HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-29, Page 6� .14 Jobiluary 29th, 1908' FA TITZ C' MINTON XZ WS-RROMD , - 3 ­. . - X- , ... I I . I Result of Now York Export's . I - __ jOKES BY 004LEGE MEN. I TWQ 15ECRETS. 011yers to Pdtatoex. Z . I 1". 10 . 1'"6' 1 - - 111'1_1111_,� . . .. 1F 'r , 'IF " V V 7W - - 'T �, X: I= � ' 'r ' THE FISH SURGEON. i I til peeling potatoes It Is often oil, Analysep of I I � ' I __ Some ot Them Ary lbaik0d Powxi M"A Old 010 PrQ,.WA 1000 Witep ^44, Canadian -Made Soaps, I , ,. . s ye y 7. AfAthhmr of I Vrom Peperatlon, to velierlitlon. sue VU ,C,r d that the outer flesh of the tuber I I , S OPeRATION$ WHICH He PERFORMS � .. vrAmbed, nor Owp. ' Dr, Delmel TAuen-Meah Co. writes: � I 1. ­ � contains brown slivers extendlug froxii ,,We sent samples of the leading . S, - 101fow's business, Ebert?" the surface Inward to the deptb (of q1d I There are some,colle'e jeux d'esprIt I I The F001 , 'WbIell thne and the absence of their Tile old wan was washing at the, sink about one-elghtli of an Inch. These, sliv- 11 soaps made in Canada to an expert . I kldud� Perc I I "In Now York, and had them thor- . wtaiine, own Sustaining atmosphere have not sifter his day's work. era, do no harm except to slightly Injuro :: oughly analyzed. As a result of . I to Knife and shears Are Used, and the 1 wholly desiccated, says WIIIIaw Math- "Fine, Martby; fine"' the appe4rance of the cooked potato. this analysis, we find your 'Sun." 0 I Fish May Be Icept Out. of Water ows in tile $aturday Uvellin" Post -as, 144Does the store look just the same, - Usually their location is Indicated er. 11 light soap I to thoroughly cleanse . I I Thic Umen Firows, Flive to seven Minute*-Uow. for example, the reply of"a senior, W.Ith, the red geraulum In the window? ternally by a rulaute puncture In the 11 without danger to the clotbes, and . ati*gro. Ow, of Modicluelo. Are Admlulstere4. I whose class was studying mental plit, 1,And lid 11 skin. In Some cases each sliver Is sup. - � to reocet- . ,, how I'd 11 to see It wit the 44 we are therefore. plees.e4 , -S-,ecret 0 a .0 The fish doctor, like the regular 4oc- I josophy, when asked, "Does un effect salt Shining hil How does. it look, Eb, , mounted by a pronounced elevatio 41 mend wearers of the Dr. Dotme.1 � , ever go before a cause?" "'Xes, s1r; e . U4 " Underwear to Us' Sunlight SOAP '"A Terrii%c tori gives medicine, performs, surgical Sometimes." "Give ail example." "A , n?" . . ! and tubers so affected are called jilm. 04 for washlnz." 0 . . . , Eben 414. not answer for a moment. * I . . � BY MAY AGNES FLEMING swet." operations. .and superintends his pa, ply potatoes, it Soap I . , Man wheellkig a barrow.0 That student When lie did, Ills voice shook a bit. - I Try Sulillilli, -Octagon Bar- I t tients' Wet and environment. These ' The slivers and accompanying pim. grid you 'will see for yourself. 224 1 :* *..,.#.# *-*-* 0 0 "�-*_#_4 10, 1I .0 - - __ , 0 'e would certainly have distinguished Ulm- "The store's never been the same ples are caused , by minute white ____ , I . , are the principal. operations which he self at special pleadlutr IFIbe had be. since you left, Martliy,ll I . � G " worms, the laryte of the common lien ­ '_­____'__'____­ -'- I � I performs - Trimming the fish's tall with come a lawyer who, when asked. by his i A, faint little flush cameluto, Martha's beetle, which bore Into the tubers while CA=RAS � (�AMERAS . . . I fish shears when fungous growths en. professor one 'Albuday morning If lie Withered cheek, Is 4 wife ever too old they -are growing-, Naturally slivers , yet: and If you t' ink fit to ctit Illy or, to Me occasion; and last, but by. large it, stripping the fish.'to remove had attended church title day before , . I . . . actlaalwaii.e. y(.11 are pt.rfectly wt.1- no raeaus least, Miss Priscilla, Ii.,,; 1 . to belmovetl by her husband's flattery? .are most common In potatoes In locali- . I I collie to tit) it. I all, going away tills stiff, grim, sour tile eggs or, wilt that have not been replied, "Yes, oil,; I attended the First ' For years Nben and Martha had kept tie . , rigid, and.upright naturally deposited; excising with the church," and to the question, "Are .$ where fta beetles are.most abun, 5 ' ' fternoon, and I an, not'likely to its ii, chilirch-steeple,. I .you In tiny notlou:store; then Martha fell dant, It is likewise plain that to pre- P� ' . a meet them, , lance tumors, lacerated scales and 1 not Aware, Sir, that there was no serY-' sic � k I and wits taken to the hospital, I vent the appearance of slivers In the (At',`.oL1bIV yoU tiny lilt)le; but firtit FIL Eratinic new down t I . . W . P111101 tile licild of and vulshod into tile arms of Pet, splinters of bone. I Ice at the First church yesterday?" re, That was months ago. She was g,ut 0. . . I � that sweet seraph I tubers,.it Is necessary to, prevent flea cil the 1101LOrUble Aiiginittis--hanged ti who favored )ter With cL, crushing hug, plied "I mount, prof b$cyr, tile first Cameras . - Among the medicines that the fish . , now, but is . I � he would n.ever be strong � beetles from attacking the icips, Th.1 15 Q . I 8 - . I . I don't! Lady 'Fl-tililde, good-hYe I and then she kissed Miss Priscilla, .doctor gives. are castor oil for swelling - church r cairie to," again-iiever be partner In their happy best accomplished by spray tho . Pill ofy for. it Noyage to Con.taniiii- who gingerly prtsented her-writilded of the swimming bladder and nux Voll.)