HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-29, Page 4• 24th. Year •CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1903. WS• Whole Number 1452 illegbegbelbr4aWgifribellb,11,qheikAlkfrIllelle .10400.41116...lbellbAkO . / . Cooper s Book Store - A Y, f .....,.. WARDEN KERR, Mr. W. 11, Kerr of the 33russels Post has been elected warden of Huron. He is a successful ntavspaper man and . will, therefore; make an acceptable warden. The News -Record extends congratulations. • • A PINK AND. WHITE SOCIAL. The pink and white SOCia.1 lield in the Outario, street church on Tuesday evening was a success both financially g those present and socially. Amon , . wt.re a number of adherents of Ole sis. ter churches whose numbers would • have been. still greater had the evening been more favorable •TI ' I .. te. proceecs amounted to 122. . MUCH IN DEMAND, .• ' Mr. W. J. Paisley has More than • a 'county reputation as a valuator i•nd. his services are constantly in demand. This. week he a'cted for Gundry Bros. of Goderieh who •have bought out the livery and bus • business carried on for • over thirty years by Mr. A. M. Polley of the Same town. Daring a lota.g . business career • Mr. Polley accumulat. .ed sufficient of the wherewithal to en- able him 'tci live:at ease. Mr, Paisley goes to Zurith this week to v.alitate in a' hotel tra.nafer there. • , ' t O. F. INsTALI,A!..q0N. . . , ...On • Thurscla.y .eyening • of last week lie Mr: G. W. Holman of. Egmondvi , D. D. G. M.; :installed the officers of Clinton Lodge 1. O. F.., who are ., as : follows : , • • . Chief Ranger, Henry Pefinebaker • ' Vice, William, Walker - • • • • Ein.-Seeretary, George Rodgers ' • ,Rec.-Seeretary,' Charles Helyar ' - . • Treasurer, J. W. IrVvin :.• Chaplain, .George, A. Rorke . Sr. Woodward, Themes -Greens . • . Tr: . Woodward Ernest Blacker ' r. . re .. town.. ,.s - Beadle, F 5• a B : Jr. Beadle, Frank 'Heywood. ' TI1E LECTURE. • ' ' • • The. :lecture given in tlie toyin hall en 'Friday evening la.st by Principal Allerehant .of London was. tery much. en.'b 'al b those resent: • His Sub'ect .3 ,Y Y P . .. , J .4,Wireless Telegraphy,o. . is one, that ..is engaging public attention and with the • aid of his electrie.•batteries . Mr, .Merchant shed light. where heretofore . • darkness had • prevailed, . Those • who could ee . • d. • . a but di. not. atten nusse a• 'good.. thing ••This. was the first of the Extension. coritse - ..of • lectures. tci be . - . giVeit under •the auspices of the C... C.. I.. The secend will be given ite Febru-. arY *hen' Hen. Geo,,,E. -roster will . lecture on "Canada aud , tlie •Einpire ''' • PRIZE WINNERS.. • • • • • ' - • • . - . . .. . , . -At the poultry show held in &oder- . . • ich :last .week' Mr. A. J. Grigg. woe $7.56 on.. Bantams alone. .0e : his . .. genies he has seven first prizes and' six ., .. 2. :' . seconds..MrGrigg liesaprovitteial„ reputation: as -a -breeder of uaines. and • 'no matter -how keen . the c.omperitioit .. • inay • be at these shows ' is elways • a, lar e prize Winner: . . - . : • • g P . ' • - Mr. George' Barge's faitorite breed - are Buff arid White Wyanclo tes • in whith . he. has a , eternber , of very fine . . birds.. - One of :Ms.:- Buffs. won.- Ant . against a bird. that ho.a been favor , . ted.' . . . at a. fancy figure... Though tie • orly: . made a few. entries. Mr; Barge's. list consists of foal' firsts and .tWO..secOnd... prizes.. • r . ... . .Mr.. .Taines 'Howson is fond- of goOd • poeltry.'and can dilate Upon' the . .fine points .of the respective breeds ,jUst a.S elequeetly • as either Mr. Grigg or Mr. • Barge. He roaa,e . a' small .exhibit 'and.. - . • was a prize ,wanner.:-... • - ' ' . . • A LOGGING 'BEM- . . • . , Clinton Cami of „the 'Canadian .. Or . .. .der::of tlie Woodmen.' of ' the World ;1.4 • • 'enjoying a .becrin .as the result .of -the labors of the • 6rgaiiiier, "Mr, J. II. lifcConnell. of Windsor, a peat: Master • in, theartof promoting. the interests of • woodcraft. • He is energetic . and courteous and . has - a. wide knowledge of hunian nature, le • • short ' is well 'a= • daptecl for the pOsitien which be "Is . fillitig • • • so satisfactorily. • 'The ground here. had been 'pretty .thcirotighlyi.can- vassed and- the most .Sanguine Wood-. men . did . not leek • lot' anything like :the • addition -nearly thirty -to the inetnbership• of : the • Camp• which .33/r:. .McConnell has Succeeded in making. ; . At