HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-01-29, Page 3-I`
�, ,
I � �,
January 29th, 1903
Shoes . 0
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women, I
Prices range from
$3.00 to $5.00
You Can procure
them from
S is the best Shoe � Tolish S .
H Beware of imitations H
I which are named to I
N sound like Shinola, N
0 1 O*
L Shinola is the only L
A The Original. A
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes.
Reg. T. JaMOR,
T�e undersigned offers his hardware
business for sale in the village of
NOV. 12th. . - � .
. . -
. FOR SALX, . .. I
A good Dtirhwn bull, just two years
old, with a splendid pedigree, possess-.
in as lie does two of the best strains
. ?Durhams in the countryi tile Match-
less and the Brampton Hero, his.dam
being ,L grand -daughter' of the notid
bull Abbotsford, the first'prize bull at
the World's Fair. I .
- TYNDALL BROS., Clinton P. 0.
____ -
. .
� " . The undersigned offers for sale & "
parcel of land consisting Of 3o acres,
being part of lot 11, con. 3, Hnllett,'
The lot, whidi is five miles froni Clin- �
ton, is seeded down. It will be sold
on easy terms. For further particu-
s .. .
Holmesville F� 01
Dec. i6th. . . .
1. . .1
I ; .
-, - -
. .
. .
The undersigned offers for sale that -
choice 150 acre farm'on .the Huron
Road, Tuckersmith, one mile. east, of
Clinton. New frame house With sum-
mer kitchen, first class bank b;trn,
drive shed, hen house, pig pen-, silo,
two wells, windmill, and small or-
chard. The Bayfield river runs across
back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats,'
the finest of grass land. This is a .
splendid farm I well situated, and
will be sold on easy terms. ' �
June 9th.
I- - __-_ -
. I
( >
;5 People of Clinton
K > Toand Surrounding
� i
� -2 Country .
I` � .
� +"+
� �I
I ),
�� The business of the .
3� year 1902 is done. .You
Z , have given us a bigger.
Z5 business by far than you
� 5 have ever extended to us
� , before. We have. tried
� - 5
I ; to merit all you have
I I given us and thank you
heartily for it. Looking
back over.the past year
most of us can see wher
we tumbled into places
that we should have
kept out of, and kept
, out of places that we
( -
< ,
,,� >
" >
�< .>
< >
< )
< I
should of tumbled into
but this same thing will
. *
keep on occurring again
and again, continuing
'I . to remind us and emph-,
, asize the fbCd that our
. � foresight is not as good
K(1) as our hindsight. Its,
I experience we're getting
( and that is what we )11
continue to get. Dut
�) enough of this. The year
1903 has becrun. We wish
. i you prosperity. We Sol,
, icite and hope for your
I 1. patronage to mak� our
year prosperous also.
- ,
.1 � 1N
I Ur T. *0 ", 'oil
- - . I � I I .. 11 I . .. �� � . I- , I � I , � � .1. I , .I I I I I � I I I - � I'�� . �� LL I I , � � � - I � � . � . I I I - - ___
- - - , - - - - - - - - * __ "' __ , , - - , , , , __ - , I _ ,I - I . I � ... ...
XARA,1A%3Z0. ANXXTAT, ;IRCUMNO OV Tulll� WU$T -*--,-.; ++++++++-14 i�� .--.--. ..... .
%1ATT(i11l`XLCOLTli,'S,-At the residence NYAWAN0.1411 MUTUAL VIRR, IN- � I I@'V'#__9 . _r4_A'++ H 4, sly -.1-1, 1� 144+41 ++41001"! $It I "'40-1'�4%11W%,`%,,**-`% � ,*e4lb,4%,'%w-%Allw'%-4W,%�1%,'%-A%AWO%Illb,,%W-I%W,%Aow I
, , 0 0 1
. A 0 9 � $ 1
1 of 'Air. 14. Viarcu, Wingham, oil $TIR NCH CO. ELOISE E, $KIMINQ$ ' $ 1
Wedtlesd'XY, -Tall. 1401, by Rev. A. - _6101ARRICH cORROPONOW &
III Brown of Belgrave, assisted I Tho, twenty fourth anitual meeting of. . I *0 I I
Rev. F, J. Oaten of Luckliowakk� this company was held in Pougalmon 't it Ineans 0
Rev. R. Hobbs of Witigham, Mar- oil Weduesday Of last week. III. , em III I -P-1 1-4+1 Hq-f,�j 1 1-14�i-"+Ji'��pP�'.�loirik'io�l�ot"p'p+",�OIOJO'Iii;,I,.-,'I-"* I .
. r . 0
-till Browil Waugh to Miss Clara was a large and representative gather. Station Master and Mrs. %raltork Tile annual moctitti, of the Uorticul- . r 11 $ r
, '
. Coultes, both of Wilighain. ring 01 .tile policy holders. of the ,sur" left oil Monday afternooti. for the gen- tural Society was d recently.
_ onuillng coluttrys over two hundred li'l -,Tile '
CASEIMORU-CIODKIN-At the rec. being oral hospital, "Montreal, where Mr. treasurer*s report showed the f(?Iiow-
tory, Avilighairl, on Tuesday, Jail, in th " Ili' all showing an interest Straitou will undergo ark Operation ing receipts I, Morribersh! . p lees. 0109.-
2001, by Rev. William Lowe, -John 4pwrcelcare of till.,; large and pros- tile only tlicall�,possible to r prolong his' I -,.9 ; legislative grant, -$81, count Dollars To You
Casemore of Morris to Diande, Perot's institution, The pro,sideut, Mr. T. 1 y . . I . . .
john Ballan Jife. The G, .t. bad a Pullmantar, grant, �2o, making a total Oil $219-76- � ,` I .
at Olds Station to take them. I F. C'. Naftel was re -,elected president ; . . �. . .
Henry Godkin of Turnberry %atisfac present and Aliss Straltou was ulvgrapliv I
Air. with I Vile, Oc tip e
� Alary, youngest daught c of t,okl to tllo"�
'ell the chair ,d for C. A. Wells, vice president, and W. .
credit to himself. The' see to nunse a lady lit Rochester, The big Sale of Jackson Bros. stock means ,dol-
BIICIIV4l,-$PEIRAX-At the �10tll()A- treasurer and ggetiera ,
. ist parsonage, I � i Lane, sepretary-trelasurer. Tile fofk)w-
r manager of the I I
11�'thel, oil Jan. 14, . cast., was very uricut and Aliss Strait. ing compose the This,
by Rev. C. P, Wells, Xr, IV. A. c0illpally, Mr. J, Al. Roberts, acted as I . board of, directors for
I to attend t I 1903' 0. Petillin � I
on left home on Vriday dpon, .1 11, Rich- tars saved to you 6n a suit of, clothes or over- ' I
Alb,is Matilda J., young- nual 1pe I tes. Of tile last an" her pTofessiollal d4ty. She intended too I ards, W. J. Cox, E. S ' .
Alichol. to Secretary The inillu I � , Inih ,
The (I ,re while ber parents remain. I C. Campbell, W. Warnock anti R. 0. COAL We! bought the entire stock at a,low rate ; .
-est daughter of 51r. and Mr,�. Hart- cting ,,vem read ailti adopted. remain lit, I mn, J I A.
I well 'S'peit'all, all of Groy. lrvctc)rs' .annual report and and. ed in Montreal. I FO r , . I
UVANST RF,BLF4-At thf, . itors' report were read and unalli� � Wier, A. Mel). Allakt, Jos. Whitely, . L . .. r .
residence illously adopted. o Miss Elliott, South street, left oil , C. Campbell. W. Warn.ock and R. G. on thl� dollar,, and want to turn It into money.