- I We doubt If Tom flood or Horace little trade again. . I I . , Ing. , I . ople: and if yo.'I livar that tilt, st Itall cheek for that operation; 'cu)(1 then, plants very thoroughly with bordeaux CAMERAS CAMERAS lea for debility and emaciation. This 1 Smith, quick witted as they were, could "I can't get over a hankering for � m Ix I has hall niv bow-sirting, ,ill- bastina- sbe shook hands with Mr. Toosypegs, specialist also, presides over the food ' have made a happier reply than that sight of'the iitore," thought Martha one .iure containing parls green at the - I . . . I .. . I � I I I 1. � � doed, tit- 11tched into tile Bosphorus, who repressed it, groan'of despair k rate of about twelve ounces to fifty gal. . I . , :is of the fish, Inspects their food troughs wade by a wit Ili Waterville college forenoon. "It I take It real careful, I Ions of bordeaux. The same tre I I . . I or that I hUNC COULIllitted sithide. ill- she did so; and then she 'finished bar thoroughly and 'makes microscopic ex-, (i . � atment NN11 . I . . .; HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF anything, I 1101)e yOU'll (11*01) it tCUV greeting$ , by throwing her arnis - � now Colby) of the class of 145 to Pro- can get down there. ITIsn't so far. - prevents blight and the ra.vages of po- . I . . I . � � to the IlLellioly of tile little boy in aroutild the admiral's neck', and Riss-' aiulnatlon� of tbeir'water to .see that It ; fesoor Martin B. Anderson, afterward ru 1) I CAMERAS BUT THE BUST FOR �. . � - I .en III scold,- but he'll be tickled most tato bugs. -P, C. Stewart In American I I roll11(lull.)Llt-;jlcIjets wilt) tl�ed to go Ing him, tot), I contains the proper life givitig elements J the fained president of Rochester uni- to. death." , . A CHEAP CAI�IERA IS, . , AgrIgulturist. I .. sidling Ulld IlLUb I g 10%V with you at ",Stand ficlin, underl" roared the In their due proportions. Regardlug .! versify. One mortiffig he read lit the It took a long time for lier.to drag � � . � I I -I WE SELL � . old .1tideslowil." � admiraL, Nv.jtli a tremendous burst of these matters, which are as Important 11 classroom a Sparkling essay., and the ' . herself downtown, but at last she stood � .. BROWNIE NO, 2 WIIICI . . � . I . . . Chinese Anatomy. . . Ilt-re lionty dropped his voice to lau.-liter. "So you're going to got to healthy as to* sick fish, the .loading i professor, * knowing at, suspecting It to at the.hend of the little street where . . � . I . � - . . I the d(-q-ply-pittlit-Lic, and hold out his spliced to Entity, Snowflake? Vho'd .fish. doctor ,of Philadelphia recently ! havbi been cribbed from some public � the store was, .All of a sudden She Chinese physicians have Same curious . ' AT- $2. 1 . . I . hatild 111killi-tillilly to E'rillinie. But 1.1. thoLight it'? Lordl )low pretty you . I I print . � nations in regard to human. anatomy, Persons in neighboring towns, I I I ., asked as the� reader sat down, stoill')ed. Ahead, on the pavement, The truth Is they know nothing about . . . . � .- . thUt 'N ottlig lltd,%'s hands Nvele Up be- are, allyway! And how's your fa,- "A. food trough of enameled ware *'is that essay original, Mr� Jones?" at. ood ruben. A tray liuttg'froin his. . I .who -are thinking of purchas . . . . I . . . fore her fitvt., and she .seellic(l in A. ther and that nilm-looking wonian, that -will not rust Should be used for ,$Why, yes, Sir, . " said Jones with Imper- neck, on which wore arranged a few anatomy as that word Is understood by . . a carnera, will receive an - . 11 - fitir way or ewnplying with his re- yonr mother?" Said tile admiral po- fish. 'At the Same time each dn.y I their American physicians, their jl�lnelpal ,Ing. I . . . I � cillest to tl,,op it tvar to his ineinory; litely, � I . I I I I . turbable coolness and that pasteboard cards of collar studs, some. papers of authority on,the subject being A work . 1; Eastman catalogue by drop- . . � I � for .she was ,mbl-illg awa,\ - I've- ErIlLillie laughed, air(! ropli . ed that 04tmeal - should -be put In this trough; �. � - convul. . . . look whIch he always wore, "I suppose plus and sho0aces. Two or three hold- eutltlecl "Neitj,lng,'? of which Huang ping us a card. Other cameras � . . .1 . . she was Lis Jolly as could be oxpect� Which should always be kept Ili 'the I It Is. It had lorighiall over It In the e S, W , . ly. - . I . r ere In Ills Shaking old. band, and V. who lived from 2697 to 259T 13. C., besides the Eastman can be I . I ­rhere noV.,! I've went and set you ed. � - . . . same place, and as a consequence of newspaper I took it front." I I as lie stood he called his wa . res. . . Is said to be the author, . I � I I : supplied. . Films, developing . . I . a cryin- !" excLilined 11ality, Ill A "And so you're g6ing to England, this. freatment the fish will gather It wa's a Brown' University student I- . . , . . . .1 . . Martha clutched. at the wall of the Accordifig to Chinese physicians, the powders and other light Sup.- � .. . tont., o;. rothor howl, of illingled re- 1%II,s Minnie, -and never going to come around their trough at mealtime, which who had the front to ask Pro . � - � . � I . . . . . - . tio-so and distraction. "That's al- brick?" said ',%It,. Toosypogs, mour`zI7 they, .Will Instinctively ; ree , nIze, . � its ,fessor building. She looked over the viray at - li�uinftn heart occuptes, almost th6 same - plies can be Sent by mail. . .. 1 .61.1 Ca�well whether'his name would not be ,the. little store. its wInd6ivs were filled . . . . . . � , position, as Is assigned by European. , ta,vs, i he way I go and put lily foot fully. "I'm 1-00.1, s0rrY-�--Pia dread- greedily as hags, burying.thelr noses Lis well without the 0. - ' with. fruit, and an Italian am6 nut- I Our cheap. Exposure Meter . . .I- . I . I . . I ill ullitte%vi. I go to do! I'lli it fully Sol-[')', 2\liss.Minnie, I do as� I . .. � I a I and American Physicians to the Stom- , .1 . . � . I .. . � -tit -Ocodilv! it sea-sorpent! a sure you . I aill. It's, awfully lone- In tide food when it is set before them It waSA, Brown graduate ,who at the .tered on theawnIng. Then Martha un-. aCh and bile, they maintain, has Its .t rrect expos-. . .. . . . P , I . I I ... . I ill o! it ci - ' I and o1rowding and pushing one another Algeof sixty. ledfo the hymenegl altar a der3tood. TIT one .to pay I vionstor! Dear Frininie, forgko tile! some now, at� tile cottage, miss 11 I . . I e store had g . . . or gin In the back of the head. They ure under all conditions and . ., . . I , . Dear(st Frininie, look tip and say I Minnie, I doift know, wbat I &hall In *a healthy,- ravenous and boglike bride'..of twenty,five and who, being her expenses.. She turned and hurrIed . . I . .. . . . I . � also claim that a human being has 305 pays for itself in ashort ,time � � . . . . * ' 11111 forgh't'll, or I will go holi you Ire. g6rie, tit. all -;-I MUM. The trough Should, be cleaned asked by a -college classmate how he away as.fast as her trembling limbs . bones, wh � Ich . correspond to the 3W , .by saving over an4 , und . et. exw . I . . .. . .. . I rivarv�t apothevary's and put an end just doli't!" . . once a day lest it get sour, but the wa. � contrived at his frosty time of life to ,would take her, . 