a ,Special ineeting•held•on Monday evening there were nine initiations and &thug the course of the evening Mr. McConnell Was presented. With an ad-. dress' and a• gavel -of maple and ma- hogany beautifully ' inlaid, the worlc• manship of Mr. H. 13. .Ker.. The presentation .was made by Mr. Ker, and the address, Which was ritimi by 'Mr. ilbover, . was as • follows .: 1 - . TO. mg. J. M.MoCOXNELL• .: Esteemed Sovereigm-You have beeri "if. •dst for the past f "d - • s th' our 12t1 ' elv days ' working 'in the interests of our be loved order, The Caeadien Order of the Vitoedmen or the •World..' We ' like YY velric, Your manner id • - ti a -d ttrteceis, your zeal pro- tmhvel wive. nmee digionsi your aim 'IS high both in • ouality and nutriber; y.our pereiatelleY is something to be admired), and, best of all, you ha.ve been instrumental in rolling together more logs for our camp. fire . thin . the . most sanguine amengst us anticiPated. . ',Nothing succeeds like success."' • . You 1011 •lea‘re.OS to .purstie • the gOod • work in other placee With the know- ledge of having .dOne 'great Alibigs here . t • 't and his fact will add 0 your ecrerage in'hicing the seeming impossibilities that ou MA . ye mend. to meet with, ift jjfa W. C. T U. MEETING. The regular monthly meeting of the. W. C. T. U. will be held at the resi- dence of Mrs. (Rev.) Greene at three 01010e1C on FildaY afternoon, This is an active organization and has done much, towards increasing the temper- ance sentiment in the community. • NO DOUKH013ORS WANTED. - in renewing . his . sub ,to Thu weivs. Record Mr, R. Brundson of Beane Y• -an ai ., pays. 'rile People's Paper a cone. 1' t 4 ' 4 up his note in this pin= an wiz s f hi . 'Man't ba is• boomin etitl as on . i 9. g. all t • ric n men and vo e he wo 1 g 1 tu it 118 • • . . •,.- ' ,... c that can be • spareu irom azuron. Lais • is the place for them. But we dO not want any more Doukhobors here we ha. too Many. of them now." . , "Alp UP. . . ililr .W. Jones; who for -nearly thirty years 'has been foreman of the' black- malting departinent at the foundiy;• has been laid up for over a fortnight. mr;. Janes has heretofore enjoyed such gbod health and been So seidoni ill th•at his enforced holiday is all the • more noticeable. His fellow einplOyes tniss his eheerY Presente nnd Will be pleased to see him. again at his old post. . . • • A GOOD JUDGE. On . Tuesday ' Councillor Stewart of Goderich township delivered a Polled- •Angus ' bullock to a dealer in town. . __,, , . ,. .. . llie animal' was so lar re and fat as to tt t-• di'' 1. gpesses a rse attention an 7severa were •made . as to its p probable wei ht. g nUs' but. Mr R. Some said. 175o pou . , . , • Fttzsiteons thought it would tip ..the beam at MO° pounds, which .proved to be • Old correct' -figure, i,?ng ..xperience has, made Mr., • it.. Fitzsimons a good. judge of the weight of aftimals, A RUNAWAY. • . : As two single • rigs and a team were being .• driveit down the Huron. Road east one afternobn., last week the team becaine unmanageable end dashed the next cutter which frightened the .horse and it, too, ran aftray, •upsettin . te , or • . the cutter and draggingtl driver•I sonie distance throe h tl Th • g ie snow. e driver of the. • firat rig..only esca.ped meeting -with a 'somewhat •sintiler ac- •.cident. • by whipping up lliis'hoise and turning eff the roa.d. ' . • .. • . . . • • AGAIN .BRANCHING OUT. • . : •• • • • • . , . • •Npw .0130.11i -edits are being adde.1 to •Newcombe's big •stote, the latest beieg •iets land dothin ' ' The former • and- ca -F.1 . • g• .. millinery will be •io.catea .unstairS for large . as -.in. . the -big • store's. ground. nfleocbers.iasrlyiace t 1 Thleisinelnle'ss fbereen 1.Lhirnegnsdearlia clothin de artment yell. le in • • th' . . g . P • . 1. ' . 0 rear of the store with an entratice• on- ----- - • Isaae Street. - The alterations -: re •now. . . • . • beinr . • made and when • corn lete New-. - •- - • . . • P r. combe's will be more than ever ene.•of the.leading stores •Wo. estern • Outer' • • .. .. .. -. -.. • . i.n • „. t ,CARPET. BALL MATCH: •• ' ‘ • - the' return match• of •thrp'et balls . • ..very. between :the A.O.F. and C.�.F. played. ow Wednesday evening rethlted in the f 'llo 'n ' ' • • • • -. •. -, 19 : wi g score. ., .. . .. - - - E Hovey ..H. Holden le Ev • - - . • anS • • ..W. Retied e .... : .,. ., - • - .,....• .. .. , • . . . ' • .1'.