVillg 3187 Policies, with -tile Victoria, - League, London, , 11 I ORDER ' .
FOXTON-In Turnberry, oil Jal� 8til, ,54,26 risk and $163,552..52 Ili Ung., and tile Guild place at Oddlellows' hall on Monday, $' � .. � .. . I � .
N sound like Shinola. N tile wife of Arillialil Foxton of t � will preilliuln 110tcs, less, the assessment o I of LOV I Woolen, tbe ceremony being conducted by . J, .- I
, i
0 0 boys., , � � .. tile Past. year which amounted to $6, f ,South -Africa, ,Ili it. .we note the foil- 'U. Prondlo6t, Past D. D. G..M. The 'You can -save money.ifyou, order a spring suit now I
. . . items ; Florence Nighting . .
. . "14, leLving a preinium note.-capit- r, Goderich, has undertaken to ROIIgvje, I. 1). G. * j,., W., . ..
Shinola is the only I .� . . DEATHS.' ' . .. 8,52.'- lowill ale newly elected offic�ers are.; N. ' D, instead of waiting -for a,month or two. There is not'4 . I 11
L C I I ap t9l. - .!
L .. at `11 hand Of -$156,700.28, 'the assess- Smith, N, I doubt of that. I I
.. I . 1. .1 . able face-vallm of which is $1 . furnishilleChildren'sr Ward in theAl- r,, . ,. p. Lawrobili ; oe, V. 'G. -, W. . W. . The woollen stock must b' tedUcied and *- . , � .
--Ill McGillivray, oil Jail. ' ,. 70�094-92. , r I . . ,, e ... 1111111
A The Original. A - BICE 1401, . exandra ]to's ital when, complete.� MaeVicar, Recording Secretary Z .Dr.. . .1
'aged 76 I 'the , expenses of management coin- , " we are selling suits made to order at from $3 to $� le -1118 �
, .bits. Gilbert Bic�, vLars,. pared wi.th tile nuln-b4e of: . The uittlert - to build a hl . � � - � , I . ,
policies 'in by tit -,'.I , Financial Secretary ,, C, . - . . I . . ..
. .
1. .
BONTHRON-In .Exeter, on �aii, i6, a xbri""F Chapter o than Jackso n� Br pri I �1.
SHINOLA . I force show the average cost per polic f. Goderich A ' Nairn, Treasurer ; J. X. Prou& � os, ice.s. .. . . . . . ��. .. I
Mr. Jauies Bonthron, ,aged .89'.to )c 'lie, . I y and' by the Duches's OV York Chapter , I . .. . ... . . �
years and 5 itionth.s. . I , somewhat to.%$ 4haii. one half (if ,,If(;() . foot, R. S. N; G, ; Robert-Cainfibell' I . I I . '. . . I . . . 11 11 I
. . . . gh- sejaw, both of ,%thich chp.pters ,,, - . 1. .. . I . . . . . . I
the average. cost ,per policy throu I S, N. G. �. H. T.'Edwards, .War' PA . . .
� L91111,11-3-lu, McGillivray, on the Sth,. Out , report the .near . , nts Made to 0 rderfor $1.98 , .. , , , * .. �
I the picivince. The raccipts. fr . . completion Of tile den:; T. W, Nairn, Conductor', I . I .
Patronize the New Shoe Store . coll., Oil Jati. Istil 'Miss Lowis, all .sources Were ()tit Work � . . Lain ..J. C. Sutherland, R. I I I I . . . I I . I . �. � .
I .. I daughtu of IVIr. I . $12i277,3o, The ex- '. ' ' S. Csa�. � I . I � I
. . Williani, Lewis,. f petulitures .and disbursements - during 11 A oanine, hichsion" is the latest., Captain J. lIlacdonald R, , I .men's Pants ma& to order from good qttality, Canadian ' � . . .
I aged 21 years, ' � . . . .1 I I 1. I me- I . . Tweeds, well and carefully madei look Well and wiI4 I � .. 11 I .1 ".'r., - �
oes. - jo I - vear were 97,5,3s,6i, leavi - IRdV in town was bitt -by so . Downing, Chaplain, :S" . S, ;� H ,
and get New Sh . the . A ell - I I . . � .. � .
. - IINS-Iii- T'sborne, Oil 14n- l8tII Ili bank and ou'liand. to tile . ng cash body,� ,)at (Ing and now '�;Ilc 11 . 11 .�tand any ainoun it guaranteed,, spec-
. . I .. n tile I ;- t of hard wear, ft I
. E-lizabeth, second daughter of Alt ' . amount of, wound I% liettled she calb; It the 4- Miss Lena Gundry is 110.1ile (or , a . tat price for sale ..... ;.. . _ .. .. I . I
I r- $4` ;.79. . The- olascits of tile coll, � 1.11'.., ... 11 .......... � .............................. I F1.93 . I . 11
.. .
f . . Rich. Johns, aged 55 years, 8 03 puny bove. .Now the 11 think he holida?, rest, having graduated front � . . I I �
. . now-ainowit t6 $M2,20145-- TI . poisoner' wi tile I . . I I I . . . . .
. monthi and 23'.dayg. I I le. "I'll'- can 90 oil with.his work, ' � ticago. Training School. � . . � �',
. - I I I
. . � � ber'of losses adjusted during the year . . �� � '* . : I I �
PTC1Q1 R�In 'Exeter South, on - San. At die residence of Mr, W, J. Rai' . O' - Tiiursd Pants r1ade I to -.Order. for $3.65 - . I . . ,.
' ' s Pust were 6,1 nine of which were caus- .� " 11 ay� evelling, a nut-nber of - - . � . . .
I . ) � . ..V y, t Ito our yopug mail met. Ili, the lecture I I . . . � 1. . . I I
, 1.90 I ' Margaret Sto:vc�ns, ,relict - Pf ed by lim, amounting W -$j696.62,') the s a * ,Oil the evening of Vicil-et D'a . . � li.,,.'s Trotusers made to order Jrom fine'im, oited wor- ' .� . . I
e � p the late . Jo)hrl Spicer, . age . 2211d of January, 'the Misses'Ranisay room of' the North street church.to . . P . . .. I . I
years, *6 � . 9 . . steds and Canadian tweeds. These are, some of Jack- . � ......