1. .1 . . . . I � . . .. . ' I . days of the year; that a man has posure in -negatives.; . . ' I . � to W�- WiSt-rithh' OXisterice with it gal- "florlaiider, hold . your tongue!". ter of the fish.slicnild rarely be changed, win ibe affections of so Young a woman, - "It will -'hurt him so to have me find twelve rlbs and a woman fourteen and � I * � . . Dear, snarled Wiss Pi Even wher:Y it becomes foul . replied: "Oh, It was easy enough. I out,,, . � . I . joy, (.)I, t%Nti cf prtissic acid. . , . Inilla, "You're for- I . swelling it she thought, and the tears,trlc­� that a. man's skull Is composed of eight . . 1. . . �.. . . . I � learest, dailing Exillinie! only say, .everlastin' a talkin' ndrisense. Allss should only..b6 changed gradually�a just addressed to ber two lines of poe. I -Wed down her face. . . . . I � I . . . . . . � i � . I .. . �. I . I... _'.% . ' . . I . . . . . . . . . . I I and a woman's six pieces. . I . � . r I . . I I "Kets kept a secret rom me, and I'll I � .1 3-OLI f0l'J'J.0 WO!" T,lt.-adcd lianty, -311rinie, I wtuit to take off lily t I Ithigs- 'quart a day, say-4or to change)t all i try, I wrote, I ­ . f '' I Moreover, Ahey say tliat in every hu- . I . � hiwvlitig I)t4orc her and gently with- which is hiticonvenlent too weall ill the* I . .. . L'' . . . h . . at once has the effect of a terrible e3r- . "it love 1,9 ii flame that Is kindled by fire, keep and from blin," She said to her. man , ,I , I .� - . . 'ing her liands from beft.re her 'ouse' besides wanting to be folded . * . I ho4y.there are twenty-two parts 0. ."... .. - ­ drlk.�% - -posure-is, indeed, the same as If you Their an old stick is beat because 'tie . Self.' "Ne shan't,know that I know." . . 11 I. ­ . face. up and, put awa*, io keep them from. . . drier." . which are Important and fifty-sli - . . . . I . I y . * � .. . . . . . 1. . � should Suatch-�a child from its warin . - i ben came in, 6111- , I . . . Chemist and Druggist. . . I . . . Fri-dilie looked up imploringly spilin'." I . . . . - . I 1. That night when 0 which are. unimportant, and they, lay � �. . ,: . . I . . , I bed' d lay',It paked.out 6f doors Ili the It was a Harvard student who many ed and weary, llurtha asked. cheerful- . I . .. 1-1 throngh ht -r tcars. Erillinie smilingly-,. r4rig the . bell', "'a . . � . � . I great stress on the necessity of *akin - . . I . . . . . � . . ­() 1?zInty! �oll frighten rile to and ordered -& servant' to Show Miss cold night wind an4 snow."� ! years ago had the courage at the-sud- � ly the old question. . . ; I .9 I . I I . I . .. , .. flih r - '. 'clon app4ritl6n -cif Professor P. at . . . I rom . � . a. - .,,,(,W,s . . good care of the Important parts. . . . ... . � . . � . kill Priscilla to her room, - and, 'at It- Is not the .'detention of. - . bushiess'.111. , . I I . I . � . � . - . . . , ' i ft I - death! 11romise nio ,,%,oil will not . . -makes fl'h bonfire which the youth with other stu. . . , .. ... . � .. When you want a change � or .. - - . . ­ I yoIll-:qqf; it I.,; so wicked, volt know'?" the saine moment, Lady Ilita. im- their native, �elem6ut that . 0 . "Better . U. ever� 'Marthy," answered . I . . . � . . . I ' I ... .. . "Bel4itIVS bVitlo: di'10glWable to be pelled Perha, s' !by clu'losity, As surgery difficult, for.,they can. be kept I dents, had kindle(! Ili. the -college yard - .. . . I I . I . Korean..Scho.olis. . .. . ... . . - , ' :. . . . .. . . I . . Eben. . . . . . , ' . dinner try, our � . . � . I . . . sat oil I)y a coroner and it cloven aluch as anything else to ,see thosse ,Out of the water for tive,,six and Soil- *1 to stand and coufrout Win when, -as in' . . . . In "Norean schools the mn:ster Is I . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . --- � . I . I . . � . I . I .1 . . I a!!4(40 of jUl'.�111M. Well, I don't, if. -rustics;- as slib called them, swept, . . the case of Clasablaileti-on theburning '..' I . ­ .1. .. . dressed in white, generally wears spee- . � , , . ` I ' . . �en.mlnutes without thb.'slIghtest harm . . . I I . . . I 1. ' . M e * ;.and there Is no ciper . . . � always has a. or er �, �. . . I )rI n In- silk, , to th' . THE BULLFIGHTER. titcles and rod In " 4 jq!a %%.Ili lit-uniise Ili(- orie thing." ma.jcati(�ally� in, 'glitte ation, that Aebk. "all but him bad. tied." ' "I 'am ­ I .. IF. irozen Fre* h � � 1 %Vill promise any- and lace,' and Jewels, until.' she fair- . in . . I , , . . . . . . I . .1 . I S . . ­. . � -0 Utility! . suffirlsecl.4 11�llowsoll, to' I . that the child may not be spoiled. He � I . ... I . . . . . � __ -.requires a longer, Space of time. .. But. I . . I find you ln.sue.11 If Conseloup and the .- . 1. . . . L � . . , , - . will not do it." led the eyes, . ... . I ' dishiell- . . Pleturexque, So -In the ' - . I . - .L - . tilhill, if �'ULL ly dazz . -es It diffleliltL'IS the conipany!" exclithuddLtbe professor. "I .. llovu]Lar lle�r'o 09 sipalin. I gathers 'his flock. around him . . . _ I " �' . I , . . ' .11�ill yoll, tholigh? 