°Inan H. Smith ., . . , , . - . J. Derry (sk) 15 J ruch (sk) • . lid. ante .,- 8 -:-- 71 . .r• Johnson 23 g V. ,picnnan . 3 ' , ee. e., ..,_ . ..-,.. •-W. C. Brown' ' G. Cook . W."Kerrip ' H. Glazier. . , ' 14'4:Watts:. (sk). 2i J. • West (sk) so . and gaine.,..7_, L5 .....1 • - , •• • . • ..• THE. REGTSTRARSHI1). . . ... It ' ' ' 11 ' • t d .. ' • . is curren y repor e upon whet. .., • . is 'believed to .be good. authority. that. ' • ' - the. County registrarship is • to be 51,1ed •at...lastand' that the lucky inan is Mr, F. S. Seett;. 'auctioneer . of Brussels, . . Mr. Scott has beeit, a zealous patty worker, hence the snug • berth Which in point of salary . ranks next • to the judgeship.. He will find the :egistrar- ship ,vitstly,. pleasanter and s... great 4eaL. 'more 'profitable than . hustling among • a • crowd' in the barny trd • for bicla, . : ' • . • .. . . ' • • . • . ' If Mr. W. Coats • has - been. Uinta • . . down it will prove- A -great - disapeoint- ment , to that „gentleman's host of friends - throughout the• county.. who have looked upon his aPpointment as a 'sure, thing.. • He' certainly has .been. a tower of strength' for the Liberals,. and deserved . better treatment than he has • •' • received. , It is an open secret that more- than ..one politician, ..whose. elec. - tion Mr.. Coats ' was largely. instru- mental in securing, . did not reciprocate when: the opportunity presented. it- self, but of that more again. „.. . • • t .MrCoats-i'd While we regre that ,. (. I not succeed in •Securing the registrar- ship", there is at the same -time . a sense of satisfaction that; he, is re- • nia.ining .a resident of Clinton for he is flinch too' gooa a eitizeft to lose. 11 • him in many ways. We w°111d- 8-- mins • • he located elsewhere, • , 13.0BLie SCHOOL BOARD'. . .• • At. the Meeting. Of the Public . school' board I cl ' ' - • ield on W.e nesda eve= ldr. . Y g . . R.. Rowland tenileted his resignation. • He had been a,. meinber of the board . . fOr abotit 'a year, but finding that lio soiild not devote. to the dudes of tbe - ' • - position that tinie that he would like he -retired. . Mr, John Ciaininghanie was re-ap- pointed seetetary which position he has filled lit a verY satisfactory trian- tier Mr seVeral years, The salary re - mains the same as heretofore, - • Nit', j.• W, Irwin waS Ohcocn AS . chairman for . the year,. Mr, Irwin takes. em :active interest in educational matters end it was duo to, this feet in addition to ilia punctuality that I10 wriS again eltoseit to preside, . - Mr. V, J. Cooper was re-engaged as caretaker at a Salary of $250, Stamling 'committees were appointed ae f011OW11 1 PrOPerty'l• Irwin, .130e00in and Pow, ne I Vilinuce, Agnnw, PRae0111 and Hale, Mr.W.Drydail 0 Was anpoli 'and re144* setitatiVe Ort 010 Public •library 1./ 4 OH 1. Mr, Walter Manning to the Collegiate Institute board and Mr. V. It, Lough de examinee fee Public sehool leaving, The board will meet the first Thin's. clay of oath month. . The following accounts were 'ordered to be paid f W. D. Pair Co. $ 4. 9 6 ILI Wiltsie 1.30 I. Ferguson 6.00 Thirland Bro. • 15.13 Wood• bi.sa 40dA14. COIVIING Holimesviae residence 1 laving phenol' ness will Harve ON' Smith's coals fiieted transfer of having..solcl AN ' 'etriployee badly operating. 'bone. Lavan. ing same BRITHER • ing afternobn merit ing W, A, fa.votable did the 1V1i4LIS ' le tended. the topic, .t i • in of • Sunday, ion • . ' • • '. • . • • • of late • ciatieti time that Stra. geide. his, P men. an. • • ich light, MaY• Islas home. . en mem n never elected tiringfro was • Division thitd Northwestern ceptioti president were 'X Farmer's the ate c t'41 %ewes° • ganized sa v.. lature, votes. G influence 0 .. Loyal ter has and years. Black, been ciltitoti, Order associated, Cotmeillor ern .ineet,ings John's vine , high Grill' so spousibility, around ability nubile MARKET. Wheat,' 6$e Oats, ‘ 3oe Eggs, \. 15e to 16c Live Hogs, $5.50 to $5.60 Ray, $7, . . • Butter, „th to 17e TO CLINTON. -tar, an.0 - " Mr s• . J.olin Mulholland of enteind , taking up, the* in Clinton Mr. Mulh 11 . . , . o an accepted. a situation with Ma e.