. -r�niiiijiing s4' being by lig itnin ,., . a- '' ' pr9gre. . form a - branch of the Brotherhood of I �
Ff eg. T. -JacksoR, � , d 76 r -�
I held' a most ` . .
nonths, and ,yo da � enjoyable, ssiye son Bros. regular 15 lines but if you � Order. during ' I . .1 ,
., . ys. piowiting to *1;2�o&69, or all. average 'crokiiiolc Party,, About. thirty invited , ' . I
__ _ - - __- 1. COLLINSO'N�ln Hullett, on January , St. Paul. Tito.. only otber.,bratich I .9 I . � . . . . �
. . If � O.i6 eh,: tile majoii -ticipated, in. the evening's . niza- . this great sale we will. make you. a pair icir ............ $3.65' . .1 I 1\ ""I
9th, Wil 011, aged 74 . "'a guests Pat . I .. .
HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR SAL for aniniaN killed, s( . I . I - . $ ..
� o 5 '�a ty of sa � .
I liam Collihs' � established at Toronto. The orga � � . . �
. E., , , )me few .1 I . � I . . .
. . ,lijoyment; Miss , * t strengt 1. � . .
. I ilelit , L tion has grea I . I I .1 . 1,
. . . years, 6 ffioutlig..,and ,24 days;.. ' * . for dainagei to) buildings ; tota . A Nettie Ramsav won I It in the. United . . I . I
. . I
. McCOMB-Tu Blyth, on .Jan, 1,,5th,'T%lr. lo'., " . . .1 tile Prize, a lovely bon ))'oil � di. -whil . ,states ..'Wo.know the citiy,ells-will all :. �. . . .
paid-, $6 . The compan sit , �Ip thesf., yciling -men Ill their -grand - ,.$12.00.Suits ]lade to . . ., . . . . I
.,sL. ,405,31, y the booby prj�e tell. to tile. , a lie � . , I I . Order, for *$8.90 1 1 I
. The undersigned offers his hardware . Orcive, Westminsier,.,- oil -January looks for*iird to till increased busbuiss . ' lot of MISS . . . I � ' ,. . 1 , . I . .. . I
business for sale in the village of � i1th, John Ferguson Mocrae,' aid- for'the ensuil - - Birdie Walters. � Allss 1,�ditjj MlIIjIOI_ 'endeavor tb raise the.'moral' standard , . , Sj�its tjja�de tb oater from lictoc . . $ �
Bavfield. - � I . . est.scill of Rev. D, L, AfcCrac. . ... . . ,ig. year, . . - � " fitud and her : brother,,lifir, I rve' An this' Canad a 'of ours, . . . . .1 . I quality 4.11 Wool Cana- ,� . .. . , I
. . . . 1. Ha . : #
� I . . Y' . I . � I I I than � tweeds handsome Patterns add c6lorihgs, sui - ., �'
. . I . I �
O'CALLAGHAN�In West Wawanosli, , . - Mulholland. 'of Ilolinesville, 'Were ,in The4Women's. Institute Will not for- . 1.
� � . I I : . .. ) i
B � . . . I . .
R. ROUATT, ayriold. - I .. I _.. - I . , - .. � able for' all the vear. around wear, Jackson Bros.'P'iice . I - I.. I . . ; I .
I . I ,� I � 11 . � . � .. I . I .
NOV. 12th. . 1"re " , , - . I �
. . I JanuAry' lgtli,, -Catharine 0 ,tt.ot , � .1 attLudance. . Miss Mulholland, .�pent get. tile oyster , � ,*. $i2., cluring' safe . . . . . .1
� . . supper and cut(irtain- . we will -mctke to I . .
1. infant- daughter of- Mr. I . 1. order and use. . . . I .. , 1 . � I
1. I
. . . . and Mrs. *� 11AS NO IIRR�W IN THE WEST. the past week also as the guest ..&tIle, ment to b� held at -tile St. Lawrence I . .1 good trim,inings,' per suit ..'' ". ......... , . I I . I
I . I . I I
. . . 1. � .: - " . . I I . ...... , � ...... W ....... . . . I I
- .
- - I . Daii, O' - Callaghan, aged 7 weeks",,� � .. I I I , , ., 1. .� Missc'.�-. Rainsay. ,Supper - was- served ,oil - ruary. �. ." - . . . . I I - .1 . .� . . .... .�:8..qo . . -, � 1. �. . � -1 . � I
I I . I � the first.. Thut,iday in Feb . . .. I . . . . . *� , .
. ' it Jail. l8th, .. . DAN Y THAT liefOr& liiidni� . . I .. . . . . , .. .. �* . . I I . .1 I
I . Q RV A T . :'. LOIN D O'N' . 'ht. The table hostes. B V- .. , . . I :
FOR SALX - BSNXIETT-Iq, . Grey, o .. . I . 4. . , . . . :� , ,,�.. . I . � ".. I
� ' ... . . With.. its Knowing. - tile s, Wirs , , cc ,, we . . : . � . I - . ' .. � 1. - * ,
. .. -a I rare chilia looked lOvel'e. Music - . � f rd ir'f ' PS � . :, . .1.. !. I., I
. I Williat - B.pnfiett, aged .84 year$. , LEADS Al,L COMVI�TITORS. - . and are certain that, Ite'r. �Art o .$ t6-00 Suits Made to 0 , .1 .� I.. � . .�. , . .
I , . . 1. the %pro- I .. . e of.$1 1.2d. � , ,
, 7�lu Teeswater 'bit Sill I ' ' . ( a most"enji)ytible avcIjijIg grwi 11 � . I I .; ....: . . . . ... . I I. , ... I 1:- . . . � . � .
A good Durham bull, ,lust two years .uARTIN th . .�oljg fillishe I , " I � I t . - ... .. . I. I
14� 1, WHAT EXTE'RPRISH HAS, DONE it will b, A T". .. . : . . �. � I . .
. P '' 1. I I a A � - .'.,' . . - ..:.. � �... , .. . � � . . . .. � . . � I �. .. ,� 1, .. I . I .
Olt], with a splendid pedigree, possess- jamIlles M`artin, aged 68' years. . . I : . - ... - - - _ on Nelmin street. . I . I . .. . , f, ,� I. I I .