. ' � 11 xt Orcler Of Tuesday to visit . )ter sister, Mrs. Reynolds wer4 ro-app
.of the bride's parents, oil* Jan. 2i, -r"L
. by the Rev. Dr. Hannon, Ur, A. business was tile ,election of three dir, . _ointed auditors. r I . . . .
A . , ectors, Nr. John 11. Kaake Ur. tols Johnston, before $114 leaves her home, We note that Mr. Roderick MrCas- just as quickly as we can, After the . ISt March . . . .
Kairls to Miss Ada, fifth daughter Gri flit, and 11 to Spend a season with her two. ditugh. scls the popular ticket agent of the r .1 � I
of Air Mr. Jailiel Girvil
I and Mrs. William TfA!ble, t n' tile rc� -r a -X '' algatil
iring directors, We it -s at $owport News, Virgini ism G - III. R I at Stratford, has re.
r ,rc , - .
A; Exeter, a I .
ITurou strm cd and of ,qaill "Olnivat- ' Myrtle Johnston being affected' with his position Ili that department and � we Intend to .remodel the store and move our' I
. 1VI14,'TH,R$OX-1-1OF,GV-At tile Evall- Morgan 1) Octed by accla.matioll. Mr, L a.thr Ilia. I uanapineut ol, ,h, I I �
Alton alld, �Ir- John. Wilson has accepted the It ('14) r r I Own � . r . .
gelic4l church W MeXillop, by the ivore, rL.t . Aliss Babb left last week' to visit her , retail Store of the Stratford thing .stock of men's furnishings to thI% store, . ... - .
Rev I s, At a sllb- .
I H, J, Holtzman, on Scql� lected, auditor. � Sister and relatives at Detroit for a Co � , Mr, McCassels, is the son-in-law
J lent llleLti)1lg, Of tll� board of djrcc� - I lor C. A. Humber of this Before wer do. this we .
all, 14th, Mr, Henry WiellIcrson to ITo 1111 short tini�. of Council , want to
� I iss Caroline Hoegy, both of Me- .tors Mr. liallantykie was ,1, Mr. David . Bell celebrated tile 20th town, . I . . n Bros,. I r
. . . Lcted president anti. Air, . r . .
1'�illop- - r I Finlay Ander- anniversary Of his birthday b invit, Mrs. 3, 13. Whitely and Miss'Er, . We $ �
RYA'.N ROWLAN --- win Brussels, Roman $Oil was 'elected vice president,' ,.rile I . I y ma stock cleared out if I Can Possibly do It. � It is .
Ca�_Ilolic church, oil Ja- diret.tors' report WAS to the effect ing all Ili.,; relatives, liere,'titirty in left last week to attend the wedding I I . .,,,,I, r I � I I .
� I number, to' a Sumptuous dl of her sister, tbe popular "entertainer
11 12th, ! that during.tho* past year the , coln. . inner on -,g and fur
1% I iss Minnie Rowlan, Second daugh- I the best. -clotbiu .
, ' I 1 P"118 1 Tharsday. Four generations were rep- and elocutionist; MISS Elma. Fisher, - I g stock inthe
ter of Air, illichael Rowlan, to.Mr. Ing" 11 11 issut'd 100 policies, cover, reseut�d; his father being on a visit I I I � I . * . . . . � � . . I
. risl�,I%o tile which toak-place on Tuesday at tile county and the prices we are quoting are gostive. �- I
P. J. Ryauj all of �.fck�iljo ' 4111c)"I't Of $1,492,11bo to his sons here. Each guest pteselit- j,1r.,;t Met,,* .
. V. for whiell ti � 11 odist churr,li, Jacksoin, Mich, - 1. r.
. _ lei, received Ili premint, -A Win a haimlsome gift. . . . � I
. r . r I notes $59,693, This added to tit* , r ( . I Tile bridegroom is Mr. TyJo Blake of I ,
. =RT3EXS. �rolll tile e a" Mrs. ,D. 11acotonald, regent of tilt, Hallifltbil, who r 'Visited GZldetich last y money saving. Come and see. for* yourself ,
r I
. � piount brought forward prev- DaughterS of the 14�iupire, presented � I I � . . ,-
MAITLER-Iii. Winglialli, on Jail, 39, wtls year ruade tj max,,nu,nk a.Ouut sumixier Rev, - Mr., . I,eGear, brother- . � I .
I, I , .
. I
I the wife of.Mr, Jos� Mahler of a I for ill I past Year of '28� each of the members lit their first. in-law 'of the bride, performed the . ,what we are doing,. . I . .. � $ r, I. .� �
dauLliter. .. I O c $208 . policies, weeting 'this Year with a volly of tile wedding ceremon I, Dr,. J. B. Whitely . . . . T
I . . $j,6 4048 of rish and 7LIX in first annual report of the I I y . . I . r I . .. �
TO1V,N-'In -Wroxeter,, oil .Tali. 13th,the . premium liotLs, from which was deL. de mperi4l Or- left oil Monday ii� in. to attend. the --_q " ____ - . It
. wife of Air. Geo. r, Daughters of - tho Empire and wedding. . 1. . � I . . . � I
. . d . \
I . . � . I 11 I
. � . Town- of , the dof. ducted the pancelicd and expired dur- *n alliance . . . . . .
ton House of a son. . ilig the year, leavill Children -of the Empire, , i Tile 1, O. 0. V. ittstallation. took .� . . .
9 3187 policies, With tile Victoria CLOTtiING TO ORDER, . �
FOrTON-In Turnberr 1 $4r252,373 Of risk and 5163,552.52 1 pl4ce at Oddlellows' hall oil Monday, I . . .
. y, on iat�. Sth, In liiig,, and the Git, League, 'London,, , � r I . - � . . I
the Wife of William Foxton of twill ,premium notes, less tile as$ I ild of Loyal. Wornell, t1w ceremony being conducted by J. . . . I� I I
essment of k9outb Africa, In it we note the fol- .M. Proudfooii,111 You can save money if yoi:L 0 . . -
r I . . r . rder a spring suit now . .L . I �
boys. . . � I)a,%t year which aillounted to 56,- lowing itents ! Florence Nightingale iiewly cle Mo
. I , the ast, 'D D. G, X. The . .
I �, . 85-2,24, leaving a preiiiiiiiiii note.capit- Chapter Goderiell, has unde . cte(I offi, instead of waiting for a nth or two,' There is n �
DEAT31S. , . r I vers are. X. - D. . ot'a
. . al )It hand (if $156,700.28, ]It I rtaken to RQIIgVie, 1�" I" G. I J )&' $m , r I d, I ;
- a qn, * I . . I, . . I
r. f , t assLss- furnish tile Children's Ward 'in the Al- *G. I F. F. L wr cc, V. 'G, I, W. . W. . I . .
l , able ace Value of ii-hich 094.92 . - exandra hospital . ;when, complete.- I . ith, N. ,' I doubt of that. Th4woollen stock must he ieduced and .. � _-�' I
131CIEC--Iii M-ebillivray, oil Jan, 14th; - .The' expellses,of Inauagetnent ,Cdln-' If I" . MaeVicar-i Recording Secretary I Dr. We are sellii:ig's�its made to" order 0 1 .,
Mrs. Gilbert Bic�, aged 116, years.. . undertaking to build a hospital W E - .at fr m $3 to $5 lose . I. .1
pared with tile nulliber of policies in r �Iark, -Finatich C. 1. . . 1, ,
by . the Altmeck Chapter -of Goderich A' irn, Treasurer -; J. M,. Proud- I . 0 . . . . . Pr . . r,
BONTHRON-In F,xeter, on. Jail. i6, R. tl, Sccreta6 ; .than Ja ros. pr . � r .. �
. - Air. . . force show the average cost. Per policy and bv the Duchess . .r lees. I d . . . � r . .. .