0 Erininie ! Erininie. rose, kind prosQrited her as wbat-mak 6L L. .. . I . t . I I . F i0sh . . L I , notion of tbe,fl sh-to heal -After It has See 11.066dy-here but You lifid me, pro-. most. fatherly manner and deals, out L . I I . - . . L . .. . . I L yoll re it nice .N'OLI)Lg IIN'01'1011! Well, her' "sister, Lady Rita." Rer little . . . . . You could uevek wista-ke a bullfighter. . ' . . .� . . . . . qs the reply. ,. � . . . . 'Justice , With an unsparing band. � The . . I .1 . � . ' � � :� : I . . . , . I... I �Vallt, yoit to Ile illy (1.,ar, little i.idyship curled her fastidious lip' . 1, I I I. I . . L. I . . ,L, . � . I . I . WeL are crlvlbg . . - been cut., A wound to. heal recibires to - Nss0r," - w I I . .. for a mail of any. other calling. W? scholars are' dressed In their best, b . tit - , thb fish , I . it. sliAhtly, ma -de � a - prcifoundly - f ormil . be. dry. Nothing is More, L deleterious to - - - - F- . . . . . '. �. . L I . Z� . I , � I .1 . . I . 1. 2 1 .. . . .. blite-cyvil wif,-. Now, thVII, st Y Yes'." L . I . . . enforces upon .1iliuself a street. costume : -� .�pe'cial_ att6' ti6n. . -1 I . ' 'lit F.1-111illie. with 11. 1'rigiat I)II)Sh Colly-t('Sy a, - grh6ofully and super -m ,. -it than, any sort of molsibre, and hence' , The Woiunn a0d tile Windowi - tile tie L . . � must. study without their shibeS.L. These Sto&L our L . Oil . . . . . .. L I � I I L . - ql�ay.'Lu b.Xellange ill, . I . . .. I . . . . ....'.., ..., ' ' and at liLll,,. si;r1ii-h-ed servani, threw nd L . . . . . "i's Or'Nvblcll Are 'is 1mmuta6le, latter are kept In sight of. the n'd carr, a nice I . . I 1, , . . , . t' aster ciliously s'iiiik into'the downy. depths 'the troubles of. a fish. "wound . bathed . NIV by IS Lit'. it. ., .it a_ Lis' thosie of .a Soldier's uniform. kils . .in . now a � variety. , .. ,. L _. . I * ' L nt all times. The'colirse of study ISnot L' y I I ... I ...., .. L . L Ival)kull 0 1) St'itIggle it litIl %lit, ISL red In . ulust bo brus . be�d.rorwar over -his - . . . . . . 'L . . . . . " I . 1.11) Iler ilillids alld vovcl...�d hot- face. on a l�i')Ilngc!. ' L.. . " ' . and s6alced lhwatOr .all Abe -time. Ili-- . . . ..A .. . . hall d ,very exten I ut ** - ii .'British Colurnbia Salmon No- I t . L . I �. .. � . .. ' . "Now, Fradnie, that's 110 U-11SWOP . Three days after, tho.double-Tritir- evit:lvly,.. thlerefore. fish operations tire.. .1 the-1det, arid %i,cirii out b I I � sive to'look at, b lien I .. � . . . I � . . .. . � oth lit tenippr �ears, he must . be Suiootlli shave'u, lie , . . 7. I . ' ­ .� . . .. . . I I I L I ' .a . - . comes tor studying the Korean langual ' '. Scotia - Cod-, . ' * ' . ' '..' * . at 01'," S.Lid Panty, tal�"[IgL (1()WI rirv;e t00% Place jlei'�Lttcly, ,15y i the . simple -and slight'L" ' : ` . and. body by' -a wliidoN,r fit a rallroad . .-e Vft . N. anitoba' " * I ;� . I L . must wear: �A tiny . pfgtalL. his jacket . , . . I . .. . .. . I . I I tli(� 11"iltis. --Yon don't know what 11o, -e ,of ill] parties. � None btit the " . I r'ndeavors . . I through the inedlum of Chinese It ' t . . . .,it Orie of them is �he ti lininhig of tails , i train lit her valn toelcise or 'may not come below'.1lismalst linei his- . " , White-fisbYtilliberg, Georgian - . , . - . . .L. .. ' I . . a capital husband T� it make. You frii rids of C�o brides. worp p"Se"t ; , . �eularged . to tmwleldhi I ess b gl;owilii open It when ail that'a lliall Illis. to do . . I L be confessqd that the beginning, of a . .. . . I � . .. , . �. 4 L : -an't begin to have the reinoti-st idea . ' . I I 'Y 1 . slilrt s deeply fluted, a'ad In its front he . ,se'ls difficult. The Scholar Is Bay, Herri ngs. � - - I I . . . I .. .. . . . . (, find Immediately aft0.r,;L.tbe 6reibohy of fungus. In this work sharp. stlearst I Is to wallc up-luld go.over'.exactly the ., � coui . . . ; first . I I . . . . . . : . . . . .t. .111illid, sa: -Lrewells , L . f . . , I . wears as wagulficeut'a diamond it's his tau -of Chi- ' .. : - In smokod and salt fish . ' �'- - - of it. -oil know'? Collie, El 7 tile Jt wett.. spokcn, cirld . the . . I ght'tbe mi,me'anct meaning . yv!­tIiere*s a good girl." , bi-idal cortege. drove clown to -the with bindes'.0cidly curvedw-fish shears:�- - satne line of action that.shobas Already - �qftriffii­s and'the .glftsE of,�IIJS Admirers ., . I ., . '. . . . L 1. i . . nese c iaracters and then. their meaning ' ' , , I . � I .:' . . I � " () . . -nor - rivey them.to'. ,are emlAclyed. - The fish Is lifted from exhausted, and -clown come$ th.0'refitte- can-su;jily. *hen �e walks the 'e ' ; . .we ba�ve Labrador� He.rrjngsi � . .." .. - . .:. ... .. ,. . L ' I .. . ' . I ; I I ,,I tit y! " steal that ivassto ,po . , . . . n n, just, as -though. lit were , L , . . : Id: head .dbwllWL r L . : '. .. .. - ,,y(,,,. I 1,11ow; girls - rthrays look a cl� tory window .lit a jIffy9- It'is a. most on his'lilgh. French heels, glan .F' sh water Heiri`ngs, Salmon ' . . . fInstvred it) CILSCS like this: Wit. Some tfie; Old. U'orld� 'L. ,.. .. � the water and he 'WillilliatIng fact, but.a. 'very true one, . I chig self. obli-ed .to learn English throughAbe re - . . ­ . I ... ... .1 . I _: L Strai Tilln- their -eyes ,to catch.. it, while its. tall Is being trimmed. , A dex- *� . I . consciously4rom beneath his flat brim- w 'Ti u , ' I - . . , � . . .� ' . . . . . L I e in of the Greek alphabet Stu- 1rout Finnan - Haddie; : 06 '. . ".. * . . - 'y Illanage to Sit, q, after o,l n of the. shorei they were' * t oug operator gets ;through tboL work' nevertlibless, that not -five women, out . ,ry . I . . . I how, ill( y ye, I a..,. t , . ft 11 W er I . . . med sombrero, he IsJollowed on.eve dents .kee up. a stead droning nolso I . 1. � L.. . . . . . L . . all. Now, ErIllillic, if yoll don't say, . leavirir, out, b0dal-party stood * on in two � or three -minutes,. There Is no ' of a dozen ever succeed lit arrangtng it. . I . � . I . . . . . . 1p .Y .Par- coes) Bloators.. I . .1 .11. I 11 .. .. ... . . 1. L I . . side by pointed flng6rs. � . as each one goes on repeating his . . 