. . I . . ng . tit . . . Suits *Inad ' front fine wee'ds,'.ma-' - . . I . . . . � .
' lie does two of the best strains -jVYNN-.jn Brus.wls, ..on J". 2Otfi � - I . . Aliss Gra;lt iry . - ouths that'ibe, . ferialse to our or" r . id any a � q . . . ,� 1. 11
. . .
' � . � 1 - The Free Pres . . After the to .late . � �. � . � . Canadian. t - ,, I I .
I I , . .t;k [I "m Richard Dougald 'Morris stroy - tit ee- � mount of'hard -, .. . . I..
. .. .; is the Or' . �
"?Da.sbauls Ili the country, tile Match- Jobn Wynn'; agcol.69 . . . eatcst'� News- a- oulost enjoyable vi . . wear, y 'Our, I j
. rkarneil Iasi , . that )01� v 11 anti. -stai I
. _years and 4 , . sit w"th relatives his health by.travel exerq51se And I ' J�'kwl,n ,.�,e sold these suits. for f 16, L j.,
less and the Brampton Hero, his dam nrtonths.'�, . ... .. _ .1 ... . . Paper . I i. I '. AI as t c rA I Ontiliio-Sonla at Lockalsh. "' I 1. � - I #, - - special price du�jilg 'S�Je ... . - . : $, . p . , 1. : , I . I
. gain
I . . . .
being a grand -daughter 'LITTLE -In: Watidford, on -J' * special FLtiiw 1 7e . s -The Lmv Price, . AIrs." .Charles 1. �. . .. � li-edicitic, lt�-hud..to leavi, all, lie.,lbv- . . I . � � .. ., I .: ....... � .... ..;....�---..- -Sir:25 , . ,. .
of the 'noted an. Isth, A �d oil , - . . .11 . . , . .. �
. �'. . i '. .. at Doty : rL,tirut; .. 'I 1 . '. . . . I I . . . I . � I . . �* "..
bull Abbotsford, the: first prize bull at Crai relict. of : � .cot b0iind� anti 'his .4pir't.soarei to. .1 I. . . . I ..
.. Agnes the , late ' Which its Tit: ec'Editions- A Tjlll�sday last frqiwa pleasant 'Visit at ' I I . 0 .�. , . . - - . . . L I... � . . . � . . . I
I " . I . . 1. Iternal' sh6re- Ott. Thursday. For - . � . .
- . 1, 'late I -as. . . � ly, . re Sold. tford. - . the e . ... :- - I I . . I
J.1 'L . _ . . . .1 . ''I .. 1
1. .1 * ' : I . . .. �; . ' I yea .Voting -inan I ived �j it. I . I .... . . . I.. I . �. . '. . � I - I -50 . I ... . ..
air. . 'Stcr of the . _-i_ - I . . . . V� -00 6u its Made -to 0 Omer for, $4 3..
the World's F ' � �. ittle, s' . Firan '
:' Craig of Morri Lrx'the -deceased '' " . I . I.. .... . . .. . . . - I . .. .. . . . � .� .1 . . . _
TYNDALL BROS., Clinton P. 0. S, .aged 78. years,* 7 'tile London Free . Press' Printing. A timst -: 611pleasant . a6air -which Ain;:1VIan,, but'leing fond of a I n -rade to oirdir* front fincij�mpoited � ' I- . .. . ; I
I � . . nouths ind i5- days. - - ' ' " C y, Linlited" lia . ;Iliglit-have tLinninated fatally wdi re.- Aw � ) ad- .. ,. �� Xen's suits ,� *. �
. ..I a I .. I .. .()Iljl)all ve 'entered upon .. . .. . - twee0s'd.fid-1. ,,. . * 1.�. �. �. .
' - .
___ . .- MCCOMB--lit. Olyth, on Jail.* 15th .Mr. the ncW.)Ta ' ith frc-�h evidencc� ,of .ported on - Tuesday fj;OjIl Calneroll venturb he'left his northern hortic to. - . `w6rsteds, some of Jackson Bros. Vest materials are .. . I : ,;. . .. . I .
. .1 r W1. � . I . . 'j, � 1, . .
. I scA' for� gold Ili *KlondykAi fields. TAk- ..� I. ... .1 .
. -
LAND FOR SALE IN HULLETT. .4111'es XcC(;jA, ageol, 77 years.... : ilia ul)ljjltlajjt enterprise * which has., $treat' Or'Vicibity.' Mrs'. Ciir'ter,.-u,bO, _ I I � ,� - I161cluded I iiii tbis'lot, , Their. prices -rahged-Irbin, '$i8 � - . . I.. I. !� .11 �. . . I � �1111
. $� . . I . . .
. 1.01 Ing fevc�r ,on the route h6 returned to ... .. � . . . . I . ! 1. ,. . . . I
- . . , . . . !19 tile sale., Pur.price 'will 'be .With good . , ' '. ... . . . . �
. b1cDOIX-In Hullett, 1 Jan, .!18tli, a-1ways characterized- that newsiest and d6cl soine ill4ths. oil that * street Winn' . and ' ' went to tile 116spital - " , I - .I. . . . - � . . .
� fes. tri . dur
I 'Rebecca Little,:Nvifc,of Air. R( � g, ' Jf - I n the Northwest, 1peg. Inj In ... ... .. 4..- ....................... I ........ �.. � ... I � . . . . 11, I. 1 7 1 .
)beA Illosi 'wi -after'bor'returit, ftol gs � � .
f .the bi dailies 0 � . ' .: . .. '. . . . F.13-50 . . I I . � I
'The undersigned offers for sal there. for' treatment. Taking - ctild af�.- �.. � . .. . �. . - I : . . I . .
�, A, - had -gro'lle 111) t6Wn to CIO s6me .,;Il( , . . , " . . .: ., I .. . . . ,
a a L . .. . . : 1 . . . I _.�:. ., �. . � . . . 1.� - -11-1,
, , es, - AlcDole, aged 35 year.,,,. ii. months.- tfic'l�'est. N o exp "Il.,ie. i.4 spa,r.cd to ob� . 'P- ter his reeover� ll� Weiie to-Batiff san- . � . . . . . . I . . , , ..