James, Bonthron, aged 89 to Ile . hall one half of York Chapter f I .. . r . . .. I . I . W�
. . - 33c, somewhat less t (lot, R. S_ N. G. ; Robert C6.tnpbell, . r . I . r �,
. Years and 5� months.. - I . I t1le,average cost, per policy throtlill of 1Vf(;,oscjawf both of*which chapters L. S'.' - N I G: ; H., T. Rdw r ards', War-. . . .. . . . . .1 $ . I .
LEWIS-4kir McGillivray, �ou the 8th out - report tile' near completion. of%tho $ r Pants MAder to, Order . I 1. r . .
I -ceipts frOnr *ork. . .. . . . for; $1.98 �- . . . I I I . . .
I I. . W. Nairn, Condlictor ; Cap- . I . 1. I
tilt province. The ri , den ; T, . .
. ,ml., 'oil Jail. l8th, Miss L -e i ' * * . . . . . . .d. . . . . �
11 . w $ ' all .sources wCre $12�277�3or, The ex, tain J, C' Sutherland, R. S. S. ,I , .. . . I .. d I "
daughter. 6(. Mr, NY.illiairx. Lewis: I penditures I " A canine iucisi6i I I Men's Pant� inad6 to order from go : .
I I r
r . . . .
. I its during. . Macdonald, R. S. S. ; E. Tweeds, well and .carefully ma . . .. I,:i-- �
. . A lady in town was bitten by some- Downing I � . de', look well and will I .
aged 2 i Years, tit and disburse-nie , I i'l is the latest, Cal)tuill ,JChaplaikkA ... - � . . r . oil quality Canadiail. I.. . . 11 �
JOHNS�Iit * Usborne, oil . .Tall. j8tlj,� year were $7,535.6i, leaving. qasb. body,s� pat dog, and tow whon tile - . . . ... I .�tand any amount. of.. hard wear, fit guaralite0d, Sp'ce . ' 1. I . . . .. . I I .
. Elizabeth, sec( r ii"bank and oil fianot to the'ainount of - Sher,'Cails il iss,Lcua Gundry is home for - � jal price for sale.r. . r .. , r . . 1. : I* r,�i
r Mid il'anghter of Mr, $4�1,31.�,.9. TI wound is licalvd. t tile- a- " M . ...... 11 .... I... ....... III ...... I ... I ... ...; ... I ........ $1.93 . . ,�
, . r . '. . . . I
. "I asset's of - the company bove, . Now tile .Poisoner' will thii rest, having -graduated' from .. � ' . . . . I � . .
. .
. Rich, J101iiis, . aged ,* 55 'year . st 8 now. amount to.$i62,j9i.45. Tim nuin- with his work, . � ilk It . .6 14)"day , . 9 . a . � r . . r . .. r � I.. . I . . r � . �.. I r . . 1. � I . . ., . 11,�
months and 2.2 ditys. . ber ofrhisses adjusted during the year Call g,o oil IV. J, r, .. the Chicago Trainin' .School. . . . . . . . I . . A
- .
. .
. � I
_ PuS I Ram . - a. number ,of ' � . . I , I .
SPICUR�' ill Excur 'South, on ,Jan It ij;ere At the icsidenee of �41r. - 'L 1, Ott Thursday evening Pants.r1ade tor Order for $3.65 . . A
. . . 63 llill'e of which were calls- " . ' r. .. d . � � . .. r I . -I..,
. I
i9th, Margaret Stevens relict .of col. by lire �ruoip�tii say,oli � tile -evening Of Violet tllq. our '; r 'Men; Trouse s nliLde to'order from. 'fine imported wot- . . . r, I 1-i
... n. I. piccr.' � 4 . ig to $.3696.62 , the ,,2ild 1) . . young men m4t Ili , the , lecture - .. I s r I I .
, the late 'Jolt ,S - ,. aged 76 of *Janutirv, the -Alisses ;aytti,qav, room rect church to . I . . .
. 1
'6. month,, ,!"llibling ,54 being by lightning, 'a- - I � of the -North st' . :. . ..
. Years, - and ro days. r. , lield a most ' enjoyable progressive form a branch of tile Brotherhood of steds and. Canadian tv��ocds. These arR some of Jack� . i I . I q I
I � I
COLLINSON-In. Hullett, on I Jai . it . tary liloilliting � to 52708,69, ,Or all ,average cr(ikiuole.party. About 6irty invited St.'� I"'atill; Tile 'Only,,other branch is - . Son. Bros. regular $5 lines but if. you order during r � � : � r. . . . . - . I i I.
. .
� *11; William Collinsoti, aged 'I.Of $5o.16 each, the inajorirty of stlme: guests participated' ill the evening's established at Toronto.; 'rile oiganiza- - .. r ' . . nakd. �oq a pair' fbr ............ $3.65 . r � I I ;,� .
bei d for anituals: k'iII&I, some . JL . . . . this great . sale"we will I" � 1, , , .
. 74 '' ;` * , I -
I Ing -W ' I' I ,.r, , " �. 1. . . I. . . � .��
)L , r ' , , c"Joylliclit. Miss Nottie 'Rarnsav w . I . � . d . . . . �
I . Years, 6 months and. .24 days. I .i!ig il4lings I total tj , on: tion has great strength i.n.the United. . .. . .., 1. . ; . I . �
_ for damages to bit I I � d. I I � . .. I d
- 9di, I , ,. it pr -1 all . .
u Blvth'�,6kk Jan, i, - O, . I � . r . I . I . .
MoiCOAIB�l . . illy. � . , j.7"e, a lovely bOn boll.dish f while States. I �We know the citizens wj,l r I .
. Jau . , T - ie company tile boo . . . .00 SuiU.rlade to Order for $8.90 .. .
. � G.k:OV Wc% - tnii I nater 'es I. iaigl, $6,405.,31. 'III Ily priiLApil to the lot . of MISS help r these young men 'in their, graitid -. . $.1.2 � . . � � . .
I et ,-Oft uar lo'oks forward,to an increased bush ' . . . . . r I .. - .. I �.. . I � . � . . .. . . � I.. I.,
. . . � . � . I
. i3th, -John Ferjuson McCrae, el r the ellSll,ug * . . . . - . 208s Birdie - Wqlters,' Miss Ediih Alidliof- clideavdr. to. rai'se the .moral standoird - $tilt$ made v i6l.Order: froll, - 900d cillaXty all wool Cana- .. . .. . . : I 1. . .. � , ;
.. I I . d- ,. for , year. . . I . . . land . and ]ter �brothvr, . Mr. Harvey, lit this Cil ladii bf ours. - � 11 1. . � . . . 1. . : . r ' u r d � '. ; . . .. ,, r,
Lst son of Rev. D. r L. McQrae-. . .. , . . . - N .. . I . . : , . I
I d . . . '� . .. . I. . . , . . . , I I than -tweeds, ha dionic, 'pattbrrkis aid colorings, suit- . �
I I . . .. �
O'CAI,I,AGHAN-I.n West Wilwanosh, . .. - __ ' � .�. . WrIllbollandr of Rol""N""i'10, 'Weed ill' I 01%he * Wollicti's Institute ill not for-' , . able -for -a] I the vear , 'cc r. I 0 I. , .1 . I : 1. I �11�
I . r . . I . I . d .,tl,, rr . W r� arowid. - Jackson Bros. prl - I . I Il. I
I ,January rqLtli, QathaTi . � - . . atteudukiee�, Mis . d , . ` . . . . I
. �. .
I tic. Loretto - . . . . � S ,Mulholland spent, get oyster supper and entertain- - - '- $12, during sale� we will to - order and. . 11 . ! 1. . � . .