1 � . . I . � ... . I . . i . y es I'll go right straight off for the, *or's cleck;­t . .pf'. *blood: and no giiiiing wound window to* their satisfAct . . . . . I . . ... , the ,-,team 4 ryi-iinle leaning flow Ion. They � , .. ' : .., . L I . To- sit with him.at a cafe a � � . ' ' . . . . , table. I in, tion - of the tasks. aloud, regardlesi.of I . . . We-. think can sup- ... L iwii­�ic it, id-inind that!" , on lit"N' husband's arm,, and . �p ­� And tug.untIl they are embarrassed . . . . . we . . . . . I . . . et AWLt will not,lieft); hebee:tall trJulming "'pa"L I disthic n*. Hadt , . . . L I . � . .1 _- E I e, L IS it) . . tio autl the youngest of 3 whai is � I . ­AV,.il, yes, then." said �_ra inle, ican!n- on her$ both With ey s flall nin i .1 . aoing on round him. I : . I . I . I . youth. � flush, with pleasure.- I I . � I Imost everyone from this - - I . . 11 I ' e cases out of ten sumesgful. , -trid 'flually in a pleadinj manner look.. r]W.s golden ply a hing ,, and hiding , . . . I I I , I L . bills ,, and lai,ghing of tears. Negn.th(m. siood Lady with Jap-. itround tit soule slip Of. a mail, who . � . . .; ; . I . . . . . . . I . ... . It.mu§t be resofted.-to often . when in �ubllc.pla ' 'h stock. Will - be - pleased- to . ' I I I . . )1(,I. hice oil III,., slimilder. I Maude and Lord De Cburcy,-. both ' . bee e nods to them. IT PAYS' TO ADI�ERTISR , . I . . 11 . . . . . . . . I . inking - of hint. � . . ' . . . At the . our In the Prado - . . . . . . Ila ' -'bi er . - .1 .:.. . I ­(;Ioria ILI excelsis! alle . luia! hill- . I anese. goldfisb," for "these i costly and without any nonsense bi-ing's about the - fashionable' b . I � � tM who s*I#,pt,. ."after - 'lie the ,woutan looks I , ve your -d s., .Our -phone :.. I ... rah! o Erininie! lily own little clar- life's fitful ,fever," Ili his lolyely.bill� graceful . .creatures, -with their resem� ,desired effect, *11 � , , p , A . I I . I .L * , '* they give bim.the seat Of honor In the . IN THE, Ng"WS-RUCORD., - - . � I ' . . . � ..I ., I . . 1. . ]Ing! yoti have inade me the happiest . Side grave. There; -too, -,vaq- . Ma�_L blitnect, to strauge g6lden flokve ' . ant wofidef it ills; waryo,lous. , L, L I . . I . - . . ­ i . � . L . .. I . I .. . � I , .. . ., . _. rs,..have, oil Ili sIlL .. . ,is 23 ' .. . . I - L. . ., . . .... I tll,U,L I . . . .... - It is a irurv'ival.of the re- ,.��. 7= 11' ' a - * , , , .1. . �L :� '..'_, � ��% ,:�:' I nd less des I I ' .. . . . . , automobile. . I . ====!ff , , . . . :., I L ... - .....;, ': . ,- I -1 . _tt=' , IL' � . . .L . I . I . I . I mail fi-orn here to the antipock-s! caliner pairing_ falls big�g,er their bodies, and when skill and dexterity. . I . I 1. . L� I . . I.. , I � . � I . . I I guerite, a .1 . . .I. ,. � 'L . ,: . . . i . lations. of the "patron" and the gladl- * . .- .. . . : i. .: .. . � .1 I., I . . : . : . I � .1 1. . .. 1. . .. � . always thwight ydu had too intich looking I now,.- though ,her wild, dark , their tifflS.As frequently: bappens., be� I . � L . .. I . �. . . .. L . . I I . . I : . . : .. I �. .. . I I . . . " I - � . . ator. -And In retain for this soelul.rec� . _ . I . .... , - ,� .� . . . r41x Intermedlar I . � gS L " '', , * , * , , , * - , ' ' .1 . . . I ' . I ,T... . . L � , . . a . good svilse to re'ect rile for EL puppy eyps -wore deeply mournful still. � %,. come-affecte'd with. fungus,. they pre un- � The 'Lo I . ogultion, when Sunday comes, the mat- Lo and Reading Bolts, � . R maiti ndg'L : . . * like the 11onorable Atigustus!" ex- her side wasl:her dyLintY,. " tOssY, � able:'to swim'well, and'sometimep, In- .� Along with :the sbug lIttld. 1-bi,tune' 'he L kills. the bull b w 0 ... I . I. . . * I " . . I ­- �­ - : , . I ­. 4 . . . I - . . adore before, . . 0. S .t . I . . . *. Coo ' ' ­ ' 1. ' ' . . I .,- clainted I'll.11ty, Ill a I-11ptIll-0. . brightly -dressed little 'daughter, in- deed, **tb�y. drawn. ',& fish ".drowns"' ,hat Dqacou..Jones had -accumulated as , thii box Jn :which his rich patron sits' - . I . ... � . Succesc:or to 0. per � I ­ . I . . . . I The sto'den- oi)ening� of the library- � . wardly thanking- her starsr to g9t. . teclinleatly,Wben, floating with I . to head . ,-the. leading L gro er. of' Goosevi . lie C.Ov'e. I -oWs him- his, three 'corner I 6d hat . . . I I . . : L I . . . I . . . . 1. I :� I . .. . .. . .. : 1. . � I . . . . C I I . I I . . . . i . I . .1 .. I I I .. 1­� ____.___.__._____._ .1 . . . . . 11 _ ._--� -c. us. - . L I I .. . 11 . . . .. ... I � .7 . . .. I ' ' :L� L door CLIt Sholt. the internifila.1;1c i home once mot And IT' "th" 10 . : I , and'thi . . , , L * " .. . � -Ing of interJections in which it . ­ ' ,y ,.. a t of the water, It dies from 4spbYxIa- ' Ills bump bf. Sielf est6eni, :which was I Land by so doing ..fills .with .envy the . . 1. .:� , . , . . I L . . .­ � . . I L L tit I ail- I all stand b6foee you now, dear read- t . l6m. .. ' ' L . 1. I .. I 311ginnily' fairly large, had: Increased. 'heart . I . . I I , L 8. W � .L' � ... I . ­ .. I I., . . " I .%�, .. -otild liuve indulged, and the TIE, . . 4' - 6 hsb to'. re w " � I Itil, Ichest a of 15,000 men, . . ` - -, � _ e: 0 WANTE . . . ­�. I. I . .. . . ly N% xt er, reice:din� .far,down in the 'blue .. P I . I 11101iient. Lord De Coarcy stood look- - horizon. (' 'morb . The knife Is'use . ove proportionately'. ul ,Ias tile r I . -.WhAttbe effeci his fame, his illken . I . .,. I . . � I . . I I , " : , I . I., I ' * . . : - . . . I rr� glirripse, � . land -6d: i� - . . L %­_ . I . . . . o * :�:. . . I I . . . . I . - - L . . . . . .. : :�­:,* '. ,.,. . I . . . , . ing, %yi(h grave surprise on the two I you will see' theM'no nior . e. . - ., I . tumors or lac'erated'scales or S�Ijritei ail In ' Ahe�Coye, be.felt himself'entl calves. and his cloth of gold, have ,upon, . .. I., I . I . I - . 11 I .. .. ;. - - �. . ,:. . lovers. .. At tho %NhIto -Squall still lives bon6. ivhlch. UnexelSed, would cause' ,tled:to considerable deferehbe�lts pa I. . L . - . .1 . A I . I . . � . . .. I ' ' . ' . . I ­ . . . � . . the women df.