- & Hovey. The- grocery bum- . •• which he has been carrying on be continued by his brother . • . v. - • THE CARPET, ., . The. hotelkeepers Of Kintail • and Hill haye been pulled over the by the inspector and a .fin in- in each case. - There Will shortly be another hotel in •this riding, Mr. John ,Ca.ir the • Hotel. Brunswick in Wingham ' out to Mr. Alex. Orr t . ACCIDENT, On Monda.y Mr. Thos.. I stem an in the foundry, beil his haticl injured, a saw vdtiel. lie *a/ cutting deep into the palm This is the second tithe ' Mr. met with an accident, . he hay lost parts of the fingers of the; :hand on a previous occasion. . . . . SCOTS. • .. . The .following membera 'of the' curl- club. went to. Stratford yesterday to °take . part in the tourna- gotten up in, honomof the visit- . the- Scotch curlers :: N. air, 11, Spaulding,: W. Sacksoe and D. Forrester. The weather was: not for the roarin' game, but not interfere. with the success banquet held last. night, • 1.• ' • • . CHURCH. , ' - mn„,,b,...,- . • . , - • . • f s •meeting o the• -;--• ---' evening . Hits • ehur.ch. C. E. 'was largely. at -.Miss Jean Carling dealt with :catechism. while. the missionarY ' "Oor birthright ana .oppertun- .., • • v: ' .ty • handled by Miss J Wilson -.' ''S • • '. • • ' . .an exceedingly interesttng way. . Rev. Dr. Stewart. -and Rev.. •Sawers ' • ' : . Brucefield 'extlianged• pulpits • last Next :Siiiiday the =linen •Will .1.ie disPensed. - •• ' ' • ' d ' - -• , it of . - . • - d: • i ' a e . is . . d - a at of ,.,••••• AI17311)111. . .tiMurs.helVreisristoefr,GholdresrieRli..hTas. ftereriattitt..is- x g Mr. MeClinchev fell and injured him- - . self the other day. Mr, John Symington is not improv - irig, we are sorry to say. Miss Armstrong of Parry Sound, • hitt° tItsp 4).1): teufevwi sintii-ontgi tlitsn, trie.uteurveleccilait.tYo . er home this ek. ' - The I. O. wGe. T. Lodge, which is steadily increasing in membership met last Monday' night and electe i' d officers f or the current year who 'are as lows • ___......ei. ' . Chief Templar, G, L. Sturdy • Vice, Mrs. • C. W. Howson. • . Secretary, H,•Ferguson . -sSuercerre)t aj.:y• ,H1,0•1‘.ve1Ct tn ox FTrinea. • •Quard., C. Moore _ Lodge DePuty, O. E. Erratt Past Chief Templar, A: E. Wetheral Mrs. S: Calclwell is-• troubled 'with. ysts,. . .. tp itolvir:rdlso.n *R oawree d' end daughter Sarah of _ the guests of Mr. and Mrs, S, •Caldwell: • Grand 1VIaeter Workman from Lack- now visited;Auburn A..0, U. W.lodge last Friday night. ' Miss Effie Knox returned' itorne from. Brucefield. list weelc. : - • • • . BAYVIELD. hlr• and. Dirs. Haines of Ho spent Sunda.y with. her daughtet preninan• • Mr. and Mr.. Canteron of Bri villa o were in the. ge n Sunday. .1V1 MISS Jane Erwin is visiting in Clinton at present. .Tlie 1 0. V. held an At Tfoi the to'. 11 hall on Tuesday evenii whiewfl spent. . r. qu.,Itteh an .enjoyable eve= =cite °Wnho Wwilad: IpiofinMenothrin ' - ' returned to his Western hom • Rev, IVIr.• McNeil of St. A Church has been holding 'sped vices during the pa.st two week Jes Delgety addressed the t on Sunday evening 'last and lb Yeilaticl on Monday evening, an • interest is being taken ani hoped• thet mud,. good tna.y be stilt of these eeting Dr. 141etcalincltf Detitit intend: • • ing a. fine residence in the spri ej . re k . • . : s .prope y, move asthe old.. grounds, ' iVressrs, Williatn and George took the contract for •4o co: stone and they are now busy t it on the ground. • in We N e are pleased to see Mr Gardinereoet one day, last weel short drive. It. is • a long tint he met •with the shooting a and the • wound . will. be sons , time in healing 'yet, ,Althougt satisfactory progress is being 1 . it iVir.Mrs.G eFQereg' se . •OPn:rdkae;lnadstwwifeec The remains of Mrs. Jane Co Bla.ke were ittterred in.. the I cemetery last Thursday. Pt was the. cause of the old lady' lthsness • during th • last y • . e.ear c Mr5. Thomas Sherritt of Blake • • only surviving daughter. Mrs: had . reached the ripe old ag years. The •funeral - was concha Rev. ,E, C. jenningS. ' • The ..“Corker's" house still. Mr.' and Mrs. R. Elliott kindly. , , , • their \biome to a dancing part. W d 'cl • cl. 't ' ' ••• e nes ay evening an i • is , ' o say .. ley a 1 . mice or ' hl ' A fi t I A' • - w i e. rs -c ass one .ss re • • Miss Inez Jennings • has bi ..,. ,, . .. with • tonsilitia. A • number.. te are reported. in the vicinity • • , • : • • Ihe 'regular meeting' of Stan] . , ,... t trtc le , O. 1,. v. is held in the 'room of No. 24 last 'Saturday e • There was • a fair •attendtince. an the regular business 'had been tr .eci the. dlection of Atha was p - ed 'with which reaulted as fello • . • Master Charle • F t • - ,, s 0$ er Deputy, *Robert RIcelinchey Chaplaiii, E. C. Jennings • 'Ree, -Secretary, D. C. Galbrai in. -Secretary, 'George .Beatt3, ''' Treasurer, James Campbell • B.