. ' �r ' HA S' ' ' I past Week also it$ tj I . . = use - � . .. - " n.
NO . , -
s IN 44R IN THE WgST� . te guest . if the iiAcut to, ":. held at tile St. Law . . . � . , , ,
I infant. . daughter � of Xr. and Mr.. - PEr . the I , . b(, rence . I . good triminingS,* per.suit ....................... 1. I � . : � , . : 1
' ' . .. . I � S�ly,.r WaS,Sr � I .., . ..... I ... 8.96� . . .�. . .
r - . .� MiSSQS'.]�atlj, r . I I ..... . � � I I :�.
' - I . qn. st '11ursday - in 'February. . ,. - - - . , . .. . - ' r - r ' , r .r :
Da,n., 'Calla tail, aged' -7 We'eks � * .51 ppvr e veoi tile fir. 11 I . . . � , .. �
J�NNE .18 h, r 0, � M - b'Air V. If HAT I ore midnight. � � r I � I . . I.. I . 11. .� .. � .1 . . . . . . . - r .1, I ";,
, 1_�u (�Irf'y .on .,AT , LWN I(W 4 . I I I � I I .. I—.
� .rR _ ., Jail. t RV ba . I �� � . I . � . . � �
B � . . . . ' .rile table with i ts Xilowing tile ,liostess, Mrs. Beek, we .$.. . I r, , , . � I . I �. . . I
... I ' r r . ' di r, $.I I . � . . . . . . . ' .
. ' 'AD.S. 44-14 COMPHTIT`0 a,looked .1ovely. Music' and- - Lire .1 . - 1. r : . 16.00S its Made to Or r for 1'.2$ r . . � I ,. :! - I � r . I :
Villiaiii ,Bennett, aged 84 years. . - 1 : L R R'S - I itre .chin ce,rtaiii that her part of the .pr * .. r .$ U . . .
- � � q .. 1. .
i I "lig r ' 119 . 'rl;' . 1. . . .1 1. 1. . .,.r. . .; . . I . 1. r . I , I' _ .. � . . .� . . . I r . I . e . . :
. . . . I . . I .
-Afartin, aged 68 years.r I . . - . r , I . . ... . ;, . I . .. I � ,� �. . .. .. - . . . ....
11 T r WIT I � I I-, -TAS 1)6.�-H. On Nelson street . " ., . . I . . . . . . Suits -madoi to your - order - front fine Qduadian tweed!; ma-.. , . ' . . r . � -
. , . I
MAJR.TIX�-T ,eesurater, oil, Jail, i4th, . AT -EXURPRI finishvd. a most 61iJOVable cvcui� - -gra,in will be.A ,
I . Janics . I . . ... - , I .. 1, . I I . I . . . .
WYXN---:In l3ru"iels, on . Jan, r I. Ali�s .pratit ret . . After* the hiItig moliths. that the late. ,, . - I I .
S '2otIl, Thti Frm'PrLs' -tfttcd* last wt:uk fioth I . . d . terials, that look well and. ,Stand any amount of hard - , . . 1. I . Z I , :,' I � I
. .'John Wynn, aged� ,69 . years`and `4 -d' ' . . s is Ott .GkLatesi' News- a Inost -enjoyable 'visit. %�q ' Richard. Dougald Morris stroV0 to're- . i . I . . ., �
. " , d I . . Pjxl�cr ., Ili ' � ' I . .. d I ' i .tit relatives � r . 11 . I weap, Jaciii.ion .13ros. Sold - these suits for. $i6, our'. '' .1 . . I ; �.. 'O' .
� , 111oliths.. . .. AVestern Ontario�Soutc, tit III() -ulsil. : �'. r � . . . - gain his,health by t avel, exercise and . : . . .. . .. . . I .1,
... . . I . .� , I W� . . . . Special IiTico:during sale ... ... ... s ........ � ......... III - I! ........ ,$ir'25 r, - - ' . . .
. . . d .
� LIT' , ford on *Jan, I Silecial FLaturvs--Tlie, Low. I)ric , e at M ' ' Charles. I)oty � . I A , ". fliedicille, lie hud to:.Iea.ve all be WV�r �' I . I � . I . � . . d I . . . . . . . . ..
TLU-In Blatiot I Stil - . nj I I returned ,, ( d )tit I I . . � , I I . . . I . � . �. . r . . ,
. i ' rellet'61.the ' ed 'behilid and his spirit�'soared .. to - . . I . - . . , . d . r . . . . . .. .
Agnes Craig late 'r �Vllfcl. k ' T ' tions Are ,.So.1d. %Thufsday- last tir' -a, pleasant vi.lit� at . o .. . . 1. � . . - . .. I ... r r - I I.
- . . -1 its: bree E�li � .. ont . qx� Lterika`l'.sliorc�'ibn Thtirsday. Fot ` : .* 4 ; . . . d . � I
. . , 4 . � ' 4 r
. . I 1 '50 d . . , .
1;ster of thelate Jas,� I . . I . , tford. ." : . 0 � e .to 0rder,for $13.' . I
John Little', s . Bran $18.0 . . . . I
. ' . . " � . . - . 'years the - olLecased .y6utig iniati lived in I r ,,5 d I ts I Mad . . . � . I . , '' , I . I .. . . . d
. r Craig of Xdriis, aged 78 ars, , 7�1 Coille London . Free . Press Printing . . . . .. r � �
r . T I � .. . . . I . . .. . I .
- , ' ye if . A 'iu(ist unpleasant affair r wh'c" Austin, bldn.,but-being fond-of,ad- � - ken's- suits made: to'order. froxii.fine; imported . :. ' . r .
. itiouths, and 15, days. llany, Limitedi havi entered 'upo "light have.Abrinin4tcd fattlily, was re-- he rleit his . r ti�deds and .. . . . .1 I . � I I .
. ki, . � . - I I . . r I
I venture northern hokiie' to , : ' ;teds- sokiie of J'ackson Bros. best materials are - ' I * '* . I . I ;.
McCOMB,,-In 113lythi oil .Tali. 15tii, Mi.�J the:11eiv vear with fresh ev'idence, of ported 6n Tuesday .front . Cameron . . . . wor., P - . . I . I . d ... I I � . . . , : �
. . . I . .. .
Jame '1%lcC(;mb; aged 7 ' . St rect 'or-. vicinitv. Mrs'. , Carter ..IiIho. , seek i for , gold lit Klondykii lleldi.. `1!4k� - . . . included , in - this - lot.-' Their -prices. rangtol. from $i8 � �� - : I r . .
, F.q . _11ullett , 7 years�: . the abundant, enterprise .-which has� I I on 'the' ioutc.*h'� yeturned to . . . ' I r . . . . . I I .
. l8th, r . . ' . . ' . � d . I , � . . . I .
" r
McDOL ",,_I, r I oil Ja:il . I -always Oiaracterixed that ndwsi,est and rii�sidcd soine in6utlis . On that sirect ' I ' , *' * I d ' " , _.tO, $72, diiiing the.�Sale our price ivill be with good . . .
I . . I. r L "' * .. . . . � , ' . I ..
. , .�Nlitmipeg and r Welit, to t it. hospitA . . . I trimroin' I— ... ........ I f. ....., I ...... I. d ..... .. *
, , r
. r r
,"Rebecca Little,, wife of Mr. Robert most ;A,idea%v*akb of tile big* dailies o f after her riAlirn from tile Vorth�v�st, .tile r " . � gfss . I . I . . , I .... I ... I ......... It $13,50 r . _ - - - . L 1.
. . re for treatin0it. -Taking,cold 'a[- . I . l�r . d . . ., .
Spared to obs-. 411(�p_ . . . . �. .. .-'. -
r - . had gone ill) Aow� to do some. , I . . I , I I .