I . I I � ,
parcel of land consisting of 3o acr ant.1 23 day%. : �: . tile late' -*It' it - '. . Ping, returning to he,. holile .� .. .. : . . .. I . I _�- -��, - , , ... - . �
being part of lot 11, con. 3, Rullett, .. . ... . . . 1. . . tain . cWs., I """"'it 7 itariiiiii and other .places,.*but finding I I %. .... ,,� �. I � � - I . . � 1 . . - - . I . o
. . . ,. I � I . � �. I Q.. m...S(jjIie'Auau I .. . � . . - . 1. - �.. 1. I . .. . . . . I . . .. 1: ''
- .
____ _ � .. I -1 17. - Ili; 'this* important ' . I . ng .w er . � . I . � . I . . i
The lot, which is five miles from Clin- � , . . . � . . I . I . . . 7The iftagement of . to6k ,'her by the himself g'ro,�vi eak hL' .xeturned to . .� . . ... � . .
I . . . . . I � . jlaily IlaVe jll.�t est i throtit'. saying, __Y6tj,re tile one , I . .11ens' Suits;: Read -11ade '. - I - . -'r. � I '' . I ,-.� . . . . �
. . -1 Want;" �1;d tit ' .I) . . . � I Y.. _ . , .. L. , .
It will be sold � . GLINT N , ' ' I .. Al a' speci, I his .,'old - � .
ton, is seeded down. .. , ablislitt . rew� tier 'down. Her - holne. He S cut sOlue filll'� I., I 1. .. . I . . . I .1 . . . . . . I . I.,
I .. 0 , - .!-: co - t' news:gathcrera s in last summer. - ith his sister; Mrs,. . . I . . . . . � I .
. I . - . ips of. 6iflan' I I . ,- . . . . . . 11
on term . . �, . . . , i� . I . . . . . .
easy s For further particu- � I . .6rics. br6ught oille .Of. tilo'nei'l "* . . .�, - . I . . .�
I . 8 . g Ilicirs C, . . .- I
I , I i . . every sectioli of tlio� western part .,of * 'eOrge, Stewart, where lie had the best U m8y wait or -man ..
lars apply to , � . - I . I � . . out, .and -th� , . .,.-, NO 'fl, y a. long. - .day bef6re YOU'. get a,. '� � '' �' � . ,
MARBLE. .... '�� �.: : tlie� 1�rovinvc. These siiacfal'corras�pon rallian ran. Mrs:, Carter medical skill to call upon him*,. and ,.' � I . I � I . I I m "I
I ..� . t she had n6ver. 9cen 6r .. a5- � .Ch,anca to* &et a suit of clothes as ch6ap. as this again. We, . . � : . . .
� JAMES ST. JOHN, .. . I .. . .1 . I . Aelits have been -placed at'their. ii�llle_ rh thinking .that lie was much better. he . _ t) I �. . . � . . .. .
. . , . . t' 0 I& . - . . I I . .
I.. AlqD - . I.. . diate'. sL-rvive the wires .2,'.i1'.nt before. She.left for Toronto - -11 t .1 - havebut deep int i . $ 1 -1 �'.., '�,
Holmesville, P. -0, . � - telegraph of . Oli-Thurida ' I ' ret rued .to Alani o6a, OuIr. to fes, . o Jackson *Bioslprices'. Every. suit must, . 7 � '. I I
sI I I I " * . , .
. � .. � �. .::�:... .1 '' .� I �
I ry d egn , be. relied - up6j, .to ,4iiilati .y W ierb her limband has -a. that the climate was- too severe: for --be sold i f W e, can possibly do,it'.befbr6 the � le . I
. , oll� - I �.. . I . . .
Dec. i6th. . ANITE WORKSP 'ftilile count I 11 . .1 I �
. .. . GR' .. .1, .. . 1. . ruish Ili quick and crisp, %tyle.ever . . .. hint, .Hearing so'much of.Dr, Clarke's, . �. . i it , day of. I . I . .. � �
. . .. -1 11
I �. . .. . . .y - Fred. , liefier :is taking - lessons I ill. . M rch Not'a-doubt ab es�'b i - . . .;,. ."'', I
I I I. .
, , , - a and Ito 'with .pulmonary diseases he . Ing , I . . . . ': �
_ . � . -The�hvsit, class of.work ,' � . lia�I)PLU-iiig.,of:,Iti,ier6st.. � . .., � . 51r., E . skili-at his private hospital . I a . out these pric eing, money SaY $ , .
. . , I . . . . . . . . . .. I .
procurable'.' bits. . .� . The great * u 11 , , - On tile Pipe org n at St'ftitfiird §V-`rO`i ; . . . . ., I .. . . . .
. I I I
.. .. t � I . .. I I . . . . . . . . .
TUCKERSMITH FARM FOR SALE. . been . . I ews�co, ectilig agencies will soon blossom Out as.a: first class wekii there and reinained' until death' . I . . . . . . . I . .,
- I . nidnufactui ed, hepe 'for . . of the World. Will coutint1q. to � -�UPPIY church organ'i,.qt ' ' I._ . . - .. . . .. . . i . . � I . .
. I . . � I .. ,.., . freed ji-lin ifrain all pain and suffering. - .. I ... � .. . . . . 1, . . . . � .
- . I , .. inany years past., '. . the-Yree i)ress with colilplete cabl� and. T I . . , . .. I . I I
. . I I . , . :.. Ito. annual , nwtilw . ,of the A�,ept He was I . I ,. . . .. . .. . �. I .� .. � . . . .. I 11 .
' I . . tdIekraphic reports. - , I.. � Iiiiich beloved by his mother, I I ' . . I I .
. .1 .. . . - I .. . .. �. I . � . . I . I �
The undersigned offers for sale that , ' . , �. � . .;I ` . , � id . Alien's .5 . I I . . � 11. I � : � 11 .
WOR"T ,6411 -on. you it weeka , ., , I . Huron Agrictiltural Society �was -he . t1its at.$2.9.8, . . . . I I I I J,
Choice r5o acre farm on the Huron WE. � I - . After � "I , rs'anol-sister,and is ttow_dei_�ply . , . . . . .. . . .. . . . I . . .. I . � � . I . . .. . ,
� I w sporting events Of i '�! - with last. week; One 'iluestioll- asked :a- ' . � � . . I. .. 1.
. I .