• of C.., 'Hairy -Darrah , • Lecterer, . -John Darrali. After the • installation. of the the brethern. repaired to the re of Mr. John Tippette!where•,lini • . - Served. ' The. whole . meeting ." satisfactory' and pleasa: ..Stanley;:.District his. a goo .1 •.officerst • - A r Early Spring .Styles To know what these are going. to be, look over the Feb. $ ruary Butterick patterns just received. These February pat. A terns show skirt.' with ()aside box plaits at the back, Were 1 lot of Russian styles, tucked empires, blouses with caPei, ate. A A Butterick pattern enables you to make you own dreps.. T / jacket effects, some further develepments in Norfolk*, a new ' Butterick patterns can be relied upon for up.to.detenese, f . Fashion Sheets free at our pattern counter. Fehr 'try 1)elineator, I now or. nig at 15e. • .. f . : f 75c Library Books 25c • 103 choice books, well bound in dark cloth, white stampings, well printed on good paper, worth regularly 75c per vol., bargain days, each 2fie, ; THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST : • ; It's never to late to mend.... Read' Silence of Dean Maitlaud Baker The Master of Ballanerae Grey Oast up by the Sea, ; : Stephenson Master of the Mine 'Buchamito House of seven Gables ..Haw .Hawthorne Ann of Ghierstein Tom Brown at Oxford Scott Hughes Green Mountain Boys..Thompson Pilgrims of the Rhin Tie ised Sultan Lytton In all shades Allen i Cobban The Alhatnbra Eugene Aram Irving • Lytton $ Not wisely but too well -Broughton Cleopatra Hypatia Kingsley Auld Lang Syne , Haggard Quentin Durward Scott Bunsen Th9 bride of Lammermoor. Scott i The White Company Doyle Whets' bred in the Bone Guy Mannering Allen .Scott Tales frorn Shakespeare,. Lamb The Caxtons.... .,Lytton 1 . . _ Choice 16 mos. at I6c . . Daintily bound end: stamped, • illustrated and printed on • a, good paper easily worth 'dog., ' 1 Me Ilie price, bargain day • • -7 price„each ' ...... ,16c - THIS IS 'A. PARTIAL LIST t Modern Painters.... •Husion ,0 Mine own peoplii .Kmling Franeois tbe Waif Christian 'Living Nevi. Brook's Addresses F.B.. Meyer FowerFableo . ... , Alcott Paul and Virginia, ' St. Pierre The Princess .. • .. . ... .., . :Tennyson Letters of Marline • ' Kipling Jacob Faithful. ... Maryatt Essayi of Elia , Lamb Hiawatha • Longfellow The Vicat of Wakefield, .Goldsmith My Lady. Nicotine. - •• Barrie Diem Life ..'..... . . .„.. Mitchell The Blind Muslcian Korolenko The ROso, the Ring, the Ballads : . • - . . • Thacker* Pilgrim's Progreis.,.. ... -Bunyan Water Babies • • .Kingsley The Queen of the .Air - ' Ruskin The king'ii- Stratagem .;•.. Weyiniin .. Bobbin Hood •• • . ' ' - - Marmion ... - ..... . ' .. ,.. .. .. ... Scott Ohilde Harold . , . • .. ... . Byron • Frankenstein ... • Shelley . Tangiewood Titles • Hawthorne • • ' • • • • BLYTEL.. . • Mrs. , Rowed of London Was in tow'n on• Friday, • . • ;. • • . . , Mrs . J, G. Emigh of the Con -miner el ti was visiting friends .in : .Clinton last week, . , . , . . On Wednesday evening last a deiega-. tion from the English churelt con re a- g ti f B 1 't d • '1g - on o e grave vvai e, upon t ie pas- tor; Rev.. 4, Edward t 11 • t ' . • s, a. ie rec ory, Myth, .a.nd 9n behalf of. the 'congrega- tion presented him. with an address and a beautiful lined coori fur coat . . , shOWing • hew they .apprecip.te his set-- . Vices and the esteem- in • which he 'is held ' by them ' Th ' reverendgentle- • • • an .was so scirin letely •taken ' bY ' sur- 211 . , . . . .. P . . e . II - • - • rise that he could only respond in. • a 4 - - - few words •for their beautiful • pres.- . • • • • - ent.. • . A .: •••• • • • student from Kt C 11 T iox o ege., or- onto othupied the Pulpit. Of St. Ail- ew $ t tu c on um ay morning. dr . I .1. h 'S i ' ' - - • is Moving Our dentist,: Mr. Jerome, . , . . inte •Mr.. 'Archie Ta.ylet'S •store.... and dwelling. - • '• .• '• „ - ... . .Rev, ' W. • LoWe • of Wingliatft • • • • lectured on " Ireland and .• the • Idaho,. in temperance hall' en •• Weanesda.y ev-. enin • last' under tie its ' f tl piees o • ie , g . . .. e a. . . Y.P C A , of Trinity -dint& ancl 'gave • v' ' .. •• eativjoeriedinttaertilife, ape-iron:A .aatinal.otminttiech d to aboet $13. ' •• - . .