.McDole, aged 35.years, n months. the 11'64t, No expense is d - I . I . I . I .. . :,. , - . . I . . .. . : .
aygr . . , . ' . terlds recoveiy he.i�t*..to Baliff'san, i- . . . ,. . . . - � . �. ... r ; .. . . . . �.. . . .� '.* %. I I
.. I . andr 23 d . . . tain die- latest new%, : . I. I ping., r�i;iirning to'her 110111c, "010"t -1 it ill,. s, but,': finding I , I., .. � .
I . r . . d . . , � n i ar it and .other place: . . . . .. d "I
. . I - . . . . . . p. in-. .Soine .kiian '66k. her fly theL d . ' ' ' ' . I . . . �. . t � . .1 I . I ,
= 1. _ -.- .. --- 7 The nianageffient �of 'this important .tllr I Iiiiiiself growing, weaker. lie returned to * . r d . . , . * ' . ' .. I . I . r . .. I . . . .. ; %
, . . I d
- -..--., ... � � I 1. 11 - � . , .()at,. SaV6tg,. *" Vou're the one. ,I , his ' . en.g SU, it �r * , . ..tj � , . . . r , . .. .1 rr .
daily -have just. 'es A a . r I. - - .He Spent. some tr '116 s . Y-Iltide r .
, ON .' ' : .. r corps of tablisliL special %vailt;!, , Ell I ., her.: (Tow�.. Iler old., `hotiie. -11 � �1* I " , * ,Read . d I . I . . . . � . 1, I
. r . . . �. . id threw. I ., .1 I I I �, � .." 11.1 .. . . I � ,.. . . I .r I . . .. . . I : . .
. . . I OILINT � . ,r . vigilant news gatherers. ,.]In ciie I , , Ill * d � . I . , . . . . . � . . . .
. . . . 1. � . ' last sullilner w -it I S sisteri Mrs. - . . * . 11 . . I I .
. . . .
' . . every. section tb&b� - You. ait for. man a 1 ' day before -you get -r .. . .. I .. .
. .
� of � the western. part . of Is : .: brought Soule Of the it * eighbors George Steiva-ft, where lie had' IS t . -m9y W y., Ong . d .
1. � d . . out and the nifflan-ran, M, I I . r ,. I - . . . .
.MARBLE � , I the. Provitica.. These special-correspoti- she .had: ,,,,,, r rs. ,Carter . . r I r A. r . .. . I .
. ,.. , . I � '. . : . -,
� . . . I . I . tlkoitglkt itiLdicalskill.Ao cali upon hini,�.� : and chanci� to get 6. - ' . r ,r d
. I . . . �. r �ewi - hLi, * as-. . .. SUit:Of clothes As ch6ap.as this a aln r �We . , ... r,
I . '' . . .� � delits.1aVe 'been. placed at their ifullie- ' thinking that he was -much bettef-he. ' * ' � I .9 ! . .1 .
.. AND � .11 . .%ailant.. before. -She left for' Toro,itt) have cut ded .11 1. . 1. . I
I (I ato strvim e returned to Manitoba, only. .! to f Cie. I I into Jackson Br6s.1prices. EVel suit must, . '. I
' ' . I � . .i , the .. telegraph wires Of ou�Tburs*'d�y W*h&c her husWild has a. that the climate was too severe . P. can .post � : * . � , ,.
r . I
OLRKS tile country ' and can:b �cljed upoll. to ..,;jtuatioll. �_ . . for .be sold 'if - we - ' . 3ibly. do it befor6 the st' 4y of . ..
GRANITE W d � I . . . furnish. ill quick and -crisp style, ' � . . . I . . r 1. ml I .. , . - Hearing so . .nluch 6f Dr. Clarke's I . .. � . . I � . ..
� . , . evory . him., . . t ,, . . . . .
. . . . bes,, r - . �A�- I - M r, - Vied, F -ing lessons I I . i !
of .work . . . lia)peni). , of intqiqt.t. .. . , I 4goner isLr tal. ,rreat skill lit his private hospital in r March. No Apabtabout thes�. prices being� mone Aa'�!. O.''. . . . t"P,- �
I . The class' I , .1 , :19 s I . , Id - . -On t1le:pipe ()`rgall. at Stratfor ' and, 9 . I., I � r a 1. . d. ., I ... .1 . - . . ly. . , .
. .. . I . � Tile. grea �, d Tororftto with - pulnionat-V diseases - lie .' ing. .. , _ I .1 . . , I I I. r
. , r . news- I - . , . .. :. r .: . : . . .. . . I ..
. lorocurAble has been .of . t ' 'collecting agendies , will sooll bh'ssouf out as a first - . ' 1. .d � I . . . . I . I . . I d
� the world. mill - s ) class weini -there .and ullill . death .r I . . I . I .. � . . I . . . .. I .. . I � I
.1 d .. nianufactui,ed here for - . . continue to ,upply . 1 . . . I I ... . .. . . . � � . . . r � . r o ,. L
. . : . church � organi-st, �,.* ' .: . � d . all, .. . . . ! 1. . . . I . i . . r
. lablik and d . .... . � � c � I . . d - . I . .1 . . I . . I I I
... . ltiany years I the Free Press. with colliphAe L . fr'6d,hipf- from pain. and' suffering.. .. I . .r I I ... . . � '. - . I . 1. .. I . ..
I past.- '. , ' . .1 The annual , meeting . ()I tile West . . I .. . * I 'r . . I . � � . . ,.. .:,
. I r ..� - d . . . I . . � _ . -lie was ouluch'beloved by. his !mother, - � �. UtS.'ratr, - . I . : . . I . . . d . . . - 11 I � ..4 I . p r .. I . � . r.. 1. 1. I : .
� . I - . $2.98 .� I � . : I . .. . . . . �
. * I - :tWegraph . *� ' ' . . . uron Ajfti�ultural Society .was held brothen'; and sister%and is now deeply d . Men,', 6 I * r. .. I I . .. I I
r . i ,c reports' , '. ...'.. if S . .... r -
d �
WE WON'T Cali. on yoil.,i week - after: Tile SIX I �rtiug events of tlic.Aiky, With . r r . Ir ,,, Ili ' I .. . . . . ,.. . . I I . . : . . r .. . 11 r . . . � . 1. . r �d . . ' ' ' ' I .' I � � .
I d . .... . . � � I :, � , . _ : . , -
. * r I I I
- oughout'. " _. .r . . .
Workr t. suggesti6if I I . od. filling thr I � . , : . . . p .
r r yokVr bereaverikent.r. . , _ - fist�weck, One�,'que9tion"asked ,a- luourileil . .. S'.Garbraid days:;, he - ' Mtn's T�veed §ilits; well.'made go .: I.,
0 stiq readable co"I'lle"t llpon past. and pros-. itiang , the. . ,reat... litany d 8 belonged I to the Rifles first loitned � I made'.' . . . ". . . . 1. � I
. ligetive:, inci , . I from pO4 quality; 6i t eds that ' Ili, st . I I ... ; : .1. .
WE WON'T make the deal iii .11 departinents of quote t ce t licrL by .the late Captain John ey- .. . . . I .. ... ... � . I �
. : . I.. . d bY direc ors'ismiost sat- . , r. B .. .we W and' ' ' I . -1
. - PPIC6. to sl0t, I I Ve isfactorry' v I r . r .S ;r ��`.� ,' .'. . I ' I .1 � � . , z
, r, ,
Coln )rL
.%port, -will lie givi:fi in I ',let Si z ." " What ,%]tall be'done inoun The - floral ,tributes laid with I . .hard wiar,� Jac Son ros, Piricts prices Were $5, r$6 , : . % � ' . . : . ` � .,..,. ., � ���
� . .