$paln has.,been sung- by __:Higheat Pric'eg Paid - �. X- : I I . 1. � I ,�-,- . .. I I .. . . ' : p - "Ah! beg your pni-doi ," he said, I Admiral I . L � , Sits., . . tron- salrit, lit fact. W�hen one day. goofl . . . I L . 1. . . . . . I ­ . .� � . - I I `ITavr-Y� 11�vonful, NVI h o the llsb's' deatb. Lacerations. of the . .. . ' generations of.poets, 'playwrights and. . .1 . . . 1. I . I .1 '.� I., I.. -.1 1. . . 1. blandly. -,is I'anty .,!prang to his feet, ,: in his' parlor, gaziag­�on the pink- scales tire Qy- treated when th6y'.'are Old Parson Abbeck went,to blin for -a . . . � I . . I . . 1. . 1. . I � ,,4 I..." I , �1� :. . . . - .. . ­ . t citit.tleat, IL L. ­ . . n6�ellsis 'of hie, own eountry.-Richard - ­ * ' .. � . .. .. I L � . L I I . _. . I - 'Man -or -w . 6- mis-slons-whidt, . . . . . L I . I . . 0 1 . � . : . . . . "I wits not aware there -was any One ' and-straw'-colorod and so severe that, the fish wi b ?ubseri .. . , .. . �L' . I .. I I .. I ir�r, . ' L . . . . .ptlon to how . . . .1. Harding Davis In Seribner's. � . I I . I . . 1. ,. . �,;. .:. ".... � I � L � . . L' - pe.p a' mL t . ..operation . lie got ... 4ie reitiarked, 4Z&icon, .1 , call- .- - I . . I .. I . . L �'I, : "L L � . "llere. Rxekise for interrupting ' �Illdkes 'his L cidlv*, * . . I . I . � R,,!.&. J. .. R-ANSFORD. , tile . pi I as, :, he L en would -surely die. .. This . I - - . _. . . I . I 11 .1 I . , - . - ., . . I Q -T ' L . . you." ,And with a bow and an Lal_ ! walks down :the'seren(l pz4N"ay Ic4dA - . in about TO per ceat of the L not help notlelfig tbdt 11.1. fe IOJV'eljl�� 'L . L � . I . . . I I .. - .. .. . . . . . . .1 . .. . IL ... I ­ I L .1. - L.: . ... . � . . ! I 11 I I I .is'successful . . . . yp .1 L' . A Gentle Hint. �% ' , , . . , , . . . IQ . il. ­�. , I .. . , . " L, I . . .. .. I r 11 . E . : L . . � - Ining 30.per,cent die zens seem to boid.ypu In high ot;teein.. I a letoii alt � 11 I . . . most imper.-eptible syllll(�, he Was ' Ing to old age.' On fine days lvlr,, ltiseo, . The rema L . . A certain butcher L14 renowned among -St. P , I In . 'S .7 ,.. Works. ,.. _ " . . . . �, � ,� ... . . .. I * tnriiing away, when Hanty stopped I Toos�pegs alwa.'�s'colries 'to' see -him, -because their wopfids,do not heal. : . "Waal* , YIS", ,rL-plied the.do . I I . . . L I. .. . .. � :, . �� I I I . I . I I . L �:. � . . 'L . fom�ard. and sit!(]: i and there dilates 'for hours on the . . . . .1 . . 'I'Lon-ccim' 'hls' co-iAgmporarl0p ,for the (lbahitness, � . - : I ... .. .. L . L . I - , . ., I . . .. I '... I I . . � titieL I I .. 1�2, - - 1= - - . � , I . Stripping is air operatlon-resorted to . plaCM1.0y; "guess Wars. 'bout so., The. and originality of some Lof his remarks. . - - ­. . ­ ­__ ... ­:__ . �,._' I Ir . I . . . :;,__w ' ' Hold on, lily lord. There I-' a ninnifii(d bi and' il,ttra�ctlo'ns of, I I . I . .. � I., f .1 . 11 '.. I . a, s ds ' . . n, the fish. Covers do look up to me, P ' , . 11 � I . . . - . . ... . ..1ittle iiint.ter to be arranged bere, , .. Lady Hit ca to whoin he Intan to, w.hety, In the breeding seaso L . usou, that's On a. road ,leading td la.� neighboring - - . . . . . . I I � .. I I I L. ... . L " 'through. spnre malady -or other, does a fuLt; and I-wQII, Hook up to God!" . L . I .1 L . . L I I 11 L .. I L � I . - I .. . . which niny .is well be (lone now its bd faithful as mlon,x. as he lives". I'll-. ' , * . . . . . .. parish he one day inet a gentl6man Wh6 L . ' I . I . . . I I I . . I .1 . I ... . 1. . . . . any otlier time. I love your daugh- Toosypegs never wi 1_,Te � not deposit . naturally: Its eggs� or Its' I .1 . I- I .1 I I I . ' f0L . 130 . e meat.. . L. ... . . . . . . I .. . . . . � ; . I I . , � 11 gqt inarr�led. , . I . . . - . . .. I � . . .tit the time owed. him: r am I . ,� I . . I . . � . I . I . ter. Ulld Ila% t' told her so, and your save , . .L - Afte'r a salutation, the gentleman '-,e- . , - , 19.03 ,.. .- I . . I I .... I I L. I . . ., I he intends cciriscicratin� his tPlIt. The patient Ili this operation Is ' . . . I . .. . L �. . . I . I .. I . . clatighter love. i ­ ' � I . . 1. .. . . . . . I I . L I s ine, and has to!d me i life to the.inemory. of the. sparklin.� 'held withAtie.jeft hand while.w4th the. A Itelinarkable Banqwiit Party. - , marked-.' I . ". . L . I.. .. I .'� L . . . . � . .. 1. L . .... . . I . . . .. � . . . go; and all NVP witrit is your lord- I little . comet*tbat­oyr"� flashed across . pressure Is exerted Along One of. the most notorious Hungarian L -I'ThaVs a L . I . . I . � . . 1. .! .. . . I I_', L . I . L . I . I - . right a- firm . ,-One -fat dog -yoU have. A, - - -: - . . . . ­ . . . I � 1� .L I L . .. . .. . I . . . I ,-,Iiip'q rollsent to olir iinion. 11 may 1his sky, an"d-th,va-cifsapoeared for�-..' its sides front the breast down. to the . duel Isis - f6tight Ills.,thirty-fifth duel In . . I 1. I � '. I I . . . I L., . 4 .... � . I ,. .. . I . . - : I . . ' . 11 � . . I ' ' I . I . . .L . dxander,11 . .. . . I .1 .. I .. .. ..... L I �'. . I ' ' I I . I . - . . . ziot he (Itiito hor vilLtal Ili wealth, and . I I . I - I . I It - .,..! , . . The Bab LAS It Is . � . . I. . I I . vel* Ile And the admiral continue tail. Stripping Is the. least dallgeroius 1880 and celebrated the event'lly a ban- "Sae weel be may, Sir," Was the reply, � . . . � . . .� Y.. . , . I . . �, . I � � . . 1. . q . . . . � . , 11 L . L . , arS honee. ,'L , ' L . . . , . * I-, rank, and all t!,at sort of thini. , in f t,;. *c10 good in their cl�vri simple un- of all the operations W fish Surgery. (luct, to wlllell�'olllj those who could "for he. has an eagy conscience and Is L L L . . , . . . . . J�.e, yoi . i, will be- sorry,you . . I . ,*1 . your eyes; bi�t Lis a free-born Allied- . ohtnisivo way, ' I and. find their. ch�of . 0 tit U:t - I I . . . . � � ,i(lll,t. 1, VQ tl . .. � L. can Citi7LII, and it.