- • On 'Friday evening:a Board .of Trade was organized in our town. with • a•fine staff of officers and directors: which no .. . • doubt .wil be the Means of indecing 1 .sonie , of the ' manufacturers. to • come .and locate ' with 'us arid boom our town: ' • • . . ... ' • , . ,.. We COOPer • Ot. -.k.;0.. CLINTON 9 .. . .. .. • i! $ . . - • . • Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and DoMinion Express• Money Order', also for Butterick Patterns. • . .. • -sareiseearee•Abesseievieeseseeeree.•e/ea•eeeseelbeges-Imoie.••••ea/eiverweeesiaeli,...,••,,. -,----e -''' - • ' -.----- 7- o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ti•NNNM• - • 1 • • - •- . : SOVEREIGN •BANK = - Clinton:•Branch . , . . ' • • i President of the Western. Ontario' , . - .. .., . . . • ••• . Dairymen's ...Association.. ' ' • ' .. ;,•• . .s e - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4*****••••••• : : • • : • I S. • ••0.0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I H. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4***•••••••••••• • Start the New. Year ..with • . • • • . • . ., - • . . • 1 . • • :.- • ....•. ' . - • t .• a Savings Account - the • • " Sovereign Bank of Canada.' • • . . i -. SUMMERHILL. ' • - . • • • • , . ••. Mr. A..• MeBrien :aed wife. of Hensall' visite& the. latter's /nether on •Sunday and when returning home, were .accoin, 'retitled . by Miss M. Shepherd who - will • • • • • spend . a few weeks'. with -them. • . 'Mr. T. • Mason Jr .•visited friends • - : .., . near Wingliam last week. . • - ..'. Misses. O. Hill and E. Sall are. vis- . • . iting friends in Listowel. - . . Mrs. Glazier of Clinton has been' ViSiting at the home of Mrs,. S, Low.- ery .for the past week.. ' ' • . 11.1r. J. Gerrit front.. Manitoba, who ,bien. visiting.at.Mr••• E. 'Bettis .for - some . them • ha,s 'gene .to visit. friends about Winghain, -. • .. • . ,. , . Miss ..1./., -Rielia.ra' : ' f S 1 ' son o tan ey - is visiting, , . _ .. . , . •her , uncie Mr, Robert Rich- ar SOIl Q t e i t concession. • • d : l• h 6 hi " • • • ' Messrs:. R. Reid -and D. Barr visited the fernier's 1 • • St 1 s • . tome in -an ey on . at- . .. .. : !. • .. • • . •arcial• • , Mr. T. 14* sold his' th ' • misty • so ree-year- old colt. to Mr. Dale at a good figure.: Good - d' d • d • are in ...goo email. . , Mr.. Geo. Hill has One of the . 'may- .•' j• f t ..h - •within '. 1 ies . horses . a ,.. arge ,eire. e o . t it '' hsay cotin •ry.. • weighs in .t e, neighbor-. :hood of •I 75o lbs. 'and is a superior ani-. .. • mai in. every waY, • . ' . T. RANCE - - - - Manager. • . . .. . . . •-:•• • 174112T,A.. The tri • • " tstee board. of the Me 7 • • . , , nig church met lest Wednesday . reperts showed thet,fiftanceg to good . shape. . Certain irnproi havebeen completed and 'Other! be• • Undertaken shortly, • Mr: i RathWell.was again .unanfinotiel en as Secretary of the .board. Al east's. •Dan. MeNaugliten Mu Johns are 'getting a. big. supply 've od from •the beah•bou ht b 5? . - .. , .. g . .• Y .McBeath on the Front Road ,.. . . .. ,. . • .. • • . • Ott Friday evening' last a pie • ... '• .. of yoUng pe'ople droyd. to the h Thomas Willey. /where , hoers. were very pleasantly spei games including crokinole 'etc • . •, • , • • young folks always enjoy the: . . • • • • . . at this hos,pitable . home, but t of' them takes keener • pleasere. a.. gathering than. Stanley's man. ' • . • ' ,. • •• , - . ' We. . are Much:pleased to be . .. ., • . .. • , .. , , that. Mr. Walter RathWeD. A ., • , . ..., . • injured in the accident which. be on Sunday night last.. •He We „ing • hcime from atte.riding chur :Vice in. Varna when horse, cutl i tutnblia over occuPanta went g embanknient; smashing the cut . • were • too well pleased to .bat .. Walter .escaped -injury . to etiqui the •accident happened or who. h Pan= was , , .• Mrs. Jcilm Wanless was visi Goclerich• last -week. . . Mi.. • John McNatighton • hav signed at. member of the schoo Mr. . Wilson IVIeCa,sh ha.s been in • his stead. , Murray, MTS. kRevo Jiwho in visiting: at Mr: •Andrew ..Rei sortie Vine •has rettithea home 1 i . „ , • . ......, .., ...., .., Mrs J .. .0‘.. liarnwell Acts nees ing the past week with..relativ 1 ' h • • ' oc erie . • . . .' Mr,. John McNaughton is in ieh this:: w,eek atteftding count) cif , . A large party from the Gostn invaded the ' • • parsonage ort 3 nig•ht and preserited Rev. 14Ir. . . . • with it' big load of oats. 1 . , , . pleasame. evening '.was spent by . rishoners betweeti whoni and pa , e afd and esteetn • T1 mutual. r g , . the second presentation of. the f lately,. the. • members of e lire i iatinig made Mr. 1411 r h 1 1 ile .1 4 i. . li. .st. , . i ar onation at . ew ears. Miss 'Martha Keys. is impro. e ,. a ' ' also itxr Refits E h althA A nreci of the- township of health was beld on lVfoild following con 't t• 1 sti u nig its mem il. 111 D' •cl • Clerk IX teve c tenni ,• I mid Messrs. John Johnstone Eraser and John NIanson.