.. . your bereA.vernent. - 411c ay � � . I I I � I. I ; I - lilen's T�Vead Suits, well 4n . . I ' . � I .t I I . . ... .. . 1. I.. . � 1: 1�_
. . " - cOlublent .I, , an� I '=d.' In his Garbraid4clays . lie . , , I .
Road, Tuckersmith, one mile east of'. . UIC, , readabilL . upon "� - � . I . . ade, good lining throu glioutl - : ' - � I.. I I '. - � _. : . ,:1 ".L,
. , ,., . � I .11 . pros niong, 11w unany .tions - Rilles first jor � made froin �66cl .quality of .tweeds t � � � , . I
Clinton. New frame house with sum- 76 .1 . : lica-clits i1v kill lit$ of lie direcitors" , It. v ,.� , ! . .
(luot, ,L, great . sligges t Q. - tile I ad ., '' I !
WON'T ljaak� the. Work. fo suit Peet 'I _d by
. , . - - . .iv6,i dLpartmei - is 2nost ,sat- .� . . .1 . 'hat will stall , . . � . . I
. . I - the price , � - I , I . tiLdreliged :�- the JAC captain John Say- ,..'hard wear 'Jacks B ' '. . .' I . .. - '
,. . " - by � I
mer kitchen, first class bank barn,' t ,: tip,�ke . . .qpo�i 'Will be. given in.-comprphansive .factory iz. : ", What: sllal.�&do I 1. I . I . I on res, prices prices weri $5 $6' - - .. � ,., . I .
. -
drive WE-VILL -� , I it '. � , . , V .1 tie . ... ., : . . . _ . �;j
116 Pelee t - bit munner. ' . . . .. . mour- The . IlOial tributes laid ivitli . � . and -$7 1 i�i clear thaxi� -all at'one price r t] !s a *- , .. I , I . I � .
shed, hen house, pig pen, silo,:, . the Work. - ` : 1.' . 1 I I . . I., . I to wipe out the remainder (if our Ili- -_ ; . fo,.. "he al . �
two wells, windmill, and small oj�- � . . I . 1!;!in hands upon the casket, were I . � and. -you can take y6ur thOice of this lot.f6 ...; - . ...
ted.new; . I .11 . .. I . . .. . , _r.. ......'., - $2,99, � . .1 . . .. . .
' As all illustra debt-colitiess . w i i0i a oti bcallt5 I; -11�c belonged to th6 Odd- , .. . . I . ?. . . ,
chard.. The Bayfield river runs across WE WILL'., give you,the choice of Oe slitiperAlte Free amounts .to . b t Ifu . .. � I " . .
I . . i � . I . �. . , 11 � . . I .
I I I �. I .� '' *. .1 . . .. . I .. ". � � " � .. I
. I produt-tion of the Work I �L�s leads in Canadian journalism. 9450 ? " The allicers - elect - art! ! ,; C 8 I . .. . . . � � 1. � . I I.. . . I . � . . , I
back end of lot. Thirty acre I � 1. -. ' . ' . fello,,�,,,' Ittid, -Fore, t r ' lociges fit Man- . . I I 1. . . .. . I . I .. .. .
. . . ) �
is & . � . L . people and.repro- i'tob-aand dic orders Acre attefided,the I n's - at - $7.25 , - ' . '. ` ' .' ., . ... I I � I I . � � I .. .. 11
the finest of grass land. This � darti6lis of scelies of iniLrest, are � dentS, W. ' -F; Clark�,'Iiiaac, !QW4, Odolfelldws Ili , [till' regal lit. .� . I I `Ile .. I Sui I ts. . 1._. I . . I I I . . .
S of flats.'. . . . . , in' design And- inatreial - Portraits of �notable President, J. C. Alartin , Vice j'resi- I . I
situated, and , W . . r(!gtdayiy;_ she'd. *, .. I . . . . I . . I .. � , . . I I , . � � : . I . . .. . . I.. .. . .
splendid farm, well ,g are thb ONLY prae. ' : firni . I . .Jr., 0'. ��% Sittlitly, Col. Varcoe, John . . . � .. I . . I
. �
. . .
. n . I . � . I ,rson. officiated at . %, welt ifiade : a -, .. . I 11 � . - I
will be sold on easy terms. . I al njen- ib Clihton ii I . Rev. James Ande. Mon!s fine. qualfty all wool tweed ,quit I not . : � .- I : ,- , " �, ,
� I . our line. . The latest -and accu rate, it% arket � Barr, W. V, Yoiing,- Robert Thoinp� The , Ained' throughout, new stviish *Cut, will keep, t air. *. .. . . . . � ...
.. Do tint be I , re , 1 )ionic and grave. ..'pal,lbearcrs were I - � I It' ! I. . I . . I . ". - 1. . � 11 .
. .
ARTHUR COUCH, ClintOn - ' ., jalk�d into placing your pbrts are a specialty - iniportalij -son, d'. A.. Humber anti W.' V, Alur- color. and give excellent Wear - ' .. .. . . .
I � i
.. . th, threo, brothers of.the deceased, � I the Jackton .Price was " . . � .. . p � . I
. I Order without Rest call- -feilinic. Variners and business men nev , Secretary, . James Mitchell'; J e, . 1. . - . � .. ., I . .1 . I . . .
June 9th. � . � . . . . . (I the value . * f rea' - L . 6fts Of Buffalo, Edwin:of AOughtoi . $40,: 6111� sale price,,, ... ;"...-...-;i ................. ; ...... ; ... � $7.25. - � I . . 11 .
. . . . . I ng%un il% I .1 . who have experience I T " sore , H, ��. ,. Watson ; , Auditors, . . . 'I : , . . . . � . I . �
. I' 0 -' Mr � Geo, - . .. . I . . I . , . ..
. . I ; . . :,: , ., . . W. R..Robertson and W. ., .Man.,. and. Herbert at homia , � I . .. . . � .. . . I . . .,
. . .
.- - __ � � .1. .4 . . I � : these reports. -find them' indispensable . .Lalle� . � . . . . .- I .. 1: . ..