I - th� rlct!�e 1 inahner, . � . ; I ' ' , . . . . .
WE WILL lul��e ' I . � .. . �, . . to Wipe ,.and $7 ; Ye clear' them all at one price for"the salis �- . . . . I 1.
. . I
, I
. I
r r the Work. ; r. . . I �. � Out tile reinaluder of our kill- loving. hands upon. the ctts4i were - d you can take your choice of� ibis �'Iot for ... ...? 12.98. - - - . " . .
. I
of the 'As,an illustrated.ne abc r It, Wo.figed , . . . .1. r an , d. .
I . . I
I . I 1. I . I . . . I .
WE WILL r� give vOu the c&Oice wSpaper ilre Free debtaillm" . which amounts *to' Mt. beautiful. I to the 'Odd- . . �. . , . r .. I. .. I. . .. . .. . I
. ,.r . r.. : prod'uctioxf -of the'.work � 1'-7LSS leads in. Canittliall journitliskil. $456. ?. t "' . 111C offiCe'rs. elect ..are : fj�IIO-A,s, a' r - I I . I d. . . . r . . I . . r. . ...7'. I . . .. .. . � . . ... d, , I . . 1p . I .: . . . � . . . . . . .
. r . nd Foresters, lodgesAn Mail I . ., .
. 'in design and mat. .' I", r , . 11resideni, : J. C 1% � fartill itoba-alul'the ordcis.fiero�Atcnded,th I I I I ' . ..� 1. - . . . - .. . . :1 ..�' ...
. . � ... I rei ..Vortraits of notable people and.repro- . .� ; . Vice PrLsj- Ilefil .9 . : 11 . . :,.. . .. I ... .
I I r . . (inctions, of . . .. � e � s i ftrits at:$ 7,25 : ' : o- . ,. .. . . .1. I .� .. ...1.
. ' ' I Scencs of interest, are delits .U' F C larke, Isaac Salkeld. , 0 (IfelloWs. in full 'regalia, - - r 1. . . . d � � d . �' ; �. . . - . � � I - ��
We are the ONL � � I I v r I Y. _4 � . .
x At fic. 11 r . I . I I . � r , I . : . . � :.* - �. - ..
, . . d
. �r .. . I . . .
. I . regulirly,furnisfied. . . . . . . Ji.;. �6. W'. St'urdy Col ardoL, John , Men's fine quality all- NV061 tweed � . . �
. ! tical ruen in Clinton in ., . . �. . . I Rev, James -Anderson. officiated 'at d . s6iti, well) niade- and I . I . I. . .0
and aciatrate market re- Barr'. NV'r Y'. I .. . d . . rr
I . . � I . The latest ? S ,I-oimg,, iobert Thouip- , lined f1trough6ut', new Stvii.911 'cut will keep their - . . I I .
be , , . . . . home anti graVL. . The; pal,lbearoirs Were I . . . � . .
I OtIr .. I.. . `pOrtS are a specialty 'import- .-A, H I ur- the three brothers of the deceased, I .and ex�ellcnt. we�ar, tlle'J aicksbli .price was? I I . . ..� d .1 .
I I our 'inoi l)(c' 'g'ny" r . on'. C V
.. . in ,--. pill in .. r � ,tilt iiiaber and W; P, . color . , . �. I - I I . . . . . . . � .. . .
. ta k !a fea*ture. Farmers atid business �: incti ; Secrei�rv, James' � Alifthell, ,,' , : d $40 gi e I .. . . .. . . ... _4
. ithollt first 0.11 'y 1�'atRoll . JosLs 'of Buffalo, Edwill of Houghton, , Our - price ... .... .............. r . I . , i , . . . 1:.., .
. oiltr w . . ': T'reastirer ' I -I 'C.' Auditors, I I . . I a 11 I I I .......... -!t ............... .... $7-25 , r � . I . . � .
. �.' Ing. on us... "r. . : . I .. I ivIto .have 01perienced the value 'of * jI . I Man., and Herbert at:hoine I bfr� Geq� �.. . . .1. . . . dr � I I .. ,r � . .. , . I. � d r . . . . ,� .
d . I ... . ... . . -ports find thein iudi.�pL6.,,able. W. .. R(lberiSbn alid W. �aue; . . . .1 . . r I . . , . . . 1.
, - r . r . ;
r .d these re . r ' Ste -wart, brotlier-inAaw, aodc"Ch,r"and . . .. . I . d . I I . . . ... � . .. . ..
. r .. I .
. . . . I . � I
. , Tile, Women's Page is a feature of. The Young People of Vict6riaktrect . r I Plen's Pants at: $1.25 . ' d.. 1 1. .. d.
I .
is 06' HOOVER, d *, i , P .. r church lield a pleasant At Home at d fils life loug'frienolv, b1mrs. Gavin III_ . . � 1. I I I .r . t . . : r. . ... . � r . I 11�1
- . , . - . P -0 Siaturday's.Vi-cu Pre. ; it contait)s in- the Green of, God iIi , ch and Jostpli'MtMil- . I . . . . )s I . . ,. �r � 1. I .11 . .1 . . I . . . .
i ' -rusidence of Mr. I . . . I I .
. LLteSt lig u6va.,for 841iaun6n, ' they Too.',pairs men Tweed'Pants, dark anid' light colors' d . � r d � . I
d Next �to c6nitlier6l.al. Hotel I I the Women of On- - .1 I lAn of,St, io-seph. At the ionclusioll , . 11 . . . � � . I
. .1 � . . r ' r � � . . ..? . . r Wtended having a -sleighing parly, but . eav . Weight, stiong'and well tnaddi for all the year'_ r *. . . .. . . .
I . I - .1 . r .tario. . . .d - .1 - I ,,,,1,,.,, r III of the chl3rch service'at the grave X. r6llll� $2, r . . I . I ,. !, .....
-1 -. , . - : I cI ...... �ed 1heir I finding the roads Rongvie and H' rW' Ball perforincol I .. .1 wear; Jackson Bros, price w S I . .. .. r . �. I
. I . I � I . . , . . . . I i .... e ........... � ............. I ................. I . '� . I '' ' .. . � : . .�.
. r .. . r ;, A seriel story Of, engrw�'ing int&cst we� I � . r .. . , . . , as , our ..,ale -
r d
. ... I I it. )oOr - condition for enjoyment,' D I I . : I . .. I , price. per pair,,,. ... .I I.. . 4t5� - . 1. .
: TWO HOUSES 'FOR. SALE. is .among. tile, i)umvrot%% , other depart- We t tile Oolfel-lows' service, � I . �. .1
, �. : . . � � . . � havo : beett" .piesetited. - fly MisS I r . . . . I . d . . I �. . . . . . . I . . . , I . . r.
. . . , , I � . I I . . I . I . . � . . , . , I � . .. . . �
I I . - 1. . �nents of this* -popuIllr journal.. -onie $. Iturned front I . r . � I . .. , � . .. I .. I . . I �, . d. . I I . I . '. . � r .
1. . I , I 1. i . Beatrim, McCo�l with's - sileci-men - Mr. Fied, WIttruey It" rL . � . - 1. . d I I . L 1 ' I
. 'the undersigned fliirs, for sile, a 134 'tile Free press is now a ten -page .Of ri,e fr(ikkl:ROCkr,Lakii. ' , '.. , . a v r . ., I . I � - 0 r . ' ' . . . . . .; 1. . �
� 0 1 d � , "' . pleasaitt,'visit at Torontor - and, . . I I . . � . . . I . I I .
a, � '.r . . . � , - - d , I . I . I ' I . . r � � r . I . . . . I , I . � I � . r I
. daily, with sixteen pages, . , bit,', McColl has retur t B I 91 o. Clothi I ' , I - . . �
Storey itaitie house on Victoria .Street newspaper ned'from 81 d- ,I '. I � .: . . I . I . I
soutl r . . , . . . .. 1%
I i of theI railway track.' Stn6ll or- on Saturday, it fa%gs -11 after his ' Mr. Hardy extilbited it. bird. and I . nX for Bo I I � I d � . �� , .