• Dr. iS health officer. The reports the township tri have 4 dean 1 health... . 6 .1,4444+++++++++++++++.1e inr-r+++++ • • Leaving=Town Sale • ., • ' • • •has - ' , MR, JAMES . • CON.NOLLY . . , .. .. . . . • • . . ••.' • . The .abo . a . y. g ilt ;less ve is fairly good l' e :•James •.'Connolly .who at the Mr. •Mr. meettng of the • Dairymen's .Asso- .. . • • Was elected -president, the first in' the history of -the AssociatiOn • the .position has zone west. of • • - Ifotd Mr. Connelly has lielped , ,. . for• - . ' • - its destinies,. SiX years . an promotion • ha's been steecly. Hishorses redecessOrs were such ' well •known . . • . - is Messrs. ..Ballantine MeLarel • . • • • ' - - d Wenger. ' . . .. .... Connolly- • t• 1 G.- ..d - Mr.. is . a. na Ave ,o o e-.. township where • he first. saw the of day' forty-three years age last .". 'The • old . Ititth• • hich• he upon tv. ._ . •• born still 'continues ' to be, lue •.' Earlier. than most men Mr. Connelly .ere • inumcipa i e -an . eca e. :, t ' d• • • ' - l ll ' d . b tre ' . p council W re b of .the tOwnshi '1 ' I d er . _. . _ . . . ained for twelve years, H MU . _ , . .• . .. • d d feat and thrice ne was suffere. e . . .. .. reeve by ecclamatton. .0n re-, . the township council he ' 1 tmd Count Councillor'. for , e ee__e. , Y now. . h• serving No. 2 404 IS: ,. . term. . • director.. f th G. eat. He was a . o e Grcat Exhibition from its iti- • • • , • a until two years ago an vies • for . three years. • . Those the Palmy 'days of the G. N. W. Ile was a• director of tke. West Huron -t. t f Or y ars :for nsti it, e or i ee . e , ' five has been oft the director- past . 8 . t ./yi Itillo Fir In u ance o the . e p e • s r =Patty an d since the Hohneaville ' . and Butte Company was. ot-. • • dj d the has 'been a; rector ail , j • .. . estnan, _.._ 4, ' In 1894 Mr. Coenolly . comeste n f tl Pro - " 1 Legis est mon. or ie mem but was defeated by sixty ILs opponent was Mr. J, T. a rrow whose election WaS due to the X ti his behalf b the c erted a . Y Toyer= . •Ilolmesvole ant •t gr, Connelly is a member 0 the Oratige Order and has been Wks, of No, 189 Mt several terms. He also bon Deputy DiStrict Master . Di trict Secretary for 'Several s Ile is also a member of • the Knights of Ireland and ha •Chaplain Of Jabilte Preceptoryi for many ternis, . With the .61 Choeth rriends he le likeirlsa fi St Chid and Wn0 the --r . and represetited hi S breth. of the Porter's Hill Connell of the Grand Council.' Miti Comiony is a, inember of St. (Anglion) elitireli at Holmes- and has been One of the Wardena, It Will be seen that he stands vet* in the. esteem of the people distriet .,1 had it not bon scv they Would not have data, kitty to iin many positions of honor, and re- /le is a genial and likeable all- than with splendid executive and IS a fluent and forcible sneaker. - Having decided to leave town I offer my •- entire . stock of watches„ clocks, china, jewellery, .and silverware to the public at exactly wholesale price. Stock must be reduced at least $2,500 in the'next . few weeks. You miss • bargains if you let this gale pass without Making a purchase.. For full•Partieu- • lars see ad. on page 3. All •acconnts Must he settled by Feb. 1st., 1903. .........................-.......---e• ' GODIERICIE TO*INSECIP :. , . ... .:. . '• • • : Messrs. Geo. and Ail. Ca.ntelon -dig- 1 tosed • Of their . teams of horses' last • . ' • .• week for a good sum. ...• .. • . MeSsrs. J; Mose and John Enftner; son visited •friends at Harpley. and Parkhill last week - • ' .. . .• ,. .. ,. .... .. sel. 'Currie left Saturday to visit 'friends in .14ticknew and vicinity. •. . . . Messrs. Fred.. Etrunerson and 'Rus- , The . pupilS. of No. 9 have got , a ootball and' are practising up so as to . lye their old time diem of the . g . 