I . . . Tha . Women's . . Page is ,. a f I cature of . The Young People of Victoria street Stewart, -.brother-in-law, .Goderich, and - � . m . r1en's, Pants at $1,25 , � , . . I I. . . �. V,�
. ' 4e ME J ' B.' HOOVER fiis'lifa long friend -4,- Messrs. Gavin H . . . . 1. . . .. ,�
- , ^W� .9 ^ ^ -IMNA t' Ne f a . ' "' ' I rday's Free PnLss ; it,contaips Im . - . church jield a Pleasant'.At.. Hoine .. at .. . . . V . . .. . . . � . . I . . . � I . . . . . . � .
I � N, M06 6 . '. � 'S � op Satt, . . . . Gmen of, Goiderich and losepli'McAlil- . . . . . 1. . .1 . . 1. I . . � . .
� . .. . r . I � I . .� .
> I � . �Xext t ' toresting new9 for. the, women Of On. the 'residence bf Air, Sliann6n', , They.' - . Too pairs' men?s Tweeol�' PAtits- dark and , light'6ollors, , I . I . I . , , .
( I 0 -Conitnerelal '.Hptol. . .. I I . . 1. I Jan of St', Joseph, - At tile conclusion � ' I I 1. . .. .. ..,.. I . ..
( I . .. � . � . , , . tario., - I . .. . intended liavin�- a 91cighing *party ' but - I ..lieavy'weightv strong 'and well madti,- for all: th . I 1. ..
112, People of Clinton( . � - --- _ 1 . . . I . I I of *tile chtirch service tit the 'grave N. . year. $ .. . "I
I I Bros. -Price was - I . .
� I .
.) � � .. ,. .. .11 . . . . , A serial .story. o . I . engrossin � g inte.re,q . -changed their illilifils, :finding'the roads - . � . . round wear,. Jackgon , 1. $2,... our sale *. � I I . . . .'' � , - 1,
, � !: - . .. �
�. I .. , , ' Ij. Rougvie and'11. W. BAII performed . . . . . - _... � I ............ ..'� . . .......... 4. P-25 - .., . o I I � .
� t were fit poor cc) iditiou lot enjoynient. . � . . prio�e. per pair_ _ ..;_ _ - - ili. . - .
0 To and Surrounding . . i TWO HOUSES FOR SALE 11 - As among tud nuintroits other. depart . We have* . been presented by blis's the OtIfellows' service. ' . � I . -, I. . , . . . I I .
.. . . � .. . t . . . I ,... . . , - . � . � . . .1 .. .1. . 1. I . I . I . . �. . . . .. . . . . � I
<a Country ( inent& of this pplittlar,jOlirnal., - . Beatrice McColl -with some -cim<i Aft, Fred h =ad fioln - . . - � . . , . . ,. .1 I I. . '.
' : .. . . . .. . -------- 1� . .. ..... � , - . . I . . . .. ... ..
. 'ite . slic ns . , . - . I . I
ZZ . .( ..The undersigned 0 �rs for salt a 1 X The .. Vroe ' Press is now a tell -page of .ewc� front Rock Lake . . . I . � .11 a very pleasant visit ELL , .. .- 11 I 1 . - I � . �
�') I . . td q;n'd I .. . . I . I I . . . . � . . I
. **" < , storey, fraine house on Victoriit street newspaper claily,..wl�h.. sixteen Pages blr� McColl has ret ' tied fjoitti -Sud_ I:iuff alo. -:' I. I . I., . . � I . '.., . .. . 1. I I � . . . I . . . . . 1. . .
. I
< ) . < > ur . . . .1 1. Clothi I ... I .. � 1. �.` . . . I . I . � �,
. South of tile, railwa:y track. Small or- on Saturday. it fa - 4s;suad Ili three edi- bury', He . I ng for , Bo ' , . . .. .. . . . 11 I 1, I
.. . . looks very.. well after his Mr.. Hardy exhibited a bird - and .. , ys. . �. I � .. . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . �� �
� � I
lr\�Ie business 'Of the .1 . chard, good well. stable, etc. . tions -Illornillg,� two -6�cl ock Lake anti - tlie� sold it for 'L$2:50. The - , I . . : - I .. . . , .. �* �_
< L Al > . I , . ock and even-; suiumur's'work ,at R purchaser : � .
year�902 is done. You . "'I �wall frame house On Slimes Ing. The earl), morning- issue covers' fatter place. Mrs. McColl showed ns; claims that he resold it for $too, It Mothers can save Money on.suits or overcoats for their . . I I
I I . I . � I
. . .
. street, near the knitting fact6ry, X tile West frorit *five to eight '-hours, a % i& Mr.- bo . . . I .
,olivettir spoon manufactured front jl� did lie -should have' presentc ys if -they come here before thi� sale- is -ov . I
have given us a ,bigger � 'acre'of land, g000 well,, etc, , - ' ahead of other competitors, It is cir- coppet at Rock Lake, Bruce Mines. It Hardy witli'a $5 bill at least. � - - . . Ver. Jackson, - . . - I . . I
business by far than you Wlll-.be sold. on eas. terms. . dillato(l. � in every city, toW4 -and scomed to its of tnord beauty than one � : - Bios. kept one ,of the best Stock of boys' clo' thing in Hur.� , ... I � . . .. ..
, . � 814SON. I . . . I . � .
I " JW8. ALLF, village ill.western Ontario. Tlia'pricc 'Of gold 1yould look Alrict, (Major) Ileck is visiting her � . . . .
have ever extended to US- -' Clinton,' Sasivary-6th. ' - , � . . � � but it W01114 slot, * on county. While this sale la�ts you can3'buy. any, b ' . ',
'' . . � I �' is $3:per -yea * r, delivered at any po§t- .Of course� cost so much, , - - ' , brother,iii-law, Dr, Arinstroqj where , � .OYS, ' � . . . .
. � � . . . i I ,� , office, The 2 O'C . street, Wife she, will spend two or three weeks. ..suit 4ithe store'at A good deal less th n. I . . .. I .
before. We have tried . lock and ,tivening pd- Air, Vaustone of Nelson . blrs. 1.4:,Card left last week to spend ... -1 .. I ,. . I A their price, "' I . I . .