� ubol'in three ed' I , . Y.*: I I s . .
chaid, good well., stable, ate, : . tions-inorningi two o'clock ande I- bury, lie. looks . very %NIL � � , . . 11 i , * r, , . I 1. . . . . . . . I
r . , vell- suitimiar's work at Ro& Lake andAhe sold it for $2.5o. The ,,, purcliaser qo . I . ... r, . ... . . I .. . r I.* I,; .
*Also .sinall frame house on ,Tames ing. The early morning - iSsue covers latter. place,, IVIrs McColl. showed its claims that lie resold lt.for4t6o. If . thers 6an,save:' 'money on suits or ts for their I " I I
street, -near. tile lc�ittiug -'factor , � Y4 t e 'w . ?ve.rcos �. .. I .
� I
acre of land, g000 'well,Z etc . I y . It est front fiiie to e0ght hours .9 $01tilLnir spoon 'Inalitt factured frobi Ile did JIL Should, have presented Mr. boys. if they comebere before this sale is over. Jackson ... 1. ..r . . .
I . ... .. her competitors. �.It is cir,, co)pLr, at Rock Lake, Bruce Mines. It flardy With aJ5 b"' at least % Bro � ' I I r
.1 d � I - I � .
� .
Will be.sold..on. easy tertus - ciliated ill every city, town and - SeeniLd, to its of 111ore beauty than one . * I s. kept ,one Of the best stock,of. bo ,u ' . . i
. . . r . ' I . bi er . . Y87 Clothing in 11 r-11 .
yillagt It We
�st If Ile price .Of g0Id%*?ouIC1. IOokJr but it county. . Whil� � I . � ... .
J0S. ALLE11SON . I I crii Ontario, r,%, (Major.) Beck I$ YiSiting he on . .
Clinion, January 6th. .� is $1� per year, (lei .; � "illd Unt, brother,iiii4aw, Dr. Armstrojig, where . � I I . I .e this salalagts you can; buy iny b ' .
- . . I ivered tit any. post of courso, cost oo,soliell'. . Ill . . . ' OYS I I .. 1� .
I . . r.. . � 11 d Silo W.1 Spend two or three'WeekS, suit in the store At- a goo . . . . -
. __ . 1. . I of 0�. The *2 O'clock and * evening I'd- AVIr, .Van'stofte of Nelson street, *lie- �. d.deal. less than their price., . . r ... .
. I . - . .. .. . I � III*: itions'are each $2 per.annum at your kind family, accoillpanied'rby Mr; Rich-' 1%,Irs.- L, Card left last week.to spend � .. .� . � � d . . . r r . d � � . .1 � . I d � .. . . I � . : d � . , . . . I
. ., . I . � I . I �
. - . . � a week - or twor at Muskegon as tll�l . . , . I � .. r
HOUSE FOR SALE. p6stoffice, . � . ard Vditstonei:,clro,.re-to*Ashfield on Y'l I I . . � . 25 Boys' Preize and T r . I 11
. j I . . , r . . ' I 'it Of her dauiloMer, Mrs, Robert . weed. Overcoats, heavy �
I I � . r 'rile. ever-increming circulation Ilis Saturday evening and Spent sulld&y� 9 le , ) � I . � . Weiglits,good . I
. .
The- undersigned 611ers for sale 0 � a es there.' . Burns.* I � . I .. . I .. 11 wearing, ualities, justr tile thing. for a knoek-about . d 1. . .
it 3riadc it necossAry to install the �very I . coato Ja I r I - :
I with their. r I tiv . T . I .
r . . .Uttik, Twitch0l, spent Tuesday. t son's'prices . , ' & r .4,
i% storcyr cottage with five bedroomsi: latpq utproved fast runnin � at the Colligi M I ss, 1 . were $4 and. $5 our saIr. r price szl , � . 14
1 .
U _ I aIw`l0%t itute-ou Friday,evonitif openeate In- with tit(- Misses Barry, having "An' I � Boys' TWO d Piece Suits, I S, . 'r . � I . .. � I ..
�t I The promenade
large dining room, parlor, etc, Sit ' and visitors'to. tile, city v f Pres'ays st, I . of the tip ivith the PrLsbyterial convention,- lZeS r22r to- 26, In fawlis and . , '.
I 11
ated on W""am r Street, convenient to , 1),j - ' Social - entoCrtainjilentS 0 . tile Seag_)ij, . brown . a *Sonts ptices were $4 and r r I r . . . I . �. .1 . I .
dthe Collegiate Inst'itu ' . welcome callers. The presses call , I I Mrs, Geo. ThompSoli and her (10:11gh- I I . I pants llnea,'J'clo , . k
. t(k- Pot further be seen lit operation at the hour% Of Topic-, and engagement,, for the prdiii- alters) are the gueS 1 41 out SaI6 r pri Ce ...... I ......... I ........................ I ........... 111. $1.98 . r d r : ,
particulars apply to - Jarpes Scott, ' . . . enadc were : Carnival, stuniii speech- : ter Ada (Alry. IV ts � � � L . . I �
. I 4 a. In. and'i and, 3.3o p.1n. . . of Rev. Thomson (st St, Marys. . . . . .
barrister, .r . MRS � I LAIRD. I - . es, modern girl, itiodelites, next. year, - Tile ollicers to � r the current year of . TIOYS' Blue Sdrgc� Suits, made from good quality'serge, . I I Ir I
r .
. pants lined, coats double breasted, Coats and pants � . . �
Clinton. June qard. . . . � punctuality, favorite 'author, new r ex- -tile baughten� of tile 9111pire aro I Only, tile Jacks ' I I . .
a d
I t�
I .1 �. , . . . d ectitive, curricultub, sk , ""g, T.Ile Im Mitedtin, I. 'Vice , � on Prices wetc $4 and $4,50, our sale . . . �.
. � I I T3h1DtRS INANTUD. . � Regent A D. I , 41(t, pr,i0e.;I .., r ... ... .
1, I I '111 I r! d. d . � students are .some of then Music- � �
- M06006- ommal.. r I Regents, Mri, Jili, 00 lJoyle" miss , - . . ... ... .;" .. ............... ....I.I..... I., ............ $2-65 1 . . . I . I
� L . I falls. Miss I Saults I �Mr .1 I . . . . . �.
� I . . ,e. , anti Dyke, I I_1tJtQI1jJJq1;J Meo'r 11 and Youths' Odd Twee . . .
1 PLANY. FOR SAL04 CH9 I AP . . . TphcWs will be received r by tile coun- Cook and several other$r k . .porton, Mrs. JaA, . . 33 0y,% d Cpats% made frotil. good . � . � ... 11
r ;- _. eit of tile towil'silip of 1114104 UP to Ot , "'illy Prol"'t'" Ciallk jilid Mrs, W, T. Hays ; Secret- . quality 0,f alliwook tweeils,.stioug Unin uspil, dark. . I . ,r : I
. I � I ed at thoe piall . MISS Flore-tice, Ball I, -Treasurer, I . and modiulti. Shades, most of tIl6m the arnotts Lion . r: . I
A quantity -of hardwood plank for- Saturday, thP 70 Of VObVilitrYl for Wil WON NVOT tO set) i'V'117- IV- 'Nit- "I . . E� I . . I . � . ?
tate �heap, Suitable for barb Or stipplyingthe foll6wing qualititics of rieWS nallip qn, tile list of �aiqualities, Mrs' R. G, Reynolds � Amistant, bliss . Brand, Jackson's pr'ocs Were $2,56, $2-75 and $31 our I I.. . . I �
I; , - Blanche JVWder.; Standard BoaNt"Xiss sale price ... ... ... I .1, ... I ... I ... )t. . d � r
I - ot �Jalftak,, ...... I .......... k... .