1 . , Y ' • Bayfield lane school 'a rub. • . • , . . .. . . - Mews. M. Sterling and G. • Camer••• on isposed of . last ', wee d ' theirhogs1 k for good prices. • • , Messrs, John Enterson ahd „Tames Mose have completed their contract wood for 'the scho of Wo ol. . • ' • : Jos.. Cook and clan htets MisSes .Mr g . , Matt • • de and Alice, of Leeburn were the . • guests , of Mrs. William 'Cook of the /4th con. this past week. ' Have you paid your subscription. te . . . The News -Record If tot,. why not• ? Miss. Isabel Gunn of Cllititon speftt Sunday with Miss Daisy. Middleton. • Mr. Thos. Burrows Of Goderich and Miss Laura Willson. of Zion were in ,, last Sunday as guests of ' ' - ii • ' Ella the latter's co sin MissWillson. ,. lson. . er ap.- Zion . hes greatly improved her pearance by the new shed arid also the steps to •the ehureli, key, llobingon had rather a entail turn out .00 .Sult- day, the reads beitig so heavy, . - , P. B. Crews,' • ... • . .. . • Biddlecombe'S Old Stand. Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer, • Refractionist and Dispensary Optician. • ' 1 • , 4444445+1,44+34445.4444.144414+144544•15+714454.454-444144444 - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I I ; : • I t ; : ' ,G Wp are se g our s oc , ' of Tweeds at 25 per cent. discount off our usual prices. A. J HOLLOWAY. " .• , • ' • / .. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4444••••••••••41 this or any other phase of your s v,,ork, • .. . . 4‘,11WilbailV"Abil'.1"111,' In asking yoti to accept . this little "A"I'llAIAI".'6.41.4b. 20th Century . „..,,, ..6 .4 ...., .(..,..7)(tv\ i Avj :4 k f,i4 i *L%. Overcoat c, i r ,' ..--- . -..r \.?,/ •With are equal in every way to . v.1,0 • -suare., 1 custom made. No tailor in the land will raake you a better looking or better fitting ar, 1 m:ent. Material 8,nd linings arejust as good As he ec a use. Prices are $3 to $5 less than. he could charge. ' , HOIXIENS 'BIROS. • '• iiintinikaamiutommnAkaoisabookii&40174:4465iikiminrikiaik.,440,4. IT10111011t0 r a PVCI) Of your visit liere, we know that yon . will inn valito it 'for the dollars it hi worth, but for the spirit in which it is given, which we assure you is hearty and general, and ma ott lute it tO rtIle those that Y Y you may be called to preside over that eatne thoughtful and Judi,. ciouN care characteristic of yrnt,..- Signed on behalf of Clinton Camp, IX, '13.. Xer, Past Counsel Commander i Xt. A. noWne. Coilnatd Commander • I .T, ti. lloover, Clerk, Mr. MeConliell made a aultable aCknoWledgetnent and short addresses were also made by a. number of the bretherft, which were interspersed with Motions by the Camp's elocutionists. Oti ' Tuesday evening Mr, McConnell Ieft for aoderich to promote the him tarafttS al the W. 0, IV. in that place. . •. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. d i mil . Mr. 'Ian Davidson wife an a i ) Y easant evening at the sPent a very pl . home of Mr, D. i. McClitichey last week. - Mrs. Win, Rathwell, Sr., is spending a few days with CloShen friends. • eer, L, clark sold a Valuable horse to Mr. I, C. Reid one day last week. ilfirs, Thos. Sandersom was the guest of MiSS aeorgine, Johnson on. ;;,lliday, , Mrs. ,X, Helchatt of Markham is renewing old acquaintances • in this neighborhood. i Miss Martha Itathwell sPent Sat- hrday and Sunday at the home of 100. iTJ Ad& StA. STANLEY wowssm: litr. John Stephenson of the Line has lately been under the the doctor, • Mrs. MO8Anp of the Drownsl haa . been the guest of• her. th Mrs. Seines Stephenson, thi week. Miss Gertrude Elliott is rel from her recent illness, we' are nay. Miss Eliza Sane Stepliennon batted from a visit to friends forth, $94,83 lyrood icelield friends O In g last g was North visit, last ndrews I set-, .. eeting v. Mr. • Quite it is the re- erect: - ng on ectory, King ds of gaged Chas,. for a: e since ecident little slow ado. visited, k, per of ayfield ralysis s help - ✓ so. is the Copper. of 84 ted by stands. opened y. last eedless a long ported. n 111. f cases ey Dis- lodge- ening, d after ' ansact- roceede a : th. officers sidence h this as . a t one.; tail of thodist t, The be •in ements will William chos-, Thos. of fire, Mr. A. ghload. ome of several t with . The selve.s . a one n such 1, little able to as not fel him s driv- ch ser- er..and a snow er. We • n that re how is coin. • ting in ing re - 1 board ,elected s been d's for • spend - es in Gcluern n Line onday Miller very pastor here is iis is kind Varna a, Sint- ing in eys. board ay, the ership: rnwell, Thos. Rogers showed ill of Goahen tare of ti Line ughter, past overing glad to has re. $04*