, 1. . �; . � . A tioni; are cacti -�2 per annnul � at your and liainily, ,accompanied by Mr. Rich- . - . � .1 . I 1 . . : . . . . i � . .. I . ...
to, merit all you have I I . HOUSE FOR SAM - postotrice. . . I . I a week or two, At Muskegon -as the . . . I .. - I . . �
. I
and thank yo . u ( : I :: - . , , .. ' . . ard Vanstonc,' drove to Ashfield on gilest of tier daug%tcr� birs. Robert . I . .:28 Bbyol. Vreizlo and Tweed Overdoats,,Ileavy..Wclgltts,goo(I I I . . . I . I
. I . . .the ever-increashig circtilatioli , has Saturday, 'evening and spent butithly Btirns,, '. .. . I 1. �. . .WeilTing qualities, just, t . I. . �.. . � i
The undersigned offers for stile- a I . he thing for tt� kuoc - .1
> heartily for it. Looking ly made it iieccs,4ary'to Install tile very. with thefr'relatives there. I . ,. I t- k -about . �� . L� I . . .
. Z e cottag ve bedto . Miss -Etta, .1witchell spent Tuesday I coa I Jackson1s:prices were $4 and $5, our sale price $2.,25 $ , , .
I Oms, latest improved fast runiting prCSS(,,j Tito protooluade at the Coliegiate lit- with tha Misses 1hirry, having come s 1. . . �, I � . . . I . I 11
>> bick over the past'.year larye dining�roiotn, parlor, etc, Situ- and visitors to the city will al'Ways stituto ,oil Friday evenin'tt opened tile , 11 , , T o Piece �uitij 'ZCS 22 . to 126, Ili, fawns and � , � � . � . I
. ryterial,conVentioll. . I St . I
ated on William street, convenient t6 ic come callers; ,tile prcs,se.q .call social 'enter tile up with'the Presl) . qy�llr W . . I I
, most of us can see wher I , wel taij�jnclltq .0 sefti-mi" Mrs, 0 o. Tholtilwou, and Owns, Pants lined, Jaak�oft's Ptices Were $4 and . .. . . .. . . 1.
the Collegiate Institute. . e tier daugh- I . ,
For further be .,,Lwit. it% operation at.the hour,% of Topics and engaganients for tile prout- ter Ada (Airs, Walters) are the guests. 1 $5� our s . ale price .................. I . . ... � I . I
<) we tumbled into places, particulars apply, 0 a a d a I . enade were : Carnival, stuftip. speech- . ...... ... ......... ....., ........... $1.98 1 . . I I .�, .
.. to- JaRles' Sc tt, 4- , in, 11 I nd 3,30 P-111, . $ , � .. . I
that we should have � barrfster. .1 .. . .. . e, modern girl, inodelites,'next year, I of Rev., Thomson (it St, Marys. Boys;' Blue Serge Suits, made from good quality Serge, I . �.. . � "I
. MRS, LAIRD. . I . pun.etuality, favorite author, new ex- The ollicurg for the current year of - Pants lined, coats:double breasted, coat� d Pants � �� . 11 .. . I
Clinton, June *Ard. - . .. I ecutive, ctirriculutill skating.* Ti;e tile Daughters of t: -n . L'
,) kept out of, and kept I . lie Empire are , $ Only, the Jadk.sot( p,rices, were $4 and $4,50, our sale . . I . I i
out of places that We It .. 1. I I I i I . TENDEAS WANTED. : studeti'ts'aLre sonic of them fine thusic- Regent, Mrs. D. Macd(jtj%j(I , Vice price_.�. I . . � I
42�___ "A- - I- . I I I . . Regents, Aim ' J%Idgo Wyk, Miss . .a-, ... ......1. .. I I ......... .... � .... �'... ...., ........ .............. �. $2,65.- I . I . .1�
� . � -4 and Dyke' bir, . . �. . , I
� . . � ... I ians., Alisses SaulL $ . I I I
should of tumbled in -to PLANX FOR SALZ CHUAP, ' - Totillms w101 be received by the coun- Cook and .several others kindly pre,5j(1- 11111.0lifio", Vro. Hortoill, Mrs. j as'. Boys' aUd NotitlIS' Odd Tweed Coats luade - from good . . 11 I
but this same thing will : _. . . . , , I Clark itud Mrs. .W. T. Hays - Secret- ' tweeds, siioini hninf!tismd� dark . I . . I
cil of tile town,shill of, 111111at up to AjiSg L , Florence Bali , I . ""' WOO' � I �
. , ed at. tho J)iatio, ary, � f6astirer, cina"'y 0 " � .
-A quantity of hardwood plank for Saturd�y, tho �/,tjj of Vcbruary,. for -We Woro'400'y to Peo 'Nit.. W, 09it- - ium q1tadco, most of them the aTnOus 14i6it . � . . . I .
again . Mrs. k. G. Reyllol& ; Ass'istillit, Miss 0 ja� 1. .
rich's naulp 1 - ilia list of caqualities, �. " . . r;
L 1 4 �t�
keep on occurrink 'Ilc,p and " �
sale . . I qn. ' Standard Boarer,Dliq,% Brand, 1. ces WUL' $2�501 $2.75 and $3, our . I I I 1
4 ) Suitable, for barn . or $111)1)IY!tlgtlle followfl% qualitities of � - 1'. I I � .
stable floor; . . but fie got off ) Blalleilt tier , sale .ice .. ... ... .. ............................. _ I . �
rock elm and tamarack plitilk , 'tty HOlt; Col ittoe of Mqpagejljojjt,Xrlw. I . I . - ......... ........... � $i.85, I :
and a in continuing , culverts, etc.. I Nith fIvo fillg4li Pre I , .
. "' ) . R, & J. RAXSV badly britige(l from cottliq ill contact I IWI . . . . I
. W prollolloot VtV,S, -Taylot, AlTs, Jor- .. . q
- ck elin, 16 ft. long and 2' With _ 100. pa*lrs Boys' Xft'cke", Illicot throughout, most of * , � . I
to.remind us and emph . Clint YX Illey and belt. . .
NOV- 011, . . on. . in, thick, delivered at Win, Moon's "I dall, WK., Aoqvrl �Irs. A, Naftcl, ' them double knee and, aeat� Jac"on llros� own ina.ke � - 11 . � . r, ..�
the fact that our I iocto ft. rock .0m, x6 fi�, long Wid 2� The 8dIdlellpivii have at last oLjV%U- At jolider'.wil, Mrs Cayley the Jaekson price was 75c� our, sale.price ' I . I I � 1 ,
. i I I elicit in tho.fac't thitt tho ir .1. ..... .... . ''I 1.