% independent 'save they ,� - I . . . ., a ic' baby's picture. . .. L . . I . . i - , delight in reading the letters, L . . . - I . rvign' in lily own right, and possess- I sOrnethlies receive from F,rininic and closing fish with medicines. ,das-tor oil. Ictast' .six duals wOi-e lityited. .There . 1. calp . saylol . .. L . . . .1 . . . . . .. I . I . . - . ­ � I tak6i 'ciftwiLt'. It's a. pade -of fant- . . . . : - 'L . . . � .1 . � . L . . . . I t , for swelling .of the. swimmIng bladder, wilia room full of. inch warilor4 some. ' 'iak . " � .. . .. . ily history. worth preserving, .. . . I . I . � Jud,Y6 Lawless lives -in solitai y � - . fiSh)S L W The hint Was . en, and thebutcher 'L iyer.s . I .. . I . Adwirabl(� results, .are' obta Ined ' b peove that they bad partielplittcl ; ocit o' debt, and that's.mair,th* ' .or . . ing it strong arill, a stolit heart, 1 Pet. 'L L Y , L anyqu . B ­ .. . and it clear conscience, I foel myself '' " ith faces s6med.wlth scars,'.dtherS . I 11�ople ,-A all .�ges, ,are handled. ' . . . . . L graricleur at 1-Teath Vill, ihc'.!'0rand is a rem.edy that seldotn, falls.' A .. 1. I . . 'got his , money next day. -Loudon An- . . . . I .. . . with equi , .- - . - . : . I . I I I . . . Loll Is one drop diluted ininus ail dar, air bye or with two'or . I I . . I . al care. I 11 as good Lis tile best lord (hite, or Scigmur" of JudestoWn .still. Miss dose of castor . 4 L swerS. � � . . . � . . . .1 .. I Sir . Ilarry, hi Lill Great Britain: and , pl.iscilla . I (I 11 is saing, Tile most marked I . . I . I . . I . . I . . .. . I .,I .....", I . rimides .ill gLooiny State at � sllghtly� The liquid may he adintuls- Tilre 11 ge - ml I . I . . I I I . '. . . . . I ­ .. : . 11 I ­ . so, illy lot'(], if you will give n;L y0or I Dismal Hollow, and continues 'to . tered either with a spoon - or With a �'of all was a Frenchman Who had lost . . . � She Needed tt. , 11 I . .. . . I . - . . I . I dalight(w, I will try to prove myself . ; . HENRY'S'PHOTO STUDIO I inurclor the King's . Engd.ish, and quill toothpick. The process In each Ills nose Ili an encounter with .Count An old colored. woman who had saved , . . 0 - . � � ,w(;rthy (if the gift," , s(,o!d Qrlando severely every day, case is similar. The fish Is held In an Audrassy,- the Statesman. There was up a little money went to L her lawyer We solicit your, trade and . - . .. . . L . L 1. . I L . . � . ­� . . ­.­ ­ -­­ ­­­.- ­_ I ... -1 . I . . .�� ' 'lliS Plaill, StraigbtfOrAVLALI'd 4PPOCh V,h:ih casti�ations he bears 'Mith ect I . . ,, . . . . � . . I . . I d0liVL111'd with head crect, shoidders er .position, Its head well up,. and the ' only one relaxation of the rule, and that to consult with him about Investing It, I . . . : . . edifying meekness. Reader, to out- . . . I . . � .. I . ,. I back, and VILSter Ranty . drippings from thel toothpick or the. 'Was made Ili favbr I of ajady . who had profitably. When she -was asked, ,says . . . . . . . . . � � . . � . . . I '. . . thrown friends in Judestown you have I patro:niagedu I gth I drnwn tip to the full extent of his ' contents of the spoon are directed into killed her man. L : Harper's, Magazine, What Interest she .. rin . e year,you 0 I I I. � . . six rvet o,',l inches, evidently did not I bilid,-n. ail ,Letet�nal .- farewelL Its . mouth. . Sometimet they fl . OW foith I . . P . expected, she answered in- a �erjr sure. L. .. � . I 1. . . . I . . . . . , I , I � . disph-a-st- I, t, earl. Ile turned to I'r- ; Ilay Germaine -has� riw% in again th, a ' the gills. and Ili this . .. bliplonincy. . � . . . . L ' L ' � rank and wehlth 'Ili his profession r ugb . I I . and emphatic manner: - . " . know our. past record better . I . . . ' I . . . . . . L I nihilis. whoxo b1tashing face was hid same ated. "Nobber ax a man to lend you 25 IiTwelve Ocr cent. Mr. J'edge.11 , .' , . .1 . I I � q . I agniin. tit)(] said, with a sin1l(,: and his hand . ' WifeLIS the leader event the dose must. be repe Le nts," said Uncle V6en.. "Ax Ilm -foh When the attorney expressed 60198 �.. ... . . . Grain I .1 Gr' ain. , , , : � .. . "�.,� ,� of the ton In tb� cit,V where she re- -� A swollen swimining bladder' Is it � , q I I an we can .tell you, so it i . . . . 1� i . . I ''And what says iny little girl? qkles, and. cxclt(�s in turn the won_� L .frequent . and dangerous aliment of. $5.jesl�to .make Olm think dat YOUL 're- . surprise, she I expltilned her .position tb. . I . . . I � I . 18, . I . ... . I . . ­ 11 ... . � O.. ..I I . . . . . '�N- llits �-ho anthorized hot- old friend to I admiratlition I of � captive fish. Under It they b0come ex- gyards 'IM Las a c :, . I . . . I . . . 1. � . I doy, and and .envy apititlist, an' mebbe * thus - . 'L . . . � I I L - Sit I Y all tills'?" . I e-ervone who Inows her. Marriage treuitily. col,pulent and unwieldy. At he'll be ashamed to back down.', I . . . .. . "Well, ledge, .1 ain't got much money, not necessary for US , to. say ****"**.** � **+#.*.**"* I. . L I � . I .. . I . . . . . '.. . I . . I .... Vts, father," whisperod Ery"I'lio- has'subdued hot, widness 'at little out on their . in' Yd see I has ter git abig per cent . . tilrowing her arms arowid Ills 1, f length illey turn over and 11 . . . I . I I . I I . . . I . . . I . . .. . I neck. L . tout not eradicated t; -and our Vot baelt.s. Finally they dtei But in nine � - ter make UP." . ' . . WvT1, then, I suppose I shall haye is the happiest little hvdy In exist- Ps out of ten. one dose of castor oil I . The. Results Unpleasant. ., I . .large - things in advertising, . ' . 11 . ' I . I . I . once. There is a miniature :�at there', cas . . . I . Sttindard .'. . to consmit," stild the (url, rising. tf)o_a Saucy little limfil 0yeady, who cures tills disease In a day. . Fish often Wigg,"I always like to bear a -man Revorsed. . , I . . . . ,.L . . . I . 