.Stable. floors, culverts,' ote. rock ohm gild talklarapk p1gilk I � but lie got 6JI with fNvo flng(�s pretty HoIt, 'otiRT'itive '111�i1t,Nfrit. r . . . � ..I......., ... � ... $1.8$ . . . �. �
I . . . . I � . . . . 1 $
1 R, & 1. RANSFORI), - 2000 bruised from coilling Ili contact W, 1�rou�lftjot r,, . I
. it, rock elm, 16 it. long and 2 114, . V, �lr,q, Jor- r 'loo pairs Boys! Xitickers, lined throughout, tho$t of - . . I 15
r y, W I t 1V k,4 Tql � ,
. . , Clinton, in. thick, delivered at Win. Aloo i's (� I .
� r r I a pullpy and belt. A. -�40kkg�'I_'J W1 8. A, Nikkei, them double knee and- seat, Jackson Iftos. 'own inake, - _ f. �
Nov , . Tile Ooldfullpivo havo at last gW%h- r . I'
- 4th. Ain, 16 f�. long *�W 2� -10lidersoll, .
� 1. I I d I � I I . . 1000 It. roek -L cited to tile. fact t1titt t1loir Ildl! 1� 11ot (!111,�, (IOU I Mr,q, Cayley . I the Jacksoft.price Was 78ot our sale price ... ......... sod � , , I ,
. A , !, (1pill't $ *
__ - _==�-_ , I . 11 �, , 1. ,.III _. Ill. thick, tiplivorod -at H, WArron's nourIT. r laf-go # tQ tile lItkIlliltoo; Mrs. j. L. Turnbull and . r . I . ,
. .;Ill S, Aliss 13O.J.&I three-piece Stlits�, light 1, P� It .
21 'Jigil 11�114
1000 It, rock elln" T6 ft, folig 0'"a y jll(:r0A§1lig that have Mns, Slack ; Anditor, , Hays awl . and da I I I. .
d I . NOTICZ . � . P eat , geowdil I I . � rk tweedS, well I I
. I Yptris' . , I Aliss r . . made and lined, Jackson prices Were $s and ,$6, our, , �'
a %mi �* . d in, thick, delivProd at R, . g r, rathered t icre. 'Juily .Mas'son, I . 1 $ L
iL . 1000 ft, took elln, 16 ft. long and !21 11 late b I , Building for ,, NO 0iftlo'S' at the sale pflec... ... III I. .. , . �.
. liVere(IL 0. ;j Ilicre were over I
, ooper & CoL , willikills today" is nott a good way, bu I * po " ...............................I ; .... I— ............ $3,56 . I ,--I, , ,
.Accounts ,owing to 0, C I Ili, thick de tit , t I t 1.4 ,11OW ltol�j lloi,Q J�kat Wo0k� Oil- . 11 "I.
liiay be �paid at P, Maitland'o store l000 it, roa� elill, 12 ft, jong and 2/12 p iiii Stake o our town. ultry Is Poys, Rectrers, madt from gley, navy and brown friezes, $ L ,�
I L . In, - till I , The llurits' At Holm trioN 14willff I bovil Itlailo frow Clinton, fancy "
All accounts not paid by the r5th of ok, delivered at M, f4prung's , favo all 0 e0lhtaj�op, POAIP.T-01A lloTt Unroll told � plaid lining, Jackson's pticei'were $.3.So and . .
I, . lot ior Sale-_ I.. III I ........ � ............ $2.90
,,av, (ilia ti-lito (11). Tpriddy QVottillo. ja, L fll� jar,gc4 I
Yebruaty will be placed In court for 4500 ft, rock 01111' 14 ft- 16110 1110 21�1 lberp, waR it Iallgo 111telidallpo's , � Sar -n I t eXIllbitor WaS ' 1. .. . I . . , , � . 11._ It I I
. . Ili, thiokv delivered at 1), Quigley S DVI cc, ho, L $ I . I I
Collection. I . 2100 ft, r6ok 0M, 10 ft� long aild 061 Rev, Air. �'14rdiior df %JyfiQ,Jt1 ,Xati L r" 'A!illiallt Carter of Ca"ta" W , ,
I L � I TkIrti fflay Woll Ito galjo& tilt 'I CIlicken: I I ... I . r- . _07""'� �
r ilollivLred at.11, Quigley's . the $UcAt t1liK WQ& Of 140 11 I 14 - voolltv, He, was ille L . .
. 0. Coorr"R & CO. A I S bull L x1lig" , of t1lu L d L , , r r .
I , Cr Otte car load of first class taiiiiie- � ( ,'tr, A. J'I Grigg : . .
- I
$ $
� I
$ .
I I : I
I I I �
I "
I. -
I 0
1 1
1 *1
I.- �.
.1 $
I �
$ 1 L
1 $
0illto . ack plank to be delivered L Talor Look IN orgallizi-lig for tho leadlog prize whiftor. 11 0 1 1 .
I Py Jail. '11tit. at l'ondes- 01 O" 14" tIlrough tile %�Ojlllty I of Clititoli had several splelldill ganiti. I -
. . . I r, , boro statidil, -2000 it. of said plank to I , callibitiolt - I "kid swul't all before I
. lit last week's is.quo of "rile News- 1)" .
. "�� be 14 ft, long and the renlaincter M Record we , teferred to the heroistri of hilo. �tmrq. Geoige Large and Jas. ,$ I dg�- B I �,
11OUSEI FOR SAM itI long and all of it to be 3 inches Howson, also, of Clititoll, are tiated r . '^_�
. thi It, - * I
I 8crantoll' "ell"a" 'Ortkleriv of 001101'- ,TIle principal exi Ili o fro r- .
Tlia illidersightti, ollors his cottag,�a oft The lowest or aity tender Ilot Ito -e- 'S L ra ull Gode
letter froul the heroic girl tlud I�lle ,re I Messrs. Colin Cattipbell,11.
Xitig street for sale. ich. I'ater her ulotlier heie recoiv0d 0, Jclk We 'f L
a MISS Jessie McIntosh, trained iturse, bircl InuciurS aitil li were, prize, wilinerg, $ L 0sw
'11tere Is hard essarily occepted. . � C .. I , _
and soft water, a good jrtabi*, ate, JAMUS CAIM1111114,4J4, Clerk, YOulig, Rowrie Amid rostlewalte, Mr. .
Apply at th6 liouse, J .I Stated it, it tilat after the young ilia" slarp nutterfield, a faftious t, INTON I
- Towtialilp, clerk, -s office, who ]lad typhoid lover Wit ) 1. I "'It 4
.9 carried ,,,,
. 2t down the Staivs they fell ill, ably Upoil t1le W11,614 ,4110WA, .
,TA,XUS DUSOM15i ClintonA All. ,.,oth, 1903t judge aild colillikelited vcry (111VO-011 1$ , I
� I . . __ A"A%Akw ij,&L $ �
. lft"*"'&� 4JI0�Aftl�WA%l�%,-%wl%.'4i6�4&,4i6.4149..A&.A"L I -1
� I . V
I � I
1� . : I , I -.1
, L I
;Wm._� a d-_.- ...A. "---Mh"ii6llllllllll�.-.-Mlllllllllltdft-"L "" ' � L ' � 4" ' - " L' L " . - I . I I I I - .1 . I .1 - - .. I- - ��iAai_..'�A