ItilOwdou 1 I . I sod .
�' f'or"e'sight is not as good. I __ - �! __ , ! 'I , ill. thick, delivered at Z Warron's noarl ir liall iow)t 1-1 it ljon, Mrs. J. L., TurniAill and I Boys' three-piece 81lit and dark tweeds, wall . I (I'll , %I
� ��iuv 'IL - . ) ! �
1,e�,�dft, 10110. plid 2�1 CaLy iIlo:fPA81IIg vtowds that ave, Miss Emily Alasocift. made and lined, 1ackso, I
Ic XOTItpl. � -_ 1"09 It, roch _ T� la)10 'b"11911 to 11414 11the Mrs, Sfack ; Auditor,4, Miss Ilay-S and � .q, light
. as our hindsight. Its' " . . ill, tbilpk, 0 _r at,R, Vexr1s' I . ft prices were $S and $6,'our I . (
. 6 . If laic, gather�d there, 1, Iluilding for sale price ... ... ... I 0
> experience we're getting I loon ft,"rock elln, 16 It. long and- 2,1,� 1) Tlitre were over 0()() 0i4-rIT)tf' '4"t" the . 1- , I ............. � ..................... � ............... $3.so 1 . 1�1
( day" 1.4; not a good way, but it is I . I . �
Accounts owing to 0. Cooper & Cot fit, thick, delivered at TAVeMillan's to . poultq slj()w 11010 hopq IiIAt wok4 on- i,.: � '1-1'. I
() and that is what we'll may be paid at 1), Maitland's loon ft, took clitt, i2 ft, long and 2/1 the inistake I of our town . . liny`q' Re"frets, lrlddO from Vey, navy and brown friezes,
store, , � The Buriti tri(IN 111whig boon "Ja4loi iroul Clinton, fahe Plaid lillhig, Jackson's prices were $3:50 and I .. . .
I coAtinne to get, But ' All accotiots not paid by the r5th of Ili, thlok, deliverod ot M, $pr%jug's .At Bottle .14vo alf 0, Collgtaj�oq fttfo#ji, 116vt Ilutoij wid . . y I
" � . ( "'to t"1110 oil r".1day QV011ing. 'Irliv lai-gest exhibitor we's . I $5, choice of tile lot for sale . ... .... .... ............. .......... 1, 'I ..
450� ft, rO0k 01111 14 ft, 10119 Mid 0,4 9'tvl Sat -uta. , $2.90 .1,
enbligh Of this. The year. Z February will be placed in court for ill, thick, (1011vered at,l)', Quigley'a T I I`e r c IVAN IV N1,04 Awliflallpo "illiatu, Catter of C11118tittlee,who . - - . � .
. 'q � .011 . . I .
S .. 16,v. Mr. ty. rdlipt Pf. DRIOW wilp Mr. , V 4, Chick
� ) 1903 has beaun. We wish c ) . �*Ilcctloll. I giou it, rook o4n, lo it. long alld 4X6, hlvty W011 bol callod the
I 6 � . . I � . tile OtIcAt tjjjA Ioolc f)f 1)r, ,,, ii. Tijrti- Is He was ilia . . � � . .
< . y perity. We 86 I do'llverod at.11. Quigley's , . . 101 of thu 00011t)". � . I I .. .
. �tl Pros, 0. COOMM at C.O. Also one 0-ar load of firlit. claos tanjor. b" � loadfijg,prizol winner, W,lr.'A. J. Origg I . . . .
icite and hope for your I Clinton, Jan. 2 1 A t. .ack plank to lie delivered atLondes- tNLjor Back IN orgallizing for tile of Clinto3i bad several splendid game,,- -1 I . . I
I . patronage to make our I . I . . . � �!,.,�e_14d�!" .�!t"!4!t!tl torn StAtidil, 20no it. of said plank to 0. 0, V, through Ulu ,county. oil 1=11ibition and swei't -all befory Ailk Afts . .
( . . , > . ! . A, 14 ft. long and the ratuainder *4 lit last week's isi.stita Of TII6 MOW,14- Ililli, Messrs. Geo�fe Barge and Us. . �
, �; Record we reforred to i te h4roi,qxit of $ . �
� �
, .�
# _$
1 1
� I
1 $
1 i 0
1 $
� I
1 $
K.) I
� I
<) �
'1�,Z 1$
< I
I ) I
A� I( ,
(1) I
, ) i,
-, year prosperous also. (1) 110M I , a dg 11 B .
14� � ` 4 FOR SALK ,'t, long allot all Of it to be 3 filet, Miss Jessie McIntosh, trained nurse, llows0k, also of Clinton, are notea . . . 114 1
1�-, . 'I" � A-� . . 1ick. Scranton, 1101111a" forillerly of Goller. bird faticicir,q and were prite winners, $ 0 I S * I �
< . . I � The 1111dersightol ollors Ilia cottage Olt Tile lowest or any tetider tkot nec. jail. Later her inother heic received a The principal -exhibitors from Goder- 0 rus I , I
"ifig Attdot for Ittle. 1 here is hard I easarily accepted. ich were . Mesms. Colin (!ftmpbeII,1q. I '. -1
Wo T. O'N"Oe'' 1 gid mft WiLterf ii good $table, Ott, I letter frow the heroic girl alid she Yoting, llowrie, and Postlewaite, Air, $ , ''I
. . Apply . . g rdatt t4harp, ,Butterfield, It .fatuous oxpbrt, . INTON' I I
I �� 1. I 0 th6 hollit. I , JAMES (!A1111.814,' 41,, Clerk, stated ill it that after the youll , � _ C
A1A,jWjA Townihip, clerklo office, I Who hall typhoid fever was carried I � 0,
1A , j.X,j
*10 1_W#�TV?_0rNV4WF JAUV4 I MINVORD, clint0#4 Jan, 20th, 1903t 2t down tile stitio( they fell in, waa jtIdge allot cojuintated very J%voir- It � , �� I
. I � . . ably AIDOA (lit whole '111OW.1, 0 . I
� I . 4%V*A%'*'*-'**6'� �q�'4k'�-ft�-ft.A6'-&.-ft�,d�4b-�A&--�A.,AaAik'�l.;,
� V
I ,