01A horse ran away with my brother, ave nstantly I � I � I . I . "I'light, illy boy," lie saili, slapping . I lase appetites; become thin aild-weak say what he thinks I We h. been co . : I � I : Ranty heartily oil the shoijider; "you promises to be a second edition of . I m , . -WAgg-But the people,wbo always and he basn't-been out of doors for I . I . . .. . L � . ,�, . I , as, well and apathetic. Their trouble thlel Is I , I I . I are its good as tiny nian Ii, ing, and .vild Pat Lmvle . ss in ,deed . .14tY What they tbillk generally think three. weeks.10 . . . 1. . I ... . Ebbvator � I - as in looks. . - .. stoniaelile. and nut vomica, with them . .. "That"t§ 'nothing. Afy brother, ran Alive to every interest. that . . . 1, I . I like yotir bold, Indepondviit spirit. Lady Erinlruil and Mr, Lawl'as re- its with human befrigs; affords quick such disagreeable things. ' I . . .� 0 1 .L I I I : . And now, as I any cle trop 1,.e .o, I sJdo in. En,41and; for the Countess DO rtillef, A drop of dilate MIX vomica � 'L . . away with'a horse, and he hasn't been ' L I . . L . I . L I I . sliall go and tell hor ladyship that Courcy will not pary with her dau- Will bring back a fish's appetite, re- . L . I ! - out of doors for three yearivo . � holds the confidence . of I . I I . . . . . I IF *he 19 about to lose hor now -found ght(V, L . . store its weight and make it active and FICIaked at it. . I L . . . I . . . .. ..� . :1 .- CLIXTOX�_ . . .. . ,aungliter agnin." said tile earl, as Little Lady Rita, has married a cheerful. L .. I "The fools are not all dead yeV1 said, I . I I i-�. , , . I . . . I �. . : . I.. .. I . . ' ille It -ft the inont. Spanish graneldo-a. Poll John some- L . I the angry husband. Pard6ned. I ,� our 'Wide field. of ciistowers. � . L I � ­ . I . . And for the twxt hom, Panty and body, airl goni to live in her "cas. Caution. I . "I'm glad of It, dear," calmly replied "I spent tilt the money I had ill thii . . L . . ; I � L I . . . All kinds of . . L . L � :* Erininio were JIlst 119 I)vlft'ctly happy tie In Spain." Atargiterite has aca. li"Willie, did you thank the other bait of the ecimbination. "I World on flowers foryou, darting." . . I . L . . . I ' ia,; it is possible for any two dolli- tompatiled her to that Sunny land, . Mr. Speedway never did look well In black." -'Chicago Wel - 1. dear, it wasn't your taultthal . . grain wanted gLlhd . . . . I I %. ZoDs of this rather unhappy world to 10, for tAkilig you to drive?" said ibe L Good L goods at honest . . I The art and Cotilitcis,.4 De 'Courey, .. I 1�u didn't have WorW 4, . . . .. . 1hp. loved and hoilored. pass happily mother of a small boy solicitously. No News. , , . . '. - I - ..... ..... .L I I � the highest prices Paid L . . , " , .... It was arranged that the marriage I throtigh IIfoL together, Their later answer. The question -was repeated, T -6r. L in CASH for . � '...".., of luinty ail(] Erminle should take ; Uays p�omjscl to be, ah t�right with still Ila answer, I , liblix DiNtalkee Treatment, I A baftweroitkis prioes. is hoW We expect. to ..any . I 1. , vlace on the same (lily as that of 1 Q11;g1line as' t1lely early ones were "Will1e, do You hear me? Did you I lie died lit towij hust suminer. During 'Illy boy Sammy," said the neighbor, . . .. I quantity. - I . I"Lly and 1,(.t, and that the whole 1 duvl� an -I troubled: nnd thus, unrev- thank Mt. Speedway for tithing you to hift last 1111logs Ills wife nursed him "Worries me almost to death With bid � hop our trade inoving, . .1 . porly sholdd -;ail for E'rigland to- olled, 14 the, proth(ey of the Gipsy (Jrlve?o� , . . over tile tplepholie train Newport, his tionitiambullsm," . - I I -w got her. doetor treatcd him by telegraph from "You ought to take, It away from 1� Queen's Vow, . "Yea," 3VIllspered Wiffle, "but be: told But narbor, and it letter, written frorn him.,, said Mrs. Lopsling. ,'He'll kill . L . Call -at tho, 11"lovator and . I Anti thrve days after, came our I 1 "4r END. I me not to mention lt,'� . . L . I O.A_ I ^-l".0. . . . . . I I whole party from Judestown In r, I I . I the top of tit($ ,'kill,- by big del-gytilarl, himself with It some day�l .. . I . 1. 1, U, ' I . �. . � . . I I SOC S before selling. body, consisting of tile J"(190, pornp- I . tvits read over blin tit his fullerdl. L I I I . . . L . . � wis and important, but Inwardly Itilikkka X"goutill. . I 'He 1616w Whr. . I I . L . I i . % I I I . ! wincing a little at the thought, of Mothor-Did You thank tho gentlo.- Agetifti-"What became of the story . ­ . bevollltoed -it N#jrsiJf*#, . . � � I L $­ ,­­ , , " 1. r I "Ill I I I �. 1.11 I . . . meeting Erminie; Ray, handsonitt and I 1116,11 Who carried you Across thia You sent to the Itlaptrap ldaga2lne? Flultsh confleutp. ltita*-Why It, Uf-. Xodak so glum took., � 'A I � J � J I � � � -S F[.. I " r I I � I I , I I I-pv and crowded streecl, Wee Soii-1 tried t6, gel-Ibb e�-Rcjected. I fancy It Waft polls+ A. J. clur.o. � Ila . quite unlike hi.q tiatted . �, ,fthtlnopI6, Jan, 101.�Tlf it<,- Ingli 11 *01*1kilftia, 1*%00160 0411, I � haligriity self; Pet, bright, deftant, , but I didn',t know wlint to aily-tho t e�. coi-dance with tho Fam-tion of tile Nift-Ho. tind glodhoi have just domid ootwisli* A . L , I . saucy, and sparlding as ever; tilt% dd. Words Wouldn't dome somehow,, but Aaellm­Too elever? . I Sult'In, one of t, L' four Itylaciltul to� otit of the darkroom, where ho had olvo. I Iniral, Ili high state of beatitude and I think It's all right, leauito MY , 0 Serlbblet-Yes; I sujipoo6 they wore ped,)+oat destroyeis traNe il,-,d the idently. developed A begative, CLINT0140 09%46 # a now frook-coat with eye-dazt1hig I Wagged his tall enotifirh for both afraid it Would diAtract attention from I)ardanelles .1i,ii-mry 18, bound tor � I I � I ... I . 1. I 4#4 , 0004toL tbojr 44yertI01116))ng #, 1. 0--l-I..."..."Irio I �d. I 1. LL ". . r "hart I braigs buttons; Mr. Toosypegs Array- 4A­4Ydft0.V TQW4 0 l4el)n�ft)pt)l. I'lie s-'�nsnr otopW 411 *-OW . I I � I D. U 'qu t . . *d ih a comploto flow guit t . a ,do hon* SoUrntll' � .. ­_"L'�'-­ _­ , . r . . 1 jue�j$AOOS on tile SUb;Qet, . . I . . . op.-j"0A. I I r . . 4" - . . . , � a It 0 I.,